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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1907)
i 111 Hi 1 i' U! 6 t Chain and produce mm Teak Foreign Cablet Save Serioua Effect on Domestic rricei. RECEIPTS ARE PRACTICALLY KIL Trralaali Arc ghlppln All GnJa Poaslhle Little pp4r Given, to Any of -the Option. ' OMAHA. Nov. . 1907. i mrk't opened off and showed no grip. Foreign cablea came weak and had serious effect on the domestic market. All ttVJt l r n,lplng all possible grain a T, pracucaiiy nointng. vneat openeu aolt and there waa a .rahle break early and was fniTnwerf lajer by"h1r .Y Toon .. buylnS'ea'ed up, erewa. little support given any 4 uit options at the clone. December wheat opened at 87'Ao and closed at 861c, ympathtznd witn wrha - ..i t.n ..... era! fraction. There was some good sup port out, but weak cablea and the brejl the brcjli Tioer corn .?. .?" '" to "'fong- Decemoer corn ri . "eC ano closed at ft 2 Wo. Oat opened heavy and dropped several olnt on selling of long Muff that bad -sen held over. Trade was "light and the 'tarsei Closed en the rierllna ri., .,,!.,. ' opened at 47c and tlJa-id at 4614c. 'I rimary wheat receipts were 873.000 bush- bis ana shipments were SS.00 bushels. gainst recelpta last yesr.of 2.i7.000 bushels and shipments of l,3S5,Ono bushels. x.uru receipts were 278.000 . bushels and h pmenU were JM.ooO bushels,' against re- celpta last year of 1.OH8.0OO pushele nd ahlpmenta of 63,0no bushels. wrpooi closed ;d to d lower and wheat, and Hd to j,d lower on corn. Beaboard reported 400.000 ' bushels of heat, and l,ooo bushels of corn, taken tor export. Local range of options: 1' , Artlclea. Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. Yea y. Wheat-I 1 I ( - I t4, tv gr., ; ss wr-i frti, - 4S SlrTi H 91 S!tt - 9H H B K B7V ' hH ' to W M te R:' M!i fi 62 62 47 1 47 ' 4; 4 47 WW 49 49 49 tOi i 44 Ooc.. May. July. Corn- Dec... May.. July.. May.. July.. . Omats Cask Prlcea. Nothing doing, caah grain buyers ahow l(t more Interest. fA Cadet neeeiBta.., ' Wheat Corn. Oata Chicago 87 Van... ru- Mlnneapolla If . iii -. t . ...... . . aa . .; 1 - v. umana ...ut,K CHICAGO (iBAIJl -AH PROVISIONS Feat area of the Tradlag and Cloalar Prteee o Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. . Wheat prlcea on the local exenange broke more than 2c today becauae of rumora of financial em barrassment In dinerent- parts of the coun try, and the reported 'cloning down of aev eral flour mills at Minneapolis. At the close the December delivery snowed a net luea oi xo. corn was down lic. Oats were Xo lower. ProvJaloo were off Sin-ot Tie. - '. f ' i. The market wax weak all Huv Tha chief catuies of theVdecllne at the opening were lower prices at Lverpool. ' and -the reported closing of a number of mill In the northwest. The weakness became more acute In the last half of the tension on rumura that various smalt banks through- out the country are not In easv clrcum'- stances. The market lacked bull support. the demands coming largely from snorts. uers were extremely asuress ve in tiia it half hour, and the market cloaud weak. ltlr prices near the bottom.' Uecemuer luened a shade to ', lower at 4-'si soia at Who. and then declined to ta-kc-'-lM closer waa At 2 tU'J2',c. . Way ranged between H.01 and, and cloaed at fl.01.0l4,. Clearances of wheat and! 'tlourwefeHeiUal ttyti,.)J huJt Tne world' visible supply, as snown by Brad street's. . increased 1.96O.U0O bu. Primary receipt were k,uu0 bu., against t,227,uu0 bu. on trie same day last year, Minneauol.s. II 1 1 II t H n ll Ph cluii rannrtkil r...' ul r,1 . 626 cars, against b0 cars last week and ...... . 1.21b car one year ago. Corn declined nearly 2c In sympathy wiUi a sharp bruak - in , provisions, . and on favorable crop reports from Kansas. lam ,o( o nogs waa also an Influential factor. -The- market closed: weak at tho lowest point. December opined ifo lower fij.tio; extra faucy and straiKht 14 3u!iii70 at 6VIH0, old at 69)4,0, and tnon de- clear $3 r4.10 straiglil, 4.JU((j4.70, VIIIIOU IV. wo-;,.;, Itlltlil . II . .vtool, BKlvlJ -j tmothy, $3.60S4.25 receipta were 6? cars, with, 26 of contract ; CORNMEAL-Steddyit $3.00. Bran, dull: reda. -'..... 'sacked, east track. ill. 06. irade in oat was very light. The slump for casn grain wer the bearish factors. . IKON COTTON TIES $1 10 ' December opened oc lower at 49c, old , HAOC!lN $1 16. at 4K-o, and tnen deollnod to 48V), where PRO VISION 8-Pork, lower: iobblna lt olosed. Loral receipt wer 61 car. ,$13.75. Lard, lower; team. $7.25. Ribs Provisions broke snarply on heavy ell- ; steady; clear ribs, $9.26; short clears $9 60 Ing by leading packer. The greatest weak- Bacon, teady; boxed extra short, $10.LW pes was In January pork, which declined clear ribs. $I0.13H; short clears, $10 3714 76o from tho close of yesterday. A weak POIJLTRY-Dull; chickens. 8c; . springs, market for live hogs nd the prediction by ioc; turkeys, 12o; duck, guc; gsese, il .-prominent local packer that hog would, BITTTKR Steady ; creamery. iKaaSc. wn be soirlng at g per pound, were, the EOGa-6teudy; 19c, case count, rakenlnf factor, ;At the close January Receipts. Shipments. pork was down 7v at 13.20. Lard waa flour bbls ll 000 lOuOO off 2?Ho,t (.&. Kib wer ivSIo lower. Wheat, bu 43.000 73 000 at i.wxtf.i.viTg. - . . , Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: vV'heat. 27 . c-rs; corn. 66 cars; oata, (1 cars; hogs, 14AW0 boad. ' The leauing tuturxw tangsd a follow;' Artlcl. Open. IHlgO.i low. Close. I Te'y. Wheat Iec. May July Corn Dee. May July, Oats IH-c. Maw July Pork Jan. Mv Lard. 2'924 7?TJ96W 944 -54 l twsvir 1 03! 1 01,1 Ol-XiU1! 1 03 . 1 ll ' 664 fM.-103 6T4 68tT fL, ftl 5SSV-V 61. Wi 1 . 68-tai ... Hi 49Ti 48a' . 48 ' 49 62 4 m 13 90 14 80 I 15 47SI .sA 47 47-kj! 1$ 60 14 Z 1$ 80 13 20 U 0 13 20 3 I 10 7 96 14 Nov. I W 1 M 10 J in. May il-a -- l-'HI Jt 12W v7 VJ 2.VI 06 0V sv.l 7 32H 7 67 1 20 f 7 7 66 I 7 6a Jan. May T 0 7 07M. t 27H T 90 NO. t IT Cah quotation were as follows: KUCU tsay; wlntur patents. $4 ,40tfJ 4.76; wWitef straights, W jff.uJ; spring pal enta, 6a .40; eprlng suraignta, $4.miVu.X; bilkers, 6.1 WHEAT No. 3 .prlng. $1.02; No. $. 92c Il.n?; No. $ red, W'itjltl CORN No. 2, 6c; No. 1 yellow. 9 jic. ... 0AT8-N0. J, 47Vc; Na J white, i'UfOe. HYK Vo. 2. f7c. UARLKlT-iioed feeding, 63&0&c; fair to choke limiting-. 7ocs HKKDr Flag, No. 1 northweatern. $1 184 prima timothy, $4.10; clover, contract grades, I-..26. . PROVISIONS Short ribs sides (loose). $7 0".'e00. Pork mesa, per bbl., lllM 126JS4, Lard, per 1-aj lbs., 88.1iV4, Bhoii clear sldea 4 boxed), I7.6otm.0a X Kollewing were the- rscuipU and hln- uis wi uvur ane a'ain: Receipts. Ehlprnents vur. bhis. ...t 47.710 7o0 ha at. bu ..307.0141 ..k2.0 ..;a orn f orn, bu. - 'ats, 1 bu. ,'tye, bu. iiily. bu. . ..... 2n 7i) 2J5.3) 5.W0 78.0UO 31. M Liverpool 4rala Market, L1VELRPOOL. Nov. A-WHEAT-8pot. steady; No. 2 red western, winter. 