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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1907)
X3 !' . HP J t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. NOVEMBER- 7, 1907. WE WILL GASH CIIECKSsALL BANKS to Purchasers of Merchandise See & These Unrs- day Spec- lals. t 1 n nn r.-- i J P V L Wtch Oor Grrat Win- dow" Display To Omaha Men: Buy "Rcnwick System' Clothes Because They're Better 7 here Less Exp:nshre Thfrc Smarter St les .. They're Better Fitting Excelling any. Suit or V? OVERCOAT ever sold in Omaha for 15 s25 . If we were not sure these dressy Suits and Overcoats will give you perfect satisfaction in every way, we would not recommend them. We Know they are far' better throughout than any other clothes you can buy for the money, so we say: "Buy Renwick Clothes." Thursday is Chocolate Day AT "SWEETIiAXD" BUANDEJS' WEST ARCADE Venetian style chocolates, rich egg shell chocolate coating and aeucious, creamy centers ail iiavors, tne o Mm , 40c kind, at, pound. 3 TIMELY SPECIALS In II0USEFURNISH1NG DEP'T.-Baiemcnt. Old Store 'A. :: v ? ill '- Cf tee '.mil, made of K- hard wood, iron hop per, steel grinder, spe- cial for Thursday 230 WJil, Asbestos Stove Mats extra heavy tin rimmed, saves your "ooking utensils, 2 for 5 RBBSBaUfel t 5 Waffle Iron '-p1 The genuine A m e rioan with patenf iron grease drip rim -1 special Thursday at ........ ..690 WE SELL BELDL'iG'S SEWING AKD EMBROIDERY SILK WE CASfl CDECKS ON ALL BANKS FOR PURCHASERS K n WW r Ji U i 1 1W. REMNANTTtKDAYl Special Sale CilIC MILITARY and PRINCE CHAP SUITS ONE-HUNDRED SEVENTEEN SAMPLE SUITS rkiiK " OHE-T IIRD OFF BOUGHT BY 01 R CLOAK BUYER WHILE IS MW YORK VISITING. The style are the New Mili tary, with many new Ideas of braid trimming and the popu lar Prince Chap.hlshly tailored. . The cloths are broadcloths and plain serge; colors black, blue, green, brown and garnet. LADIES' nd MISSES' SIZES Suits worth Twenty- 4 A.50 nine Fifty. lv Suits worth Forty- OQ.50 five Dollars. . . . Thursday , Second Floor. $1.50 MEN'S SHIRTS ON SALE THURSDAY AT $1.00 Thursday we place on sale 50 dozen men's fine shirts in all the latest patterns and weaves, plaited or plafn, cuffs attach- ea or aetacnea; posi- ..m $150. lM tively worth On sale MEN'S UNDERWEAR Hundreds of fine sample shirts and drawers in ribbed and na tural wool, medium and heavy weights. Also Hne heavy tleec- ed undefwear; values m up to 2.uu: on saielllp Thursday, per garment V Ji. SPECIALS -ON SALE SATURDAY TWO IMMENSE STOCKS-WOMEN'S WAISTS ' and WOMEN'S WINTER CLOAKS Choicest Lots, Bought From' 1 Darlington Co. ' ' BROOKLYN, N. V. ' v f BalBlaMlMlMMBMM . A GOLD BRACELET Would make a nice Christmas gift ranging around . to S3&.UU. we nave some beauties $10 to w. we aiso nave a noooy line or gold filled ranging around ?5.00 ' Spend.a few minute, in our 'Store. Look for the name. - i r S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler ' . XSl Boutfaa Ctrt -..S3 my SSESOiTSiilfASURE Expert man tailor: at the, service of. our lady patrons,, two .more, days, Thursday and Fri-, m Dress Goods Sectiqp, Main Floor. lie takes your measure fpr,ja man tailored ' i. j j v'! ' i - bKiri., muuo nom launcs purcnasea in our Dress Goods Department. None but strictly new, reliable and -high grade dress eoods fcold. 12 correct mortals at your choice. '2 days, Thursday and Friday NOTE Expert fitter will be with ns about a "week from date. .'7 ..; J n mtm DR. DRADBURY, Dontlot, JUv.'