12 OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, XOVEMHETt 6, 1507. I A- n IV ! 4 s V. A ArUk a VJi JtaW W ft. aW-J HsW 1VY I Ija) We Will Cash Checks on All Banks to Purchasers of Merchandise 7. L BRMIDEIS & SOUS t M liMM Mil II I Bil Boas tin Oltfttt Refill Stori li Ccatii Charming New ArriT&Ia in Marabout and Ostrich Stunning effects for evening and dress l. in white and all the delicate evening ' shades, as well, including the two tones effects, now so fashionable complete variety, 50 up Long Rubberized Silk Coats 41 These rubberized silk and satin coats ?! are the very smartest things of the year checks, stripes and solid colors, including the new browns, ff ft C Iks Largest Store West of Chlcige aa r i I H i ; ' 1 ' f a fi Omaha's Pure Food & Cencr Soma Fattsrn Oonptaf have sent us tbslr espsrt LADIES COME JOURNAL PATTERNS 11 demonstrator and faaalon authority Mrs. AScla Xing of W.w York. Sht'U b bara crar Wednesday at our pattarn booth to meet ladica interested In X.adUs Bomi Journal pattarna anil to plain point in drtaa and qn tlona of faahlom that ara of intanaaat interest. Special souvenirs Ln tba wajr of pattarn for ladias and chlldran given, during Mrs. XUf'i stay. 1 1 B SIS 5 steel greys, eta, at. 1 1 I J I" 11 The bomi of AVXCXA blend Jav d Mocha Coffee, which wa guarsn- ee to be the best too coffee In Omnha to be had at our Restaurant on seconds iloor, at 6o the cup. I.' We are glad to announce the arrival flj j or new ran uooas. i ' New Layer Figs, U Raisins. X A 1 .... K J Nuts. M Dates. I m imported h.nfllve, I. Fresh Mushrooms, Oaullflower. Fall canned troods ara arriving ()ur-5 ' (5 nrst two cars are in, voneisuna; oig, i A high srrade canned fruits,' vegetables, n ' ' li.lHn. nnJ 1 ..... I. Grocery N Bargains 5c Salmon Steak 18cv5 000 Cans Imported Sardines. . . .Ho sjl do uosen, id. itn l aoie mri.iHU 5 100 dosen National Pure Food Soui.h.M ? S lb. cane UOoSJ I lA li dos. National Pure Pood Vienna R . n Sausas-ea. 1 pound tins ..IOolI y i wo jjuunu mu ........ .vo . .v- i i r- . . DBrB liBUHUr OUItl s... VO Fine Old Castile goap, per oake Bo Krpnh Rsn. Tir Ann BAn i H Best Creamery Butter. 1 lb. print. 30c 55 ITMllMiL. A Day ol Demon- strations See Ad. THE MOINEV QUESTION t'hwks, Drnfta, l-arlng Hoiiho QM.Ifl rntew. fwshlfrw' (' herkw and Assignment f Savings Itonk Iteposlta, uro HTPptod by us from all purt-liawrrs, whiiio as money. ItHINfJ TH KM IN. Six Dress Demon- strations MAIN FLOOR WHITE RIBBON" SHOES THE NEW VV. C. T. U. SHOE for WOMEN Officially Endon$i by National and State ' Organizations and for Sal at Brandeia at $3-$4 d $5 , The national "W. C. T. U. receives a roy alty on every pair of these shoes that(are Hold. A good shoe that strengthens a good cause We mention a very special-line of "White Ribbon shoes, made with patent colt vamp, dull mat kid top, Cuban heels, slightly ex- tension soles. Very stylish for S C semi-dress; all sizes and widths, at. . . .J Every woman who wears the "White Ribbon Shoes is de lighted with them. Best women's shoe in every way that your money can buy. . Style, elegance and comfort are grace fully combined. v 1 1 Owing to Our Discontinuance of the Dr. Reed Line we Offer All Our Msns and Women's Br. A. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes All the Highest Grade Regular $5, Shoes at pair, S3 Country Butter, per pound 80 'J Pi M I)onustlc Swiss Cheese, per lb..80oU It U Hayle's Pickles, at one-half price. I V W Water Melons, winter, eaoh WeiJlH M f ancy Head lettuce, per head . . . . loo SS Imported French Cabbaaife, each JScfi ,S Imported Endive, per pound 80c i J M rdnn. Lin T J ..... . f'.. . I. . u . Fancy Hot House Cucumbers Brasil Nut Pods, each i j Pomegranates, Persimmons. g Paws, Prickly Pears, etc. uf'5 iiw onrtney Q Go 17ta ana BonflM trsets. Tslsphon BonglM 647. : s y Frivats Xxohanfs Connects All Dspts. t prrvawrift:Tapyyar-Ts n 1 h 40 CENT layer Cakes : 3 5 5! li li 10c Wednesday's Candy- Special 10c At "SWEETLAND" Freh Toasted Marstimallowss absolutely pure and fresh regular 20o lb. Wednesday TEN CENTS Pound Special for Wednesday only.. There 1b such a difference in layer cakes. There is nothing quite bo good a a good layer cake and nothing bo unpalatable as a poor one. ' To convince you of the superior quality of our layer cakes, Wed nesday We are going to sell a two layer cake nine Inches in diame ter with rich coating and a thick filling between the layers, and your choice of six flavors choco late, maple, f vanilla, nut, fig and mocha; a regular 40 cent cake Wednesday only for 25. TtltaORtrORDCtlCACIfV fuiwm week Phone Doug. 711.. 