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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1907)
TIIB OMAHA DAILY BEEi THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 7, 1907. f BRIEF CITY NEWS Have Boot prist It. ' i aVsbsetos ahlng-las ers better thea Slate, f j 1 A. Blaeaart, photographer, reseoved to Eighteenth and Farnem streets. We ' always have Rock Springs coal. Central Coal and Coka Co. of Omaha, lth ii nd Harney streets. . -X. B. nimn Mam a 4e general Insur- xnce agents, moved to suite KM to 604 Bran- lels building. SBO-Kot Bifocals Peopls who wear double vlalon laa shoold call and sea Huteson'a "Bho-JMot ' Invisible lenses. IIS Houth Sixteenth street. Autolst Hnd tot dots O0 Tea"! W. O. Colpetser was fined 16 and easts In police court Wednesday morning for exceeding t the spaed limit with hie automobile. a Divorce to Edgar W. Hotraaa A decree ' divorce haa been granted to Edgar F. llolman from Exlldi D. Holman in tbe dlatrict court Wednesday tbe ground of abandonment. ' . Defiant Juror to be Arretted An order was made In the dlatrict court Wednesday for the arrest of Oust Hart, 'a furor, who. It Is alleged, Ignored the summons of the sheriff to appear for Jury duty. . Thief In Woman's Boons Marie Crlger, 111 South Eighteenth street, reports to tne police that a sneak thief entered her apart ments on Tuesday and stole her pocket book, containing eertlOoata of UewaL for 130. Xonerabla Wsiharge mt oldlers Hon orabla dlachargea from the army have been granted the following named enlisted men, by order of the War department: Private Rudolf P. Smith, Thtrtwnth In fantry, unasfelgned.and Private R. J. Cart mell. Fourth cavalry, unea signed. BurllDgtoa Agents to Meet General pas senger agents and fell field and city paa aenger agenta of the Burlington will meet next Monday at the Grand Pacific hotel in Chicago to discuss a Urge variety of top ics connected with conducting the passen ger department of the Burlington road. rrsssmsa do oa Strike Six pressmen, seven helpers and several girls who are dependent upon the presses, went on strike at the Omaha Printing company Wednesday tor an eight-hour day. The company asserts Its determination not to yield to the demand, maintaining the same Attitude- It has toward Its union printers, r.atio left over a year ago. Jobs A. Bart round Dead In Bad John A. Hart, foreman of a track gang at Sher idan, Wyo..' was found dead in his room at the Aetna libtel about 1 o'clock Wednes day afternoon. The body was discovered by a chambermaid who went to the room to make It up. Hart had been in Omaha about two Weeks. Alcoholism ts supposed to have been the cause of his death. Cor oner Bralley haa taken charge of the body. It la not known who are hia relatives. Charles Bog-eta Draws fares Tears Charles Rogers, alias Charles Pries, col ored, 23 years old, was sentenced by Judge Troup In the district court to three year In the penitentiary for assault with Intent to commit robbery. Rogers held up Fred Pebbles In South Omaha last summer. Pebbles, however, had a revolver as well as his assailant and promtly brought U Into use, with ths result that ths young highwayman was compelled to spend sev eral weeks In a horpltal before being re moved to ths county JalL Rogers at first pleaded not guilty, but changed his plea Just before sentence was pronounced. f- Drug-gist's Heart Is Touohsd Sidney 1 Eastman was flued 15 and costs In police i court Wednesday morning for selling a bjt y ,lo of beer to Officer Wooldrldge on Sun day. Eastman Is tho proprietor of a drug store at Fortieth and Hamilton streets.. He explained to the Judge that he keeps a case bf bser In his cellar for domestic consumption and that Officer Wooldrldge came In last Sunday and put up such a pitiful talk about needing a bottle of bser for medical purposes that his heart was touched and he cams serosa Hs prom ised the Judge he would harden hie heart ugalnst thirsty scouts on Sunday In the future. Only Sweet Memory Stays A. W. Lan der, who Uvea at Fiftieth and Burdette streets, had a runaway a few weeks ago while driving at Forty-seventh snd Mili tary avenue. Ths buggy was smashed and became detached from the horse. Are Fat Women Always Married to imn Men? Watch the 4 o'clock promenade on l'lfth avenue. New York, or along Rotten Row In London, and