Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9
he Omaha Daily Bee- EDITORIAL SECTION. Psges ItoIG A Papr for th Hem THE OMAHA DEC Best ir. West VOL. XXXVII NO. 124. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1907. SINOLE COrY TWO CENTS. REMARKABLE VALVES IN Men's Furnishings We arc showing the season's latest fads and fancies in Men's Furnish ings. Strictly approved fash ions at lower prices than. elsewhere. Men's white semi-dress shirts, nar row or medium plaits, attached or detached cuffs, $2, $1.50 anl ' S1.00 Men'a Bosom Shirts, the new stiff bosom shirts, In neat new pat terns. In the well known new Col umbus and Manhattan makes, t $2 and $1.50 Men's strictly high grade shirts, In fine Imported Madras and per ' cales, ' latest effects In stripes, checks and weaves, beautiful pat terns, plain or plaited, $3.ftO. $2.00, IMJ50 and 81.00 We Cash Checks on All Panks lor Purchasers OMAHA'S GREAT STYLE STORE LADIES' SAMPLE SUITS AND COATS 87 Sample Suits from Goldberg & Seigel, No. 8 Washington Place. 135 Sample Coats from Samuel Levins' Sons, No. 37 East 21st St. BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH at GOc on the Dollar. These garments are fashion's latest decree, being October and No vember models. $15.00 coats for $10.00 $25.00 coats for ...... .$15.00 See 16th Street Window. $29.50 suits for $10.50 $35.00 suits for $23.75 $45.00 suits for $29.50 fTnri'g IhriflopltrAQI ,cns Sample Shirts and Drawers, lit heavy and medium Uatvll a UilUCl iVvdl weight, wool and rottou, ribbed and flat; also hundreds of fine fleeced Earnientn; vulues up to $2.0O Baiurday, per garment , : . T C ii Men's fine cotton ribbed Shirts and Drawers, medium or heavy weights. All sizes, fvOf regular 7Bo value, on sale Saturday at Men's fine wool Shirts and Prnwors, In Wright's, Glastonbury, and Lr. Huff's make. Medium and heavv weights, at per garment $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 to $3.50 New Blocks in Our Men's Hats Are All of Superior Make. The LaCrosse, soft or 4 r A stiff.. l.DV The Lamont, soft or stiff John B. Stetson Soft Hats $2.00 3 7i Men's IIa!s Sold under guaranty. A ney hat for any that go wrong. .2.50 $3.00 VI 5 The Kingston, soft or stiff.-..'.: The Bennett Special, soft or stiff John B. Stetson Stiff Hats may aii my fui lived caps Special for Saturday 50 dozen Men's and Boys' Fur Lined Caps, worth up to $1.00 Saturday only DJL Others at . . A . . . 50, $1.00, $1.50 to $2.50 ART DEPT. Second Floor 100 'only pretty fac-slmile water color heads, in gilt and black, oval frames, regular 69c value on sale Saturday ch i. 39 Fry's China Colors, 20c and 25c values ' on sale Saturday, each 18 We are experts on framing. Four hun dred different sizes and kinds of mould ing can make your frame right and the rrice right. 'ass i hi ii j PYROGRAPaY See the new Gas point for burning; easy to attach and easy to use, each 50 Pretty Dutch Plaques for burning, 10c values, special for. Saturday, each 5 About 500 postal cards for burning, and some already burnt, regular 10c values, Saturday, each, .' 2H 2 for 5c to clear out quickly. J Eight styles, made of heavy plaid and striped taffeta, handsomely tailored. 4.95 Made of good, heavy Flannel ette, extra full, good colors, nicely trimmed . 69c ri I ii ii . j EXTRA GOOD VALVES Vi ' mm it CHILDREN'S! MISSES' COATS 250 White Bear Skin Coats, ages i to 6 years, m the Straight and Bull's-Eye Curl, for Saturday only. Plain Bear, all colors $1.98 Bull's-Eye Curl, all colors. .