Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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fomen's . fipparel
Suits, Goats, Skirts, Vaists, Etc.
Thla la a wonmn's outfitting shop in the strictest mbm, Th whole
attrition of this organization la devoted to one thing WOMEN'S
From the Inception of this business this tuts been the one purpose
in rlew, and the popularity which this store has attained only goes to
show that it is being recognized as the leading exclusive outfitting store
in Omaha. '
JOVELTY SUITS $25 jo $75
The newest and most corrwt styles In Fancy Tailored Suits have nt
been received by us. They are the latost things produced in Paris
' and are what will be the accepted fashions for the winter. To be
sure, some are very extreme, but they are so stylish. All are bean
tlful and show such extreme novel lines. There are not a great many
of any one kind, but a host of atyles, DOC 4 0"7C
o many atylea In fact that we are sure S ?1 Tfl N ?1
to Please you. riUCES RANGE Va-V W V W
For Opera, Reception and Street Wear
. These are fashionable coats of fine caracul styles that are entirely
new and altogether different from anything you will find elsewhere;
splendid values fkt $37.50.
There are velvet and vol our coats, short models, from $35.00 to
$45.00: nd lon8 loose or seml-fittlng fnodels at 40.00 nd
$50.00. Ln Ooata in "rench Broadcloth, fitted and half-fitted,
priced from $20.00 S .. i.00,. ! loose Broadcloth models.
.The best Coats In Omaha, ruullty and price considered. Priced from
$12.50 to $50.00.
Skirts, Waists and Kimonos
Many new models Just received all the latest styles obtainable
in the eastern fashion centers designed by the leading men In the
trade trimmed in the latest effects yon ran rest assured of the
excellent quality of the work.
A Woman's Outfitting Store Exclusively Where
: the Smartest .lldvelties Are Found.
234 flew Customers in One Mnoth
Larger volume of business with
smaller profits is exactly what
we looked for after reducing our
rate for electric light. Don't fail
to have your house wired.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Go.
Tel. Doug. 10G2
:AT DCATorro
$1.00 Remedies 89
11.00 Pompelaa Massata Crua.G0t
1 1.00 Cooper Remedies 89
$1.00 Herplcids 89
60c Herplclde 45?
$1.00 La France Hair Tonio ... G7
J 5o Da Mar's Cascon Pills . . . 23
o Goodman's UTer Pills ... 10
Ooaton DruQ Co.
1 fcoaae of ocaray U eom pound-
m 'Garments
I J.
Y. M. C. A. Dldg.
; ....MADE....
mih a Tailor's Touch
516 Karbsch Block
Garment Mad and Rtmodtlsd
fnicsia moderate:
moova ais rowDin
fecwa.0 m rajaxa.
The Parla correspondent lor a mat
ropolltvi paper write that the wavo
of reform ha struck French society
Udlea In the matter of Using
powders, coaraetica, etc. They nuw
want the real thins; when It cornea lu
complexion, and ladle, that continue
to ue artificial beautlftera are asoa.ei
and .corned.
Prof. DeValller, the noted akin
peclallst. haa given out the follow
Ins formula which la said to work
wonder on .allow completions, and l
usd persistently will till out sunken
nd hollow parts.
Two ounces of Rob Water; one
ounce Ppirlt of Cologne: four ouuoea
cry.ts.ll.ed Sartoln.
put the S&rtola Into a pint of hot
water tnot boiling), and after It is
dissolved and cooled strain through
a fine clotb and add Roae Water and
Cologne spirits. Any large bottle
will serve a s receptacle, but It
be kept well corked. Ttu quantity
will last for a loin tin., lu uaU'S
thle mixture It should aiy be wall
oxxagtd Into the km at lAt twice
a day- It I lnep.ilv .nlxtur.
the lngredlenie being o!5tlaile from
any well staked diug store.
Happy Hollow's Last Table dHote
Sinner and Dance for Season.
With Harvest Hone Dlaner 'and In
.Sheets aaa Pillow Cases Mem
bers Hat Their Final '
Frail.- '
Wvrkiaga ef Time.
In youthful daya.when gay rumsme
Waa In hia heart, a smile, a glance
Was all he needed;
And thing that now hi thoughts en
gross He used to call mere "sorjld dros."
