The Omaha Daily Bee A Ppr for th Horn THE OMAHA DEC Best i". West EDITORIAL SECTION. Ptgis 9 to IB. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS. VOL. XXXVII NO. 118. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1907. i I 5 i World's Famous Books Former Price $1.50, 7(1 a long as Ihtf (a j, 7t Some new $1.60 Copy rights our price, 81. OS "The Host Man," by Harold MacOrath "The Shuttle," by Francis Burnett "The Golden Home, sho"," by Robert Altken. "The Shepherd of the 1111," Harold Bell' Wright "The Weavers." by Gilbert Tarker A New Little Colonels' Book, for girls. The i-iittle Colon ei a Knight Comes Riding, by Annie Fellows Johnston ... $1.18 TWtl it H"y Lades- Underwear Ladles' fleece llnil vests nd and pants. J5c value 34o Ladles fleece llnm hlearlivrt vest and pants, 0o value 39o Ladle' wool plaltrd union suits, : Jft value 69o Lanlea' allk and wool union suits. $2.26 value 81.48 Roys' extra heavy fleeced shlrta and drawer, 35e value.. 95o And LHiuble Green Trading Stamp. HANDKERCHIEFS Ladles' pure linen hemstltchd handkerchief a. UOc value.. 10o Ladles' pure linen lace and em broidered, worth to 7i choice 19o Men's pure linen Initial, ifuod sue, each laVtO And Double Green Tradl.ig Kiampa. hWvJ. JKBti.. JKi-lSISKll.1 B!z!2 Men's Soil Hats 75 dozen .latest popular styles and colors one. of the bargalu events of the season. Values up to 12.00 on sals $M Values up to $2.60 on sals i.M Values up to $3.50 on sals $2.49 (Including; several John B. Stetson fine sample hats.) Man's and Boys' Tu Lined Caps. Fine" lot of caps. In all ths latent pattern and styles, come with a nice, fur band that pulls down snug over the ears, worth 75o; on sals Saturday 60s fBjasasvssdi Fine Shirts 50c, 75c, 11.00 and $1.50 Fine hand laundered shirts. In strictly fashionable, colors and designs, from some of, ths best Known makers in America . Plain white, stripes and fig ures, attached or separate cuffs. Saturday BOO Latest colors. In fine madras and percale, fancy figures and stripes, plain or plaited, at tached or separate cuffs. Sat urday 7 So Fine Shirts. In sll the latest checks and stripes, dark and light colors, plain or plaited, attached or separate cuff", on sale Saturday 91.00 Ladies' Hosiery Ladles' fast Mack seamWs hose, double stle, lo value, at 1'40 Ladles' Imported cotton ho, split foot, 35c value 95o A lot of imported lace ani frauie ilsle hose, boo value, at 95o Boys' extra heavy Bicycle Hose, 1 9c value ISV40 And Double Green Trading Stamps. CLOVES Ladies' Silk and Wool Lined Cashmere Gloves, 60o value, at 29c Ladles' one-clasp genuine Mocha Gloves. $1.25 value. 79o Ladies' 1 (-button Kid Gloves. f.1.76 value $3.19 And Double Green Trading Hta nips. c..: (a. n? MMi d.. casj Dun tur men aim uuys K 8 fit I't' n50NMEYER i VJ dOTHES-l 1 xjof A I nocHtrmrNiwTfpis. JXaJ Checks, Otitis, Clearing House Cer tificates, Cashier's Checks and Assignment of Savings Bank De posits accepted by us from us bt ail purchasers, same as money. i ton Mil "I ART ART I New Pastels In country 1 and water scenes, tine n gold frames, some ot U the finest we have i ever shown. On sale K at $10 $4.60. $4.00. U $3.50. $2.98. $2.60 and 81.08 fl Many new novelty pic- .: tures at 25c. 20c, 15c, 12c and 10d I Beautiful new fall and winter suits, in a great range of new patterns and colors. Made with long, stylish lapels and close fitting collars. Also fine blue serges, hand made through out. Regular $18 values, QQ Men's fashionable Overcoats, in medium and heavy weights, Meltons, Kerseys, Vicunas and fancy Overcoatings. Cut over the latest models at ; $20 and $15 MEN'S CRAVENETTE COATS Genuine Cravenette Rain Coats. Cut long and full, new gray and Oxford stripes and mix tures, very stylish. .