12 THE OMAHA DAILY T.EE- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBETt 30, 1907. OMAHA WE2-T- 'A. J. L. BR ANDE8S 1 ,. SONS Will take from Purchasers of Merchandise nUwK,. ah i i ; Banks and Clearing House Cer . tif icates XL. BRANDEIS & SONS $ k( S WDitea'i Rsady 5 to-Wear Kali $1 1 K4 l LADIES' I70F.IE JOURNAL PATTERNS Man Floor. Women's Street. Hats J1 Floor S? We Announce Beautiful New Arrivals in Marabout and Ostrich Boas I f'ifflfik 1 :": rti. . - .. i . . 1 L 'itf jurw ve uie mon stunning a effect for evening and dress f wear. In white and all tlie prettiest evening shades. In- rift (Jading two' tone effects. Ex- H tremely fashionable this sea son 4he most romnlctA hru. , ;T ing in Omaha, at t4 V. J Up to .jJ.J' Deautiful Styles in Silk, Net and Lace WAISTS Long Winter Coats in Stylish Mixtures These Coats are in good, heavy weights, well tailored and will give splendid wear. Half fitted, loose and fitted Coats in stripes, plaids and mixtures, made to sell . f at $2.50 each, QQ Hi. 1 Charming models in short or long sleeves many with beautiful lace medallions others of all over net or lace more than fifty styles all XA4 sices and every zf, on a beauty. at 141 dij iuu mi $3.98 V t High Gride Silk Petticoat. 5 Mads of . hi Kh quality silk In all the .prettiest and most desirable colors, DON'T FORGET IT 1 a Thursday Night Halloween We are headquarters for Hallow 'een Novelties favors, decorations for table, pumpkin lanterns, P np A r etc. We show most complete line in the city 3v to 43 L OMAHA lov Is the Winter of Our Discontent Not discontent but perfect comfort if you use our "Sunnyside Washed Egjf' for the kitchen range; $7 per ton. Best ever. IBilASKA FUEL CO. 1414 Farnam Gt. 2Ssi Phono Doug. 431 1 1 1 Do you live near 28th and Sherman Ave.? BLAKE'S PHARMACY 2816 Sherman Ave. Wednesday is RED LETTER Day TTTT7!TYiT Ti Cii ill W h 0 oh UM0 BM SBMB Hi i in m m ill Very Important I I Dclillnq Bros' Stivlna tii mbroUcry Sllfcs Ten GREEN STAMPS to Each Book TO V The action taken by the Omaha Banks, while a necessary and wise precaution, especially in view of the action taken by Banks in other cities, may prove to be an in convenience to many of our customers, and, in order to accommodate such, we have ar ranged to open a Customers' Deposit Department, and will receive for deposit, bank checks and drafts, clearing house certificates, cashiers' checks and assignments of sav ings bank deposits, or parts thereof. . . . Such deposits will be available to our customers for merchandise requirements in all departments of our store the same as cash, and are transferable. A Crockery Sensation A BOc German r 0 China Decorated U ) Salad Bowl On to a Customer.-Sals 8 . m. till aU ars sold. Sample Underwear 41 Hundreds of fin medium and hry weight, flt and ribbed wool sad heavy nite.ry fleeced hlrta and drawers. Values poei tlvely up to ta.00, choloe DOT7BI.II OIEE1T TBASIVO STAMPS. DRESS GOODS Elegant Coatings Wednesday we offer about 35 different new pieces of heavy coatings, 86 Ir.ches wide, In swell stripes or plaid effects. Pieces come one and a half to three yards long, regular coat lengths, worth $1.50 and $2.00, Wednesday, J lp a yard J VJ V Wool grey flannel suitable for many purposes,1 underwear, skirts, etc.,-a great bargain,-Wednesday, yard..... 19 Blankets and Comfortables fZ.OO and I: elegant comfortable, In all the various colorings, llfht and fluffy, flllpd with clean pure white CI OQ batting, Wednesday VA'ou 13.50 comforters, some of the beot quali ties orfered, extra larfce size, 2.525 dark or light colors Wool blankets, In elegant heavy quality the largest sUe we have. C AQ Wednesday special J1.39 large cotton blankets. In tan or gray, Wednesday, per pair mj SIIKS SS-lnch black taffeta silk, one of the lHt wearing silks ninde, w give you a writ ten Kuarantee with every purchase. Wednesday, yard 76c Beautiful plaids that sell xor 8c usually, slso