10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER fi, 1007. Want - ads AdTertloemeata for the wtil ad '' will be taken III 19 m. for ! rdldoi and until p. m. far the moraine; aad Sunday editions. Cnh mailt aerompany all orders for " ads aad advertisement will he aTrplf4 for lees lhai lO eeuts tar the rat Insertion. Rotes apply to either Tho Dally or Sunday Boo. Always roint sis worda to a llae. Combinations of Initial or Bombers coast ose word. . CAH RATES FOR WATTT AD". REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, per llae. lO cents. 'wo or more consecutive Insertions, per line, A rents. Eirk Insertion made on odil duys, lt cents per llae. fl.BO per line per month. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar advertisement la Inserted ondrr any oae of the rlaaalneatloaa n;tven below. It will be ehurged at the fol lowing rateai One lasrrtloa, 4 reata per llae three to els enaaecntlTO ! aeetleaa, a cents per lla, each laser tlont seven or more eonaecatlre la ertlons, 3 centa per llae each Inser tloni 60 renta per line per month. DARTER AND EXCHANGE. n.l'SIRSS CHANCES. " IIKI.P WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED -MALB. - Except Agents, Solicitors and Sale, men. , OFFERED FOR BALE. Cows, Birds, Dosja and Peta. Horses aad Vehlclea. Poultry aad Eca. Fnrnltare. Typewriters and Sewlnaj Machines, riaaoa, Organs aad Musical Inatru- meats. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnished flocima. Unfurnished It dm a. ' Housekeeping Rooms. Boardlna and Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. Want ada for The Bee mar he left a aay of tho folowlae; drug stores oae la "your corner dragglst" they are all branch olllcea of Tho Bea aad yonr ad will be Inserted Jaat aa promptly and on the same ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee Building, Seventeenth aad Faraam Btreeta. Aihni'li, V: C, 4oth and Farnam. beranck, S. A.. 1402 8. 16th Bt. t wcli l Pharmacy, id) 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb Bemis Park l'liarmary, 3:)d and Cum.ng. Blakea Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave. t'aughlln. C. R., oth and Pierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Avs. Conte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnara. Cnssey Pharmacy. 24lh and Lake. Oorniak, fcmll. 8. 13th St. Kaatmun Pharmacy, 4o46 llomllton. Khler. F. H.. Leavenworth. Foster & Arnolul, 213 N. 2T,th St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. rir.l..,un KliirnmrV 'All h ! Lake. areen's Pharmacy, corner Park. Ave. and Tactile. . Greenough, G. A., 1025 S. 10th Bt. Greenough, U. A., 121 S. 10th St. Hayaen. Wm. C., 2920 Farnam bt. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, lool So. 28th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. . Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 3h04 N. 24th. l'atrick Drug Co., 1C34 N. 24th St. LaUirop, Chaa. E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Bchaefcr'a Cut Price Drug Co.. loth and Chicago. Bchaefer, August. 2031 N. 16th Bt. Hcnmldt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Bin. Htor.n Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Bt. Walnut Hill Puarmacy, 4Hh and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 2"th and Grace. Worth. O. H.. 4njth and Hamilton 8t. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have Name and Residence. i Age. Deunis O riileu, bouth Omaha,... 22 Huida Wullace, South Omaha 1 Pasiltiah Sp-nslerl, Omaha.. 22 Anuiullna' Guoltlcri, Omaha... ii3 ; Morris M. Vandevler, Omaha. ... Zfi ' Esther Samuels n, Omaha 18 Ralph G. Hanks, Omaha 26 Kora E. Michael. Omaha 23 . James L. Wills. Omaha .. 28 i Kuthryn Snook. Omaha 31 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Thomas Crawford, 27f9 ' Chicago street, girl; O. W. Wyatt. , lu09 South 'I'wonty-Hlxth street, girl; Frank Svoboda, 1417 Bouth Eleventh street, girl; Carl Malm berg, 1124 Evuns street, bo ; John Metcalf, 261 Templeton avenue, girl; Arthur Bor land, 6318 North Twnt. -fifth street, girl. Death Marie Flelgner. 1913 South Twenty, ninth street, aged 68 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL BOYLES BUILDING, Omaha Bookkeeping Shorthand and Tpewrltlng. Telegraphy, English. Students enrolled every day, Big catalogue frc. Address H. B. Bv'le. Presldciil. Omaha. (D-69S CHATELAINv g,ho,1 Sf languages. Willi AUiJj.iy French, German. Span ish. Davldge Hlda., LMh and Farnam. Day and evening classes. (1 MlW) N8 SKIN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 131.2 Douglas! ID bill THE CITY fiARHAOE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Bis. Tel. Douglas (D-701 AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DEniCllT. 1818 Farnam. (2)-7o3 NEARLY new. ;!4-hore power, 6-pnssenger touring rar; storuge Lattery, full top, lamps and equipment; cost $1,450 In May. 1Ho7, only tun 3..Vj miles; in first-class sliapu. at a bargain. D. V. -SHOLES COMPANY, . 110 Board of Trade bldg. t' 7f2 v FOR BALK Automobile. 