4 n if flOTT -J -IIIIIII.MIIIIII.1III1II1IMIISI II .IIIHISIIH 111 Mill iiiM. ,Pi4 ,R..ijFJ ... S il "When you stop to think about it, you, of course, realize the grave danger that menaces your children when they play in the streets on which there are street car tracks, but do you think about it often enough I 1 And do you caution your children about it often enough f ' Are you sure that YOUE children are not daily exposing themselves to the danger of being struck by a car in fact, jeopardia-, ing their lives, Remember that when children are play ing, their mind3 are engrossed with their play and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of them. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. Omixha , Council Bluffs Street Railway Company a a.lSTH B ' Umbrellas Notice our clejant showing of umbrellas and canea ln our show window. Our holiday line Just re ceived. We take cashier's checks or anybody's check that Is good. C. D. DROWN CO. Oct. letfe and, Tanuun My.)llll 'HH.IISll.!. III. I. j SWjr J .mmme. r CVCf) BAIILEV MACH tjuiWA DENTISTS Hot Cakes gteam'ng:. hot right off the griiile wit.i a gen erous supp y ol deli cious syrup and pure butter are always pop ular a: this season. The Boston Lunch Serves Cakes that will tempt the most back w rd app ti e. Y hi won't have to wa i ' long for them, either, for "They have the proper system at the Boston" Try It Op;n every hour, every day. 1612 Farnam Street. THIRD FLOOR PAXTON nLOCB Comer loth ad Faraam Streets. Best equipped Dentai office In the middle wast. Highest grad Deatlatry at Reasonable Prices. forceiaia niiiAgs. Just Ilk the toots. Bee Want Ads Produce Result? SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES BELlEVUE college COLHOt-ClMleU. BUMllt. ail.iptlil mmi LAL.Mt A .cvim kish ksiiuI Kwni tmt bl i. of mmr i.r m11ii er .aiVMUf. kukMAi. ii'Huul -iiiwiui ui asiaassl cuvraH- CrrtiSAtM TMM4. CC.nbshVATuht IMoir mi siHlaj slaaa Vi.UK. .locunoa .B. wt OMAUA CoohfcCTio. BlMtrU M . SMrltaa. lu. ril.r. Fm Mom tanaiiwMa tUM i-naMest Wa4.ma. SMimw, Mav Tailored To Measure DRESSMAKING PROBLEM SOLVED ft ; Beginning Wednesday morning and continuing "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we will have in our dress goods departnient,Main Floor an experienced MAN TAILOR, who represents one of the largest ladies' tailoring establishments in the Coun try. He '11 take your measure for a man-tailored skirt that will be made to your exact measure. THE GOODS SHOWN THIS SALE EMBODY 01 R EM IRE DRESS GOODS STOCK AXD REPRESENT EVERYTHING THAI'S NEW AND RELIABLE. An expert Jitter will follow about a week from date and fit your sHrt which, will be made to fit the Una of your figure correctly. We guaran ee satisfaction These skirts are ma i-tailorel throughout and are made in all the new designs. Twelve cot red models to select from. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week only. Watch Wednesday Evening Papers' for the Greatest Bargain Sale of Seasonable Merchandise ever Known in Omaha. r Matchless Values for Wednesday Selling m s -r n a THB RELIf.BL.aT UTORB Don't Miss Wednesday's Earga.ns Special Sale of Yarns Wednesday Sole Omaha agents for one of the largest mills in the land, we will rruil yarns Wednesday at Icbs than manufacturer's cost to fnost merchants. Kleesher'n Knitting Yarns 25c qual ity, all colors, per skein ,15 German town Zephyrs, worth 15c per skein, all colors, at .8 Shetland Flows, finest quality, worth 12V4c, on sale at 7 B, Saxony in all colors, regular 10c value,' at .,....... i 5 leffiln-r's Knitting Yarns, finest qual ity, all colors, large skeins, at. . 