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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Fill DAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1007. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Better Feelinj in Financial Circlet Helpi Opening Pricei. LIVERPOOL' IS ' DISAPPOINTING F.xchanae Says The U Wo Demnnd for Wheat or Ontn, "Whllo a. lit. " 4l, Interest U Manifest OMAHA. Oct. 31. 1W7. After nome exciting sdvancea early In th session, dtiA to bullish, report and a bettor feeling In financial centers, a lower Liverpool market wan disappointing and selling started. Early purchase were dumped. Wheat ai nervous and erratic. Th'-re was a strong rebound shortly after the opening, which sent prices up in a hurry. Disappointing cable", however, started sell ing and wheat bought on the advance was dumped. . , .... December wheat opened at 89Hc and cloned at 89. ' , , There waa little or no com for sale at the atart and the market waa Arm. Home bad hnsklng reporta from Illln a and other bullish reporta gave considerable strength at the opening. There waa a might weakening dun to the decline 1n wheat.' but on the whole the corn market bowed good ttrength. December coin apened at 60 74c and closed at 62o. Oata started with a much better tone after the disastrous break of yesterday and gained some good advances. Decem ber oata opened at 48o and cloaed at trlmary wheat recelpta were 943,000 hush Ms and shipments were. 818.000 bushels, gainst recelpta laat year of 815.000 bushels and shlpmorvta of 83e,0n0 bushels. Corn recelpta were 347.0"O bushels and shipments wera SSS.OnO bushels, against re ceipts last year of 852.000 bushela and ship ments of 861.000 bushels. Clearances wera lKS.OOO bushela of corn, 8.O11O bushela of oats and wheat and Tour equal to 473.000 bushels. IJverpool closed lulled lower on wheat, and hiaA higher on corn. BeR hoard reported 646.000 bushels of wheat and 136,OH) bushels of corn taken for export. Local range ot options: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. tow. Close. 1 Tes'y. Wheat-I 814 fiM WH 897i . eOV, inu t7 7 7 9'4 1A 1 Ml (107 52 mi , 62 60 M 63 M M7 6-nk 62? 13 62Ti 62H 4A 46 4 4fT 45t 4S 49'4 4 49T 4Ti ii 4i b 45 44 May... July... May... July... Oats Dee.... May... July... Oman a Cevah Frlcee. No demand for wheat or oats. A little Interest manifested In corn. One car No. 3 sold at He. . . Carlo Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ...i.. Kansas City. ...... Minneapolis ...... Omaha Duluth ........ 80 169 166 71 . ... ... 2.14 43 46 26 237 ... -. 7d ... m ft. Loul CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing - ' Prices on Board of Trade. OHICAOO. Oct. 81. Lower prices for wheat at the principal European grain cen tera had a depressing effect today on the local wheat market. At the close wheat for December delivery showed a net loss rf-c Corn was up lmc- Oats were 1-So higher. Provisions were up 6o to 10c. The wheat market opened weak because of Id decline at Liverpool. Bhorts bought freely on the decline and prices rallied to a point about c above the close of yes terday. Before the end of the first half hour, sentiment again became bearish and prices drqpped back almost lc. This de cline was caused by a break of from c to 24o at the thief European catise of the action of the bank of Eng land In raising, us rate oi aiacuuni. x' sent Indef Of toedTbut' th tri6l,orT ' V. - . - 4i, mflrlcpt.. Koine J ma corn wh what. .ne ciuivo wj- ' : , openea u io i:" , , . "inii mow -anced to TTc- an4 otased at May ,"ld between 81.04'4-ajvi 81. -a-nd clo.ed, it 81.044. I'learanrre ui nuv ... ""v. were eoTi1 to 473.30 bu. Primary, receipts and Chicago reported receipts ot Sol cars, BKalnat Ss cava one year aso- . The epi n market -was strong all Any e cauae ot the active demand by cash houses. et weal her In the corn belt, small - local receipts, nl'th claim t hat -eaatern-stocks of com are. now down t a minimum and advances of . 1 So in the price of cash corn were the main reasons for the urgent demand. The close was strong and loso to the high price. December opened . . i ... i. rnty blirher at hb'o to anaue wwn i. v - - B7o uavanctxi iu i-wi' T.i. .1 ivni receipts were 169 ears, with 44 of contract graqe. Oats were In active demand by cash houses, because ot diminished receipts. The aiarket was strong all day. December ,nened ijoto l'4o tlgler at 49-4o to 49V.C sold between 48'io and 4tto .and closed at Kc. Local recelpta were .198 cars. Provisions were firm on buying of lard by local packers, higher prices for live hogs, and the strength of corn and oata At the close January pork was up lOo at 814.7, larwas 7o htshcr at 88.J7H; rib rere 50 ''Klmatef relpts for tomorrow! Tieat, ?3 cars; .corn, 149 cars; oata. 153 cars; hogs, l.'.ooo head. , .. The leading futures ranged as follows. Articles.! Open. nigh.Low. I Close.1 Tes'y. Wheat Iec. July May t 'orn Dec. July May Cata lec. July May Tork Jan. May . l.uid Nov. Jan. May . rurs- Jun. May tn 98 f7 9T4 1 06 1 04i 1 04 1 08i 99, 98 9V 2M SO" 59fr 583i"n9 W 6S7 bl' f - 49, ' 4SVi ' 4 '. M 4Si 471 4k 47, 14 70 14 Bl 14 96 14 57H 15 i: U 87HI 15 01 14 8 TH 8 5 8 7H 8 M . 8 67Vt 8 f.H 8 67 8 8 75 8 70 8 75 8 67H T 70 7 7 87H 7 5 7 95 7 87'. 7 7 90 104 Wit fl'..-V. 4bUt'V 14 W 15 U) 8 u6 8 M 8 ' 7 7H 796 No. 3. Cash quotations were as follows: FJAJl'K tMoady; winter patents. $4 .400 4 ;6; winter straights. $3.mH.65; spring pat ents, $i.4oy8.70; spring straights, $4.&0&4.10; 'taker. H (M.J0. WHEAT-No. sptinr. 81 OO1.08 ; No. 3, fc!ct3l.tS; No. 3 red. 8ilV,M4c. OiHN-No. S, 6SBi)Vc; No. 2 yellow. 6t" '"'. " 1 OA l'4-No. I, 4S4,c; No. 8 white, 43RHc HYK No. 2. 7c. ' , BAKLEY-Oood feeding, 6tiiS2c; fair tg choice malting, 74alc. ' aKKDtf Flag, No. 1 northwestern, $1,194. Clover, contract grades, 115.75. PROVISIONS fihoit ribs sides (looie. 87S7'U37L,. Mess pork, per hbl., 13.a7Miii 14 in-. lrd, per 10o lbs., 8!i.7u, Short clear Shies, boxed. $7.758 26. rouowuig were mt receipts ana ui menta of flour and gralni - Recelnta. Shlmnenta. Floor, bhls. Wlieat, bu. Corn, bu. , oats, bu. . Rye. bu. . votrlev. bj. r S2.10O l0iO .4. , 6.i) 3l5 Cio e . - 29.( 3S5. 13i7. n . 122, 1U0 , 80.9UC un toe l ruum-r mtaBiiHC looay trie nui tar market easy; creameries, 21U-Wc: dairies. Kfc-m. steady; at mark. OKI Induced, 17Ti -I'Sc ; firsts. 22c; prune llrsts, 24c. Cheese, weak; 13t( 14'c. at. Loots General Market. ST. IX)U18. Oct. 31. WH EAT Firm ; track, No. 1 red. cash, 9c'otSc; No. 1 Kurd, Hk!(4I01; ! eciintcr, Hi;Hc. CORN Higher; track, No. 2 cash, ticf fc7Se; litreii.tier. 5464?c; May. 57 5i"c; Ni. 8 white, bJVjc. OATS Higher; track, No. $ cash. 44c; Iieceuiber, 4'-c; May, 50'4c; No. 2 white, 8C. KIXil'R Quiet; red winter patents, 84 7Mj S wi; extra fancy and straight, J4.3ca-t.7i, clear. t.4 la Sl-T-"I "funihy, ateadv. Jll 76130. I'OKNM KAL Lower. JJ.wi. BRAN Loer; saiked. east track. $1 dtu 1 l. HAY-Steadyj tlingtiy. $1! 