you will bo struck by tbe circumstance that svsry fat woman Is accompanied by a thin man, while svsry fat man has a lean ' and, usually, tall woman by his side," said a world-renowned form and beauty specialist reoanUy, to a gathering of artists and newspaper men la a Broadway cafs. ' The effect Is grotesque and every artistic sense ts offended by the lop-sided, top-heavy, overbalanced appear ance of such a couple. It Is an entirely unnecessary offense, too, on tho part of the fat person, at least," continued the beauty expert. " for getting rid of an excess of fat Is a vary simple matter. Most peopls think they must punish themselves with a slim diet and Iota of tho bard, distasteful work called exercise, In order to do so, but that Is a mistake. As a matter of fact, there la a ainiple mixture of common, wholesome, harmless household remedies that If nut together In the right quantities and taken i'i teaspoonful quantities after each meal and at bedtime, will take off from half a pound to one pound a day from either man or woman without causing. wrinkles. Inter fering with their diet In any shape or form, or requiring any gymnastics to help It out. This mixture consists of hi oa. Marmola, os. Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, and 3t oss. 8yrup Simplex. Tho Marmola should te obtained In an original unbroken H - package, and mixed with the other two Ingredients by shaking the three to gether In a targe bottle, at home. Most fat people neve heard of this effective home recipe, however, and so, thinking they must diet and must exercleo to get thin (which Is not true and not good advice, either) they will do neither and so oontinus fat and porpolsellks. a treretty and, caricature f the human form divine.' One fat news- .sy morning f Mr. Lander returned to the piece where the buggy had been left snd found someone had taken It away. He has not recovered the horse as yet, nd as the horse took the harness along with It, Mr. Lander has nothing but sweet memor ies left of the whole outfit. He hss asksd ths police to help locate his buggy and has hopes that the horse will repent and bring the harness back to him.'" Money Coasted Try Kaehinery Dollars, half dollars, quarters, dimes, nl-kela end pennies are now counted by machinery by the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Rail way company. A device has been bought similar to those In use In the suetreaaut- ies of the United States which count add wrap money. Dollars sro counted out au tomatically Into $600 sacks, quarters art counted and wrapped Into tit sa-kitges. 50-cent pieces the ssme, dimes are rouateo and wrapped Into 16 packages, nickels into ti packagea and pennies Into bO-ccnt packages. All this Is done . by slmpl crowding the money Into . the machine much like a corn sbeller and turning tut crank. ... . . . AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Remit of Election Showa Bif Majority Against Annexation. CHAEGE MADE AGAINST HUSBAND Wossaa Says B!e Beat Her aed Broke I'B tho Faraltara la Hoaae--a wears Oat tfarraat far Bla Asrest. the merits of Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney, bladder or rheu matto trouble, $1 bottle, two months' treat ment. Sold by Sherman A McConnell Drag Co. and Owl-drag Cot Testimonials with isch bottle. WEST WITH TROOPS TO FRONT Coloael Leeds Elarkt Coaapaalee lata I'te Caaatrr Vast Sapallee needed. Colonel Frank West and eight companies of the Second United States cavalry ar rived at Gettysburg, 8. D., Tuesday even ing and marching the eighteen miles from that place to Forest City, opposite ths Cheyenne sgency, were ferried across the Missouri river at that point Wednesday. The command will go Into camp at Chey enne agency and will start on the march for Thunder Buttea, eighty miles farther west, Thursday. The two companies of the Sixteenth In fantry from Fort Crook will reach Gettys burg Wednesday evening. These companies will relieve the small detachment of the Second cavalry, having charge of the base of supplies at Gettysburg. Detachments of the Infantry companies will then be as signed to duty . from Cheyenne River agency. White Horse and other points be tween Thunder Butte creek and the Mis souri river. Large quantities of food and forage sup plies necessarily will have to be shipped Into the country, for so large a .body of men and animals, for the campa'gn agilnst the Utea, which it now looks mayxsontlnue well into the winter. The government expected to be able to hire traneportatlon for these food and for age auppliea In that section, but thus far has been unable to do so. Consequently requisition has been made upon Forts Riley, Russell and Leavenworth for a suf ficient numbsr of mule teams and wagons for the emergency. These outfits ara to be shipped to Gettysburg by rail as soon as possible. Last lapremt Effort. , In a last supreme effort, to cure eon stlpatlon. biliousness, etc., take Dr. King's New Ufa Pills. 