6 Trrn omaha stjnday tee: xovromEn 3, 1007. D Regular $3.50 quality lbow length Kid Gloves $250 1! !!a TK8 RZlaftmJC tTvRS Thoro novor was a season when tho ctoro was moro interesting to thoso appreciative of real bargains than lust now. Our New York resident buyer constantly on the field with plenty of c&th available, and our ability to dispose of merchandise in large quantities, is responsible for greater-than-ever November bargains. ths ttrxiAoie tTeax We are Omaha agente for Fowne'i, Adler'a and Eieendrath's Gloves Gigantic Sale of Black Silks Eighteen very eyecial bvirraia offerings for Iienday. Values you'll find it impossible to duplicate elacwJifre at these spod&l pdixs. Cemjlete shewiags of all leading makes and weaves and jopt suck values as these have made oar E2k Department famous as headquarters fcr best feargaifis. COc Block TarJrtaa, M-ln wide; spec ial. ' 48 S3c BIck iVSkxexr ZaeTeta 36-ln. wide; ejKM4j 50 1.00 Clack Vattota, W-ia. wide; special at 70 fl.00 rjTack Taffeta, ri4 wide; pedal at C9 1.23 C. J. Bewaett TaJfoSa, 2'him. wide; speelal at fS tl4 BJack SeUCfeta, te-ta. wile; special .. C3 11.25 Black TaAlHte. tMn. wide: Pedal at 51. O It. 75 O. J. BonneU Taffeta. 36-ln. wide; special ... $1.15 tl.SS Black Taffetas. Ss-Jf. wide; pedal at 81.39 75c BUck rM de Me, IMa. wide; apeeial at 59 $1.0 Black Pea do Bete. 2 Mo. wide; epeoial G0 S1.25 BUck reaa de Sole. 21 -in. wide? special at 81.00 $1.1 Black Pea de Sole. 36-ih. wtN special at gf flJI Btock Pmi de Bole. 36-ln. wide; saectal at . .' 91.00 1.89 IVuk Peao de Sole. 36-ln. wide; special at 51.15 1.75 BWk Peau de Solo, 86-ln, wide; special at $1.29 $.0S Black Peau wide; special at . , $2.00 Black Peau wide; special at Beanciful Novelty Soie, 86-ln. ...31.45 Sole, 36-ln. $1.60 Suitings, choice de plaids and stripes, plain color Taf fetas, Lonislenes, Measallaea, eto., values up to $1.00 a yard; MetUay at, yard 59 Chiffon Taffetas, - checks, strives., plain color Taffetas and Poplins, Chiffon FalUe Louislenes, eto., la a great variety of patterns and weaves, 60c and 85c values, on sale in domestic room at 3t Blankets, Commies Ooeuaeaoing em Monday we will reduoQ er stocks. lamed! afclj very deep cats. 100 pairs IL60 blaaketa, cotton, 73 100 pairs LBe s-lsnketa, cotton, 08tf 100 pairs of St .60 blankets, cotton, at $1.39 75 pairs of all wool blankets. . 81.08 100 pairs of $3.50 all wool blankets at, a pair $2450 85 pairs of $4. BO all wool blankets at, t pair $2.08 100 pairs $5.60 all wool blankets at, a pair $3.75 100 pairs of $0.50 all wool blanket at, a pair 5 Factory made cemfortables at $1.50, $1.00, 75o and 59 Home made comfortables, extra large and heavy, made here In Omaha, at up from $4.60, $3,60, $2.50. $2.25 and ..$1.98 The Leading Dress Goods House A West OVERSTOCKED hWST REDUCE AT ONCE ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES EXTRA SPECIALS IX BLACK DRESS GOODS All black Broadcloths, from $1.25 to $7,50 a yard will go at exactly bait the regular marked price. All the black Fancies from $1.25 to $8.00 a yard at exactly halt the marked price. COLORED WOOL DRESS GOODS All colored wool dress goods frera $1.26 up to $8.60 a yard will go at exactly half the marked price. EVENING SHADES Broadcloths, Voiles, Panamas aad all goods from $1.00 up to $5.00, ex. cept Lansdowne, will go at exactl half the marked price. Grand 5c Handkerchief Sale We are getting ready for the display of holiday goods and Monday wjn begin ear annual CLEARING UP EALE OF HAITUIIEJt CHIEFS, starting with ladies' and chil dren's Handkerchiefs, initialed, fancy embroidered, plain hemstitched linen, plain hemstitched Swiss, fancy lace edge, etc. All slightly soiled or mussed Handkerchiefs that sold regu larly at 10c to 15c,'in one lot Monday. 