TIIE OJiAIIA DAILY BEE: , "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2.1, 1907. 11 OFFERED FOR RENT 11 oases aid Cotta.e -CoetlnaeA. FOR RKNT-1-room modern cottage, Kl 8. 27th St. Tel. Wehster MS. U..)130 TOR KKNT-r-Three upper 14a Harney. floor. Inquire - (15)-M 312 BUILDINGS FOR RENT. All or narl of the 6-story and basement 'Hiding now occupied by Carpenter Taper HARRISON MORTON. 813 N. Y. Life Bldg. (li)-MBG4 FOR RENT Large brick barn, 113 South 26Ul Ave. tla M175 2Sx . . Offices. TOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building;, 417- N. tfith Bt., South Omaha. Apply to manager. !) 14 )k Store. )NE store room Itt new "Bcargo" building lr. Bouth Omaha, near poatoffice, with lighted basement, modern ahow wlndowa .and awnings; beat posslblo location. Hall I'lstrlbuter Co.. ill Ftrat Natl. Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7404. (15 (61 AUOiC, light -store room, suitable grocery or drug; store; corner 2"th Cuming J. II. Parrotte. 1S)-M7!6 for and 26 IRUO BTOREBeat unoccupied location . far local druar buainesa In city.. Will al ter and lease to right party. Also A-l atrocerr location. HEMI8. 306 Paxton. rBlk. . ghone Dougjna 5NS. (IB) 862 OFFERED FOR SALE - - . Fencing VNCHOR and Iron . fencing; 6c per Xoot. 206 N. 17th St. wire fencing Tel. Red Hi. (16) 844 , .. , Fnrnltnre). T HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Fur. Co., H8 S. 14th. Doug. fgfc5 (16) M454 Oct31 YiMTFii TO SKLLf-Furniture and fur nishings of 7-room modern house, located In West Farnam district; furniture prac tically hew. Houae leaaed until Septem ber, lif. Tel. Douglas 7090. ' (16)-M2S2 . t. i ' .(IOIIE9T grade Antwerp oak dining room set. practically new, cost $150, bargain at $IC0. Phono Harney 7S&. (16) 216 29x Jaaoa, Orgsas, Musical lattramcati. ' MUST RAISE THE CASH TO PAT THE MUELLER ESTATE. vjver $100,000 worth of pianos sold at less than factory cost Call or wrlto at oftce for prices, catalogue and -bargain list. .New Pianos Jor rent, 1 2 and up. BQIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY, TEL DOUQ. 1625. ., ,1811-1318 FARNAM STREET. .. ' (io m ITKINWAY piano, second-hand, good con dition, cheap. &ii McCague Bldg. CW Oct2 OR BALE Excellent upright piano, used only three months slncn built, cheap for casn or on insiauaienia. noom 214 Kar tacl block, IMi B. 16th SU (16) Um fOR SALE Excellent upright piano, taken . 1n on mortgage. Dr. Pribbenow, 214 Kar- bach block. (16) Tii X'PRIOHT PIANO at a sacrillce; owner leaving city, lblt Davenport. (16) M103 26x tTS. ELEGANT upright piano, mahogany case, . used six and one-half months. $130. 41 JN. sia. (1G) 2J6 i(8x Typewriter and Sewing Machines. FOR SALE High-grade second-hand type- .rriteri aouu i-uuumun, a oargain at I Call room 6u3, Bee Bldg. (16) 67: ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6. condition, for sal cheap. Call office. (16) 29 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Hruns-wlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. loth St. (16)-271 HALF PRICE, small monthly navmenta. ' Rldpath's History of the World, Amert canlssd Encyclopedia, Webster's New Dlc , tlonary. B. B. Roberts, southwest corner . 16th and Farnam. (16) M126 N7 M lscrllaaeoas. DUPLEX PUMP 00-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, alss UxlOHxlO, for sal about October L This 'ump hes seen about six months' actual servlct Aod la in good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. 11. Bridges, engi neer Bea Bldg. (16) 670 yOR BALE Several show esses, new pea- nut roaster, lance coffie mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures too .. .numerous to -mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. . (16) 871 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, rs .,talL ' Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., umaoa, is so. (16) Z7 SEND Us. your mall orders for drugs: freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon . irug to., umana. (16) Ci ZXEVATORS for sale In Iowa. Minne sota, North and South Dakota. O. M. Myers,. 210 Flour Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. (16) M6J6 Nov. 16X glHER'vVIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. . Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. .. .. Ot) am OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed, inspettiun Invited. UUiiUESS GRANDEN CO., 3 8. lilh St. Tel. Doug. 631. (IS) 8(4 -' " 1 XlMPSON Rockaway, nearly new. very low price U taken at ones. 14 Jones bt. 'Phona Douglas 1704. U)-ttM 0x IECOND-UAND overcoata and Singer, 416 N. ltth. firearms. (16)-8I ilOHT-FOOT floor showcase. Kuenns a Bakery. 29K Leavenworth bt. U)-llrx ITOVEd repaired and sold. Anything In i. tain. 06)-M13 NovT BALT. (1.00 per bbU Wagnsr, aul N". 