THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. OCTOBER ... 1007. -i CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARtvtl patents. fSTTt, 0); first char, $4fi4 8H; -cr,n,t el' nr. M.;n!,;tM KLAX-Kalr demand; tA arrive, 11.24V;. BRAN- In bulk, K::,irl2:i. SlacXening of Demand So Manifest in ' v wmk i.enfhu. mbki;t Pit on Saturday. FOREIGNERS LEND NO STRENGTH Kkral Strong and Moderately Active it til' Start, hat Slnmgrs Corn Open Strong and Move tp. OMAHA. Oct. 21. 1'7. There wan a slackening of tin demand today that wi mo mnnlf cut at Saturday s market, snd foreign msrkels did liot come with tho strength expected. Wheat was strong and moderately active, a th mart, but there wm a flump In the Wjjrnand and cables did not show the .Turengib txnwlrh. Price eueed slightly toward noon, hut there win no heavy unloading of any long linev ard the market staid moderately firm. DfWmlwr wheat opened at 8 4c and closed at 9f.Tc. Cora opened itcady and dvnced slightly, but excellent crop condition and an easier demand prevented any strong bull move ment arvd prices remained steady. De cember corn, opened at ito'.tc and cloned at UWc. Oat wer;e ateady, but worked o(T omo On commission house aales arid heavier re ceipt. The market wm not active and seemed to be waiting for wheat tuid corn. 1 'ecember oata opened at fiti1 and clowd at loNc. Primary wheat receipts were 1.5:14,000 btiahela and ahlpnient wore l.ld.Ooo bush 1. against, receipt Ins! year of l.Ml.noo bnnhels and shipments of 1.6?S.W bushel. Corn receipt were t;.riO buahel and ' Shipment were bushels, apalnxt re telpt last year of 771.OO0 buahel and shlp svnt of 75n,OPO bushel. Clearance were 17.0X) bushel of corn, ,000 buahel of oata, and wheat and flour anoal to 80,100 bushels. Liverpool closed L"ii:id higher on wheat , Ind unchanged to '.d higher. Local range of option. Vrllole. Open.l High. Cloe. Low. Ye'y. Wheat-I I I I I Pee.i. 984 m Kvsl ft."."! 97r., May... 1 044 1 044 1 l"ki 1 Oiy 1 July... 974 OTVil 96! 9&:'l '" Corn , , l Pec... 664 66X.I R3 R:l Cl Mav... - 17. M M M! W July... 66-4 641 644' M41 at- II. Deo... 62 62 B0t Hf 01 May... 54 54 53 I 53 I 6:a July... 47 1 4t, 44 47-, $1.101 1.23 bu. Omaha. Vaah Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 9Sfj99c; No. 3 hard. 7j98c; No. 4 hard, WKjitaic; No. 3 spring. Kcrrr$).00; no grade, SUy'.WC. L'ORN-No. 3, &c; No. 4. 57Sf57c; no grade. 64Wr5M&e; ' No. 3 yellow. 5Vfl5t'c; No. 8 white. 6x4tiVjc. OATS No. 3 mixed. 47Hf47c; No. 3 White, 48(&484e; No. 4 white. 47Wj47c. RYE No. 2, JHc; No. 3. 7ti0c. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oata 1.7 658 f.9 sax I I Keatare of Traila and Trice on ' Lending Cnmmodlllea. NKW YORK, Oct. 11 Fl.Ol'U I.e. celpta, 1!M hhln.; .xporta. 14. aid bbla. Market il.ill and unsettled: M Inn-sola. jimI enta. fr,.i',oi mi; winter ntrnlglit. t .; Mlttneanta t.akers. ll.nUtr fiit': winter extra:". t.eoi 4.J5; winter potent. Jl.;"i ''i ."...:; w inter low snide. $.1 tifl 4. 1 C. Hye Hnir. quirt; fair to good. .i.i"'ii R.JR; choice to lamv. S 5R lluek wheiit flour, dull, nii 3.'jj per 1l H. CORNMKAI. -Harelv ntendy; fine white and yellow. 1.654rl.l; courae. $1.4.Yf l.fir.; 141111 dried. IXXnfY 4.05, llYK Julet; No. 2 wentei'i, 97e, f. o. b. New ork. HAKLKY Hteady; malting. In New Y.rk. WHKAT Receipt. 397.101 port.i, J37.07 hu.; nal", S. 260.001) bu turea. 17.000 I'll. caah. Spot market wua eaay; No. red, 1 . 1 1 . elevator, il.ljV, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Ituluth, $1.'.'1', f. o. b. (.Moat; No. J hard winter, il ls, f. o. h. atlont. Option market strong, t'tiblen put wheat up I 'c a bu. till morn ing, and ntop-loa. vtalhle aupply Increaae, heavy northwest receipt and boiler Ai genllne crfip new promoted a iHler break of 3c, The market cloned Tfctol-njV net, lower. December. $1.13 U l.lcVs. don. d 1 . 1 3 k ; Mav. $1,15411179-16. cloned I1.1KU,. aaked. CORN Receipt. 34.400 bu.; exports. 1.000 bu. Ppot market eaay; No. J, iJVjc, elevator, and "3c. f. o. b. afloat: No. J white. 73c; N 3 yellow,' 3e, f. o. I., afloat. Th option market opened strong nnd higher, but reacted lc wltli wheat and closed 4 i a)' ' net low er. December, 737 74c. cloaed 7e: May. 69 MTlc, closed .1501 tiGiC asked. OATH Reielpt. 174.000 bu. Ppot mar ket iilet: mixed. to 3." lh.. 6d; iiat ural while. -JK to 3S 11m.. .'igc; clipped white. A! to 40 111?., r.afflfilc. l.ARD Knlt'lv ateady. Js45i:.. fined, eiiav: continent. 3.S04)f 10.75 pound. Sx.'iIj oo. TAt, UiW-Firm: city. fifi',4e; trv. Rfi (ikc. I'OI'I.THY Drened. wenfe. Wenterti npr'ng chlck.-'n. vynhk-; fowln, UWit: HCTTKR Steiidv. Creamery, extra, 2Sc; third to first. II'-i'-T'c; held, creamery, flrnt to Mpt iala. ':rsiriiyzf, mate dairy, common to tlneat, 22(fSc; proceaa, common to spe cials. llfij'.'Hc; western factory, common to llrat. 2iV('J4c. t'HEKHK Stead v. State. full cream, small, colored and white, September fine, lti'ic; December-October. 1Hc; Decembcr Octoher, good to prime, lS'iGjilne: conimon to fair. Ll'olfic: large colored. SeptemtnT line, IrtVic: large colored. OctolK-r flne, 16c: large white. October fine, lc; common to nWme Midi I fit., e. KOOS Firm. State. Pennaylvanla and nearby fancy, selected white, :'rli:i6o; good i to choice, 291" M3c: brown and mixed fancy. '29fi32c; first to extra flrat. 21fZlc: wetern first, 2zrt!'j4c; aoconda. lwrnc. VV KtTIIER IX TIIK GHAIV 11EI. T NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market ii Strong and Higher Because lof Act cf Clearing House. WEAKER BANKS ASSISTED fr'.ffertUr Mcp Taken ' o Arold T ramldlnB" of Bank hy r taln Intereats losing Ton Firmer. Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Duluth 535 '7 445 b3 CHICAGO GRAI.X AXO PROVISIONS Feat are of the Trading: and Cloalao; rrlc an Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. 21. The local wheat mar ket wa erratic today, prices fluctuating over a range of more than 8 cent. At the clow the December delivery howed a net looa of lAo. Oat .er e -lower. Pro vision were lOo to 37 lower. The wheat market opened strong and xoltad with price l4o to MC above the cloae of Baturday. The strength waa caused almoat entirely by the continued dry wtathei' 1n 1 Australia. At the end of the ' flrat half hour a leading bull commenced to sell and Continue to do so throughout . the day. This, selling; started prices down ward and the decline waa not checked until prices had dropied more than 3 cents from the high point of the day. A heavy move ment of supply and a slackening In the de mand for cali wheat were important fac- ' frirm- lnr-eailnr .ilie.. decline. The market m allied about lo from the low point on "covering by shorts and Closed fairly steady. December opened lc to lc higher at to $1.0. sold off td $1.02 and closed ' at I1.0CV May ranged between ll.OSVito l.UVa and cloaed at ll.OS'i. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 600.300 bu. Primary receipts were 1,534.000 bu. agalnut 1.691,000 on the same day lant year. Minne apolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 1.017 cars against 93S cars last reelc and 703 cars a year ago. The corn market was strong at the opening, in sympathy with wheat. Tho market weakened later on selling by long and cash houses and cloned weak at almoat the low point of the day. A weak murket for cash corn, and liberal primary receipts wre due W? the bear Influence. December opened C to Xha higher at MHo to l7e, aold off to B9Vi closed at to. Local reeelpts were M5 cars, with 207 cars of contract grade. Oats were strong early In the day be cause of the advance in wheat and corn, but later weakened on Increased receipts and realising sales. December opened c higher at aold at W40 and then de clined to &3c, where it closed. Local re ceipts were 446 cars. Provision were weak because of heavy selling by a local packer, the break In corn and a more liberal movement in live hoga. At the cloae January pork was down 37V.-0 at 115. C1. Lard was loo lower at $8.87. Klbs vera 17W?'20o lower at I7.92H. r - ' Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 131 cars: corn, 637 cars; oats, 472 cars; bogs, 17,000 head. r The leading futures ranged as follows: . Articles. j Open. Hl-h. Low. Clone. Bafy. Fair and Warmer. Says Your Friend, Colonel Welsb. Foot Ball at Iowa Falls. OMAHA. Oct. 21. W XDW YORK. Oct. 21 The dillirent labors 'of the clearing house authorities during the doted period of business activities over 1 Hunday bore fruit todav In a nromnt and ex-1 decisive accession of confidence. The stock f-i- ! market righted Itself like a ship over which a s) nail has passed and prices all through the list started upwarda and In some In stance retrieved many point of last week' decline. The trouble. In the rank of New York bank was generally understood last week, but the force of the depression exerted wa caused by the fears that the trouble must run to a culmination and threaten the Involvement of the general situation. A conviction was lacking of the power of the clearing house to right tho difficulty. The trouble was recognised a ' due to certain methods and with the elimi nation of the person objected to. the ob jectionable method were believed to be effectively done away with. 1 The authoritative announcement of the clearing house committee that the banks under criticism had been solvent after examination and that assistance would bo , rendered them to meet thsir deposits, re moved the principal fears of Immediate consequences. Holld satisfaction was felt over the policy followed by the clearing I house In It wider cope as well. The lack of conservative bsnkinjr methods and the rapid extension of DHtihlng control bv tho ! new element wnk-fc ha been curbed has 1 been a subject of disquiet for a long time : nam. By a process equivalent to what stock operators call "pyramiding'' and by us. of one bank stock as collateral for necur Ing control or 11 not her. an extension was threatened which would Involve wide con sequences In time of financial stress. The T'nlted Copper episode last week. Involving clumsy attempt and market manipulation nnd employment of banking resource In futile speculative maneuver, proved the danger signal. The necessity of appeal for assistance to the clearing house, which grew out of the distrust aroused by thnt discreditable episode, threw power Into th hands of the clearing house to dictate term. The outcome Is regarded with satis faction. The opinipn of the financial world wa of a peril averted and of wisdom and authority assert "d for the betterment of abuses. The rebound In price of stock ' wa attributable in large degree to th I necessity of an uncovered hprt Interest, , which operated boldly last week on the as sumption that events were running to a catastrophe. Demand beyond this was un . der some reserve. There waa the recog. Inltlon that the course, marked out for the I correction of the banking situation here, .salutary though It is recognised to be-.' may OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET American oppnoil fittvifiy mikI rro rll mippnrtpj diirlnB" th f'rnion n tl' a1" 11 mj need rpn-ijuMTm'nt uf the bnnklnr in tereMff New York. CuPHriittn I'm'HW. 1 -.!.... Tr.(fin r.M.1 OMiiilinrn DurlH.. roniMro.l he modt attention. renrMnif 14 rms nv. i ; Large neceiDt or tattle tverywusr. parity, letter the iinproviii'nt wmh ri:1n- t . V n t tnH on the sternly New York opentnit. I WITH ITlCei L0WCT. but Hie volume f bnnln-wii wnn nt 1rm-. i The mnrUet nr the rtre pn-1 pi wn t I? "ths1 '''(VT !hoos continue on down grade sympathy with Americans. Foreigner nnd lsnir were siraoy. PARIS. Oct. at. The New York i leiirleif Sheep and lam ha In house report of the solvency of tin h:nk in trouhle in that city had a rcHSsuring effect on tile Houre today. Price were firm, but business wa dull. HKRUN, Oil. 21 Price mi the Bourse today were IrregHlar. I l.ara Receipt, nllh Killers Generally ' Steady and Feeder Slow to a l.lttle Loner. (lllftt.O I.IK STOCK MARKFT tattle Steady Ilea Ten tm Fifteen Cents l,wer Sheep Firm. CHICAOO, )t "A I'ATTI-F.-Reeelpt. estimated eboi't" JSOVi head: market steady; steers. t4 rr." 40; heifers, iAirb.7&: bulls. I.' 5fi4 ; cos. s. S.va4 40; reives, t4.3H.2h; sloeke and feeders, 2.2Mift 0. HOC 18 Receipt, estimated about 4?,nr0 head: market, loaifto lower; light buti h ers. IW ft-fiStt: light mixed, tu 4i"ti 5U; choice light W tKi.0; packing. I.r 7Vo.J0; pig. ."."tl3ii; bulk of sales, pv 2liti SO. KHKKP AND LAM IIS Receipts, entr mated alKiut 42.000; market firm; Sheep. kiaii.2.i; lambs, f.75tf7.4i; yearlings, PJ.50 urt.Ve. MER. bllse bills; commercial bills, $4.SU4 HAH 4S4,e. GOVERNMENT BONDS Steady roud bonds, Irregular. MONEY On cailv strong. 5f9'4 net- cent; ruling rate, 7 per cent: closing Hid, fi per cent; offered at fl per cent. Time liana, firm; sixty day. fi4 per cent; ninety day. Vi and 7 per ce"tj lx months, 6 per cent. Quotation on rw ork bonds today were a rol'owe: 2.273 1.774 4 07J 4 44 2.217 2S.0.0 .7?. 22. '."M 26.2WI 44.277 17.971 POCTH OMAHA.' Oct. 21. 1!H7. Keceinti wer. : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Ktlmate Monday 12.2J Same dav lat week. . . .I".' In twnker' bill at K8.'sKr4.85fl for I Same clay 2 week came oay d e.-s- w.. ...'. Same dav 4 week ago.. ." Same lay last year.... 3.84 The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hog and sheep at Soulii Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: P7. Catt'e 9T3.SK3 I Hog 1.9S9.079 Sheep 1.64,477 The following tble shows the averge prices of hoi.s at Bouth Omaha for th last everal dayf, with comparlaons: New York ioarr Market NEW YORK. Oct. S1.