5c BEAR SKINS BY THE YARD All Bearsklae. all Drape de Leap ordlna, all Caracul and all Cloaklngs at exactly half marked price. Remember everything Is In plain figures. POPULAR-PRKED WOOL DRESS C00DS Everything In fine Eoods at med lum prices. No damaged or job goods. $1.00 Plaids, $1.00 Henriettas, $1.00 Sterm Serges, $1.00 64-ln. Suitings, $1.00 Fancies, and several other ,' lines about the $1.00 value, all at. Per yard 5Q Batistes in all colors. Fancies In all colors. 64-inch Suitings in various mixtures and a variety of other goods that sold up to 86o. . . . 49 All wool Suitings, 4 4 -In. silk and wool Suitings, 38-in. Fancies, 86-ln. Henriettas; and a variety of other goods, ranging up to 76c yd., 39 50c and 59c Fancies, 46-in. grey wool Suitings and a large variety of other goods, also 60c silk' wool striped challlcs, will go at. . . 25 Silk and wool Walstlngs. all wool Walsttngs. silk and mereerlsed WalstlDgs and rich plaid Walstlngs, also mohair fancy Walstlngs; all away below the regular price, at, yard $1.00. 76c, 6c, 49c, 89c, 25o and 19 Cleaning Up Stamped Linens Fancy Stamped Doilies 2VjC Plain Damask Doilies.. 3 c jajucu xtajr jtwiu&, ..... .uu Dresser Scarfs at 10c Pillow Shams at. ..... . .15c Bilk Floss, per slsein. . . . .lc 2c AND 5c LACE SALE Cleaning up all our Tor chon Laces, Val. Laces, Ori ental Laces, Linen Laces, Applique Laoes, Zion City Laceeat 2c and 5o yard. SriECtAIi SALE HOLIDAY BOOKS All f 1.60 Copyright Bceka, tn Meaday'a sale at . .' 9S AH $1.00 Copyright bmIo, Maaday's sale at 43 All Other Holiday Books at Proper eaately Low rrtsea. Great Special Sale of Rugs and Carpets : Entire Stock of z Prominent Philadelphia House Secured by Our Buyer at a Price Far Below Actual Cost to manufacture. . Piece goods of all descriptions. Rug3 of all sizes and almost unlimited assortment of new patterns and rich colorings. EVERY YARD OF CARPET, EVERY RUG- GUARANTEED PER FECT. No mismatched or in any way damaged or soiled goods shown. AXMINSTERS FRENCH AND ROYAL WILTONS, ORIENTALS, BODY AND TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, SMYRNAS ART SQUARES. ' ' ' " ' Oti SALE MONDAY MID WESDAY VJSpJsL $2.00 Velvet Rugs, size 27x54, big range of patterns, on sale at ..S1.15 $13.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, splendid assortment of patterns, at $8.03 55c C. C. Ingrain Carpets, 15 pat terns to select from, on sale at, yard jvtn Fries-Harleys Kashmir Rugs Over 75 patterns to select from, 9x12 size, 'colors 'are guaranteed there's no wrong side to a "Kashmir" regular $13.50 values on sale cn jo ocorca ox omer U6utuum xvug anu varpei isargains snown. JLon't fail to see our magnifi cent special bargains before you buy a Rug or Carpet. Remember, all ihese goods are guaranteed perfect.. Muslins, Sheetings, Linens, Etc For real bargains see Big Manufacturer? s Stock Sale Continues Monday Four big shipments of women's Ready-to- j"H"Weai.A.,trV - ' 'ojyaaal-.",5 10.00 French VoUe Skirt Pleated and trimmed with bands of taffeta; magnificent bargains $4.05 25.00 Coats tn all the newest fabrics, colors and styles, 54-ln. lengths, tight, semi or loose fitting; on at $19.50 $10.00 Coats In fine black Kerseys.