Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Pages 9 to 16.
A Ppr for th Horn
Best;;. West
vol. xxxvii xo: 10f.
r ifflRTSl
fws will show
lines of hlrh
llrts; txclustve
patt-T.i and
I In bolli light
k effects. r'ie
ir of fin Im-ind-n
nnJ rr
eln. The
styles are
Hnd fit per
si"oo 31. GO
82. OO
, - S2.GO
Double Knap Sanitary Fleeced Underwear,
thoroughly medicated, Jaeger shad,
good fitting shirts and drawers, pr
garment 80e
Cotton ribbed, silky fleece, medium
weight shirts and drawers, at, per
garment 7Be
All wool light brown rib, good weight,
nicely finished, shirt and drawers, nt.
per garment $1.00
Natural wool, wool ribbed, ' fine merino
shirts and drawers, in light, heavy and
medium weights, per garment . $ 1 69.
$2.00 and I3.S0
Men a sample underwear. Heavy and
medium weight, natural wool, flat and
ribbed shirts and drawera. Also a va
riety of fine cotton ribbed and fleeced
garments. '
Values up to BOr, on sale B9o
Valuea up to II 00, on sale 4o
Values up to g 1 -5 rt. on sale So
Values up to 12.00 and ti. 50, on sale. .690
Main floor.
J, B00 yard Jferifc Bitching,
in vhie, light blue ani
pt'nlr, worth X ISc y
a yard at, per t f
Venice lice Shoulder Collar
With ct c llar attached,
col r butter and f r
tr ite, worth to J 1 f
$1.00, for "V
Chiffon Teiting in all nexo
fal co nrings, 4 r .
regular tSc I L
grade, for r
Linen embroidered collar.
fifty a'torUd til vie, Mr. Baker of
a I u, J A "the Adjustable
!5c, at... m be interested.
Ribbons! Ribbons!!
Yie tafftia riblon,
heavy stiff quality
J or hair bows, in
white, Hack, pink,
blue and all colons,
80c grades, a7
per yard . . aCi
1 mt t-1 at jim tii'?a
XTew Tor will Aemonvtrate H m . tnre, 29 una
BacKit) Ma wait. rorxnr" 35c aualittj ,
marines and style should " 9real
tnap . .
Fall Hats Horo
No matter what you desire, it'a here,
and at a generous savin?, too.
The LaCross. soft or stiff. . . .$1.50
The Lamont, soft or stiff $2.00
The Kingston, soft or stiff. . . .SiS.fiO
The Bennett Special, soft or stiff 3.00
Correct Stiff lints $5.00
1 Correct Opera Hats SO. 00
Soft $3.50 to $7.50
Stiff $3.50 and $5.00
Largo assortment of colors and cloths;
some come with fur Inner bands.
Saturday we will place on special sale
a lot of men's and boys' fur lined
caps made to sell regularly at 75c;
for Sapirday 50t?
Main Floor Northwest.
Special for Saturday. Agent's
samples, broken lots and dis
continued models; all shape,
all styles and colors, some)
with hose supporters; among
them some satin corsets
valued at $2. BO; sices 18 to
80, Saturday, per inch
rasa 10x15
lltho. color of
American Beau
ty Rose, right
for framing
with purchase
Ladies9 Chic Waists
Madras Waists, tailored styles, pleats piped with silk, at SJ-98
Taffeta, Waists, sll shades and plaids, handsomely tailored.
fancy stocks and cuffs, for , 14.93
Lace and Net Waists, ecru and white, large variety of styles.
Saturday special for 95.95
Wool Batiste Waists, handsomely tailored, mannish styles.
colors black, navy, garnet, brown and green, Saturday spe-
clal, at j 12.43
We are enjoying- an enormone success with onr gloves. We have six expert glove
fitters; a range of gloves from the tiny, cnte Fowne's kid irlovrs for a baby to the
gTi, spienaiu
gloves. Oar 1
colors and styles. Popular prices
k specialty of men's heavy work
Oar gloves are representative of the world's best factories and Include all
antomobllo gleve. We are making
Knndrede of Thousands of Souvenir Postal Cards Never sold
less than two for 6c; a great many of them sold for Sc and
0c each. All on one big table, per doien your own aelec
tlon sold in dozen lots 10o
Postal Card Album Ble 100, 19o, 48c, 75o and no ji Im
nicno stock to select from.
