10 TTTE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER . 1907.' 1 I! WE WILL CASH CHECKS TVT All r A mf; e n U1H ilaUL, TO PURCHASERS OF s y p5 1 1 r j M M ii M 1 1 n u n n u i u f! n n ii n MrnniAisinKP. I ;,!. ft v !fi Z .B-t;' gTTT-fc tf-Tf- A FTTTBFW CT1CT HTTf 1W Wmt T af. a IrTC B" . iT . X.ADIFS' BOMB JOUKKAX WI1TTJB 4jtJZ. QUABTEBLT Oldest Retail Store In Omaha U IT IT'C ronil rtnw J ill ' flf i i ' I i 'turnt on Second Floor. Ul r l .ii Counter In Basemnnt. billkagl Combination Ml WE CASH CHECKS ON ALL BANKS FOR PURCHASERS i mil i iii ii? Pinner In our Restaurant Every Day. n B Ft Tea and Coffee Sale M --.uax ana oaturaay Most Wonderful Bargains in WE EVER OFFERED Tremendous sales during the past week have left 51 us U h g J with many odd lots and broken bolts of goods which we J will dispose of at the most unheard reductions. 1.5 f . : I S avn not f? Blend to try; to makf we will maU m n special Inducement. Li 4 1 qV . ' coiree and lb. canS ij lotleya Tea. VHlue COo. for 40cjS P ri b -Ankola Coffee and H lb. can f ? Tetley Tea, vnlue ll.nc, for... .8$ o m. Annoia corree and 1 lb. jeiiey a Tea. value ll.5. for We roast all our Coffee In Tea Si i)ls 1 lb. En 3 1 R 8 J It I l I. l I v. Lunc,i y V u I I I I 1 mm VI I 1 II I I II l . - . IT AT1 ATVT 0 1 Nov. sl IDliiWrmH IS f 1 I J an ran ) A ...11.20$ M a andV f " REMNANTS OF SILK Coffee Department on Main Floor. y . Wo will roAjit vnur n-hllA vmi mo 1. U J j ft Fish Dcparlment Odd Lots of Plain and -Fancy Black and Silk Worth up to $1.00 -at yard ii r . MlOnuine Blue Point Oysters, ner tli 11 quart 4Kc y COO lbn. rlioico Salmon, per lb ...14cn M Oernxan Carp, per pound Bcji U Kleler Srouten. per can 60ci n 55C r! 11 II n n M 11 n u n u n ii i ii M I! n ii n 1 Muigum uua. nt, t v-a ui. iiuuuilu j uivii ki. a a. iziyO uuk 3 remnants but good lengths, suitable for 'entire dresses, n fancy waists, linings, trimmings, etc., n m p the assortment is good, with a fair range of colors, on bargain square, yard New lots manufacturer's Bilk samples from to 1V4 yards suitable for all purposes, at each 49c C down to vSi; M SALE OF BLACK TAFFETAS j Our Red Edffe dress- 27-incli Tellow Edge 32-lnch Imported dress maker's tafl'e-pf I dress and HnlnR taf- I taffetas, worth (M PJ tan, Friday, "l'lO. I fetas, worth aCls I 1 BO yard, I J H l 75c B ft 1 ry our Oveters. as we are receiving W r-g n regular snipments of refrular BlueL-J M 1 I'oint Oysters from Bay Shore. Ne? ft Kj iorK. These Oysters are shinned In r". P t1 yard $1 yd., yard.. 4 BIG BARGAIN SPECIALS Remnants of fins Voile I. aces thousands of yurdH on barjrain uquara at, yard lie Remnants of Silk Ilratds and Trim ming" Braids big lots at, yard 2c All Silk Ruching, all colors, includ .tib; sponited rucli Inft, worth up to 25c yard, at yard Sc term Dress Buttons, H Cloak and Shirt Buttons hundreds of styles, each E"l ri ii !c Bi Barins in Basement Jriday, per yard Very heavy CG-lnch ehaker flannel, this quality sells regularly at 10c and 12 c yard, thousands of . yards, will go at g yard JC Remnants of suteeiiB and comfort prints, a special lot, at J. yard J2 Vino and heavy quality mercerized sateens, in black and colors, de sirable for fall petti- f P lJi Heavy warm flannels, soft velvet finish, new, bright pat terns pink, blue, gray and red grounds, suitable for raak- . j ing petticoats, gowns, waists, ett; sold every- 1 jf m where at 15c a yard 10 and 20 yard lengths, II u if sf H At p Mill lengths heavy grey skirting, L? smooth top with heavy fleece fl back, many pieces to T 1 L match, yard. J2C 1 1 Buy outing flannels here, you will 1 1 find a most complete assortment light and . dark styles, all the t j .wanted stripes, checks and plaids quality the very n 1 J best, yard . . . .' 