Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15
TIIE 0M"MIA DAILY BEE: HATUHUAY, MivfiSinrm I'.'vr. 13 sir i'rr ! PERSONAL LAP1FB rxl gentlemen are) cordially In vited to com and see -the greati-st In vention of the se; prevents all mls- lae1 and ojen switch wreck", aleo en- Llea the engineer to take a eidln-i while ttie train l In motion N. Jth rU.. South Omaha, Neb. (Ig)-Mi4 Nov2-X PLEATING, nrir nr Dyeing and cleaning, ponging and ehrtnklng only (c r yard. Kend fur price and samples. GOCIjMAN PLEATINO CO.. M Do'iglaj block. Tel. Douslsa 1W. (l0)-7v APPLY Satin Skin Cream to wet akin, wipe nr. beuurea satin, eniooth akin. ic. f IflVVTIP reatment and bath. Mrie. Smith. 118 N. liih. 21 fir THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect. rilr and aril, at 114 ti. 11th St., for oat at collecting, to the Worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4133 and wagon will call. l)-785 FfUVATE CONFINEMENT HOMR Mrs. Vt. King. 1324 N. Win. Tel. Web. 3 .. . ' 1 ! 77 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATES DEALERS. &U68EXL U KITBICK CO.. 452 Ramge. 1 1! i PAYNE INV. CO.. lit floor N. Y. Life. Douglae ITU. . (1)-W OEORQB COMPANY" 101 Farnam. . . Tel. Douglas ft. PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Life Fid g. (!)-; L S1BBEKN8EN. room SOS, 120 So. lth. (18) -MK4 CITY PBOPF.WTY ' IAL8 Buy A Home W. win take clearing house ehecka or ashlers' checks on the good bargains herein advertised. ICS Park Wilde Are., -room cottage. In good repair; full lot, 60x13, paved street and permanent walks paid In full. 11,760. We also have three l-room houses, with city water and gas, for aal In this vicin ity for 11.100 each. Very easy terms. This la a poor man's opportunity to buy a home 'on hie own terms, TILE BYRON REED CO., 'Phone 197. 212 South 14th. (19)-623 $10. $10 $10 $10 $10 INVEST $10, MAKE $50 - ,'' This you can easily do In buying a lot ,-... In Halcyon Heights, without exception the finest location for choice building sites, beautiful view, over entire Country club (rounds, high and level, on Lynn Ave., two blwlte south businesa center of Benson and Military Ave. tar lino. Select one of the l lota, pay f.O cash and to per mo., and within a few months jou have a savings account worth double Its amount. Prli es 1260 to $540. Call or 'phone us for particu lars and you will begin a savings account oday. . RUSSELL-McKITRICK CO.. (U-33-S4 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney Bte. (19)-5ti4 31st St Near Harney $2,500 room house on 81st St., Just south of Harney. This has city water and sewer; there la a nice lot and shade trees, which , makes It a fine place -for a tiomo and as an investment. Terms to suit. PRICE ONLY- $2,500 PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life. Tel. Dourlas 1T8L. - (19-S6 a Acres in Omaha Are Sur to Advance We have S one-acre lots left In our Mili ary addition, between Omaha and Benson. Ve are going to close tbeee .out at once. First come, first choice, 3 blocks to car line. We ran show you these at any time. ?rlce t'MO each; terms, 136 caah. 110 month. Hasting & Heyden. '74 Farnar St. 'Bee Building. tu as NEW, READY TO MOVE INTO ttrletty modern house, very best material and Workmanship; built for a home; pol ished hard-wood finish; south front oa Main Central Boulevard, four blocks Crelghton university, seven to hUh son ol and only twelve blocks to business cen ter; room for two more houses; will sell all or part at a bargain. I. Conrur, Owner, IS Neville Blk. ' ' (1)-M574 . NEW COTTAGE Brand new t-room cottage located atnot fluglea St.. sewer, city water, gas, large bath room with excellent fixtures; louble floors; Interior hard pine, finished golden oaki large cellar fully biiced and cemented; good bam and buggy shed; ermanent Ui; aouth front lot. This . poslUvely the best bargain In a (-room settage oflered In this aecilun this season. C. O. CARLBERO. Ill N. T. Life Bid. U) fc WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE. Built by owner for permanent home Choice location; 12 