Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
ft i 1 .1 I. THE "OMAIIA DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBEU !), 1P07. 13 CHAIN AND PRODUCE MAKlvfc. Another Break S:ti In Bjcmtt Banks Haiss. Money Batei. ISiFsi m SfOClS ASD BOSDSfeSs clear I higher; prim meats, steady; Oar ribs. ea.oO: steady; boxed, extra abort, ,lu; no-, 4eiv; er-nn cirs. .w I1V4. i ron cotton ties-ilia Karket B,mmei Its EneenUtiT drP ,n l" erl4 ' metal, but iUtUlll-Bumr; mica-ena. ar; .prlng, . -'" 118 DpeculaUTII .vluM rn,T. Acuvuy 10 a ureal ue;rree. forenoon at a fraction over ed on to two points, bjt New York, however, sup ported the market mcxie.aiei ana umn I cioae.i i.i 111. ivper tiuiiH opened flat or. IB ABA LIVZ SIOCX MARKET y; turkeys, 1.1 IM. 1 I .L ML- EUUS Steady : ltc. ducks, Lyc; , 8c. tly; creamery, llft'Sic r&MAT.T. TATTir&ra tt i rr-r vvvvt'f maaviva F, m,,. Wheal, bu. ri.. --., -. . . ! torn, bu. - -me. nam axiwe-r Oal. Du. F. a rope I count. Receipt. Brilpmentn. nEForcr or the. hovib Having Hard Tim to Finance Oral Already Doaght. OMAHA. Not. , uTh fnrket experienced another I"' morning owlnc to the fact that 17. break bunk .. I .,. ....S9.oT) ....lU.ot'O ....UmO IO.uO) I , A 0 7J.IM YORK OEXEniL MARKET Fentore of Trading and Pries f Lead la a; Commodities. NEW TOKK. Nov. .-? L5LTR-Re-celpts, tO.iM bbla.; exports. 1.H2 Market, quiet and lower to evil. Minnesota BISE .FOLLOWED BY BEACTIOJ Prospeet f Lr Denelts tlaa EsToot f gendlna- Price Dtiriwsre Moaey CU la Lotto. NEW YORK. Nor. I -There Was ir.o-r pronounced atlrrln of sueculatlve Tranaaetlona at in Associated Bank far tkt tAeeat. NEW TORK, Nov. i. bradstreefs ban clearings iepcrt lor In wn enuing November 7 shows an sagregai of J..tot. AAovAN, aa against te.v1.4M mm last wee and ti,lrfa,tiO,uAi tn tha corresponding wee lam year. Canadian cleaitnae- lor tha week total tlOo.O-W.otrfi, aa aga nsi .7.2bi.OO lam weak and tM,tS8,(M In lha sauu ei 1-at year. 'ilia following la a list of tha cities: Killinj Cattle Ten to Fifteen Hig-ner, with Feeders Steady. kk Mll; wether. 14 W94 tn; tend tx.crvfJtfO; common ewe, ll.tA,l 00; bleeding ewes. H XV 4.11. Repteeentatlve aalaa: No. 41 Wyoming lamb, culls ... to W yoming awe ... ,174 Wyoming lamba, feeders. M Wyoming ea. feeders... 7 Wyoming lamba. feeders. AUOTTTTR LOW HrfOlin rOR TrnnS Wyoming lambs, feeder. , if Wyoming lamba. culls wea, aged whera they closed last night. Tlyer wasn't much doing and oiiu'de trsAa was light. t 4Z U ovntA at e nl Closed Prlmarv sht h..ii.i. t mm niisiiels and shipments were KVrtwi h.i.h.i. ara-nst recelnta last year of bushel xuitimcnis or KJu.fXiO bushela. 1 .Jirn fc'Pt were IXS.00O bushels and . aMpments wera Jgrvia bushels, acstnst ra- L' v" Jr'"r fW bushels and shlp 5 mer.s rf Js;,or bushels. c,,-B';'-f' were 50.STR bushels of corn, , h'",,'!, of "u- n wheat and flour t equal to .0nfl bushel. I . P"ooerd reported S,000 bushela of whegt t taken for export. ' Loal ranga of options: Articles. 1 Open. I High. I Low7Tcios. Te. Wheat Tec.... My... July... C-i Pec... May... July... Of -rec.... Mav... July... 4X 4?H 43 I iv m 1 P"U prt 93'x U 87 SS M4 ns i rm l"T4 ' Sl , pTH 62 eoi 60 12 ' U, 4"l 4f 474 47H 47M 47H 43 43'il 4341 48 Omaha Caah rrteaa. Ri-errthlnf carried over; nothing doing In cash grain. Carlet Reita. . Wl-at. 38 77 a m 'fciilcai Vmih l'uluth .. fet. LJUlS Corn. Oat 67 U t 7 Chicago chain amd rnovisio.vS ('eatares of the Trndlnar and Claalna; Prices on Ooard of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. $. Anouier In wheat j.rlcns at Liverpool caused a break of aimust t conta trom the high point of the day. A largo part of the losa was re gained by covtrlng by shorts, tha net loss on the December del. very at the clue be tkii'Ho. Corn was down e. OaU wen rrovistona war down o 10 'vc:ko lower. Inc. Tha wheat market was Inclined to be weak almost all day, though pr.cea showed auirie atrength on talily active by ahurta. The market o4Tened weak because of a fresh advance In tha ra.e ot dlso. unt by the Imperial Hank of Oer nany. In the first fltteen mlnutos of traaa sunns Dia up the price nearly 10 from the low 1 I SVO raited th.m t-. I - mnA r.nn.1. n4 .mill t . . . , wv.. w.iw., ..w .... . Iiv in lh. itnlf m..t.l I , A . u I ! . i n I 'hroughout the country: Foreign ru&uUVXr "ixVra Z ' V Brl lrl lr i the r;cent"7. lod of CITIES. I cables cam mu h lower and Euroj, la L-L 16 winter new n. il ii i diaturtance aet In. The fact waa a gj- S havlrjr a nard Urn to flnanc the grain 1 Vour araad" fair IVt t cU'wu currant conjecture over th'v. , h I bought. " "r- ,a"Xr,ii Iii A r ft?fnkwh.i 01l'n ot "Kratmna In the neign- 7 .rr ' opened steady, but broke on' raXt at ti io4 i.n ih. 1 "orhood of the Stock exchange, with "ti : J-lilcago ?5.rfw" Ll0W t!ii,t and the reporta of ToRMttV an4 i rcen, return ,rom catlon trips abrua , ; W11'" bank rates. There' aa a t Jrn later Io OH. ? ' A1 l" "V. 1 1 Tn X ? A nJfl' ot om ot th market op.raiora, iiJaiielphl . Vf"? h" ton of wheat gained steadily with .J B tJi ll ' c'. ll 0I.J4. kiln- who aropp,d ou, nf th, deallnga com-. Louia "d buying around the low points. rvit ffi k , , . pletely several montha ago. fUUourg , Member wheat opened at Miic and vl.'fc.k ' N0- 1 w",trt' The manifest pres.ure to convert lnt-'tn ranclsco ) closed at S3V4C. haL rumin.i. ,,,. ., ia rpor resourrea aomo very large holdings taltlmote ..Cor" "P" "teady. holding well, and - T t.- VI2 ' maltln"' f tha United Plotea Bi.el ainklng fund I Kanaa city "nwd a bullish undertone. Buying waa uil'ti-r i a v.. . bonos and the fact that tha tranli or Cincinnati .... i f"r.. rattered and reports are aen- yP .A iTJrt,!e-'?l': ,wj'BUi5 " control of tha Coal and Iron New orleana erany bulllah aa to ehortage and return ;,',". "T i . n 5 i connany to the Lnlted States fcteet corpor-! ai.nneapolla t Peten-ber corn nnene.l . fin.. -1 . t evator; No. 1 teu, fl.OiH f. O. b.. afluat: at nn l.1 mle l.r. hniriin.. 