Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43.
mvimvr i n ulth winn
City Solicitor Kimball Prepares Ordi-
nance Creating New Precinct.
l.ltte l( Fredeeeaaors, This Ordinance
"la l.lkrl; to Meet "With Oppo
altloa from People In
tho Ward.
At (lie mentlng- of the' city council tonight
C ltr Solicitor Kimball. It was s.ated yester
day, woulil Introduce, the ordlnanco provid
ing for the division of the Fifth ward Into
three precincts Instead of two as at present.
The. change Ss Intended to ucconimodatc
those living In the western part of the
ward. The dividing- line of the tlrst pre
e.lnct will end at Eleventh avenue, while
tha nd prn-lnrt will extend south to the
City limits. Tho third precinct will embrace
aJl that portion of tho ward lying west of
Twenty-first street. It la possible that tho
proposed change will met with some oppo
sition from the residents of that portion of
the city.
Tou can come to me with the positive
ssuranca that I know how to expertly and
scientifically tst your eye-sight; that I
can supply yon with spectacles or eye
glasses which will give you good vision,
and also fit your features. Pr. W. W.
Magarrell, Optlmctrlst, 10 Pearl street.
, Hefng outflde the high rent district we
are ' able to fit shoes at a small profit.
"Duncan' Shoe company.
Exchange . your checks and
for diamonds at Leffcrt's.
J. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night L 6W.
Woman's Clnb Maslcale.
The muslrvil department of tho Council
Bluffs Woman's club will give this even
ing, under tho direction of Mrs. J. A.
Uarrie and Miss Maude' Bell, the second
af the series of muslcales to be given
during the winter. It ' will he In the
Schmotler A Mueller hall and will be free
to members of the cluh, while a small
admuislon foe will be charged, to outsiders.
Miss r.earl Teetxel of Los Angeles, a con
tralto of marked ability, will he heard
for I he first time tills evening by a Council
Bluffs audience. Tho entire program, which
Includes two papers on the subject, will
bo devoted to "Folk Songs."
Tlils Is tho program:
Paper Origin of Folk Songs; Songs of
. Mr. L. W. Tulleys.
Vocal Solo Mary Richardson
Mr. Lucius Pryor.
Piano Duo Tarcntella. Or 14 Ruhensteln
Mlxs Maud Hell and Miss Orpha (Julnn.
Vocnl Solo My Heart Hlngs....
"Boonlf, Hweet Besslo'., Gilbert
1 Miss Pearl Teetxel. '
Paper Early European Foil Songs;
Songs In the Church; Folk Songs;
Preceding Art Songs '
'- Mrs. Walter I. Smith.
Duct Angelas Chamlnkdo
Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Pryor.
Piano Solo Two Springs Grelg
Norwegian Bridal Procession.... :.Greig
Miss Orpha Qulnn.
Vocal" Solo Tho Nile Pavler Leroux
' Cradle Song ; Vannah
. ;... Miss Teetzel.
Make your money safe now. Checks and
certificates: can be converted Into diamonds
at leffert's wltliouf discount. Then ox
aro secure. Diamonds neither wear nor
rust out; do not depreciate In value and
are an asset whlch'ls always available..
New classes' will bo organized in the
Western Iowa college next Monday. Send
for catalogue; 'phone for Information.
Progress on Broadway Paving.
The laying of the concrete base for the
paving on Lower Broadway has been
completed on both sides of the thorough
fare from Twentieth to Twenty-fifth street.
This morning the work of laying the brick,
whli h is known
a. the Galesburg bhlck.
will be commenced, and Contractor Wlck
ham elated yesterday that this portion
of the contract ought to be finished in two
With the completion of the work be-
twem Twentieth ana Twenty-nrtn streets
there will be twelve blocks paved. Last ?r guests at tho homo of Rev. J. M. Wll
year'the blocks Between Thirteenth and itth pm,tor of "e Broadway Methodist
TwtnUsUi streets were paved in a similar I The members of the Womans' Relief corps
manner, a strip sixteen feet wide on each. I surprised the members of the Abe Lincoln
lxrnlnf a iium nt fifteen feet In width Post, grand Army Of the RoDliblic with a.
in the middle unimproved. It Is not likely
that any attempt will be made to con
tlnue the paving on Broadway tills year,
but it will be resumed as soon as the
froKt Is oat of the ground next spring.