BOOKS 11. 50 edition, copyrights 51-08 "The Shepherd of
t he Hills" by Harold Hell Wright; ' Satan Sandorsen". by
Ualllo Hives; "The Weavers" by Gilbert Parker.
These arc unquestionably the best
styled and be.t wearing suits at the
prices in the city. For choice of fab
rics we show worsteds, casslineres,
cheviots and tweeds, in the newest
weaves, patterns and colorings.
TrieMley Cravenette Ilaln Coats,
grades that are usually sold for
$18.00 you will find for $15.00
Itain Coats and Fall Overcoats, In
the latest styles and colors; It
will pay you to see them, regu
lar 112.50 and SIS garments
for $10.00
The Fiiest anfl Most Select Styles! Everything from One to Sixteen Years!
Children's Coats in nice kerseys, broadcloths, Irish friezes and fancy plaids
and mixtures; all nicely tailored, some trimmed in velvet m d r
and braid, all colors and ages; for Saturday, i J J
Boys' Suits for S5 and $4
Our trade in boys"felothes grows daily, and we give more for your
money than any house in the state, as is evident by these fine
suits in double breasted, blouse 0 HOO
or Russian styleB for boys 3 to Hi and fcly - ,
y years, at. . . :
FREE. The American Boy Magazine for six
months ith a S3. 00. purchase for the boys
Chlldren a Coats,
made of silk ve
lour, bear skins,
plain cloths, fancy
mixtures and
plaids, all made
full and with
double collar and
cuff ., all colors,
arid ages: special
for Saturday t
In our Infants'
room we have a
complete line of
dresses, bonnets,
sweat ers, leg
gings, mittens
every thing to
make the little
ones comrortabie
Low Prices
C h 1 1 d r e n's
dresses, made of
nice materials
the HUle French
styles, all colors,
plaids and checks
special for Sat
urday, at
Ladies' Broadclolh Coats
at Cut
Broadcloth coat, 52 inches long, full satin lined, col
lar and cuffs trimmed in velvet and braid. Q 7 C
Saturday at . . f J
Our $19.50 and $29.00 Tailored suits are considered
by all to be far superior in design, workmanship
and materials to any in the west. Saturday wo, offer:
Blacks, browns, blues, garnets and greens. Prince Chap style,
guaranteed lining, braid trimmed, full pleated skirt with fold
at foot. Remember the price $19.50
A $25.00 Chilton
BroadcIo;h Suit
A good opportunity for produc
ing a fashionable hat at minimum
cost by our special sale Saturday
of millinery accessories and trim
mings. All $5.00 shapes, strictly correct
twists, turns and bends; CA
Saturday J U
All $7.50 and $8.00 plumes, every
color except white; P Af,
Saturday ...Jalll
$1 pom-poms, pinks, whites, blues,
browns, greens and reds; A,Cln
Saturday .mZC
Splendid line of Children's Tam
O'Shanters, Mohawks and "Tl
cloth caps ..,.e.jC
Special lor Saturday, silk velvet
hats, trimmed with flowers or
feathers with silk ribbnn, a hat
that sells regularly for $7.80 1
Saturday for
Extra values in all hats for Saturday. Best
.way to appreciate our extraordinary and un
surpassed elaboration of fall styles is. to. visit
the department The window is merely - an
index of fashion's millinery caprice.
Ladles 1-clasp genuine Mot ha
gloves, (black.- brown, beavr
and gray, tl.25 value ,....79o
Ladles' IE-button Kid Gloves.
13.25 value ...2.73
Ladies' 18-button Kid moves.
13.75 value $3.19
double Oreea Trading Stamps.
Ladies' Fsst B'nrk Seamlers
Hose, double sole. 17c val.UHc
Ladles . Imp. Oaue LIkIo Hose,
broken sizes, 50c value. .. . U5o
r.oys' Heavy Cotton Hose, JDc
vahie Uc
Clillrtren's Full Fashioned Rib
bed Hose, 2oc value 13o
rouble Green Trading Stamps.
Lace Curtains
of H
Maanfactnrers sample line
x,aco curtains at its stnan
ONC-EALr the actual cost.
