THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1007. 9 JI...J Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments. RnEURIA-NOT LEGGINS for Women They are an absolute preventive and relief ' from rheumatism, are Worn over the stocking and Inside the shews In order that they may protect the most Inactive and therefore most sensitive part of the foot, the hollow. Aside from their great value as a preventive and relief from rheumatism, "Kheuma-Not" lesilns give absolute protection from the sort of colds that develop Into pneumonia and consumption. A convenience and economy for women. "Rheuma-Not" Cl Crt tefglns come In black, at, per pair $liDU Basement. Bargain Square in Basement Thursday Remnants of dark colored Duck Butt ings, regular 16c quality, nlcs small figures, special price per yard Knit Goods Wmen'i wool fascinators, very pretty knit. In pink, t)ack. blue and white. good else, extra value, at, it fir w w each Women's tight fitting wool Jackets. In brown only, very . Jaunty, and very comfortable these morn- OPT Basement. Extra Special in Candy Thursday Balduffs maple and chocolate fudge, a new delicacy, conies In squares similar to a caramel, regular price llOe a pound. To Introduce this new candr. we will sell It all day - pr Thursday at, per pound XiVJ Basement. Linen Department Bargains i Thursday in Basement Hals Beaalssenoe Scarfs fill Renaissance Hcarfa. size 2084, Thursday, each I1.B9 Bale Beneissaaoe lunch Cloths 2.7S Renaissance Lunch Cloths, slue ttxit, Thursday, each Bale Bath Towels ltUo Bath Towele, Thursday Rubdry Wash Cloths, each . . .91.49 rrn ....Ho lo Howard, Cor 16th St. Bee-io-js-o? Open Saturday Evenings. 11 .---.....- . . , M iruvl-ISi-j--J L uxru-u-u-ill FOR JEXCKES AND DQl'GLAS Eepnblicam of Fifteenth, District Pulling; Hard for Both Judges. store. door ami' safe, were both open and that 0X was missing. Suspicion at once attached to the ex-manager and he was quickly locator? '.:atid arrested. Two hun dred dollars of th suden money and the I sack In "which the coin had "been placed were found In hit ooms. Confronted by this evidence fee eriri f essed the theft and UNITED CAMPAIGN IS WAGED '' th" rnlsalng ,-m of the stolen money had been lost In gaming. Ho will plead guilty when arratgned-'ln the district court. The arrest of Holrmsfi caused much as tonishment, S hevhas been generally liked and trusted during ills residence In Cheyenne. or Fallara la This Fight Will Have a Vital Effect on the Larger Contest Next Tear. balloons Which left St .Louts Monday after noon passed over this city between 6:45 a. m. and 7:W o.'clock, this "morning. One was positively Identified as the German balloon Pommern, " which was seen at Cleveland, O.. yesterday afternoon. . Another was psrtly Identified as the English balloon Ixtus II. which passed over Wheeling, W. Vs., yesterday traveling eastward. A nots dropped from the German ballon and picked tip by a man on his way to work reads: ."Am 1,000 feet In the air and have trav eled l.OT0 mile. Am trying to make At lantic City." . " The other balloon was not Identified, but wss traveling In a northeasterly direction. and unless they meet with some accident they will land on the coast within a few hours. The balloons were seen by people In all parts of ths city. In some sections the crowds watching the balloons were so great that street traffic was Interfered with. " The Trench balloon report came from Bryn Mawr, ten miles west of this city, st :J0 a. m. Then Oer mantown, Holmsburg, all suburbs of this city, - next reported a balloon. The first New Jersey town heard from was Beverly st :80. Hlghtstown, N. J., also saw one of ths balloons. All of the, balloons seen In this vicinity continue la a northeasterly direction. , . A telephone message from. "Woodbury, N. J., says that a balloon passed over that place at 10 a. m. The anchor Was out and It looked like the occupants were about to make a landing. While the balloon was not positively Identified, It, Is believed to be one of ths Americans. Woodbury Is nine miles southeast ot Philadelphia. Traveled Close to Uroand. YORK. Pa., Oct. 23. A balloon passed over York county between 5 and ( o'clock this morning. It' was traveling eastward. When seen about five miles south of this city It cams within forty feet of the ground. But one man was visible In the craft.