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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DATLY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1907 3 SIMPLE BALLOTS SENT OUT Secretary of State Furnishes County Clerki with Form. YEI3EJI OFF OF JUDICIAL TICKET Hallway ronnlnlon rreparlaa- Order ta Caiaprl Haltroael Comoanlee e Operate Passews;e Tralaa Time. tFroni ft Staff Correspondents IJNCOLN. Oct. 81. (Special.) Secretary of State JHinkln mailed sample ballots to 'the county clerka lata thU afternoon. These samplo ballots are to be used by the clerks as amides In printing the elec tion tlcketa. The secretary placed the i names of the candidates for railway com 'mlssloner after the candidates for regents, for the 'reason,- he aald, the railway com mission became & part of the state con stitution after all the' other state officers and therefore should be last on the ballot. The republican state convention placed the railway commissioners In nomination even before th governor and immediately fol lowing the- nomination of a candidate for the Unltod States senate. At the top of th salnple ballot the prohibition party comes last, following; the socialists, even though tha prohibitionists cast 8,106 votes and the socialists only t,m at the last election. The law requires the secretary of state to place the candidates on the ticket accord Ins to the number of votes cast by tho party. That Is the party casting- the high est number of votes comes first on the ballot and so on down the line. In the body of the ballot, however, the prohibi tion party Is placed ahead of the socialists. The secretary followed tho law In making up the candldatea on the tickets and fol lowed the ballot used last year In prepar ing for the straight party vote at the head of the ballot. J. I Claflln, a leading prohibitionist, had his attention called to the matter and said no objection would be made by the prohibition party to being last on the head of tho ticket. With the sample ballot Secretary Junkln sent out the nnmes of the. nominees for district Judge so they can be placed on the ballots In the various Judicial districts. The name of John O. Yelser, democratic nominee for the Fourth district, was not on the certificate In the Fourth district, where It was scratched out. Mr. Junkln agreed to do this providing Telser would make oath that he wanted to get off the ticket. His acknowledged withdrawal -aa received late today. .Following Is the sample ballot: For Judge of the Supreme Court M. B. Reese, republican; George Jj. Loomls, dem- rat-peoples Independent: John D. Uraves, prohibition: Lm-ien BleliWns, socialist. For -Regents of Inlverslty Charles B. Anderson, George Coupland. republican; R. itemori-ftt-iienrtles lnr1pnedent : John H. Von i t' Hteen. prohibition; J. N., Carter, O. C. Por n r, socialist. For Recent of University (to fill vacancy) W. C. Rodgers, socialist. For Railway Commissioner (to fill ve , fancy) Henry T Clarke, Jr., republican; Samuel l.lchty, prohibition: E. F. McClure, socialist. , . I'reparlap; Order on Trains. The State Hallway eommlaBlon started out this afternoon to get up an order having for Its object the compelling of railroad trains to conform to the published sched ules of running time. The commission took this matter up several days ago, but owing to Chairman Wlnnett's absence the mutter has been held In abeyance. Dr. Wlnnett returned yesterday and this afternoon the commission again took up the matter. The reports and ruling of the commissions from n)'Mr states on the subject are being gono "'hit and these, or one of them, will, be ufu'd as a guide in formulating an order. The Trxss commission made a ruling re quiring the putting on of a new train when the regular train Is more than thirty minutes late at a division nolnt - Thin rula appeals very strongly to the commission and la the rule, the traveling men recom mend to be adopted. . Some weeks ago complaints of late trains 1 3&J. y Lincoln, John O. (Gloves None Better None Better. Made , Kaowa The famous McKlbhln quality is nowhere better exemplified than in the famous McKlbbln MndaOlovea $1.50 They protect your hands and your pune. On tale everywhere began to pour into the office of the com mlszlon and so far there has been no let up. The traveling men complained they could get no. Information from railroad agents about the departure of the trains anywhere near accurate and in some in stances after waiting around for hours dis covered the train they had been waiting for had been taken off. The ordinary traveling public has the same complaint and the com mission has fully determined to relieve the public, if It la possible for an order from It to do so. Cash