TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1907. "Families Supplied With Oysters' Says the Oysterm&n. Families Supplied With Oysterettes," Says the Grocerman. . " And thus they join hands on the good things of life. yBllreirette r .if The oyster cracker with a taste to it, always crisp and fresh, in mJigture-proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY i i WHAT THE WOMEN ARE DOING of the afternoon and Mrs. Charlton Ed holm Sibley of Tucson, Aril., was the speaker. Mrs. Sibley, formerly Miss Charlton of Omaha, has had worldwide experience In work for unfortunate women. much of which she has given In her book. W. C. T. U. Holds fedncational Meeting with Prominent Stteakrra. , I "Traffto In Gins," She spoke on this sub- " I Ject Wednesday afternoon and urged the UTTEBEST IN SCHOOL ELECTION women to give their support and co-opera- tlon to the I csl work. Mrs. Caro :ne Wood- ,labs Clob Orgrana Cralng Women : to Exercise Franchise at Schoel Uoard Election This The annual conference of the Nebraska Daughters of the American Revolution, held In Omaha this week, was one of the ward of David City was also a guest of the union and spoce of the temperance work. Florida Clnba. Florida has raised the age of protection for its girls from 10 'to IS years una ..he club women are duly gratified. This action Is the outgrowth of agitation started by the women of the state. The Florida Federation of Women's o!ubs .. ..u.Wrx ana a.wgecner prontaoie ; w, BMt November 19, 20 and 21 at Qah.S- K I, T 1 Y hrhVa-, V d,d " vlI,e- Composed of twenty-eight clubs. ,h, to the local members about sixty visiting fearaUon one o( mo,t prosre,Mve women, delegates and alternates, were' in , tty. -,,th . . , ,,, . . ,, , of tne soutn. The clubs are mainly village attendance and all the sessions were re- ' ,,,.. " r.i... tk. .w-!or clty Improvement clubs and many of Daughters to continue their support to the i educational work amon of Tennessee Is most commendable. Two the mountain schools by the t Nebraska women, and they hope to extern their work In that field. The resolution asking' that the&htldren of Nebraska receive Instroe Voiy along . patriotic, lines In the puMIc schools was among the Important actions of the conference, and the women exneet to g t;."moun,arne;r1r"!.r!t.rm: nd 'eadin5 ro?r nd recently started tour traveling libraiie an I the president has sent out a thousand magazines to the employes of the East Florida Coast Railroad exchange. School F'ovtlom. While the General Fcurat on of Women s clubs and women's Clubs generally have not gone on record as indors ng wnnvn urge this plan until It bworan established, j suffrage. It is Interesting to note to w:.at laereaaa at Clob Meetings. I extent the clubs and club women are in In almost every state of the union club terested In the fall election and the e'e womtm are In session, have been or will be, tlon of school boards. Club papers wl.b before Thanksgiving. Nebraska, Vermont I few exceptions, if any, are urg'ng tht and Mlnntsata were among the federa- women to post themselves regarding sch-oi tions holding early meetings. Michigan, board candidates and then vote for the Maine, North Dakota. West Virginia and men or women who will do most for the Illinois held mcrtlngs last week, and Ohio, school rystem. The election of women On Fenni-ylvenla. Wisconsin. Oklahoma. r.ew school boards Is being especially Urged ToiK ana Kew jersey iterations nave Deen statistician offers the following figures in a current magazine. They are worthy the rareful consideration of every housekeeper: "There are 84 000.0CO people In the United States. For their food 113.000,000,000 are spent annually. ' "Eighty-four million stomachs to be fed this year at a cost of li,COO,000,0"0. Allow ing as a very small average that half the marketing will bo done by mall, telephone or through solicitors and children, 42,000,000 people will be fed by women who do not know nor do not try to know their grocers, and 16,000,000,000 worth of food will be NuTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mrs. S. C. Teters