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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1907)
- 4 8 THE OMAnA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. Want - ads Aavertlsesneats for tko wt ad '' will he takea aatll 11 m. for edition ail aatll a. m. far tke moraine nt Snnday edition. Cah aaast rnimpaif all order for svnat ad aad advertisement will no accented for leae tkaa 10 rents Or the Hrat Insertion. Rate apply to either Tae Dally or "andas- Dm. A I ware eaaat six worda to a Una. t'oatblaatloaa of Inltlala or aaaibera eoaat aa one word. CABH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oa Insertion, ner llae. 10 cent, s'wo or mare eonaecatlve Insertions, per line, eeata. Kara Insertion made oa odd day, io eeata per llae. 8U.BO per llae per month. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION It roar advertisement la Inserted aader low. It will bo raara-ed at the fol lowing- rates i Oao laaertion, 4 eeata per llaei three to als eoneecatlTO ln eetlons, S eeata per llae eaeh Inser- float aorea or aaoro eoaeeeatlr In aertloaa, 8 eeata per llae each laaer tion BO eeata per llae per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Aareata, Solicitor aad Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cowa, Bird, Don aad Fete. Horse aad Vehicle. Poaltrr aad Eve. Faraltare. . Trpewrltar aad lwti( Machlae. Plaao, Organ aad Moslcal Instru- ments. ' OFFERED FOR RENT.( Faralahed Room, t'arnrnlsbed Rom. Hoaekeeplnr Room. Boarding and Rooma. WANTED TO BUT. Waat ad for The Bee may bo left at any of tbo folowlas drag; toreo oaa l "roar corner rnn are all branch office of Th Baa aad yoar ad will ho laaerted Jaat promptly aad oa tho am ratea a at ta'a mala office la Tho Beo Balldlng, RoTeateeath aad Farnam Street. Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. beranek, 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th 8U Bcoht P harmacy, 720 8. 16th Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 38d and Blake's Pharmacy. 816 Sherman Ave. C'aughlln, C. H., 6lh and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crisscy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake, t'ermak. Emll, 1204-8 8. 13th 8t. Eastman. Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khler, K. H., 2X02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St. Freytag, John J., 19U N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. fl..lAman I'!, u rm BI"! With B P ("1 TjAkC. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Ureenough. G. A.. 102S S. 10th St. Greenough, G. A., 1624 S. loth St. Hayaen, Wm. C. 2920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 So. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 24 N. ICth St. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth Bt. King. H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. ' Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 3i04 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th 8t. 1-uthrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, It. E., 24th .and Leavenworth. . Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. 8c.haefer 'Cut Price Drug Co., lOtli and Chicago. gchaefer. August, 20B1 N. 16th Bt. Scnmldt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4flfh and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ,: Th following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Resldeno. Age. Norbert Kacior. South Omaha 30 Mary Gxanuk, South Omaha Harry Nbvey, Omaha Ida Kreselman, Omaha..-. Wojcleck Onak, South Omaha........ Stefanla Blalo, oulh Omaha James A. Hill,- Loveland, Colo Sue Martin, Mlddleburne, W. Va.... Harry 8. Stone, Omaha Ada Spencer, Maquoketa, Ia 19 21 . 21 19 29 25 , "i 1 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births August F. Hawkensen. 3632 Haw thorne avenue, girl; Samuel Radcllff, 2.103 Michigan avenue, girl; Sapore Anders, 323) Wubster street, girl; F. D. .Smith, 1324 South Sixth street, boy; Phillip Saka, 611 South Twenty-first avenue, girl. Deaths Katy Ramaainskl, 2330 South Twenty-sixth. 1; Bister Mary Loretto, Fer guson Convent of Mercy, 37; Christine Bora, St. Bernard's hospital, 46;. Elisabeth Knlegler, 2209 South Twenty-first, 6 days. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL NIOIIT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL BOYLES BUILDING, Omaha Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Tpewritlng ""Telegraphy, Engli. Student enrolled every day. Big catalogue free. Address II. B. Boyle. President. Omaha. ' (1)-W CHATELAIN S, ho! n7u7e7' French, German, Span ish. Davids Bid., lsth and Farnam Day and evening classes. (1) M9 N8 SIGN .PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1303 DouglaT (l)-?ai THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1337. O)-701 WHEN you write to advertisers remember It takes but a few strokes of th pen to vmj mat yuu mmw in advertisement In Th Be. AUTOMOBILES Sr'ND for mr list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT, lil Farnam. ? 