Lot Wo. 1 Nottingham Curtains. 2 yards long, 35 In.
wide, mostly odd curtains, each 17c
Lot So. Nottingham Curtains, full size, SH yards Inn p.
worth up to tl.nO a pair, each 390
Lot Ho. 3 Cable Net and Nottingham Curtains, full size,
worth up to 3.6ft a pair, mostly odd curtains, each, 69o
Lot WO. 4 Irish Point, fine Cable Net Curtains, worth
up to 18.50 a pair, all neat parlor effects, mostly odd
curtains, each 89o
'IT' Furniture News
Parlor Tables, 24x24-lnch top. In genuine quarter-sawed
oak, mahogany and bird's-eye maple; others get fS.OO
to 10. Ort our price 54.98
Beautiful line of new extension tables with ""a.(,uJ,rJ
ter-sawed oak tops, prices a0 to 18
Be sure to see them.
Ladles' Fleece Lined Vesta and
Pants, S6o value flfto
Ladles' fine combed cotton veutt
and pants, 60c value 39o
Ladles' Fleeced Union Suits,
75c value ,490
Children's Fleeced Vests and
Pants, S3e to 100
Boys' heavy fleeced lined shirts
and drawers, 35c vaJue ,...8So
Double Green Trading Stamps.
jWOM! e
Ladles' hem't'tc1-- Swiss hand
kerchiefs, 6c value .3o
Ladles' pure linen sheer hand
kerchiefs, 15c value lOo
Ladles' pure linen Initial hand
kerchiefs, 15c value loo
Men's fancy border, pure silk,
50c value 89o
Double Green Trading Stamps.
Specials ia Hardware for Saturday
Buy your heater before cold weather comes.
To help the early buyer we will "make some
special prices for
Saturday. If you
don't want the
stove now select it
and make a small
payment and we
will hold it 'till
No. 230 Peninsular Hot
Blast Stove; special,
at . ; 80.75
Finest hot blast made.
No. 709 Pen Insular
Oak Heater; special,
at $0.50
No. 712 Pen Insular
Oak Heater; special,
at S9.D0
No. 328 O a k Coal
Heater, will burn soft
or bard coal, bas no
!" 818.00
No. 815 Advance Range
special.. $2-1.85
Perfection Oil Heaters.
at $ 1.75
Sapolln Stove Pipe
Enamel l.V
And 10 Green Trad
ing Stamps.
Coal Hods, all sizes
and prices up
from 25c
And 20 Green Trad
ing Stamps.
Fire Shovels, regular 15c
value ioe
Fire Shovels, regular 10c
value, special ftc
Best quality Wash Tubs,
89c. 79c and 60c
40 Green Trading Stamps.
nt r, -. .,.
t5lo Pipe, per Joint
best quality . . . 1
And 10 Green Trad
Ing Stamns. '
X-Hay Stove Pol- !
Uh 10c
And 10 Green Trad
ing Stamps.
Wilson Bread Toast
ers, special V:c
10 Green Trading Stamps.
C'lona Brushes, regular
65c value, special. . .40c
Closet Plungers, regular
66c value, special. . .40c
Furnace Scoop, regular
65c value, special. .'.40c
Shoes Men, Woiteit -
Our high cut shoas for mn. bays, women and children csst
no more than the common run of shoss. but you get qualities
as to fit and waar sacon 1 ta none.
Misses' and Children's box calf,
hand sewed, high cut, button and
laced Shoes, foot-form lasts, cork
filled damp-proof soles, $2.50 kind,
sizes 2 to 11 $2.19
$3.00 kind, sizes 11 to 2 $2.39
Boys' Casco calf, extra high out,
damp and wear proof Shoes, solid
inner soles, and outer soles
$2.50 kind, sizes 13 to 2. . .$2.29
$3.00 kind, sizes 22 to SVa, $2.59
"Women's Auto Boots, cork filled soles, the best Shoes to wear at any'
time for fall, and better than ever at present on account of the short
skirts; made of gun metal calf, tan calf and patent coltskin, $5.00
Men's high cut Shoes, every pair viscolized so they are damp proof, 10, 12, 14, 18-inoh, prices
according to height and qualities $3.50 to $8.00
We have aboat 600 pieces of china to close
ut at kali price. All band palated jogs, chop
plates, caps and saucers, plates, marmalade
jars, sugar and cream seta and berry sets.
