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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1. .1007. 4 ."ti1,)iiiwltiwiiii5V 3i .Birfilis !i Enrj Alsll r n v w rsr, ra ni "" V Bargains on Eierf Counter J. L. Brandeis & Sons WILL TAKE FROM PURCHASERS OP MERCHANOISK Checks on All Local Banks Certificates of Deposit J. L. Orandels & Sons REMNANT DAY Croatest Shipment a Western House Ever Received in Choloo Lets off MILL of rniF??rc!5 U U NJ XV 5 Csl j Extraordinary purchase of five cases mill ends of dress goods, consisting of Panamas, Serges, "Wool Taffetas, Fancy Suitings, Henriettas, Covert Cloths, Plain and Fancy Voiles, Herringbone Stripes, Poplins, etc. From one of the largest dress goods manufacturers in tt the U. S. twice a year we receive these mill ends and these sales are the talk of Omaha. Values up to $1.25 yard. Divided into two lots. Omaha's Pure Food Center I Po yon reallie the satisfaction In many respects that you derive from ' trading at Courtney'? j Courteous treatment. Prompt aerv ) Ice Pure Fooda. lu fact the beat of 1 evn thinff, and last but not least, the j satisfaction of knowing there, would ) be that constant saving to the family : ( purse, as the large quantities In j '.. which we buy, enables tin to give you , "Better Things to Eat for Less Money." IThis Week's Specials: j i Imported Camombert Cheese, box.3Bo ! ! New York Cream Cheese, lb 30o Flu Newtons, per pound 9o Pretzels, per pound ..SOi Oyster Crackers, per pound So, Toilet Snap, per box SBo I 15c Imported Sardines Ho i Wilson Whiskey tthat'a all) ....75oi 75c Owl Hollow 600 Pickles, per bottle, sweet and j sour c I Bulk Olives, best, 40o and BOo I Pin Monev Pickles, per quart ....60o j Swedish Health Bread, pkg. 16c-23o I Per pound 10c j Old Fashioned Iried Bweet Corn, j per pound 13 Ho 5 Marvelll Macaroni, per pkg lOo ! New York Concords, per baa ?t. ,40o Flaming Tokays, per pound lOo Imported Malaga Grapes, lb 80o I Kngllah Hot House Grapes $1.50 ! Paw Paws, per basket 80o Pomegranates, each lOo Missouri Persimmons, per basket. Hot Fish Department We have succeeded In getting for Friday's selling a fine lot of fresh fish. Including all fresh and salt J water varieties. Also a fine lot of I nfcw catch mackerel. C 4 Specials n 3 3 1 4 I 3 j All the larger, pieces a great many match up for entire suits, odd skirts and children's dresses on three bar gain squares, yard All the short pieces, l to li yards, among g"j this lot are several pieces alike all day I long, as long as they last, each On Three Bargain Squares 4 2 to 54-inch special lines of dress goods, Including French broadcloths, novelty suitings i values up to $2.00 yard at, yard Fresh Halibut, per pound lfiHo i Holland Herring, mixed, per keg. .7so j Norway Herring, large fish, each.. Be j Enjoy your noon luncheon with a' friend or two at our new cafe on Cd floor, which Is becoming more popu- lar every day. j Daintily prepared fooda at moderate! prlcea. $ flbmm it w . 17th and Dooglaa Street!. 