Give Large Euchre Farty at Home in Dundee. THEATEB FAETIES ARE POFULAS VlaHIn Girls and Bridal Farty Honor G nests Friday Mght, with Sooner Parties Following; tho Play One of the most pretentious affairs of Friday was the euchre party given by Mrs. H. C. Tetere at her home In Dundee. The rooma were beautifully ' decorated for Hie occasion, yellow chrysanthemums beng in the library, white In the dining room and hall and pink In the parlor. Candle ll,ht reflected a rretty glow over these pretty appointments and the shades were made to match the color of the blossoms used In the various rooms. Those present weie: Mlis Alexander, Mrs. J. B. Blaachard, Mrs. Martha Blackwell, Mrs. Charles Black. Mrs. E. E. Bryson. Mrs. P. J. Barr, Mrs. J. U Baker, Mrs. C. E Bates, Mrs. Ewlng Brown. Mrs. W. J. Burgess, Mrs. E. A. Benson, Mrs. Frsnk Carmlchael, Mrs. J. H. Cotirad. Mrs. Clement Chaae, Mrs. J. Chadwlck. Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mrs. Frank Dale. Mrs. George A. Day, Mrs. W. H. Qarratt, Mra. N. L. Quckert, Mrs. E Isa beth Goodrich, Mra. W. I Hamilton, Mrs. J. H. Hart, Mra. George A. Hoagland. Mra. W. W. Hoagland. Mrs. W. W. Johns ton. Mrs. C. E. Johannes, Mrs. Robert Kloke, Mrs. J. A. Kuhn, Mrs. Royal D. Miller, Mrs. J. F Marshall, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. W. H. Plndell, Mrs. M. C. Petere,' Mrs. A. O. Plnkeiton, Mrs. Pollard. Mrs. Ralnbolt, Mrs. R. D. Wlnshlp of Chlca o. Mrs. W. L. Robinson, Mrs. C. N. Ro'.iin son. Mrs. S. R. Rush, Mrs. Byron 8ml. h. Mrs. W. L. Belby, Mrs. W. H. SJwrraden, Mrs. John Steel, Miss Edith Thomas, Mrs. Robert B. Trimble, Mrs. W. G. Tempi ton, Mrs. Henry C. Van Gleson, Mrs. T. C. Van Buren, Mrs. H. N. Wood, Mrs. W. D. Williams, Mrs. F. Walters. Mrs. Harry Waller, Mrs. T. I.. Combs. Mrs. Elliaboth Colfax, Mrs. M. D Cameron and Mrs. E. V. Heaford. Theater Party Miss Ada Klrkendall gave a theater party Friday evening at the Biyd to see Frltxl Bcheff In "Mile, Modiste." In honor of Miss Bessie Brady and Mr. Tom Davis. After the theater Miss Klrkendall was given a supper at her home. Those present were Mr. and Mra Ben Cotton. Miss Bessie Brady, Miss Helen Davla, Miss Mary Lee MeShane, Miss Klrkendall. Mr. Wlllard D. Hosford, Mr. Robert Burns, Mr. Fiank Wllhelm, Mr. Walter .Roberta, Mr. Gltn Wharton and Mr. Tom Darts. For tho Ml sees Ryan. Miss Claire Helena Woodard gave a theater party Friday evening at the Boyd to see Frltrl Seheff. Her honor guests were Misses Alice and Genleve Ryan of Dubuque, la., guests of Miss Lucille Hay bought without the supervision of the ! den. A supper followed at the Rome woman who knows her grocer. This food. distributed by grocers, clean and unclean, 'ncludes nearly 1.000.000 tons of sugar, S31,- hotel, given by Miss Lucille Hayden. In t-e party were: Mies Al've Ryan. Mis Oenevteve Ryan, Miss Lucille Hayden, Mis 667,03 pounds of coffee. 176.000,000 pounds of Mary Haydon, Miss Anna Coad. Miss Mirle prunes, 17,834.768 bushels of rice, 84.000.000 Woodard, Miss Woodard?, Mr. Tom Mc b'srrels of flour and 84.0TO.O0O pounds of tea. Shane, Mr. Bryant Rogers, Mr. Joe Hyrne, "All of these commodities must be nan- Mr. Adolph Stors, Mr. Ward Parmer, Mr. died by various clerks and delivery men Windsor Megeath, Mr. Paul Gallagher and before they pass from the grocery store Mr. and Mrs C. J. 8myth. to your pantry. Don't you think It is about I Friday Clob. time you got acquainted with your grocer Mrs. John Eyler entertained the Friday and his helpers? Are the men and boys club thu week fct her home, 2116 Blnnr ho handle the food for your family wor- ,treet The ruests of the club . Mr.. thy of the trust?" in sess'en this week. From every conven tion comes the report of larger attendance than ever before. The same lncre?sed at tendance had been marked at the Woman's Christian Temperance union and the suf- rar;e conventions, also. The national convention of the Woman's "Chr1t'an Tempersnee union, to be held at Nashville next month, will be the next and the last big women's convention