from Forest Reserves. A check for $1,017.61 was received at the office of Governor Sheldon this morning from the United States treasurer. The money Is due the state from the forest reserve fund and will be divided up among the school districts nf the counties In the reserve. Accredited V the Dismal Swamp reserve Is 764)3; Niobrara, $136 58, and North Platte, 1x06.40. This sum is the bal ance duo for the year 1907. Xormal Train Ins; Sekooli." Superintendent McBrlen has now recog nized sixty-three high schools In which normal training will be taught In con formity with the law enacted by the late legislature appropriating $50,000 for this purpose. In addition to the schools al ready named and published, he has named the schools at Ord and Randolph. These sixty-three schools have an enrollment in Telser contends he has 1 legally withdrawn from the democratic I ticket aa a candidate for Judge. "I mailed my withdrawal Saturday about 3 o'clock," he said Monday, "more than fourteen days before the election as re quired by law. I consider the withdrawal valid and I think my name will go off the ballot without any doubt." Monday Henry Waring, reporter for Judre Redlck. communicated with the sec retary of state's office and found Secretary of Btate Junkln held the withdrawal was not valid, because It had not been prop erly acknowledged. A new statement of withdrawal, acknowledged before a notary, was drawn up and mailed to the secretary of state Monday morning. Swedish I.atheraa Coaferenee. 8TROMSBURO. Neb.. Oct. 2L tSpeclal). The Nebraska state pastoral conference of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church has been In session the past four daya In the large Lutheran church at Swede Hdme, seven miles northwest of this city. Twenty eight pastors were in attendance, among them being Rev. P. M. Llndberg of Omaha, president of the conference; Dr.' J. Ekholm of Newman Grove, an ex-professor of Llndsborg college, Kansas; Rv. nh Hult of Chicago, and Dr. O. A. Johnson, president of Wahoo seminary. Dunii .ie , entire session dinners and suppers were provided by members of the Swede Home church in a large dining tent for every one In attendance upon the meetings and on Sunday over 2,000 people were served dur ing the day. LYING MINISTERS DENOUNCED Jorore to Try Sanmway. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special Tele gram.) Today In the district court at torneys and Judge Kelllgar drew 176 names from which to select the twelve men who will try Robert Mead Bhumway, the al leged murderer of Mrs. Sarah Martin of Adams, this county, who was arrested In Holt county, Mo., about a month ago. Court will convene November 6, at which time the twelve men will be selected. Trailing- Worldly Lirei After Death a Crime Agaimt Society. SO SATS REV. C. W. SAVTDGE People's (a area Pastor Declares that tae Devil Illntaelf Woald He Receive Ealoarr It Ha Died. V Declaring that many ministers delivered such glowing eulogies over the dead, with out regard . to the . truth concerning the personal life and character of the departed, that reliable newspapers refused to print their words and share In the deception, Rev. Charles W. Savldge, pastor of the People's church. Sunday evening delivered a scathing denunciation or the ministers, taking for his subjeet "Telling Lies Over the Dead." "I know that right In this city, for some cause, ministers have deliv ered eulogies over .the dead that were absolutely false." declared Rev. Mr. Sav ldge. "They were a tissue of lies from be ginning to end and everybody present who knew the character of the departed, knew they were lies." The pastor of the People's church then told of the corrupting Influ ence which resulted In the ministers of the gospel praising the lives of evil or worldly men, after such lives had been snuffed out. saying that surely he ministers of God, standing between the living and the dead, at a time when honor was to be paid to the departed, and lessons learned from their lives, should tell the truth. Trata Tellers In tae Minority. "We should certainly believe that no vast concourse of people, no honor offered, no gift of money bestowed, could tempt a minister of Christ to swerve from the truth." he aald. "But this Is a mlsUke. Sacred and profane history prove that many men of the cloth have been big Hare. Those who have told the whole truth have been in the minority. In the fall of em pires and the ruin of states, preachers have been aa likely to be blind to the truth and to utterly fall to sound out a Nebraska Neves Notes. b'eATRICE Charles Bachle, living near Ellis, husked and cribbed 126 bushels of corn In nine hours and forty minutes. BEATRICE-S. D. Vertrees brought to the city the