703 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES. TRADES If you have some thing for sale or trade writ us; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT Co.. M-m Be Bldg., Omaha. (3)-MU Dec. 1 2S0 ACRES. WELL IMPROVED. FOR BALK OR EXCHANGE. 7 Inlles from Orand Island, Neb. Address Y 91, care Bee. . (3) M J60 lOx FOR 8ALE or will trade for railroad stocks, seven-room house; good barn and outbuildings, with five lots. Address Lock Box hJ2. Spencer, la. (3) M410 llx FOR EXCHANGE 20 cottages, all In good ixtpalr. all rentud, well located In town of 6.U.0 people; will exchange all or as . rt'any as Je.ued for land ur inervhsndine. Fur iarllculars writo J. P. Falter, PUtts tnouth, Nsu. (3)-tM24t t NICE runabout and cash to exchange for brickwork. 2004 Wirt St. ' J) M451 llx BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SAIJC 88.000 stock of shoes and fix tures, in good location; stock is up-to-date. C. D. Burgan. bt. Cloud. Minn. ' (4) M127 8x MINING STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED.. AKTHUR DA VI DO V & CO., Stock Brokers, M N. Y. LIKE Bl DG. " . '4'iJONK ittD lat, W-391 N24 BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) Do You Wish to Make a Change! IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to ell or change, write us. OiXUhi LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (4 MSI il 'A PURE AND SAFE INVESTMENT. I have for Bale two first mortgage on northeast Nebraska Improved farms. "Gill Edge," due In about one year. Will net Investor 7 per cent Intercut. Both amount to 5,5ot. For further particulars address "ConUdentlally," W 640. car-Bee. 14) M479 10 FOR SALE OR TRADE Finely equipped creamery and cheese factory In best J - i b fuslne Cno.l!.tb5.0fo ' lately "Tn''N- P , STILLING-Watch. clock. Jewelry SfhTAlne.gnS profit" 'god 'r". ; .Pf. 2 3 futon 1.1k. Tel. 4MI both for selling-, liox 445, Marshalltown, la. (4) Hdl 13X SOUTH DAKOTA CHARTERS More lib- eral, far cheaper than other states; free blanks and Information. PHILIP LAW RENCE, former assistant secretary state, Dept. 23, Huron, 8. D. (4) M417 llx NEWSPAPER SNAP Newspxper and prlntln plant In live town of 600, in Rlr county, at half price; will produce over KuO per month; price $2,000; be it oppor tunity In Kansas. Bremyer A Hender son, Mcpnerson, Kan. (4) Miso ax FOR SALE Implement building and com plete new stock, in North Loup valley, i good location, good country, and good 'people; price and terms on applli liratlon. Address Y 90. car Bee. (4-Mii7S N29x DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (40) 707 ROOMINO houses for sale, all sizes. Oan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 9149. (4) 705 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAGUB BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE 8T8. (4)-70G NEWSPAPER for sale-Special, dally weekly, Kansas county Beat town of 7,0u0; $2,500 handles. Many others. Write for fre list. Mutual Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kan. (4-212 llx FOR SALE 2-chatr barber shop, with hath tub; bargain It taken at once. Frank Rost, Randolph, Neb. (4) M96 Ox DO IT NOW Buy a first-class lunch room doing a good business; cheap or cash it sold at once; owner going to the coast; this is a snap; get busy, W. F. Shullz, Redfield. 8. D. (4) M261 Ix FOR SALE Tinning and heating business at Hastings. Tlbbets, Morey ft Fuller, Hastings, Neb. (4) M112 16x FOR HALE 20-room furnished house, fine location; full of boarders. Address O 571, care Bee. t4)tr75 Nov28x LADY with furniture wishes a partner In looming house; must have capital. Ad dress V 478, care. Bre. (4) 109 7x 1 FOR SALE Restaurant, rood paying, splendid location, good reason for selling. Address J 632, care Bee. (4) 3S3 lOx BUSINESS CHANCE BlUard hall for sale. In a city of 3.0110; 2 billiard and S pool tables. For price, inquire of T- T. Pat terson, Osage, Ia. (4) M439 12x FOR SALE Fancy grocery, fruit and con fectionery store at Glenwood, la.; es tablished 14 years, v doing good business; good reasons for selling. Address 8. Finkensteln, Glenwood. Ia. (4)-M450 12 - FOR SALE Ten shares Nebraska Tele phone stock at VI. with accrued Interest, to buyer. Address Y 165, Bee. . (4)-M447 12x ARE YOU Interested In the moving picture show business? If so, better have a talk with us. We know a splendid location. If you have some coin, we have the knowledge, so let' get together. Time Is precious. Answer quick. Address B 542, care Bee. (4) 621 WANTED A nnrtv to Invest In n leirltl. I mat manufacturing business; triflers nor I brokers need not answer this advertise ment. Address E. 645 Bee. (4-M541 19 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising- Novelties. nnM'T TPATT,0 look', over our large IJKJjM X J iau .UDnly of ADVER- INO NOVELTIES. Exhibition room AL WAYS SOMETHING NEW. WE ALSO CARRY EVERYTHING In the line of POSTCARDS and biioklets. Imported and domestic, for birthdays, Christmas, New Year's, sonve- nlrs, marine, art and comic, Sl'ECIAL yiewb ot Dunaings, landscape and scenery reproduced from photographs. Write lis for catalogue. FONDA BROS. & CO.. 1218 Harney St., Omaha. T,) Commercial Artists. H. O. BUNNELL CO.. S22 N. Y. Life. Douglas 6149. (5) 708 Carpet Cleaning-. .SANITARY Cleaning Co., J919 Farnam. :-70 -V- Creamerle. PAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5) 710 Chattel Loans. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (6J-7U Chiropodist. DR. ROY,. R. J. 1506 Farnam St. I,ug. C497. Collection Agency. COLLECTIONS made everywhere. Charles E. Smith, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3367. (6 3s Dec3 Dancing; Academy, MORAND'B classes for dancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lessons for adult Tues. and Jfrl. to p. ni.; first lesson privately; success guaranleed Call or Tel. Doug. 1041 (6)-151 Kov7 Dreaama kiaa. IN.FAMILIES-Miss Bturdy, TeL Harney !. . (5W14 M' DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Farl nam St. (6 716 MME. WOODRUFF. 22S JVevllle Blk. Tel. Douglas 617V. (6 M101 N8 DeatUta. BAILEY c MACH. 3d "fir. Iaxton.' D. 1086. (5-713 Florist. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) 718 ' I HENDERSON, 151 Farnara. Tel. D. 1X3. 6 717 J. II. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. W. (5-718 Hat Renovator. NEW Stetson hat sold at half price. 220 So. 14th St. W. A. Ramsen. Practical Hatter. (5l M75 d31 1 Hotel, i THE 8CHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney (6)-71 Ustoooatky. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 166. (o)-72S Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. $J7o! (f ) M9S5 Dec31 t Loekssaltk. KEYS, etc.. Heflin. S24 Farnam. Tel. D. '- (5-ia Onlc g sopites ' FILING cabinets, Bles and ,-dgers, loos lesf devices and ottlce fixturek and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor publlsh'ng Co., Sut South 18th til. Tel. Douk1 , U MAO Nil Slovo Rrsslriag, STOVE and furnace n-rairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel fmnarea. Omaha tUuve Unwir c, k J. ImmicIhs St. Tel. Poi' VJu, -. ' . . (5 -Mi;6 Nov 11 Perpetual results compahy occasional BUSiNtSS DIRECTORY Jeweler aad Watchmakers. Printing;. ! otVKK placing your inns calendar order don't fall to see our elesant Imrjorted line. Lyngatad & Jorve, printers, 16 and Capi- ioi Ave. 6) 723 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 3o S. lsth St. Tel Douglas 6562. (o)-M13 Dec. 1 Photographer. C. B.- TRUSS ELL, 116 South St. (5V-724 Safe, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors nd safes. G. Andrecn, Prop. 102 8. :0th Bt. (fii-726 Shoo Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red W4. (6) 726 SHOES repaired right, called for and' de livered rree. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1M Farnam St. Tel. D. -7567. (5)-M402 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trade. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Apply any time. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. (7) M4S1 Npvl2 WANTED An apprentice girl. WW Capitol Ave. (7) 16S N7x WANTED Mangle girls; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jack on 8t. (7) 28 WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, $33. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. (7) 727 10 GIRLS for pressing curtains, good wages and Bteady work. ZW07 J-avenworth.v (7) M460 12x Housekeeper aad Domestic. WANTED Competent cook, good wages. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney JteC. 7 131 G1KL for general housework; no washing. 3315 Burt St. (7-llW 7X WANTED Girl for housework: no wash ing, no cooking. 1329 S. 31st St. (7) M261 9x WANTED A good girl for general house-' work, small family. Call evenings. 2412 Sherman Ave, (7) M560 10 - ' ; e j A GOOD, strong woman for general housework In the country. 4602 Center St. Tel. Harney 3528. (7) M452 8 GIRL for light housework In fsmllv of ! three small flat; German girl preferred. 3324 Harney. Phone Hnrney 1969. . ' . (") 473 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing. 8219 Leavenworth, St. (7) M4S0 13x t WANTED Competent airl for fenerAl housework; 8 Jn family, best of wages, close to Catholic church, 2130 Blnney Bt. ibi. vveDBter B3S. (7) M508 11 WANTED Woman to work by the day; one who can Cook and do general house work. 823 Park Ave. . (7) 606 IS Mlscellaneoa. WANTED Cash girls and bundle wrap pers. Apply superintendent, between 7:30 and 10 a. m.. west end main floor. J. L. Bramlela A Hons. (7) M495 10 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor aad Salesmen. WANTED Young man as traveling sales, man- by local Arm; knowledge of our business not necessary, but must be a hustler and sober; give age and past ex perience. Address E 628, Bee office. (9)-3C4 ARE you out of work? Call and see us; BLACK SPANIEL pup for sale; 6 months good, hustlers make good money. C. F. old; male; natural retriever and field dog. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. (9) 729 Arthur Bomberger, Harlan, Ia. ;., . jrzr ; ; ; (U)-M409 14x WANTED Competent retail clothing and men'a furnishings salesman; first -class FOR SALE Fresh cow, good milker, gen references required. Address The Metcalf tie. cheap. 