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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1907)
i! 10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1907. OFFERED FOR SALE . (Continued.) BARTER AND EXCHANGE OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Want - ads (Continued ) I ! ! ! ATtT4lwai for tho want ad eolassno will be takes antll 13 tn. for tho fttilac edition aad aatll ft a. in. far the mora Ins; aad Rgndir edition. Cask canst accompany all orders for waat ads and no advertisement will n accented for less than 10 cents Jr tae a rat laserttoa. Rates apply to either The Dally or gnaday Hon. Always point six wards to line. Combinations of Initials or aanabera eoaat as ooe word. CAH RATES FOR WAWT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ono Insertion, per line. 10 vents. 'wo or more eonsecatlre insertions, per line, 8 pent. Each Insertion saade on odd darn, lO rents per line. ai.&O per lino per snoatb. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If year advertisement Is Inserted nader anr one of tho classifications alven helow, it will be charted at the fol lowing ratesi Oaa lasertlan, 4 rents per llnai three to si eonsecatlre lu sections, 8 cents per llaa each laser tloai sevea or mora coasecsNlve ln aertloas, S cents per Mao each Inser tion BO cents per Una per month. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except A areata, Solicitors and Sates aiea. OFFERED FOR SALE. , Cows, Birds, Dob aad Peta. ' Horses aad Vehicles. ' Poaltrr aad Kaa. Fa rait are. Typewriters and Sewing Moraines. Plaaos, Or n s and Maslcal Instru ments. OFFERED FOR RENT. Faralshed tlooms. Untarnished Roma. Honsekeeplaa; Rooma. Boarding; aad Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. Waat ads for The Bea may bo left at any of tho folowlan; drat stores one la "yoor corner drnsTslst" they are all branch offices of Tho Bea and yoor ad will be lnaerted Jast aa promptly and on the unt ratea as at the mala ofBca la Tho Bee B sliding-, Seventeenth aad Faraam Streets. Albacli. W. C. 4(th nd Frnm. faerank, 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th St. . Beclit Pharmacy, '420 S. lMn ttu r Benson Pharmacy, Benson. eD. Bemls Perk Pharmacy. Md and Blake's Pharmacy. 2S16 Bherman Ave. Cauithlln. C. R., 'iih and Pierce ta. CUfton Hill Pharmacy. 22U Military Av.. Conte, J. B., 31st Ave. and tarnain. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. l.'trmak, Emll, 1204-8 S. 13th Bt. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. IChler. K H., 2So2 Leavenworth. Foster & Amoldl, 213 N. 26th 8t. Freytag, John J., W14 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana Oreenough. G. A., 1026 3. 10th Bt. Oreenough, U. A., mo. Hayaen. Wm. C. 2H20 Farnam Bt. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, ml Bo 29th lfolst, John. 24 N. 16th Bt. r Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8., 2208 Bt. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 8t04 N. 24th. I'atrlck Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Kchaefer's Cut Prico Drug Co., 16th and C8c1w'er, August. 2031 N. th St. Bcnmldt. J. H.. 24th and Cumlni ; Bts. Btorm Pharmacy. lth and MarthaBts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 2oth and f,ce-. Worth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bts. . DEATHS AND IXNERAL HOTICES. ' an 111 11n.uu iiniuiaiiiimiw 6HIPPLE J. A., aged 60, at Billings, Mont., November 3. Funeral ThurBday. 2 p. m.. from resi dence of his son, H. A. 8htpple, 2416 In diana avenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tho following marriage licenses have been issued: . Name and Residence. Age. Chris N. CnrltUiiot-n, Omaha io Eda Rasmusseii. Omaha 22 Phlneas Williams. Fremont, Neb 68 Mrs. Alice Shellebargar Scott, Fremont 43 John T. Cooper. Omaha 28 Claire Northrup, Omaha J John Craig. Albion, Neb...-,.... 21 Mrs. Beulah V. Drake, Albion. Neb.... 32 Phlneas Williams, Fremont 58 Mrs. Alice Shellebarger Scott, Fremont. 43 Christ N. Christiansen. Omaha.... 20 Kd Rasmusseii, Omaha 22 Walter R. Johnson, Omaha 23 Jessie Frost, Omaha 18 Frank Johnson, Denlson. la 41 Sarah Jane Tolgett. Denlson, la 42 Frank P. Cowdery. Omaha 33 Mary Bessie Hungate. Omaha 33 Iiennia O'Brien. South Omaha 23 Huldtt Wallace, South Omaha 18 Pasqtiah Spnslerl, Omaha 23 Anglallna Guoltierl. Omaha 23 Morris M. Vantlevler. Omaha 24 .Bihtr Binuel jn, Omaha 18 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Ben Bherwood, 1110 South Thirty second street, boy; George Tromber. 2818 . Bpnuldlng street, twin boys; Harry Barker. 701 South Thirty-ninth street, girl; Nels Miller, 4- North Thirty-fourth street, boy; James Gregory, Fortieth street and Pop pleton avenue, boy; Robert Brown, 16ns Monroe street, girl; Joe Bherman, 1428 South Thirteenth street, boy. Deaths Edith A. Crawford. f7S9 diaries Street, sged two days; Mrs. Elnora Hart, 4J04 Burdette street, aged 44 years; Baby Stevens, 1821 iKnigia street; Mrs. Cassis Itatekln, 1716 Dodge street, aged 33 year. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL NIQIIT SCHOOL -BOYLES SCHOOL BOYLES BUILDING, Omia Bookkeeping Shorthand and Tpewrlting. Telegraphy, English, students enrolled svery day. Big catalogue free. Address U. B. Uoyles, President. Omaha. (D-69S PITATELAIN Bthol1 languages. LIIAA.TjLi.UX French, German. Span ish. Davldgo Bldg, Ulh and Farnam. Day and evening classes. (1) M Ng BION PAINTING 8. II. Cole. 1302 Douglas. (D-ttM THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. omco 4th and Leavenworth bts. Tel. Douglas 1JJ7. O)-701 AUTOMOBILES BUND for our list of Mt-ond-l and automo biles. DERIG11T. 1818 Farnam. ( 7i FOR BALK- Automobile. 1M model Aero-J car, four-cy under touring car wltn top. Address P O. Box 3h6. City. (2 M408 7 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES. TRADES-If you have some thing for sals or trad writ us; w match t very thing. WAIT INVESTMENT Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha. () alltO Dec 1 ' is) ACRKS. WFIO, IMPKOVED. FOR 8ALK c-R EJtCIIAN;E. T mile from t.rantl Island. Neb. Address Y "1. car b. tJ) M'W) lt FOR BALIS or will trad for railroad stoi'ks. seven-room houat; goid barn and ouibuiMimss, wild nv lot Address Lck Wi, ,our, la. laj -UUO llx FOR EXCHANnE20 eottaxes. all In xnod ; repair, all rented, well located In town if 6.(in0 people; will eschange all or aa n any as dewlred for land or merchandise. I Fcr particulars Wrlto J. P. Falter. Platts mouth. Neb. (3-M244 FOR FALF No. and Ro. Psk., Minn, and Alberta lands, or will exchange for mer chandise. Taylor Realty Co., Alhnl. 8. D. (3) M3 7x Xirn runabout snd cash to exchange for brickwork. 2004 Wirt St. t 3 M4M121C BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE $8,000 stock of shoes and fix tures, In good location; stock 1b up-to-date. C. D. Burgan, Bt. Cloud, Minn. (4) M127 tx THIS COMPANY doea a reneral real estate and loan business; a specialty of looking up good farming lands -and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; we can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland Ore. (4)-M101 N01U flNINO STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. ARTHUR DAVIDOV & CO., Stock Brokers, 04 N. T. LIFE BLDO. 'PHONE RED im. (4)-391 N24 Do You Wish to Make a Changel IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or v ex change, write us. V OLObti LANK AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. () M289 II A SURE AND SAFE INVESTMENT. I have for sale two first mortgages on northeast Nebraska Improved farms. "Gilt Edge," due In about one year. Will net investor 7 per cent interest. Both amount to 6.f00. For further particulars address "Contidentlally," W 640. 'tare Bee. (4) M479 10 FOR SALE OR TRADE Finely equipped creamery and cheese factory in best farming country of Iowa; doing fine buliiet.s; possible to largely increase both business and profits; good reasons lor selling..' Box 446, Marshalitown, la. (4) M477 13x SOUTH DAKOTA CHARTERS More lib eral, far cheaper than other states: fres blanks and luforftiatlon. PHILIP LAW R&NCE, former assistant secretary state, Dept. 23, Huron, S. D. (4)-M417 llx NEWSPAPER - SNAP Newspaper and printing plant in live town of 600, in Rice county, at half price; will produce over X2CO per month? price $2,000; beat oppor tunity In Kansas. Bremyer A Hender son, McPherson, Kan. (4-MlW 8x FOR SALE Implement building and com plete new stock. In North Loup valley, good location, good country, and good people; price and terms on application. Address Y !W. caru Bee. t4) M878 N2Jx DRl'O STORES' for sale everywhere. F. V Kniest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (401707 ROOMING houses for sale, all sixes. Gan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3149. ' . (4J 705 TO GET IN OR OUT OF .BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 MCAGUlfi BUILDING. 16TH AND DODGE BTS. (4)-706 NEWSPAPER for sale Special, daily weekly. Kansas county aeat town of 7,0i)0; 2,oo0 handles. Many others. Write for fre list. Mutual Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kan. t4)-213 llx FOR SALE OR TRAD IS Small residence and lot In northern Nebraska town of 1,200. Will sell or take good automobile tn trade. Price 11.000. Address Y 63, cars of Bee. (3) M96S 1 FOR BALE 2-chalr barber shop, with bath tub; bargain if taken at once. Frank Rost, Randolph. Neb. (4)-M966 Ox DO IT NOW Buy a first-class lunch room doing a good business; cheap fur cash If sold at oiire; owner going to the coast; this Is a snap; get busy, W. F. Shulta, Redfield. S. P. (4) M2fal x FOR SALE Tinning and heating business at Hastings. Tlbbets, Morey r Fuller, Histlngs, Neb. (4) Mill 16x FOR PALE 20-room furnished house, fine location; full of boarders. Address O 571. care Bee. (4)-j75 Nov28x LADY with furniture wishes a partner in rooming house; must have capital. Ad dress F 478, care Bee. t4) 109 7x FOR SALE Restaurant, good paying. splendid location, good reasons tor selling. ' Address J 632, care Bee. (4) 383 lOx I BUSINESS CHANCE Blllard hall for sale, in a ciiy of 8.000; t billiard and 3 pool tables. For price. Inquire of T. T. Pat terson, Osage, la. (4) M439 12x FOR SALE Fancy grocery, fruit and con fectionery store at Olenwood, la.; es i tablished 14 years, doing good business; good reasons for selling. Address S. Flnkensteln, Glenwood, la. (4)-M450 12 FOR SALE Ten shares Nebraska Tele phone Mock at 92, with accrued interest, to buyer. Address Y 165, Be. , (4)-M447 12x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artists. H. O. BUNNELL & CO., J22 N. Y. Llfo. Douglas 5149. (5) 708 Carpet Cleaalng. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. (I-7) Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5) 710 Chattel Loans. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co.. 6C1 Be Bldg. (6)-7U Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. Collecttoa Ageaey. COLLECTIONS made everywhere. Charles E. Bmlth. tot Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 8J67. (6)38 Dec$ Dancing; Academy. MORAND'S classes for dancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lessons for adults Tues. and Frl. 8 p. rn.; first lesson privately; success guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041 ()-161 Nov7 Dressmaklagr. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy, Tel. Harney 1358. (5) 714 M' DO WELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far nam BU (6) 71fi MME. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglaa 6170. (6 Mlol Ns Deatlsta. BAILEY & MACII, 3d fir. laxton. D. 1085. (5)-71J Florists. HES3 SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5)-71l L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1X3. (a) 7W J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 0. (5-71s list Renovators. NEW Stetson hats sold at half pries. 220 So. 14ib Bt. W. A. Ramsen. 'I radical Hatter. (6 MJ.a 431 Hotels. THE BCliLITZ. European, 16th and Harney )-n Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch. . clock, lewelry repairing. 3-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367. ( 731 Locksmith. KKYS. etc, Htflin, LC4 Farnam. Tel. D. ' : l J 121 company BUSiNhSS DIRECTORY CoullnucU.) 1 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 1664. (5)-7ii Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M86 Dec 31 Ofllco Sapplles. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and ofllce fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publish ng Co., Sot South 18th St. Tel. Douglas KAX . to; MfV Nil Prlatlagr. BEFORE placing your 1308 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 and Cspl tol Avt. 6)-72 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., Sutt 8. 18th Bt. Tel Douglas 6663 (5) M139 Dec. 1 C. B. TRUSSELL. 115 South 16th St. 1 (5) -724 Safes, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop. 102 8. 10th Bt. (6) 7J6 Stove Repairing;. 8TOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St. Tel. Douglas W0. (6)-M275 Novll Shoo Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. 1618V4 Capitol Ave. "Phone Red 4. (6) 7i'6 8HOE8 repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Famam St. Tel. D.-7667. (6) M403 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Apply any time. Bemia Omaha Bag Co. (7) M481 Novl3 WANTED An apprentice girl, 1909 Capitol Ave. (7) 168 N7x WANTED Mangle glrle; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, 1D11 Jack son St. (7)-288 WOMEN for day work: housekeepers, waitresses. 330. Canadian ofllce, 16th and Dodge. (7) 727 10 GIRLS for pressing curtains, good wages and steady work. 2M)1 Leavenworth. (7) M460 12X Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; 3 in family: good wages; em- f'loy laundress. Tel. Harney 31i8; apply o Mrs. Clftbaugh, 1S23 8. 33d Bt. s(7) M394 7x WANTED Competent cook, good wages. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 864. (7)-131 GIRL for general housework; no washing. 3315 Burt St. 7 W8 7x . WANTED Girl for housework:, no wash . lng. no. cooking. 1329 S. 31st St. (7) M2C1 tx WANTED Experienoed girl for general housework; no washing. 1516 Park Ave. (7)-M395 7 A GOOD, strong woman for general housework In the country. 4602 Center Bt. Tel. Harney 8528. (7) M452 8 GIRL for light housework In family of three, small flat; German girl preferred. 3324 Harney. 'Phone Harney 1969. (7)-473 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing. 3219 Leavenworth ou vu--nun WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 9 in family, best or wages, close to Catholic church, 2130 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 839. (7) M503 11 . Mlscellaaeoue. WANTED Finishers on coats and suits. Apply ladles' cloak dept., Hayden Bros. (7)-387 WANTED Cash girls and bundle wrap pers. Appiy suprituenaent, between and 10 a. m., west end main floor. J. L. Brandels k Sbns (7) M495 10 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad' falesmea. WANTED Young man as traveling sales. man by local firm; knowledge of our business not necessary, but must be a. hustler and sober; give age and past ex perience. Address