THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 10, 1907. I Mother and Restored Both Suffered rrom Ca tarrh of the Head and Throat. Their Recovery Was Prompt and Lasting. Pernna 1 kept a a family med icine in more homos than any other medioino Invented. It la safe totay that no medicine ever devised has found such won derful popularity aa a household remedy as Peruna. It 1 estimated that at least two million homo keep rerun at hand continuously for family one. i v. r ks OKISSLK). s throat and head. 1 (hank you very much for your advice. Terunu lias done trie wonderful good, also, for the same ailment. I am entirely cured. 1 would not be without it. 1 will certainly praise your medicine wherever I see It la needed. ..". THIS changeable weather during the winter months Is one of the great est foe with wlilrh every family has to .contend. Catarrh' of the head ami the throat Hhound with all their disagreeable symp toma of harking and coughing, sneezing und snuffing. A remedy that wUl both relieve nnd lrevent these ailments la of priceless value to any fumlly. Such a remedy l t'erunu. Many a mother hus discovered Its merits, -not only when she herself la at tacked by some phase of catarrh, but for the children also. No sooner has one member of the family been relieved no sooner has Its efficiency been discovered In one case, than It Is tried In another case. Sfion the discovery Is made that Iemna ts a reliable family remedy, good for mother ami daughter, father and son. No wonder so many, mothers praise It. No wonder so many fathers Insist on keeping It at hand. ICE CREAM WHILE YOU WAIT Fifty. Tore Irrnsitu from the Cow t'atll Frosea Dellrarr la Served. All Intercut at the Pure Food show Friday night at the Auditorium was centered In the exhibition given on the stage by the Magic Instant Ice Cream Freeser company, when two Jersey cows were milked, the cream separated and made Into lee cream before 3,001 people In Just fifty-three seconds from the time the milk came from the cows. Demonstrations have been made during the show In their booth by the freezer company, but so great had In-come the crush around the booth that the owners of the freeser decided to give tho exhibition on the st ago last night and to prove to the satlsfactloo of some more curious people that the milk could be taken warm from the cows and made Into Ice cream Just as well as If It waa cold. The two Jorsey cows were milked on the stage by the automatic milkers and from the time the milk was poured Into the sepa rators until It was paired to the spectators In the form of Ice cream Just fifty-three second was consumed, thirty-nine seconds to separate the cream and fourteen seconds to make the Ice cream after it was poured Into the freezer. Pome of this time waa also consumed In sweetening and flavoring the cream. The demonstration proved lw yond a doubt the efficiency of the Magic freier. Muglc. fieesets aiu manufactured In Omaha by 'the Abliott Manufacturing com pany of which j;dard l.umhofcr is presi dent and J. A. Abbott la secietary. So suc cessful was the demonstration that the company Immediately derided to manu facture a large number of the freezers which pleased the spectators to such a de V- - v v - - . GUARANTEE TO Remove Gall Stones WITHOUT THE KNIFE OR PaIa . If you are a sufferer from Gall Ptonea. you know that they have never before been removed except with the knife. I have discovered and formulated a method whereby I will guarantee ta remove Oall Stonea and the ele ment in the system which produce toein within five daya. without the use of a knife and free from pain t have successfully treated all cases ltn my new method that havs come to ine and wtll glvv )uu an ab solute guarantee that I cn treat you successfully. Write me for further livforuuttlou. m. v. imtitrs. m. i. , Albion, Neb. Daughter by Pe-ru-na. ' t 11 St- . .,.tv- ,'. S Mrs. T. H. Gelssler. 