-, It almost alighted at one point, but lutnr ArTimA about fot' m wKMa hnnll.. tor a favorabls Current and ' aross td a considerable height;' and eonttnded US east ward 'night. CHICAGO. Oct. 8. The following mes sags wss received here this morning: DOVER, Dtl.. Oct. 23. This messaaa was dropped from ths balloon ru.eldorf at I loon passed over this place about 7:30 o'clock this morning sailing In a southeasterly di rection. It "Was so httrh that It could not be Identified. RICHMOND," Oct. 23.-A long-distance telephone rness&gie from Mineral, Louis county, says that balloon No. passed near that city at 7:S8 this morning. It wss about 150 yards high and heading north east. , The balloon landed two miles from Ar menlus mines and turned out to be French. It had covered In its course about 1,200 miles. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qaalnt and Cnrloaa Features of Life 1a a Rapidly Growing; , State. Something Accomplished There Is one thing we want to do, and thai Is to recom mend Andy Hart for cleaning up the old pump. For ten or fifteen years we have been harping on ths subject, and to have the dream fulfilled shocks us. Red Cloud now has a plant that cost $60,000, and to have It look like a piece of unhoused ma chinery Is too bad. We hope to have the plant kept nice now. Red Cloud Commercial-Advertiser. Doln's In ths Blssell Family We were amazed Tuesday morning to see Frank Blssell, his shoes highly polished with stovs blacking and wearing Davis' derby hat, rushing to the depot to catch the morning train; (now this would not have surprised us If It had been Dr. Holm). About a half hour later we noticed Mrs. Blssell and her mother, Mrs. Seavey, going slowly to the depot, and . have been infermed that Mr. Blssell was only going to accompany his wife to Omaha to the Odd Fellow and Re-j bekah doings. Mrs. Seavey accompanied 1 them to Tork, bach . Messenger, Not a 'Flnancler--A "resident of the "rtty "Douglas and Jenckes and Jenckes snd Douglas' that Is our ticket., said O. A. Eckles of Chadron, spesklng of the rsce for district Judgeship In the Fifteenth dis trict. The republican nominees are James A.' Douglas and D. B. Jenckes, represent ing the western and eastern ends' of the district, respectively. "We have picked out two of. the best men we had for these Judicial positions," ssld Mr. Eckles, "men for whom anybody might vote and feel that he 'had per formed his sacred American duty Jn a cred itable manner Both men are able lawyers, broad minded, and absolutely irreproach able. Both men will make excellent Judges and give to the Fifteenth district a Judiciary-of whloh not only It. but the entire state, mpy feel proud. Mr. Douglas, as Is generally known. Is now county attor ney, and had served as a member of the lower house in the legislature of 11)03 ami 10:6. His record Is that of a strong, able and aggressive public servant,' one on whom the people have found they can do pend under all circumstances. Ho, like Mr. Jenckes is a thoroughly educsted and cultured man, and has no peer ss a lawyer In ths state. I am a lawyer and have prac ticed out there for twenty years and I can ssy to you that Mr. Jenckes and Mr. Douglas' sre attorneys of hTgh"Jllstlncllon and attainments, eminently qualified for the lofty positions they seek. Normal Republican Majority, "We have a normal republican majority In that district of about 1,200. There isn't a single reason why this majority should not be turned -to the advantage of these two men, Jenckes and Douglas and Doug las and Jenkes. And I believe It will be. Bo far as we have been able to discover there isn't any disaffection in the repub lican ranks. One man Is being promoted Just as milch as the other and neither more than the other. "We. are determined not to make the mistake republicans have msde In previous campaigns In that district of supporting one man to the detriment or exclusion of the other; we are going to carry both through on the same shoulder. . We want neither more than the other. We must have them both. We want every republican In the district to feel the weight of this argument: That he must, bear his re sponsibility in this fight, for the simple reason that It Is a part of the fight of next year, when state officers aro to be elected, when a president of the United States Is to be elected, and If the enemy gains a foothold in the Fifteenth Judicial district it has made-a serious l'iroad Into the ranks of Nebraska republicans end laid a big stone In the foundation for pos sible victory In the state at large In 1908. , This Is a thought that ought to Impress Itself seriously upon the minds Of our voters. '..."" Democrats Are Awake to It. ORDER OUT OF CHAOS (Continued from vFlrst Page.) CORNilUSRERS ARE CRIPPLED One of the Efg-ulan Called