Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
TltH OMATTA DAILY HER: SATUTtDAY, NOVEMHEIi 0, 1007. 1 LlKJt ? ' LS- The Home of Woolicx Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments aad Winter' Coats,.; Sails and ' -Waists" A Great Display of Fashion's Favaiiles ' New Suits. ' Hundreds of lovely stylish Tailor 15 da Suits, in brown, dark wine, plum and other fashionable colors. Every suit made ex pressly for Thompson, Belden k. Co. Perfect tailoring, careful fitting by experts, etery garment pressed by men tailors. Prices from $25.00 to $75.00. Winter Coats. Hundreds of new creations here for Saturday's- sales. Greatest dlsplav of handsome tailored fitted coats ever shown in Omaha at $22.60, $25.00, $30.00 and 3S. 0U. The large loose -Marchioness Coats, the products of the Wooltex organization. Every garment guaranteed for two seasons' wear, distinctive styles for well dressed women at $25.00, Women's Hosiery for Sat urday. Saturday, we" will" place on sale Women's black lisle, hose made with spliced - seams, double sofas, heels and toes. These hose are Hermsdorf dye and are our regular lOo quality, Saturday, special price 3$C per pair; 3 pairs for $1.00.' Women's black' cotton hose indestructible quality, double soles, heels and toes, an excel lent wearing hose, at 25c per pair. Women's black cotton or Hale hose, medium weight, 39c per pair. Women's black cotton hose with maco split soles, medium or heavy weight, SJc per pair . Misses' silk Jisie hose, fine ribbed double' soles, 35c per ' pair; .3 pairs for $1.00. Saturday Candy Special Ealduff's assorted : Cream Wafers, regular price 40c a pound, apeclal for all day Sat ir on and evening per tound 20c Baaemeut. Straight Back Corsets. W. B. Corset Inasmuch aa long lines with a marked absence of hips and a high, yet firm, bust line are the present ambitions ,of the fashionable woman, various devices that will aid in pre senting the desired, effect are found in some of our W. B. Corsets. - Have our fitters fit you. We wish to fit every corset that we sell. Ease and shapeliness aie fam ily gained by being corseted by our - expert corset fitters. Second Floor. Great Dress Goods Value Saturday. He for 40-inch 20c quality; 19c for 23c to 30c quality. Just closing out the last of several broken lines. 8 He quality In shades of red only. 19c quality are beautiful, mostly checks, double width.. Saturday will be a great day to buy the youngster's dresses. Second Floor. Bed Comforters. There are many points In favor of our comforters. If ou'll only make comparison. The filling, be It cotton, wool or down, is pure and sanitary. The coverings are such aa are best suited tor comforts and are of the most beautifully printed deslgna or combinations. Tl-e making Is the most per fect to be found, and the sizes and prices are Just as you wish them. , Saturday we call your atten tion to our Bllkollne covered fine cotton filled comforter, size 70x76, at, each. . . ,$1.2.1 We carry the celebrated "Maish" cotton down and the "Merritt'a" Wool Health Com forters. West Basement, Bargain Square in Base ment. Saturday we will place on sale 60 dozen Men s Fancy Halt Hose values from oo lo 76c a pair, at, per pair.. 13c Come early, as they will go lalck. . Men's Underwear. Fine Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, well made, all gjjg 'sizes, Saturday, at eucn Finest Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, only the longest of soft wool yarn are used In the manufacture of this gar- -j KQ ment; thus Insuring good washing and wearing qualities, ea. : Speolsl for Saturday Men's food, durable Muslin NLsht QO( Shirts, full liberal sixes, regular 5e, Saturday, each SUckwtar Special, Saturday flplek and spaa new Scarfs. Never saw the Inside of our store before last week. Elegant assortment In self figured blue, fray, brown, maroon, sky and white and black, really worth 60o, all day Saturday OBTq of 3 for g-f qq and evening, 4t each...... t . Main Floor. Women's Gloves " .'" ' Cooler weather means iiti.uwcu. At no otbor place will you l.uu a uiMi wuu.ptot via aiw..n a, lowing ut uuiu uwveiUvS uu awrie g,wua kuu mii b iiaio, ttuu t,v ie uut juat vut ul ywu. a.a. liUttuu iilarrits Capo Gloves, In tans and new rus- set snauaH, ui4 wide auaset tupd, par 8 ouituu amuaiy tv vjiuvea, u exclusive novelty, wiue . gusset