0.nU.'U; pia.rie, I KO.V t i i'I tdN TIE8-81.10. tO'l'tlNO-U 6-lbc. . lli'.Ml Twine, lie. I'Hi V ISK i.NsJ-I'i.i k. hlKher: Jubhlng. Ili ia. Ird. higher, prime ilnm, i io Dry meats, steady; b.ixe.l extra a hurts, k.'.iw, lUoar I; 6; short tit-uia, $a jo. On the Produce exchange today the but Bacon, stenrlv; bnxed extra short. 12; Clear rIO, IJK.12U; short clears, VU.37H- 1'Ol'I.TRT tjulft; chickens, c; sprl!ig, 10c; tirkys, l.'c; duck. ',; gpeee, VVTl Ell-Dull; creamery, HilT7'c. KU (J 3 quiet. l?Hc cane count. . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls Wheat, bu 75.50 Corn, bu 41,i Oats, bu 72.WO 84MJ OMAHA WItOI.t;gI.Bl MARKKT. tradition of Trade and Quotations oa Staple aad Fie Prodaeo. rOOS Fresh country, 22c; storage, 18c. BUTTKR-Common, 3k-; fancy tub and rolls, 2KJ3c; creamery, 3lo. CHEESE- New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 17c; new full-cream brick. 17c; do mestic, new Bwlss, ISc; new liinberber, 1J (jlttc; young Americas, 17Sc. LIVH IOULTRY Springs. 9v,c; hens, 9c; ruosteis, oc; ducks, pic; geese, 9c; turkeys. 1c; pltreons, 75c per doz. DKES8ED POULTRY-Hprlngs, fancy, Uo; bens, llo; roeters. 6Vc; ducks, 12c; geese, llo; turkeys, 17Jjl1c. HAT Choice iso. 1 upland. 810.00; me dlum, 89.00; No. -i bottom, 18.00: off grades from fko to 84.60; rye etraw, 81.00; No. 1 alfalfa, tU. FRUITH. CRANBERRIES Her barrel, 88 50. AI'PLES Colorado fancy Jonathans, 4 tler box, 83.28; California Relleflower, 82.00 2. in; Washington Snow, per box. 82.00; Ore gon Kings, per box, J-'. 60; Oregon Spitzen berg, per box, 82. 60; Oregon Baldwin, 82.26; New York Kaldwins, fancy, per barrel, 85.00; Oreenlng, 85.00; Hubbardann. 5.0u; aii varie ties Michigan apples, per bushel basket, 11.36.' v PKARB-Wlnter Ncllls, 6-tler box. 83.26; 8-tier box, 83.00; Idaho and Banjon, 4 and e tier boxes, H.dO. ORAFES Michigan, per basket, 32c; New York. 82c; California Tokay, per crate, 82.00; Cornlcharr, 82. U), imported Malaga) (per keg, 84.00'utt.UO. VEGETABLES. NAVT BEANS Per bu., No. 1. 82.90 per bu. ; Lima. 7c per lb. POTATOES Per bu., 7MT8Co. BEANS New wax and string. 400e per market basket. CAUBAUE Wlsgonsin, Holland seed, ltto per pound. BEETS Per bushel. 80c. li KNirS-m bushel. 60c. PARSNIPS Per bushel, 75c. RADISH KB Per dozen. 20c. TOMATOES 1'er basket. c075c CELERY Michigan, 3t&35c. ONION Red Ulnbe. per pound, lc. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, 83.2i. PEPl'ERS-Per busnel, 76c. BEEF CUTS. N'o. 1 ribs, 14c; No. 2 ribs, lie; No. 3 ribs, fic; No. 1 loin, 19c; No. 3 loin, 13c; No. S loin, 9c; No. I chuck. c; No. 8 church, Rc; No. t chuck, 4c; No. 1 round, tc; No. 2 round, 7Vc; No. 8 round, 84c; No. 1 plate, 4Vsc; No. 2 plats, 4c; No. V plate. Sc. TROPICAL FRUIT. LEMONS Per box, 83.00, 83.60, $7.00. COCOANUTS Per suck. 84.50; per dozen, BANANAS Per bunch, 83.003.00. DATES On market Oct. 26; Hallowe'en, per pound, 7c; Sayer, per pound, eWc. MISC ELLA N EOl, 8. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pmnes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem -iestrous of moving supplies of linmediat grades. Quo. tatlonr range from So to 9o for California fruit and from 6a to 8c for Oregon. Peaches, very firm, with fancy yellows quoted at 13Vfeo. HiDKn AND TALLOW-Oreen salted, No. 1 9c; No. 2, 7Hc; bull hides, 6c; green hides. No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 6c; horse, $1.503.50; sheep pelts, 60C&J1.2E. Tallow, No. 1, tcj No. 8Ho. Wool. IbQZlo. COFFE ID-Roasted, No. 85, 2o; No. SO, 21c; No. 25. 19c; No. 20. 14Vio. FISH HallDut, lie; trout. pickerel, 10c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh frozen, Uc; whlteflsh; 1416c; buffalo, 14c; bullheads, skinned and dressed, 18c; cattish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; white bass, 16c; black baas, 86c; sunllsh, S9o; crapples, C9o; large crapples, loo; herring, frsh frozen, 8c; whlteflsh, frozen, 13, 16c; pickerel, fresh frozen, lSci red snapper, 12c; flounders, mackerel, 1Q3do per fish; cadflsh, freab frozen, 12o; red snipper, Uo; flounders, fresh frozen, 12c; haddock, fresh frozen, 13o; smelts, 13c; shad roe, 46o per lb.; frog Itgs, 86o- per Uoz.j green sea turtle meat, too per lb. CANNED OOODS-Corn, standard west ern, 76o. Tomatoes, fancy 8-pound cans, $1.46; standard 3-pound cans, 31.20.. Pine apples, grated, 2-pound, 37.202.90; sliced, ll.75U-2.36. Gallon apples, $4.50. California apricots, $2.40. Pears, $1.76.60. Peaches, I17(4i2 40. I. C mirhn 1? Kit eamron, rttt, tl.0; feney Chinook, flot, tl 16; rancy sncaeye. nat. Zi.vo. Bardlnea, quartet oil, $30; .three-quarters, mustard, $385. Sweet potatoes. $1.2bt&l.S5. Sauerkraut, aio. Pumpkins, 80c3$1.00. Lima beans. 2-pound. 75ci&1l.26. Soaked, peas, t-pound. too: fanov. 81.21.45. NUTS California wslputs, 18c; Chill wal nuts, 16c: pecans. 1213c; filberts. 12Voi Brazils. 13(gi4c; almontls.- IBc; roasted pea nuts, kVze,; raw peanuts, 8. JIKW TORK GENERAL MARKET Featnres of Trading and Prices on Leading; Commodities, . NPTW TORK. Oct. - 8T.-FTOUR Re ceipts, 12,760 bbls.; exports.. ,W7 bbls.; market dull but quiet; Minnesota patent, $5.255.75; winter straight, $4.60&4.65; winter patents. $4.90(i 6.40; Minnesota bakers, 84.604i 4 95; winter extras, $4.00j 4.25; winter low grnde, $3.90te'4.15. Rye flour, steady, $5.25 tf 5.50. Buckwheat flour, steady, $3.10(3.25 per hundred pounds. . CORNMEAL Firm: white and yellow, $1.16'(('1.25, coarse, $1.451.60; kiln, dried, $3.86 f4.05. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 94o t o, b., New York. BARLEY Quiet ; malting, $1.001.05. c. I. f., New York. WHEAT Receipts, 71,900 bu.l exports. 23,900; sales. 1.750,000 bu. f pot, easy; No. 2 red. $1.07. elevator; No. S red, $1.09 r. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, nominal, f. o. b., afloat;'No. 3 hard, winter, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Except at the opening when prices broke a cent on cable wheat was generally quite firm all day, following coarse grains. There waa a good class ot buying at times and very little bear pres sure until near the close, when prices weak ened a little, closing 4c net lower: Decem ber. $1.09S'110H. closed $1.10; May, V.llH fcl.12. closed 0.11. CORN-Receipts. 28.960 bu.; exports, 80. 623 bu. Snot market firm; No. 8, 70o, eleva tor, and 7lo f. o. b., afloat; -No. 3 white, 72Hc; No. 3 yellow, 61 o f. o. b, afloat, all nominal. Option market waa without trans actions, closing V'l-V net higher; Decem ber closed' 71c; May closed 6Sl4c. OATS Receipts, M.0"0 W; exports. 2.826 bu. Spot, firm; mixed, 2tVr(32 pounds. 62c; natural white, IxVtf.lZ pounds, 64c; clipped White, 32I&40 pounds. M'94c. HAY Quiet; good to choice, ll.15fll.80. . FEED Steady; spring bran,. $28.10; mid dling. $J55; city, 8:.00. HOPS Quiet; Pacific coast, 1907, irlSc; 6-a 8e. HIDES Dull; Central -America, 19 19c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady: family, $14 50 (fili w. mess. $10.0oil0.5t; beef hams, $'J8 50 2ie.00; packet. $ 10.50 1 1.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, t60G 14.00; ?lckled shoulders, nothing doing; pickled iHiiis, 3U.OtVuU.60. Ird, firm; western prime, $.1&Kii9 00; nominal; refined, easy; continent, $a.35; cotnpound, $8.45'atl 51. Pork, staady; short clear. 