02"C I J Factory lengths, fancy sllkolineM remnants, big bargain square 1 1 full, plenty of sales ladies to I t wait on you, yard coats, at, yard.-. Friday in Linen Dept. Basement P 10-yard bolts. 26-inch Red Cross Drummers sample pieces bleached r i Antiseptic cotton diaper, t f" tablA Himuii N 03C Antiseptic cotton diaper, worth $1.00, bolt 6c fringed Turkish wah cloths, each a r- a It I t Ii ri it u n is ri molasses peppermint j j cream rolls; lemon and orange slices; burnt f peanuts; cream dipped u dates; boquet mints; wrapped caramels;cry- stalllzed J t i paste. ?5 the natented llv.ier r'arrbr. .nj'.'! taste different from the water soaked ft $ Oysters. n , H LIQUOR SPECIALS S $ Friday and Saturday, Free, with everv nnrehnae nf n vol. ft Jon of whiskey, 'one 75c bottlo of wlne. 1 PcnrtncyNQ Cfti -'S 17th and Soofflaa Strsets. Talepbone Doug-las 647. Private Ezcbang-a Connects All Sspta.R ImporSaiit : (tiiange in Scliedules . On and after Sunday, N o v e m b e r 10th, the time of departure from - Omaha of trains now leaving for East at 2:45 K a. m. and 7 a. in., and for the West at 11:40 p. " m., will be materially changed. . For particulars inquire 1323 Farnam SI., or Union Station F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. Omaha, Neb. IC M lie table damask, each 10c stamped hemstitched doilies, each 2c 11 i W tywfo fi iLllihJCc i VISIT OUR POPULAR lOc Candy Counter IN SWEETLAND BRANDEIS. EAST ARCADE ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW u test w n n fi ri Qougot; caramels; lemon Jelly orange 11 1 1 Buttercups, assorted flavors; J Crescent mixed assorted jelly J j Cream. Wafers, sateen finish: sticks; black Jelly beans; orange LJ flavor Jelly beans: assorted peppermint lozenges; Imlta tton cream almonds; iced jj caramel buds; assorted fj Jelly beans; wrapped t'J molasses lilases. M 11 u U u ti li U u ti Choice, a lb. 10c and fig A A Bank Account Is no safer than a diamond. Karh represents a certain amount of money, but the diamond has a continual wearlnK value besides: it la growing In value all the time. We sell Uiem just a little cheaper than other people do; quarter carat diamond for $30 to $39. t 3 U ri IT SATURDAY We Will Sell the Choicest Lots from Our Grand Cash Purchase u V FROM THE FAMOUS Darlington Stock OF BROOKLYN. N. Y. This $3,000,000 department store failed a week before M i the opening on aecount of inability to furnish pledged capital 11 urunueis patu eau xor enure siooks or several departments, il AT AMAZING REDUCTIONS M SATURDAY 11 u u I ii uuiv.il e iiaisis R t I I 1 t t jsCE THE WINDOWS v wiwm - (Mi imp mt v. w, m M . i w . p W.tch for rrlday Evenintfrcat Ad Do not let any dealer insult your intelligence by offering you a substitute, when you ask for an article you hava seen advertised In The Bee. We do not accept advertisements for articles that are sot worthy of your patronage. When you are convinced by one of these adver tisements that the article is what . you wish, insist on getting It, whea you ask tor it at youi dealers. Avoid substitute get what you ask for Every Saturday $ Fsntf t A l!v TnmirrAw r --j i W .hall Mil Titfm frauh M tLUsotfa) for a (1 Keii.enber, this Is a (0c assortni.