Away ai Witness in a Harder Case. ANOTHER OF REGULARS INJURED Coach Cole Is Dotasr the Beat He Caa to Shift riagera and Drill Them - for the Coatest with Colorado. America bed gjven, a statement of Its af fairs to other, bankers with a request for aid, it waa also announced that liberal as sistance would . be .iven to it today, and also It had In ts vaults 112,000.000 In cash with which to begin. aymnt of Its de- LINCOLN, Oct. JS (Special ) The strong arm of the law has yanked one of Coach Cole's warriors out of the foot bsll camp, another Is on the sidelines on account of Injuries received In the Minnesota game, and the shifts necessitated by the absence of the two has presented another problem for solution befors ths tesm goes up sgalnst Colorado next Saturday. Right End Belt scr Is the victim of the lew, hsvlng been summoned to appear, as a witness In a nnaUi,,. alio, 1.1 V, ... v. mntr iinn.ii.l ..- 1 it wm vnwn !. th.t k.-v' ' murder trial now being heard at Arapahoe, ..r.u a, a ,,......: his hometown. Beltser was an eye witness of the Knickerbocker Trust company as .' very favorable and ; Inclined to permit It to go Into liquidation. As Is usual In.. Unas of stress, .London quotations en American securities were eagerly awaited, tolay. u At o'clock there was from forty to fifty persons at the main--banking office of the. American Trust com pany, and at, the same Xlme, there wss a of the affair find la expected to prove an 'essential witness (or the stats. It la con sidered probable that he will not be back In Lincoln before final preparations for the Ames game are be .run. The loss of Ro'trer has necessitated the shirting of Harvey back to end. and the transfer of either Harte or Perrin to the nlace made vacant In the line. This ar- crowd extending for,, jnore than a block ! rangement probably will be aanerea to in from the Fifth avenue offloa of th. : the Colorado game. Coach Coal directing a Knickerbocker Trust (company. , ' . large share of his attention every afternoon Oaklelgh Thome.. president of the Trust to getting Harvey accustomed to his new Compeny of America, , was at bis place of position. Both 'varsity and -scrubs, have business early In. the Jnornlng. He made been using forward passes a good deal so a statement to newspaper reporters, who , far this week. It being the belief of ths called ,on him, toT(the effect that the In- coaches that the Mountaineers will rely to stltutlon wss all right -VWe have plenty ; a considerable extent on similar ptays to gain ground against the Cornhuekers. Harvey Is catching on readily, but will go Into the game with a decidedly brief train ing In the intricacies of his hew Job. In the. bsck field more trouble entlsts the of cash . on hand. We are facing situation calmly.",,, , Examination of Accounts. A committee ,of eccoiintants representing the bankers, who have taken the whole financial situation ,hi hand, went Into the ' Minor received a wrenched side In the game offices of the Trust Company of America 1 against the Gophers, and until today was st o'clock this morning and, begun an not uiej m practice, Burnett taking his exhaustive examination of its books and place The ,atter) however, is In even ths securities held In Its vaults as collateral , woe ,h than Mlnori r(,Ung , w mv loans. This committee expects to finish i k, , practice, which will perhaps ker , ita lflhora hv ahnnt 11 n'elnrk and at ,mt - . ... : ,, - T.s, ;hm out of Saturday's contest. Minor ni time will report the i result of Its Indlngs. Low DMn recalled but wllI not be workec An Old Established Institution Barrows, M'llarf A Cettpaay, fill WUUrd Barrows, Btra KlUaca, ft. S. OaldwtU. , MUIardfCalJwclI&Co..l86i Bare KUlard, S. S. Caldwel), ' ' O. W. Hamilton. Caldwell, Hamilton & Co., 186S S. Caldwell, a W. Hamilton, M. T. 8elew. United Stales Natl. Bank, 1805 K. T. Barlow. FrMldat; Y. B. Cftldwtil, OmUm ') United States Natl. BanK,lS07 M. T. Barlow, jrree V B. Caldwell, Yloe-rras. Alfred BUlUro, Oaahle It was learned on unquestioned authority this morning that .If this report bears out statements made by officers of th In stitution lsst night verbally as to Its con dition, aid will be. extended In whatever sum may be required to pay off depositors. who demand their money. Every prep aration was made to meet every demand. The Crowd Iri front ot the Wall street office of the Trust .Company of America grew Btcadlly, and, at 9:30 It was estimated to number about 150 persons. The Knickerbocker Trust company also was surrounded by a constantly increas ing number of persons,, who' were .waiting In the hope .that . the Institution would open today, In this they were disappointed for announcement was. made that it would not resume payment today. The. announce ment was made by a police captain on the authority of the officials of the .Knicker bocker Trust .company.. At the Colonial branch of the Trust Company of - America' In the St Paul building on Broadway, roore than 100 per sons were in line shortly before io o'clock waiting for the opening.. ' ' Announcement was made today that Oak lelgh Thome', president of the Trust Com- "If the republicans of the Fifteenth diS' where she will vlsit.