-PR1MK CANT1LE 1'APKR 7ii7H per cent. 8TERL1N( KXCHANOf-Actiifil nes demand and at 4-H:hS4.SIW) for sixty-day SILVER uVc. Mexican dollars rail- r. ; rr-com- couii- f. s. ret. it, do ronpon V. S. . reg....;.. do coupon t'. . s. 4. r .. do roupnn ....... Am. Tobsrro 4i do Ati-hlflo fan. 4.., Atlantic C. It. 4..' A Ohio 4.... do aff Brk. R. T. r. 4. . . l entrtl of O. fit. . no' lt Inr Mo td Ine Mo Id Ine "hp. Ohio 4. C, B a j. n. in. C. R. I. P. 4. do col. bt CfC. . U 4 Coin. Inn". T4. Itr. CohJ. MIS. 4. ... Colo. So. 4 Cohs fin !. A R. O. 4s.. Dlntlllpni' fec. im. Krln p. I. 4ft do gen. 4ft., t.... H.xk. Val. 4tli... Japan 4Ha ctfa.... .lo 2d aerlea do 4n U.S. -"Offtrad. ..1M1i t. K.- unl. 4a . ..! Man. e. 4a... .... !'. ...1-e Vex. rentrat t 77 ,..1'H 4o lal Ino 1:1 ..I. '04 Mlnn. A St. I.. 4a. . 14 ...17 M,, K. A T. 4a ... do J 1 ... i R. R. of M. r 4a tl ... 4 X. r. G. l. Ha M ... N. J. C. . ( 1444 ... Wi No. Psrlflc 4a 7T, ... do 3a M ... 714, N. A W. . 4a HI 14, . s. b. rfd. 4a ... 7 ... 1 Penn. r..nv. 34a W'4 ... a', Rea4ln Ran. 4a 2 ... 4i"4 M. L. 1. M. c. ta..I07 ... St. L. A g. K. fg 4a n ... 9ui . L. S. W. c. 4a. t ... M seaboard A. L. 4a.. C ... 7H o. Pad.- 4a St a.. M do Ifi 4a rlla '4 A, 47 So. Railway f.a HHii ... M Texa A P. la Ill . . . M'4 T , Kl. 1,. A W. 4a.. 4 . ..lodvi trnlon Paoltlr 4a tH . . 45 - do ronr. 4a M4 .. . 70 l S. Rtcal fd 5a 91 ... 4 Wahaah la 1 . .1 14 Weaurn Md. 4a 7 ... W. A L. B. 4a 41 .. . H1 Atrhlaon 4a M ... H7I4 do ronv. .5a... lot 7 ... 79T, Int. Mat. 4V, ' 190. 8J6.397 2(ri5.R(l 1.708.S39 Inn. 147.M Dec. W.'V!2 t'i.SU Date. i:i07. li) Ivans City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct 21. CATTLK Re ceipt, ti.u head. Market ateady to weak! choice export and dresssd beef steers. $611 47. 75: fair to good, o.mii.W; western ateers, W nOfro.ft); ntwkem and feeders. H.OOa4.10; southern steer. 3 .0tti-4.10; southern cows. l2.llfiX30: native cow, $2.V4tO; Patlve heifer. 2.hVnM60; bulla, Calves, 3.25rl. IKHM Receipts, ,7t head. Msrket loff I.-k: lower: top, 30; heavy niirn nnd Hah CHEEP AND LA MBS Receipt n, 7.000 head. Market steady; Inmbs, W87.; ewe and yesrllng. $B.Jt!ft'7B; Western yearlings: J6.4jilf.8t; western sheep. M.'b'd t.50; stock fir and feeders. KtWSt.OO. FOURTEEN YEARS TO EJECT After Long; Legal Fight. Van Etten it Put Out of Eonse. SHERIFF DOES IT BY FORCE Defendant Declares Sapretne Coart Consplroer and Ills lateatlnn of Having McDonald and Mea Indlcred. As a reult of fouiteon jtsts of litiga tion David Van Etten and wife were put out of their house at Twenty-first ami Harney streets by- ' number of deputy sheriffs Monday morning undar an execu tion irom district court. Befora the depu ties left the office Mr. Van Etten filed with t, 6.W 2S tha act aa outrage and threatened to have Oct Oct. Oct. it tot. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct: Oct. Oct. Oct. 11..., 8 H4i 201 4 t 4 12. 1J.... 14. .., 15... 17... II... 19....I 20. ... 21... 4 11 ft (SV. 8 (xv 6 9H 8 8 0K 8 19 e Hi n VI I 18! 5 98 I ,8 211 B 07 ) 8 811 i SI 8 26 5 08 1 i 8 SS 8 27 8 10 6 1U a. 5 11 8 8 861 1 i 81 17J 817 1 "81 111 8 44 7 161 8 II 21 8 19 8 18 21 8 30 6 12; 5 4JI 7 00 36 8 VI K 1.11 R no I h Ul 7 08 5 io, 4 94 ' 1 J H I 6 12 5 03; 8121 I 8 141 6 08 6 04! l S a S 14 8 W 8 2 8 2 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Om a h n $2. 2..ii4. So .". K;,foH. 15 Kansas City il.(NK, M) i.sU.i'o'i eS Chicago 1.4"j7.30 8.luba St. Louis 1.754J7.15 6,1I.6 The disposition of the day a receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. her of head Indicated Old M.r weather nrevalled throughout the ' involve some further cutting out process. Missouri vallev and northwest dUrlng Bun- whloh will make further tnesaure on the day, and temperatures are lower tin morn ing in the southwest, the lower Missouri, Mississippi and Ohio valleys and eastern sections. Light rains are railing in tne Texas panhundlc, and generally cloudy weather prevails in the gulf atates. The weather la generally clear in other sec tion. Temperatures are rising In the upper Missouri valley and northwest thl mornlug, and the weather will be warmer in thl market. In the stiffness of the call loan rate wa discernible the effects of the urther purging process In the recoil of credits placed to the lenders' dissatisfaction. There was attention given to report of reduction of working forces, in- manufacturing con cerns and tle subject of bustneas recession was given consideration. There wa of fered for discussion also the unexpected vicinity tnnlght, with continued fair tonight engagement on Saturday after Stock ex am! Tuesday. ' change hour of l,5o0 0o0 In gold for ship- Omaha record ot temperature and preeipi- mem 10 uermany. Although ilepc ihd a tatlon compared with day for the last three the corresponding years: .19117. 1908 ,. ,31 4S .. .00 ' ..17 for today, 1905 1904 35 43 .la) .CO 50 de- Mihimum temperature Precipitation Normal temperature Deficiency in precipitation stnee Mjrch 1, 8.92 inches. ' Deficiency corresponding period In WOK, 4.44 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1905, 8.19 inches. U A. WELCH. IxK-ai Forecaster. Wheat III) Dec. 1 C6H9 lW IN 102 102 1 04H May - 1 11 C 1 iW 1 HHi 1 tlVi 1 06 1 08 1 0934 Jul" 1 Osvvff- ' , lot 104 1 03 1 02 102 Corn 1 Dec. faW-M I7! 6!"4 May K?ViiiJ S31 "V 604 fl'4 62 July 62Mo'A tBt "Hi ' 81i Cats-; Dec', fWl M M'4 8,71 hX May h'ViM & I KKiM July 60 604 49 4i'4 'ja'at' IS 15 15 75 16 40 15 42V 18 80 XUy 18 10 U 12Vj 16 80 15 8U U 15 Lard 1 I Hot. 1 15 IS 0? t 0' 9 20 Jan. It"4 IK 8 87Vs 8 87Vi 8 7V May I 10 10 9 00 00 15 Jlibs Jan. 1 10 10 7 90 1 93l 1 1?4 May (80 8 824 8 15 8 17H 8 37V St. I.oa In General Market. , ST. LOUTS, Oct. 21. WHEAT Market weak; track No. 2 red caah. $1.05(91.08; No. 3 hard, $1.02$ 1.07; December, $1.01; May, $1.07 CORN Track No. cash, KWrWc; Decem ber, Wkc; May, lc; No. t white, SSHIinlc. OATS Track No. 2 cash, fcOH'Milc; Du cemher. 61c: May, B37e; No. 2 white, 82V. KUOlTR Quiet; red winter patents, $4.8Mi) 5.00; extra fancyi and straight, $4.404.75; clear, Hl.uOfti 1.10. HKK1 Timothy, steady, $3.75(74.30. MIAN-Firm; bucked, east track, $1.20 1.21. HAY-43ulct; timothy, $11.00(i! 19.00; prairie $!.! 13.00. IRON "DTTON TIES-$1.10. PAOUlNa 11 6-lRc; hemp twine, lie. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $16.75. Ird. lower; prime steam, $S.76H. Dry salt meat. - steady; boxed, extra shorts, $9.37H: clear rib. $9.37: short clear, $!t.t. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra Bhort. $10.; dear ribs, $10.90. POTLTRY Weak: chickens, 8V4c; springs, layOitc; turkeys, 13c;, ducks, 8Vc; geese. 6c. Hl'TTER Qui at; creamery, 2630c. EGGS Steady at I8H0. case count. Receipt. Shipment. Flour, bbls 14.000 lO.floO Wheat, bu 140,000 83,000 159,000 28.000 Oats, Du jciu.wv ,ww Kansas City Grata and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Oct. SI. WHEAT De- I cember. 7e:L May, $1.01V4; cash, No. 2 hard. $1 .ntij.l.03; No. Z red, l.WKSH.U6; iso. a, 11.0041 1.03H. CORN Cash, No. 8 mixed, 59H080c; No. X 6tM')oc; No. 2 white, 60c; No. 8, 6U0. EtifiS Steady; extras. 22o; firsts. 20c. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $13.26&,13.75; choice prairie, $11.76$ 18.00, RYE-WV(i01c. BUTTER Creamery, 29c; packing, 20c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat .bu 297.000 1S7.000 Corn, bu 48,000 318.000 Oats, bu 31 .000 20,01(0 C1olng quotations st Kansas City, as reported by Logan Bryan, 112 Board of Trade. . a special transaction, the fact thut this gold was going out was an indication that similar call money rate In New York at present are a much a question of tho character of the borrower and collateral a of scarcity of money. Foreign buyers were active in this market today and this waa a factor in the sharp decline In foreign exchange rates. The slimmest reaction In F .rices of stocks' late In the day was due o profit-taking and wa not regarded a reflecting any Impairment of the restored confidence. The closing tone was strong. Bond were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,888,000. Cnlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on the 1 ivuw 1 or DtocK exchange; No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: r'UXTR Waa nominally Wc higher; a-lnter patents. $4.6&ji610; winter straight. $4.K9'4.0; spring patents, $5. 406.76 : spring atralghts. $4 9ot!6 '6i bakers, $a.ia"4.24)i WHEAT No. $ spring, $l.lnit.l3; No. 3 spring, $1 0'."S'1.02H: No. 2 red. 81.0l4tl.04H. , CORN No. 2. tS2Mr&-,c; No. 8 yellow, OATS No. Z, HC No. 3 White, 4&61Vic. RYDNo. t, 6c. BARLEY Oood feeding, 80085c; fair to Choice malting. WyVic. SEED Flax. No. 1 northwestern, $1.17. Clover, contract grades, $lj.75. PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose), S?.g2'V37-37. Meaa pork, per bid., ilt.S.'iy $14 Vk- Lard, per 1W lte.. $9 024. Bhort -clear aides (boxed), $.2&'a.75. Following were the receipts and ship ments ef flour and grain: Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bble 14 7o) 4".loT) Wheat, bu 4ii.7"0 4'orn, bu 42!.o 241 loo Oata, bu .4i.) K'l.lia) Rye bu "' 0 Barley, bu loO.ltai tj.gon On the Produce exchange today the but ter murket waa steady; creameries. iUSit 27Vc; dairies. Zlii'Uv. Farg. steady; at mark, casea Included. lTV'JOHc: first, 22t 84c Cheea. steady. Uft lo V-- PoorU Market. PEORIA. Oct. zl.-CORN Fairly heavy; market firm; No. 8 yellow, 63c; No. 3. k . No. 4, 8-e; no grade, fcac. OATS No. $ white, nuoe. 'Artlclea. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat December May Corn December . May '! ..I 101 I 101HI LI 063.1 1 0S.'1 ..Ib7'mi 67 64T4ii5 oSfi&iH 97S 97S 02! 1 02H S2) 5S4 ' Dalath Grata Market. Dl'LVTH. Oct. 21 WH EAT No. 1 north ern. 1.V1H; No. $ northern. l Uf'i; Decem ber. $1 UA; May, $1 14. OA1 6 on track, fclc. Mlaaeaaolta Grata Market. M1NNEAPOM8. Oct. 21-WHKAT-De-romtnsr, $1 wul M: May. $l.liiil 13;: No. bard. $1 Wl II; No. 1 northern. $1 tt l lo; No- i northern. H Ooal w7l,o; No. 3 a. n l. ern . $1 0S a 1 .ttoh. J IvOt'A ilrat psteuU, $&.$ 00; second Mllwaakeo Grata Market. MILWAfKEE, Oct. 21. WHBAT Firm; No. 1 northern, $1.13'oV.15: No. 3 northern. $1 llti 1.13: Decemtwr, $1.02T4 bid..' BARLEY No. 2. 81.11; sample.. 76cel .10. CORN Lower; No. $ cash, 2CJ63c; May, 00c bid. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU Oct. 21. WHEAT Spot, nominal: futures. ateady; December, 671. March, s'.d; Mav. 8s 7"d. CORN S;xt. steady; prime mixed Ameri can. S4d. Futures, quiet; October, 5a lid; JanU u , 5s 6d. , Cottoa Market. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 31 COTTON Ppot in fair demand, prices Oft 14 poults lower; American middling fair, 8!4d; good mid dling, 8.61; middling, .39d; low middling, 8u3d; good ordinary, .Cxh1; oid i.ary, 4.9od. The sales of the day were lo,(. bale, of which 1.OJ0 were "for speculation and ex port, and included 8.900 American. Receipts were 2.uo0 bales, Including 3uo American. Futures oieni-d steady and closed easy. American middling, g. o. c. l.lober. 8."4.l; October-November, 6.9Vd: Noveir her-De-cember, 59od; December-January. SWMd; January February. 5.(OHd: K'bruary-Marc.i. 51tvl; March-April. b.Wd. Aprll-Mav, 6.7Vld: May-June, 5. 7Sl,d; June-July. 6.771; Jolv-Auaust. b.T&U. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 21.-COTTON-Spot were quiet, with prices utn-hance J : nilddllng. HSc; talti 240 bales on ;ot and 1.7u bala lo arrive. Futures, quiet; O- ' tober high. 11.02c; low. 10 nee. Closing bids Januarv. 10.li4o; February. ' 10.4-; March !lii i5K-; April, 10 71o; May, 10.76v; June. 10.7tk;; 'Julv, m.ioc; Octoler. 10.95c; November, 10 7Sc; Decent her, 10 ibc. ' ST. IjOIIS. K-t. a. COTTON Quiet; middling. llc; no sales; receipt. 9 balea; shipments. It bales; stock. 4.1-3 bales. Kvanorated Apples and Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is quiet but steady. Willi fancy quoted at KSc; choice, loc; prime, ir-ovAic: common to fair. of9c. DRIED FRl ITS Prune, dull and quiet, Willi q.iotatluns ranging from 4c to 130 f.r California and from tSc to '-ac for Crregon up te 4o-6us. Aiaricota unchange.1, with choice quoted at 21c; extra choice, 2?r; fancy, 2y.4Wc. Peachea are ateady, with cholca at il'glJVfec: extra choice, 12Hllc; fancy, lajlSV.c; extra fancy, 14jimc. Rl alna are in somewhat better aupply on spot and prices continue f.riu, aitu Ioom Muscatel quoted at KVal'K; seeded raisins, 7't14c and Luudon layers at l.'iil.. Adama Rxprcaa Amalgamated Copper ....... Am. C A K Am. ('. r. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Col 1 on U!I pfd Am. KxpreaaA Am. II. A U pfd American. l. - Am, Lluaaed. Oil Am. Llnaead Oil pfd Am. Ijocomotivo Am. Uocomottv pfd Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Renntng Are. Tobarro pfd etfs Anaoonila Mining Co Atchlann Atohlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line Paltlmor A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Broofflrn Kaplf Tr Canadian Pacific Central of New .teraey Cheaapaska Ohio I Chicago Ot. W Chicago A N. W Chicago, M. A St. P Chlrago T- AT, offered... Chicago T. A T. pfd C. O.. C. A 8t. L Colorado r. A I , Colorsde A Ho Colo. A Ho. tat pfd - Colo. A So. Id pfd Conaolldated Uaa Cora Products Corn Products pfd Delaware A Hudaoo Pal., U A W v.. Daarer A . O P. A R. O. (d Dlatlllara' Baourltle Krl Krla 1st pfd Krle Sd pfd Unrai Blaetrle lllloola Central International Pa par Int. Paper pfd . Int. Pump Int. Pump. ai-dlT...... lows Cantrst Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Bo K. C. So. pfd... Loularllla A N Mnlcan Cantral Minn A 8t. L. M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M M . Bt. P. A 8. 8. M. Pfd.. Mlaaeurl Pacific at., K. A T M. , K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of at. pfd, offend New York Cantral N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North Aniarlcaa Pacific aUII Paunsrlvanla , Peopla'a Qm P., C, C. A Bt. L Preaaed Btaol Car Preaaad B. C. pfd Pullnut PaUci Car 1.. Reading Hadlug lat pfd Heading 2d pfd 1 Rapuhllo steal Republic Stoat pfd Rock laland Co Hock laland Co. pfd Bt. L. . F. U pfd 81. Lsula F. W St. L. S. W. ptd Soutbarn Pacific So. Pacific pfd... So. Railway Ho. hallway pfd Teniiaiaee C. A I Txa A P T.. St. L A W T.. St. L. A W. pfd...... I nloa Pa. iflo tntita Pactfic pfd V. K. txpoa 1. B. Realty, ex-dlv f. B. HuDbor.... C. B. Rubbar ptd C. 8. 