E 528, Bee office. (9)-364 ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adams Co., 1819 Howard St. (9) 729 WANTED Competent retail clothing and mens iurnisnings salesman; nrsi-cjuss references required. Address The M-toalf Co., Council Bluffs. (8 M146 8x WANTED Solicitors to trsvel In nearby territory; preier inose wno nave naa ex perience with subscription books or por traits. Address F 6-, Bee office. (9) $63 WANTED Bright, Intelligent man, ablo to furnish best references; someone wall acquainted ln th city preferred. Salary $10 a week and Increase If competent. Bee Mr. Petersen between 10 and 1 p. m. $21 8. Ulh St., room 227, Neville, Bldg. Omaha. v (9) 384 tx WANTED Men who are hustlers, to so licit ln the tea and coffee business; we also want men of wagon experience to prepare to take positions upon our Vagons; none but men of experience need apply. J. A. Smith, 1911 Cuming St. (19J-430 llx WANTED A gooft man to represent the National Life Ins. Co. of Vermont, on a commission and cash expense allowance. Address M. J. Dillon, Gen. .Mgr.. Iowa Bldg., Bloux City, Iowa. (9) M4S9 13x Joys. GOOD boys wanted; first class pay. A. D. T. Co., 21$ 8. 13th Bt. (91730 WANTED Neat office boy. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th arid Farnam. (9)-MD79 WANTED Boy to help In windows and other work. Thompson, Belden A Co. (91-424 T Clerical aad Offltc WE8TFRN REF. A JIOND ASS N.. INC., 721-723 New York Life Bldg. Hours 8:00 A. M. to : P. M. Imp. warehouse foreman. fluO. Two collectors. $s0 aod $i5. -4Ueno. and Bkpr., experienced In real estate and Are insurance, Bteno., commercial. $). Bteno. and Bkpr., $45. Asst. Bkpr., 16a. Shipping clerk, gents furnishings, $18 to IM per week. Shoe clerk, $& No reason fur you to bs out of a posi tion. If you ars In need of one im us at once. (9) M4 T Favctarr and Trades. WANTED At once, washman and engi neer: nut b able to run shirt machine; steady lob: $10 per week; sinoll plant. J. C. Hayes. Paola. Kan. t MS13 7x POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kuieal. 7ul N. Y. Life, Omaha. t,0) 7SI occasional HELP WANTED MALE Factory aad Trades Contlnaed. CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED We want men at Beatrice, Neb., to pick chickens; will pay 2Sc for hens and fcprlngs. Swift and Company. Beatrice. (t)-M303 23x COATMAK ERS wanted at once; prices, $8 and up. Carl P. Lilndecrantx, Hldrege, Neb. (9) M54 7x WANTED Men to learn barber trado; will equip shop for you or furnish positions; few weeks completes; constant practice, careful Instruction; tools given; Saturday wngrs; diplomas granted; catalogue fiee, Moler Barber College, 110 6. 141 h St., Omaha. () M115 7x WANTED Wood metal and Iron pattern maker. E. Children Mfg. Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. (9)-M8W WANTED Men tailors In ladles' cloak and suit dept. Harden Bros. ( 388 WANTED Compositor to go to Kulm, N. D. ; no slovenly spacer need apply. State wages wanted and qualifications In first letter. Steady position; commence work Nov. 15. Messenger Co., Kulm, N. D. (9) M492 13x WANTED Non-union cylinder and Gordon pressmen. Nebraska Printing Co.. Lin coln., Neb. - B M490 Dec 6x WANTED First-class, sober printer for atone work. Apply or write at once, Combs Printing Co., St. Joseph. Mo. ) M491 S Mlscellaacoas. FRET) Employment Bureau, supported by business Men's association; helps work men And positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg, 828 Nov27 "STRENUOUS LIFE." If your services command 375 per month, or better, send for our four plans to as sist one to obtain employment. "Any line, anywhere." "No registration fee." "No commission." Address Circulation Department, any office. 8TRENLOUS LIFE PUBLISHING COM- ' PANY, Incorporated, 1181 Broadway. New York; 728-732 Main St., Buffalo;. 218 LaSalle St., Chicago. (9) M374 9x GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bu reau, Chicago, 111. (9)-M113 8x SOUND young men. aged 18 to St. for firemen snd brakemen during rush sea son on leading railroads here tn the west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly become engineers, 12i0; brake men. $100 monthly, become conductors, $160; many position now open; write for particulars. National Railway Train ing Association, 620 Paxton block. Omaha, Neb (9) 190 Nov7 WANTED Man with small capital to man age branch office In outside territory. Address 604 Observatory. Des Moines, Is. (9) M244 Nov22x WANTED 15 or 20 good men. used to con creting preferred. Good wages. 1 Apply at the entrance gate. Swift 4 Co., South Omaha. J. H. Sutter, contractor. Ask for Mr. Moore. f9) 385 home; easy learned; $1.50 to $2 doxen. 50ft Paxton Bile ' (9)-M393 llx WANTED First-class white norter, one who understands lunch In saloon. 