Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1907, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAIU DAILY" REE: WEDNESDAY. XOVEMHEtt n,;. Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All DepartmetU. Tapering Waist B. & G. Corsets Make your figure. They fit as accu rately as if made to measure, and are comfortable and pliable. We have now a full line of the latest fall models in stock, all lengths to suit all figures. Illustrated is a corset spe cially designed for a good shaped full figure. Price, in coutil, No. F2, $3.00. Every pair guaranteed. Second Floor. Women's Suits of Fine Effect, Beautiful Tailoring .. . - Suits of character and worth, splendid values. Handsomely tailored ulU. the greatest assortment of styles and materials. t Each one a clever model with its own individuality and distinctiveness. For years Thompson, Beldea & Co. have the leading store for the right kind of women' garments, and this season we have splendidly surpassed all previous ones la point of beauty and good values. Will you see them Wednesday? Prices, 125.00 to 150.00. Second Floor. Greater Value In fine Imported black chiffon, spot-proof Broadcloth than we liave ever known. $3.75 quality, snow $2.39; $4.25 quality S2.69 yard. These special prices will surely Interest the woman who is seeking "something different", and who appreciates the highest elegance in material, style and dress texture. We want more people to know of these beautiful fabrics. To still further this, we have selected two num bers from the great broadcloth section. . ' Come' Early Wednesday Morning for These Small lota for quick selling. Many have learned to secure them. You must come early. 60c to 65c, pretty plaids and bright colors. Ma terials for misses' and children's dresses, house dresses your choice, 26c yard. Main Floor. CIO POURS INTO SEW YORK Seven Millions Arrive and Additional Engagements Are Made. C0RTELY0U CONFESS WITH BANK3 purchased another consignment of bar sold amounting to 7K,000 from the Bank of England. Canada also took tZi.tma In sovereigns, presumably for the Vnlted State. A large quantity of gold wtll be shipped to New Yorc toroorrow. .New York Sltnatloa Well la Haai. 4 Flaaarlera Are Taming- Their Attention ta Itelief a( Other Center. GEORGE 6011.0 DEPHKCATES FtftfS aye Jan l.andla Gar F.aroaa Tre ' aseadeas Jelt. NEW TOP.K, Nov. S.-Qeorge J. Oould returned today on the ateamer Kron Prln sersln CecelM from a nix months' automo bile tour of ' Eunpe and discussed freely the European View of the recent financial crisis In this country. "Our credits are In a bad way abroad." said Mr. Gould. "The people of Europe re ceived an awfut acafe find they are at 11 nervous and' afraid of our securities. But NEW YORK. Nov. B.-The arrival of .the flrat treanure ship laden with told for the relief of tha present stringency waa the feature of the financial situation today. Tha Kron Prlnaessln Cecelia was reDoned off Fire laland at o'clock and Boon after , the r vl'w ' " wrong-. Our country la all 10 o'clock had docked and waa unloading rlht our railroads were never busier. In 17.100.000 In the yellow metal which will du'ry everywhere Is humming. We have go to strengthen New Twrk bank reserves. lmPly Bt to get together and put our 1 he new Cuftard liner Lusltanla will follow houlder to the wheel to restore confl cloeely In Its wake with $10,000,005, and dence- In h" Connection t want to say 114.000,000 more will follow during the re- eoniethlnf of Mr. Morgan. He It a trump malnder of the week and early next week. ! r"1 he ha ved us from a groat dlsas- Tha additional with Irawals of 700.000 from the Bank of England today for the United States and 25.000 tor Canada brings up the total gold engagements on the present movement to ahout tw,)ooo. The news that tha Bank of France bought today 3,000,000 In sterling bills on London waa regarded here as an event of the first Importance as Indicating that French financier were not only able but willing to help London and thus Indirectly help America by relieving the strain on the Bank of England en used by the heavy American demands for gold. It Is