69c-7QC'93c 3 mm i 1 REMNANTS OF SILKS I A big lot of plain and fancy silks, consisting of fancy taf fetas, foulards, China silks, satins, pon gee silks in a good range of colors, j Rear section regular Silk department, ai, yara $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Silks on our popular special silk tables newest silks, plaids, fancies. Bilk suitings, crepe de chines, 20 to SB-men DiacK luireias, zi-incti uoume m g f 7fl warp all silk French Louisine, street and tlHP-.i'Hf- Hf (2) 1 r, evening shades, yard . Silk and Velvet Pieces, trnvclera' samples, new lot Just received Iron several silk manufacturers at the end of the season suitable for fancy work, trimmings and linings, each 5c ti 49c Hundreds of pieces of fancy vel vets and Bilks. They are not large pieces, but can be used a for different purposes, your .1 p choice, each ' " Odd Lots of Fine Laces Thousands of yards of French and German Vals, Torchons, also imitation Irish Crochet Laces and Insertions many to match, worth up to 12M.-C yard 1 , r bargain square, yard m2& w-C SPECIAL SALE of BRAIDS Plain and fancy pull braids, Persian and fancy . novelty braids all colors two big bargain lots, yard , 2 2!c -10c GREAT REMNANT BARGAINS FRIDAY IN THE BASEMENT 5 Telephone Douglas 647. S y Private Exchange Connects All Septs, y ItOGERS-GALLET'S, COUDIIAY'S, Perfumes DORIX'S, ) -FRENCH- Toilet Waters. Faoe Powders Cosmetics, Rouges, i Eyebrow Pencils Light, Dark Brown, Slack The Bell Drug Co. 1216 Farnam Arnold's new fall wash suitings checks and plaids the best materials obtainable for children's fall, dresses, in I at, yard.... IUU New fall styles wrap- p e r flannelettes- double widths, at, yard Special lot mercerized black sateens this is regular 85c grade skirt lengths at, yard !2c 15c 9c n bM-entire 50c 3 3) 1 4 it i 3 4 2 3 3 3 Juft received, a new lot of those wunted heavy aceisucker ginghams plain colors and etrlpes price should be 12isc yard, for Krlduy they go at, yard Full Blin roll cotton tlng enough for entire comfort hand folded, 3 pound roll at, each. . , One lot sateen, cretonne and tsllkollne comfort covering floral and other desirable patterns at, yard Forenoon Only , Persian cotton challles, bleach ed and brown shaker flanoela. striped and checked outin flannels we expect a big rush on these Items at. yard 10c Ladles' and children's la.1t black hote, small sizes, Dome spe cial nargalus for Friday at. pair Home made extra large largn size white cotton tilled knotted comfort ers, blue chenille cov ering with pretty bord erscannot be duplicated for J2.00, at, each.. 1 outing 31c 1.25 5c , Afternoon Only Bleached Shaker Flannel, pure white, a quality you will delight to buy, long lengths, at, yard . . . 6c LINENS FOR FRIDAY IN DASEMENT For le Efh Hub Dry Wash Cloths, Fringed Towels, Fringed Linen Napkins drummers' samples any of them at, each Mill remnants of lOo Linen Toweling yard $1.00 Qtiuty slightly Imperfect 20-lnch fine mercerized Table Napkins, dozen Big bargain square of all kinds of Table ' Damask Remnants, - In table cloth lengths at less than cost to manufacture. Ic 2ic 69c One big lot of slighUy soiled hem stitched Scarfs, Squares and Doll ies, worth up to 75c, r)r. for, each CwC (IEXT SATURDAY GREAT SALE . Women's Walking SKIRTS Surplus and Excess Stock from Two of Greatest Manufacturers in (lew York. Brandeis-Boston Store Our Patrons represent the best and most prosperous class of business and profes sional men and wo men. The mere fact that they visit The Boston Lunch every day is conclu sive evidence that the cooking is first class an 3 ths strvice satis fac'ory. They will all tell you . "They have the proper system at the Boston" Try It Open every hour, every day. 1612 Farnam Street. $ i Diamonds Bring In your check, your clearing bouae certificate ami we will take them in payment for a Diamond or Diamond. i. Oil Which W L' I l'a mi a u I , ten cnnfrMft to rrin,i ..n amount mld In CASH Ices tun or will allow full price paid lit exchange. BUrOS $1,000 to 95.00. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES i Mri it i i i it rni i r?rr? COLLKUKCUMlcal, clentin. pbliookicl eoraa AtAuitM Aa accrdtt4 hth tKluMl prvparw iff ' sivlisvu r any ibr culU or uitirmtiy. cvjra. ( rtlttcla iruurt. CO.NbttVATOH Y lburr of ttttutc. Ub iliO. U u1lo ai4 rV OMAHA t ONMtLTluMt-K ewtrle n HrltB. too rUjr. towr Modra rtiiitrle SPECIAL NOTICE! Checks, Drafts, Clearing House Certifi cates, Cashiers' checks and assign ments of savings bank deposits are accepted by us from ail purchasers. BRING YOUR CHECKS TO US. THEY ARE THE SAME AS MONEY. 7TTTPTTTTTn I 1 I M. ..rfaus M f .lt at M tLmJtd Surplus stacks, broken lines, odds and ends of fine clean fall merchandise, drawn from sections of our vast dry-goods departments, are thrown on the bargain tables Friday morning. Prices shattered Linens and White Goods rB,Sala 22-inch Mercerized Napkins, sell 70-inch Cream Table Damask, our 60c quality, 9P special )J)C Bed Spreads, full size Marseilles patterns, good value for 8 Be, Friday, each 59c regularly for $1.85, 1 Q4 OP Friday Birdseye Diaper (Rer Star) pure antifieptic, 10 yards, ?A special DUC LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR- .Second Floor BARGAIN FRIDAY Kersey Coats, C2 inches long, trimmed in velvet and braid, full satin lined, at Plaid tailored waists, made of heavy taffeta, for. Heatherbloom petticoats, extra full, wide flounce, black and colors. Short kimonaa and dressing sacqueB, made of heavy outing flannel ' Tanama'B Walking Skirts, seven new styles, pleated and gored flare $9.75 $4.95 ..98c 58c $4.95 Box calf, patent colt and vlci kid shoes, hand sewed, cork flllod soles, $3.00 and $3.50 pvaiVue.B:.. -..$2.19 GREAT EVEXIXO and HOUSE SUPPER SALE MONDAY. S7.00 LOXa TROUSER SUIT FOR $3.98. Boys long trouser suits of ser vicable black cheviot, with good lining and strougjy made. All sizes, fourteen to nineteen years, worth $7.00, for one day, DRESS GOODS One great lot of the choicest all wool ma terials, the choicest and newest styles, E4-inrh f&ncv hrnnrlrlnt he- IS.IncVi fancy striped or checked suitings, BO-tnch English worsteds, etc. Every shade you desire can be found in this grind lot, also some una ana wooi piaias, grand lots positively worth what we claim for these goods. Friday, come in lengths from four and a half to eight yards, yard Many BOc and 60c all wool stuffs in plain or plaids for children dresses or waists, come in various lengths, Friday, yard 29 59c ;3IU UL.SU REMNANT DRY BARGAINS $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 newest dress goods and stylish fA warnings ior OuC 50c all wool Albatross in cream and nearly all other colors, Friday 19c Friday we offer 35 pair of the best, grey wool blankets, In large ' size at a great saving, extra heavy and desirable, extra Q nr r special er pair . $0.3 O Elegant Silkoline lined comforters, filled with pure white nice OA clean batting, large size, good designs, each Friday rrres' Bennett's Big Grocery Friday and Saturday Specials. Please Order Early. Pride of Bennett's, Flour, sack 91.4S And 75 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack 91.46 And 75 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Flour, small sack 75o And 35 Green Trading ritamps. Graxolated Sugar, tenty-one pounds for... 91.00 XJcimett's lU-et Coffee, three pounds for ....91.