fj .10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1907. Want - ads Advertisements for ko unit ad r-olamno will be takra nnttl 13 na. for the nlng edition and ontll p. m. Cask moat Mroaptir all orders for wait ads and no ad vertlsement will be arrepted fur leas Ikaa 10 ccate fa the Mr I Insertion. Malta apply to either The Dallr o nnilar Mae. Always ran at six worda to m lino. t'omblnntlona of laltlala or aambera roant aa one word. CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One I mirt Ion, per liar, 10 rents, a' wo or more conserntlve Insertions, per liar, H cents. Each Insertloa anade on odd War a, lO cents per llae. f 1.50 per line per month. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If yoar advertisement la Inserted ande in r one of the 'classifications arlrcn below, It will be esmriced at the foU lowing; rateai Oae laaertloa, 4 eeata per line three to alx eonaecatlre Ju sectloas, 3 ceata per llaa each taser tloni seven or mora oonsecntlro ln eertlons, 2 eeata per llae each Ineer tloai SO eeata per line per month. BIRTER AMI EXCHANGE, IllHINESS CHANCES. II K LP WANTED FKMAIH. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents, Solicitor aad Salea men. OFFEHF.D FOR SALE. Com, Blrda, Dogs aad Pet. Horaea and" V eh Idea. Poeltrr and Kggs. Fnrnltarc. Trpewrllera aad Sewing; Machines. Plaaoa, Organs. aad Maaleal laatra. aienta. OFFERED FOR RENT. Farnlahed Rooma. I afurnlabed Roma, llousekeeplnn- Rooma. Hoarding aad Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. Want ade for The Bee mar at aar of the folowlas dm atorea one la "roar corner drngglot" ther are all branch ofllcea of The Bee and ronr ad will be Inaerted Jaat aa promptly and on the aamo ratea aa ai the main office la The Bee BaUdlngr, seventeenth and Faraaua Streets. Aihtch, W, C, 4lh and Farnam. Beraiick. 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th 81. j-tec!n Pnarmacy, i20 8. l"th Bt. Koiifcon Pharmacy, Benson, NeD. Hcmt Park. Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Bmke's Pharmacy, 2816 Sherman Ave. CuuKhlin. C. R., Oth and Pierce tits. i'hS, "ill. Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Conto, J. II., Slat Ave. and Farnara. trissey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake. Orniuk, Emil. 1204-6 8. 13th Bt. KBHtmnn Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H.. 'i Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. 26tli St. Freytag. John J.. U14 N. 24th. Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 2Hh and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana Pacific. ' ,,' 1 u . inns a inth Bt. Greenough. O. A., 1621 8. 10th St. Hayoen, Wni. C. 2920 Farnam bt. Uantcom Park Pharmacy, luol Bo. Ave. Moist. John, 624 N. lth St. I'uif, A. L.. 2124 Leavenworth Bt. King. II. 6., '3 Farnam Bt. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3h04 N. Z4tti. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Chas. K.. 1324 N. 24th Bt Peyton.-L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Marnlnga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Bchavfer's Cut Price Drug Co., loth and C8chaef'er. August. 2ttl N. 16th St. f!cnmldt.-J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta Slorm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. - Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth, O. II. . 40th and Hamilton Bt. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. HART Mrs. El Nora, Monday at 2 p. m. ut her residence, 4304 Burdette street, beloved wife of J. U Hart. Mrs. Hart leaves, besides her husband, three chil drenByron, Kva and Gladys, all of Omaha. ' Funeral services at Residence at 2 p. m. Tuesday. Interment at Milan, Mo. -- MILDRED Alfred B., Saturday, November i, 7;30 a. m., at Evanston, Wyo. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to extend our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for the loyalty and sympathy shown to us during the recent Illness and death ,of our beloved daughter and sister. MR. AND MRS. P. U EDLINO. EMMA C. EDLINO. Illl.MA H. EDLINO. , HERBERT B. EDLING. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have Men tssueu: Name' and Residence. I-ii i-'. ivciiei, utu.aon, la Nettle Jit. Nicholson, Blair, Neb Edmon Bridges, Omaha UAhel Bmlth, Omaha John K. Maaon, Topeka. Kan Lucy Leicibetter, Topeka, Kan...t.. Charles F. Gi'tsschmann, Omaha... Magdalene R. Hoffman, Omaha John Bebemse, Millard, Neb Mis. u ..k ... . i., .i..atd. Neb. Jesse E. Owen, Memphis, Neb Lulu N. Mays, Memphis, Neb David U. Klmherly, Cleveland, O... Thvressa Mao Richard. Canton, O... Age. i .... 20 .... 40 .... 24 .... 32 .... M .... 21 .... 20 .... 44 . . . . At .... 2J .... 18 .... 42 ANNOUNCEMENTS - DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL HOYLES BUILDINO, Omaha Rookkeeplng Shorthand and Tpewritlng. TeUtgiaphy, English, Students enrolled every day. Big catalogue free. Address 11. B. Boylea, President. Omaha. (1-63S 4""TI ATlVT, MM School of languages. 1 lULullSi French. German, Span ish. Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Day and evening classea. (1) Mtws N SIGN PAINTING B. H. Cole, 110! Douglas. tl)-S MUSIC Every Evening Hotel Rome. l)-7 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., fnce 4th and Leavenworth Bta. Tel. Douglas 137. tl 1-701 AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT. 1818 Fernahi. (2) 7U NEARLY new N-horse power, i-paasenger touring car; atorage battery, full top, Un:pi and equipment; cost 11.460 In May, lu; only run J.iJ miles; In first-class si.ape. at a bargain. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 110 Board of Trade Bldg. qyl-Jt FOR BALE Automobile, 1907 model jfero tar. four-cylinder touring car with top. Address P. 0BocJs . Ct t y. (2) M 47 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TRADES, TRADES If you have aorne thlng for sale or trade write us; wa match everything WAIT INVESTMENT' Co., -.U0 Bee Bldg., Ornuhu. . U-M1W Dec. 1 FOR EXCHANGE ft) cottages, all tn good repair, all rented, well loteied In town ,f people: l)t enchant all or as irany aa demred for land ur merchandise. Kvr 'particulars writ J. . FUer, 'iiis aiauuO. iW iil-AUa BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued, i FOR SALB-No. and So. Iek.. Minn, and Alberta landn, or will exchange (or mer chandise. Taylor Realty Co.. Athnl, B. D. . I-M9t3 7 WAN'TKD-To exchange. 140 acres Norman county, Mlnneaota. land, all under culti vation, for a good rlean atock of mer chandise of $6,000 or Urns; must be tn good shape: no trading or run down mock wanted. Lock box 21. Calumet, la. CD Mi2 5x 2 ACRES. WKtJ IMPROVED. FOR 8 ALE OR EXCHANGE. 7 mllea from Grand Island, Neb. Addreaa T 1. rare Bee. (!) M'.WO 10X FOR HALB or will trade for railroad atocka. neven-room houae; good barn and outbuilding, with Ave lots. Addreaa Lock Box 892, Spencer, la. 13) M410 llx BUSINESS CHANCES COMMON aense, a little money, and quick action will get you in on a ground floor Al propoaltlon. I muat have an associate. Can arrange Inatallment plan for pay ment. Addreaa P &1, care Bee. (4)-MS46 6 FOR SALE W.0O0 stock of ahoea and fix tures, In good location; stock Is tip-to-date. C. V. Burgau, St. Cloud, Minn. (4) M127 tx ESTABLISHED drug business at big re duction. No cut prices on patents. Will consider real estate. Address H 480. care Bee. (4)-M292 Bx THIS COMPANY does a general real estate and loan business; a specialty of looking up good farming lands and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; we can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan BUg., Portland Ore. (4)-M101 Novlx MINING STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. ARTHUR DAVIDOV & CO., Stock Brokers, 604 N. T. LIFE BLDQ. 'PHONE BED 124. (4)-3l N24 Do You Wish to Make a Change T IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE) LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (0-M2S9 11 SOUTH DAKOTA CHARTERS More lib eral, far cheaper than other states; free 'blanks and Information, PHILIP LAW. KfcNCB, former assistant secretary stale, Dept. X), Huron. s S. D. (4) M417 Ux NEWSPAPER SNAP Newspaper and printing plant In live town of 600, in Rice county, at half price; will produce over JJio per month; price (2,000; best oppor tunity In Kansas. Bremyer & Hender son, McPherson, Kan. (4) M150 8x FOR BALE Implement building and com plete new stock. In North Loup valley, good location, good country, and good people; price and terms on application. Address Y W, care Bee. 14) M87S N2Sx DRl'G STOUE8 for sale everywhere. F. V Knicst, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 140) 7u7 ROOMING houses for sale, all sizes. Gan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 8149. l4)-705 TO GET IN OR OUT OF" BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAGUK BUILDING. 16TH AND ;X)DGE STS. (4)-708 A BEAUTIFUL, Bush & Lane upright piano, almost new. Party giving up housekeeping. flO 8. 35th Bt. (4)-M264 6 FOR SALE Modern equipped dental office In Omaha; cash receipts for Oct. 1957.60. Address H '665, caro Beo. (4) M277 6x NEWSPAPER for Bale Special, dally, weekly, Kansas county seat town of 7.000, $2j,00; handles many others. Write for free list. Mutual Brokerage Co., Topeka, Kan. (4) M2ll tx FOR SALE OR TRADE Small residence and lot in northern Nebraska town of 1,20ft Will sell or take good automobile In trade. Price (1,000. Address Y 63, rare of Bee. (3) Mf8 7 FOR BALE 2-chalr barber shop, with bath tub; bargain If taken at once. Frank Rost, Randolph, Neb. 4)-M96o vx DO IT NOW Buy a first-class lunch room doing a good business; cheap for cash if sold at once; owner going to the coast; this is a snap; get busy, W. F. Shultz, Redneld, S. D. (4)-M2bl Ox CAN you Invest $Ui monthly? I have leased the Endless Belt Street Car Advertising Device for two states. Too big to handle alone. Investigation will make your nead bulge out. You'll have to hurry, thougn. Address O 620. care Bee. (4) M346 6 BUTCHER SHOP In good town 400. near Omaha, for sale, with or without build ing; some cash required; answer only if you mean business. Address Y 