Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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American Ambassador Says Mexican
President it Grand Old Man.
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3 KC.
Temple Israel Sisterhood and Clark
ion Hospital Women Meet.
Mrs. T. B. Blanchard and Mrs. E. L.
Bryson Hold Large Ileceptlon
-' ' tit Homo af Latter on
Georgia Artiie.
I-'iuiiiinent among Tuesday affairs was
the reception given by Mrs. J. B. Blanch
ard and Mrs. E. E. Bryson at the home of
Mra. ' Bryson.. between the hours of 2 and
4 and 4 and 6 o'clock. Tha rooms were
beautifully decorated: for the occasion, a
different color scheme prevailing In each.
The parlor, where the guests were recleved
by Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. Bryson and Mrs.
Gray of Chicago, was trimmed In pink and
green, palm and tarnations being effec
tively placed and combined with tall pink
randies. Mrs. Bryson wore a charming
costume of cream lace over white silk and
chiffon Her guest.' Mrs. 1 P. Oray of
Chicago, wore a light grny voile over gray I
silk, elaborately . braided with gray !
soutache with ruffles of Valenciennes lace,
Mrs. Blanchard wore a black lace gown
over white silk with elaborate trimmings
arid duster of red carnations. The dining '
room was fh yellow and green. A low
tuound of large yellow chrysanthemums was
a centerpiece lor the round polished table
arid tall yellow candles flickered among
' flowers. Assisting n the dining room
wer Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. John H.
' McDonald, Mrs, Vance Lane and Mrs. 11.
J. Penfold. About 200 guests were present
during the' afternoon. '
' Temple Israel Sisterhood.
. Tha Temple Israel sisterhood gave one of
their aeries of whist parties Monday after
noon at the vestry rooms of the temple.
Fourteen tables were placed for the game
, fcnd prtees were won by Mrs; J. Lobman
And Mra. Lou Levy of Minneapolis, who is
the guest of Mrs. Max Morris. The next
whist party will be the first Monday in
Pecembcr.' ,
' . Omaha, Guards Hop.
' Tha Omaha Guards gave an Informal hop
and medal drill Monday evening at their
armory. ' Being Informal, no pretense was
made ait decorating. For the medal drill,
in which about forty men competed, Sar
aeant Arthur, Falconer won the medal for
Is month. The next informal hop will
he given the laBt Monday In this month.
. Floradora Club.
i Mrs., Alex . Jetea . was hostess Tuesday
afternoon At the meeting of the Floradora
flub.' High five was the game played
and thiKJO present were:'- Mrs. Max Burk
Vnroad, Mrs. Will Urbach," Mra, J. E.
Shaffer, Mrs. William Buuermetater, Mrs.
.1 Burdlcg. Mm- W. J. McCann, Mrs.
.Frank Bwearlnger, Miss . Nora Jetea and.
the hostess. The next meeting of the
tlub will, be at the home of Mjs. Ur
.buch. ' i
eedle Work for Charity.
' Mrs. Herbert Wheeler was hostess Tues
day rikfl4"naon 'at-'the meeting' or a small
tewing club which meets once a week and
eloeatjkrWlework for'the Clarkson hos
pital basaar. About twelve members
were present. . . , , . ,
. The Tuesday Morning Musical was en
tertained this week at the home of Mrs.
K. A. Cudahy.
t Prospective pleasures.
The La Veta elub, which was to have
met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Frank
Powers, wlU meet with Mrs. C. W. Pur
cell at. 1520 North Twenty-eighth street
Hit w'cck, as Mr. and Mrs. Powers are
laoylng; , . Mrs. I 'J.' Tray nor will enter
tain the club the following meeting.
. Mr. and Mrs!. 'John 8teil will entertain
'hf JIanscom Park- Card club Tuesday
tjvehtng. at tholr ..home.
,. , ( Owe nd Go Goealp.