19o7 model Aero car, four-cylinder touring car with top. Address P. O. Box 390. City. (21-M408 7 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES. TRADES If you have some thing for sala or trade write us; wo match rveryUiiug. W AIT INVESTMENT Co.. -31t Hie Bldg., Omaha. (3I-M140 Dec. 1 FOR EXCHANGE 20 cottages, all la good repair, all rented, well located In town of 6.uo -ople: will exchange all or as n any aa drwlred for land or merchandise. For particulars wrlto J. P. Falter, Platts mouth, Neb. U)-M!4 9 r'OK SALE No. and So. Dak.. Minn, and Alberta lands, or will exchange for mer chandise. Taylor Realty Co., Athol, B. D. , (3I-M963 7x t U ACKKH. WELL IMPROVED. FOR - HALE OR KXi'H ANiJK. 7 miles fro:n Grand Island, Neb. Address Y l. care llrt. (3) M o0 lux TOR BALE or will . trade for railroad stocks, seven-room house; gnod barn and outbuildings, with five lota. Address Ick Box i Spencer, la. U)-M(ll) llx it ICE runabout and cash to excliangu for brickwork. 2004 Wirt Bt. ) M461 12x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE $8,000 stock of shoes and fix tures, la good location; stock Is up-lo. dole. C. D burgait, bL Clou.J. Mnn. (4)-iI127 8X BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) THIS COMPANY does general real estate and loan business; a specialty of looking up good farming lands and locating east ern people on them; let us hrar from you; wo can serve you. Eureka I.and Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bhlg., Portland Ore. (4)-M101 Nov7x MINING STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED ARTHUR DAVIDOV & CO., Stock Brokers. 04 N. T. UFR BLDG. 'l'HONE RED 1294. (0391 N24 x xiTi.i. i- ri- n a IO lOU V 1SU lO iM UKe a v-UUUJtJ I IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to aell or ex change, write us. ULOBK LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. CfllAHA. NEB. )-M289 11 SOUTH DAKOTA CHARTERS More lib eral, far cfieaper than other stales; free blanks and Information. PHILIP LAW. Kf.NLF-. former assistant secretary aiaie, Dept.i3, Huron, 8. D. (4) M417 llx NEWSPAPER SNAP Newspaper and printing plant In live town of 6), In Rice county, at half price; will produce over U'O per month; price 2,oi0; urai oppor tunity in Kansas. Bremyer A Hender son. McPhereon, Kan. (4 -M160 Sx FOR SALE Implement building and com plete new stock, in North Loup valley, good location, good country, anr good pooiile: price and terms on application. Address X to, care Bee. (4) MSJi N2Ux DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V Knlcst, 707 N. Y. J-lfe. Omaha. 140) 707 ROOM I NO house for sale, all sizes. Qan gestad, 403 Bea Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3i49. t4) 706 TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, '11 M'CAQUB BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE 8T8. (4)-708 NEWSPAPER for sale-Special, dally weekly, Kansas county scat town of 7,; $2.6011 handles. Many others. Write for fre list. Mutual Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kan. (4)-212 llx FOR SALE OR TRADE Bmall residence and lot In northern Nebraska town of 1,200. Will sell or take good automobile in trade. Price ll.oOO. Address Y 63. cars of Boe. (3) M9S 7 FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop, with bath tulr; bargain if taken at once. Frank Host, Randolph, Neb. (4J-MSU6 6x DO IT NOW Buy a first-class lunch room doing a good business; cheap lor cash If sold at once; owner going to the coast; this is a snap; get busy, W. F. Shultc, Redheld, B. D. (4 M2bl x FOR SALE Tinning and heating business at Hastings. Tlbbets, Morey & Fuller, Hastings, Neb. (4)-MU2 16x FOR SALE "0-room furnished house, fine location; full of boarders. Address O 571, care Bee. (4)-S75 Novfflx LADY with furniture wishes a partner In rooming house; must have capital. Ad dress F 478, care Bee. (4) 109 7x FOR SALE Restaurant, good paying, splendid location, good reasons for selling. Address J 632, care Bee. 4) 383 lOx BUSINESS CHANCE Blllard hall for sale. In a city of 8.0-J; 2 billiard and 3 pool tables. For price, inquire of T. T. Pat terson, Osage-, la. (4) M439 12x FOR SALE Fancy grocery, fruit and con fectionery store at Glenwood, la.; es tablished 14 years, doing good business; good reasons for selling. Address 8. Finkenstcin, Glenwood, la. (4)-M450 1J FOR BALE Ten shares Nebraska Tele phone stock at 9, with accrued Interest, . to buyer. Address Y 166, Hee. j . (41-M447 12x FOR SALE OR TRADE Finely equipped creamery and cheese factory In best farm ing county of Iowa; doing fine business; posslblo to largely Increase both business and profits; good reasons for selling. Box 446, Marshalltown, Ia. (4) M445 6 THREE thousand dollars cash buys pay lug grocery business, manufacturing town, doing twenty-live thousand annually; splendid chance for one or two fellows; lease, low rent. Orocer, Postoffice Box 4W Hartford, Conn. (4) M442 6x FOR SALE First mortgages on eastern Nfbrawkii Improved farms in amounts of $H"0, $1,000 and $2.2Ti), hearing per cent interest. Call or write No. 22, Paxton hotel, Wednesday morning. (4) M458 6 WHEN you write to advertisers remember It takes but a few strokes of the pen to pay that you saw the advertisement In The Tip. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising; Novelties. a raiu,mllv of adver- ING NOVELTIES. Exhibition room AL WAYS SOMETHING NEW. WE ALSO CARRY EVERYTHING In the line of POST CARDS and booklets. Imported and domestic, for birthdays. Christmas, New Year's, souve nirs, marine, art and comic. SPECIAL VIEWS of buildings, landscape and scenery reproduced from photographs. Write us for catalogue. FONDA BROS. & CO.. . 1218 Harney Bt., Omuha. . Commercial Artists.' H. O. BUNNELL & CO., Douglas 6149. 322 N. Y. Llfo, (5) 708 Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 1919 Farnam. O-709 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. V (5) 710 Chattel Loans. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 "Bee Bldg. (6)-7U Cha Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1506 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. Collection Agency. COLLECTIONS made everywhere. Charles E. Smith, 404 tleo Bldg. Tel. Doug. &u7. (6) 3h Dec3 Dancing- Academy. jMORAND'S classes for dancing, opp. Bur- wi uieaier; lessons ror adults Tues. and Fri. 8 p. in.; first lesson privately; success guaiault-ed. Call or Tel. Doug 1U (6)-151 KovJ Dressmaking. IN FAMILIE9-Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney (5)-714 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam Bt. (& 716 MME. WOODRUFF. 3 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas 61 10. (6) M101 N DeatlaU. BAILEY V MACH. 3d Mr. laxton. D. loss. (6)-7U Florists. WESS at 8WOBODA. 1415. Farnam. (5)-71 L HENDERSON. 1519 Faraam. Tel. uTltl (5) 717 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 80 . (5)-718 , Hat Reaovaters. NEW 8tetson hats sold at half price. t no. mn 61. v. A. namsen. ITactlcal Hatter. tb) M975 d31 Hotels. TUB SCHLITZ. Euronean. 16tb and Harney (6)-719 Jewelers aad Watchmaker. N. P. STILLING Wat h. clock, teweln rcoairio;. i t 'aliy 41 n. 1 eu ;'t. 10) -73 EEs Perpetual results company occasional BUSiNtSS DIRECTORY ItululhuiU.) Locksmiths. KEYS, etc, Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. ' (6)-121 Osteopathy. JOHNSON IN8.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 16ft4. (5-7J Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 370. (t) M9t5 Dec 31 Office Sapplles. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and oltlce fixtures and sup- iiies ui au Hinos. Ancnor f ubiisn.ng Co., M South 18th St. Tel. Douglaa .s.6 (by M2W Nil - Prlatlna-. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fail to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad Jorve, printers, 1H and Cnpl toi Ave. .6) 723 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 3oo 8. 18th St. Tel Douglas 6662. (5) M139 Deo. 1 Photogrra ph era. C. B. TRUSSELL. 116 South Kith St. (51-724 Safe, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafes. O. Andrecn, Prop. 102 8. loth Bt. - (5)-726 Stove Repairing;. STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior rd Marvel furnaces. Omaha Btove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St. Tel. Douglas 960. (5)-M275 Novll Shoe Xepalrlagr. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618H Capitol Ave. 'Phone lied 994. 16) 7 8 ,,.- , . , . . . . . . S,J2H, rJT a,redo,r 'j?1' K2Sa fSr Va J?" llvered free. Standard Shoe Reoalr Co.. 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D.-7567. (5J-MI03 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Apply any time. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. (7) M481 Novl2 WANTED An Ave. apprentice girl, 1909 Capitol (7)-16S N7x WANTED Mangle girls; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jack son St. (7) 288 WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, 135. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge (7) 727 10 GIRLS for pressing curtains, good wages and steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. (7) M460 12x Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 4819 Cass St. 'Phone Harney 1061. (7)-69 WANTED Experienced grrl for general housework; 8 In family; good wages; em ploy laundress. Tel. Harney 3168; apply to Mrs. Clnbaugh, 1922 8. 33d St. C7) M398 7X WANTED Competent cook, good wages. UM Park Ave. Tel. Harney Soil. (7)-m GIRL for general housework; no washing. 8315 Burt St. G) ! 7x WANTED Girl for housework: no wash ing, no cooking. 1329 8. Slst St. (7) M261 9x WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. 1515 Park Ave. (7) M396 7 A GOOD, strong woman for r. n 1 . housework in the country, . 4802 Centor (7) M453 8' st. Tel. Harney 3528. Mlseellaaeons. WANTED Bright, Intelligent business woman; must have some money to In vest; permanent position. Address C 626, care Bee. (7) 960 5x WANTED Finishers on coats and suits. Apply ladles' cloak dept., Hayden Bros. (7)-387 6 LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at home; easy learned; $1.60 to $2.0n dozen. 