Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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Office. 15 Scott Street.
' Paris, drug.
Stoekert aells carpets.
F.d Rogera. Tony Faust beer.
See Schmidt's eleftant new photon.
Tor Rant Modern house, 72 Sixth it.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phons ft.
TVoodring Undertaking Company. Tel. i39.
Ifaauflful new, fancy and plain oval
frsnvea. AUsandera, ell Broadway.
Picture and frames, Borwlck, HI S. Main.
tr. I. W. Terry, an ey eprctalie of high
resiuiatloa. at LefTert'a, u Broadway.
A few second hand baae burners and aoft
coat, stoves. Petersen at Sohoenlng Co.
Oflka ejaca for rent, SHOO month: central
locution; ateam heat and electric light
furnished. Omaha, fare, la Baou street.
The heavy rain, together wRh the oy
jxilca fovea, prevented any various Hallow
e'en depredations last night A few minor
rnstsrcee ef where the young people had
twn bufcy were reported to police head
qua rterav
A -part of sportsmen. Including Frank
Pecbe. William Keellne, Dr. Wet, Harvey
Hvae. Ed Waterman, Clarence Hafer
Herman Schurs anJ Painter Knox, will
leave this morning for McPaul. In Fremont
county, far a twe wecka' hunting trip.
The funeral of the lata Edwin Evrtt
Harvey. Jr.. will be held tomorrow after
pooii from the family residence, 20 Park
avenue, at 1:30 o'clock, and burial will be
tn Kalrview cemetery. Rev. M. P. MoClure,
retor of the Fire Preebyterlan church,
rill ronduct the eervlcea.
Th funeral of th lata J. W. Scott will
be held thia afternoon at I o'clock from the
residence, 62 East Broadway, and Intcr
nent will be In- Walnut Hill eemeterv.
S'Tlcnda of the deceased desiring to view
the bndy can do en bMwenn 1 and t p. m.,
but the funeral will be private.
The real estate tranafera for October of
tMa year not only exceed those for the
seme month of laet year tn number, but
about $110,000 In money value. Th trans
fers for the month this year were 215, with
acrfeate consideration of t-W.O, as
against ItH tranafera In October of laat
year, with a total conslJeratlon of C9B.11S.14.
8. O. Roach. M Thirteenth avenue, drew
tine of 16 and costs In police court yester
day morning for crqatlng a rough house
at hla home Wednesday night. His wife
and daughter were In court and teatlfled
that Roach cama home considerably under
the Influence of liquor and made a "general
nuisance of hlmaelf." The court accepted
their teatiroony. ' -
High School Foot Ball Gaaae.
t'nles Jupiter Pluvlua aaya no the foot
ball team of the Council Bluffs and Rai
Oak High school will play their second
game of the season this afternoon at the
Hustler rark on Sixth street and Six
teenth avenue. The Bluff a boys have one
victory ro their credit, having defeated the
Red Oak team by score of to 0. This
gams was played at Red Oak. The lineup
of both teams w(ll be practically tha same
aa at tha first game. Tha game W1H be
called at .1 o'clock.
..Tha lineup:'
Mr C. C , Sory
Ore R-O- Uo Kvaos
FomU l O. R O Bryant
.Noraar k.T. L.T Prt
ixiuiry V.LT b.t Baavar
Manila K L B. ..... Harp
file 1.1 kg r ll.m
Grain Q 8. Q B Fjwall
Onttaer T.B. f U , Hunt
rtr H.H.B R.M.B Afhby
Klchmena UH.B. L.H.B rarioaaa
Substitutes! Counail Bluff a, Peterson,
ItuUrhlnaon, Thomas. Red Oak, Ashby, C.
Tha best is alwaya tha cheapest, so why
not patronize us. tha place .where you can
get satisfaction. Bluff City Laundry. Tele
phones tit.
Marriage Lleeasee. '
Llcenaea to wed were Issued yesterday
to tha following:
Name and Raaldpnca. x Age.
FVcd Jipp. Fort Calhoun. Neb....'