8s Ld; futuies. dull: December, ks HWd; Marclu 8s i-d. 61 y. 21,d. . . , CORN-Ppot. easyr prim mixed Ameri can. 6s 6VJ; futures, dull; Ieceinber, o svad; January 6a 6l-j J. : : i 1 - Teorla Market. l'i:HIA, Nov. CORN Lower; No. $ icilnw and No. 8, 0c; N 4 iew, 4lc, old, i ; no gradi, nasi. 44u. OA Til Dull; No. 8 white, 4tttt)4!c. KVi;-Na JvnuiBd. - iVHISKl-rO, tni .lial of $135 for fln- (' Mle-aeagMalts brsia Market. M1XNP-AK ! Is. VliiiB.. Nov. l-WHEAT 6 l.-eliter. u..rt. ! Wil , $) -,; No. 1 arl. ti.'j!. n-v I tif.ntiern. II t: No. J "' '. t----!7c; N.i. t ic iiaWWU -t .i patents. $i.6a.tif; aet-oud f On th Produce exchange today the but- ter aiarktvwaa irtoartv: creameries,' wit i t4c: dairies, llj-3c. Eggs, ateady; at f mark, case Included, 17l,uJ0He; firsts, J2c; first. 84c. Cheese, weak at 12'A . 1 patent, $5.3036 50; drat clears, SASOfJUO; second clears, 16Opl?0. FLAX Fair demand; closing prices wer at $1.1616,' to arrive, si BRAN In bulk, $ai.75fc21.00. !EW YORK GENERAL MARKET Feat area of Trading and Prlcea f Leading; Commodities. NEW TORK. Nov. 8. -FLOCK Receipts, 3J.B38 bbls.; exports. la.oW btils. Market dull and unsteady. Minnesota patents, $j.46 fce.75; Minnesota bakers. $4 r4.M; winter patents, $4.9uii).40; winter straights, $ aW 4.KO; winter extra, v.0u4j4.26; winter nw grades, $3 Ti4 1A. Rye flour, steady; lair to good, 66.oift..26: choice to fancy, KZi t.WX Buckwheat flour, steady at $i.l04j.i per 104 lbs. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow-. $l.6ojii.o5; coarse, 81.4oerl.46; kiln-dried, W.8.m.06. RYK Steady; No. X western, 94c, f. o. b.. New Tork. BARLFJ y Nominal; malting;, Jt.05ffl.10, c. L f.. New York. v tlfcA J tveceipta, bushel; ex- 'A'J-J!0'-- " .'".V?.".'" afloat; No 1 northern Duluth. nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. X hard winter, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. General weakness as a result of lower cablea, bearish northwest i "u iup ions selling oocurrea in I wn,at today. PTices dropped over 2 cents a bushel njid glosed at the lowest, or 140. .i ..... i . . , ' ?r 0,n 'rom Mond l-06Wl.w. closed Sl.taVkW ' t'ORN Receipts, 85.026 bi l .Cio. . bushels; axnnrfi 0.004 bushels. Spot market easy: No. 2. nominal, elevator, 7"Hsc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67o t. o. b., nominal. Option market was without transactions, clos.n ' l1"0 lower. Tjecember closed 7ut3; hJ?1"""1 67,i0- .t0 wepis, isi.iw ousneis; exports, i "? bushels. Spot market steady; mixed, i ' t0. 6k"! natural white,. 28 to S3 MW&V4c; clipped white, 32 to 40 lbs., HoPS Quiet; state common to choice 107. 14-S18C; lPOfl. 8i&12c; Paclflo coast, 1907, l(K612c; 19j6, &fy3c. HIDES Vulet; Central America, 19ijJnc; Bogota. lS'&lDVic. LKATIIKR-Steadv; acid, 20a27Hc. PROVISIONS-Hecf, firm; family, 114.60 l.i.0O; men, I0.(KCal.l.50; beef hams, $20.00; packet, IU.6CK&-12.00; city extra India mess, U&OuruM.oo. Cut meats quiet; pickled bel lies, 111.5014.00; pickled hams. lU.Otxgin.w. Lard, .weak; western prime, S.4tKfci.0; re fined, .easy; continent. .!; Souths Amer ica, $10.30: . compound. $R.26ra.60. Pork, easy; family, $ .(ntii).00; short clear, $16.o) (17.B0; mess, glS.CMH)j 17.00. TA LLOW Quiet ; city ($2 per pkg.), c; country (pkgs. free), 6fiSc. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 99 6Hc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady; creamery, extras, 24c; thirds to firsts, 21f24e; creamery, held, firsts t ospcclals, 22't'25o; western factory, common to first, ISHjUIc CUKESE-Irregular; state, full cream, colored and white, September, fine, 164c; October, fine, lS'ic; October, good to prime. 12t13c; October, .common to fair, lovi 12Vtc; large, Octobr, fine, J34c EXJGS Strong; c'tvestern firsts, 1627c; seconds, i2Ac. POCLTHY-Allve. steady: western chick ens, lSrc,i4c; fowls, 12Vul4c; turkej-a. 15c; dressed, easy; western chickens, 1215c: turkeys, liSlSc; fowls. 1012o. WKATHER I. THE GRAIX BELT Fair Thnrsdar After nriarha , i ray After a Alght of Milder Temperatare. OMAHA, tinv A iMOT Hains are falling this morning along the A ti..n. , . . Rains are falling this morning alone the 4miaic tvaHi trum OBlon SOUltl to INOT- folk and unsettled weather prevail. throughout tho esatera .la... mX iZiZ lake reulon. The weather la aenerallv clear , all other portions. Temperature are lower In the Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys and unner lake n-umn Th. u r higher In the eastern states and are rising In tho west and will be slightly higher In ,nl" vicinity tonight,, with continued fair tonight and Thursday. Omaha record or temperature and prect- Pitatlon, compared with the corresponding '. day of the last three years: I . . 1907. 1906. 19"6. 1904 Minimum temperature .. oo si i.iiiauuo OB .07 .. Ml ftl ormai temperature for today, 42 decrees Lcfiolency in precipitation since March L 6.42 Inches. Deficiency In corresponding period In 190a, J.W inohes. ' .. , ... I)eflcia-y corresponding period Iri 1305. J. 20 Inches. L. A. WELBH, a i . ' ' : " Local Forecaaieri St.. Loala lieoeral Market.. 8T t 1 1 ' T Q . A WUU-1H JM . f ru..u xjn i .. - - v. f-.. . n - . x- A . . .. . . i . . . , ! . - - . T. wtjm,!;; unxniDct, ic; juay, $1.03. CORN Hiaher: track No. a rh kxtirfr 6c; December, 66c; May, fc8VS6l)1c; track. No. 2 white, o8Vh68c- OATS-lliehcr; trajk, Nd. 2. cah, 46o; December, 46!c; May, 6uc; No, 2 white, 48c. KLOVR Steady: red winter patents, $4.75 HAV-8teady; timothy. $11-00(818.00; prairie uorn, du 4S,ooo 5o ono Oats, bu 43.0C0 kit iinI Kansas City Grain and Provisloaa. KANSAS CITT. Nov. 6 WHEAT De cember, 9Sc; May, 95c. Cash: No. $ hard. 92&92ttc; No. 8. UUQit.c; No. 2 red, 93c; No. f, 90c. CORN December, 504c; May, 6Sc Cash: No. I mixed, 666Se; No. I, IIUU 67c; No. 1 white, 66 He; No. 8, 660. OATS No. 2 white. ,474Se: No. mixed, 44i&44Hc. HAY Weak: choice. $12.004712.50; cholc prairie $10.00410.50. RY&-4'70c. Hi 1 .hi Weak; creamery, ISc; pack ing. 16c. LQQ3 Extra, 22c; firsts, 20c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bj 6.000 .lSO.OnO Corn, bu 16.0u 18,0"0 Oats, bu. .; -. 6.000 7,0u0 I MHwaakee Grain Market. MILWAL'KEE. WIs.. Nov. . WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 11 05 (1.06: No. t northern, $1,001)1.03; Decerobor, 'iic bid. BARLEY steady; No. 3, $1.01; samplo, 6c(U 11.00. CORN Steady; No. 3 cash. 0H9(2c; May, 6$o bid. . . Dnlnth Grain Market. DULL TIL Minn.. Nov. I. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1.00; No.' 2 northern. 97',-.c. December. ier, ji.ui; May, Nothing doing. OATS Toledo Seed Market. TOLRDO. O.. Nov. .