Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 0, 1907. r ! ; Want - ads AdTertlaeaaeate for the want ail '' will be taken natll IX m. for eelagf edltloa and aatll O a. la. for (he morning; aad Bandar edltloaa. Cash asset accompliar all ordera far " ada aad bo adeertlM-nseat will accepted for Iru tkaa lO teats '.jt the Brat lasertloa. Rate apply- to either Tbo Dally or faadar Baa. Aiwa ys romt elx worda to a line, Combinations of Initial or aambera eonnt aa obo word. CASH RATEI FOR W AWT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oao Insertion, per liar. lO eeata. int or mora cob sees t Ire laaertiana, per line, A eeata. Each laaertloa und odd days. 10 rrnta par ltae. ft. BO per lino per monta. FECIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar ad-rertlaemeat la laaerted aader nr one of tbe classifications clven tteloir, it will be rharged at the fol lowing rateai Oao lasertlon, 4 eeata per llaei three to ais cnaaecstTe in sections, a ceata per lino each Inoer tloni sevea or more coaeecatlT ta eertlons, 3 eeata per llae each loser ileal BO eeata per lino per month. BARTER AND F.XCHAKGK. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Aetata, Solicitor aad Sales men. ... OFFERED FOR SALE. Cowo, Birds, . Don and Peta. Horse and Vehicles. Poaltrr aad Eft-are. - Fnrnltare. Trpewrltera aad Sewing Maehlues. Plaaoa, Organs aad Maalcal lastrti meats. OFFERED TOR RENT. Famished Rooma. Untarnished Roma. Housekeeping Rooma. Boarding and Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. Waat ada for The Bee mar bo left at anr of the folowlag drag atorea obo la "roar corner drogglst" ther are all branch offices of The Bee aad roar ad will be Inserted Joat as .promptly aad oa the aamo ratea aa at the main office la The Bee Balldlng, eveatecalh and Faraam Streeta. Aibach. W. C. 40th and Farnam. bereuok, 8. A.. 1102 S. 16th Bt. Ik ill Pharmacy, 'iJO 8. ititb St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 3W and Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. ' C.aughlin, C. K., ijth and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. . Conte. J. B., 31at Ave. and Farnam. CrlSBey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emil. 1204-6 8. 12th Bt. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Euler, F. H., Vtti Leavenworth. Fuater St Arnoldl. 213 N. 2nth Bt. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 30th and Lake. . Green'e Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough. G. A., 10CB S. 10th 8t. Ureenougli. G. A., 1621 8. 10th St. Hayoen, Wm. C. 2920 Farnam Bt. Henacom Park Pharmacy, liol So. 29th Ave. Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th Bt. Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth Bt. King. H. S. 2lil8 Farnam 6t. Kountse Placa Pharmacy. 3604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th 8t. Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., I4th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicago. Schaefer. August. 2031 N. 16th St. Scnmldt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. . Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4oth and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth, O.-II..' 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. MAGRANE Thais, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas U. Magiane, at their resi dence, 71524 Lalayette avenue, Thursday night of diphtheria. ' Funeral will bo held today, and on ac count of cause of death will be strictly irlvatc. ' Louisville (Ky.) paperi please opy. MARRIAGE LICENSES. I The following marriage licenses have been issued: Name and Residence. Age. Edwurd M. Loranger, Omaha A Jeane Myers, St. Joseph, Mo 20 John Cera, South Omaha 21 ; Carrie Kouplenska, South Omaha 21 j BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 1 Births Tbomaa Alien, 607 South Thirty- I fourth street, boy; Henry bchaefers, Fllty- first and Center streeis, girl; Alex Marko wltx, 1012 South Thirteenth street, boy; ' Otto Lambaon, 837 South Twenty-fourth street, boy; Thomas Keene, .8412 Maple street, girl; George Davis, Thirty-first and 1-immet aireeta. girl; M. C. Christens, 4o7 Seward street, girl; Joseph Beranek, : South Twenty-fourth street, boy. Deaths None reported for twenty-four fiours. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL BOYLES BUILDING, Omaha Bookkeeping 6horthand and Tpewriting Telegraphy, Engiu Students enrolled every day. Big raUlogue free.' Address H. B. Boyles. President. Omaha. "uure" (1)-!S SIGN PAINTING-S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglaa , ; C)-S TH13 CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth bis. Tel. Douglaa 1387 - - (S'-T"! AUT0M03ILES SEND for our It est of second-hand automo bile. DEKIGHT, 181? Farnam. (2)-70J BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES. TRADES If you have some thing for sule or trad write us; wa match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT Co., 30S-SL0 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (3J-M140 Dec. 1 t ACRES. WELL IMPROVED. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, -7 iniloa from Grand Island, Neb. Address Y M. care Be. (31-M960 lOx FOR SALE or will trade for railroad stocks, svven-rooin house-; good barn and outbuilding, with nve lets.- Address Lock Box kV2. Spencer. la. (3) M410 lit I"OR EXCHANGE 20, cottages, all In" good repair, all rented, -well located In' town of .(. people; will exchange all or as reny as desired for-land or merchandise. Fi r particulars write J. P. Falteiv plana mouth, Neb. , (3) M244 S ACRE farm. Brown Co.; Couth Dakota, 100 acrea In cultivation; no waste land; S to T nillea from two good towns; five-room house In Hue shape: good barn; good well and wld-nll: clone to school and church; t roiped wl h w eat, oats ard tarley: g od blac aotl with clay suhsoti; to tiade for . rental property. Box lot, liamburr. la. t3 7V7 lOx MICE runabout and cash to exchange for biickwork. J004 Wirt Bt. (3) M451 12x FOR EXCHANGE A ll.6u stock f good hoes for either good tein land or good toan vronerty in ttiin Nmmk. AdUit-na. p. o. Box 6. Fremont, N, b. (3) MosO U J-OR SALS OR TRADE On billiard, two pool tobies, nearly new, rom-ilte. wMh w clvth for puoi tables. Wr te to T G .Hvtr, duui-il. .-.'! ( M1 lin BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) RANCHES or Improved farms wnnle for Oklahoma mill and eleviitor; $; good location; county nest: two railroads. Ad dress, R. M. Csrr, Pawnee, tml. (ill Mfi" 17 FIVE room furnished flnt. walking dis tance; reat, Hi. Want horse, .la no. Jew elry. What have you? Phone Red 877. 613 No. 21st. 3 M573 111 FOR "ALB OR TRADE Will sell or trade a large tract of timber land for cash or large stork of hardware and furniture. Address, J. P. Poott, 2i4 W. Dickson St., Fayettevllle, Ark. fill M "1 15x BUSINESS CHANCES MINING STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. ABTiiUlt DAV1D0V & CO., Stock Brokers, 804 N. T. LIFE BLDG. 'PHONE RED 1294. (4)-3Sl N24 Do You Wish to Make a Change! IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. ULOBli LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA, NEB. 1 (4)-M2S9 11 A SURE AND SAFE INVESTMENT. I have for sale two first mortgages on northeast Nebraska Improved farms. "Gilt Edge," due In about one year. Will net Investor 7 per cent Interest. Both amount to to.fiOO. For further particulars address conndentiauy, ' w 640, care nee. (4) M4T9 10 FOB SALE OR TRADE Finely equipped creamery and cheese factory In leat farming country of Iowa; doing fine bunlncss; possible to largely Increase both business and profits, good reasons for selling. Box 44S, Alarsliautown, la. (4) M477 lSx SOUTH DAKOTA CHARTERS More lib eral, far chpaper than other slates; free blanks and Information. PHILIP LAW RENCE, former assistant secretary aiato, Dept. 13, Huron, a. I). (4) M417 Hx FOR BALE Implement building and com plete new stock, In North Loup valley, good location, good country, end good people; price and terms on application. Address Y SO, care Bee. t4 M7S N2dx DRUG 8TOK&8 for sale everywhere. V. V Knlest, 707 N. T. Life. Omaha. X40) 707 ROOMING houses for sale, all sizes. Gan geslad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 8149. (4)-705 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAQUE BUILDING, 45THANt DODGE STS. (4)-708 NEWSPAPER for sale Special, dally weekly, Kansas county seat town of 7.0u; 1-i.uOO handles. Many otliers. Write for fre list. Mutual Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kan. (4)-212 llx FOR SALE-2-chatr barber shop, with bath tub; bargain If taken at once. Frank Rost, Randolph. Neb. .) M966 9.x DO IT NOW Buy a first-class lunch room doing a good business; cheap fur cash If sold at once; owner jrolng to the coast: this la a snap; get busy, W. F. Shults, Redfleld, 8. D. (4)-Ml x FOR BALE Tinning and heating business at Hastings. Tibbets, Morey & Fuller, Hastings, Neb. (4) M112 16x' FOR SALE 20-room furnished house, fine location; full nt boarders. Address O 571, care Bee. (4)-75 NovBx FOR SALE Restaurant, good paying, splendid location, good reasons for selling. Address J 632, care Bee. M 3S3 10x BUSINESS CHANCE Blllard hall for sale. In a cliy of 8,000; 2 billiard and t pool tables. For price, Inquire of T. T. Pat terson, Osage, la. (4) M439 12x FOR SALE Fancy grocery, ffult and con fectionery atore at Glenwood, la. ; es tablished 14 years, doing good business; good reasons for selling. Address 8. Finkcnsteln, Glenwood, la. ' (4)-M460 12 FOR SALE Ten shares Nebraska Tele phone stock at 92. with accrued Interest, to buyer. Address Y 166, Kee. (4)-M447 12x ARE YOU Interested In the moving picture show business? If so, better have a talk with us. We know a splendid location. If you have some coin, we have the knowledge, so let's get together. Time Is precious. Answer quick. Address R 642, care Bee. (4) B71 9 WANTED A party to invest . in a legiti mate manufacturing business; t riders nor brokers need not answer this advertise ment. Address E, 646 Bee. ( (4)-M541 10 FOR SALE OR TRADE Finely equipped creamery and cheese factory In best farming county of Iowa. Doing fine busi ness, x'ossinie to largely increase both business and profits. Good res sons for selling. Box 446, Marshalltown, la. (4) M602 