-nc A i CbocolHles. Nuta and Fruits, aold fcatur ' V day only and In One Store Only l.i every fiiv in lh. 1 ' n 1 1 tA KtAlua : imitations, for the marker ia ull of I them but there's only one Lic()t('i Fai- 1 urday Candy which is the fcenuine and 1 delicious kind, the kind that's cold ia ttery city buiurOny only, tieh. so. I MiKHMAX & McCONNELL DHL'Q CO. j Coraer IStk and XoAg Bta. owl dki:q xjmiav. Cot. 16tk aad araey Hts., OvaJta. Vek , SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES i DELLEVUE COLLEGE f I COfcltVAMJKI-JIu;f WVMlfl, UW VC SILKS Several hundred pieces of very choice silks; Crepe de Chines. Taffetas, Etc., pieces come In lengths of one yard or longer on sale r,day ......25c Beautiful plaids, worth 85c, Klmona Silks, wool Taffeta, In fact nearly everything In silks can be found In this lot, wunu up to ll.VV, many 48c 54-Inch all wool suitings. Also 42-ln. and 45-in. plain dress stuffs, all the fall shades. This is an exceptional lot of choice materials, worth up to $1, Friday. . . . 39c SKIRT MAN-TAILORING HEiSSffi Expert man-tailor measures yon for a skirt. Perfect fit (ruaranted. Twelve different new models; chance for a beautiful man-tailored skirt at a low price. N EXPERT FITTER FOLLOWS NEXT WEEK. Choose yftur dress goods from the finest and best selected stock in the West. DRESS GOODS SECTION MAIN FLOOR FUNNELETTES and EIDERDOWNS All wool gray and navy blue fllanncl, 28 Inches wide, the 35c quality 19 39c, 35c and , 25c children's plaids, double width, good col orings, splendid quality, on ' Bale J15 Fancy Eiderdowns, in elegant styles for sacques, klmonas, etc., worth 39c, now 21f 36-Inch flannelettes, in dark "yles 5 12 c flannelettes, best new styles IT . 5 FTTTFTC sample suits See Sixteenth St. Windows f V I 1 IllY N'-l V A spot cash purchase our buy er made in New York 67 of Fein Bros. & Sturman's nobby suits. LATEST STYLES LATEST CLOTHS AT ABOUT HALF PRICE Plaid Silk Tailored Waists, $4.95 French Voile Dress Skirts $G.95 62 inch Broadcloth Coats, full satin lined for. $9.50 26 inch Caracul Coats, satin lined for $14.50 Silk Petticoats, best silk, extra full for $4.95 LINENS and WHITE GOODS G 8-inch Creapi Table Damask, our regular 30o quality, . 40a . yard .,.. 15C 18-inch all linen bleached Damask Napkins, heaty weight, good de signs, worth $1.85, f ar nuay, tiozen.. 1ZD MAIN FLOOR WEST White Goods, figured and checked madras, check and stripe dimity, all wqrth 15c yard, n i Friday Bed Spreads, full size, hemmed, our regular 85c values, ftp Friday, each. ()3C gS. CORSETS sFe,co0onrd ALL SIZES ONE CENT AN INCH Corsets that sell for $2.50, $1.50 and $1.00, and whiel include all standard makes America's highest grade Corsets ; Size IS for 18c Size 19 for 19c Every size, up to 30, at one cent an inch. The most sensa tional sale of high grade Corsets ever conducted by any high grade store in America. ONE CENT AN INCH DRESS GOODS Elrpant lot of fine all wool dress do oils; Alhatross. Sergos ltfn rlettns, Panamas, Ktc, the best all wool Roods, -On Friday 50c worsted plaid dress goods in tho new fall color combinations. Also pretty