85. Hee. (4J-M376 S FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures, nearly new; will Involve Jl,6ti0; cash price, U.aiO. Doing a good business; other busi ness demands my attention. You must be aulck if you want this. J. H. Poynter, raham. Mo. (4) MS87 6x FOR BALE Tinning and heating business at Hastings. Tlbbets, Morey & Fuller, Hastings, Neb. , (4)-MU2 16x . FOR PALE 20-room furnished house, fine location; full of boarders. Address O 371, care Bee. . (4)-575 Novffix LADY with furniture wishes a partner in rooming house; must have capital. Ad dress V 478, care Bee. 41109 7x FOR SALE Restaurant. good paying, splendid location, good reasons for selling, Addreaa J 632, care Bcu. 4l 33 lOx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artiata. 11. O. BUNNELL & CO,, 2 N. Y. Life. Douglas 6149. (5) 708 Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. tT-7J Creameries. DAVID COLE CR1JAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Or..aha. (5)-n0 Chattel Loans. Chas. D.' Stanton Loan Co.. 601 Bee Bldg. (5)-711 Chiropodist. t DR. ROY, R. 2. 15tx Farnam Et. Doug. 6497. Collection Agency. COLLECTIONS made everywhere. Charles E. Smith, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. (6) Ut Decj Dancing Academy. MORAND'S classes for dancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lessons for adults Tues. and Frl. 8 p. m.; flint lesson privately; success guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 10U l6 161 KovJ Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES-MIss Bturdy. 1358. TeL Harney (5 714 U'DOWELL Dressmaking 8chool, 1C23 Far nam Bt. ) 7U 1IMK. WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglaa 6170. (6) Mlul N8 Dcnttata. BAILEY MACII, 3d fir. laxton. D. 1S. (6) 713 Florists. HESS at SWOBODA. HIS Farnam. (S) 71 L. HENDEKBON, 1511 Farnam. Tel. D. 12G3. (5) 717 J. H. BATH. Ilia Harney. Tel. Doug. 16)-7U slat Renovators. NEW Stetson hats suld at half cries. 220 So. 141U U W, A. stainsen, l' Wan! more business? More money? How? Asli Hie steady advertiser. He'll tell you "use DEE want ads" BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Hotels. THE SCHLITZ, European, I6th and Harney tt)-71 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. 2- Paxton Blk. Tel. 4M7. t) 720 Locksmiths. KEYS, etc., Hefiin, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2074. (S)-721 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L Tel. D. 1664. (o) 722 Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (5) M85 DecS I Office "applies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., South 18th Bt. Tel. Douglaa b.,6i. to) M2J0 Nil Printing. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstsd & Jorve, printers, IB and Capi tol Ave. i6) 723 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 3u6 S. 18th Bt Tel Douglas 6562. (6)-MlS Dec. 1 Photographere. C. B. TRUSSELL. 115 South 10th St. (6)-724 Safes, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop. 102 S. 10th St. (S) 725 Stove Repairing. STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 12CK5-8 Douglas St. Tel. Douglas 960. (6)-M276 Novll hoe Repairing. RAPTD SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 991. (fi)-7.'6 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered rree. Standard Bhoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D.-7687. 15)-M102 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Apply any time. Bemis Omaha Bag Co. (7) M481 N0V12 WANTED An apprentice girl. 1909 Capitol Ave. (7) 168 N7x WANTED Mangle girls; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry. 1511 Jack son Bt. (7)-288 WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, Waitresses. $30. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. (7) 727 Honsekeesera nnd Domestics. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wsges; no washing. 4819 Cass St, 'Phone Harney 1051. (7)-C9 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; S in family; good wages; em ploy laundress. Tel. Harney S158; apply to Mrs. Clabaugh, 1922 S. 33d St. (7) M396 7x WANTED A good cook and experienced t second girl. Apply at 8S66 Harney street. Telephone Harney WHS. Mrs. N. P. Dodge, jr. (7)-M976 WANTED Competent cook, good wages. 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 950. 7)-131 WASHWOMAN. Bluffs. ? OT r-nnU f7)JMS!2 fix i GIRL for general housework; no wsshlng. 3316 Burt Bt. (") 108 7x WANTED Girl for housework; no wash ing, no cooking. 1329 8. 81st St, (7) M261 9X WAVTF.TVGIrl for nro1 housework: fi. in famllv 12 ijifavpttn Ave in ramliy. 32t Lafayette Ave. """" 6 ! WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. 