81tS.50fl 17.28. TAI.LoW Steady; city, tc; country, 6 (ft 9 "4, c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 34 jc: Japan, nominal. BUTTER V'eak ; creameries, specials, 2Csc; extras. 2Kc; thirds to firsts, 2i!i'c; creamery, held first to special. 24y'JV; state, dairy, common to finest, 2itrAc; process, common to specials, lHt'-'4c; western factory, common to first, llij;3c. ('II I KSK Easy ; Mine hanged. EfKS Strong; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 3a4; good to choice, M&fK-: brown fancy, 84t3He; average prime. 3""a32c; rlrst to extra first, iVfjiiic; western first, Z3'fl26c; seconds. 'Ant ite. POULTRY Ah ve, quiet; spring chickens. :tc; fowls, 13c; turkevs, 15c: dteased and weetern chickens, L"tfl5c; turkeys. -liVglSc; fowls, ltvui2c. Kansas City Grala and Provisions. . KANSAS CITY. Oct 31. WHEAT De cember. 9JHc; May, ftsc; Cash. No. i hard. 9:fi94c; No. :t. 8VBi2Hc; No. 2 red. W-oMc; Noo. 3. 916'J3c. CORN Iieceinber. blc; May. 64Vic; Cash: No. 2 mixed. &2ii2,o ; No. I. 52c; No. 2 white. 64V: No. 3, 64c. OATS No. 2 white, 43ti45c; No. 2 mixed, tltn-c HAY Choice timothy, unchanged, $12 75 130"; choice prairie, unchanged, $11 Ovarii. jfi. RYK-M"i72c. ' Bl'TTEH Creamery. 27c; ralflng. He. EGOS Firm; extras, 2-'c; firsts. 20c. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu w.tmo Corn, bu: 14 0w iD.ifV Oats, bu U.uuo 12.UU0 Mlnaraolls Grala Market. MI.N'NEAPOUS. IXt 31 -WHEAT-De-ceiubt-r. $Ui'4; May81 l'e,; No. 1 hard. 1 1a.1il.W4 ; No. 1 northern. 81o6; No. 2 northern. $l jl.t(i,. No. 3 northern, ao'i tj - FlJ II R First patents. $5 5tiS.ciJ; second paU ntn. fc. J'.rl ill i u, $t It 4"J; .i-..n.t $l.rii5iH.. 1 1 I.. 1 air d.niiiiil, closing prices, $1 : to airive, II ly. i)lt.N-lii bulk. 21c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Early Advance in Prices is FolloWed by a Halt. BEOKEKS ABE TOO CONFIDENT Some of Them Begin Accepting Orders on Margin and Call Money Again Risen More Forced Liquidation. NEW YORK, Oct. Jl.-The halt to the sd vance In prices of the early part of the day was regarded as a normal note of caution. ,Too rapid a re-establishment of ordinary trading and the progress of re cuperation caused a stoppage of this move. The signs that liquidation of collateral head for loans was not wholly completed came as a note of warning after the easing money rate hnd so far stimulated courage that some commission houses had com menced to accept orders for buvlng on margin, the margin being, of course, ex tremely wide and Jealous scrutiny being used on collateral. Tho easing of the money rate at the Stock exchange cannot yet be accepted as indicative of an entirely free open market, rate brokers being restricted to their own resources for securing ac commodation and subject to the require ments Insisted upon. The liquidation of certain loans left nothing In the wsy ot reaching the open market. Prices are se verely affected as In the case ot the sell ing of Pennsylvania today. The check to the upward movement would be assignable. In a normal period, to the end of the moath requirements, which are unusually heavy this year. Total Interest and dividend dis bursements for November are estimated fer tile Journal of Commerce to amount to upwards of $75,000,000, compared with fri3,Onn,ano in November of last year. Large amounts of these payments have been dis bursed In the last few days in advance of the date of tho obligation In course of the measures taken by bankers end capitalists to furnish resources to the money market. Probably some preparation was In progress, however, for the large payments tomorrow and which will promptly be deposited with banks. Additional engagements of gold made during the day proved that the ad vance of 1 per cent In the official discount rate of the Bank of England had not shut oft the Inward movement of gold to New York. The readiness of the Bank of France to recoup the London money market for supplies transferred to New York fortifies the situation, slthongh the heavy decline In bullion holdings of the Bank ot England and tho large credit expansion both bv the English institution and the Bank of France is evidence of the widening sphere of tho influences of the New York position. Satisfaction was felt with the reports of the quick response, amongst the national banks to the offer of increased facilities for taking out bank notes offered by the comptroller of tho currency agreeing to Bccept other bonds for government bonds as security for government deposits pro vided use Is made of the withdrawn bonds for securing new circulation. The movement of all kinds of traffic continues large and any objection to its continence would re tard the relief of the situation through the marketing of these commodities abroad Outright buying of securities for invest ment In small lots Is hampered by the tying up of facilities. Bonds showed the effect of forced liqui dation at some points ss well as stocks There was a sprinkling of an advance among some of them. Total sales, par value, $3,004,000. Number of saiee and quotations on the New Tork Stock exchange: Bales. HI(lL Ijw. CliMs. iss Adams Expreei Amalgamated Copper .. Am. O. r. , Am. C. r. pti IZ.7UO 41 2l 13 UK M 176 1H4 12 Mt 4 :. u mm 40 "H n 424 7ll 76 SOU ut 160 4 Am. Cotton oil 400 M ti Am. Cotton Oil p(d Ainsrlcan Expreu , Am. H. A U pti Ameriran Ice ftecurltlaa.... (00 13 10 Am. Llnieed Oil M ( Am. LtnaeM Oil pfd Am. Locomotive coo Am. Locomotive pfd. xv Am. 8. 4k K 18.700 117 M4 7 S5 7' 1"1 40 ' X84j 74', "tV Am. 8. A R. pti...... too 87 Am. Sugar RenntDZ. .. 1") 10 Am. Tobaoeo pfit ctfi 3. HO 2 IS Anacooda Mining Co ,ftt0 a ten mm .................... Atchlmn pfd , Atlantis Oaut Ult,., Baltimore A Ohio. t.ono 700 4.4W 74 T4 117 U I Ml. Si Ohio p(q ........... i Brooklyn Rapid Tr I.1K r Canadian PaclOo ,.. f.jn0 153 Central of Jaw Jeraey.i..., ,. Chaaapaake AV Ohio....;,... l.lno 3S' 'ink' ut 4274' Chlnago Ot. W - 2"0 1 74 Chiraso A N. W... t'hlcafo, M. St. . 11.S00 MM 10il lioi ,..... , ..... a ..... 1 t'V Mtj 61 104 , , .0l'0 17 , If 1S. . . W) 46 44 . 44 , l'0 M'i l4Vi 14 , 1.F.00 1 0 7 300 (S V , l.0 M , tit Siu . 4.200 1W 1J4 IJl.t, 1 100 400 40 i bx Itti 1914 1 BJ , 3.100 4IH jot Jv . 1.400 lii l . tHO S"W .IN', . . 8 2e'B 28i III .1.100 110 I'll m 1 1"0 lit 111 r 1 . l.ioe io4 7t 10 , ll 41 '4 i(4 1 T,M0 IIS 10 11 ...... ' M ....... ..... 10 ...... ,.. 83 224 10 WV, (0V, 49 , 1.400 W."i a4t, M . l.iMO US lf US , tV 10 30 21 io izhi 71 70 k ji6 110 ' in , l.ioo 64 U W , 4,1110 25 2J U 1110 M M h 700 !8S 87 S 7S I.-- 44., . 17,600 7 MS MS 100 its we, 21114 K U M 2' 70 00 44 44 1 45 20 . 11 ono. Jil'4 l"i i', . .7ti) 74it 7i 7214 , 3 . 1.400 lSt4j 17 17 100 7J 71 71 . 43,001) 77! 744 , 74 70 800 44 jl l.K) 1344 19 lti no d.-.s u 4,"0 14 13S i"4 100 14 34 U 21 24 US l-S 8 , I.2O0 44 44 si si0 106 ii34' i4 . 