of this fall. Work for Unfortunate Girls. The educational meeting of the Omaha Women's Christian Temperance union held Wednesday afternoon, waa one of the 'a-f - st Attended meetings of the year. Mm- V Af Wnnna TV 1 1 1 rrl union W n.a mmmtm Club Notes. Dundee Woman's club will hold Its next meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. W. Marshall. The club will continue Its study of English literature this year under the Bay View course. Mu Sigma Woman's club will meet next Wednesday morning. UNCLEAN GROCERY Preventing; Knots. Not even the Votuan who does exquis itely fine ' setting always knows how sh an keep her thread from knotting af try-i-g moments.' One way Is not to use too long threads. V good rula, given to children In our sew- I 115 schools. Is to break off a thread Just I "ong enough to reach from the end of the ; ose to the loft hand held at right angles to the elbow when pressed to the side. Another preventive of knots Is to thread the needle before breaking the thread from the spool. In this way you are sure to get the right end of the cotton or silk so It will not untwist ax you work and become thin or knot. Something of What They Mar Con trlbate to tho Nation's Food Sapply. To the end of eliminating the dirty, un sanitary grocery store and meat msrket in the general campaign for pure food, one Pensioners of tho Rcvolntlon. An analysis of the pension roll on June S 190J, shows the Interesting fact Jhat ,m there were at that time three daughters of soldiers of the revolutionary war still drawing pensions. They were Sarah C. Hurlbutt, 8v years old, of Little Marsh. Pa.; Phoebe M. Palmeter, SS years old. of STORES Bookfiel,1 N- T- na Rhoda Augusta . Thompson, f years old, of Woodbury, Conn.. Esther 8. Damon, a widow of a revolutionary aoldler, died November U, iro. at the age of I. The names of 558 widows of the war of 1S12 remained on the roll at the close of the last fiscal year. P3 a v xx i a fUOTlELD U lYcuux&s'JtTt?. E R 15 lO DOUGIAS ST. Formerly I.IOTIELD LCLtMCKlflTfe Stiifls Hundreds of New Tailored Sevtnl huilni niwtilhrzi s-j'ls litl ar.y;i h fns Fir STrJi'i sill ing all sr: b:ajtiful n:w sllss. T.itf 33 on sal: at v:r $?e:.al prices. Over 200 New Tailored Suits $29.75 These suits are made of finest all-wool fabrics, in plain or fancy colors they are beautifully tailored in plain or trimmed styles some entirely new models to Oft HtZ choose from special price $uJiu Over 300 New Tailored Suits $25.03 A fine collection of new styles' will be shown here Saturday at the popular price of $25.00 all are perfectly tailored garments the jackets come in all the correct new lengths either fitted or semi-fitted, and the skirts are made in the new plaited and gored effects all go Art on sale Saturday at y&d)V $25.00 New Tailored Suits at $19.50 A special purchase of stylish tailoredsuits go on sale at $19.50 over 100 to choose from, in all izes and colors they are made of all-wool broadcloths, cheviots (? f A PA and fancy materials $25.00 values on sale at. . .v JVouU V illi McMullen, Mrs.- Buckingham and Mrs. Hemphill of Ealt Lake. Mra. Lynn Kemper, Mrs. Eva Wallace. Miss Blanche Rose water and Mrs.' Miles Houck.' The mem bers present were: Mrs. Harry Deuel, Mrs EI Rosewater, Mrs. Evert Smith, Mrs. E Haney, Mrs. E. V. Smith, Mrs. Royce, Mrs. Ben Robldnux. Mrs. J. Foster, Mrs. Torn Bnunner, Mrs. John Qu'ld, Mrs, Ross, Mrs. Walter Wilkins, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Amelia Hawes and Mrs. Eyler. The next meeting of the club will be entertained by Mrs. J. Foster. Jolly Doaen Meets. Mr. and Mra. Louis Velt entertained the weekly meeting of the Jolly Dosen Thurs- . day evening at their home, 434 South Twenty-fourth street. After the card games, at which Mr. T. D. Etllnger and Mrs. L. Velt made the high scores, there were several musical numbers, followed by Dutch lunch." The next meeting of the Hub will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Etllnger on November 1 Cooper-Worthran. The wedding of Miss Claire Northrup, daughter of Mrs. Jay Northrup, and Mr. John T. Cooper will take place Wednesday evening, November 6, at 8:30 o'clock at St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church. Rev. Lucius O. Balrd will officiate. Miss Louise Northrup, sister of the bride, will be maid of honor and Miss Julia Coburn and Miss Mary Murry will serve as brides maids. Mr. Warren De Camp will be best man and Mr. Royal Comstock and Mr. Waldo Foster tho ushers. Little Charlton Troxell, nephew of the bride, will be the ring bearer. It Is to be a very simple church wedding, followed by a small recep tion at the home of the bride, 1037 South fwenty-nlnth street. Prospective Pleasures. x Miss Ida Smith will give an Informal tea Monday afternoon at. her home In honor of ber guest, Miss Eva Smith of Bakers neld, Cel. Wednesday evening the Misses Edru and Elolse HIIlls will give a card tarty in ber honor. Coaao and Go Sossln. Mrs. R. D. Wlnshlp of Chicago arrived Thursday to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. C. Paters. Mrs. F. A. Ercgan has been confined to her room for the lost week with a aevere attack of grip. Mra. Royal D. Milter and small son Wes lty, returned Thursday from a ten days' visit in Des Moines, la. Mrs. L. C. Burr of Lincoln spent a few cas this week with Mrs. Lydla Morrison and Mra A- P. Tukey. Miss Eva Smith of Bakersfleld, Cel., is ths guest of her cousin, Miss Ida Smith. The Misses Ryan of Dubuque, la., are the guests of Miss Lucille Hayden. SATURDAY SPECIALS $1.75 Oerry Set 87c One 1-Inch Dowl and nix 6-Inch Pishes, American beauty pat tern, edge tipped with gold, Tbla Is a beautiful set and one that can be used in many ways for cereals, salads, desserts, etc. Absolutely perfect china, no flaws; would sell ordinari ly, per set, 11.75. Special Sat urday only, per set 87J (One Bowl and Six Dishes.) LINOLEUM SALE Basement. A whole carload of Linoleum goes on sale tomorrow, Saturday morn ing at about half-price. Mill ends in 10 to 30 yard lengths, from one of the world's largest manufac turers. Offered tomorrow for less than the goods would cost us if bought in the ordinary way. All new, fresh and clean, guaranteed absolutely perfect goods. Tile, floral and conventional patterns in light and dark colorings. 65c to 85c Linoleum, Saturday, per square yard ..... .30c and 45c Bring measure of your rooms. 75c Hassocks 39c 00 Hassocks, mad from the befit quality Brussels. Wil tons and Axmlnsters, all colors. These ara well made, - extra heavy and Strong. Po'i regilarly for 75c to t e"l ach; special Saturday , 3J) Swiss v urtalns Pretty hemstitched ruffles, all the popular patterns a regular $1.35 Curtain: spe cial Saturday, pair . . . 03 See our Bis I -ace Curtain Announcement Sunday. The Younq Women' Christian Association will hold a sale of delicious home-cooked edibles in our basement demonstrating depart ment Saturday, October 26. FURNITURE Quality Goods at the Lowest Prices ffe-S TfjS Ibis llS Sfel tnmhlnalion Book Case (Like Cut.) Quarter-sawed golden oalc, polish finish, bas swell glass door and j pattern French bevel mirror; I lage cabinet' snd drawer under writing lid. The best value of fered at the price $17.50 1 Buffet (Like Cut.) Select quarter-sawed golden oak, highly polished." Has pretty carv ing, large French bevel mirror; top Is 22x46 inches; cupboard base Is fitted with latticed glass doors; price $20.50 Rocker " (Like Cut.) Excellent Arts and Crafts design. Made of select solid oak weath ered finish; genuine Spanish leather seat. Very large and comfortable and a splendid bar Rain S9.75 Sale Appointed Agents for the State of Nebraska for the Ostermoor Mattress ORCHARD & WILHELM qiq. 16-13 South 10th Strdet Mllllona C laking S S Powder J Vsi Oomrll with tl JNr mk1 lws of wt Suit. eT r i V3 nn a ti no W Jsksm BUB M m. m JSa. ., . km!, lr Sl.uat Wmil. IS. w fmr kMtlrl fo. Madame Jcuepolne Le Ftvre, Ssld h Bostos wort tirss Dwpl., Tb asnetl Cosipftar, Th tU Imif Co.. Bralon Dn.1 C., Mrrre-Pulon Drug Ca.. J. H. Bckmldt, LbiL E. Lalbrnf. VOGUE OF HAND EMBROIDERY It Mar Ba Doaakt at th Stores In Allover