16th. 06)-868 PEW bargalna In Id hand soda fountains, monthly payineuts. Dvilghl. Iil8 Farnam. - ' (1J 87 DRl'GS at cut prices; freight paid on all U rleis; caialugue frea. tshermao It Mo .. - Cvanell Drug Co., Omaha, Nb. jtlS)i,i "OR BAL-Koll top desk, chairs, tables. rugs. Officii for rent. W. A, Kerr. A-i) N. Y. Lin inut. 16-"-t I I.I.'S safes, new, !d-hand. lsts I'arrni i (16) I OOul' i-iM range cheap. 14!8 Locust. . . J6 816 26x OK ftAI.K-I.arg hard coal' heater, no rrasoiiahlo ofer rrfusvd. Call 1J'7 Howard St.. second 0 - 416) 1st OFFERED FOR SALE Mlarrllaiiraiii FOR SALE Clonulne buffalo robe In good ( DndiUon; price, $20. II. A. Towne, hit in. Ia. (!;-Ml:7 2x NAILS. $1.00 keg. Mary's Ave. Star Box Co.. 1T7 St. PATENTS D. O. BARNF.LL. patent attorney and ma chin deaigner. P axton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. 17)-M4-8 LARSON A CO.-Book free. Bea Hldg. tlT Ml PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our threa books for Inventore mailed on receipt of ( cents stamps. R. 8. A. B. Lao-y, Rooms Pacific Bldg., Waahlhgton, V. C. Established 1W i M? PERSONAL TILE ELITE MASSAGES Chalybeate scrub baths; expert lady operator; room Barker block. 18th and Farnam; new establishment. (18)-M163 tlx TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit ins louug Women a Christian Association rooms. 1616 Farnam street, where they will ba di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. - ttfl 18 A YOl'NO MAN 2 years of age wishes to correspond with a young wonernian lany from 21) to 26 years of bra, object matri mony : must answer In English. Address Frank Spilth, postofflce. Box 982. Butte, Mont. r-. (18)-M243iftx YOUR mirror will tell you Satin Skin Pow der works Deauiuying wonuers. oc. (18) M" AfJKF.TTf! Osteology and Massage i.UVUlxrjXAV-' vapor and Tub Batha, Room 1 1204 Farnam St., id floors. (18-Ma OcUt THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4138 and wagon will call. 1-611 LADIES and gentlemen" are cordially In vited to come and sea me greatest in Tentlon of the age; prevents u mis tilaced and ooen awltch wrecks, also en ables the engineer to take a siding while the train Is In motion. - worm inm si., South Omaha, Neb. (18) M254 Nov.22x PLEATING Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only so per yard. Send for price and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING C OL IO Douglas JJIock. Tel. Douglas 1980. (ls 883 WH P.ENT machines $1 per week, or $3 per montn. Nebraska cycle Co., corner 15th and Harney Bts. (IS) 690 MAGNETIC lnZth,u J5t MUlll( iiu a Mtll( All UUVIl . (18) 860 OMAHA Stammerers' Building. Institute. Ramgs (16) 87 PENNELL MILLINERY CO.. 1511 Douglas. , (18) 187 N17 8TR1KQES, rubber goods, by mall; out prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers- union urug to., umana. (18) 8H5 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King, 1321 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 3oo. U8) 846 LESSONS will be given on princess tan esrry painung Dy appointments at the Women s Exchange, 1S23 Farnam St. . (lj) M121 23x REAL ESTATE REAL, ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO.. 432 Ramgs. 11U 8 PAYNE INV. CO., 1st floor N. Y. Llfa. Douglas 1781. , (19) 84 GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. .Tel. Douglas 796. (19)-881 PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Life Rldg. . (is) SS9 SIBBERNSEN, room 208. 120 So. 16th. (1) M184 4 ITY PROPERTY FORALi IDundee We have left only five of those fine SIGHTLY RESID ENCE LOTS ,IN DUNDEEAT $500 ON EASY PAYMENTS A WORD TO TIIE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. i Benson & Carmichael 7 642 Taxton Block, Thono Douglas 1482. (10-23S M NEW, READY TO MOVE INTO Strictly modern house, very best material and workmanship; built lor a home; pol ls tied hard-wood finish; south front on Main Central Boulevard, four blocks Crelghton university, seven to high school and only twelve blocks to business cen ter; room for two more houses; will sell all or part at a bargain. I. Conner, Owner, 2X1 Neville Blk. OD-M255 24 . LOOK AT THIS SPECIAL - $2,800 187x126, southeast corner 42d and Harney; will make 4 nice lots. This is a genuine snap for a quick buyer. - Wra."E. Romano, (Exclusive Agent.) " 'Phona Doug. 1319. 