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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1907)
T7TE OMAHA DAILY BKE; TfllTltSDAV. NOVEMBER 7, 1.007. Telephone Doujlas 618 Reaches All Departments Fall and Winter Tailor-Made Suits High Class Fashionablo Styles Five most beautiful velvet suits, samples from Peller Bros., New Tork, In brown, navy, plom and dark wtne color, jnost beautifully tailored garments, Thursday on sale at one-third off. The regular price, $85.00 suit, $57.00; $66.00 iult, $43.00; tbe new Military Salts worth $40.00. for $25.00. On account of the re duction DMide on these garment we shall charge for making alterations. We do perfect work. .The. Latest Our Special ; Dress Goods Counter at 23c yard Very Popular. It will pay you to keep In clone touch' with our special J 5c dress foods counter. Every day something new being added! For Thursday pretty chVck and dainty novelties, new and bright plaids for the youngsters' dresses. Many pretty' material tut hotis dresses. '; -' Beacon Blankets , . - The most complete stock In the city. Beacon Jacquard Comfortables, Bea con Crib Blankets, Beacon Bed Blank ets.. Come and 1st us explain to yoa ths merits of the Beacon goo4. Thursday we offer our Tegular $4 00 white Beacon -Bed Blankets, wltit dainty pink or , blue - borders, else T2x4, double blanket, at, pair ta.98. Merode Underwear. All modistes recommend the wear ing of Merode (hand finished) un , derwear. These garments are made from the flneat combed cotton yarns. Buttonholes ara well - finished, all bands are carefully adjusted and of the finest material. Women's fine combed cotton union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, $1.00 each. Vests, high neck, short sleeves, hlg't neck, long sleeves; drawers to match, 60c each. Corset covers, high neck, long Sleeves, 50c each. Women's fine ribbed medium Merino fnlon Suits, high neck, long sleevej or high neck, short sleeves, ankle length, C.eo a sMlt. Vests and pants, same quality, 11.00 each. Children's silk and wool anion suits, high nock, long sleeves, ankle length, made with drop seat, all sises, fl.fcO each. Howard, Oor. 16th St. Bee-ll-C-07 Fine Imported Black Chiffon Spot Proof Broadcloth $3.75 Quality, now $2 23, $4.25 Quality, $2.69 Yard. Take a look at them Thursday. No display to equal these In the city. You'll agree with us when you see them. This Is the newest hint o( their great worth and beauty.' We ara after sew customers and want more people tlTknow of these hand some fabrics, hence - these special prices. Bargain Square : Short lengths of gin enema, regular 16c quality, on sale Thursday at per yard t 8Hs Flannel Department New Flannelettes fur kimonos and dressing sacques, swallow and butter fly designs and other pretty patterns. We havs the choicest of them all. Prices 10c, lJHc. ISc, ISc per yard. VstT Open Saturday Evenings. CASH FOR THE MTHWEST eanesnannan- New Tork Bank! to Make Daily Ship menu to Foist on Hill Lines. GENERAL SITUATION 11112 0VE3 Raae on Traet Compaalea Craw -Arrival of Gold froaa En Helps to Clear the Atr. ' . ' o ner, Beadly . Irep,);' assessor. Just (rep.). The county went for Douglas and Jenckes. ALMA Harlan county elects Stevens, clerk; Long, treasurer; Bentley, superin tendent; Klrlley, assessor; Conklln, coro ner. All these are republicans.. The fu sion officers elected are:' 'Ellis, clerk of district court; Shelburn, ' county judge; Carroll, sheriff, Reese's majority In the county is 120 and James majority Is 107, HEBRON Thayer county gives Hurd (rep.) 1,160; Marshall (dem.) 1,020. JfCOOK Red 'Willow county gives R. C. Orr (rep.) 1.144; J. I. "White (fus.) 710 In the contest for district Judge. DAVID CITY Butler . county gives Evans LSS; Power 1,211; Corcorttn 1,3; Good 1.C61. . NELSON Nuckolls county gives Hurd (rep.) 1,281; Marshall (fus.) 4D. The euwi leruuiivui t.cket was elecUd. PENDER Thurston county gives Graves (dem.) 741; Oleeon Oep.) 411. The republicans elected county clerk - and county Judge, and the balance of ths ticket ta democrat!, TORK Tork county gives Evans 1.51S. Power I, lit; Corcoran 1,3I; Good 1,441. PALLS CJTT Richardson county gavs 100 majority for ths ' democratic county ticket. The, vote was light. 