26 cents. For aale by Bsaton Drug Co. UNION' PACIFIC SHOWS LOSS Drops Qaarter mt Mtlllaa la Net E lags for the Meatk of Aaarast, A loss in net earnings of 1260. 000 is shown by the financial statement of the Union Pa- I ciflo for the month of August. The gross i receipts for ths month were I7.OUS.6ia.74. an Increase of I787.SS1U over Ihe corres ponding month last ysar. The operating expenses arid taxss were 14.11 1, Ms. 87, an In ' crease of tl.04s,3t.l over August last year, making the net receipts ovsr operating ex penses and taxes show a loss of 16,268,112.75. By this nsw system or keeping account both July and August of ths present fiscal ysar havs shown a loss in the net sain. For the 'months of July and August the operating expenses and taxes of the Union Paclflo have Increased 12,161,798.(3 over the same two months laat year. Total For annexation Against annexation 'For detention school 'Against detention achooi .. 'For tuberculosis ward 'Against trberculoala ward Three precincts missing. Totals on party tickets j Republican Reese Anderson ... Coupland ... Clarke Dajr Estelle Kennedy .... Keddlck Seara Button Troup ....... Hoff Smith Brailey lslie Hsverley .... Furay Shrlver Teder Davis Real Solomon Brunlng Trslnor Austin Ths above Callahan has Democratic. :i.401!LcKmis .1.407 Millard l.H ....1.4 S ....1.431 ,...I.7(W ....1.441 ....1.441 ....1.4.17 ,...1.633 ....L437 ....1.S48 ....1.27: Sundean. Estelle ..s,m .. 7"7 .. 397 .. S'TS .. S 3 .. 21J I ..1.499 ..1.4M ..1.606 ..2.788 later than November It. On that date Judges W. H. and T. C Munger will hear and pass upon the motions snd arguments. In order that the cases may be expedited when once called for trial, rather than to have these dilatory motions deferred until ths opening trials of the cases. In the meanwhile, the hearing of the civil cases will bs resumed Thursday morning before the petit Jury. IUEL AND MATERIAL HEN ONE Coal Dcalert United with Others to Ktiist Beco.nsignment Charges. : Gallagher 1.RJ7 .1.40T Bridges 1.481 .1,412! Dodge ..1.517 Chrlatman., ..l.tSJI Klsasser .. ..1.4Cogrove ., ..1.428 McCartney ,.1,41S Q'ntle-nan ..1.457' 8eh warts . ..1.417Prandt .... .1.4121 Flxa 1.625iO'Connor U .1.483 .1.4ft .1.477 .1.473 .1.48", 1.437 1.481 1.4H4 1.8'i8 374 1 Callahan V. 1.501 figures- ahow that James a majority of 117 for the office of South Omaha police magistrate. The question of annexation was defeated by a majority of 998. The total vote showed that 811 tailed to express their perference either way. Theee may be counted as favoring the proposition, for ths efforts of the anti-annexation forces must certainly have brought out their full strength. The same Is trus of scores of men wpho cast no vote In the city elec tion. The following table Is the vote by wards and precincts on the question of annexation: First Ward Total. Tes. No. First precinct 800 (0 1 67 Second precinct .... 887 112 1)2 Second Ward First precinct 200 45 107 Becond precinct .... 178 ..78 1st Third Ward , First precinct 328 88 178 Becond precinct ..... 862 24 288 Fourth Ward First precinct 85 18 42 Second precinct ..... 213 43 125 Fifth Ward I Mrst precinct 141 42 70 Feconri precinct .... 227 81 141 Sixth Ward . rat precinct ...... 283 108 174 Second precinct .... 