80 Milton Street, Cleveland. Ohio, writes: "I wrote to ymi for advice in re gard to the honltll of my dauKhtcr. I have been giving hrr tho Peruna regularly, a Mated, and she Is en tirely cured of lier catarrh of the In many a family It Is an entire medi cine chest, taking the place of thu, family doctor fur the numerous climatic ailments of winter. Mrs. t'. K. Kong, the mother of little Mlna Long, writes from Atwood, Col., as follows: We can never thank you enough for tho change you have made In our little one's health. Before she began taking your I'eruna she suffered everything In the way of congas, cold and croup, but now she has taken not quite a bottle of Peruna and Is as well and strong as she has ever been In her life. She has not had the croup once since she began taking I'eruna, and when she has a little cold a few doses of Parana fixes her oat all right." Pe-ru-na Protects The Entire Household. We have In our tiles many testimonials similar to the above. However, mi do not hear from the large majority of mothers who have been benefited by Peruna. gree that the manufacturers were con vinced that no family would want to be without one. The Maelo freezer Is a simple contrivance nnd docs not requira the lnleried muscles of an itthlete as do some of the old style of freezers, but Is so simple that' a child can work It. The cream nxopnredr with flavoring and sugar. Is poured Into . the freezer nnd a revolving cylinder, In- whteh la placed the Ire arid salt. Is" turned and when this cylinder comes In contact with the fluid the Ice cream Is formed and the cylinder revolved until the cream la frozen. This is thu simple process wblt.h took Just fourteen seconds on the stage of the Au ditorium Friday night. Nothing at the show excited half tho comment as did tho freezer made by the Abbott Manufacturing company, and hun dreds could not believe their eyes as they saw thu finished product come from the freezer, but crowded around to sample the cream to seo If their eyes did not deceive them. The sumo exhibition will be given this afternoon and evening. MEN PILLARS OF THE CHURCH Or, Rush Declares They Have Been Mainstays Throats Ages. To gifo the new pastor. Rev. Frederick T. Rouse, an opportunity to become better acquainted with the men of the church a supper was given at the First Congre gation church Friday night, which was well attended. Mr. Rouse called upon sev erul of the members of the church for their views on matters of Interest con nected with the church. "M'-n are waking amain to their respon sibility In the church," said Mr. House. "Tho 4'hurch betfun Its existence us a man's organlzxtion and all important work of the church has been carried on by the men, down through the line, teach erst prophets all' have been men. I do not mean to lay leas emphasis upon the work of the women of the church, but sjmply 'give a mutter ot history. Of course we remember Mnry, the mother of Jesus Christ, hut after all the responsibility has been upon the men of the church. Be cause In later days men have been re linquishing some of their powers to the women Is no reason why It should con tinue. Ho it Is that I am pleased that the flixt social gathering to greet me in my new parltli Is of the men of the church. Men are no better nor worse than the women und tln-re are as many men In lieuven 114 there are women." I Mr. House then called noon Frank Crawford, who told of some of the past experiences ot the men's organizations In the church. Others responded Informally to thu call of the pastor. PHILLIPS' TESTIMONY .READ Kvlilenee ot Witness lu Former Trial of Sin Adams Admitted by the Coart. IlATHliRl M, IJa . Nov. -In Uu, trial of Sieve Aalanta for the murder of Fred Tyler, Judge Woods announced today that the copy of the testimony of Archie Phil lips, taken at the former trial would be admitted, Phillips being now missing. The reeding of the testimony waa then taken up and this occupied practically all of the forenoon. 1'hilllps told of his first meeting with Tyler, the murdered man. In March, lfof and said that Ty ler went from Santa with him to the claim of Phillips, arriving there June 1, and remained there until the latter part of August. He first saw Steve Adams in July, shortly after the Fourth. Witness related the circuin ' st soces of Tyler's coming -to his cfbln ! about August It), ISot, coming about supper I time and remaining there until after sup j per. since which ttme nothing waa seen of him alive. The murder waa supposed to have occurred next day. The defense ob jected to the reading of some portions of the crusa-examiitatiou, anj this obttlon wag sustained MRS. EDDY ONLY A TEACHER Not Inventor of Christian Science, Say Misi Brookini. GREATEST LEASEE OF HER AGE l.ertmrer at Boyd Dlscasees Prta r I alee ef Celt anal Ita Relatloaa Other (ariettas Desemlaatloas. Miss Mary Prooklns of Minneapolis spoke to a large audience Friday night at the Boyd theater on the principles and policies of the Christian Science church. Mis Brooklns Is a lecturer of national fame and is a member of tha Christian Bclehce board of lectureship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston. Her lecture was an exposition of the bazle principles