Mr. Wlckham's contract provides for the
pavlng from Twentieth street to the west
lino of Ferry addition, or tha approach
to the street railway company's bridge.
Special and Prle. T.I. Week.
, li.ova boards, up from 49c; oilcloth rugs,
up from 69c: stovepipe. U'4c; elbows. Uc;
AAA hnili yxe fin ni r.,ri Hie nnmrev n.tta
coa.hods, 28c; dampers, 10c; flower pot
warning machines, wringers, lamps, etc., J.
Znllttr Mer. Co,. 100-10104-10ti Broadway.
J 'hones S.
' Only satisfactory optical work done by
Dr. J. W. Terry at Leffert's. 4 Broad
wsy, Council Bluffs, la.
Wosaaa'a C'lnbe District Convention.
A number of Council Bluffs women, in
cluding Mrs. Walter I. Smith, district
chairman, Mrs. Lewis Cutler, Mrs, J. I'.
Organ and Mrs. ' Lewis McDanlel, expect
to attend the Fifth district conference of
tho Iowa Federated Clubs to be held at
Atluntto Thursday and Friday of this
week. Six counties, Pottawattamie. Cuu,
Mills, Montgomery, Page and Fremont,
are Included In this district and eighteen
t-luha belonging to the federation will bo
ret resented at the conference.
4 Tha meetings will be held In the Con
gregational church and the conference
(Established t6?i )
- Carw WkU0 tea 5Jse.
IThooplng-Cough, Croup,
Bronchitis, ; Coughs,
' ' Olphthoria, Catsrrh.
CtuitlJenca can be placed in a
e.ij, which for m quarter of a century
haa earned unqualified praise. Kcatful
nights are ajuxc4 at oace.
Grsso&M Boca to AMtbomtlc
Alt DrugxUt
Smtd Wa frr V-
Oresoleae Antiseptic
ThrmU Tablets fM U
lrrtltad threat, of
riMir drecvtel rroia
ua. JOu. 1m eiamtia.
Ha Vee-CfJia)s C,
""" Thursday evenm
with on al-
Oertrudc Nssh of Audu-
Ibon, president of the Mute federation.
Mm. H. li. Clark of Ked Oak will give a
tai on the tinam Qf the federation.
I lies addresses win bfl followed bv a
musical program. At the afternoon ses
sion on Frldsy Mrs. Lewis Cutler, prei-
. dent of tha Ideal cUlb of "'' rlt'. '
cnnauri an hours Ulsrussion on art uml
Mra. Walter I. Smith will give a short
taiK on popular music-. Mra. Dinwiddle
of Macedonia, thla county, will read n
paper on "Child Labor." Tho entire pro
gram will bo Interspersed with musical
numbers and a most enjoyable Bjid profit
able session la anticipated.
A Special lui,
l,&0-bushel wire vCorncrlbs, (6 each: also
closing out sale-20-inch And 26-lnch hog causa tho law enacted by the last legla
fence. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 10O-102-104-106 lnture ties the hands of tho commission.
Broadway. Thonea 320. The commission haa progressed so far
, I with the work that It Is known now that
We don't dwell on style altogether. There ' the material for the roster of the civil
must be quality In the shoe to get the war veterans will make a total of about
wear. AVe will give you both at a
margin over tho factory price. Duncan
Shoe company. j
Office space for rent, ss.oo month; central
location; steam heat and-elcctrlo light
furnished. Omaha Bee, 15 Scott street.
Royal Arrannm Celebrates,
Fidelity council. Roval Arrannm. ulll
tonight celebrate the thirtieth anniversary
of the granting of the charter to tho su- belief of tho commission that
preme 'council of the United States by ,nl" ,0 manlr Bn(1 tnat 8'000 copies will
the state of Massachusetts, the occasion , b 8,1 tnHt ran eo,d
being known as charter day, ( Members of the commission are discuss-
There will be a program of speeches by ' ing th" maUep nl there are some in
officers of the grand councils of Iowa favor of mak,n8" volumes Instead of
and Nebraska and members of the local ,,,reP' " flr,t "'""pd- " was the first
council, followed by a banquet. Among ln,,"ntlon make tlia volumes of about
the speakers will bo Orand Regent Charles 1 000 pagPB each na make three volumes.