819 Board of Trade. (19) M234 23 TWO new seven-room houses, lots 100x135; Militsry Ave. all modern; and Hons. Benson. Apply on premises. (IS) MSriv t3 FOR 8AI.B ON EASY TKRMS: 914 Bsmroft Ht 2"lt Hancroft 61. ; 3i Brown St. 8. Uth Pt. 3.il9 Corby Ft. a7i Franklin St. 1 waid Pt. ' M?! North H'h St. ir-vl 8. i'th St. Jft 6 P Ave. Patrick Ave. 4;i'l i)Or1T. Kt. CKEIOH. SOKS aV CO., ii Bee Elldir (IKi-.Ij M f5 Let your through REAL ESTATE CITT JROPF.RTIT FOR BALR. (Continued.) Boyer's Bargains 22(1 and Cuming Sts.. Seven - room houso, partly modern, lot fin by 127. located on Ruxgles St.. between 27th and 2Mh. Price, $l,7a. Four-room house, sewer con nection and city - water In kitchen; lot 63 by 100 feet, N. W. Cor. 28th Ave. and Rug gles Bt. Seven-room modern house, barn, chicken house, full lot, Krsklne St., between 83d and 34th Bts. New 7-room house, modern except furnace, Miami St., bet tween 2lh and 29th, full lot. Price, 2,6O0. Four-room house, three full lots, northeast corner of 32d and Corby Sts. Price, $2,000. Four-room house, good barn, city water and gas In kitchen, 32d and Maple Sts.; lot 75x90. Price. $1,550. Six-room house, city water Tn kitchen, lot 4"x3, 2907 Sewr ard St. Price, $1,300. Two 6-room houses, modern except furnace, lot 60x125, 2fth St., near Cuming. Price, $G,000. Six-room house, city water and gas, lot 4x148, 3120 Burt St. Price, $1,600. Two stores on 24th St., be tween Ruggles and Sprague, lot 40xb4. Price, $3,000 One-story frame store build ing and s-room modern dwel ling. N. V. corner 24th and Spauldlng. Price. $6,600. Six-room house, modern ex cept furnace, good barn, lot 30 xl27, Patrick Ave., between 201 li and 26th Sts. Price, $2,500. Five-room house, barn, city and cistern water, lot 30x132, Izard St., between 20th and 21st Sts. Price, $2,000. One 8 and one S-room house, well and cistern Water, lot 6nx 120, 27th Ave., near Burdetto Bt. Price, $2,000. Seven-robm house, full lot. ' Parker St., between 38th and 39th Sts. Price. $J,W0. .VACANT LOTS One lot on Webster St., be tween 33d and 84th Sts., 55x150 feet. One lot on. Webster St., be tween, 2Jtt and 28th Sts., SOX 160 feet. Two lots. 27th and Saratoga Sts., 100x127 feet. Price, $700. Tract of land 88x820 feet. 27th Avo., between Burt and , Cuming Ijis., Including houses thereon. Price, $8,500. May be sold in smaller lots. Several other pieces of un improved properties. Chris Boyer ;- 22D AND CUMING BTS. (191-209 22 WALKING DISTANCE Brand new five-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemented cellar under en tire house; double floors; nice large attic ror storage purposes; nickeled, plumbing everything modern except heat; located on north side of Blondo street. Just eat of kf.tn; good neignbornooa; close to school. Go and look at it and see for yourself how It is bunt, price ,3f)0; enny termsi C. Q. CARLBERG. 11 New York Lifo Bldg. (19) M1I2 Lots in Hanscom Park District We have obtained sole agency of the Megeath estate,' lying both south and west of Hanscom park. 65 lots from $250 to $1,200 each. Liberal terms and low rata of Interest fn deferred payments. Call and see us at once if you want the choice of these fine lots. JEFF. W. BEDFORD & SON, 2306 Cuming Bt. Tel. Doug. 115. U)-e4S S2 UNIVERSITY PLACE WHAT IS ITT WHERE IS IT! It is a new addition to the City of Omah lust being platted and containing thlrt of the finest lots in the city and lyln two blocks west of CREIGHTON t'Nl VER81TY. between California and Burt Sts., and the lots facing Central boule vard and 27th St. This Is the greatest opening of centrnlly located building lota ever held In this city and as thera are only thirty of tht-m It Is to your Interest that you come early ana pica me lot you want. This will Do your last chance to obtsln a elegant building site within walking dl tance from the heart of the cltv. at termi WHICH FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK NOT OCRS. PrUies $l,5u) for the lots facing the boule vara and 81.3N) for those faclnr 27th St. Come to our o trice for plats and for further particulars. Benjamin Real Estate Co., S2b-t Neville Blk. 16th and Harney Sts. 'Phona Douglas 7432. (19)-M2S 25 IT IS YOUR'S FOR $2,750 A 6-room house In Benson. Shade trees, cemented cellar, water and two lots. Can make three rooms upstairs. The lots are worth $1..0. A room for a bath. This It a bargain, so see us at once, as we only have It for thirty days. Benjamin Real Estate Co., 825-( Neville Blk. 16th and Harney Sts. 'Phone Dougias 7331 (19I-M257 25 $4 I-OTS in Haicyou Heights, Benson, lying well, close to far line; 20 minutes' rids to Omaha. Will sell altogether or In bunches of five. For prices and terms ad dress H 4-. care Be. 119) 167 needs "BEE" REAL ESTATE city Property for sals. (Continued.) SIX-ROOM HOUSE $2,100. . ' Moern Except Furnace. MOST NEW, Corner T, Near Dodge Bireet Car. VACANT - w! II. GATES, " $17 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. 1294. " ' (19) 224 24 FOR SALF A well iMlt leVroom framo house, beautifully nnisned iti hard wood; hard, wood floors, manteis. modern bath room, and conveniently arranged. - Will sell at a vary low price, to be removed fiom present premises by purchaser. Ad dress C. C. Rosewater, Bee Bldg . Omaha. (191 M317 Inside Snap Northeast corner 13th and Capitol Ave., Sflx lata. S,b(K); two blocks rrom postomce. Can you equal It anvwhere? . . C. O. CARLBERG, v Sole Agent. 911 N. T. Life. ' ... .