of the cult with reference to Its relations to other Christian denomina tion. Miss H rook Ins referred to Mrs. Eddy not as the Inventor but as the teacher of science, through whom It was given to tho world. "The head of this movement, Mrs. Eddy," she said, "through whose clear conscious ness thl most spiritually metaphysical teaching came as a divine revelation and through whose boundless patience, energy and faithfulness It has been established, is beyond question the greatest teacher and leader of this age. She has earned this distinction because she has broken I the error of human belief In bondage to the flesh, and has made known the divine power which, when properly understood and applied, redeems from sickness", sin and death." In part Miss Brouklna said: First of all be It known that Christian Science Is not something that Mrs. Eddy has Invented, or manufactured In some storehouse or workshop of human conjec ture. It Is not a system of mental therapuetlcH In which the muscles or or gans or elements of mortal mentality are manipulated fur the benefit of the sick. Jesus' Teachings Basis. Christian Science Is not a profession for a few to follow, but a divine order and practice. It Is at once the messenger and the message of dlvlne-Jove, coming to self-affllcted humanity to heal, redeem, to uplift, to crown with blessings Infinite Now we believe Christian Science Is a rediscovery of what Jesus taught and demonstrated as to what God Is and what Ood does. It Is man's discovery of him self in the Image, the character of Ood, !plrlt, Mrhd. Instead of the effigy In mat ter, thnt physical sense testimony would iihvh iusieneo upon. ' . i The only evidence we have of matter Is the testimony of the physical senses, which tHke no cognizance whatever of I uou. Ail will admit that Uod la Truth as the scriptures declare. It Is plain that the phy slcal senses recognize- what they suppose to be matter and all Its appan nt conditions. But. as they know nothing of Ood. Truth, then It cannot be that mat ter la tratii, hut quite the opposite. Truth being real, Its opposite must be unreal, and that Is J ist what Christian Sclenco says of the m ttcr Tho scriptures say man was created In Ood s Image nnd likeness. Is God made! or matter, eitner wnoiiy or in part? No. What then Is there tn God that Is the basis of our resemblance to material man? If God be all spirit Is not spiritual man really his likeness, hence the only real man? Orlgei. writing In the year 125, defined baptism as "an escape from mat ter-rthe Lord leading us Into light that In shadowless, and is material no longer." From this It appears that the early Chris, tlana held the same view of the nothing ness ot' matter. Appeal to lllaraer Code. It will have to rest with those who ap pose Christian Science to prove wherein hus ever done harm or shown Itself a i .iace to tho health or safety of any community. It has rather been a check upon stagnation, a preventive of ep demles and the various calamities that af flict the ruee. With a due regard to ex isting etvll luw and Its behests our appeal I always to the higher code of spiritual lawr wherein Clod Is legislator, executor and judge,- Vmter this benign ruling all hu man rights are duly subserved. In all nearly SMO organizations of this denomination weekly experience meetings are held, where, at a very low estimate, an average of seven testimonies are heard at eaqh session, of cases which cover every known disease of body and mind and mor als, chronic and acute, organic and func tional, one can readily Bee what a volume of evidence is thus all the time accumu lating of the curative efficacy of Christian Science. That the exponents of Christian Science have not been able, at all times, and under all circumstances, to demonstrate Its high est possibilities, is not at all strange In view of Its comparative newness and the volume of opposition against It. However, even now Its successes so fsr otitnumler Its failures, that a reasonably fair-minded public will allow Its successes to be re corded as well as Its failures. Though not much given to statistics, we can aay without exaggeration that mutiy PIMPLES, ! BLACKHEADS Oct Kid of All Your Face Troubles in l-"ew Daya Time With the Wonderful Stuart Calcium , Wafers. . Trial Package Sent Free. You cannot have an attractive face or a beautiful complexion when your blood Is In bad order and full or impurities. Impure blood means an Impure face, al ways. The most wonderful aa well as the most rapid blood cleanser In Stewart's Calcium Wafera. Tou uss them for a few days, and the difference telle in your face riglit away. Most blood purifiers and skin treatments are full of poison. Stuart's Calcium Wafer's are guaranteed free from any poison, mercury, drug, or opiate. They are aa harmless as water, but the results are astonishing. The worst cases of skin diseases have been cured In a week by this quick-acting remedy. It contains the most effective working powder of any purifier ever dU covered, calcium sulphide. Most blood and skin treatments are terribly slow. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured bolls in 3 days. Every particle of Impurity is driven out-of your system completely, never to return, and It la done without deranging your system In the slightest. No matter what your trouble la, whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eciema, or scabby crusts, you can solemnly depend upon Stuart'a Calcium Wafera aa never-falling. Don't be any longer humiliated by hav ing a splotchy face. Don't have strang ers stare at you. or allow your friends to be ashamed of you becauae of your face. ' Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure blood and pure faces. Did you ever stop to think of that? Stuart'a Calcium Wafers are absolutely harmless, but the results mighty satis fying to you even at the end of a week. They will make you happy because yojr fgoa will be a welcome sight not only to yourself when you look In the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you. We want to prove to you that Stuart's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt tha ! best and quickest blood and skin purltl ir la the world, so we will send you a free sample as soon as we get your' name and sddress. rend for It today, and then when you have tried the aample you will not rest contented until yeu have bought a 10c bog at your druggist's. Send us ysur name and address today and we will at once aend you toy mail a sample package, free. Address, F. A. Stuart Co., Ill,, Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. hundreds of thonsanda of so-called Incur able case of disease have been healed through Christian Science. Notwithstand ing this astounding statement. Its work Is by no means confined to the cure of phys ical Ills rather is thla Incidental to the vastly greater mission of haling sin and leading In all matters of genuine reform. Hunts of people havbeh and are being healed 'of the appetite fot Intoxicants, to bacco and opium and other drugs through thla aort of temperance workproving It to be a prohibition that actually doa prohibit the sin itself Instead ot spending Its en ergies In the fruitless attempt to prevent the consequences of continued sin. 'o Qaarrel with Doetars. Christian Scientists have no quarrel with the medical fraternity. We appreciate and honor the sincerity and self-saariftclng love of human kind that has ever characterized that profession as a whole, and we would hot underrate the honest endeavors of hosts of Christian physicians to serve and help the race. A noted physician states that SO per cent, of all known diseases are tho result of fear. Then a religion whose fundamental principle and only acknowl edged power Is love, that Is capable of casting out all fear, surely has strong claims to recognition as a factor In the realm of therapeutics. To our friends In the other churches we say: We have not come Into the field of religious labor for the purpose ot multiply ing denominations or to Intrude In any way upon your well-earned domain. An untold volume of holy real and con secrated activity have been exercised In the upbuilding of Ood a cause as you have understood It. To both of these classes we say: "Have wo not all one father? Hath not on Ood created us?" Christian Scientists are not your enemies. With all respect and honor due to your devoted efforts and worthy achievements. Christian Selene comes as a later message from the All-Father, looking toward the ftfller es tablishment of His kingdom on earth as It Is til heaven. It Is the angel that troubles the waters of Hi never-failing Bethesda, that the way-worn and weary, the phys ically, mentally and morally Infirm may be refreshed and healed. Ita mission Is to bring to human knowledge the ever-present healing Christ, the risen savior, reappear ing now, not In person, but In Idea, to save and bless mankind. INTEREST FOR YORK COUNTY (Continued from Third Page.) present from Edwards, Genoa, Fullerton 1 and Albion. . i BEAT ft ICG A circular was received here yesterday announcing that the Hoc Island company would