M. Dixon of Sioux Cltv and f!r..H 11 now found that this will not bo
tary li. A. hnyder of Waterloo. Emmet
Tlnley and A. T. Flicklnger will be the
speakers for Fidelity council.
George W. Klein, 9 South Main street.
Phones': Ind., 710 Black; Bell, 64?.
Davis, drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Ed Rogers, Tony Faust beer.
See Schmidt's elegant new photos.
For Rent Modern house, 726 Sixth ave.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 87.
Woodrlng Undertaking Company. Tel. 3.HV
Pictures and frames. Borwlck. 211 S. Main.
Beautiful new. fancy and plain oval
frames. Alexander's. 333 Broadway.
Dr. J. W. Terry, an eye specialist of high
reputation, at Leffert's, 4u9 Broadway.
A few second hand bRse burners and soft
coal stoves. Petersen & Scheenlna- Co.
Mrs. 8arah A. Crandall left yesterday for
Chicago, where she will make her home. '
ror nent Now 7-room modern house. F.
C. Hendricks, 500 Broadway, Council
Bluffs, la.
Mrs, W. L. Morris, of quick. Ia., la vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dryden of
Franklin avenue.
Mrs. J. K. Cooper has gone to Iowa City
to visit her daughter. Miss Flora, a student
at the State university.
Sherman Humphrey, janitor at the county
court house, welcomed a new son to his
home Saturday evening.
Mrs. James L. Gibbons of Fremont, Neb.,
was brought to Mercy hospital Saturday to
undergo a serious opera! 4 n.
Tho C. M. L. club will meet Wednesday
afternoon at the homw of Mrs. Thomas
Maioney, 3w Lawton Terrace.
wanted, two carriers, south
of tenth Avenue, apply at once,
omaha bee. 16 scott street.
Office space for rent, IS.00 month; central
location; steam heat .and' electric light
furnished. Omaha Bee, 15 Scott street.
Don't fail to hear Miss Pearl Teetsel. con
tralto of I.OB Angeles, at the Woman's
club, Bchmollor & Mueller's hull, tonight.
A meeting will be held at the Elks' club
house tomorrow evening to organize a
miwnng league ror members of the local
lodge. . I
.""j arj Mrs. J. T. McCabe, 2603 Avenue
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCabe,
Lkko a. ' w , T v "k.T"
the country with a view to Investment.
The Oakland Avenue chapter of the
Woomans' Guild of St. Paul s Episcopal
church will meet this afternoon at the home
of Mra. If. L. Cook. 300 Sherman avenue.
Miss Alice Brandriff and Miss Hattle
an, of Missouri Valley, were over-Sun
of" the".' rnVeUn evenlng at tho close
A pockotbook containing -a considerable
sum of money, nicked no In Omaha a few
days ago by Mrs. OvIiIh Vlen of thla rllv
haa been claimed by Mrs. C. H. Carmody
of Omaha and It has ben returned to her.
Miss Mama Rteniinon. fnrm.riv of thi. I
city, whoo for the last few years has made
' horne J" Chicago, has written friends
1, the" wmter Angeles, CaL. j
Juds-e Oreen Is ex'nectert here to recon- .
Vene district court W
some other arrangement will have to be
ud0e," Z ''n P'""A WJ'' notTh"
... . - ..w
grana jury is also to convene today.
I'nleis weather or other unforseen clr- .
cumsiances inlerrere the foot ball teams of
the Council Bluffs and South Omaha HUh I
schools will contest for sunremunv on the
gridiron. The game. If pulled off, will be
P ayed at tho Ideal-Hustlers' park in this
' ' i .
Rev. Edgar Price, who conies here from
Redfurit lu.. UHiiltieri t ha nuwlruta nt lh.
First Christian church yesterday and oc-
cupled the pulpit at both, morning and
next Sunday.