-SEnD8 Clover, caah. $9 40; December, $960; March. $9.65. Timothy, prime, $2.20. CoaTee Market. NEW TORK. Nov. . COFFEE-Market for coffee lulurea opened steady; un changed to 6 point higher on steady European cables and lighter Brazilian re ceipts, but eased oft during the day under a renewal of liquidation by the same brokers who were prominent sellers on the break of Monday. A considerable part of this consisted of exchanges from De cember to later positiona. The market closed steady net unchanged to t point lower. Sales were reported of 47.750 bags, Including December at 6 60c; January at 60b: March, 6.o86.7oc: May, 6.7ut.bOo; June, 5avc; July at 6.8&c: September at 6.9oc Bpot- coffee quiet; Rio No. 7. Sa; Santo No. 4, he. Mud boftoe, dull. Cor dova. 8'i2c. anger aad Molaaaea. NEW TORK. Nov. (.SCO A R Raw, steady: fair refining. 8 40c; centrifugal, ri teat, 8-9; molssnes sugar, 106c; mined, steady; No. a), 4. 600; No. 7. 4 56c; No. $. A.'Oc; No. 9. 4 aio; No. 10. 4 8&c: No. 11. 4uc; No. 13, 4 20c; No. 13. 4 3oc; No. 14. 4 16c. Con fectioners' A. 4 c; mould A. 6 Sic; cut loaf, 6.".oc: crushed. 670c; powdert-d, 610c; granulated, t UPo; cubes, 5 ioc. M0LA8SK8-ajtrady; New Orleans, open keltic, good to cholc a, 37448c. Eraporalrd Applee and Dried Frails. NEW TORK. Nov. 6. EVAPORATED APPLES Market owntinuea ajuiet at re- cnt : 1 ices. IiRIED FRUITS Prunes are unsettled In tone and there are rumora hat loaver prlcea are Bring offered from tba ccaat. to apot maikct I uiKhanged. .prti-oia ar.d i-he are tjui't ut rcer.t prii-e. itlpii nr- unettitoj on spet. H'Hitars on the roast r. .u,l to bs f. -'lliig tl 0 e(Te. ts cf ti:- urn., t tlv i hiieticlul eltuati.-iii ati-1 ire .jff.-r.i.K uppnt-a at corirftious in luiiaidorati-jii cf jiotupl pu iiit-nts. T1IE OMAHA" NEW YORK STOCES AND BONDS Volume of TransBctioni it Small, vri Pricei nigher. GOLD ARRIVES FROM EUROPE even Millions Come la Darin Pay anal More la Engaged tor Shlpateat Boads Are Baaraat. NEW YORK. Nov. The small volume of transactions In- stocks today was the Index of how far financial conditions an 1 1 hamper the conduct of operations In ths market, but the strong uuward tendency of prices was convincing evidence of the returning confidence on values of securi ties. ttrokers on the floor of the Stock ex change summed up the situation by saying that stocks were scarce. This was shorn n not only In the diminished pressure to soil, but continued manifest on the execution of buying orders, when prices were bid up. Coiumiasion houses reported the re ceipt of some buying orders for slocks accumulated In offices over the holiday Interval, some of which were for execution with specification of price limits, but many were to buy at the market. Trio ruthless closing out of weak accounts which has been going on throutfh the money crisis leaves very little of that kind of clearing to be done, even of the kind of accounts which are carried through an ordinary market flurry with conditions at tached Involving liquidation at the first iavoraoie opportunity, or another cla of left over accounts there was some In fluence felt todav. namelv. stocks lubon , . ' , . uii ujr puwenui iina.nciers in perioas OI ut-iuurKiixnuon o cneca it ana to support iuro. ncnruinf 01 mis sina waa ais cerned at the advance today, according to the opinion of skilled observers In the board room. The Impression was that thlj selling might have en admonitory inten tion against too sudden speculative ac tivity in the market with the money situ otinn Bill! .knr ...-.7 . ... . a i J inrivnac v ilia uvim 1 1 1 a. ( IV . V. to the brighter outlook was as decided as that for stocks. The response there was more In the nature of a price readjust ment on more nominal dealings. Prices at which bonds have been forced to sell un der pressure of recall of loana by market ing of collateral or by aalea of bond to protect unmarketable collateral are not accepted aa the measure of true value of the bonds. There waa a wide readjust ment of prlcea all through the bond list on these lines. The action of the securities market waa regarded as the natural effect of the clearing financial horizon. The money market showed the effect of the arrival of the first consignment of over $7,000,000 of imported gold and the scarcity of currency reported somewhat re lieved from the same cause. The premium on currency was not so high as last week, ino irui company situation was quite aenniteiy disposed or as a threatening fac tor with the outcome of the long confer ences on the subject extending over election day and Into last night. The assurance of ""iw mwuuroB vi support to protect the trust companies was accepted and did much to Inspire belief that confluence would be restored at an early day and- relaxa- lion ioiiow the tie-up of resources, nurelv viuii luuuw me ne-up or resources, ' f'"8- o. distrust and not at all to actual lack of facilities. Tha naji.irt nt of the Tennessee Coal and Iron company tne United States Steel corporation had ' ?L "tren,t,nen!n effect on the atocka of .u V""1"1""1"" rrect on the tocks of IrlKC gri r nt ratlin Knf 4 i .1 " -..a, it, t m cuimmtrea ? fY?n."Vr "nportat,ce In the opening a method of ettrement for trust comnanv ?0nd'llons by substitution of more readily miIketab. 0 collateral for loans In that field. i ,5 ,con'lnua,l"l of the engagement of goia ror import gave promise of still further reuer ror money conditions. The violent relapse In prices of sterling exchange rep- resented art adjustment U. the declining .'"71.1' cun-ency here and left condl" tlon still open to the inward movement Vt E,d;,.e Z!X?l.lPL"r r, uim-vuni . rate, wnicn Cam Into d SCUSS on lata In tha rim tr ..... I not to Impair confidence that - the gold ..... .V "iy win . continue. Anxiety 2 '7 York Ituatlon. being allayed, attention Is turning to the outside situation Suspensions of some small Interior banks niaue a ban lmnro.a!..n . n . . , the New England cotton good trade even more eo. The latter Influence caused n- Biderable reaction In prices d-Jrmg the day Par TAlu.s 'w.Tfc'fo " coupon, advanced per cenT'on cl ' ,'M SI"1'' anlaUtaTlon. onockV; uuuub wern bu ..Tni.i 1.1-., wero as follows: . Sales, High. trow. Clnao. Adama Eiprsas Amalgamated Copper Am. C. A r. .......... Am. C. A r. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd... American Expraas .... 166 M.ono 1.100 61 . 7 60M 2S eon sia- u IS54 W WV. 164 .... 7U . .....176 14 1214 1214 H44 Am. H. A U ptd. 100 400 11-4 i: 1 Am. ice, arcorltlea aih. i.ioaeea uu..... Am. Llnaeod Oil ptd. Am. LocomotlT 14 H 67 70 87 104. 66 "4 744 . 1,209 . 36,iiil J'4 lH Am. Locomotlra pfd Am. . A R Am. B. A R. pfd 7IS 6 171. ' 64 1 a 6I0 m. Sugar Ralnlna 2.. 1(54,.J4 Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anacmda Mining Co....;. Atchlaoo -, Alchlaon pfd Atlantis Coaat Line Baltimore A Ohio.... 4.,,, Hal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr. ....... Canadian Pa rifle Central of N. J Cheaapoaao A Ohio Chicago OC W ;.. Chicago A N. W Chicago, M. A 8t. P Chicago T. A T., offend. Chicago T. A T. nfd 0U I 64 (.aliO Me loo i.i I4S 7?H 66 614 U W) 61 S 14 74 '4 64 6114 61-14 60 " 14114 148 47u a 1,600 ti IKV W0 74.. '1 trrO 164 11 iV4 ll.ej 10414 lulH 1IMS4 .... i 6014 6014- 6014 1714 1414 lg-4 16 18 17U. 444. 