1615 Park Ave. (7)-M395 7 Mlscellaneona, WANTED Helpers in dressmaking at 1618 Cass. (7)-M162 6x TXT A VTCH 1 II business t woman; must have some money to In- . . ... . . . . . - - ' vest; permanent position. Aaaress J i-t, i care Bee. (7) 960 5x WANTED Finishers on coats and suits. Apply ladles' cloak dept., Hayden Bros. (7)-887 6 LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at home; easy learned; $1.60 to $2.ou dozen, frog Paxton Block. (7 M93J 0X HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Young man as traveling sales- man by local firm; knowledge of ojr business not necessary, but must be s hustler and sober; give age and past ex- perlence. Address E 628, Bee office. (9)-J04 ARE you out of workT Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard Bt. (9 729 WANTED Competent retail clothing jind ' mens furnishings salesman; nrst-class references required. Address The Metcalt Co., Council Bluffs. (9) M14i bx WANTED Solicitors to travel in nearby territory; prefer those who have had ex perience with subscription books or por traits. Address F 6Ut Bee office. (9 363 WANTED Bright. Intelligent man. able to furnish best references; someone well acquainted in the city preferred. Salary $10 a week and increase If competent. Beo Mr. Petersen between 10 and 1 p. m. 321 a lth St., room 227. Neville, Bldg. Omaha. () 384 x si or a. GOOD bova wanted; first class pay. A. D. T. Co.. 211 8. lth Bt. (9)-730 BOYS wHh wheels can make $35 to $46 per month; $35 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. (9) MtU2 N4x WANTED Neat office- boy. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 101 h and Farnam. (9)-M979 TWO BOYS, not tinder 18 years of age, to deliver packages. Nebraska Clothing Co. j BOY of 16 or over 'for bowling alley work; good pay. Apply at onco 1313 Harney. (9) M418 Clerical and Oaace. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Inc.), 721-723 New York Life bldg. Hours: $00 a. tn. to t:30 p. m. Office Clerks, K. R., (50 to $. Oftice man; must be experienced In Imple ments, $100. Stenographer, $60. Book kse per, $75. Bookkeeper, $U) to $55. Collector and salesman, $6&. And many others. If in need of a position, see us at once, Oi Mai ft 1 rexc HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and OfficeContinued. WANTED Male stenographer; stnte age and previous employment; application in own handwriting. Address F 61.1, care Bee. (9) Mlfi6 6x Factory nnd Trades. CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED. Good' room to work in, well lighted; Cienty of work; come at once. AR1NDA POULTRY, BUTTER AND EGG CO., Creston, la. (9) M291 Novx POSITION!! for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. ) 711 CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED We want men at Beatrice, Neb., to pick chickens; . will pay 2',-to. for hens and springs. Swift and Company, Beatrice. (9) M303 23x A FIRST-CLASS all round country printer wanted at once; must be capable man; job and paper work: wages to match service; anyene wanting permanent posi tion apply now: save your postage If you are on the bum. Franklin County Tribune, Bloomington, Neb. (9)-M8S ox WANTED At once, washman and engi neer; mast be able to run shirt machlno; steady job; $10 per week; email plant. J. C. Hayes, Paola. Kan. (9) M83 7x COATMAKERS wanted at once; prices. 38 snd up. Carl P. Linducrantz, Iloldrege, Neb. (9) M549 7x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; will equip shop for you or furnish positions; few weeks completes; constant practice, careful Instruction; tools given; Saturday wages; diplomas granted; catalogue freo. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th Bt., Omaha. () Mlla 7x ONE COATMAKER, $750 up, and pants and vest maker who will help bushel; week ' or piece. Address John Bennett. Chad ron, Neb. 9) M8S0 6x WANTED Wood metal and Iron pattern maker. E. Chilcrren Mfg. Co.. Council Bluffs. Ia. (9) MS60 WANTED Men tailors In ladles' cloak and suit dept. Hayden Bros. (9) 388 6 WANTED A lather at 140 So. 39th St. (9) 386 Mlacellaneons. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by business Men's asocistlnn; helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. . , (9) 828 Nov27 "STRENUOUS LIFE." If your services command $75 per month, or better, send for our four plans to as sist one to obtain employment. "Anv line, anywhere." "No registration fee.'' "No commlsskn." Address Circulation Department any office. STRENUOUS LIFE PUBLISHING COM PANY, Incorporated, 1181 Broadway, New York; 728-7Tt2 Main St., Buffalo; 218 LaSalle St., Chicago. (9) M374 9x GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs.' distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Diat. Bu reau, Chicago, 111. (9) M113 8x SOUND young men. aged 18 to 36. for firemen and brakemen during rush sea son on leading railroads hero In the west and on- new lines being completed; experience 'Unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly become engineers, $200; brake men. $1X) .nionthly, become conductors, $160; many position now open; write for particular. National Railway Train ing AssocJaMoo, 620.Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. (9)-190 Nov7 1 iJ . WANTEDw-Mgjii with amall capital to man age branch, office la outside territory. Address 604 Observatory, Des Moines. Ia. (9)-M244 Nov22x WANTED-Mlddle-aged man, must have business ability and some monev to In- vest; permanent position to rtght party, Address B 6iio. care Bee. (9) 99 6x WANTED 15 or 20 good men. used to con- ' Capitol Ave. (15) M191 Nov20x creting preferred. Good- wares Annlv ' at the entrance gate. Swift i Co.. ffl E PLEASANTON has beautifully . fur Omaha. J. H. Butter, contractor Ask 1 nl"he1 rooms; warm and large' everything for Mr. MOOre. ' 9,3S strictly first class; with home cooking. T . A T"T P" 4 anil ttirim ,a atamn - home: eaav 1,-arned: 11 .fin to 15 tnn iJniJiK. (9) M393 llx HELP WANTED MALE AND FKMALB WANTED Men and women capable of eriiui .w" per yt"r-l "" international Encyclopedia in Nebraska, Bouth Uakoti and WMtern towa, inqulrtt at office, 718 N. Y. Life, Bldg. U0 M246 6 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horei and Vehicle. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express narness; cms r two norsei, Come in. The Harney' St. Stables (ID 734 BECOND-HAND delivery wagon, 1 buggy, 1 phaeton, cueup. A. Murphy ec Son (1D-M216 N10 FOR SALE Belgian stallion, weighs 1.850; black Norman. welKhs l.iOO; both lin- ported; must sell In 60 days; am moving away; both sure breeders and get best of colts a bargain. B. I. Mants, Audubon, ! Ia. . . (1U-M378 N7x I FOR SALE A good, heavy spring wagon and a single name and collar narnegs, , M hi a. bi, uin ' i IIOK3ES bought and sold. Myers, 1114 . Douglas. (ll)-30 N27 ONE good driving horse for sals; also set of single harniks. Edward L'pdlke, 3612 , Farnam St. (1D-154 ONE bay horxe, 1350 lbs., 8 years old, sound. 2116 Wirt Bt. (1D-M354 Poaltry nnd Eggs. Full BALK-Bingie-comD Burr Orpington cockerels from urixe-wlnninR stock. Ad. dress Kobe it F. Beutel, Buck Grove, la. UD-M203 N21x GOVT, book Omaha. free. Model Squab Co., (ID taJbl Dec2 FOR SALEOrphlngtons. buff and wh'.ie, from first prize stock; great egg end poultry fowl; reasonable prices. A. B. Kobbins, Kobhlnsdults, Minn. (1D-M1C4 14x Cows, Birds, Dogs nnd Peta. FOR BALE Fox and wolf hounds; doss from 9 to VI months old, $16 per pair; brnke dogs. $3 to $40. For Darticulars ad dress Riffs & Bon, R. F. D. No. 1, Cam den, Mo. (U)-M&1 ft r PIGEON 1 RIVER COLLIE KESNEI4 breeders of high class Scotch collies. We have at stud Conqueror. Jr., A. K. C, 83525. is a rich dark sable, with perfect while markings; fees K15.00. Winnoa Clinker, a promising young trl-color, long head, per fect ear coraige; fe- $10.00. Brood bitches In whelp; also young slock at all times. Address H. H. Engelktng, Shehoygim. Wis. GD-M962 14x T,r Ar-u- toivin , . . Z T7 Bo.d fiSS, Wr&irXk XaMir' ! Arthur Bonibergcr, Harlan, Ia. (11J-M409 14x LOST AND FOUND L08T Gold watch In purse. Finder please return to 2554 Cuming Bt. Reward. G2)-M411 S LOST Sunday gray squirrell fur on Hun scorn Park boulevard. Reward. 417 N. 22d St., South Oumlia. (12) 3SU 4x LCifiT 7 yds. green drrss goods, between 14(1) and Farnam and 16th and Leaven worth. Re.turn to 2.i3 Iavenworth drug stoic-and get rrward. (12)-MU3 t Q3B! MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghtnn Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13) 129 BEST nerve brrtcer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman Ac McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. i " p$)-738 RUPTURE CURED No knife, tin refenl tlon from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. cor. 14th snd Douglas, Omaha. G3 T37 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S2I N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (12) Ml 06 MONEY TO LOAN ' SALARY AND CHATTELS Plenty of'Cash Open an account with us. We give you CASH; no checks: but cold hard CASH. Terms to suit. Liberal rebate If paid be fore date. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg., at the head of the Kith St. entrance. (14) MB09 INVESTMENTS I have several gilt edge farm mortgages on valuable farm lands near Omaha for sale on 6 per cent basis. None of them exceed one-third value of the land. T. E, STEVENS, 1003 New York Life Bldg. 'Phono Douglas 1272. (14)-M414 THE UNION LOAN CO. Have Increased their capital and during November will make special rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property and notes without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904, 310 Bee- Bldg. Open evenings, 7 to . (14) M401 11 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small ost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 741 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. U4)-740 LOWEST rates, chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade. (14)-545 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life Bldg. (14)-740 CHATTEL, salary, and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (14)-74C EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom- modatlng, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. Gal 747 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE IVHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. (14)-74s OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rooma, MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to public Sunday, Oct. 13, upstairs. 