1 TTTE OMAHA DAILY- BF.E: MONDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1D07. Want - ads Advertisement f ar . the weat ad i eolnaaas wilt t taken aatll 12 a. far the events edltloa m4 aatll . a. far the nsoralaaj Bad lin7 edltloa. Cash snast accanspaay all order for mil ad aad aa adTrtlenaat will accepted far leva than 10 coat far the flrat laarrtlaa. Hate apply to either Taa Dally ooday Baa. Always reaat six word ta a llae. Combination at laltlala ar aanahar eoaat aa aaa ward. cAn rates ron want aim. REGULAR CLAiilTICATIOX Oaa Inaertlaa, par llae. 1U caata. Twa ar More coaaecatlTa lasertloa, par llae, peat. Ear a laaertloa aiadc aa add day, JO reata per llae. fl.no per line per month. CASH RATES rOR NOTICES. Death aad raneral Notice-, Carda at Thank aad Lad Wotleea, T ccate per line for oaa edition, aioralas or elHIonal edltloa. Saadart 10 et ' llae. Ko ad takea for leaa than Jw rents. - SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION II yonr adTartlaemeat la laaerte aader unr oaa of taa claaalfleatloaa alven iirlorr.lt will be charged at taa fol lovrlna; rateat Oaa laaertloa, 4 eeata Iter llae three ta al eoaaecatlTO la ertlons, 8 eeata per llaa each aar tloni tcm or mora caaaeeatlTa aertloaa, eeata per llae each laaer tloa SO reata pa llaa per snoath. BARTER AMD KXCHAi.E. niAIXEM CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WASTED MALE. Except Agents, Sollcltora aad Salaa tnen. ' OFFERED FOR SALE. Cowa, Bird, Doga aad Peta. Home and Vehlclea. Poultry aad E(K. Fnrnltnrc. 1 Typewriter aad Sewing; Machine. Plaaoa, Or (aaa aad Maalcal laatra aienta. OFFERED FOR RENT. Karalsaed Rooma. Untarnished Rooma. Ilonsekerplna- Boobib. Beardlas aad Rooms. WANTED TO RUT. r -. Waal ada for The Baa may lelt at aay af tba followla dra etarea aaa la "yonr coruer dra;" they are all branch offlcea at The Bea and vaar ad will ba laaerted last m ., . fc ratea aa at I ftraaBily Hid an ine earns, 1 the main office la The Bea Bnlldlti, seventeenth aad Fb"bb Streete; Albarh. Y. C, mh and Farnam. Hcrenck. B. A.. 11WB, Mth Bt. H. cjit Pharmacy. "20 S. lbthBl. Meimon Pharmacy, Bensotv Neb. Hinls Park Pharmacy, o3A and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, ail eiiirnun Ave. Cauahlln. C. R., 8th and Pierce Sts. nifton HiU Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ava. Cnnte. J,B.. Slat Ave. and Farnam. Crlsscy pharmacy. I4th and Lke. Cermak. Emil. 12646 8. 13th St. Kaatman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Fhler, F. II., 2"2 Leavenworth.' Forster Arnold!. 211 N. 25th St. Fr.ytag, John J.. 114 N. "th Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 30th and Lake. Greona Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana OreenOUBh, O.! A- 1025 S. Wh Bt. Greenough. O. A.. 1624 3. 1Mb, St. Hayden Wm. C, 2920 V v Hanscom Park Phar,. U01 8. Mh Ave. Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th St. Muff. A. L., S(24 Leavenworth St. Klnit. H. B.. 338 Farnam St -Kotmtze Place Pharmacy, S304 N. tn Patrick Prug Co.. 1624 N. 24th BL - I. athrop. Cha. E.. 1J24 N. th St. Peytoni L. 15., 24th and Leavenworth. BHratoaa Drug Co.. 2-lh and Amey Avt. Schaefei H Cut Trlco Drug Co.. 16th and CSchaefer, August. SCSI N. 1th 8t S ihtnldt. J. H.. !4th and Cuming 8ta Flortn Pharmacy, lii:h and Martha Bta. v.-Onut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. i'":ltnil Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. ''lh O. U.. 4''tn end Hamilton Pta. . MT1IK AND FUNERAL NOTICES. faaaaiiiFwaiiira, i.njf ,!, IMIK1STOPHEK James, Saturday after noon, t o'clock, at his residence, 1915 Paul street. , I'tineral Tuesday morning, J:S0 o clock, froth residence. ANNOUNCEMENTS TILE FALL TEEM OF B0YLES COLLEGE fa now open-In both ths DAT and NIQHT cessions. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Tel egraphy and KiigUah. The catalogue la IL B. BOTLES, PRES. BOYI.E.S BUXJ., OMAHA, NEB. i . tD-W BIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cols, 12 Douglaa. . , (1-4W MUSIC Every Evening Hotel Roma, u) a C1IATELAIN f renoh. gLW lah. - uavidge uiog.. itw ana r arnanv Day and evening claases. (1 M99 Nt JJIS3 ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announce the opening of her dressmaking parlora, 2vlt Nurlh ISth. You ar cordially invited to call. , (D M7M 26 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth tils. Ttl. Douglas 137. v ' . (1)-$01 AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGUT. IS18 Farnam. (2)- NEARLY new 24-horse power. 6-paseengtr touring car; storage battery, full top. lampa and equipment; cost $1,450 In May, - lw7; only run 8.5U0 miles; In flrst-class shape, at a bargain. - D. V. 6HOLES COMPANY. -' 110 Board ot Trade Bicg. BARTER AND EXCHANGE WILL TRADE 160 acre In 17-124-M. Rob ert county, and 240 acres in 124-53. Day county, all In South Dakota, for hard ware Implements, general merchandise or bank storks. Two ley-acre farma In Apeney township, )) acres In Dry Wood Ike township, Roberta county, 8. D.. for Lk townsnip. Kooene county. , b v.. or stocks of aooJs or fX jypec any reed. L. J Ons S'"tn.' S. D. TO EXCHANGE 160 acre of Improved land, four mile from Mentor, Minn.; n ct tgage, $1.5o0: price $30 per acre. Wlah t exchange equity for stock of clolh g. For further particular write J. M. ..!, Crookaton. Minn. (3)-Mj67 11 x It SALE or trad for hew stock of ii en's shoes, ISO acres of land joining wn of Merriman. Cherry county. Ne ufka: a's'i lots, same town. Caah . ca for all Zor quick daal. Il."". J. E. ..