44 .44 SI 4?4 M14 60 6i Hi r-. u- c- st- - 100 600 100 60 I'O 100 i Colrlo P. A I Colorado A go.. Colo. A BO. lat pfd.... Colo. A o. 14 pfd Consolidated Oas Corn Products Cora Producte pfd...... Delaaan A Hudaoo... tel., L. A W. Denver A R. O D A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities .. trie Bra lat pfd Brio ad pfd General Blectrle Illlneia Cntral '. International Paper ... Int. Taper ptd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Ootrai Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Bu K. C. go. pfd , Lmilerlllo A. N , Mrilcaa Central Mian. A tt. I aa. 66 -12614 1714 117H 40 600 11 iioo 'it" 1.6M0 14U, H 4V4 100 7i4 00 111 80 12a 1614 '" 174 !H 1714 111 124 16 6 41H ,4 m I .novi 1 114 64 i 60 1014 41 . 64 i 1.600 100 ' lw '"m 400 64 'ijii 60 i'.ioo 'iiii 'it 14 1 U.. St. P A a. I. M.. St. P. A . . Mlaaourl Paclflo ... M.. K. A T M , K. A T. pfd... National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd, w 7414 74 11414 117 60S T614 f IJO 1.7UO 6714 l.OnO !6 I.') 6414 . IW 66 'rwio'iiv t 8114 4t 66 pfd.. lo aou 14S 61H4 la so . 64 '44" 1414 66 t 114 offered , new runt central. ..,. N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W W. A W pfd North American Paclhe Mall , Penoarlvanla People' a Uaa r , C. C. A St. U Preaaed steel Car Preiard C, ei-dlT Pullmaa Palace Car Reading Raiding lat ptd Reading Id pfd Rrpublla Steal Kepublia Steal pfd Rxk laland Co Rack laland Ca. pfd 8t. L A 8. P M pfd.... St. Loula S. W m. L 8. W. ptd Southern Paclflo ,,, So. Pacific pfd So. Rallwar 80. Railway pfd Tenneaeee C. A 1 Teiaa A firllt T., Bt. L A W T , St. LAW. pfd I'aloa PaciOo Union Paclao ptd I'. . tipieaa , V. 6 R.altr tJ. . Kubber V. S. Rubber ptd V. S. Steel C Steel pfd. oi-dla... Va.-Careltaa Choaical ... V a -Cera. Cham, pfd Wabaah Wabak pfd '. Welie-farge El., offered. Waetlaghetwo Kleouia ... Weatera I'mon Whaaliug A b. g , Wlaeoaaia Central ........ 6I1. CBlrl ptd ., Northern facltc , Ceatral Leather Centre! leather pfd Sioea-bhrBcld Steel Great Nonharn pfd iDlerhoraugb Meg..A int Met. pld ttZ i6' 44 too 444 lu Hi ibtia 'ii."4 'V i0v - - "0 14 16 100 7 'TO lavy m 4,So( 7', ;, a 134 77 a 76 67 . Iil4 1.J-0 80S 7c u toO "14 6a 14 14 IS ' 60 '" in 1314 H 14 !'a ' i ' . 7 1"J ui4 41 16 14 1414 IM B.6W . 3.4"0 104 MO 16 IO0 41 l"0 160 100 16 4 144 Ut Hi 16 1H 10 6444 74,600 113 110S 1H1 . ' 71 10 7 70 ' 70 . .. 66 , 1.600 J , Tl.TuO . tf.BJO 1 1744 to 86 4 6 74 ' . 17 7 46 ft"" . 14 4 H614 Ma 14 60 l' 6 Zi 43 ....' 13b l"4 loa ' 1JV IA '"4 74 16 , H- 11114 114 . ,H 40 64 lio urn liv 74; r tuft 116 ' - Tout eaUa tor tha gar, 440.M akarea. Foreign Financial. t . , LONDON. Nov. A Money waa obtain able at fractionally easier rates In th market today. IMacounts were uncertain. Brokers dealt cautiously, pending tha an ro.rcrraut tomortow lor the Bank of Kiiiind I rate of disflount. Tra-tmg oa th titm k est-hange- atarled toi.itli. . In-v-Htni,-nt pun-hakes hardened firm rim acuniirs gnu rally, but t lie market easrd DAILY BKE: THURSDAY, h:: r . on uncertainty as 16 wlu thi r the ase of the French aold to assist the Hank of England would prevent an ad- n-r- ftr inf onni raie tomorrow. Ameri cana were moderately supported In the forenoon at fractions over .yesterday's prices, the pun-ham of the Tenneesee COal and Iron cnmim-ny by the I'nlted Btates Steel corporation and the announcement that Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou would afford further financial relief, caus ing a favorable Impression. Bualnesa slackened later, pending the receipt of the New York opening quotations, which came steady snd caused a renewal of strength, especially tn Ontario and Western. New Tork bought well, but the market finished quiet at below the best prlcea, on profit taking. Kaffirs were firm and coppers were Irregular. New York Meaey Market.. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. PRIME MERCAN TILE PAPER Nominally at 7 to 10 per cent. ' STERLING HXCirANOB-Feverlsh, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.Phu0 for demand, and at $I.T! for sixty day bills; commercial bills, $4.7rV BILVKR-Bar, 6tc; Mexican dollars, 47Nc. .( BONDS Government, firm; railroad, buavsnt. MONEY On call, strong demand at 19 25 per cent; ruling rate, IS per cent, clos ing bid. 12 per cent; offered at IS per cent; time loana, more settled; sixty and ninety days, about 12 per cent; six months, about m7 per .cent. ('losing quotations on New Tork bonds were as follows: - . U. a, rec la, ...... tltfu, Hnrklnf Vl. 4a... ? do OOOBOS ..1T U A N. inl. 4s M ..1: Mn. o. s. 4a. ; X ,.1M MX Ontral 4a. 7' . -11SV4 4n lat Inc IS ..llHMlnn. A fit. I.. 4s.. '.7 bi 14., K. A T. 4a M .. 0 do U n .. M N. R. R. of M. e. 4a Ttvt .. T8UM. T. C. t. ...-. M C. S. la, rag. , Oo coupon 0. S. s. 4o, reg do eouooa Am. Tobacco 4a...;.'. do ta Atrhlaou gan. 4s do adj. 4a Atlantic C. I 4a.... . 1 i D 1 1 H,R 1. C. K. r.a lit l tin. Paclflo 4a , Bl. A Ohio : do IH . n do la ........i...... Mv, . 44HN A W. a. 4s rl4 . 7S0. g. L. rfd 4a 7i . 76 Pran. ctmv. IWa . at Reading- (n. 4a . 42H Ft. U A 8. T. It 4. . Mi 4 Pt. U. a. W. a. 4a ll .. M deatioard a. U t... H . H 6o. Pacinc 4. 1M, . MVa do lat 4a otfa 14 Brk.-R.-T. c Ontml of Os. is... rto 1st tne do Id Ino Mo Id Inr Dim. A Ohio 4H.. ' U. at VI. S. . do enl. 6a 70 So. Ralla a 4 CCC, A St. L. g. 4 . 13 Trxaa A T. la l"t eolo. ind. aa. aer. A. 40 T., St. U A W. 4a 7 Colo. A Bo. 4a... s4 Vnlos Pacific 4s Colo. Mid. 4a Cuba 6s D. A R. O. 4a niallllars' Bo. fa... Frla p. I. 4a do sea. 4a........ Japan 4a. otta do Id seHeo do 4a Offered. Bid. M do oonv. 61 V. R. Steel Id 6a... MVi Witxsl la H14W..ra Md. 4a.... 64 W. A L B. 4a.... 46 Wta. Cenlrml 4a H Atrhlaos coot, 4a... 66 do fa , f lot. Stat. 4ia....... . 66Uj .1 . 64 . 76 . T -. 6H . 60' . Boston Stocks and , Bonds BOSTON. Nov. .-Call loang, 7H10 per cent; time loans, per cent closing on stock and bonds: Official Atchison 4a 66 Allouot i . Ontral 4a. 71 AmalmmataA ... . T Atlantic . 6414 Bingham .11 c;sl. A Keels.. .131 Centennial y Copper Bangs ... U'4 Dalr Weat . 14., rranklln .110 Oranbf . 11 Iala Rorale .Ill Maaa. Mining ... . Ill Michigan . 76 Mohawk - . Mont. 0.' A C.... .10414 North Butts His Old DorlDios ... . 6414 Osrrat Aicnium 10 do ptd : Poatos A Albany... Boston A Main... Roaton Eleratod .. Pltchburg ptd Mexican Central ... N. T , N. H. A M. Pira Marquetts .. Union PaciAe Am. Arxa. Cham.... do prd ' Am. Pneu. Tube.... Amrr. Sugar do ptd Am. T. A T .ts 3 ... 14 ... l ... ... 47 ... 1 ... 4J.4 ...II ... 66 ... 10 ... 71 ... 1UH ... 5 ... 1114 ... Am. woolaa 14 Parrot .s , gtn ntA - it n. .1--- BdBieTiiiY:: ' t.' . -,J,.,lm , S-h""V'-" do afd 40 Tnoi.. Vaaa. Oae .'. , United rrult Mr. 4 t'nlted Coppar ..1"4 tr. 8. Mining... .. M4 V. R. OH. ., .. 6414 Utah ....,.,..., ., 16 Victoria .. 66 Winona.... ...... .. 1 Wolverine .. U Cal. A Aritons. ..60 Arlaoaa Ooai. ... ... Muj tin ted i ... as4 ... 14 ... 4tt ... 6S6 ...JOT ...JOT ... U ' ao fl1 V- Btsel..V AJ'' ; t,vZ lti"" u"hu " iA.'k'ed.B.d. Loadoa fTloalaar Rinrka. LONDON, Nov. 6. Closing Quotations on stocks were as fotlftwe: Conaola. monar .. 