TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER' 2, 1907. s.&s)aW.h.ftaa w"y rtav f rw'fl i-Maw v I r V lvfiitTf -ia?rr Twtw w w J0 m m It -!' v 0 wn q 777 O 8' i !;-'' V SUBS TAN- , TIAL BAR GAINS from OMAHA'S SUBS1AN- UAL BARGAIN CENTER EVERY ITEM HERE IS AN EXTRA SPECIAL and MEANS A REAL SAVJNG OF MONEY J. L BRANDEIS & SONS Will Take Frcm Purchasers of M rchani ss Checks on All Local Banks . L Braadeis & Sons t it irt. JLL 'a PLAID WAISTS The Haverites for Fall an J Winter SPECIAL BARGAINS Tboee Stunning rUId Silk WalKts Prettiest waists of the season never be fore sold for less than $5, tlg variety, at , LA Wonder! u 22 The Plaid Cotton Waists In-those smart, bright plaid effect every one asks for; it's a ' great bargain Saturday- worth 2. at "98c kirt Sale car Skin Coats SPECIAL BARGAINS The cutest little coats ever shown, in white and colors, fine quality and right on the tip-top of i i O juvenile fashion. JO Special for Sat- urday Children's Dresses These are all wool, plain col ors or fancy effects, all sizes the regular two dollar dresses, Satur day for. . . :. . ; . . ,98c Muslin Underwear- Hand Made Embroidered .. Chemises Beautiful designs, fine fabrics ft Ac and a regular $1.50 garment, for. OJ 75c Corset Covers at 29CJ Very dainty patterns your choice for Sat- lfc urday, second floor, at. . J MEN'S PANTS li Worth Up to $ $3.50, at Here are 2,500 pair of Panta from a New York manufacturer at leu than the cost of the making. We .never olfered uch a grand bargain In Men's Fine Trousers since we started in business. The Pants are union caast meres, Scotches and wors teds, sizes 20 to 42 waist measure actually worth up to 2. B0 a pair at, pair- Most Complete Assortment In Omaha Women's Footwear n-X We are exclusive, stents for the Red Cross Shoes, all leathers, pair. . . - V . The best shoes for style and wear that ever fl t - t IQ sold at $ J'J uress suppers, pumps, strap slippers and ties In satins, suedes and patent leathers. Htn's Fine Shoes riorshelm Shoes for men, best t& shoe made per C pair tyj . The Ross mo re Ehoe for men ail leathers, welt KQ sewed, at PJ-D More shoe -satisfaction in our hlldren's shoe department than anywhere else in Omaha. Never Before Have Such Great Skirl Bargain? Been Olfered in Omsxha Entira Surplua Stock ToetH r With all tht Samp'ei of Tvro of Nsx York's Bssl Mnufaclurera. We Pali Cash for Them and Bought Them Away Delow Their Value. It is Your Chance. . Sale is Saturday Sis - Cealherbloom Pctllcoals Dla Special iiaryalns Beautifully mado "Heatherbloom" p e 1 1 i c oats are known all over America for their excellence Sat urday Special $2.25 Ueather- V bloom xr ' S for Our 12.60 Heath erbloom . . . . . If it Xl! " Made for this season's f athionatlie (ra.de, they show all the latest style features. The graceful flares; the new wide self- folds and silk band trimmings, etc. SKIRTS, worth up to 512, we aell for SKIRTS, worth up to $15, we ' will Sell for x SKIRTS, worth up to $20, we . will sell for Materials an Chiffon, Panamas, Voiles, Mix tares, Etc., all the newest and smartest eclora decreed by fashion. EXTRA SPECIAL A 50-Inch Novelty LONG CLOAK . for J57.SO The long, loose swagger Coats that are in biggest favor nowwell tailored, handsome and dressy de signs it is mPA a regular JU $15 Cloak J : LUl ig Special Sale of Stylish New Hats at $5.00 860 Samples ef FeJl and Winter Hats Just Received From a New York Trimmed flat Manufacturer No store in America ever sold such dressy, swell, up-to-date hats as these for $5. Every one is a new shape and style made of Paon velvets and French felts very handsomely trimmed with plumes, fancy feathers the new combina tions of green, etc. all are copies of ex- gp pensive French hats they were made to sell regularly at $10 and $15 gigantic bar gain at A Special Sale of Fancy Feathers Thousands and thousands of Fancy Feathers of every de scription, all colors, on big bargain tables, rj A tW&Uls main floor, at, each. We mention a new line of Dress and Evening Hats at. .