-.'. Tula. OkL (8)-Mio 8x , CHOICH Colorado, Kansas. Nebraska, low lands. Improved or unimproved, to trade fnr merchandise or other property. J. O. Orensel. 0 North fi'th St . I.ln- coin.; Nto. 3) M77 tix 00 ACRES choice land near Omaha. t trade fur Income property; land Is clear. J O, Orensel, 8u0 North 27th St.. Lin coln. Nab. , q MJ80 tix ttJ "ACn:S alierroaa Co.. Texas. Want a jtuUiclille. W. 8. B. Luverne. Mum. (11 W6U u OOAD. clear South Dakota landa to trade flrst-claea rental property. Box 151, v-pburg. la ()-M7S4 tlx WHEN you write to advertisers rcnembar It take but a few stroke of the pen to ey that you saw the adverUeetnenl la in BUSINESS CHANCCS FOR BALE ri.KKV-Bteam laundry, "nclnd Ing building, at Bao City, la.; practically new; no competition; bualneaa thoroughly eetabtlnhcd; weekly receipt a 1126 to Under aagreaalve manattement bualneaa could be doubled almoat Immediately. Thla property, with equipment, will In voice H.0r0. Addreaa II. 8. Burnt, caahler Flrat National Bank, Bao City. ta. (4)44l It Mining and Industrial Stocks Wa buy and aell any active unlisted atocks. We have rare bargain in in duatrlal atocka, aubject to the moat rigid Investigation. Wa have bargain In aev eral active mining atocks In Nevada, alo several baraalna In cupper atocks. Wa receive weekly reports from all the Important mining districts In the United Rtates and Mexico. ROOT. C. DRUEBEDOW ft CO.. Stock brokers. Ot N. Y. Lite fildg. Tel. Douslna . Omaha. Neb. (); 02 FOR BALE II, o worth of 10 per cent p' annum, semiannual preferred telephon stock and M.fruO worth of common stock, averaging 16 per cent annually for the last Ave years. Thla proposition will bear the closest Investigation. Globe Land A Inveatment Co., South 18th Bt.. Oniana. Neb. 14) M49 U FOR BALE Beat paying hotel In South Omaha; building and fixtures for S,6Cu; caah. 12,500. Lot and building worth the money. BKNJAMHV REAL, ESTATE CO-. 3-f Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7(T A BAROAIN 82-room hotel, steam heated; J in gooa western lowa town; price, u,ww; eaav terms; doing a good business. BENJAMIN REAL. ESTATE CO, Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 73X1 (4) M! FOR SALE A 13.350 per cent mortgage loan, one-half due In 1910 and one-half In 1911. Secured on flrat-claas real estate; also a 11.4(0 per cent semiannual first mortgnge loan secured on good real es tate, both flrat class loans. Globe Land & Investment Co., 304 South mil ft.. Omaha. Neb. (4-Ml 23 FOR BALE 14,000 worth of State Bank stock in a paying bank In the state of Iowa paying a good dividend. Olobe Land oV Investment Co., 308 South lHUi Bt., Omaha, Neb. (4) M&iO 22 FOR SALE Bathing pavilion, confection ery store. Ice cream parlor, and boat livery, all controlled at one pavilion; no opposition; good business for four months for the right man. For particulars write P. O. Box 366, Ornd Haven, Mich. (4) Mj64 X ROOM I NO houses for sale, all size. Can gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Dotiglas S449. (4)-736 DIVIDEND PAYING STOCKS Slandurd railroad and other stocks have dropped from 40 to $100 per share. -They are selling toaay si extremely low yr;-. which can won ne lermea Dargaina, re turning large quarterly dividends. A avnilir.atA la hoinir formed to make con servative purchases of some of the choice Issues on a safe margin which must show large profits within 18 months. There ta no risk, as only standard dividend payers will be bought, eo that you will receive your quarterly dividends, to say nothing of benefiting by the uprise when the mar ket gets back to Us normal condition alter this tight money scare Is over. For further Information and references address Hox 32, Omaha, Neb. (.0-940 23 FOR SALE In A flrat class Iowa town of (.000 people, a practically new stock of or goous and ladles' furnlshlnaa. Will in voice about $15,000. Will sell for cash at a liberal discount: also, a general stock of about IH'.OCO, located In a great south western Iowa town of 25,000 people, doing a good bustn jsa. Will glvo liberal dis count for cash or might consider good land on either of the above stocks. Globe Land & Investment Ce.. $06 South IRth St., Omaha, Neb. (4)-MM8 22 A GOOD hardware and Implement busi ness for sale; located In the beat agri cultural district In the new state and at the county seat; la an old established business of fifteen years' Handing; In voice $8.01)0; business $.10,000 year 1903: no trades considered. Address P. O. box 447, Paul's Valley, I. T. (4)-M77t 26x FOR SALE Blacksmith and wagon shop In town of tiOO population; nearest town 10 miles; modem equipment; more work than two can do; will sell at bargain: selling on account of health.- Write or call for particulars. Lock box No. 28, Overbrook, Kan. , ; (j) M700 23x PIANO REPAIR SHOPS AND TUNING.' FOR SALE At a bargain, a good busi ness with approximately 4,000 names of local ownera, giving name, address, . and condition of piano; no competition; owner retiring from bush aa. Addreas C. A. Squire, 113 K. 2d St., Wichita, Kansas. 