rooms; new and mod ern; elegant eleetrio and gas fixtures, handsome mantels; large grounds; quick - pnueeslon. Price, W4.C00. Hlrks Real Lalete Co., Board of Trade fcldg. l-74 Is MODERN COTTAGE' Five-room cot'age built last eprlnc: newtv F spared and painted, double floore, surface loora being maple; large bath room; nice sine; pipea lor gas ana wirea tor eleetrio lights; all modern plumbing; full stse prreens. etc.; aoutn rroni lot e.'xixi, lyti high snd sightly; located 3614 Boyd St. Frtue H.96Q. C. O. CARLBETta . , 111 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' ' on-ia 14. BOO will buy elegant l-room. modern house at jj". 414 N. 311 St.; east front, paved etreei. permanent aldewalk. beautiful lawn, large " shads trees. Easy terme If necessary. THOMAS PRTNNAN. Room L New Yoi Uie Bldg - (ll-71 rpn. SALE A well built 10 room frame house, beautifully finishes. In hard wood; hard-woud fluois. mantele, rr.od.-rn bi h room and conveniently arraned. Will jell at a very low price, to be removed from present premisee by purchaser. AJ ress C. C. Rosewater, Be Bldg . Omai.a. t.9)Mi.T. Fine Residence Lots Cheap .- KoyiT 4."ft; '"I"- nlneast corner IHtU and California, high and s ghtly aewer. "fr'' v, "e and permanent welV.a. Urst him ran have their choice. RTI.ANIjER a EIMONSON .C3 N. Y. Life Bidg. '! M45I 11 BUY THIS BARGAIN. Let at Mh and Fort Ste.. onhy 1 at. O. .NOivDytlSr. 4 s. lh St li9-... sJCAVlNO tewa: must my house a i.l fcpnng street; 00 casa. c aU am t mt suit ue aa oar tl; M6.s lu I REAL ESTATE CITT PftUI'KRTY rOH SALB (Continued.) West Farnam District $3,500 -room modern house on Slat St., near Harnay, with a large lot and In fin ron- ' ditlon. The street la going 1o be paved very Boon and will be ona of tha pret tleat et reels In the west part of town. ITils la a good one, and we can make easy terms. - TRICE $3,C00 PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Dm Floor N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas 17SL (18; 61 I SIX. ACRES New House and Barn Near Central Park School. . W. H. GATES, ilT N. Y. Life Blug. C1)-KJ M FIRST TIME OFFERED Two -room, all modern cottages, gas and electric lights. I aerment under all ,f house. Inside and outside entrance to bnsement. Houses only 18 months old. Only six blocks west of court house. Paved street and permanent side walks. Ground alone cheap II tU I front foot. Alwaya rented at M per month. How is this for 10 per cent Interest on your money. Houses cost :.& esch to build, leaving the lots only 1760. Price, M.VM esch. N. P. DODGE & CO., t (19)-70 I FOR SAI.E-Modern store bldg.. S living rooms, $2,000; bargain. 'Ph""e xv- er 1K9. (19)-M65S II T?EA Ij ESTA TITITiTr TRUST Pf " CHAS. K. WILLIAMiSON, Pres. (1) 3 LIST your proprty with Chris Bover. "Td ond Cuming Sts. 19) T94 REAL ESTATE FARM et kA.HU I.A.MJ9 FOR 8 ALU "7 Celorado. Choice Prairie Land For sale; several aectlona of choice prairie land i mllee east of Denver, Colo., cheap; ' easy terms; will sell In q iarter sections It tieslred. C. W. Price, Spirit Lake, la. M 1IX klniu. 30 ACRES: Kaw bottom; at Corliss, John son Co.. Kansas: 26 miles from Kenans City; good Improvements; good put-itj land; price, 13.300. ii acres; Kaw bot tom; at Corlisn, Kansoe; gooJ potato, h -t and alfalia land; impioved; price M.0OO. C. Zlmmermann, Olathe, Kan.. Kuute 1. (0j iU.il6 bo NebrasMA. A. P. Tukey & Son, FAihlS NEAR .OMAHA We offer about 1.000 acres of the richest farm land in thla sectioD, only miles from Omaha, at prices ranging from 60 to 170 per acre, ao cordlng to Improvements. Thla property consists of two or or three well equipped farms, admirably adapted for slock feeding or , dairy purposes. There are numerous sheds, outbuildings, bog houses, etc., on the property. The property Is In good condition, wkII fenced and cross fenced, and partially stocked. Railroad station on the property, and, only 40 minutes ride from the 'market town," Omaha. We - should be pleaded to how you any par. of this property at any time. It la worth Investigating, and we believe you will agree with ue that the prices asked are bil low the snarket value of the property. We are In position to make very easy terms, bout one-fourth cash, and balance at I per cent In terest. A. p. TUKEY A SON. 444-445 u, iiu. .