8 TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 27, 1907. M Intending Purchasers Of blah-class, finest model watches can do no tatter than to gjo to the iMttftuitm for Watchos. We otter you the brut makes and the most ronsonatiln prior. Our 25 years practical experience as watchmakers guar antee our thorough knowledge of everything relating to a watch. We quote Just a few chHh.TKo price: Oents' IS-slse Elgin or Waltham 17-Jewel movement, 20-year (tnld-fllled cane regular prloe. $21.00 our '$11 75 Gents l-eiMi"El(rin or Waitham 15-jewel movement,' 20-year (fold-filled cane, plain or fancy dial regular price, $18.00 fi"f Tjri our prlc .' iJ.rfO Oents l-sle Elgin or Waltham. 16-JoweL movement, 20-year CI "I 7fT Itnld-fllled case regular price, $21.75 obr prloe jJ..s..st Ladles'. 14-karat solid (told watch, 0-sle case, set with genuine diamonds, Klein or Waltham movement, plain or fancy dial COO rrrt rcKiilar price, $40.00 our price olo Ladles' O-sljse, rained ornamented case, warranted 25 years, Elgin or Wal tham movement, plain or fancy dial C1 Q ffl regular price. I32.R0 our price """"'"r Ladles' O-slze watch, Elgin or Waltham movement, 20-year gold-filled case regular price, $l.75 our rrlce. $12.G0 Put If you Intend buying a watch you must personally look over our large arled stock. We carry the most expensive waicnes, as wen as and varied stock. We carry cheaper, but by no means less' reliable grades. guaranteed nn years, two axons. AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN Every watch sold by us Is i 514t 115 South 16th St. Excoptional Furniture Bargain Opportunities Sal c tionunues Tlirouflliout tlic Week mu Pals THE RELIABLE STRI New Dargains Shown . Every Day Hundreds of Sample and Old Pieces of High Grade Furnilure Offered at Prices Greatly Bzldw Actual Value H M Telephone Douglas 960. Marvel Furnace Not a competition furnace or a furnace made to sell In Jiousrs built for speculation. But a heavy, durable, all WBOUQHT ISO If rUKKACE built to last a century. -A. furnace that will heat your your house with a very small outlay for fuel. A furnace that costs you almost nothing for repairs. OVZ OOLXiAB spent for futj In our furnace will go as far as one-fifty In any other furn ace ever made. There Is a reason for It, a good, sensible reason, too. Absolutely gas tight. Our price for the Marvel Kurnace, net up ready to build a fire In, Is only a few dollars more than fvhat you would have to pay for a cheap, poorly made turnace. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street. r-T - AT 1 C w J BAILEY . MACH '. DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner letb and Faraam Street. Best equipped Dental office In the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prlcea Porcelain fillings, jipt like the toota. SI uppers The Fall and Winter stylea of Women's Dress Slippers are beau tiful. The finest creations we've ever seen. Exclusive and artistic. The woman, with an eye for something handsome in Slippers, will take pleasure in seeing this display of choice styles. Patent kid, castor kid, white kid, blue, kid. pink kid, pump ef fects, buckle Orientals Cuban and French heels. ' Hand turned. The makers' best efforts so $3oo to 53 OO FRY SHOE CO. Ill' ' 18th and Douglas Streets. Sift, ft i, J DIAMONDS - Personal selection which means cioe ouyiiiK together with . noil ciprawt art taciors that cause us to make the agreement to refund In rjoh a Knu . within one year amount paid ua leas ten per cent on any Dia mond sold by us. Kings from I ) M m try Cleaning! is the most scientific method of cleaning wearing apparel and Hdb fabrics in use today we do it to perfection. IT does not take the like out of the goods nor injure the most deli cate color. Our prices are very reasonable and our reputation as well as our guarantee is back of every ol that we turn out Wagons to all parts of the city. Try us. The Pantorium "GOOD CiBAKKmS- 1SXS Joaas at. TeL Donf. M3. EaSBEEaa Built on Honor Shoes For Misses and Children For the real built on - honor shoes for misses and children, there is no store in the city to com pare with the Drezel. These particular shoes are a specialty with us and we take pains In the fitting. Bear in mind when we tell you of these shoes that they are not ordinary shoes, but gen uine welt soles, very flex ible. No wrinkles In the lining to tear the hose or cause discomfort. There are many other good points in these shoes, but we leave It to you to see for yourself. It would be . hard to imagine a more complete assortment of new and pretty Furniture styles than you'll find here dur ing this sale. Description would fail to do Justice to the exceptional beauty and quality of these offerings at our sale prices. You must see them to appreciate their bar gain worth. This HandHome Ma hogany Kocker Saddle seat, banis ter back, strictly hand polished and one of the very latest designs, reg ular $8.50 value sale price .$0.00 (tfl.50 Hocking Chair Several styles to select from $8.50 Mahogany Hocker, like cut. . , 14 nsale $0.00 4,5U y;l.lO Roi-klus t'hair, on 1 $4.50 Hocking Clmirs, on sale at $1.05 ' ae Bt $2.05 Alany other Special Bargains in High grade Rockers and Dining Chairs. Fine Grain Oak Din ing Chair, like cut, is very strongly built, is full pol ished, cannot be duplicated for less than $2.75; sale price . . . .$2.00 Regular $2.15 Din ing Chair, on Bale t $1.75. "Regular $1.95 Din ing Chair, our sale price .. ..$1.50 'ggO You want the best Overcoat your money will buy? Of course; and "best" means all wool fabrics, high class tailoring, a perfect, fit; and the style that suits you. You'll find your ideal at r (in ill mi B J Regular $1.66 Dining Chairs, sale price $1.25 Regular $1.35 Dining Chairs, sale price $1.00 $2.75 Dining Chair, like cut, t . .. $2.00 Regular $1.00 Dining Chair on -sale at 85 Hili Rtmember our New Credit Sys tem provides for payment t) suit the purchaser. $20.00 Iron Bed at $15.00 $18.00 Iron Bed at $12.50 $15.00 Iron Bed at $11.00 $12.50 Iron Bed at $0.50 Other Specials Down to. . . . .$1.50 A Very Handsome and Massive Iron Bed, 2-inch contin uous posts and -inch fillers, height at foot 45 'inches, at head 63 inches; one of the latest designs, well worth $20; sale price only . . $15.00 Sanitary Steel Coach Regular $4.85 value; special this week . ... .$3.50 $23.50 Dresner, of best grade quar tered oak, hand polished, has full serpentine front, 24 x 30 heavy French bevel mir ror, a delightful bargain 1 at, sale price ...$18.85 $21.50 Dressers at $10.50 $17.50 Dressers . at $12.50 $16.00 Dressers . . at $11.50 $11.50 Dressers at .$8.50 $23.50 Dressers $18.85 Investigation Will Prove to You, as it Has to Others, That it Pays to TRY HA YDEN'S FIRST do m "If I wanted credit and had no capital, I'd lay in a supply of. first-class office stationery' A man's prosperity Is usually measured by his its letter nd a business house b man with capital clothe heads this s this applies as well to the business Everylhinrj Needed lor the OMlce OMAHA PRINTING CO.. Farnam and 10th Sta., Omaha Telephone Douglas 846. Mall eraers filled. Sena for oatalora- -Tar r ? mm Sizes and prices range: 6 to 8.... .....$1.75 8 to 11: $2.00 11'to 2 $2.50 Young Women's, 24 to 6. at : ...$3.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Faraam SL 0r Right on the Corner of 16th and Farnam Streets it where you will now find O. F". WURN, Tlie Opticlon formerly with H. J. Penfold Co., with every facility known for expert ppecial fitting. Wurn OpticoL Co. laOl FARNAM STREETS OMAHA, NEB. THE BIRHIINGHAIVi Greatest of RANG ES NEEDS NO STOVE POLISH -1 IF IT HURTS KEEP TUB FEE We have the only painless office in '.he city and It's Tt To Too.