largest load of pumpkins ever B0t of warning. -as any other class of hauled to Heatrlce. The load weighed 4.000 . w, m...t,ir nmd his kn to th. I " mm nounds. and the fruit w canning factory and sold at top price, BEATRICE Peter Ipson, a farmer liv ing two miles south of Beatrice, lost twenty tons of alfalfa and millet by Are Satur day night. The fire Is supposed to have been of Incendiary origin. The loss IS placed at $2(0. KIMBALL Very little attention was paid to the primary elecetlon here. Most of the candidates came out by petition. There Is no fusion here. The county Is strongly republican, but there Is very little politics In county election. KIMBALL The county commissioners 111 probably call a special election to the county nign scnooi vote bonds for the county . , , ... . ,,. . some time In December. The proposition the normal classes of over 1,100. which is 1 1 blld BUCh a Bchoo, carrlei at an elec- more than the combined attendance at ti,,n ile,j some weeks ago. both Peru and Kearney normal schools. LINWOOD After the general frosts and Piles dud Quickly at Home Without Pain, Cutting: or Surgery. - Instant Belief. ' A. Downey of Hastings, who was re cently appointed Inspector of these schools, has come to Lincoln and- will reside at 717 South Seventeenth street. Lawrence Baric at Dealt. Ed Lawrence, bond clerk In the office of Auditor Searle. who has been trying to be sick. Is back, at work. He doesn't feel sick, but he doesn't feel as well as he thought he would, and he didn't think he would. Mrs. Lawrence has been doing one or two hard freezes, flie farmers have commenced picking corn. It will not yield as Well as was expected, as some ears thai were thought to be well tilled out have no corn on, causud by the dry weather In Au gust. KIM BALI A $.10,000 National bank was organized by the business men of Kimball Thursday. The stock has all been sub scribed by homo men. A, two-story build ing will be erected as soon as possible and It is expected to be ready for business by January 1. BEATRICE Howard Bertram, for the the work In the bond deoartment durin laBt thlrtv years a resident of Gage county, tne worn in tne Dona department uuring g probably fatally hurt In a runaway neartheast of the city Saturday. his absence. torn nenton la A nary. Tom Benton fs mad all the way through. yie has had an experience with the mon ster Iron horse and he has been done. He has Just heard from a carload of fur niture which he shipped to California. It ay He was thrown out over the dashboard of the vehicle and kicked several times In the head by the horse. BEATRICE Harry Staples and James Allen, tho two men who stole seven pairs of pantaloons from the store of the New ton Clothing company at Wymore, pleaded t arailltv tn lha .ha... rt nttv 1 fCtl V Via Was on the road only two months, but for j,hre Crawford at Wymore and were tie didn't objeat to that. He had billed It 'sentenced to thirty days each in the county straight through. It was unloaded lour j JallJ iim.. unA nnnn ii m .rrivni .i I KIMBALL A petition Is being circulated ..nn 1,1. i i. .1., i,i , i' praying the village board of trusteee to nation, his information Is. that half of It. electIon foV the purpose of voting ib .inineiner no m oiner nan. la iu uduij water works bonds to the amount or 17,000. damaged it could scarcely be recognized. Itedniond Succeeds Harmly. W. D. Redmond, registrar of the Peru Normal school, has been appointed by With the exception of three or four cltl Zens the whole town favors the proposition and the matter will be pushed through as speedily aa possible. MULLEN Jxifran Sammons, deputy SuDerlntendent McBrlen to take tho clace United States marshal of Omaha, was In f r. n n.rr.w a.a . a ,. 1 Mullen this week with subpoenas for superintendent. Mr. Redmond was a fu We Prove It. ".ample Package Free. ( co There Is just one other sre way to be cured painless, safe and In the privacy of ; our own homo It la Pyramid Pile Cure. We mall a trial package free to alt who S will give you Instant relief, show ycu the harmless, painless nature of this great remedy and start you well on the way to ward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full sized box from any druggist for 60 cents, and often one box cures. If the druggist tries to sell you some- M-lng Jvst as good, it is because he makes .ore money on the substitute. 