Mr. and". Mrs.'. Frank Powers are moving
from ' 117 South , Thirtieth street to 301S
Sherman avunue.
-Mrs. L. Pi Gray of Chicago is the guest
of, Mrs. E. E. Bryson.
Mrs, J. M. - Jester of Dunning, Neb., Is
Housekeepers 1 1
old stova
stove is
i i iipuiir
AW -At-rr-zJ ii R
J Ill III v-sSwJ II III -
1 r wrx?zfzvk
MIL TO at aoaill ft SOUS CO., Temrtttnth and raroam Streets.
OatCHASXD t ELM MirT CO.. 4X4-1S Beata lntstuUi Street.
JOMSf MUSSIB Huw. CO., at-ttT Coming feUeek
E. I- Jottg tt CO.. 70 LtTnorth Surest.
U. r. fcuaVEaS, Booth Omsss, sb.
A. M. kttYDCM fc MHO., fc.nstn. Mtb.
AiDOCK-KAHDSCY UW CO., Council Bluffs, lav. Sole Agents.
The bt o.-ni,-r in vvrry tin ert-nTHHy handlt-s i ol. 's H it iiUat )leat.r
and linaX' S. Write the inuk. rs. Cole Hsatl actoriag Co., 11& ri WV.tin
avrnut'. Oiloaejn. for tlir-lr wluuMe booklpt on atvlrntlflo t oin t.uxtlon if f i.-l
and telUii kll about Cole's lint Bluet Heaters and Itunes.
. visiting her cousin, Mrs. Belle 1 C. Hous
ton, at 3711 Lafayette avenue.
Mrs. Edwin T. Pwnbe. loft 8un!a- for a
brief visit with rrlutlves In Chicago.
Mrs. H. M. Caldwell and tier cousin. Miss
iBnldwtn of Tioga. Pa.; are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. J nil mi n have re-
,urn'li tTOm Lincoln, where they went to
attend trie roebraska-Ames foot ball came.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNown have re
turned from their wedding trip In the
Mr. James M. Stoney. clerk quartermas
ter's department. United States army,
has been ordered by the Quartermaster
general, - United States army, from
construction duty at Fort Crook,
Neb., to report to Captain W. H. Oury,
construction quartermaster, at Fort
Omaha, Nebraska. Mr. Stoney will reside
with his parents at 3304 Lafayette avenue.
Mrs. O. W. Trlbble and Miss Daisy Trlb
ble of Portland, Ore., are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Browne at 410a Isard street.
Worn e a of Few Frocks Do Well to
Close Their Byes to Its
This promises to be an expensive season
in dress. The furs, the velvets, the satins
the embroideries, all the beautiful materials
that rank high on fashion's list are costly
things. .
The woman of few frocks will do well to
close her eyes to the lure of the velvets.
They are beautiful beyond description and
becoming and modest, but they will not I
give such service as will other materials
equally fashionable.
For street, wear and visiting wear a One
broadcloth will be found much more prac-!
tlcal than Velvet. For house wear and
evening wear the lovely satins and crepes,
and even the sheer gauxy stuffs, will stand
hard ' wear better than velvet. But, con
siderations of economy being left out of the
discussion, the new velvets must be en
thusiastically acclaimed.
How thla material has changed since the
old days! The light, supple, clinging fabric
of today haa little In common with the stiff
velvets of yesteryear, and though chiffon
velvet of the less expensive qualities has
a distressing capacity for looking mussy
and shabby. It unquestionably is more
graceful than the richest of old Lyons vel
vets, while the new velvets of finest qualtty
are Ideal fabrics.
These are exquisite velvets for evening
wear, lustrous, supple stuffs in all the deli
cate colorings, and two wonderful models
have been seen, one In a luscious yellow
'twlxt malxe and aprloot, and the other In
a rose hue with a fruity bluom. Both were
of princes 86 construction, and the yellow
dollars in fuel
can not afford to aay to yourself "My
will have to do this winter." Tha old
eating up the price of a new stova every
year. Not only that, but on top of tha cost is tha
unsatisfactory result it gives. It is always out tha
coldest morning.