Also several pleoes of Mavtlaad, aU iur
One only Arenfeldt China Set, slightly
damaged, (35.00 value; to close
out $20.00
Forty -two only Cut Glass Trays, five
Inch slxe, 11.50 and 11. 7 value; apecial
Saturday 08
Four Times Green Trading Stamps on All
Dinner are Saturday.
Greatest Variety, Lowest Prices and Extra
Green Trading Stamps (or Saturday.
.-,iIh 'ill
We can funj-ly almost any in
(he toy line. New Oorl:
Pro(raphy Is a p.eafant and proflla
able paslinie. We 1 ave received aome
extra fn.e pieces this weekj A regulir
I1.6U outfit, Saturday for ..88o
2U0 collar and cuff boxes, regular :mc
value, on sale Saturday bio
Get yciir picture framing orders In
early. We kK ycu the finest work
niaiiHhln and prices are the lowest.
Saturdav four times llreen Trading
StanriiB on all framing ord r?.
Freh Dressed Spring Chickens,
per pound 11HC
, Fresh Leaf Lard. 10 lbs. for 1.00
Fresh- Pork Roast, per lb. f)K
Sirloin Steak, of native steers.
per pound 12HfS
Sirloin Roast, of native steers
per pound ll?4r
Prime Rib Roast, all bone6
out, per pound 10
Choice Pot Roast, per lb. 7f
Boiling Beef. 8 lbs. for 25
2,000 pounds No. 1 high grade
California Hams, every one guar
anteed, sugar1 cured, nice and
le,an" 9 to 10 average,' lb. 8H
5,000 founds No. 1 regular Hams,
every one guaranteed, sugar cur
ed, nice and lean, any size you
want, per pound 11 H
2,000 pounds No. 1 Skinned Hams,
skin and fat removed, nice and
lean, eVery one guaranteed, 10
to 14 pound average, lb. 12tJ
2,000 pounfis No. 1 IJaoon,
1 i
Bennett's Big Grocery
Please Leave Orderi Early. Saturday Special
Bennett's Capitol Tlour, sack $l4t
n 45 Oreen Trading Stamps.
P'ide of Bennett's Klour. sack . . . tii
"Trt SO Green trading Stamps.
Twenty-one pounds Granulated Sugar 1100
1,00(1 a-lb. cans Dennett's iireakfiist Coffee, can..48o
60 Green Trading Stampi
Tea. B. F. Japan, Gunpowder, Oolong, English
Breakfast, per pound f8a
76 Oreen Trading Stamps.
Franco-American Soups, pint can 20o
IS Green Trading Stamps.
L'needa Biscuits, four packages for 15c
10 Green Trading Stamps.
Horse Radish, new, bottle .....go
Egg-O-See, four packages t&a
New Tork Full Cream Cheese, per pound ..22o
20 Green Trading Stamps.
Neufchatel Cheese , 40
Hand Cheese 20
1,000 pound brick Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound
brick, full weight , J0c
Swedish Safety Matches, dozen boxes 6c
Mincemeat, new, pouud 1140
Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle i&o
10 Green' Trading Stamps.
Olllette's Washing Crystal, dosen packages lOo
Lincoln Butterine, two pounds for tio
,u t.itten Stamps.
Jersey Butterine, two pounds for S4c
i'j t.reen Trading n Lamps.
narrow strips to 7 poa r,. " iT (5reen Trading' stamp;: ,8C
-average, by tne Strip, per .-vV,i Bennett's Capitol Baking I'owder. 6-lb. can ....$1.00
pound 13Hf ?ilTl4a . V r''n T''aJlnj Stamps.
Morrell'a Iowa Frtde bacou, Franco-Amerlean , Boup, k quart can 6o
KI1 t-U r remium Butterine, two pounds for 42o
narrow strips, choice and
-well trimmed, per lb. 174
And 30 Green. Trading t tSri- I j p,tavi CorrT starch. t"Te packag"r
Stamps. Ww.i..J in oreen Trading stamps.
Premium Butterine, two pounds for
Green Trndlnr Fl'imps.
We have just received 1,000 kgs
new Imported Holland Herring,
per kefc 75
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Roses and Carmtions
Mrs. Marshall Field, Killarney,
Sunrise, Richmond and yel
low roses; Satur- 'lOp
rlnv. dozen
Carnations, all colors,
,. ,18o
, ,.15o
Bennett's Best Coffee, three pouniis
100 (Jreen Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Best Coffee, pound
.10 Green Trading StHinps.