1130 S. 81st St. f11 422 7x Co., Council Bluffs. (9) M146 8x " WANTED Solicitors to travel In nearby I territory'; prefer those who have had ex- I perlence with subscription books or por- trails. Aaoress uee omce. W 363 nAni&v men who are nusiiers, i o go- licit In th tea and coffee business: we is., wanv men vi wagun experience to prepare to take position upon our wagons; none but men of experience need apply. J. A. Smith 1911 Cuming St. (19) 430 llx WANTED A good man to reDresent tl.e - national ine ins. jo. or Vermont, on a commission and cash expense allowance Address M. J. Dillon, Gen. Mgr., Iowa Bldg., Bloux City, Iowa. (9)-M4'9 13x WILL PARTY WHO ANSWERED ad 11. iu. U. M. t!3. in Uina ha Sundav H..,- s""!y a"'l l"ndavKrJ'tt,,.e .n,w'rl''".,n. as answers have been lost. Call Tel. uougias -so. (9) 608 7x norm. GOOD boys wanted; first class pay. A. D. I. jo., lit a. JJin oi. (91730 WANTED Neat office boy. Apply Omaha rnnuiij v.o., iuin anu r arnam. (9)-M979 Factory aad Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F v. tiniest, 707 w. x. Life, Omaha. () 711 WANTED All around printer. Must be nrst-ciaaa Jod and ad tnan, good platen pieaeii.mi, ur.d of good characicr; lis per week. Botches and boozers need rot apply. Fitch Bros., Cemral City, Neb. () MJ32 lOx WANTED A No. 1 registered i yu;. imj oiase uuarmucy. idin ana Locust bis. () M539 WANTED Compositor to go to Kulm. N. D.; no slovenly spacer need apply. State wages wanted and qualifications In first letter. Steady position; commence work Nov. 16. Messenger Co., Kulm. N. D. (9) M42 13x WANTED Non-union cylinder and Gordon pressmen. Nebraska Prlntlns Co., Lin coln.. Neb. (9-Mi90 Dec. 6x WANTED First class coat maker; steady Job. J. A. Gough, Atlantic, Ia. (9)-M523 15x WANTED Wood metal and Iron pattern maker. E. Chlluren Mfg. Co.. Council Bluffs. Ia, (9) MsoO WANTED First-class, sober printer for tone work. Apply or writ at onte. Combe Printing Co., Bt. Joseph. Mo. (9) M4ill at Isccllaaeoa. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by business Men's assoclstlnn -, helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. (9I-S.-8 Nov27 "STRENUOUS LIFE." If your services command 875 per month, or better, send for our four plans to as sist one to obtain einnloyment. "Ani line. ny where.' "No registration f-e I. "No commission." Address Circulation Department, any efflce. 8TKEN I OI'S LIFE PUBLISHING COM , ' PAN Y. In. on.oi.i,-.! 1181 Broadway. New York; i.a-732 Main 6t.. Buttal-j; 21) LaSalle St., W-M374 x HELP WANTED MALE Mlecellaaeoa Coatlaaed. GOOD PAT Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dist. Pu re a u, Chicago, 111. () Mill 8x SOUND young men, aged IS to 35, for firemen and brakemen during rush sea son on lending rnllrnads hero in the wesf and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly become, engineers, . 6200; brake men. $100 monthly, become conductors, $160; many position now open; wrMe for particulars. National Railway Train ing Association, 620 Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. ()-190 Nov7 WANTED Man with small capital to man ago branch office In outside territory. Address 604 Observatory, Des Moines. Ia. (9) M244 Nov22x LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at home; eawy learned; $1.60 to $2 dosen. 6o Paxton Ulk. . , (9)-M393 llx WANTED Experienced and Inexperienced men and boys to feed and run printing presses in open shop; nine hours per day; good wages; steadv work. KIjOFP BARTLETT CO. RRKS PRINTING CO. OMAHA PRINTING CO. (9 M528 10 WESTERN REF: A BOND A8STN., INC. 721-722 New York Life Bldg. Assistant office manager and correspond ent, lice. Advertisement solicitor, permanent, $60. Fire Insurance man, salary depends. Stenographer, $00. Stenographer and bookkeeper, $45. If In need of a position see us t once.- y (D-M515 8 POSITIONS open for firemen and brake- men. Mtg pay and rapid promotion. Ex perience unnecessary. Applv at once personally or by letter to National Rail way Training Assn., 620 Paxton Blk.. )maha, Neb. (9 M542 D7 WANTED Young wan that can sing and play good, mandolin or violin; one, that can do stunt on stage preferred. Cflll evening 7 to 8. Rankin, 18 Chicago St. (9)-Ma43 8x WANTED Two young men attending col- icne io work at soliciting out of school hours- good opportunity. Address D 644, fawlkc. (9) M646 10 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse aad Vehicle. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses Come in. The Harney St. Stables. - (U)-734. SECOND-HAND delivery wagon, 1 buggy, 1 phaeton, cheap. A. Murphy & Son. ' ; (11) M21a N10 FOR SALE A good, heavy sprihg wagon and a single hame . and collar narness, cheap. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 209 South uth gt. (11-M619 HORSES bought and old. Myers. 1114 (1D-S30 N27 ONE good driving horse for sale; also set of single harness. EdwaM Updike. 3612 I Farnam St. (11) 154 ONE bay horse. 1350 lbs., 8 years old sound. 