The, Omaha 'Sunday Bee PART II. Advrtla In THE OMAHA DEC Best &. West EDITORIAL SECTIOII PACC8 1 TO 6. VOL. XXXVII NO. 21. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1907. SINGLE .COPY FIVE CENTS. Sale of Cotton Blankets 104 Heavy White Cotton Blankets; 40 ell usually for 75c; Monday OC Largest Size Cotton Blanket that sells Sale of tthiteWool Blankets WE CASH CHECKS On All B&nks for Purchasers WE CASH CHECKS On All D&nks for Purchasers 50 pairs of the best $10.00 White Wool Blankets we ever offered; Monday! lo pairs of our $8.50 White Wool CS0 Blankets; Monday, pair. 2 usually for $1.35 per pair; ( P Monday JOK OMAHA'S GREAT STYLE STORE ft II II II J J VI IS J I IIS. I II A VZLZ lS ) i i t: C SILKS Greatly Reduced for Monda's Selling. Values Have Not Been Equaled Before. Best Qu3ll:ies Only. 27-inch Colored Taffetas, especially desirable for skirts, nearly every color combintion, worth $1.00; also 2-i-inch Fancy Silks that sell for $1.25 Monday, per yard 49c 27-inch China Silks, in many different colors, sell everywhere for 50c now 29c 3G-inch lolored Lining Satin, worth $1.00 now ... 59c One great collection of the choicest fancy Bilks, kitnona patterns that are worth 85c, jiretty plaid or striped silks" worth up to $1.00, 34-lnch plain colored Punjap for waists, eta... worth Boc; in fact nearly every thing desirable in silks, 'Monday. 48 BKST BLACK SILKS. $2.00 black taffeta silk, 36' Inches wide, Mon day ....... 7." . . . . r. . . . . . .$1.25 27-lnch black taffeta silk. worth $1.39, now : 95 23-Inch black-peau do sole, the very finest quality offered at $1.26, Monday 75 36-inch black taffeta, a great bargain, on sale Monday, per yard T9 Monday a Time Masto m Bargain-Giving m Dress Goods Great Dress Goods Sales Marvelous Bargains Qouglit from Ely &. Walker Dry Goods C?o., St. Louis, at about Fifty Cents on the Dollar In som inslauei les thn half regular prices. Th:s firm will move about January 1 sf in'o new location aid are obliged to sell goods chtap ra'her thn move tiem. 0 ir purchase comists of bla:kaid colored ir?s s gs. noreieitiii fi fhf m?V?r in America Broadcloths, series, voiles, silks, cnoes. atohniu. a-n n n, ooj'ii;, h'nr.g'a:, taffetas 'n a'l pla'n colors. Fai:y suitinjt, cheviot effects, brosdcto'hs, s ripes or rich ombre stvtes, silk and vool c uli'et's phidi. ciiUvji of all kin It, chi ;; 3 f vr;'t j;. Ei;ry o ec? it a rajhj barjoin. Dji'f wai come early I f Fabrici worth op ( LUi 1 Tw Dollar iad lilty Os. 54 inch Plain Broadcloth worth up to 12.80 50 inch Plain Herrlngbono utrlp ed suiting, worth $2.00 46 Inch Tlnln or Embroidered Voiles, worth to $l!.r0 Silk Aeollenes and Poplins, Mark only, worth $1.60 Black Satin Sollel and Aruniures, Worth $1.."0 54 Inch Kancy Broadcloth, worth to $2.50 Ueautlfut Striped Worsted Suitings, worth $1.75 $2.50 and $2.00 Coating, Astrakhans, etc.. Ktlk Voiles, MarqulKetteM. many colors, worth $2.00, at 95c I At 9 Material! worth np to LUl U one Dollar and Filly Oats Sweil 34-Inch Broadcloths, fancy styles, worth $1.50; beautiful Cheviots, in the newest designs, worth $2.00; beautiful silk and wool Plaids, worth $1.C5 and $1.50; elegant Coatings, 54 Inche3 wide, worth $1.50; beau tiful wool Taffetas and Serges, plalu or phantom invisible stripes or