$2.98 345 ample Coats will be added to what we have. These garments are all the newest styles, very full and well made, all colors, navy brown, green and red. Also fancy mixtures, not one in the lot worth less than $5.50 special, Saturday $3.48 Children's arm iuiea coats, made of kerseys, broadcloths, chinchillas, all beautifully made, all kinds of colors, some very chic and natty models; ages 4 to 16 years, prices v JB12.S0-S10.00-S7.S0 and Beautiful line of Children's Dresses at special prices. Great Leather Goods Sale Genuine horn back alligator bags, reg ular prices are $8.00, $8.50 and $10, special, Saturday. $3,08 Genuine horn back alligator bags, "reg ular prices $5.98, $6.98, $7.50 and $7.88, special for Saturday $3.25 Genuine horn back alligator bags, reg ular $3.98 and $5.00 bags, special for Saturday $1.08 Genuine goat seal bags, large size, leather covered frame, special for Saturday rf $1.00 Steel studded Elastic Belts, regular $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 values, special for Saturday 08 Fine line of leather belts, elastic belts ,and fine tailor made belts, values to $1.00, special for Saturday. .30f) All our belt buckles and sash pins, values up to 75c, special for Saturday. &t OPT, Beantlful line of Putch silver. rn. and green gold Belt Buckles and Sash Pins values tn 11 Kn .n.i.i o-.T.J day : : . . . . .,7 ur ri: Creal Umbrella Sale Ladles' 26-Inch Pearl Handle Umbrellas, sterling- sliver and gold filled trim mings, silk and linen covers, every one worth $5.00; on Bale Saturday $2.98 Gentlemen's 28 . Inch Umbrellas, stag, sterling llver, gold filled and genuine Ivory handles, llk and linen covers. evry one a great bargain at 15.00; on sale Saturday, at $2.98 Tou need not wait until Christmas, buy them now. You will never got such a bar gain again. UlUUUlttl J Regular price Is Tl SO. Order now for iifV purposes A big lot of Postal Card Albums to select from. Prices, 10c. Iso, 48c, 75o, tl.OO and up. nE ENGRAVING Main ruoa Special for Saturday Only 11.60 Album holding 300 cards, for 8o. A1DU. ' Kail Underwear Ladies' heavy weight fleeced vests and pants. 3fic values 8&c Ladles' Egyptian cotton medium and htavy weight, 60c value. . 38o Ladlt's' ribbed union suits, fine cotton, "Sc ' value 49o Latllea' wool union suits. ues Indies' silk and vesta and pants, 1.25 value. at Mo Boys' heavy fleered shirts and drawers, sac vaiue.. Hosiery Plaited 11.00 vl . So 'p di SaasaA Saturday la Always Hosiery Say With Vs. Ladles' fat blank e a m 1 e h hose double sole, lUc value laVio Ladies' imp'ted full f auhioned hose, double sole, plHln or split foot, r.c value 8So Boys' extra heavy bicycle hose. 19c value lJ'e Misses' Imported fine riblxd hose, 25c value... .....ISo Gloves MM Iiulles' 2-clasp kid gloves, broken sizes, SI. DO value ssa nil' rr Ladies' 1-clasp gen- Jp,5r.?P.J ( ue uine llocha, broken ! j i' f"jvy I Ladles' Hemstitched , r.1,"8-. !?.? I'-fTlV-a Linen Liaup a D'uutLuii am ' k. sjiibv' j alAves. tUitle (:2na joe value Double Oreea Trading; Stamps wrist. 11.88 value at 91.69 Ladles' 12-b u 1 1 o n kid gloves, S-clasp wrist. 13.25 value. ,ut 12.79 Ladies' 16-buttoni kid gloves. 3-vlasp wrist, IS. 76 value, st 3.1 Double Oreen Tradiaa; Stamps naadierchiels Ladles' hemstitched Swiss handkerchiefs, 6c val- 30 Pure Handkerchiefs, So Ladles' hemstitched, very sheer, pure linen French corners, 25c value 15o Men'a hemstitched, pure , linen Initial ISHo SOITBXiS aiEIH TKADIKO STAMPS. 