8RWARD Beward county complete gives Reese. 1,370; Loomla,' l,l7, a ma jority of 181 for Reese. . In the county the ticket Undivided, the republicans securing county judge, treasurer, sheriff,' superin tendent, twe supervisors and clerk of the district ' court. The - democrats secured county clerk," assessor, surveyor aod one supervisor incite Juatolal district- Good and Corcoran will go. up to Hamilton county with lo"0 majority, It la" estimated rhra. PLATT8MOUTH .Eighteen out of ; twenty-flv precincts In Cass county gave Reese, 1.270; Oeorg L. Loomls, 1.M3. .County Judge H. D. Travis (dem.) has been elected Judge- of the Second Judicial "'district over Senator Jesse L. Root (rep.) "by Hi majority In Cass county and ltl , , majority In Otoe county, to succeed Judge. Paul Jeesen ef Nebraska City. The re publican have elected James M. Robert . eon clerk of the district court ; C. D. Quin ton, sheriff; A. J. Beeson, county Judge; ti. E. Hilton, surveyor; B.'f. Clements, coro ner. The democrats have elected Frank E. Schlater, county treasurer; W. E. ' Roeencrans. countv clerk: Mlsa Mm K. -Foster, county superintendent of public Instruction, and H. M. . Sonnlchaen, oounty "assessor. M. B. Reese will have between 100 and 200 majority over f3ec4?e L. Loomls In thta county NEBRASKA CITT Otoe county gave Root (rep.) l.fll; Travis (dam.) 1.S7J. Travis carried Cass county for district . Judge also. . The democrats elected county clerk, county Judge, clerk of the district court, and the republicans get treasurer, school superintendent, sheriff and as sessor. oUALLALA Judge Grimes received 475 votes In Keith oounty. Vote on railway commissioner: Clarke, M4; Llghty, 41. Re gents: Anderson, 131; Coupland, 901; Mil lard. 161; 8undean, 1st MINDEN Kearney county, with fourteen out of fifteen precincts heard from, gave James (rep.). 800; Dungan (fus.). SOS. The following oounty ticket was elected: Clerk. Jensen (fus.); treasurer, Anderson (rep.); district clerk. Holmes (rep.); sheriff, Ran son (rep.); county Judge, Carrtco (rep.); assessor, Johnson (rep.). GRAND ISLAND In this district Judges Paul and Henna are elected, having no op position. FREMONT Dodge county gave Abbott for district Judge, 1.700; Martin, 1.S7J; Hol lenbeck, 2,271; Thomas, 624. .Nance county: Abbott. 883; Martin. SOS; Hollenbeck, SH; Thomas, 624. Returns from Platte show Hollenbeck will have tjo majority ever the highest republican and Thomas about the same.- , Hollenbeck baa 1,079 votes' in Col fax and Thomas 1,175. Each has a ma jority over the highest opponent of be tween 400 and 600. HEBRON Thayer county on district Judge gives Hurd L520; Marshall, 1,026. Pol lowing Is the county ticket elected: Treas urer, Rhodes (fus.); county clerk. Strain (rep.); district clerk, Boyes (rep.); eoanty Judge, -Skinner (rep.); sheriff, Townsend (rep.); superintendent, ' Posey (rep.); sur veyor. .Hammond (rep.); coroner. Squires Xwp.)! 'commissioner, wdoBfbrd (rep.); as sessor, Welmer (rep.). . CLAY CENTER Clay county gives Hurd (rep.) for district ' Judge,. 1,117; . Marshall (fus.), 296. The republicans elected ths county clerk, district clerk, assessor coro ner and surveyor. Asbestos Shingles Pleasing in Appiaraica . Absoluts Waterproof. KEASBEY & MATTIS9ND0. 1113 HAs) 1ST STMSIT. 