Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. OCTOHEK 22. 1007. D ) OFFERED FOR RENT Hoiwi Ante tollngr Contlnned. SVKST VaSAM DISTRICT 3177 Davm. port Hi. (9. K. corner;, 11-rootn, tlict omrhty " modern hninc, excellent rrpalr, beautifully Afianecd. W'.ll give 1ce at $V pr-r rnon'h. Apply U Comad yours, 1M Dodjre Ht. UiJ-MUJ XKAR 10th and Cuming'. 7-r. ail irvd., $:io. , Walking rllM-tncc, -r. i-nttHR-, bath, $2i. d'KKKKK RKA L EKTA rlJ CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. 'phono pnu. 2133. (15) MJ26 24 FOP. RENT Modern, -ronm hnuao, plas tered attic, two blocks from i.'4th 8t. rnr line, i: Poppleton Ave. Inqtitrn at 26ml Poppleton Ave. (K M917 EIOHT rcwm. all modern, 2123 Maple St., $26 and water rent. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cumins Pt. (16) Tl -BOOM boue: modern except furnmc; good riel(rhloThMi ; rent, $.! per month. M. J. Ki'iinurJ & Co., 319 ltrown block. 1.I M7S9 'J N(u;embt:r i tTept furna 'Phone muT'JiMBl'R 1. nix-room cottar; modTn naca. Hanncm para dis- ne Harney 230. 116) MiV'i 2S83. PATRICK Ave.. 5 rooms, new and modern. $28. 'Phone Douisla tS5. BEMIS, Faxfnn hloek. ... , (ir.)-R12 FOB. RENT An all modern nine-room house. 2814 Hamilton St. $30. Inquire at 27 1G Hurt St., Or phone, Harney :,22. (15) M179 23x FORRKNT Klght-room modern house, 41i.;JortJi ?tst Ht.. THOMAS RRENNAN. Boom 1, New York Life. Jtulldln. ' (10)M185 XlUUOift Creish Son, ft Co., Ree Bld. U5)-0 TTnTTC:Vi In H parte nftlia city. Peter XiyUOljkJ Trust Co., Ni If. Ll'e rilrtR. (IB) 808 -ROOM modern flat. ?K Caldwell St., $16. . (IRr-818 21x IINK room house, licnila park, modern. Tel. Hartley 3135. t15)-Mi9 HOUBE8, lnsuranca. Rlngwalt, Barker Rlk, - U6) 809 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottaKe. 602 8. 27th Bt. Tel. Webster 45. (16) 130 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, warm, jrood lot-Htlon, oiv car line.. .C. K. Axford, 2114 IJka Bt. (15) M'JM FOR RKNT A new 7-room house, strletly modern. . S311 Wehater. (16) 4 21x Balldlasa. FOR KENT Three ujiper floors. Inquire 14U3 lUiney. (15)-Mai2 1 . UL'ILDTNaS FUR RENT. All or cart of the B-story and basoment building now occupied by Curpenter Paper HARRIBON ft MORTON, 918 N., 1'. Life Bldg. (UJ-MM4 FOR RrtNT-Lafgo brick barn. 12:1 South Xtlt Ave. (16) M175 2Sx , oaeMi FOR BENT Desk room In Bee office, city ball building. 417 N. 2Eth St., 'South Omaha.- Apply to manager. (16) KM Btorea. ONH' atore roftm Ih new "Scargo" building In Rottth Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modem show windows and awnings; best possible location. Hall Distributer Co, 817 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Phona Bed 7408. U5)-801 . , ! !. l.i J- IaARCiE. light store room, suitable for grocery or, drug atore; corner 2oth and Cuming'.' J. H. Parrotte. (15) M795 26 DRUO BTORBBeat unocoupled location for locn'l drug business In city.- Will al ter and lease to right party. Also A-l grocery location. BEMIS, 306 Paxton. Blk. 'Phone Douglita &SS. "- (lfi) 863 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing Jtc per foot W N. 17th Bt. Tel. Bed 814. r , . (16)-804 Farntture. ID HAND fur'nlture bought atxf sold; busi ness on the square. Kosenberg, formerly with Chicago Fur. Co., 103 8. 14th. Toug. ESi4. , . - (16) M464 OoUl BEDROOM and kitchen furniture, couch, sideboard, bookcase and chalra cheap. Tel. Rtdi6719 mornings only. . (U)-Mm 22x klaaoa. Organs, Maaleal lafetrnaaenta. MUSrRAISE THE CASH TO PAY TUB MUELLER ESTATE. ' ' 1 .Orer 100,000 worth ot pianos sold at legi than factory cost Call or writ at ' one tor prices, cauilogua and bargain list. New Piano for rent, 1 3 and up. BCHMOLLEB & MUELLER k. PIANO COMPANY, TEL douq. less. IS11-1313 FAKM AM. STREET. . ' ' ' (lb; 866 IjTElNWAT piano, second-hand good coo tliuon, cheap. SU3 McCague Bldg. m 4-7 Oct29 f 1 I'M yon BALE Excellent upright piano, taken In on -mortgage. Dr. Prlbbucow, 214 Kr bacU block. ,. (16 7i4 8QUARB PIANO In good condition. $28. 2t3 North Ulh Bt. (16) MtU Zix JPHIGHT PIANO at a sacrifice; owner leaving city, . 1W9 Davenport. - . UOJ-M108 26x Typewriters and $wlsg Uscalatt. FOR 8 AXE High-grade aecond-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at M. Call room 6uX Bee Bldg. (16) 471 ONES Remington typewriter. No. , In good condition, lor sale cheap. Call at Hoe otttce. . .r Ui) 423x FOR, BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tabiea. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Kruna-wlck-Balke-Collundar, 407 8. loth St. v (l)-n HALF PRICK, small monthly payments, itidpath'e History of the World, Ameri canised Kneyclor-edla, Webster's New Dic tionary. B. B. Roberta, southwest corner lttta and Farnam. (16) M126 N7 Mlacrllaaeeaa. DUPLEX 'PUMP 00-gaUon Worthlnrton duplex pump, else 12x10x19, fir aaie about October L This pump has seen about six months' actual . aervlce and 14 In good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. H. Bridges, engi neer Boa BJdg. . . (16 67 FOrt BALE Several sliow casea, new pea nut roaaier. large coffee mill, two large automaoo oil tanks and store flxtarea too numerous to mention. Globe Lnd and IuvoMu..nt Co.