8leal V. B. Btawl pfd Vs. -car, chemical Va.-Caro. Cham, ptd w alia ah Wabash pM Wolla-Pargo Eipraaa Waailngbouaa tlaclne ... Utilarn I nloa Wheeling A L. B WlKoml Cenlral Wis. central plu Central Leather Central Leather pfd Bloea-Shefneld Steel Ureal Northm ptd Northern Pacific Inierborough atal In. Met. pfd Mil aalea for that dar. Bares. High. txnr. Cloae. 1.." 474 ..) 6.10 SCO 47H 'X 0 44 !' 1 J2 100 7T 400 . fan . .n ) ;.' 2110 S'O t.D'O 2.0 10.2ft I, SCO 2H) lu.n .) 1.4U0 i .w 1.4(t x) 1.300 1,10 x) "too tno bn loo 1.4O0 .4I0 4U0 to l.MlO a. 1M0 2M 13 to 4i I 7 M4 1064i 70 uns ant, M 7f : K 414 1iu4 lot 30 . 7S 1M '4 11344 13 4.". M 6a 14 iV in.1V Sl a;. 7hi 4 US H.i M'4 3DS4 1 t!9 714 137 lll4 64 47 3444 ( Ki iti" 41fi 1KII4 CI 47 1S 40 "4 " 111 130 1214 7 1 fr. li4 19 'at 47 Sf.4 d 14 4S6 194 3 4414 19(4 40 80 I1014 1WI liS it m 1244 14. 600 . 1 ) 1.TU9 to l.K'O l .ttn I, too 6.0 11. IW 24.400 boo 23 S to 100 16a sa va '7714 li ,vs t7 14 4144 101 i, "4 1S U.l'W I'M ' i.ooi 100 ' too in,VJ ::::::!" . 1.400 . tl . t tit J'i 300 . ' i . s. . 24. lift MO . 1I0 3.i . . a 0 . 1 .Too .li7 too v " goo o 0 . 74 r o . 61.a '"soii 4l 117a fw 1H 70 a4, lMi . 'S U 44 31H 34 ' 7(1 Va 107 13 4(4 10 si1 SHI, 117S H 40 79 n .. 13 L, 61 1 Mt If. 3 '4 711 114 f24 $ 6W 311 ftH 29 44 74 '1 70 14S ''' 15Vi 44 JW 'n, 7.)', 1MV, 44 134 ii 34 1I4. . ' " 1'4 aiS t(4 70 12 13 17 4 !M RS 7i l"i 70 ' 29 . 49 K K3 404 ir ltn 7 134 111 ii t 47 :w ' in f,7 447 430 . BO to ' 44 19 4H4 t4 113 11 ' M 18 ( 1C to W 10 144 i 74 117 64 '7 81 41 44 1"1 3o 47 7r. ' u 117 HO all 1 9 14 W.44 7't T i 1M 4; an, 14 34 73 107 IS 4.. U.'. :i 4'v 117 7. Boaton stocks and Ronda. BOSTON, Oct, 21. Call loans. 5!ti cent; lime loans, bj$ per cent, (dotations on slock and bond follows: M Ailanllc ?'1 hlngham 7S Cal. A Herla. ""'ii Copoer Hang? 97 Pair Weat .... adj. 4 T 4a. .H. Atrhlaon do Me. Cantral Atrhlaon do pfd BoHtnn A Albany.' Proton A Maine.. Beaton Klevated Fltrhhurg pfd .... Mexican Central . N. Y.. N. H. A Pare Marquette ... I'nlnn Pacific Amer. sugar do pfd Am. T. A T ." Am. Woolen do pfd F-dlaon Blec. lllu Maaa. Rlactrlc do pfd Maaa. Oaa t nlted Fruit t nlted 8. M do pfd V. 8. Hleel........ ' do pfd Adventure ., Allouea Amalgamated ....... Bid. Asked. . IS franklin 140 Oranhv 114 - lale Rot-ale 1J Maaa. Mining ... l.i Mlrhlaan J3 Mohawk .. 1J Mont. C. A C... ..117 Old Dominion ... . .I' Oace .la ,.111 Parrot ..looQuinc 1S hannnn ., 78 Tamarack ..t"l Trinity ,.. 9 t'nlted Copper .. ..'. 88 V. 8. Mining....: ..44 V. 8. Oil ..! Itati .. 4'4 Vlctorta .'.. .. to Winona .. 41 Wolverine , fie CaU A 'Arlaona.. ...', t . bulla Coalition .. 21 Nevada :. 17 . per Omcial weio a 6 SO 47 i Omaha Pncklng Co Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co Armour Co Vanaant A Co Carey & Benton Irf.bman & Co Mct rearv A Carey 1 W. I. Stephen Hill Son F. P. Low! Huntim A Co Hamilton A Rothschild I.. F. Huss L. Wolf Bulla Pani Wertholmer Mike Haggerty... T. H. Inghram. ....... .. rulilVHti Bros W earn it h Leuer 4'nmpton Other buyer 4 I J. .H 74 14 3 7 3 13 19 41 9 74 ' a , M HU 8 . 31 , 2 4 3 . 94 14 11 7 Cattle 614 .. 1.2M .. 1.178 ,. 1.061 .. 47 .. lSll .. 21M Mi .. 1H7 . . 334 9N .. 14(1 411 72 .. 672 .. 161 .. li 17 II . 170 590 Hogs. Bhecp. 611 Ii74 40 1.018 61 2.106 1.360 890 1st I'M 9,770 Totals CATTLE ReoMpt large thin morning. Londofc Closing Stocks. LONDON. Oct. 21. Closing quotations on stocks were as follow: Conaola, money ... 83 4-1 M., K. A T do. account 83 j-14 N. T Cantral Anaconda ...1 S Norfolk A W Atrhlaon 81 do pfd do pfd :.... .Ontario A W Da It I mora A Ohio.. .,:M44 Pennaylvanla .... Canadian Pacific 143 Rand Mine Cheaspeaka A Ohio. ... SI'-kR'adhig Chicago Ot. W... f. Southern Hallway C, M. A St. r..,..,Ul , do pfd Pe Beer it Southern Paclflc , Denver A R. 0 20 Union Pacific .... do pfd .'i 44 , do pfd Kale J .IT. g. steel. do lat pfd 41 da pfd da 3d pfd Orand Trunk Illinois Central ......43) fpan uouiavoie ar c....."V r SI LVKR Bar. atosdy, 2fd tier ounce. .MONEY i3 fep -eiit. The rate of. discount In the open market for short bills is 4'n(6l per cent; for threo months' bills, 4r per cent. is -V. B. Steel ;. i 41 da pfd 1 :.; 8l Wabaah ik tl -. do pfd itral Ill fpanlah 4 ... 47 ...1(4 ... 44 ... 44 ... 30 ... 39 ... 4 . .. 43 ... 12 ,..117 K ...117 .,. 44 ... 21 ... 8 ... 4 ... 14 .-. 1 New York Mining Stocks. NEW TORK, Oct. II. Closing quotations on mining siocbs were as rouows: Adama Con. Alloa Draea . . . Brunawtek Con .. Cometoek Turmet . Con. Cal. A Va.... Horn Silver ...... Iron Silver ...,. Leadvllla fon. .... . HJfferwl. ,, , 7 ..4oe '.'. '! .1 10 . . to 1. u ..u .. I Little Chief tmtarlo ....... 'ophlr Pntoet ., Savage 8l"rra Nevada 8mall Hopes .. Standard ...... .. 7 " ..1!S ..W0 .. ,.. V ... 60 .. 18 ..190 Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON, Oot. 21.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen- 1 era) fund exclusive of tha $UV).000,OUO gold . reserve show: Available caah balance, $237,219,298; gold coin and bullion, $43,334,249; goiu cerunjaies, i,tii(,zw. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Oct. 21. Bank clearings for to day were $2,426,967.43 and for the cor responding date last year $2,028,820.20. Metal Market. NEW YORK. OCt. 21. METALS-Thera was a very severe decline In the London tin market, with spot closing at 189 10s and futures at 137 10s; locally the market was weak sad lower In sympathy with spot quoted at $30.6uliT.OO. Copper was un. changed to 6s higher in the London mar ket, with spot closing at 67 10s and fu tures at 56 10a; locally the market waa weak, with lake quoted at $12.604il'2.7B; elec trolytic at $12.1242rl2.87H and casting at $11.00gl2.26. Lead waa unchanged at 18 8,053 3.902 15.026 of cattle were very in fact, the heaviest for a long time back. At the same time. advices from all other market points were indicating very heavy runs, with values decidedly lower. The result wa that tho market at this point was very slow snd late In opening, with prices declining sharply from lust week. There did not appear to be a very great number of strictly good beef tattle and salesmen who happened to have Just what packer wanted were not forced to take off very much, but the general market, even on pretty fjood beef steers, was fully 10c lower. There was a world of cows and heifers on sale. Now and then some of the beat I brought prices hat -were not so very much I lower, but the general market was fully 1 10c lower, and on some ot the less desirable kinds the decline was even heavier than that. The sharpest decline was In the feeder division. Last week speculators loaded up heavily with cattle at the beginning of the , week, only to be disappointed In the coun try demand and to be forced to sell their holdings at a loss at the close of the week. ; With their last. we. k experiences In mind, . they were' disp.sed to go very Blow this morning,, with ihe reult that while some ' of the best cattle Bold weak .to 10c lower, common to medium Rinds were 10c to joc lower, with some kinds polbly worse than that. With the trade very dull and with the msrkel late In opening, hardly enough business wa transacted before midday to establish quotations or to make a market, -iuutation on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $ri.3O(g7.00; fair to good corn-fed steers,. $6.65'(j6.30; common to fslr corn-fed steer. 