Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1907, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA . DAILY BEE: Fill DAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. ,t 1 1 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE HARM I ivity in Grain for Tint Time in Ten Dayi. EAPOLIS MARKET ' HELPS $3 75. T.ard. steady; prime steam. I.". lry unit meal, lower: lioxed ntrt shorts. IfU.'H; clear ribs, $3.S7H; short clears, HEMP TWIN'E-llc. , HAUOINfl 11 5-l.V. I r'01'L.TFt T Dull : chickens, fc-; spring-, WtOc; turkeys, i:Vjc; ducks, Cc; geese, 1 Sc. I ' JMi'llCK-MrtOV; KUU8-Steady; 16c, la F.ichanae leases to Reports (kiliTbm la No De mand Becaase of Finan cial Conditions. I Flour, bbls. end Oat ; Wheat, bu . nrn, hu. Oati, bu. . creamery. 21a26c, cane count. Receipts. Shipments. OMAHA. Nov. 7, 100(7. There was mor activity on the grain rket today than there ,' been for sev- '1 daya. , The Mlnneanotla curb and tha reports of letter financial conditions in the northwest i . , 'arted soma early buying-. . Wheat atarted strong on reports of a strong Mlnneapolla curb. : Buying was mora active and good advance made until ordera had been filled, and then thore was a elide back until at the close, no bottom u apparent. December wheat opened at "c and closed at v,c. ' t-'orn was (airly steAdy after the break yesterday, but there nl not enough sup port to advamv. lt any and when wheat broke the second time corn went down, with It. Decemlier wheat opened at bl!c and closed at 6lWc. 4 . . Oats continued weak and-there wn con sdsrabl selling of long tines. There was joining to Support the market and oats closed very weak. . uecembor oats opened ; at 4ho and closed at . Primary -wheat,-receipts were 7(17,000 bu, and alilpinenta were P47,fl"0 bu., against re ceipts last year of fcll,000 bu. and shlp menla of . 771,000 bu. Corn receipt were .18,000 bu. and ship ments were il'S.ono bu , against receipts ' lust year of bu. and ahlpmenta of Mo.OOu bu. ',-' Clearances were lfH.OOO bushels of corn, 2.0no bushels of oats and wheat, and flour equal to 4b2.00O bushels. Ilverpoot closed IVi trt ld lower on w heat, and Hd to A lower on corn. Beaboard reported ' 844,000 bushels of wheat and 62,000. buatMla of corn taken for export . ? .. p. Kansas City options; ' Articles.! Open. Hlgta. lw. I Close. Yes'y. f, "..oou . ...40.0IO ' ...84.000 11. ooo Wi.rttO 67,000 KW V OH K tiKVEKAI, MARKET Featares of Trading and Frlces of Leading Commodltlea. NF:W YORK, Nov. 7 FbOfR Re ceipts. 24.8.11 hbls.; exports, 4.00 bbls. Market wenk and lower. Minnesota pat ents, J5.00IU 5.60; Minnesota baiters, f t . r 0 64.95; winter patents, $4.5i84 8n: winter straights, $4 6014.75; winter extra, 11.00 TO 1.25; winter new grades Rye flour, quiet: fair to rood. I'xOOtt 5.25: choice to fancy, 15.25 tj 5.50. fttickwheat flour, steady at I3.10i&3.l'5 per 100 lbs. CORNHKAL Easier; fine white and yel low, $140'.; 145; coarse, $1.3021. Sa, kiln drled. I3.SC if 4.05. KYE Nominal; No. 2 western, , 94c, f. O. b.. New York. BARLEY Nominal; malting, t1.0S91.10, c. 1. f., New York. WHKAT Receipts, 216.600 bu.: exports, 184,734 bu. Spot, market weak; No. 3 red, tl.OOVfc In elevatur and $1.0244, f. o. b. and afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, nom inal, f. o. b. and afloat; No. 2 bard winter, nominal, f. o. b. and afloat. From a wenk opening, wheat advanced 1c on bad Rus sian crop news and reports of a big export trade last Tuesday. A'break of nearly io followed, due to disquieting Wall street reports, and tne market closed herfvy at 14.0 210 net decline. December, $1.03 Is li 1.08 Vt; closed at 11.03 Vi. May, $1.07 H t 11.01 Mi. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Struggles to Rite, bat Hearr . Tone Ultimately Prevails. EUROPE FIGHTS TO KEEP GOLD liaise la Rat of Dlsconnt la London and Pari 't rentes Baal Impres sionBank Reserves Still Law. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Several Important events today served aa an admonition that regular conditions are not yet ripe to move definitely out of the Influences of the finan cial disturbances from whioh the country has suffered. The action of the stock mar ts. ("OHM. 15. ket Indicated some disposition to contest tne etrect or these events, out me neavy tone prevailed ultimately. The rise in the official discount of the Bank of England to 7 per cent, while dearly foreseen yesterday, was too Impos ing an evldencu of the atraln how extend In throuKh the world money markets not t to make a formidable Impression. It had 1 4710. U 1.1 OH J closed at CORN-'-Kecelpts. 48.075 bu. Snot market. easier; No. 2. 69 Vic In elevator and 69 '4c been expected that the Imperial Bank of Germany would be forced to. follow this example, but the rise In tho Bank of I France official rate to, 4 per cent had not been so much considered, and emphasised ' the influence of the English bank's action. The 7 per cent rate of the Bank of Eng I land has no parallel since the crisis of 1 1873, although the rate in that year went aa high as 0 per cent. In the case of the .4 per cent of the Bank of France it seems not to have been touched before Since the I Franco-PruHslan war period. The decline of $15,000,000 In the bullion holdings of the I Bank of England during the week and in I the Bank of France of $8,228,000 show the reason for the solicitude which has f. o. b. 'and afloat; No. 2 white, 70Ve; No. , prompted the discount rate; although the 2 yellow. 69 He f. o. b. and afloat. Ontton market was without transactions, closing He to c net lower. December closed at 70V4.C. May closed at 87 Ho. OATS Receipts, 75,000 bu.; exports. 2,125 bu. Kpot market, easy; mixed. 2( to 82 lbs.,; natural white, 26a'i 4 lbi lbs. . 56 Wheat ; Dec... 85H ,85H . W M4 H May.. 4 "M 1H- MH S July.. 89 ' 8 ; Mt 88'. Com w . Dee... MB MV . 