10 TITO OM ATTA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2fi, 1907. I it; n DROWNS WE HAVE 'EM. GROWMS--SEE 'EM. DROWNS 1 i i il i il i I M ii if I H - . - II II II I III II I m . A Great Fortunate Purchase ONE ENTIRE CARLOAD In Heavy and Medium Winter Vests, Pants and Union Soils This is a most fortunate nalo for you. It-comes just as the winter sale begins thousands of high-grade suits of un derwear from one of the foremost mills, bought at a reduc tion of more than one-third. Worn"'" Vets and rants, fine ribbed, plain and fleece lined, medium and heavy weights :t:r.t?.!!rr.....25c.39c Women'i ITnlon Snits. Jersey rib bed, sliver gray, soft fleeced cotton, excellent values; will 11 .39c Women's Union Salts, medium and heavy weights, Florence style, button across chest and down front, and Kt vests and pants, part wool; on bargain square O- C Women's Vega Silk Vest, PanU and Tights, pink, blue, black and cream, worth up to $1.60: will ft0.'1: 79c Silk and Wool Tests and Tights, In medium ' and heavy cashmere wool vests and pants, camel's hair and natural vests QO. and pants, at.... J -OC Mossing Helvetia Union Suits and other makes, fine Egyptian cotton, wool finished in hand crochet white ' CI Cfl QRn cream, and gray at piJU70C Misses' and Children's Vests, Pants and Drawers, fine ribbed cotton and heavy fleeced; go If or In 2 lots... ld'UOK, Misses' and Boys fine ribbed wool and plain natural wool vests, pants and drawen at up from 49c Boys' and Girls' Jersey Bibbed Waists, 'with tape buttons, good values, will go In this sale, f f each UC Long CID GLOVES 2.98 Fine elbow-length Gloves French lambskin black, white, brown, red and navy all sizes every pair fitted worth $3.50, at, pair '. "Short Gloves 2-clasp French lamb- 1. 1 1 1 1 i siun, DiacK, wnne, Drown, ' navy green and red all sizes worth $1.50 a pair, at, pair . iort Kid Gloves 2-clasp, all the rew all shades, all sizes on jargain square, worth $i;39, at pair i 1.25 98c Ever Women in Omaha Should See the Demonstration of the CORSETS Among our new models ere the extra long skirt back, the new brassiere top at bust and the .round waist so much desired In , growing slender youthful lines to the figure MISS ROSE, an Expert Fitter, ! In Attendance. pi I JTo. Lindsay Mantis Th best made by the linday Light Co. th. highest irrade tin gle stitch miuiile man ufactured' mounted on extra heavy lorru (ated cap with t collar, special ")g at Special Sole In Gas Portables, Shades, etc.. Lludawy Wizard Mantle quality and price considered, this Is the best mantle we Q know of; price. Lucifer Gas Mantle M a n u fa c t ured by Lindsay Light Co., ex tra good and strong Sundries Department On all Gas and Electric 20 discount on entire line Saturday. 8c Extra Special Bargains Saturday in Carpet Dept. Third Floor. Brussels Rugs The 9x12 size, beautiful patterns, floral and oriental, usually sells at $20.00, Saturday 13.98 See Douglas street window. Zarrala' Carpets Best All-Wool all wool ana usually sell at S5c. fcatur Filled Cotton Cbaia Carpet a oxi me value. Saturday ifl at. yard JJ- BtsseU's Carpet Sweep. r All fully fuar-' anted. from c ( 2ss to 3? OMAHA 1 IN OUR CHINA DEPT West Arcade Incandescent Gas Lamps Complete as per illustration. Cut down your gas bills nearly half, costs m exactly 3-5 of a cent per (J hour Saturday & Special Sale Gas Mantles Bull Dog. extra tough,. put up under our own brand, absolutely the highest grade mantle it Is possible to make, mounted on double wire, corrugated cap; will outwear a, doien cheai mantles. Our regular price Is 25c each; on sale Sat- r urday, two for , aOC 7a m i . .' r.