take off the morn ing passenger train eatbnund and the evening passenger westbound Sunday, No vember 10. The Commercial tlub will have tho company rescind Its actio.., if possible, as Beatrice cannot well afford to lose the service. j DAVID CITT-Mis. Kate Seward, daugh- ' ter of Mr. Donaher of Center township, who has been mentally unbalanced at times, ran away from home Thursday morning. She was found a mile or so from home hid In some willows. Imagining some one was going to kill her. She was brought before the Insanity board In the afternoon.. and adjudged Insane. j MtII,EN O. F. Hamilton, the lawyer' who was given notice to "quit the town" 1 a year ago by notices being posted on 1 the band stand In the public square, was arrested Saturday on a warrant charging assault with Intent to kilt hi auk Camp bell, a farmer residing near town. Ho waa placed under bond and hearing set November 20 In Judge Bowers' court. PUTTMOi;TH-Mrs. George W. Lln Inger und daughter. Mrs. F. 1.. Haller. of Omaha v'slted the Nebraska Masonic homo In this city. The latter was in Europe at the time of her father's death and col lected a number of post cards while there, which she had with her. The will of Mr. Ilninger provided' for the erection of a chapel at the Masonic home, which Is to bo bullded next summer. PI-ATTSMOCTH One of the most de lightful social events of the season was In the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Randall when the Ijidles" Aid society of the Meth odist Episcopal church gave their snnual reception to the old people. Mrs. li. A. Moore presented the hostess with a bouquet of roses, one of chrysanthemums to the oldest lady, Mrs. William Atwood. and a bunch of panales to eaoh one present. Mrs. C. K. Wescott rec'led "Do You Think Ho Did?" Mrs. Ij. A. Moore read "Don't Leave All for t'-e Funeral." and Mrs. J. N. Wise sang a olo very sweetly. WEST POINT The golden wedding an nlvereHrv of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. It. ft. ClutanofT of Bismarck was celebrated In royal style on Wednesday at the farm home of the aged couple. Sixty families, aggregating nearly 400 neighbors and friends. Joined In the fes tivities. At noon the marriage ceremony was perfomed by Rev. J. C. Ernst, pastor of the German Lutheran church. A unique feature cf the celebration was the attendance of the bridesmaid, Mrs. Henry Harfsu who attended Mrs. Clatanoff tn the sumo capacity at her marriage In Ger many tlfty years ago. ST. PAi:i-The electric lighting difficulty has this afternoon reached a happy solu tion. After the bonds voted by the cltv hud been declared Illegal by Auditor Searle the city obtained a temporary injunction re straining Mr. Crawford, the owner, from discontinuing the service. Tho question as to whether this Injunction should be made permanent tinder the existing contracts was Just now tinder consideration by Jude Paul, when toduy the sale of the entire plant to Mr. S. B. Knud.itn was effected, thus removing tho liability of a long and tiresome process of litigation. The con s'deration was $10.(100 and Mr. Knudaen has taken Immediate possession. It Is his In tention to permanently retain the plant and evtepd tho servloo as rapidly as he Is able to. NEHRABKA CITY The Sidney, Ta., Sun. which was estahl'ahcd In l-4if. ad for vears was one of the best papers otihlished across the river, has suspended publication. It 1 seldom that s paper lives that long and die from lack of patronage. NEBRASKA CITY Fire last night de stroyed one of the landmarks In this city. It being the gubernatorial mansion erected by Governr Black in 1Os. When built It was the handsomest and most commodious residences In Nebraska, being a story and a half high, containing ten rooms, hand somely furnished In what was then un-to-dute style. C. N. Karstons, Alhert Thels and August Gerhardt helped In the con struction of the building and are still res', dents of thla city. The building has passed througti several hands and at last was but little better than a shack. There was no Insurance. NEBRASKA CITY Wllllnm Brusha, ac cording to documents In the county court, ts legally dead, but he refuses to remain dead. Some time ago Mrs. Nancy Brusha died in this city, leaving one son, but he had not been heard from for years, and It was the general belief that he was dead. An administrator was appointed for the estate, and after a tt-i.r tl-e property sold. Now comes the long lost son. who will ask leave of the court to pav off the legiti mate debts owed by h's mother and tliHt he be given the property. It