checks, worth to $1.50; Silk m Crepes and choice Voiles, In Tf colors, worth $1.25 I fit Enbracri Bargain! worth LUl d op to One Bo.lar 54-inch Suitings, Broadcloths or Chuv- lots, fancies, worth $1.00; beautiful Children's Plaids, worth $1.00; 43 lnch all wool Ombre Suitings, never sold less thuu $1.00; rich cloth Plaids, imported fabrics, worth $1.25; $1.00 choicest all wool Waist IngB, new styles: fancy Mannish Suitings, 50 Inches wide, worth $1.00; silk and wool Poplin or plain colored .Voiles, worth $1.25 55c Inl AH Wool Material ol all LUl 1 kinds or lb up to 7ic 7")c nil wool newest Waisthitfs 7.")c Melrose Weaves, good eol ors Pretty new Plaids for chil dren's 'dresses Choicest all wool Challies, Henriettas, Pan amas. Serges, all colors Vene tian Cloth and Flannels 35c Extraordinary Bargains in Ladies' Cloaks, Suits A Wtf chhIi purch.iNe New York makers were overstocked wllli cloak and mi in ami rcqiilnil Immediate cawli. hence tlilw exceptionally Mis ". '" buying power we do not often boast of It- enabled us to take advantage of the momentary embarrassment of several lending New York wholesale! and makers of women's hih grade cloaks and suits. The values are greater than ever offeror before In western cloak mid suit selling. A big bargain for us Is a big bargain for you DOMESTICS Extraordinary Safe Just When You Need Goods Most. Prices Lower Than for Past YearSpite of Advances. :: :: l'Jc and 15c, best Outing Flannels, fine style, Monday, yard TVjt 15c Unbleached Shaker Flannel, ..very t heavy and wide, Monday, yard 9c Me very best fancy Sateens for com fortable linings, Parsian styles, o4 inches wide, now 19c Extra large rolls Cotton Batting that usually sell for IJOc and l'5c, ' Mon day for .'.15c Kic Silkoliues, 'M inches wide, pretty styles, Monday .'.'.5c Best American Prints, grey, navy, blue, red, black and white., Mon day for 5c Best Cotton Challies, good styles, 'for comfort able lining ,4 German' Blue Prints, o4 inches, wide, 15c grade; Monday . f 30c and 25c Ticking, will hold feathers; Monday 17 S-4 Unbleached Sheeting the. good, heavy quality, worth 30c; Monday. 21c 45-Inch best Pillow Casing (Pesnot) ;. Mon- 17C day Early Winlcr Unery V' ,v? The Latest Arrivals of trimmed hats from New York ma.nvfa.ctur erf in an initial-display Monday. Many Imported models that have been sold to us at a price vvill be offered you proportionately cut ..... ..... . - Beautiful' Beaver Hats, felt or velvet, trimmed In fancies, wings or pon-ponaL your choice from an elaborate selection $ J.OjOO - Exceptionally good values in down-to-the-minute, style hats,all materials warranted first class, work manship unbeaten anywhere. ............... .7.50 See out $5.'00 winner', fashioned after same style hats aav o'nr' $20.00 and' $25.00 models. ' The best gotten .up bat in Omaha for the money equals any $7.50 hat. on eale anywhere 85.00 r 76 Tailored Suits from Moyses & Dreyfus, 135 Fifth avenue; 40 per cent discount. 67 Fine Tailored Suits from Fein Bros. & Stur man, 84 Fifth avenue; 40 per cent discount. 