.'., If OS FAR NAM 8TM OMAHA. Ph n..i.. - Extracting ..25 v-w r J ,,; f metal and roofless Porcelain Pills. .91 up Crowss 42.60 np Bridgo Work. $2.50 up Plata 2.00 up To Decorator of Cliina New Goqds Received This Week Hat Pin Holders 25 Comb and Brush Trays, 60c i Cake Plates , ..kqa . and Sugar and and .. Creams, 750 40c, 60c 75 Teapots Plates and Salads: Fruit Saucers..... 850 500 1O0 600 only, Bred'and Butter Plates, five Inch size, iiew pattern, while they last, "each. ,'. .. 1 jj BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ' 11 ITT ST YAX.UE3 IT TWlUBX OKOCEKIX8. JOB. .TETIET CO.'E IVDIA A WD OETZ.OV TEAS. plates. PabUeM work la ail operation. Opea venlnga till a o'clock. No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads Will Get It we Devote Special Care and attention ' to the fitting of Misses' and Children's shoes. Our staff of fifteen aalesmea are not merely salesmen, but each and very one of them Is a shoe man tried by time and exper ience. This means accuracy . in fit and real satisfaction to purchasers. As for the shoes themselves they are the built on honor kind, every Inch of eacli pair flexible, genuine welt soles and no eams or wrin- Vies la the linen to tear the 5 hosiery. Bear these things In mind when you purchase shoes. Better buy here and be sure. ; The sizes and prices are: , : 5 to 811.75 . X 1 ' to U $8.00 11 H to J $1.60 Young women's sites, 2U to e $j.o. ; . . . - Drcxcl Shoe Co. ' 1(19 Firaaza St 1 IW ZMTKOTED HOT BLAST TUB BOLAK burns jmoko and ga without blowing tli fir. Us front fed door and ashpan. lioata th floor and kerpa fire forty-eight hours without atentlon. We aell It at a out prlro for cuh or on amall monthly Green Label, pound tin . . . -600 ;, And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Green Label, half pound tin 300 . And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Green Label, quarter lb, tin 150 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Preserves, large Jar for ...-280 And 20 Green Trading Stanipn Salmon Smoked, in oil, . can for ; ... . . . v. 150 And 10 Green Trading St'p. Marshall's Kippered Her ring, can for 200 And 10 Green Trading St'ps. Blood of Grape Juice, . , pint bottle for '250 Ana iM oreen Trading ht pa. Bulk Currants, cleaned, lb.. 100 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Shredded Codfish, three pack ages for 250 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Delatour's Ginger Ale, three 1 bottles , for 250 Gallard's Imported Olive Oil, bottle for 2-iO And 20 Green .Trading Stamps. ii ? AV t 1 TIih ,in)imv.mwnt in IVia . i old Imn-U-on. the orltnal, is the 8olar alr-tu' la opto In the aide luatoal of the end. Tliia niakes It poaaiblw to leave the tube open, admitting air u the fire constantly. The iias-be.n makes a vari able heat as soon as the blast la turned on and CAN'T be oiiirollrd.Wm.ti tne tube 1 closed no air is sduiitt.d and the stove Is the Mino as an ordinary soft coal stove. , . iTI TOETIKI. BTOTB CO, 714'HOI TH 16TH 8TKKJI' " v" Wiggle Stick Bluing, C sticks 250 And 10 Greort Trading Stamps. o v-aiuiui nuitiog row- der, pound can for 240 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps Granulated Sugar, Double Green ' Trading Stamps. Genessee Corn, three cans . .2"; Anil n rr.on T..JI . w , 4 .lauiug nianips. jue uuoy Boap, three large cakes for ... -250 