84. 766. 66; good to choice range steers, $Ti.364t6.75; fair to good range ulcer. $4.60(775.36; common to fair range steer, $j.'iu'ti4.60; good to cholcu corn-ted cows and heifers, t3.7r.S34 60: fair to good grass cows and heifer. $3. 254? 3. 85; common to fair grass cow and heifer, $2.2a3.25; food to choice stockers and feeders, ti lbHf 26; fair to good stockers and feeders, $4.00 E4.76: common lo fair Blockers and feeders, .CKX&4.00. Representative sales: 1 WKB TKRNB ISKHKABKA. 20 feeders.. 1007 23 cow 660 3 cows 930 7 cows 645 8cal vos... 266 4 ?0 2 90 2 25 3 10 3 75 7 feeders.. $ cows 6 cows..... 23 cows 902 850 914 664 Wright & Williams, Nebraska. 4 feeders.. 1087 2 feeders.. 1010 15 feeder.. 1030 10 feeders. .1128 7 feeders. .l'7 4 teenier.. 1116 16 feeders.. 947 4 feeders. I cows... 966 H75 4 00 S 75 3 76 4 00 3 75 4 00 3 86 8 65 2 86 S cows..., t cows... , 4 feeders. 9 feeders. 3 feeder. 11 cows,.., $ cows..., 5 calves.. 14 cows... 11 steers. lKrO 1246 390 942 1016 li'24 846 148 962 .1120 WYOMING. 3 feeders.. 1168 3 feeders.. 1040 11 feeders.. 1118 10 feeders.. 1110 4 feeders.. 1170 3 feeders.. HfaS 7 feeders.. 954 6 feeders.. 960 I cows 920 a 75 4 in 4 20 4 00 8 78 8 75 8 36 6 80 a 00 4 16 60g ;kio 712 20 cow... 6 calve., 9 feeder, 31 feeders. .117 8 feeders.. li)3 6 cows 846 6 calves... 235 II cows 1032 6 heifers... 602 3 05 2 75 2 60 2 K6 3 76 3 76 4 00 a 7 4 00 5 65 8 sr. 8 65 i 85 8 0) a 60 4 00 4 50 4 80 3 35 4 00 a 00 5 05 In London and at $4 65(64.75 locally, tl Defter . noo-lhere was a general decline of was unchanged at 21 16s In London and at no values an along tne line, every mar. $5.406.50 locally. Iron was lower In the "t being quoted slow and lower. The Knglish market, with standard foundry "arket at this point furnished no excep. quoted at 63s 44 and warrants at 64s 4W1; , l,on ? ,he rulB- Thfr trad8 n"rB no' only locally the Iron market waa quiet and un- 1 ?P,ned veiy wlow. but It waa well along changed; No. 1 northern foundry ia quoted .,owr" """aay ntrore the Dulk of the hogs at Il9.75(g20.60. No- 2 northern foundry at $19.25(8k0.W; southern grade nominal. 8T. LOfIS, 0-t. 21. METALS Lead, quiet at $4.60. 8ptlttr. lower at $5.30. isi 47 1W tno 3'KJ it i 11.9.14 . a . ti . 4.1 0 431 4co eherea. 14 7 34 1194k 119 I 19 14 7 34 U7 114 'l i; 39 . 78 -4 W 17 a.', '44 ,! no 47 1 U' 33 15 7 lia lib's 19 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Oct. 21 Money wa in good au) ply and demand In the market today. iMavounla were rtrtu. Paris aectired the bulk of the 12.6iJ uou in gold available at a reduced price, the Uank of Kngland not bidding for the metal. A chwrful tone pre vailed on the Stock exchange generally. The Investment business expanded, and with 4 ho bear covering, preparatory to ellt. giltedged e4-urille. under " again dearer Home rails ue .guiet. eating lu tl un- ....., ,rkaiuii.g me labor outlook. Oils and Itoala. v OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. '21. OIL Credit bal ances, $1.68; rune, 230,181 bbla. ; average, 163.730 bbla.; shipment, 319.(51 bbla.; aver age. 176.4o9 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga Oot. 21.-OIL-Turpen-tine, firm at 52ti6'V- Sales, 7o2 bla.; re ceipt. 638 bbls.; shipments, 25 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 1.649 bbls.; receipts, 2.216 bbls.; shipments, 1.010 bbls.; stock. 62. 6"7 bill.; quotations: A. B. C, 84 2&U4 30: K, W.lVtHtO; F. $4.524fi-4 60; O. $4.6Vq4 67; H. $4.6wn4 65; I. $4-l8.74: K. $$7va.7&; M, $5.06; N, $6.40; W O, $ifo; W W, $6 96. Whisky Market. Oct. 2l.-WHISKY-Hplrit firm $1.35 for distiller' finished Oct, 21.-WHISKY-Market PKORIA on basla of goods. BT. LOIIS, a a 1 no Iirill ML 91. AO. a CHICAGO. Oct. 21. - WHISKY - High mine firm at $1.35. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 21-COFFEE-Qulet. net unchanged to 5 point higher; Novem ber, 6 Wlc; December, 6 ic: March. B.uxip 6 06c; May. 6.16c; July, 6I5c; September. 6 30c.' Snot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6r; No. 4 Santos, fcc. Mild, dull: Cordova. 9Mi 12e. Sugar and Molaaaes. had changed handa. -When the hoga did sell they went at prices that were pretty generally loc lower than Saturday. This ineana that a very large proportion of the hoga sold at $6.t4j4j.0O. Some pretty decent light hogs sold up as high as $6 15. Representative sales: No. Av. gh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 41 lilt Sfri few- 7" leo 190 w ti 143 40 t 99 67 :a ... t 00 0 291 10 4 90 72 2K3 ... 4 la 4f. 314 w IN 64 24 40 K M m ill) I 90 24 PK) g M 54 317 If) t V0 70 t73 ... 06 fi 12 170 4 90 7'l 141 90 4 Ot 43 t3 130 i 9o 49 t 244) I 96 1 279 l 4 9 v 95 ...ill ... I Oft 3....r...,:S H H 9"t 71 i!i ... 11714 Si 307 to 4 95 M )) as t 14 46 344 ... 6 96 74 M4' 14 6 15 He 4 ... 5 96 43 341 130 6 83 SHEKP RecelotS of sheen this mornlnar were very liberal, both here and at other market points. This of Itself would give considerable encouragement to the bears, who have been talking all along that prices on sheep and lamb were too high. Un fortunately for the sellers there were In addition to till bear feature discouraging reports from oilier market points, early ad vice usually quoting values anywhere from weak to 10c lower. As usual on Monday morning, the attend ance of eountrtf buyer was very light, ahich gave local buyer a chance to bear the feeder market! A almeii were not disposed lo give anything away or to make any concession without a struggle, th mar ket opened, alow and dull. A good many salesmen were disposed to hold their atuff hack and wult fi.r cnnnlrv Imt'i,.'. uft., NEW' YORK. Oct. 21. SUGAR Raw, (usually come stringing in along about mid- ateady. Fair refilling, 8.40c; centrifugal 11 leal, 3. Hoc, molasses sugar. 3 Oac. Refining, ateady; crushed, 5 70c; powdered, t.loc; granulated, 5c. . WM1 Market. ST. LOria. Oct. 21 WOOI-Quiel; me dium grades, combing and clothing, afu'ij. tec; light fine. 2tiJ2tc; heavy fine. 17 ISo ; tub washed, Zottbc. Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN. III.. Oct. S. BITTER Firm on the Board of Trade today at Output of the district for the week was 675.3141 lb. Stock la Blakt. Recelpta of live stock at the all princi pal western markets yesterday: South Omaha ... Sioux City v Kanaaa City St. Joaeph St. Louie ..."TV.... Chicago Total 88,71$ Cattle. Hog. Sheep. ..12.24 .wO 23.0U) . 6.700 1.4O0 7.00 . .ai.otat 4. 7"0 7.0i) .. 