Cole's Hot Blast is the'
Modern Heater
It produces an even temperature because
it is air-tight and bums all the gases In
the fuel with the patented Hot
Blast Draft. Soft coal is half gas.
Even Meat all nlirht. f ire never
out with Cole'a Hot Blast. It has
double the positive radiating powei
of other stoves. No extremes of
heat and cold. The smoke proof
feed door is a great feature.
If you want to keep your plants
froiu freezing and enjoy the luxury
of getting up in wanrr rooms every "
morning w'lhout kindling new fires,
investigate Cole's Hot lilast today.
With every stove goes this
1 Ws gntrantes a unnc ol oat-thirl ia
f ui over toy loer droit stove oi the unt tiia.
t Ws (uanntec Colt's Hot BUst to use
Itu bud col lor hettuif t given spct this
but burner with taoit heauuf surface.
t ruarsottt that tht rooms can be heat-
ont to two boura each morning , wit
or hard coal put in ibt sum tht eve
ning bciort.
4 Wt ruarantet that the stove will
bold are vain aott coal thury-sia hours,
without attention.
t We g-uarantct a uniform heatdai
and niglit, with toll coal or hard coat,
Jig nita or alack.
a Wt guarantee every stova to n
main absolutely air-uht ss iocg
aa used.
t Wt gaurantee tht feed door St
be sotoke and dust prooi.
Tht above (uarantct it audt wttk
tht undcrstandiug that tht stove he
Derated according to duvctntae. ea
set ua wuh a good auav
gown was trimmed In cream net heavily
embroidered In gold, while the rose gown
had embroideries of rose and silver on rose
color net and a little of the finest and most
cobwebby of sliver lace.
Direction for Preparation of Some
Deserts and Other Good
Make a rich pie crust of one pint of
sifted flour, a pinch of salt, a little baking
powder; one teacupful of lard; mix with Ice
cold water. Line pie pnna with' crust, and
put In oven to set. Remove from oven,
pour In filling and bake. Take tho whites
of the eggs beaten stiff, adding one table
spoonful of sugar to each egg. Whon
puddings are baked, remove from oven;
spread frosting over tops and return to
oven until brown.
Bisque of Sago and Clam Boll In slightly
salted water, two ounces of sago that has
been soaked in cold water over night;
when perfectly transparent, add a pint of
boiling milk, a tablespoonful of butter, a
saltsponful of black pepper and half a
teaspoonful of salt; meanwhile pass
through the meat chopper a pint of clams,
heating to the boiling point In flieir own
liquor in a gianlte saucepan and pour
the two preparatons simultaneously Into
a heated tureen, together with a cupful
of whipped cream; thicken slightly with a
little crumbled cracker. Serve immedi
ately, accompanied by toasted biscuits.
Crisp Potato Chips An old chef, noted
for his culinary surprises. Imparted to me
tne following method of making potato
chips which I have since employed with the
) greatest success and ease. Select large,
sound potatoes, peel and stand over night
i In sufficient salted water to cover them
I well this draws all the milk out of them
drain, rinse In cold water; wipe each per
fectly dry; slice thin with a cutter, spread
on a cloth as they are cut, and by the
time the last are cut the first will be
ready to fry. When the fat Is smoking
hot add a pinch of salt, to make It brown
quickly, and drop them In a few at a"
time; when a delicate brown take out and
sprinkle over with fine salt, while still
Waffles Of the two kinds of waffles
risen and quick the latter la the? more
popular, because the batter may be pre
pared upon the shortest possible notice.
Then, too, there Is no risk of over-fermentation,
which always exists when yeast
Is used for rising purposes. For quick
waffles beat the yolks of two eggs smooth
and light; then add one pint of fresh, sweet
milk, one tablespoonful of melted butter,
one-half teaspoonful of baking powder
sifted with one pint and one rounded
tablespoonful over of sifted flour. Stir
all together briskly, then add the whites
of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, folding
them In lightly. Bake without delay.