And 10 Green Trudlng St pa. Wonder Wax, for wash ing, package for . .lOe And 10 Green Trading St p7 Oatmeal Crackers, pack age for i tk And 10 Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Capitol Pancake, pack age for -e RBAydi 1n Trading Stamp. C Seal Island Clams, 3 bottles J5 ,.An'1 - "rfn Trading Rtam... V t-aratoga Chips, pound for . -200 Bennett's Candles Grocery flection. Itaspberry Drop, pound loo Hon Bona assorted, pound box SSo And .'0 QrtM-a Trading Stamps FREE A rXZ-TZKN CEWT 'UTTElg With tadlss' rf Berne Journal Winter Quarterly ZJC 11 ' Electricity For The Sick Room 0 Electricity in trie home in caso of sickness -is indispensable. The heating pad takes the place of the hot water bpttle.. Any temparature can be obtained and maintained with a simpia switch. No water to spill or change at short intervals. REDUCED RATES INVESTIGAE Omaha Electric Light a Power Co. 4 3 &Ae Biggest -Bargain Event the Season Manufacturer's Stock Sale THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY THE REUABLK STRB L. j THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY For weeks past our two New York resident buyers and our various department managers, with plenty of cash at their disposal, have been preparing for this great event and the re sult has been the bringing together of the greatest stock of high class fall and winter mer chandise bargains ever shown in the west. Real bargains in that not only are prices far be low their actual worth but styles are the very newest and best and quality dependable. Thursday Will Be Underwear Day In Our Immtnst Underwear and Furnishing Department Nearly three carloads of high class merchandise from such well known manufacturer a the WiiiMed Hosiery Co., Norfolk and New Iirunwick .Mills, Etc., M.:nrod by our New York buyers at a fraction of their actual worth. Some surplus storks, some Kninplrs. but all magnificent bargains at. our special Palo prices. All three of our big departments crowded with the grandest lot of winter undergarment bargains ever uliown in the west. Only a few of the many can be mentioned: Men's Woolen Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes and colors that would sell regularly up to $1.75, sale prices Thursday 500 750 080 Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers in blues, greys, tans and scarlet, made to sell at $2.00 and $2.50, on sale Thursday, per garment, at 31.S3S1.50 31n's Heavy Fleeced Hhirts and Drawers, regular values up to 75c, on sale Thursday at 250-300 Dr. Wright's Health I'nderwear, garments worth to $2.50, in fine wool1 ribbed, silk and wool, ellk fleeced or wool fleeced, great bargains at sale price, per gar- raent -750O80-31.5O Men's Union Suits in extra, fine quality cashmeres or cotton, per fect fitting garments and worth double our sale prices, garment, at.. 980-31.50 $1.08-2.50 Men's and 1 toys' Sweaters Entire surplus stock of one of America's largest manufacturers. In this sale at About s Kogtilar Itetail Prices. . . Men's All Wool flannel Overohirt, single or double breasted, In blues, greys or tans, worth reg ularly up "to $2.50, at..,. 080 500 Io?.en llgh' Grade Wool Sweaters and Cardigan Jackets, Sweaters with four-ply collars, ribbed cuffs and tail, all sizes for men and boys, garments that would sell regularly up to $3.50, Rt 750 080 81.50 Heavy Cotton Sweaters, all sizes and colors, snaps at. .250400 Men's Black Sateen Shirts, $1.00 quality the world over, has rein forced sleeves, great snaps at sale price 500 Mens Jersey Overshirts, heavy quality, all sizes, on sale Thurs-' day at . . .v. . . .