338 68 121 Dsara at tiniest sklae Shoe Palish say It la ths best and most lasting pollrt thsy have aver used. It gives a polish lo ths leather and it won't rub off on the clothing. A well satisfied user Is ths best advertisement. i , FIOHT rOR BKOOKU2I STOCK. HeadreeU af Stares' After tho Darltar tea Co.'a Haw Stock Oasatut Ftraa Bays Part af It. No ooourrence In years has caused so muoh comment In the business world as the failure of the Darlington company to open its great store in Brooklyn a few week ago. By a strange trada situation, this great department store, organised on a 33,000.000 basis, tailed a week before Its proposed opening, the chief promoter being unable te furnish pledged capital. When news of this unprecedented f allure became known a member of the Brandeis firm In Omaha went Immediately, to New Tork ts buy the beat lota of the atook. Hundreds of stores all ovsr America wished to' buy. bat the great else of the stocks barred moat competitors. The Bran dels ' repreaentatlvs secured the stocks of several departments. I. 7 I'sper worker la the grqup was seen taking Ziotes, however, and the chances ara this paragraph Is ths result. Adv. t QRWARD 1LM Dentist 4CS Faiton Block tfnctJoy ' 'V: - of Xootti ; Comfort Is In eay reach. Our skillful dentistry and moderate prices will put you on etty street at less expense and trouble than you Imagine. , See us, about your teeth tils. Tne Quality aod character of oar work will Mtliify you. 'Phono Mswre s as. te 8). p. as. rnrriTirf-MTiisniiiTi iaaaiartacata ( the Theaters. Unusual interest is being shown In the coming dramatic perception of tbe period, entitled "A Fighting Chance," which B. E. Forrester,'' will present at the Krug for tbe last half of this wsek starting tonight. The play is a brand new, four act melo drama from tne pen of Theodore Kremer, and although it ts In Its first season. It haa not only proven a remarkabls success financially, but U also bids fair to became aa epoch-making triumph artistically. Starting with ona of the most rotnantla and at the same time amusing films yet presented, the new bill at the Jewel theater for the rest of the week and until Monday, beginning today, bids fair to be almost ths feature of the, season. "Tbe Red Man's Way," is tbe title of the big picture It shows the story of the love of two Indians for the asms Indian maiden, and the ways they take te secure her love. AfUn? going through many athletic con tests and battles of different aorta, ths strife simmers down to a duel between the twe Wvera, In which the here slays the less desirable suitor. "Slaking Pottery in Japan. Is the next film and la said to he very Instructive. The Thirsty Soldier. and Ths Irresist ible Piano", furnish the comedy, while "The Burglars" and "Wlnan's Horses" ' finish Os a most excel! at program of moving eicturea. , v- ,m Vmm If m ul Tew -IX ywe want te ga tusnu Us help yna oaed. as srulMatt the work yea, might hs doing, keep out of Tbe fce . waat caiuaua, arTbody seas Ihcaa. Everybody raauls Uov The Jsaa gwsa late the harnea af the pecpVa who wast aoamswdy te de Just the era yeu caa da. Tbe wan Lara sad LUa anted cant avoid each other if they gt into the want ouiumne af Tbe Baa, Announcements. wetWi4n stationery n railing cards, fciank hoes and magaatn blneUug. 't-ba&e tMg. lavt A. JL stout, lava, Total S.031 for 1,706 i The heavy vote for annexation was In , the Flrt precinct of the Sixth ward an! . In the First and Second precincts of the I First ward. These precincts are in the j beat residence district of tbe city, amng I a class of people who have always been Independent In thought. The annexation ists bad the entire political machinery of both political parties and the fears of the timid people to contend with. Reward! far Her Rooster. Mrs. J. T. Maxwell, 830 North Twenty second atreat, loat a valuable rooster yea terday. She offers $6 for Its return or for the Information as to the parties tak ing It. She told the police the reward was chiefly for tbe satisfaction of punishing the party or parties who have been mak ing Inroads on her fowls. During ths sum mer, oyer thirty fine chickens have disap peared. Most of tbem havs been taken by daylight, as there has been no evi dence of disturbance during the night. The chickens were apparently taken by parties In the alley back of ths barn. So far Mrs. Maxwell has been unable to de tect anyone In tbe act of stealing the chickens. The police will make an effort toward catching the chicken thieves. Ths crime is a felony in Nebraska, If ths value Is over 35. This law cams from a bill In troduced by F. A. Agnew In the legis lature last winter. ewer Lasaaetar lajared. John Jack man, t&22 T street, one of the city sewer Inspectors, was seriously bruised Tuesday afternoon