rom'ss to develop Into an Interesting suit. William Brusha Is now train dispatcher for the Fanta Fe railroad at Fresno. Cal. CODI'MBI'8 Arrangements have been completed for the laying of ti;- corner stone of the Young Men'a Christian as sociation building by the grand lodge of Masons, asstfted bv the members of I.eba-' non lodge and Columbus and Gethsemane commandery. Knights Temnlar, act'nv as an escort to the grand lodge, on Friday, November OOIATMBl'S The following officers were elected by Orient chapter, R..yal Arch Masons, Friday evening: High priest, k'drar Howard: king. George A. Scott; scrtlw, J. H. Johannes: treasurer, O. T. Roen: secretary. R. Meagher. They will be Installed at the regular meeting In December. rOUlMBl'S-Carl Johnson has been ar rested charged with being a rl or the fellow that broke Into the Columbus roller mill, going throush things and taking a lot of brass fixtures and knocking the ssfe to pieces, and also breaking Into the office of the P. D. Smith Dumber company. COLORADO MAN MURDERED A. G. llarpay, Hamate to Raffalo with Car af Horses, Killed aad Tarawa frosa Trala. BUFFALO. N. Y., Nov. S.-Three days ago A. O. Murphy, a painter by trade, left Colorado Springs in charge ot a car load of horses consigned to sn East Buffalo firm. When the trsln reached South Bend, Ind., Murphy was missing and the car door was nailed up. The train reached here today and when It was opened unmistake able evidence waa found that Murphy had been murdered. His cot was saturated with blood snd on the floor ot the opposite side of the car under some hay waa found a blood-stained hammer. Word was re ceived by the police tonight that Murphy's body had been found near fekiuth Bend. (.QUEST MUESA SQUARE DEAL Pi STBWABT Base Burners are tho world's best, the most economical stove ever built, made of the finest material by the best stove makers In the world 32 THIS ished MKTAli I1ET) Is 6ne wiru in res coats oi of the bonular gilt trimmings, KUY'?$l$&i fH'! '" jfrl OlM EASY AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Machinery in Swift Fertilizer Plant Not Much Damaged by Tire. PUTS ONLY PEW OUT OF WORK Yard Officials Look (ar Larger Ttna of Steele Kext Week with Mare Settled Financial Coa tlltlvna. A thorough Investigation of Swift and Company's fertiliser phnt, which was partly burned Thursday night, showed that the building wes only partially ruined. The roof, the third and second floors and a few places In the first floor were badly damaged. The machinery was most all uninjured. The walls of tho building are secure. Immediate steps will be taken to build up the destroyed portions. One of the mills which are used to pulverise the fertiliser was destroyed. This was an old mill which the company was about to re place. In fact, tho new mill arrived yes terday morning and will be put In place. The fire caused no delay In any other op erations of tho plant. General Manager Edwards said yesterday morning that the report of the loss contained In The Bee was very nearly correct. If anything he thought the loss a little less than fclQ.OOO. When asked If the fire had caused th lay off of any men,. Mr. Edwards sold very few. ln connection with tho number of men employed at present, the manager stated that Swift and Company, with' all the other packers In the' city, had reduced their forces slightly since the money string ency became so acute. "If the run of live stock Is not Increased at this point soon the forces of men employed will have to be reduced more. Bo far we have dispensed with as few men as possible and we will be loath to part with any of them. It is apparent that the farmers are holding their farm products as much as possible. The system of communication is so perfect of late that all the facts touching the con dition of the market are known to tho re motest part of the country on the day of their occurrence. The farming population Is learning wisdom. The agricultural ques tion Is going to be a great one In future economics. I believe tha 'gentlemen' will be the land owners eventually, as In Eng land." J. L. Paxton of the Union Stock Yards company said yesterday that he confi dently expected a larger run of cattle and Bi9iariaeBtKaKsfS9i BREAKS A COLD III s ITWEIITT -FOUR HOURS J Or Cores Any Conga That Is Curable, sj rresorlptloa of Voted Vbvsloisa. Mix one half ounce of Concentrated oil of pine, with two ounces of glycerine and half a pint of good whiskey. Shake thor oughly and use In doses of a teaspoonful every four hours. The renowned throat and lung special ist