1106 N. lth. Webster 2448. (In) M279N12 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close In; private family. 2M Cass. Douglas- 64o. (16) M21 NovlO VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15)-747 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnar.i. (15) 748 MODERN room, with board. 2006 Burt (la) 163 Nov FURNISHED rooms, with . board. 2411 ; iun narney. tio) sot ox DESIRABLE furnished rooms Ith board: 1 large room suitable for three. 123 So. 26th Ave. (16) M9I7 6x ROOM AND BOARD for four men In pri vate family; strictly modern; references required. 322S S. 23d St. (16V-M111 $x TWO large front rooms and alcove, east front. Board. 412 No. 22d Bt. (15) M402 Nov. 25 MODERN room; first class board. IW.8 8. 24th Ave. (16)-M28o Decl ROOM and board. 2118 Douglas St. " (16)-M403 llx Farnlaheil Rooms. ROOM HUNTERS, That's our business. Are you In need of snvT OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY, Tel. Doug. 3il, 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (lo)-MH)4 I 128 8. 25TH ST., large east front room, suit able for three gentlemen; house strictly modern; roomy porches; large, shsdy lawn. (15) 756x " ; . TWO furnished rooms In private family for two young men, modern, with every convenience. Call today. 3U25 Dewey Ave. (15)-M366 6 1 NICELY furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping 2018 Davenport. ''-" w PLEASANT room; new modern home; hot water, heat; central nouievara. near Farnam. Gentlemen only. Tel. Harney 6838. (16) Ml. 9 6x OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods: storehouse. 1120-24 N. lath. Office, o9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ViA. (15) 750 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas lii25. Bchmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16) 749 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates, moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 8S4. (151751 FURNI8HED ROOMS for colored gentle man, near car line. Mrs. Banks. 1403 N. lSth. 'Phone Webster 3862. (15)-M278 NU TO GENTLEMEN, well furnished south east front loom with alcove; modem; private family. Tel. Harney 2295. 7o2 S. 29th Bt. (15)-943 Cx A LARGE front room suitable for two i gentlemen, i.i private family; half block from car line. 3324 Lafayette Ave., Bemis park. fli) M337 6x ROOMS ROOMS-Furnlshed and unfur. i nlHhed. We can suit you and your pocket- book. Wait Rental Agency. l-io Una Bldg. Tel. Doug. 29i4. (16) M391 11 NEWLY furnished rooms. In new house, with or without board; everything mod ern. 107 S. 31st St., one block north of Farnam car. (161152 4x NICELY furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen; bath, gas,; cheap if taken i once- 2510 Cuming Bt. ,15,-M 6. at BEAUTIFUL apartments, furnished; pri vate family. 2un6 Bt. Mary's Ave. (15)-IT7 4s PLEASANT south room: reasonable: gen tlemen preferred. 647 Bo. 24th Ave. (16) 908 i TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlor fiors. 2558 Dudge Bl. Tel. Harney 1x76. (16) 286 WE move pianos. Magsard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. lfcj. Offics, 1712 Web ster Bt. (151753 2218 CHlCAGOr-Modern. single south room; sleeping ur llKhl housekeeping: $6 per month. Red 5"- (li 3b2 x OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) d Rooma Contlnned. STEAM HEATED rooms, $3 tn $3 per week. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. (1SI-M53 Nllx ELEGANTLY fumlahsd rooms, private family; beat location In city ; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4901. lf.--347 MODERN furnished front room. 17 Cum ing. (15- MI?3N7x FRONT room for gentlemen. 19 S. loth St. (15) 187 Novsx NICELY furnished rooms. 1916 Cspltol Ave. (15) M19 Nov20 SMALL but comfortable furnished room, 650 8. 26th Ave. Harney 3370. (16)-M274 NICELY furnished room In private family; gentlemen preferred. 2318 Douglas Bt. (U)-M3M llx Uafamlahed Rooma. t ROOMS modern without heat, references. 2667 Douglas St. (16) M243 6x TWO large modern front rooms. 2414 Cspl tol Ave. (15) M291 tx Apartments and Flata. AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 2. (16)-T64 NEW seven-room flat, 313 No. 25th street, and seven-room house, 2511 Chicago; both hot water heat; strictly modern. Inquire 2G11 Chicago. (16) MSM Housekeeping; Rooms. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping; one or all. 'Phone Webster 3603. 222 Miami St. (151368 FRONT room, alcove and kitchen, fur nished, $16. 622 S. 24th Ava. 15 M2 6x FURNISHED room. Jackson Bt. housekeeping. 1713 (15) M329 9x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing or sleeping; modern. 2706 Chicago St. (16)-M397 f Farnlahed Roaaea. FOR RENT 3138 Chicago St., 7 rooms, large bath room, attlo and laundry; first class furnace 4)45. (15)-753 Honses and Cottages. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, brand new 8-room brick house, corner Sot h -end Dewey Ave., quarter-sawed oak finish. A. C. Busk. 'Phone Harney 980. (16)-M29S x 8-ROOM house, modern throughout, loca tion the best in town. 216 8. 