Maria Schumacher Fort Calhoun, Neb. .11
Davton Stewart, Cialg, Neb U
LJe Harris, Craig, Neb IS
fjms &nd Hands Affected Could
' Wot Sleep Because of Itching
j Suffered for Two Months Until
I Two Cakes cf Cuticura Soap and
" I have fire) bya, from flvs to eleven
Tf tf who were affected soma)
t me lant winter by soma kind of sia
oiocaat. 7 he worst parta cf the body
Treve around tha anna and hands, wher
i., anil :iuilee formed and itched. They
r mered for two n.cnths so that their
coul J not sleep at night. I noticed an aJ
vcrtisement about tho Cuticura I.em-r-:ioa
and w-e mads trial of otra or
to cf Cuticura rVp and a bx
f Cuticura Ointment which gavs great
eatisfactinn. 1 waabsl their bodies
vilft CuUcura Roap and then applied
( "'loura Ointment tveT other day.
Mnce then they have) all been healthy.
A. K. Carlson. Norrroaa, Travera Cm.,
ttliuu., hov. 2a and Dec 23, IWOd."
Baffled Medical Treatment
Tor a Year, Cured by
"About four year ago I was afflicted
y'.th black aploUhea 4U over my facs and
a lew oa uiy bxdy. wLich produced
a severs itching intaUon, and which
(aiued me a great deal of suffering. I
us forced to call in two cf tbs leading
I hvsiciaua cf . After a thorougU
eiuiuiaauon cf the drsaiied ccroplaint
ti ay aimounced it to be skin at tern la
ics wont form. They treated ms for
a year, but their treatment did oe no
tod. I inaily I tw m despondent
end dcided to dlsooiit.nue their services,
lily husband purchase a coropleta s-t
if Cuticura Iukedies, vhiub entirely
topied tbs bieskiug out. I ocnt.a-
d tbs ue of the Cuticura Remed.ea
1-.T sis ruoniVi, md aftor that svsrr
ti.lotch was entirety gens and tbs ax-f.-cud
paru Icld a clear aa aver. I
i av not feit a sympWra cf tha srsema
f -r tttrca yr. Mrs. Llaais t. fcga.
i 0 J oiieg A vs., 8oima, 4 s., Oct. 2. Oi."
rompl Fxtrrwl b4 IstenuJ TWstiswM
1 i h. ! lui ns
, . (,u..ut -c ) I hmi K. a. n4
( , , i K-, hj j tor lt lr 4 twain
d hiiv ir ti ai do lo tu'iir u i4,
r j u,A.t,. jl lue m A t-l ,
wi- ea saia t" el
Both 'Phones 43.
Enrollment Beaches Fire Hundred by
the Boon Hoar.
eaaloas Cossaaeaea la Evealag aa4
Day Is Oeeapled la VlaltlaaT tfce
Leeal gcasole Cadets
s Fearta.
"While of course we would have pre
ferred Una weather, tha rain will not In
tha least dampen the entbuatasm of the
teachers, although It may dampen soma
of their raiment," remarked (Homer XL
8eerley( president' of the Stats Normal
school at Csdar rails, who Is one of the
several prominent educators 1b attendance
at the 'annual meeting wf the Southwest
ern Iowa Teachers' association, which
opened laat evening with an enrollment
close' upon tlja one thousand mark,
A few teachers ' from distant points
reached the city Wednesday night, but
tha majority arrived yesterday, every
train bringing Its quota. Before noon
tha enrollment hud passed the 0S mark,
with the Secretaries adding names to
the list as fast as tha could enter them.
Tha Orand hotel, aa uaual. .la tha unofficial
headquarters of the association and the
visiting teachers practically own and will
own that hostelry to the exclusion of tho
man of tha grip until after Saturday. As
usual during the meeting of the aasoci i
llon, the rotunda of the Grand hotel U
tha most crowded and . busiest place In
Council Bluffs, with the possible excep
tion of ths high school building,. whra
tha sessions and conference are held.
The rain Interfered somewhat with the
visiting by tbs out-of-town teachers of
the local schools, although quits a num
ber donned their cravenettoa and over
shoes, braved the weather and, escortul
by members of the high achool cadeta,
made the rounda of some of tha nearor
buildings and inspected tha methods of
Warkiaa- af Now Law.
Hon. John F. Rlggs, state superintendent
of public Instruction, was ons of the early
arrivals from Ues Moines yesterday. Hs
will preside over the, conference of county
superintendents today. Speaking of ths
work Of tha county superintendent Mr.
Rlggs had this to say:
The county superintendent is In a better
Position to assist teachera than ever be
fore. The hew Jaw that requlrea echool
officers to n.ake theln annual reports IOt
July Instead of the last of September, aa
formerly, enables the county superintend
ent to render his report to ths state super
intendent before the schools open In Sep-,
tember. Formerly thia work, which re
quires from two to four weeks to compile,
bd to be dona In October.