-. . ; 250-400 Ladies' Vests and Pants, in heavy fleeced or cashmeres, garments' manufactured to sell up to $1.50 In three lots Thursday '; -080-750-400 Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Vest and Pants, all sizes, values to 75c, Bale prices .., 250'300 Misses' and Children's Vesta and Pants, worth to 60c, extra heavy quality, air sizes 16 to 34, on sale Thursday at. . . . 250100 Ladies' All Wool Union Suits, or silk and wool, worth regularly to $5.00, sale price 82.08 Ladies' Union Suits, in wool or silk and wool, worth to $3.75. sale price' Thursday o Ladies' Wool Uniou Suits, white or greys, heavy quality, worth near ly double sale prices . at 31.50 080 Ladies' Fleeced Union Suits, worth to $1.75, all Rises,' sale prices Thursday . 300-4,00-750.080 Ladies' Wool Vests and Pants, fine .qualities, all sixes, up to. ,$2.00 values, at ......... 750080 EXTRA SPECIAL noUR SALES You can't afford to miss one of these great bargain events. . From 8: SO TU1 0:30 A JH. Ladles Outing Flannel Gowns, well made, nicely trimmed, a never before equaled value at.. 200 ( From 9:30 TiU 10:30 A. M. Men's Madras Shirts, all new clean stock, all sizes, limit of four to a customer, at. . . . 200 From 10:30 Till 11:30 A. M. Misses' and Children' -heavy Winter Underwear, Tegular 39c qualities, at, garment: . . . lOO From 2 TIU 3 P. M Children's fine Union Suits, worth regularly 75c, choice 9 From 3 TiU 4 P. M. L&dleaaud Misses Hose, heavy winter weight many fleece lined worth . up to 15c pair, sale price, pr. . . ( No dealers supplied at these special sale prices. Magnificent Bargains in Women's Ready-fo-Vear Outer Garments V I 3 -Ml' Great Manufacturer's Stock Sale Furs, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists Thousands of beautiful garments secured by our N. 7. resident buyer from manufacturers in need of ready cash, at less than actual cost to manufacturer. On sale beginning Thursday A. M. at Lower Prices than gar- ments of equal quality and beauty were ever offered at this season Three creat TmrrTiaqno f cn.-t u.' . . yy , " r " w x urs, uoats, scarfs, V in tins sale at 25 to 33fc saving from regular Retail r irf' . 5ri -p-i ziAfl prices. k'liv -Tiar jr e " v.jb 1 t--0&S V: vm ' F5Snn0n7 F".Coat- wlth a two year guaranteed Skinner satin lining, on sale at....... . goj gQ wnd8Jmt Tt-Uor Sult" ,a -,ne broaciciohs and .cheviots, all best materials, 'colors and styles $25 valuefl 810 50 Beautiful Silk Suits, in newest short waist styles, mad of Givernauda & Slmonds Taffetas, in all best colors $20 and $25 values rm 812 50 $15.00 Broadcloth Coats, satin lined, braid trimmed very newest styles, at. gin .$25 Kersey and Broadcloth Coats. In the', very new est form fitting styles, satin lined throughout at 818.75 nandsomo French Voile Skirts, made with extra full pleats and trimmed with satin bands) worth to $10 sale price 94 95 $6.00 Silk Underskirts, In all colors, a f lnei line on sale Thursday, at Chililreu's Ourley Bearskiu Coats, . In all colors and sizes, 1 to 6 yrs., I magnificent bargain, at, sale Prlce 82.05 from 8 till O a. in. Women's $2 moire underskirts 7ft Exffj Special for Thursday in Famous Domestic Rooom 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. One case of 36 inch extra fine Silkollne, regular 12V&C grade, 10 yards to a customer, at a yard 80 Fast color Apron Checks. . . . 