Bennett's Capitol Extract. pr tottle ....
20 Oreen Trading Stamps.
Tea Plftings, per pound package
ID Green 1 railing Mamps.
1,600 pounds Batavia Cleaned Currants, usual price
16c, special price, per pound U'iO
10 Green Trading Stamps.
Castile Toilet Soap, six cdk- 28c
10 Green Trailing Stamps.
Several down large cans Uiainund "a Strawberry
Beeis, worth lho, to close out, can 10c
Delatour Ginger Ale. per bottle 10o
rocery Section.
Just received, fresh made, aaaorted flavors, Angel
Kofld Taffy, per pound JOc
Sumples Free. Samples Free.
Salted Peanuts, per pound 10c
Srldoin Seen," Which Hu Gov, Taxes, Pvlitt or
eitera. '
A little Peiiiisylvanla loan built on about
1hlrty-ciic acres of land which was erigl a part of St. Clair township Is on
of the most unique villages In the country.
It Is not on the map of the county, baa
no township, no government, no taxes, no
acbools. no churches, no right to the ballet
and bo police protection. The town Is lost
tL world and the owners of the prop-
rty, who have homes on the land, are
..ving the sin, pie life Indeed.
Tins tmail community, composed ot seven
,'amilies, all of whom own their homes,
occupy land once a part of Lower fit, Clair
towmhip. During lecent years this town
ship has been subdivided Into the boroughs
of Mount Oliver, Knoxvllle and Montooth.
and about a year ago another subdivision
was made and the borough of 8t. Clair was
formed. At that time, the tract of ground
referred to wss not Included, and. aa it la
net claimed by either the city or other sur
rounding boroughs, the inhabitant were
seemingly satisfied to remain apart from
.he rest.
Since the organization of the borough of
St. Clair they have been assessed no taxes
and the male Inhabitants have not voted.
There are no stores, no churches, no
schools. The people are as much apart
from the real life as If the- were in the
backwoods of Kentucky.
"Seldom Seen" is the name selected as a
distinguished appellation for this isolated
little community and It was well chosen,
for It Is seldom seen by any but those who
live there. WMx Do car line within a
reasonable distance and nothing but a few
houses to Set- when one gets there,
there Is no Inducement for ar.y one to see
It vry often.
Seldom Seen lies along the tanks of Saw
Mill Bun. It is bounded on the northeast
by the Thirty-second ward of UttsL'Jrg.
on the south by West Liberty borough and
on the west by Beeohvlew. The property
is surrounded by either city or borouga.
The property is owned by Conrad and
Jacob Staab, Edward Alsbett, John Geyer,
sr., John Geyer, Jr , John Miller and Mrs.
i'hilllt,. All but the latter live on the
projerty. Their children are sent to the
Catholic sehool in the. Thirty-sixth ward.
The only outlet lo this ectlon Is through
the arcii under the traks cf the Wabaili
railroad tow aid Woodville avenue.
John Trice, member of council In West
Liberty borough, said there had been some
talk of attempting to annex Seldom Been
to the city or to one of the boroughs. lie
"Of roursn. West Liberty Is closest, aa
we touch their ground on one side, but wa
have already voted on annexation to the
city and will be takea in January L
If we were to annex this section now we
might invalidate out chances of being
iaken Into the city and we do not want
to do that. The veojle Pvlng there have
paid no taxes hints St. Clair borough was
created. They tave no schools and no
police protection. I guess they don't need
that, though. In fact, they are just as If
they were In the ba'kwooda."
The people themselves are content, aside
from the inconvenience of getting mall.
I They have tried without success to have
mail sent them by the city carriers, but
because several boroughs are between
them and the city Postmartr kavlo las
found It impossible to arcrmiu.odnln them.
Real Implements of War.
Balth.inre American.
If a war was to brisk out involving tli!
country, It would not be a t.e idea to
.momuse the New Jork trollr cars. Re
cording to the statistics glvm by the
,1c service commission, the trsnklt coinpa
nles of the metropolis slay on person
very fifteen hours. They seem to be more
deadly than any destructive article of war.
I far r iavalka