61 U-16 M . K. A-T..'.'. ... SS ...106 ... 64 ... 64 ... 8144 ... 6 , do account , .. 63v-16N. T. Central., i,.nn. k v.-l - .i, '"' 7H do Pa0....'., : Onurf 4b-W,. E""1 lr .-- nmca . 414 A Ohlj-.-..,.. tSH-R-adl .,.......40 - iA 0,Wr","vl nZ SoutbcjItallway ... U Seer. VAJi"-ft Denrer A R. O ,. Is, L'nlea Paoita 116.. do pfd 62 . do Dfd 66 4 V 16 60H Brie- 1814 0. 8. 8t4... ' do let pfd.........4n . do ptdi-..., do Id pfd 60 Wabash ...... Grand Trunk 114 f ptd .... Illtnola Central Att spanlah Is LoulaTllle A N 6 . . . .SILVER Bar, quiet, I8d per ounce. MONEr-(M per cent, ' The rat of dfscoiift n the open market for short bills is i(nH per cent; for three month' bill,. 6iaVa per cent;-. New Vork Mixing Itocka. . NEW YORK. Nov. .-Iosfhg'(Juotatlorui an iiiiiinig siocKs were as follows: aaams uon. Alloa : Breoce . (... 6 Utile Chlad . . f .too .100 . 16 . 8 . 17 . 11 .1M ..4"0 , Ontario .. IS lOphlr ..V...; .. 60, Potoal .. 2t Savage .t'.v.t,.,.. .. 6i .Sierra Nevada ... ..1!0 Small Hopai .... ..1M gtandara (...;..., .. Hrunrwlck Cos. Comet oca Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... Horn silver Iron Silver ? Led villa Con. ... Offered. Treaanry gtateaaent. WASHINGTON, Nov. . Today' state ment 01. tne treasury, balance in th gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available caah bal- frj8,!2.30101; eld co'" nd bullion, $13,602,106; gold certificate,. 876.498.X10. Bank Clearragr."' ' OMAHA ,Nev. 6 -Bank 'celartng for today were $1,40,392.6T and Tor the cor responding date last- year 6i,4s,146.24. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK, Nov. .-COTTON-Futures opened steady; December, JO. 75c; January ,n .36c:.Mar.ct!- 10M: Mar'' 10 J"" 10 4oo bid; July, 10.47c; August. 10.40c. , 8pot cotton closed steady; 10 point de cline. Middling upland. 11c: middling gulf. 11.26c; sales, none. ' oi vroTflN Nov SrOTTOX-Steady; ST. LOUIS. Nov. .-COTTON-Flrm; mid dling. Mc: sales. 88 bala- cma uain; snipmenis 1 Dale; stocR, S.7H6 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. - . 6.-COTTON-li Market, firm: sales, fifell ha la.- U, ,ih dling, 6Hc; ordinary, 6S0 nominal; ordinary, 7 7-ltic. nominal; good ordinary, $Tac, nom inal; low middling, c; good middling, 11c; middling fair, llc; fair, l."c, nominal. Re ceipts, 15.8J3 bales; stock, lua.loo bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. A CtlTTf iJ Hnt &001 bUSlnwSS llnnn nrl.'aa. 4 hr.lnl. In.,..! eiiiiin fiiiuuuiia lair, o.ova.; good mid J",1"' Ud; mauling. 6.0Sd; low mlddlln 6.71a; good ardlnarv. 6 27d: orrilnarv an The sales of the day were lO.OoO bales, of which 1,000 bales were for siieculatton and exuort ana included iuu hi Am.i...n ,ItB-'el')t 'ooa bales, including 7.600 bales Aiitvi itaii. - V.eul Market. 1X18TON. N)ov. 8.-WOOL There in a maiaed conseivaliva tendency In the trad ing tn the local wool market, and demand keeps pare with aotual ruu.u rements. Pr iei remain lirm and dealings have been llgnt. The leading western prices are as follows Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri ' th u eighths blood, SJuDc; quarter-bloody 2ii'Juc. ....- u ......... a vaaa, lino, OH I WO months, 72u73c; from six to eight months, ttiiioc; fine fall, 67'u68c. California north ern, 4Mti7c; mlddls county, 644c; south ern, (tttitUc. Oregon eastern No. 1, staple, 7ov72c; eastern No. 1, clothing, 66-7Gc; east ern, averaging, 67'i8c; valley No. 1. exaij-'c. Territory, scoured baals, staple. 7z-a73c; l.alf blood, owytioe; three-eighth blood, aS-duoc; Quarter-blood. UyMc. i ST. LOl'IS, Nov. S.-WOOL Steady; I medium gradr combing and clothing, 23Vr 1 26c; light fine, 2L'qJ3c; heavy tine, lifilac; tub washed, -MjJoc. St. Lonla Live Steck Market. t?T. LOU18. Nov. .-Ca.TTUE-Recelpts, 4.0u head. Including 1.500 Teaans; market ateady. Native shipping and ti ort ateera. $a uft1(; dressed beef and butcher ateers, ao.Su-afl&O; ateera under 1.000 pn.incis. $3&HfJ' 4 66; Blockers and feeders. Ctoij-t.ou: coa and hoifers. $i6uuR.tl0; canners, tl.2$a-i00 bulls. 2 5"(-.60; calves, $4 V)7.jO; Taa and Indian steers, $2 SuioS.OO; coa and lirlfera. $l.if.tt2to. Hour Receipta. t.Ouo head: market k'.c lower. Pigs and lights. $4.50Jri.6u; packers. t-ttj6 56; butchers and bent heavy. $5.I6Q BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts,' U head; market ateady. Native muttons, $3 5 ti6 'Jf. ; lambs, $4 oo(7 Oo; culls aql bucks Uv0kJ4.O0; atockers. $2.753160. St. Joseph Live Stack Market. T 'OFEPH. Mo.. Nov. . CATTLE Receipts, 64$ head; market active. Natives, 1 - s aiul helfera. 11 75U4.4G HOGS Receipts, 6,540 head ; mark, t un " ''' 40c lower. loi. $5.10; bulk. $4 8i06 18. .ilr.i.f .-.i LAMBS Receipts, none. Lambs, 15iy5 j, yearliiiga, XoVEMHKH 7. 107. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kxndi Slow, vith Peel ing: Generally Weak. HOGS CONTIHTJE ON DOWN GRADE Sheep aaal Lam ha la Large Receipt, While the Desaaad la Olaek aad the Trade Dall aaal Lower. BOVTH OMAHA. Nov. . 1W7. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Ofllclal Monday 4 S70 Onulsl Tuesday 6.04 Ksllmate Wednesday .... 2.MI0 8,iis8 -U.J44 ,I''!J JS.WV Three days thia weck..U.44 Same days last week.... M. UK I fame days 2 weeks ago. .27.840 Samo days $ weeks ago..27.x3 Bame days 4 weeks ago..2S.&8 8ame days last year lS.h-T The following table showa J0 B.tifO )'..7X1 12. M2 13, W0 S'i JS'J4 W.l the receipts Of cattle, hoas and sheen at ftollth Omaha for the year to date, compared with last ',''; i 1W7. 1 fx;. Inc. Dec. v.nie ....... 8SJ,7nl 13S.WS H"ta , J.ti.H.SJi 2.1.11, Ah! Bhcep l,W3.v9 1,873,074 10:.'5 39.1S The following tabte shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Date. 1807. l906.l906.19O4.ll03.1902.1901. Oct. 27 ... Oct. 2S.... Oct 29.... Oct. 30 ... Oct. 31.... Nov. 1.,., Nov. 2. , . . Nov. .... Nov. 4.... Nov. 6.... Nov. 6.... 6 18 ( t1 6 08 t Bll E 8 4 17; 4 S3 4 981 a 6 00 6 61 5(1 6 72 6 67 C9 6 l.l 6 64 a 73 6 73 t 81 4 87 6 60 4 79 6 4SI 4 74 i 61 6 72 4 731 6J( 6 72 Sunday. - The official number of car of stock brought In today by each road waa: f!attla. llno-a Rheen fliw. r. rty z V. P. system 42 C. St N. W. (east) C. A N. W. (west) 64 C, St P., M. & O C, B. A Q. (east) 1 C, B. & Q. (west) .... 15 C, R. I. A P. (east) .... 1 Illinois Centrsl Chicago Great Western .. 3 13 13 1 S I i l Total receipts 115 40 71 The disposition of the day' receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the! number of head Indicated . . Cattle, Hogs. Bheep. v.iiiBiia x-nx-King; to. f 13 4 881 6 01 6 65 4 821 4 So 5 4H ( 15 4 W 6 434 06 4 941 6 68 6 ('J 4 K 4 92 6 61 6 05 4 84! 4 84 5 67 10 4 W 4 84 6 07 4 871 4 8 (63 I 4 SSI 4 W 6 SS. 6 "8 1 4 89 6 9 4K7 319 332 621 634 424 87 1.116 850 1,W1 23ri 294 263 75 39 173 1 313 149 93 ' 81 ; 18 1.135 M 29 .. 