while on duty at the Mud Creak sewer. One of the cement cars fell oa , him while hs stood about twenty feet below. Fortunately the oar, which weighed nearly a ton. struck him a glanc ing blow only and knocked him out of the way. As It was, hia headr face and shoul ders were badly braised. It was feared at flnrt that he had ruffe red a fracture of the a kail. He was taken te the EAoth Omaha hospital, where fee wfll be confined for a week or mare. Bis condition was im proved Wednesday. Berg tars la Resrtdeaea. The residence of Martin Wlgg. 814 North Twenty-second street, was entered by , burglars Monday night and IK or 820 taken. Tbe tstruder also secured a watch. This burglary Is one of several which have been reported lately. It la thought by the police that a new man at the business has corns ts town. His methods are some what different than ths lines which have been followed by former hnoae-breakers.' Vtasa Hafasea te Proaeeata. Mrs. Valentine Erboa, who caused the arest of her husband Monday evening on ths chargs-of assault and battery, refused ts prosecute her husband ta police court Wednesday morning. She paid ths ccst of serving he warrants tn the case, and on that condition the ease waa dismissed. Maa-ts Cttr Gaasta. ' The cfty council will meat tonight in cA Joiirned sesition. . The women of fit Agnes church served dinner yesterday at Muhle's haiU Jailers Gold Top Beer delivered ta all parts of ths city. Telephone No. 8 ' Miss Alberta Barrett U visiting at Shen andoah, la. Uns will be there seven! days, About all the Uvery rigs tn the city Were pressed into servics by one faction or the other tn South Omaha, free tor Xmaa. Until December IS, one tUe-oJxe picture given with ens susen beat photos at Petersen's studio. Progress an both the new bank hrTd Inra ia very favorable. They will be ready for business by ths first of ths year. I A asfl was given by the St Mary's court of the Women's Caiholla Order . of Foresters at tbe Workmen temple Monday evening. Wanted TI or 3t good men. nssd to ran 1 crctlng preferred. Uood wiil Arply at 1 entrance gala, Swift A Co.. J. H. Sutlar, i cue tractor. Ask tar Mjc 'Maoxe, The Ladles' Aid society sf tba rut Preabytsnan church will meet this after noon for a kensing'Uia tea at the honi of lira M. Carl Amitb, TwenXy-eecoad and M street Wa now maks daDverles of Bermctra Capitol coal direct from South Or-ahx yarda ta all parts of Serth Omaha a d Albright. Telcphoaa iwmigt-T IS. Tna Baa sett Company. The Aid society of the fSngHsb Tuirfharea church will meet TfanTsaay afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Flunk. t"30 fj street. All the lad'es of the eociaty ksjsa beta uxed V atxexui. KINKAID L0SES HIS CASH Caaaell Blaffs Man RlVes Woman S 300 to Keep for Him and She Disappear. William- Klnkald, former saloonkeeper of Council Bluffs, Is bewailing the loss of 3300 In money and numerous ' vsluable trinkets of which he was fleeced by two women. A short time ago, Klnkald, ac cording to the story he tells the police, sold his saloon In Council Bluffs and with ths proceeds made a visit to Atlantic, la.. In search of a new location, leaving his apartments In charge of a supposedly trusted woman friend. When he returned from A l la ii tic, Klnkald discovered that she had gathered up a number of his valuable trinkets and disappeared. Feeling discon solate over his misplaced confidence. Kln kald went on a spree and ended up In a gambling dive with 220O Monday night. He tried his luck agalnat the gaming board and won In the neighborhood of $100. With the 3300. and In company with a new found male friend, Klnkald came to Omaha Tuesday morning and located the mother of the woman, who had fleeced him In Council Bluffs. The woman, Peatl White, proved to be an old friend, who runs a resort at 913 Capitol avenue. Fear ing that his male acquaintance would rob him of his money should hs go to sleep, Klnkald entrusted the 3300 with the White woman,' and then took a much, needed sleep. When he awoke. Tuesday night he discovered that the White woman had dis appeared with his money. ' Klnkald sought out the police authorities, 'who bel evs they can capture, the woman before. she haa an opportunity to leave' the city. WOMAN ABANDONS BABY Slx-Weeks'-Old Child Left la Room at St. James Hotel by Ida Smith. A wee small six-weeks-old Infant with persistent wailing and Crying caused con siderable worrlment to a number of tho guests of the St James hotel. 