1 1 14 I.I -I I H .'I M "J 'I - ? e. in v n o ii I ! . i J 'I -il 1 14 Want - adsf Alrrrllirmriiti for the viaat i rolama villi be takes til IS m. for llie evening; edition and nntll f p. oa. (or the anemias aad Saaday edilloa. t'aah ntil accompany all ordera tr want ad and ao advertisement will accepted (or lea than 10 cent (or the Arat Inaertlou. Ratea apply to either The Daily or Sunday Bee. Alrrara roaat sis vorda to a llao. Comblnatlona o( laltlaU r nambara roaat aa ono word. CASH RATE FOR WAWT ADS. REGILAR CLASSIFICATION On) Insertion, per llao. IV rent. Two or more romrcitltc Inaertlona, per Ilae, 4 cent. Eark Insertion aaado oa dd day. lO ceata per liar. fi.RO per Ilae per aaoatb. CAMI RATES FOB. WOTICEf. Death aad Faaeral Notleea, Carda of iBank ud Lodge notice, T ceata per line (or one edition, moraine; or evening! 3 rente a line (or each ad- Itlonal edition. Sanday, ceata Ilae. No ad taken (or leaa than l0 cent. SPECIAL. CLAMiriCATIOIf If fonr adTertleemen la Inserted nnder below, It will ho charged tt the fol lowing; rateai Ono Insertion, 4 ceata er line three to als conaecaitlTO tn tertlon, 8 rente per Ilae each .naer lloai seven or more conaeeatlTO ln lertlon. -2 rente per line each laaer lion 60 centa per lloe per month. BARTER AND EXCHAUCK. RURIMES9 CHANCES. HF.1,1 WA!TF.D FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Uxcept Agent. Solicitors and Salea. men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cowa, Bird. Dokb and Pet. Horaea and Vehicle. Poultry and Ebb Farnltare. Typewriter and Sewing Machine. Planoa, Urf tod Mualenl Iaatra meat. OFFERED FOR RENT. Fnrnlahed Boom. UnfarnUhed Booma. llonaekeeplnar Itooma. Boarding and Rooma. ' WANTED TO BUY. Want ada for The Bee mar bo lett at nay of th following drag atorea una la "on corner draggUt" they I re nil branch officee of The Bee aad oar ad will b Inaerted Jnat aa romptty and on the earn ratea aa at the main olBce la Th Be Building, ereatceath and Fa'anaa Streeta. Albarh. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A.. 1402 8. 16th St. Mcht l'liirmacy, J 20 8. lbtli Bt. ' Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemls Paik Pharmacy, 2i6 and Cuming. Klake a Pharmacy, D1 Snerman Ave. Caughlln, C. R.. 6th and fierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, Iai8 Military Ave. Conte, 3L B., 31st Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, i4th and I.ak. Cermak. Emll. 124- 8. 18th St. Eastman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton. Khler. F. H.. iM2 Leavenworth. Forater & Arnoldl. m N. 26th St. Freytag, John J.. 1S14 N. 24th Bt. Florence Dru Co., Florence, Nen. ' Goldman Pharmacy, ioth and Lake. Qrecn'a Pharmacy, corner Park Are. and Pacific. Oreenough. Q. A.. 1026 S. 10th St. GreenouKh. G. A., 1624 8. Kith St. Ilayden. Win. C, fflM Farnam St. Hanacom Park Phar.. 1501 8. fflth Ava. Holfit, John, 624 N. 16th Bt. Huff. A. L., 2!i4 Leavenworth 8t King. II. S.. 2i3H Farnam 8t. Kountsa Place Pharmac. S304 N. t4th. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. v Ithrop, Chaa. E., 134 N. 24th Bt. Peyton. L. E.. 24th bihI Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Av. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co.. 16th and Chicago. Scha. fcr, August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Btorm Phhrmacy, Irtth find Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Bta. Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. DEATHS AND FUNERAL. NOTICES. IIOUK Jacob, aged 70 years and i mentha, died at- hia residence. 611 South 17th til., Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 11 p. m. Funeral from residence Sunday at 2:45 p. m. to Mary Magdalene church at 1:30 p. ia. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. 1 rlenda Invited. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license have been Usued: Name and Residence. Age, Henry H. Empkey, Omaha 27 Uoale Brown, South Omaha. U Jacob Zagurskl, Omaha 21 Appoionla Krupa, Omaha It BIRTHS ATD DEATHS. Blrtha-W. A. WelgeTsa North Thirtieth trcet. boy; Joseph Wintrub, 1932 South enth street. Blrl: C. E. Hialer. ItM North J'wenty-aocond street, girl; Hana Samson, Midland hotel, boy, Pat McAndrewa. iMt Houth Nineteenth atreet, girl; Olaf Larson, UtJl North Twenty-second atreet. boy; F. IO Kochauowskl, iKto Walnut s.reet, boy; Henry Heha, 2029 Bancroft atreet, boy; Henry Duhrsen, 2tll Brown street, boy. Deaths -ftylvla Cole Hall, Methodist hoo ltai. aged 46 year; Thomas Campbell, t3" North -Twenty-fifth atreet, aed Jg eara; Ruth Elisabeth Howard. 4123 North ' 'wenty-elghth atreet, aged 63 yeara; Mar- us M. Cheater, 2tf) Douglas street. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL BOYLES BUILDING, Omaha Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting Telegraphy, English. Sludenta enrolled very any. Big catalogue free. Address H. ii. Jboylea, President. Oruaha. AoareM Q-800 ilGN PAINTING-8. H. Cole, 1303 DouglasT J (U-tud UU6IC Every Evening-Hotel Rome. (1)-4X)3 . . rench, German. Span h. Davldge Bldg, Uth and Farnam. Day and evening classes. (Ii M9i9 Ns THE CITT GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavciinorth Sta. Tal. Douglas 13S7. . i : -Uoi AUTOMOBILES NEARLY new 24-hOrso power, (-passenger touring car; storage battery, full top, lamps and equipment: cot $1,450 In May, IMtf; only run 1 6oo miles: in flrst-clasa ahape. at a bargain. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 110 Board of Trade Buig. CD 996 ICNDforour Hat cf second-band automo biles. DEltlGHT. IM8 Farnam. $-u t3ARTERAND EXCHANGE WILl THADE 160 acrea In 17-124-tI, Rob erta county, ami 240 acraa In Ii4-t3. Day county, all in South Dakota, for hard war implements, general niorchandis or bank stocks. Two luO-acre farms in Apency township, lw) airea in Dry Wood Lake townkiilp, ltuberla county, S. I)., for tuka of goo.is or registered cows, beef lpc. :.y breed. L. J untitad, tinrton, X r ili-MSlx I'AJtTY moving to city baa One Minnesota farm, wlahea to exchange for sevrn or Bietit-roou nioU.-rn bouse. Adirea Y hi, I (3j- MtU2 N.lx - . - r - BUSIss CHANCES Mining and Industrial Stocks We buy and sell any active unliated stock. V havi rare bargains In In riuatrlal stock, nhject to tho mot rigid I Invest Igat Ion. We have bargain In ev eral active mining atocka In Nevada. I also several hHrpains In copper stocks. We receive weekly reports from all the important mining dlstrlcta in.tne cnuea Btates und Mexico. noBT. c. lri;esedow a co.. Block Ilrnkci. K N. Tit Lite Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 663. Omaha. Neb. 4 4:6 02 MINING STOCKS LISTED AND VN LISTED. ARTHUR DAVIDOV & CO., Stock Brokers, 604 N. T. LIFE BLDG. 'PHONE RED 14. (4)-391 N24 FOR SALE 12.300 Steam laundry, delud ing building, at Bao City. Ia.; practically new; no competition; buslnesa thoroughly established; weekly receipt S12G to (160. Under aggressive nianaxement business could be doubled almost Immediately. This property, with equipment, will In voice (4.000. Address H. B. Kurnt, cashier First National Bank, Sao City, la. (4-44l tl PARTNER WANTED. , FOR ESTABLISHED BROKER AGE BUSINESS. BIO PROFITS, EXCELLENT FUTURE. GOOD CHANCE FOR ACTIVE- MAN WITH 11.000. ADDRESS it 460, BEE. (4)-M370 A GOOD opening for a No. 1 attorney; the writer will give him an office free for one year; all kinds of business for the right party; Sidney is the county eat. and we need a good, honest man. Inquire at once, L. Box 3i6, Sidney, Neb. (4J M6K4 Nov.4x FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 12 room house; 12 additional rooms can be had If desired; beet location In Lincoln for large boarding house or email hotel. For particulars address Defloyd, 246 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. (4)-M171 21 START a business of your own. We teach you how to start a clean, honet busi ness; unlimited possibilities; 4U) per cent prollt from the start; unique, profitable, dignified; 1.00 starts you. Send It today or write for free particulars. Addiesa Royal Canadian Co., Dept. 12, Hamilton, Canada. (4)-Mti 27x THIS COMPANT does a genera) real relate and loan business; a specialty of looking up good farming lands and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; we can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland. Ore. (4) M101 NovTx A BARGAIN 32-room hotel, gteam heated; in good western Iowa town; price, 112,000; easy terms; doing a good buslnesa. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE) CO., 226-6 Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7332. (4) M65J FOR SALE Meat market; have done $16, $40 business in the last ten months; can give beat reason for wanting to sell; if you want It, come quick; town 2,500; two hops. M. Alexander, Geneva, Neb. (4) M379 Nil FOR BALE Thriving law business, good library and furniture. In splendid Ne braska town; price less than the business fays a year. A genuine bargain. Agent, tl. A. BrubaKer, w liner, ncd. (4)-M317 2flX Do You "Wish to Make a Change T IF TOU hive a farm, home, buslnesa or property that you wlah to sell or exchange write us. , GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (4)-M2S 11 ROOMING houses for sale, all aizee. Gan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doualaa 1449. (4)-7W MEAT MARKET, doing good buainesa, for aale or rem, with fixiurus. P. B. tfarry, Greeley, Nb. (4) M173 &ix FOR BALE Bakery, confectionery, fruit and ice crean business; good fountain. Frank Buckheit, Manning, Ia. (4) M200 2Sx NEWS business; clean stock, good trade; 111 health. J. M. Bell, York, Neb. U M9J0 26X DRUG STORE for sale; only one in good country town of 400. E. 11. Moore. Oketo, Kan. 14 M9.9 2tx SHORT ORDER house for sale, only one In city of 2,oou. Price about t&0. Audreas Lock Box fe3, Sutton, Neb. (4)-M91S 26x FOR BALE Cigar and pool room, dolna a good business In a town of Ij.O'jO. 1 Price. 81.800. Addreas C. D. Wai.ier. 1 Hastings, Neb. (4) M414 x'rx FOR SALE Drug store; leaving state; Al, paying; good business district, Des Moines; Invoices 2o,0ou. Part time. Bear alrlct investigation. Box 214, Des Moines. ' 4)-Mlll lis FOR SALE Bwell 2-chalr barber ahop; a bargain if taken at once; get busy. 8. V. Fletcher, Bancroft, Neb. (4)-M.29 30x FOR SALE The only steam carpet and house cleaning business In New Mexico. For particulars write W. T. Thornton, 131 N. id, Albuquerque, N. M. (4) M230 29x FOR SALE Clo'.hlng stock at a bargain; well established business. Address J. A. Pins, Alton, Ia. (4) M246 29x A GOOD, live town In eaatern Nebraska I wanta a first class newspaper man to atari a paper. Addreas N 436, Bee. .4)-M2uO JOx ONE of the best paying restaurants In Woods county, doing hlg cash buslnesa, open day and night. For full particulars addreaa H. G. Hutael, Cafe, Alva. Okl. . (4)-M271 29x IF TOU HAVE a good practice for sale or know of a go-d location for a doctor, let me know; western Iowa or eastern Kansas or Nebraska. Dr. W. A. Thomas, Grand Island, Neb. (4) M690 26x HAVANA, Sargent county, N. D.; owing , ri.ulh r. t ...ill... . ti - . . w . 