-.dff. Phone Douglas 2181. 20)-612 10 THE BEST ALFALFA, CORN AND WHEAT LANDS Are found In the great Platte Valley In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Improved farms. i.ti to itu per acre, unimproved good rarin land at 316 to 120 per acre. Orailng land and stock ranches, 14 to ,U per acre. N better crops anywhere. For land lie s sni particulars, address BUCHANAN & PAT-Tl-LBN, Land a. id I . m kr Ion Aksntj. U. P. R. R., North Platte, Neb. .(20) MiM IX FOR SALE Thirty Dixon and Cedar county, NebraMka. farms, from 140 to 10 per acre; write for my list. W. P. Truax, cashier Dixon State bank, Dixon, Neb. MT7? ln ACRES, Howard Co.; ISO. Boone Co., Neb.; land best black soil, well Improved for stork of reneral merchandise. Ad dresa, Joseph Slobodny, St. Paul, Neb. (2J) Miti 10x Taaasj- A. P. Tukey & Son FINE FARM LANDS Our next excursion to the Great Texas Pan Handle will leave Omaha November 19th. Immense crowds of people are buying lands In Texas from all over the middle west. X large amount of money Is be ing made this year. All ex penses refunded to purchaser ef lend. Rich soil, fine climate and best of wster. Write us at once for further Informa tion. A. P. TUKEY A SOV, 444-415 Foard of Trade Bldtf Phone Douglas 181. (20J-613 10 Mlscellaaeoas. I HAVE 110.000 or 116.000 I want to Invest In a good fsrm In Douglas county, this muet be good and a snap. Geo. L. Stem, 8 MS. care Bee. (20) 471 I WHKN writ' Advertiser, remember It takee but a strcke or two of the pea la ' mention the fact that you saw the ad In t, ... REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, tut First Nailenai Bank Rids.. , ir)-00 WAN Tit D City loans. Pstera Trust Co. (r:-79 31.0uO.ou. TO LOAN on business and resi dent projieity In Omaha; lowest rates; no dela. Thomas Biemian. Room 1. N. Y. Life. ti!)-7V W ANTEDClty loans and warranta W. Farnain Smilli 4k Co., ICO Farnam St. - ti!-7 LOW til RATES Bemla. Paxton BhKkT . ta .h PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN Bkul., 16l4 FAKNAM. 03) 43 UNION LOAN INVEST. CO.. ! Bee Loans on Peal Fstate. Bldg. Buy 1st and 2d mtgea. Phne Doug. (21-43 Novll LOANS on Improved Omaha propertv. O'Keefe R. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. t.1fe BMg !- V IbMt TO TO IX1AN-Fr1vse monev. bo delaya J. ti. Sherwood, Ul N. T. I if. ri ) MONEY TO LOAN-Payne lnvsatmnt 'o. (t-)-4 REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) Iio to tin.Min marts promptly. F. t. Weed Weed Bldg., lain and Farnam. (T-iMtn REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to buy a M or lo-aere farm In , eaaiern Nebraska. I am willing to pay ceh, so It must be a -snap. tenrge l Stem, P (X, care Be. (23 4,1 WANTED TO BUY W .VWTED T buy second-hand .furniture, took and heating stoves, carets, l,n--leums, offlre luiniluro, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts ana an kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house conipieie. The highest prlcee pstd. Cail the light man. iL Doug. 3971. (2 M9I3 Decll SECOND-HAND furniture bought and sold; also machines of all klnda rented, 11 per month. Tel. Doug. 5993. (2 Mt49 CASH raid for second-hand clothing, shoes, etc 6S No. 16th St. Tel. Red SS-4. (2o; X WANTED To buy calves. Tel. Doug. 3JI. ()-; TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE SHIP PERS. Highest prices for bwtter snd eggs. Cash or merchandise. Send trial shipment. The Bennett Company, Omaha. - (2s) -227 WANTED First-class second-hand auto mobile. ' 1130 So. list; telephone Harney M27. (2o M7j I WANTED To buy, sectional bookcase with glas front, preler loner base 13 Inches deep: must he cheap, for cash. Address C 643. care Hoe (16) M640 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Rooms for light ho jsrkeeplng, furnished or unfurnished. We can rent 1,100. WAIT RENTAL AGENCY. Su& Lee