414 South Thirteenth street Tuesday evening, and they forthwith called the clerTfr who en tered the room where the Infant was cry ing and found ths babe atone In the room. It was ascertained that a young woman had reglatered at the hotel with the babe In her arm a, between 6 and 6 o'clock and had been assigned a room and had not been seen since. She registered under the name of Ida Smith, but since her aban donment of the child i it Is thought that the name was a fictitious one. The Infant was taken care of for' the' night by Mrs. Burke Olln, 6a North Fifteenth street. An effort will be made today by the ju venile court officers to locate ' the young woman who abandoned . ta child- GRAVE CHAEGE AGAINST ROADS Attorney for Coal Mea Aaaerta Rail ways Are Trylag to Pat Oat af Bastaeaa Soma af Wholesalers. the Coal dealers who have petitioned the In- i teratate Commerce commission to declare null and void the proposed rule of the railroad companies charging 38 per car for reconslgnlng shipments declare they will stand by the dealers in lumber, shin gles, lime snd cement and will not accept a compromise which will allow the coul dealers to reconslgn, but attach charges to shipments of lumber or cement. The petition Just filed with ths Interstate Commerce commission by Attorney Fran cis A. Brogan recites some new facts re garding" the reconslgnment charges and the attorney for the coal dealers says the purpose of the companies In determining to put Into effect the reconslgnment charge is not alone to exact unreasonable and excessive charges from the coal dealers, but that some of the railroads at least openly avow that It Is their purpose to drive some of the dealers out of business and compel them to give up their methods of doing business. Plan to Cans Revolatlon "It is their purpose " to effect extreme and revolutionary changes In the entire method of distributing coal, lumber, shingles, lime and cement," says Attorney Brogan. The attorney for tho coal dealers also has called attention to the fact the recon slgnment charge Is void for the reason the railroads failed to have copies of a schedule of the new rates printed and poat them In convenient places In their depots and offices, nor have they mate It pos sible for the public to know the new. rstes by having the rates In such form they ran be accessible to shippers or. the gen eral public. Already some of the railroads have made overtures to the coal dealers and It Is be lieved to be possible a compromise could be reached whereby the coal dealers would receive the benefit of a low reconslgnment chsnre. or enjoy the right to forward ship ments from the point of first destination to their customers without an extra charge, as many of the roads hsve permitted In the past. But the coal dealers are not anxloHS to compromise and ask that the commission declare the freight rates charged for the ahlpment of coil, lumber, lime or cement, cover and Ipclude all cleri cal work Involved In making roconalgn-mcnts. Our New Style Books For the Fall and Winter of 1907-8 are fresh from tle press and ready to mail to our out-of-town customers. Hie book for Men contains many handsome illustrations of Fall and Winter Suits and numerous samples of the goods from which the Suits are made. The book for Women is profusely illustrated with beautiful pictures depicting v the latest styles. These illustrations were made from photographs of the garments offered for sale. With these books in hand you can buy Gothing and Furnishings as easily and cheaply as you could if you were in our Big Store. When you write state which book you want THEY ARE FREE. OMAHA. Thanksgiving day will soon be here and with It , that bounteous dinner. Ton can , make the meal doubly enjoyable by having a case of Store Blue Ribbon Boer. This delicious beverage will add relish to tho feast as nothing else will. Order a case now, but be sure It Is BTORZ. Hair Loss Consult year eWfer e&eaf poor falling hair. Iff says, "Aytf't Halt Vigor b Iht bat, then term today. Do fl no atn. Suppose you send this advertisement to your baldest friend I Everybody 6bouid know that Ayer's Hslr Vigor promptly checks falling hair, destroys dtndrnfT, keeps tbe