-Wol- , , lur nuie m westovcr and , pany of America, hkd' sdld control of the rringcon ana meir mends are not mak-1 Georgia Certtrat (Iroad, whidh he pur Ing the most of this precise argument, they cha.ed tolntlv with "VfaxrfHen J. trv i..t wiuoj,. iuo .wi un aemocratic macnTne, hard. Coach Cole being In no mood to add to his bruises If It can be helped. Manager Eager today announced the names ' of ' the officials for the Colorado game. They are: Referee, Outland, ev- Pennsylvanla; umpire, Rothgeb, ex-Illinols field Judge, Qulgley, St. Marys. Kan.l head linesman, Cornell, Lincoln. All these men are known to Nebraska supporters, having officiated In previous games here. Their choice gives general satisfaction. A rally will be hold by the students to morrow, In order to raise enthusiasm In the game. Tickets for the contest are sell ing well, and prospects are that the at tendance will be large. Informs us that he has lived for twenty-- un-aor th direction of Mr. Bryan." is bend four , or twepty-flveeara in ene house-Hi . In every effort tn .break dpwn. the. breast.-, the city, renting the same for a continuous works of the republican ' 'stronghold, to time. He sat down a few evenings ago 'n Just one Inch of ground wherever It and counted up hla bunch ofrecelpts, which may n " seeking strenuously forJthls he had preserved for 'the whole length of' result in our district. That is why we Want time, and was astonished to learn that he . to appeal so urgently to our republican o'clock I minutes, October 23. at a distance had paid the owner of the property enough' friends to stand' by Douglas and Jenckes; ' VON ARERCltON ANDHIEDEMAN ' T'nt durln tenancy to psy for thei tand by.theni, that they and We may stand WASHINGTON. Oct. 2S.-A balloon, d'e- Pr?T7 st 4" ??W b',nr' t ''' h nght next' year, scribed as a very bright pink, passed over 8k'dtfor U on the market, and then have when all the fo.-ces of democracy will at- . vuiii niv vhiik v v u 1 iiinn . t viiv icpuuL'KiiR ui iNeorasKa dm tncy on which to build a home of his own. , have never yet Attacked them In a desper Hastings Tribune. ate effort to wrest from them the control ,of the state for state and national pur Nature Pake Last Friday night the en- poses, tire neighborhood In the northern portion , The same principle I am laying down for r " . ourselves out In the Fifteenth district ought r.ockviile, Md.. sixteen miles from this v. at daylight today. It was traveling tsrly, very slowly. w message received today says that bal ns passed over ' Wilmington, Del., this .ornlng. The weather bureau today re- etved a dispatch from Major Hersey, re. porting his landing In the United States Whlc! ' Pu"llnf everybody as to what It to be good enojgh for the republicans all AGGlES "LAVISO" FOB CREIGHTOX Coach Clyde Williams la Saving Men for Cornbsaker Game AMES. la., Oct. 2S.-(Speclal.)-The "Aii.Ihm" will use the came with Cornell college Baturday more as a practice fray than as a game to be won. Coach Clyde Wiil!m ham two whole teams on the 'varultv mmd. and It now looks like he Intends to save the best players for the battle with the CornhusKers, wmcn comes ntr .t I.lnenln November t. The onen same, with Blentr of lane plays executed with speed and consiaeraois daring, la more and more evident as tne keystone ot tne "Aggies wnoie nniHr ' .f " offenSe. -They- are banking -a h on head work and swift-feet for their gains. July. Mr. Thorae Jlift'd -to Say as tn whom the . railroad-hks"n sold. tt de. nled if was sold' to theffttfcK Island inter 1 and .this will call f,or.. sbr".fl1,J. ests. " ... -iyl.;K .v i -.!: i ,. ..