4 unci navana roller ' mill. 75-barrel capacity, for aale cheap. j-iemy vi wnrai nere ana a nne crop. Ad dress J. P. Williamson. (4) M3u7 30x FOR SALE Music store, worth $3,000, for $1,500. Dickson Music Store, Sherman Tex. (4)-M3o x ENERGETIC young man has $500 to $1.0o0, with servles, to Invcs in some profitable business. Address 8 439, rare Bee. (4) Min i'6x FOR BALE $10,000 ndw. and Implement business in a good south oential Iowa town. Good location; chejp rent. For further Information write Y 45, care Bee. (4) A1295 8UX FOR SALE or cxchanRe. the bst roller mill In Iowa; machinery all Al; be&t of reaaona for aellin. For full description writ J. J. 6tevens, Pleutsnitllle, la. (4) M294 0x WANTED A party ta invest $200.00 In a new enterprise. Kindly iJdress with reference, F 446, care bee. (4) M338 2x BEST coal. Ice and feed business In th country; everything up to date; price right. Address. Y 39, car Omaha Bee. (4J-M691 NIX RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 638 Broad way. Council Bluffa. Ia. (4) 74x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M'CAOUU BUILDING. 16TII AND DODGE STS (4)-07 FOR SALE Fancy grocery and confection ery aiore at Glenwnod, la.; established 14 yeara; doing good business; good reasons for selling. Address 8. FlnkeiKtein. Olen wood. Ia. (4)-M365 27 FOR SALE Twelve shares of Nebraska Telephone stock at 93. with all accrued interest, to tuyer, Addreaa Y 48, car of Be 4) iIS6t Ix FOR SALE. General store; in th Gulf Coast country; fin chance for right parly: business fine; climate the best. Box 14. Barlta. Tx. t M" 2HX 82.000 to $5 000 to invest w ith sen ices In an old well established business Ad dress M 435, Bee. (4) 810 JSx D"0 stnrea for sia evervwhxre B" V Knlest. 707 N. Y. L!:e. Qir.al.'a. li-a ' J THE OMATTA II rW 1W a s uzi l i ii i warn taciis77 viociog BUSINESS DIRECTORY Comnaerctat Artlata. H. O. BUNNELL CO., 823 N. T. Life Dou 6.4. 6)-4iU Carpet Cleanlnsr. SANITART Cleaning Co., 191t Farnam. Creaasertea. DAVID COLE CREAMERT CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. .6)-14 Chattel Loan a. Chas.D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (5) Ua Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. t, ISO Farnam St. Doug. wn. Ci) 1 Dancing; Academy. MORAND'8 classes for dancing, opp. But wood theater; lessona for adulta Tu -a. and Fri. S p. m. ; first leasons privately; suc cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug 1041. (16) 161 Nov! Dent lata. BAILET MACH, Id fir. Pazton. D. 10. (5) 819 Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. 6)-M7 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, V3& Far nam Bt. t)-H MME. WOODRUFfT"223 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas 6170. (6) M101 NS Florists. HESS Se SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (B)-S20 L. HENDERSON, 1611 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253. (5)-821 J. H. BATH, 163 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000. 6 822 Hotel. THE SCHILTZ, European, 16th and Harney (6)-823 Jewelere and Watchmakera K. P. STILLING Watch, clork. Jewelry repairing, t-1 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367. (6) W0 Lockarattha. KET8, etc. Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel D. 2S74. (6)-824 Osteopathy. JpHNSON, INS.. 418 N.' Y. L. Tel. D. 1!4. (5)-6 Dr. Bowser, over 160J Far. Tel. Doug (5)-M455 OcUl DRS. RINGLER, 806 NevL'le block. 'Phone Red 6467. (5 M130 Novl Oflc Sappltes. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures ,ind sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing; Co., 306 South. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6662. (o) U2!0 Nil Printing-. HIGH GRADE Imitation Typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 IS. Uth St. Tel. Douglaa 6562. (5) M51? Novl BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to aee our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap Ave. (5)-4U8 Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL, 116 South 16th St. (5)-82 Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, dnnrs and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. 16J-K31 Stove Repairing;. STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1206-3 Douglas St. Tel Douglas 960. (D)-M276 Novll Shoe Repairing:. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., flrt-e!as work. 16I814) Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9 4. n s-7 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical nod Office. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer who has filled responsible position in real estate and fire Insurance office and ran give best of references. Answer in own handwriting. Address 11 448, Bee. (7) M341 Faetory aind Trades. GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Ap ply any time. Bemis Omaha Bng Co. (7)-M481 Novl WANTED An appientlce girl, 1909 Capitol Ave. (7)-166 N7x WANTED Mangle girl; experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jark on St. (7) 2SS WOMEN for day work; j housekeepers, waitresses, $3S. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. (7)-S3l WANTED Good, honest girl to keep house for family of two: no children; German preferred; wages $-0 per month; ticket advanced. Good place for girl wishing a good home. Address Mrs. Fred Bossier, coiner 6th St and 1st Ave., Bo., R'lllmrs, Mont. (7) M147 $7 WANTED Girl, must be good cook; small family, no children; big waxes. Call 240 I'actno St. Telephone Harney 2f,16. (7)-M44 27 Housekeeper and Domestics. WANTED Woman to learn econd cook ing and advance to bead; wages, $20, room and board: $50 aa head. Also girl for chambermaid; good character required. Address Perkins Hotel, David City, Neb. Ticket furnished. (7) M30 2ix WANTED At once, girl for general house work. Mrs. Dan Baum, jr., 123 S. S'.th St. t7) M3.'tl 27 HOUSEKEEPER between 23 and 35 yeara wanted. T. Taller, McCook. 8. D. (T)-M43 031x WANTED Competent child' nurse. In quire at once, 604 8. Join Ht. t.') M293 2 7 WANTED Girl for general housework: good wagea; small family; also nurse girL U6 8. 29th Ave. (7) 5iii WANTED Good girl for general house work, small family, good wages. 2"24 Douglaa. (7) 817 WANTED Competent cook, good wages. HJ) Park Ave. Tel. Harney 906. (D-131 GIRL for general housework; two in fam ily. iiZ St. Mary's Ave (7)-M315 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 4tl Cass Bt. 'Phono Harney 1061. (7)-3 WANTED Competent girl for general hnuaework; $ In family; good wagea. Tel. Harney ir.32. 112 No. 3&th Ave. (7) M82$ 2 WANTED Girl for general housewrk. Mra. J. A. Burdt-rland. 1029 B. 29th St. (7-l7 28 WANTED Klrst-clasa cook or rlrl for gcncrul huueewoik. 3!7o v'rnim. (7) M 105 Six DAILY BEE: RATTTRDAY. 2K353BSI t- -kaa foslI estate agent HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers nad Domestic Cont'd WANTED Cook, woman without children, for employers" Genoa Indian school mess; good position and salary. Address Paul A. Walter, mess manager, care Genoa Indian School, Genoa, Neb. (7)-M41T SI Miser LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers at home; easy learned; SI. 60 to 12 00 per doxen. 606 Paxton Blk. (7) Ml 28 WANTED At once, twenty experienced cashiers. See timekeeper, third floor. The Bennett Company. 7) 361 2 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen. ARE you out of workT Call and gee as; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adama Qp., 1619 Howard St. (9) US WANTED Good aldellne man to ".orate in Nebraska territory. Side lines and men's furnishings. We have n es tablished trade. Only flrst-chis and re liable salesman need reply. 1 he E. W. Duke Mfg. Co., St. Joseph, Mo. () M863 I7x HUSTLING real eetate salesman can find profitable employment with Charls E. Smith, 404 Bee Building. (9) 276 25 LADY or man can make $10 per day on per centage or salary; best proposition. Paris Studio. 210 S. 14th St. (9)-M353 27 X AGENTS earn (20 weekly selling latest colored stereoscopic views; aluminum stereoscope given free to every purchaser makes sales easy. Particular free. O. B. Duboo, Oskaloosa, Ia. (9)-M41 r, WANTED Experienced toilet soap sales man accustomed to selling department stores and large trade. Jnly experi enced men need apply. Oood oppor tunity for right man. Address M 461, care of Bee. 3 M41i 28 WANTED At once. An Al overall salee man for established trade In Nebraska. Give references and experience In rie t'i N i Inexperienced or cheap men need apply. Lincoln Overall and Shift Co., Lincoln, Neb. (9) M412 31 Clerical aad Office. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN'N.) INC., 721-722 New Tork Life Bldg.. Hours, 8:00- A. M., 8:30 P. M. Billing clerk. Remington machine. $46. Stenographer and bookkeeper, real estate experience, $76. Ledger clerk, $65. Stenographer, R. R., $60. Our facilities for placing bookkeepers, of fice clerks, stenographers, etc., are the beat. If you are In need of a position see us without delay. (9)-M42 2 COMPETENT bookkeepei and stenographer who haa tilled tesiionslble position in real estate and fire insurance office and can give best of references; answer In own handwriting. Address H 44$, Bee. (9)-M342 WANTED Bookkeeper and accountant who la a calculator and correspondent: give age, experience, references and vtes required. Address N 462, care of Bee (9) M406 31 boya. GOOD boys wanted; nrst-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th St (9)-835 BOYS with wheels can make $36 to $46 per morth; $35 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. (9-Mti92 N4x WANTED Good boy In our toy atock room; must have a knowledge of toya. Apply superintendent. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. (9 M309 26 BOY. with wheel, to deliver packagea after school and Saturdays. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9)-M373 29 BOY for office; not under 16 years of age Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) M233 27 WANTED At once, several boys; must be IS years of age. See timekeeper, third floor, The Bennett Company. (9) 352 26 Faetory and Tradea. taTlors. A flrst-class ladles' tailor wanted; wages $26 per week and ateady position. Apply J. Jawlts, luh and Farnam Sts. . (9)-M747 CHICKEN PICKER3 WANTED. Good room to work In, well lightod; plenty of work; come at once. CLARINDA POULTRY, BUTTER AND EGG CO.. Creston, Ia. 9) M291 Nov6x WANTED Tailors to work In operation department; will pay good wagj VO. K. Bcollcld Cloak and Suit Co., 1619 Douglas. (9)-i31 WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits: give reference. H. E. Vlstuba. Steinhauer, Neb. (9-M9:4 26 WANTED EXPERIENCED REGIS TERED PHARMACIST. SARATOGA DKL'G CO.. 24TH AND AMES AVE. (9) M317 WANTED A first class cleaner and dyer; good salary for the right party. New Procesa Steam Laundry, MeAlester, I. t. (9)-M329 30x WANTED First class tinner; steady Job and good wagea; state wage wanted. T. H. Trevett, Champaign, 111. (9)-M379 $lx WANTED 25 marble setters and 26 tile set. ters; union or nonunion; wages $5 per day. Apply to L. Thamap, care Nelson Mfg. 1 Co., 10th and Chestnut, SL Louis. (3)-M35T Six WANTED Blacksmith and horaeahoer; ood Job; no boozer need apply. F. J, eonard. Delano, Minn. (9) M296 0x WANTED At once, flret class watchmaker and engraver; ateady position to gooo. man; state sslary and reference In first I letter. C. H. Nesblt, Harvey, N. D. I (9)-M299 $0x 1 PO8ITION8 for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. X. Life, umana. (9) 83 CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED-We want men at Beatrice, Neb,, to pick chickens; will 1 ay 2Ho for hens and springs. Swift and Cnipany, Beatrice. () M313 N23x WANTED A first rlae csatmaker. Coats start at $8. Ola KJelmyT. Mitchell. 8. D. 9)-M173 Nov.4x WANTED Two carpenters, one wagon maker; temporary employment. Apply Avery Brick Yard. Telephone Bouth Omaha 942; ten minutes' walk from Fort Crook car. (9)-383 27 W A NTED Ea wer. Star Box Co.. 1807 Bt. Mary'a Ave. () MlbO 28x MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 Sj. 14th St., wanta men to learn the trade; write for . particulars now; few weeka com pletes by free cllnlo and expert Instruc tions; position waiting; don't delay. (9-M41 X WANTED Poultry picker at once, for dry picking; pay 2i cents for hens and springs: good workroom, good l.glit; will pay pickers' railroad fare one way. If atay four weeks. Swift and Company, Falrbury.' Neb. (9)-M4U 23 WANTED Harber, at once; steady Job. $13 guaranteed. J. C. Moreau, Seward, Neb. (9)-M0 JSx PRINTERS WANTED A good ull-around count rv printer to act aa foreman, must be strictly sober. Good wagea for right man. One lady compositor wantd at once. Address Anderson, Ktager, Rugby. N. D. ) M399 2 WANTED Flrst-class coat and pant maker at one: will pay first b'M to r'ht party. Martin Peteraon, 416 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. (9)-M434 28x ' tflaeellaaeoaa. Y' -f-r. m,--. rlayer for dancing. Coda Clark, Falrbury. Neb. (9)-MS)l x nntmKll L';, mur. 1 I an coo HELP WANTED MALE MlMiellaaeeasCnBtlaaed. U. S. NAVT offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to ?5 years of age; men with special tradea accepted up to 36 yeara. An Illustrated booklet, showing the life of the modern man-o'wara man free to those Interested. Visit or address Navy reciultlng station, Omaha, Lincoln Hastings. Neb.; Sioux City, Ia. Postoffice buildings. itt M319 Hit "RTRENUOU8 LIFE." If your servlcts command 175 per month, or better, send for our four plans to assist one to obtain employment. Any line. Any where. "No registration fee." "No com mission." Address Circulation Department, any office. STRENUOUS LIFE PUBLISHING COM PANT, Incorporated. 1181 Broadway, New Tork: 728-733 Main treet, Buffalo: 218 La Salle street, Chicago. ' (9)-M166 2 YOUNG man of ability to take charge and management of Investment Bankera' branch office, this city; good opening for right party. Must be able to furnish best of references. Give particulars. Ad dress Y 44, care of Bee. i () M360 2BX GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc No canvassing National Dlst. Bureau, Chicago, III. (9)-M3C7 31 x WANTED Man to Invest 32T.. Chance of profitable spare time employment. Ad drena L 401, care of Bee. (4) M161 UNCLE SAM wants 10,000 railway mall clerks, mall carriers, clerks, Immediately. Salary 11.200. Rapid advancement; ex aminations here soon. Common education sufficient. Preparation free to advertise. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. W 407 x WANTED Passenger and freight elevator men, Janitors, carpenter and plumbers' helpers; one fireman; painters, top wage. 104 Bee Bldg. (9) MM OZSx WANTED Man with small capital to man age branch office in outside territory. Address 604 Observatory, Des Moines, Ia. (9) M244 Nov22x SOUND young men, aged 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen during rush sea son on leading railroads here. In the west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; - firemen, $100 monthly become engineers, $210; brake men, $100 monthly, become conductora, $150; many position now open; write for particulars. National Railway Training association. 6-X) Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. t9) 190 Nov7 WANTED One flrsi class business getter for each state, go.d money for right party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond. Stamp for reply, Addreea 8 170. care Bee. (9) 837 LABORERS for handling freight at Union -nciiic iruncii uiuns transrer; wages 17H cents per hour. Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thomas Scanlon, fore man. (9) 732 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association: helps Work men find positions. Call 842 New. York Life Bldg. (9) M926 Oct26 . WANTED Two farm hands; $26 per month year round. 