Then the new Certificate law aaves tha
county superintendent thirty or mors dsya
each ear and makes school visitation eom-
tulsory. Through the operation of theso
iws the county superintendent will do
vkstlv mors and better supervision than
ever before. He la also la a better position
to,dhk ' th Professional work of teachera.
The stats department has Issued a very
valuable outline of professional -vtudy for
the use of teachera, and one of the condl
t ons for the renewal of a certificate after
the present school year will be that thia
Crae of professional study shall have
n completed. The county superintend
ent may make this outline the basis for
his township or sectional meetings, thus
working to a definite end.
,.Tnf great demand for efficient teachers,
the better aalarla ofiered for thia rlasa of
teachers and, withal, the marked tendency
, ?,rd h,t'r salarloa In this atste. off -r
inducementa to teachers to put forth un
usual efforts for self-sdvancament.
Prof. F. C Enalgn. for several years
principal of ths Council Bluffs High school
and now a member of ths raculty of tha
Iowa etate .University, who will conduct
ths conference of high school principals
and teachers; Superintendent W. O. Rld
dell of Des Moines, who will lead ths coa
ferencs of ward school principals: Jrof. A.
B. Nsbls of ths Stats Agricultural' college
at Ames, who will conduct ths conference
In English, arid Superintendent C. E. Blod
gett of Atlantic, president of ths associa
tion, wera among the prominent arrivals
yesterday morning.
This is ths program for today:
a. m.Generat session in ths High
school auditorium. Address by lr. H. H
Beerley of Cedar malls. Im..
of Teaching."
(10 a. m. Sectional conferences at tha
High school building.
p. in General session In. the High
school auditorium. Addresa by Superintend
ent C. N. Kendall of Indlanapolia on
Hufigeatlons for Economy In School
t p. m. General aeaatnn tn th TTIH
school audltoriu-n. Addresa by Governor
Ml. W. Hoch of Kansas. -
Haia Keeps Dow Atteadaaes.
That the rain Interfered With the attend
ance at that opening general seaalon last
evening was evident. Many of tha visiting
teachers preferred to stay around their
hotele or other lodging place and "visit"
j rather than face tha torrentavEven with
, theee unfavorable conditions there was
a good attendance anq the large feudlto
irtum at ths high school was well filled.
I President Blodgett In hla addresa waa optl-
nilatlc aa to th future and prophesied bet
j ter conditions for both the schools and
; teachers of lows, saying la part:
; The legislature haa sounded the note of
better cohditlona In th passage of the new
certification law and In the appointment
cf a commission to revise th school laws
of the stat. There la much of good In
, each of these. I believe that the new plan
of examination, marking of papers, lseu
t anca of certltlcatea, the renewal of eondl
)tluns,and the recognition of certificates In
any county In the state Is doing much to
i ward placing the work of Iowa a teachera
, on a professional basis. While It may be
' true that th Chang has as yet made no
marked Improvement In eome counties, still
taking the state as a whole. I think that It
' la working out better thins for the achool
and for tha teacher. Thia new law If
i given a fair trial will demonstrate Its turn.
rKiruy ana win pave me way for others
of even greater value. The time la coming
when It will be no more necessary for the
experlented teacher of teated auilttv tn uu
i examinations every year or so than It now
la ror tn pnyaician or th lawyer: when a
certificate issued by ons stats will receive
reccgn'Mon In another.
I bel'eve. too, that no mors Important
move In achool questions haa been made for
in )'iil than the one which provides
for a cunirn'sslun to revt th achool laws
of Iowa. Th commission ahould b gives
luore tlir-s and Increased mesne so that Its
Investigations may be thorough.
Another thing Indicative of h hr ground
aoon to be taken in achool affa'ra la the
Increasing wages paid teachera. Tha grow
ing demand fu epec'ally trs'ned teachera la
au Index of what the people want. They
ar beg'nn'ng to demand better results In
character formstion; they ar beginning to
feel dlnsatif!d In that our work la not
adequat to th seeds of th times.
' Dr. William A. Quayl. th eminent
Methodist divine of Chicago, who was heard
for ths first time here st ths recent Met ti
ed tat conference In this city, fully sus
tained hla reputation as ons of ths leading
lectiyer ' of th day In his address,
"Shakespeare's Woman." Analysing th
chsracters of ths woman daplcted by th
Immortal bard. Dr. Quayl compared them
to th woman of modern times. Illustrating
hla talk with many humaroua features
from which hs would turn as tbs Moment
presented Itself to the mors serious thought
of tbs subject in hand.