-6 0-ln. lengths; - .very special bargains at, choice $6.95 Flue IYencb Ceaey teats, lined with guaranteed saMn throughout; sold elsewhere up to $35.00; sale price lB $22.50 Wear Outer Garments, the second installment of the extensive purchase by our New York resident buyer, received Saturday for Mon day's selling. To say they are charming in style idea only faintly expresses the facts. They're simply the greatest lot of garment valued it has been our pleasure to show this season. Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and Furs are included, and will be placed on sale at prices far below their actual value. Tailor Salts, that would sell regularly at $25.00, all samples, no two alike, 100 garments to select from; Monday, choice . , $17.50 $7.50 Panama Skirts In blues, blacks or browns, very newest styles, on sale at, choice $4.95 Silk Shirt Waist Suits, made of Givenaud's best taf fetas, worth regularly $25.00 to $30.00; on sale at $16.00 and' $12.50 A Great Lot of Panama Skirts, regular values to $7.60, secured from a N. Y. buyer for spot cash at a great bargain; on Bale at, choice $3.95 Silk and Net Waist A shipment surpassing In vari ety and quality any jret shown, worth regularly $4.00 to $5.00; choice $2.98 Children's Curly Bearskin Coats, all colors, sizes to 0 years; regular $4.60 values on sale Monday $2.98 Sevsr! r;:2ra Sitrij.!a Fur Garments, aU the very best quail Li ei, and greatest assortment youH find in Omaha. On sale Monday and all next week at 25 to 83 per cent less thnn regular retail prices. Don't fail to see these special fur bargains Monday. Hayden's High Grade Linen Department Overstocked -Only Remedy Is Price Cutting. Read this: Lace Curtains, Por tieres and Draperies Several handsome new lines ti Lace Curtains iust received, the most cmplete assortment and best qualities you will find anywhere at the prices. Several very special bargains. Fine Imported Brussels Xct Lace Cur tains, 62-ln. wide,, 3ft yards long, very elaborate and handaeme designs, prices, per pair, from $20 to $6.50 Corded Arabian Lace Curtains, 64-ln. wide, 3 Mi yards long, at prices rang ing from $11.00 a alr, to. . $3.98 Irish Point Cnrtataa, odd pairs, worth front $6.00 to $7.60; oa sale Monday at. per pair ,.....'.. $2.98 Clany Lace Curtains, In white or ecru, with lace and Insertion edge; prices, per pair, $10.00 down to. .. $3.98 Zion City Cable Net Curtains. 64-ln wide, 3 yards long, regular $2.60 values; special, per pair, . . . $1.98 $6.50 Tapeajtry Portieres, heavy quality Ottoman weave; special, pair, $4.98 Fringed Portieres, heavy quality, in red and green; special, pair, $2.98 OO-ln Couch Covers, Persian and ori ental designs. $4.60 down to $1.98 72-in. Couch Covers, for Sanitary Dav enports; splendid-values?. . . $5.98 BO-ln. Tapestries, all colors; special values at, yard '. 49 Denim. In plain colors er figured, at, yard, 25c, 19c and 15 1 Sale of Sam- Die Fnmttnre Continues iM Monday . . . . In our famous Domestio Room, this department. SnEETIXGS 9-4 Bleached 20 C 9-4 Lockwoods, bleached . .". 25J 9- 4 Pepperell, bleached .... 24 10- 4 Lockwood. bleached . . 28 Fruit of the Loom 10 Lonsdale 94 Hepe gtt Yard wide, bleached 54 Yard wide, bleached GU Yard wide, bleached 7ls Yard wide, unbleached 5 Yard wide, unbleached 6 Yard wide, unbleacheed ..... 7J 72x90 unbleached sheets- . . 45c 72x90 bleached sheets .... 45 81x90 Pepperell, unbleached 59 81x90 Lockwood, unbleached 59 81x90 Lockwood, bleached. 60 Amoskeag outings English flannelettes 5 Yard wide shaker 8 2$4n. shaker 7 Goad shaker flannel' 5 Shaker flannel 3 Hi Amoskeag apron checks... OH 4 Lancaster apron checks ... 