51 H 61 H Ma v.. s:s 61'Mi B24 52 July.. 63 Vi bi 52H Oats Deo... 46 4 44 44 Wfr May.. - 4 4R 47 47 -49- July.. 44H 44H 43 43 44 IOmaJaa Cash Prices. Two cars of No. 8 yellow corn sold at 65c. No other Interest shown. Carlnt Rints. Wheat. Corn, 56 '23 Oats 73 '26 Chicago 40. Mlnnearsjlis 237 Omaha 20 Duluth ....148 CHICAGO GRAIN AM) PROVISION'S Features of tbe Tradln and Cloalnw Price oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 7. Wheat prices on the local exchange- broke- II Cants from the highest point today on general selling caused by a. sharp decline at -Winnipeg and by the financial situation. At the close wheat for December delivery was down 24'J14iC. Corn was oft Hfic. Oata were lHWio lower. Provletons were ZWii&c lower to 6c higher. . The wheat market opened weak because of a further advance in the rate of dis count by the tlank of 'England. The open ing .declines here "ranged from HtfHic to liTlViC. There was general selling at the alart, partly for liquidation, and partly for ahort aooount. The market, however, soon became strong because of the cold weather In southern Russia, where ft large percent age of the winter crop (a said to have been killed. An -advance of 4o at Winnipeg caused by actlva bidding by exporters was an additional bullish Inflluence. The mar ket at Winnipeg later declined 2o and this resulted In a break of more than So from the high point of the day In the local mar ket. The close wae weak. December opened Hit.n I 11 l'o lower at MVu'-M Vic ; advgftcott'i.t ;"" thett decller-te S0Vc. Tho.lose was at Jtoo. May soia weiween 9H0 and $1.02H0-1.02S. and closed at $1.00iw l.OuH- Clearanoea of wheat and flour were equal to eil.OuO bushels. Primary ' receipts were 77,0O bushels, against 921,000 bushels, on the same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported recelpia of 4X1 cars against 6u8 cars last week and 1,041 cars one year ago. Tha corn market was weak the greater part of tbe day- ,The early depressing In fluences were lower cable, and dear cold weather In the corn belt. Tbe market be came strong In sympathy with wheat and then-, declined along with that groin later In the day The close waa weak.- Decem ber opeuea Aio to 0 lower at 67'&&7e, sold up to 6V and then declined to 670. The close waa at 67Vr7Hs. Local receipts were 64 oara. with 17 of contract grade. The oata market waa dull. Prices were Influenced chiefly by the action of wheat and corn. December opened Ho lower at off to 47$h4C, advanced to 4&4c, and then Bold -off to 47So. The close, -waa at 47H47H. Local reoelpta were 76 cars. Provisions were weak early In the day because pf. selling by packers, and lower prices for live hogs. Later. the losa waa nearly all regained on covering by snorts. The olone steady, with January pork up 5c at i.ura wbb on ai ti.v.yi. Klbs were 2H6c lower at $7.02H- Estimated reoelpts for tomorrow are': Wheal, 80 cars; corn, 58, cars; oats, 78 cars; hogs, 14.000 head. Tha lsadlng future ranged aa follows: 63 6' 66c; clipped white,' 3240 tB-BC. HOI'S Steady; state common to choice 1907, 14lsn; 190S, 812c; Pacific coarft, 1907. 10aiL'c; 1900. 64Mc HIDKS A tilet; Central America, ISC) I919ic; Bogota, 1919c LEATHER Steady; acid, 20f27". PKOVISTOXSBeef, steady; family, $14.60(15.00; mess, $10.00 4t 13.30; beef hama, $29.00; packet, $1 LSOig 1 2.06; city extra India mens, $23 00 24.0. Cut meaiA, quiet; pickled bellies, $11.6014.00; pickled bams, $1 1.00 ' 1 n. T.srd. weak; western prime, $8.408.60; refined, quiet and steady; continent, $9.00: South Amer-l lea, $10.80; compound. M.l 2 ti 8.2S. Pork, weak: family, $l.00(f20.00; short clear, $16.60(&17 50; mess, $18.00M7.0O. TALLOW Dull; city ($2 per pkg.). c; country (pkgs. fre), 6(f64c. RICt, Steady; domestic, fair 'to extra, ajreo: japan, nominal. day on a rumor that New York had can celled a portion ef the gold engagements. While It Is recornlaed thst the higher bank rate Is necessary, owing -to the pres ent outflow of gold, which had reduced the reserve by over, the effect on trade aa well aa on the bourses, It la generally anticipated, will be unfavorable and lead to much liquidation. In the af ternoon the announcement that the Bank of France had also raised Its discount rste depressed DeBeers. Rio Tlntos and other Paris spedsltiee. Americana dropped 1 to 3 points below yesterday evening's prices on the higher dlscoient rate of the Bank of FJrigland, and ruled weak at noon, the determined efforta of the authorities to check the gold outflow creating an un favorable Impression. Trading became dull until the receipt of the New York open ing prices and then quotations advanced under the lead of I'nlon Pacific, and after good buslneaa, closed firm. ( New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 7 Money on call In strong demand; 64f20 per cent; ruling rate 80 per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time loana dull and strong; alxty and ninety days, li"ul3 per cent; six months, 6Vf37 per cent. Prime mercantile paper nominally at 7iil0 per cent; sterling exchange, firmer, with actual business In bankers bills at $4 8ivg-4wO for demand and $4 87 for alxty dsy bills. Commercial bills, $4.77. BIL.VE.ri Bar, oi; Mexican aoiiars, railroad New York bonds OKAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET light Bun of Cattle, with Killers Sell ing Considerably Higher. HOGS QUAETER LOWES AGAIN Sheep and Lansaa la Light Heelpt, While Prices Remain Ahoat Steady, with tho Trade Lacking la Snap. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 7. 197. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.670 $.0f4 20.344 Official Tuesday 6,0:4 $.304 7,70 Official Wednesday 2.974 2.7H7 17.i.!4 Estimate Thursday 2,000 $.6n0 6.900 Four days this week... 13. V Same days laat week.... 20. 371 BONDS Oovernment-.8teady ; bonds, irregular. , closing quotations on were aa follows V. K. rar. la. ! do eoupon t. a. . raj do ooupon V. 8. new 4s, res... do coupon Anter. Tob. 4 dt ta . Atrnlmn sn. 4t., do id). 