35th Ave. Telephone Douglas IMS for particulars. Wm. H. Bodemann. (lb) M373 13 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) ! 3S09 N. 18th, 6 rooms, all modern $25. Uo6 S. 2Mh, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace $30. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas 685. (15) M844 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. 414 North 31st Bt., $.16. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. (15) M 185 WE8T FARNAM DISTRICT-3137 Daven port St. (B. E. corner), 10-iDom, thor ougly modern house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at $6 per month. Apply to Conrad Young, ibis Doage Bt. (is) o 608 So. 31st, new 7-r. all mod., $40. 7(2 No. 40th, -r. all modern, $40. 3415 Charles, -r. all mod., new, $35 2806 No. 26th, H-r., gas, water, $16. 1224 So. 27th, 6-r., gas, water, $15. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE. CO., 1001 N. Y. Ufa. 'Phone Doug. 2152. (15)-M356 9 FOR RENT 4803 North 24th St., six rooms, modern except furnace, $22. (16)-M977 FOR RENT 7 rooms and reception hall, detached houae and barn, 2910 Dodge St., - strictly modern, mantel fire place, plumb ing, gas and electric fixtures and deco ration all first-class, comparatively new, clean And ready to move In. Call for key at oa uodge Bt. Tel. Harney 1141. (16)-272 6x FOR RENT 6-room cottage at 3614 Boyd Bt. ; all modern except heat, $30. U. G Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M134 EIGHT rooms, modern except furnace, In good repair, rent very reasonable. M. J. lvennard Co., 310 Brown Blk. - (15)-M978 FOR RENT Nine-room modern house In first-class neighborhood, location 2060 S. 28th Bt. Inquire at 1M2 Pacific Bt., or -pnone Harney 2344. (15) M 302 lux 8-ROOM modern; close to South 24th St. car. 2610 Pierce St., $30. O. C. Olson. 101 Bourn itm mu (u) M3 NINE-room modern house, 2062 No. 19th Bt. Call Telephone Harney 819. (!) M263 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St., line, 2670 Poppleton Ave. (15) 767 HOUSES'" Prt" of 'the city. I1UUO Crelgh EomaCo., Bee Bldg. (16) 768 A VERY desirable 7-room cottage, 2617 Seward St., $26 per month; no furnace. Key at 1520 N. 26th St. (16) M313 ox HOUSES nHpgrUof the city. Peters ULuui-io Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg (15)-759 LARGE -room cottage, modern except fur nace. lo34 8. 28th Bt. Inquire M. J. Greevey. 'Phone Harney 2330. (15) -156 FOR RENT -room modern cottage, K-i S. 27th Bt. Tel. Webster 645. (16) 7C2 New t-roora modern house. 27"8 Bristol St (16)-M126 8x $35 00 Strictly modern 8-room brick house. 1301 B. 2Sth St. (16) M3tO 5x 9-FOOM house; all modern; West Farnara district. Tel. Douglas 85. (15) M340 6x MODERN 8-room house, on car lln, good location, $30. 2110 Lake Bt. (151357 A LARGE residence on Farnam St near 24th, all modern ImDrovementa: win lease tor a term of years. AourekS il s..l,'i care o. (14) 381 6X Bnlldlngs. BUILDINGS FOR RENT. All or part of the 6-story and basement building now occupied by Carpenter Psoer Co. HARRISON t MORTON. IS N. Y. Life Bldg. (151-MM FOR RENT Private laundry at 711 South 29th Bt. - (I6)-M294 6x Offices. THREE offices on second floor of new Conservative building. In4 Harney 8t modern and conveniently situated In the business center; osk finish; best of sun light, heat and Janitor service furnished can be leased separately or en suite ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam Bt (15)-Mi6 6 FOR RENT Desk room in Beo office cltv hall building, 417 N. 26th Bt.. floutb Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) Ui I DfcTSK. room in new Branaels Bldg., with phone and stenographic service. Ariilrs 6-654, csre Bee. (15) M349 tore. DRUG STORE Best unoccupied location for local drug business In city; will alter and lease to right party. Also A-l gro cery location. BEMIS. 80S PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas bii. (16) 74 ONE store room in r.ew "Scsrgo building In South Omaha, near postofllce. with lighted cawmrnt. modern show windows and awnings; best possible location. Hall Dis tributor Co., 817 First Nat l Bank B'dg. 'Phone Rod 74J. (15) 766 OFFERED FOR SALE rtanoa, Organa, afaaieal Instraaaeata. FOR BALE A beautiful Bush A Lane up right piano, almoat new. Party giving up housekeeping. B. &ilb ail. (10-M243 t OFFERED FOR SALE rianoa aad Orgnno Contlnned. IIIOH GRADE SQUAKE PIANOS At Give Away Prices. fltelnway A Sons, fine tone, only ' ('bickering Sons, good appearance. . . . 6.i Emerson, carved legs 46 Other standard square pianos and organa, $15, $J, $35 and up. A1I makes to select from. These Instru mcnts are fully guaranteed and will he accepted on anv new Instrument at full value nny time within five years from date of purchase. Terms, $2 to $A cash and SSo to 75c per week. New pianos for rent. Ex pert tuning and repairing. All work guar anteed, SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., Tel. Doug. 1625. 1311-1313 Farnam St. (161-767 $275 ELEGANT upright piano, manogsny case, used 64 months, $130. 