0 .h. ri.,..i JT-t CITIES. ( CUarlng. Ino. Deo. 1 Cw Tork $l,So7,3.iO 24. .liltaao I a.u I U.1 I 14.7 I I no. 1 northern Luluth. nnm n t h afloat; No. 1. hard winter, f. o. b., afloat, lh wheat market waa Irregular and gen erally easier again, reaching new luvela In the arternoon on a break In com. Weak 1 a hies about offset big clearance grid a nail Interior receipts, but near th cloaa prices rallied a little, leaving off H'tf"Hc n.t I .wrr. irecernner, tLulvgl C -lt; closed, May, t.u7H8l.; closed. t.P7.!pta. la.&i bu. pot market. sy; N6VX o elevator, and fctc f. o. h., ?J!0,tL No' J whit, aovtc; No. f yllow. WHO f. o. b,, afloat, option market waa without transactions, closing HV'He net lower. December closed at 9v,c; May closed at 8ti4o. OATtl-Recelpta, 112.500 bu. Spot market, eaey; mixed, H to S3 lha. S21,tc; natural htte. a to ti lha., 63i5c; clipped wnite, U to to lbe., MVWrnic. . J291'?Vun'' tte common to choice JSxi l"c; lto. lOuc; tclflc cua4t, l0r 10iltc; ltOti, B&sc LEATHEK Steaoy, tell, 20 114. bOQ 15.00; mess, llO.Oofc i3.30; bv-t hams, I2J.00; packet, $ll.6i) i2.0l); ctty extra India me a, 2.00w...u , .a .iiea. quiet; rlckled be'(-. tlVOOW.)0 pickled ham, ttl.Amim.tO. Iard, steadv; weetern prime, ix.&ofi8.7i'; refined, p.eadj; continent, M0; Booth America, i0.S0; com pound. t4.13H.26. Pork, steady j family, ,hort oIer- 1.09'17.M; mess. ,14.0ld .7S. TAcl.ovV Easy; cltr ftJ per pkg.), 6e: country (pkga. free), frHipec. .I'i,,' .euy; uouie.lic, fair to extra, IdSOHc; japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; creamery extras, 28 iit; third to firsts, 2iy. io; process, common to specials, 174234c; western factory, common to firsts, 80?lVto. CHKE3E Quiet; state, full cream, col ored and white, September, fine, liWo, October, fine. UHc; October. soVid tn t - ... October, common 10 I uba.denc ot .r. iv ti w 1 1 no; arge, uctober, nn. 1 1 'i c. I.GG3 Firm; sute, Perfnsylvanla an.l navvy firs' .; wesl- eiui ftrata, 272Sc; seconds, 24i82Se. VO- . ciui.; western xC k- ens, lSI4c; fowls, j; y,, I Sc. Dretsed, steady; western .'hlckctis, 1251c; turkey. 314cj fowls. 10314c. Letroit 1 tuuiavine bonds avallaul to the most prominent of I the former speculative operatoia gave plausibility to the supposition as to tha j lfl Angele luriiiuj . hi. inv urinciiai ouyers. market waa found responsive to tlisa I Mllwauke deallnga and reflected th same condition Beanie of scarcity of offerings whi. h haa been gt. Paul"... tha negative evidence of ruturnlng con- I prnvirino" fldence for several daya past. The bankiBur,l continue their attitude of disfavor toward idiit.naniiV' large peculatie operatlona. but the mani-I J",."" feat lgn of a resumption of operatlona July U. 'Ill: on margin on a conaldarable scale InLll-' n,Jj!. rated that thl obstacle nad been overcome ' .!fna " In aome manner. Tha c.onaolriimis hnvin fr?u nf was concentrated In a limned number of ttocka, but the upward movement was fairly comprehensive, although uneven, 'the rest trunk line railroad stock, both eaet and west, were the favorites, esie- ' nl"" Pno flc. Penn-ylvanta and Reading and the leading Industrials, In ...t ..a cn.ieu btaie bteel stocks, Ami'tumated Copper . and American omening. 1 ne cail money market was. In fact, ap preciably slar and there were conspicu ous additions to the-list of larg lendur on call on the Stock exchange. Including banking and trust companies which hive been distinguished for their abstention from this form of lending money for many daya past. Estimates of the week' cab ''""'i usi-e'lv msrt up prellmlnaiy to th bank statement were extremely coiuubed and lietcsssr'ly1 so In V ew tha lact that some of t;-. bank withheld the venal Information on which theae estlmatca are baaed. The movement to 111. inic-iljr ha. coi'llmieil heavv. a vh to be expected, butthe amount ahlpped by piea an.l through the sub-treasury on balance appear to be aomewhnt lea thin laet week. Allowances must be made. Washington .... Salt lake City Portland, Ore. .. Columbus.'v O. .. St. Joseph Memphis bavannah 1 Atla- la Spokane. Wash. ' Toledo. O la.oma Nashville Rochester H-rtford Peoria I es Molnea Norfolk New Haven Grind Rapid ... I ayton Poitlmd. Me. .... Sioux city Springfield, Muss Evansvllle 1 Irmlngham .... Pvrs'ise Auguata, Ga, Fla. WEATHER IS TIIR OR A f IV BELT Fair and No Special Chnare la he Temperatnre Batardar. OMAHA, Norember t. . 1907. . A verr decided fan in temperature oc curred last night over the middle Rockv mountain alope, the Missouri and uppe'i Mississippi v a. ley a. Temperatures ranging from 10 to 12 degreea below freexlng were point touched at the opening, but thl ad-rf, " I "','nln- Nebraska and vane waa ajon lost on renewed 1 Toighout the upper valleye and north whlch waa basd upon the closing price at TT."'- T'mperaturea are higher In the Liverpool, lbe market wa alao beailainy k ke r'5,on. eastern disturbance haa d a- V.. Ind. fa v ncl vance i h cl I the wenther la growing settled In the east ern atate. Clear weather orevall west aiTcoivd. by the weakness of orn. Another rally oocuried late In the day on a rep r. tl.SL Hr.ltiinini f.r .-l.nar II .. .nl.. , . 1 1 vary light during tlie next thiee months. ?r.,n? Ml' PPl river, and it will continue cioati waa Mtettdv. December o:ned . u,r 'nia vicinity tonignt ana Saturday. unchanged to We lower at uvfcvio. ad- I no Important change In tempera:ure. T"vni in vi-u, vnu men aeci.nea m sv-bO. i , .v ... w nu in en close waawat 9kWirkQ. Clearancea of 1 "V"Li. cumparea wun in correspond- and flour war sciual to 1H.(M) bu. I" day of th last three year: 1.x porta for the week, aa shown by Brad- .... 1907. i:i.Tf5. 1104 streets, wrre equal to ,.oj.0ix) bu. I rlmary minimum temperature.... n 42 tn gl recelpu were .4.uim lw., cumpared wi.h . FrrclpIUtlon 00 .00 .