hoped that this action of the Bank of France will deter the Bank of England from rais ing Its discount rate to 7 per cent at the meeting of the directors on Thursday and the Imperial Bank of Germany from ra's Ing the rate from 64 to 7H per cent. The Inference Ib drawn that It Is likely to have this effect because not since 1873 has the ter." Asked his opinion as to the cause of the uneasjneaa in Europe. Mr. Gould repllod: "I believe without hesitation that the ter rible sentence Imposed upcyi the Standard Oil company la the largest factor. To the people of Europe the fine looks like practi cal confiscation. They fear to put their money In our big concerns with that ver dict gangling- above them. The fright Judge Land la1 line gave Inventors on the other side was tremendous. "As I say, the conditions In this country are sound and we are on the road to restored confluence. The trouble Is ;hat our currency la all out of Joint. It would bo a feather in President , Roosevelt's cap If he would call an eitra session of congress. Just what the chsracter of the legislation should be 1 am not ready to say. I have no ret plan of my own. . me recent scare is overcome now. But Twin Sisters, (Sale anil Hearty: at 73 Mrs. Emma Shively and Mrs. Belle Beatty.twin sisters, who are now 73 years of a?e, enjoy health and strength, and seldom have an ache or pain, thanks to the God-iriven medicine, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Mrs. Emma Shively resides at Bit? Clifty. Kv and Mrs. Belle Beatty at Louisville, Ky. The illustration is taken from late photo graphs and shows how bright and vigorous they both are. hi it the Standard Ood urMenr. .. ui ciihiumu .. urmi v those things which, alwajs hurt tciii., auu urn mi i""" J cent Deon a. Thnv n m Sua- Howard, Cor. 16th St. Bee-n-s-o? 0pen Staurday Evenings allsgher and Eleasser, and some of the nore faithful among the unterrlfled were irave enough to keep up hope sgalnat hope ta fate as 7:10 for these two favorites, all ha time being assured by the Incoming re mits of their certain defest. . "As near as I can figure It out, we lacked i majority of the votes," Is the wsy Chair nan Weaver put It. "The Third ward didn't, deliver, said a tumorlst along about I o'clock, which was he very latest hour at which a ray of tops oould be distinguished with the naked .ye. "Tea," bawled another, "and If you get 'our pencil out and go to figuring you'll ind that several other wards, and several ountry precincts and some In South Omaha ailed to deliver as they should." "Aw, youse guys la a lot of quitters," nterposed a philosopher, boiling over with r-.he ellxer of life, which enabloa a man to item the tide of an avalanche without mowing that he's getting burled. "I tell BURGLAR KILLS RIM MAN Lot Anjrelei Commission Merchant Shot at Chicago. rOLICE WITH FEW CLUES IN CASE. James W. Allawajr, While Vlattlm Brother, lastantly Killed Dar- the Night by la. ' known Hes. , CHICAGO, Nov. 8. -James , W. Allaway, a wealthy commission merchant of Los .Angeles; Cal., was shot and killed by bur glars , early today at the home of his brother, at 413 Bouth Waller avenue. The burglars escaped from the house without having been seen by any of the family 'ou and .he lifted" himself to, Jils greateat. The jsiurder occurred while .detective, from Might youse gvys Is a bunch of quitters. nearby police station were searching, the Dis whols democratic ticket fs' elected and lat settles It, see?" But they dldn t see. No one pretended to hide the feeling of llssppolntment at the unexpected action f Bouth Omaha In not giving Its entire rote to Andy Gallagher. ; of the years 1SS9 and lflOO has the German rate been al-nvi I per cpnt sl"ce 1870, Corteljou See Morses, The preiience of Secretary Cortelyou In I'the city on his way to vote gave an op portunity for further conferences with Mr. Morgan and other tcad'ng bankers. The secretary came over from Washington with Pres'dent Roosevelt to vote, snd on hlB way I back from his h"me st Hempstead, V I., decided to stop off snd learn nf the finan cial sltuat'on. Bes'dea Mr. Morgan, Secre tary Cortelyou saw George W. Terk'ns and