toys aim yerl lulLoiim, in tans uii.y, per pair . . , . . - t button fique uloves with elasiio wtista. In tans, red 'L and black., pur pair Oaantleta, in all the prevailing and fashionable styles for drlv-. ing or street wear, tans and black " rypt tfi 7 "LO Ing or street wear, tans and black; XA " 4 per pair Special la Oenntleto . brcken line of Gauntlets In blsek 1 " or tans, regularly worth 1.73 to ia.50; Saturday, per pair. . . . . w ' 1 - " 77T Howard, Cornet 16th Streot Bee, 11-8--07 Open Saturday Evenings JOEER IN KATE 'ADVANCE (Continued from First rage.) 0 TO IXVESTOIIS. While the values of stoe'- may fluc tuate from day to day or month tm month, there has been no changes, ex cept for the' better, la the values of Omaha real estate. The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n.. 1614 Harney street, receives any amount of money at any time; secures same by first mortgages on Improved properties la Omaha and South Omaha, and is pay leg dividends at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. This association has r re sources of 11,100,000 and a reserve ef $68,000. 3QEX2E2 " ,'i3 AO to increase the rates and make it a hard matter to locate Industrie on the Belt Line with such exhorbllant and useless switching charges. Reads Plead Advance. Pleading that everything nae advanced In price except transportation and that everyone Is making mora money and re ceiving more for products than the rail road companies are securing la proportion for. the assistance they give In enriching others John A. Munroe, freight - trams manager of the Union Paclflo Railroad company, protested against the railroad commission abolishing the charge of 52 per car made by the rallriads for sw.tch ng cars f grain In the Omaha yards. Secretary McVann of the Grain ex change opened the hearing by stating that the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads had ben charging II per car for switch ing grain In the Omaha yards, either from the Inspection trsck to terminal elevators, r from the breakup track to the elevators. A slmjlar charge, he ra'd. hsd been made for switching grain from the lines or the Union Psclflc and the Burlington to con necting lines when the grain was recon slgned to eastern roads, or switched to elevators on the lines of other roads. The Oraln exchange argued that the service was performed In Kansas City by the same road without charge up until a short time ago, when the Union Pacific had published a schedule, which provided for ; switchings cars from the Inspection or breakup track free, but making a charge ' of $3 per car when switching to tracks : of other comenles. Mr. McVann said the grain dealers of Omaha contended that the rates en grain from Nebrsska points to Orraha were higher than to points the same j distance from Kansas City and In view of that fact the swltch'ng should be done free to complete the delivery of cars, and i believed the expense was fully covered by the high tariff on grain shlnped to Omaha. To this Mr. Munroe replied at length for the Union Pacific Ba'lway comoeny. as s'sted now and then by General Freight Agent Spens of the Burllnston. Don't Want to Be Clan. "In the first place we don't want to be a club to hold over other railroads," said Mr. Munroo. "We don't like the big buck hot a bit of It or rather not too much of It. If the commission should order us to switch cars free the Grain exchange would make the den-and on other roads, and so on down the line until we would have a sort of bottomless proposition. We have already refluiced the charge for switching from 13 to fl and we are paying an eleva tion charge of three-quarters of a cent per hundred pounds at the Omaha, elevators, when we could ship the grain on through Omaha without paying an elevator charge j here. This charge amounts to H.tO a car with 8U.00O capacity. It la a case of in- ( J gratitude to ask us now to do the switch- Venn, "has always done the switching free ing for nothing ana Became a ciud to noia in umana, wnetner to elevators or connect- Apollinaris "The. Queen of Table IVatcrs" B3T If you are menaced with diseases er weaknesses, and have not consulted us er secured proper medical attention, don't think you are not psylng for It. Tou are and perhaps many times over. If yon Frocrastlnate and , poetpene treatment rom day to day, week to