9 FOR SALE Drug atore In a good town in southern Neb.; good trade, good coun try; owner has other business to take up his time. Address Y 94, care of Bee. (4)-MSf7 18x FOR SALE Stock of general merchan dise, only run 1V4 years, all In . good shaiie and fine trade; owner hss other business to look after. Must sell. Ad dress Y 95. care of Bee. (4) MM 18x WANT TO BUY FOR CASH! Want good lumber yard In good Kan; or Neb. town; must be worth the money. Write at once to Cleaver & Behold. Falls City. Neb. (4)-M580 10 - WANTED Partner for moving picture show and museum of anatomy; small capital. Phone Red 6677. . (4)-M573 llx WANTED An energetic business man to take charge of a money-making enter prise In Lincoln, or Sioux City; $500 re quired. Address, P. 4S7 Bee. (4)-M570 lOx FOR SALE Only newspaper In good cen tral Iowa town; paper on pay'ng bala In good field; fine equipment; this will pay you to Investigate. Address. J. H. Todd, Dexter. Iowa. 4)-M68 11 FOR SALE Barber shop; good business, good trade; reason for selling, want to take a homestead In Big Horn Ba-ln. J E. Kerr, DUler, Neb. (4) MD68 12x FOR SALE A racket store In a llv northwestern town with two rallroadj and a good farm and ranch country. Address Y-99, care of Bte. (4) -M610 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artlata. H. O. BUNNELL se Douglas 6149. CO.. J23 N. Y. Life. (5) 708 Carpet Cleaalag. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (0-7 Creameries, . . DAVID fOLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co.. Omaha. ) 710 Chattel Uaai. Chas. D. 6tanton Loan Co., 6C1 Bee Bldg. (5)-7U talrepodist. DR. ROY. R. 2. 1606 Farnam Bt. C497. Co 1 lee t Ion Agency. COLLECTIONS made everywhere. Charles E. Smith, tut Be Bldg. Tel. Doug Uo7. , ' - () 4i9 Dec! - Drewuaklag, IN FAMILIES M tea Sturdy. TeL Harney () 714 M'DOWKLL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far nam bt. (6) TUi Dentists. BAILEY Sz MACH. Id fir. Iaxtoa. D. in6. (5i-71J Hat Henovaters. NEW Stetson bats sold at half price. 2M Ko. 14th l. V. A. Hamuli. Practicul ilatlcr. . (&) M; U31 I Perpetual company eus.nlos directory JvilllUwlU. ) Flortsta. HESS St SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (6-Tit L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1351 (6)-7l7 3. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. HOO. (6) 71S Hotela. THE BCHLITZ. European, 16th and Harney (B)-71 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (5)-723 Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. 370. (S) M985 DecZl Locksmiths. KEYS, etc.. HeBln, .224 Farnam. Tal. D. 2974. (B)-721 Office SnppUee. FILING cabinets, flies and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup- llea of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 4 South 18th St. Tel. Douglss b&l. (5) M2K0 Nil Store Repairing. r ' STO VK and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha Ptove Repair Worka. 13)6-8 Douglas Bt. Tel. Douglaa 960. (5) M27B Novll Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367. 16) 730 Printing;. BEFORE placing your lflos calendar order ; don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 and Cspl tol Ave. 10721 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 3o6 B. 18th St. Tel Douglas 6562. (5) M139 Dec. 1 . Photographers. C. B. TRUBSELL, 115 South 16th St. (6)-724 Safes. Shutters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty -of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop. 102 8. loth Bt. (5)-725 Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. ltiKH Capitol Ave. "Phone Red 991. (6)-72t SHOES repaired right, called for and de liverer free, standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. P. -7667. (5.)-M402 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salealadlea. WANTED Three salesladies; good Income. call 1008 N. X. Life Bldg. (7) M577 llx Clerical and Offloe. 1 WANTED Neat white girl for doctor's office. 14 to begin with. Apply at 687 Brandels Bldg., at 10:30. (7) M5S3 9x Factory aad Trades. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Appiy any time, uemis Omaha Bag Co. (7) MtSl NovlJ WANTED Mangle girls; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jack- , eon St. 7) 2S8 I WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, $35. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. (7) 727 10 GIRLS for pressing curtains, good wages and steady work. 2W7 Leavenworth. (7) M460 12x I WANTED Girls for factory work. Apply McCord, Brady Co., 13th and Leaven worth. (7) 669 10 WANTED A lady Gordon pressfeeder at once. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 So. 18th St. S (7) M607 Hoaaekeepera aad Domestlca. WANTED Competent cook, good wages. 1110 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 868. (T)-131 WANTED Girl for housework, no wash ing, no cooking. 1229 S. 20 t St. (7) M261 9x WANTED A good girl for general house work, small family. Call evenings. 241 I Sherman Ave. (7)-M550 10 , GIRL for light housework In family of three,-small flat; German girl preferred. 1324 Harney.- 'Phone Harney 1K69. (7)-47 WANTED Oood girl for general house work; no washing. 