3.7W ' 4 572 - 8.WI .. Out 6 0.41 - J. ol ...Ss.OUU 42.UU0 42.0U0 ..84,71$ f7,67 77,691 day. While th most desirable feeders aold about steady. It would be safe to quote other gradea alow to a little lower. Tha supply of fat sheep and lambs was rather limited, and for that reason killers generally commanded ateady prices. A dock of good native lamb aold up to $7 26, light western yesrlluga brought $5.60. with ewes aa high aa $6.0. Quotations on good to choice killers: Lambs, $6. 747. 15: yearling wethers, $5 6oJ $.75: wethers. $4.9096.26: ewes. $4. 506. 00. No quotations are given on fair to good killers, ss feeder buyers sre taking prac tically everything of that description at better prlcea than packera will pay. Quotationa on feedera: Lainba. $u.0ifi 60; common lambs, 85 fywro.OO; yearlings, 85.26d) f.0; wethers, $4 75fi6 10; ewe. $1 00444 60; common ewe. $3.263 56; yearling breeding ewe. 8ti.tM 50. aged breeding ewe. $4. is) 65.75. Representative sales: No. Av. 1 native ewe 1:40 100 native lambs .... ' 62 118 Wyoming ewea, breeder luu 4i Wyoming ewea. feeders...... M 61 Wyoming ewes, breeders 98 Pr. 6 60 7 26 $60 4 26 $50 St. l.oals Live Stock Market. ST. LOT'IS. Mo., Oct. 21. CATTLK Re ceipts, 8.014) head, including 8,000 Texans. Msrket steady; native shipping and ex port (teera, $8.0O(ff7.16; dreed beef and butcher Steer. $6.PVr36: steer under 1 ) pound. W.oot4 S6; stockers and feeder. $2.7o tjiM.50; cow snd heifer. $3.0ni4.7o; canners, ll.7W2.30; bulls, $2.76(4.76; ralvea. $7 t)04on; Texas and Indian steers, $2.76(tt16 28; cows and heifer, ll.7i.4i4.oo. HOGS Receipt. 8.500 Ite.d. Msrket Iftc lower; pig and light. $5. 7i'vtJi4J 66 ; packer, $6.0(ii.50; butcher and bet heavy, 8.t 8.&.V SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 2.""ft head. Market steady; native mutton. $3 25 I6.60; lamb. $4 5o1i1.25; cull and buck, $2.00 433.25; stockers, $4.2fVH6.6(). Slonx City Live Stock Market. 8IOCX CITY, la.. Oct. 2l.-(8peclnl Tele, gram. CATTLE Receipts, 6.1O0 head; mar ket steady; feeder loc higliei; Ineve. $4 50ttt',.6u; cow and heifer. $2.50$ 4.50; lockers and feeders. $3.5oiff 4.75; calves and yearling. $2.50(ii3.s5. HOGS-Receipt, l. head; market 10c lower; selling at $6.904JtS.08; bulk ot sale, $5.9f76.00. 8HKLP AND L.4MB8 Receipt, TOO head; market 10c lower. St. Joaeph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 21. CATTLE Receipt, a, 792 head. Market slow; native. S4.60fitti.90; cows and heifer, $2.00(96.26; stocker and feeder. $3.4094.76. HOGS Receipts, 4.572 head. Market 10c lower: top, $4 80; bulk of sales. $t.05'd.Wi. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.8M head. Market slow; lsmbs, $6.6007.16; year ling, $5.40j6.90. OMAHA WHOLE ALE 1I4RKKT, Condition of Trie and aotatloaa on Stasia aad Fane. Prodneo. EGGS Fresh country, He; storage, 19c. BUTTER Common, tMc; fancy tub and rolls, 2H4i6r22Vc; creamery, 31c. CHEESE New full cream. Wisconsin twins, 17Hc; new full-oream brick, 17c; do mestic, new SwlB. 18c; new limberber, 16 16c; young Americas, 174o, LIVE POULTRY-Sprlngs, 8Vc; hens, 94o; roosters. 5Hc: ducks. 10c: aeese. 9c: I turkey. 13c; pigeon, 7itC per dos. 1 DRESSED POULTRT-Sprlngs, fancy, ! 11a, K 11m. -..-- .1. - . it...... 1 -. . mw.iv. uv rvcririi, vtvv, uuvas, .141;, geese, lie; turkeys, lc. HAT Choloa No. 1 upland. $10.08; me dium. $9.00; No. 1 bottom. $8.00: off grades from 8600 to $8.50; rye straw. $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa, $.. CRANBERRIES Per barrel, $8.50. APPLES Colorado fancy Jonathans, 4 tier box. 83 .28; California Belleflower, $2,009 2.26; Washington Snow, oer box. 82.00: Ore- goQ Kings, per box, $2.60; Oregon Spltsen berg, per box, $2.60; Oregon Baldwin, $2.26; New York Baldwin, fancy, per barrel, $5.00; Greening. $6.00; Hubbardaon, $5.00; all varle tie Michigan apples, per buahel basket, PEARS Winter Nelils, 6-tler box, $3.28; 8-tler box. $3 .00; Idaho and Ban Jon, 4 and 6 tler boxes, $3.60. ORAPEB-Michlgan. per baaket. 82c; New iwn, a-o, v h 1 norma loaay, per .crate, si.uu; Cornlchan, $2.00; tm ported Malaga, per keg, $4.00.Jv. VEGETABLES. t NAVT BEANE Per bu.. No. 1. $2.90 per bu. ; Lima, 7c per lb. POTA TOES-Per bu., 7680c. BEANS New was and string. tOffoOc per market basket. CABBAGE Wisconsin, Hollsnd eed, I'.ic per pound. BEETS-Per buahel, 80c. TURNIPS Her bushel. 60r. PARSNIPS-Per bushel, 76c. RADISH E8 1'e r dosen, 20c. TOMATOES Per basket, o0(h75c. ! , CELERY Michigan, oK5f35c. . ONION Red Globe, per pound, lci SWEET POTATOES-Vlrglnla, $3.25. PEPPERS-Per bushel. 76c. BEEF CUTS. BEEF CUTS-No. 1 rrt. 14c; No. S Hba. 11c; No. 8 rib. 8c; No. I loin. 19c; No. I loin. 13c; No. 8 toin, Sie; No. 1 chuck, 6Vei N. $ chuck. 4c; No. 8 chuck. 8tc: No. 1 round. 9c; No. 8 round, 7Vfro: No. a round, 8c; No. 1 plate, 6c; Mo. I plat. 4 Vic; No. I plate, 4 TROPICAL FRUIT. LEMONS Per box, $3.00, $3.60, $7.00. ' BANANAB Per bunch, $2.Omg3.00. COCOAN UTS Per sack, $4 60; per doaen, 60c. DATES On market Oct. 26; Hallowe'en, per pound, 7c; Bayer, per pound. '-r. GRAPE FRUIT Per box, $V60fi4J.t5o. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of immediate gradea Quo tations range from 60 to $0 for California fruit and from 8440 to Bo for Oregoa. Peaches, very firm, with fancy yellows quoted at lSVrc. HIDE. AND TALLOW Green ssltad. No. 1, lc; No. t, 7o; bull hides, go; greet, nld-vs. No. 1. Tc; No. $, 601 iors. 84.60Bawi roeeo pelts, 60ci.a6. TaUovs, Mo. t 4VW1I No. L Ho. Wool. 1648a COFFEE Roasted. No. 88. 24c; No. 80, ileaJNo. 86. 19c ( No. JO. 14HC FXBH-Halibut, lie; trout, int pickerel. 10c: pike, 14c; pike, fresh froten, lJoi whl(eflh. l4(rlc: buffalo, 14c: bullhead skinned and dresbed. Mo; catfish, dresaed 17c; white perch, lc; whit bass, 18c; black baaa, 26c; sunflstl, 80c: crapplea, 4Cc; large erapplee. 16c; herring, fresh frosen. 6c whltenah, frosen. 184116c; pickerel, fresh frosen. 13c: red snapper, 12c; flounders, mackerel, l&JJtoo per Aab; codBati, fresb froxeu. 12c; red snipper, lie; flounders freeh froaerr; 12ei haddock, freali frosen. 13c; emeita. Uo: shad ri, tec per lb.; frog legs, Ita per dos.; green aa turtle meat, x) fer In. CANNED GOODS-Corn, standard west ern. 76c. Tomaloe, fancy 3-pound can. $1.45; atandard 8-pdund cans, $1.30. Plne pple, grated. $-pouad. $.80O2.S4.; sliced. $175tf'2.86. Gallon apples, $4 50. California apricots, $2.40. Pears, ll.TtwiO. peaches, Il.76tt2.40. L. C. peaches, 82.tyttM.60. Alaska salmon, red. $1.40; fancy Chinook, fiat. $3 16; fancy sovkeye, flat. $1.96. Sardine, quarter oil, $$.6v; three-quartere mustard, $3 16 Sweet potatoes, $ Sauerkraut, fcoc Pumpkins. auc4j$.oa Lima beans. 2-pound. 76ce41.6. Soaked peas, 8-pound, Ifec; fancy. $L'ul 45. NUTS California walnuts. 18c; Chill wal nuts, 16c: paarare, Uijrlsc; Alberta, 12A4c; Braslls. Wqiic;. aimia Js, lUc; roaated pea nuts, 8; raw iteanu.'s 8c. HOAGLAND gyTLoiNQ LARGER One or Poasiaiy Two Stories' May Ho Added to tko Rlsj tract ar. tha Bherlff and his deputies Indicted by the federal grand Jury In case they antered hi premises. Deputies HI1L aad Allan with aeraral aa slstants went td tha Van Etton house at in o'clock and Mr. Van Eten met them. "I wgrn you If you enter thee premier you do so at tha peril of your lives." lie Bald. He waa taken In charge by Deputy Allan and escorted away from the scene. When they entered the house Mr. Van Etten also protested. 