1.2O0 uv, IH4 1214 l'O ! ikSi M 134 404 1 IIS 1S 300 - 1S 1S It 600 34S tl 133,1W HIS 104 HS ' si i m 7t 61 17 7O0 1S 17 ls a 4.,S 434 u 41 Ptiu I4S HI 23H ll.soo D4S 41 S 12S X.3O0 1' 13S 13 trio TTS 77 75 l.uuo t ( n tuO 16 US 14 , I)0 400 60 44 41 ' M) 44 (3 CI 4lVi 400 14 It 14S 34 , 14.400 110 10 1114 . 1.600 13 11 13s tuO 75 . 75 74 2iA 12 31 2is l.tuO 114 110 110 00 6 e 1.1H 17 15 i:w t'hloago T. A T. pfd.. C, C. C. A St. L.... tiloraito F. A Colorado A Bo Colo. St 80. lat pfd. Colo. Ic Bo. td ptd Consolidated laa Corn Products, rfg-..,.. Corn Producia pfd.....M Delaware A Hudson Del.. L A W Hanver A R. Q. D. A R. U. pfd Distillers' Bvcuiitlas ... Krla Krla 1st pti Krla id ptd. General Kleetrta Illinois Central International Paper .... Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump ptd Iowa Central lonra Central pfd Kansas CUr Bo K. C. 80. ptd Louisville A Nash Meilcan Central Minn. A Ft. L M . 8t. P. A 8. 8. M... M , Bt. P. I. 8. M. pfd.. Missouri Pac.flo Mlaaourl, K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. ot M. pfd. ottered New Tork central.... tl. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W N A W. pfd....- North American Parlno Mall Pennsylvania People's Uaa P., c. C. A St. L.... Presaed Steel Car Pressed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car, ex-dlv. Reading Reading 1st pfd Heading Id pfd Republic Steel Republic Bteel.pfd Rock Inland Co Rock Island Co. pfd ... stv u a . r. id ptd. St. Louis 8. W Bt. Louis 8. W. ptd ... 8oullii-rn Pai-lflo 80. Paclflo ptd 80. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tenneeae C. A I Taxae a: Pacific T., Bt. L. A W T. St. L. A W. pfd... t'ntoa Paclflo Colon Paclno pfd V. 8. Kipreea, ex-dlv.. I'. 8. Healty V. 8. Rubber f. I. Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel V. 8. Steel pfd Va. -Carolina Identical Va.-Cara. Chant, pfd... Wabaah Wabash pfd Wella-Fario Kx.. offered... Westluihouae Electric Westera I'nloa Wheeling A L K V laconalu Central ... Wis. Central pfd Northern Pacifto Central Leather Central Leather pfd... Bloee-Shelteld Steel .. Great Northern ptd... lnlerhoruugk Met lut. Met. Bid . Total sales for the day, tat.lMO shares. Londoa I lualag Stocks. IXNDON. Oct. 31 Closing quotations on stocks were ga follows: Console, money ... 12 114 at , K. A T de account 42 N., Y. Central Anai-oada 7 Norfolk W 1 Auhlaoa 71 du pfd do pfd X Ontario A W Baltimore Ohio 3 Pennsylvania ... 1, ...101 ... 46 ... H ... 30 ...51 ... 4 ... 11 ... 11 ...44 ... 70 ...114 ... 4 ... 24 ... 47 ... f ...14 ... t Canadian Pacific !&Kand aflnes Cheeapealie St Ohio... 2 Reading ... Chlvgo Ot. W 7 Bunco, Railway C . M. St. F i"'S o prd lie Beers 17 Southern Paclte . Deuver dt R. 0 1 Colon Paclfle .... d pfd 44 do pfd Krle U. 8. Bteet do 1st pfd 41 do pfd do 2d pld Wabaah Oraad Trunk 14 do pfd Illinois Central 121 Bpaaiah 4s Louisville a N 14 til I A KH liar, steady, 7 8-16d per ounce. MONKV 4u4'4 per ctnt. Ttu rate of diax'uunt in Ike open market for short lulls Is 4 per tent; for three mouths' bills, 6 per cent. Statesueat Batata ef Eaglaaa. LONDON. Oct. 31. The weekly statement of the Rank ut Fngland show the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decreaned 3 136,t, circulation, Im-reaaed A 1 41 .; bullion, decreased X'i H44.tn7i; outer securi tt, tm-reasoj tl.'i."j; other Ii-k.vI:, n creaaed Ll.viZ.'.w, public depc.aits, uicitac.l 4.0nft; notes reserve, decreased aCS.lrO.nnn; government securities, decreased aJtoi.eeO. The proportion of the banks reserve to liability this week Is 31.19 per cent. OS com pared with 47.21 per cent last week. w York Money Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 81 MONET Pflme mercantile paper, nominally at "VVrjlO per BTERLTNO EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In bankers' bllis at M.R4."(I 4.88. SILVER Bar, 6fHc; Mexican dollars, 48'4C. HOND9 Government, firm; railroad, lr reaulsr. MONET On call Instrong demsnd. rKJS per cent; ruling rate, 20 per cent; closing bid, 8 per cent; offered at 8 per cent. Time loans nominal; sixty days, 10itl5 per cent, and ninety days 12 per cent; six months offered st 10 per cent. Quotations on .tw tort bonds today were ss follows: U. 8. ref. ta. res... .104 Mas. e . 4s M dn coupon 10R Central 4a 72 V. 8. 3s. ret 101 do 1st Inc 12 dn coupon lfi2Mlnn. A Bt. U 4s.. V. 8. a. 4s. reg 117 M , K. A T. 4s o do coupon lilt eedo 2s 76 Am. Tobacco 4 MeN. p.. V. ot M. c. 4s 11 do n 17 N. Y. C. g. e IS Atchison gen. 4s !?(. J. C. g. 4s 117 do ad). 4s j jo-, PsclSe 4s 4 Allsntlc C. L. 4s.... It do Is 07 Bal. Ohio 4 N. A W. e. 4a do do s 44 O 8. L. Hdg. 44 74 Brk. R. T. c. 4s M Penn. conv. Is 84 Central ot On. 4e 7 Reeding gen. 4e 4 do 1st Inc 74 L. I. M. e. St.. 43 da 2d Inc 43 St. L. A 8 F. fg. 44. 71 Chea A Ohio 4s.... W 81. L. 8. W. 0. 4s.... S Chicago A A. Is.... 44 Seaboard A. L. 4s SI C, B. Q n. 4.... 38o. Paclflo 4s M C, R. I. 4V P. 4t , . ) do 1st 4s ctfs 44 do col. 4s 1!8i). Rallwar Ss W CVO. ft 8t. L. g 4s.. M 'Teiaa P. la 104 Colo. Ind. 4a, ser. A. 41 T., St. L. A W. 4s.. M t'olo. Mid. 4s f Vnlon Pacific 4e 3 Cub Ca 41 do cv. 4s i n. A R. O. 4s 43 t'. 8. 8teel Id (s Distillers' Rec. 6s..,. 14 Walisah la 104 Krle p. I. 4s 4 'Western Md. 4s 7 do gen. 4s 44 W. aV L. B. 4s tl Hoik. Vsl. 4s 7Wla. Central 4b 76 Japan 4s ctfs M Atchison ev. 4s M do 2d series tr, ilo Ka . omit 1 A N. unl. 4 V3 Int. Met. 4 60 Offered. Hid Boston Btex'ks and Bond BOSTON. Oct. 31.-Call loans. Ufa R per Official weie as '. lt 4 cent; time loans, 6iitt7H per cent, quotations on stocks and bonds xoiiows: Atchison 4s ... 47 Atlantic -.74 Ringham ... 72Cal. A Hecla.. ... Centennial ...lffi Copper Range ... ..138 Pair West ..t20 Franklin ..130 tlranhr .. 14 Me Rovale ..121 Mara. Mining ... .. 13 Michigan ..104 Mohawk ..11 Mont. C. A C. ... -. 4 Old Dominion ... ..101 oereoie ..109 Parrot . . . .' .. 41 Tamarack ... 14 Trinity .. 71 foiled Copper .-. ..IDS v. 8. Mining.... ...lKfi v. 8. Oil .. Ctah j.. .. 24 Victoria .. 44 Winona ..103 Wolverine .. S7 North Rutte .. to Butte Coalition . .. I:l Nevada .. t1 Mitchell ... 1 Cel. aV Arlsona.. .. 2.'Arliona Com. ... Mex. Central 4s.. Atchison Atchison pfd Poston A Alhany.. Boston A Maine.. Hoeton Elevated . Fltchhurg pfd Mcslcan Central .. N Y.. N. H. AH. Pece Marquette ... V'nton Pacific Am. Ante. Ohem.. Am. Pneu. Tube... Amer. Sugsr do pfd Am. T. A T Am. Woolen ...... do pfd Edison Elec. Illu.. General Klecirle .. Masa. Rlectrlo .... do pfd Masa as Cnlted Krult tnlted 8. II do pfd V. 8. Bteel do pfd Adventure Alloues Amalgamated Asked. do 20 42 .... 10 .... 7 DO .... 15 .... 2 .... 4 4.'. ..... 1 24 M .... 10 .... 43 .... 11 .... 7 .... 2S 4 .... 22 4 .... 3 ....106 41 .... 1S .... 4 .... 1 ....103 .... 11 New York Mining (Mocks. NEW TORK Oct. 31. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Adams Cos f uttie Chief Alice 400 Ontario 2M J' 14 Ophlr ....4 120 Brunswick Con 80 Potnst 15 Comstork Tunnel .... 27 Harass .......!.!. 4i Con. Csl. A V r4 Sl,rr, K,T,dll 4i H'.rn Sliver 12.-, K m a 1 1 Hopes la Iron Silver 100 Standard rx Leadvllle Cos 1 OBeree. Foreign Financial. , LONDON, Oct. Sl.