321S Leavenworth St. (7) M4S0 13x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 3 In family, bent of wages, close to Catholic church, 2130 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 839. (" M503 11 . WANTED Woman to work by the dav; one who can cook and do general house work. 823 Park Ave. (7) 606 13 WANTED Second girl. Mrs. J. J. Brown 101 8. 82d Ave. (7) 660 10 WANTED Good girl for general house work; good wages: 1310 So. 80th Aw. ; I 1 Will I II Mlacellaneone. WANTED Casb girls and bundle wrap . pera. Apply superintendent, between 7:3) and 10 a. m west end main flo-r. J. L. Brandels & Sons. (7) 61495 10 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmea. WANTED Young man aa traveling sales man by local firm; knowledge uf our business not necessary, but must be a hustler and sober; give age and past ex ptrrleoce. Address E 628, Bee otTlo. )--H WANTED Salesmen for southern Iowa and Nebraska to sell overalls, pants and i smria, exclusive or aa side line. Must be familiar with this class of goods and know the clothing and dry goods trade of territory. The Ehrmann Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. ' 9)-M539 10 WANTED Solicitors to travel in nearby territory; prefer those who have had ex perience with subscription books or por traits. Address F 6 J, Bse office. (9)-6J WANTED Men who are hustlers, i to so licit in tha tea and coffee business; we siso want men of wagon experience to prepare to take positions upon our wagons; none but men of ex perl, me need apply. J. A. Smith. 1911 Cuming St. (19) 430 Hx WANTED A good man to represent the National Life Ins. Co. of Vermont, on a commission and cash expense allowance Address M. J. Dillon, Gen. Mgr., Iowa Bldg.,' Sioux City, luwa. (9)-M4J9 llx WANTED Men to handle exclusive terri tory. Smith's Adjustable Snade snd Cur tain Holder. For particulars address, J. L. Smith A Bon, Savannah, Mo. ( M391 15x ARE you out of wort? Call and see us; good bustiers mske good money. C. F. Adams Co., 1419 Howard tit. (9) 729 WHEN you write to advertise-a remember It takes but a few strokes of the pen' to say that you saw the ad ertlwinent In The Bee. results occasional HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.! Boro. GOOD boys warted; first clasa pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St. (9 730 WANTED Neat once boy. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam. 9)-M9T9 Clerical aad Offloo. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS N., INC. 721-722 New York Life Bid. Bookkeeper, llfln. Stenographer, 16 Office clerk, tt.5. Collector, If you need a position tee us. ()-M804 I WANTET-Young man for ledger work. must be nest, rapid and accurst; good . wages. Address N 485, care of Bee. (9) M582 19 Factory aad Trades. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. T. V, Knlest, 707 N. Y. Ufe, Omaha. 7J1 WANTED All around printer. Must be Crst-clasa Job and ad man, good platen pressman, ar.d of good character; tl per week. Botches and booiers fiee,i not apply. Fitch Bros., Central City, Neb. (9) Moll lOx WANTED A No. 1 registered drugi;:sl once. Apply Blake pharmacy, 16th and Locust fcts. (9) M53J WANTED Compositor to go to Kulm. N. D. ; no slovenly spacer need apply. State wages wanted and qualifications In first letter. Steady position; commence work Nov. 15. Messenger Co., Kulm. N. D. W-M492 13x WANTED Non-union cylinder and Gordon pressmen. Nebraska Printing Co.. Lin coln., Neb. (9) M490 Dec x WANTED First class coat maker; steady Job. J. A. Gough, Atlantic, la. (9)-M82J 15x WANTED Wood metal -end Iron pattern maker. H. Children Mfg. Co.. Council Bluffs, la. . ()-M860 WANTED First-class, aober printer for stone work. Apply or write at once, Combe Printing Co., St. Joseph. Mo. (9) M491 S "WANTED Men to learn barber trade. The Moler System la short and practical; wages Saturdays; tools given: diplomas eranted; busy season aoon; great demand for barbers. Call or write, Moler Barber College. . 110 8. 14th Bt. M59 14x WANTED An Industrious printer1 for all around work; wages $13 to $16; steady Job for the right party. Address, The Free Press, McHenry, N. D. (S)-MIi91 10 Miscellaneous, FREE Employment Bureau, supported by business Men's association;, helps work men find positions. Call 842 Nw York Life Bldg. (9)-828 Nov27 "STRENUOUS LIFE." If your services command 175 per month, or better, send for our four plana to as sist one to obtain employment. "Anv line, anywhere." "No registration fee.1' "No commission." Address Circulation Department, any office. STRENUOUS LIFE PUBLISHING COM- FAIsr, Incorporated, 1181 Broadway. New York; 728-732 Main St., ' '""""" aicw iur, iM-iod HI a m Buffalo; 218 LaSalle St.. Chlcaco. 9)-M374 x WANTED Man with small capital to man , ago branch office In outsldo territory, Address 604 Observatory, Des Moines. la. (9)-M244 Nov22x LADIES and lrls to stamp- transfers at home;- easy learned; $1.60 to $2 doren. 