-' v. 3i i mi tests saei. i 5ne We are Showing all of tho now Drowns and they arc exclusive. We have great varieties of Greys and mixtures in stripss, checks and plain colors but the popular de mand is OROW.M. Every suit a worthy example of tho Highest Class MODERN TAILORING. Soe these snappy suits at 00 (O)00 Our PANTS DEPARTMENT Tables are loaded with special inducements for those who consider dollars and cents a3 wall as the best of fabrics and style. See our Immense line at 5g50 535O and SOO CORDUROY PANTS in peg tops are very nifty. We have 'm with stock and leathar cuffs, SO50 welt seams and button pockets, at O 1519 and 1521 Douglas St. 111 0 3 Illinois ; Central Railroad ; ' TO CHICAGO. EAST. SOUTH. AND SOUTHEAST. MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL NORTH AND NQATHWEST. For Tkkts, Rates and Detailed Informal on, at City Tickei Office 102 Famam St., Omaha. SO GNOSIS APELINESS There are no shoes for wo men that have more of it fitting with a character and style found in but few other kinds the newest patterns are always shown in Sorosis and the quality is and will remain the best. Sorosis Shoe Store .203 South 15th St. 3 Underwear This is the weather for Under wear, and our stock is now com plete In aU its branches prices right. srECIAIi Child's Bleeping Gar ments, in all sizes, only, ea.J0 Yarns Remember, we carry the most complete Tarn department In the west We lead, others try to fol low. All kinds of Yarn, all shades In each kind. Slipper Soles, the very best kind, pair 25 Beads All the new thinKS In Beads, Jewels, Spangles and Pendants. Agency for Pictorial Review Patterns. JOS. F. BILZ 333 So. lOtti St.. Omaha k Rough AND Ready Boy Needs Shoes that will stand the hard knocks such as a boy usually gives shoes. His growing feet must not be cramped for comfort, either. Our STEEL SOOD SHOES for growing boys are the very best Boys' Shoes sold. We make the statement that it outwears any two pair of Boys' Shoes ever made we'll back up this statment, too. SIZES AND PRICES. 10 to 13 H 82.00 1 to 2 $3.25. to 6 82.50 P. 8. A Top to every boy vis itor Saturday. Omaha's pue rooo CHUTES 85 Restaurant on Second Floor p OLnnch t'onctcf In Basement HAakola Blend Java and Mocha Cof fee Cj tl ;.?,1.t,ai r"P H.t both OUTJ Jf,rSnt1"1 1,,nch c'ntr. or at g our coffee depirtment, at, lb ZBo 'J V Three pounds for V... .. 91.00 V &,.r!?1?, We arc the only deal- R nn.HPTtRh who by. roast and nell M tiSSnS-i" J.,f'ha,Aaola and Manlelingjtj coffee. Iherefore. your want, ari; OS, t.JLervt? by Purchasing- here. KRoastert while you wait. "jj U IlnnAH llAiitiiilm..l k' kJf?r 8M0ck 2f 'TA''lnc and Liquors y Hrr, i ,",lu menicinai purposes Is .....ov v.iiinrii9. ot our pri 0,J,,,?SLta.TBug?.dlel, Sauternos and !J SwI'nreV.rply"6'0" layln ,n I i.' Saturday's 8FEOIAI.B li M Wilson Whiskey (that's alO. per ' ?! .'Fine California Port or Sherry Wine, d U per Kallon 81.85 H Kive Kallons In keg .?S.?an Ten Itallona In keg . . . . . I . . . Bifceo Ci No charge for, shipping. Meat Dcoarlmcnt 8 t . This great market Is making r.w U "UBtomi-a dally. There are reasoisS B why you should trade here. Choice $ Ices, Courteous : 1 rge variety to M of twenty meat k Meats. Reasonable Prl 1 reatment, and a large ; inni irora. uur lores of twenty meat ni.nu it-uuy m your service. . Saturday's srBOIAI.8 IV3 ids. t-ig i-orK L.oins at, M V per lb liaiioM g .eaf Lard, 10 lbs. for '.'