723 8. J Ith St. - t (9)-467 U BUNDLE, wrapper, to take charge of city delivery. ' Nebraska' Clothing Co. (9)-4B6 10 ; ' LIVE STOCK FOR SALE , llorsea aad. Vehicles. ONE S-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Come in. The Harney St. Stables. (1D-734 SECOND-HAND delivery wagon, 1 buggy, 1 phaeton, cheap. A. , Murphy & Son. (1D-M215 N10 FOR 8AI.E Belgian stallion, weighs 1,850; black Norman, weighs 1,700; both Im ported; must sell In 60 days; am moving away; both sure breeders and get best of colls a bargain. 8. 1. Mants, Audubon, la. (11) M378 N7a FOR BALK A good, heavy spring wagon and a single name and collar narness, cheap. Room 214 Karbacb Blk., 209 South 15th St. (1D-M819 l , ' HORSES bought and sold. Myers, IU4 Douglas. (ll)-30 N27 ONE good driving horse for sale; also set I of single harness. Edward Updike, 3612 I r,nom fit n in ONE bay horse, 1350 lbs., S years old. Bound. 2116 , Wirt St.' (U) M354 9 Poultry aad Eggs. FOR SALE Single-comb Buff Orpington cockerels from prlxe-wlnnlng stock. Ad dress Robert F. Beutel, Buck Grove, la. (1D-M203 N21x GOVT, book free. Omaha. Model Squab Co., (11) M207 Dec2 FOR SALE Orphlngtons, buff and white, from first prise tok; great egg and poultry fowl; reasonable prices. A. B. Bobbins, Robblnsdale, Minn. (1D-M166 llx Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pets. PIGEON RIVER COLLIE KENNEI.S. breeders of high class Scotch collies. We have at stud Conqueror, Jr., A. K. C, 83625. Is a rich derk sable, with perfect white markings; fees $15.00. Wlnnoa Clinker, a promising. young trl-color, long head, per fect ear coralge; fees $10.00. Brood bitches In whelp: also young stock at all times. I Address H. H. Engelklrig, Sheboygan. Wis. (1D-M9S2 14x BLACK SPANIEL pup for sale; 8 months old; male; natural retriever and field dog. Arthur Bamberger, Harlan, Ia. (1D-M409 14x FOR SALE Fresh cow, good milker, gen tle, cheap. 1130 8. 31st St. (llj-422 7x LCSfAND FOUND LOST Between 26th and Farnam and the Union station $60 and $20. Will hnder keep $'.10 and return $60. C. F. Bellman. 2621 Harney St. (12)-Ml59 7x LOST Gray squirrel scarf, trimmed with ermine, Sunday, along Boulevard be tween South Omaha and Florence. R-ws-d for return. Call Telephone -uth 17111. (12)-M2 lOx MEDICAL BF.ST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 03 738 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts.; speclsl attention paid lo con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. as 1167. Calls answered day or night. A3)-l RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RL'P TUBE CO., over S. W. cor. Hth snd Douglas, Omaha. OS) 737 ANY poor girl In need of a friend rail or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at $S24 N. 4th HI, Omaha. Neb. Oil Mlos MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTEL! LOWfc-HT rates, chatters or salary. Ne braska Credit Co.. 214 Board of Trade. (14-6 CHATTEL, aalary. and storsse receipt loai.s. Foley Loan t'u., L4 Farnam 8l CU-74 advertising g MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Co Plenty of Cash Open aa account with us. We give yoo CASH; no checks; but cold hard CASH. Terros to suit. Liberal rebate If paid be fore data. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11 Board of Irade Bldg., at the head of the 16th SL entrance. (14)-M900 INVESTMENTS I have several gilt edge farm mortgages on valuable farm lands near Omaha for sale os 6 per cent busts. None of them exceed one-third value of the land. T. B. STEVENS. ' 1003 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1272. (14)-M414 THE UNION LOAN CO. Have Increased their capital and during November will make special rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property and notes without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904, 810 Bee Bldg. Open evenings, 7 to 9. (14) M401 U Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open t evenings till 7. (14) 741 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. CH)-740 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (141-740 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable, accom modating, all business confidential. 11 Douglas. UO-747 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO ,TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14) 743 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to public Sunday. Oct. 13, upstairs. HOn N. 19th. Webster 2448. (lo) M27SN13 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close tn; private family. 2406 Cass. Douglas 6406. (15) M218 NovlO VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. li 747 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-748 MODERN room, with board. 2005 Burt. (151-163 Nov9 FURNISHED rooms, with board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (16) M191 Nov20x ROOM AND BOARD for four men In pri vate family; strictly modern; references required. 322B 8. 23d St. (16)-MU1 8x TWO large front rooms and alcove, east front. Board. 412 No. 22d St. ' (16)-M40Z Nov. 26 MODERN room; first class board. 6C8 S. 34th Are. (16) M286 Dec! ROOM and board. 2118 Douglas St. ' (16) M408 llx Faralshed: H,oosaa. 1 NICELY furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping ,2018 Davenport. ' (15) M378 10 SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES For rooms Are those sent out by us ' OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 3881. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M498 7 PLEASANT room; new modern home; hot water, heat; Central boulevard, near Farnam. Gentlemen only. Tel. Harney 3838. (16)-MU 8x , OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (16) 750 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest price. Tel. Douglua li!25. Schmoller er Mueller Piano Co 1311-1313 Farnam. (16) 749 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 884. il 5) 7tt NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, private family, south front, for gentleman or man and wife, walking distance, price reason I able. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) M162 12x NEWLY furnished rooms, In new house, with or without board; everything mod ern. 107 S. 81st St., one block north of Farnam car. (15) M482 9 FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentle man, near car line. Mrs. Banks, 1403 N. Uth. 'Phone Webster 8862. (16)-M278 Nil TO GENTLEMEN, well furnished south east front loom with alcove: modern; Srlvate family. Tel. Harney 2?95. 702 S. ith Bt. (15-9I3 Cx NICELY furnished and comfortable front room and one other, new house and fur niture, rent reasonable, board If desired. I bu9 South 26th Ave. (15) M49ti 13x I - ROOMS ROOMB-Furnlshed and unfur nished. We can suit you and your pocket book. Walt Rental Agency. 308-10 Bee Bldg. .Tel. Doug. 2904. (16) M391 11 TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlor floors. 2569'Dodge St. Tel. Harney 3875. (15)-2S6 WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. H.S. Office, 1712 Web ster Bt. (15 753 VERY nicely furnished rooma for rent, . with or without board. Inquire at J18 8. 29th Bt. MOI .1 O a X 2218 CHICAGO Modern, single south room; sleeping or light housekeeping; . $6 per month. Red 6678. (15) St2 9x SWELL front room on the second floor, with alcove; all modern and furnished for man and wife or two ladies. 2670 Far nam Bt. (15) 428 7 i NICELY furnished room, hot Water heal: j gas and electric light, near 26th and uewey Ave. j ei. uoug. zto. (15) M473 1,3 STEAM HEATED rooms. $2 to $5 per Week, Ogden Hotel. Council bluffs. 1) M525 N12x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, private family; best locat'on In city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4'JOl. 16) 347 MODERN furnished front room. ?i7 Cum ing. (16 MI33 N7x FRONT room for gentlemen. I960 H. loth Bt. (15)-17 Nov9x NICELY furnished rooms. 1916 Capitol Ave. (15) Ml. NnvM NICELY furnished rooms In private family; gentlemen preferred. 2318 Douglas Bt. (15) um llx DESIRABLE room for two gentlemen, also single room. 218 No. 19th St. (16 MuOl Hi Apart n sd Flats. AN APARTMENT. Davldgo Bldg., ISth and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 1 (15)-754 Ilonsokceplns; Uooaas. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping: ons or all. Phone Veb-tr St03. 222 Miami St. (161-J66 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping 171f Jackson Bt. (16i k)3- x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing or sloaplng; modern. 2716 CM' hmo Vafarttlshed Rooms. 4 MODERN rooms for housekeeping, with heat and telephone. In private fsmily, Vi block tobest car line. 2.1" Grnnt St. (lo)-4S4 8x Faralshed It oases. FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house to man and wife, $26.00 and water rent; owner wishes to retain one room and dine with tenant when convenient. A. Crulckshank, 2860 Meredith Ave. (16) M464 13 WEST Farnam district; nicely furnished -room house: modern In every detail. 'Phone Harney 908. (16)-4.t Hons aad Cottage. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, brand new 8-room brick house, corner ifoth and Dewey Ave., quarter-snwed oak finish. A. C. Busk. 'Phone Harney 90. (16 M296 9x FOR RENT. M 8208 Emmet St.. 6 rms.. partly mod.. $11. $43 Franklin St., 2 rms., light house keeping, $8. $6.10 Patrick Ave., 4 rms.. $14. 2601 Patrick Ave., 6 rms., mod. except heat. $20. TURHELL & CO., rra. 17, Patterson r.ldg. Tel. D. 1129. (15) M456 1 113 N. 22d St., S-r. modern ex. heat. $3. 2-22 Fowler Ave., 6-r. modern, $30. 2u & Davenport, 7-r. now, modem, flat, oak finish, $46. 983 N. 26th Ave., 5-r. modern ex. heat, $30. 327 N. 41st Bt.. 8-r. new, modern, . HASTINGS ft HEVDlvN, 1.04 rarnarn SL U5) MW0 1 -ROOM house, modern throughout, loca tion the best In town. 21 S. 3Slh Ave. Telephone Douglas lab for particulars. Wm. H. Bodemann. (1S M373 13 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Plk. tlo)--7! 4803 N. 24th, rooms, modern except fur nace, $22. 1704 8. 2th, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace $.10. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas 6&5. (lj)-M844 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. 414 North 31st St.. $36. THOMA8 BRENNAN. Room. 1. New York Life Building. (15) AI185 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT-3137 Daven port St. (8. E. corner), 10-room, thor ougly modern house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at $66 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. 