suitings, - er Friday FRIDAY im SECOND DfY OF THE GREAT MANUFACTURERS SALE AND REMNANT DM AT Offers Bargain Opportunities Simply Unmatchable THE AELIftBLB TRK Values In Seasonable, . Merchandise Beyond Expectations 15c Scores of Splendid New Bargains Brought Forward From Our Immense Purchase of Underwear and Furnishing1 Goods. MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS Fine woolen gar ments worth to $2.00, in all sizes, on sale Friday at Wc,75c and 98c MEN'S FLEECED SHIRTS and DRAWERS Heavy qual ity, worth to 75c, sale price Friday 29c, 39c and Wc FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. Men's and Ladies' I.ph .uocKioru liose, 10c 9 grade, pair OC FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M. La dies' Breakfast Shawls, large size, made of fine Shetland Floss, worth regularly up to $2.00, on sale 7iQ at choice ...HmC Many Other Extra Special A Big Sale of Silks Friday 29c YARD for a great assortment of beautiful plain and fancj Silks, displayed in our 16th street window the past few days anc shown on Silk Square in Domestic Room, values to 69c yard, oil sale at, choice.. .29c COLOR CREPE DE CHINE, Fancy Scarf ings, Color ..Taffetas, Beautiful Plaids, Checks and Stripe Silks, Louisiene, Messalines, and a big variety of Novelties, sold regularly up to .$1.00 yard, on sale Friday, at yard .55o TWO ROUSING BLACK SILK SPECIALS FRIDAY. $1.25 Black Peau de Soie, 36$1.00 Black Dress and Skirt Taf inches wide, for 85cll f eta, 36 inches wide, for ...79c Friday Is Remnant Day IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Heavy ri bed and fleeced, vorth to $1.00 a garment, at v , 49c, 39c and 25c LADIES' UNION SUITS-. Heavy quality, white, or' grey worth to $1.50, at . 69c, 49c and 39c FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. La dies' Kibbed Vests and Pants regular 39o quality, on sale at. ...... FROM 11 A. M. TILL 12 M. : Men's heavy' Jersey Oye'rsui.t single or double breasted, also heavy Sweaters that sold up to $2.00- . .,; frQ choice, at. .T 7C Bargains in Friday's Sale. 10,000 yards of odds and ends of all kinds of cotton goods, prints, ging hams, organdies, linings, etc., worth up to 15c yard, all at a yard. . . . l 2 cases of fine Ehaker flannel, 8 He grade, will go at, a yard 3s 3 cases of remnants of fine flannel ette, that sold at 10c yard 5 5 cases of L L Muslin, regular 8c grade, 10 yards to a customer, at a yard 1 case of fine cotton toweling extra goods, regular price 6c, 10 vards only JJ4 1 case extra fine bath towels. ... 105 1 case of 12c dress ginghams, darK colors . . .... .- ,5 3 cases of fine bleached muslin, regular 10c quality, will go at. ...... .J Remnants of toweling, up to IBc yard, will go at a yard. '3ttl Remnants of 12 He outlnr flnnnMl.K Remnants of 10c Flannelettes. .- . .5 Remnants 8 He standard prints 3H Turkey red prints 2 2 cases of 12V&e huck tnwln. T u. Remnants of high grade sateen, 10c, 10c and. , ..10t 1 case extra fine Bath Towels -t fJt Remnants of 35c Linings ..5) High Grade Wool Dress Goods Sale FROM 0:30 TO 11:30 A. M. , About 10,000 yards of fine wool Dress Goods, broadcloths, serges, hen rlettas, panamas; 50-lnch panamas, storm serges, fancies and in fact all kinds of high priced goods that sold out to the remnants first, ranging in price from 75c to $3.98 yard, i'our lots, yard Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 