3 BEE! A Fifteen Cent Pattern with Lndies' Home Jour nal Winter Quarterly Oc ? 4 4 Boys' Clothing Al $5.00 and $1.00 We make a very special fea ture of good, serviceable clothes at these popular prices. There are the double breasted styles, with two pairs of trous-.-rn, the nil Wool, rain proofed Jlu lltau Suits, the strongest on earth, the Cambridge Ntyles and the handsome blouse and Russian .Suits for the vounKer bovs at $5.00 and 94.00 Overcoats ior Boys From 3 to 16 Years Pretty Russian styles, many with flannel linings, nobby double breasted reefers, wiin elet collirt., tiio three-quarter length coat cut doubl breasted, with storm collar and the long, dressy single breasted coat. All are this season's styles, 1h i-ios and colors at .00, 94.00 and 93.00 REMARKABLE VALVES IN Men's Clothing Dross, business, autoinobiling, rainy rcather, winter storms look them over, wo have the finest assortment in town; the best models and the best values at $30.00, S25.00 and S20.00 Also a big range of blacks, dark oxfords and fancies, in med ium lengths and the extra long garments at $15.00, $12.50 and $10.00 A saving to you of 2.00 to $3.00. 9 Suits are always an active feature here. We're showing many handsome models and fabrics. In browns, greys and blues. Extra good values, at $23.00, 920.00 and $15 Also specially seated lines of worsteds and velour casslmeres, in rich patterns and plain colors, at $12.50 and $10.00 A saving to you of $2.50 14 lu? THE AMERICAN BOY Greatest magazine in the world for boys. Puts tat, talent, ambition and manhood into your boy. Free subscription for six months with $3.00 purchase of boys' clothing or shoes. Mftn,cTnnncoTcSPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY Men's Trous IliCu S irOUjCl S crs, of extra heavy weight cheviot material in dark grey mixtures, sizes 32 to 44 waist, all lengths, the best Trous- 1 9a ers made for working outside in cold weather, worth $3.00, Saturday. Women's Neckwear Swiss embroidered turnover collars--worth up to 10c, each 3J Chiffon Veiling, in the best colors worth to 25c, Saturday 15 Fancy Box Ruching, feix assorted patterns to the box, worth 25c, Saturday 15c Dainty fancy beaded Stock Col lars, worth 25c 12C - Pretty Ribbons '4i4-lnch all-silk heavy Taffeta Ribbon, In white, black, green, light blue, pink, red, lavender and gray, worth 36c; Saturday, per yard 17o Throe-yard, hemstitched. Fancy Persian and Flower Chiffon Scarfs, worth 13.00; each . 91-69 Embroidered SMff Laundered Collars, large assortment of new styles, worth' 25c; each 19Ho Swiss Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets, worth 25o per set, for...... lOo OMAHA'S TOY BAZAR Xew games for the fall evenings- Trolley Doctor Buxby 25c Country Fair 3Qc Hot Scotch 5Qe Teddy Bear Full line of Dolls, ail sizss, jointed kid or dressed, prices from 10c to $10.00. Express Wagons, Tslocipedcs tlie best Items for tb toys' ajuusemeut. ClOAHS. "Helen Gould' 10c Panetella cliiar 5c Box of 25 for $1.25 Double Green Trading Stamps on all pipes. OLE PAIL0KS In our Delightful Lunch and Soda Parlors a most delightful retreat fur the tired Bliojipei- we serve the daliitle?t dairy lum-h In the city. WPSCIAI. CABtHtL BAZ.B . HAXU&OAY OaitT. Kegular 15c Home Mad Caramels. assorted, per pound SO KOKTIi BALCONY. CUT MOWERS Rms all klsdt, geira.. CarmailAB, all cslsrs UOo 33c 0 Special in Hardware (or Saturday JT. Km.mi. BI OJf FEKlHSXItiLm 9TOTES. 