Bitlg. Tel. D. M4. Open evenings till 3:34. (2fi)-61l 18 I WANTED Room and board by young couple in private family. State terms. Address K-4&A care Bee. Ci-6o4-10x wanted Situations SITUATION with stationery or paper houie, In business of puiuit Ing concern or In sales department of n.anuiaeturin j establiaiuunni. onlied by man of Is eara, with eluu-en years ex peiienie In business office of newspaper Oulng IM.U-9 business. Recommendations from present e.r.pioyer furnished, salary $1.6(0. frinier by trade. Can co ..e at once. Adutesa X 93, care Omaua Bee, u.nana. Neb. (2i MtM) I DRESSMAKINQ of all klnda. 2311 Seward. I (Zl) MJW Moviux MANAGEMENT of hotel, restaurant, club, school or college boarding department, by man ana wife of lung experience. Bst references. Mrs I C. A. Martin, Clarion, la. (27) MX lz EXPERIENCED male stenographer wishes work after t, evenings. Addipss M 638, care Bee. (17) U413 llg WANTED Permanent position as com panion or housekeeper, by refined y ung woman; I belong to good southern fam ily; can give first-class references. Ad dress Bos 201 Wagoner, Ok I. (27)-MII7 10x BOOKKEEPER and tenographer, age 26: can furnish good . referencea; aeveraf , years' experience. Addresa A Ml', care (27j-61t ' EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier; best references. Address M 4M, rare of (27)-MSg4 I6g WANTED Position as stenographer and office clerk, by experienced young man wlih good reference. Addiess, O. 46, ctre (27-M678 16 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The United Real Estate A Trust Co. Jo Ellrabeth A. Owen, lot 12, block 29, KounUe place too Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to laura E. Panford. mH of lot 14, block 17. Bedford place.... ... Tenance P. Mahoney and wife to Oc tavla Nleman, lot 4, block 1, Cleve- land Jblace.. . so E. E. Balch and wife to McCague In vestment Co., lots 11 and 12, block 7, Collier place , j Francis J. Collier to same, same i Edward W. Homan to James M. Talbot- et al., lot 6, block K, Lowe's ad dition 900 Total .11.763 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ; ciAXX'a 43Bvxsa. or rum "AmABirr r-n-1 U,0J tsat, Ise. Urse. Ml ttausull Ua4r. I III tO TIIE ORIENt FskratiT I te Asrll tt, im. evesty aara, oetusi ealy 4jS.l tnS us. Indatlsg shore icur.Uas. gpaciAL rgATUREi: fcUdairm, t'4i, lils, Alglera. Malu. It Day la Bsxpt tha Hair Laae. toumanlloopla, Aib.aa. Roma, Ike Rlviara, at a. Tickata food te at is gurose. Tears geanl tka Werlg ana to gurapa, .la. r. C. CLAJili. Tlaea ludg., Smw lark. KiNKAID IS FOR STEAMBOATS txtk Dlatrlet Congressman Pledgee Help at Washington for River Traasportatlea. '1 ahould ay I will help Omaha In Its fight for river transportation In congress," aid Judge Moses P. Kinkald, representa tive of the Sixth Nebraska district, who la on hla way, clrcultously, to Washington to help save the nation once more. "And In helptnsi Omaha I will be helping my own Sixth district, which Is a Missouri river, district. This la a fact of which soma per sons are likely to lose sight. But my east ern boundaiy In Boyd county la skirted by the Missouri river and so we of the Sixth, a well as you of Omaha, want fiver trans portation. 1 ahould say we of Omaha, for Nebrsskans are all of Omaha Omaha, our metropolis and we must all work to pro mote the interests of this city which is rapidly pressing Itself Into tha front rank ef cltiea. "I want congress to appropriate money that will enable Omaha to profit by steam boat traffic as cities south of Omaha are profiting, or are going to profit. And con gress will favor Omaha, but Omaha must Impress on congress that It wants thla con cession and wants It so much that It will not stop until It gets It. That's the way Kansss City went after It and Kansas City got tt. I am gratified to see Omaha cemmurclal Interests awake finally to their welfare In this respect. The Idea 'of send ing a large delegation to Washington this winter to promote thla enterprise. Is the right Idea." Judge Kinkald dropped Into The Bee office to get- the latest