1509 N. 25th St., South Omaha. (9)-Mln8 WANTED Young men to take care of city delivery and bundle counter. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) 221 26 WANTED Elevator conductors. Apply be tween 7:30 and 10 a. m. to superintendent. J. L. Brandeis Sl Sons. (9) M310 24 50 TRUCKERS. Burlington, Mh arT" How. ard. (9) M290 Novl WANTED One Al driver; must furnish bond, be able to ret new trade and hold old. Apply Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co., 1S12 Farnam. () 3S7 28 WANTED Experienced coal hauler, man able to shovel large quantity of coal each dav: good wae. Apply Omaha Hy draulic Press Brick Co., Avery, Neb. (9)-39 27 WANTED Laborers and brick handlers, good wares, board $3.50 a week, steadv employment: 10 minutes' walk from Fort Crook car. Omaha Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. Avery, Neb. ' (9) 390 27 WANTED At once, bright. Intelligent girl, about H. for order rierertrm'nt. Se James Wllllnms. order denartment, base ment. The Bennett Company. Q-M429 28 WANTED At once, several careful del'v erv men. See Mr. Jam WH'-", ord r department, basement. The B'wfett Com pany. (9)-M128 28 POTATOF.S for sale, csr lots. Henderson Bros., Traer, Ia. (16) M404 Nov25 HT'ffT,E's everywhere. 825 to $30 made weekly dlvtrfhutlna; clrci'lsrs. enmnlo. no canvassing: teiriy. Mer''bni Out door Ad. Co., Chicago. (9) M408 2Sx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicle. i 1 ONE t-seat, two runabouts, tup buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, ono double express harness; ono or two horses. Come in. The Harney St. Stables. (1D-659 WE are selling delivery wagona, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harnera cheaper than any other Arm in Omaha. Johnaon-Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. loin and Jones t-ls. (U)-439 HORSES bought tc aold. Blake 2531 N. 16th. (1D-M466 Nix RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. 6tone, S03 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (lD-Miul FOR SALE Cheap, good driving mare; good traveler; perfectly safe for a lady. Address A 441. care Bee. , (11) M311 M SOUND bright bay horBe. CHEAP. JOHN W. BOBBIN'S, 1802 Farnam St (11)-M304 80 PUBLIC SALE Standard Bred horaes. Shorthorn cattle, Poland-China hogs. Oct. 28. 1907, write for catalogue. Venture Stock Tarm. Lohrville. la. (11) 154 29 SECOND-HAND delivery wagon, 1 buggy, 1 phaeton, cheap. A. Murphy & Son. (1D-M216 Nov. 10 FOR SALE Belgian atalllon, weigh 1.850; black Norman, weighs l,7ou; both imported; must sell in sixty das; mil moving away; both aure breedere and get best of colls; a bargain. S. L. Mantx, Audubon. Ia. Ul)-M378 N7x Poultry and Eggs. DUSTON'S White Wyandottes. Pure bred, choice breeding stock now res-ly to ship. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Tarda, Flor ence. eb. TeL Florence 10&2. (1D-M9S4 Oct27x FREE poultry book with incubator cata logue at Geo. II. Lee Co., 1115 Harney St,. (ll)-M10a 2e GOVERNMENT book freu Model Squab Co.. Omrha. (11) M647 Nov2 WHITE LEGHORNS and Barred Plym I outh Rock; five hundred extra Una cock- rris ami (,uiici i ai.w iu ao.w vL 11. Mandy Lee Poultry Farm, Florence, Neb. Telephone, Florence 1K2. (1D-M104 U FOR SALEj-Slngle comb Buff Orpington cockerels from pilze winning stock. Ad dresa Robert F. Beutel. Buck Grove, la. (U MJi'2 N2!x Cowa, Bird, Dogs and Pet. 1 THOROUGHBRED Scotch collies; supply I limited. K. B. Cook, south golf links, Benson, Neb. ti!) MOT ZJx FOR BALE Four white, sllk-halred French poodle pups, 4 month old. U. Ii. Sherman, Silencer, la. (11) M361 31 x FOR SALE Fox and wolf hounds: dogs from 9 to 13 months old, $15 per pair; broke dog. $30 to $k). For particulars ad rtrrss hint i Son. R. F. D. No 1. Cam den. Mo. (U)-M168 2x J LOST AND FOUND LOST Brooch, pearl setting, fleur de II pattern. Liberal reward. Miss Isnnbey, t are cf M. V.. Smith A Co.. 'h atd Far nam sts. n-)-L' MEDICAL ANY poor glfl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the "alvatlnn Aimy Home for Women at 3S24 N. 21th Bt.. Omah. N!b. (12)-M10 FBEE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Med'cnl college. 14th and Dav enport fits ; special attention paid to con finement cases: nil treatment aupervUed bv college professora. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls anawered day or night. tl.1)-l BF.ST nerve brscr for men, "Gray's Nerve Food rilla." tl a box, postpaid. Sherman V McConr.cIl Drug Co., Omaha. (1S S41 RUPTURE CVRFO-Nn fcnlfe. no retention from business. QUICK CURE RUPTURB CO., over S. W. cor. 14th an! Pnuatas, Omha . H3 sw MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CIIATTKLS. Pay Cash and Learn TILE VALUE OF MONEY If you are In debt and struggling along dodglrtg the collector, get out of that old rut, be a free man tgain, look the world In the face. WE WILL LOAN YOU THE MONET on your furniture and give you from on month to one year to pay ua back In smalt monthly or weekly payments. You pay for only the time you are using our money. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Building, 16th 6treet Entrance. (14)-M22NovU THE UNION LOAN CO. Have Increased their capital and during October will make special rates on cN lateral loans, mortgagee, on personal property and notes without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904. SIC Bee Plrlg. (14)-M:i9 DR. PRIBBENOW'8 MONEY loaned on furniture, planoa, horses, etc., any amount; lean half rates; perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any terms: paymenta suspended when sick or disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., 209 S. 15th St. (14 M438 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loan. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8 Barker block. U4J-844 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. " (14) 84S Bowen, 703 N. Y Life Bldg. advances private money' on chattels or sal. ary; easy to get; no red tape. You set money aame day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) S43 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE FHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 4a. (14) 815 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reliable. accom modatlng, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (ll)-87 LOWEST ratea, chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co., 214 Board of Trade. (14)-S49 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt 1 loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (14) S8 OFFERED FOR RENT BoardlnaT and Rooma. MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to fiubllc Sunday, Oct. 13, upstairs 1105 N. 9th. Webster 2448. (15) M279N12 FURNISHED rooms, with board; close In; private family. 24u6 Cass. Doug. 64U6. (15) M216 Nov. 10 NICELY furnished rooma; first class board; reasonablo rati;. The Rose, 2020 Hamey Bt (IS; bl i$x DESIRABLE, modern, furnished room, with board. 2116 Cass. (16) M25S DESIRABLE furnished rooini, with board, 128 S. 25th Ave. (16) Mi97 aOx FIRST-CLASS board and room. 608 S. 2Uh Av (16)-H9 025 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe, (15)-fc2 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (li)-eoi MODERN room, with board.,' 2"03 Burt. (15) 163 Nov9 ROOMS on parlor floor, with beard; one block from postofnee. 1723 Dodge. (15)-M193 FURNISHED rooms, with board.- 2411 Capitol Ave. (15)-M191 Nov.20x Fnrnlahed Rooma. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel Douglas 1623. Schmoller St iueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (161-851 128 8. 25TH ST.. large east front room, suit, able for three gentlmen; house strictly modern; roomy porches; large, shady lawn. (15) :5ox OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-21 N. 19th. Office 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (151-X54 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates: moving and storage. Expressmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas VA. (16) Hii TWO furnished or unfurnished, bath, for light housekeeping. 2011 N. 20th. (15)r-M259 29 FOR RENT Nicely furnished, large, com fortable room in private family; all mod ern conveniences, select location and walking distance. 632 8. 26th Ave. (15)-M312 27 TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlor floors. 2659 Dodge Bt. Tel. Harney SK75. (lb 1 2W "TUlil BEST WAY" TO GET OOOD riA-Mr TO GET VACANT rf I Jf IMS bfc.E LS ABOUT 'UIIW OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 3M1, 308 N. Y. Life Bids Life Fhif. (16I-M427 36 EXCELLENT modern room for three or four gentlemen; also large basement room for four. 118 N. 18th. (16)-M233 29x THREE rooms; light housekeeping. 25 8. 25th Ave. (15)-M228 7x FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, on or all. 'Phone Webster $603. 2226 Miami St. (16)-8t FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentle man, near carllne. Mrs. Banks, 1403 N. Uth. Phone Webster 8t'J2. 15)-Mr;s Nil MODERN furnished front room. 19)7 Cum ing. (l)-M13o N7x FRONT room for gentlemen, 1K60 80. 10th Bt. (16) 187 Nov9t WE move planoa. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14K6. Office, 1713 Web ster St. (16)-67 STEAM HEATED rooms. $1 to $5 per wt. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. (15)-M52i N12x FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms. 412J Hamilton SL US) 6J4 ROOM In modern house; gentlemen pre ferred. 128 Bo. 25th St. (15) X 25 THREE large, nicely furnished rooms in all modern new flat, 6 blocka from post office. 1813 Chicago. (15)-M;6 26 FURNISHED or partly furnished rooms. $412 Indiana Ave. (15)-M126 2x TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern; gas range, etc. 1823 Chicago. (16)-'3 27x TWC large houackeeplng rooms; ground floor, t-oti So. 2ist Ave., cor. Howard St. 415 345 27X TWO nicely furnished rooms, front and back parlor; genilen.cn preferred: refer enuea. 1707 Dodge. (15) M192 lux NICELY furnished room. 1916 Cap'tol Ave. (16) Mlao Nov. 20 ELKOANTLT fnrnlahed rooma, private family; beat location In city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. iSf'l. 37 OFFERED FOR RENT Faraisaed Room (ontlaaed. ONE large furnished room. rm9 Cnllfiirn!. (lni-Mt1! 2c DKf IRAPLE room for i gentlemen. 314 No. 19th. 15)-M1 Sx FOIt RENT Iorgo room, nlrelv furnish!, suitable for two; stea.n lirHt and privi lege of hnth. Knsv walking dlsianc. 