Walter Deebler, for the last five years
chief clerk hi the office of the master me
chanic of the I'nton Pacific at Beatrice,
lias been transferred to Council Bluffs and
will be In the ofrice of District Foreman
Kolliber of the same road.
Major G. H. Richmond, chief of police,
r t ? V ..l"morr"w for Icksburg to at- '
f K-cletv of the irmy of the Tennessee. I "Upr,nten,1nt nAT Dr- Osborn. ha. re
Captaln -O. M. Buliey. of the postoffli-n ' lned, because being an allopathic it
force at the I'lllon Pacific transfer, will
leave for Vlcksburg today to attend the re
union. . r -
The Ways anct Means committee of the
Womans' Christian assoclb'lon wll give a
musicals ana card paitv Tuesday evening
at the home of Mrs. J B. Atkins. (40 Sixth
avenue, for the benefit c-f the Jennie Ed
mundson Metnorial hospital. The pro
gram will begin at 8 o'clock.
Trainmaster L. F. Easterly of the North
western, who was recently transferred
to Council Bluffs from Boone, - has been
trvnferred back to Boone to succeed
Thomas Alshton, who resigned to take a
poult Ion with a Chicago mercantile firm.
C. T. Poone of the Sioux City d'vj-lon suc
ceeds Mr. Fasterlv in Council Bluffs.
A. A. Frundenfeld, formerly a member of
the local newspaper fraternity and now
associate editor of the Copunerclal News
of Sioux Fail. S. P.. has written a musical
comedy entitled. "In Pensacola." which will
be presented at the New theater In that
city November 12 by au amateur company.
The lyric work of the piece was done by
Mortimer C'rano Brown, a poet-journalist,
and the score Is by Irvin II. Jones, a uiual.
clan, both of Sioux Falls. - -
There will be preaching services Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday evenings of this
wek by Rev. E. E. Flint, of (Yeigiiton, la.,
In the lecture room of the Firm Congrega
tional church. The uervives will begin at
1 :) o'clock. The meeting and kensington
of the Ladies' Aid society will be held at
the home of Mrs. Justice Kretchiner en
Fourth street, Tuesday afternoon. There
will b a meeting of tlie ttachere of the
Honduy school Wednesday evening after
lh ex-rvlvees at the heme of Mis. C. K.
Four Thousand Dollan More Required
for History of Iowa Soldiers.
Morkmea Are Jtw Boar ratting? the
Finishing; Tonches on the A'eir
State Historical Balldlaa
at Dei Molaea.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINBS. Nov. 4.-(8peclal.)-lf
W.000 more waa at the disposal of tha
Soldiers' Roster commission the entire
roster could be completed and ready for
distribution by the time the next legisla
ture convenes. As It Is. It Is doubtful
whether one volume will be completed, be-
4.000 pages, and the commission belloves
that tho volumes sold will sell for about
I1.2S a volume.
When the thirty-second general assem
bly, smarting under the rebuke of Repre
sentative McAllister of Linn county, finally
decided to enact a law providing for the
publication of a soldiers' roster, It some
what overdid the thin by providing for
,he Pub"c'lnn of 10,000 copies to be sold
sufficient. The material for the civil war
vrterans' roster will moke about 4.000
volumes and It Is proposed to devote one
volume to the wars preceding the civil
war and one to the Spanish-American war.
It In proposed to make the volumes on
the civil war about 800 pages each, making
five volumes. The volumes on the wars
preceding and subsequent to the civil war
will be smaller, so that the cost of the
two will be about equivalent to that of one
of tho civil war volumes.
The legislature appropriated 7,000 for
the work and provided for 10,000 volumes
to be printed. The commission has about
decided that 6,000 Is all that Is needed and
that to print more would be a waste of
money. But If It prints and haa bound
one of the volumes It must print 10,000
copies of it. Just as the legislature directed.
It may be that the commission can ar
range with the printer to print 6.000 copies
of the first volume and have tho forms
Kept "''idlnK lor a few months, till the
legislature can be asked to cut tha number
of copies down.