$0 . .00 Sl.uAj bu., on tl.e Him nay last year.) Normal temperature for today, 4t degree. Mlnneapolla, Iuluth and Chlcaio reported' Pendency In precipitation since March 1, recelnta of 4A7 niri k juln.l 7a r. a i.B, t R9 lnoV.a Wi-eL ar.d cars one vf-ar iv I I lefi-Vnrv tn eorresTwvnillna nrlnA Im liai. ! Am. i.v nv however, foe lhe ahnrt aW ran h. WOrCeater , th oi.rtlon holldsy thla week In Judging Sn,ox1v,"e of the bearing of thl fact on tha Drobable Urrlngton. Del tn rush of funds to tha Interior. Today's gold arrival of over 1 2, 000,000 do not figure In the estimate which Include only Thursday's operations, but they will figure for one day's average in the bank statement and will that far affect the appsrent decrease in bank cah of about tl 2.000.000. Arrival of gold have operated to teduce loans which were contracted to engage the gold and shou.J operate to reduce that Item In the bank statement. The prospect. It will thus lie seen, does not hold out a promise cf a very substantial reduction of th last week' $38,000,000 bank deficit. It was this consideration which caused th mate-rial reaction In price during th lata period of the stock market. The down ward tendency of prices was practically uninterrupted up to th closing, but still left many substantial net galna on tha day. The advance In the official discount rate of the Imperial bank of Oermany was J .radically Ignored. It had been clearly orekeen and the continued large -TiaK6- ments of gold for Import detracted from Ha aftffoot Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par Canton, O. value, J4, 068.000. United State bond I'loomlngtch, 111 .... were unchanged on call. South Bend, Ind. ... Nun ber or sale and auotat iona on stocka wuincy, 111. were a follow: tales. High. Charleston, S. C Chattanooga Jsol-sonvllle, A-i--l-H Wllkesbarr , La.ent.brt .... Little Rock . Wheeling, W. Fall River Kalamaioo, Mich, Toneka Snrlngfleld, 111. . Helena Fort Wayne, New Red ford Lexington .... Toungstown Erie. Pa. .... Macon Akron Rock ford. 111. Cedar Ranlda, Chester. P. Plnglvatnton . Fargo, N. D. Iowell factnr In the o r. market. It estimated the total yd of corn at 1,1X3.732.000 bush els, which la 143,0 O.Otnj bushels above, the eatlmat made by the govern -ent cne month ago. It had been expected that the report would show a atruu lev yield than ti e prevlius fWures. A gent-rnl rush to sell followed the publication of tho report, and caused a break of mure than 1c from tae hl.h point of the day. The close wa wrak. December opened a shHde higher to Vjji 0 lover at G7 t.'u,u.'Sc advanced to E'o, and then declined to 66c. Tiie cl.oso waa at liititfJCt c. Local roce'pta Tver C7 carj, wlih 13 car of contract grade. Oat were weak on moderate tcll'ng by lciiijs. The break In corn wa the chlf dt'presln Influence. December opened Ho lower at 47. f 47-Hc. advanced to 47. sO. anl then declined to o. The cloao wa at 4io. Local receipts were f2 care. Provisions were moderately firm on a fair demand by shor'.s. Local packer whi iiave been actively silling provision for Are last few daya, were not In th market Ho'ay. A f0 to 15c advance In the closing ritmtatlons for live hoirs strengthened frlce. At the close January poilc was off 0 at tll-0. Lard was up loo at R'b were tio higher at I..C4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, tr car; c rn, "t cars; oala, 118 cars; hog. 10 0i head. The leading future ranged a follow I efrtencjr corresponding period 1.21 Indies. In L. A. WELSH. Local Foreia-itor. Aa. ! a: Kanaaa Cltr Grata aad PraTlaloa. KANSAS C1TT, Mo., Njv. . WHKAT December. 87-c: May, 94Mio; cash; No. t hard. IfcHITWc; No. a. Slfg'SkV.e; No. t red, vuif.vivi ng, a, etU'Ti.'O. CORN-Lower: Blic: cash: Ne. December. 1 mixed, 7e; Adam nzsreaa Amalgamate Copper .... , Am r. P , 1 Am. 0. A P. pfd , ' Am. Cotton O.I , Am. O-tton O.I si Americas Expraaa Am. H. U pis : Amerlun lea srltla... I Am. Liui-ea oil Unaera Oil pr Locomotive, et4Mv. Locomotive pfd 8. R Am. 8. A It. pfd Am. flujar gifli.nx Am. Tobacco pro ctfa Anace .da M.olDg CO Atctnaoa A:chl 01 prd , Atlantto Cuaat Una hilt mot a Oh.o. liai. Ohio pfd... 44t l.tAO, 14 t4D 17". Lew. 47 l 'It- No. 1 white, Mc; No. 3. koHtibeo. OATS-No. t white, 4fHic; No. 2 . 43 v :. HAT Choice tlmothy.!U.M8'lJ.00; pra'rle, $ VcPlO-OO. I It YE Ri($72o. BLTT TEH Creamery, 13c; packing. 1 tuuB-Liirat, t-c; nrsts, iH3. ; Receipt. 'Wheat, bu 2tM0 Corn, bu 7,1 ) Oats, bu t.OuO 4S70; May, I hr; k.yn Rap.d Tt.. No. 3, to lie: Cin.J.aa facloa Central of N. 1 mixed, . r1" v- .o1"0 ' , ( taloaso Ot. W , ChottM 1 Cull. j A N. V cnoioe . , n,,.,, M, 4 Bt. P I I n.cto T. A T , oftarad.. I Cb.cuso T. A T. pfd ISO. 1 C.. C. C A 81. L , Coloraito P. A I... - Co orado A 8 Cui . A bo. tit pfd...,..., Colo. A So. id pid. ....... cooi-.l dated Oa Shipments. 134.00) .0.0 1 Cora Producta. rfs . ., . . . I Corn Produota pid.'. Quotation at Kansaa City a reported by D..a a Hudvoa Locan at Bryan were: Articles.) Open. I High. I Low. I Close I Tos y Wheat I'M. May July 1 11- Deo. h ay July Out l'ec. May July Pwik.- A Nov. ft Jn- VM Jnn. May I l I w fUiCA'AI 91 I 0 . ti A 6 t 9i'i" tn I JtH l 1 00 HI ti hi j"i i.T! i"i l 04 t4 Article. I Open. I High. j Low. Close, Wheat Ircember May Corn Icernber Muy 17 f tOS, t4 4H Ui 50ftSl 49H 2V4 aoi IISH h 4l 4V' 61HA A-Askd. B Bid. 1 0 II ti 47 47 13 trvJ a. '7Vi t t II IS. It TJ.Vil 4fi 49 50 504' H .1 a . 1' 1 HI V 11 .2-J It 6$ t 10 H 104 7 OA 7 to 7 t ii' 8 vt T 00 7 ti I 20 I u I 7 06 71) IS V it : i;h 7 t.v, t it 7 -ru Mlaaeapolla Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Nov. h. WHEAT . Leeember, WaC; May. tl.O ; No. 1 hard IWufHc; No. ) northern, SaiiSc; No j -northern, Ihw4Uc; No. t tlM-ic. ,' FLAX Fa r demand; closing prlc wa til.; to arrive, I , P RAN In bulk. t70.76O?I.A, , I FLOUR-Firat patents, ti.4rtif?6.t0; e-cond patenta, I5.6XU ; first clears, t4.t0d4.dii' ' , wuiiu viiMff, f4.9uug.1a I Pearla Market. PEORIA, 111.. Nov. t CORN-Dull and lower; No. I yellow and No. I, t7c; No. 4. old. 6Hc; new, :; no grade, new. 42c. via 19 1 fun ana quiet; o. s A, No. A Cash quotations were a follow: FLOCK Easy; winter patenta, li 40 Lit; winter atrala'i'A tt; spring pat enta, rM.xr6 6); spring stralgnt. a4.o.o.u0; bak-rs. J.Ju'u4.2i'. , WHEAT-No. t sprlnr. Mctfftt.Ol; No. t, KVOI-'; No. 1 red. e',4'o. ccjkN No. t, vja-c; No. t yellow, U4 AvOHc OATS-Np. 2, 4&Ho; No. t white. 62c; No. t white, 4f'J0c. R Y K No. I. 7Sc. BARLEY Good feeding. BJlTiOc; fair to Cho! malting, jsgtkjc. tiEELS-riax. No. 1 northwestern. tl.1T. ''l- .Vtm,?lh'' N- Clover, contract irndea. Ui.a. PHoVIbiu.NS-Bhort rib aide loos). - . w. . uioes, per DDI.. 13lf d Jo. W'XSdl, 7.l , ii gu-iu ma 'I aula of u lour, bbla. hoat, bu. 