8he was siren time to park her dishes and some of tha frsglle articles of furniture and she, too, was es corted off tho place. Then the household goods were piled Up on the sidewalk in front of the place and left there by the sheriff. Mr. Van Etten's refusal to move after execution had been Issued and the case carried to tho supreme court three time was the carrying out of a promise he made when Judge Kennedy refused to lu an Injunction to prevent the removal of hi good under the execution.' He declared then he would not move until the sheriff moved him and he would take the case to the supreme court. He declsred there wa a conspiracy, including the supreme court, to take his property away from him and that he would fight It In federal court. The execution was Issued to pay a tax lien for taxes due In 1S8S. Mrs. Florence P. Leavltt, trustee, and William Medland. are plaintiffs In the suits under which ac tion wu taken. There are also a number of other )tens sgalnst the property. Van Etten's tight against execution wa based on the claim the description of the prop erty does not Include a narrow strip un three side of the lot and that one wall of the house rests on one of these strip. Suits were started against him and John Reed, IiIb bondsman. In county eourt Mon day by Mrs. Leavltt for $400. end by Wil liam Medland for $31)0 for unpaid court costs,: waste fn rental value of tha prop erty during the time the cae has been In supremo court. REV. S. D. DUTCHER PRESIDENT First Christian Chores) Faetor F-leeted Chief Exeeatlve of Minis terial Union. . t The Omah.t 'Ministerial union held Us ..I.. nnnlhlg'tlilWllIf it thl OUng ' Men's Christian Association Monday morn ing and elected officers for the yesr. Tha re port of the nomil.atlng committee wag re versed as to the two principal officers and Rev. L. O. Ba,tni of Bt: Mary' Avenue Congregational church succeeded IB hav ing himself mad vice president hi place of president, which place wae accepted by Rev, 8. D. Dutcher of the First ChriBtlsn church, who ha4 been nanied for th second plaoe. Rev. Andreiy Renwlck was elected secretary-treasurer. Additional members of the executive committee are Rera. J. F. Poucher. P. M. McDowell and W. B. Potter. For the committee pf Rescue mission Dr. Newman Hall Burdtck' reported that tha committee had discovered a committee of citlxens In which the Christian Institute Is interested had designed a plan for such a place, the old quarters of the Omsha News having been secured as a home, and that the committee desired a month's time 4n which to Jompleto It report, taking that time to ascertain what the cittsena are do ing. A representative of. the Christian In stitute said present negotiations might re sult in the sale of the Omaha General hos pital building (the. old Dellope hotel) and the use of the money In tho Rescue mis sion work or the work might be carried on Independently of the hospital. He alJ said it was the hope of the committee to establish a Bible school at tha hospital so trained nurses might be equipped for .work In mission field. , Aa the result of tha report of Rev. Ed ward Hart Jenks of the committee on re- ' llgloua work In charitable Institutions, Rev. R. B. A. McBrlde was placed In charge of work at the county jail, to assist the women now taking charge of the . services; Dr. Jenks and Rev. George WanWinkle were made members of a committee to take up missionary work among Japanese and Chi nes In Omaha and Bouth Omaha, and Rev. B. F. Fellman w made chairman of a committee to arrange for religious meet ings on th streets. Rev. L. O. Balrd waa named aa tha repre sentative of tha union at th dedication of th First Christian church next Sunday and Rev. 8. D. Dutcher waa chosen to represent th union at th laying of the cornerstone of the Young Women's Christian associa tion building, which will take place aome time In November. , . The feature of the meeting wa a paper by Hev. Stephen Phelp of t faculty of Bellevu college on the subject of "A Preacher and. Teacher." EuMne expansion of the two lirni oc cupying the Hoagland. building, Sixteenth; and Howard street, may result la th unlyue architectural undertaking of adding on or two stories to the structure, now one of Immense proportions. With his architects George A. Hos gland is looking up th plans of th building to determine the exact strength of the lower floors and foundstions with a view to add ing ono story at least, and there la a pos sibility that two storlea may be added. Tbe building la occupied by the Orchard aV WUhelm Caroet company and Thompson, Beldam at C44. Th business of the carpet company and reserve stock whluh It must store In th building baa crowded It to th roof r(d two stories ar needed. Jt is believed th foundations of the big building will bear the additional weight, aa It la a modern building of steel and brick, designed for strength and to hold heavy stocks of gooda. If th additional atorles are built, th appearance ot th building will be preserved, and It will be one of the larr re.j gtor building In the west. TRAGEDY 0VERA FEW CENTS Shooting: that May Bo Fatal Pro voked In Dlat Over Trifling; Sana. - Ed Smith shot and probably fatally wounded Charles Blngletoa at 1115 p. m. Monday at Storm's , pool hall, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh afreets on N atreot In South Omaha. Both men ar colored. They war In the pool hall when th dispute arose, which waa aaid to hav been over a debt of 35 cent. Smith ahot Singleton, Inflicting two wounds. On took effect In the left aid of ' th abdomen, and the other In tha loft calf. Tha shooting occurred on th street. Just outside th pool ball. Tb wound In li. calf bred profusely and a Singleton was carried up stairs, left s trail of blood. Th flrat .wound ta th moat dangoroua snl may b fatal. Smith Immediately, fan and waa chased througU the streets by a gang. Chief Brlggs happened to be eating lunch at a restaurant nearby and heard the ahootlng. He ran out and joined, th rest. 11 caught up with Smith undar th O street viaduct, threw him to tha ground and disarmed htm. Officer Charles Morton was oor on the spot and they took Smith to jail. Smith said that Singleton drew a knife befor he used his gun. This was not sub stantiated by the crowd. Bingleton wa taken to th South Omaha hoapital. Union Paella Pays Is) Caah. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Oct. 2L-(BpecUU-Th Union Pacific pay car, which should hav arrived In Cheyenne Saturday, came in Sunday, having been delayed becaua payment tbla month 1 being mad la caah Instead of by check. More than ifi0.0 waa left In Cheyenne fcy th railroad paw. master. ;. i 1