Iowa Is profiting by tho mistakes made
Dy a targe number of tho states. Wiscon
sin and New Tork are arranging to re
write their rosters, because of the mis-!
i takes made the first time In the editing
of the material. Both of these states and
Ohio as well, prepared their rosters, siv-
Ing nothing whatever but the bare list of
names of the men. There was nothing
wnatever to show whether the regiment In
vhich they, enlisted ever took an actual
engagement during tho war or not or
whether the regiment remained In the ser
vice for a long or short time
In rewriting them the history of each
regiment-is given quite complete at the
first' of- each chapter or regiment rosier.
t The roster of each man is given complete
Tor the time he remained with the regi
ment,, and If he then went to another
regiment his record Is completed under
that regiment. In that way the history
of each man and the history of each com
pany and brigade and regiment Is
d little space required- The
"P m
wy- It haa been decided, too, to have
the print large so as to be easily read
i i. a. a-
It la discovered now that the cost and
all the work can be quite accurately esti mated.'
By selling 6,000 copies of each
volume at $1.25 each the cost of printing
and binding will all be borne and win
cost the state nothing. The cost of com
piling the material will be about 111,000.
The state appropriated $7,000 and it will
require about $4,000 more to. finish the
work and print 6,000 copies of each vol
ume. Finishing New Bntldlna;.
Workmen are busy on the Interior fin
ishing of the new historical building and
have progressed far enough to show that
the rotunda and corridor are to be the
finest In the state of Iowa. The tile floors
are now helna- lalH anrf h i. ......
aldered verv fine On e h.
, y ,' . of the flne" foa"
lure" 01 tne corridor U the art glass win-
dow at the first landing of the stairway
to the upper floors. This window Is the
flr.t thltlg that ,reeU one 0 tnterlBg
t,le bulIain"- To the left Of the entrance
rich, curator of the building and to the
r,ht be private office of Johnson
uuianiui. imo wains-coiing
ta ech ' these Is paneled oak of the fln-
, i ,-..,- a lit. . .
est selection.!
. -
e State Board of Control has done all
that C. W. Miller, chairman of tho demo-
rr.lU .t.i. j . .
- vv-u.iai i.uiu. ... live nil u repre
sentative of Bremer county, asked them
to do- They have put an homeopathic
physician. Dr. Miner of Fort Dodge In
tins, uiui uisrcgaraing me alleged "doc
tors' trust" of the allopathic school.
Furthermore, Miner was once superin
tendent for a Keeley cure Institution and
knows the Keeley formula and also lias
a formula of his own which he will use
In the. treatment of diDaomanlaea .t
Knoxvllle. Dr. Sharp, who was assistant
would be difficult for hitu to work undar
a homeopathic physician. Dr. Rowat of
Albla, a graduate of Des Moines college
and of. the medical school at Iowa City,
haa been appointed assistant In hi place.
Council ta 'ew Rooms.
The' office of the secretary of the ex
ecutive council haa been moved to the
rooms vacated by the geological depart-
r. Lvon 8
Too.Ii Povdsr
Cleanses, preserve, and -beautifies
the teeth, and
Purifies the breath
A superior dentifrice
for people of refinement
Established in 1866 hy
ment and the office force does not like
tt. Tho rooms aro too dark. The clerks
In the office of the secretary of the ex
ecutive council are engaged chiefly In fig
ure work on books and the like. For this
work, unless the eyes are to be ruined,
there must be an abundance of light. It
Is probublo that the office W'M have to hp
moved ngaln as soon as other rooms can he
vacated for It.
Miss Nellio V. Walker, who Is to com
pete for the making of the Harlan statue
to go In .Statuary hall at Washington.
t. C, was before the executive council
to ascertain tho Idea of tho members t
the council and also to obtain pictures
of the lato Senator Harlan from which tu
make the model.
Optical floods.
Consider the optician. Consider care
fully In your choice of an optician. De
mand ability, demand reliability and es-
( peclally demand experience, for experience
is the thing that counts In optical work.
You are Invited to consult Dr. J. W. Terry
about your eyes. Ho Is notably eminent
In his profession as an optician. We guar
antee all that he does. lyefterfs, 409
' Uroadway.