1 islst on having what" you call for. The cure begins at once and continues riiUlly until it Is complete and permanent. i'ou can go right ahead with your work end be easy and comfortable all the time. It la well worth trying. Just send your name and address to Pyra mid Drug Co.,' 93 Pyramid Building, Mar shal. Mich., and receive free by return ir.all the trial package la a plain wrapper. - Thousands have been cured In this easy, painless and Inexpensive way. In the priv acy of the home. No knife and Its torttvre. No doctor and his bills. All druggists. AO cents. Write today for a fr-e package, , . .... elon member of the recent legislature and served on the finance committee. He voted with the republicans on practically all their campaign pledges. He is thor oughly in touch with the work which will be expected of him. Aside from his ability to All the place, considerable sen timent attaches to his appointment. Mr. Redmond is a brother of Mrs. Harnly. He w.111 come to Lincoln at once and make his home with her and her two children. For many years Mr. Redmond has been prominent In school work. Wleka netnrns front Old Home. Stanley Wicks, chief clerk at the Llndell, has returned to Lincoln after a vlsit to the scenes of his childhood, back In Pennsyl vania, sidestepping Incidentally into Ken tucky, where he saw all the good races re cently pulled off at Lexington. This was the second trip Lord Stanley has made to the east In thirty-six years. He found many of the old landmarks still marking In his old stamping grounds, and he cele brated his 'ateenth birthday In the town where he was born. His eyes still water and he sighs when he spesks of his love for the dear old place. In fact, as much so as when he displays the pass he had Into the club rooms of the Lexington Racing club, which entitled him free of charge to everything in sight and out of sight. Japs Promptly Qaarantlned. A half dozen Japs afflicted with berl beii reached Lincoln from Alvo this afternoon and were promptly quarantined In their work car. They will be sent back to Alvo. They belong to a bunch of twenty afflicted with the disease who were quarantined some time ago. Andrews Health Good. The efforts of the State Journal to com pol Chancellor Andrews to resign by pub lishing rumors to the effect that his health Is poor probably will fail In Its efforts. I Chancellor Andrews said today that he had I heard nothing of his contemplated resigna tion and as for his heulth it has not been better for years. The chancellor would not even discuss the article. Judge Dodd and P. W. Hewitt, citing them to anoear at the Mahaffy land trial In federal court on tho 24th. Judge Dodd has been dead over two years and Hewitt has not been a resident of this county for a greater length of time. - MULLEN At a large meeting held In this city Saturday more tbn $800 was raised with which to construct a telephone line from Mullen north to connect with the J. I Roseherry line, which haa a northern outlet at Valentine. Mr. Roseberry Is an extensive cattle owner and took hold of the matter to make It win, and to him much credit Is due for affording a com municative outlet for the whole ninety mile strip between these two points. The work is to be completed this falL The Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business Boosters. Wilson Likely to Recover. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Oct. 21 (8peclal.) Fred Wilson, the Union Pacific fireman who was struck by an engine near Laramie Saturday, is in as satisfactory condition as can be expected and ' hla recovery Is possible. As soon as the gravity of W1I son's Injuries was ascertained the railroad company had him placed on a special train and taken from Laramie to St. John's hos pital In Cheyenne, with all possible speed. Positively Curei DRUNKENNESS. 0PIUM.H10RPHINE COCAINE, AND OTHER DRUG ADDICTIONS. i .TWENTT-SEVEN TEARS of continuous success. PrinteJ matter sent In plain envelopes upon request. All correspondence strictly confidential. TIIEffEELEY INSTITUTE I: Cora Twnty-flfth and Cass Sts QM.A.MX. MS.M. YEISER MAY YBT WITHDRAW to Be Taken from Ticket When He Sends Legal Withdrawal. (From a Start Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. ll.-(Speclal Telegram.) Secretary of State Junkln will take tho name of John O. Telser from the official ballot today .If. receives , properly ac knowledged withdrawal. The letter of Mr. Yelser is which he purported to withdraw was not smorn to as the law provides to such a case and Mr. Junkln conferred with H. M. Waring, of Omaha concerning the matter, who Informed Mr. Yelser. It is the underslaadlng here that a properly ac knowkdi,4 withdrawal wttl be forwarded. If It roue lies the . secretary's office this afternoon. Mr. Yelser's name will be taken from the ballot. An Impression has been gaining ground here that Mr. Yelser wo-uld not seriously object If his name was left on tha ticket. With Judge Dickinson out of the race. It would Uave him the odd candidate on the list. V State Oil Inspector A. B. Allen has given his approval the oil at Ashland re cently rejected. The 8tdard Oil com pany ailated superior oil In the tanks and rul.s.