2116 Wirt St. (U) M354 Poultry aad Eggs. tviyi SALR-Hlnirle-eomh n.ifr nrnlnu. cocxereis irom prne-winning stock. Ad' dress Robert F. Beutel, Buck Grove, la. (11) M202 N21x GOVT, book Omaha. Model Squab Co., (11) M267 Dec2 FOR BALE-rOrphlngtons, buff and white, from first prise, stork; great egg and poultry fowl; reasonable prices. A. B. Kobblns, Robblnsdale, Minn. (11)-M16 14x Cotts, Birds, Dog aad Pet. PIGEON RIVER COLLIE KENNELS. breeders of high class Scotch collies. We have at stud Conqueror, Jr., A. K. C 83625. Is a rich dark sable, with perfect white markings; fees 8)6.00. Wltinoa Clinker, a . promising young trl-color. long head, per- feet ear coralge; fees $10.00. Brood bitches I. in whelp; also young stock at all times. Address H. H. Engelkltig. Shebovgan. Wis. (1D-M962 14x LOST AND FOUND LOST-Small chain gold bracelet with In iMls A. C. H. . Finder plea, return and receive reward. Fan-ell & Co., Sth - , j lost Strl ntr nf imh,. lienHs he, ween calumet Restaurant and Adams Express NICELY furnished room, hot water heat Co. Reward. Tel. Douglas 7333. . gas and electric light, near 26th and ' (12) MD34 8X Dewey Ave. Tel. Doug. 2190. ) LOST Silver watch, otfen face. Return to ' pi. &.M and get reward. (12) M649 9 LOST White BullTerrler pup, brown spot on head, collar and chain. Meward. Phjne Doug. J220. 617 So. 26th Av. . (12)-M544 8x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nervo Food Pills," i a box, postpaid. Sheriiian McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. I (13)-734 ' FREE medical and surgical treatment at I CrelRhton Medical college, 14th and Dav- 1 enport Sts.; special attention paid to con- Mucin, nt ceses; ail treatment supervised ny college proresuors. Phone 1167. . Calls answered day or night. - .43r-129 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RLT Tl'RE CO., over B. W. cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (131737 ANY poor girl in need nf n friend rail or I write to the matron of the Salvation Army I Home for Women at 382; N. 2h St . '. maha Neb. ll-l Alios I MONEY TO LOAN 8AL.AHY AND CHATTELS LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade.. (14A--6 CHATTEL, salary, and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., li4 Farnam St. (14) 746 Plenty of Cash Open an account with us. We -lvev you CASH; no checks; but cold hard CASH. Te-ins to suit. Liberal rebate if paid be fore dste. ' OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of 1 rude Bldg., at the head of the 16th St. entrance. (14) M9J0 INVESTMENTS I have several gilt edge farm mortgages on valuable farm lands near Omaha for sale on 6 per cent basis. None of them exceed one-third value of the land. T. 11 STEVENS, tX)3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1272. (14)-M414 Bowcn, 703 N. Y. Life BMg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money uino day aaked for .1 small cost. Open evenings till 7. tl4 74i FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. C23 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douslas 746. 14) 73 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans Duff Giern Loan Co., room , Barker block. tltj 70 cannot ac-advertising J M0NEYT0 LOAN Salary aad Chattel Coatlaaed. THE UNION LOAN CO. Have Increased their capital and during November will make Seclal rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property and notes without security. Terms to suit. tel. D. 204. 310 Bee Bldg. Open evenings, 7 to 9. (14) M401 11 MONFF LOANED 8ALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life Bid. (14)-740 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. accom modating, all business confidential. 1301 po ug 1 a s. i U 747 OFFERED FOR REN1 Boarding; aad Room. MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to I none runoay, ict. ,13, upstairs. l"S N. iin, Webster 2448. (15) M279N12 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close In; private family. 2408 Cass. Douglas 64t. ' (15) M216 Nov 10 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe, U5)-(7 DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Farnam. " (15i 748 MODERN room, with board. 2005 Burt. (131-163 Nov FURNISHED rooms, with hoard. 2411 CapltolAve. (15) M191 Nov20x ROOM AND BOARD for four men In pri vate family; strictly modern; references required. 322B B. 23d St. .(16) Mill $x TWO large front rooms and alcove, east front. Board. 412 No. 22d St. (16)-M402 Ncv. 25 MODERN room; first class board. 508 S. 14th Ave. (16) M286 Dec! ROOM and board. 2118 Douglas St. (15I-M403 llx Paralshod Room.' 1 NICELY furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping 2018 Davenport. (15)-M37 10 PLEASANT room; new modern home; hot watfcr, heat; Central boulevard, near Farnam. Gentlemen only. Tel. Harney 8838. (15)-ML9 8x OMAHA VRn & Btorage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. ISth. Office. 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1K9. Ufi) 750 EXTRA LARGE room for one or two per sons; walking distance. 2304 Capitol Ave. (15) M537 14x ROOMS for gentlemen; heat. 17LJ Davenport. modern; furnace (15) M530 lOx YOU MAY NEED YOUR MONEY. Don't throw it away hunting for rooms. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 3SM, 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M547 8 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1628. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co 1311-1313 Farnam. (16) 749 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas M- . Oa Thl NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, private family, south front, for gentleman or man and wife, walking distance, price reason able. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) M462 12x NEWLY furnished rooms. In new house. wun or witnout noara; everything mod ern. 107 8. 8 1st St., one block norTb of Farnam car. (15) M1S2 FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentle man, near car line. Mrs. Banks, 1403 N. ISth.. 'Phone Webster 3862. tl5)-M278 Nil NICELY furnished and comfortable front h i .T ... . room and ntture, rent reasonable, board If desired. . 609 South 26th Ave. (16) M496 13x ROOMS ROOMS-Furnlshea nt.,7 niXd We can suit vou and !l book Ws Rental Aaenct ilfi'hL ft" TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlor floors. 2569 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 3K75. (15)-286 WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor- age Co. rei. uoug. ut5. Ufflc-C) 1712 Web- ster St. (161753 VERY nicely furnished rooms tor rent, with or without board. Inquire at 118 8. 29th St. (16) M45 8x 2218 CHICAGO Modern, single south room; sleeping or light housekeeping; $6 per month. Red 5678. (16) 362 9x SWELL, front room on the second floor with alcove; all modern and furnished for man and wife or two ladles. 2670 Far. nam St. (16) 428 7 (15) M478 11 STEAM HEATED rooms. $2 to $5 per week Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. 1)-M325 N12x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, private family; best location In city; reference re quired.. 'Phone Doug. 4901. 15 347 FRONT room for gentlemen. 1950 H. 10th St. (15)-1S7 Nov9x NICELY furnished rooms. 1916 Capitol Ave. (15) M195 Nov30 NICELY furnished rooms In private family; gentlemen preferred. 2318 Douglas St. ' (15) M394 llx ' DESIRABLE room for two gentlemen, also single room. 218 No. 19th St. (16) M60443x Apartments aad Flat. AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. Apply Apartment Nd. 2. (15)-754 Honsekeepingr Hoobss. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeenlns or siepius, iiw ur mil. x-liui.e veOMlr SbOJ. Miami bt. (Io) 368 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping 1712 Jackson Bt. (15) M329 9x THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 218 N. 23d St. (16)-509 13 FOR RENT Two room, for housekeep ing. 2610 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 6162. , (15)-62S 7x Cat unilnked Roosaa. 4 MODERN rooms for housekeeping, with heat and telephone. In private family, block to best car line. 2306 Grant St. (15)-461 8x Kurnlsbeo Itonae. WEST district; nicely furnished 9 room liou.e; modern In every detail. 'Pnone Harney M. (15) 470 House aad Cottages. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, brand new 8-room brick house, corner 36th and Dewey Ave., quarter-sawd oak finish. A. C. Busk. 'Piione Harney 9). , (15) M296 x 4803 N. 24th, ( rooms, modern except fur nace, I ?. 1705 S. 2Mb, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace f X). BKMI8. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas 6&5. (15) M844 4107 LAFAYETTE Ave.. 8-room, strictly modern, Beautiful location, 132 60. PAYNE, BOHTW1CK 5 Ct.. Main lloor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M53 9 FOR RENT-Eight-room modern house 414 North 31st St.. THOMAS BKENNAN. Room L Nsw York Uf Building. (16) 4115S OFFERED FOR RENT . Hons aad Cottocea on tinned. l-ROOM house, modern throughout, loca tion th best In town. 216 8. Vth Ave. Telephone Iougins letf for pirlirulars. Wm. H. BcMlemann. (1M M373 11 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 3137 Daven port St. (8. H. corner), 10-room, thor ougly modem house, exoellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at ,1(56 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. 1518 Dodge -St. (15J-7W $1'6 per month for 1541 N. lth St.; modern except furnace. $3 per month; 1753 Tark Ave.. 7 rooms, modern. $45 per month: 1936 8. 33d St.. W rooms, modern, servants' rooms on 3d floor; two large lots. GEORGE A CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15) M&48 8 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. 60S So. list, new 7-r. all mod , $40. 7iJ No. 40th, 9-r. all modern, $40. $415 Charles, r-r all mod., new, $35 O'KEEFE REAL KSTATB CO., 1001 N. Y. Lire. 'Phone Doug. 2132. (15)-M3i6 FOR RENT Detached, 8-room modern house, one block from South 24tn 1st. car line; easy walking distance of court house. Phone Maple 6.100: (16) M4&3 13 FOR RENT 4R03 North 24th St.. six rooms. modern except furnace, $22. (16)-MS77 FOR RENT 6-room coUtfge at 3614 Boyd Bt.; all modern except heat, $20. C. U. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M134 EIGHT rooms, modern except furnace, In good repair, rent very reasonable. M. J. Kennard & Co., 310 Brown Blk. , (la)-M97S FOR RENT Nine-room modern house In first-class neighborhood, location 1060 B. 28th St. Inquire at 2812 Pacific St., or 'phone Harney 2346. (15) M392 10X MODERN 8-room house, corner 15th and Vinton St. Inquire 14J1 Vinton Kt (15) Mill 9x NINE-room modern house, 2062 No. 19th St. Call Telephone Harney 819. (16)-M253 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St., line, 2C70 Poppleton Ave. (li 757 HOUSES ,n " rt" of ,he clt'r- uv V-"3 Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. (16) 758 HOUSES n H Part Of lh cl,y- Peter auuouo Trust Co N y Lfe B1(1t (15)-759 LARGE 8-room cottage, modern except fur nace, iwi b. 2Stn Kt inquire M. J. Greevey. Phone Harney 2330. (5)-153 FOR REfT--room modern cottage. 663 8. 27th Bt. Tel. Webster 646. (15 762 MiRN Joom,h,u",e 1 car llne rood location, $30. 2110 Lake St. (16)-357 FOR RENT 8-room mo.lern fiat, opposite Hanscom Park; $34. '1-hone South 7. (15) m FOR R ENT 8-room modern cottRge, 2820 - oi.i Appiy ia ti. 2th St. (15) (72 FOR RENT, 6-room house, partly modern, close In. 830 8. 21st St. Tel. Harney 2706. (16) M4K7 SEVEN-ROOM house, with reception hall, stairway to attic, now being built, will be ready for occupancy Nov. 15, $42.50. 3126 Oiss St. Inquire A. W. Anderson, Phone Harney 3G89. (15)-610 9x 22i2 Clark St., 6 rooms, modern except fur nace $22.60. . 2906 Leavenworth. 4-room cottage, modern except furnace $30.Oa J023 N. 24th, 6 rooms, modern except heat . $20.00. 1 2813 Webster, 6-room cottage, city water $16.00. 649 8. 26th Ave., rooms, modernT-$4fl.oo. 2229 Ohio, rooms, city water and gas. barn $16.00. McCAGUB INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge Bt. (15) 511 9 HOUSES to rent In all parts of the city. Walt Rental Agency, 80S Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2904. (15)-619 10 CHOICE RENTAL VALUES. -r. mod. very choice, 947 N. 26th ave.. $22.50 6-r. mod., very choice. 1S24 Manle 'i im 5"! mod- b",rn' JSl 'i 24 (w 8-r. mod., desirable. 2810 N. 22d sn Tr c ? ,n; loa Mar5r - - 8.00 fr- cnV water, mar nth & Bancroft.. 11.00 RUSSELL ft M'KITTRICK. ' 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. (15)-6.t 8 EIOHT-room, modern; close In. 8"5 So 20th St. (15)-624 lOx " BaUdlngr. BUILDINGSFOK RENT. AH or part of the 6-story and basement building now occupied by Carpenter PuDer Co. HARRISON & MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M9:4 Offices. FOR RENT-.-De8k room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 131 DESK room In new Brandels Bldg., with 'phone and stenographlo service. Address 0-654, care Bee. (15) M349 tore. ONE store room In new "Seargo building In Duuui rmiia, near pusiomce, wun I'ghted basement, modern show windows and awnings; best possible location. Hall DIs trlbutor Co., 817 First Nafl Bank B'dx Phone Red 740. - (15)-765 GROCERY Best unoccupied location for grocery store In the city. Bemls, Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 685. ,(16)-420 FOR RENT Second floor, 33x100; steam heat. Palace Clothing Co.. 14h and Toul a sSt (15) 623 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 208 N 17th St. Tel. Red 814. (16) 768 Plaao, Organs. Masical lastrameata. HIGH GRADE SQUARE PIANOS At Give Away Prices. ' Sielnway & Bona, fine tone, only tij (')ilckerlng A Sons, good appearance,... 66 Emerson, carved legs 44 Other standard square piano and organs 816, 8j5. 83j and up. ' All makes to select from. Thru int,., ments are fully guaranteed and will be acct-pivu on any new instrument ccepieo. on any new instrument at full alue any time within five years from dat 1 f purchase. Terms. 82 to IS cash and 5c 10 .ac per weea. isew pianos for rent v. pert tuning and repairing. All work guar anteed. SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., Tel Doug. 1625. 1311-1318 Farnam Bt. H)-767 BEAUTIFUL Upright piano, a big bargain It will pay to call and see it. 1 y Dav enport. (161 M14J kx Typewriter and lenlag Machines. FOR BALE High grade second-hand '.ypo. writer;, good condition; a bargain at 8V0. Call roV'm 603. Bee Bldg. (16; 671 ONE Remington typewriter. No C, in good condition, lor sale cheap. JCall lit Be.) 1 cWc. M61 .1x allneellaaeoa GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., C3 8. 16th EU TeL Doug. 61. (lti 7u OFFERED FOR SALE Mlsccllaacoua Coatlaaed. FOR BALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, latge coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures ton numerous to mention. Ulobo Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (IS) 770 BKCOND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Singer, 41 X. 16th. (lftt 774 Bl'OVES repaired Mid sold. Anything In stove lino. Kano', 1611 N. inh. (IS) M134 Nov! FEW bargains In 2d rand soda fountains, monthly payments. Deright, l?18 Farnam. (16J-7.8 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables We k-ad the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 B. 10th SI (16)-79 ' HALF PRICE, small monthly payment. Ridpath's History of the World, Ameil. canlsed Encyclopedia. Webster' New Dic tionary. B. B. Roberts, southwest corner, 16th and Farnam. (16) M126 N linOnofl trnnA ml tl ner 1 ttYtl also doors, windows, sheetlna. lath, lum- v Iwr of the finest kind at. less than half price; also two good steam-heating plants. Inquire J. P.