Upon the cook's deftness In baking de
pends much of the success In waffle-making.
In the first place, the iron must be
scrupulously clean. The slightest rough
ness will cause the batter to stick. When
hot. the Iron must be thoroughly greased
in all its Interstices. A bit of salt pork
Is the best grease for this Duraom Pni
In the batter takng care not to fill it too
full experience will soon teach one Just
how much butter Is required brown the
lower side, turn quickly arid brown the
other side. Turn out on a hot plate and
butter each waffle as soon as taken from
the Iron. Bene with maple syrup or
strained honey. Waffles should not stand
long after baking. The sooner they are
served, the crlsper they will be; although
and It Is a secret worth knowing cold but
tered waffles may be stacked one upon the
other, then reheated In the oven and be
almost as good as when freshly, baked.
Latest Popular Fad Among tt$ Smart
One Toras It to Good
The 'copper plates from which wedding
Invitations are engraved are no longer con
signed to the category of things that were.
The very nwest wrinkle for the bride Is
to have the plate saved for her and con
verted into an article that combines senti
ment and utility.
And why not? The copper plate costs
anywhere from tlO to $16, and therefore It
has been discarded considered Just about
as useful as an empty champagne bottle
or a check for a seat at last night's theatri
cal performance. Not until some ingeni
ous soul discovered that the bride was be
ing defrauded of her rights to a certain
square of copper did It ever occur to any
one to make inquiry as to Its whereabouts.
Having realized that It Is tiers for the
asking, the up-to-date bride proceeds to take
possession of it. And there Isn't anything
much prettier, by the way, than a piece of
carefully burnished copper.
Bhe doesn't put It away with the rest of
her wedding treasures, her white satin
slippers, a bit of orange blossom or a
prayer book bound in white vellum, as her
mother or her grandmother would have
dnnu. Not she.
Bho hies her to a Jeweler and has a card
tray made of It.' The only thing necessary
in the transformation is to round off the
cormrs, bend up the edge Just a bit with
for Them
No housewife who has used any of
Flavoring v.,,,.
Extracts Sa
but will recommend them a the
best articles of their kind in do
mestic use. They are the leading
flavors in America and should be
on the shelf of every grocery.
Enquire for them and do not take
W9r isssrisssi
!,. ) " " Ska atari ml
ar mmi reliable
SMia.ary kssaa, Unt Uuis
aaauate lev. krafrtrkavklrirrM.
Madame Josephine Le Fevre,
sea I kesiatt kk. r kllaaa. ra,
Egld bi llaatoa sitrt urns tMpC,
rl'Ls Aault rTn'i-ffr.
TLa tteil iirvis
btsioo fn. ce.
Mis-D,ilua Urus Cev
I H. skkialilt.
ths. K Lei any.
an extra dent on elthes side of each corner,
and she has a little tray on which all who
run may read If they take the trouble to
hold It before a mirror her wedding Invi
tation of her announcement, as t li- case
may be. . . .
Or she may be a bride with a certain
amount of old-fashioned sentiment In her
makeup and Ideas not so far removed from
the orange blossom satin slipper period. If
so, she has a frame made from her copper
plate, so that it is all ready for the photo
graph of herself In her Wedding gown.
The center of the plate Is cut out, leaving
a border about one Inch wide. This forms
the frame proper. The part that has been
cut out, on which Is the engraving, forms
the supporting back and is fastened to the
frame with hinges, the engraved side turned
so that It Is visible when one looks at the
reverse side of the frame.
A border of orange blossoms Is engraved
on the surface of the frame and. a pretty
Idea, one that brings out to the very best
advantage every point of this little conceit,
Is to place It directly in front of a mirror.