(1)-M26 Non-Resident. Will Sacrifice 1 sacrifice sale on easy terms. The owner of the following . properties, having re moved to Heatrte some ten years ago, Is In the cltv for a few days to close out all of his holdings here. If you look over this list, see which, one you fan buy on one-third cash and Ahe balance easy lArmu 80-foot south frontage at 22d and Harney on grade, paved street, permanent walks; tfi.BoO. A double flat Building, 1225 and 1227 N. 17th Ave.. In good repair; 60-foot lot; 85,500. Three-story bunding, brick liharment, well rented, at 1313 Douglas St.; is.ii. Fifty-eight acres two and a half miles front Council Blurrs postotnee; forty acres in apple orchard; 8-room house, large barn, spring water running the year round; $125 per. acre. Telephone vs at ance In regard to these propositions, lor uiey win oe soia wunin the next few days. W. J. Derrnod Investment Co., 83 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 6Kj. - (19) M263 23 HUTCHINSON-BOLLARD CO. Will offer. 8-room modern ' house, full lot : cost, $5,CM). No -2523 Maple St. Price, $3,600. Also corner near 40th and Hamilton; six-room cottage; bath, gaar sewet, and hade; ' $1,600 Hutchinson-Bollafd Co., 1623 Farnam St. (19)-41 22. BUY THIS'BARGAIN. . Lot at 26th and Fort streets, only $225. B. O. NordqulBt, owner, 624 s. 20th St. . . -, .'-I ' (19) 751 $4,600 will huy elegant 9-room modmn house a' 414 is. list, et.; .east ironr.; pavea strnei permanent sidewftlk; lieautlful lawn; larvi shadtw trees; easx. term "., If necessary. THOMAS BRl.NNAN,' Room 1. New York Life Building. . (,.-. (W-TJl FOR SALE 2550 Rees St., 8-room house, with lot S0X4& rt. i-rlce, J.wo. inquire of J. G. Althouse,. 1301 So. 25th Ave. . :..-.'. I (19)-6S REAL ESTATE at reasonable prices; wrlta for list. J. a. tioumson, santa t'rua, Cal. (19)-MH40 N6x PEAL ESTATE 'TITLE TRUST Pf) CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. vUi (19)-W3 . FOR SALE Five-room cottage, with gas, water and barn. $4,500 it taken at once. 2010 Dorcas. . (19) 126 22x LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22d and cuming his. . ... U9) Jw TRACKAGE PROPERTY to lease or sell, 150x177 ft., on B. & M. Ry. ; good location for wholesale house or coal vard. ANNA V. METCALF. Phone Douglas 572: " 1234 S. 10th St (19)-M771 Novl FOR SALE New modern 6-room cdttaga In north part. Al location. ,j"rione owner, Harney 2177. - ' ' (19)-M653 Nov. 16 REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALH Io-rva. 80-ACRE farm In Iowa, Income property. in good shape, clear; client will trade for Dakota. Gibbon & Planck, (2ii) M2 ! 29 Hauuu, THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY, KAN SAS GAS BELT. Fine 238-acre farm.' five miles from Coffey- vllle, the metropolis of southeastern Kan sas, the city of many ; factories, weekly nayroll. $250,000. This farm has tine Improvements, has tele- fihone and free rural mall service, is line and and can be bought at a right prlci'. Have a fine list of farms and city prop ertlus. For any information address A. Rj Wilson, Cofleyville. Kan. (20)-M245 29x Celorad. FOR SALE 160 acres. In the fertile San Luis valley at $17.50 per acre; all fenced, best of water stock, artesian well; small part under cultivation; has a small rabln. This is a snap; we have others. Write lor our list of bargains. Land here often : pays for Itself out of the mst crop. The I Pond Realty and Loan Co., 15 N. Tejun ! St., Colorado Bprings, Colo. (30)-M110 24x Htbrsaas, 330 ACRE8 Improved eastern Greeley county land, fine black soil, no sand, plenty pure water, near school, soma wheat and alfalfa, good corn land; $40 per acrs. Ten years time; 6 per cent on part. Will take small property. Bradley A Mathlesen, Wolhach, Greeley county. Neb. (20) M775 25x 160-ACRE FARM, only 6V4 miles from post ofhee and atwrnt two miles from Dundee; good house and other farm- buildings; tine s.ill; would subdivide into small tracts nicely; sole agent for this property; price, $125 per acre, on very reasonable terms. Don't wait. 8. ARION LEWIS. Acre Specialist, 934 New York Life. (30)-M236 25 I J L FOR SALE 186-acre farm. 3Vj miles north west Nebraska City, Neb.; HiO acres In cultivation, balance In pasture and tim ber land: goid house and outbuildinKs; i well, creek and spring a ater. For fur-I aher particulars address L. F. Jackson,-' Nebraska City. Neb. 20 MltS 23x th Dakota. FOR SALE 840 acres. Lyman county. S. D.. nice, smooth land; not on the Mis souri bottom; eight miles from ton; $13 per acre. Standard Investment Company. Sioux Falls, S. T. (20) M72I2IX FOR EXCHANGE 320 acres, four miles siuth of Lebanon, S. D; mortgage $5,600. due In Instal hmerrtcf alll ex change for equity, pric, (21 per acre. Standard Investment Company. Sioux Falls, t D 120) M728 21 ' be known want ads" REAL ESTATE FARM