Tbs musical tuUrlauiiuciit cf th yea-
trig was furnished by th Elks' quartet,
which was liberally applauded.
Ynu can coma to me with ths positive
assurance that I know how to expertly and
scientifically test your eye-sight; that I
can supply yon with apectaclea or eye
glasses which will glv you good vision,
snd also fit your features. Dr. W. W.
Mags it ell, Optlmetrlat, 10 Pearl street.
K. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. So. Night L Gi.
Maay Baal mesa Firms Plaa to Ms
Indepeadeat af Basks.
Whll' ths local banka have mads no ar
rangement for providing funds so that the
pay rolls of the larger bustneaa houses and
corporations of Council Bluffs can b met
with cssh, it was stated yesterday that tha
employers had been reserving their cash,
so aa to dlstrlbut as milch ready money
as possible today and Saturday. This will
relievo ths situation aomewhaC
When tha officers of ths several banks
were asked last evening if they had made
any provision Ilk ths banks of Omaha for
furnishing cash for ths monthly and weekly
pay rolls coming du todsy, they stated
they had not, but said they understood th
larger firms hsd been hoarding thalr cash
di r ng ths week In order to b abla to pay
their employes In 'cssh Instead of checks.
There la no doubt from ths statements
mads by merchants m gsnsral but that ths
present situation haa been felt by them.
All classes of business report a material
falling pff In trad and that th decrease
I Increases jh Amv 4i the niwunf avatAm
Is followed by ths banka
While ths cashiers' checks are accepted
by practically all business houses, there ars
but few of them, saloon men, cigar dea'ers,
keepers of restauranta and others who
cater to ths transient trada ts art feel
ing most ths effects of ths present condi
tion. The organisation of the clearing house
has not been' proceeded with any furthc
than It was Tuesday, and It Is stated o
good authority that it will not be. Th
present orgsnlsatlon. It la said. Is sufflclen
for existing needs and that when ths prsa
ent crisis is passed, ths banks will go slonj
as before without any clearing house, ther,
being but two national banks and two sav
ings banks in ths city.
A Special Issp.
1,850-busheI wire corner lbs, ft eaoh; also
closing out sale 20-Inch and 26-Inch ho
fence. J. Zoller Mer. Co.. 100-102-104-10
Broadway. 'Phones 220.
Raa! Estate Traaafers,
These trsnsfers "were reported to The
Be October 11 by th Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
John Hutchlnga and wife to Louis C.
,, f rohardt, lot 58 original plat of
Council Bluffa. la., w d 12,700
Harry O. McOee and wife to A. P. Cle
brldge, lot la, block . Mi-Gee's ad
dition to Council Bluffs, Is., and lot
13, block I. McQee s addition to
Council Bluffs, w d 4 ton
William Moore, trustee, and wlfs ts N.
Chris Knudsen, lot 101. Belmont ad
dition to Council Bluffs, Is. w d.... 13S
Mark L. Williams and wrre to N. L.
Taylor, lota 11 and 12. block 18, Rail- .
1 road addition to Council Bluffs, la.,
w d , 1
Four transfers, total ....
Special Sale aaa rrle Tals Week,
Stove boards, up from 4c; oilcloth rugs,
up from 69c; stovepipe, UHo; elbows, UVc;
eoalhoda, 28c; dampers, 10c flower pois,
washing maohlnea, wringers, lampe, etc, J.
Zoller Mer. Co., 100-lOg-lot-lW fcroadway.
'Phones' S30..
Hardla Csaaty SHaatloa.
IOWA FALLS, la.'. Nov. 1. -(Special. )
A meeting of tha bankers of Hardin county
waa held at Eldora last nlsht to so over
th financial situation and form an or
ganisation for united action pending ths
present disturbance in money circles. Pre
vious to this meeting the banks hers agreed
' to husband their funds and It waa agreed
that no checks or draft for more than lit
would bo cashed, each bank encouraging
th deposit of th checks snd other clr-
jculatlng medium, thus making It subject
to check.- The people hers readily apprs-
I elated ths situation and as a result settle
ments ars being made on svery hand with
checks as a medium of exchange rather
than currency and coin. ' No uneaslnass
whatever la felt her over the present sit
uation and confidence In ths financial In
stitutions of th county and a spedy ad
justment of th tightening of financial af
fairs is- sxprssssd on . vry band and by
all classes.