60S Paxton Block. (7) M932 6x WHEN writing to advertisers, remember to mention The Bee. HELP WANTED MALE - Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. WANTED Young man as traveling sales man by local firm; knowledge of our business not necessary, but must be a. 1 hustler and sober; give sge and past ex- ' perience. Address E 628, Bee office. ()-364 ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adams Co., 1618 Howard St. (9) 729 WANTED Competent retail clothing and mens lurmsnings salesman; nrKt-ciuss references required. Address The Metcalf i Co., Council Bluffs. (9) M146 8x WANTED solicitors to travel In nearby territory; prefer those who have had ex perience with subscription books or por traits. Address F 529, Bee office. i (9) 363 WANTI-TD Bright, Intelligent man. able to furnish best references; someone well acquainted in the city preferred. Salary $10 a week and Increase If competent. Bee Mr. Petersen between 10 and 1 p. m. 821 8. 16th SL, room 227, Neville, Bldg. Omaha. (9) 3KI 6x WANTED Men who are hustlers, to so licit In the tea and coffee business; we also want men of wagon experience to prepare to take positions upon our wagons; none but nu-n of experience need apply. J. A. 6inith, 1911 Cuming Bt. (191-430 llx $li PER MONTH and traveling expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers; reliable company; experience unneces sary. Purity Co., Chicago. (9)-M440 Cx WANTED-Salesmen tq travel In country and sell established line of high-grade family and veterinary remedies. Havoring extracts, spices and toilet preparations to farmers: no loafers or boozers wanted, but a desirable and permanent Job to persons willing to work; must furnish team and wagon. Address the Gladstone Medicine Co., Sioux City, la. Give your age. (9) M444 6 AGENT8 and demonstrators wanted; men or women, in evtry town; house to house work; attractive proposition to energetic persons; new household necessity- sells at sight; nothing like It ever offered be fore. State agents with capital wanted. Address Miles Picture and Curtain Hanner Co., Old Orchard. Mo. (9) M413 6x $2.00 PER day paid to one lady In each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for Concentrated Flavoring In tubes; permanent business; experience unnecessary. J. 8. Zeigler Co., Chicago. (7) M441 tx 9oys. GOOD' boys wanted: first class pay. A. D. T. Co., 213 8. 13th Bt. (9W30 WANTED Neat office boy. Apply Omaha Printing Co., Iuth and Farnam. (9)-M97 WANTED Boy to help in windows and olner woik. Tliomiisuii, Blden A Co. U)-424T HELP WANTED MALE tC'ontiiiuea., Clerical aad Offleo. Shipping clerk, H0. Bookkeeper, assistant stenographer, $45. Stenographer, pn). Assistant bookkeeper, 155. Collector, l&O. If you are in need of a position see us at once. No delay. T11K WEoTbHN REP. Ac BOND ASS N., . INC., - 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. I)-M463 Factory aad Trades. CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED. Good room to work In, well lighted; pienty of work; come at ince. CLAKiNDA POULTRY, BUTTER AND EGG CO., Creston, la. . () M291 Novx POSITIONS for drug men everywhero. F V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. v (9) 731 CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED We want men at Boatrlce, Neb., to pick chickens; will pay 2Hc for hens and springs. Swift and Company, Beatrice. t9)-M303 23x WANTED At once, washman and engi neer; trust be able to run shirt machine,; steady job; $10 per week; small plant. J. C. Hayes,. Paoia. Kan. (9) M&J 7x COATMAKERS wanted at once; prices. $3 and up. Carl P. Llndecrantx, Holdrene, Neb. (&) M549 7x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; will equip shop for you or furnish positions; few weeks completes; constant practice, careful instruction; tools given; Saturday wages; diplomas granted; catalogue free. Moler Barber College, UO 8. 14th St., Omaha. . ()-M115 7x WANTED Wood metal and Iron pattem- mHKcr. m. (.nuuren Mtg. Co., council Bluffs. Ia. , (9)-M860 J. WANTED Men tailors In ladies' cloak and suit dept. Hayden Bros. (8) 3S8 WANTED A lather at 140 So. 39th 8t. (9J-386 Miscellaneous. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Dusiness Men s association; helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. (9 828 Nov 27 "STRFIVITni-B T.1FE" If your services command $75 per month. or mnirr, sena ror our lour plans 10 as sist one to obtain employment. "Any line, anywhere." "No registration fee. "No commission." Address Circulation Department, any office. STRENUOUS LIFE PUBLISHING COM PANY, Incorporated, , 1181 Broadway, New York; 728-732 Main St, Buffalo; 218 LaSalle St., Chlrao. (9)-M374 x CIVIL SERVICMWe want young men and women who wish to enter the U. 8. Civil Service; if you are over 18, an American, and can read and write, we can qualify you to pass examinations; write at once for "Civil- Service Booklet," atatlng age. I. C. 8., Box 1645, C, Scranton. Pa. (9)-M446 6X GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bu reau, Chicago, 111. ' (9)-M113 8x SOUND young men, aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemen during rush Bea on on leading, railroads here In the west and on nw lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly become engineers, $30; brake men. $100 monthly, become conductors, $160; , many poeMton now open; write for particulars. National Railway Train ing Association, 620 Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. ' '- (9) 190 Nov7 WANTED Man with small capital to man age branch office In outsldn territory. Address 604 Observatory, Des Moines. Ia. ' " (9) M244 Nov22x WANTED Middle-aged man, must have business ability and some money to In vest; permanent position to right party. Address B 625. care Bee. . (9) 9:9 6x WANTED 15 of 20 good men. used to con- creung preferred. Good wages. Apply Lth,".'nirant" ate.' 8wl" & Co- South Omaha. J H. Butter, contractor. Ask I tor Mr. Moore. (9)-3S5 6 hF.3"1 J1"1" i.,'Lmp .V""81"" ,at home; ea8y learned; $1.60 to $2 dozen. 60S Paxton Blk. () M393 llx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. come in. xna iiarney Bt. atables. (11 1-734 SECOND-HAND delivery wagon, 1 buggy, 1 phaeton, cheap. A. Murphy & Son. (1D-M216 N10 FOR SALE Belgian stallion, weighs 1,850; black Norman, weighs 1,700; both Im ported; must sell in 60 days; am moving away; both sure breeders and get best of colu a bargain. 8. 1. Mants, Audubon, Is. (ID M378 N7x FOR SALE A good, heavy spring wagon and a single hame' Snd collar narness, cheap. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 209 8 iuth 16th Bt. (1D-M6I9 ; HORSES bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Douglas. , OD 830 N27 ONE good driving horse for sale; also set of single harness. Edward Updike, 36U Farnam St. (11) 164 ONE bay horse. 1STA lbs., sound. 2116 Wirt Bt. 8 years old, (1D-M354 9 Poultry and Eggs. FOR SALE Single-comb Buff Orpington cockerels from prize-winning stock. Ad dress Robert F. Beutel, Buck Grove, la, (1D-M2U3 N21x GOVT. book. Omaha. free. Model Squab Co., (11) M267 Dec2 FOR SALE Orphlngtons, buff and white, from first prizo stock; great egg and poultry fowl; reasonable prices. A. B ltobblni, Robbinsdale, Minn. ' (1D-M166 14x Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pets. PIGEON RIVER COLLIE KENNELS, breeders of high class Bcotch coilles. Ws have at stud Conqueror, Jr., A. K. C 83525. is a rich dark sable, with perfect white markings; fees $15.00. Wlnnoa Clinker, a promising young trl-color, long head, per fect ear coral, fees $10.00. ilrocd bitches In whelp; also young stock at all times. Addrnss H. H. Kngelklng, Sheboygan. V.'is. - ill) MW2 )4x BLACK EPANIEL pup for sale; months old; male; natural retriever and field dog. Arthur Boinberger, Harlan, Ia. (11)-M409 14x FOR SALE Fresh cow, good milker, gen tle, cheap. 113U 8. 31st St. (Ill 423 7x LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold watch In purse. Finder please return to 2654 Cuming Bt. Reward. (12)-M4U . LOST Between 26th and Farnam and the Union station JoO and 120. W'll finder keep $ and return $&. C. F. Hllman. 2621 Harney Bt. (12) M I5 7x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," II a box, postpaid. Sherman & McCoiiuell Drug Co., Omaha. (131-738 1HLU medical and aurslcal treatment at Cremliton UedU si college. 14th and Dav- enpoil bts. ; aicial attention paid to con- , ftfiofiicrit cases; ail treatment supervised by tollese professors- 'Phone Douglas i Hi.7. Calls auswered day or night. I 1)-128 I cannot ac-advertising MEDICAL (Coiiun a.o.) RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. 03) 737 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3SU N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. O2)-M106 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTEL! Plenty of Cash Open an account with us. We give you CASH; no checks; but cold hard CASH. Terms to suit. Liberal rebate If paid be fore date. , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board 'of Trade Bldg., at the head of the 16th St. entrance. (14) M900 INVESTMENTS I have several gilt edge farm mortgages on valuable farm lands nesr Omaha for sale on 6 per cent basis. None of them exceed one-third value of the land. T. E. STEVENS. 1003 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1272. (H)-M414 THE UNION LOAN CO. Have Increased their capital and during November will make special rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property and notes without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904, 310 Bee Bldg. Open evenings, 7 to 8. (14) M4ol 11 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances prlvata money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same' day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14 741 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. U4)-740 LOWEST rates, chattels or salary, Ne braska Credit Co.. 214 Board of Trade. (It) "46 MONEY LOANFD SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life Bid. (14)-740 CHATTEL, salary, and storage receipt loans, .roiey Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Bt. U4)-746 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. accom modating, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. U 1747 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CRFDIT CO. for chattel or salary- loans. 