week and month to month, or experiment with un certain, dangerous or unreliable treat ment, sooner or later you must psy the penalty. If you do not heed our admoni tion you will then more forcibly appreci ate our advice that the least expense would be Incurred through the early em ployment of genuine profeselenel skill. Commence an active and energetic course of treatment at once, and avoid suffering, amexiy ana remorse, We treat tut a enl; r . V aat en re WTO-ssntly, ae ie- TJSL ODI BBIIUTT, STOOD YOISOW, SKsT safely and thoroughly. coll, 9 sunuillll L i J ri mm a A jvwoii D-(lllt), XtlDWir and tUBOl STSXASna ana all Special nmtni sad weakatssca and tbelx eomplleatloaa. 3 Consull -Fraa sZ',huit STATE .MEDICAL INSTITUTE DOeTORS FOR CHEW Call and Da Examlnoi Froe or Writs Office Hoars-8 A. M. to P. M.. Sundays 10 to 1 Only. 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th fits., Omaha, If eh, remanent! Kstabllane la Omaha, KekmaXa. V&anpftifsrteggw The Home of Wooltex QANT BANK NOTES SENT 001 ..- - " Creaiary Offlcials Work Overtime Sup plying tie Demand. rEBMAN DISCO; KT BATE EIGHT! Vrslatrat Demand for bold' from America, Tins Canard Conti nental atanka to Tatto Action. the discount rate of the Imperial Bank ef Germany from SH to TH per cent, an nounced today from Berlin, Is further evi dence of the determination of the European money centers te protect their geld stocks against depletion by the United States. The advance was billy anticipated, as Gover nor Koch of the Imperial German bank said a week age that an increase In the English bank rate would lead to similar action by Germany, and his course yester day tn calling a meeting of the directors of the Imperial bank for today definitely foreshadowed the advance. The rate as now fixed Is the -highest the German bank has sver had. Only a small part of the recent American gold engagements ' have WASTTTVOTOM. Nov. S-There Is a no- Icesble congestion in the Treasury denart- . n taken directly from Germany, ut nent In the handling of securW'-e offered ry banks tn substitution for government Knds now being deposted as securHr for iddtOonal circulation. The correspondence n the subject Is almost unprecedented, ind atthnurh the offlca1s anplv themselves unremittingly to the work until late at tight the volume of work mcres'es rather ban diminishes. The amount of additional latlonal bank notes be'ng shipped is daly ncreas'ng and the treasury officials are fres'" encouraged In the bel'ef that the irlsts n the morey str,nnMT has passed ind that a gradual reV ytlon In the ten. lion that has existed for three wees may te confidently expected. The National City Sank of New York bae arranged for !. additlonnl circulation, making tt.000. 03 for this h-r within the last wetk. Aelvaaeo Anticipated. NEW YORK. Nov. .-Tho advance tn eit.KO.009 today by the announcement of i2,2u0,(x0 additional engaged today and by the publication of various engagements amounting to nearly $3.600,KO made at dif ferent times In the lsst ten days, but not announced publicly. The head of one of the exchange departments of one of the largest gold Importing banks said today that he knew or at least 13.0N.000 additional gold engagements which have been pri vately made. TEMPERANCE WOMEN CONFER the German stock of gold has been de pleted Ind rectly, aa the American engage ments at other European muney marine have resulted In large exports of gold to England and Holland. The' American gold engagements, already placed In Europe ap proximate 140,000.000, so that the present Increases of foreign bank rates do not operate as seriously aa they might have done during the early days Of the money stringency. About 120.0UO.000 of gold ha 1 a'ready reached New York, Including the Lualtanla's stook of 111.000,000 brought ashore today. Aside from the gold movements the Bnano'al s1tuaton shows an absence of notable developments and steady tendency baok to normal conditions. The total known engagements of gold tor Import from Europe elnoe too finan cial stringency began was brought up to INCREASE HAS LITTLE) EFFECT German Market Depressed, bat Lon don gtoeks r'lrm. BERLIN. Nov. I.-Tiie ra.e of dlsoount jof the Imperial Bank of Germany was ra.sed today from SH to TVs per cent. The Increase in tike bank rate had an un favorable influence on the market, deplet ing stocks soon after the announcement was msde. Prices partly recovered later, but business was 'meager. LONDON, Nov. S.