Office apace for rent, $8.00 month; central
location; ateam heat and electric light
furnlahed. Omaha Be. 18 Scott atreet.
, Upaalatertaaj.
George W. Klein, 1 South Mala street.
'Phones: Ind., 710 Black; Bell, lit.
Barllaa-toa Leaklaaj Ahead.
SIDNET, la..- Nov. 1. A prominent citi
cen of one of the towns on the 8 dney
branch of th Chicago, Burlington a Qulncy ,
railroad give out th information, obtained 1
from a clvtl engineer, that ths Burlington
will. Inside of two years, bs extended from
i Sidney to Hamburg and a d'rect Una run
from Haatlngs to Council Bluffs through
the hills. This will give two routes to ths
Bluffs snd in caas of Overflow on ths Mis
souri bottom, wMnh would put the road
ther out of oommtaalon, ths othsr routs
could accommodate all trains. Ths r al
on ths bottom hss never proven entirely j
satisfsetory and tha new route has been
ander consideration for a number of
Caart Has LI Ml ta Da.
I SIDNET. Ia Nov. l.-(Spcclal -An un
usual condition of affairs waa found to ex,
tat yesterday upon th opening of th fall
term of district court by Judg Macy. It
developed that ther waa nothing for tha
grand Jury to do and they were d's
ntlssed. Ths term does not promise any
thing of a sensational character. There ars
twenty-eight esses in which appeal la mad?
from the ruling of th board In th mat
ter of th drainage ditch or new channel
which waa cstsbllshed for ths purpose of '
straightening tha Nlshnabotna river.
Jaggs flea re Up Daeket.
, MARSHALI.TOWN. la.. Nov. l.-(Hoe-'
ciaL Judg C. B. Bradshaw In th clrouit
' court today threw out of court twenty-els
caae whl"h have been on tho court docket
and which no apparent effort has been !
mad to bring to trial. Ths judge haa
thrown ths caaea out of court until auch
tlms as a dispoa'tlon la shown to have
them tried. Soma of ths caaea have been
In th court for year and soma of them
were of Importance.
Haama far Aaad Dedleatlea.
MARSH ALLTOWN. Ia.. Nov. 1 (Fpe
c'al.) The home for the aged built by the
German Baotlat brethren of Iowa a short
1 distance east ef the city, la to be defeated
with appropriate ceremonies next Sunday.
Ths horns Is intended for ths old snd de
crepit members of the denomination. It
cuat. complete, i8.0C 1
Presents Some Statistics oa Elimina
tions cf Teachers of State.
J. S. Polk. Ploaep aad Street Rail
r Magaate, Is Mack Batter
ad Hopes Eatertalaed (
Hla Recovery.
(From a Staff Correspondent) '
DES MOINES, Nov. l.-(Speclal.)-On in
formation furnished him by the county
superintendents of the state, Superintendent
Rlggs today issued a circular showing th
result under th first year of ths new uni
form teachers' certificate law. Ths law haa
been attacked by some of th educators of
th state oh tha ground that score of
teachers wsr falling to pass th examina
tions undsr ths stats board becauss tha
examination were mad much harder than
thsr wag necessity for and that this fail
ure to pass tha examinations was th causa
of a great shortage of teacners.
Prof. Rlggs' chculai states that there
were 4,144 failed to pass ths examination
during ths twelvs months snding October
1, 1907, which waa th first year of tho now
law, whll 4,741, or -103 less, failed ,to
pass during ths yesr preceding that under
the old law. H further shows that th
expense to the stats of admlnlterlng th
law was. Ci.385.20 snd ths revenue S1S.084.
There were 421 schools closed on October
1 this year and 183 cloaed on October 1 last
In response to Inquiries ths county super
intendents are almost unanlmoua that ths
scarcity f teachers Is due to higher wages
In other employments, general prosperity
which makes It unnecessary for many
young women to work, and better salaries
aid in western states. The circular also
orrects an Impression that has gained em
ulation over the stat by showing that
tnder ths new law ths coun.v superlntend
nt still passes on the moral qualifications
f ths teacher and her fitness to teach
vhile the stats board passes on ths schol
arship only,
argsatst la Dleklasoa Cass.
Attorneys in ths Dickinson trial today be
gan their arguments to the Jury. Ths case
did not reach ths Jury today, but will likely
go to th Jury early tomorrow.