-Money was in good demand in the market today and supplies j ,1 7 winiuunia weie more ireeiy '."'i the Bnlt of England's level. 1th the removal of the , uncertainty re garding the bank rate., which was raised from 4 to BVtj per cent this morning, the tone on the stock exchange, board became cheerful despite two small failures-. Prices fill rniind hoi.HAnj. t..jk . i i ,.. . . . ..-iur,,ru, uu iinrncuiariy ainer- cans. Jlome rails au4Uined, eapeclally In the late dealings on ike-favorable news regarding the British Itfbor "troubles, while cheerful Farls advioes assisted 'foreigners. Americans opened firm and by rioon hard ened to from 2 to 6 points higher thsn yes terday, under the lead of Chicago, Mil waukee A Bt. I'sul and Vnlon .Pacific. The buying principally was In the nature of covering operations, the European finan cial outlook checking fresh business. The receipt of the New York opening prices caused a temporary depression. but New York bought later and the market closed strong at the' best price of the day. Copper shares advanced with the metal HEREIN. Oct. 31. Prli-es on the Bourso today opened firm upon New York's favor able closing yesterday, Baltimore & Ohio, Canadian Pacific and Pennsylvania rising several points. ; statement Hank of France. PARIR, Oct. 31.-The weekly, statement of the Hank of Franca shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, increase 226,iO,iXiO francs; treasury deposits, In creased. 80.960.000 francs; gold on hand, in creased 7tm,0r francs; sliver on hand, de creased l.fi7B.oriO francs; bills discounted. In creased 82,?i!n,oni franca;., advances, In creased l,W,0t,ono francs. Treasury Htateusent. WASHINGTON. Oct. Sl.Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 315O.0OO,0tirt gold reserve, shows: Available cash .balance. 82.'i8.1SS,36; gold coin and bullion, $1T,I6,DS gold certificates, 870,490,810. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 81 Bank clearings for to day were 8i0O7.315.06 and for the cor responding date last year 81,644.244.18. WEATHER I THE GRAIN BELT Probably showers) and Then Fair and ! Cool. OMAHA, Oct. 31, 1907. The weather continues generally cloudy and unsiutled In the mountain districts and east over the central valleys, lake region and southern states. It Is warmer every where from the Rocky to the Allegheny mountains. Temperatures are lower In the eastern states, where heavy frosts occurred. The weather Is cooler In the extreme north west snd will be cooler In this vicinity Fri day, with probable showers tonight, fol lowed by fair Friday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1907. 1906. 1905. 1904. Minimum temperature.... 49 si 27 46 Precipitation T .00 .00 .00 iNormai temperature tor looay, 4 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 7.25 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 3.68 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, 3 66 inches. I.. A. WELSH, Ical Forecaster. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 81 COTTON Future opened firm; December. IO.60C; January, lO.ltlu; February, 10 i(0o, bid; March, 10.23c; April, 10.36c, bid; May. 10.29o; June, 10.24c, bid; July. 10.83c; August, lO.J'.o. offered. Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 10.90c; middling gulf. 10.16c; sales. 8.3U0 bales. Futures closed steady; closing bids: November. 10.18c: December, 10.43c; Jan uary. 10.1V; February, 10 16c; March, 10.17c; April. 10 ai)o; May. 10.23c; June, 10.23c; July. 1024c; August, 10.17c. GALVESTON, Oct. SI COTTON May, lOAlc. . BT. 1.01'IS. Oct. 81. -COTTON Quiet: middling. 11c; sales. 380 bales; receipts, 622 bales: shipments, 11 bales; stock. 6.306 bales. LIV'EKPOOL. Oct. 31. CtjTTON Spot, good business done: prices 17 points higher; American middling fair, 6 5l; good mid dling, d.2Jd; middling, 6f3d; low middling, 6 7iil, good ordinary, 6.23d; ordinary. 4.WJ. The sales of the day were lO.uuo bales, of which Sm Were for speculation and export snd Included ft.lou American. Receipts, 17, Ouo bales, including 13.600 American. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 31. COTTON-Spot waa steady; sales. 6.6uO bales; low ordinary, 6V; ordinary, 11- 16c; good ordinary, c; low middling. c; middling, uAi-; good middling, ltec: middling fair, llc; fair, llvc; stock, 136,lo4 bales; recelpta, 16.396 bale. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 81-METAL8-Ths London market for tin was lower, with spot si A14. Locally the market was easier, with spot quoted St 8.ll.7bUo2 36. Copper had a elrong advance In the English market. ilh spot closing at Ao and futures at 44 6s. locally the market waa steady and without further change. Lead waa un changed both In New York and Indon. being quoted at 18 In the latter market. Spelter waa unchanged totally, but slightly higher In London, with spot quoted at A22. Iron was firm In the English market, with blandard foundiy quoted, j Ha and Cleve land warrants at 51s ltd. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Better Feeling ia Cattle, with Pricei Steady to Strong. DECIDED ADVANCE IN HOQ VALUES Sheep aad Lambs la Light Sapplr, with Trices Steady aad Trade Slow, bat Metier Feeling Prevalllag. SOI TH 0IAHA, Oct. 81, 1907. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep, Orticial Monday 10.s 1.S7D 86.610 Oltlclal Tuesday 2.S8 1.4vJ .77 Oftlclal Wednesday 3,?.t7 2.447 8.W Estlmute Thursday 3,6:6 2,700 S.StW Four days this week.. !.! 6o.4-4 Same days last week. . . ,32.e7i S0.W4 8o.4i6 Same days 2 weeks ago..3:,M4 17.3M Si.P Same days 8 weeks ago.. 33. (H8 Panic days 4 weeks ago.. 1 IN, 87.4!'8 Same days last year VS.Vol 211,050 67,413 The following table shows the receipts of cuttle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last yesr: l9o7. 11. Inc. tec. Cattle l.ulB.fltfl fwti.693 1M8.367 Hogs 2.01H.tioS 2. H M4 Sheep 1,781.049 1,796.221 ' 18.178 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Date. I 1907. 19t)6.1905.!19O4.!19(i3.!190S.il01. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. m. 32. ?8., Zi.. 26.., ( 88 87 5 70 I ' I e 301 t 11! 6 IS e j 8 12 1 R 20! 6 Oh; 6 16 82 8 70 6 74 8 74 71 e 8 6: 8 61 8 28 8 m t 99 8 01 8 06 8 "0 e t 88 5 81 t 73 I 67 8 1 131 6 14 S 14 8 46 6 39 5 45 a 6 55 6 44 S 121 8 10 8 14 8 13 s 161 I 01 4 94 4 88 1 8 i 01 4 5 4 8 I t 28 6 18 6 13 e 4WI 4 94 1 4 2 S 141 4 87 4 93 6 15 61 68 6 61 8 OB 3 nS 6 02 4 2 4 K Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha t6.4R'jin.CR ' Chicago l.l.Vg7.!H 4.5"fa30 Kansas City 1.60118 26 6 tKii6 KO St. Louis 1.2iVa.R6 5.2.S4JO.S6 The official number of cars of stock brought In todav by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C.'M. Ht. P. Ry 1 Missouri Pacific 1 Cnlon Pacltlc system. 41 7 1 1 C. ft N. W. (east) 1 C. & N. W. (west) .. 13 14 13 C St. P. M. A 0 4 C, H. & J. (east 1 2 1 C, B. ft V). (west).... 