42-inch Pennerel Pillow Casing; Monday it i ?. Children s - Tarns - Caps Select line of Children's School Tains and Caps. .230 SF.COXU FLOOIt. Tlicsc snits con sist of this season's smartest styles, mil itary. Prince Chap and fitted models, in all shades of hroadcloth. Forty-nine Fifty Suits for Thirty-nine Fifty Suits for.' Thirty-live Dollar Suits for rWflM!0?M a mm 29.50 M 11 mW 'ii sl im 23.75 jrMM.f mmm 19.50 aiiiiiiisM 129 Loose and Fitted Long Coats from Harrison & Seigel, 16 East Twelfth street, at 33y3 off. 58 Auto and Evening Coats from, I. Shlivek & Sons, East Seventeenth street, at 33 discount. Coats are loose, tight fitting and semi-fitting. Hand somely trimmed in velvet and hraid. h e a v y guaranteed satin lining. . Dainty Laces ad Embroideries i Fifteeu-dollur ' Coats for. Twenty-two Fifty Coats for Thirty-dollar Coats for 9.50 15.00 19.50 Our diaplays of Bntiful Lac Work and Embroideries ar not beaten by any comprehensiveness - of styles, and richness, a grouping- of varieties, a world's comprehensiveness of styles, with all a strict adherence to correctness and qual ity.. Then our prices are 'way below others. French and German Valenciennes lace, edging and Insertion to match, worth 10c yard; per yard .1 3 Or per dozen yards 25tf 2,000 yard ecru torchon laces, from - two to five inches wide, mostly all . cluny effects, worth up to 25c per yard, for . 7 Embroidered shirt waist patterns, in fifty new assorted styles, worth up to $1.00, for 49J 20-inch ecru and white Oriental all overs, worth up to 76c, fori-29 Swiss nainsook embroideries, edging and insertion to match, from two to five Inches wide, worth up to 15c, yard .5 1,000 yards corset cover embroidery, twenty-five 'new assorted patterns, worth up to 35c, yard-. ...... 19 Lovely Spangled Robes, in silver and: gold, brown, blue and black, for debuts, box parties, receptions or weddings. It is 'most charming $25.00 ' MA flO value, Monday only. vJL"vO 1 La lies' and Children's Winter Underwear i i ii ' ' There is no brand better known none mors deservedly so than Womrn'i Vests, Pairts and Tights at Bach g-arment is designed by women for women's needs and is finished by hand. Quality is In svery thread and ex psrtness is in svsry stitch. Tests, Tig-hts, Drawers, Corset Cover and Union Suits. Women's Union Suits, part wool and silk and wool, heavy and medium. j per garment S2.00 '1 Women's Vests, Pants and Tights, part J wool and silk and wool, in all weights, garment SI. 00 Womeu's Union Sutt6. all cotton, all weights, hand crocheted, per gar- 81.00 all colors, all weight, hand crocheted. 508 aca-WKBcwaCwcaoKas: China and Gut Glass Haviland Chinfc Plates, bread and butter size, 200 of them, worth 50c; on sale Monday, i'th -25C A Special Purohas of Bleiorio Plates The Hiilc if Haul rtevpre. VohlriKton at Valley Korsje, Indopf-nrtpnCf Hall anil many others iimilf to soli at 25c wlillo they last. Mon iay, eurh 10 (icrnian China Dinner Sets, in full 100 pioccs, finest china, pretty rose decora tions, $1H.()0 value Monday, seL .$10.98 To China. Decorators Sugar and Creams, new shape, finest of German china on sale, pair 27c High (trade Chinos and Cut (JlasK. We excel in these lines: Many new Vase, Bronzes, Marbles, Coal port, Doultou China uJid the finest Cut (Jlans ever nIiowii. .Second Moor. I assTf Rugs Lace CurtaiAs Velvet Uiiks 27x54, In beau tiful florul ami c o n v m i una 1 lleSisilH, strlft- ly all wool pile anil faat rolm-H at ....... il.i'-t s All room sue Rugs at Bis Re.du c t i o n a Monday. Third Kloor. I.urp Velvet Hiibb. 