And pass unheeded.
To win her waa his drem of bliss.
"Kind fate!" he cried, "but grant me till:
To me allot her,
And you may keep what else you owe."
Wnt that was many years ago,
Before he got her. Tho- Cynic.
The Social Calendar.
MONDAY Miss Ida Smith, Informal tea
for her guest. Mis Eva RmiUi of
Bakersfleld, Cel.; Bryant Roger. Or
plieum party, followed by a uil-T at
the Rome for Miss Etta Becniun of
Kansas City and Miss Eva Smith of
Bskersfleld, Cal.
TV bSDAY Miss Faith Potter, luncheon;
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis, dinner for
" Miss Brady and Tom Davla; Vtxittng
Nurses' association, danoe at Chambers.
WKDNEBDAY Brady-Davis wedding:
Misses Edna and Eloise Wood, "card
party for Miss Eva Smith of Bakers
Meld. Cat.; class reunion of 1902 of the
Omaha High school at the home of Wll-
1 son Buchanan.
THURSDAY Mrs. Joseph Metcnlf. tea
from I to I for Mr. Ada Herts-he;
lUllowe'en party st Happy Hollow club.
FRIDAY Mra. Walter O. Preston, brlrtsc
for Miss Lawall of East on. Pa.: Altar
Guild of the Trinity cathedral, musical
at the home of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf.
An ' imposing array of smart functions
filled Inst week's calendar and kept society
dodging In and out of its carriages from
Monday until Saturday night.
There is to be little abatement Of these
good things this week, but the outlook is
hot quite so strenuous, as there are fewer
largn affairs scheduled and hotesses will
have less fear of "party" conflicts.
The approaching Hallowe'en has been a
signal for a flurry of Invitations and the
usual competition ' for unique and unusual
Foremost among the fashionable affairs
of the week will be the wedding of Miss
Bessie Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Brady, and Mr. Tom Davis, which
will be a large church affair, followed by a
reception at the home of the bride. Among
the other Interesting events scheduled will
be the musical given toy the Altar Guild of
Trinity cathedral at the home of Mrs. J. M.
Metcalf on Friday. Then there Is a long
list of glven-ln-honor affair for the popu
lar visitors, besides the theaters and scores
of small dinners, luncheons and receptions.
Closing; S)f Country Clab.
With a harvest horns dinner and a sheet
and pillowcase dance the Country club
closed Its doors for this season Saturday
uvwnlng. 'The attendance was not large, as
might have been expected, but the occa
sion waa none the less enjoyable for the
absence of a crush. The club house was
decorated throughout with Hallowe'en sug
gestions and the entire affair partook of
this popular fsll frolic
The afternoon was devoted to an interest
lng golf , contest, when two teams were
chosen with Mr. Moaner Colpetser captain
of one and Mr. C. 8. Montgomery of the
other. The losing team entertained tbs via
tors st dinner Besides the golfers those
who made reservations for small parties
of two, four or six were: Mr. Luther
Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase, Mr.
and Mrs. Bam Burns, jr., Mr. F. N- Con
nor, Mr. Arthur Remington. Mr. William
Redlclc Mr. W. J. Foye. Mr. A. V. Klnsler.
Mr.- Herbert Wheeler, Miss Dsisy Doane,
Mr. Walter Saunders, Mr. Sherman Can
field, Mr. & T. SwoIm. Mr. Colt, Mr. H.
Kelly, Mr. E. V. Lewis, Mr. Hacker, Mr.
E. 8. Westbrook Mr. M. T. Barlow, Mr,
John A. McShane. Mr. E. M. Fairfield, Mr.
Robert U Huntley, Mr. V. M. Vlnsonhalsr
and Dr. Wilson Low.
At Happy Hollow.
Saturday evening the last table d'hots
dinner and danoe of tho season waa given
at Happy Hollow club, and was marked by
' a great deal of merriment. A large crowd
I availed Itself of the last opportunity and
the reault was one of the most successful
evenings of this year. Several large din
ner parties were given. One for which very
elaborate decorations were used was that
of the Wykarah club, In compliment to
Mr, and Mrs. Raynolds Barnum, who will
leave about November 1 to reside In Kansas
City.- .The centerpiece for their table was
large pumpkin, cut and shaped Into a
fancy basket filled with luscious fruits.