Auditor Carroll today issued a charter for
th Goose Lake Savings bsnk of Gooss
Lake lti Clinton, county, with a capital
stock of $20,0000. Henry Kruse Is president
and S, L. Collins is cashier.
Folk la Batter.
J. B. Polk, president of th Des Moines
Street Railway company and an officer of
ths Interurbsn, and msny times a million
aire, who haa bean vary sick. Is reoovering.
Thar ar hopes that In spite of hla ad
vanced age hs may ultimately recover and
ba abla to bs about again.
Fay Bta la Cash.
Arrangements wars mads by ths Des
Moines Clearing House association today
to pay all workmen Jo cash. A large num- j
ber or concerns pay off Saturday night
each week. It was decided that the
should all be paid in cash and th banka
will arrange to furnish a!! th money
needed. Boms of ths Dss Moines financial
institutions claim :hat they bav all th
money they need and that ther is really
no necessity for ths ruls that th Dss
Moines Clearing Houss association haa put
In of only cashing checks of IIS or, less.
Bsnkera hers today say th situation Is
getting better continually.
Aet aa Letter Moaday.
Governor Cummins hss a letter from ths
president of ths Des Moines Ministerial as
sociation in which hs says that ths gov
ernor's letter of yesterday relative to tha
Davenport outbreak will bs tsken up by
th association at Its meeting Monday
Orlda Flads Haabaa.
Mrs Fred Rutter and Mr. Fred Rutter
ar in each other's Company at Jefferson,
la. They liav been married but nine
weeks. At Dss Moines Mrs. Ruttar left the
depot a minute to telephone to a friend. Mr.
Rutter stepped out during her absence for
a short stroll. When shs returned shs went
to the wrong depot, going to fh Rc-k
Island Instead of th Union. Rutter re
turned and both waited far Into ths night.
Finally Rutter beoam convinced shs had
gons to Jefferson for a joke and took ths
next train himself. Mrs. Rutter finally
confided her troubles to a policeman and,
being penniless, spent th night at tha po
lice ttatlon. Rutter was located In Jeffer
aoa and Mrs. Rutter left for that place
today. -
r fkyalclaa'a Caaa ts Hopeless,
MAR8HALLT0WN, ' la., Nov. 1. -(Special.
)Th condition of Dr. J. L. Whtnary,
one of tha beat known of Iowa's dentists,
who recently , underwent an operation at
Rochester, Minn., for what was thought
to ba tumor of th brain, Is hopeless. When
Dr. Whlnery's skull was opened it was
found that ho was suffering with softening
of ths brain. Tbs attending physicians say
hs may live' a week or a month or even
longer, but death is lure to result, and be
fore It comes Insanity may develop. Bs
cause of tha nature of the operation his
case attracted wlds attention throughout
tha west.
Car Shops will B Rebatlt.
MARSH ALLTOWN. la.. Nov. t.-(8pe-cial.)
Th car and paint ahops of ths Iowa
Central railroad, which wers completely
destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of SCO.OUO,
last week, ar to be rebuilt aa aoon as tha
Insurance can be adjusted. This was ths
statement mad her today by General
Manager L. F. Day of Minneapolis Th
new building will be larger than tha old
onea and they will be of fireproof construc
tion. Th work of clearing the ground Is to
ba begun aoon. According to Mr. Day th
company had not contemplated moving
th ahops elsewhere, as haa bean exten
sively reported In tha Iowa preaa.
. ;
Assaasala Task Explodes,
ATLANTIC. Ia., Nov. l.-dpclal.)-Willlam
Goffeny Is In a serious condition
and may lose the alght of one of hla eyes,
as ths result of ths explosion of a tank of
ammonia uaed In ths cold storage plant of
ths Atlantic Produce company. Tha valvs
of the reservoir gave way and he received
th full charge of th. liquid In hi fac.
He was overcome by ths fumes of ammonia
and was unconscious whea rescued by fel
low workmen.
lawa Newa Nates.
ATLANTIC Harold Hansen, a little boy
of klkhorn, -was badly Injured while at
the dinner table. The little fellow Was
stand'ng up In hla chair when It overbal
anced and threw him to the floor. In fall
ing he grasped the tablecloth and spilled
a coffeepot full of bulling coffee over him
self. ATLANTIC The 10-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Klkhorn died sud
denly whll at (Jay In the yard. Nothing
was thouvht to be wrong with her Until
early In the afternoon, when ahe was takes
suddenly til. Bits died befor night.