21 S3 ' 6 875 4.050 ,0J6 13 979 S3 1 swiii ana fompany 71 cnaany packing Co. I Armour A Co 44 Uudahy Pkg. Co.. K. I Vansant A Co " Carev A Renton ... ! Lobman & Co l" 1 Mf-lVcrw ja. r,,.. - Kill A Bon 17- n r ... X . r. WIH Huston Sc. Co L. F. Huss Cuday Broa & Co.. J. H. Bulla Sara Werthelmer ... Mike Haggerty , O. McConnaughey . T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros. Other buyer Ttal CATTLE Receipts of rattln tbla mnrnlnr at this point were moderate, only 112 car I CATTLE Receipts, - 800 head; market being reported in. Other market points, es-1 slow and steady; beeves. $4.6015.75; cow peulally Chicago, had liberal receipt. Th ' and heifer, $2.262'3.75; Blocker and feed market opened Just about as slow and dull ers, $3.0Oji3.76; calye and yearling. $2.60 a It would be possible to Imagine. Buy- 43.50. er of all kind tf cattle seemed Inclined 1 10 wait for development before trying to '"-jr iiiucu. inej' were oui in in yuras iir season, out rather a lookers than m yesterday, 'but aside from that thai- was very little business doing until midday or after. When packer finally got ready to do business there was a fair amount of life to the trade and the receipts of beef cat tle, being lignt we're oon cleaned lift.' The price paid did not look very different from last week. Cow and heifer were also cleaned up. In fair season at about th same price as prevailed yesterday. Feed ers were rather dull, especially those on trie common order, but with the total offerings only moderste the supply was i-VL We,1,1 'Jhausted before the- close and they, like beef cattle, sold In about th aii-v mucuea as yesterdav Quotations on cattle: irjorwf .t.i. nnrnr... ...... r . . .. . . - ...s,..a on--1 a, ei.07.; 111 10 gnotl corn fed steers, $4.8O(6.40; common to fair corn fed steers, $4.ou34.80r good to choice rang W.1644.oj; fair to good range steeia, ?'2!SH-; con'mon o 'air range steers, K'SEi'2i: ??d 5 cho,C9 cow and heifer. H5z255: ,alr to Kod cow and heifer. -to!; common to fair (w-s unit hi'.. $1.502.60; good to choice atockera and feed ' 1 HO : .. j feedera $3.004.00; common to fair stocker and feeder. $2 76S 50. Representative sale: - WESTERN N ERR A RICA 17 COWS 1034 S 80 20 cows 1018 I 45 cows..... 640 2 45 2 oows 910 $ 45 43 feeders. . 976 3 45 21 feeders.. tr8 8 05 2 feeders.. 1200 8 00 19 heifers... 615 1 85 8 bulls 1026 $ 00 1 calf 870 3 25 49 cows 697 2 60 8 oows. .14 cows. 2 cows. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 bull.. 2 cows. 19 cows. 1 steer. ..1010 2 00 -4 3 85 ..1k0 8 66 ..1010 2 66 .. 900 1 60 ..14-10 I 6) .. o67 1 76 ..Hoi 1 75 .. fc 2 25 8 cows 941 1 KS cows 9h8 2 55 1 cow 900 2 65 1 cow 860 2 56 1 bull 1480 1 60 1 OOW 750 1 76 1 calf 130 6 00 2 cow 1035 1 75 1 heifer.... 980 S 25 4 feeder. . 762 3 66 $ heifers 406 $85 1 Steer 1120 4 26 1 cow 950 1 76 18 cow 940 $ 15 1 cow 790 1 75 17 cows 10o4 2 10 44 feeders.. 6M7 $ 60 24 heifers... 777 1 80 21 oows 1134 $ 16 2 cows 160 2 76 8 helfera... Mi 8 76 8 feeders.. 620 S 26 61 cowa 96J 2 66 86 heifers... 678 2 CO 2 heifers... 670 $ 00 6 feeders., 675 8 40 6 heifers... 668 I 76 4 calves ... iV5 6 60 8 calves.... 493 2 85 WYOUIKfl. 23 cows 1146 8 75 6 cows... .1030 2 20 . 943 i 70 Scows 93 2 70 Scows... 1 cow 9J) 8 70 20 oows... IW ID 8 feedera..l0u6 4 00 8 feedera. .102 4 1,0 V. McDonald. Wvmnlnir. 41 ateera. ...1113 4 10. 28 cows 876 4 cows 9ii7 2 25 3 bulls 1270 41 cows..... 997 8 25 Meows 877 too 2 85 it COWS TM Z 16 John Olvens, Wyoming. 77 heifers... ft-6 2 20 W. H. Robbins, Wyoming. M cows 913 2 70 34 cows 874 i 00 13 steers.... 967 8 8-) 3 feeders.. 11)10 S 75 8. W. Oebo, Wyoming. 77 heifers... 604 2 10 42 feeders.. 635 8 40 feeders. , 6 6 8 00 8 feeders.. &t 8 00 16 feeders.. 100 1 10 13 calves.... 3-7 8 00 76 cows 633 1 70 W'yoming. 19 cows liaS 2 85 6 feeders.. H4 3 60 25 feeders.. 7V7 t 76 40 feeders.. kil 8 15 96 calves.,.. 177 4 50 21 oows 910 2 35 47 COWS 808 1 65 Dan Nash 28 cows lrl 3 ut 21 feeders.. 8 75 7 feeders.. 7'W 8 16 B. T. H.bha Wvni.iina- 58 feeders.. 903 8 oo 48 heifers...' 662 2 40 3 bulls 13.U 75 HOG3 Receipts of hoga numbered about forty cars thia morning, which, though u slight run compared u lth a few weeks ago was fair, the way condltiona are at present! The market waa ii6c lower than yester day's general market. All other market polpts were reported off to about the same eatent, so that although salesmen hated to make the concessions, there was nothing else to do, ao they accordingly cut loose to the best advantage- poa.ible. When once underway the market waa generally active at the decline and everything changed hands soon sfter 10 o'clock in the morning. The bulk of tho hogs sold right around $5.16, with a top as high as 6i.-5. Today's break carries the market to the lowest point touched so far this year. Representative sales AV. 44. Pr M': Av. SB. Pr. : m 40 6 is 64 A 40 6 16 73. M I 11 45 !J 40 6 '.6 6:.. lt 121 ( 16 i H) i 16 7 1W a 13 63 iJ 40 6 76 7" is'i 40 6 16 it 1-4- 40 1 1714 ... 6 17 44 a0 6V ( 171, i0 6 to 160 C M ' t4 2i7 ... ii 0 :'74 40 6 ri ' ... ik ' t-ta lit l) -I ... tli 64... 60... 71... 46... M... 147 le 6 w) .Jul 40 6 10 40 $ 1 . ; 4 l-j 60 6 t'i ... 6i:v, -..! 6 12', J"0 a 11 -j ao 4 li", 40 6 16 .3-7 ,134 .S4 .r.,J a.-t .244 nn a u- . 210 I 1". 74 1. Iti l.J i 1.'. 46....... Ii0 . . L lit ...!..'.'.?4t t I li 46...',... iM 10 di 14 6. .'......14 : 6 1- 7. .r im- So f IS 6 ... 6 16 8HKEP-Receipts of sheep this morning were large, with very liber il run reported at other market points. Tha truth Is re ceipts evrywhere were much larger than the condition of the markets would war rant, with the result tnat the general tendency of valors was sharply low. r. There Is nothing new to b said regarding general conditions governing the courae of the elittp and lam La market, packer r uuyers. fortunately there were a few out- : fi'iu h 1 de buyer in the yard looking for cow oouth Omaha i , 1 (rn ' stuff and they picked up quite a Jood manyl?" cUv iS lS 1,,K head at prlcea not verv much different JiX.. ? ::: still following their' hand-to-mouth policy, burlng only such tu(T aa . they actually need to fill current order. Oa the other hand, whll there Is a good demand for feeders, there being plenty of people Who would like to feed a bunch of sheep or lambs, still the scarcity of money retard buying on their-part to such an extent that market values are steadily working lower for the lack of burying support. This morning the market opened with a very light demand. Packers were out In fair see son looking around, but It was very evident thst they did not need very many and some of them did not hesitate to ssy that prlcea would have to he around loo to Ific lower to Interest them very much. I'nder such conditions It Is hardly neces sary to add that the trade waa very stagnant, with comparatively little buslneaa doing. The attendance of feerler huvers from tba 1 country waa rather limited and those who were here seemed to feel that there waa nothing to be made by being In a hurry , hpfic-e. thev were diarxised to take their time In making selections, with the result that the market on feeders was Just as slow and dull as the market on killers. rllrtl.