scslp clesn and healthy. Does not affect color of hair. Formula with each bottle. i,tr?Zi' Move before cold weather Before winter begins It may be well for you to move Into a mors comfortable office. It is most annoying to have to work in a cold office and you should make arrangements to move November 1st. Uniformly satisfactory heating service is, one of the things which is always to be had In . ' THE BEE BUILDING A well regulated heating service is not the only point which The Bee Building offers its tenants in the way of superior accommoda- Hons. The elevators run nights and Sundays. The building haa its own lighting plant. Most of the Janitors have been with the building for years and all of them know the requirements of good service. The building has its own force of mechanics, who keep the building . -. t In perfect repair; an experienced superintendent, tn charge of the building) account for much in the efficiency of the organization. The advantages of all this, the tenant has, with no additional charge. For office" space apply to ' Room 418 Eee Ud3. R.. W. BAKER, Supt 7 ) 1 ) 1 ERFCT FORM 74 IS an ezeetle-Ba model for well tevsloved ( 1 g urea. Its closely stitched front subdues - sb Nominal promW i.e. Ld rounds f i ft u re Into graceful lines. Made of white imported t u til. Trimmed across top with lace nd ribbon. Hose Supporters at front and tips. Sices 19 to 36. rrlceJZOJ D the NUFOR.M403 WILL fit any slender or average figure. Long above the waist which it de fines very distinctly, showing a perfectly straight line down the front of the figure. Mode of ' white and diab cou 111. Trimmed with' lace and ribbon.' Hose s u p p oxters front and sides. Elzes 18 to 30. Price $1.03 V (lit : dlf) k ' J1 tl I I UJf. . Pal ;l I 1 KJll S nim U I I .r 1 r I II III I 1 ' 'n, e k i a i jrrr i Y is it. A m A . ta a vs. ra a ERECT F0R.M 720 IS a corset for average Ugures. Hag medium bust and lonjr hip. Made of wbltsi and drab cou Ul. Hose sup p o r t ere o fro nt ant 1 d-ea. Trlts zned acros to with lace a4 xibbon. Sizes 18 to 8 a. Price J1.C3 LAND. CASES, IN DECEM3ER t, Trials fa faa msweeal Centre Will Hmt ? sleaasmew Betare ta ' . - taltd. The trial of the Unite Eta tea district court cases will not be resumed before De cember 1 Notification has beea sent em to all ths attorneys at Interest, to Die what ever axtacka they propose to make apon the Utdlc iments in the tnd fraud eases nvt NUFORM 447 FOR well devel oped figures, Is a reverse gore model. The gore Unea ran back wards, a construe Uoa which restrains andue development below the back. Me dium high bust, long hips and etra long back. Made of an excellent quality rt wblta coutll, elaborately trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hose sup porters front and Sides. Sizes 19 to 30. Price $3.00 TheV.B.Reduso Corset IS 'a boon (or large woman the ideal gaaaeet far aver, developed bgures requiring special rcabaiat. - Jl not oaiy restrains the tendency to ewsVshineis, but a nouUs tLs overdeveloped pfopoftioas ins moss pleasing, gtacafu! outlines, hitherto thought to be attainable aaiy hf slighter sguict, Ths particular feature el litis ssedet the apma over the sbJoar j sad hips, boasd ia such a isinnis as to give the wearer absolute (reedoal el ssoveoksnt. Reduio Strl 73 O for fa m!l.&ulU figun. Made of a durable coatil la whas sv drab. Heee supporters Icont and side. Stee22aa3. Price). Reduio S trier 7t0 fortborl wtB-dnolopoJ fgurt. Made cf while aad diab couul. I iota ssppenets iiott sad auks. Euc 24 to 36. Prloej. 3. OJV M EVERYWHERE WnNUARTtN BROS., MTra. 177 BiMeVay New Yerk aswanis!! MM CRM 735 1 8 an exetllQnj model .toil average figures. Constructed seo ' tlooally. making the garment fit aft all points, accentu ating the slender oesa of the waist . Una. Bust moder ately high, htpe rather long. Mad ' of an Imported) eouUl ia white oa iy. Trimmed with) lace and ribboaW ' Hose supporters front and sides. Sizes 18 tn IB. vj Price $2.01. ii in; Kuronn 4C6 IB a splendli co i set for medium figure plesalpgly freej Iron, the tulkd effect commod te " previous models" of this) type. Medians hijth bust aadj hip eliding in an unbound apron extension. Made of white and drala coutll. Hose supporters front and sides. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. f Elzes 18 to 80. ' Trie. J1.50 .