rich strlixi ef fects In either louls enes or taffetas, on sale. Wednesday 52c Wednesday we put on sale several hundred books published by the bankrupt firm of Merrill & Baker, New York. These books were pub lished to sell, and sold freely, at $1.50. They are superbly bound, printed on first class book paper, pa per that wears, beautiful type, freely illustrated, gilt back and top. This is the biggest book bargain in years. Buy now for Christmas presents wise scheme. Here are the titles: Descent of Man, First Violin, Hypatia, Ivanhoe, Jane Eyre. John Halifax, Lorna Doone, Origin of Species, Homola, Tale of Two Cities, Robinson Crusoe, Irving's Sketch Book, Kmerson's Essays, Thelma, Last Days of Pompeii. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Vanity Fair, Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby, Last of. Mohicans, Prince of the House of David, Handkerchiefs 210 dozen ladies' very sheer pure linen handkerchiefs, 25c value, at Sample line of ladies' pure linen lace trimmed handkerchiefs, worth 35c 10 And Double Green Trading Stamps Gloves A lot of ladles' silk and wool lined cashmere and golf gloves, 50c value, pair i . . . 29 Ladles' genuine Mocha Gloves, $1.25 value 7Q And Double Green Trading Stamps in gloves. Hosiery Ladies' Fast Black Seamless Hose, 19c value , 12 Ladles' Imported Split Foot Hose, 39c value 25 Boys' Extra Heavy Bicycle Hose, , 19c value 12 W Complete line of Far stockings for children. And Double Green Trading Stamps Great Stamp Extras . 100 Green Trading Stamps on all $3.50 and $4.00 Men's Shoe. ,,. . a 100 Green ., Trading Stamps on all $3.50 and $4.00 Women's Shoes mi 60c , Japanese, Bath Slippers for men and women ......... 29J And Thirty Green Trading Stamps $1.50 Women's Fur, Trimmed. Ju liets, in red. black and brown, belting leather soles. . . . 81,09 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps t&mm UNDERWEAR Com Lines FOR OMEN AND CHILDREN Complete Upcs, of FOREST, MILLS hand finished underwear ' for Mlwneii. and children vests, pants, union suits, tights in cotton and wool, all wool and silk and wool mixtures. Every garment Is finished by hand ftiid fks the form perfectly as perfectly as a tailor-made gurmeut. Women's union, aults, all cotton, In heavy and me dium and light weight, hand crocheted, per gar- ment 81.00 Women's Vests, Pants and Tights, part wool and silk and wool, heavy, medium and light weight -per garment,' SI. OO Women's Vests, Pants and TlghtB, all ' cotton, in heavy, medium and light weight, hand crocheted, per garment .... . 50 Women's Union Suits, part wool and silk and wool, in heavy and me dium weights, at.. $2. Women's 5-1952 Styles are two and three buttoned Prince Chaps. In all new fall hades of broadcloth: browns, blues, green, garnets and black. . There Is more style and more value in these $19.50 suits than you will find elsewhere for $25.00. WAISTS I Bradcloath Coats Beautiful Lace and Net Loose, tight fitting oil semi-fitting Waists at ...$5.05 broadcloth coats In black, brown, blue an,l g 05 and evening shades. Made 52 Inches ah . .utPh long, full satin lined, handsomely trim All the new catchy J. bra,d WedneBday models, nets daintily n(ir.a,g. two nrlces trimmed In lace and specials, two prices medallions, new sleeve $li300 and StO.SO effect.' Second Floor. I 1 v Raging Bargains FURNITURE & CARPETS Furniture gale Advertised Monday Zve. to Continue All Day Wed .and Tbnrs. Bthhs Bel, l'i Inch posts, heavy filling, spun brass vast's, brass cas ters, usual price $J1.50, this sale, at 18.89 All other brass and Iron beds at 10 to -6 per cent discount. Cotton Top Mattress, full sle, full weight, standard grade ticking, this sale Bennett's Special, all felt, guaranteed sanlturv and otherwise perfect mat tress the kind others get 19.60 for this sale every mattress, wrapped In paper and sewed In perfect bur lap bag $7.88 BAHITAmf COUCHES Were u.6U, tills sale 84-48 Were 14.50, this sale $3.48 ABTITAXY COUCH UATTXXSaES It 75 kind for 83.98 $3.75 kind for $a.8 Kitchen Chairs, four spindle kind, this sale, each 87o 10 per cent discount on all dining room, office and odd chairs. Includ ing rockers and Morris chairs and parlor aults. ' Oak Dressers 12 of lot 1. at. .98.89 Made of selected hard oak, double top, 2:x4n Inches French plate, drawers are finished Inside, baa metal top f uldes and .best dovetail constructor 10 of lot 2 Stmt as above, with mir ror S0X2H. for 810.98 Chiffoniers to match the ouk dread ers at same remarkable low prices. 