60S i Paxton Blk. (9) M393 llx I WANTED-Experleneed and Inexperienced men and boys to feed and run printing presses in open snnp; nine nours per day; good wages; steady work. KLOPP Sz BARTLETT CO. It EES PRINTING CO. OMAHA PRINTING CO. (9-M528 10 POSITIONS open for firemen and brake men. Big pay and rapid promotion. Ex perience unnecessary. Apply at once personally or by letter to National Rail way Training Assn.. 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9) M&43 D7 WANTED Two young men attending col lege to work at soliciting out of school hours: good opportunity. Address D 644, care Bee. (9) M646 10 WANT railway malt clerks: salary $8t) to $1,400; examination soon; extensive educa tion unnecessary; preparation free until appointed; write for plan. Franklin Insti tute, Rochester, N. Y. (i M601 Hx GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Diet. Bu reau. Chicago. 111. (9) Mo 15x HUSTLERS everywhere 125 to 130 mad weekly distributing circulars, samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants Ad. Co., Chicago () M576 llx WANTED Young fellow about 18 to learn the advertising business. Chase Publtsh Ing Co.. 1516 Howard St. (91 56 10x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace and Vehicles. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, tflp buggy, all rubber-tir-ed. hack harr.eas, one double express harness; one or two horses ! Come in. The Harney SL Stables. ! (1D-734 SECOND-HAND delivery wagon, 1 buggy, 1 phaeton, chuup. A. Murphy & Son (ll)-M21o N10 FOR SALE A good, heavy aprltig wagsn and a single hame and collar narnass. cheap. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 2u9 S iuth 16lh St. (ll M619 FINE line of sample buggies, phaetons. blannnpes, surrles, etc., to be sold at 1 excentionallv low nrlceit until Ih. lAth'i will be pleased to show you at 1117 Far nam St. (ID M&81 15 HORSES bought and sold. Myers. 1114 Doug as. (ID 30 N27 ONE good driving horse for sale; also ret rf single harnen. Edweri Updike, 3613 Farnam St. (ID 164 ONE bay horse. 1350 lbs., I years eld, sound. 2116 Wirt St. (1D-M354 FOR SALE Two good rubber tired hacks, j all In fine condition; will sell cheap. Ad-! drees W. O. Forbes. 1125 P Bt., 1 -Ineoln, I Nb. (1D-M685 15x Foaltrr aad Eggs. FOR SALE Single-comb Buff Orpington cockerels from prlze-wlnnir.g stock. Ad dress Robert F. Beutel, Buck Grove, In. (1D-M302 N21x G"VT. book Omaha. free. Model Squab Co., (ID M2tJ Dec2 FOK 8ALE Orphingtons. buff and white. from flret prise stock: great egg and poultry fowl; ressorable prices. A. B Kobblns, Robblnsdale, Minn. (ID M166 llx BLACK and white Ingshans. From pr'xe winners. Cheau if taken aoon. Mrs. John Artx. Dorchester, Neb. (1D-699 lax Ce wa. Birds, Dose aad Peta. PIGEON RIVER COLLIE KENNEI.S. breeders of high rlasa Scotch colllee. We have at etud Conoueror. Jr., A. K. C, S36J5. la a rich dark sable, with perfect white markings; fees la 00. Winnoa Clinker, a promising young trl-oolor, long head, per fect ear coraige: fees 114.00. Brood bitches In whelp; also young slock at all times. Address It. H. Engelklng. Sheboygan. Wis. (ll)-Mo2 14x BLACK SPANIEL pup for sale; months old; male; natural retriever and field dog. Arthur Bomberger, Harlan, la. tlU-M0 llx cannot ac- advertising LOST AND FOUND LOST Small chain gold bracelet with In Itiala A. C. H. Finder pleai roturn and receive reward. Farrell fo.. 8th and Farnam. (12) M531 LOST Silver watch, open face. Return to 10 N. 22d and get reward. (12) MR4 8 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," l a bcx, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. OD-731 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enporl Bta.; special attention paid to con flnemrnt cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Dougias 1167. Calls answered day or night. 43)-l RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no reten tion from business. QUTCK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. cor. nth and - Douglaa, Omaha. (13) T87 ANY poor girl In need of a friend rail or jrvlte to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. th St., Omaha. Neb. q 2)-Hfln MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS LOWEST rates, chatters or salary, Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade. , (14)-34J CHATTEL, salary, and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Ht. (14)-74 Plenty of Cash Open an account with us. We irlve you CASH; no checks; but cold hard CASH. Terma to suit. Liberal rebate if paid be fore date. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11 Board of Trade Bldg., at the head of the 16th St. entrance. (14) M800 INVESTMENTS I have several gilt edge farm mortgages on valuable farm lands near Omaha for sale on per cent basis. None of them exceed one-third value of the land. T. E. STEVENS. 1003 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1272. 14)-M414 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life BMg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 74i FOR A SQUARE DEAL. TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. GO For Chattel or Salary Loans. , 033 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14)-7 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff ureen joan t;o., room 1, Barker block (14-740 MONFY WANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life Bid. (14-740 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. accom modating, all business confidential. 