-Ths Inoreass In the dlsoount rate of the Imperial Bank of Ger many had been expected here, so it baJ UltVe effect on the Stock exchange, wherj trading opened Comparatively quiet. Amer icans were offered early, but they subse quently steadied to well above parity. Considerable quantities or gold from Paris arrived in London today. ,The Bank of England today received !0,m in Amerloan eagles from Paris and CK4.O0O In bullion from elsewhere on the continent, and sold 201,000 In bar gold tor shipment to the United Btates. President cf W. C. T. TJ. Delirere Al ; dress at Nashville. over the hesds of our friends, the other railroads, which are friends of ours despite the fact we are competitors." As for the Kansas City deal Mr. Munroe maintained that the geographical conditions at Kansas City enabled the Union Paclflo to deliver cars to the one big elevator on j Its own tracks free of expense because the 1 elevator track was also the Inspection ! track. He said no elevators were located ' on the tracks of the Union Paclfio in Omaha and the charge for delivering cars at the two elevators In Council Bluffs was certainly reasonable when the Union Pa jlfio bridge was used to let In and out some .vO te 2M trains each day and the congee .lon had to be avoided as much as possible. Better Service Needed. "We have ' to alve belter service to the shippers and the grain Interests of Omaha," said the freight traffic "It I certatnly not so much a low rate which the grain men need In Omaha, but better service. As Commissioner Lane of the In terstate Commerce commission has said recently, the commission received 1,000 com plaints about the service, where one Is re- j celved concerning the reduction of a tariff." , Mr. Munroe then described his company a financial burdens and declared there was really a bottom to a railroad company's ; treasury. If some tieoule had been under ' the Impression for years that no bottom ( would ever be located In the "glittering gold bin" of a railroad company. "We know that grain rates have recently been reduced IS per cent In Nebraska," he said, "and the rates which were reduced were the very ones which we put Into el- J feet as emergency rates back there-tn the ing lines.'.' Hie commission took the grain switching charges under advisement, to hand down a decision at an early date. The throe members of the commission. Dr. Wlnnett, H. T. Clarke, jr., and J. A. W illiams, with Clark Perkins, secretary, wer. present at the meeting, together with U. G. Powell, I rate expert for the commission, who fol lowed closely the arguments made by Com missioner Guild and agreed with, the eam missloner on every point where Mr. Oejftd quoted rates from the old schedule of the Missouri Pacific or the proposed switching tariff. Stooped. . -Dangerous coughs, colds, sere throats are quickly cured by Dr. King's New Ds-covery- SO cents and $1.00; guaranteed. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. wt D ED DETAILS THE PROGRESS OP YEA! Felicitation Over Victories Won In Soatn Declares L'atratns Aro Told Aboat Situation in jgalne. NASHVILLE, Tenn..' Nov. l-At S:S0 o'clock this morning the thir.y-fourth au Afinw.nii. t ii. v.iifinul Woman's Christian Temperance Unhm was cal.ed U ; h.n ?nl T order In the first , by b",''?,I" b" duoer cod lis president. Ura. Lillian M. N. Haven. or ' Pt the r.U. In that the producer could would never be compelled to take less than I ui for cn oung Men's Outfitters Write for Illustrated Catalogue ID f Youaj Ken's Oatlilters AND RETAILERS OF Snappy College Gote Just Received Another Shipment of BROWN Sizes to 38 TAN and TO BACCO BROWN 81 ITS from our exclu else New York niakrr cit on the latest aiil improved nixk-li, ' They're "Up-la-ihe-Filinute" An early inspection is solicited. Wo are sole agents foe- . CeOTniNG ANNEX . Enfrnce 1517 Doul. . Street Sampeck" Oolhcs ensonaThorneGo. Correct apparel fTturJicptc If HS5-ra? IEL321lio OtiPO1WJ Boys' OivL.Luedlc Lasts, made by a;ecialty hf -era for boys' .shoes only a "",r leled Over tbe foot of a rea boy, allowing tbe feet to crow and the toes breathing room. These shoes are made from the Id fashioned calf leather, with ' genuine welt overweight soles. They will outwear any shoe. Elzes 14 to