2 x 7 2, inoatly Orient al psttern atriotly all woul and fast colore, worth 14.50., MotIhv at i.90 Lace Curtain Sale Monday 20 to 23 the house. discount on every pair of curtains in BIk assortment of IriHh Point curtains, in neat parlor effects, worth up to JC.75, Monday at S3. 80 Extra fine Nottingham curtains, in all over and plain effects, sell for $4.50 a pair, Monday $2.79 Extra strong Nottingham curtains, splendid imitations of high priced curtains, sell up to $2.50, Monday, a Plr 81.49 Odd curtains, Nottingham aud Cable Net. about 5(W) of these, worth up to $3.50 pair, Monday each 39 Thlr4 Floor. Attractions in FURNITURE Comfortablo Oak Ilocker, poilMhed golden oak, worth $4.25, Monday spe cial at 93.89 Monday mornlriK until 12 o'clock we will tflve off 10 per cent on all Huff ft a ami China Closets. One-Hixtlt off 16,?,) on all Hd Davenport, tint In early A 3 tit. 29 w If HARDWARE SPECIALS Specials on Perunsul&r Stoves They are the best Stoves made. Bora less fuel and five wore heat bceause the drafts aad circulations kre made lut r'.rhV Peninsular Home Oak, 10-inch fire pot s;elal U.30 Peninsular, Home Oak, 11-inch fire )K)t special 7.atl Peninsular Home Oak, lu-lnch fire pot special .... f 11.(1(1 No. 400 Peninsular Base Burner, best made special .. .4(10.00 No. . 20 Art Peninsular Base Burner Bpecial flZI.OO T7J5rr hteel Ranges, all prices up from&jt.oo Perfection Oil Heaters, si.75 $1.75 Thanksgiving will soon be here. Don't be disappointed, but buy your Roaster now and have it ready. See them demonstrated th famous Seamless Savory Roaster, prices up from 98c .Handle Carving ?et, worth .I.7H n mm Nice three-piece Sta $8.65; special Mouday qalvanlzvd wtr p, rrirulur 2'ic vahi. spcl llo .amnitfo wti.r pail, regular 25c value. p-cll . 15o Wire coat hangers, 6c valu. apoclal. t for 18a btranaky sauie pans, regular 45o value, while tliev to:.:. : ; ....'.... niuiiru triinn ivnivea. wl.w blades And 10 (irn TraJIns: Stampa. Krumfitrt Plate tu HIIkIi ... ".? t:rwl Tra.lim Stamps. Black I'.aale Mue f'oilah And lt iJi. en Trading Stamps." " Yellow I.ahel Stove oili And lit (iri-en Trading KiJA'..' ' ' ' ' Sapolln Ptove Hp Knam.l ij, And 1U Orn Tralui4 Stamps. 10 lOo io l&c ii Foot ntool, exactly like cut, vnlour covered, 6trongly built, has fancy French shaped legs, come eany Monday only at the special low- price or. . Linens and White Goods 36 inch square Hemstitched aud Drawn Lunch Cloths, worth C5c each special, each 39 18x54 Drawn Work Dresser and Bureau Scarfs, worth 50c each special, each 35 i2 Inch Bleached, nil linen Table Damask, extra heavy, quality, at II I), special yard 89o (4 Inch Kleacliod Table Oamusk, all linen Worth 65c, (me dal, yard 4g0 White OoodH. Jotted. Klgun-d and Checked SwlHsea, ('Inured,' striped and Clu-cked Madran. jiultahle tor Kail and Winter alilrt . walMts, worth tuc, xptclal yard flsa ART ART Ahout '200 odd pictures, some slightly ruarred, otherwise in good condition. All sizes and all kinds of subjects. Values from 50c to $5.00. On tale Monday HALF PKICE. 