1.101 Douglas. l 747 THTE livinN I n a m nn Have Increased their capital and during rxovemoer win matte special rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property and notes without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904, 810 Bee Bldg. upen evenings, 7 to 9. (14) M401 11 OFFERED FOR REN1 Boardlagr aad Rooms. " R, h', i01?8 9,N'5 ff rd,n nn". tubllc Sunday, Oct. 13, upstairs. 1106 N. Uth. Webster 2448. (15) M279N12 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close In; private family. 24CA Cass. Douglas 64im. (15) M216 NovlO VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (In) 747 DEWEY European Hotel, 11th and Farnam. (lo)-748 I T " ZZTZ T MODERN -room, with board. 200S Burt. (15)-163 Nov9 FURNISHED Capitol Ave. rooms, with board. 2411 (15) MM Nov20x TWO large . fron rooms and alcove, ecat : front. Board. 412 No. 22d St. . (16)-M40J Nov. 2i MODERN room; first class board. 608 sT ?4th Ave. (15)-M286 Dec! ROOM and board. 2118 Douglas St. (15) M403 llx SBralaaed Rooms. 2 NICELY furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping 2018 Davenport. (U)-M376 10 OMAHA Van ft Storage Co. pack, move, atore H. H. goods; storehouse, 11J0-24 N. 19th. Office, 16u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 15G9. (.16 750 EXTRA LARGE room for one or two per sons; walking distance. 230d Capitol Ave. ' (16) M537 14X ROOMS for gentlemen; modern; furnace heat. 1713 Davenport. (15) M530 lOx WE DO expert Dlano movlns- at lowest . prices. Tel. Douiclus 1"-'o. t'-hmoller & Mueller Piano Co 1811-1313 Farnam. (15) 749 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Kpreasme:i's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas iU. OS i 7hl DISGUSTED LOOKING' FOR ROOMS? See us. and your troubles end. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 3881. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M606 9 NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, private family, south front, for gentleman or man . and wife, walking distance, price reason- ! able. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) MMSJ I2x i NEWLY furnished rooms. In new house, I witn or wtuiQui ooara: everytntng mod ern. 107 S. 31st St., one block north of Farnam ear. (16) M4$l 9 FURNI6HED ROOMS for colored gentle man, near car line. Mrs. Banks. 1403 N. 18th. 'Phone Webster 3862. (15J-M27I Nil NICELY furnished and comfortable front room and one other, new housn and fur niture, rent reasonable, board If desired. 6u9 South 26th Ave. . (16) M4S6 13x ROOMS ROOMS Furnished ar.d unfur nished. We ran auit you and your pocket book. Walt Rental Agency. A'8-10 Bee Bldg. Te'. Doug. 2904. (15)-M31 11 TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlor floors.. 2559 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 3875. (16)-2S6 EVE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14.-6. Office, lil! Web ater Bt. t !6i751 ns CHICAGO-Modern. single south room: aleeptng or light housekeeping; $6 per month. Red 6678. (16) St,? 9x NICELY furnished room, hot water heal; gas and electric light, near 2tth and Dewey Ave. Tel. Doug. 2 490. (1$) M47I It FOR It F NT On larae front room and al rove for man and wife or two ladles, all 1 modern. W70 Farnam St.. (15 M5t8 10x FVRNISHED room in private family; all modern; walking distance. 2123 Call fonila. (16)-Mj6 llx EI-EOANTLY furnished rooms, private family; best location In city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4901. lf.i 347 FRONT room for gentlemen lV) R. 10th 6t. tli)-l7 Novx NICELY furnished rooms. 1911 rpltol Ave. (16-Mlk Nov OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooma STEAM HEATED rooms. II to K per week. Ogden Hotel, Council Fluffs. UfiJ-M53 N12X NICELY furnished rooms In private family; geatlemen preferred. 2318 Douglas St. (16 M3S4 llx DESIRABLE room for two gentlemen, also single room. 8 No. lfth St. (16 M604 lSx A MRGB front room suitable for two gentlemen. In private family, 1124 Lafay ette Ave., Bemls Park. do)-.1. id FURNISHED rooms for rent, 8I07 Cuming street, Mrs. Coffmsn. (16) 661 14x A part men ta and Flats. AN APARTMENT, Dav'tdge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 1 1S)-CM Hoaaekeeptngr Rooms. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping; one or all. 'Phone Webnter hSOS. 2226 Miami St. (U)-38 FURNISHED Jackson St. rooms. housekeeping. 1712 (16)-M32 x THREE furnished or unfurnished rooma for light housekeeping. 218 N. 23d Bt. .(16)-609 11 TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing or sleeping; modern. 2708 Chicago St. (ID M608 10 i MODERN rooms for housekeeping, with heat and telephone. In private family, H block to beat car line, zxa orant Bt. (lB)-464 9x Famished Roaaea. WEST Farnam district; nicely furnished room house; modern In every detail pnone Harney Bus. (lfi) 470 Iloaaea aad (Tottagea. HOUSES FOR RENT. S?1 N. 41rt Ave., (new) 8-r., modern, t. 4101 Farnam, 7 rooms, modern, 130. 1745 B. 28th, 8 rooms, bath, etc.. 111. 