4 Atlantis C U 4t.. B. O. 4l do JH Prooklyn R- T. Cent. of Os. ( do IM Inc. .. do 14 Inc. do Id Ine. ,. C. O. 44 .. C. 4k A. IHi C. B. A Q. sew Bank of France's position Is reinforced by a heavy loan reduction and a large contraction of outstanding note Issues. Additional gold was engagod for New York today In spite of these measures, which may, In fact, serve to attract gold to London and Paris from other sources, but seem Inefficacious to obstruct the withdrawals for New York. Foreign money markets have 'held so suspicious an attitude 1 a n v" icmui-i" Cuba M preneni year mat aavances were inoonse- j quentlal, even such aa are usually made In anticipation of the marketing abroad of our commodities. The consequence Is that ' now, with the outward movement of our cpmmodltles in force and payments fall ing due, tho foreign banking centers have no offset In. the form of maturing loans of American borrowers. Our choice of pay ment In gold for our exports therefore leavea the foreigners no alternative. An other Installment of some $1,900,000 of gold arrived In New York today, with a, $10,000, 000 Installment close at hand and others to arrive before the week end. The effeot of this was not marked In the fall of the nremlnm which Is helnar natrt for currency oy aome neceasitous user. The extent to .1"! U It N. unified 4 . M ,.! 'Mm. coo. sold 4a. rl ..11 Mel. Central 4s.... 79 ,.1'4 do 1st ino M!i ,.lf M. ft St. L. 4a 10 .Aft M , K. A T. 4a W ..5 do Ma T7Uj 1 . 9Nat. R. of 14. e. 4a. 71 . 14 M. T. C. n. tm.. M ,. TH N. J. C. cn. 6a. ...lit ,. MH No. Pacific 4a 15 . J do la ,.. U N. a W. eon. 4a.. I 4s WHO. R. U rfrlg. 4a.... t .. 7Vi Ina. ct. Ia WSi .. 75 Reading (en. 4a 0 .. Bt, U ft I. M. e. 5s..1 ... 41 St. U ft 8. r. ff. 4a. 70 .. fit. U g -W. o. 4a U .. P Rboard A. U 4a... ili n so. rarinc 41 i 10.6T7 .4.'t6 30 6h4 17.W1 18.211 17,301 61.65S 60,6. W.4i6 82.11x3 66 048 77.770 Same days I weeks ago..82.73 Same daya $ weeka ago.. 32.344 Same daya 4 weeka ago. .!M 4-2 Same days last year 24,996 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at 8outh Omaha lor in year to date, comparea wun mm .1.033,564 .2,031,83 .1,837.953 The following tnhle prices of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several daya with comparisons especially, of which , there were a good many scattered In the barn that have been accumulating from day to day, were prac tically unsalable even at the extremely low f rices. In fsct there could hardly he said a be a market of old broken-mouthed feeding ewes. , Quotations on ' gttnd to choice killers: lambs, $5 754h.00: yearling wethers, $4 eoft 4 75: wethera, $4 2M4.50; ewes. $3 904f4 ?.V Quotations on feeders: Oood lambs, $5 nt p.0; common lambs,. $1 ISodM.tO; yearlings, $4 fWi4; wethera, J4 04.35; good ewes. $3 0(j 50; common ewes, $1.60u2.60; aged breeding ewes, $4. 259 4.76. No. .... Av 78 Wyoming lambs, culls 4r 20 Wyoming ewes, culls.... K 30 Wyoming ewes, feeders 92 28 Wyoming lambs, feeders ' 62 34 Wyoming lambs, 61 606 Wyomlnx lambs, feeders..... 63 j 11 Wyoming lambs, feeder 55 trs o yominR weinera Sl Wyoming wethers , 98 87 Wyoming bucks 135 148 Wyoming ewes h"! 474 Wyoming ewes, breeders.... 103 28 Wyoming ewes, breeders W 100 Wyoming ewes, breeders 101 117 Wyoming ewes, breeders 103 111 Wyoming ewes, breeders 1"3 810 Wyoming y'rl gs and w'hers. 116 year: Cattle .. Hoga . Sheep feeders, feeders. Date. 1907. 19O.1905.!lO4.ll9O$.190l.1901 Oct. 28.... Oct 29. . Oct. 30 .., Oct. 31... Nov. 1..., I NOV. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. BUTTER Firm: creamorv extras. 25Uo: which the money market waa affected was thirds to firsts, 21W26c; creamory, held, disappointment to those who had looked first to specials, 23i,?6c; state dairy, com- for prompt relaxation with the first arrlv- mon to finest, 19 4? 25c; process, common to npeclalB, 17fe'23e; western factory, cumnnin iu ursi, lavrzic. CHEESE Quiet; state, full cream, col ored and white, September, fine, 16c, October, fine, 13c; October, gid to prime, 12 (r13c; October, common to f'r. 10Si12c; large, October, fine, 1$C i,,;ns Firm: western, firsts, 27 28c; seconds, 24ff26c. l"Ol LTRY Allre, steady; western chickens, 13S14c; fowls, 12$14c; tur keys,. 15c. Dressed, easy: weate.'n chick ens, 1215c; turkeys, 1318c; fowls, Jl 13o.- : i t ArUcles.1 Open. Hlgt. Low. I Cloe. Tee y. Wheat I Iajc, 91-2 3"! Mav 1 U1V1 0-v, July ,06a . 'orn I I Dec. 57W fH 'May :;.Hi: July 57 a I &3 M 6kW lc M 48 T14 May. 1Sfc4f HV 4TVa 4 I, '! July Pork Jan. May Lard No. Jan. May II 00 13 46 S12W 7 86 I 00 7 00 47 13 36 13 70 I 12 .8 00 12 7 10 T S5 94! ' f5 1 I 67 67Mr-H bV 58 47S!47i) wi;6Wsij 80v.l t Q lv0Jll & 1 M Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 7. WHEAT December, 87c; May, 944c. Cash: No. 2 hard, 92jj93c; No. 3, 90.'c; No. 2 red, 810 2c: No. 3, 89ri9Uc. CORN December, 50c; May, 62c. Cash: No. 2. mixed, 576c; No. 3, 66c; No. 3 white. 67c; No. 3. 66c. OATS-No. 3 white, 4748c; No. 2 mixed, 441i 45c. HAY Steady; choice- timothy, $12.00 12.50; choice prairie. $10.00&10.50. RYE Steady; 6S(fi70c. E4K1S Steady; extras. 22c; firsta 20c. BUTTER Creamery, 23c; packing, 15c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 1.... 46. (mo 160,000 Corn, . bu., 13.000,. -lHOOO Oats, bu ifcOOU 6,000 Minneapolis Uraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 7. WH EAT De cern ber, 9ofi9bc; May, $1.06H; No. 1 hard, MiV&H"4,c; No. 1 northern, 98ifi 98TBc ; No. S northern,. 4iUl; No. 3 northern, SWt 90c. FLOUR First patents, $5.40fflo.60; second patents, $6.20igtV4o; first clears, $4.j4.40; second clears, $3.60d3.70. BRAN In bulk. $.U75ti21.0O, ' ,48 13 00 13 45 8 12 'I s-'Vs 7 16 90 T 16 46',; 13 26 13 67 8 12; 7 B t 7 (2 7 rv 6K4j 684 6S 4H 47 13 20 13 tiJ 8 10 7 95 . $ 07 7 07 7 3) J No. f- : Cash quotatlona were aa follows: KLAJl'R Easy; winter patents, $4.4ofe 4 76; winter straights. $3 o4.&6; spring pat ents. $5.2neio; spring airaiglila, H 'Muii.w, bakers. H,;i4.20. WHEAT No. 2 spring. Mc6$1.02; No. I, Kciptl.ta; No. 2 red. KcadlV- CuKN-No, i. Botwc; No. t yellow, 60 idu'v. DATS No. t, Hc; No.Jt white, 46ft60c. RVK No. 2, 7c. UAliLi:if-Jood f-editig. 63j70c; fair to choice malting. 7iiivuc. SttEDB Flax. No. 1 northwestern, $1.17H. Prime timothy, $1.30. Clover, contract B-mJ.-a. $16 26. PROVIhlONS Short ' ribs sides (lwwl, ' t7.2f4itt.26. Purk. mess, per bbl.. $l!.0ual3 26. Lard, per loo lbs., $o.22. Bhort clear sides X tboxed). $ . ,. y Following ware tbe receipts and shlp- Shipinents. Sd 4"0 17.400 176,700 ltft.Tt'l l.licO 2i I0J f T Receipts. Flout, Cbls f Wheat, bu ,. 88 w I i'orn, bu. .. r, .141. Hi Oats, b. ..... lfcO.wO ' Rye. bu l.Oot itarley, bu , 41.. ''JO Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Nov. 7. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1.0Mi'0"1.06: No. 2 north ern, 99cp$'; December, 90c. RYE No. 1. 