IM. t S3.00 Eizea 1 to I. at ... . $2.75 Sires 11 to lSVi. at .... $2.50 Portland, Me. Between live and iU nun u.u .u i..r 1& t buihe, for corn. TJ,,,, wa U1J president rapped for order. Ti.ey rj here .... . ... h,. trout every slate In the union, several col ored women being among the number. The last Woman's Christian Temperance Union convention beld in Nashville was twenty better than that. We put the whole west- em part of Nebraska under a blar.ket rate ' and in just as good a position to sell ths grain as ths eastern part of the grain bull, j The rate was the same from points twenty I five of 200 miles west Of Grand Island, as , ' U was from Grand Island to Omaha. I Kateraeacr Rates not Cancelled. j ' "Now the emergency rates have never Veen cancelled. They are still In effect to day except that they have been reduced IS yeais ago this month. After an organization, reports ef the exeoutlVe committee and appointment of committees, the president delivered ber an nual address, which was In part as follows: Two decades ago we earns here, aeiuated hv ih. una sulrit t,,atiirid ths sama hoies, upheld by the same faith wi.lch ar per cent. On the other hand the farmer ours too ay. a receiving at the minimum three times as Can we not take for this convention the . . h -.. raooivina san:e motto that Frances E. Wlilard gave much for his corn as hf was r'vln to the convention of 17: "There U n ita- when the rates were put into effect and ho Ing li.exiiorabl but love." Hr mlnlstra- loaning money to the east, while the lions In years gone by had muou to do ,, ,- whioh I Mnmnit Is with weakening the foundations Of the railroad company which I represent is lliiuor powsr and today ws rojoloe that U floating bonds at a high rate of Interest, tannot be said as t yore, "King slojliol U Qur expenses are constantly on the lu- rf,,'" r"lm .H,.t,,?;...V"fr.a ere... while , transportation charges have gained In the southland Is of national value never been se ow." and the teinpt anoe victories in lounessee I ave gladdentd the hearts of good men and women everywhere. Soath Will Help North. Georgia s sti ugle, Oeorgie s i achieve ment will htlp iasssacriuMtta, llllnola, i aiuon.ia aid all 1 ceiu Stat as to larva a a ay fiom the bondage of tue legal- ixtn i.viaor iraiT.c Secretary McVann called attention to the fact that the Union Paclflo was willing tt pay the 4 cents per hundred pounds for elevation at Omaha In order to release Its cars. , "But the time la coming." retorted Mr. Munroe, "and It Is not far distant, whi n Oklaima . iriumnh is of sweater Import -tn"n wl" hav1 enoun omr to than we can easily coinornDU. All ha.l ship the grain now unloaded in Omaha I to the new state which enteis staiehooJ ,tralght to the Atlantlo seaboard, over any his fiee corouikuUoiiaily from a ie.ailaed ,, . , . , f liuuor traffic " 1'no which deelres to use our cars for il.e la leas, defiant resistance of the through shipments. But we don't want to. liquor tiade In alaine, Kansas and Narl.. da thlg w have n,ipj the Omaha grain Lakota to an unusually great degree has ' ....... k,. betn overcome. Maine still tue market and we propose to continue, but most censpkuous target for the liquor men wa don't want you to offer a prem um for and the r syn.patl.liers. and undoubtedly t shlp'the grain on through Omaha." mora false statements are made in tbe en- , O.avor to shew II. SI prohlbiilon ti.ere is a epeae Talks of Competition, (allure than are made In connection with Qeral Freight Agent Spens of the Bur- Uc. ofTh.'globt B '0ti'1' ' Unaton said the charge, on grain switched Following ttie delivery of the addreas aa to other lines which carried the grain evangelistic hour was hsld, presided ovei eaet of the M'seourl river were absorbed by Miss ElUabeth W. Greenwood, nallona. by the connecting lines and were not i evangelist superintendent. by the grain dea'.ers of Omaha. Ths session this afiemoon was devoted "There Is shsrp competition for grsln g- prlnclpally te the hearing of committee nlng east of the Missouri Ttlver that the reports and reports of ths' corresponding railroads offer to pay the switching charges secretary and treasurer. The last report er recenelgnment charges, in order to get were of bigbly encouraging catura, and the grain," said the Burlington fre'g'.it show ths union te be In a moot flourishing