18 Stanford Circle, -r., bath, 111. 813 B. 19th, 6-room cottage. $18. S'.'14 N. 2Sth. 7 rooms. 118. 6122 N. 22d. 6-room cottage, bath (new), $18 4119 N. 26th Ave.. 4-rnom cottage, HZ. 826 B. 24th.4-room flat. $10. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St 05) M671 10 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, brand new 8-room brick house, corner 35lh and Dewey Ave., quarter-sawed oak finish A. c. Busk. 'Phone Harney so. (15) M26 tx 22 12 Clark St., 6 rooms, modern except fur nace-I22.60. 2906 Leavenworth, 4-room cottage, modern except furnace $20.00. 2023 N. 24th, I rooms, modern except heat -120.00. 2813 Webster, 6-room cottage, city water I6.W. 649 S. 26th Ave., 9 rooms, modern $46.00. 2229 Ohio, rooms, city water and gas, barn 116.00. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. (15)-11 CHOICE RENTAL VALUES. ' 1-r. mod. very choice. 947 N. 26th ava.. $22.60 8-r. mod., very choice, 1824 Maple 22.50 8-r. mod., also barn, 602 8. 3th 24.00 l-e mnri 91 0 M r4 ?! Ml 6-r., close In, 1623 Marey 800 T.t uiiy v a in , urar olu on r tiu i ulv. . aa.w RUSSELL ft M KITTRICK. 432-33-14 Ramga Bldg. 16th and Harney, a6)-626 FOR RENT 1918 California, all modern 13T.M. 2&10 Ames Ave.. 7 rooms, modern except hest. Just completed, long lease If de sired $26.00. 712 8. 31st, 8 rooms, all modern, good re pair, long lease $26.00, 27th and Chicago, 6 rooms, new. modern except heat $22.60; 1 rooms 125.00. 3809 Camden Ave., Central Park $8.00. GEO. O. WALLACE. 811 Brown Block. (16)-5G1 10 FOR RENT Five-room cottage, fine shape 6a liter, near 27th; $12. Five-room cottage. water, gas. sewer, etc.; 19th and vln ton: 115. W. O. Shrlver. 1023 New York Life Bldg. C15)-M594 10 SEVEN-ROOM house, with reception hall, stairway to attic, now being built, will be ready for occupancy Nov. 16. $42.50. 1126 Cass St. Inquire A. W. Anderson, 'Phone Harney 3689. (16) 610 sx l-ROOM house, modern througnout. loca tlon the best In town. 216 8. 1'th Aw. Telephone Douglas 166 for particulars, Wm. H. Bodemann. T& M37I 18 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 3187 Daven port St. (S. E. corner), 10-room, thor- ougly modem house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at per month. Apply to conraa xoung, uoage Bt. (ioi (o 603 So. 81st, new 7-r. all mod.. $40. 703 No. 40th, 9-r. all modern, $40. 8415 Charles. 9-r. all mod., new, $35 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y, Life, 'Phone Doug. 215S, (15)-M3G6 4803 N. 24th, ( rooms, modern . exorpt .fur nace, va. 1705 B. 2Mb, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace 130. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas 685. (15)-M344 4107 LAFAYETTE Ave., 8-room, strictly modern, besutlful location, $12.60. PAYNE, BOSTWICK 4k CO., Main Moor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M3 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house, 414 North 31st St., $31. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. 0S)-M1 FOR RENT Detached, 8-room modern house, one block from South 24th St. car line; easy walking distance of court house. Phone Maple 6100. (li) M483 11 FOR RENT 4801 North 24th 8U six rooms, modern except furnace, $22. C6)-M977 FOR RENT 6-room cottage at 3614 Boyd St.; all modern except heat, $j). C. G. Cadberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M134 EIGHT rooms, modern except furnace, in good repair, rent very reasonable. M. J. Kennard Co., 310 Brown Blk. (15) M 178 FOR RENT Nine-room modern house m first-class neighborhood, location 10&0 S. 28th St. Inquire at 2811 Pacific St., or 'phone Harney 23 46. (16) M392 10s MODERN 8-room house, corner 16th and Vinton Bt, inquire 1411 Vinton nt. (11) M461 9x NINE-room modern house, 9n6j No. 19th Bt. Call Telephone Harnay 819. (16) M261 HOUSES. Insurance, Ringwalt. barker Blk. (15Wi FOR RENT Modem l-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th ft., line. 2670 Poppleton Ave. (li 767 HOUSES ,n prU of th lti'- UVJVniUO Ciegn Bona Co.. Bee Bldg. 06 J 761 HOUSES ln ,U P"JU of th c,y- P'ters (1D-769 LA ROE l-room cottage, modern except fur nace. lo34 B. 23th Bt. Inquire M. J. Greevey. Phone Harney 2J30 (16) V FOR RENT 4-room modem cottage, 28 :0 (.ass Bt.; ijo. Apply rJl N. th St. (16)-4T2 FOR RENT. 6-room house, partly modern, close in. 830 B. 21st bt. Tel. Harney 2706. (16)-M497 FOR RENT l-room mo.lern flat, opposite Har.scom Park; $34. 'phone bouth 7. (l) 4 t-ROOM modem house $23.00. 2014 Elm St. (15) -667 I Tel. liarney lblO. FOR RENT Nine room modern house, loos Bouth Z6th street, $30.00. (15) 667 lOx 7 ROOMS. 66 Farnam street. Enquire 121 Boutn run, street. ! Ul iti.t EJfJHT-room, 20th St. modern; close In. lei 80. (U l-4 lux 6-ROOM house, steam heat. 1:6 B ZV1 St. ( 662 lex HOUSES to rent ia all parte of the city. Walt Rental Agency, Bta Bldg Tel. Doug. .-eH. (16;-ilt 19 OFFERED FOR RENT H Continued. WEST Farnam dlstrv-t. 8-ro.ini nvMern house 137.60. Tel. Harnev ICS. (l.T 58 FOR REVT--room n modern cottSge. S6J Webrter 645. OM 76.' J ioii!e. on car line, good ' 8. T7th St. Tel MODERN -room 1i location. 