10 per cent discount on all other dressers. chiffoniers, commodes, Wash Ktands and Dressing Tables. 7-Pleoe Bedrom Bait, In "Oldeneliu" Wliown In 16th street window, In cluding Napoleon bed, dresser, chif fonier, bed room table, customer, one straight back dressing- table chair and one rocker complete suit for $99.89 Extraordinary Bed Pillow Talues, up from . Site Imitation leatfier couch, tufted, spring edties. oil tempered spring on sti-el cuuatructiun. oak frame, nicely fin- . Isiied and curved, 28 Indies wide and ft.. In. long, en sale,- only $9.89 Several others In same class. 10 per cent on all other couches, bed dav enpofta, box couches aud Turkish rockers. 30 per cent on all. parlor, library, kitchen and dining room tables. 10 per cent on all weathered oak fur niture, ladies' desks, music cabinets, pedestals, taborettes, etc. 10 per cent discount on all kitchen cabinets, cupboards, wardrobes, etc. HARDWARE STOVES 10- inch Fire Tot Peninsular Home Oak, special .$6.50 11- inch Fire Pot Peninsular Home Oak, special, $8.50 15-inch Fire Pot Peninsular Home Oak, speo'l $12.00 Base Burners from $62.00 to $25.00 And Double Green Trading Stamps Ked Letted Day. Perfection, Oil Heaters, at . . ..$3.75 and $4.75 And SO Green Trading Stamps 14-quart Dish Pans,' enameled. . .850 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Genuine Styansky Enameled Sauce Pans, with covers, regular 78o value, special 340 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Genuine Stransky Sauce Tans, reg ular 2.rc value, special 160 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Wilson Bread Toasters, special.. 810 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. 30 Green Trading Stumps with any piece of Knameled Ware, selling up from 860 Stove Pipe, per Joint ISO And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Yellow Label Stove l'ollhh 180 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Black Kagle Stove Polish 10c And 10 Green Trading Stamps. LINOLEUM. RUG AND CARPET SALE will take your want-ad for The BEE at the eame rates as the main office. i Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE Will start Wednesday at 8 0 a. m. rices good only Wednesday aud Thursday. Linoleum. . iu rolls many different patterns, all six feet wide and extra heavy, sells for 60c, in this sale, per yard 39a Japanese Oriental Hugs, sizes 30zii0. In buautiful Persian patterns, a good rug, well worth tl.io, In this sale, at, each , :8o Room Size Brussel Rugs. 9x13. In ar tistic patterns and rich coloring, good quality, a big bargain. In this tale, at $13-80 Tapestry Brussels Carpeting, wlin stair to match. In desirable pat terns and serviceable colorings,'goid quality, a big bargain. In this sale, per yard 39a Wilton Velvet Carpets, heavy all wool pile, strictly fast colors, big line of patterns, with borders to match. In this sale, per yard tro AU CABTBTB AJTD BUQ8 AT BPECIA& r&XCEB Lace Curtains. Portieres, Madras, drapery silks, Swisses, drapery goods of all kinds, at special pricjs Wednesday and Thursday only. 1.000 Odd Lace Curtains, all kinds, Irish point, cable net and fine Not tingham curtains.' ail In one lot, to duae. In this Sale, at, each.... 390 Tapestry Portieres. ' f Inge or plain green, or red with colored borde.', a big line, worth double the prices, la this sale, palrj... $3.75 Colored Madras. In beautiful pattern and Hi h colorings, worth up to 40" la this sale, per, yard 193 Every curtain In our large stock re duced from 20 to 19 per cent In this sale. Don't fortret. Wednesday and Thursday, on Third floor. MEATS Swift's Silver Leaf Lard. 3 jiound pail 38c And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, 5 pound pails G3c And 30 Green .Trading Statu pB. Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, 10 jiound pails $1.23 . And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Imported Holland Herring, mixed Milchers, keg, 75c And !0 Green Trading Stamps. , Dorse Blankets & Lap Robes Baseraent :-cTrr.tsWC6y BUY CAPITOL COAL Best for All Purposes Trimmed Hats, Felt Shapes and Street Hats Great purchase direct from the manufacturers, rtlue to $.' Buy the Fowne's Guaranteed Gloves. mm THB RELIABLE ST$RE 50, Wednesday -91, feole Agents For the" j Zion City Laces. 1 GREAT SALE OF SAMPLE FURS Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, t Over 500 sample garments, including Coats, Jackets, Boas, Fancy Xeck Pieces, Scarfs, Muffs, elf. The biggest assortment of Style ever offered by any house in Omaha. Every garment of dependable quality, the sample limyy. of three of the best known Fur Gar-? ment manufacturers in America, on sale at ABOUT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE. Handsome Voile Skirts in the very newest styles, trimmed with l bands of taffeta, good value at $3.50, ou sale Wednesday at $4.95 200 Sample Coats made of fine chiffou broadcloths, satin lined throughout, great variety of newest styles,, semi loose or tight fitting, $-5.00 values at .:. $18.50. UNPRECEDENTED UNDERWEAR BARGAINS WEDNESDAY Samples and broken lines from our own jobbing depart ment, together with the remnant! of three great purchases, on sale in Pomes tic ltoom, at Price llelow Actual Mill Cost: MUX'S WOOLEX I'XOb'RWEAIL worth in a regular way to to 12.00 garment, all alzea and colors, in two lots, at per garment . 75 d 98tf MUX'S HHIKTS AXIJ DKAWEKS in standard quality, such as Dr. Wright's health underwear, etc., value to $1.50. garment, on uale Wednesday, at garment 30 50 an 75? MEX'S t'OMUIXATION SLITS in heavy quality, worth to $6.00 garment, sale pr!cen $2.50 81.98 91.50 and J8 LADIES' TWO I'lEC'K SUITS, heavy ribbed, fleeced, worth to 98c garment, at 254 30 aud 4Q LADIES' COMIHXATIOX SUITS, worth to $150. 39 4J) and CHILDKEX'S UXDEKWEAR, heavy winter . garments, worth w to 75c at CHILDKEX'S UXIOX SUITS, heavy fleeced ribbed, in white or gray, worth to $1.00, at . .35 and 4J) Three Housing Hour Specials FKOM 8:30 TILL :30 A.' M 500 dozen winter weight Undergarments for men, women and children, worth to $1.00 garment, at choice . . . 19 I 15t 19 and 2.". ' FKOM 0:30 TILL 10:30 A. M MenX women's and children's Hose, worth regularly to 15c pair, on sale, limit of 4 pair to a customer, at pair . .n FROM 10:30 TILL 11:30 A. M., Men s, women's and children's Wool Mittens,, worth to 50o pair, 300 dozen to select irom, at pair k rj. Omaha High School Pennants, 50c size, on sale Wednesday ...25o EXTRA SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY, IX OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM. AT 9:30 A. M. . . On- cum' of flno blue Apron Checks, fast colors, regular price 8 He yard,, one hour only at jm-ci Bo Yard wide Muslin, unbleached, regular to grade, at yard So Yard wide- Muslin, bleached, regular lUc ftradi?, at yard Ked, all wool Flannel, 86c value Ked, all wool Flannel, 50o valus il.LT. lllankets for 1.50 Blankets for 3.00 Blankets for 10c Percale, yard 15c Percales, yard $1.00 Comfortables for 12.00 Comfortables for $5.00 Comfortable for 15c 8IIkollne, yard .e'.o . ..aso . . .390 . . .890 . . .980 .$1.69 ..7HO . ..10o . . .740 .91.60 . 