'om, bu. .. y'iula, bit. ... . K.. bu. ... f Parley, bu. . t-vlO. Short clear aide and m it the recetnta our and grain: Recelnta. Shipments rr.uoi .11 . M aO - 44.700 S3. 50.1 tv, i t 0 i 0 17.4 0 vjo in 1 a-roouce eactiange toJay the but ter market was firm; erea-nerlea 1 u.-4c--.Utrles LHtj--'e. Kgga. iteacy . atlirk' V!r' l1'""' '"'HO-.tAto; nr.,.--;; prhu, , Jtsta. ido. Cheeso. teady at U'U'i to. . Uait liaaeral Mark!. 6Tc lrr.18' . NoWu -WHKAr-Lower rack: No. 1 red, cash. rt!W:; n4 iiiard l.'br. MWwk,V CUKN-Lower: track: No. traih. K-JrCTHci vTitT&HVr5 OATS-lowr; trsck: No. 1 csah, tact lu. itiber. 44c; May, 4i,c; No. t white 4.c FLOCK fittady ; red winter paienta tl li t . ; eatra laucy aud all 0.1am, M kAi-tLd ear. tij4.1o. T .. ri-'prj Tlrnothr. steatlv: tt 6vKi4 Hi. ' : CORNMEAL-Steadv: IS 0B r rtAXX-rliuier; cached, east track. tLOOU ' tll.00ail8.00; $7 35. Lard. ( 1 hAN-lluir; aackl f! Ill AT Steady; Timothy. V 'tie ?'! 00, fkuVlaiw.Nt - Jobbing. rhlt. 4ti 1 emand V H 8KT-On ti e tasi of 11 for fn shal gooca 47Vtc: No. 4 white, 4:'ijj45c. rt ' ' r o or U I . L. A W. Denver A R. O U. A R. Q. pfd Dlitlilcra fecurities ....... E.-la Brio lot pfd K.ia td pid General E.actrle l!itno.a Central lut r .1t10n.1l Paper Int. Paper pfd lut. Pump -.. Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City 8 K. C. 8a. pfd liviloaa Central A 81. L St., 1. P. A 8. 8. at M . at. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd.. at.aaourl Pacino at.. K A T at.. K. A T. pfd Naltoual Lead N. H. R. of at. pfd. oflered N w York C.nlrai N. T.. U A W Knrek A W Korfo.k A W. ptd Ku.u Aui fluaa Pec. no stall Pennsylvania People s O A ei-d.I p.. c, c. a at. it Preae d 8lal Car Prva.d . C. pid Pullman Palac Car , R I lleadlul let pfd j Rnad.i.a Id pid... ID BOO too , 1 ' 100 , l.vot) .. 4. nod tot I'M 0 ', 'lioo . l.t-M HO 00 , 1.1 4J 1.10 11a) u '"wo IJO tsi 1,8U J 4 HO I.M 4 "'' JO Ho 11 114 M M n 44 ai " 4 4 to '' 14a Ui tt 7 lit 1j4 17 '4.I4 'ioii 1 lit'si ..... "ii" 11 it lit A ill H u-4 U UI. "ii" 4 l.te i;h Ituj tlH 1a II in I 7 'ii'" 14. 14 M 7 lllVj Irttf, "iiii Cloaa, 143 ;t i? n IIH II f4 l II 7?" II lw 160 ' 132 Wi I II 414 14 17V, 41 11 Snringfleld, O. . Sioux Fall. S, D Mansfield. O. Decatur. Ill Fremont. Neb. ... Jacksonville, 111. fLIncoln, Neb. , OaVlnnd. Cal. .. tOklahoma , Houston Qalveston le,,, .aAm . U-,.l,lAW. 6,UV,V4 4o.a.t.oco 4;,out.tMli. i6.4J.l40i. S4,4o,tviuj li,-tM.0.J. lS,ii,OVO. 24.IU.UcO 16 tM.uOU 14 001.1AI0 11,60! .OA t H.l 10,881,000, 1u,i4.Ui lo.fc-a.ou 10.6t,tWl tt.oo3.UK) t.2M f0 7,060,000 7.iuS.jO0l t.640.000 7.3.0W t. iS.000 t.60S.OtM... 4.7oS.'.e 8.74S 00) 4.857.CVC t.rJ3.0.0 t.6S4.0f0! 6.8;0.d(0. 7,S17,O0nl 4 t,o!,roo 4.365.0101 Ai.000 8.411.010! 1?6,000 I.SSI.miot t,273.OO0 2.3J2.CA0I 1 4-XSW 1.867.0001 1 412.0O0I 2,r4.000 l,2!6.0OO l,9o3.00t' i.3i;!,PO)' teft.otif 1.9180OO i.'oi.txH. 1.608, 000 1.846.000 i.:s ).o 2,01.0"0! 1,472.0001 l.S000 1.46.000 1,191,0001 1 H9 CM 1.4t 0001 1.07',010l 1,804.000 U'.OOO 844 C00 844,000 1.517.COO t1,00i) tl42,"00 673.0001.. 0.1. Li'. At. 14. 3.8, .i 31.4 7.6 30.6 4.61 20.7 24.21 17.3 16.9 7.4 6.1 12 .i 1.21 14.8 1S.6 7.01 17.6; a. 41 23.6 is's 1 3 23.6 11.01 41.1 27.A 8.8 18 32.1 8 0 46 "'!t 17.1 3.6 l.t 1S.1 "t!t tot 11 . it 9.1 19 0 9.1 12 4 19.0 6.6 V.t 8 6 19.9 10.1 MA Fresh Receipts of She) aad fuaaab ot Aay (enerqafare llaadr with Vesterday, hat Lower for th Week. Receipt were: Official MonS.iy .... t'huial iuesOay ... Oftlcial Wednrrday tiuv.el Thuisday .. ue)Oinai.e r rluay ... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, ... 4.t70 1.066 10.J44 I ... i.0.4 UM 7.7 J I ... i.4 2..i 17. 91 t ... 1.1 J 2.6o2 . ... 1.3u0 1,760 LI Wyoming lamba. culle laf Wyoming lambs, feeders... aft Wyoming lamba, feeder... tit Wyoming ewea, feeder.... lit Wyoming ewes, cull 174 Wyoming ewes ., 117 Wyoming awes tit Yyo. ewea. culls, feeder.. 1.4 Wyo. ewes, culls, feeders.. 16 Wyo, lamba. culls, feeder. (77 Wyoming lamba, feeder... CHICAGO LIVE 8TOCK MARKET Ar. Pt. 40 ' 4 00 ,91 t 0 tl I 16 M 3 en (1 la 61 I tt 4U 4 m 44 4 W t 26 M IB Pi I to m 1 s; .97 i to K t to 91 1 00 74 1 7t If t 00 ,63 t 40 "A Five daya thl week... 16.111 11.429 tl.211 Same day last week....a.67 lo.bol tn.klO t.a , e cajs Z re.. a -v,.4. 10 bame day t week ao..3u.l0 2J.178 I.Y.W uys 4 we..S ago..oO,t.-1 lkt,ev0 7-.0.4 tame duya last year 2i,2is lU.lit tt,4it The following taie shorn tn rece.pts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South, Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: iw. 1M. Inc Deo. c.l.e r.03o0"7 904. 1 130,873 Iioga 2.04.027 t.UMtl 107.04 Blieep;,uv7 111.18 it.vvl Th following table aliowa ma sveraaa prices of hogs at South Omaha tor th laat several day with comparisons: to Tea Date. I 107. I90.I908.ilW.lltv1.ltOt.lttl. Oct 29. Oct. 30 Oct 31. Nov. 1 I Nor. Nvv. Nor. .' nv. Nov. Nov. Nuv. i... t... 4... 8. V. e 7... t... t 4s k 16 a 04 6 M C 't t 61 t 05 I 674 6 10 6 07 t 68 ;is R "t I 4 t 4 17) 1' 4 H' I 4 93 t tt 4 911 I 92i 4 t 6 si tn 1 11 I 7 Cattle Rteadr Hog Weak Ceala Lovrer. CHICAGO, Nov. I CA 1 TLE Receipts, 2,000 head. Market steaJy; ateera. Moult ?.Xu; oe. A..otfH.6i-; heifers t2.oCVtlAi.uU; bulls. t2.A55 0U; calves, t3.0u47.75. HiQs-i.ece pis. Is.iaiu head. Market weak to 10c lower; cnolce heavy shipping, t'..a(f6.Ai; llant butcheis, u.liti...0; l.ght mixed, 84 '...00; choice light, to,Jo : packing, Hfiitt0; pig. t4.Mpi.7i; bulk of aairn.M J.00. SHEEP AftD LAMBS Receipts, I.00O head. Market for beat steady, nthera weak; snecp, li.-S.loj lamba, te.007.00; year ling, tt.outt.Oa Ing He and 31 He. Medium and lower gradd fiJt.evi 1 e fir.ner In , japect, n.oeit antii'Vatlna a better demand and somewhat firmer prices. Anatisl an p. in c 11. n le hi, 11, and tlie hian land coat Interfeilng with larpe operatii-na en American nrnenu The shipment of' wool from Hoatun In N .veum-. 1. Inclusive, atcoidtng to th same authority, are 2ii.i A4 p nun against A 1.070, pound tne - . 