Then not only the picture of the bride with
Its orange blossom frame is visible, but the
engraving, on the back is reversed and
therefore Is plainly to be read.
Fortune of Miss Mathilda) Towasend
fnaotTtrlent for Station of
Spanish Dike.
Gossip at the national capital is saying
thst the rumored engagement between
Miss Matliilde Townsend, daughter of Mrs.
Richard Townsend. and the Spanish Duke
de Alba Is off and for the reason that
Mrs. Townsend's annual Income of 1200.000
Is Insufficient for restoration and mainten
ance of the duke's ancestral place, which
Is one of the oldest and proudest In Spain.
Mrs. Townsend and her daughter met the
duke at the Spanish embassy In Psris
while guests of Senor and Senora Rlano
and his attentions to Mrs. Townsend be
came marked, so marked In fact that the
Townsends were among the few outsiders
who were honored with Invitations for the
royal wedding at Madrid last year. Soon
after Mrs. and Miss Townsend returned
to this country the duke sent his financial
agent to look over the 'prospects" and he
was accorded every courtesy by tho
wealthy widow and her daughter. But
the 260,000 a year was not satisfactory, the
duke assuring them that $500,000 annually
was the very least that would do credit to
his name ami titles and greatly Incum
bered estate, .
Tossing Top on Bit of Striae Super
cedes Everything In Fash
ionable Favor. t
France la aald to be "crasy about" the
rw game of "Dlabolo," or the "devil's
game." It has been taken up In England
and lias been introduced recently in this
country and everywhere has made a tre
mendous hit. Golf sticks and tennis rac
quets have been laid aside for the top and
bit of string,, ; The. top Is "twiddled" about
on the string until it la sent spinning aloft
If the playef 'Is skillful, and caught on the
string agaln-The fever for the game is.
It Is said, ah exact reflection of the mania
that.selxed upon 'France in 1812 during the
reign of Napoleon, and many caricatures
still exist of the game applied to tha poli
tics and social life of tha time. The game,
It la said, originated In China long before
1812 and waa introduced into Franca by a
sickaeaa anal Affectloa.
Some person whose name la not given
said la a speech to graduating nurses: "My
advice to you all is to marry and stay
married. But don't marry your patients
while they are patients. It seems like tak
ing advantage of the man and he might
later reproach you for it. Let him get up
first. And then let him come back and have
tha fun of winning you over again."
"The advice is probably useless," com
mentg the St. Louis Times. "Occasionally
romances, and even weddings, come out of
the companionship of the sick room; but as
a rule 11 Is a poor place to reach the heart
of a tender and sensible woman. A alck
man is, as a rule, an Impatient, peevish,
fretful person and takes a diabolical .de
light In trying to do everything the doctor
has ordered that he shall not do, and In
eating and drinking everything the doctor
has Interdicted. He la cynical and ungrate
ful. Restrained from the greater activities
of life which men enjoy more than women,
he gets grumpy and wants to blame every
body but himself for his seclusion and lone
liness There Is a good 'reason for so many
of the nuises being unmarried women. They
know men at tnelr worst."
Pnrnonirnon of I.lllpntlan Slae and
I. a rare Floirera Attracts Mark
A ruse bush ' growing In the yard of
Dennis Leary. 11 South Thlrty-fiflh
street, is uttractltiK much attention.
Though four years old the bush Is less
than five Inches high. In spite of its
stunted slse, It Is In vigorous health, 'it
has been a prodigy since It first appeared.
Mr. Leary planted the seed from whU'li
It grew. It bore its first bud when It
was esn than ' an Inch In height li
scarcely attulned above this size the Mis:
season, but it had a rose curb month us
regulnrly as tho moon came around.
Last year Mr. I.eary tried the plan of
pulling the buds off as soon ss they ap
peared. He thought the bush was work
ing too hard, at producing roses and was
therefore losing In growth.
The bush giew but little during this
year of .discouragement. Last summer Mr.