1 NEW YORK NEW TORK. Nov. . The election in Greater New Tork haa been largely favor able to the democrat. New Tork county (Manhattan and the Bronx) went over whelmingly their way, Thomas P. Toley, foe sheriff, the head of the ticket, having a plurality of 34,T2 over M. B. Ihmsen, Independence league and republican, In a comparatively light vote. The fusion of the republicans end Independence league wae a failure, except In the casee of a few minor officials. In Richmond and Queens, loo, the demo crats were generally successful, but In Kings county (Brooklyn) the democrats, under the leadership of Senator Patrick H. McCarren, suffered a reverse. All the re publican candidates on ths county ticket. , C. Robinson In Chemung county. Henry Sea cord, 76 yeara old. who helped to or ganise the republican party In Orange county, was elected to the aseembly In the First district of that county. The republicans were victorious In the cities of Buffalo, Albany, Rochester, Syra cuse, Oswego and Utlca, the republicans electing a mayor In the latter place for the first time In fourteen years. To offset this the democrats carried Newburgh for the. first time in seventeen years.' Elmlra, Rome and Binghamton also elected demo cratic mayors. RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Nov. . Governor James H. Hlgglns, democrat, was re flected and returns from all but one dis trict In the state indicate that he will have a democratlo lieutenant governor In office with him this year, with the rest of the state ticket remaining republican. Governor Higgins had a plurality of 2,407 votes over Lieutenant Governor Frederick H. Jackson, republican, who opposed him, polling 12,011 vote to 40.075 for Jackson, with one district In the city of Pawtucket, which Is overwhelmingly democratic, to be reported.. The next general assembly will again be etrongly republican. Insuring the election of George Peabody Wetmore to .he'ljnltod Statee senate. NEW TORK, Nov. 1-Now that the mon etary strain has been lessened locally the New Tork banks began preparing today to ship all available currency to tho north- ) west to aid the movement of crops. While I there is concerted action among the city's Danking institutions to meet the demands for currency now being' made by banks In the crop country, the Individual banks will send all funds that can possibly be spared for the purposes. Estimates of the combined amounts that the New Tork banks will send to the north west within the next elx weeks vsry. The Chase National bank and the First National bank have commenced to ship dally sums ranging from f 3,000 . to If 0,000 to tanks ' slong the route of the Great Northern and Northern Psclflo railroads. James J. Hill I held a conference here with officers of the Chase National bank and other Institutions 1 st which. It Is stated, he asked that the J northwest be given all possible Assistance to move the crops. Mr. Hill was Informed that while the local banks could not furnish ; the usual amount of money for crop moving purposes they were anxious to do all they j could to expedite the shipment of cereals ' to the seaboard, whence they could be sent abroad and thereby ; strengthen thla coun try's position In the foreign money markets. "Ve have started 'to send all the funds we can to the northwest," said a bank official tonight, "and Mr. Hill conferred with us on the situation along the lines of his railroads. We promised to do alt we could. A ready solution of any difficulties In the northwest cen be found by the farmers themselves If they avail themselves of an opportunity to use cashiers' -checks, but that Is a process of education which may or may not be difficult to work out." General SHaatUn Improve. jam Gy A hooscwif t of Tacoma, Wash., writes : 1 wish to s Lite I yr-'arcKcc-rccEorC'ccKv-: f A housewife of Tacoma, Wash., writes : 1 wish to state o all who may have catarrh that there Is nothlnr in the world that will give such quick relief as Eatarno. I took two bottles of it and it made me feel like a new woman. I had been troubled ever since I was a small rtrl with catarrrh, and after taking several other ktnds of medicines, I tried Katarno, which I f omd was a perfect rem cdr for catarrh. I shall always recommend it to all mr friends as it did a grand thinj for me." . ' Omaha's Pare Food Center We are Inaugurating In ear Re.t.u-sl SCHAEFEIV8 PRUO STORES? 