25c4 Ice Wool. 12 He quality, In black or white, fine imported goods, at, per it-spool Dox -ttt Angora Wool, 124c qaullty, finest im ported. In white, grev. cardinal or ; black,' 16-bsllbor, special at gl.23 3 Great Underwear Specials Wednesday IN OUR GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM. From O till 10 A. M. Misses' and children's vests and pants, heavy fleeced or ribbed, 39c values '15 From IO till 11 A. M. Ladies' Shoulder Shawls made from fine Shet land floss, values to buc. at From 11 A. M. till 13 M. Men's and Boys' Shirti and Drawers, heavy fleeced, values to 75c, " 'ZVf Sale of Sample Furs and Skirls Hundreds of Sample Garments, Very , highest Qualities and Newest Styles on Sale at 25$fc to 33sf0 Less Than Regular Prices $35.00 FRENCH SABLE COATS, Skinner ' Satin lined throughout at $19.90 $90.00 ALASKA BEAVER COATS, Skin ner Satin lined throughout, at .;. $69.00 -$75.00 NEAR SEAL COATS, with collar : revieres and cuffs of fine beaver, $45.00 ELEGANT RED FOX SETS, well worth 1 1 $30.00, in this sale at ........ . .S15.00 facturers at a special bargain, on sale in two great lots Wednesday: $5.00 SKIRTS in Panamas and Fancy mix ed fabrics, sale price $3.98 $10.00 FRENCH VOILE SKIRTS, 3 rows of taffeta bands on sale at. : , . $6.50 TAFFETA UNDERSKIRT FREE to each purchaser of ono ot our handsome French Voile Skirts at $10.00 Extra Specials For Wednesday IN OUR GREAT DOMESTIC HOOM. Best 120 Huck Towels, 8 Wi Good Towels at ,....5) PRINCESS CHIC Frlnoass Oblo, the new hose sup porter, reduces hip and abdomen, brings every- f Igure, Hunt or other wise Into modtah lines, Can be worn wltb or without corset, sup ports the. musoluH of the back; al ways comfortable. Recommended by dressmakurs and physician. Comes In white, black, blue and pink. The rls,ht thin; for the woman who wishes to be well appearing- f ir , $1.00;j7$fc and 50c MAIN FLOOR CORSETS Agents' samples; well known high grade Corsets; in silk bro cade, coutlle; high bust; long hip, hose supporters attached to front and sides; also high bust, short , hips, ln broken sizes. 13.00 to $6.00 Corsets at Half Price: 31.5 O to S3.00 SECOND FLOOR ..$5.95 madameLOUISE SPECIAL DEMONSTRATIONS COX.X.AB SUrFOBTEB, Laiest I'arlM i method of bonlriK collura and keeping them comfort able and well appear ltiK. Adjustable, Invis ible, washable and transparent, beo them demonstrated. THE "DIBO" WAIST AVD BXIXV BTJP- rosiiB. The only belt made that holds waist and skirt all the way round. SSZSSIIAKEKS' BE X4GXT SKIBT HiBKEX HanKS the skirt perfectly. "TEH SAXS OEM- ' WAVE. Simple and satisfactory. Olves you . cleanly coiffure, . ' ' Damonrtratloa ,' ; ' Floor. Main GREAT SALE OF NOTIONS All sizes, white. llKht weight Nainsook BT. Dress Shield, regular 26c Quality, calr tv. x vti mutt jijiasiiu xioue bupporiers. in uiacK only Whlto, all widths. Tape, iour pieces lor 12Vac 5c Imperial Patent Hooks and Eyes, fr, S cards for .", . Uv 10c 5c 15c 5C 5c Cotton Thread, In white and black. per aozen 6l Inch Tape Measures, worth 10c 2 for ,, Block' Darning; Cotton, per dozen Premier Safety Pins, all sizes, worth Bo er, 1 card, 2 cards for Back Combs, -f fr Lenlx Hair Pins 23c quality 2 cards for Larfte Jet Hnd Colored Pin Cubes, 2 cubes for Weather SUtch Braid, ln white and as- rT nor ted colore, worth 6c per piece, ii pieces v' Rope Shopping Dags, worth 26c, 15c Kampson Thread, 2 spools Tor OL, 100 count Jet and White Pins Books. trn assorted aizt-s, worth loc, each tKj All sizes of Pearl Buttons, worth 6c card, K 2 cards for J Hair Rolls, 10, 12. 14, 1 and It Inches, worth to 25c, each AJO Coiffure Hair Nets, all genuine, put up ln copyright envelopes, every - Ko nnrl OKn Net absolutely perfect At ttuu OKj I :30 to 10:30 A. M. 1 caso of 10-4 Grey Cotton Blankets, the regular 85c grade, only two pairs to customer, at a pair 50 FOK ALL DAY'. $1.50 Bedspreads G8 12 c Amoskeag Outing Flannel 8ii Amoskeag staple Check Apron Ging hams 7 Lonsdale 10 Fruit of the Loom;! 