This was placed on a white cluny lace
centerpiece over yellow satin and sur
rounded by six small pumpkins with grin
ning comical feces. At each guest' plate
were miniature pumpkins noiaing re a
lighted candles. The large mantel In front
of which the table was placed was beauti
fully and artistically decorated with grasses,
corn, Jack-o-lanterns and one large owl.
The plate card were also cleverly designed,
being made of tree bark. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Raynolds Barnum,
Mr. and Mrs. E. 9. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs.
H. I. Adams, Mr. snd Mrs. E. J. Sullivan,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hatfield, Dr. and Mrs.
W. N. Dorward and Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
With Mr. snd Mrs. R. W. Breckanridge
were Mr. snd Mrs. C. J. Oreene, Mr. snd
Mra Frsnels Brogan. Mr. and Mrs. W. V.
McHugh, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Darlow and
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Whits. Their table
was pretty with a centerpleos of large yel
low chrysanthemums. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wood had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs.
Etnyre and Miss Bowmsn, all of Counoll
Bluff. Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Dumont, Mr.
and Mrs. James Forsyth, Ml Fannie For
syth, Miss Hicks, Mi Mary Wood snd
Mr. W. R. Wood.
With Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Hsyward were
Mr. sad Mrs. C. C, Belden, Mr. snd Mra
E. M. Olbson, Mr. snd Mrs. B. E. Hayward,
Mr. F: C, Hsyward. Mr. Raymond Hay-
ward, Mr. Lawrence Gibson, Miss Ada
Wright and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kennard.
Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Jenks. Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Hicks and Mr. and Mra A. H. Ben
ton were the gueet of Dr. and Mrs: W. O.
Pr. and Mrs. A. B. Somen entertained
Dr. snd Mrs. Roy Doge, Mr. snd Mrs.
Robert 8. Towns snd Miss Haggar.
With Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burket were
Mr. snd Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock. Mr. snd
Mrs. J. G. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Power
snd Miss A. . Haskell.
Smaller dinner parties were given by Mr.
and Mra J. H. Parrotte. vho had four
guests"; Mr. and Mra 8. R. Rush, four;
Mr. Frederick Creigh. four; Mr. and Mra
M. D. Cameron, four; Mr. Stevens, four.
Dr. Horses Ludlnj-ton and son. Dr. Paul
Ludlnsrton. who havs recently ' returned
; from a prolonf ad visit abroad, havs taken
a house at Thlrty-dftn and Dewey avenue.
A new bridgre club baa been organised
among a number of the recent brides and
several of the young women of the youngar
set. The membership Includes lln. Oeorge
Bedlck. Mrs. Lou Is nark. Mrs.
fowcll. Miss Mary Alice Rugeis,
Helm Davis. Mini Mabel Marr, MIks Ruth
Moorheart, Miss Isabel French, Miss Mary
Morg-an, Miss Ann Brown, Mlaa Frenoes
Weasels and Mix Elisabeth Congdon. The
data of the first meeting haa not been
definitely Bet, but will probably bs next
Friday afternoon at the home of Mls Mary
Alice Roarers.
Mr and Mra. V. C. Miller, recently of
Chicago, have taken the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mor1t Meyers for the winter.
Mr. snd Mrs. Nathan Mantel have moved
into their new home, JZS Harney street,
and will be at home to their friends after
November 10.
A daughter was born to Mr. snd Mrs.
I Ernest Wernher of New York City, October
H. Miss Wernher was formerly Miss Jessie
Meyers of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J., Beaton have rented
a new house on North Fortieth street which
i not yet finished, and they expect to get
possession about the first of January.
Pleaearea Past.
Thomas Davis entertained 'his usher nt
an elaborate dinner Saturday evening at
his heme, when covers were laid for Ben
Cotton. Wlllard Hosford, Robert Burns,
Walter Roberts, Frank Wllhelm. Glen
Wharton and the host.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hervcy entertalnnJ
at a pretty dinner Saturday evening at
their home, 1118 North Fortieth street,
In honor of Rev. and "Mrs. A. 8. C. Clarke,
who will leave- In two weeks for Evans
ton, 111., where they will reside.