$15, $12.50 and $10 SUITS FOR BOYS Seven to 16 years, of fine all wool blue serge with knickerbocker trousers. Stylish mixtures and plaid suits with extra trousers to match. All wool rain proofed JulJIUu Butts, with full double seats, and front linen lined, the best $6.00 I, re ults on the market, Saturday HUU Boys' Reefers and Overcoats, sizes 3 to 16 years. Styl ish Russian overcoats, sizes 3 to 8 years; nobby velvet collar, double breasted reefers, sizes 7 to 12 and long dressy overcoats, sites 7 to 16 years, in the best materials and colorings, at- 5.004.00-3.00 503 Sample Coals Iffi&SlS. No. 7 East 16th, New York at 50c on the'dollar SCHOOL GIRLS' COATS e to 14 years, made of fine all wool, cheviot, hnndaoinelT tailored and trimmed. All the most desirable colors; browns, rods, blues and castors. Every coat worth $6.50 to $7.60, Sat urday all go on sale one price, See Hth Strtel Windows 3A8 Women's Kersey and Broadcloth Coats at $i5.00 and 519.50 52 inches long, full lined, handsomely trimnied in velvet and braid, black, blue, brown and evening f C.00 . 4 Q.50 shades, at I 3 and i Tailored Waists Beautiful Tailored Waists, made d QC of new plaids and plain colors, at i Tailored Broadcloth Suits legular $25 alue everywhere. 4 Q FA Our nriee I 2fJU M. Two and three button Prince Chap styles, some are braid trimmed, all are hand somely tailored coats, have taffeta silk or satin lining, full pleated skirts, ff Q Cl trimmed in folds... s7.Jw- SONS CO. yv 14th and Farnam Gt. i w-. Vi . 1 1 .'."ifnn-. i; $ Radiant Home STOVES AND RANGES NEVER FAIL 1 TO PLEAGE! If you want the beBt built and most economical stove on the market, without a high, nickel-plated price, you will find it In. the Radiant Home. High grade, up-to-date construction. Thousands sold by us now tn usa in Omaha. Get our prices before you buy. Jluby Oaks Cole's Cot Blast adlan Home teel 5.85 up "10 up anf ee $37.00 Omaha Agents for Quiok Meal Steel manges and Beokwlth BounC Oaks. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINQ IN OUR GREAT rKhn, Second Beautiful Wedding Gifts; an endless variety Chinas, trench, Austrian; a new showing of Marie Antoinette wear plates, etc., each Floor of fine $2, $3, 54, $5 Handsomely cut berry or fruit bowl, heavy whirl cutting, a $5.UO value, on sale, special $2.98 Colonial Table Tumblers, very finest of crystal) have been on sale fur iOo, '"I Saturday. for JU And SO Green Trading Stamps Large assortment of Japanese China Vasea About lit differ-, enl klndei worth up to QQn $1.00, on sale at. choice The New Inverted Gas Light it la a wonderful light giver; the finest to read or sew by. on special sale Saturday, com plete, each 95c Pretty German China Berry Set, six dishes and bowl to match; a $1.50 value, special, set, Thursday 08c Women's Neckwear 8 Prettiest novelties we've ever shown. An extraordinary range of Ideas. Prices right. 500 Linen Embroidered Coat sets, worth up I to 50c, lC Stock Collars and for Plauen Lace Turnovers, worth 25c, each... .... Chiffon Veiling, in all the new fall shades, worth 25c, each 5c I III 15c swacasKi Stoves, House Furnishings and fftf)lf Rfc WHEH YOU ARE DECIDING ON A NEATER, BASE BURNER OR A RANGE BUY THE BEST. "A PENINUSIAR" Art Peninsular Base Burner, 13-ln. flrepot, special 886.00 No. 400 Peninsular Base Burner, special $40.00 Peninsular Home Oak. 15-ln. firepot ..tia.00 Peninsular Home Oak, 10-ln. flrepot 6.50 No. 328 Peninsular Oak Coal, will burn hard or soft, special . . . .$18.00 No. 32$ Peninsular Cmk Coal. with double, heater 919.00 Perfection Oil Heaters, $3.75 and $4.75 And 80 Green Trading Stamps. Black Eagle Stove Polish . . 10 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Enamel Ware, assorted. Pudding Pans, Sauce Pans, Preserve Kettleg, etc.. choice 10 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Stove Pipe, per Joint 15f And 10 Green Trading Stmaps. Wash Boilers, all prices, up from 06t. And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Yellow Lable Stove Polish . . 