1518 Dodge St. (15) 766 60S So. 81st, new 7-r. all mod., $40. 70J No. 40th. 9-r. all modern, $40. $415 Charles. 9-r. all mod., new, $35 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 2152. (Ii)-M:fc6 9 FOR RENT Detached, 8-room modern . house, one block from South 24th Bt. car line; easy walking distance of court house. Phone Maple 6100. (16) M483 13 FOR RENT-4803 North 24th St., six rooms, modern except furnace, $22. (16)-MS77 FOR RENT 6-room cottage at 8014 Boyd St.; all modern except heat, $20. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M134 EIGHT rooms, modern except furnace. In good repair, rent very reasonable. M. J. Kennard & Co., 310 Brown Blk. (lf.)-M978 FOR RENT Nine-room modern house In first-class neighborhood, location 1060 8. 28th Bt. Inquire at 212 Pacific St., or 'phone Harney 2346. (15) M392 lOx r - - - MODERN 8-room house, corner 15th and Vinton St, Inquire 1411 Vinton St. (16) M4S1 '9x NINE-room modern house, 2063 No. 19tn Bt. Call Telephone Harney 819. a5)-M253 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St., line, 2570 Poppleton Ave. (15) 757 HOUSES ln U ,rt o'. tha city. UUUDIiO Creigh Bons & Co.. Bee Bldg. (16) 758 HOUSES ,n n ParU of th8 cl,y- Peters llUUOiiO Tru,t C()i N y BJrtg (tf-75 LARGE 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1534 8. 2Sth Bt. Inquire M. J. Greevey. 'Phone Harney 2330. (15) lr FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, 662 8. 27th Bt. Tel. Webster 645. (lo) 7fi2 MODERN 8-room house, on car line, good location, $30. 2110 Lake Bt. (15) 357 FOR RENT 8-room modern fiat, opposite Hanscom Park; $34. ."Phone South 7. (15) 46S FOR RENT 8-room modern cottage, 2S20 Cass St.; $20. Apply 222 N. 26th St. (15) 472 FOR RENT, 6-room house, partly modern, close In. 830 8. 21st St. Tel. Harney 2706. (15)-M4H7 Bnlldlnga. BUILDINGS-FOR RENT. All or part of the 5-story and basement building now occupied by Carpenter Patier Co. HARRISON A MORTON. 91S N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M9 O fit res. s THREE Offices on second floor of new Conservative building, 1614 Harney St., Modern and conveniently situated In the business center; oak finish; best of sun light, heat and Janitor service furnished; can he 'eased separately or en suite. HA8TING3 & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnnm St. (15) M502 7 ' FOR RENT DeBk room In Pee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St.. South I Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 131 DESK room In new Brandels BMg., with 'phone and stenographs service. Addr s 0-654. care Bee. (15)-M3l9 tores. ONE store room In r.ew "8-nrgo bniM'ng In Bouth Omaha, near poatoftlce, with I ghted basement, modern show wln&iws aid awnings; best possible location. Hall Dis tributor Co., 317 First Nat'l Bank B dj 'Phone Red 7400. (16) 7tfj GROCERY Best unoccupied location for grocery store In the city. Bemls, Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 585. (15) 120 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing-. ANCHOR snd Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 20 N 17th BU Tel. Red kit. (16) 7wl Plaaos, Organs, Alasiral Instruments. HIGH GRADE SQUARE PIANOS At Give Away Prices. Stein ay ac Sons, fine tone, only t,$ (dickering & Sons, good appearance.... 65 Emerson, carved legs 45 Other standard square pianos and organs, $15, $-6. 135 and up. All makes to select from. These Instru ments are fully guaranteed and will bo accepted on any new Instrument at full value any time within Ave years from (late of purchase. Term. $2 to $5 cash and ;&c to 75c per werk. New pianos for rent Kx pert tuning and repairing. All work guar anteed. SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., Tel. Doug. 1625. 1311-1313 Farhara St. j J6)-767 BEAUTIFUL Upright piano, a b)g bargain; It will pay to call and see It. Hi. 9 l'uv nport. (! M14J tx Typewriters aad Itwlif Moraines. FOR SALE High grade second-hand '.yne. writer; good cuniluion: a bargain at $0. Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16 6,1 ONE Remington typewriter. No , in fnod condition, for sal cheap. Call lit Ho ettlc. IWJ-S-S Miscellaneous. GAS, ELECT1UC AND 1 COMBINATION FIXTURES J ISrgest, most up-to-date atrfck at lnwef prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BUKUESS U 11 AN DEN CO., $13 & 15th Bt. Tel. Doug. M. (16 7t SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms, blnger. 