-' In the corridors ef the office "tof the Trut Company cf ' America there were 400 per sons when the office opened. It was almost Impossible for any more. to. .enter. Presi dent Thorne said at thai, hour that, he them to do their oanterlng. The line' Is not exceptionally strong or heavy. The spirit of the whole team la emphasised by the "hurry, hurry" call heard constantly In Williams admonitions. In a measure th s Is Instilling an unprecedented agility, - but there Is no getting around the fact that heavy men for a complete defense are hoped to meet all demands unless the de-, "",7,"i th. fnrward DU. thinss lnok poHitors came In too large numberi. Ha fald the .company had not asked for assist ance, . , Acting State Superintendent of " Banks Skinner took possession of ths Knicker bocker Trcst company this morning. Mr. Skinner said: - ' ' Under advice of the attorney general I balloon at Caledonia. Ont.- at 1:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon nd that he probably would leave for Milwaukee tomorrow. BORDENTOWN, N. J., Oct. a.-A bal- REMARKABLY EFFECTIVE .... UD. urn, vy m numuer ot ov,r the Btate .0 folIow We a f , people, and, as Is always the case, their .unr.m .... , .. .v nri.ii. i ... r f'-j - descriptions vary. While going home Fri day evening about 10 o'clock, August and John Cloldt and Fred Llndeman "critter" come out in the road In them from among the trees, and th ing a gun, took a shot at it. which fright ened it but did not seem -to hsve hit it. Later In the night,' W. D. Messersmlth Ing up to a crisis that must be met squarely far more encourasing. An exhibition of good passing by Reppert is seen every day by the local "rooters." He throws the pigskin with sbout the same accuracy as If It were only a base bail. Lew Graham, the new recruit at left half, is also good In this play. Especial practice Is be ng done In this to prepare for Kirk of Iowa when they meet here November 23. K'rk has a record of tocsing the ball conslat- have taken poKsesslon of the Knickerbocker ently for forty yards at wilt In a orowded ...... Anmnon m r.i It . r . .... K T V. - fl.M I support of the Institution which was ex- The "Aggies" will average 170 pounds pectea yesietaay nas not Deen rurnit,nei. this year against lie last year, wnen iney A bank examiner was In charge of each won tne slate championship and were offlre. Tnyments will be received on obit- renarally ' considered to be the heavy- TTt ftrniJnssrii i t FOR SAFETY 1 Our money la loaned only on first mortgages on Improved real estate. 2 No money la loaned on personal securities of any kind. 8 Our loans are made on homes, which are the most liable ot all loans to be repaid. 4 Our securities are . non-negotiable first mortgages and are always on tile in this office. 6 Under the law at least 5 per cent of our annual net profits are set aside to meet any possible losses. This fund now amounts to $66,000, and Is growing all the time. 6 We own no real estate except our office building a fact which shows for Itself the care with which we loan money. We are paying 6 and Inrtte inqui ries from those seeking satisfactory In vestments.' '" Resources, 12,700,000.00. Reserve, . - $66,000.- f ' '- -', .... . THE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS &' LOAN ASSOCIATION 1624 Harney St. ' Omaha Geo F. Ollmore, President P. W. Kuhns, Secretary. .-' v At nrf in h. .u- ... 1 K at ions due to the trust company, but no wnlrhta of the atate. "Bat" Nelnon la saw the . Mh " " " , ' . payment will be made by ths examiner in agafn In the line at right guard, and his front of n n'et "uch an ,s,ua U t0 charg"- Payments should be in Col- presence Is rather encouraging becauae of u kv . imuiuor .o Biiuuiuer, giving no quar- i"-nunru unm ii is riia weignt ana experience. . iiii ia nia y, nav- .. shown that It Is not nleilsnd for other in- ti.i,- ar t th aama n.i f.r.utr m.t po! Republicans Are Harmonious. VALENTINE. Neb.. Oct. 21 (Fpeclsl.l A Voted Actor's secirfptt Checks aa calf ana run ,jown th, road. Ooia In a say ami Chronlo Coughs. heard a commotion, and looking out saw a The camralen In the Fifteenth tud'elal d'. beast Jump over the fence larger than a trlot, so far as the repv,MiCan candidates debtedness lo ths institution. . j ief t tackle Is doing great work. Of this Other Banks Net Affected. I man the critics have said he has ths mak- ' Ing of one of the best men who ever Fifteen bank examiners who were sent wor9 the moleskin for any team. If he out this morning to various parts of the only would play scientific ball. Coaching mv rented mt n nvinek thBt th.r. hB,i eesms to do him no good, fie plays the pm.a.u j ... .w .... , literally tear ng his j which was always at home before. During Mr. Jenckes are strong csnd'dates of Th. wonderfully h.aiing power, of pine r.n.led a big do. fo Ho- T "l V,,U have been known for are., but the com- . ' A. V. J T " " CTfx favorable Impression upon the ....... ,,, .uvii m iiiriiiici . i ' a. . I . iieiu KM . . . T.M CbIU.U - w nPm a? ulna wirnAtint whtnh . ... . . ... VOrerS, r , K y . KHiea. w. v.. Hamilton reporta that the has the quality of being soluble, which Is eam, evening aomethlng whipped two bull now being generally prescribed by doctors. do at hl, plac( anQ. made them run and Is know to the profesion as Concentrated whln, t0 get lnto the hovl,e th(iy benf oil of pine. A Philadelphia lung and tood fighters ,'tco. Andy Kearns had a dog throat epeclaltat declare that the for- t)ed ,t lti kennel( which had been killed mula In which he now uses the Concen- and eaten the m. nlsrht. leaving nothing trattd oil of pine haa produced remark- but th. bones and the chain by which it able results, often entirely curing a severe wa, tied. What the animal can be Is the Since that - a i. 1 . I Acnts Cold tn a Bay aad Cures . time he haa not been able to find hi. dor - . ! ' ::"! " " " . nothing In the nature or a run on any way thrdush the oppo.'ng line. This Is .w.i. . . t m-in inr. fousias ana financial institution except the Trust Com- his second year. Ca-rtaln McElhlnney la pany of America and that conditions at all putting up a consistent game. Howeve-, . , . . . . , . his mate on the other end, Btauffer, played other banks and trust companies were nor- a mora brilliant game at Minneapolis lsst mal. ! week. The two of them are pretty reliable ,. ... wiiknn In their positions. The vulnerable p ilnt of Small Savings VI Undrawn. th- AmeJ defenM wlj, be found f their E. C. Bennett was tpday appointed re- InrtlvMual star gams, with no team work ralvar of the atock excl.anze Ann of Mayer '. to noisier it up. which made an assignment yes The state nrgnnlstlon Is working in harmony and prominent' representatives of the partr are In the campaign. Senators Brown and Burkett and Attorney Oenernl Thompson, are announced fn- sev ere! sneeohs In the d!itret. Railroad Com ml'slorer W'll'nms w'll slao make severs! speeches 1n the district, and should Oov- ernor Sheldon retniT. 'n time some snnolnt- cold la twenty-four hours. This formuU question which Is giving northend people "nte p made or him. Judge KfnVstd is very simple and the ingredients tan be great concern. -Plattsmouth Journal. I ' trevd'ng through the rt'strlct In the In obtained of any good prescription drug- - .. , . J teresi .f the ren'ihl'oan t'eket. more esne- glst and mixed at home. It is aa follows: CA JDIDATK9 ADDRESS ITl'DEKT) dally Ir.ese two cand'datea. and a bar- "Mix a half ounce Concentrated oil of ' 1 mptilons. apgresslve campaign is being pinv whhj iwu uuiisi ui alJvr11 ana a -una ncaiM i pvi icait ubi. i prnv-uted. nair pint ci gooa wnissey; anase It tnor-i . veraity t'osttcailos. oughly eaih time, and ue In doses of a (From a Staff Correspondent.) teasiK.ntul to a tablespdonful every four UNXOLN, Oct. a.-SpeclaU-C. B. An hours." derwin and Ciorse Cifuxilanit. ' nllhltfn, The Concentrated oil of pine comes put The charge that Toiifflss Is a tool of th Northwentern. from the fact ttat he hn ' been the local attorney at Bisett an-f traveled on a ra. fal's fat when (t l candidates for Reirenta of Ihm H ! 11 1 unl. . a , u - , nn . - . . . up lor medicinal use only In half ounce vnsiiy, spoke at convoation at the unl- ' osrsnher hsve not ra'd a cent of r."ro, vilai mV.I. h r. ,.iirlv ua A In Klrh- .... . orrspner rave not pa n a cent or ra"ro - vtmif win morning. ne luture regents wood plainly labeled. , were well recelVed and made a splendid The bexes are air tight and thua retain impression. Mr. CouUand euld In part: the original osone. as ell as protecting Mr chancellor. Members of the Faculty, the fluid from- atmospheric change, ai.d Students tl th I nlverslty: As a lep Cars rhoold he taken not to get any of . r"s.niiativs of the agricultural tnteiesia of the patent meiCne Imitation, using tlm- ' fc? r mo bhu iisc congraiuiauon. as well as aDuret-iution. & Co. terday. More than l..O persons, mostly Italians, stormed the doors of the Dollar Grand Island' Dents Lexington. nSAND ISLAND. Neh.. Oct tl. (Kne-1 clal.) The Orand Island High school fiot fare In the twelve yers tbat 'he bs nr. cunled the hench '1n the fl'r'ct until the recent ena"tm"rit of the eri1niTe p"i. polled him to do po. Tie traveled on' his I!! psss up to the last hour It wss pos s'Me. Hsrrlnirton's Clipper mine snd manv Saving bank, when that Institution opened i bsll team defeated the JLexlngton lTign today. Folic, were called to control the j Th. 