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 871 V' HOXfEOPATHIO remedies, wholesale, re f , tsil. 6mio McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (16; JI4 ENl V!4 your order for- drugs; frol-lit paid on ?i lot Myers-lJiilon Diug CV; C'nniiA. U"J OFFERED FOR SALE M larrlUnrtn 'ontlaaed. ELEVATORS for ssl In Town. Minne sota. North and South Dakota. o. M. Myrs, 219 Flour Exchange. Minneapolis, Minn. (K Nov. 16x SIIERWIN-W'ILLIAMS CO. best mixed pHint. Sherman & McConuell l'riig Co. us-rn OAS. ELECTRIC AND J COM IJIXATIOX FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date Mock at lowest prli e3 In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. UUK(iESS G'UANDEN CO., 313 8. loth St. . " Tel. Doug. SSL I (lot . SIMPSON Rockaway, nearly new, very low price U taken av once. . 14 Jones St. i'lmne Trul.i9 17o4. (I6 .HM 30x SECOXD-H.A ND overcosts and firearms. Hinder. 416 N. lth. (1i7)879 Kl (JUT-FOOT floor showcase.' Baker, 216 Leavenworth St. Kuenne's (16)-tl6 27x STOVES repaired and aold. Anything In atove line. Kance, 1611 N. 24th. (16)-M131 Nov7 8ALT, $1.00 per bbl. Wagner, 801 N. 1th. (16)-SM FEW bargains in 24 hand soda fountains, monthly payments. iJcrishl, 118 Fariiam. (li 7J DRl'GS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; co I a log ue free. Phertnan A Mc- connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 2.6 FOR BALE-Roll top desk, chairs, tables, rugs., unices ror rent. W. A. Kerr, 4t'4- N. T. Life Bldg. (16) 424 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. IMS Farnsm. (16( SlO GOOD tas range cheap. W18 Locust. (l)-8 25.x DIAMONDS for sale cheap; must sell my four beautiful diamonds, ranging from l'i to 1 carata. Address A 3!l. care Bee. ( (ltf)-M909 22 FTiR PA I.E Iarge hard-coal heater, no reasonable offer refuscdr t.'all 1307 Howard St.. second floor. (161134 23x WHEN writing t.j Advertisers. renienilpr It takes but a, stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. . , FOR SALK Genuine buffalo robe In good condition; price, til). 11. A.. Towne, Whit ing. Ia. (16) Ml7 2ix NAILS. $1.00 keg. Slar Box Co, '1R07 St. Mary's Ave. (16) M159 Nov21x PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-M428 LARSON & CO.-Book free. Beo Bids. (17J-881 PATENTS THAT PROTECT: Our three books for Inventors mailed on receipt .of 6 cents stamps. R. S. & A. B. Lacy, Rooms 29-39 Pacific Bidg., Washington, D. C. Established 1860 (6 Mii29 PERSONAL THE ELITE MASSAGES Chalybeate scrub baths; expert lady dy nd I operator; room Sam, Barker block, 16th a Farnanl: new establishment. (18)-M163 2!x VOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Xouug Womn'l Christian Association rooms, 1616 Farnam street, where they will . be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 15 L. B. W. Expect to be Borne hotel Wednes- day next. Two letters sent Millard. E. C. W. (18)-M157 22x rA(NETlC Pteology and Massage luauoiiiiV . Vupor and Tub Baths. Boom 2, 1204 Farlam St., id floors. (18)-M29 Oct2 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits, cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you, do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18) SU PLEATING BuUons, hlne. Embroidery. Dyeing end cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c per yard. Send for price and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1986. (! SS3 WH RENT machines. $1 per week, or $3 per month. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16th and Harney fits. (18) 590 - MAQNETIC- Mme. (18) 8b0 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Bamge Building. 06) 887 WANTED Girl between 35 and' 40 years for general housework, Swedish pre ferred, by bachelor. Good liome to right parly. Must answer correspondence In Swedish. Address Y 111, -fare of Bee. (1S)-M153 22x PENNELL MILLINERY CO.. J611 Douglas. (18)-187 N17 SIBINGE9, rubber goods, by mail; cut rices. 6end for free catalogue. . Myers illlon Drug Co.. Omaha. fl) 8V PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th Bt. Tel. Web. 3659. v (18J-BS4 LESSONS will be given on princess tap estry painting by appointments at the Wonien's Exchange, 1S22 Farnam St. (18) M121 28x BURNS, chape, sores, charing, tender skin healed by Batln Skin Cream. Try it. 25c. 08) OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturers pure flour paste. 23i4 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 1521. (18) REAL ESTATE REAL KSITATB DEALERS, RUSSELL M K1TB1CK CO.. 132 Bamge. Ui-o PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Douglas 1781. (19) fo. GEOBGB COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19) 691 PETERS TRUST Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. (la Ji0 L BIBBERNSE.N. room 208, 120 So. 16th. (19) M184 4 ITY FHOPERTT FOR I4LB. A SNAT Two 8-rooin liouaes, modem, ex. heat, paved street, two blocks from Hanscom park, room for two more houses on the lot. Will trade for western land or sell at a bargain. S. S. Montgomery, . . 