5 Tokla check ginghams, absolutely fast color, at 5 Remnants of unbleached, bleached and silver bleached, up to $1.60 a yard, at. yard 69c, 49c, 89o and 254 Remnants of high grade wool goods, ranging In price from 75o to $3.50 yard, at, 59c, 49c, 89o and 254 15c towels 8 H 12 He towels ............ 7H4 10c towels 5 American prints 54 Simpson's prints 54 12 Vic dress gingham 5 12 Vic all linen toweling . . . 7Hy Cotton toweling 34 J. ' " "TV? m-f a UX3 A lit F With the addition of the stock of ' one of the largest manufacturers of parlor furniture in the United States.' We purchased for cash their en 1 tire stock of sample parlor furniture, made expressly for the furniture exhibits in Chioage, 111., and Grand Rapids, Mich. Net a -piece of goods in this line that has not been sub jected to the most rigid examination as to quality of workmanship and finish. We bought them for cash at a big disceunt and will place them on sale this week at ABOUT HALF REGULAR RETAIL VALUE. Parlor Chairs, Corner 'Chairs, Arm Chairs, Boston Leather Rockers, Couches, Parlor Suits, Odd Divans, Davenports', etc., etc., ef very finest qual- ityr" All on sale at most remarkable bargain prices. Parlor Chairs, regular $5 val- ues, sale price $3.00 ues, in this sale at $2.50 Boston Leather Rockers, regu- Parlor Chairs, regular $6 val-1 lar. $11.50 values. ... .$7.00 ,ues, in this 6ale at. . . .$3.00 $18.50 Parlor Chairs,' several Corner Chairs, regular $6 val- styles, on sale at. ... .$9.85 Hundreds of other pieces, of Parlor Furniture samples at about half. Remember our Credit System provides for payment to suit your convenience. Underwear Specials Match these values elsewhere if you can, la season able goods of reliuble quality. You'll find you've under, taken a big contract 4f you try. Ready. cash, and our ability to handle merchandise in great lots is alone responsible for these most unusual bargain offerings. Men's Fine Wool Shirts and Drawers, ' extra well, made, worth to $2.00 a . ' garment, sale price, 75t and 984 Ladies' Union Sulta. worth to $5.00, ' In all "wool or silk and wool; sale prices, $2.98. $1.98 and $1.50 Men's Fleeced, Vesta and Pants, val . ues to $1.00; prices 60c, 39c. .25d Ladles' Fleeced Union Suits, worth to $1.95, at 98c, 76c, 49c and. . . 39 Children's Fleeced Union Suits, all sizes, at 49c and 394 All our $1.50, $1.75 and $2 Bleached ' Linen Damask, Irish, Scotch and.Crer man manufacture, will go at. . .9Sc All $10 per dozen Napkins $7.50 All $7.50 per dozen Napkins. . !$5.95 AU $5.00 per dozen Napkias. . .$3.75 . All $4.00 per dozen Napkins. . .S2.93 All $10.00 Cloths C7.31 All $12.50 Cloths. $8.50 All $15.00 Cloths $9.9 All $20.00 Cloths. $13.50 25o Huck Towels .' -. . ,18c 19o Huck Towels 12 15o Huck Towels 10c 12Vlc Huck Towels I . . .G34c 16o nuck Towels . .5c L .:- 25c For Popular Priced Linens, See Domestic Room. Big Sale on Hoasefurnishinqs II TTTTTTTm G9c 5c . 49c 10c Mrs. Potts' $1.15 5-piece sets Sad Irons, Monday . .: 59C Heavy Enameld Tea Kettles, worth 0So .....49c 25c Parlor Brooms only , 15c 35c Zinc "Washboards 19c 29c 5c 15c 5c 49c 2 . (7Z&&JF2' J $0.00- $3.50 $4.00 YOU know Lincoln's adaje, "You can't fool all the people airthe time, etc" Everybody has heard it and" believes it And it is true. Which is clinching preof for "Queen Quality" ahoes. Far ever decade their sales have far exceeded these ef a3 a-thcr women's shocv Yet' the demand continues to row. Even the 10,000 'pairs made every day can't supply it. Why? Just try one pair. 45c 3 parts Dinner Buckets 15c ir. r t tt -ji r twu oui xioa, large size 1 See cuts above for Wash Machines, etc. ' The famous O. K. Washer $4.98. The best Washpr. wortJi $7 S-44?l ama m n r. m m wmr r m m wmm m ! 