130. :U0 Iike Pt. Balldlnga. BUILDINGS FOK RENT ALl r'rt of ,n 10-'nr" H" banemenl building now occupied by Carpenter Paner Co. HARRISON & MORTON r,per HI N. Y. Life gldg. (li)-M9J4 OfBcea. FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office rlt hall building. 417 N. ath St.. South w .... iiiaufianf. (15)-U DESK room In new Prnndela Bldg, with phone and stenngraphlo service. Adrlr-s 0-664. care Bee. (15)-Mma Store a. ?r'.?",I rnom In t.ew "Scargo birll.llng In poutn umini, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modern show windows nnd awnings; best possible location. Hall ni- I hone Red 7408. ao)-lx GROCERY Best unoccupied location for Elk. Tel. Douglaa 6R5. (16 1 420 FOR RENT Second floor, oor. 33x100; steam 4 ng Co.. 14th and I (15)-P2S f ni faiaoe Clothl I'ougias pt OFFERED FOR SALE FeaelaaT. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fenclna te per foot. N 17th SL Tel. Red M (16) 766 Pianos, Organs, Blaaleal iBstramenta. HIGH GRADE SQUARE PIANOS At Give Away Prices. Stelnway St Sons, fine tone, only... . $,yi Chlckerlng aV Sons, good appearance ..'55 Emerson, carved legs .......46 ti?Ht ?nd".r1 ,(lu,r8 Plnos and organs, $16, H, $36 and up. All makes to select from. Th. i.f..,. menta are fully guaranteed and will l. accepted on any new Instrument at full value any. time within five years from date of purchase. Terms. $2 to $C cash and 26c to 10c per week. New pianos for rent Ex-, pert-tuning and renatrlnar. an I anteed. " I SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., Tel. Doug. 1626. 1811-1313 Farnam St. (161-767 Tynewrltera and Sewlngt Machlnea. FOR SALE High grade second-hand lyne. writer; gooa condition; a bargain at s.h). Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16-6;i ONE Remington typewriter, No. e. In good ..,u..,u, i, .mo cneap. vail it Uni fffioe. (16j-:ii Mlscellaaeooa. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most un-tn.4at ..1. . prices In the city, select now. Delivered wiieu neeana. inspection invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO.. Ill 8. 16th Bt. Tel. Do., i (16; 768 FOR BALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large utomatlo oil tanks and store fixtures too !'"! . mention. Globe Land and Inveatment Co.. Omaha, Neb. (16J-770 8fi?).HA.NI.-overcot nd firearms. Jn- (161774 r-.?f ln M hanl da fountains. """"'" payments. Derlght, I5I8 Farnam. (16) 776 F?i BALE New and second-hand billiard f"" imim. no ieaa the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payment Bruuswick-Baike-Collendar. 407 B. 10th Bi. ' (161 76U HihF..uRI9,!?'. maI' monthly payments.' .,-"' - """), tne world, Ameri canized Encyclopedia, Webster's New Dic tionary. K B. Roberts, southwest corner Htn and tarnam. (16) M126 N9 100,000 jr00i cletn brIck -t aiso ooora. -windows, sheeting, lath, lum ber of the finest kind at less than half tf SJ is0 , tw 00d steam-heating plants. Inquire J. P. Connolly, Ninth and Harney. (10-M41U. HOMEOPATHIC remediea. wholesale, re- an. tnerman & McConnell Drug Co., OTh. Neb. (16)-771 EtXATORS,for,als ln Iow. Mlnnosota,'- S,n iri uu D"'" uaaota. . M. Mers, 210 Flour Exchange, -Minneapolis. Minn. (16) M6j6 Nov.i;x 6fN.D.r8 7?UT orders for drugsT irisni pam on iiu lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omsha. tit 77a ERi'GS.t c.ut, PrlcBv freight paid on all'llf ?.r,,:. r,tljr" 'ice. Bherman A Mi- v-o., umana. Neb. (16) 777 BALT-J1.00 per bbL Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (16J-77S P2IA.TtlE:s fr.le, car lots. Henderscn" irser, ja, 06) M4ti4 Nov2j HALL'S safes, new, Jd-hand. 1818 Farnam. ' (16) 777 NAILS, $1- keg. SUr Box Co., 1807 Bt. "" U6J M169 Nov21 e"5R.WI.-W,LLIAM3 CO. best mixed oiiermsn & McConnell Drug Co. U6J-T73 WORTHINGTON DUPLEX PUMP tOO-gallon Worthlngton duplex Dump, slxa 12xl0Hxl0, for sale. This pump has seen about six months' sctual service and Is In good condition; will sell at bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer -Bee Bldg. (16)-670 FOR SALE Two Universal oak heaters una montns, rnr rair cost. Aim v 4 California Bt. Tel. Harney it,2. (i6(-46S 12 PICTf RE machine, film, song slides, tool ., trunks, rheostats, sheets, etc. Jeul theater, Omsha. nt) M60 Jf,x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma. chine designer. Paxton blk. TeL Red 7U: (171 7m) LARSON fc CO.-Book free. Bee Bulls'. (17) 7H 1 PATENTS THAT PROTECT AT PROTECT: Our thre entore mailed oa receipt of I 8,f- .P- 8 & B Lacey. j Pacific Bldg., Washington. ', doom iur inv t cents postag Rooms 2-8 1 D.C. Established 19 PERSONAL TOCNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to vlult the toung Women's Christian Association rooms, lilt, Farnam St,, where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otlierwla assisted. (18-916 6YRINQES, rubber goods, by mall; cu'. rricea. Send fpr free cnlalugu. Myers nllon Drug Co.. Omaha. (1S 7b4 MASSAGE na buth- Roora lUAOOaUfi J-arnam bt.. 2d floor. (IS) Mi&7 Novtt WB RENT, repair, aell needlea for oil sewing msclunes. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. ttth and liarney. at) Ml OMAHA Stammerers' Building. Institute. Ramge (K-i8J PENJELl, MILLINERY .0., '! 1'ohHm. OD-U7Ka r 1