AD RANCH l.M)9 FOR flALK (Continued.) Washlaartvau FOR SALE On Pugct Sound, near Seat tle and V. 8. navy yard, lands of all kinds and prices, for farm, garden and orchard. For particulars address Ixck Box 42, Port Orchard, Wash. (20 M170 28x M Iscellauscoaua. TRADES Have You Western Land to Trad - 4 ' or Will You Trade for Western Land? Tell us What You Have to Trade and .What You Want to Trade for. We Have a List of Attractive Propositions. VAddrest: THE W. F. SHELTON LAND AGENCY, Dept. "B." 318 So. 15th St. Omaha. Neb. (20) M90$ 28 CHEAPEST land In U. 8. for "A the crop; no cash. Nat. Inv, Co., Urandels Bldg. (20) M3UJ oa LANDS FOR fcALE AT A BARGAIN. All sec. 9-11-44, two miles south of Jules- burg, Colo., two nice springs, land slightly rolling, at $5.60 per acre; half cash, balance 9 years. SE4 sec. 6-9-44, all level, $K .50 cash per acre. NH and SW4 sec. 7-9-44. $9 per acre cash! 4.0o) acres of choice land In Banner Co.. Neb., from $6.00 to $8.00 per acre. Olaf John son, Box 86, Yankton, B. D. . (20) M240 25x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm ad Ranch Lands, a- easasBsssssBB FOR RENT. 120-acre farm; Inquire H. Baumer, halt Neb. 23x mile north of Country club, Benson, Price, $450, (2D-140 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-816 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (221-897 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. v (22) 900 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property tn Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. .Thomas Brennatt, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (22)-8SS LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Kcefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (221-904 LOANS on Improved elty property. W. H. Thomas, 505 First National Bank Bldg. (22)-!9S $500 to $50,000 TO LOAN at, lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1605 Farnam. (22)-Wl $500 TO $65,000 TO LOAN Private money; no delays. J, H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. (22)-9"5 $600 ON OMAHA PROPERTY, first mort gage, 8 per cent. S. ARION LEWIS, Acre Specialist, 34 New York Life. It (22)-M235 25 , 1-, , - , . i , - , . i 'NION LOAN & INVEST. CO., 810 Bes Loam on Real Estate. ' Uldg. Hay -1st and. 2d mtges. "Phone Doug. 2904. i . 22) 421 Novl! i $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Blag., lath and Farnam. (22)-M21l MONEY TO LOAN-Payne. In vestment Co. (2 903 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy good second-hand furniture and stoves; must be. good and at a bargain price. Address dealer, J. W. Craig, Box 163. Norton, Kan. " (2fi)-M629 23X WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, Una leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy tha furniture of your house complete. Tns highest prices paid. Call the right mm Tel. Doug. 3971. (25) M4o2 Octil SECOND-HAND furniture bought and sold; also machines of all kinds rented, . $2 per month. Tel. Doug. 5993. (26) rM893 CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, , etc. 3us No. 16lh tit. Tel. Bed 3225. . (25) -907 WANTED 6239. , . TO BUY Calves. Tel. Doug. (25)761 SINGER 649T. sewing -machine. Tel. Douglas (25) 810 22x CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foya Co., 313 S. 14th,. 'Phone Douglas 1321, (2a-20 TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE SH1P- PERS. or merchandise. Send trial shipment. The Bennett C'oinpaJiy. Omaha. . (2oi 217 WANTEDTO RENT A REFINED gentleman and wife, without children, -wish to rent a furnished flat or small house for any length of time amenable to owner; would furnish bond and highest references. Address any time before November 1, N 403, Bee office; (26)-M150 27X LARGE airy room desired by gentleman before Nov. 1, where breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner ran be had If desired; within walking distance; In private family, where theru are no other roomers. Ad dress E ?j5. care Bee. (26) M955 WANTED To rent: Second-hand hoisting origins. Omaha Ice & Cold Storage Co., 423 S. 15th St., city. (2b) M241 34 ROOM 3 and board for three adults, private family, west part of city. Address F 896, rare Bee. (26) M958 84 WANTED Seoond hand range. 120 North 26th St. (26) 1X9 23x WANTEDSITUATIONS YOUNG nuan sUnographer will be open for position about Out. 1; has clerical experience; references. Address L 248, care Bee. ' (27)-U94 YOL'NO woman of experience wants place to take care of child; good references. Address Y 112. Bee. (-T)-M1I9 27x WANTED By experienced dressmaker, work to do by the day. Call on or ad dresr tOC Dodge St. Tel. Harney 1750. (27)-637 Nov3 IS YOUR house being delayed on account of the lather? If so tee Taylor. Doug. 4166. (27)-M769 26x I WISH POSITION tvlth real estate Arm as general hustler. Some experience. Have typewriter. Address Y 110, care Bee. (27)-M797 25 DRESSMAKING of all kinds. 