1 uK inti.if 10 November X. Inclu aive, were i.4.z.o..i pnunaa, a.a nsi 2i 147. :S4 tound the same period las. year. ST. LOl'ia, Nor. A svtiOly ira.iy, ma d.u.u siaues. coiiihlng anu, JiHit aa ; I hi 111 iac; luavy Mnn, l.ilcl tub washed. ItjTa ( All Copper I Lower. NEW Tt'l.K. Nov. t All (trade of Cip per diopitd a o,uaitr of a cent today. OMAHA vrilOl.tti H IHKBfi 4 til 4 14! I 6 14! I 71 I IS 4 On I fv 4 W 4 87' 4 4 87 4 83! 4 744 6 02 4 81 4 841 4 nv 4 901 4391 4 9't 4 931 5 on a 4 v n no, 4 7 t 4tl 4 74 6 T 4 78 t 631 4 78! I II I 78 111 t 7? t "I 'I j ! 44 I Gb 25.3 ra.cioi 600.000 933.000 8H7.O0O1 600,000 l.w'vono 641 oojvl 476 O00 ItOOOO 611. OHO 464,100 , 463,0O , 671.000 609 0 01 447,0001 677.000' 116.0001 387.0 Z39.O0O 281 000'8 000 1.033. AIM .4HO,O0fl fr4.0CA 13,436.0001 W.2 7.1 1.6 66.91 26.4 1-2 1.9 28.0 Sunday. The official number of ear bf brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. r.. M. St. P. Wab h Mo. P. Ry U. P. lyatem ; C. A N. W. (east) C. A N. W. (west) 1 C. Bt. P., M. A O. ). C, P. ft Q. (east) A U. ( vest) I. ft P. (east) I. ft P. (west) Illlnoi Central 1 C 1 v ., V. p. R. R. t 8 ' 23 , 1 , I , 'i it 4T Total receipt The disposition of the day' receipt waa as follb'e, each buyer purchasing th number of head Indicated: 21.7 I.C ' t!i "i.i 10.1 26.1 ; 7.1 22.4 1 o.yiia Cattle. Hogs. 3hep. Omaha Packing Co 178 6;7 G. H Hammond Co... 1 Swift nd Con.pany .... 443 616 Cudahy Packing Co. .... t7 1 Armour & Co 244 617 Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C. 137 Carey ft Benton 33 McCreary ft Carey 2 W. I. Stephen 1... 46 Hill ft Son 80 Huston A Co 28 L. F, Husz 3 Mike Hagaerty 1 J. B. Root A Co It Sullivan Bro 1 Wemlth 117 Smith and P. I Other buyer 71 1.493 t, Loal I.Ito Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Nov. I. CATTLE Receipts, 1.600 head. Including tuu texaua; iua.aH native s.eady to loo higher; Texana, oc to loo higher; native shipping and exp irt leer.; cressed beef and butcher steers, .ooAoO; steers under 1,000 po..nJs. stocker and feedera. 2.iOoff4,; cow a and halters, 2.ecu.W, cannsra, t.XQ tut);- bulla, t2.aw4i4.60. Calves, tlvaAuTiAu; Texas and Indian steer. te.tn9o.2; Cow and heifers, tl.2Vut.90. HOO-Rece.pta, 1,000 head; market, 6c lower; pig and lights. M.tuXtU; packera, "wo.; butcher and best heavy, ta.loQy 1 .. i eiilEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1,800 tock head; market ateady to shade 1 wei ; nat ve muttons, l!.frCpA.:; lambs. m.0ovi4.M: aud bucka, K.W.3b; atovker. ti-uUtfLaO. Kansas Cltr l-lv Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. Nor. t-CA TTL-ReH cetits. s,um head, including 200 Market ateady. cTvnioe export and drea ed beef steers, tY?r.fi6 50; fair to good, .41i 6.lw; Blockers and feeders. tJ.OOtJM.60; sou h em steers, 13-3.)690: southern cows, tl.fjOj 1.35; natlv eow. I3.(rff4.16; hclf rs 124(4j4.d0; bulls, t2.00v.6o; calves. ljb& t JS. HOOS Receipt. 4.P06 head: market JOo higher; top, tt.Oi; bulk Of sales, r4.S63&.00; heavy, t4.7Etff6.t0. Packer, I4.loflt.0t; pig and light, 34 KWS.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 8,000 hed; market steady. Lamb, ti-0034 19; ewe and yearlings t4.40t6N86; weatern yearlings, 4.tK&S.10; weatern heep, t3-to 4.G6, atcckere and feeders. HYtf4.J. St. Joseph LIT Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Not. 8. -C A IT LE Re ceipts, 704 head; market ateady; natives, I4.2o4Y6.00; cowa and heifers. ll.7itM.gj; Btockers and feeders, f3 3.f4.26. HOGS-Reoelpts. 1.141 head; market high er: t-p. 4.tO; bulk, 84 7fir4.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 817 head i??rift.,tdlr' I-""', li. 76330; yearli..g; Hog. t.l 14 I 48.01 10.7 10.4 6.61 1.0 6 1 24 !...... 18.21...... 11.11 17.1 14.1 46. 17.0 22.4 CANADA. r.otM 0001.... an J yA.... 10,9'..COOI 1-.3I, 3,r.' 4.636 000 1,8' . 00O 2.779 OOOl 2.601,0001 1.4aV)0011 1.66' ,M() 1.18' 0001 l.roooni 914.0001.... 6.4 2.J I... 17.5 ... 11.7 ... 18 3 ... 12.6 ... 21.6 ... S .21... 8.11... 17.6 ... 17.6 ... ... jv 71 II 14H K U 'V. 10 4 It n 7J0 9 Ml ix ' PJ0 4. duo a Liverpool Urals Market. LIVERPOOL Nov. t.-WHEAT-Spot, ' J " 'J,. r uc u 1 rm. m.w u 7 , a "jcwuiuri , 4 liU , MArcn. ta '-d; Mav. 7aUNd. CORN Snot, easy: prime mixed Ameri can, 8e 7Vd. Fnti'reg, steady; December, Is Id; January, 6Sd. Mllwankc Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. W'.. Nov. t.-WHUAT-Ixer; N-. ' northern. $1.0047 1 (KVt; No. 1 northern. 944199c; December, t o asked. "ARLET Steady; No. 8, 80c; aample, tSa. COPN-Lower; No. t, cash, tOfflcj May. t7S&isc Dolatk Gt la Market. Pt'LVTH, Minn . Nov. t WHEAT No, 1 northern t"- TJn nArihern lllln TVa t 0-fve; May. $1,064. OAT8-May. 4CV. Laadoa CToalao; Atoeka, rriNTCN, Nov. I -Closing quotation on atocl a we'-e s fc"o-ar . 4 M . K. A T . II N T. Centrel . Norfolk A W . r a' . II Ontario A W . 414 Ponaarleanta ..... Rand M.EM . t K adlnt . f8sink'rs Railway .101 do pid . 14', oun ri Pe-IBe , . II I'Moa Pctta .... . l do pfd . T V. steal.. . pr ......... . M '-s.r. ... . I do pf rt tpaa.a 4a . II uncettsln, 281-164 per os. Connie, aaoney .... do ee-u&l Anaconda At 1 ani da pM f). i-,. A Otot... raaedle Pe"ll Ck'aipeaka A Okie. n e. 10 01 W r . M A L r Pa Be- ra UAH 0 do pfd tVi a l-t pfd do M pd Orad Tm-li Ilt rele Canlrel .... Luuiaville A M .... Hi I VKH t'ar. VilNEV 4aiot Per cent Therate f r-a-' - v n. 'or short b'lls 'a t'-itM per cent months' bills, 4 111 per cent. .. 14 .. ee .. n .. .. M4 .- 4 .. t ::r .. 4t4 - I .. It .. 17 .. I .. IS .. I Hot a 1 iod Ca. pfd at. L A 8. P. id pid 81. Louie 8. TV St. L 8. W. pfd S ntkeru Peelae , 8. Pacide pfd teutnera Railway fta. Railway pid ' C. A L .- Teaaa A To.edo. at. L. A W T , ku L. A W. pfd Unlua Pec. la I'uloa Pecida pfd U. 8 Eapreaa II. 6. R ally V. 6. Rubber V. 8. Rubber pid V. A Bi.el U. 8. kcrel pfd Va.-Caro-iaa ckeailcal ..... Ya -Caro. CI pfd Watiaaa Wattaek pid w.l.e-.r(0 El , oBorad... W aiU a0"- K.actrta Wpetera t'u.oa W ho. I. us A L. 9) W.acoue a C.utral .a Central pid Korthera Pacllie Lnath r Cantral Leelbrf pid , a.oee-Bh Held 8ual Oraat pid latere r.uaa atat lac attu pid Total sale far tk day. II 10 4-W fa) ' Laid "ioi 4i. iu U'i I'M 0 tu 74 U iii" to 71 "iii. M a 11 M to 14 4 1 t 1.11 Ot 104 II 41 II at I I M 1U 1 1 171 17 " 41 41 43 1' 47 II W t. lit 111 L.I 1J 4 to l tt U 11 U I H W 41 41 14 14 14 tl 71 116 e 44 j)e 44 4.1 JS . U M le t HA tt 37 kl U 101 lit 71 74 ae ! 