18th and Pootflaa 8tsn 16th and rhlogo Rtn., Ouiahe, Neb. N. V. Cor. 24th and N SU., So. Omaha, Neb. 5th Ave. and Main SU.. Council Blnffa, Iowa. fo Investors Hwd money should he Invested at home and the Conservative Savlnga A Loan As. eucHtlon, 1614 Harney Ht., offera the str eet kind of security for such Inestmettts. 1 years In business: under state eunnr vlsion. Resources $2,800,000; reserve $. 000: receives any amount at apr time and is paying 6 per cent. Call for further Information. 3. ij raunt on aernnri floor a combination k LS dinner service st a price so low that u you win be surprised at wnat'nicrvj things you can get for such little 'J rrk . . w , - . l . (. . v3 A mi iiiuumnu pnuilQ turr, lliukv we are aolnc to rut and dleti lbiite thve l dsy before Thanksgiving. OKtKi J muw so tnnt your name dv-i left from the list. A ... - ij I pound quantity, per pound. v.. 85e t pound quantity, per pound...,., 84c ; 10'pound quantity, per pound.... SJcis 25c Salmon teak ., r..,.lEcH l. 000 Cans Imported ".ardlnee. . . .lit 1 60 dosen, 2H lb. Can Table Pears. 16 ,U 100 dosen National Purt Food 8aui a A 8 lb. cans .gOt t Sausages, 1 pound tine .. lOoK Two pound tins i . . , . .30cU iOc Bars Laundry Soap ., 85c r resn r.ggs, per aos. ......... .v. .boc Best Creamery Butter. 1 lb. rrlnt.30c ' ountry Butter, per pound ...... .4 ) Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb..8tH -vla'e Pickles, at one-half price. (8 tl'll n'.l.lnuli,.. .Ik . K. PN Fancy llend Letture. per head, imported French Cabbage, each 'mported Kndlve, per pound... ancy not House cucumbers ., raill Nut Pods, each ....... omegrsnates. ' Persimmons. '11, Prickly Pears, etc. Grozery Barpins Paw ! terminals," Mr. Bailey explained, "will promote the ehlpment of grain from the lo- The general conditions of the financial cal warehouses and In this way the entire situation were favorable today. The runs crop wlu nioved and laid down In east on the trust companies had practically ern markets. This will make the north- ceased under the encouraging influence of wetern states creditors, and as the flow of goia irom Europe already In motion con tinues, a large share of it will And Its way the support of the trust company commit tee; gold encasements were further In. creased and the stock market rose buoy. lnto hanks In thla section of the country ana any remaining stringency win be re moved." The financial situation throughout the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS MANILA. P.-' I., Nov. e.-Rcturns from' election held yesterday are coming In slowly and are not definite from - any province. There are Indications, however, that ' the progressive party have scored a victory. All reports are to the effect that the election, which was the first held for the choice of provenclal governors, was quiet throughout the archipelago. antly to recognition of the conditions. The announcement by Mr. King, presl dent of the Union Trust company, early in the mgrnlng that an agieement had country from the treasury standpoint Is at last been reached by which the Trust more encouraging today than Vat any time Company of America and the Lincoln during the two weeks. The comp Trust company were to deposit their stock trller of the currency 1s making large ship In the hands of a committee of trust com- hienta of currency to national banks and pany presidents and In consideration of PPllcatlons for Increased circulation con thls were to receive all' the support re- tlnue to come In undiminished numbera. quired, finally cleared the air In regard t0 ths time between (G.OOO.OOO and 17,000, to the trust company situation. 