'isilo r. dWn from the" wSSi . crowd. wiih a himplonh!p rrputitlon and the Tlie Dollar Pavings bank Is near the l"rls harflly erected to win the gamn. I rtrnnx hrahrh of tha Knickerbocker Trust Tb sverage welsht of the locsls Is about Uronx brancn ot the KnickerDOCKer lrust J4J whlu tne JjOXin)rtonltes were more company, and the alar;n Was started by j hr'v nd weighed 166. , the run yesterday oh the Trust company's: The local lineup Is: Rnlrh Miller. Wt hr.nrh end: Henry Vterejrg, right tsrkle; Frank e-. Rvder. rlttht guard; Jrob Kiman. centsr; At the office of the Trust Company of . h--v v.. nil i't un'': Fronk Koott, left America a double line of depositors tackle; Tom Myers, left end: Floyd Th-rp, rearhed from tha cavlna teller's window '"f! v",,f: Krno't Frsn', half: Joseph Mir. reached rrom the palng teller s winaow f Ub k and Walter Krr, quarter in serpentine fashion through tha counting back. room out through the main doors and TvMr the hlh school will met down Wall street for over a block. Tliera the Grand Island college team snd V" Investigation disclosed ,,PV ,r-rtemv at that r'Ko-. Wedding Rings.. The) Largest and Bast Assort ment Kvar shown In Thle City TIITTAlVV'S HALF OVALS FULL OVALS In all sices and karats. Our specialty Is the 22-Karat lu the Tiffany Shape, which fashion decrees Is the proper ring for Fall and Winter Weddings. AlbertEdliolm ISth and iarasy it. ASTUSBVBirTS. nQYD'S THEATER Toirxaxr at nas LEW DOCKSTADERS rrMay. atttrday KaUaee aad Vlghl TRITZI SOHErr r- ' la the Cemie Opera THnmph "LI'LLE MODISTE" One aright Only, jror. Tth. MME. CALVE , M.0. Isat sale OoU Usk. HELP ADVERTISE OLIAHA was no disorder. that the amounts, called lor were as a rule small, none of the large, depositors J withdrawing their funds, All the directors Officials fer latsrssy'i Oi Dra voiles, la., Oct. (Special.) Th ofelal" for he Toe e-rke ge r-t It la also saild to be a splendid specific ; of the work thst this Inmiiutu.n has dona other trsnsart'nns of Pke charscter have for rheumatism and lumbago. For this purpose It Is taken each night and morn- and Is doing. Us reputation is of the hign- ri, in iiib men who iiuoun its Dro have lunuuiairu us 1 laus ana carried to sat ing. No family medicine chest should , toss their work, Nubraska owes a debt of at any time bo without this nowerful i"uiuae remedy. m OSeaninn h Is the most scientific method of 3 cleaning wearing apparel and floe vi fabrics In use today we do It to perfection. IT docs not take the like out of the goods nor Injure the most deli cate color. . Our prices are very reasonable and our reputation as well as oui guarantee Is back of every job that we turn out Wagons to all part ot the city. Try us. 'antorium "OOOD CUBAa-Vag" 1S11 JToass bk Tsi.Soog.SS3. ,rT7 What Is and should be he attitude nf the poopla toward tills institution 7 .From a clim observation 1 can fiankly aay it is one of love arid solicitude for Its wrll bulng and upbuilding, rauectaliv is this so among the mors Inlell aent and thlnk .n iiple of our state, for they rralne ai:d that full well tiiat thers has radiated and la lad.aiing an Influence tuat Is tlx wide and that Influence his been for the moral and Intellectual unbuilding of the slate, which If put Into the balance and ! Kuied asainst the financial cost to the state, leaves materially a great debt that the stata owes to tills institution. , To th faculty of this school I bring a warm greeting from one farm home of , the slate. It has been to me a pleasure ef the hlfhest lo have had tne per j Sonal acquaintance of a nuniU-r of the nien who are and have been instructors , here, to coins In touch with them and iiov jiuy enuearcii itiein. but this in stitution to my heart. made h'm al'ke vulnerable to attack In fact, conditions berama so nnhenmMe in the east end of the dlHtrict that It became i necessary last whrer for the'' e-i1atiire cnm t othe rel'el of the d'strlct by tie pnirf of wat is cnmmorlv term-icd the "dehornlnf bill." wh'ch prevents relatives practicing before each other, which Wll wss passed ss a nonpartNm rrreasure hsvlng been championed by Mr. Aams. the dem ocratic representative from Dawes and Sheridan counties wtthln the said Judicial district. Judges Westover and Harrington seem to be running on different platforms. One on anti-pass," the other on his record as a pass-grabber. detlured that the company would meet all "v r ,en '"picked, as" follow. demands. CoiMmrslI ' referee: Oaham. umpire. Snd In vii 1 1 2 a Hon of a report that there was P'ora. feld ludee. Not a- mV'er the irv-nKe eoiuio 1m "n in riipiMim rni. r.v'r. rsf'-e