report en district Judgeship In the Fifteenth judicial district. ' "Well, Douglas and Jenckes have cer made splendid showings, Douglas particularly; ha and Harrington are so close as to leave the ultimate result still In doubt. These two republicans are good men and whether Douglas Is elected or not. they have msde a race of which they and their frienda may be proud." Like WI14 Aalauale that tear and rend you. are the pains of biliousness, kidney trouble. Cure guar anteed by Eleetrio bitters; 10 cents. For ale by Beaton Drug Co. Weather Iteperts frwsa Hawaii. SAN FKANCISCO, Nov. I. San Fran cisco la no be aupplled with weather re ports ea'ly from acroea the wide Pacific. They will come twice in every twentv-four haura from Honolulu. U'deiy, Guam. Manila and-Tklo. Th'a ll nearly girdle the globe with west her dsta bound for an Fianr'scn and will be. says Aleiander McAd'e. chief of the weather e-rvir ftn the coast, of grenl value eoieotlfloallly as wall s-a commercially. UNITED ACilON jOR BOATS KoTement on Toot for Varioui Com mercial CI at i to Combine. HEAL RESTATE EXCHANGES ET, TOO Steadily tha Campaign tm Crowing 4 - leesrt' Adeqaate Transportation Aleasr the I'pper Mlseoart River. Commercial clubs and real estate ex changes of four cities will pullj together for the Improvement of the Missouri river along ita entire course from Yankton, 8. D.. to the mouth, where tha river Is ab sorbed by the M'ss'sslppl or tha Missis sippi by the Missouri. To secure co-operation from the big In terest In cities along the Missouri river In the work of reviving steamboat traffic, the Omaha Commercial club has extended Invitation to tha member of the commer cial clubs at Sioux City, Council Bluff and Nebraska City. Chairman W. L. Tetter of the entertainment committee ha also sent invitation to Governor A. B. Cum min of Iowa, on of the original Missouri river enthralaets, and to Congressman E. H. Hubbard of the "Big Eleventh" dis trict of Iowa, which extends from a point forty-flva mile below S'oux City to the Minnesota line, having the longest line of Missouri fiver boundary of any dlstrlot In Iowa. Jut now the Sioux Cltyans are planning a Mlesourl river Improvement convention to be held the latter part of Janrary. The sec ond meeting of the convention will be voted to Omaha, according to A. B. Beall of ths Sioux City Real Estate exchange, who, with Governor Cummins, Is responsible for the move. Mr. Beall's Views of II. Mr. Beall a as In Omaha Fuaay. He said In regard to the river Improvement: "Omaha and Sioux City ahould work together In thla movement. I believe that when money Is appropriated for Improve-' raent. It will be for work on the whole stream, at least as far as Yankton. Jt will be a hard matter to restrict river Improve ment to any certain portion of the river, and there should be no opposition by the cities on the upper Missouri, beca ao of an unequal distribution of funds for river work. "In Sioux City tha Real Estate exchange propose to do everything possible to as sist Omaha In eecuring attention from the river and harbor committee, and, ' of course, Sioux City will benefit by opening of river transportation. A number of Sioux Cltyan will attend the banquet of the Omaha Commercial club next Monday evening, as they are anxious to hear Law rence M. Jone and Congress Ellis of Kan sss City." Mr. Beall said that for the flrt time la rear tha Sioux City river enthusiast had been able to secure encouragement from the United State englheer In charge of tha liver. Captain E. H, Schult now hottla the Important position and Mr. Beall. be lieve Omaha and Sioux City will find a good friend In the engineer whose recom mendation will go a long way toward securing money for river work. s Colonel Qulnn who had charge of tha river up until a short time ago, treated navigation on the restless stream as a huge jok and hi recommendation were anything but encouraging to those who desire to establish a steam boat Una be tween Yankton and the Mississippi. At one time Colonel Qulnn attached tha foW lost, i comment