4-i m FOR SALE Only drug store In good north weat Iowa town of W0 population;- Invoice about $3,500; net profits $2,300 yearly; good reason for aelllng; only cash considered. Address -Y-106, car Omaha Bee. (41-151 21 A GOOD opening for a No. 1 attorney: the writer win glv him an omce tree for .one year; all kinds of business for the right party; Sidney is the county seat, and we need a good, honest, man. Inquire at onoe, L. Box 316, Sidney, Neb. (4)-M4 Nov.4x NEWS business; clean stock, good trade; ill health. J. M. Bell, York, Neb. 4 M920 Kx DRUG STORES for sale; only one in good country town of 400, E. H. Moore. Oketo, Kan. . (4)-M9 Mi SHORT ORDER house for sale, only one In city of 100O. Price about $350. Address, Lock Box 83, Sutton, Nab. - 4)-M918 Mx FOR BALK Thriving law business, good library and furniture, In splendid Ne braska town; price lea than the business pays a year. A genuine bargain. Agent, H. A. Brubaker, Wllber, Neb. . (4-M91T 2x FOR BALE $1,500 restaurant for $300 If taksn at once; old established plae doing a paying business. Box 2j6, Morris, III. (4)-M6s3 23g FOR SALE OR RENT Bakery, wholesale and retail; have the beat trade In the city. Address William Rltxhaupt. Guthrie, OkL (4) M114 tlx PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only newspa per In South Dakota town; cylinder, Job ber, power, plenty of material, large ter ritory; rood eropa. - Teema to eult Jour nal. White Rock. 8. D. ()-U6U 22 TWO BOWLING ALLEYS. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, for sale cheap. Address W. E. Ragan. Ut lea, Neb. (4) Mj04 24 WANTED A buyer for a lunch counter doing a business per month In town ot 4.000. Address Y 109, car bee. . . (O-M701 23 IF YOU HAVE a good practice for aala or know of a good location for a doctor, let me know; western Iowa or eastern Kanaas or Nebraska. Dr. W. A. Thomas, Grand Island. Neb. (4)-M60 26x ,jS m but, fln , hotel business; a fine proposition for a good man. Address gru. - . (4-rMTj0 24 . FOR 8AL&-Four almost new pool tables and double bowling alley; good light, do ing good business. Add. hldnev White, Juniata. Neb. ' 4-M7t x . FOR BALE In a first class Iowa town of 6,000 people, a practically new stock of dry good and ladies (urnisnings. win Invoice about $15,000. Will sell for cash at a liberal discount; also a general stock of about $10.0u. located In a great south, weatern Iowa town of 2.5u0 people, doing a good bualneaa. Will give liberal dis count tor caah or might consider good land on either of the above stocks. ' Globe Land A Investment Co.. 106 South lth SC. Omaha, Neb. (4j M64S 2J Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers Mining stock bought and sold. W e loan money on mining slocks. Alt orders quickly executed. ... Correspondence Invited. ' . ARTHUR DAVIDOV, -604 N. Y. Late Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Red 14.. (4)-747 Do You Wish to Make a Change! IF YOU have a farm, home, bualneaa or property that you wish to sell or exchange writ ua, GLOBE LAND AND INVFSTMENT CO.. OMAHA, NtU. (4-U2.n Did ihe cook want ads" BUSINESS CHANCES (Lonnnutd.l WANTED Partner to take half Interest, with liH.000 to S2S,Ono, In one of the best real estate and reanrt propositions In California; property can be aubdlvlded, enough sold the first year to gel money all back, and have moat of property left; All the money Is not needed at once. Only those with cssh need answer. Ad dress F. A. CODT, Ben Lomond, Cal. ,4)-M3n 21 X FOR SALE or trade for Improved Omcha property, wen established wholesale ana retail business; Invoices about $12, (VO! . I m. - . . . ml .. 1 rirninis w per cent iicv. fluuirrr care Bee. t4)-Mn3 21x DRUO stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. T. Life. Omaha. ( TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M CAOUfS BUILDINO. 16TII AND DODQE 8T3. (4V-07 FOR SALE Only drug stock; new town; central Nebraska. Bales thla year will run 17,000. Two doctors. Will aell at In voice about $3,000. Rent cheap. Address Y. 47, care Bee. (4-M555 24x THIS COMPANY does a general real estate and loan business; a specialty of looking tip good farming lands and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; wa can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland. Ore. (4)-M101 Nov7x FOR 8 ALU. General store; In the Gulf Coast country; fine chance for rlglit party; business fine; climate the best. Box 14, Barita, Tex. 4)-M5P9 28X A BARGAIN Grocery" and meat market for sale; 20 per cent off Invoice. 1227 Brondway, Council Bluffs, la. (4)-M673 21 x RENT Ritchie's hall, South Omaha; sec ond floor; no posts; 60x 60 long lease. A. O. P.ltchle. 220 B. lath St., Omaha. (0-S CLOTHING and rents' furnishing store In good growing town; a good proposition for the right party with some capital. Oscar J. Mincer, Wellington, Colo. - (0-M137 21X WANTED To Invest $26. Bona fide propo sition. Address M 402, care of Bee. (4) M1S1 BEST coal, 'Ice and feed business In the country; everything up to date; price right. Addresit Y 39, car Omaha Bee. (4)-M693 Nix FOR BALE neap, moving picture ma- chine with 52 views. In perfect working order. Only used two weeks. Every thing complete. Western Real Estate Rental and Investment Co., 211 8. 13th 8t. (4)-M990 21x RESTAURANT for sale cheap.' 623 Broad way. Council Pluffs. Ta. (4 7Mx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artlata. H. O. BUNNELL & CO., 521 N. Y. Life. (5) i13 Doug. 5149. Carpet Cleanla. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1911 Farnam. . ' . - t6)-28 Creamerlca. ' DAVID COLE CREAMERT CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5)-614 Chattel Loans. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (6) Ui Cha . Chiroaodlst. DR. ROT. R. 2. 