( nn ... I ... 1 I. 1 1 1 . I-smb. $ft.95jl.(in: yearling wethers. $4 4.M; wethers, $4.36'u4.50; ewes, $4.0OM.25. I Quotations on feeders: Urnha. $&.Siirf; TS: . common lambs, $4 5io.25; yearlings, $4.60if .ia; wetners, 4."t- js; ewes, u kmis.w: common ewes I ewes, $4.2fi0i4.7B. iinnjl.6; aged breeding 351 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... s; Wyoming Ismbs, feeders.... ;3 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 61 $ SO 68 6 60 64 4 76 64 4 76 65 I 60 f-S I 60 61 a 16 97 $35 97 $35 63 6 16 2 6 0 70 6 40 120 4 36 9 I 40 W (40 115 4 15 l.'7 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 27 Wyoming lambs, feeders..., 643 Wyoming '.atnbs, -feeders.... 614 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... Wyoming ewus, feeders... 60 Wyoming ewes, feeders 77 Wyoming lambs, feeders ISO Wyoming lambs, feeders..... 81 I'tah lambs, feeder O I'tah ewes, breeder 94 I'tah lambs, feeders 3icl Vtah lambs, feeders Y4S Wyoming ewes CHICAGO LIVE STUCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Higher Hogs Weak to Lower. CHICAOO. Nov. . CATTLQ-Reoetpl estimated at about 16,000 head. Including 6,000 westerns; market steady, with the best 10c higher; steers. $4.60iii7.00; cows, $2.(KKg4.60; heifers. $2.5o4f6.00; bulls, $2.60$ 5.00; calves. $3.0O7.O0. HOQ3-RecelDts. estimated at ahnut 18 OfM head; market weak to 26c lower; cholc heavy, shipping, $8. 4006.60; light butcher. $5.6036.80; light mixed, $6.4"fi60; choice light, 6.5(Vu6.fiS; packing, S.0U7t6.46; pigs, $4.25fi6 60; bulk of sales, $6.2006.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 22,000 head; market steady to strong; heep. $4.0ft6.00; lamb, $6.66(87.75; yearling. . $6.60(57.00. Kanaaa City Lire Stock Market.' KANSAS CITT. Nov. . CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,700, Including 300 southern. Market steady; cow strong. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5.:6JI.26; to good, $4.26405.60; western steers, $8 25(04.40; Blockers and feeder, $3 00(0 j 4.60; southern steers, $2.76tf3.65; southern cuwa, i.uuui..ou: native cows, 6 1. 1 ttf ovju; native heifers, $2.664.20; bulls, $..$60 3.25; calves, $3.006.00. HOOS Receipta, 12.000; market 154J250 lower; top, $5.25; bulk of sales, $6.00j $5:5; packers, $2.00 5.26; pigs and lights, $4.60ii 6.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta, 8.600 head; tnnrket weak; lambs, io.00i&6.2; ewes and yearlings, $4.264j5.00; weBtern yearlings, $4.6041 6.00- western sheep, $3.00 4- 4.76; atockers and feeder. $$.60it a.00. Sloaz City Live. Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Nov. 6-Speclal Tele gram.) HOQS Receipt. 2.800 head; mar ket 2oc lower, selling at $5.O0(U''5.2O; bulk. 83 IfKfS IR I. Stock In Sight. Receipt of live stock at the six principal Bt. Joseph Bt Louis . . Chicago . , ,. Total .29.848 . 61,940 48,70 OlAABA WnOI,fctL MARKET. - Staole and Fanes Prod nee. EGGS Fresh country, 22c; storage, 18c BUTTER Common. Ioc; fancy tub and rolls. 20&21c: creamery, 81c. CHEESE New full cream. Wisconsin twins, Hc; new full-cream brick, 17c; do mestlc, new Swiss, )8c; new llraberber. ll fi 1 Kr- vmmtf Amar-lfaa ITUi. iiltic; young Americas, mao. LIVE POULTRY Springs, SVfrc; hens, 8c; roosters, 4c; ducks, loc; gees, tc; turkeys, 16c; pigeons, 76c per dos. DRESSED POlILTKr-Bprtngs. fonoy. 10c; hens, 10c; roosters, 6c; ducks, 12c; geese lie; turkeys, 174 18c, HAT -Choice No. 1 uplsnd. $19 00; me dium. 00; No. i bottom. 88 00: off grade from It oo to $8.50, rye straw. 17.00; No. 1 alfalfa. U1.00. rRTJITS. CRANBERRIES Per barrel. $9 l&t?9.60. A PPLLS Colorado fancy Jonathans. 4 tler box. $3.26; California Belleflower, $2,004) 2.26; Washington Snow, per box, $2.00: Ore- Son Kings, per box. $2.60; Oregon 8pttten erg. per box. $2i&0; Oregon Baldwin, 82.26; New York Baldwins, fancy, per barret, 86.4v; Greening, $5.00; Hubbardson, $5.0(V HKAKS-Winter Neili. 6-tler box. $8.88; 6-tler box, $3.00; Idaho and B. DeAnjou, 4 and 6-tler boxea, $3.50. ORAPES-Mlchlaan, per basket. 82e New Tork. 82c; California Tokay, per crate. 82.00; Cornlchan, $2.00; Imported Malaga, per keg, 14.1X10.00. VEQETABLE8. NAVT BEANS Par bu.. No. L 8180 per bu.. I Irra.' 7c per lb. POTATOE8-Per bu.. 65575o. UKAMB-ew waa aad aulag. 40iJpS0c per Caaikct basksv CAWBAGiC Wisconsin, Holland seed. lVii per pound. . BEKTS Pr buhl, 80c. li.KNli e-t-or ousheL 60c. PARSMP-per bushel, 760. RADISHES Per don. 20c TOMATOi-.S Per baaket, uo760. CKl.t-R Y Michigan, tulbc. ONION Red Globe, par pound, Hie, . BWEET POTATO bCBVtrgluia, $8.86. PEPPERS Por bualiel. 76o. REEK CUTa No. 1 Tlbe. 14c; Nt,. b rib, tic; No. I rib. 6c: No. 1 loin, 19c; No. t loin. 18c: No. 8 loin, 9c; No. I chuck. 6c; No. I church, 4'c; No. 8 chuck, 4Vtc; No. 1 round, tVc; No. 2 round, 71ic; No. $ round, V.c; No. I plau, 4 inc; No. S plats. c; No. 8 plate. lc. TROPICAL FRUIT. LEMONS Per box, $3.00, $7.00. Lut-'UAMj'lb-par sack. $; per dozen, DATES On mrkt Oct. 26; Hallowe'en, per pound, 7c; Bayer, per Dound 4Vo. BANANAS Per bunch. 62.0waJ.UU. MlSCfiLLANEOt'8. CALIFORNIA DK1ED FRUITS Prune are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seen, lesirous o( moving supplies of l.nmedtat grades Quo tatlonr from ko to 9v lor California fruit and fro.u io to tc foi Oregon. Peaches, vry Arm, Willi fancy yellow Quoted at Uo. x "4 iAV J-l'I'OW-OrejB salted. No. 1 c; No. I, T)fco: bull hides, 6c; graea bide, No. 1, 8c; No. 2. 6c; horse. $1.604iliO sneep pells, boitoii A 'lallo. No 1, 4VC.' No. i 2"c. Wool. 15j22:. COr-FKE-Roasted, Na 85, 2c; No SO. tic; No. 26. 18o; No. 80. uo. FISH Halibut, lio; troui. 18i; pIckoreL 10c-; pike, 14c; pike. freah frogen. 12c whltensh, 14(16c; buffalo. He: bullheads' skinned and uroahed, lie; catfish, dressed' l.c; wtilte perch, ic, wiiite bass, 16c; black bass. 26c; unflnh. t&sc. crappie. 6c; ..I. .at, iiarnng, iraeri roien. c; whlteiiah, frown. Uiolic, pickerel, freab froien. Uc: red snapper, 12o; noundora. inaiaarel, l&QJLa per Ash; '.-odflsu, fi-eabl troKsn, 12c; red snipper, lie; rtoundjra. fiesh froteii. 12c: haddock, fresh f rose a Uo; Bn.elts. 13c; ahad roe, too per lb.; tioa 1-gg. e'r fnr 1' u " lurtle nie(. tec CANNED OOODS-Corn, standard west ern, 76o. Tomatoes, fancy 8-pound cans. $1.45; standard 3-pound cans, $.ao. Pine ijiles. graieil, 2-pound. t'.jKtt-i": sliced. $1.762.35. Oallon apples, $4 60. California apricots. $2.4u. pears. $1.75260. Peachee. in.iJ.4i' L. C. peaches. I..i J 60. Aiaaka salmon, red. $1.40; fancy Chinook, flat, 11 li; i'"',yr. at. Has. barali.ea. quarter oil, $3.6; tbre-iuarters mustard, $3 86. Sweet potato,, liauaikraut, Ooo 1-u.iii.Hns. hoitiH.'. Lima tana. .-pound. J6cj41 25. Soaked peas. 2-pound. 5c; fancy. $i.U,iul 46. Ni.'TS California alniua. 18c; Chill wal nuts, loc; Mc64, 12... 15-; filberts. Uc; hisxlls. 137) I4i-; almonrls. l'Se: roasisd pa tiuts. 