to a report a the Mis souri river: The statement haa been made that the Missouri river 1 no longer navigable. Of course the river is navigule. iu trouble la that those who have irieu It have spout too much time trying to change the liver to conform to the steamboat when they snou.d have been making over the boat to conform to the river, ihe Missouri river teamhoat should be shallow, made of s.eel, lithe, di-ep cnes.ed and exceeuuily airoi.g In me Atom wneel. It should be hinged In the middle and lilted with a suction d.edo so that when it cannot climb over a sand bar It can assimilate it. The Mlaaourl river ateambual anou'd be able to make use of a channel, but anouid not have to depend upon It. A steamer that cannot, on oc casion, climb a steep clay bank, go across a cornfield and corner a river thai Is try ing to get a ay, lias little excuse fur try ing to navigate the Missouri. With auch reports dropping In' at the de partment ' at Washington, some western congressmen have had a hard time to con vince the river and harbor committee that the river wa not eating up all the abutment, faaclnes, willow mattress, ripraps, wing dams, stone dams, state Unas and big bites of Iowa and Nebraska. But with Captain Schultse ,in charge, who has made several addresses recently. In favor of Missouri river" navigation, the shipper of Omaha. Kansas City and Sioux City, be llev the work of opening the river to heavy traffic I hut a question of the Ice going out nnxt spring. GUARD POLICE FROM THIEVES Inch la Problem that Demands Sola tloa by the Chief Jast Row. Chief of Police Donahue Is considering some extra precautions to protect he po lk, station from burglar ana to Insurs an officer or attache of the station against getting his pockets -picked while aleeplng there at night. Just what precaution will b found necessary the chief haa not fully decided. Hla decision was reached after, receiving a report that at S o'clock Friday morning a burglar or sneak thief wa caught operating in the upper story of the police station. He was captured by Jan itor Taylor, who was sleeping upstairs and whose pocketa the thief robbed of SI. SO. After robbing Taylor'a pocketa the thief went put Into the police Judge office and attempted to pry off the lock on th Judge' aeak. In doing this he made enough noise to awaUn Taylor, who ran out and grabbed him and called for help. Officer from below responded and arrested him. The man gave hi name a Anton Chadra and says his horn I In Crete. Th. money missing from Taylor' pocket wa found on htm. He pleaded guilty to petit larceny In police court Friday morning and was sentenced te thirty day In Jail. t J. J. POINTS GETS DECISION Jnege Keaeady Itefaees to Order Hint to Hetraaarer raitaa Hotel haros. By a decree In Judge Kennedy' court another of th numerous cases Involving the Kitchen Bros Hotsl company has been decided The auit was brought by James B. Kltci an, who haa .Ince died; Ralph Kitchen anu George E. Prltchett, directors, rainst J. J. . olnta and tha Kitchen Broa. Hotel compaoy to coir pet Points to re (ranafer to V'. Kitchen a share of atock In the company, which was tranafered to him when he was given the position of secretary, Under the articles of Incor poi atlon It waa necessary for all officers to be stockholders. The plaintiffs contend the transfer waa merely formal and that an understanding existed that Points was to glva It back when his employment ended, but Points asserted It was given him m prt payment for his services. Judge Kennedy decided In Points' favor and refused to order th retranafer of th liar. , rJJ 3 UirSM NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Several of Last Wintsr'i Social Club. Reorganize for Another Season. BRIDGE CLUBS THE FAVORITES Mrs. Caldwell and Miss Baldwlat t Tioga, Pa., Are Among the Much Entertained Gnests ef the Week. Complimentary to Mr. Caldwell and Mtaa Baldwin of Tioga, Pa.,' Mrs. Henry W. Yatea gav a luncheon a' "Hillside" Thurs day." The table was trimmed with yellow ehrysanthmum and those present were Mr. Caldwell, Mr. John L. Webster, Mr. ! Victor Caldwell. Mr. Sam Caldwell, Mrs. .'George Voes,, Mrs. Charles Greene, Mrs. 