89 1" 2 i Illinois Central ' 1 Total receipts 143 41 31 4 The disposition' of the day's receipts wsa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 4S7 191 Swift and Company S"l 7"1 10 Cudahy Packing Co 725 :f8 463 Armour A Co 662 772 201 Vansant ft Co 162 Carey ft Benton 6X1 Lobman & Co 67 McCreary ft Carey 57 W. I. Stephen 61 .... Hill ft Son 63 F. P. Lewis 1 Huston ft Co 25 Hamilton ft Rothschild. 49 ' .... .... Klngan & Co T3 .... Sam Werthelmcr 2o4 .... J. B. Root ft Co 39 T. B." Inghram 4 Lehiner Bros 5 .... .... Morrell Packing Co 618 Sheridan Meat Co 71 .... Bmlth ft P 9 Other buyers 425 '.XJ Held over 425 .... 7,3.3 Totals ' 4.275 3.053 8.690 CATTLE Recelpta of cattle were far from large thia morning only 145 cars being reported. Most of these cattle were rang ers and very much on the trashy order, that Is, there were comparatively few beef steers on sale. The cattle In the yards yes terday were pretty much all cleaned up before the close last night, so that there was little on sale this morning aside from the ficsli arrivals. While It was evident that the number of cattle wanted was still limited and while operators were still ex pressing a fear that excessive receipts would be disastrous, nevertheless there waa unquestionably a better feeling to the trade as a whole. Buyers have apparently gotten over the panicky feeling so notice able the first of I he week and business Is settling down 1o a normal basis. What few beef steers there were sold at steady to strong prices, tile most of the offerings changing hands much earlier in the day than usual of late. There were, however, hardly enough to make very much ot a test of the market. Cows and heifers were easier to sell to dny and the feellnff on that kind of cattle was also steady to a little stronger in spots, aliile there was no great rush to buy and no great activity to the trade buyers kept at work cleaning up the cattle a few at a time. The low prices at which feeders are sell ing evidently looked good to the country in usmuch as buying orders are 'jimlng In very freely, while there Is a good attend ance of country buyers. Thus while prices could hardly be tailed more than steady to strong the market la taking on a more healthy condition, the demand being suffi cient to keep the supply pretty well re duced. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cointed steers, 35. nMrti. 60: fair to good corn fed steers, 4'5. 0l& 5.60; common to fair corn fed steers. $4.2'fl6.fO: good to choice range steers, 44.oO'(j4.fcO; fair to good range steers, VI.dOu4.hi; common to fair range steers, 82.7M3.60; good to choice tows snd heifers, 32.otia3.0; common to lair cows imd heifers, 31.602 5o; good to choice Blockers and feeders, tu.&nijj 1.40; fair to good stockers and feeders, M.(oj4.26; fair to good stockers and feeders,. 83.0iWi3.6&; common to fair Blockers and feeders, 82.751J 3.60. Representative 'sales: IVtS 1 lilt INS W TUMI NO. 39 steers.. ..li6 9 cows loll VI cows 92") 18 cows 921 8 steers 12i 9 feeders. . 901 10 feeders.. It 94 8 to 9 steers.. ..1127 3 00 2 60 2 70 2 70 8 90 4 25 3 80 2 60 2 76 2 65 2 40 2 60 4 15 4 if, 3 76 8 25 4 05 4 26 4 25 3 60 4 20 2 ft 2 15 4 15 2 15 1 90 3 20 2 75 2 66 8 35 3 75 4 25 3 90 s no 2 35 2 70 2 65 2 60 4 4 01) 8 60 5 80 4 60 1 4 25 1 60 8 75 2 26 3 15 8 75 3 00 2 60 8 75 Fork 4 50 2 ft) 8 60 4 00 3 65 3 70 2 75 3 60 3 50 2 75 3 60 2 00 3 80 8 cows 648 24 cows K91 19 co1i 919 4 feeders.. 1067 7 feeders. .1121 T feeders.. IK 9 cows W3 1'4 cows 1030 4 cows 9:; 2 8 cows N43 9 cows lir.Vl 45 feeders.. I049 31 feeders.. Ml 12 feeders.. 720 9 steers. ...114 6 steers. ...Hid 15 feeders.. 1158 10 feeders. .1118 28 feeders.. 720 47 feeders.. 1077 27 cows 911 V cows S67 25 steers.. ..Ui7 10 cows 1C1J 26 cows l'J03 Co.. Wyoming. 16 heifers... 768 7 feeders.. K90 11 cows tit 17 cows 810 4 feeders.. H-) 8 calves.... 352 16 cows tiji 8 feeder.. 975 7 calves ... 410 13 steers.. ..1160 9 feeders.. 9n0 11 heifers... 618 27 heifers... 810 feeders.. 1104 14 cows M'l 1 cows. 22 cows. 11 cows. 20 cows. m H54 922 t8 9 feeders.. 1071 17 fenders. .1062 7 foeders.. H7 10 steers.. ..1127 88 steers.. ..1321 6 feeders.. 11M 5 bulls 1370 18 feeders.. 675 8 con s 10141 23 cows 917 IS feeders.. 937 44 cows W06 71 cows 1081 11 feeders. .1061 Middle 28 calves.... 164 24 helfere.... 813 67 feeders.. 722 4 steer. ...12o7 8 feeders.. 1113 6 calve.... 340 8 cows kf) 6 heifers... 6.12 10 feeders.. 642 7 cows 1017 8 steers.... WO 22 cows 863 8 calves.... 4o 4 cows fM 2 75 8 30 2 40 1 91 SO 3 o 2 00 3 40 3 tfi 8 60 3 60 2 60 2 78 1 90 . H 43 cows.... W. lioniis, Wyoming. 9tt 3 75 00 reeiiers..l"69 1 feeder. ..1U4) DAKOTA. 106 feeders.. 1303 3 70 1 50 8 86 a buns .1216 2 10 SOUTH 14 cows lo!2 3 80 12 steers.. ..luflj 3 to Harlo Oliver. 23 corn s 99S 2 75 A. M. Oliver South Dakota 2 cows 920 South Dakota. 7 steers.. ..1007 J 25 3 00 18 cows 1006 2 60 M.UKAoKA. 8 cows . ...1062 2 50 4 cows 9n2- 00 6 cows 941 13 calves... 10".4 8 heifers... 716 9 cows KM 8 cows lo.lj 2 heifers... 16 37 calves ... 31s 27 cows KM) baclialor 80 heifers... aw) 2 45 8 85 3 40 1 75 1 60 2 00 2 60 5 feeders.. 848 66 8 25 8 0 t 30 2 40 1 2a 2 steers. ... 3 heifers.. 9 cows...., 2 cows...., 46 cows 643 997 8o0 82 1 75 2 40 ft Helney, Nebraska. 3 "0 65 heifers... HI J 2 66 16 calvea 17u I 75 4 75 68 cows l"t2 J. H. Bai halor. Nebraska. 26 cows .lo:l 1 66 119 cows 164 3 76 12 calves.... 265 : uo Bejot, Nebraska. 3 35 2 feeders.. 713 Bejot, Nebraska. 3 38 10 cows 910 J. C. 20 feeders. . 151 E. P. feeders. . 7i 3 IS 1 71 2 60 3 50 2 35 3 20 3 60 1 7 I calves 4 IM 6 heifers... 360 William Hook. Nebraska. II cows. .1019 2 36 2 t ows teal 8 cows... 4 feeders. 6 feeders. -3 90 1 90 4 cows...,. 97 6 feeders.. 1oh4 16 feeders.. Hot Nebraska. 2 cows 911 3 20 8 60 1064 F. Mogle. 20 cows 1045 3 4o I feeders.. lOuo I 40 Scott ft Maxwell. Nehrasks cows lm3 2 76 2 cows 920 6 steer. ...Lw I 4U ZOO C. J. Anderson, Nebrasks. 62 rslves.... S I no W rslves.... 34 2 75 24 row V) t 60 23 rows 1H I 25 44 cow 820 1 70 8 bulls 1206 1 70 Steve Amlotte. Nebrssks. 11 cows m 14". 16 cows 940 I 45 3 cows 940 I i 10 feeders.. 'S 3 60 8 feeders.. 90 j 60 4 feeders. . 826 3 65 2 feeders.. l'i 3 60 S feeders. . 745 3 25 2 cows im t 46 Willism Colemsn. Colorado. 16 cows Rst 1 60 6 cows IPC f Jfi 3 feeders. .1124) 136 ' 8 bulla ....IKS 8 15 A. W. Sparks, Idaho. 27 cows 940 3 00 30 feeders.. MO 3 15 27 feeder.. 9 128 4 feeders. . 940 2 78 18 heifers... 843 3 24 HOOS Receipts of hogs contlne In light receipt at all market points with the re sult that the market Is recovering some wrist from the depression. SI 111 it I very evident that the demand is not very larie or very urgent or that pickers ear to sco prices advance very materially. With moderate offerings and a fair de mand th market opened In reasonable season this morning, and the trade was sufficiently sctlve to effect a clearance In good season. The prices paid mere log higher thsn yesterday, a good many of the hogs selling right around 35.57 4 If 8.81. with a top st 35.t- This would teem to be a very good time for shippers to act conservatively In the matter of sending hogs to nutrkct. It cer tainly Is not a good time to Hood the mar kets of the country with hogs or any other kind of stock. 