41k N. 16th. (101774 STOVES repaired and sold. Anything In stove line. Kance, 1611 N 24th. (16)-M134 Nov7 FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, U18 Karri nm, ' (16) ii( FOR SALE New and second-hand blllla and pool tables. We lead the world r'a cheap bar fixtures;- easy payments. Brunswick-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. U6)-7t9 HALF TRICE, small monthly payments, Riilpath's History of t World. Ameri canised Encyclopedia. roster's New Dic tionary. B. B. Roberta, southwest corner 16th and Farnam. (16) MJ26 N FOR SALE Several show oases, new pes- nui roaster, large coffee mill, two large m iiitimi tic on lanas ana store nxiures 10 numerous to mention. Globe Land an nil ooj investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) (JO 00,000 good clean brick at 84 rer 1.000 aiso aoors, windows, sheeting. Intrv lum ber of the finest kind at leas than half price; also two good steam-heating plants. Inquire J. P. Connolly, Ninth and Harney. (16) Mils. HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 771 ELEVATORS for aale In Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota. O. M. Myeia, 210 Flour Exchange, Minneapolis. Minn. (16)-MK8 Nov.lox BEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 773 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all II orders; catalogue free. Bherman tc Mo Conriell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. 06) 777 SALT $1.00 per bbl. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (lH)-776 POTATOES for sale, car lots. Henderson. Bros., Traer, la. (16)-M404 Nov2S HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnsm, (16)-777 NAILS, $1' keg. Star Box Co.. 1807 St. Mary's Ave. (16) M159 NOV21X BNAP F. P. Gasoline lighting plant, $10; 11-foot oak wall case, $2o. Cole Drug Co.. Dayton, Ia. (16) M114 8x ONE counter show case, floor show case. 308 N. 16th 8t (16) M141 8x BlIERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed' paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-73 WORTHINGTON DUPLEX PUMP 600-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, sixs 12xl0Hxl0, for sale. This pump has seen . I bdoui six montns sctuai service and is In ' good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (16)-570 FOR SALE Two Universal oak heaters, used 4 months, for half cost- Apply 3liti$ California Bt. Tel. Harney ir.92. , C 61-465 12 PATENTS f CL RARNELL. catent attornev and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7UJ (17) 7&0, LARSON Sc. CO. Book free. Bee Bids. (17) 7sl PATENTS THAT PROTECT: -. Our three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6 cents postage. R. 8. A A. B. Lacey, Rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C, Established 1869. E A17.-2 , PERSONAL ' YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the xoung Women's Christian Association rooms, 14ti Farnam Bt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (lj-916 LADIES and gentlemen are cordially In vited to come and see the greatest In vention of the age; prevents all mis placed and open switch wrecks, also en ables the engineer to take a sldinrf while the train is ln motion W N. 24th St., South Omaha. Neb. (18) M254 Nov22x PI F A T I N Cl Buttons. Rucliing, Lt,n""u . Jjjiibroiderv. Dyeing and cloanlng, sponging and shrinking only 5c per yard. bend tor ' price and samples, . GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., " 10 Douglaj Block. Tel. Douglas 1934, (liij 73 M AflNETIO iatment and bath. (18) 860 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We colluct, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18) "85 OMAHA Stammerers' Building. Institute. Kamg (16) 7Ki PENNELL MILLINERY CO.. 1511 Douglas. . (1NJ 187 N17 ALWAVS fresh. Satin Skin Cream; never dries up, spoils, shrinks or changes. 2oo. SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 7s6 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs Dr. King. 1324 N. 24lh. Tel. Web, '. (181-787 Af A Qii A fiP! and baths. Room I, 120 WflCKlAUrj Farnam Bt... 2d floor. (18) M567 Nov26 WB RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. Ulh and Harney. (18) M1J6 LADY operator, excels ln massage and scrub baths. Room 200, Barker Blk., 15tu and Farnam Bts. , ; (lb) 51446 kx REAL ESTATE' REAL KSTATIfl DEALURg. . RU8S1?LL St M KIXKICK CO., 452 Ramg. ! tint ' I i PAYNE 1NV. CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life. I Douglas 17W. . . U)-:t , GEORGE & COMPANY. 1C01 Farnam. Douglas 7J- f 01D-796 t ' PKTERS TRUST CO .. M V 111. rl (19) 78a h BoT 16th. Id. Hill I. B1EBEUNSEN. room 208. 120 So. 161 . ,(19j -Ml)4 CITV PROPERTY FOH SAL IS WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE. Built by owner for permanent home. Choice location: 12 rooms; new and mod- '' ern; elegant electric and gas fixture handsome mantels; large grounds; quick possession. Price. $14.10. Hicks IteaP. Estate Co.. Board of Trade Hldg. (18) 474 8x '' FIRST TIME OFFERED Two 8-room, all modern cottages, gas and electric lights. Basement tujder all of house. Inside and outside entrance to busement. Houses only u months old. Only six blocks west of oouit house. Paved street and permanent side walks. Ground alone cheao ! W 1 frot (M)t. Always rented at $jo uer month. How is this for 10 per Interest on your money. Houses cost . v eecn 10 build. Itavtiig the lots or.l ,fi7. t-rice, K.zua each. N. P. DODUE & CO., . (191-470 rOR SAI K-Modern store bldg.. 6 living , rooms, W.OuOi bargain, 'ph"" Wei.sie ' 1 (tl)-U Id