In celebration of their thirty-first wed
dlng anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Phillips entertained a few Intimate friends
Friday evening. Bridge whist was, played,
prises being won by Mrs. Barney Harris
and II. Bernhouser. Following the games
an elaborate luncheon was served.
Mrs. A. D. Williams of 2867 Manderson
itreet celebrated the fifth birthday of
her small eon, Thornas. by giving an aft
ernoon party Friday for ten of his little
friends. Games afforded amusement, and
those present were: Miss Isabel Free
land, Miss Elzene McCoy, Miss Elsie
Williams, Miss Pearl Austin and Delia
Kern and Thomas Williams, Eugene
Fisher. Clinton Fisher. Paul Nlckerson,
Page Nlckerson, George Austin and Rob
ert Zearfos.
Miss Edith Anderson wa hostess Fri
day evening at a delightful card party
given In honor of her guest. Miss Haiel
Caprcn of Ord, Neb. High five was ;he
game of the evening and the prizes were
won by Miss Capron and Walter Conklln.
Those present were: . Mis Haiel Capron.-
Miss Grace Conklln, Miss Bessie Plnd-U,
Miss Angellne Plndell, Miss Elisabeth
Palmer, Miss Brldgie McArdle, Miss Calla
Dutcher and Miss Alice Marshall and
Walter Conklln, John Bartlett Archie
Murtagh, Philip McArdle, Ward Parmur
Charles Anderson and Raymond Ander
Come and Go Gossip.
Mr. M. M. Anderson is the gueat of
friends In Sioux City.
Mrs. James McKenna returned the early
part of last week from sn extended, tour
of Europe.
Mrs. Danleel II. Broughton, of Fort Leav
enworth, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. War
ren Swltsler.
Mrs. Chsrles O. Bates 1s visiting In Ta
eoma. Wash., tho guest of her sister, Mrs.
E. W. North.
Miss Hasel Capron, of Ord. Neb., Is ths
guest of Miss Edith Anderson until after
ths first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Derlght will leave
Monday for New York, where they wUl at
tend the automobile show.
Mr. and Mrs Paul Oetsschmann have re
turned from a four months' sojourn In Ger
many, France. Spain.. Italy and England.
Mrs. J. H. Evans and her niece, Mis
Pauline Schenck, have returned from a de
lightful three months' soourn In Europe.
Mrs. Ji B. Gillette, of Oakland. Cal., who
has spent ths summer with her daughter,
Mrs. E. N. North, will leave today for her
Mrs. Fred Pinny, of Chicago, will arrive
Tuesday to spend the remainder of the
week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keeline will leave
for Chicago In a few days to spend a week
visiting Mrs. Keellne's' sister, Mrs, Arthur
Miss Lena Baldo, daughter ot Mr. Adam
Baldo, has returned from a four months
trip to Europe, having visited England,
Paris and Germany.
Mr. Charles D. Beaton and Dr. Paul Bea
ton, who went to Chicago to attend the
Raftree-Beaton wedding, have returned
home, but Mrs. Mary Beaton stopped en
route In Burlington, la., to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards are planning
an extended southern trip. They will go
to Excelsior Springs and Hot Springs. Ark.,
and before returning horns will visit their
daughter,' Mrs. Frank Blaln Smith In Mex
ico City. ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Hall havs returned
from ths east, where they havs spent a
month. Mr. Hall was a delegate from Ne
braska to the Episcopal conference at Rich
mond, Vs., and after the conference he
snd Mrs. Hall went to New Tork and to
New Haven to visit their son, Richard,
who is attending Tale.
Prospective) Pleasures. .
. Miss Faith Ktter will give a luncheon
Tuesday st her home.
The Visiting Nurse' association will give
another ot Its series of dancing parties
Tuesday evening at Chambers'.
Miss Ida Smith will give an Informal tea
Monday afternoon at her home In honor of
her gueat. Mis Eva Smith of Bakersfleld,
Mrs. Walter O. Preston will give a bridge
party Friday afternoon In honor of Mis
Lawall of Gaston, Pa., who has bean visit
ing Mr. Dsn Baum.