17 17 4 U 14 71 V 74 44 14 U (. II ' II U M It It 1' tl I' ll 191 U .1 Montreal Toronto Winnipeg (ttui Vancouver, B. C. Halifax Quebec Hamilton Gt. John, N. B.. I ondon. Ont. ... VIctor'a. B. C... tCalerary JEdmonton INot Included tn total because containing otl er Items than clearing. INot Included In total because compari son ar Incomplete. New York Moarr Market. MONEY ON call tn strong demand at f'li'-'O per cent: ruling rate. It per cent; offered at t per cent. , Tim lean nom nal: 'y day, 16 per cent, and n'oety day. Li per cent, six months, 6H to t per cent. ' SILVER tar, soHc; Mexican dollar, 47e. BONDS Government, irregular. Total 1.346 L60 1.4?7 CAT i LE Receipt of cattle wer Tery light ii n thl morning, there being hardly enuugn of any one kind In sight to make a Aa waa the case yesterday pack ers all wanted a few loads of killers and were out early looking tor auch stuff as would suit their purposes. With such light receipt the market was both active and louloc higher than vesterday. Thl would aptly to beef elects as well itb to cow and heifers. In latt to moat anything that would do to kill. The n.arUet 0.1 leeder did not show very much thante. In the first place there were few on sale and only a few wanted, the demand Hot being very urgent thl late In tne week. What few cattle ther wr, 1 however, brought cteady price. I It would be well for aal, per In the country to remember that the sharp ad- 1 I vance 11. at nas taken place in tne ' merhti aurtng tne last two nay naa neen due entliely to the very light receipts. The demand for cattle of all kind la atiil limited at d the feeling I that large re ceipts would aend pi cos downward Jut aa aiuly a Uiey have com up. In other woids, It would be no tnlng to see price drop 26c ny day that receipt it. g it 1 love excessive. Quotation on cattle: Good to rhoic coiiueu ateera, 6.6t 0.1O; fail tu good torn fed steers, It.bO'u 6.40; common to fair corn fed steers. 4.to4.iiO; good to choice range rteers. $4.i64ji.OO; fair to good range ate. .v,y4it); common to fair range steers. iXOiKu3.76; good to choice cowa and heifers, 4.fj3oU; lar to goi' coas a d r 2.ti0 1.00; common to fair cow and he'fer. tl.COfif.Wl; good to choice stocker and feeder-. Il,(fl.: fa'r to good tocker and feeder K.fJOtfM.OO: common to fair Blocker and feeders, il 763 60. Heprcaentatlv sale: Sloax Cltr LIT stock Market. SIOUX CITT. la.. Nov. 7.-(Speclal Tele- fram.) OTTLF, receipts. 200 head lllera strong; atocker alow; beves, t(..o 't.76; cow and helfer. 0.7t; Blockers snd feeder. $2.764J.S5; calve and yearling, t2.cOeiS.60. HOGS-Receipt, head: market e lower; elllng at $4.0004.80: bulk 1 of ale, $4.66. J . Stork la Slaht. Receipt of llv tock at th tlx principal western market yeaterday were as fol lueii South Omaha Bloux City .. Kanrat City Bt. Joseph .. Bt Lout ... Chicago Cattle. Hon. Sheer ...... Total.. 1.2 i.ryi to 1.000 l.too 4.000 1,00 704 1.143 1.600 1.000 tw 2.000 1800 tKX) I.t04 28,893 15,817 1" ,.1C6 Clck'ng Quotations wer as follows: V. 8. rf la. rei.. ds e'upon V. 8. fa rag do coupon V. 8. uw 4a re.. do coupon ........ Am. Tobaooe 4a.... do to At'hleua fa. 4s.... - do ad, 4a Atlantic C. L. da... Bel. A Ohio 4a do ta Brk. R. T. e. tee... et entrel of Ga. aa. do let Inc do id I e Che. A Oklo 4a.. Ch oeto A A. I4a.. C , R. A Q n. 4a.. C, R. L A P. 4a.. o col. as ccc. A St. L t 4 Col-. Ind. 6a, aar. A Colo II. ta Colo. A to. 4a Cuba to t A R. O. 4a!lere' Baa. la BMe p. 1. 4a "do I a 4a. Hock. Val. 4.... Jaren 4'e ctfa 'do Id aertea..... to 4a ufivred. Bld. on teady; railroad. New York bond 94 N 14 L A N. anl. 4s... Mn. a. 9. 4a ailex. Central 4a,... 118 da let nc 'ft' Mlnn. A Bt. L. 4a 130 14., K. A T. 4a 11 61 do la 17 t"t N. R. R. of at. c 4a T Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. I-METALS-The .London tin market wa higher, with pot quoted at 1137 16 And futures at 13" Locally the market wa quiet, at 130.20ft 80.60. Copper wa lower tn London, both aivit and futures closing at P9 6. LoraHy th market wa weak and lower, w'th 1aa quoted at 818 76fH.oo, electrolytle at tl3.6fla 13.76 and catting at $1131713 60. Lead waa lower, at 17 10 tn London, but waa un changed locally. Spelter declined t to 61 6s In London, but, while weak, waa un changed locally. Iron waa unchanged In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 49 and Cleveland warrants at 49 JOHd. Locally no change wa reported. ST. LOLI8, Nov. I METALS Lead, dull, at $4.4u; spelter, dull, at $5.16. Ko. I-. M.. BFEF STEERS. At. Pr. No. Av. PT. ....1041 4 00 17 1170 I U CO Wo. Ill 1 J5 HEIFER9. .... 646 I 00 14 171 I 46 BULLS. ....1411 14 CALVES. 170 I SO 1 ., 390 I to WESTERNS WYRM IXli. 8 feeder.. 931 3 25 I feeders.. 66 1 feeder... 7u0 1 50 t steers. ...16 7 cows 9 5 2 6) t cow 834 4 cows 910 2 65 Thomas McFarlane, Wyom'ng. 4 I I 60 3 90 i oo 8 bulla. lulO 2 10 1 bull 1310 2 60 1 bulla M 2 60 U 16 Bieera.,..lu4 4 Ko Jl helferg... 678 I 26 4 calves.... 202 I 60 7 cows 1110 t 85 el II fiS I II N. Y. C. g. I ve i' N. 1. C. g. la.., 4 M . PvclBe aa.... I . do la M N. A W. a. 4a... 4 O. 8. U rfii 4a 17 Penn. conv. I've. I t 14 Weed. m t-n. 4a It 4 Bt. 1. I 1.1, c. Is 1I I Bt. L. A 8. P. ff. 4 c s. w. a. ta II Baaboard A. L 4a... I o. Pad to 4a It do I t 4a "'fa I 8o. Rallwef la 40TVaee A P. la 4' T , St. U A W. 4a. T t'-lon PeotBc 4a tt do coav. 4e V 9. II '-el si ta It Web' eh ta 17 eew.eiero Md. 4a... M W. A L. K 4a 4 Wle central 4a 4 Alrtll on ct. 4a 14 da le 14 Int. Met. 4 Sea 1 bull tJ0 1 bull 110 32 feeders.. 781 16 steers.. ..10 t 1 cair 350 4 calves.... 157 i 7i 1 1 7 .'I ti Kl I) l 71 -'I t H 41 Shrine ft EimDson. Wvomlna-. 1" feedera.. H7S 3 60 21 feed -rs..l'4N 1 CO 1 (0 1 15 I Si 4 J6 1 feeders.. 1060 I feeuns.. 9o4 17 COWS 972 n ! 6 tows 10 6 IS steer. ...130 80 steers. 10 steers. 13 cows.. 23 feeders.. t)4 22 tows 10c! I rows lint t steers... ,oy 8 teeis....llai t. Cochran, Wyoming. ..11?2 4 15 . 74 alt er. ...11H .. K'5 t 16 24 cow 890 .. IL3 2 6 -NEBRASKA. 19 heifer... 47S 2 60 k heifer... 5 12 heifers... 