Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Army of Saltan Defeated by Trc
tender of the South.
l'omoMi4rr-tn-(klr( of Kmprror'i
Troop, la la the Haads of
Rerl CiiIciii Mouae
TANOHER, Ott. a. On October 17 be
tween Shawta and Mequlnes occurred the
first battle between forcea of Sultan Abdel
Azlc and Mullt Ilafid, pretender to the
throne and known aa the sultan of the
south. The latter wag overwhelmingly vic
torious and the triumph Is of treat Im
portance aa strengthening sentiment In
favor of Mulal Hand.
According to reports Just received from
Macagan eight regiment of the pretender's
troops under command of Mutar Rachld
defeated the sultan's troops and captured
several pieces of modern field artillery, to
tether with Cald Bushta Bagdanl, com-mander-ln-chlrf
of all Abdel Asia's forces.
During the night of October 17 some of
Mulal Hafld's men made a third raid on
the custom hotinc at Mnzagnn and seised
lO'.OOO cartrldgesf and on the following
night they made a fourth raid on the same
place and captured 200,000 more cartridges.
The flrnt division of the Imperial troops,
:onslstlng of SK) men destined for Afogador,
arrived at Tangier today. Communication
with Mogador la Interrupted. j
The officials at Maxagan have received In
formation to the effect that Mulal Hand
Uriel on October 19 for Oharab, the dis
trict between Tangier, Rebat and Fez.
Hand has issued a notice to the effect that j
ha guarantees the protection of all for
eigners at Morocco city, Inviting certain :
foreigners who have' Koh4 to .Mac a gun to
return to Morocco city" arid resume1 their
business there and ordering his representa
tive to furnish them with everything nec
tksary to enable them to make the return
trip to the capital of the south.
lotvacll Committee of the Wholo
Tarns Down Hrnnrat of 'Good
Shepherd Convent.
At the meeting ef the city council In
committee of the whole Monday afternoon
the principal business was consideration of
the closing of Jackson street between For
tieth and Forty-first. Gould Diets appeared
for himself and others to protest against
the closing; of this street and the opening
of another .ninety-three, - feot north. The
change la desired by1 the stater, of the
Convent of the Good Shepherd ami- F." I
McCoy, who was formerly a Protestant,
spoka In favor of tho change. T. J. Ma
honey also spoke in favor of the change
and said that the plnh' contemplates the
consolidation of ground owned by the con
vent and the. uniting of their property. "The
council voted against making; the change.
A delegation pf bakers appeared to pro
test against bakeries" whfch -are being op
erated In cellars and, pavements. Members
of the delegation were told to have an ordi
nance' prepared, covering their Ideas and
siibmK It to the council,
Lyele Abbott appeared to discuss the sign
ordinance, lie said the ordinance affects
between 250 and SuO business men, and of
fered a "SOhUlpn ; of the problem,", sug
gesting that tbe ordinance be submitted
tj a 'referendum Vote of the people. Ha
sid that no proclamation of such referen
dum ; would be necessary and no formal
i'.llce, of Its submission would be neces
r.iry, but the clerk must have copies of
1. a ordinance pointed for us of voters.
I. ) action was taken.
A representative of Tolf Hanson appeared
i . press a resolution granting him right to
use part of the alley between Harney and
Farnam to carry out hie design for a, build
ing where the Bhukert building now atanda.
The design was exhibited and on. motion
of Councilman Davla, supported by Coun
cilman Zlm,man, Mr. Hanson was permitted
If not it is your own fault, for
we say to you positively tha
we can grow you such hair n.s
this on any bead with
Hair and Scalp Tonic
AW have had years of oppor
tunity to study "growth of
hair" in our Chicago establish
ment, where we treat more
head of bair than any other
establishment in the world and
E. Butnham's Hair and Scalp
Tonic is the result of yeara of
study and experiment.