79W9c. BARLEY No. 2, $1.0v; sample 70f,'98c. CORN No. 3 cash. Gl&Uc; May, 68c bid. - - Liverpool Uraln Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 7.-WH EAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 8a d; futures, steady; December, 8s; March, Ss ld: May, Ks a. CORN Spot, easy; prime mixed Ameri can, 6s 8dt futures, steady; December, 6a 7d; January, 5a 6d. Peoria Market. PEORIA,' 111.7 Nov. 7-CORN-Lower: No. t yellow and No. 3. 6S4c; no grade, 64c. OATS-Dull; No. 8 white, 47a48Hc; No. 4 white, no demand. WHISKY-81.36. Dnlnth Uraln Market. Dl'LUTH. Nov. 7.-WIIEAT-NO. 1 hard on-track, lSc: No. 1 northern. 98c; No. I northern. 95c; December, 99c; May, $1.06. OATS To arrive. 46c; ort track, 46e. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 7-COTTON-Spot In fair demand, prices four points lower; American middling fair, 6 55d; good mid dling, middling, 69M; low middling, 67d; good ordinary, 5.23d; ordinary, 4.63,1. The tales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and ex port and Included 7.30O American. Recelpta, 16.000 bales. Including 13,700 American. NEW ORLEANS. I.a.. Nov. 7.-COTTON 8pots firm: sales 3.660 bales; low ordinary, Cn. nominal; ordinary, 7 7-loc, nominal; good ordinary, 87ic, nominal; low middling, 9'c; middling, 10c; good middling, 11c; middling fair, llc; fair, 12M,c. nominal. Receipts, 8.726 bales; stock, 176 bales. ST. LOl'13. Nov. 7.-t?OTTON Quiet; middling, loTc; sales, 62 halea. Receipts. 744 bales; shipments, 22 bales; stock, 9,518 bales. GALVESTON, Texas, Nov. 7.-COTTON Lower; 10c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. METALS The London tin market was lower with apot quoted at 1.16 and futures at 137 loa. Locally the market was weak with quota tions ranging from $J9.60 to $29.80. The London copper market waa lower with spot quoted at itfu 6s and futures at 69 15s. Locslly the market waa weak and F rices loi-t part of their recent gain with .ake closing at $14.Uigl 25. electrolytic at $)3.75ril4.uO and casting at $13 kKu 13.75. Lead was lower In London with spot quoted at 17 15s. Locally the market waa weak but unchanged. Spelter closud lower at .1 12g 6d In the London murhet, but no change was reported locally. Iron was unchanged with Standard foundry qroted at 4a and Cleveland warrants at 4Hs 10d In the Lon don market. Lucally no change waa re ported. ST. LOT '19. Nov. 7. METALS Lead lower; $1 4; spelter dull; $6.16. als of gold. The explanation la found In the necessary repair of the deficit below the legal reserve of the banks and also of the urgent requirement of the Interior for currency to complete the movement of the crops; a process of vital Importance in righting the situation and In setting free means for facilitating the liquidation. Money on call for operations In stocka still remains scarce. In consequence of thet.e conditions. The Immediate results of the completion of the Tennessee Coal trans action In the stock market proved rather disconcerting, with the admission to the Stock exchange list of the $:.000,000 of United Btatea steel sinking: funds bonds presumably employed In that transaction. there waa evident Iluuldatlon and a decline of S points in the bonds, Tennessee Coal also fell precipitately from the artificial level at which it haa been arbitrarily held. The fine levied on the Atchison for rebat ing and the reporta from various sources of extensive shutting down of Industrial operations bore heavily on the market and forced It to the weak closing. Honda were irregular. Total sales, uar Blue. $2,684,000. United 8tates 2s and 3a registered advanced H and the 4a Ut ter cent on call. ' Number of sales and quotations on stocks were aa louows: BOSTON. Wool Market. Nov .7.-WrOL There Is a On the Produce exebsnae todav the but- .marked conservative tendency In tha trad- cr market waa steady; croaiaerlea. 4f ' mt in int woui maraei. ana oraini i 24c: usu-las, 1 c. K. steady; ut mark, rases Included, 17Htf-'lSc: firsts, ti.-; prune firsls,; 24v Chees-. steady ut U'.vf 14T. Bt, L6ala Oeaeral Market. ST. LOUI8. Mo.. Nov.' f.-WHKAT-De. rreiwed; traokj-No. 2 red, ash 4o; No. hard, SSu'.'K; December, eSr;1i,xic; Muy, CORN-I-ower; track. No. 2. cash. 6.v (Ac; Leceniler. 6:Sc; May, 6e; track, ho, J white, 67nto. , . OATS Lower; track. No. 2. cash. 46c; , Ivevrmter. nothing doing; May, 4.1t,c; No. t white. 47c. . , FLOUR IUll: red nrln'er ""tents. $4 5Mi I St ; extra itnc and straight, $4 t.U clear. H vv N n 1 ' . - FVFPP-Ttiuulhy. du"; $15j'j4I0. t'OHNM:iAlv-Siady; ti'M BRAN Dpll: sacked east track, $l.tnkjr Y Steady: timothy. $1 1 Hi 18 Oi; pi sir'c. r l ikii.v f'.niV TIE3-8U'.. iniovi-'.yi-4'1'1'' J-v; bbuif.i keeps ace with actual requ rements. Pr ie remain firm and dealinits have been light. The lesdiug western prices are aa follows' Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri three, eighths blood, il-'y.Uoi quarter-blood, 2ft9oc. Scoured values: Teaas, fine, , on two nionihs, 7ijl,lc; from six to eight! months, u,)wjc: fine fall. 67u58c. California north ern, 4oirc ; middle county. . ',.'; south ern. Sodj'ic. t Orrnen eaatern No. 1, staple, 7dq(7:c: eastern No. I. cloth'ng, o87tic; east ern, averaging. ti7'uTc; valley No. 1, ."n2e. Territory, scoured hauls, staple, 7ft73c; half 1,,hm1, tWiiO.'io: three-eighths blood, fS'uube; qtiMi ter-blood, 6T'l5tiC. tST. LOUIS. Nov. 7.-,WOOL Quiet; me dium grades, coinhlng and clothing, Sc; liKlil fine. 2"tik-; tiravy fine. 17UV'; lub-ashed, H'jiuc. . luffee Market. NEW YfUU. Nov 7 COFFEE turea market closed steady, net unchi to 10 ioint lower; I t). einher, .. j 3 li); March. '5 65; May. 6 7U66: July. $i.0 M5 1I0: S leinter. ..f'): October. 5 !tj4.". 6(10. M" t i it: Hu Nr. 7. 