- If our Dentist hurts you we won't barge you a cent. ;rown, ta.SO Op. Plates, fa.00 tip. .old rilllua's. 7Bo is. Valnlessness. i'KS. Our work Is guaranteed for five years. Open evenings until 9. Sundays 10 to . ALBANV DENTISTS JSTX AJTD VOXJQIAM TS, vr BTAXU. ssTmAjroa, 115 so. istk. kook la xoom 1a 1 Make No Mistake There's no mistake about wearing the WALKOVER SHOE even when you do "put your foot in it." It's a shoe that wins in a walk, and yet there's a great run on them WALK IN COMFORT $359 or $409 Walk-Over Shoe Store 1321 FARNAM STREET Ed. 8. Thompson, the Walk-Over Man Do, you live in Benson, Nebraska? BENSON PHARMACY Benson, Neb. will take you want-ad for The BEE v at the same rates as the main office. Branch Want-ad Office OMAHA BEE Illinois Central Railroad TO CHICAGO, EAST, SOUTH, AK9 SOUTHEAST,' klHKEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL KORTH AXO. K33TKWEST. For Tickts, Rates and Detailed Information, at City Ticket Office ih02 Farnam St., Omaha. -l. TT' r z CASH OR TERMS Dakfns Demonstra tion Every Afternoon, 1:00 Until 6:00 O'clock Notice Every housekeeper will be presented with a paatry mixing fork free. j BIRMINGHAM STEEL RANGE GO. MANUFACTURERS 1004 Farnam St.. .Tel. Doug. 6221 -'. ..1'' W 1 Slic IVIay Do "If You Have the Daujh" Many a women would hare made a better wife if money wouldn't have been so scarce. So it la with the teeth the better condition they are in the better we enjoy health. Guaranteed painlesa fillings, 60c and up. MATTHEWS Original rainiest Dentist Room 4, Bushman Block, 16th and Douglas Sta. Phone Douglas 611. Open evenings until 9:00. Sun days, 10 to 3. t " Stairway F.nt raa.ee 1023 Douglas. 1 Ii- ir?.- THE MELUBLB STR Here's the Ilart, Shaffner & Marx, Chesterfield;" it answers all the requirements except possibly the last; you enri settle that by looking at yourself in the coat. The style suits a large percentage of wearers; it's dignified dressy, suitable for any and all occasions. If it doesn't suit you we have many others that will: Trices $15.00 $10.50 $18.00 up to $25.00 4 t e . i i u ' ' ' ' xi juu wuui tu wear a btiiftu Overcoat; one with plenty of snap in it; one that you'll tal:e constant pleasure in owning and wearing just drop in and look at our Hart, Shaffner & Marx VARSITY OVERCOAT. It has plenty of the smart look which dressy men want. We know it will please you. . We 6hown them at prices from $25.00, $18.00, $16.50 and $15 They're all( wool, hand tail ored and all right. OTHER OVERCOATS rfiown shown at $14.00, $12.50, $10.00 and ....$7.50 OUR HAND TAILORED SUITS are the standard for real dressy dressers who ap preciate " style, individuality ; and sterling, quality at ordin ary ready-to-wear prices: $35, $20, $18, $16.50 and ....$15 SALE OF CHILDRENS SUITS SATURDAY all best styles, in great assortment of splen did values, $2.05 and $3 95 1 4 i Copyright 1907 by UartScAainer W Muz W HMDENS' BEST iff icMprw ,;rH0ui iz u ntelzUti lo'jfr v jr s f J SSI s n a i t f- k x 3 X STn Jl i V. Kow aay tlnjss have lM. ' Vacation Land if : "tj&jiij wl,y not pack 'p now und -'xir yik'' ' 9" "Lfwj Plpure land for yourHPlf. lr ltf$$&xSTw 00 out vla the W f3-!lS BMOIaUO LIGHTED , fm$W$M Overland Limited bM'tiJik i You'll find this great train- t AwV -ffirf i without a suiiCrlor. l I yV4 "TwJl f ? aluaaiiia; thronrh aUy trains without ll IfSaS ' Union Pacific Ii VPSfjSgMiSC inquire at . JJ VV Jf City Ticket Office, 1324 mml.J V ' x1" '! I lrt.'.'j Phone Douglaa lOi ' LAST MONTH OF THE SPECIAL ONE-WAY colonist rareloRis .TO , ' CALIFORNIA, TUE NOUTUWESTipOLD MEXICO --AT-- GREATLY REDUCED RATES VIA mm : Tickets en sale daily until October 31st Iron FJdunfain System Offers three different through-car routes from'- KANSAS CITY to CALIFORNIA For Maps, Folders, Rates and other information ad dress any representative of the company, or TOM HUGHES, T. P. A. T. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. 0. L. STONE, .Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Louis, Mo. i V i 1 i ) u. -I it i HELP ADVERTI3E OMAHA