'Representative sales: No. At. 8h. Pr. Ne. A v. Ph. Pr. 41 M 1 JO 44 W Ill 140 8 l 16 rw t t H eo t4 10 4 in 44 tit 121) I to 41 ! ... I 1(1 44 171 40 8 40 47 I4 140 I 19 M 4.19 11 t to M in km t 0 4 m 140 I tt 77 14 MO 141 71 7 200 t 45 M 141 ton I l 0 Ill ltd HI . 74 in 111 14 247 120 1 17 Oil tj 1) t 40 44 J"4 HO I T 14 Hit K lln 4.4 til 40 3 87 74 lol 40 4 Oft 41 HI 1 f t7 40 Wit 40 t 40 43 "75 J40 I 57 71 M7 140 4 ! 0 S0 ISO t7ia if Ml ltd t 40 77 IM 140 t 40 14 m 40 4 44 40 4 10 IN a U0 M 3 44 44 144 gw t 44 SHEEP There was a belter feeling rrevalent In th big sheep barn this morn ng. Receipts were very moderst and there wss a better buying demand thsn on a good many days of late. Packers all wanted a few killers and the limited num ber of loads on aale changed hands In pretty good season In the morning st fully steady prices. Pretty decent fat lambs sold st $6.00. nlth fair to good yearlings at 34.75 and a pretty good kind ot ewes at 34.36. The feeling In the feeder trade wrs alno Detter, although the market was still slow, there being an absence of the usual sn ip and life so characteristic of tho sheep mar ket at this point when conditions are fa vorable. This morning regular oper ators on th market were express ing the belief that the downward move ment In prices was practically at an end, in other words thst the bottom had been reached. Hence those with buying orders In hands were more ready to fill them and while still moving cautiously and without any great amount of hurry they gradually picked up the offerings. At the same time the country haa apparently come to the same conclusion, namely, that the bottom has been touched and commission men this morning were reporting more buying or ders received than during the last fev days. There were also a good many country buyers In looking for stuff. It must not be understood from this that there was any snap or life to the trade, but Just a slow, steady market with th) feeling a little better. Quotations on good to choice killers: Lambs. 85.75& 25; yearling wethers, 84.75vf 6.25; wethers, 4.60i(i4.75; ewes. 84.0o4.60. Quotations on feeders: Lambs. IS.oOi.Ffi; common lamb, 34.60?J6.25; yearlings, I4,6fi 4.75; wethers, H.OOtfft Mi; ewes, I3.00jr3.5li; common ewes, 82.0Ojj2.6O; aged breeding ewes. 4.504i6.00. Representative sn!s: Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 349 Wyoming ewes, feeder 83 3 30 35 Wyoming ewes, feeders 83 2 6ft 240 Wyo. y'rllng wethers, f'ders 88 4 75 272 Wyoming lambs, feeders 69 8 75 66 Idaho y'rllng wethers, f'ders 93 4 61 100 Idaho wethers 11.1 4 66 111 Idaho wethers 107 4 AJ 326 Idaho wethers 112 4 iO 211 Wyoming ewes, feeders 41 .1 25 176 South Dakota ewes, feeders. 87 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKI3T Cattle and Hogs Klrong to Higher Kheep Doll. CHICAGO. Oct.' Sl.-CATTLE-Recelpts estimated about 18,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; steers. 84.6u$7.oi: cowb. 3266 4.60; heifers.; bulls. 82.6n6.H); calves. 3.004j7.76; stockers and feeders. 32.75iM.55. H OO 8 Receipts esthnsted about 8.001 head; market strong to 5c higher; choice heavy shipping. 36.Uftf6.20; light butcher. 36.IOrti.26; light mixed, 35.!fi.10; choice light, 6.0tVn.8f; packing, $5.205.80; ( 34.266.76; bulk of sales, f5.6otj6.iX). SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt s estimate! about 12.000 head; market dull; sheep, $2.(f 6.26; lamb. 85.76.75; yearlings. 5XVtjG.50. St. I.onls Mre Stock Market. nf J-.1'0,1-'18' ct- 31 -CATTLE-Receipts, ..5tO hesd, Including 1,000 Texans; market strong to 10c higher; native shipping and export steers, f5.664ltl.8u: rireaaeri h..? .i butcher steers, ffi.l0'a41.2G; steers under 1000 pounds, J350rdv4.05; stockers snd feeders 42.75Hj-4.25; cows and heifers, 32.6S6.40; can nera, 81.26112.00; bulls $16ord-j.;6; calves. 83 60 ifn.00; Texas and Indian steers, 32.UO'a6.00; cows and heifers, ll.2SJj3.66 HOGS Receipts. 3.600 hesd; msrket higher; pigs snd lights. V.2fcci4.3o; packers, 86. 50416.10; butchers and best heavy, $6.6oj. 6.35. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts I.006; market steady; native muttons, f 8 5oti4. 5 lambs, t3.0oiija.80; mils and buck. 3.0n'3.25; stockers, 84.2665.60. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 31. CATTLE Re ceipts 6.000 head, Including 200 southerns; market strong to 6c higher; choice export snd dressed beef steers, t6.604t.4rt; fslr to good. 34.25(fi6.60; western steers, t3.4O4jH.60; southern steers, t2.75ia3.66; southern cows, fl.76Ji3.60; native cows, 81.603.80; native heifers, t2.S54jt.28; bulls, t2.004j4).16; cslves, f;'.264i4ior). HOOS Recelpta 8,000 head; market 6c higher; top. t5.82',; heavy. 85.804ifi.76; pack ers. 86.66ti6.80; pigs and lights, 86.0O4iC.l2U. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts ?00O head; market slow; lambs 10c lower; lamb, t5.ik4i.40; ewes and yearlings, t4.6oiij6.40; western yearlings, t6.O0fi.6O; western sheep, $4.264jS.26; Blockers snd feeders, t3.6ftf6.00. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 81. CATTLE Re ceipts, 9X1 hesd; market higher; cows and heifers, tl.76T4.50; stockers and feeders. tl. 26ft 4 26. HOGS Receipts, 1.726 head; msrket 10W 15c higher, active; top, t5.76; bulk, t6.70W SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls, 1.026 head; market steady; lambs, t6.004i6.5o: yearlings, t6.104c5.oO. Slons City LIt Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Oct. St. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 600 head; mar ket steady; beeves, f4.6oti6.00; cows and heifers, t2.2Wi4.00; Blockers and feeders, 83.o0vi4.00; calves and yearlings, 82.2642.76. HOGS Receipts, 900 head; market steady to strong, selling at t5.4txg5.60; bulk of sales, t5.4"jS.46. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha... 3,626 2,700 iS00 Sioux City 6t) . 900 Kansas City 6,M 6,tii) 400 St. Joseph si 1.7:8 L0"6 St. Iouis 2.5 3.6O0 1,000 Chicago 10,000 9,000 12.0U0 Totals ...22.008 22.828 21,328 Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct 81.-WOOLThe flnsnolsl difficulties in New York have had little effeet on the wool market. Wool Is In strong condition with an active demand from consumers. The leading western quo tations are as follows: Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri: Three-eighths-blood, i.U'Sic; quarter-blood, 294ic. Scoured valuta Texaa. fine, 13 months. 724ff73c: fine, six to eight months, UstWc: fine, fall. 574j6fcc. California: Northern, 66&67e; middle coun ties, 82t(64c; southern, 6i"t62c; fall, free, 67 4iosc. Oregon: Eastern, Ko. t staple. 704j) 72c; eastern, No. 1 clothing. 6sf7c: eastern, average. 674i68c; valley, No. 1. to4j62c. Ter ritory (scoured basis): Fine, staple. 7!4f73c; fine, medium staple, 7072c; fine, doming, 87u70c; fine, medium clothing. (Kr7c: half blood. 6o4c; three-elghths-blood. 634jSc: quarter-blood. 634Cj6c. Pulled: Extra, 653 Tic; fine. 6kui2c; A sutlers. 