agent. condition.. But the Omaha Oraln exchange contend 'd ' ' that the chargse were paid on the grata PILES Cl'fyiD tn TO t DtTI. and that as long as the switching was done PAZO Olntr.ieni is guaranteed to cure inv free In Chicago and Bt. Louis and partially Five Children Suffered With Fearful Skln'Troubler-Cne Little Girl's Eyeslrht Wat Endangered A Grateful Woman Writes ef FIVE PERFECT "CURES BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "Cutlcura Remedies saved ssy te children. My liUle girl's face was se ocvarod with seres that she could not see snd I tlnugut at tne lints that her eyesight was gone f -r gend. After two dootors had failed to do ber ear good a friend eased rue to try tbe CuU cure Remedies. I did so and la two of three days wo aeuld se a groat chants snd in four weeks she wss well sad ber fnce was smoolk arul bad cured nicely, t he bad boen sore ler three sueatbs se that she oould not reel nlgbt or dsy My little boy was S'ro sll over. His head was a solid sab. First we tried a doctor who did bios no good, but the first time I bathed my sen's bead with Cutioura op and put Cuticuta OlaU mcnt on It be rested bettor at night and tbo next anornlag bis bsad was much better. la five weeks bo was well. I cannot sav eniugb fer ths Cutioura Kernodles for If I bad not used thorn nay baby would have died. My little sister, blora S , had a terribly acre face. 1 told my nv.lher of tbe Cutirnra Remedies. She used tbena and the child s face s-o g"t well a tar tho iunt doctors bad failed. Fearl B used Cutioura Soap, Ointment, and Pills fur seres ea ber body sad f see, and little Pinkey 8 bed a sore bead. Her mother used Culwura as and Ointment cn It and she wss s"ob) well. Mrs. Mary Ulcii, Sutherland, Dlnwiddie Co.. ?a.. Apr. U, 1U7." VoIImer's Fxp;rt Cbth2s Fitters Let us Show yon the new mod els in all the prevailing fabrics. Ton will find that we have the style that suits yon best,' and our guarantee of aatlsfaetloa will go with the rale if yon deetde to take one of these elegant garments. O'COATS and QUITS 050 r:: o 1 5 Vota Clotiiin'E Go, lOT Sso. tetrs ntlrwot illl'tEHBXTI, ECZEMA ON FACE Cured by the Cutlcura Remedies "I bad ecoesta la very bad form ail over any face fer Ike past four months. Physician ta several towns nreacnbeai for It without giving sso sny result, but four wee as ago I oosBnsonrod using the Cutioura Remedies, euacistlng til ', ene cake of Cuiunara Soap, one bvttle ef Cutioura lleeolveat, and two boxes ' of Culinura Olatment and to-day I say so-fotUy well. Mettle Helreeoa. Ridge way. lows. Mar. . 107. ADVAIICEO VAUUE.ILLE MAT1VEE TODAV 2:15 Adulta 15c, Children 10c NOTE Curtain II Slinr TONIGHT Prlcee 10c, 18c 60c, rwttoafs Sa rrta Is ewasa Wa SVl. Oilliws rkltawal l(.v la hi M ! ranrura "I Ma larn mm sm ml srai mu4 ii m. aar nal mi ta fmnlt at, feioa ra Ihraaeaaat taa waaff Pmm. Iml m tsae of Itching, liliud. Bleeding or Pr tnid ng Hits in to 14 dr or money refunded, toe oyeott Hearing Fixed. WASHINGTON. Nov. I In the supreme court of the District of Columbia Justice Gould today fixed November 14 fer the hearing la the case ef the Buck Stove and Range company against the American Federation ef Labor. The case Involves tho light ef the federation to Include Its eompaay la Ita beoK er "don't patronise" 114 fre tn Kansas City, It should be dene free la Omaha, "The Northwestern road." said Mr. Me- Cm . Saw eraae. M.aa aai-Mtuae tmm, Ceoaara nana aa Itia Baesana ANGLE BLEND COFFEE tbtxd rnxm nor. rrm. COIU TV AJtD TBI A CUP. GRAND UNION TEA CO. 113 So. ISth snreet. AUDITORIUM r ... - . GREAT PURE FOOD SHOW1 AT EXPOSITION BAST UO rBTBAT APTVOO AAxalssleai AAalta. SO Oatldren, lge 0t TleUts Frova Tern Oroca or ateass sad Save Money. AMDIES11ITI, oo Testea Kendall XfiLU Biting k Co. Arasstroag Belly ictsloal Ba wallaasi Haagat a Beaai go. Allmaai OUmere k Castle Barl . Kicks Plevnrts. Io?luibI to speakers and s ngers (or clcarin ths voice. Absolute! harmless. UOYD'li THE A I EU Snnday Klgnt TTatll WedaeeTay TMB BIO kfUSICAX. SUOCXaS rtlE BELLE Or MAYfAIR BevemVar 14, IS and IS rhe Beqse ef A T!aaa OsaSleo. iov. lTtn . ILOBISIS lOlMtt OURWOODSt' TODAY AT 2:30 AND 8:15 P M. TOSISIT X1TT1IS SATtraOAT Taa Fraitr Coaaadv Drama A riUUXINQ CHANCE andavi W. a. WslVaaar la AW strsiTasAar or scnrB. t U -, mn 1 1 mh nnsten s are nnsssanlniiiiTliriir r "