9C'rJf oa't Miss It. When You Oet reaHuulax 2 T Boe, you get the best made. I tT- 'TT.X Kn- 815 Advance tjteel Range, special. .934 CI - -,"J No. SIT Advaiu-e titeel Hauge. special. l.Mniv.-7 Is'0- 15 Klectro Kteel Runse, special.. Ka3 Kegular 4 peninsular Base burner.. B40 H.-t:ular .'7 Peninsular Base Burner. .924 Number Hi Double Heater, burns soft or Kurd coal, special at g 10.00 Number SS Peninsular Oak Coal, burns huh or nura coal at 918.00 Perfection Oil Heaters ....94.75 and 9J.7S Doa't Kiss the Usmonstra- . Mall Boxes, cast and nlcelv ASA Uoa on Savory &oastrs They are made seamless, are self-hauling and prices suit everyone. Prices up from 80 Nicely Japaned Knife , and fork Bos Oo 10 Green Trading Stamps Nicely hand painted Comb and Brush Trays ....19a 2ti Green Trading tUamps Double Bread Pans, bake round loaf, regular 6dr value, special 4 So Japaned, regular 60c, spe cial .39a Corrlgated Galvanised Palis, regular 86a value, spe cial at io Extra heavy Ash or Gar bage Can. regular t'i.45, special at 91.83 Wire Coat Hangers, regular kc. values, special S for 18a Don't miss si-t-lng the Hust ler Ash Slftrr. psys for Itself In a short time, 99 Scrub Brushes, sold every where for lSc, special 7o MEATS KEATS Fresh Leaf Lard, 9 lbs. $1 Fresh Pork Roast, b$y2c Sirloin Steak, lb....l2c Prime Roast Beef, all bones out, lb 10c Choice Pot Roast, lb. 7c and 5c Boiling Beef 7 lbs 25c 2,000 lbs. No. 1 high grade Cal ifornia Hams, every one guar anteed, sugar cured, nice and lean, any size you want, lb , 8i2c Morton-Gregson Co., Nebraska City, selected sugar cured, regular pigs bams, their best brand, average 5 to 8 pounds, every one guaranteed, per lb., t 14 W No. 1 high grade bacon, narrow strips, per lb 13 Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon, per pound 175a And SO Green Trading Stamps with each strip. No. 1 Family. Lake Fish, in 10 lb. palls, for 75 And 20 Green Trading Stamps 7 Psl .yRaishaLB Bennett's QIq Grocery F BID AY AND SA7UBDAY SPECIALS-Flease Lcive Order Itrly Bennett's Best Coffee, S Sage Cheese, pound . ...BSo pounds for 91.00 10 Green Trading 6t'ps. 100 Green Tradlnjf Kt'ps. Hand Cheese, each . ...SVaC Bennett's Best Coffee, per Neufchatel Cheese, each. 40 pound 360 Buyles Pickles, bottlo ..ISO 30 Green Trdalng Stamps 10 Green Trading Bt'ps.. Twenty-one pounds Ursnu- Pure Pepper, can 10a lated augar ror si.ou ojirenn iraaing champs. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 5 lb. can for 91.00 100 Green Trading St'ps. Tea, B. F. Japan, Oolong. Gunpowder, English Breakfast, Ceylon, Assam, per pound 68o 75 Green Trading St'ps. BUTTEB! B TITTER I Bennstt's Capitol Creamery, tk. irn.k. lu weighi, UwO Spanish Olives, large pt. 85o 10 Green Trading St'ps. Mincemeat, new, lb...l9Ho Currants, cleaned, lb. . ,10o 10 trreen -Trading St'ps. Dill Pickles, bottle ....lOo 10 Green Trading St'ps. Bennett's Capitol Pancake, package for Ho 10 Green Trading Stp' Bennett's Capitol Extract bottle for 18c SO Green Trading Stamps 25c Table Raisins, lb...lBo Bayles' Tomato Cocktail, large bottle for Boo 75 Green Trading St'ps. Franco-American Soups, quart can for 35o 30 Green Trading St'ps. DVnilfll 9 DOT gain Soap, 9 bars for flSo Genesnee Corn, t cans . . .SOo 40 Green Trad'g Kt'ps. Castile Toilet 1 Ho'.j) ( cakes fav .... BSo 10 Oreen Trad g Ft ps. 10 Green Trading Stps. r,, fn... nack Metallne, for po'lshl .g. UD' f."CuU' P ilk 10 Green Trading St'ps. 40c package for SOo zn lireen Traaing rt ps. Metallne, for polishing. 