62'r47c ST. LOl'18. Oct. Si. WOOL Quiet: me dium grades, combing snd clothing :Wyi 26 ; light tine. 22u22V; heavy fine. 17iilc; tub-washed, 284jduc. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, Oct. 31. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is unsettled, but there Is no quotable change In spot prices. DEUKD FRl' ITS Prunes are quiet and unchanged. Apricots remain dull at recent prices. Peaches are steady on a moderate demand. Raisins from California are ar riving, but the market is easier, with seeded quoted at 7c to 12',,c, and London layers at fl .25. OTHER ROADS CONTIXUEW Burlington for More Men lot Itt Improvements. ' NORTHWESTERN ORDERS TIE3 I n Ion PacISc Ocraplrs I Blejee J'er sttlon la Shnlllnc ltown on . test Amonnt of Opera" linns Along Its l.lne. ' ' That other roads sre not shutting- lowt on Improvement ss lis the Vnlon Faclrto Is noted by the call for inert ahd msterla. and by reports of new buildings start e In other part of the state by other toads Tho Burlington Is calling for fifty oar penters and as many helpers to. rush' Itt work In Lincoln on the new terminal plant The shutes sre two-thirds complote, tht wster lank Is 90 per cent complete nnd th big 100.01 0-gsllon water plant Is done. Th foundations for the master mechanic' office and machine shop sre' placed nd the oil house Is under way. Tti long via duct over th new yard Is 86 per rent completed. The Burlington begn'ht4eal work on the new t'O.OflO depor at Afllanc Wednesday and th .offlclala y tug trtic turc will be hastened to an early, comple- n. The old depot wss destroyed by fir,' The Northwestern ha closed a contract with V. H. Sunderlsnd of Belle Fnurche for the delivery of too.ono tie. Which are probably Intended for use On the' road' extension to the coast. . Mott ' tf the tU will come from the Bear Lodge country and will lie delivered at Aladdin.' Wyo., which Is taken a an Indication the road will pass through the .rich coal fields In that miction. Many of the tie will b brought down the Belle Fourch river next spring by expert timber men when the water Is high nd will be the first aU tempt at logging on the river. Tourist Travel Breaks Record. The tourist travel through, th : Omaha gateway Is unprecedented and the depot are taxed In handling th people, who av rushing to take advantage of the last day of the low colonist one way rate to the Pacific coat points. Cnlon "Pacific - and Burlington trains are running out In two and' three sections and loaded to th guards. This Is no sudden movement (ot the closing dsy. but bss been going on for some time ss people have lesrned It Is better to "start early and avoid lh rush." October 31, Is the last dale of sale of these tickets, so Frldsy should about wind up the ruah as fHf as Omaha Is con cerned. Western roads do not seem to be sble to sgre as to homeaeokers rates for -next year and It now looks as if It would be up to each road to announce and publish lis rates Individually. ' Some 'lime ago the Harrlman lino anhotinced they would put the same rates In effect as have prevailed In the psst, but some of the other lines did not seem to want lo fall In line with' this move at the meeting, which,' was held In Chicago this weak. E. S. Van Tassel has been appointed, trainmaster of the Colorado division of th Cnlon Pacific. This promotion for tin young man will be good news to his man) Omaha friends, who have known him tc this city. For the last year he has been ssnlstant trainmaster of . the Nebraska division of the 1'nlon Pacific, with hit headquarter at Omaha, which are' moved to Denver by his promotion, which I ef fective November 1.' r .1 Barllngrton Anneses Branch. At midnlsht tonlRht the Burlington 'will annex the Sioux City & O'Neill branch of the Great Northern railroad as a part of Its system. This branch Is J30 miles long and traverses a rich section of country, which will be a welcome-addition to the territory tributary to Omaha. Henceforth, Hie road will be operated as part of the Burlington system snd the officers of trti . Burlington road will 'have complete con trol of the road and tho sixteen stations which arc on the road. . SIDNEY ASKSHONEST LAWYER Western Town Appeals Throagh Th Bee for Young Attorney Who la "Bltrht." err- A "GOOD opening for a No. 1 attorney! th writer will give him en office free for one year; all kinds. of business for the right party. Sidney la the county seat and we need a good, honest man. tmiulre at once, Ick Bix 318, Sidney, Neb. (4)-Mt4 NU This want ad, appearing In The Bee, was the subject of all kinds of comments in a Farnain street car as It came toward the city 'Thursday morning bearing It load of Dundee Inhabitants and such other as could crowd into It. "I always thought all attorneys were honest." said One of the smokers on th back end. " "Do you suppose he insinuate attorneys are not honest or tlmply want to -cay they need "honeat men In Sidney T" queried another a he puffed hi Havana. , "Don't know which," laid another, ..'.'but they are surely offering good Inducement for sn honest man." ' ' "Another thing It shows.'" piped. In on more, "and tnat Is thst you fellow must read the want ad In The Bee." "If Diogenes had been lve today he would have used The Bee wsnt ads In hlsJ sesrch for an honest man," waa tho part- tng shot of another a he jumped off tho car. STREET TROLLEY KILLS MAN Benson Cnr Strikes Preston Minors Colored, and Ho Dtea Within ... Few Honrs. " Preston Minor, a colored man, wa struck by a northbound Benson atreet. car at Is4t Thursday morning at Forty-fifth and Grant atreeta and auatained Injuries from which he died at 11 a. m. J. C. Thomas, who wa In charge of the car, say Minor attempted to cross tho track In front of the car and was struck while the car waa going at a good rat of apeed. Minor was taken to the Omaha General hospital In the patrol wagon And attended by Police Burgeon Harris. Both of his legs were broken above the ankles; his left arm was broken and there wera severe cuta on Ida head. He waa a married man and a laborer by occupation. He lived at Forty-third and Burdette. Hi body wa turned over to the coroner, who will hold an Inquest Friday. Appendix Kept Bnay. ' Your appendix Is kept busy warding off the dangers of constipation. Help It with Dr. King New Life Pill. SG cent. , For aale by Beaton Drug Co. ' . Mllwanke 4raln Market. MILWAl'KEE. Oct. 81. WHEAT Steady; No. 2 northern, t1.0-trl.04; Decem ber, wrrto. . BARLEV Htgher; N. 2. 8Jc; sauiple. Wic . , . . CORN Higher; No. J !). 67S-JU ;' May, foe asked. Peoria Market. , PEORIA. 111.. Oct. !. OORN--JHgl)-r; No. 3 yellow aud No. 2. 69c; No. 4, w,.- ,ia grade. tXfVuc. v t)ATB-ll!ghi-r: No. t a I. It.-. 4i4M7c; No I white. 4-'t)UVc. RYE-Dull. ' f. WlII8KYOn the basis on fl.3i for fin ished goods. , Liverpool tiraln Market. 1.1 vc.Rpnfu. n- at n.-uc-i-r , - , " . ' -. . . . j , punt, dull; No. f red western winter', da ld Ku turas, steady; IfcMmber. as i'ad- iiar. u 8s4Sd: May. 8s3Vl., ' . 1 UKS-pput, quii-t; prime lolxed Am.rl. can. 6s fd. Futures. v-nrii.- 1 5s8"kd; January. iiWA. I