.SLOofc V Cottage Hams (boneless) per lb. lSVioM From 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. we w 11 VJn j.' ii 1,000 lbs. choice Boiling Eeef aL 13 We are rec - ivlng fresh consign- S tJr"c"1. "aiij, Ci'IlBIBUIlg Oli & New Layer Figs, KJ New Layer Ralelns, J New Jordon Almonds, U New Maple Sugar, M . New Kngllsh Walnuts, b.J New Pecans, fe New Filberts, Pomgranates, Paw Paws, Brussels Sprouts, Artichokes, Snow Ball Cauliflowers, Fresh Mushrooms. '4 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Famam SI. L-aJiuimi i . pgiyiiJiiiiiii.,.,i.iiiiMjiiwiJStu('Ti'.y SPECIAL D M100 Fancy Ferns, J1.60 values, which ft wa will sell, while they last, each , j L l 76o f; SOtTBTWUTS HOMB KADB CAW- M DIS AND liOW BOSS B raESH BAII.Y tfi ( Adriondack Maple Creams. O Grand Sale of Copyright Books BUY YOUR BOOKS FOR THE. HO. ID AYS NOiV All 1.50 Copyright Books, I A, l 0 Copyrights on IlX Saturday, at UC sae at "DC Many Olhzr Special Saturday Bargains jjr Fancy Silk Vesting, In all colors, aDC Worth regularly nn to 2."ic f yd, at IlC SI Squaw 1Ug at 49J $1 Hand Bflg at-40d I Ladles' Purse at 4Q f 1.00 Mndfl Vests, big line of color, 1!-J1. lengths. See the Varsity Overcoat at . . . (in AMfnpn THE RELUBLB TIR j'g mm? Copyright 1907 bjr Hart Schaffiiat f M.rw If you want to wear a stylish Overcoat; one with plenty of snap in it; one that you'll talte constant pleasure in owning and wearing, just drop in and look at our HarVShaffner & Marx VARSITY OVERCOAT. It has plenty of tho smart look which dressy men want. "We know it will please you. "Wo shown them at prices from $25.00, $18.00, $16.50 and $15 They're all wool, hand tail ored and all right. OTHER OVERCOATS shown shown at $14.00, $12.50, $10.00 and ..$7.50 OUR HAND TAILORED SUITS are the standard for real dressy dressers who ap preciate style, individuality and sterling quality at ordin ary ready-to-wear prices: $35, $20, $18, $16.50 and ....$15 SALE OF CHILDRENS SUITS SATURDAY all beet styles, in great assortment of splen did values, $2.95 and $3.95 1 7c Music SPECIAL Mpsc 17c Ma7 orders promptly filled. Ordering by miil 1 cent extra. "SPANGLES" The Gresl Instrumental Ell' BY JOHN W BRAT TON Composer of "In a Cosy Oornsr" and "I. acta and Oraoes." B sura and ft a oopy or mis pig- nn. "Love Me and the Worhf Is Mine." "Dreaming. Love of You." Song hit of the season. "And a Little Child Shall Lead Them." Very popular. "Old Faithful." The march success. "Loveland Waltzes." Mabel McKlnley's "Golden Hod." "Red Wing." Vocal and instru mental, by Kerry Mills. "Bonnie Jean, My Highland Lasle." "In Monkey Land." The original monkey song, "Miss Mexico." Vocal or instru ' mental. t ' "Yesterday," by Chaa. K. Harris. "Won't You Be My Honey." By the composer of Blue Bell. "Could You Learn to Love a Little Girl Like Me?" New girlie song. "My Virginia." Another