20c package for 10o 10 Green Trading Ft ps. Blond of Grape Juice, pint bottle for 9Bo 30 Green Trading St'ps. Hartley's Marmalade, jar fur 980 20 Green Trading Ktamps Hartley's Jams, assorted, Jsr for ,....35e 20 Green Tradlpg St'ps. HEA.DQUATKa FOB CaSESB. New York. Full Cream Cheese, pound for . ...82o 10 Green Trading St'ps. Koyal Luncheon Cheese, 5r for ..10o 5 Green Trading Stamps. rurrs akt ve'iculii FBEBK DAILY. Celery, fresh and crisp. 3 for 100 Cranberries, quart lOo Fancy Jersey Sweet. Pota toes, pound for So English Walnuts, pound BOo BIIVITri CAHXII8 . Grocery Bectlon. Mixed Candy, pound . . . .So Mackintosh Toffee, package for lOo 10 Green Trading .St'ps. Runkel's Chocolate, two packages for lOo 10 Green Trading St'ps. Bon Bon Boxes, decorated, two for 9o Crockery and Cul Glass u nor fino Shoes ior Evervbodv 100 Pieca Dinner Set lUvllAnl M 99 100 Piece Dinner Set-Havilani China 100 piece Dinner Sets, pretty, neat sura dee. oration, stippled gold work on edges, knobs f-- and handles, rtgnlar 858.00 Talue, OO Kt iy vll Bn sale Saturday, for fuU 100 pliocs rrii3 Only five sets to sell at thla price. si lIH WHIi Sri.1. OFE2T STOCK OH XITXSB Or THESE FATTBBJfS AT 33'i OFF. Cut Star Tuble Tumblers, good shape, have :S stars cut on the wheel, Satur day, each 170 per dozen .-. , 92.00 Cut Star Vinegar Cruet. In fcir Inrjje stars on sides and one on hoiiuni. Als. cut stopper, regular i.'Sc vi1i:j, on sule FaturUay, each 50c HiTUi9D CHINA pattern with pretty green border, pink flowers, good shape, gold knobs and kindles, 100 pleco set, regular ' trrv ESC.OO values, on .; ktii.lK. 0.0vl It a lS, S JL. .115. Cut Star Water Jug. now hhape, has thrvo stars on side and one on bottom, finest workmanship, legulnr $1.-5, on &4lu Saturday, eacli 79o 0 B.autlful showing of new Lamps, hand some decorations, beet of brass mount ings, pilces Ironi $7. CO down to....87o OJT SAXB BATUDAT AT 90 FEB CENT OFF, IOHB KEBEXVED. 100 Green Trading Stamps on all Women's 1 4 and $5 shoe. 100, Green Trading Stamps ou all men Shoes 4.ou and up. Auto boots, like cut, bench made, patent colt, laced snd button, gun metal luced $5.00 Men's high cut storm boots, just the thing for Urlvrr. niotormon, ttockpien and linemen: isick 83.50 to SO.O0 Tau S5.00 to $8.00 gukai' n: i)i.(i istA.mi' Woman's soft, easy, ileiruble luced shoes with patent tips, neat stylish labtti : 1.0S And 50 Green Trading StaiupH. .TO firt-cn Tracing htiiinjis on all Men's Warm Lined Rubber Overshoe. Glycerole Shoe Polish, 25c Klze, for 19 And 10 Green Tradins Stamps. French Gloob Shot Polish. 15c size, for , lOt? And 10 Green Trading Stamps. 00 Special Prices Saturday on Jew elry and Silverware MAN -TAILORED SKIRTS- The Expert Mn-Tailor who has bsen wltn u three dsv will remal i over one day more SATURDAY. Last call to secure a rrnn-iei ord kirt made psr:ectiy to measure Dress Go da Section, Main. Floor SflfllAl nfmnnctrntmn m rrl x rr nf ') " -. M 4 M J wa Savory Self-basting Roaster fl Bee " W aoH Ad Will rent that vacant house, fill those' vacant rooms or secure boarders on short notice at a very small cost. Telephone Douglas 238 , DEE OFFICE. 17th AND FARNAM STS.