633 Paxton Block. "Phone Douglas 746. (lit 743 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Rooms. MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to fu one Bunoay, tct. is, upstairs. 110ft P4. 9th. Webster 2448. (15) M279N12 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close In; private laiiuiy. zwo i.ass. uougiaa 5406. (15) M216 NovlO VIENNA hotel; private dining rooma; cafe. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Faraatn. (15) 748 MODERN room, with board. 2o06 Burt. (15) 163 Nov9 . FURNISHED Capitol Ave. with board. 2411 (16) M191 Nov20x THE PLEASANTON has beautifully fur nished rooma; warm and targe; everything strictly first class; with home cooking. 2324 Harney. (16) 804 fix DESIRABLE furnished rooms with board; 1 large room suitable for three. 123 So. 28th Ave. (16) M927 6x ROOM AND BOARD for four men In pri vate family; strictly modern; references required. 322S 8. 23d St. '(16) Mill 8x TWO largo front rooma and alcove, east front. Board. 412 No. 22d Bt. . (15)-M40X Nov. 25 MODERN room; first class board. 608 S. 24th Ave. (15)-M285 Dec2 ROOM and board. 2118 Douglas St. (15)-M40S llx Famished Rooms. 3 NICELY furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping 2018 Davenport. (15)-M37 10 PLEASANT room; new modern home; hot water, heat; Central boulevard, near , Farnam. Gentlemen only. Tel. Harney JfiSe- (Ifi)-MU 8x OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16) 760 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas lii25. Hcnmoller ueller Piano Co., 13U-1J13 Farnam. (15) 749 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 3!4. (151-751 Have you been wasting time LOOKING FOR ROoJS? Don't be foolish see us, OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 3SS1, 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M457 NEWLY furnished rooms, modem, private family, south front, for gentleman or man and wife, walking distance, price reason able. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) M462 12x FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentle, man, near car line. Mrs. Banks. 1403 N. 18th. 'Phone Webster 3862. (15)-M278 Nil TO GENTLEMEN, well furnished south east front room with alcove: moderns private family. Tel. Harney 2296. 702 S. m a 1. (16)-943 x ROOMS ROOMS Furnished and unfur nished. We can suit you and your pocket- lwkik. an ueniai Agency. 908-10 Bee smg. lei. uoug. zyut. (16) M391 11 PLEASANT south room: reasonable; gen tlemen preferred. 647 So. 24th Ave. (16) 908 I TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlnr iiours. mow uuuia oi. xei. tiarney SHio. 16-288 WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. ItmS. Office, 1712 Web ter Bt. 06)-7j3 VERY nicely furnished rooms for rent, with or without board. Inquire at 718 B. 29th St. (15) M461 lx 2218 CHICAGO Modem, single south room; sleeping or Until housekeeping; $6 per month. Red 6678. (li) lb! 9x 8WELL front room on the second floor, with alcove; all modern and furnished for man and wife or two ladies. 70 Far nam Bt. (15)428 7 STEAM HEATED rooms. $2 to $8 per week. Ogden Hotel, Council UlnfTa. (16) M525 N12x EI.EO ANTLY furnished rooms, private family; best location In city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4901. ilo) 347 MODERN furnished front room. )7 Cnni ng. (lb) Ml N7x FRONT room for gentlemen, isso 8. vnh St. 416) 187 Nov9x NICELY furnished rooms. 19i6 Capitol Ave. (16 !16 N'.iv20 BMALL but comfortable furnished room, 6U) 8. 26th Avr. Harney $370. (li M274 " NICELY furnished rooms in prlrste family; getitlenien preferred. 2318 Douglas Hi. (Iv)-Aito4 llx OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Apartments aad Flat a. AN APARTMENT. Davldge Bldg , ISth and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. i. NEW seven-room flat. 313 No. 2oth street, and seven-room house, 2.M1 Chicago; both hot water heat; strictly modern. Inquire 2511 Chicago. (15) M399 6 lloasekeeplna; Rooms. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping; one or all. Thone Webter 86. iirt Miami 8t. (16) 36 FURNISHED Jackson Bt. rooms, housekeep'nir 1712 (16) MS. x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing or sleeping; modern. 2706 Chicago fit, (16)-M.7 f Famished I looses. FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house to man and wife, $25.00 and water rent; owner wishes to retain one room and dine with tenant when convenient. A. Crulckshank, 2850 Meredith Ave. (16) M454 13 Houses aad Cottages. WEST 'FARNAM DISTRICT, brand new 8-room brick house, corner 3nlh and Dewey Ave., quarter-sawed oak finish. A. C. Busk. 'Phone Harney sn. (15)-M29 9x IIANSCOM PARK HOME FOR RENT New 7-room modern square house, hot water heat, corner lot, facing Hanscom Park, 17j3 Park Ave. Lease to good party one year si .( per moniti GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. , tl&) 432 S FOR RENT. 9208 Emmet St., 6 rms., partly mod., $11 24.18 rranxnn St., 2 rms., light house keeping, $8. 