1506 F-rna.r. Bt. Doug. 6197. (5) 1 Dsnelag Aoademy. WORAND'S classss for dancing, oup. Bur wood theater; lessons for adults Tues. and Frt.'l-p. m.t tlrat lessons privately; suc cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. (16) 151 Nov7 .Dentists. BAILEY MACH. Id nr. Pax ton. D. 10. . (5) 819 DrcaamaklaaT. Iti FAMILIES-MISS Sturdy. 1353. . , Tel. Harney fo) 817 M'DOWELL- Dressmaking School, li:23 Far nam St. (S)-18 t . - &). BROACH,' Z723 Farnam. Tel. Harney CSS. . () MSWl OCtLMX MME. WOODRUFF, 22S Neville Blk. Tel. Douglaa 6170. 15) M101 NJ WANTED An experienced seamstress; also aa apprentice girl. 2408 Cass St. Tel. Douglaa 5262. , i) 759 . Florlste. HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5)-820 U HENDERSON, 1511 Famam. Tel. D. 1253. )-S21 J. II. BATH.'16 Harney. Tel. Doug. anno. (6)-822 Hotels. THE 8CHILTZ. European, 16th and Harney (5 823 Jeweler aad Watcamakere N. P. 8TLLING Watch, clock, jewelry repairing, 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. 43J7. i (5) & Lackamlta. KETS, etc. '" Heflin. 1324 Farnam. Tel D. S976. (5-l4 Osteopathy. JOHNSON, IN8., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. llt. (5)-K6 Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug 6310. (5)-M455 Oct31 DRS. RINGLER. 30$ NA'le block. 'Phone Red 6467. (5WM150 Novl Offle sapallea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office nxtures ind sup plies of all kinds. Anchor PuMiahlr.r Co., SO South 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6561. (t)-MisOMl . Photographers. C. R TRUSSELU 115 South 16th St. (6) 2 Priatlag. HIGH GRADE Imitation '.ypewrltten let ter and Job printing; no job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Ce.. E05 & 18th St. . Tel. Douglas bbl (b M512 Novl BEFORE placing your 1916 calendar order a on i tall to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad Jorve, prlntera. 16 & Cap Ave. r (H $at . Safes, ghattera, Kte. OMAHA Safe-and Iron Works makes specialty of fire escape, shutters, doors and safe. G. Andreen. Prop.. 102 8. loth bt. (to Ml - Steve Raaalrlaa". STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts: Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Work. UU6-6 Douglas St. Tel Douglaa X (5) MJ75 Novll She Repalrlag. RAPID HOE RkPATR CO.. flrat-claas work. ' 16lS4 Capitol Ave. 'Phon Red h4. ' 5) 827 WHEN you write to advertiser remember It takes but a few stroke of the pen to say that ycu saw th advertisement la Ili le, leave today? will find a HELPW ANTED FEMALE Agenta and Salesladies. WANTED Thouroughly experienced sales women in jewelry department: only mnao with experience In ewling jewelry are re quired. Apply superiniendent between 7:30 and 10 a. m. J. U Brnndeis Hons. Factory and Trade. WANTED Mangle girls, experience not neceseary; also women for bond IroiV'M and machines. Kimball Laundry. 1U Jackson 81. ("O MS GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Ap ply any time. HeniU Omaha Hag Co. (7) M481 Novl2 WANTED Bindery girls, highest wages paid. Apply Omaha Printing Co.. 10th and Farnam Sis. (7) M WANTED A good dressmaker fo take charge of the dressmaking department in a department store. Address m, care Bee. (7) M741 21 WANTED Experienced alteration woman. Will pay highest wages. O. K. Scofleld Cloak and Bult Co.. 1510 Douglas. (7) 7S2 WANTED An appientlce girl. 1909 Capitol Ava (7)-168 K7x WANTED Sewing women for garment al terations. Thomas Kilpatrlck Co. 7-e WANTED Three experienced hale dressers. Apply hair dressing parlor, second floor. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. (7)-M9J 22 WANTED Finishers on jackets and skirts. Apply Haydcn Bros.' Cloak Dept. . (7)-M128 22X Hoasekeeaera and Domcatlea., COMPETENT GIRL for general house work, three In fnmlly; Mrs. Hall. 2215 Sherman Ave. 'Phone Webster 373. (7)-Mltf WOMEN for day work; houaekeepers, waitresses, $35. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. . 7j-83l WANTED A 3DA competent, trustworthy girl pneral housework two In family wages. Mrs. Frank Hadley. 25211 for ge good wages, Bristol, (7)-M987 I WANTED Good, honest girl to. keep house for family of two; no children; German preferred; wages $0 per month; ticket advanced. Good place for girl wishing a good home. Address Mrs. I red Bossier, corner 28th St. and 1st Ave., So., Rilhmts. Mont. (7)-Ml47 ?7 HOUSEKEEPER between 23 and 35 years wanted. T. Teller. McCook, S. D. (7)-M4J9 031x WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; small family. 605 8 29th Ave. . . (7)-5S I, , COMPETENT GIRL For housework, no washing. 3315 Burt St. ' (7) M576 21 X WANTED A good girl for general house work. Including washing and Ironing; small house; Ave In family. Including a baby. Willing to pay first clasa wages for the right kind of a girl. Must bo neat, willing to . work and thoroughly competent. If this crimes to the notice of such a girl, who takes pride in her work and wishes a permanent place, at more than the average wages, I should like lo hear, ftom her, with references. Address Y SJ, c ire Omchs -BM. (7) 650 .'i WANTED Housekeeper' on farm. Ad dress Box 1162, Vermilion. S. D. . .. (7)-M3tJx WANTED Girl for housework, $5 per week; no washing. Apply 315 So. Slst St, . . (7)-6S2 22. ' WANTED Competent girl for general housework: good ' wagon; no washing. 4&19 Cass St. Phono Harney 1051. (7)-453 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family; no washing; good wag-a. Tel. Harney 990 or cnll 3io0 I Harney. . . . (7) 51608 23 I n , . - . , , i , . . i ' GIRL' WANTED for general housework. 