15, And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Sapolln Stove Pipe Enamel 15 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Whisk Brooms 10 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Match Boxes, Comb and Brush Trays, all imported 18 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Gold Metal Bread Toasters 10 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Waffle Irons for gas ranges, at. each 98 And 40 Green Trading Stamps. demonstration of the famous Heamless helMlastlng Roaster; Made in black poU shed steel. Also half enameled and QP fnll enameled. Prices np from Ol A KM When you stop to think about it, you, of . course, realize the grave danger that menaces your children when they play in the streets on which there are street car tracks, but do you think about it often enough! And do you caution your children about it often enough? Are 'you sure that YOUR children aro not daily exposing themselves to the danger of being struck by a car in fact, jeopardiz ing their lives, Remember that when children are play ing, their minds are engrossed with their play and they are utterly unheedful of approach ing cars and frequently dart directly in front of them. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway Company Shoes for Men, VJomen and Children 100 Green Trading Stamps on all $3.50 and $ Utn'i &aoes. - 100 Greco Trading Stamps en all $3.50 and Women 'j Shots Boys' solid leather school shoes, regular $1.75 kinds, all sizes up to 5 H. Saturday $1.39 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Men's solid leather shoes, for dress or work, really worth $2.50, Saturday $1.08 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Women's light sole Amazon laced kid shoes, dressy and easy to the feet, patent tips, $2.00 values $1.39 Men's $4.00 10-inch blucher cut storm boots, solid and ser viceable. $3.19 Ehlnola Shoe Polish, Brush and Men'a 76c, 7, 8 and 10 button Dauber, while they laat ...17e Overgaltwra, Just the thing fur Glycerol bhoe Pollah, the polish, tan--ahuea 49o with the oil In It 15o $1.00 blue, green, gray, wine, Japanese- Bath Slippers, the , red and brown.. Overgaltera, real Imported 18e (Saturday o Bee Harney St. Window for great Evening Slipper Sale Monday. FURNITURE Many New Attractive Goods, Especially Low Priced for Sa'urday. in See cut. It's the smoker's friend. Made to attach to chair or table, fin ished with spun brass tray and match receiver, made to sell at $1, Saturday our price 68c CARPETS Brussels Carpet, with stair to match, Saturday, yard 39c I haIaiiih Heavy, scores of patterns, worth LinOlcUlJI- 60c, Saturday, square yd..39c , , 1 B TMMstH lafcstats VgMlBt1 Wawwililli Wlsli hi n n SsssiiHi at HiiaT UfT &BaViuaam'awMaamtmamm&HaM aMlriauMieTaaeiriBepaaaws Sporting Goods Hunting Coats 760 to $3.00 Hunting Trousers 1.00 to 88.60 Hunting Caps 65o to So Wood Peooys. Cox. (3-89 W carry a full line of Ammunition and Loaded bhella lower than Job blug prices. FOOT BAXZ, OOOStk Koot Balls.. 84.00 te TM 10 per cent redustlon on all trousers and vests carried ,over from lust season. Regular $1.00 Foot Ball Shoes, special ....98.48 We have a full Una of ball bearing Kink hkatrs. . .$7.00 te 93.M Sidewalk bkates 81.60 e 4 So All kinds, colors and alses In Jeraeys and 88.00 to 1.00 C o 1 1 a m e tenants and Banners, up f rum.. See Bennett's Big Grocery S3,3Ar,, roasasaasi 2; If Flowers If la Eafranct Roses, all kinds, new varieties, per doxen 50 Carnations, all col ors, beauties, per doton 33g Chrysanthemums all colors, dozen $1.00 $1.50 Heiv Toys New Rubber Toys New Games All our new Kt ner Dolls and finest large toys are la and can bo shown to any on who wishes to purchase. Doll Heads, all site and kinds. Teddy lit-ars, Veloe opedes. Go Carta, Perambulators, elo. SiMSutid Kloor. Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack $1.43 And 75 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack $1.45 And 75 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Flour, small sack.. 7$ And 36 Green Trading Stamps. Granulated Sugar, 21 pounds for ...$1.00 Bennett's Beat Coffee. 1 pounda $1.00 And 100 Gren Trading Stamps. Bennett's Bust Coffee, pound lc And 30 Green Trading Stajnps. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, t- pound can nt And 70 Green Trading Stamps. Santos Coffee, pound ISO And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Teas: all kinds, pound 68c And 7$ Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, 6 pound can $1.