100 Copies of Sheet Music Free Monday With every 50c purchase in our department Monday we will give one copy of 25c 1 ? music free specials IC "Mariutch," "In Naples Fair," "While You Are Mine," "Can You Keep A Hecret," -"Goodbye Annie Laurie," "Melody of Love," "Red WIiijc," "Sweet l'lcklet,' IUk," ".Manli of The Teddy Ik-ars," "Iove Mo and The World North Balcony. -IIOl t)F A TIHH hAXI) cJiI low the play. 91.30 edittou Coal--A Coupon. yifty Green Trading Stamps Extra. Bring this coupon and 'get Fifty Green Trading Stamps extra with each ton of Capitol Coal Monday and Tuesday. This is in addition to the usual stamps. Capitol Coal is the most econom ical of all "soft coal mined rr ton $G.75 Sample Sacks; delivered from "tore 30c BaVIVO rail COUTO. Mais f-toor. ! Mcrrdiiii .NkIh.U.ui (at the l(ud 1 lieuler next S Is Mine." A Snappy Sale of Long Kid Gloves All Sizes, 5 1-2 to 7 12 , On Monday morning at 8 o'clock we will place on sale about 635 pairs of Long Kid Cloves. These Cloves are what we call manufac'urer's seconds. By that we mean gloves that had sight imperlections and' were repaired bi the msnufactunr. In the mzority ol them y u camot find the imper fections. There are b'.azks, whites, tans, and a few pinks and blues. 8 Button, worth $2.50 for 1 OQ I 12 and 16 button, worth I worth $5.25 to i.50, for 1.89 CLOSING OUT SALE OF ULBS Bennett's Big Grocery Bulbs imported from Holland. Right time to plant them is now indoors or out. Tulips, Cro cuses, Daffodils all colors double or single sold at 20c a dozen closing cut, per dozen, at Hyacinths Regular price, 6c apiece closing out at three for BASEMENT u.v w ta !2c price, 6c 10c Special List ( New Fresh Kennett's Capitol t'of Oh, II). pkK 280 Anil 30 (irrtu Tradliig Sumps Santon Cut fw, "l tBO Aixl 10 (iri'cn Trading Slamim Teas, aHHortetl, ll... 4So And 40 irei-n Trading i s Stamps ll-iinttt' Capitol Unk ing 1'owdrr. lb. can 84o And ;'0 firecn Tradlnn t tiunipa Mlruf Meat, new, pound. . Puannt Butter, Jar And 10 (Irten Trading Stamps. II. J. ilfliiss Im nar. quai t lot tie . . . .360 (r- l.i. 1.-. ..u. ...... . . n. i r., ,nB 1VU. And lo C.ri-ni Tradltur itampa. I Isitu Uuoy hifiap, three larnf (ukca SBC, And 10 Urccn Ttading Stumps. I'lcklea, BUMnrlcd. bottle Bo Lincoln liiuterliiH. two lbs 350, And 10 (ir-en Trading- Ktaiiipa. Table Prsdoct r Maaday ciraned Currants. Ib. lOo Ana 10 oren Tradine auimps Snnnyside Tomato Boup. can Ann io Urrcn Trading Stainpj Dixie Hpllt Pickles. sweet, muk JUc And 10 (ireen Tradluc Mtanips Hartley's Marmalade J"' 3tt And 10 Oreen Tradlnii Stamps 13'cO Ji-rsey Huttjiini', two poutidi 34c And 10 (iletll Trading Stamps i'remiuiu liailerlne, to pounds 43c And 10 Oreen TruduiK tstamps Egs-O-See, four pkt. (or ''" Jell-O, UHSorted, three a kagea 3M And 10 Grt-tn Tiadlua btamp.4 J!).' Tabla KaUlna, pound for lto Swcot Onln;:a. rit 860 And 10 Oreen Tiadlm; btampa Btrlng- Bsaa BpecUl Kev uniy-f K e uoclii cans Oiwmen cut string leaa Hi'MiiH, worm 10), six rana BOo And 30 Green Trading 8latnps liest We llava lilsi k- berrlea, can 83o And 15 Green Trading Stamps Diamond 8 buert T'ota- toos, ri i l!io And li Green Trading Htam pa WonUf-r Wux, packugx, t 10o And 10 Green Trading Stamps IliuraOay). Iteod il aud iol- 41)c BHlItt THAI AKh MA.N-r.VllAJl;t.I lo actoinuiodate uuUi.iriun TiTiiTTI ,... .... - - kirt wlU on hand Mo.ulay. IVrft lit guaranteed DKKSS CtKMKS SKCTIOX. I A IX K I XX) It" ' m-r fur