2014 Emmet. (3)-47 2TX VALKIN( DISTANCE Brand nw five-room cottage, thoroughly well built; cemented cellar under en tire house; double Hours; nice large attic for storage purposes; nickelrd plumbing; every thing modern except heat; located on north side of Blondo street, juat east of $7th; good neighborhood; close to school. Go and look at it and see for yeurslf bow It Is built. Prbe $2,850: ety terms. C. G. CARLBKRG. 911 New York Life Bldg. (19) Ml$3 LIST your property with Chrla Boyer. 2d and Cuming eta. (19) SH FOR BALE A well built 10-room frame house, beautifully Anihhed In hard wood; bard wood floors, manieis, modem bath room, and conveniently arranged. Will sell at a very low price, to be removed fiom present premisea by purchaser. Ad dress C. C. Boaewater. Bee Bldg., Omaha. (13 M417 24 1lTS in Halcyon Heights. Benson, lying well, cloic to car line; io minutes' ride to ' Omalia. Will sail altogether or in bunches of five. For pikes and terms ad. di't'Ss H 42, care Bee. U'Jj-ii7 Business ads" are REAL ESTATE CITY IMIOPKKT Y FUll SALE (Continued.) Lots in Hanscom Park District AVe have obtained sole agency of the Mcgeath estate, lying both south and west of Hanscom park. B lots from $250 to $1,200 each. liberal Mtrtni ond low rate of Interest on. deferred, payments. Call and see ua at once if you want the choice of these flno lots. JEFF. Yv BEDFORD & SON, 2300 CumlnB St. Tel. Doug. 115. (19) 945 BIO' BARGAINS Three-room cottage, city water. $W. Throe-room, new cottage, ..1.000. Four-room house; K"od condition, $030. Five-room cottage, and two kits, $1.22T.. Five-room modern cottage, $2,150. , Five-room cottage; small orchard, $1,300. WESTERN REAL KHTATR. RENTAL INVESTMENT CO., ' 2U South 13th St. (19)-8S9 21x 10 PER CENT INVESTMENT Brick block In good location, renting for, over $20 pr month. Price, $2!,0)0. g-Room house modern except furnHce, good neighborhood, handy to two' car line. Price, $3,000. See Us Now. M. J. KENNARD & CO., 309-10 Brown Blk. (19)-M910 23 IIUTCHINSON-BOLLAIU) CO. Will offer $-room modern hous-e. full lot; cost, $5,000. No. 2522 Maple Bt. Price. $2,600. Also corner, near 40th and Hamilton; alx-Toom cottage; bath, gas, sewer, anil shade. $1,800. Hutcliinson-Bollard Co., 1623 Farnam St. (19)-ll 23 2715 CAPlf OL AVE., 5 rooms, fully modern; two rooms more at small cost. Best opportunity for home in Omaha. Price, $2,900; will accept $100 cash, balance, $25 per month. Btreet paving ordered. Look at It. C. 8. Siiepard, 2004 Wirt. i . (l'J)-M174 22 BUT THIS BARGAIN. Lpt at 26th and Fort 'streets, only $225. B. O. Nordqulst, Owner, 621 8., 20th St. U9)-7Elx BEAD ESTATE at reasonable prices; write for list. 11. B. Boblnson, Santa Cms, Cal. (19) MS40 Nix FOR BALE Four lots adjoining east front In Roanoke addition. Address F 429, care Bee. (19)-MS02 22x REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST pr CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (19)-893 FOR SALE Five-room cottage, with gas, water and barn, $1,500 If taken at once. 3010 Dorcas. (19) 126 22x FOR BALE 2550 Bees St., 3-room house! with lot 80x46 ft. Price, $300. Inquire of J. G. Althouee, 1301 So. 25th Ave. (19)-4C8 $4,500 will buy elegant 9-room modein house at 414 N. Slst St.; east fron'y paved street; permanent sidewalk; beaurlful lawn; Urge shade trees; easy terms. If necessary. THOMAS BRENNAN. Boom 1. New York Lite Building. (19)-731 TRACKAGE PROPERTY to lease or Bell. 150x177 ft., on B. & M. Ry.; good location for wholesale house or coal yard. ANNA V. METCALF, phone Douglas 672. 1234 8. 10th 8t. (19)-M771 Novl FOR SALE New modern 6-room cottage in north part. Al location. Phone owner, Harney 2177. (191-M65S Nov. 16 REAL ESTATE FARM at RANCH LANDS FOR SAI.H Colorado. FOR BALE 160 acres in the fertile San Luis valley at $17.50 per acre; all fenced, best of water stock, artesian well; amall part under cultivation; has a small cabin, lids is a snap;' we have others. Write for our list of bargains. Land here often pays for Itself out of the first crop. The Pond Realty and Loan Co., 15 N. Tejon Bt., Colorado Springs, Colo. (30)-M110 24x Mebrnsajt. FAR SALE "00 acres good farm land, a very fine location, with good improve ments; also one 80-acre farm with Im provement. Henry Reimer, one-half mile south of Jaueen posloMlcu, Jefferson Co., Neb. (20) 6.D 21x $20 ACRES improved eastern Greeley county land, tine black soil, no sand, plenty pure' water, near school, . aome wheat and alfalfa, good corn land; $40 per acr. Ten years time: 6 per cent on part. Will take small property. Bradley A Mathiesen, Wollwcli. Greeley county. Neb. (2o) M775 25x FOR BALE 186-acre farm. 34 miles north west Nebraska City, Neb.; lto acrea in cultivation, balance In pasture and tim ber land; good house and outbuildings: well, creek and spring water. For fur ther particulars address L. F. Jackson, Nebraska City, Neb. (20) Mltxi 25x a Dak La. FOR SALE (40 acres. Lyman county. 