6,6 1 7y 21 cs.fthfrs 10 1 1 40 1 65 t 76 486 I 09 4 75 3 80. I KO I 40 1 ; 4 2t I 40 4 II 8 40 Wool Market. e.Fi0Ti?N. N?V -WOOL-Th Commer clal Bulletin of Boston, basing Its report on statistics gathered from th government, win aay of the wool market: The market la quiet and the volume of transactions mall. Very few buyers hAv bean on the market and theae are representative of 1 1 no winem miiis, wno ouy as they need and their requirement dictate. 'I here 's n stocklng-up trsde. I arre buyers are cov ered and others do not buy ahead of thelf 'necessities. The tone of th n arket wis firm. Business Includes Montana clothing i"S t,"HtT03o. th latter fur light t1Plnk: .VJ?).1 WHC Wyoming Tnd Idaho at IOvjZIHc. Th scoured bas's Is coo for best fine and tfo for fine med'um, with poorer wools at 60t3c. Bids of tOc for Ohl- " Pennsylvania best selected one-quarter " "ww" vurnea uown. Holders ask l oadllloa of Trad aatl 4oet(loa Slaol aad Kaac ProelaeaS FGC8 FiesA ciiutiliy, sic; storage, lie. BUTTER Common, 'or. taucy tub and rolls. ?OfjUc; creamery, tic. C'HEKRK-Ssw full cieam. Wlsronsl twins, 174o; ms full-cream brlrk. 17c: do. inestlo, new a'uvias, 11-c; new limberber. It klwc, young Ameilcaa, 17 Vac LIVE fVtC; hens, to; roosters, 4c; duiNs. loc; geese, tot turkeys. lc; pigeons, 16c per dos. DHF.8SE1 PtU'LTKr-Springs, fsney, 10c; hens, 10c; roueters. 6c; ducks, Lol grese 11c: turkey A 174J13C. MAt-Ch..Va A. 4 upland. tmOAi iw. giwiw I as. No i aottom. t 00: off grsdel trete ea to, rye straw, t;.W; N I alfalfa. Ilia FRI'TTS CRANBCRRIEM Per barrel, ttnst.tft, ArrLLI- Colorado fancy JnnatnaoB. 4. tier box. U S; c alltomia Belleflower, $2 6ot$ 2.31; Washington Snow, per box. 12.(4); Ote gon Kings, per box, IJ 60; Orcann tjpttten. uerg, per Lux, ti.M; Oregon Baldwin, A!.6 New York 1 aldwlna. fancy, i er; Greening, $6.00; Hubbardson, 65.00, t'f.Aata - Inter Nell. a, a-tier boa, $3.21 t-tler box, $3 00; Idaho and B. DeAnJou, I and t-tler boxes, 13 .40. UHAPKB Mthlaan, per basket. te: New Vork. 83c; California Tokay, per crate, k.'i0 I'ornlehan, $2-00; Imported Malaga, par kc-g, l4.WVk,u. VFGETAHLES. NAVT BTCANB-fer bu- No. L 82.10 pel bu., 1 lira. 7c per lb. IOTA TOES Per bu.. 6T.ff75o. Bt.ANg-.Naw was and string. 407400 txf nsiket barkei CALBAciE-Wlsconsln. Holland sed, IHd per pound. Ml. 'IS-Per bushel, foe. liRNirS 'er nushel. 60e. VAhtNlfA-Ker bushel, 750. It A DISH KB Per dimen, tvc. TOM A TOES Per ba iket, v04j7B. C9.1.9.R Y Nllchigan, jui3tC ONION Red (alobe. per pound, 140. IvVvEKT fUl AlOlvti-Viisilll. ti-m 1 k.tth.h.3 Per busliel. 76c. TKDI IC AL. KRL tT. LrMONSPer box, tS.PO, 17.00. cucuANC'lH-Per sack. n.: per doieo. 60c. DATES On market Oct 26; Hallow', per pound, 1c; Sayer. ber oound d'-ya. HAN AN AS lev nunch 82.OuV3.vv. BEEtF CUTS. No. 1 rib, lvvyc. No. t nb. 114e; No. 8 rib, 6Hc No. I loin, 19c; Nj. 3 loin, Uo: No, I loin, 9c. No. 1 chuck, 6Vc; No. I chuck, e-j,c; No. I chuck. 40. Nu. 1' round, a-wc; No. k round, 'ic; No. t round, sVtc, No. 1 iilate. fee; no. 1 plate. 4o: No. I uiaio. 140. - j MISCELLANEOUS. I CANNED GOOUS-Coin, atandard west m, 71c. Ttnactes, fancy v-puund cans, 1.46; atandard 3-piund cans, 1.ju. Piue- k i , ., a-i--' 'U. , sliced. .$1.7682.36. Gallon apples, $460. California apricots, 4Z.W. feaia, l.iowi.0. Peauiiea, w - . - - a. .it .iv. V.IMala salmen, red, $1.40; fancy Chinook, flat,; 1. nc ancient, tiaw e -a. aaiuaiie, miaitar oil, $3.6; three-quarters mustard, 14. ,1a. set potaiuwa, ki.Jtyt.aj. bu.uuia.iaat, kvo. t'uinpkaua, aovai.ov. Luat i-uu, .-ikiuoO, SuaaeU peas, i-pouna, two; lancy, ti.Mi.4. ' Nc. i.a California raitib:s, lSe. Chill wal. nuts, 16c; pecaiis, 12IZ?: moerls. UVtc; U i sal la, ldiblw; alinoncis, Ike; ruaated pmbv i. ins, eie I isw peat, um. au. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes tie soinewhat unsettled by freer offering i cm second hands, who seen. Iraumis ni nvlng supplle of l.ntnedlata grade. Cjuo t'.lonr rai.a from be to c ivr California rulf. ana from IVtcj to 6c lot Oiegon. ''aches, Trry firm, with fancy yeiluwi looted at 13)40. ..i vi. Ti.t.nw-iu-en salted. No. 1 tc; No, 2, THo; bull hides. 6c: greet hide. No. L Sc; No. 8, 6c; horao, tl.toia.o0i elieau pelts, Ik4UH. Talleia. N I. avact so. i c. Wnoi. l6d2Zc. COP FEE Roasted. No. 33. ttc; No. tO, tic; No. 36, Uc; No. 20, 14V40. rlSH-Halibut, Ho; trout. 18-, pickerel, loc: pike, li, pike, trash trucen, )tc whltsfish, 14016c: buffalo, He: bullheads, skinned and ureaatd. Uc; ratflsh, dressed, l.c: wnlt parch. 7c; won bass, toe; b'aca as. 8fcc; aunflah, 64tt, crappiea, tdjvc; laige crappies, lac; hen ing. fie-sti froxan. t ; whltenah, froxen, lMilfk:, ptckeirl, fresh freten. llo; red snapper. 12c; flounders, N.a.aerel. UtAo per ash: -dnsn, deaf) fiexeii, 12e; red snipper, l:c, flounders, frseh froxen, 12c; haddock fresh frien. 13o; an.eltA 13c; shan roe, 43o per 10.; frg legs, 7e per dos. grevn oea turd citt, Avti ter lb. Cotton Blarkef. NEW t YORK, Nov. 8.-C'OTTON-Spot closed steady to 10 points lower; middling uplands, lO.oOc; middling gulf, 11.03c; sales, l.nt.t bales QALVEteTON, Not. l-COTTON-Steady. NEW ORLEANS. Not. t frvrTOV-flrvot j firm: salrs 1.660 bales; low ordinary, 6a, noTlral; rrfllnary. 7 7-16c. nominal; good ordinary, ITic, nominal; low mlddl'ng, fic; middling. lic; good middling, l'c; mid dling fair, Uttc; fair. 12Hc. nominal. New receipts, 1B44J Dales; stock. 1U6,f;il bales. ST. LOUIS, Nov. I COTTON-Qulet mid dllng, 10r4c; aales. 86 bales; receipts .91 bales; shipments, 484 bales; stock, 1.126 bales. Treaewrr Itatemeat, WASHINOTON. T. C. Nov. l-Today Batement of the treasury ba'ances In th general fund, exclusive of the 81 000 O) gold reserve, ehowa: Ava'lable cash bal ance, 8239.677.601: gold coin and bullion. j 17.837, 145; gold certificates. !S3,234.t70. t 34 t t 36 10 II t L4.IW 100 n to n.iuu 11.14 PJ4 r) to l.euu LMt 4.!') -Ij W 4U1 ! l . t 411, So iu to 11 M - 14 el I U II 'ii .14' 7 ii A. 11 14 If t It I Boston Storks and Bonds. I B08TON. Not. 8. Call loars. 8TA Pr 'cent; time leans, ttfj-'o per cent. Official doe-re; on stock ed rvond: 1 (teer. 17 cow... t built... South Dakota. 