6: ; !wnti, No. 4, 6c; mild, dull; I'oiduva, tVxblit. Adams Kxnraaa Amalgamated Copper .... aaiar. Car ft Foundry ... f do Old Amer. Oottoa Oil do pfd Amer. Express Atu.r. M. ft L. pfd ... Amr. Ice Beo. , Amer. Llnaaed Oil pfd Amer. Looomotlve do pfd Amer. 8. ft R do pfd Amer. Sugar Reflulng , Amvr. Tobaooo pfd cartlf Anaconda Mining Co. ... Atcnlaon do pfd ' Atlantlo Coaat 1.1ns .... Baltimore ft Ohio do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranatt . Canadian Pacific Central of New Jsrsey , Chesapeake ft Ohio Chicago ursat Weatsrn . Chicago ft Northwestern . O , M. ft at. P Chicago T. ft T. do pld I c , o.. c. ft at. l Colorado Kuel ft Iron Colorado ft Southern ... do let ptd do 2d pfd Consolidated (laa Corn Products Rafg da pfd Delaware ft Hudaaa D. 1a ft W Dearer Rio Grande . do pfd tlletlllera' Securities Kris do let pfd do H pfd Oonarel Eiectrle Illlnola Central Internet tonal Paper do pfd International Pump do pfd lows Central do pfd Kanaaa City Southern ... - do pfd Loulevtlls ft Naabrllle .. Moaloan Central Mtun. ft St. Louts at , 81. P. ft 8. Bta. M do pfd Mlaaourl Paclfiu Mlaeourl, Kanaaa A Texaa do pfd National Led Nat. R. R. of Mex. pit., New York Central N. Y . O. ft V. Norfolk ft Wealern , do pfd North Americas Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C. C. ft St. U preease Steel Car do pfd a Pullman Palate Car .... heading 1.... do let pfd do Id pfd , Republic steal do pfd Ruck liland Co. do pfd St. L. ft S. F. 3d pfd. St. Louia-Southweatern do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd) Southern Railway do ptd Teas. Coal ft Iron Teiae ft Pacific T. 81. L. ft W. do pfd Vnioa Pacific do pfd V. S. Riprcaa ., V. S. Really V. 8. Rubber do pfd XI. t. Steel do pld Va -Carolina Chemical ... do pld Wabaah do pld Wella-Pargo Eapreaa .... VieaU Elotlric Vk eaters t'alon Wheel.' ft Lake Erie Wleconftln Central do pld Northers Pacific Central Leather do pfd tluee-bhefseld Steel Great Northers ptd Interporuegb Met do pld Ki-divldend. Offered. Total sales for tha day. Sales. High. Low. Close. 166 46.600 6014 46 00 K . tSi C.. R. I. ft P. R. 4s. tfMj do let 4a eertlf.. do col. ta 70 So. Railway Ka tl't CCC ft St L, gen 4a. II Tex. ft Pao. lata....lut Cfllo. Ind. 6a, a. A. 40 eT.. St. L. ft W. 4a 17 Colo. Midland 4a.. k I'nlon Pacific 4i 15 7v do ct. 4a 11 M V. 8. 8teel, Id la,... Il'i D. ft R. Ot 4a Webanh lats 100 Diet. Securities 6e...liXH Weatern Md. 4a 44 Eric, prior Ilea 4a. wia. Cent. 4a 7l'4v do gen. 4a 70S Japan 4s 77 Hock. Valley 44a.. 17 Atrhleou cv. 4s fUVi Japan 4Hs, rartlf.... 64 do ( do 3d series 64Mj Int. Met. 4s 4hV4j Offered. Bid. , 2... 3... 4... 6... ... 7... 6 55 I 4 n 4 96 (48 (IS 4 M 6 49 ( 05 4 94 ( 58 102 4 12 111 ( 61 ( 05 4 84 4 84 5 67 ( 10 4 90 4 84 ( 07 4 87 4 81 5 63 4 88 4 o ( 38 ( 98 4 89 ( 15 6 96 4 87 4 90 5 4 83 4 91 101 Wyoming ewes, breeders.. w yoming ewes 120 Wyoming ewes, breeders 144 Wyoming ewes 26 Wyoming wethers Inc. DfO.1 "I11"" jemima 8H9 007 134 667 14 W yoming yearlings, ?!?'.1 oc i US Wyoming yearlltiRS. f'i -Jil 120 Wypmlng ewes, breeders - .05 vnmina wethers shows the average , 0,1 wyom others , l.i Wyoming inmhs. runs 406 Wyoming lambs, feeders 274 Wyoming lambs, feeders 674 Wyoming lambs, feeders 167 Wyoming lambs, feeders 263 Wyoming ewes, feeders 644 Wyoming ewes, feeders 491 Wyoming ewes, feeders 370 Wyoming ewes, f'ders, culls. 6S0 Wyoming lambs 5 oi 511 i n 4 8 4 93 4 98! 5 00 4 87 4 791 4 74' 4 73 ( 61 6 69 6 61 (41 501 4S I II ( 12 ( 67 ( 71 ( 7$ ( 81 ( 511 ( 72 621 ( 72 109 119 lt 117 ll! ft 1I0 100 li2 101 I'M 61 66 65 66 70 7 96 99 87 7.1 Pr. ; 3 73 2 M 3 80 5 00 s m ( 50 5 40 4 4A 4 45 1 75 4 00 4 25 4 23 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 45 4 60 4 10 4 60 4 10 4 25 4 60 4 M 4 50 4 25 4 50 4 An 4 50 6 40 ( 55 5 ( 55 3 35 8 3 35 2 00 ( 60 4 78 H ( 6 Boston Stocka and Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 7 Call loans, 710 cent; time loans. per cent. closing on stocka and bonds: Atrhlsoa 4s 2 Atlantic Mexican Central 4a. 71 Bingham Atchison Tl "Calumet ft Heels do pfd 6314 Centennial , Boaton ft Albany.. Ifl Copper Range , Roaton ft Maine. .19 Daly West , Boaton Kleyated ... Franklin Fltchburg pfd 120 Granby Mexican Central .... Msfc lile Royale N. Y . N. H. ft H ISO Mass. Mining Pere Marquetts .... 12 Michigan Union Pacific inH Mohawk Amer. Arge, Cliem. It MUna O. AC. Amer. Pneu. Tuba.. 41 Old Dominion Amer. Sugar InjMj Oareola 1 do pfd 10U Parrot Amer. T. ft T tt Qulncy Amer. Woolen 144 Shannon do pfd 73 Tamarack Rdlaon Flee. Ilium. 1M Trinity per Official Oen. Electric Maaa. Electrlo do pfd Maaa. Oaa. United rrult Vol ted Shoe Mach. do pfd V. 8. Steel de pfd Adrenture AUouae , Amalgamated , Asked. Bid. 11 United Copper .10 V.' 8. Mining . 39S V. 8. Oil , . 41 Si Utah .104 Victoria . S6 Winona . 24 H Wolverine . 24 North Butt .64 Bolt Coalition ... . 1 Nevada . 26 . Calumat ft Arliona . 4 Anions Commercial , 10 . I4 .605 , 20 . 43 H . 10 . . 16H . s . t . 44 . m , X! , . tl . 10 . 71 . ion . 63 . 11V4 . 7 . II .' . it . 4 . tt .1M . 40 . 14 . 7 .10 Vi . 1 . Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Iloxs. Sheep. Horsee. c., m. ft st. p Union Pacific 10 C, N. W., east .. C. fk N. W., west 8 C. Ft. P.. M. A O. C, IT. & Q.. east. . . C. H. ft Q.. west 21 Great Western.. .. Total receipts.. 39 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the numoer 01 neaa indicated : 4 7 14 1 8 ( 9 11 i o 37 22 Buyers. Omaha Packing Co,. Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co. 1 Armour ft; Co Vansant & Co Iiobman & Co F. P. Lewis L. F. Hubs Mike Haggerty .... J. B. Root Ac Co. .. , 1 O. McConnaughey .. T. B. Inghram. .'. . . Wesmltlt Independence ...... Other buyers ...... Total Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. CHICAGO LIVB7 STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoga Weak "beep and Lambs Dnll. CHICAGO, Nov. 7. CATTLE Receipts, estimated about 9.000 head. hVrket steady; steers, $4.607.OO; co'.vs, li hSfu1 4.60; heavy. $2.60 & (.00; bulls, $2.60u 0 00, calves 13.00(3 7.00. HOGS Recelpta, estimated about 18.000 head. Market about wenk; choice heavy ehlpplng, $5.15 5.25; light butchers, $5.25 ifi6.30; light mixed. $, choice light, $5.20(40; packers. U.oOffolO, pigs, $4,266 .15; bulk of sales, 15.00 tt 6.50. I SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, psti mated about 12,000 head. Market dull; cheep, $1.6006.35: lambs, $5.00J6.80; yearlings, $4 60 1 6.00. London Ooalasr Stocks. IXNDON, Nov. 7. Closing quotations on roiiowa: , . S1H m., K. A T MM . llNw York Central ..10214, . H Norfolk ft Western.. M . n 46 pfd (X . M Ontario ft Wasters., tovi . Mil PenniylTBsl 51 .14t ' Band Mines , a Baadlog stocks were as Conaols, nroooy , do aocouat Aaaconds f Atchiaon