'Rebecca Morgan. M!s Baldwin, Mis Be- 1 al Tate and the hostess. Mr. Thomas Kllpatriek entertained very Informally at luncheon Friday at her home, SIM Chicago street. In honor of Mr. Cald- 'well and Mis Baldwin of Tioga, Pa. Tha table bad a charming centerpiece of cut flowers and cover were laid for six. Friday flab with llrs. Foster. Mr. J. D. Foster wa hostesa this week at the meeting of th Friday Bridge olub, six handed euchre being the game played. Those present were Mr. T. C. Brunner. Mrs. H. P. Deuel, Mr. Frank B. Kennard. Mrs. Ben Robidoux, Mr. Everet Sm th. Mrs. Walter Wilkin, Mrs. V. Smith, Mrs. Fred Pearce, Mr. Edward Roaewater, Mrs. J. H. Royce, Mr. Andrew Rose, Mr. IL J. Palmer, Mrs. J. R. Manchester, Mrs. L. H. Korty, Mm. Amelia Hawes, Mrs. E. Haney, Mrs. John Guild, Mrs. J. D. Foster and Mrs. J. 2L Eyler. Bridge Lasekeos, On. of th. very pretty affairs of Friday was th. bridge luncheon given by Mrs. O. " W. Wattles at her home 120 South Thirty aevenih street. The guests were seated at ; Ix small table which had attractive j .centerpiece, of pink and whit, chrysanthe- mum, th plat card: being whit, with th. hostesa initial don. In pink. There . wei. twenty-four guest present. At th. Omaha Clab. ' In honor of Mis Part Jackson of Shreve ' port. La., Lieutenant Fred W. Boschen of I Fort Crook gav. a dinner at the Omaha club Tuesday evening, followed by a bos party at Boyd's. Those present were: Ml Jackson, Mr. and Mr. Sidney Smith, Captain and Mra. Joseph F. Gohn, Mr. and Mrs, Napoleon W. Rllef. Mr. Walter a Boswell and Dr. and Mrs. Clemen W. Mc Millan, all of Fort Crook. Anniversary Meeting. Member of the La Douzalne club were entertained Wednesday evening by Mlsaea Joe and Fay Lyman at their home, this being the third anniversary of the .club. The evening waa spent at cards and th. prise waa won by Mlas Brldgie McArdle. Those present wre: Mlaa Bunnell, Inea Bonnell, Sue Redfleld. Vlrg.l Reafleld, Em ily Allen, Edith Marley, Luel.a Buel, Ella ' Donley, Lulu Lacker, Jo Lyman, Fay Ly- ' man and Mr. IL R. Lloyd. Jelly Desea Meat. Mr. and Mr. Charle Singer entertained the Jolly Dosen Card club Thursday even ing at their home on South Twenty-fourth avenue, the entire membership of the club being present. H'gh scores woie made by Mrs. Larney Harris and Mr. T. D. Et linger. Mr. and Mra. Bart.ey Harris will entertain th club at their borne on No vember 14. Iaforaaal Afteraiooa. . Mrs. Robert C Doaler gave an Informal afternoon 1 hursday la honor of her guests. Mrs. D. U. McElroy of Dunlap, la, and Mrs. M. W. Small of gllx, la. A gueslng conteat waa one of the enjoyable features of th. oocas.oa and lb. prises ere won by Mra.' J. P. Rsdiuan and Mra. W. H. Gould. Fer refreshments the gueets were seated at a large table whlcn had a centerpiece of yellow chrysanthemum, the plate cards being designed with this same flower. Those present were: Mra. D. E. McElroy, Mrs. M. W. Small, Mra. J. W. Broan, Mrs. W. E. Baihr. Mrs. W. H. Gould,- Mrs. J. P. Redman, Mrs. B. si Huntley, Mr. H. O. Benferd, Mra. J. J. Doherty and Mr. T. F. Long. New Bridge Clab. ... Miss Helen Davis was hpsteaa Friday afternoon at the meeting of the new bridge club. This I the first meeting of th. club and tha members . Include: Mrs. Oeorge Redlck. Mra Louis Clarke. Mrs. Clarke Powell, Mra. Harry Montgomery, Mis Mary Alice Rogers, Miss Helen Davis. Miss Mabel Ma it, M'ss Ruth Moorehead. Mis Mary Morgan, Misa Ann Brown. Miss Elisabeth Congdon and Mlas Ileleri Davis. Original Bridge Clab. 1 After aa adjournment of several months, th. Original Bridge club reorganized and th. first regular meeting waa held Friday at the home, of Mra.. Sam Burns, Jr. Mrs. W. J. Foye waa the gueet of th. afternoon. ' Th. uuulifli (ireaent were: Mra. Ben Try then for lunch and you will have them for dinner. B -A Tho most nutritious staple made from wheat. In motsturt and dust proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY .taaaaa. mssss "V - -, , . . , , L Cotton, Mrs. John I Kennedy, Mrs. W. T. Burns, Mrs. Tom Davis, Mrs. Eva Wallace, Mrs. E. S. Westbrook, Mrs. Sam Burns. Jr., Miss Ella Mae Brown and Miss iFlora Webster. . "K. K. K.w Hold First Meeting. The firet meeting of the "K. K. K." club was held at' the home of Mrs. J. W. Brown. The club was reorganised with Miss Red man as president and Mr. D. W. Dickin son as secretary. Cards were plnyed, the first prise being won by Miss Redman and the second by Mrs. West. Those present were Mrs. W. H. Gould. Mrs. R. C. Doiler. Mrs. George West, Mrs. G. Bolton,. Mrs. B. C Marston. Mrs. Frank Ctfne, Mra. William Hayes. Mrs. W. T. Cdghlll, Mrs. Johnson. Mr. D. W. Dickinson, Miss Red man and Mrs. M. W. Small. Coma and Go Goiaslp. Mr. John C. Goodwin arrived Friday morning to Join Mrs. Goodwin at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Frank 11. Kennard. Miss Beulah Sharp Is spending the week with- friends In Council Bluffs. Miss Ella Mae Brown, who has been visiting friends and relatives In Kansa City, Is expected home th tatter part of next week. Miss Ethel Tukey, who has been visiting '-lends In Lincoln, la expected home Sun day. Mr. and Mr. T. W. Blackburn have moved from 712 South Thirty-first street t their .new horn at US North Thirty first street. Miss llasel Remington of Grand Rapids, Furs On Easy Payments If you are goinj; to buy any Furs now Is the tim: to efec:. a g:r.une Si inj. In order to do oirself justic, w. have to r dure our stock an do it qack y. R ad bt.ow th ss ow pri:es for iirt c ass m:r;uandise. Cash or Easy Payments J15.C0 Genuine Rvraisn Squirrel Muff . . . . 58. GO $12.00 Cenuin. Rustun Squirrel Scarfs .... $7.08 $19.50 Russian Mink Scarfs 012.50 LC03E AND TIGHT FITTING CCAT3 Et inch Ions t!ght fitting- coat, made of excellent wool black ma terial, lined throughout with Skinner's satin . . 82 Inches Ion, loose fitting: coat, lined with satin . t AlK throughout llW , It Inch Tone;, fancy weave loose fitting coat, yoke ' 77C lining J MEN'S CLOTHING Te ae a lartre assortment of Men's Clothing. Tills house) Is known as the only house extending credit, carrying such a Urge) and complete stock of Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Shoe and Fur nishings. , CALL AND SEE U EASY PAYMENTS TO ALL I'J 1 M tt it r"iS -' r i ! - JU Mich., who ha been visiting Mr. Barter G. Moorehead for th. last six weeks, left Thursday for Fort Scott, Kn., to visit friends before feturnlng to her home. Mrs. Henry Cohn of Salt Lake City I the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Goldstrom. Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Beaton, who are re siding at 70S North Fiftieth street, hav. taken a new house at Fortieth and Cuming streets, which they expect to occupy about January 1. Mrs. D. W."birklPson loft Friday for a three weeks' vUlt with relatlvea at Daven port, la. POINT IS DOES IT GO AT BAR? Only Qneatlon torVman Had to Rata. About Validity of Cash. ' . lers' Checks. A western stockman wept to the ticket window of a local theater Thursday, after noon and bought some show tickets. In making change the ticket seller gave him a 15 cashier's check. "Now, whash do you call tliatT" asked the. man. The ticket seller explained to him what It wa and 'told him It wa perfectly good at all the stores, restaurants, theatera, rail road office, lawyer' office and doctor' office for anything he might wish to buy. "I don't doubt all that at all." the weat erner repl'ed, "but thash not the point. The only question wish me la, I she good at the Murray bar." When assured that she was he' took It without further delay. Bargains in Fur Jac k Ms . $25 Ermine astrakhan Jackets, lined through out with Skinner's satin iTf: :,$45 Electric Seal douses, verjr latest st y 1 a, lined throughout with Skin ner's satin. $C5 M n ZQ quality t i JV ll inch Broadcloth Loose , FlttlDg; Coats, lined throjghout 11 ?tl with fur. , Silk Uniersk'rts 112.60 Silk Underskirts. ' ua'de of floe taffeta silk, with wide dust 5Q ruffle, at 4 A f t 1 1 faeVWi, -:i - -J 4