Harris song. "Come to the Land of Bohemia." "So Long, Mary." Geo. McCohan's hit. "Nobody's Little Girl." New. AT 5c PER COPY SPECIAL AT 5e PER C0PY "Little Fairy Maiurka." "Daunbe Waves." "King of Clubs." New march. "The Last Hope." "Dying Poet" "8anee River." Variations. "Heavenly Bells." "Falling Waters." "Morning Prayer." A Great P irehase of fliover Laces Lace Bands, Edges and Oriental Laces. Secured from a New York Dress Makers' Supply House at a great bargain go on sale Monday. Watch Sunday papers for particulars. M HMDENS' sm Do you live near 16th and Leavenworth Sts.? BECHT PHARMACY 720 So. 16th St will take your! want-ad for The BEll at the same rates as the main office. Branch Want-ad Office -OMAHA BEE 60 Cent Smart Set Chocolates Satarday Only . . . Myers-Dillon Drug Co. CUT 1ATI MUGGBTS 16;h ind Tarram Streets SPECIAL Caramel Sale Saturday Our regular 40 cent Caramels, spe cial for Saturday, only, y c at, per lb. box tJC Saturday will be a rare oppor tunity for you to buy our high grade Cream Caramels, at almost one-half their regular price. We make you this special in ducement so that you. will be sure to try them and know how good they leally are. They are made from pure, rich cream and other ingredients of the best quality and come in an assort ment of seven flavors. Maple, Maple Nut, Vanilla. Vanilla Nut, Chocolate, Chocolate Nut and Co- coanut. Special for; Saturday, only, at, per pound box M .faple and Vanilla Nut Pattlen, lb.. ISo t fcsu" Cream Caramels, per lb.. . . .aSo ! Sautter Scotch, per b... . aso V N "ld Fashioned Molasses Candy. JUf3 Jft "eanut Taffy, per IU. ("3 eanut Crisp, per lb jSrult Tablets, per lb jft lum Drops, per lb -alien j-eanuts. per lh na rasnionea etlclc Candy, lb. Molasses Mints, per lb Q(V, l-l . .. .80c $ . ...OOo ) . . . .2Jo a ....15o ....i70 n . . . .19o it . ... 13c $ A ppnftney & Co P. 17th and BonglM Strssts. $ s TsKrhooo SoufUs 647. S Prl vats rxebaags Connsots All Dpts. R 25 c lfil-l A' m. .... Phona Doug. 711. SAIVIRLE Clothing Sale 167 Castom Elade Sample Soils and Ovtrcoats L W. Prg(T, 111 Broadway, Htm York A.X LESS THAN i Refialar Price J. IIELPIIAND SUKorlb 16th St. SALE UNTIL Thanksgiving Until Thanksglvlns;, we will sell our lars est sice, o6 oo olnr Double Heater, Bass Burner, at (48.00, $6.00 down and to.00 per month or a cut price for cash. o The Bofar will heat your home cheaper with hard coal at 110 60 per ton than any kin, of a soft coal stove will with soft coal at any price. The Solar Is a beautiful stove and will make your home, beauiiful and attractive. At home Is where yiu fiend your. evening and Sundays and In vile your friends. Then why not use a Solar when It don't cjst more than a dirty soft coal move. Th: Stoetzcl Stove Co. 714 So. 1Eth St. BOYS' SHOES Our $2.00 Boys' Shoe la a prize. So parennts think who have been buying them for their boys. We selected good Cas co Calf for these shoes, had them doubled soled and 1 strongly made,, looked after all the little details in making 'and sell them for the reason able price of 52.00. Somebody, somewhere, may be selling as good m Hoys' Shoe for the same money, but we're ft to It. FRY SHOE CO. rum iiom 16th and Dongki Street. w J V. The Twentieth Century Farmer R.il nria Piiti-SbaerlB . HEAD THE BEST PAPEE Ta ohu iMiir