2630 Patrick Ave., 4 rms., $14. 2601 Patrick Ave., , S rms., mod. except neat, izu. TURRELL A CO., rm. 17, Patterson r.ld:. 4e. V. (16) M466 ( 8-ROOM house, modern throughout, loea tlon the best In town. 216 8. 3nth Ave Telephone Douglas It for particulars wm. ii. tsoaemann. (1 M373 13 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. tl6)--Mil 4808 N. 24th, 6 rooms, modern except fur nace, $22. 1705 8. 2hth, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglaa 686. (15) M344 FOR RENT Eight-room modem house. 414 Worth Slst St., $36. THOMAS BRENNAN Room 1, New York Life Building. (16)--Mitt WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 3137 Daven port St. (8. E. corner), 10-room, trior- ougly modem house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at per month. Apply to Conrad Young, wis uoage bt. (16) 7u 63 So. Slst, new 7-r. all mod , $40, 703 No. 40th. 9-r. all modern, $40. 8415 Charles. 9-r. all mod., new. $3T... 1819 No. 19th. 6-r. modern except heat, $20, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. "Phone Doug. 7152. (15)-Mr.5 9 FOR RENT 4803 North 24th St., six rooms, modern except furnace, $22. 16)-M977 FOR RENT 7 rooms snd reception hall detached house aad barn, 2910 Dodge St. sincuy modern, mantel fire place, plumb Ing, gas and electric fixtures and deco ration all first-class, comparatively new clean and ready to move in. Call for key i aw twage eu let. Harney liti. (15)-272 5x FOR RENT 6-room cottage at S614 Boyd ot; au moaern except heat, $20. C. G tariDerg, vu JN. x. ure Bldg. (15) M134 EIGHT rooms, modern except furnace, in gooa repair, rent very reasonable. M. J jvenoara fc Co., 310 Brown Blk. . . (15)-M978 FOR RENT Nine-room modern house in nrsi-ciass neighborhood, location 1060 S am Di. inquire at asiz Pacific St., or pnone iiarney aw. (16) M392 lux NINE-room modern house, 2"52 No. 19th ot. tan iciepnone Harney si. (15)-M253 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St. line, iu foppieton Ave. (15) 767 TTnTTKTfQ In all parts of the cttv Creigh Sons Co., Bee Bldg. . (151768 A VERY desirable 7-room cottage, 3!17 w"io m.i per monm; no furnace. jvey ai imu n. ain Bl. (16) M313 6x HOUSES !" p"u ' th cltf; .uv w. , .1. , i, 1 r XJHIg . ua ia! LARGE 8-room cottage, modern except fur- b. win at, inquire M. J. ji ;rvrj. x-uone narney aao. (IB) 155 r'JK UK! NT 6-room modern cottage. 602 o. inn pi. xei. Webster 646. On) 762 $35 00 Strictly modern 8-room brick house 1301 S. 2Sth St. (15)-M3O0 5x A LARGE residence on Tim.m e near 24th, all modern Improvements; will lease lur a term 01 years. Address H 531, - no) ai ox $26 per month for 1641 N. 19th St.; modern except furnace. $38 per month; 1763 Park Ave., 7 roooms, modern. $45 per month; 1938 8. 13d St., 10 rooms, modern, servants' rooma on 3d floor; two large lots. GEORGE ft CO.. 1601 FARNAM 8T. (15) 133 5 Balldlass. BUILDINGS OR RENT. All or part of the 6-story and basement building now occupied by Carpenter Paoer Co. HARRISON & MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M9M Offleo a. FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 13 DESK room In new Brandels Bldg., with 'phone and stenographic service. Addr-s 0-664, care Bee. (16) M349 Stores. ONE store room In new "Scargo building In South Omaha, near post office, with lighted basement, modern show windows and awnings; best possible location. Hall Dis tributor Co., 817 First Nat'l Bank B dg 'Phone Red 7408. (15)-7tl6 GROCERY Best unoccupied location for grocery store In the city. Bemis. Paxton Blk. tel. Douglas 685. (16)420 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing-. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6o per fool. 208 N 17th Bt Tel. Red 814. (16) 7t Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments. HIGH GRADE SQUARE PIANOS At Give Away Prices. Stelnway t Sons, fine tone. nnl .n Clrlckering A Sons, good appearanca!.'.'! 66 r.iuci auii, carvcu legs Other standard auuara nlanoa $16, $25. Hi and up. -mm. All makes to select from. These instru ments are fully guaranteed and will be accepted on any new Instrument at full value any time within flv v-ur. of purchase. Terms. $2 to $6 cash and 16o to i5o per week. New nlanna tnr rem u-. pert tuning and reDalrlna All UVriPaf sTUHP. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., TeL iKiug. Ib2i. 1311-1318 Farnam St. 4l6 77 OFFERED FOR SALE Pianos aad Organs Coatlaned. BEAimFUL Upright piano, a big bargain; It will pay to call and see It. lft9 Hav en port. , (1 M1U 8x $275 ELKO A NT upright piano, manoganf case, used 64 months, $1.10. 415 Nn. M1. (16) 911 EX Typewriters aad SewlaaT Maehleee. FOR SALE High rrl second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at 5 A Call room floj. Bee Bldg. (16) 471 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 8, In good condition, for sale cheap. Call nt Bee office. (16) Ox Ml are 1 lane oa m. . GAS, ELECTEIC AND 1 COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BUKUESS UttANDEN CO., 313 8. 