523 S. 26th Ava. .. 7 71 WANTED Good cook, nam St. - Apply ' 8210 Far-(7i-813 21 WANTED Good girl -for general ho:- : work; small fmlly, good wages. 2024 , Douglas. .- 7 S17 WANTED Reliable woman ' to ' come . to I the house to wash .and, iron once a week. 513 N. 22d St. (7)-8u6 21x WANTED Good girl for housework; no cooking; good home. 3218 Cuming St. 1 - . ' ()-M4 22 WANTED Competent girl for general! housework: 3 In family: good wages. Tel. i narney itsz. . rvo. astn Ave. . : (7)-MSJ2 26 A GIRL who Is a good cook and willing to do general housework. Including launder ing, can nave permanent situation, with good salary. In a family of two. Mrs. Baldwin.- 124 N. 38th Ave. Telephone Harney. 1799. s (7)-M 106 26 Mlscellaaaaaa. LADIES AND GIRLS, to stamp transfers at home: easy learned; $1.60 to tlOO per dozen. . 606 Paxton Block (7) M5K3 21 x GIRL for wrapping bundles, not under 14 years of age. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7)-71l 21 . IWANTED-10 laundry girls for cleanlnx curtains; aooa wugea; steady worK. Leavenworth St. (7) M967 23 WANTED Bundle wrappers and cash girls. Apply between 7:30 and 10 a.m. of super intendent, new store, weat end. J. L. Btandcl a: Bona. (719(11 22 WANTED Ladles thut care to make good money at home decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary; rail forenoons, 2311 8. 13th. (7-120 22x KINDLY remember to tell the advertiser that you saw his ad. In The Bc. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Sollcltora and Salesmen. ARE you out of work 7 Call and ste us; good hustlers make goud money. C F. Adams Co.. Iul9 Howard St. (91-125 WANTED Good salesman to canvass thl country and take orders tor iock pow der; good commlfsion alio Wed Aduress Idea! mock Powder Co. Dunbar. Neu, !i- Mo04 2U THE BIBLE IX SYMBOLS Fastest selling fall and holiday book on earth: one' agent averaged IX dally last week: we pay 60 per cent commisicn; write today for free outnt. j. i ricnois nr o., Napen llle. III. 0)-M7M 21x WANTED Capable city sales.nsn. Ken naid Paint and Glass Co., loth and Daven port (91-M752 . wanted everywhere to GOOD PAY Men tack signs, distribute rlrculara, aample, etc. Ko canvassing.' National Diet. Hit reau. Chicago. III. (9)-M7(4 24x W A NT KJ Experienced salesmen In men's ! '""ilaliing department. Apply between I 7:Su and 10 a. m. of superintendent. J. L. Brandeis Sons. t COMPUTING SCALE SALESMAN. Experienced. Successful Scale Man Wanted for . DISTRICT 8ALES MANAGER. Most Favorable Contract and Best Bvale on the Market. Angldile Computing 8)-ale Co.. fclkhart. Ind. 8AI ESMEN New propoaltlon. $0 day; ex- gTRENUOUS T IFE PUBLISHING COM . I Le"C "ln!"Va nrmSinr.T:: PANT, incorporated, I . "r" , ' r-k.- i 11 Hroadwav. pw orit: tj-tsz Main Nebraaya territory paiticulara. Chaa. A. . , t Bufr,Io. ,A Ealle ,treet Meek, Gen 1 Delivery, Omaha. I r-hiro If so, "BEE better one HELP WANTED MALE (.Contlnuta.) Boys, WANTED Boys or men for ork In bind ery; experience not nei esa.try. Apply Omaha 1'rtntlng Co., 10th and fr'arrtam tus. 0i MjK GOOD boys wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th Si t-Mi BOT8 with wheMe can make 135 to $45 per mor.th; $35 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. i)-MJ2 N4X I WANTED Boy for messenger nnd shop i helper. Tdllton Darling, 1MI Farnam. (9-iai i Factory and Tradea. TAILORS. A first-class ladies' tailor wanted; wages $25 per week and steady position. Apply J. JawlU, 18th and 'Farnam Sts. (9-M71T WANTED Registered drug clerk of goftd habits; glc reference. H. E. Vlstuha, fitelnhauer, Neb. (9I-MD24 26 WANTED Tailofs ta work In alteration department; will pay good wases. o. K. Scolleld Cloak and Suit Co., UiH Douglas. t9 ,41 WANTED A competent printer. Dally newspaper work. Forenran of Hmall of fice preferred. Times-Republican? Mar shalltown. Ia. (91 M776 2j WANTED First -class meat cutter; strictly sober. B. & M. Market, McCook, Neb. (t M779 25 X WANTE1 Men to leHrn b.irber trade, wonderful demahd for barbers, few weeks completes, practical experience, careful Instructions, demonstrations and examinations, positions waiting. top wages p-ild graduates. Write for cata logue. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14t)i St. 9)-M781 24x WANTED Good, aall round, sober hlark smlth. Steady lob. 1?. rr dav. Apply to or write J. G. Temple. Dya rl, la. I9i M7s2 25x P0gjTI0NS for drug men everywhere, -flT N y 1 Ife Omaha- Knlest- 07 y' utr- omana;,. F. ()-836 WANTED Barber at once; no boorer. Fred Benson, Bchleswlj. Ia. (9) M738 24x WANTED Tinner, a flrst-class tinner and furnace man at once; $3 a day; a steady position for right man. Tetcrson & Adams. Devils Lake. N. D. (91-M410 24x WANTED Men lo learn barber trpue; short time, small expense; position fur nished. Write or call American Tarber College, 12th rnd Douglas Sts. (!))-M117 21x BLACKSMITH and all around haniy man for ranch, $40.00 and board. Apply to E. V. Morgan, Herman, Neb. (9) M5S5 WANTED Cigar makers; ten-dollar mold work; union factory. Apply to Julius Pepperberg, Mfgr., Plattsmouth, Neb. ($)-M6 2IX lllacellaaeaaa. , U. S. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to ii year of age; men with special trades ncteptea up to 35 years. An Illustrated booklet, showing the life of the modern man-o'wars man free to those Interested. Visit or address Navy reciuitlng station. Omaha. Lincoln Hastings, Neb.; Sioux City, la. Postofflce . buildings. (9I-M519 NlX WANTED Man , to Invest $25. Chance or profitable spare time employment. Ad- dress L 401, care of "Bee. () Ml2 UNCLE SAM wants 1V00 railway mall clerka, mall carriers, clerks. Immediately. Salary $1,200. Rapid advancement; ex aminations hare soon. Common education sufficient. Preparation free to advertise. l' ranki:n institute, Rochester, N. y. (9)-407 2Sx . WANTED At once, experienced clothing clerk; steady position to riant party; store closes at 6 p. m.; send, referenoes and state wagea expected first ' letter. H. J. Bolce, Rock Springs, Wyo. ' (9)-MB67 21x ' WANTED Passenger and freight elevator men." janltois. carpenter and plumbers' helpers; one fireman; painters, top wanes. 104 Bee Bldg. (9) M260 028X SOUND young' men. 'aged '13 to '36, for firemen and brakemen during rush sea son on leading railroada here, . In ths west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $loO monthly become engineers, $200; brake men, $100 monthly, become conductors, $150; many position .'now open;- write for particulars. , National Hallway Training association. 620 Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. (91-190 Nov7 WANTED One first, class business getter for each state, go.d money for rlxht party, represent Nebraska corporation, referinc and bond. utamp for reply. Addret 8 170, care Bee. (9) 37 LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific Cornell Bluffs transfer; wages lit cent per hour. Board arranged if net emery. Apply Thomas Scanlon, fore man. (8WS2 WANTED Some good young man who has had some exprilence In ths barber trade will rlvo him a good cha m e. Write for particulars to W. H. Hughbanks. George, ia. (9)-M027 4x rT)rT: n i o c..., 'j ' ' '. . ,w w -" weekly distributing circulars, samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants Out door Ad. Co.,- Chicago. (81-M76S 21x WANTED Young man to cut and make window ' shades. inquire at Miller. Stewart & Beaton's. 413-16-17 So. Kith St. (9) 0" 2lx FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call $42 New York Life Bldg. (9)-MJ$ Ocl2(i DRUG CLERKS Exceptional proposition. Increased salaries. Denver Drug Ex change, 1711 California St., Denver, Coin. (9) M351 02wx WANTED Experienced collector; must have referent-en. Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Douglae Sts. (9) M707 WASTKD-elniall Job of rrnrting, !th and Furram. Apply it WiS N.- Y. Life Bldx.. or write. ! 71 1 21 ' WANTED- Men to handle lumber. Gu'ou & Ledwicli, I'.ith and Ifa:d. (91762 M EX Handy with ca-penti-r tools. Apply ut Ice house. Cut-Off Lake. Omaha Ice Cold Storage Co. (Di M9H6 21 WESTFRX Rir.F. BOXD AP" N (INC.) 721-722 New York Lf Bldg. Houra: 8 a. in. to 6:30 p. tn. fJrr clrk. $7"t Office clerk, voung man. $30. i ltant bookkeeper, $. (Jlran. ITS and expenses. i And "ny others. If vou are In need of a n.itif,n' . can olare v.i on short notice. (91-M154 21 "STREXUprB I. IFE." If yo s-rvica command 1 per month, or better, ser.d for our four tln to e1t one to ob'ain er-olvTrent. Any line. Any. whi-re. "N' rea-'strstlon fee." "No com mission " Address Circulation Department, WANTED Twi 'aeni rands; 5 per month, year round. If09 N. 25th Bt., South 0ha. 9) M15H HELP WANTED HUE AND KEMAI.K WANTED At once, men and women, by Dodd. Mead c Co.. to aell the New In ternational Encyclopaedia In Nebraska. Sou Hi Dakota and western Iowa Good eoinmiamona and a guaranteed aalary to ' the right partiea. Applv at office, 71$ N. Y. Life Bldg , Omaha. Neb. fim-M77 22 ax (9-M166r LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehicle. ONE 2-eat. two runabouts, t.-p burgy. all rubber-tired: hack harness, one douhle express hnrnees; one or two horses. Come in. The Harney St. Btables (l'.)-CM WE are a-rlling deliver.' wagons, teaming gears, buagies. carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omalm. Johnson-Iai, forth Co. 8. V. Cor. mn and Jones Sts. (Il(-ltt9 HORSES bought v Hold. Blake 2!S1 N. Jth. , . UD-M4W Nix Rl'BSEtl-TIRKI) road wagon. W. A. Stone, joa L.ncoln Ave., Council Bluffs. tll Mlu P1. ni.ll' SM.K-Ptandard Bred korsrs, i tihortho.-n cattle. Polsnd-ChUia nogs. ict. js, .itur. write for catalogue. enure -(o k 1 arm. Lohrvllle. la. OD-lOt 29 SECOND-HAND delivery wnaon, 1 busgy, 1 phaeton, cheap. A. Murphy & Sun. ttlJ-MilS Nov. JO STYLISH gon.le horse and buguy for sale cheap. Tel. Douglas f.i. (11 801 il . ONE black mare. 1K1 lbs.. $; 1 bay horse. years o.d, 14 0 ls., sound, II'm: 1 span of drivers, 5 unil ( years old, sound, well broken, tAO; I delivery horse. 7 years old. Tel. Webster 2fi9, 2116 Wirt Bt. (11) M967 221 I'ohllry and FaTa. DUSTON'S White Wyandottes. Pure bred, choice breeding stock now ready to ship. Koreat Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor .ce, S'eb. Tel. Florence 107. , (1D-M9M Octr.X GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab CO., Omiha. (11) M547 Nov2 WHITE' WYANDOTTES exclusively ; farm raised, bred from winning slrnin: cockerels and pullets for sale; egc In season from high-class stock. Write for prices. R. A. Mlttelstadt, Norfolk. Neb. (ID M292 21X WHITE LKG HORNS nni Barred Plym outh Hocks; five htindrert extra fine cock rels and pullets ut $1.M to $3.00 each. Mandy Lee Poultry Farm, Florence, Neb. Telephone. Florence 112. . (1D-M1C4 1.6 FREK poultry hook with Incubator cata logue at Geo. It. J.ce uo., Jiio tiwrney m. (U)-M10o 26 Con a, Birds, Doga and Peta. FOR SALE ENGLISH FOX HOUNDS, broke on wolf, bear ami cats; will also break dogs on -fox, wolf and bear. Ad dress A. B. Kyle, Bruce, Wis. (11 M563 21X FOR SALE-Persian kittens, ,two orange tabby males and two brown tabby fe males. Parents registered Hamlsh and Oakland Petslmmnn stock. Mrs. W. D. ' Bennett, Union City, Mich. flD M692 23X FOR SALE Two English pointer hitches: bred In the blue; broken on rh'cken and quail. John' Ling, Harvard. Neb. fl1)-M'022x LOST AND FOUND STRAYED Two cows from Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha, branded -I- on left hip. Notify Union Stock Yards CO m urn 2i LOST A gold locket and chain between 27th and Douglas and 2th and Jackson; locket has monogram on outside and hotos inside. Return Mrs. K, w..iTirner, &C7 G7 8. 2Sth St., and receive reward. () uih a MEDICAL FREE medlcal and surgical treatment at Cretghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas U67. Calls answered .lay or night. (1)-12 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no retention from business. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., over S. W. cor. 14th and Douglas, Omiha. (13)-S40 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24th St., Oinaba, Neb. (12)-M106 . -i . 1 1. . BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 1S)-81 ' MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AJfD. CHATTELS. 'Pay Cash and .Learn THE VALUE OF MONEY If you "are In debt and truggttng along dodging the collector, get out of tjiat old rut, be a free man again, look the world In the face. ' WE WILL LOAN YOU THE MONEY on your furniture and give you from one month to one year to pay us back In small monthly or weekly payments. Yoa pay for only the time you' are using oar money. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Building, ' Kth Street .Entrance. - - - (14)-M639: THE UNION LOAN "CO. Have Increased their capital and. during October will make special rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property ' and notes without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904. -E10 Bee Bldg. (14)-M422 Kovll . DR.- PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; less half rates; perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention,, on any terms; payments suspended when sick or disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., 20 8. 15th Bt. 14 M438 Bow-en, 703 N. Y, Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal-' ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same' day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. ,- (14 S43 I MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and. others without aecurlty: easy pay ments. Offlcea In 83 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. ' 14)-t4J H rr VT fTTT r TP ll,,. a,M1, B.I..W In. n. IliW j Green Loan' Co., room 8 Barker block. . (14)-844 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE FHOEN1X CREDIT CO. for chattel, or salary loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas ,'45. (10-445 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. accom modatlng, all buaineas confidential. 1301 Douglas. (11) 847 LOWEST rates, chsttels or salary.' Ne braska Credit Co.. 214 Board of Trade. (14)-49 CHATTEL, salary and strtrare' receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Ft. (14) 6 OFFERED FOR RENJ Boarding aad llaoaua. WARM and nicely furnished roenia: new liouae; all modern convenifnees; prlvste family; board if desired. 59 Booth M avenue. (13) M748 24x MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to public Sunday, Oct. 13, upatsir UflR N, ISth. Webster 244?. (15-M27N12 VERY desirable furnished reem .with board. 123 8. 26th Ave. Reference. . (15)-66t 20s THE HILLSIDE, 18th and Dodfe." room suitable for two or four; also board. . tlj) 211 , FURNISHED rooms, with board; close in) private family. 24o Cass. Doug. 64u6. (16)-M2li Nov. 10 NICELY furnished rooms; first daas board: reasonable rato. The Rosa, 2020 Hainey 8t. . OI-3ir2 ttx . FIRST-CLASS board and room. 608 8 JUh Ava (1 779 02i VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; taf. (16)-12 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16) Ml MODERN room, with board. 2uOi Burt. (14) 163 Nov PINING room and kitchen, furnished for boarders. 113 Bo. Wth Bu (16) 7u ROOMS and board for three adults, private family, west part of city. Adrtreas F tW. car bee. (16) MKs! 22 OFFERED FOR RENT " (Continued.) Famished Booms. F'lR RENT Large aotithesst room, strictly modem. In rHvaie fmlly. suitable for Iwe gentlemen. 217 South 26th St. Phone Douclas W7. (16) 736 VERY nicely' famished rooms for rent In a private residence; elegant location; board If desired. Inquire st 71" 8. 2WH street. (16)-M7M 7l LARGE front room' In 'modern-home, suit able far one or two gentlemen; refer ences required. 2410 Chlcsxoi. Thone Douglas 40C1. i (16) M770 2f-x WE DO expert piano moving t lowest prices. Tel. Doualae 1i7;S. Hchnioller Mueller l"iano Co., ir.11-1311 Farnam. (15-ArJ 128 S. 2STII ST.. laige east front room, suit all for three gentlnien: house strictly modem; roomy pcirches; large, shady lawn.. (15) 75t,x OMAHA Van A Storage .'o pack: moe?rS store II. H. foods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. omce lteft Farnam. Tel. Doug. 159. 1 (15) fc4 HOUSEHOLD- goods parked, forwarded i cheap Irelaht later; moving nnd storage. Expressmen Delivery Co. Tel. IVuiglaa 3M. - (li-55 "THE BEST WAY" To stop all worr' LOKJNG FOR ROOMS. Consmlt tia. LOOKING FOR ROOMS. Doug. tfcSl. N. Y. Life BMg. (15)-M1S5 21 Tel. FURNISHED room and autte of rooma for light housekeeping; modern. 2K6 Bnerman Ave. Tel. Webster 86tW. (15) M623 Kx COMFORTABLY furnished room; con venient to depots and wholesale dlstrle. 1213 Bo, 11th St. . ' (15)-809 2t) ONE pleasant, furn!sted room, modern; reterrnc-s required: breakfasts If di--lred. 2701 Wool worth Ave. (15)-4l 23x ONE good, clean room In a modern house. 2T.78 Harney. (151123 22x MODERN room, newly furnished, fof one or two gentlemen. 2644 Dodge. ToL Harney 115. (15) 115 tig FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. Thone Webster S003. 2226 Miami St. (16 3td NICELY furnished rooms; strictly mod ern. 312 N. 2Tth St. Tel. Red 5.-01. FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentle man, near carllne. Mrs. Banks, lf:3 N. 18th. Phone Webster SS2. (15)-M278 Nil WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1416. Office. 1713 Weh ater St (15) 867 FURNISHED ROOMS and suite of room for light housekeeping; modern. 20S 8. 24th street. v (16 M792 21 STEAM HEATED rooms, $2 to $6 per week, Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. (16)-M523 N12x TWO modern furnished rooms. 1220 Chi cago St. Tel. Red 6726. (150 603 21 FOR RENT-Two furnished, Hamilton St. rooma. 4121 (16) 634 MODERN furnished front room. 1917 Cum lng. - (15) M 136 N7x M135 N7x y A So. lOtl J 87 Novx line 14 ' FRONT room for gtntlemen, 1S60 So. lot! BT. (IB) 187 JNOWX MODERN front roo-n on cr line. 14 North 20th street. (15)-M5S4 21 FURNISHED ROOM For gentleman. 814 South 15th St. (16I-M640 22 FURNIRHTCD pleasant south room for gen tlemen. 647 So. 24th Ave. (16) 754 24 ROOM for one or two gentlemen, modern. 1712 Davenport. (15) 808 20x ROOM In modern house; gentlemen pre ferred. 128 So. 26th St. (151806 26 FURNISHKD front room, new modern house. 24(8 Harney. (15) M779 26 THREE large, nicely furnished rooms Irr an moflern new not, diocks rrom post- DSI- omce. 1813 cnicago. (16) M976 : LARGE FRONT ROOM-Modern; newly furnished throughout; southern exposure; . private family. 2404 Capitol avenue. , (16)-M100 22x FURNISHED or partly, furnished room. 2412 Indiana Ave. (1&1-M126 26x Apartments and Flat. ' AN APARTMENT, Davldge Pldg. 18th and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 2. , (16i-M41 FOR RENT 8-room- modern' brick apart ment. . $35.00. 1301 So. . 28th St Phon ; Harney 1767. , (ltT)-M935 22x Honaekeeplac Rooma. THREE rooma. housekeeping. 1712 Jaeh cn. , 1 (15)-712 23x TWO large connected rooms for lighthouse. keeping. Z&l" Dodge. (16) muz UafaraUhed Rooms. THE HILLSIDE. 18th and Dodge, 2 un furnished rooms. (15) 61595 Ox FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms; de sirable location. References. Address ' W 366. Bee. (15) M696 23 X Faralsked nooses. FOR RENT After October 5. 8136 Chleag street, 7 rooms, large bath room, attl and laundry, flrst-class furnace, $45. (16)-M432 HANDSOMELY furnished eight room : house, fino neighborhood, close In, mod ern; reasonable. Addresa K 416. care Bee. (16)-M401 21s : Heaaea aad Oattaajes. $30 PER MONTH for 2BM Pratt at; new 7 room modern house;, will be .vacant No vember 1. $10 per month for 2001 8. 10th St., new 8 room thoroughly modern house. $4250 frtr 1753 Park Ave , new' T-roont modern square house, hot water heat; cor ner; very desirable. $15 per month for 1&36 8. 33d St., 10-rooin strictly modern house, recently vacated by Major Cruse. . $46 ter month for 11$ or 113 N. ISth St I new 8-room modern flats. . GEORGE A CO.. 16ul Farnam at. (15)-M787 21 FOR RENT room cottage, with csty water, porcelain bath, patent clnaet, ce ment cellar, almost new. 3r22 Grand Ave., $18.00. Enquire SS9 California, or of C L. Vance, main ofJlce llayden Bros. BRAND new 8-room brick house, corneg 361 h and Dewey Ave., Inside finished wlta quarter-sawed oak, $16 per mo. A. O. Busk. 'Phone Harney 9i0. (15) M825 21g FIVE-ROOM cottage at lfifi locust St.. modern except bath; half block from rat line; electric lights and ftas: flue condi tion. Oaner pos watr. References re quired. Will rent to the right party fur $.1). - Russell A McKltrlck Co., 4&i Ramm Bldg. (161-MM8 22x SIX-ROOM cottage on car line; sewer, gaa, toilet. $1.60. 333 California. (1&-M928 tlx FOR RENT New 6-room cottage will ready Nov. 1. on 44th St.. between Jack- ' aon and Jonea Sts. Inquire 1UX12 N. 19th Bt. (16) MSb 22x FOR RENT-flix room cottage In Benson. two blorka fro n car line, close to church and school, water and sewer In huus. rent reasonable. Call Douglaa 1190 be ' tween 6 and 7 p. m.. or addresa O 4J0, care Bee. (la)-M800 2tx WEHT FARNAM DI8TRICT tin Daven port 8L S. E. corner). 10-roora, thor oughly modern house, excellent repair, beautifully arranged. Will give leaaa at $6i per month. Apply to Coarad Your. Mil Dodge Bt (16 Hill FOR RENT Modern 1-rooru brick tinus; all conveniences; close to car; rent $4. mills Avs. Inquire C. 61. Barhmana, 418 Paxton Block. (16) 477 NKAR 40th and Cuming. 7-r. all mod.. $lf. Walktng distance. 6-r. cottage, bath, $i. OKEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. V. Life. Plione Doug. 2151. (16) 724 14 FOR RENT Modern, 8-room house, plas tered attic, two block front 34lh 8t. rat ' line. 2679 Poppleton Ave.' iuqulre at tvM ' Poppleton Ave. (U) Mill c