000 Increased circulation has been shipped Grave apprehension existed as to the ter- 10 national banks and such day's shipments mlnatlon of the Conference at Mr. Morgan's show an Increase over the preceding day. house at t o'clock thUi morning that an Kansas Holds Some Taper, agreement in regard to trvst companies Representative Bcott of Kansas discussed would not be reached., and that they might the financial situstlon on leaving the be subjected to a run too strong for their' White House today and was optimistic as Impaired resource. Now that this danger to present and future conditions. He plo ts removed, it Is believed that the sttua- tured the State of Kansas as In an en tlon will giaduallygjmmer down, with the tlrely safe and prosperous condition. ' The continuous arrival of gold until the strln- cn,y regrettable feature, he said, was that gency Is change Into a plethora of reserve Kansas bankers had taken too much money In banks which' usually follows 'astern paper, and now that they wanted Paris. The relief, 3,000,000, afforded by the Bank of Frsnce and the fact that Ber lin Is sending 1,000,000 In gold to London have temporarily eased the situation, but the 4,000.000 thus secured wlU not be suf ficient to prevent a rise In the discount ret 'should the American pressure for gold In this market continue and should no ad- dltlonal supplies of foreign gold be at tracted by the t per cent rate. O 17tk aad Dougia Btieata. m Telephone Bong-las til. y. Q Private Sacnange Connect All Depts. A BL'SIXBSS MEN DEMAND RKLIKF Wewtera Ceaaraerclnl I)dlee Ask fee Cerreaey Legislation. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Nov. .-The follow Ing telegram. In which theTTJt. Joseph Busi ness Men's league, Kanaas City Commer cial club, St. Louis Business Men's lea gee and Chicago Association of Commerce, united, was sent to President Roosevelt and Secretary Cortelyou today: Believing that prompt legislation meas ures should be adopted to prevent repeti tion of existing financial conditions, we, the undersigned commercial organisations, respectfully and earnestly urge that cui rency legislature be first matter eoa sldered at. the coming session of congress. Telegrams were sent to commerclU organisations in sixty other cities urging them to take similar action. 1 1 UTAH SALT LAKE CITT, Utah." Nov. .-Jolin T. Bransford. who. as the candidate of the American (anti-Mormon) party for mayor was yesterday given the. largest plurality In the history of this city, received many telegrams .of congratulation today from cities In the west and east, where he Is well known. Mr. Bransford Is a capitalist, be ing largely Interested In western mines and realty. He wae appointed mayor by the city council several months ago to fill out the unexpired term of Esra Thompson, de ceased. Mrrftransford Is 40 years old, was born In Missouri and cams to thla city with his parents while a child. JUDICIAL DIITHICT ItEURVS wa ... ....... cvDn i v, oemo- i.eompIel im -Mo.t m.tanees. cratle candidal for district attorney, are nntm Know. Iw Several. apparently eieciea. I No great Issue was at stske In any ef the local elctlons and Interest was a a low ebb. In the state election Edward T. Bart lett and Wltlard Bartlett. having the united support of republicans and democrats, were elected judge of ths court of ap peal hy an enormous majority over the candidate of the Independence league. . The republicans loat a few members of the assembly, probably six. Sherman Moreland, majority leader of the assembly. Is believed te have defeated Colonel David but 4 I NTER EST 3aTG Npn deposits. . Don't keep your money idle. Our de posits ar protected by first mortgages on real estate, government, county andcity bonds and general fund warrants. No stronger investments to be obtained. Municipal bonds, and farm mortgages of Eastern Ne braska are the best securities in the market. Ne braska Savings Banks are limited to these securities. We respectfully Bolicit your account. . Out-of-town people may use our system of ' bank lug by Mail." Convenient, secure and reliable. .Thousands already are making use of it. We solicit your inquiries. ' CLTJIST. U2aE:T and ST83.11EST SAY113S em 11 KE3. .. . V;,, ' City Savings Bank I6th and Douglas Streets PENDER. Neb.. Nov. . Special ) Latest returns from this, the Eighth judl- i clal district. Including Thurston, Cumm'ng, 1 Stanton, Cedar, Dixon and Dakota coun ties, shows Graves, democrat, has from6'0 to 700 majority over pleaon, repuhlh an, who concedes his defeat by several hundred. HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. .