Mrs. Joseph Metcslf will give a tt Thurs
day afternoon from I to f o'clook In honor of
her sister, Mra Ida Hertsohs, who has re.
cenlly returned (ram a summer spent In
Ths Misses Edna and Elola Wood will
give a card party Wednesday at their
home In honor of Miss Eva Smith of
Bakersfleld. Cel., who Is ths guest of her
cousin. Miss Ida Smith.
The class of 190 of ths Omaha High
school will hold a class reunion Wednesday
evening at the home of Mr. Wilson
Buchanan. Hallowe'en "stunts" will afford
amusement for the evening.
Mrs. Charles Murahsll gave a delightful
kenaington Friday afternoon at her homo
In honor of Mr. A. 8. C. Clarke, who will
leave In two week for Evanston, 111., to
reside. There were about fifty guest pre.
Mr. and Mra F. H. Davla will entertain
st dinner Tuesday evening st their, home
In honor of Miss Bessie Brady and Mr.
Tom Davis and their bridal party. The
dinner will be followed by wedding re
hearsal at All Salnta' church. '
Mr. Bryant Rogers will give an Orphaum
party followed ' by a supper at ths Rome
Monday In honor of Mlaa Etta Beetnan of
Kansas City, who Is the guest of Miss Mary
Morgan and Miss Eva Smith of Bakersfleld,
Cal., who Is visiting her eousln. Miss Ida
Weadla KaaTaaTeaaeats.
A pretty home wedding was solemnised
Thursday evening at I o'clock when Mias
P.irl Kthel Kauffmaa was married to Mr,
Mark Waldo Crocker at the home of 'Mr.
and Mr. J. H- Kauffman. ZU4 Paul street
Rev. John F. Poucher of Seward Street
Methodist church oOVlated. The flrst of
I the bridad irty to enter wa little Miss
I Dorotliy CUrk, carrying Ice rinf embedded
Don. Buy Stocks
rjiTC.JB .'J "'jjjaits-g 11 """ "m ".' ssm... 'U'lMsjujwusjsssaiMgsa
stock of Scarfs, Muffs and Jackets, and also a
large assortment of skins for special order
"The factory is tho place to buy Furs."
Take Elevator In Millinery Store,
tn an American beauty rose. Miss Florence
Crocker, sister of ths groom, was maid of
honor. Mr. Harley Deems was best man. I
The bride wore a handsome gown of sheer
white material, with trimmings of Valenci
ennes lacs and carried a bouquet of bride's
rbses. Following the marriage service was
an informal reception when about 'forty
guests were present.- Mr. and Mrs. Crocker
havs gone east on a wadding trip and will
be at home to their friend after November
7 at 2MI Indiana avenue,
Mr. and Mrs. Bd 8. Cloyer announce the
ngagement of their daughter, Mis Bernlce
Hasel, to Mr. Lee sr H. Drlsr.sus. Ths wed
ding will take place In January.
An interesting engagement announced last
week was that of Miss Helen O'Nell. daugh
ter of the late Mr. II. J. O'Nell of Chicago,
to Mr. William J. Coad of this city, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Coad. The wedding- la
to taks place the first week In December.
Ths fashionable event of the week wm
be ths wedding of Miss Bessie Brady,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Brady,
and Thomas Latham Davis, son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Davis, which will take
place Wednesday evening at I o'clock at
All Saints' church. Rev. T. J. Mackay
will officiate. Mrs. Ben Cotton is to be
matron of honor snd Miss Mary Lee Mo
Bhane will bs maid of honor. Miss Ail
Kirkendall and Miss Helen Davis will be
the bridesmaid. Lawrence Vile of
Chicago will be the best man, and Frank
Wllhelm, Wlllard Hosford. "Walter Rob
erts, Olen Wharton and Ben Cotton will
serve as usher. Immedlatey following
the service at the church there will be a
reception at the home of the bride, tiii
Jackson atreet.
Sealor Member f ts Late Bl Retail
Star) gacorea Eseelleat Posltloa
a Brawery City.