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pouud can for jjtc And 2'a Green Trading Stamps. I)lamond "C Soap, nine bars JSc Bulk Gelatine, pound package 30c lio can btrawberry Beets, for 10c Lincoln Bulterine. two pounds for....t6e And 10 Green Trading eltamps. Jersey Butterlne, two pounds for I4 And 10 Green Trading Siainps. Premium Butterlne, two pounds for . .42c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. HBADQUABTXBa TOM CXXXSB New Tork Full Creem Cheese, lb. for. 23c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, jar for ....10c And Green Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, pint can for. 20c And li Green Trading Stamps. Uneeda Biscuit, four packages for.. 15c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Jos. letlsy k Cos. Zadla aad Ceyloa Teas Sunflower Brrd. pound tin for 70c And (0 oreen Trading Stamps. Sunflower Brand, half pound tin for..S5a And 26 Green Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, quart can....3Sc And $0 Green Trading Stamps. Ksg-O-See, four packages 2c Jelloo, assorted, three packagea.250 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, pint bot..iio And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, but.. He And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Saratoga Chips, fresh and crisp, per pound 30c Swedish Safety Matches, per dosen boxes .6o BtTTTBB BVTTBB BUTTXB rive tkoasaAd pounds Bennett's Capitol Creamery, tke finest made, pet pound brick, full weigltt, pound ...88o run rams am btxoxtabui. Celery, freah and crisp, three for,...10o Sweet Potatoes, fancy Jersey, lb....XHJ Peanuts, fresh roasted, quart 6 j BinriTT'8 CABBIZB Orooory Beotloa Iceland Moss Squares, delicious, lb...lOo Sailed Peanuts, per pound 10c Bon Bon Boxes, decorated, each.... $ Ho Mackintosh's Toffee, package 18c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's flgea Market 9lc Full Weights and More Than Full Values Every Time Oreet sale of strtotly fresh dressed Ciioksaa Over 8,000 pounds lor one aays sale, hens or spring- okiokens, pound Fresh Leaf Lard, 10 pounds for 1.00 Sirloin Roast, lb...ilHo Sirloin Steak. lb...l8Vi prime Rib Boast, sll bones out lb IOo Choice Pot Roast, lb To and Bo Veal Chops, lb IOo Veal Roast, shoulder cut. lb So and S Veal Stew, lb so Boiling Beefr T pounda for 8V Just recelv.yl a larse shipment of Morrells Iowa Hams, every ham la selected ad guaran teed, per lb llo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. 2,00$ pounds Morrells Iowa Picnic Hams, every one guaranteed, nice and lean, lb... 11 And 30 Green Trading Sta.nia. Morrell's Iowa Pride Bacon, narrow strips and well trimmed, ner lb. 170 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. No. 1 Bacon, narrow strips, 6 to 7 pound av erage, by the strip, per lb 13o Morrell's High Grade Iard, In pa.ii a, 3-pound pall ... 48 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Morrell's High Grade Lard. 6-lb pall TO And 30 Green Trading clamps. Morrell's High Grade Lard. 10-llx pall. $1.35 And 40 Green Trading Stamps. To Chicago Burlington's Evening Chicago Express leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m., arriving Chicago at 9:00 a. m. The Sleeping Car and Dining Car Service is available for patrons at 6:00 p. m. Earlier Afternoon Chicago Train leaves Omaha at 4:30 p. m. Day Chicago Limited leaves Omaha at 7 :00 a. m. . All three trains have the Burlington's high-class dining car service a la carte plan. First class fare, Omaha to Chicago $10 Jamestown Exposition tickets can be used during November for trip to eastern cities. 1 Tickets, berths, all information, Z ' 1 CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1 ! ti frfit IS 17 v 1502 Farnam Stree t, Omaha, Neb. UUUiIIIHUJm Telephone Douglas 3580. Do you live near Corby and Sherman Ave? BLAKE'S PHARMACY 2816 Sherman Ave. will take your want-ad for The BEE at the same rates as the main office. Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE k4 A