10 Wool Dress Goods Sale Owing to our heavy cutting or fine wool dress. goods we are compelled to have an extra Remnant Sale Wednes day. Goods ranging from 75c to $3.50, i good long remnants, in four lots 69c Sash Curtains, pair. ...... .39 10c all Linen Toweling .J American Indigo Blue Prints.... 5 Simpson's, silver greys 5 Best Silkoline made, yard wide. .10 AT FItO.M 3 to 3 P. M. 1 case of Mill Ends, fine Flannelettes, 10c grade, yard -ti High Grade Linen Department. 250 fine all linen Tablecloths, in odd lots that sold at $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 each, will close, your choir at, eacn .lt $1.50 fine white table damask .)8c $1.98 fine white table damask 81.25 $3.00 NapkUis S1.H8 $4.00 Napkins.... S2.7K 25 39 40J 5lc yard $5.00 Napkins $2.03 New Dress Trimmings A brand new line of fancy Nets for The finest line of Dress Trimming Braids in the city. Pull Braids of all kinds from 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c to 25c yard. . New Applique Trimmings, at 25c up. Square Veils. Special Line Kinbroidrries N on sale Wednesday in two lots, great bar gains, at, yard 2c and Sc. k Special Sales Wednesday In Our Grocery Department pound sack Best Fancy High Pstent Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart ttta Flour for il.as 10 bars Best Braiyls Laundry Soap for uoc 21 pounds Best Pure Csne Oraunlated Kusar for 81.00 Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb. S5o! Uneeda Biscuit, per package ato Pretzels, fresh and crisp, per pound do Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb. 16o tabs rail risi Next Friday we are going to give awav to the first 600 customers 1 hnge and very delicious cake, Free. First come, first served. Remember, Friday morning, No vember 8th. , . Our regular low prices In all' Fresh Vegetables and Frulta. I W HAYDENS' WE Ra-tlrll k-ft-v . F?v-ba spool unins aid emikoideby sans. DUlUlliy Amour many trimmings yon require thers la no artlcls so Important to ba of superior quality than your sawing silk. Ask for Bslding's, at Art Hsedle Work Coaster. tuYiltfi DIAMONDS I Why not put 'part of your savings ln a Diamond? if 1 bought of us, we give you a written contract to refund lu Caatt full amount paid Ihs ten ; per cent at any time within one year from iale of . purehaso. J BIHGB 91,000 to j.OO. J Will accept checks on Local - Banks. Spend Your Own Money Your Own Way Does it not seeia strange to you that a dealer who tries to substi tute, when you aak for an adver tised article, .should assume that you are not capable of spending your own money? Show him that you are by insisting on getting what you ask for aDd refusing any substitute. Substitutes pay him a larger profit, otherwise he would rive 'ou what yoi ask (or, with out question. Manufacturers of advertised articles produce large Quantities, being enabled thereby to manufacture cheaply and fur nish the public with hl&h grade goods at the price of inferior sub ' stltutes. Substitutes Are Expensive At Ajiy Price. Moderately Priced . IMS SHOES This home of good shoes is very strong on its lines of moderate priced slioes for men. We select the best pro ductions of several of the country's best shoe manufacturers; we make our selections with care and then offer our trade the best $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes on Earth. We'd be pleased to, hhow you, sir, what ex cellent shoe satisfaction you can get here at mod erate prices. FRYSH0EC0. 16th and Douglas Street. Manufacturers' Stock Sale Thursday, Friday, Saturday Many Thousand Dollars worths of ; Fall and Winter Merchandise oil sale' -v at About Half Real Value The Biggest Bargains in Seasonable Merchandise ever offered in the city Watch Wednesday Evening Papers for Particulars and Prices, Wm.un jl. .ii.i... .ins mi imhsh 3tBMB3 II V riCHBCAGO WESTER IL . Railway THE RIGHT ROAD To ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS Bt . Two sumptuously equipped trains daily, making faft time. Finest Diiing Car Service, Get a Guide ( Sl Paul,1 a comprehensive lift of airadtivo places to see in the . Saintly Cry, free for the asking. fi II union dbpot W, C. DAVIDSON. li' Mr(, OMAHA Msnsnis-ii