216 N. 23d St., $10 per tin. nth. (IT.) M49 :Sx ONE Inrge east front, also smaller room, modern, breakfast prl" "eoe. s. 2 2d. (15) M402 Nov.1". Uaf aralnhed Roeme. THREE rooms, IlKht housekconinc Jos ft. 2Mh Ave. (15) M228 2Tx Apartmrnta and Flat. V AN APARTMENT. Davldge Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 2. (lft-M4'$ $18 0 7-UOOM modern Pat and bath , opposite Mora Brewery, 1 846 North 16th; walking distance. Inquire 410 6o. 10th Bt. (15I-M1S3 Housekeeping; Room. UNFURNISHED modern housekeeping ii5i Mir.a t ' FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 24th and Cuming 6ts., over Drug tore. (15) 219 2s TWO bssement rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 009 S. 27th tU. (15) M407 31x Famished Tloases. FOR RENT After October 8, 3136 Chlcsgn treet, 7 rooms, large bath room, atti and laundry, first-clans furnace, $43. (U)-M433 Honsea and Cottage. FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick houe; mi conveniences: close 10 car; rent ',, ' mis Ave. inquire c M. Bac hmsnn. Hi Paxton Block. (15) 477 HANSCOM PARK HOME FOR RENT NOV. 1. New 7-rnnm h rti i f I ...,., i . Water heat, onrnee In t tnm. iClnoi. i J fw mo., irmau uue year. (15)-Ma20 2 NEAR 40th and Cuming, 7-r. all mod., $39 Walking distance, 6-r. cottage, batlv, $26. S. 10. CiK. Hoih and Harney, fc-r. brie flat, $40. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COH 1001 N. i Lite. 'Phone Doug. 2152, (15) M335 80 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT-8177 Daven port Bt. (S. E. corner), 10-room, thor oughly modern houae, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give lease at $06 per month. Apply to Conrad Young. lol8 Dodge St. (16)-M112 FOR RENT-Elght-room brick house, strictly modern; 1301 S. 28th St.; $.13. (16)-Mi54 27x FOR RENT EIGHT-ROOM house, strictly modern, near .vim Ave. aim heaven worm ; Jo. Blrkelt & Tebbens, 4i3 Bee Bldg. 'Phono Doug. 47S4. (tf)-M872 PLEASANT 10-room modern house, 2913 Hickory St. Cheap rmt, $30. J. 1L 1'orrotte. Board of Trade. (15)-M383 31 NINE-room modern house, 21 No. 19th St. Call Telephone Harney 819. (15)-M253 FOR RENT A six-room house, all. mod ern and new. Phone narney '&'. (16)-M261 23x FOR RENT Modern. 8-room hour, "plaH tered attic, two blocka from 24th St. car lino, 2570 Poppletun Ave. Inquire at 26.j Poppleton Ave. (16) M917 EIGHT rooma. all modern, 2623 Maple St $15 and waier rent. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming St. (16i-71 $40 tier mo.. 2910 Dodee St.. 7-rnnm lr.nrf- ern nouse. nooa oarn, nne lot, ahadeAc.; lease 1, i or 3 years to good party. T $40 per mo.. 1753 Park Ave., 7-room Vjew modern house, corner lot; very desirable. Hb per mo., 19 W 80. 33d St., 10-room strictly modern house. 3 lots. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM BT. (15)-M319 26 NOVEMBER 1, six-room cottage; modorn except furnace. Hanscom park dis trict. 'Phone Harney 2330. (15) M706 FOR RENT Eluht-room modern house, 414 North ?lst St., $35. THOMAS BRKNNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. (15) Ml 85 TTOTTSF.cj in all parts of the city. ireiKii eons t Co.. Bee Bldg. (15) 860 TTnTTR'RSl I" P"rl of the city. Peterg mjuorjo TruBt Co N Y uttl BWa (15)-jS NINE room house, Bomls park, modern. Tel. Harney 34;S. (15) M5J8 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (16) s; FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, warm, good location, on car line. C. E. Axford, 2114 Lake Bt. (16)-M994 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage. 81 B. ,tn St. 4 el. weDster t6. (16) FOR RENT Furnished apartment for tha winter, or longer If desired, In one of tha best apartment houses In the city. Ad dress E 401, caro Bee. (16) 343 26 x 6-ROOM brick, modern. 1625 Maplo St.. $17. (15)-39S 87x NEW aeven-room strictly modern brick residence, walking distance, iust finished, shades and curtain poles up, walla decor ated, hot water heat, polished floors, oak finish; rent $46. Tel. D. 4327. or D. 68.15. (15)-396 27X WEST FARNAM district, brand new -room brick house, corner 36th St. and Dewey Ave.; quarter siwed oak finish; $45 per month. A. C. Busk. Tel, Harney 9S0. (15)-M420 Six ONE 6, one 6-room cottage, modern, nar 2tth and California. Apply 2L'2 N 26th. (15) M401 Nov2x 8-ItOOM modern cottage, t blocka from Walnut Hill car line or three block from Farnam line, paved street. S. D. Mercer Co., Tel. Douglas 1536. (15) M423 28 3 NEW 7-room houses, strictly modern, oak finish, good location, cheapest houses in town for the price.. 8. D. Mercer Co., Tol. Douglas 153-5. (16) M42S 28 Baras. FOR RENT Large brick barn, irs South 25th Ave. U5)-M17S 28x Balldlngr. FOR RENT Thre upper floor. Inquire 143 Harney. (15)-Mil2 BCILDINOS FOR RENT. All or part of the' 6-story and basement building now occupied by Carpenter Paper - HARRISON & MORTON, . 913 N. X, Lit Bldg. (U)-MfC 4V Office. THREE office on second floor of new Coiinervativo building, 1614 Harney St., mortem and conveniently situated In the business center; oak linlsh; beat of sun light, heat and Janitor servlca furnished; can be leased s. araiely or en suit. HASTINGS & .-il-JlUEN, 1704 Farnam St (16I-M4J1 tl FOR RENT Deak room In Be ofllce. city hall building. 417 N. 2tu tu, South Omaha. Apply to manages, (16) LM tore. . . ONE tor room In lic-r "Scargo" building ir. South Cuna! a, nt-ir p.-.Oice, wli" lighted basement, modem enow wlndowa and awnings; beat poaelble location. Hall Distributer Co.. 817 Firat Natl. Bank Bldr. 'Phona Bed 7404. it 11 DRUG 8TORE Beat unoccupied location for local drug buainesa In city. Will al ter and lease to right party. Also A-l frJcery..,oc,Uo.n' BEMI8, $4 Paxton. Bik. Phone .Douglas 45. ii) au 1 V1 t