-d the tet to 114 degrees. 4 Despite reports to the contrary from Let Reason Talk to Habit e Ask cyffee drinkers if they are entirely well. V hat's, the use to slug oneself every morning and go through life sick and miser able, unable to "do things" and make money. There's a Better Day when Good Old i Common Sense says change to IPOSTUM It's easy and "There, a Reason" Read "The Road to Well ville," in pkgg. It may show you how to be weU. and happy. guns on Omaha and declared that if the devil were to die here, some little blind, time serving, modern preacher would get up after singing "Lead Kindly Light," and declare that his satanlo majesty was a child of God and that he now rested on the bosom of Father Abraham. Then he would ask his congregation to sing 'Asleep in Jesus,' " declared the pastor of the People's church. Rev. Mr. Savldge took for hla text Jeremiah v. 30-81: "A wonderful and horrible thing is committed In the land. The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their means. And my people love to have It so; and what will you do In the end thereof?" And this is the condition we see about us today," said the minister. "In recent years men have passed away who never, spoke a word for God; except as a nominal confes sion which would contribute to their own advancement. Instead of dying to the world, they became wonderfully alive to It. They chased the dollar with alacrity and power. The cry of sickness and poverty and old age fell on deaf ears. They had to have then- money or a pound of flesh. Even the world said He la a hard master. The distinction between right and wrong has been denied by such men; the divinity of Christ has been laughed at; the sacraments were the subject of Joke; no prayer was ever heard In their homes, and the Bible was a closed book to them. I Death Cannot Destroy Truth. "riut the rider of ilie white horse never slackens his riding. 'He cornea vp the broad walk and dismounts to enter the door ,and stand by the bedside of such men when the soul is departing. Bvt hold, thou yiread messenger! Shall there not be a word for GodT. No. Not now ask for mercy. There Is no mercy for a soul that has been murdered. "When all la over the body Is prepared for Its last Journey, The house is draped In mourning; a vast concourse of people assemble; the friends of many years come for the last time; solemn rituals are read, and beautiful music Is heard. Then the minister rises to speak. He does not seem to know that a life cannot be hidden; Tne does not seem to know that death cannot destroy the truth. He de scribes the life of such men as grand souls, and their work was clean and Irreproach able. The minister even says that theirs was the sincere, Christian faith. ' Why, Ananias and Sapphire were struck dead for no greater crime than that of the minister whd delivers such eulogies over departed lives which the World knew to be corrupt." exclaimed Rev. Mr. Savldge. Closing he said, "What will the people do who have been blinded by such false guides? What will such ministers do In the final settlement? What will they do when Ood opens Eaeklel's prophecy, where we are told that if we don't sound the trum phet, we shall share In the condemnation?" LABOR'S DEBT TO CHRISTIANITY Toiler Frowned r pen by Paganism Now Respected by All Men. All people are obligated to some church, for all churches have the single puroose of Jesus Christ in them," said Rev. Lucius O. Balrd Sunday morning at the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church, when he took for his text that part of the aeventh chapter of Matthew, which reads: "Be ware of false prophets which come to you In sheep's clothing, but Inwardly they are raving wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits." The air Is full of the cry of false prophets concerning the churchy -but most of them speak through Ignorance and some through malice. The question is sometimes asked sincerely, 'Is the church a failure?' They say It Is a factory closed six-sevenths of the time and ask what Is being pro duced. They charge the church with fawning at the feet of the rich. "The people should be sure whether they are doing a practical work and whether the sacrifices which are made are worth while. Apply the simple test of the text, 'By their fruits shall ye know them.' I maintain the church has a claim upon everybody, because of what Jesus Christ has done for man. There Is no man who earns his wages, without the loss of bis y iiuw iiuj;iiu c cue to have fresh succulent oysters deliciously cooked and then spoil the feast with hard dry oyster crackers