Mr. Daniel J. O'Donohoe, senior partner
of the late flrtn O'Dopohoe-Redmond-Nor-mils
Co.. Bisteentb -anil Howard treets,
left Friday evening for Milwaukee. Wie..
and will taks his duties Monday morning a
general manager of Kroeger Bros. Co. . the
big department store there. Krocger Br.
Co. bsve one of tbe largest tore In the
northern city, the building being strictly
modem and up-to-date In every repect
with, sn Immense taff of employes on the
pay roll. Tbe firm is old established, pro
gressive and ba an Immense buslne.
Mr. CDonolroe. during hi residence in
this city, evinced an excellent public spirit.
He was prominent as one of the Knlylits of
Ak-Sar-Ben and as an Elk and wa a
leading officer In the locul brauch of the
or Deposit Your Money in a tt&nk. Put
it in a Diamond Its Much Sodcr and
You Take no Chances.
Here's a Watch Special that You Can't
Afford to F'ass:
Cornea In 16 airs Hun. lng Caso 17
Jewels. Your choice of ELOiN or WALT
HAM Movements and warranted for i.O
years. CAN YuU BJcAT 11?
Yours for $2 Cash and $1 a Week
In buying furs the price
is not all that is to be con"
Because an article is high"
priced is no guarantee that
is has quality.
Because it is low-priced
is no proof that it is a bar"
The man who makes a
fur garment knows beyond
question what sort of ma
terialwas put into that gar
ment. We make every
garment we sell.
We carry a complete
I80S Douglas St.
gTxaiajro Bix,Ycm.
Our lins of Leather Ooods Is
especially adapted to fin trade, And
consists of
Hand Dags, Suit Cases,
Traveling Seta,
Wallets, Card Cases,
Shopping Dags
Cigar Ai Cigarette Cases
This 11ns is positively the very
finest on the market and partloulaly
appeals to discriminating buyers. ..
Albert Edholm
ltth and Kar&ey ste.
Knights of Columbus. His many friends
will be sorry to learn of his departure from
Omaha, but glad to know that his appoint
ment Is a nrit-claas on.
Gordoa Rt, Dr. Clarke's
Members of Clan Gordon, Ladies' auxil
iary and families, are requested to attend
Clansman Dr. Clarke's farewell services in
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church. Sabbath
evening, I o'clock. Take Walnut IDfl or
Benson Cars. Beats reserved 'till I p. m.
By order of the Clan,
JAME8 C. L1NDSAT. Secretary.
- Getting acquainted with ths people who
can and will fill your wants I sn easy
matter If you mention your desire through
Ths Bee Want Columns. The Be Is read,
by rich and poor and old and young people
thousands of and It would be re
markable, Indeed, if you should have a
want that not one of these thousanda of
m s
people could fill. A reasonable Want Ad
never escapes the notice of sorueons wliol
Is glsd to know sbuut II
Is All U
Takes to Own a
Fine Diamond
Like Thi:
Don't Forget These Figures,
They mean much to every buyer
of high grade confections.
It you ask for our 40o bulk
chocolates you are getting the W
equal (or better) of any 60c choco
late that you can buy elsewhere,
and yon save 20o. Therefore, the
"level-headed" person, If well In
formed, buys our 40o bulk choco
late for "regular consumption. "
When you want exclusive ei
celence In your package of sweets,
our Gold Medal chocolates and
Bon Bons at 60c, or packed In
beautiful fancy boxes in many dif
ferent sizes and prices, meet the
reoulrements of the most fastid
ious. THE Store for Deiicacie
Phone Doug. 711.
It eosts you nothing to
lnspsot our large line ot
high grade fur garments
at popular prices and
may save you money.
2d Floor Contimntal Blk.
Entrance 113 So. 15th St.
Slrinj Quartette
THURSDAY .crust6 31. '07
First Baptist Church
rrtoea fl.OO and 1.80 Ob sal at
etcbmoller a mu.u.i's bus eiiiee,
Wsaaesdar a&d ikaxsday.
table d'llotc Dinner
L !)
Chesapeake Cafe
11:30 a. m. to 8:09 p. m.
1508-10 Howard Street
Poller's Mandolin Orchestra