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's bent Coffee, pound 39o And 80 Green Trading Stamps. Bcrnett's Breakfast Coffee, two-pound can....48o And 70 Green Trading Stamps. bantos Cotlee, pound 180 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Teas: all kinds, pound 680 , . . . j r -. ...... . . . 'i .- i ; o. ..jT kZ? ll ' " v,i 'I litlUIIIH OI.IIIJIS. l?iri Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder. il5iL?,3" 6 found can 91.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. HmTJ Bennett's Capitol Baking I'uwdnr, J'.VWtl pound can for 240 J iiu vireen j rauniK PiaiupH. Dlnmond "C" Soap, nine bars 8 Bo .Bulk Gelatine, pound package 30o l sc. can btrawDerry ueets, lor loo Lincoln Butterlne, two pounds for 3So And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Jersey Butterlne, two pounds for 340 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Premium Butterlne, two pounds for 430 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. HBADQT7ABTERB TOH CHEESE New York Full Cream Cheese, pound for . ...33o And iiO Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheesa, Jht for lOo And 5 Green Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, quart can 380 And SO Green Trading Stamps. Franco-American Soups, pint can for 30c And 15 Green Trading Stamps. Uneeda Biscuit, four puckuees for ISO And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Jos. Tetley ft Co.'s India and Oeylon Teas. Sunflower Brand, pound tin for 70c And SO Green Trndtng Stamps. Sunflower Brand, half pound tin for 3So And 25 Green Trading Stamps. Egg-O-Sen, four packages SSo Jello, assorted, three packages 85o And 10 Grren Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle SBo And 30 Green Trading Ftamps. Bennett's Capitol Kxtract, bottle .180 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Saratoga Chips, fresh and crisp, pound BOo Swedish Safety Matchrs, dozen boxes 6c BUTTE BUTTE BUTTE rive thousand pounds Bennett's Capitol Cream 1 ery, the. finest made, pound brick, full weight, per pound 380 Friday and Saturday only. TB.ZSK TKUITS AND VEGETABLES. Celery, fresh, and crisp, three fur lOo Sweet Potatoes, fancy Jersey, pound 8 Wo Peanut, fresh ronKtd. quart oo BENNETT'S CANDIES Grocery Seotlou. Iceland Moss Squares, very delicious, lb 10c Salted Peanuts, per pound lOo Bon Bon Boxes, decorated, each 8'0 Mackintosh's Toffee, package 10o And 10x Green Trading Stamps. Books! Books! Books! "World's famous" series greatest book snap in years; elegant bindings gilt top and back, classics 2c an inch COFSGtS 2c an inch Factory End Sale of Corsets from Every Corset Mill in America. 32.50, Sl.GO and SI Corsets At 2c an Inch The lot comprised salesman's samples and mill enc4t Size 18 at 3Gc, size 19 at 38o and so on up to size .'0, ac cording tO 6ize. SECOND FLOOR The Very Best Values of the Season. xr 1 L i I ' 1 ' yds THE RBLJABLK STORK Watch for Great Rug: Sale. See Dodge Street Windows. Great Sale of Silk Remnants Color Satins in 20 yard lengths, waist and dress pattern lengths of Novelties, plain color Silks, black twill Messalines, Taffe tns, Smoke, etc., all high grade goods on sale in one great lot on Silk square, Domestic Room, yard j 25c Choice Black Silk Black Swiss Taffetas Our spe cial blue edge, at yard $1.00 Black Millinery Taffetas, 36 in. wide, very special Friday, at yard 59c BOc Color Taffetas