25c 39 10c 50 Embroidery Sale Thousands' of yards of Embroideries, Insertlnss and Edges. Loom StrlDS from three of the largest mills in the country. All newest designs and worth from Be to 15c yard, on sale Fri day In four great lots at, yard SVi.'3Vj. 5 and 7V4. Don't fail to see these Friday offer ings before you buy Embroideries. Boys9 Suits and Overcoats FROM 2 TO i P. M. Another great sale of Wool Dress Goods, samo as other hour sale, price from 75c to $2.98 a yard, at .' , Lot 1....19C Lot 1..t. 25c Lot 3. . . ,39c Lot 4. . .49c High Grade Linens Remnants of high grade table dam ask, bleached, silver bleached mnd un bleached, worth from 75c to $1,98 yard; lengths from 2 yards to' 4 yards, in four lots, yard Lot 1 ' Lot 2 ' Lot 3 Lot -t 25 39 49 1 59 Remnants of turkey red table damask, worth 39c, yard. .15 200 table cloths, worth trom'JLOO to $2.00 each, will . g6 . .on' sale at, each a ivy (Surplus stock .of Ileal Value a well known nwiiufacturetwOn sale at About Hali Hots' Knee Taut Kuits, worth to $4.M. , Ilors Ovrivoiii. ll a . 1 . sale prices 81.95 $2.95 rth to $4, clioke $2.50 and 82.02i KOVS KNKE PANTS Regular Values to 75c, hundreds of shades and "pat terns on sale in one great lot Friday, at ; .,35 Friday Is Special Notion Day In Our Cireat Domestic Room Kvery Friday the Department is through with buyers. 8taplo Notions at oue-Uulf and oac-fourth IteguJar Retail price. Clean up sale of 60 pairs of wo men's crocheted slippers, good wool soles, all sizes 3 to 7 And 20 Green Trading" Stamps. Women's foot warmer bed iyom Uppers, $1.00 values 79c And 12 Green Trading (Stamps. Women's warm liued laced shoes, tipped and plain toes, $1.75 value tor- Dennett's QIg Grocery """ aii-auAi arixuLS-rifSM Leave Orders Early B.i)nett'H Bost Coffeo. 3 Sage Cheese, pound ... 8So pounds for ..... ..... f 1.00 1 0 tlreen Trading h't'pV 100 Gre.-n Trading Kfps. Hand Cheese, ea.h iCa Bennett a Best Coffee, per Neufchatel Cheese, each 4o ""'J : - Wekles. bottle . 16o JO Green Trdalng Htajiips 1U Green Tradintt Hi'nV Twenty-one pounds Gruim- I'ure I'epper. can lOe lated .ugar for (1.00 & Oreen Trallng"st'a'mi8 Bennett's Capitol Baklnir Bennett's Caulinl Powder, 5 lb. can for $1.00 JU0 Green Trading rU'ps. Tea. B. V. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, English Breukfaxt, Ceylon, Aasaru, per pound 680 75 Green Trading St'ps. BUTTER I BUTTE1I Bannstt's Capitol Crcaiuary, Ik. irlck, lull wslgtac, 35o Spanish Olives, luru pt. S5o 10 Green Trading St'ps. Mincemeat, new, U. ..U'-jO Currants, cleuned, lb. .100 10 Green Trading Bt'ls. Dill Pickles, bottle 100. 10 Green Trading St'is. Bcnnett'a Capitol Pancake. pmkuge for lie 10 Green Trading Stp'o. Metallne. fur pulislil K. 4uc pa kage for SOo an Green Trading St pit. Metallnn, for polishing. 0c puokajfe for loo t k inr-'i mm 1 .j-mm 1.39 I S And 10 Green Trading- Sstauips 10 Green Trading Wt'pa. ' , rtK BMilf. Blood of Grape Jutoe. p'nt Celery, fienh and crisp bottle for 85c f"r 30 Green Trail Inn (ifi. Ifaitley's Uariualade, jar for 8So 20 Green Trading Htampa Hartley's Jams, assorted. jar for 3S JO Green Trading t'ps. XZADQTTaSTIIVS FOB caeies. New Tork. rull Cream Cheese, pound for ...Ho 10 Green Trading Kt ps. Royal Luncheon Cheese. Jar for lOo & Green Trading Stamp. bottle for is- 1,-'1r,t,'n Trading Stamps 2:,o Table BalMlns, lb...lf,c Bayles' Tomato Cocktail, large bottlo for 60o 75 Green Trading Ht'ps. rranco-Ainerlcan Soups quart can for 35 ,3 Gv" Trading St ps. Bennett s Bar- gain fciouo. 