26 cow 891 13 cow 9.2 .1200 .104 .1165 4 00 1 2 10 I 80 1 26 very to L at 110 14 7J iJ I It 1! U le 14 111 17 101 . II Jl 1 U 5 ii 44 M te t KM 4 II a It lJ 14 H 1L le 1 mi - ---4; for thre laiei aad Molaa von' nv 4. Sf'O R-Raw. firm; fair refining. 8 c: centrif uga.1, lei teat, llwc; moiaaav augar. ltc; i.lnl.. v .aiu. a. ivc; LvOeitd. t-lvc; aian. Uiatao. t. Foreign Flaanelal, LONDON. Nov. A '1 h iais for meney were firm and there waa a good demand tn the market today. Discounts wer S'.rong. Prices on the Block eachain wer quietly steady tn tn fuienjon. The In crease In the discount rat of th Imperial bank of Oermany having been anticipated It did not affect valuea beyond foreigners which Berlin sold moderately. Early la the ef'-erpoon a sharp advance occurred tn con S'ts. Americans and Kaffirs, and al the close prices were firm at near the beat nnoiat'ons of the da,. Consuls Improved half a point on the report that the back of France waa willing to release more gold, while K affna, wh!c'U were the feature of the strength, were actively auuuurtad hv local at aU a Pan bouav. Aiueiicana, Afkleon ad). 4a tie 4a Atrk eon da pfd Bo. nn A Albany.. B etoa A at.lna Boet-n gleveted ... F.tchturf pfd V-i eaa Cftral .... N T., N. H. A H.. Pera Marquette ... Vloa Paotftc Am. Pneu. Tu:. .. Amer. Kusar du pfd Aaj. T A T Am Woolen do pfd gd aoa E'ac. lllu.... Oenerel BleMrte .... Hit.. Electric do f'd lieea. 0a l ulled PTult In ud 8. at . o P'4 t. S Steal da pfd A'v-ntura A House Atnelaematcd ....... Atlaalle Asked. "Bid. tt B-pghem . 17 C)l A Heclt... . Tt Centennial . IS 'o-per Ranis .. .lei Pair Wat ."" Prenklls .1 t aoranbj .IP) lie Morale .... . 14 Mire Mining .. .Irt Ml hiitan , . II Mohawk Ill Mont. C. A C, . 41 o:d Domini a .. .1"9 Oaeeela .11 Parrot . II f'u' cr . 14 Bhenpol . 7. T.mareck .114 Trill ly .1' t Ca t a Cor-per . . I I'. 8. M nlug... . , tl 8. OI . 44 rtek .14 Vicio.-la ,.. . 7' Winona . I' ""n'T-Cne - 14 North but" .14' ct;llOB . I Nevada . I'-'S ' al. A Art one. . 4l'a Arlaoua Cuaa. .. . I .!' ,:!: . 10 . ' . I) . Id : ii . 4 . i ,. i .. it - I'4 ,. 41 .. 1 . 1 - 1 , Io 1 cows lt'Jj V 2 steers.... 9ut I leeuers.. wo 60 ' M. C. Fox. Idaho. Zl steers.. ..Via t 60 10 steers.... S12 8 uo 2 cows 1 !') 8 'Ji Z. 2. Reed. 23 feeders. . 766 t 5o 1 (oi' l 7.S6 2 00 HOOS-Reculpts of hogs conUu ngnt, nut ire sue or th run a.p.ars tt have very little Influence uoon the mar, ket. Mien the trade opened this mcr ilni tl ere weie only ttventy-to csr In sight, but prices were 10c to He lower right at tne start, in rac loc lower in more css-a than anything else. The hogs sold lar ely at I4 76u4.80, as atalnst 84.90 yeaterday. I top today was $4 fci. which waa 1 lowar than yesterday'a N best price. Each cay seems to maKe a new low record. T .e . h"gs todav sold toe lower than at th clot j cf lat week. I The rri r et cHaed a little atronger than ' It opened A late train sold largely at It 10 i for good hogs. . ttepreeentatv sales: 10... 14... 41... el... 41... II... f J .. U... at... tl .. 4)... - At. ...ill ...170 ...144 ...lit .. .4) . ..Ij ...134 ...M . . .J 'l ...:.-o Pr. 4 40 4 li 4 4) 4 Ta 4 "2 4 II I li 4 IS 4 11 .oo 4 ;i to 4 IS There Bb. ISO 40 140 1(0 40 II 110 100 44... W... to... 4... 47... 14... tu... 67... 44... Ae. ..KO ...u ..2:o ..lot .11 ..It ..lit ..It7 .47 ..let sk. 10 eo UO 44 lot Lv 40 It 4 71 4 11 4 71 4 l 4 N 4 t 4 HI 4 4 II 4 ee luv Bllt-EP There were no sheep of any ..110 cnnaeu.ut.nce iecet.tU touay and nut Va.y a 1 many lioldovcis, sj that the total cffe.ina I in 11. e ai.ecp oam weie au.all. li.era ward ! 1 no new JevvlOpiuenls In the trade, ge. erai .100 . 10 New York Mining; Storks. NEW TORK, t,ov. t. Clos'n quotations on m'n'ng slocks were as follow a: .... I Lilt's Ch ef t An'ewte Co. ell-e BrewoS Hranewick Cwa. . rouete-k Tun .ai Coa Cat A Va... Mora Silver Iron I -Leadviiia Coa. ... offeieu. 21 rio Opklr P.i oil Be. age tl-rri N-eada Bauall Hopas .. giaudard wa U . 11 . et ,. It .le Bank iTcsmsa, OMAHA. Ni-v ,. I snk leartnaa today were ilAii.'.K 43 and for tho corresponding del levat year tl.isi.Iit.oa 1 conditl "i.a remaining practically Ui aaats an oiitunvru ycibruay. The total rrce'pta lor the week have mt shown very in..cli change as cjinpsred wl h lait weat. ni u-ni v.iy muoii smaller than a year ago. In spite of 1IUI reoelpts the teujency of valuea haa be.o dnwiiwai'd and trie tiade vary slaw, fajk era have been buying in a hand to mouth man er a'l tie ween, while feeder uuy era have been handicapped by the d'fflajlty of securlnc loam of noney with which to pay for the stuff. This means that bith packera and feeders have been very mod erate buyra. which accounts for the trade Laving Lern alow and dull all the week. At n. led above. Wuoiauui s on good to choice k'lleTs: lamba. $5 . "d ifeJ.OVf yearling wethers, It.tvt 4 76; wetheis, 14 5c; ewes. 13 wfH.:t. QuotailioiiS on feeders' U-hiJ larnba. la 00 Itiu.u, common lambs, lJ.5t-4a4.oo; ycaruiiga. ai 4 1 V ff f RATIONAL I vlntuTYtLv XWAuCk.fY W6 vf THE FIRST CO-.1T AN V OP KEURASKA SURETY BONDS Douglas 8C84). Horn Offlee, VlcrctianU National Bank Did.. t'r -"' t'"WJI f "nsjgjiiw 11 eer.retj,Mt..iijal,iigBn).aan mmnmmmimwnm nm tm , am 1 . .., . . . m, Passenger Train Changes Elfeclive November lOlh No. 5 Leaves Omaha for Lincoln and main line points; for Northwest line; Beatrice, Wymore and Southern main ine : 8:15 a, No. 19 Fast Express, with parlor car, for Ashland and Lin-' coin, mere connecting with No. 5 for Nebraska territory, as ab(ve 0.15 a No. 13 For Lincoln and the Northwest, leaves Omaha fin- . A . 0 r --V ' sieaa oi y:ju p. m.j at 11:59 p. No. 6 Chicago Day Limited, leaves Omaha at 7:40 a. No. 2 Afternoon Chicago Express, leaves Omaha instead of 4:C0 p. m. at . tmt 4.0 p No. 18 From Lincoln and the Northwest, arrives Omaha m, fa. at in.u XTTMtT T rn 4 T OTTiTV! rrT-i v - t ' 4,xiT uvvrtLi oxjiv v it.rv . at e.N' 'V a1."" , St'on"urg 0:20 a. m dll, txctpt fianday for Vork. No. 0 from the eaat; tppsiu eastbouid train connectg at Kuttoa with No. il Oof llav9 A(r CITY TICKET OFFICE, ISM Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Doujlas 3580. illfiilfiHriiii