and Pongees, 30 inches wide, on sale at 49c Choice Suiting: Silks, Tlaids Taf fetas and Louisines, yard 59c From 4 Till 6 P. M. Remnants of fine Velvets, just the thing for fancy work or trimmings, at yard .25c Bargains Friday $1.00 Black Lining: Taffeta, 36 In wide, Friday, yard 85c Black Peau de Soie, two very, choice $1.00 numbers, at per yard 85C Friday Is Remnant Day In Omaha's Great est Domestic RoomTwo Great Sales CO.MMEXC1XU AT 8 A. M. 5,000 yards' of remnants and short lpngths of all kinds of cotton goods, worth from oc to 15c yard, will go on sale at ic Remnants of 12 Vic flannelettes. .5 Remnants of 12 He Amoskeag Outings, ard r Remnants of 15e 40-ln. lawns.... Remnants of 7'4c shaker flannel. ard :t v Remnants of 36-lnrh suitings, worth 1 5c H Remnants of yard wide sheetings 5 Remnants of 8V4c indigo calico. 3 From 9:30 till 11:30 A. M. About 2.600 yards of tlie finest wool dress Henriettas serges, broadckths, tailor suitings, cravenetteR, rain proofs, in 2 V4 to 6 yards and priced from 98c to $3.50 yard, in four lots Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 23 39c 49 59 AT a l XT1L 4 V. M. Another great sale of wool dress goods, an entirely new lot ranging In price from 75c to $2.98, at 19 S5 39 49 ard. AT a P. M. Remnants of 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 sheetings, bleached, unbleached, etc., worth up to 37 He yard, as long aa they last will go at, yard 15 Remnants of Araoskeag checks,, . .5 Remnants of 84c, 10c and 124c toweling will go at.... 5 $1.50 quilts will go at. ... . .. .'. .08 $2.00 quilts will go at 81.39 $2.50 blankets S1.G5 $3.50 blankets..,,. $1.98 Remnants of High Grade Table Linens German, Irish and Scotch Table Liner, bleached, Bilver bleached and un, bleached, ranging in price from 75 to $1.50 yard; in four lots Lot 1 25 Lot 2 39 Lot 3 49 Lot 4 59 Friday Is Special Notion Day "hnSUl f",os1"c nom Kvery 1.V h department is tlironl ,ft0I,,, Jt'ons at one-half and oni-fnurth Kejrular Retail lrle. J-ye JNeedlc on sale, per Dke.1ii Mnrhino Tt,r,.j nn...j . I'Oiuin inpes in all sizes, per roll. .J 2 pkgs. Brass Mns on sale Friday.. C'rcKhet Kllk. 2 spools with Gold i 3 Thread, 200-yard sdooI. I-Yi- day Linen Thread, 100-yard spool.".! 15c Horn Combs, each 2fic Side CVmibf, pair T4 't!ic Side Coiulm, pair 15c all Silk Ribbons on sale Friday. yard TA w - 1 do. Hat Tins for uuj, v uuar isuitong ror Hump Hook and Kyes, card .... VJ Pearl Buttons, per pkg "ili Hundreds of othor Kjni i..i..i. i.-..n '..'. 'vLll' LACKS AVORTH He to 15c yard. Friday 24 A great lot of Laces splendid assortment of pretty patterns on Vale 'in one lot Bt' Jard 2K Remarkable Underwear Bargains Friday Men's Shirts and Drawers, worth to $1.00 garment, heavy fleeced. In all sizes I"11 0: J. nr. jn. Misses' and Children's I nderweur, a great siock ot splendid garments in all sizes and colors, regular value up to 75c, in 3 lots to close, at 15c, 19o Men's 1'nderwear, in fine wool or Dr. Wright's health fleeced, worth to $1.50 garment, on sale at 75 Men's Heavy Work Shirts, worth regu larly to 75c. choice 45 FROM 8 TILL O A. M. Men's, women's and children's heavy woolen undergarments, greatest snap ever offered, samples and odd lots, at, garment 19 FROM O TILL 10 A. M. Men's and women's heavy winter hose regular 15c values, limit of 2 pairs to a customer, at, auu Ladles' Combination Suits, 7Ec values. cnolce 39 FROM J 1 A. M. TILL 13 M. Ladles' J&l.BO