8. D., nice, smooth land: not on the Mis souri bottom; eight miles from ton; $13 per acre. standard Investment Company, Sioux Falls. S. D. (20) Mi 29 24x FOR EXCHANGE 320 acres, four miles south of Lebanon, H. D. ; mortgage $5,600. due in installment: ill ex change for equity. Price, $21 per acre. Standard Investment Company, Sioux Falls. 8 D. (2) 11728 24x Waskiagton. FOR KALE On Puget Sound, near Seat tle and I', ti navy yard. Uuda of all kind and prita. for tarm. garden and un hard. For PurMculara addle I.ih-1: Box 42. Port (yrvliaid. Wash. . (J-Mli'J La SS3N men using 44 not confined REAL ESTATE FARM AM) HCH l,4Mt FOR SALI. (Continued.) Mlseellnaeous. CHEATE8T land In V. 8. for 14 the crop; no cash. Nat. - Inv, Co., Brandels Bldg. C.i)) M1 02S TRADES Have Vou Western Land to Trade . . . 01 . 11..' " Will Tou Trado for Western Land? Tell us What You Have to Trade and What You Want to Trade - for. We Have a List of Attractive Propositions. Addres?: THE W. F, SIIELTON LAND w AGENCY, Dept. "B." 818 p0. lljth 8t. Omaha. Neb. ()-M!08 2J REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Jtnnr-h l.anda. i FOR RENT. 120-scre farm; Imiulro H. Baumer, hair tulle north of Country club, Benaon, Neb. Price, $IM. (21 140 23x - - - ' REAL ESTATE LOANS LOWEST BATES Beniis, Paxton Block. WANTED City loan. peters Trust Co. (22)-S!)7 WANTED City loanp and warrants. W. Fainuin Smith Hi Co.. 1320 Farram St. (221 91KI $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property 'in Omaha; lowest r:Us; no delay. Thomas Btennati, HootrTl, N. Y. Life. (221-8US LOANS on. Improved Omaha property. O'Kcefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. . (22) 91)4 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 506 First National Bank Bldg. (22)-98 UNION LOAN INVEST. CO., 310 Bee Loans on Real Estate. .BIdfc. Buy 1st and 2d mtgea. 'Phone Doug. 2(t04. (22) 421 Novll $500 to $50,000 TO LOAN at l.Trest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS., IMi Farnam. (22) 901 $500 TO $65.0"O TO LOAN-Privnte money; no delays. J. H. Sherwood; 937 N. Y. Life. - ,T.r. - (22) "6 $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., lath am) Farnam. (22)-M212 MONEY TO LOAN-Payhe Investment Co, ' (2) 903 WANTED-rTO BUY ' : rr g . WANTED To buy good second-liand furniture and stoves; must be good and at a bargain price. 'Address doaler, I. W. Craig, Bo lil iNorton, Kan. ' -.i' (26) M620 28JC WANTED-To buy second-hand' furniture, cook and heating eloves, carpets, lino leums, office t urultufe, . old clothes and hoes, pianos, feathers bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of ti;oia;- or will buy the furniture of youi' hwuse- complete. The, highest prices paid. )nCall' the rtgltt man. TeL Doug. 3971. . (25) M452 Oct31 WANTED Oood bnffa4o'-head; Advise con dition and cash' pruje. t C. Smith, 61st St., Pittsburg, Pa. (25)-46 21 x 6ECOND-HAND. futmlture bought-, and sold; also machines .if all kinds rented, $2 per month. Tel. Doug. 6993. (26) MB3 CA8H paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, etc.- 308 No. Mth,. Tel. -Redi 3325. , -..- '.. w4 -.. ,(25)-907 - 'U' WANTED TO BUYClvv '.Tel. Doag. 6339. - I--'- 1. . (25)-761--. SINGER sewing machine. . Teh Douglas G497. . - ' , . f25) 810 22x CASH paid for old book. Crane-Foye Co.; 31$ S. 14tb. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (26)-208 WANTED TO RENT I JUST ' sjot ' marripd and would ' like ' to rent a modern furnished house for the winter. It must be strictly modern In every respect and In. a select neighbor hood. Would prefer .Farnam district or Hanscom Park duiljciut. Can give the very best of references.' Address C 3S3, care of Bee. (26) 815 21x A REFINED, gentleman Und wife, without children, wish to rent a furnished flat or sinull house for. any length of time agreeable to owner; would furnish bond and highest references. Address any time befow November 1. N 403, Bee office. . . (26-rM150. 27x PARTIES going away for the winter who would like to sublet, a furnished apart ment to couple without . children: loca tion must be desirable. 'Phone Red 7406. (26) M993 22x LARGE airy rooni desired by gentleman before Nov. 1, where breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner -can be. had if desired; within walking distance; in private family, where, there are no otlior roomers. Ad dress E 3i3, care Bee. (36) M956 WANTED An unfurnished room, with alcove or amall room adjoining; desir able neighborhood; references exchanged. Address J 399, Bee. . (26) Mats 22x ROOMS and board for .three adult, private family, west part bt city. Address F 396, care Bee., (26) M963 24 WANTKD Second hand range. 