15th Bt. TU Doug. 681. (16-7( SECOND-HAND overcoats Singer, 416 N. 16th. and firearms. (101 Z7t STOVES repaired and sold. Anything In stove line. Kance, 1611 N. 24th. (1)-M134 NorT FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountelna, monthly payments. Derlght, 1&1S Farnarn, (16J Ji FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. Ws load the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunawlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 B. 10th St. ' - (16) 769 HALF PRICE, small monthly payments. Rldpath's History of the World, Ameri canized Encyclopedia, Webster'a New Dio tlonary. R. B. Roberts, southwest corner 16th and Farnam.. . . (16) M128 N8 FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omuha, Neb. (16) 779 800.OTO good clean brick at $4 per 'l.OOO; also doors, windows, -sheeting, lath, lum ber of the finest kind at less than Jialf price; also two good steam-heating plants. Inquire J. P. Connolly, Ninth and Harney. ' (16) M118. HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tsil. Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 771 ELEVATORS for sale In Iowa, Minnesota, North and Bouth Dakota. O. M. Mvers, 210 Flour Exchange,- Minneapolis, Minn. (16) M628 Nov.lix BEND U8 your mail orders for drngs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. ' ' . U6 772 DRUG8 at cut rrloes: freight paid on all $! oroers; catalogue rree. Bherman & Mc Conncll Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. (16) 777 BALT-81.00 per bbl. Wagner, 801 N. 16th, (16)-775 POTATOES for sale, car loti, Henderson Bros., Traer, Ia. (16) M404 Nov2j HALL'S safes, new,- 2d-hand. .1818 Farnam. (16) 777 NAILS, $1' keg. Star Box Co.. 1W7 SL (16) M169 NovZlx .Mary s Ave. SNAP-F. P. Gasoline lighting plant. $10; jj-iuoi ran wan case, tvo. .oie IJrug t;o., Dayton, la. (16) M114 8x ONE counter show case, floor show case. - . join bi. , tl6) M141 8x SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Bhtrman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-773 WORTHINGTON DUPLEX PUlMP 600-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, size 12x104x10, for sale. This pump has seen about six months' actual service and la in good condition; will aell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges,-engineer Bee Bldg. (16)-670 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma- cnina aesigner. raxion Blk. TCI. Red 7117. (17) 7M) LARSON & CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) 781 PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our thret dooks tor inventors mailed on receipt ol 6 cents poetage. R. B. & A. B. Laeey, TJ 1 w , I'a.'UU ti I .1 . 1ir..KI ..... D. C. Established 1869. . u - . . vv . " ui', uiu,., . , , naiiiiiKiuii. i) M 72 PERSONAL YOUNG WOMEN coining to Omaha as strangers are invuea to visit the toung Women's Christian Association rooms, l.4 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable . boarding places or 6therwlsu assisted. (18) 815 LADIES and gentlemen ara cordially In vuea 10 come ana see me greatest In vention of the age; prevents all mis placed and open switch wrecks, also en ables the engineer to take a aiding while the train is In motion. 26 N. 24th Bt., South Omaha, Neb. . (18) M.2&4 Nov2:x PLEATING : Buttona liuchlng. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c per yard, Wend lor prica and samples. ' - -. , GOLDMAN PLEATIJjri rn. 10 Douglaa Block. , Tel. Douglas 1931 ' (10) 7W MAGNETIC a"'.1"1'"' XI-"'"- ....., ,LJ Mill, .U 111. (18) 860 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits east-off ciomiiig; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost at collecting, to ths worthy poor. Call 'phone Dung. 4135 and wagon will call O) 786 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute., Ramgs - . , (16) 785 Building. PENNELL MILLINERY CO., 1511 Douglas. 1H) 187 N17 BYRINGE8, rubber goods, by mall; cut B rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. 08 786 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web, 3.A9. (18)-787 LADY operator, excels . In massage and sori-h baths. Hoom 30.. Barker Blk.. lhtli and Farnam Sis. i , 18)-M400 4x MASSAGE and baths. Room 2, 12f4 Farnam St.. 2d floor. a) U57 Novje YOI.'R mirror will tell you Batln Skin Pow der works bcautirying wonders. 26c. (18)- WB RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines.. Neb, Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney. (18) M136 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. . RUSSELL dt M'KITIUCK CO., 482 Ramge. (It) 768 PAYNE JNV. CO., 1st floor N. T. Life. Douglas 1781. (! 7s8 GEORGE ds COMPANY 1601 Farnsm. Tel. Douglas 75. . (181 790 PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Llfs Bldg. ' , . (l)-79t I. 81BBERN8EN, room 208. 120 80. 1th. . (111 -Mitts' CITY PROPERTY FOB ALB MODERN HOUSE $2.iu Six rooms, porcelain bath, nickel plumbing, double window up stairs, large rooms, concrete walks, cellar cemented; lot 60x140 ft; one block from Rome Miller's residence; beautiful view; in tut a dandy bona' for atHiieona: brand nw. Call us Uw. Plioue Webster 1-03 and Wabster 27 0. O. M.' UNDERHILL 4k CO., CWBce tro K 24th vt, df-cai