of Philadelphia Clinics who established a camp for consumptives In the pine woods of Maine, and whose remarkablee cure there attracted International attention, de clares that the above formula la one of the very best remedies obtainable for an acute cold and that It will strengthen the lungs, relieve coughs snd heal the bron chial tubes. Also, that It will cure any lung trouble not too far advanced Ifthe patient will assist by plenty of outdoor exercise. Inhaling deep, long breaths every few minutes. These Ingredients are procurable of any good prescription druggist and easily mixed at home and it should take Its place as one of the most valuable remedies In the family medlcinee chest. Inquiry at one of the leading druggists elicited the Information that Concentrat ed oil of pine is put up for dispensing only In half ounce vials Securely sealed In tin arrewtop esses to protect It from heat and light. The oils sold In bulk and some patent medicines sold as "OH of Pine," should be avoided because owing to their Impurities they only produce nau se slid are rather harmful than effective. JUST 50 BELOW fe '' IMCTAI I KWMT ItMICF PDIPFt I 111 w I f ta.lllaJll I IIWUUL I HIULJ S as a Bed S3.8S CREDIT PAYMENTS BY WEEK OR MNTM IP DE-IRE&. NO EXTRA CHARGE Omaha t. A Opt. Co. Ilth a Farnam of our big values, Desi enamel ; in any j $3,50 colors, and ornamented v. any size at PAYMENTS, It 1 fin SfuRESRPE. 7IIK1I B U 1 ESTABLISHED 1886 r Urv' I20912IM2I3 FARNAM S? JUST EAST OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK hogs during the coming week. Every thing looked favorabJo Tor It yesterday afternoon. The receipts duping the week declined nearly 50 per dtnt. Prices also continued lower for hogs. The week's decline was about 90 cents. Cattle rallied toward the last of the feek. Yesterday there were only 1,000 on hand. There were 2,000 hogs. Case Agalaat ICd Parker. The South Omaha police think they have succeeded 'Jn making a case against lid Parker, a 'oegro who waa arrested on sus picion nearly u week ago. He was found to have a lot of fine silk stockings, a mink skin cap, some silk handkerchiefs and some fancy suspenders. It was believed at the time that he had no right to possess the goo. Is and the police arrested him. Yesterday they discovered that the cap be longed to tho Western Fur company of South Omaha. Thla company Is located at Twenty-fourtr and M streets. The case will I be bivught to trial today. Searr Defies Police. C. E. Bcarr had an altercation with the I South Omaha police yesterday morning j over a number or boxes which ho had j caused to be placed on the sidewalk before iua drug store at . Twenty-fourth and M streets. This is In violation of a city ordi nance and tho police notified Mr. Bcarr. Although he admitted knowledge of the ordinance, Mr. Scarr Insisted that there was no need for the police to single him out from a dosen other offenders whom ho declared hsd kept boxes on the walks with out molestation from the officers. To settle tha matter by ultimatum he told the captain he would move the boxes when he got ready, and would pay a tine If neces sary for his deliberation. The boxes have been on the walk two days and are still there. Hard Game for Hlh School. The South Omaha toot tall team will hkvo Ita toughest gamo so far this season thla afternoon, when it will play the Council Bluffs High school at the Hustler base ball park. The members of tha team have all been able to make good the credits which were lacking at one time In the season. Several changes will be made In the posl. Hons of the men. Raasell Ilarclay will re turn to his old place at quarter and It Is thought the change will be good. The fol lowing will constituto tho South Omaha team: Emll Gall. Arno Dlckman. Oeorgo Scheuler, Roland Elisor, fame Green, Hurd Stryker, Oeorge Rapp, Russell Barclay, Lloyd Lehmer, T. Ensor and William Resche. The subs are Floyd Finch, C. Meany, Schulta and Armburst. The rooters will meet at the high school building and go to the game In a body. They start at 1:30. The game Is called at I p. m. I Bandar Services. Dr. R. Ij. Wheeler will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening, at the Presby terian church. Rev. H. II. Millard's morning topic will be, "As and Bo." The evening sermon, "A New Discovery." N i "A Lesson In Hread Raking" will be Rev. Oeorge Van Winkle's morning subject. "A Great Inheritance" will be his evening theme. The annual Thanksgiving service will be held in the Baptist church. Rev. R. W. Livers will preach the sermon. A thank offering