2511 Seward. (27)-M218 Nov 10X STEADY situation, with good compensa tion, by an elderly gentleman, capable and competent In every rex pert; refer ences given It necessary. Write O. M , 2i26 Capitol Ave. (27)-113 23x TO EMPLOYERS OF OFFICE MEN. Wanted, by middle , aged accountant, em ployment as manager, auditor or book keeper; competent, neat, ciuli k and accu rate; eUhMen yeara In last two positions; nine years head bookkeeper to one of the largest corporations In "the west." Ad dress Y 62, Omaha Bve. (27)-M'i7f i ADVERTISEMENTS written, typewriting none mil collections made Address y 4J care of l'-t (27) M1-.9 25x REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS John C. Vlasard and wife to the Byron Reed conpsny, lot 31, block , Hrlgg Place $ 1,800 John R. Gift to Fred Armbrust. nlOO fent lnt I. blnrtf IS. llcox Jl sdd i.thO Fred P. Freeman and wlfo to Joseph F. MuiDhv. lot 4. Freeman s aM. ao fcllsabelh J. Flshel et al. to Young Men's Christian association, ws lots 1 and 2, block 87, South Omaha 5.800 Sarah Watklna et a I. to Elslnor Place company, sMi block 93. Dundee Place 2,7i0 William Kelly to R. L. Rowe. w50 feet lot 1. Klllstone I'arK riace. u Alice M. Brown and husband to Pearl A. Worley. wlO feet lot 7 and 27.88 feet lot 8, Troup'a suhdlv 3.280 Margaret E. Bays to Joseph L. Shalnholtx. lot 12, block 7, sub division of block 30, Albright's Choice '"J George W. Shields and wife to Charles Green, undivided '4 lot 2, block S. A. S. Patrick's add... K,1 Elalnor 11r.ee eompany to Mary W. Haskell, lots 13 and 14, block 98, Dundee Place 1,100 The Bvron Reed company to Mary i P. F. Outavtson, lot 33, block 6. Jerome Park I"0 Charlotte Endres and husband to John F. and Mary M. Engel, part lot 8. block 1. Park Place I.O..0 Lyd B. Martin and husband to . N Henry Clay Pierce, lot 21. block 2. Hastings .- Hevden's 2d add. 8.300 The Rogers Real KM ate company to Michael O'Connell. lot 6. block 8, S. E. Rogers' add 1.830 Ellen Hurst to Catherine Slater, lot 16, block 10. Brlggs Place 600 Mary L. Fearon and husband to Florence L. Ollllch and husband, part taxlot 28 21-15-13 1 Florence OHUch and husband to Mary I,. Fearon. part taxlot 28 sw4 sw4 21-15-13 1 F. P. Miller to Elisabeth M. Tub Man nwU nu 4-15-18. and nther land 10 to. F. P Miller, same 10 Ba'thss .Tetter and wife to William Wtl Kits 10 and 11. block 2. Jetter's 2d add l.'uO Total . . , . .$26.I2S GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRICTING Onnrtermniiter. Chevenne. Wyoming, oc tober 4, 1907. Sealed proposals In triplicate will ba received at this otllce until 11:30 o'rlnek. mountain time. Novermer 4. 1907 and then opened In public, for furnishing all material and labor required to construct a steel fence for enclosing quartermaster s corrals, at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. Full Information, blank forms, plans and specifications furnished on application to this office. The United States reserves the rla-ht to acceot or reiect any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for at . . i ti a Di...a11 ' i . i m Dirci x" eni e, m r ui i u. n. iur,-n, j ..... Ing," and addressed to Captain V. K. Hart 15th Infantry, U. S. Army, In charge ol Construction, Cheyenne, Wyoming. O 8-11-17-23 N 1-2 RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION 10th AND MARCY. tJaaloa Pacific. i Leave. Arrive. Tha Overland Limited.. a 8:50 am a 9:10 pm The Colorado Express.a 8:50 pm a B:A0 pm Atlantic Express a 8:8f am n-1. - t , l.- .., a K-ft) nm The Ixis Angeles Llm..a)2:55 pm a 9:15 pm" The Fast Mall a 9:30 urn a 5:4a pm The California Expreso.a 4:nn pm a 8:50 pm Colo.-Chlcago Special... al2:10 am a 6:50 am Beatrice Local b 7:42 am b 6:15 pm Forth Platte Irfical a 7:42 am a 6:15 pm Chicago A Northwesters). Chicago Daylight a 7:05 am ell:S4 pm St. Paul-Minn. Exp. ...a 7:50 am al0:0o pm Chicago Local all:30 am a 3:2 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 7:50 am a 8:28 pm Chicago Passenger a 6:00 pin a 9:30 am Chicago Special a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am St. Paul-Minn. Lim a 8:21 pm a 7:40 am Los Angeles Limited. ..a 9:3" pm al2:35 pm Overland Limited al0:00 pm a 8:23 am Fast Mall am Sioux City Local a 8:50 pm a 9:20 am Fast Mail a 3:3. pm Twin City Limited a 8:28 pm a -7:40 am Norfolk - Bonesteel a 7:40 am a 6:25 pm Lincoln-York-Chadron .b T:40 am all:20 am Deadwood - Lincoln a 8:00 pm a 6:25 pm Casper - Shoshonl a 8:00 pm all:20 am Hastings Superior b 8:00 pm b 6:25 pm Fremont Albion b 6:85 pm b l:3u pm Chicago, Rock Island aft l'soiflc. E ajST Chicago Limited.... a 1:45 am all:80 pm Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:.) pm Des Moines Passenger. .a 4:01 pm al2:31 pm Iowa Local all:) am b 9:55 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:50 pm a 1:5 pm Chicago Flyer a 0:00 pm a 8:35 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm...all:40 pm a 2:36 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:35 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:4) pm a 2:45 pm Llncoln-Falrbury Pass .b 8:45 am Missouri Pacific. K. C. St. L. Exp a 9:00 am K. C. & A.. L. Exp all:lo pm Nebraska .Local a 2:00 pm bl0:16 am a 6:55 am a 6:35 pm all:40 am Caaloago, Milwaukee Sc St. Fatal. Chicago A Colo. Sp'l....a 7 02 am all:50pm Cal. & Ore. Express a6:2opm a 3:25 pm Overland Limited a 9:58 pin a8:Suam Perry Local a 5:15 pm al0:30am Chicago Great Western. 