CRKBTON C. 8. Rice of Crestun, wh
has bean la Cheyenne. Wyo,. for aoin tun
Superintending the coastructloo of a large
o . tract sr Fart i. A. huaaeli. has aa
,'ureii a number of other lare contracts
ta the aam vicinity and eapveta to keep a
large force of man employed fur soira time.
Ha la la Oresioo now arranging for aa
liirixfinH atar la tha vmL . , .
tlaalat aad Carlaas Feataree at Ufa
1 a Rapidly X row las;
- ui. - K.'
banker, as he drearllv walka tha floor at
night, wishes hs was In some other tins
or ousiness, selling prunes or writing com
plimentary personals of men who cuss him
for It. Ths bed of the bsnksr Is perhaps
strewn with -roses, but they ars the kind
that have thorns on them as long as a
gams rooster's spurs. York Times. '
Conscience to tha Front Tha world ' la
growing better. A Norfolk man, who used
to operate a country ator In th northern
part of the state, has Just received a letter
from a man who enclosed SS cents, ex
plaining that two. years ago ha recslvad
mai mucn over cnang in a purohas.. His
conscience troubled htm and he has re
formed, he explained.-Norfolk News.
Nobody Knows, Not Even Anybody A
report was going ths rounds early Monday
morning that a message was going over
the wire to th effect "stop man on hand
car going east." Evidently oms ona was
getting out of the country that hadn't
ought to. We are unable to substantiate
the occurence of the statement. Probably
ft was a member , of -the Railway commis
sion testing ths roadbed at a high rate of
speed. Who knows. Custer Enterprise..
Quitting' the Weed Several ladles conT
gregated In the Elwood depot several days
sgo were discussing ths virtues of , their
husbands. Mr. . says ons Of them, re
ferring to her, life . partner, never drinks;
Indeed, hs haa no bad hablta. "Does he
never smoker' one of ths other ladles
asked. "Tea," shs replied, "he likes a
good cigar Just after h ha eaten a good
meal." A third lady was heard to remark
aside, "I suppose on an average h doesn't
smoke more than once a month." Elwood
The Types Lled-Owlhg 'to a very tin
toward accident last week. In which the
display advertisement ef L. W. Weaver at
Bon got mixed np with the rollers and ink
, 1 ....... .. , . . . . , y
Do t -worry because you onnot oay all casheem? to ui and
we wi I sell vou all von aa-tr
STORE 1 1 At nelps you to dms nicely wit.iout causing you any
in n ia. stringency.
Ths Big Sals of th: Ihiivl Clothlnj to?3ns Stack
of .Hens Suils zni
S1.00 a
Week Will
For tlio b trolly that thoy
may keep their strength.
For tho weak that they
may regain their strength.
For ths young that they
may grow in strength.
the most nutritious food mado
from wheat.
Clean, crisp and fresh
rrj lit rrunsturt and
v AV dust Proof batkaiti.
and a few other things In tha press room,
while the Tribune was. being run off, an
error was mads in bringing order out of
chaos, which was not discovered until
quite a number of the papers had been
printed. We had tbat flrrra selling Pennsyl
vania hard coal at S6.W per ton, when It
should have been tiaSO. We hope that Mr.
Weaver did not live up to this advertise
ment, charging the loss to ths Tribune.
Columbus Trlbun. .
Th Tiner 'of th Soll-"Th Bloated
Farmer," reads a headline In a today's
stats paper! Tha farmer Is getting well
to do, 'tis true.' Hs has paid off his mort
gages. Hs perhspt aven hss a pretty good,
fat bank account. And tho young man
who cannot 'content himself with life on
tne farm In these dsys of profitable farm
ing, telephone connection with the city,
rural delivery and cheap newspapers. Is
Wrong somewhere.. H la aaaklng a mis
take In some of his figures. Perhaps It 1s
m his estlmats of llf In the city; perhaps
It ts somewhere else. Enough; the young
man with good farming opportunities has
4 rars chance, and tha "old gentleman" on
the farm, about to retire, perhaps, is well-to-do.
la comfortably . "healed" If ths ex
pression ba permitted but you can't ssy
that he ts "bloated." He hasn't earned his
competence sitting beside a desk, and per
haps a decanter and a box of black cigars,
clipping coupons. He la hard muscled
strong. .And the avsrag Nebraska farmer
of fifteen te twenty years , experience Is
entitled to all he haa He has earned It.