or Bonds by tfc YarJ. Hand embroidery dons to order always sends ths price of a frock soaring high, but this season tlia assortment of hand em. i broldered net trimming", sold In motifs, j bands of all widths and allovers, Is so great ' and so attractive that It Is possible to ob I tain superb effects through the use of such ' trimmings. Naturally, these ready-for-use , embroideries, being executed at least In .part by hand, are not cheap, but results I may bs secured through them at an ez ' pence muiii less than that of corresponding ' results achieved through embroidery done i to order. Where self-tone colorings are desired and i cannot be found on the trimming counters ! t'u dyer's art comes to the rescue and j white embroidered nets are colored to match materials. Often, too, a touch of gold or silver added to the embroideries after dyeing will be an Improvement, and thla can be readily accomplished by any woman with the slightest taste and skill la needlework. Borne detail of the net embroidery mar be lightly reinforced by gold or silver thread, or often the metallic threads may success fully be darned Into the net here and there without definite design. All sorts of origi nal effects may be obtained by skillful elaboration of the filet embroidered nets or laces, and one such effect Illustrated In the net blouse accompanying a coat snd skirt of mulberry broadcloath was secured by the ue of bands of cream filet lara whose entire background was darned with coarse mulberry silk floss, leaving the de sign of the lace In bold relief. This darning, done by running ths thread In and out of the net mesh crosswise of the band, is a very simple matter not be yond the powers of any one Who has a Beautiful Autumn Scenes On the'Wfcy o Fort Crook . Hourly service throughout the week. Sunday afternoon, O-minute service, lnterurban cars leavj on the even hour nt 24th and N streets, South Omaha. From To 24th and N Streets. South Omaha.... ATtry Bellevua. Avery .06 Bellerue .10 .06 Ft. Crook " as .10-.05 Omaha & Southern lnterurban Railway Company Jit PINK SATIN AND NET. moderate supply of patience, and the smart ness of the result la far In eacess of the labor and time expended upon the trim mings. As has been said before, gold and silver enter Into many of the new embroideries and laces; and, used In very slight quan tities, these touches of metal lend at tractiveness even to a simple frock. One sees In the French frocks many gulmpes of fins lace In which gleam occasional threads of gold, not enough for garishneas, but merely a glinting relief for the dead whits or cream of the lace. Keep the Silver Br1M. 'If occasionally on put the small silver In hail in WStar tn which a little waab- Easia'j We Repair Silverware tfp Make It to order. - Altai n.r1 tt4fti If Gold and Silver Plating in all its branches. Chandeliers and Church Altar Pieces refinished in any color. Automo bile and Carriage Lamps repaired. Statues 'repaired and refinished. . Omaha Silvor Company Phone Douglas 1773 314 SOUTH 13TH SxKEEX Between Farnam and Harney. MATTHEWS, twiitt rzaai nr omama. Offlee, Boom 4, Basaasaa felock. X. B. Cor. 16h am MifUt. Kntraao lets Bowglaa. flood Set Teeth f Q Alveolar Byatem ti-OO Gold Crowns M.80 Bridge Teeth s.60 Amalgam Filling 60 Silver Killings Uold Filling, up from tl.00 Work tarraiitd Tea Tsars. I give Laughing Uas or Vitalised Air for the painless extraction of Opin" evenings till . Eundays 10 to I. THE PAINLtSO DENTIST M" Mty-t",mu4' Isl DON'T MISS OUR Saturday S2I3, 40 Sated F EM ELL '.ILLIIERY CO. 1511 Douglas 3t. OVER JEWEL THEATRfi Ing soda has been dissolved you will be surprised at Its luster. Dry with a piece of chamois. Veers ftalek SUIn Sko Polish say It la the best and most lasting polUt they have ever used. It gives a polish to the leather and It won't rub off on the clothing. A well satisfied user is th best , advertisement. lira. Eocttlnj CyTcjv" iTpijHi iTri Vial CiJi.iv.s..oViAiX.f (orrikUHliA. S.'l 1 ! Wn.- ri.'.ln-r i'.ii vi 1 urn wnna. wm .nr. a.m & 1 I Is All (vU) 'iSV n fc'iiU 'kain