do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio Canadian Pacific . Chesapeake ft Ohio 4,40 100 15 l.soo 12Vi 104 300 1,4'fl 10 1,100 300 .10O 00 t t.ttoO 1.600 ,S-JO lira) 3,400 800 T.IO 4) kH u 74 106 ss" 714 84 "4 62 ti 80 ! Il'i 145 2S4 7i 13344 104 JUV4 UAH 1t 7 lOSVt SI '4 71V 3U SilM 7H44 i4 1311 28 14 7H 1SS llli 80O 17 144 'ioo iiii jj" M M l',oi is" ljiii 40 lisi -7o; 4JH 41 o 174 17 , 100 St I '700 lii" lii" 6u0 Mb m 'it'ii it "' ii" 1.100 1 14 'ioi ia" ii" ii" ui 1, 100 14 14 "ioi isii ii" yy 11 ut lot) MV4 60 1 CO 1414 ta SH) 6 05 1,0 t('4 81 li&oe 4 ii'i aoo Sim 1.114 too u i "ii '" too 2114 il-4 M p 107k "0 75 74S4 K b$ eS 'M 17 174 , I.... lmwi 1.1S4, 19, Ki ;t n : 7 74 100 7 7 4uO li IS . SuO 5st f7 ' , l.kott 134 ' IIS v S4 I4t K 10 no li'W.aio 7t, ci" , l.loo 10, hri to l'.' !! lu 40 40 .. !. IM lilt 3,l 1 111, ll 114 144 4"0 S4 14 , M.400 111 11 M N ao 4 '4 Z4V4 7 SH4 70 1T0 11 1014 7 1 S l 8t4) MM 103 M as 1144 71H u n n 75 S1H 1V 150 n 7i mil 1014 6 , 10 44 1M 17V4 44 UV4 w 10M a 121 375 18 6 41 17 S4 J7M 110 m M ni 11 90 21 4Vt 44 144, !4 714 116 54 21 53 3 l 74 jo tut K 43 t 107H 74S4 11 14 n 131 7414 71 tt li 57 13V M 14 14 S 7 1024 n4 i im it i 34 M 10 -4 77 Si 7 7 lM 4H 40 12 i"w , w pta , 14 9owtara Pacific. Ute , is , ynien recmo . , 41 . 49 pfd . 1614 V. 8. 8lal .. . 41 do pfd . r Wabaah . 174 de Ptd .13 Bpnltb 4s .... . M Chicago Ut. Weatara IS Southern Railway C M. ft t..p,.,,, ,ed I4 D Boers ...... .... D. ft R. O. do pfd - Erie do lat pfd do Id pfd Oraad Trunk Illluola Central .. Loula. A Naah. ,. SILVER Bar. dull at 7 $-16d per OS. MONEY 4 per cent. . ' , The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 6tyl per cent; for three months' bills, 6-(&7 per cent. lis . i . t4 . . 16 . 14 133 123 424 (44 090 77 (44 640 1,114 $06 771 660 64 63 10 135 81 23 8 240 27 83 . .. 12,707 .1,628 2.696 16.003 ' New York Mlntnsy Stocks. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Cloaing quotations on mining stocks were, aa ronows: Adams Coa. Alic Breece Brunawlck Con. . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs. Horn Silver Iron Silver ....... LeadTlll Con. ... Offered. 6 ....50 ... 17 ... 10 ... 21 48 ...1J0 , ...100 6 Llttl Chief Ontario Ophlr Potoal Savage glerre Nevada Small Haeea .. Staadard .. 6 ..tio ..106 .. 13 .. se .. 15 .. II ..160 Bank of Bngrlaaal Statement. LONDON Nov. 7. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follow ing changes: . Total reserve decreased, 3.139.000; circulation Increased, 136.000; bullion decreased, 8,004.037; other aecur ltlea Increased, 1,360,000;. other deposits decreased, 4.113,000; public deposit de- I creased. 490,000; notes reserve decreased, i,,A. ...... .tl la. J 1 M.'WiWi avvvi iiiiiviii iiuiiiibi um I citmu, 4,0o0. The proportion of . the bank's re serve to liability this week Is 36.30 per cent, compared with 89,01 per cent last weeks Treasury Statement. WA8HINGEON. Nov.: 7.-Today a state J ment of tha treasury balances In the gen- eral fund, exclualve of the $15O,og0.OuO gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, ' $240,658,632; gold coin and. bullion, $8,623,1175; gold certificates, toO.630.090., Bank Cleariaga, OMAHA, Nov. 7. Bank clearings for to day were $1,730,868.03 and for the corre sponding date laat year $l,t!2.118.45. WEATHER 14 THE GRAIN BELT Fair aad it (a Coaler for Friday. Promised to Be. OMAHA. Nov. 7, 1907. Btormf weather continues over the east ern and upper Atlantic atatea, and heavy rains and high winds are reported through out those sections. Increased cloudlnesa Is shown In the central valleys and western portion, but no precipitation worthy of note has occurred since the last report, except light rains In the western Canadian provinces. Cooler weather Is geneiat eaat of the Mississippi river. Temperatures are higher In the Missouri valley, but are lower In the west and northwest, and will bu lower In this vicinity tonight and Friday, with probably continued fair weather. Omaha record of temperature and preci pitation, compared wltn the corresponding day of the last three years: 1907. 1906. 1936. 1M Minimum temperature .... 42 45 40 40 Precipitation 00 00 00 Ou Normal temperature for today, 41 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, (.47 inches. Deficiency in corresponding period In l'jOh, 3.86 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 19ij, 2.24 Inches. L. A. WELSH. , Local Foiea -.ttr. CATTLE With extremely light receipts of cattle In sight this morning and with moderate runs reported at other selling points,- the trade took on a better feeling than for the several daya past. It hap pened that buyers all wanted a few head and, as tnere were so few on sale, the tnar- aei was not. oniy active, uui ruuhkcii me ... 1 . ...... 1 ...... .1 . , n ........ 1 sna eariv 1 revaijis viiciiiBi.'e, ii.i'w. wj short time. Beef steers can safely be quoted strong to lOo higher. A bunch of cornfeds sold up to $6.40, but, as there has been noth ing of that kind coming of late, it would be lmpoeatble to give comparisons. The few westerns were also sold to very good ad vantage. There seemed to be a very fair demand for cows and heifers and the more de sirable lots sold quite readily lO<o higher than yesterday. Borne cattle carried over from yeaterday actually brought 10c more than was bid for them yesterday. As a matter of courae aome bunches that did not happen to find favor In the eyes of buyers did not sell to as good advantage. ' There were very few .feeder In eight In first handa this morning, but, as usual dur ing the last half Of the week, the demand was not particularly urgent. There was sale, however, for a (ew right good Cattle at atrong prices. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed steers. $5.50i. 41.40; fair to good corn fed steers, $4.806.40; common to fair corn fed steers. $4.0U&4.80; good to choice range steers, $4.256.00; fair to good range steera. $3.7fij4.26; common to fair range steers, t3.vi8.76; good to choice cows and heifers, $3.(Hk(i3 60; fair to good cowa and lielfers, ez.niKn -i.uo; common to lair cuww iu nnien, $1. 5063. 50; good to oholce stockers and feed ers $4 0iii4 : fair to good ftrkers snd feeders, $3.6tS4.M: common to fair stockers and feeders, $2 76(93.