E. Burnbam has found the
cause and cure, for baldness,
dandruff and other scalp infec
tions. Tbe scalp being one of
the weakest parts of the cran
ium, the blood becomes felug
gi&h and the follicles or the
roots of the hair becon;e im
paired and diseased from want
of nourishment.
E. Burnham's Hair and Scalp
ing and strengthening the hair follicles, puts the scalp in a
healthy and normal condition, gives the hair new life, (.tops it
from falling out, cures dandruff and other scalp infections.
Our booklet, "How to Be Beautiful," mailed free. Address
Thn Largest Hair Good, and Tollot Manufacturer in tha World
67 tni Whl- on S
SHERMAN & L.CCPXSELI GHllG CO., 161!) and DodT8 Sts;
to use twelve Inches on the alley for but
tresses and eighteen Inches on Sixteenth
John Qrossmann appeared for Mrs. T. J.
Mulvihlll In an attempt to change the ordi
nance regulating the erection and mainte
nance of bllllmards. He stated that the ex
isting ordinance -la. Unconstitutional in
many details and that the new ordinance
cures defects In the one provlously passed.
The matter was referred to the Judiciary
committee and legal department.
Bills for work done at the police station
were referred to the committee on build
Flftr IHlth Wchool Boy. Meet and
DUctus Meets Between Three
titles. .
About fifty high school boys who are
Interested in debating met after school
Monday and made plans for this year's
society and the Interscholaetlc contests. A
class In debating will be organized Boon,
under the leadership of E. F. Denlson,
the Toung Men's Christian association
boys' work director, who coached one of
the debating teams last year. "This class
will meet several times a week from 8 till
o'clock in the morning, and many de
bating enthusiasts Intend to Join regard
less of the early hour.
Principal Walorhonse, who presided at'
the meeting, said there would probably- be
a trl-cfty debating league, comprising the
high' schools of Omaha, Des Moines and
Kansas City, and also debates between
the several societies of the Omaha High
school and those of Council Bluffs and
South Omaha.
The Interest In debating which the meet
ing aroused Is already quite evident, and
foretells great things for the youths who
will defend Omaha's reputation In the
forensic arena.
Movement Inspired by Other Bakers
Is Carried to the City
A number of the bakers of the city have
declared war upon the bakeries which are
being operated In basements and .cellars.
They allege that the rooms are In unsani
tary condition and the bread made therein
Is necensarlly unwholesome. A committee
expects to appear before the council this
afternoon and has. requested the Board of
Health to co-operate with It.
lr. Connell declares It will be Impossible
for him to make more thorough Inspection
of bakeries until next year, when ho hopes
to have at least six sanitary inspectors,
where he now nas one, and that with that
forco at his command i.e can Inspect all
places of food supply In the city'. , ; '
Maokov' T-?'u Begins.
WEBSTER CITS', la.. 'Oct. 21. (Special.)
Tho trial of George ' Mackown on me
charge of burning Webster City's JllK.W
felt shoe factory In 1908 was bejrun In
Judge Lee's court this afternoon. Cot-rt
was convened at 1:30 o'clock, and tho em
panneling of a Jury' was uiiscrtiin at
once. It Is expected that all of today and
tomorrow will be consumed in picking the
Jury. It Is possible that even war tint
may ' be taken. ' . '
While the trial begun this afternoon Is
upon the arsuu charge only, it, In fact, em
bodies the embezzlement case also, for
the state has given notice to the defense
that It will Introduce evidence of embezzle
ment In order to furnish the motive for
the alleged erlme of arson. It is under
stood the defense will set up an alibi. That
Mackown himself will go upon the stand
Is certain an1 that at least two witnesses
will complete his proof of absence from
the factor)' until after the fire alarm was
given Is known. By proving the embezzle
ment, however, and introducing other cir
cumstantial evidence, the state will seek to
show either an accomplice or the use of
some kind of slow fire, with which the
conflagration was started.
FAZ0 Ointment is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles, in t to 14 days or money refunded, too.
Tonio overcomes this by feed
H iT 1L
tia by t
TO atui It Sc( Sir
16th n Harney Sts. v
V- V . .
::- -
t J-' j i
' : ':' i t
Clearing House -Succeeds in Elimina
ting Chains of Control.
Bankers Pledae Rapport and Trials la
Declared to Be Over Fund of
Ten Million Available
in Need.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-There I, a men
favorable sentiment In business and bank
Ins: circles, rtsultant from yesterday's
ells n fees In various manngements and the
promises of support made by the clearing
house association received from the offset
when it became known that the debit bal
ance of tha Mercantile National bank at
the clearing bouse was 1,900,0.
The debit balance of tbe National Rank
of North America was $860,000. These fig
ures tndicated that heavy withdrawals from
the two banks were being made, and the
totals were referred to by one member of
the clearing association as uneipectedly
large and disconcerting.
It was announced in a short time, bow
ever, that tha clearing house association
would extend assistance to the Mercantile
and National Bank of North America.
Beth M. Milllken, the newly elected presi
dent of the Mercantile National bank, said
today that counting out the Helnxe-Morsa
loans, the assets of the bank are $1.40 for
every dollar of liability.
Stocks today opened strong and higher,
all the market leaders participating In the
Sunday's meeting of bank presidents suc
ceeded In finally eliminating the Iloinze,
Morse and Thomas Interest In certain of
the clearing house banks.
Blar Pond Pledged.
Besides choosing ne'.v officers for tho
banks In question, and announcing that
each was in a solvent condition, a fund of
810,000,000 was pledged by a score of Indi
vidual banks to extend aid to these banks
and render such assistance to meet their
deposits as the clearing house commission
may think necessary. The men, fifteen in
number, every one practical bankers, de
cided upon the measures for eliminating
the Interests that have been under critic
Ism, which measures during the day were
carried out. . ,
Tire methods that have now been elimin
ated from the local banking situation,. It
Is stated, are a development of the lust do
tado. They consist of tho buying of a
hank, then putting up the stock represent
ing that control as collateral for funds to
buy control of another bank, and con
tinuing the urocess with banks and trust
I companies, so that the result Is a pyramid
I control chain of financial Institutions
and their deposits. The crisis. It is de
clared, was a, serious one, but the cure ex
tended Is expected to be complete.
Manager Sherer of the clearing bouse
said today that Institution hnd th? situation
under control, that all the undesirable ele
ments had been eliminated, and that from
thja time would begin a new era In banking
In New York. It was officially denied that
It would be necessary to Issue clearing
house certificates In order to secure sup
port for the banks which have gone under
United Copper. Heinse's security, 'ad
vanced two points, from 9 to
Eetn at. Milllken, the new president ot
liis Mercantile National bank, questioned
as to loans mads to F. A. Helnse and
Charles W. Murse, said It was expected
that thoy would repay them as soon ..
they a able. ',
. Proceed Asulnst t'.Tl-tie' Jfc Co.-
An . Involuntary petition in bankruptcy
was , filed In the United States district
court today against the Arm, of-Otto Heinze
& Co., brokers, whose suspension from the
Stock exchange was announced last week
after Uiey bad refused to accept a block
of United Copper stock purchased. for thorn
by th6 firm of Gross & Kleeberg.
The petitioning creditors , are William
Robaham, as assignee of the firm of Uross
ft Kleeberg, with a claim of $325,373; Leo
Wise, who baa an assigned claim from
Edward V. Brokaw, In the sum of 60 cents,
and Frank R. Branaby, who has an as
signed claim from Hersefleld ft Stein for
$20,901. They allege that Otto Heinze & Co.
made preferential payment to tha Mer
chants' National bank of $2,000,000 of as
signed securities, - and other -preferential
payments which aggregated about $1,000,000.
It Is also claimed that valuable securities
were assigned to F. Augustus Heinze and
Arthur P. Heinze to secure antecedent In
debtedness and because of any suspension
of the firm by the Stock exchange. Argu
ment on a receiver waa postponed until
Wednesday. ; .
The clearing bouse committee, at a meet
ing held today at tho Mercantile National
bank, advlacd the acceptance of the resig
nation of eight directors of tho bank. This
i was done and five new directors were
I selected. The other vacancies will be filled
(Continued from First Page.) '
that the balloon In which Ueutenant Lalim
set the record for the race at 402 miles last
year, which started today and carrlfs as
pilot Major Henry B. Hersey of the United
States weather bureau, who acted as aid
to the lieutenant. The latter, who is 111 In
Paris, Is unable to take part German
balloons that were in the first competition,
the Dusseldorf and the Pommern, are also
among today's starters.
The official order of start Is as follows:
4 p. m. German balloon, Pommern, T7.000
cubic feet capacity; Oscar Brbsloeh, pilot;
Prof. Clayton, aid.
4-r6Amerlcan balloon. United States,
72.J60 cublo feet; Major H. B. Hersey, pilot;
A. T. Athrholt,atd.
410 French, l isle de Frarce. 71000 cubic
feet; Alfred Le Blanc, pilot; Edgar Y.
Mix. aid. ...
4:1& German balloon, Dusseldorf. TT.OOO
cubic feet; Captain Hugo von Abercron,
pilot; II. Ileldmnnn, aid.
4:20 English balloon. IxtuS II, 7B.IV cubic
feet; ' Griffith Brew, pilot; Lieutenant
Claude Brabazon, aid.
4:ii American bulloon. America. 77,00
cubic feet; J. C. McCoy, pilot; Captain C.
DeChondler. aid.
i a French balloon, Anjou. 79.500 cublo
feet; Rene Gasnier, pilot; Charles Lovec,
4 X German balloon. Abercron. 60.000
cubic feet: Paul Meckel, pilot; Rudolph
Denlga, aid. -
4 40 American balloon. Rt. I -out. 77.000
cubic feet; Allen R. Hawley. pilot; Augus
tus Post, aid.
' Fqaal Chances of Victory.
All of the teams entered are regarded as
having an almost! chance for victory.
If theia are any favorites In the discussion
today they are the French team of Le
Blanc and Mix. fcnd the American teams,
headed by Major Hersey and Mr. Hawley,
While Major Hersey will sail the cup win
ner of last year. Mr. Hawley will com
mand V new balloon which has made but
one ascension, in Tarls, and . which was
built especially for this race.
The preparations for the big race were
watched with Intense interest, but those
fortunate enough to reach the fenced en
closure, which was guarded today by sev
eral hundreds of soldiers of the regular
Nine ballooqs were delivered to . the
grounds yesterday, and today were limp
beaps of varnlblied cotton at Intervals
ak'tig the pipe through which specially
Clean ses tle sirm Attecr
uaUy;l)ispcls Col Js andncadr
nclios duo to Constipation;
Acts naturally, acts truly 03
a Laxative. ' .
Best for.Menvomcn end Ikild-rm-ybungnna1
lo et its jjenfJicialEjects
Alvvnys buy the Genuine vvkicK
lias MKe full name of the Com-
kv whom it is mdnufacturecL printed en the
front of every pncKn4e.
ne size only, regular price 5(Kr botlle.
manufactured gas Was to be pumped later
In the day. The work'bf Inflation required
great care, and it Vat two hours after the
gas was first turned oh that the one flat
masses of cloth rounded' themselves - out
Into great yellow and drab globes, these
two colors being the favorites of the for
eign balloon makers. AS gradually the
balloons took shape,' the stout webbing of
cord about them was carefully adjusted
and Inspected. Baskets were not tied In
place, until the last foot of gas was forced"
Into the big balloons and the neck tightly
sealed. Dangling from tljs neck In each
wu'a white cord with a small bag of the
same color attached. Tb'ls cord controls
the gas valve at' the top and Is pulled
whenever the aeronaut decides to descend.
A second cord, of red.' Is known as the Hp
cord, and when pullefi rips 'out a seam, so
that In landing the balloonist may deflate
the balloon In an Instant, - '
Kqnlvmeat .la Varied.
The baskets belonging to the several bal
loons were objects of Intense Interest among
the spectators. Tho equipment of each
variedT but in general the aeronauts will
earry with them an a.erold barometer to
register elevation, a barograph, or. self -
registering, aneroid barometer,, a statoscope,
which registers the rise and fall of a bal
loon; compass, dry and wet thermometer,
set of maps, small electric' flash lights for
reading instruments at night and life belts,
to be used in case of falling Into water.
Each aerial passenger, be tie aid or pilot,
will wear very heavy" clothing, as the air
Is expected to be extremely cold. ' For food,
practically all the teams will carry a supply,
of sandwiches, which will be eaten the first
day out, and second, it the flight should
continue that long. Canned meats and sev
eral loaves of bread are to bo taken along
for a third days', provision and to be used
In case the landing place should be remote
from village or farm house. Le Blanc, the
Frenchman, and Mix.' his' aid., are taking
up fishing tackle and a revolver, and de
clare that If they descend In an attractive
spot they will spend two or th.ree days fish
ing and hunting. Sleep will be next to Im
possible for tbe air travelers, most of the.
basket beings too to permit of re
pose, and the honor at Stake being sileh as
to require the vlgllanqe, pf . both members
of a team.
Start Late fit. Day.
Thq.ptart qf. yje,itrco .wag .placed as late
In the day as possible, in order to meet the
wishes of the aeronauts'. Jt .'was desired by
all that Ihe most J of ,thelr ( flight should
take place ef night. . The sun expands bal
looning gas tq a .remarkuble extent, and
when the contraction comes at night it
means a drop to a lower level and the loss
of several bags, of ballast. By starting
with the setting sun. the first Joss of gas is
reached after nearly twenty-four hours
In the air .and this period the pilots expect
to coyer the greatest .part of their Journey.
The start of the international cup con
test today murks the begiuning.ot an aerial
carnival which will cqntlnue. until Friday.
All sorts of aero, plane and, dirigible bal
loons are here to . compete for , valuable
prizes offered for the various, classes. .
Jewel Theater Monday to Thursday.
The remarkable process of. producing
iron, from the Is iug out of The
rarth as ore until It la sent out of the
foundries Is shown In . this film. The
process is a very Interesting one and I
tasy for anybody to follow. The follow
ing pictures will also be shown: Elks'
Parade at Philadelphia, One-Night Stand,
Son's .Revenge, The Faiter Cabby.
MIm Abvtt's Toar.
I Just received a telegram from 8a
Una, Kansas, saying the "Bessie Abott"
program was the most beautiful ever seen
on the concert stage. Mrs. Turner. Seats
go on sale at Auditorium Tuesday morn
ing. :
With simply a brush,
two hands and a can of
you can enamel an old
wicker chair . so that it
will look better than new.
Twenty-five cents will pur
chase all the jAP-A-LAC
needed, and in a very ew min
'fctes you can bave a new chair.
roA toll M
RFAliTlFUL I " r f
u rmsi cub
CO-ORS. I .1 i
... - . .
Rtf USt
- stiflSTrroTf 5
MM I II I I ' 1
J&P-&.-L&.C He tdqu&rfers
and at best prices, at the r-herman dt
MeConneil Drug fctores.
Corner 16th and Dodge Street.
owl cp.ue co.
Corner 16th and Harney Streets,
No Taxpayer Can Aot on Bonds With
out Begiitration.
Propositions Aaarenatlns Four Mil
lion Dollars Will Be Submitted
to the Kleetora ( Omaha
This Fall.
"The failure of any" taxpayer in Omaha
to register next Saturday may cause blm
regret for many a day,"' said a city of
ficial. "At the coming election It Is pro
posed to authorize tho city council to Issue
bonds to the amount of $3,679,000 for various
purposes and the school board is asking
permission to Issue $6O0,0no worth of bonds
in addition to this, making a total lond
Issue to be requested of over M.000,0o0
the largest ever asked In the history of
Omaha. If these bonds are authorized and
Issued there will be on Increase . In the
annual Interest charge of at least $lffi,16i,
since It will be Impossible to sell thesn
bonds for less than 4 per cent and half
of this amount additional must be raised
each year If the bonds aie to be redecmod
at the end of twenty years.
"People will have different opinions aa
to the advlslblllty of these bonds, but every (
taxpayer sitouia oe interested enougn in
the subject to record his vote one way
or the other and no man who falls to
register Saturday can have a word to say
at the polls as to the taxing of his prop
erty for these purposes. It would seem
that this cause alone should result In a
full registration. Local taxation appeals
closer to the people than any other expense
and It Is in the hands of the Voters to
limit ot- expand that tax."
In connection with this remark it may
be noted that few people are talking In
favor of the proposed gas bonds propo
sition. Kveu the author of the ordinance
calling tor the election, says the measure
is one in which he Is not deeply Interested
I except to place -the matter before the peo
ple In harmony with the resolution of
the council last June.
The proposals for tho echool building
bonds and the city Improvement bonds are
meeting with no open opposition aa far as
talk goes, while there Is little or nothing
said in regard to the proposition to Issue
f.'tO.WO of bnnds for a new fire engine house.
It Is generally admitted that If these bonds
are Issued the house cannot be occupied
for another year, but the friends of the j
measure say in doiiuh win aruw no in
terest until they are sold and they need
nc.t be sold until the money Is needed for
the house.
Two republican meetings are scheduled
for this week. The first will be held In
the Fifth ward, at Sixteenth and Locust
streets, Thursday night, and the second
I In tho Sixth ward at Twenty-fourth and
j Burdette streets. Friday night, candidates
and good speakers will be present at both
of the meetings.
Mayor Hoctor of South Omaha, In a con
vlvial mood the other night, told a party
of admiring listeners that he would be the
first elected mayor of the Greater Omaha
after consolidation.
I'nlon . Paelfie Balldlngr Spars
Reach Independent Frop-
erttes. .
CHEYENNE. Wyo Oct. 21. (Special.)
An-rorder received, from . headquarters pf
the Union Pacific Ralliead company, yester
day calls for the Immediate construction
of a ne Wyoming lateral twenty-one miles
In length and with four sub-laterals with
an aggregate length of six miles. The new
.line will leave - the main line at Rock
Springs and run almost due north, passing
through Six Mile canon and tapping one
of the richest coal fields In the world. The
Union. Pactflo does not Intend, It s under
stood, to develop any of Its holdings ad-
i Jacent tp the new line, but will build., the
line In order to obtain the haul from inde
pendent properties, of which there will be
.'a number opened up as soon as the rail
road construction begins.
That the Union Pacific is building this
line to tap Independent holdings Is evidence
that 'the' company was In earnest when It
announced that It would retire from the
: commercial coal business January 1, 1908.
The Independent properties to be opened by
the Six Mile canon branch would. If the
Union Pacific continued to sell coal after
January 1, directly compete with the
product of the railroad's Rock Springs
The Union Pacific has also ordered the
construction of a branch to the new mine
of tha Rock Springs-Gibraltar company, an
Independent concern operating ' at Black
Buttes, a few miles east of Rock Springs.
Five other Independent companies are open
ing mine. In the same district.
Give the children all they want. Red
Cross -- Cough Drops. 6c per box.
Left Her Pareata In Dea Moines and
Was Working in sin Omaha
Josephine Zelgler, a li-year-old girl who
ran away from her home In Ds Molnea,
la,, September 16 and was accldently dis
covered In Omaha during Ak-Sar-Ben week,
was taken home by her parents Sunday
The girl had been working in an overall
factory in this city all the while her par
ents were searching for her, thinking per
haps she had committed suicide. A friend
of the family In Des Moines visited Omaha
during the carnival and accldently met the
girl on the street and she told him that the
family had moved to this city. On his re
turn te Des Molne. he met the father of
the girl and told him of her whereabouts.
The family communicated with the local
authorities and the girl was found and
held until their arrival. She had been
rooming at 824 North Twentieth street.
rare Caah and Silverware front
tho Residence of G. A.
While the fg'nilly were attending church
Sunday night the residence of O. A.
Oreenough at 716. Pine street was entered
by burglars who secured about 1100 worth
of valuables, including Ml In money and a
collection of souvenir spoon, from several
countries and a few article, of jewelry.
The burglars gained an entrance by prying
open a bedroom window with a jimmy and
exhibited their experience by selecting only
the .olid .liver spoons and leaving the
plated silverware untouched.
Oreenough conduct, a drug .tore at 134
South Tenth street and furnished the police
with a good description of the articles
taken. "
Rnllng n Bar on Speculation.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Oct- a.-(Speclal.)-The
new ruling of tha general land office
that homesteader, who Intend .to commute
must actually resjde on their claim, full
fourteen month.. Instead of merely main
taining a "corstructlve residence" there
during the first six month, after filing,
probably will result In many homesteads
of the Cheyenne district reverting te the
of the
. . . i
le tne enicie nnmscuuicii ""
Indescribable beauty and delicacy, with just the
.. . r .u ... Apmnru that
" inwree permanent Hhape-reientoniD)cs it resist the
ill effects of dust end keep its dainty nnish? Then t waa
gurely starched with the genuine
fZUtf- Gloss Starch
the old reliable kind which has been the standard of quality
for over half century. Make, ironing day easier, because
T a a aas V-akalll I si M ft -Kris" If w
there it no euessing or uncertainly, nu .
irons-aimply the aatistaction that eeery UnBdnMi receive.
r xine .rnoimcal : dissolve, in-
irom worm iruiy luumv.
, sianuy. nanaiesi in cvci t
- - .t.
ror..r.lsirehl-hollasaireetl. For light I. g
I iqaa.Ue as a eo!4 water
i( ' , Mile lor cm
".'- All .rnrpn. in
t l T kingsfosd
government. Since dry farming has proven
a success lh this vicinity homesteads by
the score have been located In the dry
country by persons who intended to
reside on them and who filed for purely
speculative purposes, intending to commute
as soon as possible. The profit to be de
rived from the sale of such homesteads
will hardly be commensurate to the ex
pense and disadvantage of maintaining
actual residence on the claims, and If the
new ruling of the land ofiVe Is enforced a
majority of tho speculative filings will
never be carried to the title stage. .
Iter. O. L. Fisher.
DENVER, Oct. il.-Rev. O. L. Fisher,
presiding cider of the Methodist Kplscopal
church in the Northern Colorado district,
Is dead at his home in this city. He was
president of the Fort Worth university from
191 to 1903 and was obliged to resign that
on account of falling health.
Young- Man Commits Balclde.
FAJRHURY. Neb.. Oct. SI. (Special
Telegram.) Fred Dlller of the village of
Dlller, this county, committed suicide tills
morning by shooting himself. The coroner
went there .fo hold an inquest, but An yet
nc particulars !ive been l.ceived. Dlller
v. as i0 years old and was the youiigext
son of tha late W. H. Dlller, for whom
the town was named.
We Apologize.
Have to do it. You
know the. line " For Sale
Everywhere." isn't
except on the 20th of the
A.week later it is like
finding "a needle in a ha)
stack" to locate an Every
body's Magazine among
the high piles. Your news
dealer sells a lot of Every
body's in a short time at a
good profit.
We sold out too soon in ,
September, increased the
October edition, sold out
too soon again. Increased
again for November, but
with Booth Tarkington
starting his new story, with
P. Henry's "Phoebe"
and you know O. Henry
can make you ache as you
laugh and" with Wm.
Hard's "Making Steel and
Killing Men," we are
wondering again if there
are magazines enough. '
Pretty big fifteen cents'
worth. Lots of people
realize it now. It pays
readers and advertisers.
15 cents a copy, or SI. SO a
year of the publishers.
The Ridoway Company
Uktok Savasa, Nivr Yen City, N. Y.
It costs you nothing to
Inspect our larire line of
high grade fur garment,
at popular price, and
may sirs you money.
2d Floor Contiotal 01k,
Elites 113 So. 15th St.
lira. VTlrsiowH BoctUnj Syrcp"
Mii for rrutHlA. Roll l.y inicii In ver
kti ' tii urld. h tun nd tk fur "Mn m.
Inw's H.x'ihti.n 8mr." tu4 tot no oihrr kiul
TwifT-B orlita Vk.UU Ou'atri ULrtuT tne
f n SDI lni At, JuDf mb.l R-.rl.l Nuints
fl 0OT0O will t air fo ivi-
. I. I , & u aa i tf
vin ntTITARCHIlia.
star, rminoe; -
iuii ymii v--. li.'
full WelZlll PSCUSH". ,.f ?
& SON. Oswego, N. Y. 'fop"!
Cetr!T. 8sw. "-y
It makes the, toilet comethinf to be en
joyed. It removes all stains and roughness,
prevents prickly heat and chafing, ano
leaves the skin white, .oft, healthy. In the
bath it brings a plow and exhilaration which
no common soap can equal, imparting th
rigor and life sensation of a mild Tuikish
To Equalize
The Stock
WE HAVE reduced the price on
many of our highest grade fab
rics In order to even up our lines. "''
This means that you will find here
this week, a choice assortment of
150.00 and $45.00 styles priced at
$40.00. The $42.00 and 140.00 styles
await your selection at $35.00.
Better drop in today and select your
suit from these exclusive patteros
before they are picked by the other
Trousers 5S to 512, Suits $25 ta $50
rr3 ABM Fv
209-11 ho. iatb St. .
f Rim THtATc
m " m w Prices. 16-26-60-75c.
Tonight. 8:16. J
t4st Two Performances of 'the Most
Talked About Play of the Age
Volunteer Organist
net. acts S and 4 Harry tay',
the famous center fielder of
the Cleveland N'stlonals, will
render his cornet solos. '
. , ..if . .
ia to . m 7 to ii, r ,t
10o Oonrlnuon. - lOt,
New show every Mon. and Thiire.
6 Exit.. Ab.olutely Hate 9
la The
Wednesday and Tnnrsday
rrtday, Batarday Matinee aad Vlght
Tritsl Sch.lf la ULtB MOS1SX1
One BTleht Only. Wov. Ttb
till VALTI
at kale Oot. 68th.
iCtxcwxon Phonc
Mattnee Pally :15. Every Night 8:li. .
This Week The Immensaphone, Chlnko.
Three Ilenards. Mayme Remington and her
Blarlc Buster Brownies, Ftiil and Nettle
Peter., Minnie Kaufmann, Bandy and Wil
son and the Kinodrome.
Price. 10c, 25c, 60c.
UR WOOD "''"
2:30 AND
8:15 P.M.
Abd'el Kadnr and Ills
Wives; Sllerit Tait; Pugi.
nioto s eeven jsps; ii-Bie
JVench; Rawls and Von
Kaufman; Gertrude Oe-'
bfst; Lut. Bros.; Karl 1.
lllrks; Pictures.
Tatuay BT.alng, pe't. 14th. 4. t
peats on .ale Box Office Tuesday, Qct.2)1-t
F bugs' a Bo, boo, 75o aad $140.;' 1
Boa Beat. S1.60.
We would be pleased to have you vllt
our hllrhen and see what nartlcJilar care
is taken In the preparation of all fooci-i.