one or two other hankers, who acqtta'nted him with the progress of events. He was told that the situation In New York was rapidly Improving, because of the develop ments In the last twenty-four hours. Those who saw Secretary Cortelyou today are convinced that there Is no Intention of President Roosevelt to call an extra aes- alon of congress to paps remed'al financial legislation, as It Is understood the admin istration .feels thst the situation should set tle down to a basis where a proper Judg j jnent csn be formed on the various pro ! poacd changes In the present monetary laws. It waa further atsted that the ad ministration has not yet definitely shaped the plans of financial legislation which It may des're to hsve conslderod at the com ing session of congress. Measures for strengthening the trust com panies upon which resolutions have been going1 on were under further consideration today, but thus far It has not been clear how sufficient assistance could be ren dered ( by: other Institutions snd bankers without taking over assets which they do not consider absolutely "g'lt-edged." Transfer of Coal Com nan y. , The project for the acquisition of - tfha Tennessee Coal and Iron company by the United States Steel corporation has Im proved the situation somewhat by making loans on the Tennessee company's secur ities more acceptable at the banks. The the Iflno- suffer. The nne nit tne interests of tho people. I sm Inclined to believe the people of Europe were Justified In their alarm. If ohs cor poration can be treated as was the Standard Oil, the aum thing might happen to others, snd Investors are not anxious to sacrifice their money." ....... Asked If his railroads would continue their operation of 2-cent fares In some of the states, Mr. Oould said: "It Is unprofitable to cirry passengers at so low a rate, and In aome of the SUtea we might better put the ears away and close up the passenger stationa." As to the telegraphers' strike, Mr. Gould ssld: , "The strike was most ill-advised, as tho men have been quick to discover. Tho operators had but recently received an increase m salary, showlrv a dinnoaiiinn MRS. l-MMA SHIVELY AND MRS. BELLE CEATTY. TWIN SISTERS. 73 YKrf. OLD "I am in my 73d year and preserve my health and keep my strength ! up by using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Have been using It for several i years. As a tonic for Old a en I rnnsldpr It vlthmit an ,.l ra r.r. I a - . av ., .vuwiab U UC. CJiUlllA SHIVELY, Big Clifty, Ky., Feb. 28th. 1907. "Before I began the use of your Duffy's Malt Whiskey last May I was so run down and nervojs I could not walk a square; after taking several bottles I become strong and felt better than I did for years, so I have been using it ever since, and now I seldom ever have an ache or a pain. I am 73 years old." MRS. BELLE BEATTY, 1731 16th St., Louisville, Ky. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; great care being used to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus destroying the germ and pro ducing a predige3ted liquid food in the form of malt essence, which is the most effective tonic stimulant and invigorator knon to science; softened by warmth and moisture its palatablllty and freedom from injurigus sub stances renders it so that it can be retained by the most sensitive stomach. If you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks tne glow of perfect health, take Dmfy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly. ac Give It Away! Now you can hand that summer suit to the man that massages your family horse. The time has arrived when you should get out tn a Fall fiuiU Fall Suitings of rare wlnsomeness of patterns of pleasing durability and of remarkable shape-retaining tendencies are here. Cutting abil ity that has been reinforced by. a special study of the special crea tions of New York's most famous Fifth avenue tailors, and two new cutters, one direct from Fifth ave nue. New York, Is at your com mand here. Everything Is here but your Fall Suit order. Why not it, too? Suits to order $25 to $60. MtcCAHTIIY. WILSON TAILORING CO. Thone Doug. 1101.104-101 6,'ltth .It Near B. W. Corner Hth and Farnam. eaiOEis 7c. Perrln's English Toilet Water, violet or rose (Thursday --etilyy. ;".,V.v. . 