tnrourn f t o rame in rooa a run on the Paul lo'fton Trust company showed it untrue, Although no official statement was obtainable. It was learned on very good authority that the amount, of cash deposited with the New. Tork banks by an.ounted to hRne and now. w'th Valf of the week aone 'line" Pell hel'evee tret the s'even 1 wll prer-ared for the comlne game with the HawVeyes. He has been res'rtea y iiliimnt nf the Institution fntwvpni rltvi the treasury department today r,.t and esrocial attention bs -en dl- 10 Sbout tlo.OOV.UUC. reeled toward getfinr the siihtlt"tes f- mil'ar witn tne new o'v wn'rn are to ne sprung. As theie denend for their execu tion on speed. I'ell hss been plsMnie e-n rasis on this drS"-mnt of th g-m. The lat practice wMI b held ThursdHr night. There wMI he no material change in ti e makeup er the team Headaches ausl Aearalgka tram Celds. lroino Q.utihie, the C.j Id and Grip remedy, removes cause. Call for full name. Look for slg. E. W. Grovs, 2uc. For that sweet note, clear your throat. Bed Croas -- Cdugh Props., to per box HYMENEAL Hayaara-C-arr. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia . Vt. "3.-(Sr.. Robs Former Kmployrrs. CHEYENNEX Wyo., Oct. 23 (Special.) Joseph Hollmin, ex-manager of the New Tork Store, was arrested early this morn ing, charged with the theft of foCO from the safe of the establishment. lie re signed as manager of the stors several days ago and waa supposed to have de parted for Chicago. Last night he un cial.) Lewis Reyburn and Clara Carr, both locked ths. front door of ti place with ot llonty Creek, were cteriWd hers Soa the kty he bad not turned In when ha day at the horns of Lr. DcVore, Elit r quit, manipulated the Combination of the Hutchinson officiating. They wUi reside at safe and stole a sack containing about Honejf Crk. This morning It was fouud that the Red Croas -- Cough Drops. Mother's remedy for children's colds. So per box. Tiicro ia Only Ono That lo ; ' VSJTD THt VlfORLO OVtH TO CUM A COLO IH OMt DAT. Alwars remember the full name, lor this signature oa every box. i I lUl'lEUENTl, f MOVINQ PICTURES 11 to I r, K. 7 to U ML ' '; lOo i' - Oosrdaaeaa . 10a New show every Won. and Thurs. ' I fcxlta. Absolutely Safe Exits WW ADVANCED VAUDtMLLE Mstmee Dally 1:1k. Every Night 1:11. This WeekThe . Immensaphnne. Chlnko. Thiss Rensrds, Mayme Itemlngton and her Black Buster - Brownies, Phil snd Nettle Peters, Minnie Kaufmann, Sandy and Wil son and the Xlnodrome. " ' PrlceslOc, toe, IOC. '. - s . Our Cooking is Sure io Please You Sfo CALUMET AT BOYD'S TH12A.TEU FOH THB WEEK BEQINNINO fiUNDAT AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 7th Bh5 THlfi ATTRACTiON Did you sver trade with a grooer whom "y'M living you tha-Vra ! if iH Although you could not prove the faet you sat sriod that there waa sand la the sugar, chloory In the coffee,, and that he was using short weight scales. Tou transfeirsd your trade u another and,nlrpr'"",,f tradesman, where you got ths best goods at the lowest prtoee, D d you then notice how feverishly Vx cited your old grocer became In his efforta to retain your trade; how there was a riotioeable improvement In hla goods: how the ser-vlcs Improved t Of -course you would havs received the same old scurvy treatment had a "new Richmond" not en deared In the field. Of course reu weni back to the old stand tnltl which nsv.J gave you full value for 'your money untU oppcr.,t.o,nrCI t0 d - X-Ur?r1.l.; WATCH YOTTB TATSBTTXra nmoTa Omaha. Ilk, other cities, will snjoy for the first and only time In Its earee? real metropolitan vaudeville. - lt i. ,f. t supposs that everybody in Omaha Is famlilsr with the bill, yet we repeat It here. HAnnf-TTV, the f'hsndcuff kin."? rebate; the LARRAK Ns, Euron'sn Aert batlo ai-otesques; VINIB DALT. lit. principal feature In O-orse M. Cohan'a Companies; HARPTOAN, the trsrfo ju! tho rnV 'jiTm ipt' N T R T O HOI rT 1 AvJ" wILLAPD A. BOND COMPANY nrEe.A?o PL,OER PX ths' ?k thB "r's. and give them to th. publlo at the lowe.t prloes. 11 t I"? 1allyc 'V .. tSaghtly. ' to 10 cent Seats on sale new. Tonlgh Srls Matihee TemiorrNr The Beautlfal BoeUty Oomedy-Orama When We Were Friends. "TiTSay HfTiDDiri ZZ.J. DURWOODd TODAY ATI 2:30 AND 8:15 P.M.1 14 Cities have already gone Into a rusy over their Magnlfioent Program. Bcsolc Aboti and Superb gh . ; A.rlila ttthQ AUDITORITJU ' 0 rottouow wtaxr Abd'el Kaddr and tllsl Wives; BUsnt Tvltj' Sugl., moto's Saves Japs; Bessie French; Rawls and Voa Kaufman; Oertruds Oe best; Luts Bros-J Earl U. Hicks; Plcturss. V V ft -i A. S ! r i 1- 1