12-gal. Garbage Cansi worth h.50.9Sc I FV fa J -V LlUskSJ vi k ITGl Hayden's for Groceries The Highest Quality;, Freshest Goods: Lowest Prices and Largest Stock. Sifting. 10 lb. sack beat whlu or yel low corn meal ... . lso 21 lbs. teat purs granulated sugar for $1.09 IS bars of any brand of soap for 2ic Choloe Japan hand rice, pr ' lb 80 v Unea Blaoulta. kg. IVtO Egg-O-See Corn Flakes, prr kg So Zr. Price's 9reakfaat Food, per pkg So Elijah Manna Breakfast Food, per pkg. ...... 100 Freab arlap Fretzele, per Jb The beet Soda or Oybler CrackerSt per lb ! Tbe beat crisp Ginger Snap, per lb 6c Fig Newton Cookies, per lb ' 7Vc Burnliam's dainty Jeltycon, per pkg io I lb. cans solid packed Toma toes He J lb. can fancy sweet sugar corn ' IVto Dried Pratt Speolal Sale Choice California Prunes., 1 er lh. 5o Choice Kant Clara Prune. Ir lb r T',40 Fancy Italian Prunes. .IVjC Cleaned Currants, per lb. iOo. Pitted Plums. ;er lb. .. 15o ' Fancy Imporud Prunes, per lb II He Fancy Crown Kaiaerta. per lb lc Fancy HultAna KeeUleea Rais ins, per lb iio Fancy Callfurnla Heedlce Ui.ll. lr lb l.VaO ' Tea aaS Coffee Specials Fancy' fcantoe Coffee, per lb lBe ' Fancy Maracaibo Blend Cof fee. pr lb. 17jO Fancy Porto Rico Blend Cot- tee, per lb ?0o Fancy Ankols Blend Coffee, per lb Ho The best Tea Sifting, pc: lb 12 Ho Choice uncolored Japan or 6un Dried,- per lb 2ic Fancy basket tired English Breakfast, Ceylea or Gun powder Tea, per lb... 8 be Batter, Cheese aad Bntter- Ine sTiydea Bree. Xeaft taarters. Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb. ....1 13.: Choice 6rparator Creamery Batter, per lb Hi Fanoy Separator Creamer Butter, per lb.... ' Fancy Full Cream C"-e, per lb ISo Fancy Full Creanr. Cheese, lb v tft Fanoy Full Cream Brick Cheese, per lb. ........ J63 Neufchatel Cbeeie. each 40 Cap Sago Cheese, each.. t Ho Presa Teg-etable Prloes tot Satuxdap t heads fresh hot house Let- tuce foi Gc bunches of fresh RadlU-8 for 5o Fancy 8wect Potatoea, pre lb mc Cape Cod Cranberrlea, per quart svc Freeh CabLgr. per huad IVic Huhburd Kquaah, at, each ft and 7 Ho Freeh Kplnach, per peck l.uo Fancy Red Onions, per lb JHc Fresh Turnips, per lb....Zo Freali Carrol , per lb 1 LurKO head frebh . ('auli flower fur tc Iarge CocuanuU, each... to I New Honey, per rack.... 10 Bermuda Onions, per lb. So Tokay Grapes, per lb. ..TH'j PrenhPareley, per bunch lo Fresh Boasted Teanuis, p.T quart 60 Iargs Juicy Leinona, per dua. 0o Ladies' Fleeced VeeU and Pants, worth to 76c a garment, at 49c, 39c, 25c and lOg Clilldrt-n's Fleered Vesta and rants, worth to 50c a garment. 25c. .19 I flics Outing Flannel Gowns, values up to $2.00, at 88c, 75c and.. 49c) RG CORSETS Combine elegance of style and flex Ibilltjr fur beyond the ordinary; aad are so perfectly bnUt that they always retain their shape. All aew styles are here, ltv all lengths to fit all figures. They are perfect In every detail aad every pair la guaran t e d. An all. arauad corset for t vera go II go res Is here shown. Prices in Ceutll Ne. 617 or Ba tlBteKo. 673 Is $1.00 Similar styles shown. Prices up to $3.50. We Are Exclusive Selling Agents for the Famous Zion City Laces P mi a 1 a a r TJie lace tnat is duty free. This factory has recently been pur chased by Marshall Field & Co. of Chicago, who, realized tho su perior qualities of these fine laces. We are also sole agents for II all Bro chert Dress Forma for Nebraska, North and South Dakota and western lows, Come la and see lamplaa. 1 ) 7 1 X M