Tou can BANK on our shoes every time.
If your boys or girls aro a little Inclined
to play, we have tho shoes that will carry
them through, and they don't cost any
moro than the cheap, shoddy stuff doe
at other stores. Duncan Shoo company.
Only high-class optical work done by
Dr. J. W. Terry, optician. Leffert's. 4o
Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Kdltor Scores Woman Reformer.
BOONE, la., Nov. 4. (Special.) Editor
John A. Menton of the Boone County
Democrat, one of the most successful
democratic papers of the state, comes out
In his last Issuo with a 'scathing do
nunclatlon of tho methods employed . by
Mrs. A. B. Sims, a society woman of Des
Moines, who recently gave up cards and
dancing and joined forces in the reform
movement with Billy Sunday. Mrs. Slnu
was the former national bridge whUt
champion and Is known kt card circles
throughout the United States. Sho held
the title of national champion when she
gave up the game a short time ugo and
started In the evangelistic field.
Tn converting your checks and certificates
Into dlumonds, so that you will have a
safe asset upon . which you can get cash
any time, inspect Lefferfs largo - stock.
More diamonds . here than at a dozen
ordinary Jewelry stores put together.
Watch for the new rubber-tired wagon
the Bluff City laundry has put on to
handle their rapidly increasing business.
"Phone 311.
Wrecker Collides -with Freight.
webster! city. ia.. Nov. 4 .sneriai
TelegTam.) A rear-end collision occurred
on the Illinois. Central at Williams this
morning when a wrecking train ran Into
a freight, telescoping the caboose und
eight freight pars. The half dozen "mon
In the caboosfl saw that a collision was
Inevitable and saved themselves by Jump
ing. Engineer Owens on the wrecker es
caped by What" seems like a miracle with
but slight injuries.
WILL, fit any
lander or
average .figure.
Long above
waist which It de
fines very distinctly,
showing a perfectly
straight line down
the front of
figure. Made
white and drab cou-
tll. Trimmed with,
lace and ribbon.
Hose iupp ortera
front and sides.
Blzee 18 to 80.
Price $1.00
FOR well devel
oped figures.
Is a reverse gore
model. The gore
Lines rut back
wards, a construc
tion which restrains
undue development
fcelow the back. Me
dium high bust,
long hips and eUra
long back. Made of
an excellent quality
of white coutll,
elaberately trimmed w
lace and ribbon. Hose s
porters front and sides.
Sizes 1) to 30.
Price $3.00
V o J L-Vo
leyeloped figure, JEZZk CttF)iJZr7i, ( SZY
1U clogeiy itxhe4 IP JjT J
front eubdoeg ab- X I ft J& E V
omlaal proml- Cf f f i W&4& II- MA. Jl l
r.utlL. Trimmed W? te MOT
w miu lace i ' A v v. i ,ri
and ribbon. Hose iMOvV J Y?L I r $ Aslf
npportera at front WL f U H 111
8Uea 19 to 16. Jjv M Vi! SVt&n VWV I f "Tjllif
mnnmm . b , . w , . . r r i 11 mm m w m v . ' i
-. .- , m?AmAmrn V- . i
erring- a Practical Aprent Icesnlp In
In tha Affairs of Got
rrnment. BERLIN, Nov. 4. Crown Prinze Freder
ick William is devoting himself with much
seal to his now work in tho ministry of tho
Interior. He lives . in Pottsdam. about
eighteen miles from his office, and to get
thero by 9 he must arise before 7 o'clock
every morning. lie comes In an autom -bile;
and so far has been punctual. He oc
cupies a desk exactly like those of the
other clerks within the Jurisdiction of
Privy Councillor Von Falkenhayn, who is
the guide of the crown prince In learning
how the interior administration of Prussia
Is handled.