Leaiy let ft go Its Awn way and, as If
to make up fur the' lost dowers of the
previous year. It produced throe beautiful
buds men month.
The flowers are double pet ailed uml full.
They are of such slse that the strungth
of tho hush Is tuxed to hold lln ni. Earh
Is as big around as a halt dollar.
Another example of stunted growth sp
peard in Mr. Leary's yard last summer.
It was a talk of corn which grew up
and uttalued a belsht of eighteen inrhes.
In spite of Its Lilliputian slse the Hit Ik
was perfect and ery fertile, us it proved
when It bote six largo ears of pcyoora.
Mr. Leary is unable to understand the
examples of .stunted growth. He does
not believe there is anthlng In. the soil
around his bouse to produce these phe
nomena. He has done nothing by artificial
means to bring about the dwarfing of the
plants and he Is utterly unversed In that
art peculiar to the Japanese by which
trees, flowers and all kinds of vegetatlor.
are dwarfed.
Announcements, weddldng stationery ana
eaUlng cards, blank book and magastne
binding. "Phone Doug, leva, a. L Hoot, Urn.
Nehranka Diplomat Bars Mrilro la
Prosperous and Reaarda A mrrl
ran Fltnrrr as Toale tt Com
mercial Affairs.
V. E. Thompson, Vnltod Stutes amlian
sador to Mexico, arrived In raiiiaha Tus
day morning to spend the day attending
to business affairs. He came from Chi
cago, where ho bad been a week, having
gone there direct from Mexico. Mrs.
Thompson came north with Secretary and
Mrs. Ellhu Root when they returned from
Mexico a fow weeks ago.
"Mexico has no financial flurry." snld
Mr. Thompson. "Business there In all lines
Is going along with Its usual steadiness
and there Is no run on 'the banks. There
Is a mistaken Idea abroad In the minds of
somo people to. the effect that Mexico Is a
poor country. This Is a very bud mistake.
Right there In the cspitul city there are
three banks, the combined capital of which
Is more than IICO.WO.OOO. All the cities and
larger towns throughout the republic huve
their banks, and business Is carried on by
means of checks and drafts. Just ns It Is
"Trade conditions between the United
States and Mexico have never been better.
The volume of commerce Is Increasing
steadily. The people are well disposed to
ward the people of the I'nlted States and
diplomatic relations are the best.
La ad ot Peace and Plenty.
"The condition of tho Mexicans has never
been better. It is a land of peace, pros
perity, plenty. And It,, la true that this
happy condition of affairs is largely due
to. President Dias. He Is the grand old
man of Mexico. He can be called old only
In years, for In strength of body and vigor
of Intellect he Is still In his early prime,
despite the seventy-eight years he has
lived. He is a man of abstemious, steady,
regular habits. He drinks no liquor of any
kind and he does not smoke. He Is at his
office from 9 to 12 o'clock In the morning
and from 3 to 6. In the afternoon, and if
there Is any unfinished business he comes
down In the evening also. He is Idolised
by his people. Any talk of a successor to
him Is premature, to say tho least. Somo
of the United States papers have been
publishing pictures of men who might pos
sibly succeed to his place, but the president
with his health and his habits may continue
to be the strong ruler of Mexico for a
score of years yet."
Mr. Thompson takes an outlmlstle view
of the present financial flurry and considers
it a healthy movement. Ho believes It
will result In a .much better condition In
business and banking generally than the
country has seen for many years.
Mr. Thompson went to Lincoln In the
afternoon to vote. One of the principal
matters to claim his attention on the
present trip home is tho Lincoln hotel In
Lincoln, to which he Is building a large
annex. He will return to Mexico about De
cember 1.