7c 75c 4T11 Toilet Water, rose, violet and lilac (Thursday only).,. 4Bo 80c Pozzonl's Powder (Thursday only) 33o SOe Carmen Powder (Thursday only) - 330 Jeaton Drug Co. P. u. , "And to think we helped those ingrates T Mat annexation, too," asserted a disgusted I ader. "What we should have done me she had heard a revolver shot We :hat bunch down there waa to have turned , both hurried to my brother's room. In at and licked the sturrln' out of 'em on which my -year-old boy was also sleep--innexatlon and throw 'em down like the 1 Ing. As we entered the hallway I ran into iia us on Andy." . But this didn't suit some who thought aallagher, living in Bouth Omaha, had a responsibility himself and cot a liberal iote at that. ' Lee Bridges remained at headquarters as long as any of. the candldatea, but the afenlng cheers for Uralley In the re publican quartera adjoining Anally became :oo much for bis courage and nerve. neighborhood for a maq wh''attempttea to burglarise two other houses yesterday four blocks distant from the Allaway home. The murdered man had been here only since Saturday. Edward Allaway, broMiar of the murdered man, who Is auditor for a large manufao- I slti atlon is st'It fair from solved, however. turlng concern, .said: and Its difficulties are Increased by the l was awakened by my wife, who told lack of a well knit and responsible organ ization on the part of the trust compan'yt, capable of entering Into definite relations with the rlrar'ng house banka. A conference at which the details for taking over the control of the Tennessee Coal and Iron company by the I'nlted States Steel corporation were tllscussed was held , at Mr. Morgan's library today and was attended by Mr. Morgan, George W. on the part of the Western Union to bet- I C0ld'nS to directions. It Is dangerous to fill your system with diugs. They ter their condition as rapidly aa circum- poison the body add depress the heart, while Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey'..;!. ., . n -uu.u ycumw . no. i nave no con-, wuw buu turcuKiucna toe jieari action ana purines the entire system. It is cern over the strike whatever." jre.ofcn.Led as a u.ediclne every here.' Dutfys Pure Malt Whiskey has been prices AT B Kit M.V. ox DECLINES auttl d and leat5M chemists for the past fifty years and has always been luuiiU ao-oiuieiy puieaud to contain gruat medicinal p.opertles. lata aitd member MAM. our aooa Lnnonson. AMUSEMENTS. Americans Opened Higher, bat Failed to Hold Daring Day, BERLIN, Nov. 6. Prices on tha rtoiiti MVi'Wu wain jiou . your ui-ggist, giocer or asaUr for Duffy's Fare Malt Wat? uk aai'm yoa go ui gontu. a. Is Uia only aosoloteiy pare maOiolal wuiaxiy and la aotU o iy La tkU.i bOv.Ks in uui. i.ook lor tils tiki.jitk. . 1. . ., 1-. If r. ... 1 . L - 1 ' . . - i . . . tnHsv - . .. " " uu -ii tarn aaa over tae cork Is unbroken. today opened atronger upon the sxpecta- , rloe Si.OO. llluairaud uualoal booalet aad dootor's advice free. Duffy Mlt Whls. t mn that K a tnt. - v- ... 1 a. . r-. r v Hon that the Bank of France will aunnlv Sold to the United States, which would relieve the pressure on London. .Americans opened with increases of, several polnta The market weakened later upon the lower prlcea In London( and the advanc ing discount rata, lu he open market here. " r . 1JARI8, Nov. ' 6.-A'Lhe!. opening of the Boiirse. today prices .weTA jm Md a bettet feeling prevailed In regard to tho sltustlon In New York and a favorable weather pre diction was also 'an' Influence.' Towards the close, however; weakness Ueveloped on account of heavy liquidation for Brussels account. . jJamea. who waa leaning against the wall and gasping. He said he had beenshot by a man. He then fell to . the floor. I believe that James was killed without an opportunity to defend himself. He had id- ADAMS JURY COMPLETED Panel for Second Trlnl of Alleged Marderr nf Fred Tyler rinlahed. RATH DRUM. Idaho, Nov. B.