when we can get Those delicious little oyster crackers that are always fresh and crisp and flaky, with just suffi cient salt to give zest to either soup or oysters. f 0 in moisture qJ) proof packages NATIONAL v,j BISCUIT COMPANY Constipation brings with it awful results. Comparatively speaking, it is the foundation of all dis eases resulting in serious complications which often wreck the entire system. That you may experience the frreat value of those perfectly safe and harmless laxatives, "EASY TIMERS" we want to give you a FULL SIZED PACKAGE I ' Li P AT YOUR DRUGGISTS Simply cut out coufon below, take it to any druggist in the United States, and be will give you Frtm of Charg a handsome metal box, of " w &M MB" the only safe, harmless effective laxative the only real candy cathartic that medical skill, science and experiment has produced. t"ASY TIMERS are genuinely pure, have a pleasant, tweet flavor end do not leave a bitter, lingering taste in tne mouth. They do not purge, flush out the intestines harshly, or bind up the bowels after using. "CASYTK1CRS strenghten the bowe muscles, loosen and work off all waste matter gently and effectively and leave the intestine organs clean and in thorough working order. Oneof our "EAST TfMfW do the work. The most soothing and effective laxative made the only, real Candy Cathartic that does all that im itations claim can do. Cures the most stubborn cases men, women and children. Get a trial box today that's ' the best way to test the efficacy of "EASYTIMCJSS They cost you nothing, they might save you many, many dollars in doctor bills. Put up in metal, red, white and blue boxes, 10c. 25c and 50c at all druggists. CUT OUT THIS COUPON I CUT OUT ON THIS LINE X Take this coupon to your druggist and he will give you a regular full sized 10c box of "CASYTW1CK" . Abiolutely Frm. Remember, we give only one box to each family. If you can find a druggist who does not keep "CASYTWEK" "d us this Coupon, together with , the name and the address of the druggist and we will see that your wants are supplied. TIIE ORO MEDICAL CO. Manufacturers and Distributers Council Bluffs, Iowa. Sign your name here.. I Address, street and number, here. TO THE RETAIL DRUGGIST: JTui and sd- lae below snd send this fall eonpon to the Jobber of whom yon pur. c Limed "EAST TIMERS," and be will s"lve yoa loo In c.nh or trade (or each coupon, properly sig-usd, which you send hhn. Hetall drajtgUt, sign year name here. Your address here. TO THE JOBBER' Yon W'M P'ee ooept this coupon WMIS. If the same is properly alsned and s-lve to the retailer buying- '-jtAsy TIMKRH" from yon, luo In cash or trade for aame. fiig-o your Drm Dame snd sddreas snd forward all eouiKna to na at any time yno like, and we will remit you in full by retura mall loo for eath coupon properly signed by the consumer, retailer and yourat-lf. Jobber, aign your name here. Address here. JIM CUT OUT ON THIS LINE tlan church. If mankind generally lias been benefited, how much more have the American people. France Is going through the struggle already settled In this country by our forefathers and England is doing the same thing. These men were not anti churchmen, they were Christian men. The strength of a country today depends upon the co-operation of the church and state and the co-operation of these is a sure sign of growth. All business has been made safe because of the religion of Jesus Christ." pany paid about 28 cents a bushel for this) us to the barn to look at her calves, which corn last fall; now It Is worth 47 cents. , we pronounce as fine as any man could lay Platte Center Signal. his hands upon. We are fastidious In our j. Jiisi l ! tastes and hard to please, but can truth- F.I fully siate that Mrs. B.'s calves are the Wasn't Dynamite Morg. Summers, R. NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Qaalat and Curious Features of Life la a Bapldly Growing; Mate. If you ever expect to run for office, never write anything, never deny anything, never assert' anything, but go around constantly with a broad grin on your face You will be elected. Falrbury Journal Light Item Don't you know that, Ralph Cramer and wife are the happy parents of a new girl for these last .couple of weeks? We did and once befja made an Item congratulating Grandma Cramer and Its young mother, but it must have blown out the window, for we never aaw good self-respect, but who Is a debtor to It In print. Hardy Herald Jesus Christ. This Is due to the teaching of the Christian church. - In the eastern country man nas risen since me iniroauc tlon of Christianity. The writers who stood here Friday enroute to Hastings. Among high In the olden times had no feeling for j the passengers were Sheriff Townsend, Dls the man who tolled. 'No man can be free trlct Clerk Boyes and W. H. Frame, the And a Flock of Candidates A crowd of four autos from Hebron went through who Is dependent upon a salary,' said Cicero. Aristotle Is quoted aa saying, 'A man who works for wages could have no greatness of soul.' "But pass over the centuries to the new world. We find the golden tongued orators of today saying. 'Let us not be ashamed of manual employment, but rather let us derplse laslness.' The practical philosophy of work haa been proclaimed through the chuichea. What brought about the change? Between the time of Cicero and the present the Carpenter ef Nasereth appeared. He tolled at His bench by day and studied the stars by night and gathered a band of tollers who started a new philosophy of labor. "When you are sustaining the church of Jesus Christ you are not sustaining a social club, but an Institution striving for the uplifting of man. No man has a right to his wages who is not contributing some portion to the upbuilding of some Chris- D. carrier on route 2, got the surprise of his life last Friday. On arriving at Gale Jeffries' mail box, he lifted the ltd and a cloud of steam struck him In the face. He thought It wik dynamite about to ex plode, and let out a yell that,-was heard half a mile away. But when nothing hap pened, he looked again and found a rvd hot pumpkin pie. Then he was fixed. Morg. says that If this continues he will live for ever. Odell Correspondence Beatrice Times. So Boss, So Bofca The ntw editor sat at his desk nursing a badly Scratched face and a discolored oculary. A Mg, bony, mannish feminine had Just left the office, caroming on us as wo entered. Who was that woman? we asked. Tho new editor, holding one eye In his hand, tried to smile, but the effort was apparently painful. Mid dle column, fourth article, he said, point ing a grimy, Inky, forefinger to the local page of the last Issue of the Prairie Dog Reflector. We stepped nearer and, read: "Yesterday wo had the exquisite pleasure of calling at the big ranch of the Widow Bllkinson and looking over her countless cattle, horses and hogs. Mrs. B. Is a model farmer and only keeps the very finest. After svelig the stock she Invited nicest we ever glanced over." Arapahoe Pioneer. PICKING OUT CHOICE Holders of ' Low Numbers Over tbe Ilrnle lis lo. LANDS t I.ooklnuy PIERRE. S. D., Oct. :i (Special Tel egram.) A number of the holders of t'ie numbers below 200 are In the city getting their bearinga for the purpose of filing on Brule lands. The southern part of the reservation appears to be the most at tractive to the first choice people, as It lies within six miles of Preso, on t"ie Milwaukee road, and Is all good, lei el land, but just where No. 1 will make his (election remains In doul.t. The first no lection will be made by No. 2, and the man who drew No. 1 cannot file on ac count of being already the owner of mora than a quarter aectlon. The claimants have been busy since Friday looking over the land and the first selection will innnnnrpd when th claimant nrMMit, liW - - " ... filing at the land ofllce at 9 o clock to- i morrow morning. Bee Want Ads do the business. rt publican candidate for treasurer. If they all run this fall like they went through here, they will be away ahead of their competitors. Carleton Leader. Chums This Is the way one of the repub lican papers down In Platte county talks about members of the republican county committee of tliat county i "The republican .county central commit tee was to have met Suturday, but owing to the absence of all but 'Big Butch,' 'Little Butch' and 'Rasor Back' and 'Bunty,' the meeting was called off until further notice." Genoa Leader. , Nebraska's Gold Mining Industry The Webber boys shelled out the crib of com belonging to the Transmississlppl Elevator company Monday and Tuesday. There was nearly 4.000 bushels of It, and It was In fine shape, and the boys were shelling at the rate of 100 bushels an hour. The com- g)JdPj No woman' happi nets can be complete without children ; it it her nature to love and want them as much, to at it is to love the beautiful and pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must past, however, is to fraught with dread, pain, suffering and Anger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to beeither painful or dangerous. The use of Mother'a Friend so prepares tha system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful remedy is alwaye appliedexternally.and has carried thousands ot women through the trying crisis without suffering. 8na for free book containing tnfonnauua ef priceless value to all sxptciaut uiotaais. The BradlUld Remittor Co- Atlttta. Ga, IFiPixBonau