Llaroln Coaatr Men Plead Gallty to
Conspiracy . In Land
James and T. P. Sykes of Lincoln tamnrv
appeared before Judge W. H. Munger In
the United States district court Tiisuuv
morning and entered a nlaa nf niitv
to conspiracy In the matter of fraudulent
"YES, BOYS, My ancestors used to feed the good old Proi-liets iu Hie wilderness, but
nowadays we ravens are taking it rather. easy, for we gave the recipe to the l'ostr.m Co. over t
Hattle Creek, and I believe you fat rascals have been eating the food.
Eat it with cream and sugar do you?
Well, I don't wonder you like it. ' ' '
It's easily the most delicious flavor of any flake food known.
And to the groceryman sells it in I'ony j.kgs. for 5 cents and the large Family i-ize for 15
cents, and they call it what?
lOifalh's Manna
Remington Quality"
is the highest claim that can
be made for any typewriter;
Remington Typewriter Company
Now York amtl Erarrwamr
lOlO Farnam Street
Omaha, IV eta.
entry of a quarter section of land In the
North I'latte land district for the benefit
of H. N. Smith, ranchman of that section.
The parties were sentenced to pay a fine of
$75 each and to be confined In the Lincoln
county Jail for sixty days.
The two men were Indicted at the May
term of the federal grand Jury In, Omaha.
Cared of Iirlsrht's Disease.
Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y.,
writes: "Before 1 started to use Foley's
Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve
to twenty times a night, and I was all
bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight
waa so Impaired I could scarcely see one of
my family across the room. I had given up
hope of living, when a friend recommended
Foley'a Kidney Cure. One SO-cent bottle
worked wonders and before I had taken the
third bottle the dropsy had gone, as well as
all other symptoms of Brlght's dlxease."
For sale by all druggists.
Circle City, Alaska, Holds That Dis
tinction, Bays Judge from
L. L. Votaw. for eight years L'nllcil States
commissioner and ex-officlo Judge at Cir
cle Cii.., Alaska, is a guest at the Paxton.
He is on his way to Boise, Idaho, where
he will make his home In the future, hav
ing been to Washington and checked up his
affairs with tho government.
"Circle. City Is the largest log-house town
in the world," said Mr. Votaw. "It has
churches and schools and can boast of the
distinction of having church bells further
north than any other place. The population
Is cosmopolitan and the camp produces gold
at the rate of SI .000,000 a year.
"In my capacity aa Judge I performed
many duties, including the marrying of In
dians. It 'was not incumbent upon me to
kiss the bride, however."
Mr. Votaw relates many Interesting and
amusing Incidents of llfejn Alaska. Fo.
five days In summer tho sun does not e
In Circle City, and It Is possible to read fln
print at midnight for quito a long period,
His son, who Is S years of ago, never heard
a rooster crowuntil he came down from' ths
north. Ho was so accustomed to condensed
milk that he did not relish the genuine
article. Moose' merit Is extensively used by
the people of Circle City.
W. K. Smith of Kansas Accused of
Tax DodainsT, Ahaudoaln
Wife nnd Pcrjarr.
If there ever was anything the matter
with Kansas it Is forgiven now by the as
sessors of neighboring states because the
state proposes to prosecute tax dodgers.
When a Kansas sheriff calls at the Doug-
las county Jail for W. E. Smith, for whom
he has requlistlon papers from Governor
Sheldon, it will be to take the man back
to Anderson county to face a charge ot
perjury, It being alleged that Smith mado
false statements concerning his personal
property. '
Smfth was arrested by Sheriff McDonald
at the request of the Kansas authorities.
At the time he waa picked up lie was work
ing In the Burlington shop at Gibson.
Besides that of perjury, Smith will face
a charge of wife abandonment. It Is said
he sent his wife and child away on a visit
and while they were away he' sold off
everything he had and came to Omaha. It
Is said he told the assessor that he had
little or no personal property and when lie
sold out ho received more than I7O0, which
Informed the assessor that Smith had somw
property which should have been listed and
LINCOLN. Nov. 5. Governor Sheldon
this morning honored a requisition for the
return of W, E. Smith, accused of perjury.