-(Spoclsl Tele- I gram.) Complete returns from all but one of the counties of the Tenth Judicial dis trict gives Dungan (fus.), a plurality of ITS over James (rep.). Majoritlea In the five other counties were estimated as fol lows: For Dungan Adama, 662; Franklin, 1U1 Total. 745. For James Kearney. 62; Webster, 12S; Phelps, 170. Total. S37. The only county to hear from Is Hsrlan,- and A. C. Shallenberger estimates that county will break even. . AINBWORTH, Neb.. Nov. .-(Special Telegram.) Brown county complete gives: District Judge, Douglas (rep.), SSI; Jenkins (rep.), gTt; Harrington (tua.), 412; West over (fua), 447. BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov." .-(8pec!al Tele gram.) The latest, returns In Gage county for district, Judge give Pemberton (rep.), 2.S93; Raper (rep ), 1.87 ; McCandlesa (dem.), 1,(06. Jttfferaon and Pawnee counties give Pemberton and Aaper about 8,0V0 ma jority. Nemaha and Richardson counties unheard from. PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. Nov. g-(Speclal.) County Judge H. D. Travis, democrat, waa elected Judge of the Second district, com prising Casa and Otoe counties, to succeed Paul Jessen, republican, ot Nebraska City, by 4 majority, la in thla and 161 In Otoe county. . a crlata. MOre Gold' Eaaaared Additional gold Engagements were' an nounced today, hi tl,eoo.000 on account of Lasard Freres and $jO0,000 for Montreal. Thla brings up tbe total gold engagements for America on the recent movement to 137,600,000, which would afford the amount required for legal reserve against deposits of tlG0,O00,00O. The . geld which arrived yesterday was deposited today and that by the Iusltanla will soon be In the vaults of the banks. Where there is a still small apprehension regarding ths possible effort of the bank of England to check the outflow of gold from London by raising its discount rtite on Thursday 'there Is a 'strong feeling among conservative financiers here that the director of the Bank of England will be reluctant to fix a rate of discount which has not been touched since 187S. It might have been found necessary to overcome this reluctance If the Bank of France had not so generously dipped mto Its Immense re serves, under the enlightened policy of governor Fallaln, by the purchase of ster ling bills to the amount of $8,000,000 to relieve the London market. The strength ef the slock market was the a-eflex of improved feeling through jut the financial community. , It Is believed that the stockmarket has pretty well dis counted the worst and that rr cea kre not likely to go much lower, even In case of .new disturbances. It Is understood the arrangement by which the committee of trust company prealdenta take control of the majority stocjt of the Trust Company of America and the Lincoln Trust com pany. Is only a temporary device to re establish confidence. What will be the ultimate disposition or Uiis stock hss not yet been seriously considered, but it Is certain that the trust company committee and the clearing house committee will In sist that these companies pursue In the future a policy' of the strictest conservatism and shall not embark In any underwrlt Ings Which sre not capable of being con verted readily Into caah. Meaer ( Move the Crepe. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Nov. g-M. H. Bailey, to realise on it they were Unable to do so. However, he said, the state had enough money to' move Its crops and he did not believe the pinch would be felt there. Representative Fowler of New Jersey, chairman of the house committee on bank ing and currency, was a White House caller, but did not wait to see the presi dent, who wss engaged. Trading- Aetlve at Sal lake City. . SALT LAKE CITT. Nov .-The generaj feeling of confidence In the soundness ct local business conditions, following yestei day's election, was reflected on the Mining exchange today. The, principal stocks showed advances of from to 6 cents par snare and trading was very active. FINANCIERS BACKING COMPANIES New Yorkers, la Formal Haaaer, Guarantee Their Assets. NEW TORK, Nov. ".-Following an ex tended conference In the library of J. P. Morgan, In which prominent New Tork bankers participated, Including the heads of the various trust companies of the city Oeeanle Carries Gold. SOUTHAMPTON, Nov. 4. Steamer Oceanic, which sailed from here today for New York took over 1,B9,000 In gold. FEDERAL JUDGES MAY CLASH J astir Jones and Hsadlev . Both Claim Jurisdiction la Northern Alabama. BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. Nov. (.-Develop- and the officer, of ths Trust Company of ; rr.r'J'rLl::1!,!!:! ' '' v vj., , u u i a. ill AliUMlfl Is Imminent Judge Thomas G. Jones ex- America and the Lincoln Trust company, the following statement was Issued, show ing a final settlement of the .difficulties that had disturbed local financial condi tions. The statement follows: ploded bomb shell In the federal building today by suddenly appearing and opening court although he has not been In Bir mingham In several months. Judge Jones contends that as he waa appointed Judge The committee of the trust companies. 7 "Z , ,7.. . of New York city has had the assets of the or 1,0 nortnern and middle dlBtrlot of Trust company or America and the Lin coln Trust company examined by experts, who report that in their Judgment, on the present basis of value, the assets of each" company ate sufficient to pay Its deposi tors in full. . It has been srrsnged that a majority of the stock of each company shall be placed under the control of a committee composed of Mr. King, president of ths Union Trust company; Mr. 8heldon, presi dent of the United States Trust company; Mr. Mareton. president of the Farmers' lxan Truat company; Mr. Wkierbury, president ef the Manhattan Trust com pany; Mr. Castles, president of the Onap. antes Trust company, and Mr. Walker, president of the Central Trust company, who will act In an advisory capacity, and the net-rasary financial arrangement haa been made to enable both companies to proceed with their bns'nesa. EDWARD KINO. Chairman Committee of Trustees. Alabama Judge Oscar R. Hundley la aim ply an associate Judge. Judge Hundley, on the other hand, con tends that as he wae appointed. Judge of the northern Alabama district, Judgs Jones has no further authority la this end of the state. The law by which Judge Hund ley's position was created is said to be somewhat ambiguous and It may be neces sary to have an Interpretation by the Sif preme court before the matter Is adjusted SHORTAGB OF SMALL COINS NOTED Effect ot I'ae ef Clrarlnar Itenso Cer tiorate In Writ, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Nov. .-One of the effects of the circulation of clearing house certificates here has been to csuse a shortage In silver dollsrs and fractional mln TV, I . fn,MM. , president of the First National bank, who th cU?ar,ng house committee at the time announced last night that as a result of th, certlnc.tee were Issued In S denomlna- - w.......L. p..wn earners oi ot. raui. t, .na .tready me!u,ure, n,v. b.en Minneapolis and Duluth and J. J. Hill, a ukM t0 mert the ,mertency. Tnuriday 25" , eV1Ved Wh'h WOUM pro" morning $1 and 82 certificates will be placed vide fund, for the movement of the grain , clrculat,on. t0 th, total amount of !Z0i Z'''? !!" A".'" W'000- ""'' ura ,n denomlna ctated Pres. today that he had little to add tlon, MnK r.tlre(1 Th- , mt fc .'