Woolen Underskirts, plain or fancy colors, at. . , , , . ,40 FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M. Ladies' Shoulder Shawls, worth to 75c, black, white and combination colors, on sale at, choice tK.Ji Haydens' for Hardware Jnpannert Cuspldore. sold usually for 15c .. Lbtrh Scrubbing- Brush, worth Bc for I.arse Tin Dish Pan, worth 25c. for 2 8 "8c Kad lrons on a'e fr tw hours at.:::: ":,2 11 1? ,,,'avr '.0JPel" Wash HollHr, 16 ounce, Krl.luy only 1 k& il U Heavy Xk Block Tin Boiler, copper bottom . . " " ' 8o il l.. Copper Hottom Tin Uollir for ... 11 25c Wilson Bread ToaHter, on ,ale at .. ii 25c Uulvunlzed Water Palls for 2 8c Galvanized Heavy Wash Tub for '.'.'.'.'.'...". .& Haydens' for Groceries .4 c . . .4c .rc .6c l-ll. ikg. Macaroni.. 1-lb pk(. t'orn march 1 lb. best bulk Laundry Starch... Choice Julian Klcc. per pound.. Choice Cal. Prunes. . per nound Fancy Hantj. Clara Prunes, per pound. 7Sc Cleaned Currants, per pound tOc :i Crown Muscatel Kalsins, per lb 10c BUTTER, CHZESE MO BUTTXmiWZ XAYSEIT BB&S. BEAOQUASTXK3 Fancy lalry Butter, per pound 23c Choice .Separator Creainerv Tiottoe iv. f ancy Separator Creamery Butter.' lb' f ancy l ull Cream Cheese, per lb Taney Full Cream Brick Cheese', lb. ' THE GREATEST PtTSE FOOD BTOBE XV THE WEST. iu pouna sack Dest unite or yellow corn meal for lr.o 12 bars best Faintly Laundry Soap for 25e 48 pound best Fancy Patent Minnesota Flour Jl.:& t'needa BlscultH, per package Jc Klljah Manna Breakfast food, per pkg 10c ICgg-O-See Corn Flakes, per pkg... .7"c Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, per pkg..7l:io The best soda or oysters crackers, tier pound 80 Fresh crisp Pretzels, per pound 60 Fresh Potato Chips, per pound 2oc Frnh Potato Waffles, per dozen. ... lOo Fig Newton Cookies, per pound N'.ic Meufchatel Clieeae, each oap rago 1 iieese, each rBEBH VEOITABIB PRIORS 3 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce for uununen r resn itauiaiies for .. . roi 25c 2Ko 18c J5c . 4o Ho Fancy Hweet Potatoes, per pound ... 2 Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart ... 8 I-resh Cabbage, per head .,? "...2 ..6c and nunoara tiquaahes, each r resn Hpinach, pi r peck fancy ited onions, per pound ..... 2 Fresh Turnips, per pound !' Fresh Carrots, per pound , ' Large heads fresh Cauliflower for"."'.'. Large Cocoanuts, each New Honey, per rack J' Berinunda Onions, per pound ......'!! Tokay Grapes, per pound 7 fTcsh Parsley, per bunch Fresh Boasted Peanuts, per quart ijama juitj bciuuim, per aozen M HAYDENS' 2M Ec .60 Vo Ho So lOo So .20 lOo .Ro 16c ,6a Ho . JO .6a 20a E?jHV.njfWii"i55lll;i,!lllJiyn A Good Plan For the prospective depositor is to first carefully investigate into the methods of the bank. We aro al ways glad to have prospective de positors call and inspect our meth ods. Come in and talk the matter over with us. It is a subject in which we are mutually interested. 0 t-, MILLARD mlMiM." Mr WALLACE ..... WH BUCmOlZ ,iik.,.i. franh BOYD O. VIA MA NATIONAL RANK CAPITAL I.OOO.OOO.OU 13TH STREET Bttwctn Fornsm tnd Uouulii SJIrvela We Sell Belding Bros. Sewlni and Embroidery Silks IS A Few Minutes q Iuit In our stote will help you to decide about the Christinas ;ifts you are going to buy. We have a f " nauuiui line 01 .wiih, pimuuuui, v.eiiy, Liocas, etc, Luok For, The Naiue. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler IBIS SoofUa Street Bee Want Ads Produce Results S ft .5)