5 Amoskeag Apron Checks. .QHf4 12 He Aiuobkeag Outing Flannel at 8 s 0 85c Cotton Blankets, 10-4, gray. at 500 $1.23 extra weight gray cotton blankets, 11x4 980 $5.00 Wool Blankets... R3.-19 $4.00 Wool Blankets 32.98 2 to 3 P. M. One case of Beaver Dam un bleached sheets, extra weight regular 75c grade, one' hour only, at 450 One cae 10c Huck Towels G?aO Oue case of $2.50 Comfortables, at 81.50 10c Bleached MuhIIu 70 12 Vc Bleached Muslin.. 80 39c Red Wool Flannel.... 250 Table Oil Cloth, marble or fancy, at 180 America 32 inch vide Calico l() 12 He Percales, dark or light 9 Scores of other special bargain offerings in this department From 8:30 tiU 0:80 m. m. Women's $2 long flannelette ki monos ..'.. 080 From 9 till 11 a. m Children dresses, splendid variety, 2.00 values, at. . .. na IS Millinery Hundreds of beau tiful Trimmed Hats in a captivating array of elegant and practi cal designs for winter wear. Several large purchases from some of the foremo3t eastern designers were secured at a wonderful bargain. Over 500 Swell New Hals Shown for the First Time Thursday s at Less than Half Real Worth TJ V V ' - Trimmed Hats worth to $8.50. . 3.95 Trimmed Hats C Yl A worth to $12.50. V 11 EVERY HAT MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES " Wool Dress Goods Sale Thurnday fniin to till 11 a. 111 AH colored broad cloths at exactly half price IMLP From 2:3 to 3:30 p. 111 All black broadcloths will go at exactly half marked price HALF all at one price only Buy Your Groceries at Hayden's ani"ve nemu ' m : " '- cent on your house k Jl lh beat pure cane Gianulatd Sugar !r $1.00 10 bara bent hrunils laundry hoap Jl 1I-D. Har k brat wliilt- or yellow Cora M-al for 15.' 4K-lb. aack bi-at i'anty Ulsti Patent Flour lor l.a i 1- ib. pkjr. Mii'i.ronl ir1;. e 2- lb. tan fancy 6-t Sugar Corn 7H'! S-ib. can aolld packed '1 oinaioc . . 1 1 .' Itll or inuBtard hardinra. can ,...i(;o Quart buttle C & B. Vinegar Snyder'a or Blua Isabel Catsup, pr bottle . . . .' iOo 1-lb. can Van Houton's Cocoa. ... l-Ib. can Cohnaon'a MuntuiJ ....Jio liurnham'a Haaty Jellyiou, pkg...5c i-iu. can aoaorteij iSoupa..,.. . fuc Ibf b..t .Koda or Ovst-r rr.rk.,. lT lb. cent on your homek:epinj expenses. T,., V l. cllBp G"'l!r Hnapa. lb...c II,. 1-Ht TlH. PrtlM.)B ,il.Jllim . j.c Klg Newton Cookies, lb... guc The bent Tea Sittings, per Ib.'i'.ijUo V '-. " "'. BUTTE . Bi Btop ta Bnttar Markat txlra fancy o. 1 Creamery Butter, -.mi ,ni imiiorrnw at, p.-r lb ''br rtSK FHICEB jrO TMUkllSOAY Fresh Hplnacti, per ck 10c FrcHb Hoiiiouau Letiuos t i1e.iidV.3c Fraah ftadlHhes. six bunt-has , i renh liec ... Carroll. TuJJIi - V.:, snip, or Kutabagaa,' per "b" ' ' "Jc Fancy dried Oniona. pe lb s We Fancy lireen Bnans, per lb liv Kre.h Celery, i bunnl e. or! I ! ! ! 5c rancy New 4ork J'ears. Jor tinning per basket. u.-i..,-.,i muu,i.r Hubbard n?rwcr 7;:s::ko . High Grade Linens Five Dollar Table Cloths, finest German and Irish "- some x ana some 10X4, m mm e Z'.1:. scllf fro-n 25 ptr cent fa $0 per Try HAYDENS First Cooklug Figs, per " iun f Fresh ?.np. Figs.Vr hi "JjS f I p Cod CrannerrVe-Tquari liLS I treah roasted iVaimt. Suart .A" fion't forget Friday. to tl.V first i 800 customer, we ill t"ve 1 ,i f iarge deltcloua cak. FK1.L" 1 .1 V X tel caucus ice? 4" T. ML C. A. ELCC