9 bars for 8S Genessoo Corn, ti caiiH . . . SOo 40 Green Trad'g Ht'ns. Castile Toilet Hie.p I cakes x -' Jl- 25c 10 Green TradV Kt'n I'needu Biscuit, four pack ages for . . . , 15c lu Green Trading St'ps. FBUITB A WD VtOlULEI 1 A Cranberries, quart 10c rancy jersey Sweet Pota toes, pound for 6e English Walnuts, pound SOo 1ESVITTI CABSIZg Orooerj Sectldo. Mixed Candy, pound UMCKiniosn lorree for 10 orn Tmlnif k: . . - Itunkels Chocolate. two paikagea for loo 10 Green Trading Kt'ps. Din Bon iJuiii, decorated. So packaae loo two for ..So Gold Eye Xcedles on sale, per pkg.l Cotton Tsk?s In all sizes, per roll. .l 2 pkgs. lirass Pins on sale Friday. 5 1 doz. Hat Pins for 3 1 doz. (Jo liar Huttons for '.C Crochet Silk, two spools 5 Hump Hook and ICyen, card J Pearl Buttons, er pkg J Machine Thready 200-yard spool. Fri. day , 2 IJnea Thread, 100. yard poo!..jHi 15c Horn Combs, ach..,- 25c Side Combs, pair, . .' ,y 4 a 15c Side ' CuinlM, pair. . . t . i . . . . 15c All Silk Ribbons on sale Friday ard 7H! Hundreds of other Staple Articles at Kquully Low Price. AVOUTH 5c to 15c yard. Friday . A great lot of Laces splendid assortment of pretty patterns on sale in one lot at, yard Friday Specials In Grocery Department 21 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Hugar for .1.00 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 25c ; 10-lb. sack beat white or yellow Cornmeal J for , lie 48-lb. sack best Fancy High Patent f'lour for 1 1 85 1- lb. puckagn Macaroni for H,c 2- lb. ran fancy Sweet Sugar Corn for 7 He -lb. can solid packed Tomatoes for 11c OH or Mustard Sardines, can for ....3 He Quart bottlo C. at B. Vlngar for ....20c Snyder's or Blue Isabel Catsup, per bot tle : 20c 1-lb. can Van Houton'a Cocoa for ....69c it. -lb. tan Johnson's Mustard 15c Burnhain's liasiy Jellycon, package for 5c 1-lb. can Hrfsorted Soups for The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 60 The best crisp Ginger Snaps, lb. for ..5c The best crisp Preuela. lb. for 6c Fig Newton Cookies, lb. for Si,e Fancy Santos Coffees, lb too The best Tea Sifting, lb 1 ....... 1 J S c BVTTXB BTXTTKB , BtTTTlI Big B"p la ButMr "Market Kxtra fancy No. 1 Creamery Butler tlia' sold -for 3Jc to 3oc. per lb., we will sell tomorrow at, per lb.... ;tC TMtBM VIOIT1ILI VB2CXB YOB Fresh Spinach, per peck jo Fresh I lot house L-ttuc, I heads for 6a Fresh Kadlshes, six bunches for .. . . bn Fr h Beets. Carrots. Turnips, parsnips or llutabaKas, per lb. . i. 2q Fancy dried Onions, per lb. j . . . , ' j . . 2 U Fancy Green Beans, per lb loo Fresh Celery, 3 bunches for 60 Fancy New Vork Peals, for canning, pet basket, -bushel oa Huhharij Siiuashes. eaxli ic, 7Hc and a t heads fresh tliiilne (0 Cooking Figs, per lb Vo Fr.-ii Imp. f'lga, per b lot. Caie Cod CraolierYles, quart IS Fresh KoasteU r'eaniHa, quart for ,...5c O F"" rri(iay' November 15, we wflJ give FREE to the It b first 500 Purchasers of a T-pound can of CALU I I-- MET BAKING POWDER, a fine, large Cake absolutely free. Tirst come, first served, as long as the 500 cakea last. Come Early. 1 " m HMmm we 14 V wmt w-w Wt W " ' vWHHi W'l" ' ' MIW. ti. qj I tuNNiuCTloi-li;etrl 1d an 4 ftril. I i a -i . " ... I it: