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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1907)
10 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY.' OCTOBER 22. 1007. ENGINEER TURNS ON LIGHT Exposes Some Fnnkhouier Statement RelatiTe to Izard Street Sewer. LEAVES COUNCILMAN IN BOX Asserts that rreae, Ht Afcaeae, ! Mty ISsalr Wfcat Aaaoya the AmMtlon Democratic rIIUelaa. In th Interests of the public I ad areI nn Wednesday last letter to ths msyor. citing reasons why ths con tract for the Ixard street sewer for flU.SOO should not b iwarM," said City Engineer TtoBewster. "Tn thin letter I mated that Mr. runkhotwier had Introduced a resolu tion kln- for an Itemised statement a to tie basis of my conclusions and that when thin statement waa furnished It was a-lven to the contractor ao It might enable htm to prepare figures whereby Councll ' man runkhouser could attack my figures . and secure the award for him. "Mr. Funkhoueer In reply denies that he consulted any contractor and that his In formation waa secured from Messre. ' Brldgea and Wlthnell. Ae a matter of I faot, Mr. runkhouser'a original resolution i asking for th engineer s figures came from the contracting parties. ! The fact that they ' furnished .the written reply used by Mr. Funkhousor In his attack. Is sufficient evi dence sa ta Its source. "Mr. Funkhous states In explanation of the faot- that he did not give the engi neer an opportunity to be heard, that he telephoned to the office and the engineer was not there. This Is singular, consider ing that the council committee was In the habit of sending for the engineer when any Information 1s dcidred and that on the Monday afternoon when this matter was considered the engineer was In his 1 oHloe th entire afternoon up to o'clock n. m..but his presence was not wanted, although 118,000 were at stake. Oae ftalemrst Trie. "The statement Is true that the city engineer some four months before the de t at 11 of the' plana were completed, tn reply to a verbal Inquiry as to what this sewer would cost, stated In an off-hand way that j It probably would cost from $90,000 to tlOO,- 000. Such an off-hand statement does not ' constitute an estimate and certainly would not be considered by. a business body as against a lUIIid signed written estimate. "As to the other portion of Mr. Funk housor's r' stali-mi-nt. to tiso a lawyer's phrase. It js Irrelevant, but In tho Interests of truth, concerning my alleged absence and neglect 'of public duty, I will state that I have given more hours to the per formance of public duty than any other one official In the city hall. I work at my office every Saturday afternoon, when n Display c fj Artloont Ooods la ( Baaamsat. M M I ! 11 11 II El M M gen r Complete t llMiwrt I w a Dept. HM A Omaba f J A at . l! I J I INDIES tlUJUJOUilNALpATTERNS TiTPTTTTTTWWn M litli L, 1 It l I 1 II II U I J I I B 1 J Mi, EjBllaVVlli II II l X U LjJ Cold Wcalhcr Essentials L Crown Jewel Suits S,:ZZ" criminating taste in dress the best value ever shown in Omaha at wth $25 SOLE OMAHA AGENTS FOR ZI0N CITY LACES IIlMh WSm TMB RELIABLE THB V 1 SPECIAL SALE OF BOYS' SWEATERS n jj Artloom Couch Covers and Portieres ; j We are Omaha agents for these most beautiful of all H j high class tapestries. Fall's newest and most effective f r! patterns. fl M ARTLOOMPORTIERES H tVe are showing a beautifn selection of new styles, in rich H H Oriental, floral and silk portieres UP 1 70 k pair, from J to We mstt yonr needs from the ground tip. FOB BOMB we supply yon Willi the most satisfactory stove or range that stove skill has produced THE PENISJSUI.AR. We fill yonr stove or range with the best heat-glT. Ing oool that's mined BENNETT'S CAPITOL COAL. We clothe TO fare as well as silks; woolen underwear, thick winter saltings' and rou In com fort-giving overcoats; qualities positively guaranteed and prices attested by our gignntlo bnslness to be the most satisfactory that merchandising art eaa express. Special displays Tuesday of snappy winter gloves, hos iery and underwear. AT PBICES THAT MA KB PEOPLE TALK ABOUT US. f Marvelous Underwaar Bargains Frm Our Great Manufacturer's Stock Purchase A general clearance of all sample., broken lots. Ho. Twelve great square in onr Domestic room piled HIrIi with unmatcliabl bargain in Men's, Women' and Children's Winter Undergarments. i LI FJ ARTLOOM COUCH COVERS 11$ a,a.aavL's a-aw a wa v m v va v w tu v -f -m w w -w -w - - -t 1 shown. They come in tho true Oriental and Persian styles pi I j ana are copies oi xne real ioreign goous iiiai woum uoei 1 ten times as much as the Artloom goods. 93 up Q50 1 1 "Wo are showing these from to O M j ARTLOOM TABLE COVERS VL you. wish to add stylo and comfort to your dining room I I or library, get an Artloom Table Cover they cost no more M U thab th Table Co II iry, get an Artloom Table Cover they cost no more le cheapest tapestry Artloom 8-4 up $C -j Covers from to wmrwwmr V "si si I Li mi M i a- ioorf m nearly all the other offices are closed and I devote an average of one hour each night In tho study of city Interests. Fur- 1 thermore, whilst others have, with few ex- ceptlons, tukon vacations averaging from two weeks to an much as two months eunli year. I have' taken none In the last two years. . Presence Is What ' Anaoj s. ."Tho truth Is that my critics ore not so much wqrrlc about my occasional absence, as tiny ore about my presence and close attention to city's Interests. "In regard to the alleged statements of Meesrs. Hrlilges and Wlthnell, that brick would cost. $8.50. I will simply state that Inasmuch, as wc have been having brick hauled and delivered a distance of ta'o miles by wagon load lots at that price. It would bo utterly absurd to cay that we could not buy 3.0CU,0bO, or more, brick at materially reduced figures. "Cement, which the contractor estimated t I1.H0 per barrel, can be bought at 11.50 or less In the quantities, (6,000 barrels) re quired. , ' ' "The cost . of laying brick can be dis counted ev'en 20 per cent below my figures. 86 can many other Hums and I do not hesitate to repeat that the actual cost of matorlala and construction of this sewer, will range between $$6,000 and $90,000; add ing 20 per cent for profit, will bring the reasonable value of the completed aewer to from $102,000 to $10S,Coo, In place of 1123,600. Better Able to Jodie, "In regard to the Jones street sewer. I flatter myself aa being able to Judge of that better than Mr. Funkhouser or Mr. Bridges, having designed forty odd systems for cities all over the country and super vised the construction' of a large number of'tliem. , "As to the condition of scattering side walks In the city. If Mr. Funkhouser had i)u datflrous of Iniurxiing hlu.aeU he would have ascertained long ago that the fault Is due to the law, not to the engineer. The. law precludes the city from enforcing; permanent aldewalk construction excepting where streets are actually at grade,, and brick walks, which the law Includes in the class of. temporary sidewalks, can be or dored, so that when suld streets are' graded afterward, or paved, the walks do not com ply with, the permanent grade ucause they were only ordered and luld to temporary grade. . "Referring '.to alleged dlc-rlmlnatlon against Mr. Jensen, the low bidder. How does Mr. Funkhouser know If he has not seen or mingled with the contracting par ties, tbat I havo discriminated? The fact Is I am paid by the people to look after their Interests, and not Mr. Jensen's. Only few years ago I urged the award of a contract to Mr. Jensen for a section of California street sewer when be was a low bidder and Mr. Connelly waa high bidder. At that time Mr. Connelly thought I dis criminated against him. In that case, aa tn all other cases, 1 was for the city of Omaba as against anyone else." NIC! M i I LI O is!- I ssis QMAMA J tl t 1 Our Greatest Sale of Lace, Net, Silk Waists Beautiful new arrivals in dress waists, evening waists and waists for separate skirts dainty, white and ecru nets and laces fine tail ored silk, beautiful silk waists with : lace trimmings, evening, shades : more than 40 new styles actually worth up to $12.50, at 5.98. 54.98 Lino- euro Wednesday OVX CAB BI0K OliSl X.IMO XiBTTMS, 8BZ.LB I-OS 60o, WID tTESDAY, TOVB CHOICE BENNETTS BIG GROCERY Special OHeri lor Tuesday Coffee, fresh roasted, pound 18o And Ten Urevn Trading Stamps Tea Sifting, pound.. , l.'ic And Ten Oreen Trading tftsmps Pure Black I'epper, can 100 And Five Green Trading StHinp" Bennett's Capitol Making I'owder, pound can 84o And Twenty re.n Trading IStampa Jell-O, assorted, 3 pkgs 95o And Ten Oreon Trading Stamps Clams, three cans 850 And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps Bayles' Bonele.s Herring, two Jars 8O0 And Ten Green Trading Stamps Horseradish, bottle 80 1' ranco-AniericRn HotipM. ox tall, to mato, chicken, an - quart can And Thirty Green Pint can Bayles' Cyclone Relloh. bottle... XOo ITriv-Tf'rrn AndjTen ren Trnolng Stnmps ,tut received a large quantity, each 4e a lor ao And Ten (ireen TrHiiiiiK Stamns I Batavla Cleaned 'urrants, two pounds 830 And Twento- Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Cnpltol Kxtraot, hnttlo 18o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps Safety MMrhA. rtnaon cx 6o sirai.isa wai-jsut bfeciai. Several hundred pounds Kngllsli Walnuts,. Tues day only, pound 15o SARATOGA CHIPS FVesh. crlsn and deik-iouH, pound.' ...SOo Blood of Grnpe Juice, pint bottle 86o And Thirty Green Truding Stamps (umbo, vesetahlo, frr':".! 36o tW-'.' i Trading Stamps Wfr'aHl vis. kmm Mm Men , Uravy Flowtl Shirts nl Drawors All sizes, worth to $1.00 garment; Bale prices, 3lc and..20? Men'" Woolen I'nderwear Worth reg ularly to $1.50 garment, all sizes and colore In two lota at, per Kar ment, 9Sc and 75 liAilieV Combination Suits Worth uf $1.00, gotid heavy weights. In whits only, at 6lc, 49c and'. 39 Iadios' Vests and 1'anfs White or grays, In heavy worsteds or fleece lined ribbed In four lots, garment. 75c, 49c, 3c and 25 Misses' and Children's Vests and Pants All sizes, heavy ribbed or fleece lined. 60c values, at 2"c and 10 From 9 Till 10 A. M. , From 11 A. M. Till 12 M. All Wool Stocking Caps, very best cot- Misses and Children's Vests and Pants, all sizes 16 to 34. 'worth 39c gar ment, at - '. 15 ors and patterns, regular values to COc. at 10 1 tl I Manufacturers' Stock Sale of Skirts jifcl Surplus stock of three well known manufacturer, secured by,our New Kl York buyer at a tremendous bargain, now on sale In three iff" ,0- GEST SKIKT KAIU.A1S UrrtHMl. From 10 Till Jl'-l. M. Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns, extra heavy quality, nicely trimmed .and worth up to $1.60 garment (limit of two gowns to a customer), Tuesday, for this hour, at 49c i P LOT l.-AT $2.93. Skirts Worth to .00 In fine Pana mas, fancy mixtures and broadcloths. matchless bargains at 82.05 LOT 3. AT $4.95. Skirts Worth to 910.00 In handsome voiles, Panamas and mixtures, all beet styles and colors, at. . . .84.05 U LOT 8, AT $7.9S Fine Silk, Voile and Tafreta Sklrta that would sell regu Lj, larly at $15, all in one lot Tuesday, at, choice $7.05 nAf, p Cain Monday's Sensational Dress Goods i UrcSS bUUUS DdLi: Sale Is Con'.lnned on TUESDAY. ; f Xew Patterps, New Lengths, New Bargains on Bargain Squares NOTE Pieces bought on bargain squares if Insufficient for dress ( patterns may be readily matched at dress goods counter. y SSS1 LlOfWftaB 1EI We Anno'nce lhis VVeek at Drandeis A Special Demonstration Warmth without weight D Tou should make it a special point to be on . hand at this important demonstration of these practical, com fortable knit top skirts. Knlttop Petticoat is perfectly elas tic, fits the figure in any position, absolutely smooth about tho hips. It is light but very warmmade of fast black materials flared flounces of taffeta or mercerized sateen. It is the best cold weather petticoat. Demonstratlon.Mala floor, New Store Range of Prices on Knittop Petticoats Wc Repair Silverware Make it to order. Alter and match it. I Extra Specials for Tuesday In Our Famous Domestic Room Octatrcr at Hot Bs-rlass, Ark. October and November ara tha most da alrabla months of the yaar at Hot Springs, and low railroad rates ara now In eRect. Tl. U..& government owns the springs aad says they will pure rheumatism, gout, malaria, affects of overwork or excesses, kidney, Uver, skin and stomach troubles. Write Bureau of Information, Hot Springs, Ark., for- Illustrated, souvenir book of In Don't get excited If your office boy ainokea cigarettes or your housemaid turns your wife out Into the street. These little things will happen sometimes. And when they do happen you should simply Insert a want ad la I'h Ute and you'll Und a good house msld or omca boy. People who always take the. right course always obtain the right results. Be want ads ara effective. Announcements, weddidng stationery, and calling, cards, blank book and niagaslne fclndtng. 'Phone Doug. Iff. A, I. Root, Inc. Do not let any dealer Insult your intelligence by offering yon a substitute, when . you ask for as article you cava en advertised in The Bee. We do not accept advertisements for articles that are not worthy of your patronage. When you are convinced by one of these adver tisements that the article is what you -wish, Insist on getting it, whea you ask for it at your dealers. Avoid substitutes get xLj4 yo itk fur. S - - JB I I K"B Vf jv4K4KW' Never ZZ Bssmajacasn i-"i El .t... 1 M '.Vi3IV m BT7 BB--I1 W M mil Mm tl! 1 OMAHA J . kZsssassaim I : ("JbJIV 111 I J! 1 t i 4 Gold and Silver Plating in all its branches. Chandeliers and Church Altar Piecesjref inished, in any color. Automo bile and Carriage jLamps repaired.' Statues repaired and refinished. ' i f Oniaha Silver Company Phone Douglas 1773 ; 314 SOUTH 13TH STREET Between Farnam and Harney. From 0:30 Till 10:30 A. 31. Amoskeag Dlue Apron Checks, the gen uine article (only nix yards to cus tomer), at, a yard -5 For All Day. 12 Vic Amoskeag Outing Flannels. at 70 American Indigo Blue prints 5 Simpson's Black and White Prints 5 Simpson's Silver Gray Prints 5 $1.00 Table Cloths, 8-4, 10-4 and 8x12, each 690 Remnants of $1.50 Bleached Damaaks, at 500 Remnants of $1.00 Bleached Damaaks, at 400 Remnants of 85c Bleached Damasks. at COO Remnants of 75c Bleached Damasks, at 250 72x90 Unbleached Sheets, very heavy, at 440 81x90 Unbleached Sheets, Lockwood, at ., 740 72x90 Bleached Sheets, good.... 440 HpeclaJ Sale on Blankets. Cotton, $1.50. 91.23, $1.00, 75c, SOe and 400 Wool, $4.00, $3.00, $2.00, $1.50, $1.23 and Sl.OO Factory made Comfortables, each, from $1.50 to l. 75 Home Made Comfortables, each, from $0.50 to $2.00 Illinois ' Central Railroad TO CHICAGO, EAST, SOUTH, AND SOUTHEAST, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL NORTH AND NORTHWEST. For Tickts, Rates and Detailed Information, at . r Citf Ticket Office 1 W2 Farnim St. , Omaha. The Last of the Green Tomatoes FOR PICKLING Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will close the sale for this season. One-third bushel baskets for 200 Special Sale in Meat Department Tuesday Three pounds Choice Round Steak for 250 Fancy Sirloin Steaks, per pound lUf FllESH VEGETABLES AT THE REGULAR LOW ADVERTISED FRICE9. 1M HMDEMS' m k 1 Any Open Flame Burns the Oxygen UUt OI a room iasier man yo,u ran ureuuie u. rur. the living room there is only one kind of light. Electric lights a4e more healthful because they are encased in air-tight bulbs and do not and cannot consume the oxygen. "With the new reduced rate it is more economical than any other. Investigate. - OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT End POWER COMPANY, Phone Donglas 1062. Y. M. C A. Building: The . Smart Effect oi Your Gown Is Is wed if Yea Have If Fitted Over a Which is the Most Perfect in Fashion, Finish tvnd Fit in Corsetry. Wmen Wh Know Say S: Throughout this week and next we will introduce &. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION OF LYRA CORSETS Under the Direction of Miss Ross, whose services are at the disposal of our patrons. : e OCTOBER DAYS J srs wedding days. Ws ara f yN 1 rsusa ws sell the wedding r tT v : mi.,.. ,.. i - I u - f . 11 M C7 S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 0 161S DouUs Strsst very much Interested gifts snj Rliucs. tsterllns Silver, Cut i1shs. Etc. bpend a tew minutes In our. Slora. LOOK HlR TUB NAME. DR. DRADDURY, Dentist, If Phao Doukla 1756 We uiake apcctalty UOt PARNAM BTH OMAHA. KxtMctias ....... 25c J--nnm. porcelain FUls.'.Sl Bp Ctobtm fXfiO Brld2 Work . 2.RQ is Accoeot wittli this bank is helpful not only to men In bubiness, but to evrry man and wo man who bas money to take care of. It encourages economy. It establishes your credit. It makes sending money away or paying bills easy. It safeguards your cash. It is business to have one. ' Why not start a check acount here today? First National Bank 0i82ba, Neb. 16 Yar me lecstlok mt metal and rooflesa plates. Painleaa work la all operations. Opea rsoloirs till o'clock, tlit mm AircaoB rsici costtabtt H07 (tana 171a t wiaaaa I1WR CIMXTlll ck n oi umana and Vicinily We want to tell you of our famous ' $3.09 Shoes for Women Here is a shoe that is made exactly in the same styles and patterns as the higher priced shoes. You could hardly note the difference. They are made in patent colt, velour and kid in lace, blucher and button styles. All shapes and toes. This is the best value in a 13.00 shoe you ever saw and we want you to try a pair. . ft HOW! o ciifiilafor! Brexd Shoe Co. 1 1U9 I ara a a St. HELP ADVERTISE OMAHA Ba Tk mr Fricads. j That wonderful Base Burner. No other like it stands distinctly by itself. Largest Dasc Burner In the World Weighs &00 pounds and will heat 14,000 cubic feet. Has the heat ins; power of a furnace and will heat an eleht to ten-room house, up and down stairs, and keep it warm day and night. It burns the coarse coal, the slowest burning hard coal that can be burned, out side of a furnace. It is made in six parts so one man can set it up, take It down or move it. It takes the foul air from the room and carries It out doors through the pipe. It brings the fresh air in from out of doors and d! tharges it into the room heated.' It is the only Base Burner In the world that has a double base for circulating pipes, double heater and ventilator. In one store, ball bearing grate. ; We sell it on small monthly payments or a cut price for cash.' .' THE STOETZEL STOVE COMPANY 714 Sbum Sixteenth Street i