will be taken for the building fund for the local Young Men's Christian asso ciation. Rev. Andrew Renwick will preach from the subject, "A Bit of History." The even ing theme Is, "Mother and Her Son." The Sunday school ef the English Luth eran church twill conduct a sptx-lsl service at that church Sunday morning. The young people will meet in the evening. Rev. F. T. Ray of Downs, Kan., will con duct the service for the Christian church, at the Workman-temple, both morning and. evening. Tho quarterly meeting will be held' 8unday at Letter's Memorial church. Rev. Dr. Oorst will preach In the evening. The quarterly conference will be Monday even- . ... ilia:. . Magte C'ltjr'Oosalp. - ' W. B. Van Hant s motlter Is serlously-411 st Tarklo. Mo. The women of the MethodisV church hold a rummage sale Thursday, November 14. . The women of the Methodist Home Mis-, aionary society ait at the parsonage terday afternoon. J. A. Mclan has Just returned from lows, where he hss been since his visit to the Paclflo coast. F. M. Sharp of the South Omaha force of government Inspectors has been trans ferred to Chicago. John Jackmeu, who was seriously hurt at the Mud creek sewer, Is Improving st the South Omaha hospital. ' J .W. TibWtts. who has been In the em ploy of the Cudahy Packing company, has res'gried his position aod goes to Chicago. The "Ward" readera which were ordered i t r y ft rim 8 lUU S THIS CHAXJs Is back, golden oak a chair that Is more money thsn our price. Only finish, worth 85c as a. ItEWiBT BAttan. When you buy a Stewart you get the best that money can buy; made of the finest polished steel, nickel plating on copper, by the best stove makers in the world $33 SAME PlRICE A SQUARE DEAL by the Board of Kbaoatlon for the South Omaha grades were distributed yesterday. A boy by the name ef Kreadl seriously Injured Mrs. Anne Kunci 1, us North Twen tieth street, yesterdsy by shooting at her with a slingshot. The Danish Brotherhood linn refused to buy the Bouth Omaha Intersection bonds. They are an Issue of tS,iiu nuthorlaed by the last legislature. Angus Bloom of Wood River was In Smith Oniaha yesterdsy to buy feede sheep. He reports that tho hard times have had absolutely no effect on the farm ers yet. During the fine weather the members of the South Omaha Country club still plav g .If and croquet A matched game Is on with Roberts and Btyson against Glbsun and Melcher. MURDER CASE POSTPONED Men Charged with Killing; Necret Service A Kent Walker Plead Not Gallty. DL'RANGO," Colo., Nov. 9. -William W Muson and Joseph Vanderwelde, accused of the murder of Joseph A. Walker, Cnited States si-crot service agent, at the Hes perus mine Sunday, pleaded not guilty when formally arraigned In the district court Friday. Their attorney made a mo tion for an Immediate trial, but at tho re quest of the district attorney no date was set. It Is probable that a special session of the district court will be called within lie next two months ta hear the case. The body of Walker was taken to Denver to day. On tho same train left most of the government officials who have been here since last Tuesday. There are still left ta the city a number of federal, officers, In cluding Frank Hall, assistant attorney gen eral for the United States, and a force of secret service men. - A REVELATION III PIAUO VALUES h Th.L8 .'.8 an age of economy and the thrifty perron buy. where tmwe? 'If K,'ea,eHt PTchaaU power, quality considered. Ve manufacture Pianos w0 sell you direct-savin you the profit . dealer would hava to add on p.! us a vlHlt befor. buying- and will explain why we give a fun term of music lessons free with each plano BoIdf and gave "b "Hd.'0"1, ",y frOm$,0 t0 $10 CASH AHD $5 PER MONTH of 1,000 rulieg to Omaha. Notice this week's specials: ouct, XEW rPKKJirrs in fail,. "Kany. f;i.i tmn,J Ma- Walnut r-u " "nJ Burl KOHMKft I'ltiru oo $4oV(150 PIIKMKXT HKDITKI) WMCK I'HKO I I'KIGHTK AND SQI ARKH 1 Roaewood, Upright. . , t . .$711.00 I MahoRany. Upright' . . . .fttd.ofi 1 Oak, Ljrlkht fllli.tHi 1 Melnway, Square ...... tOO.lM) 1 Union, (Square .$30.00 Other -Spuare -Hanoa $io, $15, $20 and up. We take old. Instruments In ex change at full value. Rent. tune, mote afid repair-Pianos at: lowest rates. Write for catalogues, pri ces and bargaluVlst, or pay us a visit ot Inspection.-. Operating five stdrea and a facUry enabhw us to save you the small dwalers' profit SCHMCLLER&MUZLLEE PiAIIO CO. , Malu Offlca aud Marerooms, 1811.18 Farnaoi tt. Teleplioue Douglas' 1 fllf.V I 'D ' -e" 'i j : J , 5 j,, Ml aafcsMlslst ! Vt...:,-.J- J