- Connolly, Ninth and Harney. (16)-M41. HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 771 ELEVATORS for sale In Iowa. Minnesota, North and South Dakota. . M. Myers. 810 Flour Exchange, Minneapolis. Minn. (10)-MSJ Nov.lix . SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dllion Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 773 DRIGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $11 oruers; catalogue rree. enerman Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 777 SALT H 00 per bbl, Wagner, 801 N. Ifith. .1 ,i (16)-776 POTATOES Tor sale, car lots. Hendersog Bros.. Traer, la. (16) M404 Nov26 HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam, (16)-777 NAIL8, $1' keg. Star Box Co., 1W7 St Mary Ave! (16) M159 Nov21 SNAP F. P. Gasoline lighting plant, $40i 11-foot oak wall case, $25. Cole Drug Co., Dayton, la.. (16)-M114 8x ONE counter show case, floor sh'ow casa 808 N, 16th St. (16)-M141 8x SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Shf.rnian & McConnell Drug Cm (16)-778 WORTHINGTON DUPLEX PUMP 600-gaIIon Worthlns-ton dunlex 12Mxl0. for sale. This pump has seen about six months" actual .ervlc. and Is l , "ood condltlon: w "ell at a bargain. Apply W. 11. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. ' (16)-570 FOR BALE Two Universal oak heaters, used 4 months, for half cost. Apply 30u California St. Tel. Harney 1B92. (16) 465 12 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and mo chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 7S0 LARSON CO. Book J free. '.Be Bldg. (17) 781 PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our thret iooks ior inventors mailed on receipt ol C cents P..-..age. H. B. fk A. H. Lacey, Kooma 29-3!) Pa o Bldg., Washington, D, C Kstabltshou 1S69, (6 M 71-2 PERSONAL YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha ' at strangers are invited to visit the isung Women's Christian Association rooms; luU,: Farnam 8t wnere they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18)-915 LADIES and gentlemen are cordially In vited to "come and see the greatest ln Ventlon of the ir,' hriii.f ll mta. plaVed and open switch wrecks, also en ables the engineer to take a sldln while the train Is in-motion 2 N. 24th' St., Bouth Omaha, Neb. (18) M264 Nov22x PLEATING Buua.KRao5ng, ,N . fc.mbrot.ierv. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and hrlnklng-only 6c per yard. Bend for price and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1938, (l)-7 MAGNETIC Lra,.ment nd b"th- Mr A1V; Smith, 118 N. loth. 2d flr, (i8)-60 A SATIN skin secured using1 Satin Skin Cream and Satin Skin Face Powder. 26c, I . (18) THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicit cast-oft clothing; In fact, anything you do no! 5, e oo!lt,ct. repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost at collecting, to th worthy poor. Call 'phon Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18)-78 ;A,fiA ' Stammerera1 institute. Ramgt Building. , , (i6)-78 PENNELL, MILLINERY CO., 1611 Dotiglaa, (18-187 N17 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cuf Pf.n r8'nd-,for fre catalogue. Myer. Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18)-7S8 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 305. (18)-7!i7 MASSAGE f.nd bath- Rom 2. arnam Bt., 2d floor. (18) M567 Nov2 P-ST, repair, self needles for oil sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co.. Cor! Ulti and Harney. (18) MKJ6 LADY operator, excels In massage am scrub baths. Room 200, Barker Blk., lit and Farnam St. 18)-r-M48 8x YJUr,PA.RY WHO ANSWERED ad if. o N- ,tl9. In Omaha Sunday Bee, ounuity ana Monday please answer again, as anwers havo beeli lost. Call TeL Douglas 29u. (18 607, 7x REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DALEHI. RUSSELL a M'KITRICK CO., 482 Ramge . , (19 7M PAYNE INV. CO., 1st flpor N. T. Llf Douglas 1781. (19) 7s9 GEORGE a COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. , Tel, Douglas 734 (191-79U pin - s - na tritht fn m ' rt - lfc,KS TRUST CO., N. Y. Life Bldg. (1)-791 I. SIBBEItNSEN, room 208, 120 So 16th. (19J-M184 CITY PROPERTY ro BALU WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE. UUMl uy owner ior Permanent hnmiL Choice location; 12 rooma; new and mod- ' (f ern; elegant eleotrlo and gas futures; A liu n.lMJilii.' munlli.. I ....... . . I ' .. " b e arounaa: quick 1 poss4-sslon. Price 8)4,000. Hicks Iteai 1 Lsiate Co., Board of Trade Bldg. j , ) 474 IX FOR BAI.E-Modern store bldg., 6 llvln rooms. $2,000; barguln, 'Phone Weht(. IK 9. (19)-M658 IS MODERN COTTAGE Five-room cottage built last spring; newly papered and painted, double floors, surtsc flours helps; Urj, t.uih . attic; piped for gas and wired for electrio lluiits; all modern l.liimhti, f.,11 ..." s-reens. etc.; south front lot 67x.i0. lyl pace r.950'"l'Uy! l0C,,U', 4611 hoytl 6t- C. g. CARLBrnrt til N. V. Life Bldg. (19)-IC3 $4,509 'JTi,MU,!!."nt -roorn- modern bona a permanent aldewulk IXDUtlflll luun I. sl.ail-j trees Fasy terms If ,,....'- . v ... a o r u e, A w Room I, New Yol'il1a