-Tha Jury for the trial of Steve Adams, charged with ihe murder of Fred Tyler, was completed this afternoon. parently risen to Investigate the noise riisde Perkins. Secretary Trlmhle of the United by the burglar, and was shot down without j States Steel corporation. Vice President warning." Davison cf the First National bank and The police have a fair discretion of a Grant BSchley, one of the members of the W... .l... ln. . . . . .. . I . ... ... . ... ....... nuu imu toiniiniiea several ourgiar- - pool wnicn neia control or tne Tennessee les in that neighborhood during the u!ght. The murdered man's home Is at C2r Psrk Grove avenue. Los Angeles. , LOS ANGKL.K8, Nov. I. -J. W. Allaway. who wVs shot and killed by a burglar la Chicago today, was one of the best known commission merchants of Los Angeles. He ass secretary of the Allaway Layton company, t East Third street, and a dl- in a and her field on Coal and Iron, company stock. No state me'nt was made following .the conference. The taking over of the stock of the Tennes see company, held by the Trust Company of America an collateral for a large loan, removes a menace to the Trust Company of Amer''s' "n'r and l "Tarded iy bank rrs g neral y as a I fa vnrd igal tt f Uh r Ananciui .viiole. The airectors 'of Hie FIRE RECORD lhtae Hospital Ablna. CIIOCAGO, Nov. 6.-Consldorabls excite Sient was caused among the patlonta of the Herman hospital In Hamilton Court today by a firs' which broke out In the top floor of tha five-atory building. There were no pa rents on the fifth floor. Sixty patients a-ers carried by physicians and nursss Into a new addition which adjoins tho main building and no one was Injured. r cioi of the Los Arg les Prrduce exchange. Trust Company of America were In aesslon lie came to thla city thtee veara urn from . for a time tifiTdv dlscuspine rlans for the St. Louis, where he had been for ihirtn-n years locul manager of the Armour Packing company.. His wife and son live In this city. They were almost prostrated today whun notified of the death of Mr. Allaway His son will leave, for Chicago at ence. The murdered man waa a thirty-second de gree Maaon and a member of the Mystic I Shrine, holding the membership In the i Mulau temple of 8t. Loula He was born more Immediate future, but no formal an nouncement was made. . Will Aid Other Cities. That the corner In the recent monetary dltfloulties has been turned waa evidenced today when J. Pierpont Morgan, Levi H. Morton, George W. Perkins, together with several well known financial men directed their attention to, other financial centers throughout the country to ascertain If the Chapman Bank Sold. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Nov. S.-(Specll Telegram.)-The State Bank of Chapman was soldoday to the Platte Vallev bank a strong Institution of Central City. This relieves he Commercial S.ste bank of some material liability. The latter bank will open tomorrow for Vurther collections ana n, is noped it will be sble to resume t uy mo latter part of the week. Girl Accidentally Killed. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Nov. 6. (Spe cial.) The 12-year-old dinrhio u eth!cfson, a farmer residing in a vuumy. waa killed. The younger brother had been j" " picaing corn; and when coming out of the Held to go home the Boy. who bad the lines, drove across an old road which was deeply rutted. The girl lost her balance and was jolted off the wagon. Before, the boy could stop the team the wheels of the wagon, which it?- 7 ? 'Uh COrn' paw,(1 ov" te ffin s head, crushing hr . akulL Indian Pollreman Injnred. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Nov. J.-(Spe-clal.)E.gie Hawk, a Sioux Indian and "'trr. f the Indian police force on the Rosebud reservation, with headquar ters at what Is known ss the Butte Isaue station, wa. the victim of a fatal .hoot Ing accident. While handling his alx- .... wenpun in some unaccountable aiy Co., Kochsaier, Z. T. TO INVESTORS The life of an Investment In stocks and bonds Is comparatively short.