614c; raw- psanu'a, Sa. Three suapects Arrealed. .CHICAGO, Nov. 6 Three men were ar retted today In connection with the search for the alayer of James W. Allaway, tha wealthy conunlaaion merchant of !- An geles, Ciil , who was killed by a burglar early yesterday morning at the home of bis brotlier, 6.dward Alluway. Tl.a men gave Die names of John Wells. I years old; ''irl Vell. 24 year old, and Frank S hue, SS j esis old 1 WAiiArn m oriiSTi viTwr-i a ar mtttw ak n at A lA-Aai 1 tvansaa tjity b.7k gao 648 6.640 . 4,000 6,000 1.200 15,000 18.000 22,000 INLAND TOWNS BUCK BOATS Wichita md Other Village! Knock oo Eirer Transportttion. LATEST JOKE OF THE SEASOS eject lag I Called In Weatera Kanaai Town, Where These Kaockera Propose Uraanlalngr Their Little Band. Here' Ui latest Joke. Ice water from the mountain lakes of rfolorado; ordinary dampness from thi Arkansas and pure running thirst quench! from the brook and pond of Kansas was thrown at the Missouri river Improve ment movement when notice and prcai .'lipping were received at the Commcrcla club Wednesday announcing the con ventlon of the "Inland Comsaunltl" to b held at Wichita. Kan.. November IS. . Investigation of the bundle of document showed that the object of the meeting will be to oppose the expenditure nf publlo money for the Improvement of waterway and do everything possible to prevent river titles, such as Kansas City. St. Joseph and Omaha, gaining aa ' advantage In freight rates, by reviving extensive Hver transportation, Th movement wa stsrted In Wichita And the Inland town and cities of Colors do and Texas have been urged to Join In tha great movement to prevent the money of the people being expended by the poop! ior th benefit of the people everywhere In the west. But the fire of the Missouri River Im provement association burns on and the big banquet of the Commercial club has not been called off because of the "wet water of Wichita." Neither W. 1 Tetter of tli entertainment committee nor Fresldent Pick In of the Omaha and Missouri river transportation committee would admit that an Invitation had been extended to) them to attend the Wichita meeting. Big Piece of Folly. "It I folly," said a Missouri river en thusiast, when he read the announcement of the "Inland Communities Convention." "A Omaha and Kansas City are dividing points, for tho railroad rate to all th Inland towns In Nebtaska and Kansas, a lower rat to Omaha or Kansas City mean a lower rate to the 10.000 towns which they serve aa market. The rate to Emporia,. Kan., or Broken Bow, Neb., I made up of the rat from the east to Omaha and the local rate to the Inland towns. If the rate from the factories of the east or the seaboard of the south Is reduced to Omaha, the rate to Broken Bow, where the spotted cow called Speck lies dead,' will be reduced. The same of Kansas City. If Kansas City secures a lower rate on print paper from the mills of Maine, because of river trans portation, William Allen White will enjoy a lower rale to Eciporla and can sell hi newspaper at 60 cents A year If he de sires to divide with his reader or buy" copy -paper In quantities which will en able him to writ for five magaslnes In stead of one. The Inland communities will think better of Missouri river Improve ment In a few years when they begin to experience lower rates because of - th boosting which Omaha and Kansas City Are doing." RESTAUBANTEUBS ABE CALLED Fonrteea of Them ' Mast 'Answer Charge of Valngf Milk Below Legral Standard. Complaints were filed against' fourteen restaurant keepers Wednesday morning by Assistant County Attorney A. O. Elllch In the police court charging that th proprie tors had been guilty of violating the pure food law by selling milk containing lea than 8 per cent butter fat. Warrants for th arreat of the defendant were Issued and served Wednesday afternoon. ' The time for the trials has not been set. Those for whom warrants were Issued are: George E. Gift, 218 South Twelfth street; Peter P. Miller, 1009 Howard; Tom Lee and Soul Qule, proprietors of the Chinese res taurant at MS South Thirteenth street; John G. Dennis, proprietor of the. Chesa peake restaurant; Hsu Tuck, proprietor of the Chinese restaurant at 1321 Douglas; B. Fraeen, 418 Bouth ' Fifteenth; Mat Dor oughty, 412 South Thirteenth; Chris Larson, 1016 Farnam; I. Bhank, 814 South Tenth I Leo Lun, Fourteenth and Harney; Leo Jl, proprietor of the Jap restaurant at 60S North Sixteenth; F. A. Cleary, 704 North Sixteenth; Tom Brown, 316 North Sixteenth! J. H. Curran, 707 North Sixteenth. Laurln Swanson, a milkman of Courtland beach, wa fitted 810 and costs In pollc court, Wadnealay morning, for selling milk; that contained less than .8 per cent butter fat. Six tests were mad'i of the milk he old and only en of th teat wer bo low th requirement of the law. WALKUP KNOCKED INSENSIBLE Repabllraa I Asaanlted When Cheers the Victory at th . Polls. Ho Just after he bad remarked that every thing had gone republican, Sam Walkup, a clerk in the county clerk's office, was struck In the face Tuesday night by two men who evidently took exception to Ms glee over the result of the election. . . Th assault occurred at Sixteenth and Grace streets about midnight. Mr. Walkup and his brother-in-law, Dun Fraser, had been downtown to get the returns. . The decided to walk part way borne and hod reached Sixteenth and Grace streets when th assault occurred. Mr. Fraaer wa also struck by the men, who then broke and ra. Passengers on a street car saw the s ssult and th car stopped. Mr. Waft up was unconscious from th blow and wag taken home on the car. He did not re gain consciousness until after a physician had been summoned. Neither of thtin'ricV ognlsed hi assailants, but It Is balleved they were ruffian angered by the outcome pf the election. Mr. WSIkup's injuries are not considered serious, though his face la badly tut up, Mr. Fraser was not very badly hurt? '..' i TWO MEN GET BROKEN NOSES Dramas, la Handling Fornltnro, Ar Cracked on the Same Ten der Spot. J. Binkley and Ben Warren, draymen, were unloading soma furniture at 807 Leav enworth street Wednesday morning and while handling sn Iron bed both men got their noses broken and their heads and faces bsdly bruised. Binkley was on the wagon and handed the bed down to War ren, who was on the ground. After tie had handed him the bed Binkley lost bta balance and fell from the wagon. He lit on the end of the bed and broke hi nose. Tha for. of hi fall pushed th other end of the bed Into Warren' nose with uffl clent force to-break It. Both men went to the polio station and were patched tip by the police surgeon. W. II. Oaaner Plead Uallty. ST. LOCIaV Nov. -In fnlted State, district court today. William H. Osmer pleaded guilty to an indictment charging hun with padding public sxpeose accounts tn 19"4. when he waa I'nlted Btates deputy marshal, and was fined $1,000 by Judge Carlund. Garner was arrraiad by Marshal Viorrey. to whom he rendered tha tadlawl atcouotA.