120 North 26th Bt. (25) lt9 23x WANTED furnished house or apartment for the winter; two In family. Paul T. Blackburn. Tel, 3377 (24) M828 23 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man stenographer wHI be open for position about Oct. 1; has clerical experience; references. Address L 2ta, care Eee . (27)-M994 YOUNG woman of esireno wants plane to take care of child; good references. Address Y 1.2, Bee. . t27)-M143 27x WANTED By experienced dressmaker, work to do by the day. Call on or ad drear 2bo6 Dodge Gt. Tel. Harney 3750, (27)-637 Nov3 18 YOUR -bouse being delayed on account of the lather? If so- see Taylor. Doug. 4166. '- t27)-AI76'J Ux I, WISH POSITION with real estate firm as general hustler. Some experience. Have typewriter. Address Y 110, care Hee. (27)-M7'7 25' DREtiBMAKINQ of all kinds. :6U Seward. 1 (27) M2U Nov 10X STEADY situation, with good compensa tion, by an elderly gentleman, capable and competent In every re-t; refer ences given if rwcessary. Write O. M., 26 Capitol Ave. (27)-113 23x ADVERTISEMENTS a done and collections 41, care of Bee. ritten, typewriting made. Address Y IV7) M10S 26 X No Filthy Sensgtlona THE OMAHA DEC Best ;. West . V - ' .J' BEE vjant 1o Omaha REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS K. t. Fehr to E. A. Smith, e7V4 feet of s2 feet of sub lot of tax lot JS, 16-15-13 1 8iuth Omaha Investment Co. to Ma tilda Scholtihg. lot 12. blk 6, Mc Uavock & O'Keefe'a add 6 W. 8. Pool and wile to Theresa Ptacek. lot 1 blk. 2. Drexel'a suhd.. 3,000 Msria B. Htindcland and husliand to Thomas ItHmlllji. lot 8, Knox aubd 7.000 Minnie Avery to SV. F. Heaslv and wife, lot 15 blk. 4. Portland Place... 143 Kittle C. Averv and Minnie Avery to A. E. Heasly and wife, lot 16. blk. 4. Portland Place 145 The Rogers Real Estate Co. to John G. Roslik and wife, lot 18. blk 6, 8. E. Rogers add 1 l.X Fred W. Smith, et al., to Mlntde L. Hlgglns. lot 17. blk. 6. Kilby Place.. 1.400 Thomas O. Andrew and wife to Suf frona Case, lot 4. blk. "1," Baundere Himebattgh's add 1,600 Suffrona Case and husband to Thomns 0. Andrew, same 1,500 W. H. 'Gales nnd wife to Thomns . C. Starkey. et al.. lot 9. Arlington 250 Thomas F. Cater to Jos. Raver, part lot 41. ElHstone Park Pbiee 700 David F. Neff and wif to Thomas Sul livan, lot 12, blk. "M." Lowes add.. 3,400 John A. Rvder and wife to John A. Ryden and wife lota U and II, Mk. 1. Seymour's addition 1 1 William F. Ifavemever to Martini J. Wlllcox. cll2 feet lot 11, blk. 14, Im provement Association addition 1 Fred Schroder and wife to Joe Plnm beck, Jr., n4 sw'j and elrfe swV4, 8-14-H 14,100 M. D. HtiKton to Jessie L. Houston, lots 1. 2 and 3,' block 7, Thomason Goos adil 1,350 Mary E. Lane and husband to Joseph M. Schramek, east C5f of lot , 1. Kotiutze 2nd add 2 Abraham L. Reed and wife to Har riet J. Mills, lot 11, Fredericks' add. I Total $38,297 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT ING. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE Mate printing Board at the office of the secretory of Mate ut Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before 4 30 o'clock p. m., Monday, October 28, 1907, .for printing and bind ing j.uuo copies eacn supreme court te ports, volumea No. 7S to No. .80, Inclu sive; also volumes No. 75 to No. 84. In- dual ve; 3.000 to 6.000 copies "Normal t raining in ttign richooia ' ror superin tendent of public Instruction: fifteen six quire nd twenty-five eight-quire lax liHts and ten slx-iuilre cash bonks for au ditor of public accounts. Speclllcatlnns tor same csn be found on file in the offlee of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The hoard reserves the right to reject anv ana an nios. STATE PRINTING BOARD. , By LOU W. FRAZIEK, Secretary to the Board. Lincoln, Nebraska, October 17, 1 307. 018D3t OCEAN STEAMSHIPS JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES. HONq LULU AN9 AUSTRALIA By (ha Ro'vsl Mall Steamers of the Canadian Pacific Railway Seltlni from Vanoouvor. B. C. Unexcflled eme to tas orient on oar eteaai. ra. gmprew si India, Enema of Cklna , hipreu ot Jap. Tbcts steamers are tke laatrat betwaen America anS Uta Car KaA Ctcamar Uontaatie, one olaas ot cabla paMatisers only, at tb latarmadlata rate, tatllnse about ererr tan tiara,' giaamara Moana, Minwera ana Aoranfl tons the wlr linn to Australia; rio.llaat aoaasi a.odatlona. SalltSKj oaae a month. far rales, iaturmaitoa and lilermirs. aa 'r e , A. C. SHAW, General Agent, S3! South Clark Ht . Cblcago. WINTER WHEAT CROP HEAVY Sufficient for All Needs as Result of Recent Rains. " . SEPTEMBER SHOWERS THE THING Ontnnt Will Snpplr People from Idaho , to Omaha and Boi - sard's Hay to Broken . Bow, Winter wheat enough from" the fields of Nebraska to feed the people from Omaha to Idaho and from Bustard's Bay to Broken Bow Is predicted by grain men and railroad traffic officials as