415 No. 23d. - (16)-9U 6X - BEAUTIFUL Upright piano, a big bargain; It will pay to rail and see It. 1KI9 Dav enport. (1 M14J 8x Frnclog. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing 60 per foot. 204 N 17tli St. Tel. Red 814. (16) 76 Fnrnltora. COMPLETE furnishings, ten-room modern, steam-heated house; cheap. 224 Webster. 'Phone Red 7176. (16) MU)5 6x Typewriters and Sewing Mavchlnea. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition: a bargain at $V). Call room 803, Bee BKlg. (16)-71 ONE Remington typewriter. No 8. In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Beo .office. (16)-29x Mlscellaneona. DUPLEX PUMP ' 00-gatlon Worthlngton duplex pump, sizo I?x10xl0, for sale about October 1. This pump has aeen about six months' actual service and Is In good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engi neer Bee Bldg. (16) 870 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the city, select now. . Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., 313 S. 16th Bt. Tel. Doug. M. (16) it BECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Binger, 416 N. 16th. (IOi 774 STOVES repaired and sold. Anything In stove line. Ranee, 1611 N. 24th. , (16) M 134 Nov7 FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fnnntalns, nionthly payments. Derlght, lal8 Farnum. U6J-776 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar tlxtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th Bl. (16)-769 HALF PRICE, small monthly payment i Rldpath's Hlatory of the World, Ameri canized Encyclopedia, Webster s New Die- ' tlonary. B. B. Roberts, southwest corner 16th and Farnara. (16) M126 N8 FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, laigo coffee mill,- two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too numerous to mention. Globo Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Nob. (16) 770 800.000 good clean brick at $4 per 1,000; also doors, windows, sheeting, lath, lum ber of the finest kind at less than half price; also two good steam-heating plants, 'inquire 3. P. Connolly, Ninth and Harney. (16) Mil6. HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman aa McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 771 ELEVATORS for sale In Iowa. Minnesota, North and South Dakota. O M. Mten, 210 Flour Exchange, Minneapolis. Minn. (16) M626 Nov.l5x BEND VB your msll orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. , (16i 772 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $11 nraers; rstaiogue rree. Bherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 777 FOR SALE Base burner hard coal stove, -w. xnquirv tui o. inn oi. (iti) ibl 4x . SALT $1.00 per bbL Wagner, 801 N. ICth. (16) 776 POTATOES for sale, car lota. Henderson iiros., iraer, J a, (16)-M404 Nov2& HALL'S aafea, new, Jd-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-777 NAILS, $1' keg. Star Bog Co., 1807 Bt. Mary a Ave. (16)-M169 Nov21x SAP-F. P. Gasoline lighting plant. $W; "- u case, jo. cole Drug uo X (16)-MU4 8X ONE counter show case, floor thaw case. w loin ox. (16) M141 tut BllERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mlxerf viii. ounrnian at McConnell Drug Co. lfi 773 PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma- ciiuie uesiguer. 1'axion lilK. Tel. Hed 7117. (IV) 7d0 LARSON at CO.-Book free. Bee Bld. (17)-781 PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of cents postage. R. 8. at A. B. Lacey, Rooma 2t-3 Paclflo Bldg., Washington. PiCiEtabllsh;d 1869; &-M.V2 PERSONAL YOUNG WOMEN coining to Omaha as strsngers are Invited to visit the toung Women's Christian Association rooms, 15il Farnam Bt where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 9lt LADIES and gentlemen are cordially In vited to come and see the greatest in vention of the age; prevents all mis placed and open switch wrecks, also en ables the engineer Co take a siding while the train is in motion. 626 N. 24th St., Bouth Omaha, Neb (18) U.M Nuv21'x Xf A n V'PYTrr'treatment ami huh Mm. PLEATING BuKSUo . . . Embroidery. . f Dyeing and cleaning, sponging snd shrinking only 6c per yard. Bend for j " price and samples. ' xt GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. jL 1 10 Douglas Block. Tel. tug1as 193C n't A C-73 I (18)-80O i-'i ' a. the: SALVATION ARMY solicits csst-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not T need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 . ?n. llth Bt., for cost at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call phone Doug. 413s and i wagon will call. (U 7tft OMAHA Btammerera' Building. Instltula Kamge (16)-7ko PEN N ELI, MILLINERY CO., 1611 Douglas. (Uy-187 N17 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by msll; cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers- iiiiuii urug i;o., Omaha. (18)-78 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 132 N. 24tli. Tel. Web. 3io9. (18)-77 WANTED At once a good homo In a Christian colored famlV (or my 4-nionil,e-old baby. Mr. A. ClsiiuUig, General De livery, OnuU,a Nsb. (1-MjTJ 4 - r