98.98 ...Ho zfto Fancy Satines, yard ..17M rteninants of Fine Table Linen up to iSo yard, at yard 85o, 89o, 49o and B9o owing to the enormous timount of Wool Dress (foods cut each week bv us, we are compelled to add an extra Uu'y each weelc for remnants. AT 10:00 A. M. WEDXESDAY -e will sell remnants of Wool Dress Goods that sells t 75c to $3.60 yard, black and all colors, from 2V4 to 6 yards in piece, la four lots: lot J....25 lot 2. ...39 LOT 8.... 40 LOT 4....59 FROM 2:00 TO 4 :00 P. 51. Another sale of entirely new goods not shown before at 19o, 85o. 39o, 49c READ THESE GROCERY PRICES FOR WEDNESDAY SALE 12 bars best Family Laundry Soap for 2Rc 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmeal 16c 48 lb. sack best High Patent Minnesota Flour for $135 Choice Jupari Rice, per pound 6c I'needa Biscuits, per package 3 Ho The best foda. Oyster or Butter Crackers, per pound c Fresh, crisp (linger Snups, per pound.. 6c Fresh, crisp Prctisels, per pound 6c OU or Mustard ISurdines, per can ....3Hc 1 pound package Macaroni 8',nC The best cold water Starch, per lb. 4c The best Corn Starch, per package ..4c Fig Newton Cookies, per pound tc 3 lb. can solid packed Tomatoes for ..11c 2 lb. can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn ...74c Choice California Prunes, per lb 6C Fancy Italian Prunes, per pound ....7Hc Cleaned Currants, per pound 10c The Best Tea Slftlngs, per pound . .120 Fancy Santos Coffee, pe rpound 16c Fancy Full Cream Cheeae, per lb. ,.17H TMSSBM TEOETABM MUCUS T09 k . WEDIBUAT 3 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce for la 6 bunches Fresh Ksdlshes for bo Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per pound ....2 Ho Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart ....8 Ho Fresh Cabbage, per head.. 2 Ho Hubbard KilllKMhtS. tnh -..K' nnrl 7lln Fresh Spinach, per peck ............ t . 1 Oo Fancy Ked Onions, per pound 2 Ho Fresh Turnips, per pound .'..2o Fresh Carrots, per pound i'o Large heads fresh Cauliflower for. ...10a Large Cocoanuts, each...... ....So New Honey, per rack ...,lf,o Bermunda Onions, pt-r pound ........ ..5o Tokay Orapt-s, per pound 7H Fresh Parsley, per bunch .....io Fresh Koasted Peanuts, per quart 5a Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen ...... 20o W HMDENS' SM BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAJCTOX BLOCK Corner 16th and Farnam Street. Best equipped Dental office In the middle west Highest grad Dentistry at Reasonable Price. Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. FHY'S Cushion Sole Shoes ' Life seems hardly worth living some times to the man or woman whose feet shrink at every step from the torture of walking. Happy is the man or woman whose feet never commnui cate with them. But for those whose nerve wire is al ways busy, busy, we've relief in our splendid - Cushion Sole Shoes! Women's Cushion Sole tnoes ......... Men's Cushion Sole Shoes ......... $4.00 $5.00 FRYSH0EC0. 16th and Doufl&B Street. 7-Ti OE tJ"LS 1 Diamonds like many other things are good h&A snd indifferent. Ours u. or sucn a Quality ana such value that we contract to re fund in cash nine-tenths of wnai ynu paid us for It at any lime within one year. Rings from to.00 to $1,000. -: -?.-ert mtrmp smfj-ramt: ae F J f Weak ana nervous men Oa imr who And their power to NarVaa work and youthful vigor if i v c 3 guns as a result of .ver work T mental exrrtion . sliould tahe GRAT H MliRVK FOiJD P1LI.8. 1 liey will make ou et and slwp and be a man again, 81 B .j 1 boaes 83 SO by mall. if MsCOVSClIi DMU0 oo, Oorasr Jb an Dodge Mm. Owe, xOu cOMjrlaTT, Cor. 18t a4 ts, Oiaaka, BTek, Little Finger raRings The fad of, the reason in jew elryan old IJoman custom revived and quite a uni'iu fashion you will think when you see these large seal rings worn on a lady's little finger very fascinating. Coral Cameo $15 to $30 Turquoise Matrix. . $15 to $35 Scarabe $10 to $20 Lapis Lazuli $ 9 to $18 Chinese Jade $ 8 to $15 Also in plain gold and a large collection in semi-precious 6tones birth stones lucky stones. C. Be Brown Co. Sixteenth and Farnam. f