6t. PauJ-Minneapolis ht. Paul-Minneauulls 8:30 pm 7 :30 am 11:35 pm 8:27 am 11 :35 pm 3 :3U pin 7:30 am Chicago Limited C:lo pm 7:30 am 8:80 pm Chicago express Chicago Express Wabash. Bt. Louis Express a (:30 pm a 8:80 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:30 am all:15pra Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 5:00 pm blO :15 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a3:45pm Minn. & St. Paul Exp. ..b 7:20 am a 8.55 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am Minn. & St. Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm at:Mam BCRLlNGTO. STA . 10TH A 11A80K. Bnrllnartoa. Leave. Arrive, a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4 :10 pm a 6:45 am a 6.10 pm a 6:10 Dm Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm Northwest special a 410 pin Black Hills a 4:10 nm NorUiwesi. Express a 9:80 pm Nebraska points atf:uuam Nebraska Express a 9:20 am Lincoln Fast Mail Lincoln Local b 1:45 pm al2:ll pm ui am a 8:00 pm bl0:20 am a 7:45 am Lincoln Local Louisville, Plattsmouth.b 3:10 pm pellevue, Plattsmouth...a 6:10 pm piattsmoutn-lona b 9 loam pellevue, Plattsmouth Denver Limited all :55 pm Chicago Special a 7 00 pm b l':30 am a 6:45 am all :45 prn a 2 .55 pm oncago Kxpress a 4 30 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am Iowa Local . a 9:16 am lit. Louis Express ...a 4:45 pm Kansas City & St. Joe...al0:45 pm Kanbas City & SI. Joe. ..a 9:15 am all:!) am all'::) am a 6:30 am a 6 10 piu Kansas City & St. Joe... a 4:46 pm WEBSTER STA 19TH A WEBSTER Chicago, St. paal, Minneapolis Jt Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...b 6:30 am b 8:10 pm Sioux City PuAe.uur.,..a 2:u0pm all iOam Kmerson Local b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local o 8:45 am C 6:60 pm Mlasoorl Paelne. Local via Weeping Water a 8:05 am a ( 50 pm Falls City Local b 8 50 pm a 11 :20 am Falls City Local. c 7:00 pm cll:20am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC "CMPRESsa" Lin of th Atlantlo $44.76 to Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, $42.75 to Liverpool, London, Glasgow. $47.50 to Scandinavian common porta. $52.60 to Hango, Abo. Helalnforg. On regular steamers, $1.23 lower. Two and four b-rth rooms reserved. O. E. BEaTJAfcUaT. Oeneral AgsBt, 832 So. Clark UU Chicago. IU. ODlFPJT CUkKaVi TNT AK74CAI Ultiuii 1 caijiba. rh. a, . rs asa bf apelallr chartrae S. a aas. luaai lutas BOUN0 "Arabic." lt.OM TH 0U1D. The members of the Ladlea' Afternoon club gave a- farewell party for Mrs. Clara fcrainard yesterday afteinoin at the home of Mrs. -Gus Durkes. They presented her with a neat gold pin with the monogram of the club engraved upon 11. Mrs Brain. and leaves Thursday fur Los Angelea AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Council Holds a Meeting, bat Trans act! Small Amount of Business. COST OF CITY GOVERNMENTS FfTrctlve Flan res Taken from 4fc Addrewa of John ti. Kelly at the Work ma a Temple Mertlatr, Tha session of the city council was tin usually brief last n'fcht. There was little to be done In any direction. The nearest to an Hem of business was contslned In. a resolution by Fred Hefflinger, onasrlng the cltr attorney to draft an ordinance order ing tne i nion I'amnr rnuroaa company and the I'nlon Stock Yards company to at . onco proceed to erect a new viaduct over the I'nlon Pacific tracks at Q street, be tween Twenty-sixth and Twenty.scventt afreets. This Improvement has alrcadj been promised by the Two companies In question. This Is one of the ordinances In thn regular procedure to insure legnllty. An Item which caused some comment was a bill presented by McDonald & Bock, contractors for the new city hall, asking the city to pay $W for the cornerstone of the building. It was stated by the mayor that ha had supposed the contractors would pay for this stone themselves, for the privilege of having their names en graved on It as the builders. The rest of the session was taken up with routine affairs. The milk Inspector made several reports of milk tested. Tha appraisers of damages on Nineteenth street reported no claims. The first partial estimate for the paving of Missouri avenua was allowed, $1,664.25. The Champion Iron works received an estimate on City Jail cells amounting to $1,055. Mrs. Maria Krlg baum got a Judgment against the city for damages by reason of a grrade, which for Immediate settlement, she agreed to take $'168.45. Thjs was recommended paid. Cost of City Governmeaat, Considerable demand has been made for the tables of figures on the absolute per capita cost of the current expenses for Omnia and for South Omaha, which wera effectively quoted by John G. Kelly In his speech last Friday evening at the Ancient Order of Workmen's temple. The fol lowing are the self-cxplanntory tablea ha used. The conclusion U evident. These figures were taken from the records of both cities and can be positively voriflod. They were prepared by officials of the city of South Omaha and should be as favor able as possible to South Omaha,- It will be seen, however, that It costs each per son over $1 more annually In South Omaha at the present time than la paid by each In Omaha. Very little of this ex pense finds returns by way of convelen ces. Little, in comparison, is spent for parks, street repairs or sanitation. Less, In proportion. Is spent for inspection of weights, food products and for meat In spection: Total amount expended by the' city, of South Omaha annually from 1900 to 1907, inclusive, tnd rats per capita, taking the census oi loo as a basis: Per Capita. $3.18 4.01 4.90 6.02 6.42 6.02 6.84 (.82 25 000 26,000 37,000 28,000 29,000 80,000 81,000 32.000 Omaha Per Capita. $7.09 (.78 6.60 8.7 7.06 6.63 6.84 6.16 102.860 109,000 116,000 123,000 129,000 186.000 148,000 150,000 Expended., $ 9t.825.-34 104,471 .87 . 18-l.9fl8.18 ' 144.180.22 156,912.13 - 180.44$. 64 '. 212.270. 75 - $18,013.93 1900; . 1901. . 1902. . 1903. . 1904. . 1905. . 19011. . 11107. . Population, 1900, V. S. census Population, 1901, estimated ........ Population. l!02, estimated Population, 1903, .estimated Population, 1901. estimated Population, 1905, estimated ,. Population, 1906, estimated Population, 1907, estimated Statement, showing expenses in In samo manner: ' Expended. $723,113.35 737.178.07 764.414.16 709.66. 60 ..- 911.073,10, -753,075.40 764,231.68 776,000.00. 1900. . 1901 . . 1902. , 1903. , 1904. . 1905. , 1906. , 1907. . Population, 1900; U. S. census . population, 1901, estimated ... Population, 1902. estimated . . . Population, 1903. estimated ... Population, 1904, estimated . . . Population, 1905. estimated -.m Population. 1906, estimated ... Population, 1907, estimated ... Many Attend Wight School. It is reported by Superintendent N. M. Graham that the South Omaha' night school has grown to an enrollment of over seventy. The place of meeting has-been changed to the high school building, whera the accommodations are better. The classes have now been formed and are getting well started tn some branches of the work. On this account the superintendent Is anx ious to announce that there will bo no mora registrations allowed this term after Iho close of the present week. Therefore those who wish to take up the work of tha night school will have to put In an appear ance very soon. The difficulty and the delay occasioned by late comers la Usa) reason for the ruling., Maglo City Gossln. . 807. - Jot Tanus was fined yesterday morning for carrying concealed weapons. j Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. 8. . Miss Margaret Broderlck has accepted a position at the Union Paclflo headquar ters. ... Reward for return of a white, splti dog. Mrs. Fred Fcro, 511 North Twenty-nfth street. Charles Fleming and Walter " Maxwell were sentenced to fifteen days each for gambling. A number of young folks gave a sur- rn lnt rise party to Arthur Bralnard last even- g al the home ot Mrs. u. uucnrist. Fred Offerman, who has een on trial ' wo days In police court, was fined $10 and costs yesterday afternoon on the charge or being lntoxicatea ana aisoroeriy on the night of October 6. He appealed the case to thn district court. He Insisted that he had been falsely arrested and declared he would prosecute the officer who took him Into custody. A great number of wltnessea were examined. 1 HOTELS. J LEXINGTON HOTEL Absolutely f.r-pronf, Micfelfrt Blvtl tod tttfc St , Ciiir.ejo. Kurot)Cn n. hotma. SI 00 pmr do and upward. Thi Ldilnctoa appeal, pat lailjr t ladia and lmilia, and ttiot attaint a a.utat, boma Ilk bol, aasily rraalbi 4o tba thaatir and shop, ping diairtrl hud rooma ail wlfa hot a lad com waiaf and lari clothea c'oaeta 2d0 romii wlUt p rival bail atiractlva ca(a at mtnmf pr$-4rai-uiU a ft. lea and ruialu. Wax fuftber partUulara and In forma, tloa wrtta n aaaviT. (imieyl and pey-ajad by INTER, STATU HOT tL t'OMPAsr. E. K Cnlar, Pr.; T. H. trilcy. V. P.; L H. Vitmf, Sacy. Alao proprlatord ifca Coita Houa, laaaj CKf 1 J -sL'lf'' fib im- I , -if. J