. . . ' P " "111 prevent th. The result Is what Is more Important. hoardlnf. of alIver doIIar, and u u not only to the' people of the northweet. .,bl. ,n.t ,.,..,.,, rtl,PtH , k. THE MAN OF Moderate Income Cth . . New Styl(& TO PIT YOTB MET AT A PUDS EST MAtXBZAXS AJTS PtaTIBT SHOES Walk-Over Snoe Store so. m. Mao Tarnam gst, v Thompson WaLk-Ovsr Man AdvartU la THE OMAHA DEC Best West - AMUSEMENTS. "TTILL And Nlcoll's price within his T reach. This buying; In large quantities direct from the mills for 1 rhanv Rtnrpn cH van . AmMAmA .tv.... gge which we share with out patrons. The) rrlee Alone Is meaningless. You'll see Nlcoll's prices all about town; but there's a vast difference In the meaning when Nlcoll's name Is there as a guarantee for first-class fab rics, tailoring and fitting. Tien: en $B to 512 Suits $25 to S53 FIRE RECORD. Government Seeel Department. WASHINGTON. Nov. i.-Flre which gut ted the five-story brick building lo C street, southwest, occupied by the seed distribu ting division ot the Department of Agri culture, cauaed damage amounting to (71, 000 early today. The loan, which la covered by Insurance. Includes damage to building, machinery, equipment and destruction of seeds which will delsy for several weeks the distribution of nower and vegetable aeed through government source. I Elnwteea Children na Heirs. YANKTON. 8. D., Nov. . Special. )A petition for letter of administration were filed hre today In the estate of Oottfreld llandol and the papers show he ten eighteen children as heirs, besides a wife, aged 46 years. Th number of child-en I the Urgent ever named here la a probate Instrument. Most of the children are adults and married. out to the coast a well," he aald. "The people of the northwest can rest as.urej that th combined efforts ef the financial men here will eet th ball In motion that will provide genuine relief that no other measure would. It Is not necessary to go Into details. Result, are what we want. A large fund has been raised for that pur pose and It Is hoped that by putting this movement under way It will reeult In a etream of money from Europe In payment for the shipments. " "Provision for the shipments from the Issued to prevent the hoarding of fractional coin In denominations of 10 cents, 25 cents and M cents. Ll'LL IN THE BILLION MARKCTff Baal of England Haa Parehaeen Amrrlmn Eaale I Paris. LONDON, Nov, 1 There was a lull In the bullion market today, the only move ment reported being the purchase by the Bank of England ot 144.000 In American axles, which cam on the market from AUDITORIUM PURE GREAT FOOD Asro SHOW EXPOSITION BKBAS BAJOJra COaTTXST . ' ' , TkUSIOAT AXTSBSfOOaT. now ruAT Arruaoog AAjnlesloat Aaulta. aoo, Children, 18 Oe Tloketa. from Tea OrOeer or Batohtr and lav Money. (t(im ftt-cvtcm PMONC ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Dally Matinee. M. Every Night. $:1B. TifL"''.?' PPlete, Xmjua riaaci and ks, Ta.rr.U-a.7l0r Xno, Bnul huber. 2 Q't.iTnad me Price lOe, 15c, 0c WILLIAM JKHRKHa fOKS XO.ll K.. 1 1Mb an. Thcro la Only Ono Tiisf to Lazzativo Bromo Quinine USCO THE WOMB 9VTH TO CUHC A C3UJ IM OHt DAT, Alwavs remember the) full name. Look tor ttds iinaturs oa f rerj box. 3(0. Are You Boardlnn? 8e na abont taking your meaie here) regularly. It will pay yon to ask abont It. me CALUMET URUG T'lSAT Pricea, 16--S0-7c . Matins Tdy, 83a. ST. . PATTOST - Xjg THE SLOW POKE Thursday i A riaxrmro cxrawrrw 1 ,'"nsisThlinf T" "il" 'TI I MfiBMirTihfa?sw. niJRUUOftri ?' Salary TODAY AT 2:30 AND 8:15 P U. AtUviLLE X ateadalli M.Ule Biting ., Arma Btollyi MeaUal It. ymunasi j,-b ajosaai Je. Allmaai tXimu a Ceetlei Sari , o. Sticks f riotarea. . . . . ,, - ' v ' It's For Tlte Family- A Clean Moral hhow. Jewel Tlhieafe WITH ITS MOVING PICTURES' IZZIIIV'tZ: DON'T FLICKER 112J52JJ ioc zjszn Bee Want Ads Ax tbe best Business jtotxurtn Atteadaat la Uniform- ef Bill vg,a... . . ITS 4MB BBJOBTBST soT IB iow T