a result of the recent rains, which threatened ruin to amusement enterprises and horse races. This is the Information, given out b those who have inquired into the condition of the 'soil and .germination of seed sown the first two weeks of September. Farmers who sowed grain early now have good stands, as the rains ot Septem ber put the soil in excellent condition, and It Is said the winter wheat is approach ing winter in better condition than for many years. Other grain dealers believe rain 18 needed at the present time, as the time for sowing the grain Is varied ant) as late as the middle of October some farm ers are just plowing their .fields, while hundreds wlio plant a big acreage of win ter wheat are Just sowing the grain. From reports received at railroad offices the Indications are for a large acreage of winter wheat. Reports on acreage will arrive the first week, of November. Reports are that farmers of the north west, especially In the seml-arld sections of western Nebraska, will plant a large acreage of Durum wheat, which this year has been the child of good feu tune, though last year It had the discouraging Influence of the miller against it. Duram Cots the Acreage. "Durum wheat has somewhat reduced the acreage of spring and winter wheat In the western part of the state," said the traf fic manager of a grain company. "Knock ers have bven predicting that the farmers would see the folly of planting such a hard wheat, and for which there Is such a limited and ' uncertain market. But the market Is developing. Admitting- all the arguments which have been produoed against durum wheat, farmers are planting it In the. west and it has been making an enormous production to the acre. For some reason there has been a shortage in the durum v. lit at in Europe for the last two years and there has been a good mar ket for the durum of Nebraska and South Dakota. The demand so far has neen keen and the tendency Is to induce more farmers to cut down the spring and. win ter wheat acreage. Within the last few days durum wheat has sold st record prices. Just when farmers are deciding what acreage they will plant, for next year. As an e j port grain the durum wheat pro duced In South Dakota and western Ne braska appears to have established Itself, and if the winter and spring wheat acreage is cut down In western Nebraska durum wheat will gel the benefit of the cut." Qnlck Shlno (kes Polish Is the best for ladles" men's and children's shoes, oils and polishes and, is waterproof. rj Bee Want Adt do the bush NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Country Club Still Attracts for the Sunday Evening- Supper. ROUND OF GAIETY OPENS WEEK Three Functions of More Than rasa InsT 4 emeeqeenee Fnllren Mondny Rvenlasr Mrs. E. I.. Ham ilton Aires Tea. Mondsy opens a gay week for society. The calendar of coming events has sched uled severs! large affairs and smaller ones galore for every day, and the fashionables will be kept hurrying to keep all of their engagements. Among the larget things for Monday evening were the card party given by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin for Mrs. Waggaman of Washington, D. C. guest of Miss Daisy Doane; the bridge supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baum for their guest. Miss Lawnll Of Easton, Pa., and a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kate for their niece, Miss Dolllo Pollock, and Mr. Charles S. Elgutter, whoc engagement hss been recently an nounced. Tho reception also celebrated the twenty-eighth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Katz. Afternoon Ten. Mrs. R. L.' Hamilton was hostess, at a charming tea Monday afternoon from 8 to 5 o'clock ut her home, 1240 South Tenth, given in honor of her guest, Miss Blanche Unterklrcher of Burlington, la., and Mrs. Bradway of Chicago, guest of Miss Ger trude Moorehead. Tho rooms bad hand some decorations of yellow shaggy chrys snthemums and the same flowers made an effective ccnterpleco for the table In the dining room. Assisting the hostess were: Mrs. T. M. Orr, Mrs. Robert orfmore, Mrs. John WcHzell, Mrs. II. J. Edwards, Miss Gertrude Mooreheud, Miss Edith -Thomas and Miss Anna Coad. About one hundred guests were present during the sfternoon. For Mrs. Waggamsn. , Miss Lynn Curtis gave a supper at the Country club Sunday evening In honor of Mrs. Waggaman of Washington, D. C, who Is the guest of Miss Daisy Doane. Those present were: Mrs. Waggaman, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin. Mrs. Jacobs of Colorado Springs, Miss Daisy Doane, Miss Carlta Curtis, Cap tain Doane, Mr. Bherman Canfield, Mr. Sam Strickland of Bt. Paul, Mr. C. O. Redlck, Mr. Charles Saunders and Mr. Charlie Stuart of Council Bluffs. At tho Omaha Club. Miss Bdna Keellne of Council Bluffs gave a luncheon Monday at the Omaha club In honor of Miss Blanche Unterklrcher of Burlington, la., guest of Mrs. E. L- Ham ilton: Mrs. Bradway ot Chicago, guest of Miss Gertrude Moorehead, and Mrs. George Charters of Chicago, guest of Mrs. Robert Gllmore. Iler table was prettily trimmed with red roses end plate cards decorated with the same flowers marked the places of her eight guests. Week's-End Gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Bo- W. Moore entertained Informally Saturday evening at their home, 1711 North Twenty-fifth street. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horsman of Portland, Ore., who have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. t. II. "Wallace. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horsman, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Will Beed, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cnrmlchael, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mortenson. Miss Matilda Evans, Miss Etta Smith, Mr. Clare Moore, Mrs. Maude Alice Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Wgjhnatm Clnb. Dr. and Mrs. Z. D. Clark, entertained the Wghaum Whist club Monday evening at theif home, 27U Poppleton avenue. Three tables, were placed for the ctird game and later Hallowe'en stunts afforded amusement for the remainder of the even ing". The club's members Include Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burchmore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Voorhees. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Urioh, Mr. and Mrs. Edward McAdams, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Coffeen, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown and Mr. Charles Emrlch. The next meeting of the club will he In two weeks. - Coute and Go Gossip. Mrs. Lydla Morrison returned Buturday from S two weeks' visit at Colfax Springs. Mr, and Mrs. Frederick vT. Haskell, ac companied by Miss Egert, left Sunday for their home in Chicago. They have been staying at tpe Rome hotel during the Horse Bhow and have been honor guests at many social ivffalrs. , . Mrs. G. V. Doane left Sunday tor New York to visit , her son, Mr. G. W. Doane, Jr.; and his wife. The Misses Vera and Elsie Noyes of Chi cago, who came to attend the Johnson Montgomery wedding and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, returned to their, home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Charters of Chi cago, who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gllmore for several days, will return to their home Tuesday. Mrs. Marshall J. Williams of Glenwood, Ia Is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Sanford on Florence boulevard. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Keellne returned Saturday from their ranch In Wyqmlhg, where they have spent the summer. Mr. and. Mrs. .Clarence Earl Brink are receiving congratulations upon the birth ot a son, born October 14T Mrs. Brink was formerly Ml Elizabeth Field o Omaha, daughter of Mr. Amos Field. Miss Blanche Unterklrcher of Burling ton, la., who has been visiting Mrs. Bobert Lee Hamlltoh, will lesve Tuesday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horsman of Port land, Ore., who have been spending the past week with Dr. and Mrs. -J. H. Wallace, returned Sunday evening to their home. Mr. and Mrs. if. W. Wattles have gone to California, whera they will look after the building of their new home at Pasadena. ' They will also attend the mar riage of Miss Louisa de Clstue and Mr. Frank Hamilton at the home of Mrs. Phoebe Hearst. Mr. Howard Baldrlge left Monday even ing on a business trip to Chicago. Miss Lynn. Curtis left Monday evening tor a ten days' visit An Chicago. Miss Genevieve Baldwin left Sunday evening for Chicago to take up book bind ing, for which she has pronounced talent. It is a regret to her large circle of friends that her work will take her away from Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Dreifuss have re turned from their wedding trip and will reside at the Bachelors.. Power lemoaay Hnajr. CHEYENNE, Wyo Oct. 2 (Special.) The Northern Colorado Power company after a delay extending oven months. Is now working overtime to complete Its new power plant here. The company Is at present persona non grata with the e,ity government, which has repudiated the con tract governing the lighting ot the streets of the city, but the company continues to supply street lights and expects the dim culty with the municipal government to be adjusted as soon as better service can be supplied through the operation of the new plant. Terdlct Aatalast Hook Island. SIOUX VA1.1M, 8. D-, 'Oct. 21. (Special.) A Jury In the United States court in this city, after a trial lasting about two days, has returned a verdict awarding damages In the turn of $4.