-Orand Island Tribune,
' Dearrea af Hosor Caaveatloa.
ARAPAHOE, Neb.. Nov. 1.-8pecll Tl
egrem.) Repreeentaylvee of the various
frdres of the Degree of Honor, an auxiliary
lodge of the Ancient Order of United Work
men order, of the Fifth oongreasional dis
trict, representing corns three score liVges
and over a hundred delegates, assembled
at this place tn annual convention. In ad
dition to the local district officials Mrs.
Mary Istky, grand chief of honor, was in
attendance. Owing to th lanre attendance
snd Interest manifested by all It was a
successful convention and beneficial to the
order. The local reception, banquet and
courtesies extended added to the pleasures
of the occasion Cambridge' was decided
nn tmi I nnmn TVi K rr fPR jTT ' "
Gv:rc33ts is in Full' Blast
'j Bigger values than ever await yon here
tomorrow. All the latest 6tyles and fabrics
ate included in this great sale.
-A splendid opportunity to obtain a high
grade suit or overcoat at a fraction of its
real value.
MEN'S Ul'ITS. tn the
pretty trey shades, the
i popular browns, sod
tne always gerrlcabl
blacks, regular $11.50
. values at the . . n "7"
, low price of . . . . 0. 1 J
all the different fab-
- rlca and styles, values
that cannot be dupli
cated elsewhere for less
then MS, ipso -
tally priced at
FALL UXDERWKAR Buy your winter rrt
- underwear sew, 7Je values Saturday 3U
MICN'H SHOES, in all leathers and shapes, 0 HI
t $3.00. 152.50 "l : CJjJ
17 Will Accspt Chsski h Pajneat Isr liirchin
diss, or As Cash on Paymsiti ca Accounts.
in latest styles, newest materials fit guaranteed. 119.00 value
sale Saturday
best quality Panama, all colors, many
new styles, 9.60 values, oa . r tf
sale Saturday only t ... .U.ULI
. ceWeut Quality taffeta silk,. la colors,
new plaids and black. . Many beauti
models to choose from I ("
; .f.u J
.'1315 - 17 - 10 FARN
tag trou rsiri tavaai
n f) R sf a
h at
upon for the next meeting. Mrs. M. Laur
tson was elected superintendent, euoc ced
ing Mrs. R. H. Bellamy, and Mrs. George
secretary, both of Cambridge; Mrs. Antone
of McCook was elected treasurer. Arapaho
waa decorated quite extensively In honor
of the convention.
Daeaaaeaft Takea frosa Fllee af Fed
eral Caart la Ckleaaro -tlaa aad
Waaaaa Arrested.
CHICAGO. 111., Nov. 1. The Inter-Ocean
today says: "The secret service operatives
yesterday reported that some official cor
respondence between Attorney General
Bonaparte and District Attorney Sims, con
taining government secrets relating to tha
case of John R. Walsh, formerly president
ef tha Chlcago.Natlonal bsnk. now defunct,
awaiting trial In connection with the failure
of the bank, had been stolen from the files
tn the federal building, Mlsa Etta L. Mc
Lean, who has been employed in District
Attorney Sims offlcs for thres months, wss
arrested tn company with O. B. Gordee,
charged with "conspiracy to steal govern
ment records. . -"
Frlsktfat Loss af Life ; ; , '
results from throat and lung diseases, . Dr. .
King's New; Discovery for coughs and colds
is a sure cur. SO cents and J1.0Q. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Coal Mlaera' Leader tJadera-ees
Operattoa far Abdoailaal Abscess
at La Salle, 1U.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 1 The Na
tional Executive board of the United Mine
Workers of America adjourned today to
meet again in Indianapolis December 19.
Information"' has been received at head
quarters In this city that John Mitchell
underwent an operation at LaSalle, I1L,
tor an abdominal abscess laat night.
talck Shlae Ska Follsk
fS the beet for ladles,' msn's and children'! ;'
shock, oils and polishes and la waterproof.
1 1 75
.1 I.I J
blackg, browns and fancy mixtures.
and fitted styles, made of Kersey and
broadcloths. Regular 112.60 values.
sale) Saturday
and latest shapes can be found here.
Large Fluffy Ruffles Hats, reg- n
ular 5.00 values, on sale for. .t Jj
S1.00 a
Wcok Will
Dross You