$10 Oae of tke as Sate Bk.tehaa U Our J)partaiat - ' t) ' If S2lil TAILORED SUITS Women's Fall Suits New arrivals shown for the first time-r-all 1750. the latest styles are here for. . . .1 i The Fashionaeal Suits Very latest fall and winter models in these style aristo crats no suit can show tho re- y C fined style of this one at. .... . . . J One ef tlie SS Hats Sftetohed to Cur Diirtma MEN'S SHOE SALlt Thousands of men's first quality shoes, in selected leathers, all new styles, in box calf, velor calf, vici kid and patent colt, including W. L. Douglas $3 and $3.50 shoes these shoes are built for solid wear grand special bargain Thcoc Arc Q3 and S3. SO Shoes, at (ml 2 an sa manufacturer's entire surplus stock of wo mens hlsh grade shoes in the Tery latest styles and newest leathers lace or button, regular JS.00 and 13.50 values, Saturday very special at II. 88. Positively Worth S3 and 03.50 at 98 OVERCOATS FOR BOYS IN AGES 3 TO I The nobbiest littltt styles for boys, in. blacks, grays, browns, blues and mixtures new double - breasted styles with brass buttons, the new coat with ensign on the 6leeve, good, heavy goods for winter, positively . i worth up to $3, at TT mm) IK m Correct Clothes for Critical If you want a good, serviceable Overcoat or Suit in the newest style and best fit one that will give you the very best practical service, we say "Buy a Rossmore." Medium priced Cl1 clothes, but high grade in every way hold their shape as long as the cloth 11 CS lasts many of the very best dressed men in Omaha wear 1 1 j them The Kogers-Feet Clothes ror Hen Are the Best Clothes Made Best in Q 4 C? O point of land tailoring the best fit the best service refinement in 6tyle, atvf)l J lO CpLI n . a Good Clothes for Bbys Boys' Combination Suits include suits with extra pair of Knickerbocker pants to match just as 0.98 a ff f ' ood as two good suits, at 0 Children's Overcoats and Reefers new and jaunty styl well made and warm prices are 2 98 and 3 B h Jr v4 IU) kj H c) aa.T.k::u.B:""T.r::'t.,:$s to $10 Men's Suits Stl and Overcoats at 0 This is a special offer for Saturday good up-to-the-minute Overcoats and Sujts that look right, fit right and last you through the sea3on in fine shape. Men . a J: I T -TV I 1i V, 'l:V . i '1 v J Sweater Sale Ilea's and boys' wool and Jersey ribbed . Sweaters plain and fancy weaves, all colors also men's wool knit jackets In different colors worth up to 13.00 and 14.00, oa ff bargain square. fjC Boy's and Children's Sweat ers and Buster Brown Jack ets plain and T t fancy, orth up t to 11.00, at Men Ncglifee New fall styles, plaited and plain also 4,i' 1 " 3 l Shirt stiff bosoms at -worth up to 13.00, 98. In basement men's wool and cotton fleeced underwear, worth up to 11.11, at ... 25c Men's and boy' Shirts - wonh up to $100, at 2Si 6 m, a m - aj,'-a.'li'i if'- " BILANDEIS . - m. a .m-- m m em av mm m.x . a.iac, aa l"v M.aavA e.-is a iavx ft ji ill t wa ax- mv vi.d-4Kv..aaa- vvama ssvese am js lAMAAUetstaMAiAa. m 4. T it t I I Si it r " -- i