(100 to Herbert K. Murphy sgainet the Rock island llaurosd company. a MAN IS A ifX jj misfit in busi ness when he is bilious. Before breakfast Biliousness completely. A NATURAL Y LAXATIVE WATtR. Bottled at the Spring. Avoid substitutes. POLITICS IN SEW HOME VOTE Plan to Land Commercial Club ia Webster-Sunderland Building. IT IS BEING WORKED QUIETLY J. Three Propositions Are This rineS Near structure or I'reernt ttearters velth Xecrsaarr Improvements Made.'1 While votes of members of the Commer cial club are pouring into tho commis sioners' office on the question of new quar ters and the sentiment of the members varies widely, some quiet Influence Is being brought to bear In favor of leasing Hie third and fourth floors of the Webster-Sunderland building, Sixteenth and .Howard streets, according to membera voting on tho proposition submitted. , "The vote of those opposed .to leasing the space offered In the Wehater-Sunder-land building will be divided by submitting the three propositions,": said a member of the club, before casting his allot.. "This seems to be a conscious or unconscious ef fort on the part of the executive commit tee to favor the Webster-Sunderland prop osition nnd take a nine-year -lease Tn the two floors at an Increased rental of $4,200 per year. " -;'t " "Some of the members will favor remain ing in the present quarters, planning to spend a reasonible amount fof ' refitting thej-ooms. Others will vote for the propo sition to buy ground and erect a hew build- ' ing on a stock subscription. ' "These three propositions are confusing and the result will be the division of those opposed to taking a nine-year lease on the section of the Webster-Simderland build ing at a rental of $6,000 per year. The re sult will be that the second prcuXfflltlon may win out. It is like putting up an Inde pendent republican candidate to split the , republican vote and give the democrats a chance to win."' ' . The Three Propositions. The three propositions as being voted on by members of the club are printed on pos tal cards and were mailed to every mem ber. They are: . First Shall the Commercial club remain in Its present quarters and pend a reason able amount of money to refurnish and re decorate aaine? Second Shall the commercial club enter Into contract with the owners of the Webster-Sunderland building. Sixteenth and Howard streets, for the 4hlrd and fourth floors Of that building, giving double the amount, of space the lub now occupies, with a private entrance and elevator on Sixteenth street, at an-Increased rental of $4,200 per sj-nnum over present rental? Third Shall the Omaha Commercial club make a short time lease on Its present quarters and create a stock subscription for the purchase of ground and the erection of a commercial club building at a aultablo location, within a short period of time, the stock to be offered to members of the club geiiurally, certificate -of stock to be Issued to subscriber for the amount subscribed? The poll may not be closed until Hie end of the week, but' as tho Wettster-Sunder-land people are considering other, tenants. It is the doslre of the. executive committee to get the complete vote in as early as possible. . '; ' ' . , ' ' " r , Another member has -called attention to the fact that when the old Brandeis build ing was offered to the Commercial -club for a permanent home, at a reasonable rental, it was turned down without a referendum of any kind. Employ tills ' boy. Heres the most am bitious boy that ever came to town,' and a Bee want add will find him.' Those who use this very Inexpensive method of finding help always have the best help. Those who put the primitive "Boy wanted" card up In he window uiually get the boy they don't want and imagine all other boys are the same kind. Stntamnn Held nt Cheyenne. CHEYENNE. Wyo., bet 2L (Speclal.)-- Otto Stutsman, wanted by the authorities of Greeley, Colo., to answer a charge of illegally butchering cattle, was : arrested here last night, while In bed at the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Stutsman.' An-' other Cheyenne man, believed to have been Implicated with Stutsman In the alleged breach of the Colorado law, is still at lib erty, but the local police expect to. catoh him within the next twenty-four hours. v jr. Lyon g PERFECT Tootli Powder Cleanses, preserves and beautifies' the teeth, and Purifies the breath A superior dentifrice for people of refinement Established in 1666 by "sly father bad baa a a laffaar from tick huadeth lo, tbe la I awenr-a vo yaara and neivr fonaa ens relief sniil be began taking year Caacareia. Blnce ' be baa began asking Caacareto be baa aeeer bad the baa4aeha. ' he ailealy cerea bloa. t'eaaareta do arbaA fun reoonameud tbem to do. 1 ill gWe roe tbe privilege of salng bla name." l.U. Uickaoa. 1U Keaiaet a., W-ladiwaswUs, IsA. riftss.nt, PaOavtanU rVytn TaiU 04 T6 ft ), tMr fcickan. V h tr Grip. . Uc. Mc Nr 'tid la bulk.. Tit- (auiii tbltH tttu.eoti COO Oiaavt4vt.t4 fro curt or your muitey vci. ftUrltog Bamtdy Co., Chicago m-N.Y. Syl mUALSALE. TEN K.LLU!. E0IE1 r - vi 1 k. i4 -tan. P-vV.i.J t ) I vijt"'"' &aaaah Beat For1 VsL fJy Th Bowel j