- Land, how ever, la permanent, and makes an ltical . security. All our .fund are loaned on first mortgages on Improve! real enUlo and- an Investment with us Is aa lasting as the real estate Itself, and la paying per cent. Conservative Savipfls & Loan Ass'n. 1614 HAJUfZT STBEET. CyrSr- Cf SNliTlONM.1 ) VJFlDtUTYtLV THE FIRST COMPANY OP NEBRASKA .SURETY DONDS ' Douglas 8086. Home Office, Merchants National Bank Bids;. manner was accidentally discharged and the heavy bullet tore Its way Into tho body of the Indian policeman. Medical aid waa summoned as soon as possible, but It Is not thought ho can recover. In Reading. England, where his mother still j ,Ullln ot ,h, ,t two weeks hud disclosed i ocmca. n was cj years ot age. Mr. Alla way left Los Angeles about two weeks ago for a trip through the south and east. f Corsel Shoes (or Wca!( Ankles For weak ankles, we sell the cele brated "Startright Corset" Ehce. This shoe la band made, very flexlbla and extra election stock. Ttr ankles ara stayed with whalebone stays, light on tha foot and firm to the ankle. Corset Is dur able and furn ishes ample sup port aa Ions; as ahoe lasts Sizes t to e (Infants') Slsaa i to I (Childs') I'D 81.50 52.00 BENSON THO IS13 1317 DOUCIAl We are warming everybody's feet with The "AliNOU)" KNIT BEI SUrrERS. Come ani get a pair and then tome and get others for your Heads. They are so cheap that a little money will make a multitude happy. Soft, fleecy llnod foods, w a rm, elastic, oathable, non sbrlokables; pair 25 Our Ord.r Department A prompt and effi cient mall order dept. Is at the disposal of our oui-oi-town customers. our 58 page illus trated catalogue on request. WErn rctnr - in an IT 11 ; any weak siwta With the situation cleared here the bankers feel that they are now In position to render such aid as they can to other points should It prove necessary. Mr. Perkins said after a aeries of confer ences held today at the library of J. Pier pont Morgan: "Things are shaping themselves very sat lafactorily locally and we spent most of today comparing notes on the situation throughout the country. This was done, not because we ft It any apprehension of difficulty anywhere else, but to learn of the general situation." . - The treasury has reduced -the cash bal ance which waa nominally available for deposit In the banks, but . sliH actually hold about to various forms of currency against outstanding checks, dis bursing officers' balances and oth-r demand obligations, which never fall below fUO.'XK) In the amount outstanding. How far Sec retary Cortelyou will feel Justified In draw ing upon these funds, he has not Indicated, bu ho may use a part cf them to meet the growing appeals from the west for re sources for moving the crops. IVorBng Your. Brains DEATH RECORD Tbomas Beaton H'addrll. Thomas Benton Waudell, a .oner stock man of southern Nebraska, died at his horns in Odell Sunday noon of Uright's disease sfter an illness of seveial years. ern University of Pennsylvania, Northern, 0. it; Ohio HYMIIEAL FRANCIS BKOIXS TO SKUD GOLD Par la Prance Tare Mltlloa Peaada Seal f re ta Relieve Strata. PARIS. Nov l.-The bank of today made ' tta first shipment of gold to the Bank of England In order to relieve the tension there is used by the American demands. In pursuance to the decision reached last week the Bank of France at tha request of the Bank of England purchased IS.OnO.OOO time alerting bflls. re mitting for them English sovereigns and American eaglea. Bl'ENOS AYKE9, Nov. (.-Nearly , COO pesos In gold, whlrh several banks here have withdrawn1 from their con version fund, have been shlpptd te New Tork- ' LONPON. Nov. a. The Vntted lUUi aaa on improper food la like depos iting a sum of money and then checking out a larger amount. The sucreasrul brain-worker should be careful to keep a sur plus or ara'y rnatter always on hand. raoe-iMs made from wheat and barley, contains the phosphate of pot ash supplied Jay nature for re building braia aad nerve cells. It supplies material for success ful braia work, and "Time's a Mm" Derr-H am parry. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. .-(Special. ) Wedmsrtsy afternoon at 1 o'cloct intlie parlors of the Watson hotel. Mis Mahelle. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Derr. was united In marriage to Carl N. Humphrey of Plattsmouth. The cere mony waa performed by Rev. Lester He was 71 years of age. Mr. Waddell was a 1 ulT"a Leggett of Auburn. The native of Ohio, but has been a resident of Nebraska for over thirty years. He Is sur vived by his wife, two sons, Braden Wad dell of Odell, Richard Waddell of Chicago and one daughter, Mrs. Harvey Bickett of Superior, Neb. He Is a brother-in-law of 8. B. Peters of Omaha. The funeral took place from his late home In Odell at 1.30 Tuesday. L. D. HU1. L. D. Hill, formerly ao Omaha business manwtth relatives now in this city, died of Brlght's disease Sunday at Kennebnnk Me., at the age of 9. He was burled there Tuesday. Mr. Hill lived In Omaha for aome fourteen years, leaving here about twelve years ago. He was senior member of the furniture firm of Hill and Young. He leaves a wife and two sons. One son Is William N. of 4401 Famam street, Omaha, and the other Is Charles L. of Oakland, Cal. William V. sekwepae. WEBSTER C1TT. la., Nov, i.-(Speclal Telegram.) William C. Schweppe, a promi nent young farmer, dropped dead last night while talking at the telephone. His health has been good and the death resulted from a sudden attack of heart disease. BQYD'S THEATER tooat amd tohiokt JAMEj t. powek&V In the Musical Saoeesa. - THE BLUE MO OUT THVIIOAT JTCQHT 02TX.T Engagement Xatraordlnary ' MME. CALVE " and he associate -Artists la COST CXX and OA ACT tW, OAJIKZsT. Vrloes, Bl, aa, a.M, $it una 4940 OalUrjr akats Vow On Sale TUnty ot Qeod tats tsf - Keai Sunday, The Musical Triumph THB BELLE OF MAYFAIR AUDITORIUM GREAT PURE FOOD SHOW EXPOSITION Milking by MaoMjMiT t- . 'iaiata Aalaial Know, ana. rins Mnsia. -Oood Things to Sst and Drink Admission 1 Adults, 80o OnlUrcn, loo Ost orsea Tickets from your Orocer or Batoasr and sears .-v paolal Kates. Banker Uaea ta Hawaii. HUROX, e. D.. Nov. 6. (Special.) Henry J. Morvay, with the Standard Sav ings bank and the National bank of Huron since 1(02, has accepted the position of cashier of a bank tn Walhuku, Isle of Malu. Hawaii, which Institution Is under the management of Charles D. Lufkln, formerly In the banking business In Elk Point, and a well known South LakoU financier. He Is now on a business trip 1 to thla country and when he returna wlil I be accompanied by Mr. Murvay. vouna couple will take a short wedding trip snd De at home aftet December 1 st Platts mouth. The bride has been a resident of this city for the last three years and haa a host of friends, and the groom Is a com mercial traveler for Swift & Co., Chicago, with headquarters at Plattsmouth. Mr! Derr la proprlW of the Watson houae, Pelter-Nickolaoa. Nellie M. Niciiolson 01 biair and Leslie P. Pelter of Denison. Ia . were married Monday evening at the horns of Rev. Charles W. Suvldge, pastor of the People's church. ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Z.ZOTVSS BY Miss !toy Brockfns, C:s. B. or,' FRIDAY, NOV. 8th, 8 P. M. AT BOYD'S THEATER Brookla assmbes of the worUUaa BoUaoe Board of inn,.... of the rirat Choree, of CbrUt, Bcleatlst, la Boston, Mass. ADMISSION FREE. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Dally Matinee, t:t. Every Night. 1:11. rlil afaaoa at Keel.,, the Ok He Jaaieks, Euu f taacls and fi ' '""-layis luo, uul Sabers aa towboy g..w '.. ,8Bg Prices 10c. :5e 69e. AuoieoN Arrow 'A ailf COLtAR Mads of Clupeco 6hrunk Fabrics le cacsu S tar ZSe KRUG TrtcAT-i I'rices. U-26-io-nc Tonight i:15 MaUnee WsOnssday K. B. VATTOIT ,r , THE .SLOW POKE rxoxnitei oaavcz. ' Tharsdayi A lUe BUR WOOD TODAY AT 2:30 AND 8:15 P M. rrtstoa Xsadaiii Biting s Co. 1 Armstrong BoUyj Mastoal Ba- alaht a iu! o. A 11 man 1 CHimore k Castlej Barl o. Kicks; riotarea. nssrhei sss ftearalala (ram Colds. Laxstlve Uromo U ilnlne, tne world-w d I Cold and Crip remedy, removes cause. Call I for full name. Look for slg. E. V. Qrovs. 2&c. Wrilers Peaasylvaala Wlas. PITTS Bl'RO, Nov. &-"lnal score: West- H.J. .1 1I.ILISI.IIII It's For The Family A Clean Moral Hhow. WITH ITa MOVING PICTURES n'l Hurl Your a-. -t cau,.They.. UON'T IJLI C IIV Thsy Cm tyts Jbt FLICIiER iiitoo ILQfXg zjzji Atteaoaats la Unlfon. Cv. - TBB BBIOBTZT ;oVLt'!i0itA'" Tkaradays.