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 43 4 40 S 4 4 4 t 1161 4 4 81 list 40 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDkiKfl. 11 7KI III WEB TERNS NEHKABri-A. St. Lonls Live Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS, Nov. 7.-CATTLE Reoelpts 8,000 head. Including 1.000 Texana; market strong; native shipping and export steers, $6.90fd7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $o.Ky60; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.6C3 4.86; stockers and feeders, (ItsXa 4. 16 : cows and heifers, $3.&Utf6.60; cannnrs, $1.2Mra.C0: bulls, $2.6oti4.60; calves, $3.Wa7.60; Texas and Indlnn steers, $2.0035.00; cows and heifers, 31.2&ft3.66; HOQ3 Receipts 6.500 heed: market 15c to 20c lower; pig and lights, ti.o0io.?l packers, 4.86vi625; butchera and best heavy, $5.$t;6.46. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1,200 head: market steady: native muttons, t'i.26 I (.6.26; lambs, $4.00i.SO; culls and bucks, ,2. 6060; stockers. 12 004,00. Kssus City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Nov. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,000 head, Including 600 southerns; market stead v; choice exiKirt and dressed beef steers, $; fair to good, $4.'a I (.30; western steers, $1.6Mi4.40; stockers feeders, li.WKiH: southern steers, $3.00ti3.96; southern cows, $1.50ru'3.10: native cowa, $2.0Ou 4. 26; native heifers, $3.004.06; bulls, l2.loli3.66; calvea, $3.605.75. HOGS Receipts 7,000 head; market opened 25c lower; loss regained; top, $5.06; bulk of sales. $4.7vOtr4.0; heavy, (4.80rn4.86; packers Bv.moo.oo. pikb aria iihoib, eo.puuHi.w. BHEEP AND LAMtta Receipts 4.0U0 head; market steady to strong; lambs, t4.7tVHi.26: yearllnxs. $4.tW4.7R: .we-- yearllngs, $4.60(i6.00; western sheep. S-1V 4.76; stockers and feeders, 33.004). uu. 14 cows 41 cows, ( cows... 22 cows... ( heifers. 91 steers.. ..1006 3 hslfers... 363 21 calves.... 3U3 830 863 4 927 674 7 cows 15 cows..., 4 cows.,,, 7 cows.... ( bulls.... 11 cows..,, 6 heifers. IS cowa.... 13 feedere. 39 heifers. I cows..., 15 cows..., 8 cows... 10 cows... 13 steers.. 27 cows.... 1 cow.... 12 calves. 744 944 .1000 . 746 '1 75 .1416 I 60 I (0 2 65 1 60 1 36 3 80 I (6 ( 25 ( 65 1 26 2 85 3 10 41 cows. rows.. 8 cows.. ( cows.. 2 steers 4 steers.. ..1140 2 calves.... 290 767 .. 8X8 .. 943 .. k!6 ..1450 956 ,. 930 . 8ll . 6 28 ,. 4M . mi . 9X0 .1047 .1106 .1160 970 860 329 S 26 ( 70 1 60 3 40 2 35 1 76 3 40 ( 40 3 60 1 75 2 1 60 3 26 WYOMING. 4 calvea 14 cows.... 18 cows.... 8 cows.... 30 Bteers... 7 cows.... 29 cows.... 13 cows.... 0 cows.... 7 steers... 13 cows 12 feeders. 3 cows.... 6 cows 8 cows.. 2 cows. . 8 cows.. 1 calf... 897 811 975 , 778 m .1000 , 966 , 847 , 795 ,1207 , 958 , P47 923 ...1000 .10i4 ,ll . 876 . 1H0 200 1 60 1 00 I 00 ( 60 3 60 1 CO 3 26 2 25 2 85 1 75 4 40 278 ( 25 1 15 2 26 3 85 I 60 $ 60 1 76 i 00 1 40 5 00 2 00 4 00 887 .1153 46 cows.... 10 steers.., 28 steers,. ..1357 18 cows 855 10 cows 900 58 feeders.. 1085 64 steers.. ..1214 1 steer 1120 DAKOTA. 5 steers.... 950 56 steers. ...H66 9 steers. ...1178 14 cows 1027 2 80 3 60 4 90 1 60 2 55 4 On 4 85 4 H Fu- 40 7u4 "04 a4 tt.500 tsw 8.' ' lii B . ev US 14S 14 II i' M 14 fe) it lii lit, too 400 tl to jOM Z' i 64 tl 11 : 1044 1I.7S 17 M t 14 14. li 144 ! , 3.0O0 114 112 li3 l.W I w 17 II 1I1.40 share. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Nov. T.-Th supplies of money Were short, the demand waa good and rates were dearer In tne market today Discounts were adjusted to the Increased rate of the Bank of England.- Trading on the Bunk exchange opened buoyantly on the settlement of the railway diaout. Consols Improved (-16 snd home rails went up from 1 to 4 points, but dealers re ceived a shock when the 1 per cent bsnk rate was announced and a general detltns followed. Hume rails lost niost of the InitUI and consols declined S. but talsid abue the lowest prU.cs of the St. Josepk Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 7. CATTLE Receipt 1.372 head; market steady; na tives, J4. 2.(10.00; cows and heifers. $1.7i, 4 40; stockers and feeders. (-l.ttiM.ii; cows and heifers, $4.6NJ4.7 ' HOtiS Receipts t.669 head; market !o lower: top, $4 66; bulk of aalea, $4 61 11 4. 70. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts U71 head; market steady; lambs, $ft.iofl.J6, yearlings, $o.0u6.50. 1 1 Blens City Lire Stock Market. RIOl X CITT, Nov. 7.-. "pedal Telegram.) CATTLE- Receipts, j head: market ateady; Blockers slow; beeves, $4. 6046. 78; cows and heifers, $2 (j3 76; stockers and feeders, $2.7uu3.76; tulvxa and yearlings, M.2a.M. . liutJS Receipts, 900 head: market U0o lower, selling at $4.aofJ4., bulk ot sales, $4.lsi4.o. Stack Receipts of llvs clpal western South Omaha eloux City . Kansas t ity fit. Jo.epli . Hi. Louub ... Chicago Total ...... la Sight. stock at the alx markets yesterday: Catlia. llo?s. prln- elieep. II, 10 ! Mill t 'Mill 600 9011 OHO 7,0110 1.000 1.372 2.64i .71 3 000 6.600 1..01 S.Ontf 1000 I2,0o0 ,.24,7 (7,tl .3.1)1 23 cows 923 $ 16 9 steers.. ..11 4 ( 76 13 Steers.. ..1130 4 25 6 cows 972 I 76 9 cows 977 ( 00 10 feeders.. 86 $ 85 d steer 1370 4 85 13 steers . ..1146 3 60 fiOI'TII 69 steers.. ..1133 8 85 5 steers.... 950 $ 00 "8 steers.. ..1140 4 00 66 atoers....H66 4 00 50 steers. ...1149 IOI 9 steers. ...1178 IW 8 cows 1066 $ 00 11 cows 127 3 15 4 cows HH5 2 60 HOGS Hogs this morning sold 25o lower than yesterday, or 76c, lower than last Saturday. There were so few on sale that when the trade waa once under way the offerings were soon disposed of. The hogs sold very largely at $4 90. with a top at $4 95. It will be remembered that yesterday 5 If, was the leading price, with a top of $5.23. Hoga Bold today below the $5.00 mark for the first time since March, I06- More than that, the general opinion seems to be that the bottom has not yt-l been reached, but that prices are bound to continue on down ward. As a matter etif fact, no one can tell very much about the future, but with nut Mo In sight to sustain the market the conclusion Is that prlcea are liable to go st Ml lower. Borne of the ble backers have predicted that hoar will be selling down to $4 00 before the close of the season. Representative eales: OMAHA wnol.kltlS VtflKKT,- Condition of Trade and ttoetetleae on Staple aad Knne rradaee. EGGS-Fresh country. 