The crown prince sees the mall to the
ministry opened and distributed to the
baskets of the various bureaus, or for
warded to other ministries. He has the
privilege of taking the papers on any sub
ject that Interests him to his own desk to
During the last week he has given his
.JrW If WW W IfLT t ! SJt? I
the J 'rt'-S 'f, l 1 VWW II IV i I tf T,W
of VVUI 11 I I 1 , 1 H f I eaSifTA
) W V til Dtvfncn I 1
: : v w-xmnsr .. : 1
The W. B. Reduso Conet
IS a booa for Urge women tha ideal garment for over,
developed figures requiring special restraint. It not only
rettrsios the teadency to over-flnrunew, but at moulds
the omf-dereloped proportion into those pleating, graceful
outlines, hitherto though to be attainable only by slighter
figure. The particular feature of this modeS ia the apron
over the abdom ji and hip, boned ia suck manner at to
giv the w caret absolute freedom of novemeoi.
Reduso Style 750 ht tall uxllLuvij
figure. Md of a duraUe couttl
supporter front and lidek Sue 22
Reduso Style 760
Hfura. Made ot wlute and drab
rrool and side. Sue 24 to 36.
3774 BfMdway
Nsw York
L M i
Bracing food for steady
llutritive food for heal
thy appetites
Strengthening food for
sturdy muscles v
The most nourishing
wheat food
Uneeda Biscuit
In moisturt and
dust proof packages.
attention especially to a project concern
ing the breeding of army horses, which has
been passed on fronj the Interior to the
agricultural department. Tho, crown princo
went to tho ministry of agriculture and
Interviewed tho authorities on horse breed
ing there, and he attended a meeting of
horso breeders to hear the subject dlscussej
by practical men. Ho remains at the minis
try of the Interior until between 12 and 1
o'clock every day and takes home such
papers as he wishes, often working even
ings on the reports. This month the crown
prince will attend, in addition to his work
at the ministry, a course of lectures at tho
Berlin university by Prof. Hlntze on
"Prussian Administration, the Law Courts,
Sanitation. Schools, etc."
The crown prince has grown suddenly
popular with the people, for to him is at
tributed tho overthrow of the so-called
Eulenburg camarilla at the court.
A tenant which Is quickly dispossessed
by Dr. King's New Discovery, is a cough
or cold. 60 cents and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
id white or drab. H
to 36. Pricek!3,
for .hari .Awij
couul. Hots upporter
Price. 83 3.
r f
'7 m w
Two Mra Are Killed and One Miss
ing;, Pap posed to Be Coder
the Wreck.
CUMBERLAND, Md., Nov. 4. -Two men
were killed, a third Is missing and one man
was Injured as tho result of a wreck today
when an extra westbound' freight train on
the Baltimore A Ohio got beyond control
and collided with another fast freight on
the cranberry grade near" McMllllan, w.
Va., about seventy miles west of here. Tho
dead aro Jacob Wi Ge.rlach, a brakemau, "
and AN. E. lla.mll, brakntaan. Tim missing
man is Martin J. Fallon, an engineer, of
Piedmont, W. Va., supposed to be under
the wreck.
Users of Qnlck shin Shoe Polish
pay it is the best and most latlng polish
they have ever used. It gives a polish to
the leather and . it ' won't rub off on the
clothing. A well, satisfied user is the best
advertisement. , ...
Red Cross --Cough Drops. Nothing let
ter for sore throats. 5c per box.'
I coreei
for average
ilgures. Haa
medium .' bui
and long hip.
Made of srhltai
and drab coit
e -
ui. Hoae tup
- - w ,
a 1 d-ea. Trl"x
ned across top
with lace aad
Size 18 to 30..
Price $1.03
KUfORM 733.
an excellent
model for
average figures.
constructed seo
tlonally. making
the garment fit as
all points, accento
ating the slender
neus of the waist
line. Bust moder
ately high, hlpa
rather long. Made
of an Imported
coutil In white on.
ly. Trimmed win,
lace and ribbo&v :
Hoss suDDortera
iront ana sides.
Sizes 18 to 80.
P 52.00
6 a splendlj
wrset foe
medium figure
pleaeingly fre
iron the bulk
effect common
to previous
.models of thla
type. Medium)
lilgh bust andi
deep Lip ending in au
unbound apron extension.
Made of white and drals
coutil. Hose supporters
front ard sides. Trimmed
with lace and ribbon. '
Blies 19 to 80.
P.!.- t tn
a lice J1.JV