22c; storage, I80. BUTTER common. 11V: : fancy tub and rolls. Skfi.'ic; creamery, Sic. CHEESE New full cream. Wisconsin twins, 17Hc; new full cream brick. 17cj dn nestle, new Swiss, lso; nw limberber, 13 l6c; young Amrricaa, 17Vc , LIVE POULTRY Rprlngs, S"'! hens, (c; roosters, 4c; ducks, le: geese, 9c; turkeys, lc; rixeons, 7(c per 0.0. rVH'll HI-norma,''. lanv;, 10r; hens, 10c; roosters, tic; decks, . J.c; gcew lie; turkeys, 17J18o. HAT Choice Ko. 1 upland. $10.f; me dium. $9 00; No. 1 bottom. 00: oft grades from 00 10 S6.&0, rye straw, i.iw; alfalfa. Ilioo FRt'ITB. CRANBERRIES-Per barrel. $9 25fi9.5, ' APPLES Colorado fancy Jonathans. 4-. tier box. ISJ6; California Helleflower. (2.tVt) . t; Washington Bnow, per box. $2.00; Ore gon Kings, per box, $2.60: Oreon Bpltsen berg, per box. $2.W; Oregon Baldwin, 32.26; New York Baldwins, fancy, per barrel, $u.0o; Greening, $5.00; Hubbardson, $5.00. I'KAKS winter fseuia, -iier cox, n.a. (-tier box, $3.0o; Idaho and u. DeAnJou, 4 and 5-tler hoxes, 3 oO. OHAPE8 MichiaHn, per basket. 82cr New York, 82c; California Tokay, per crate. (2.1a); Cornlchan, $2.00; Imported Malaga, per ktg,-. $4.006.00. VEGETABLES. NAVY BEANB Per bu.. No, L (2.(0 per bu., l ima. 7c ier lb. Pf ITA I U(-1 er ou., b.m .oc. BEANS New wax and string, 404T60O per Ws r ket basket . CAlUlAUtv Wisconsin, Holland seed. 1V4 per pound. BEETS Per bushel, 80c. 1 t.'KNirS 'er bushel. 60. PA KPN IP. Fer bushel. 7bC. FAI1SHKH-I'er dosttn, 20c. TOMATOES 1'er basket, u04T76c. CELERY Michigan, 3oti3&c. ONION Red Globe, per pound, Ie. BWEET POTATOlC3-Vlrglnla, $1.3a, PEPPERS Per bualie). 76c. TROPICAL FRUIT. LEMONS Per box, $3.00, $7 00. 1 , cuCOANUTB-Per sack. l fro; per dosea, (Oc DATES On market Oct. 26; Hallowe'en, per pound, 7c; t-syer. per Pound. 4'jiO. IIKBK CUTS. No. 1 ribs. 14V; No. 2 ribs, 'lH4c: No. S ribs, 6Hc. No. 1 loin, 19c; No. 8 loin, 13c; No. 8 loin, 9c. No. I chuck, 6; No. t chuck, 5c; No. 8 chuck, 4u. No. 1 round, 84c; No. 2 round, 71.e; No. S round, UV. No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 2 plate, 4c; No. 3 plain, 80. MISCELLANEOUS, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunea re somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who se?r. lesirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tatlonr range from 60 to 8c lcr California fruit and from &Ha to 8c fot Oregon. Peaches, very firm. with fancy yellows quoted at 13o. 111LTJ A.D TALLOW Oren salted. No. 1 9c; No. 2, 7Vo; bull hides, 6c; green bides, No. L (c; No. 8, 6c ) horse. $1.60(3.50; sheep pelts, 5ociU 3. Tallow.. Ka 1. 44c; No. L 8Hc. Wool, lit 22c. COFFEE Rossted, No. SB, 26c; No. 30, Be; No, 25. 19o; No. 30. 14V40. FISH Halibut, Ho; trout. ISt; pickerel. 10c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh frozen, 13c; whlteQsh, 1416c: buffalo. 14c; bullheads. Skinned and dressed, 13c; cattish, dressed. Uc; white perch, c; white bans, 15c; black bass, 26c; aunflsh, CtiBc. ciappiea, 4b9c; large crappies, 16c: hen Ing, fresh f rosea. 6c; whlteltsh, frosen, 13ul5c, pickerel, fresh -frosen, 13c: red snapper. 12c: flounders, macaerel, 13o per nali; cedflsii, freari frozen, 12c; red snipper, lie; flounders, fresh frozen, 12c; haddock, fresh frnren, 12c; an.elts, 13c; shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog legs. $5o per don green aea turtle meat, to ver lb. ( Bank of France Statement. ' , PARIS, Nov. 7. Tho weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation decreased 84,975,000, francs: treasury deposits de creased, 36,0t0,H00 francs; general deposits decreased, 28,125,000 francs; gold on hand decreased, 31,125.000 franca; silver, on hand decreased. 2fl. 325,000 francs: bills discounted ' decreased, 191,125.000 francs; advunces In creased, 14,874,000 francs. (agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. SUGAR Haw quiet; fair refining, 3.40c; centrifugal, 08' test, 3.90c; molasBes sugar, 3.05c; tcflned, quiet; crushed, 5.70c; powdered,, 5.10c; granulated, 6c. . J California's, t' i Perfect Golf Links 'SsMsF ff II nor too cold for a good l&IlK!'.!" iH ,TA II game. Sdlj I ' ' reached i&-f. ' ' - i irizrriisgiir"--'.---' L-ju'JiLr' - (iibii? iiBiTii ll ' e "I'-f '." ' A. .171 .114 ..Yl .147 ,.i . : . o ..17t ..11 ..J'4 ..Ut ..Ut .. ..i4 sh. U0 40 r) so K0 44 120 in Pr. 4 to 4 H 4 'i 4 0 4 to 4 i 4 0 4 4 M 4 N 4 to 4 W 4 fw 4 Q No. M ., 61... 51.. II.. ' V Av. 111 .174 111 .107 ,1 .' lt4 2; Hi tit .;-i 'i Sh. to lu 13 IM 10 1) M 149 Pr. 4 r 4 14 4 l 4 10 4 t 4 so 4 l '."4 4 ! 4 m 4 !4 4 5 4 15 4 M 4 t 14 14 16 :t n 7 iw 4 to too 4 so ii 4 4 to 47 SHEEP There waa no great rnange In the situation in the sheep bsrn this morn Ir.g, the market beginning about ahere it left off yesterday. Fortunately rece.pta here were very much lighter, and at most all other market points as well, which waa a great help in sustaining prices. Buyers ataited out In good season picking up her snd there such stuff as suited them at prices thst looked about ateady with yes terday. While there was no great activity in the movement, atlll the stuff kept chang ing hands a load or two at a time. Killers pu ked up a fair kind of ewea at (3 XqZ to, with good yearling wctjtrrs at (4.5o and lambs at $5.(0. With feedera It waa a good deal of a nvtch-aa-catch-can" .market. The feeling waa Just about steady and the g'.neral con ditions governing Hi trade were , without noteworthy cbange as compared with yes terday. Tins wonH apply to the good kind of feeders. When It came to the common ! kinds the trade was very slow. Old j 1 11 0 CHICAGO GREAT . -WESTER M : Railway THE TUCHT ROAD : . .... ; To ST. PAUL AND MIININEAPOLI Two sumptuously equipped traint daily, in along faA . time. FineA Dining Ctw Service. Get "Giiide to St Paul,' a compreheruive lift of atraftiv places , to tee m the Saintly Cty, free for the asking. . UNION DEPOT W. C. D4KDSOW, 5U hrM Sirtil, OMAHA ' .".1 1 ' - Jlr kA. ft I lglsisi1 . Do you live near Corby and Sherman Ave.? BLAKE'S PHARMACY 2816 Sherman Ave. v will take your want-ad for The BEE at the same ratea as the main office. Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE M