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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1907)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1!07, j u,.t. aa. i i 1 !POk4-G TPIUtrk lir'wryck ialms Here for Saturday's Eknyers w 11 est em u i : m ex n -vi u & & . mm f Our Great Hosiery Department Offers IPs. l Buy Fownes Gloves Thetfre Guaranteed. We're Omaha N Headquarters Everything that is txf t In style and quality. We acll ouly rrliabta brand and certain satisfaction to our customers Id the reult. As Saturday Specials: Ludir Hose In silk, lisle, embroidered and lace, regular $1.60 and $1.00 Tallies elsewhere; on sale at 98c and 75 Ladles' Embroidered and Allover Lace Lisle Hose, very newest thades and patterns, at 49c and 35 Ladles' Embroidered Lisle Hose, 49c quality, at 25 ladles' Wayne Knit Hose, with the popular linen sole, best wear- Idr hose on the market, at 3J) Ladles' Wayne Knit Hase, all black or whita sole, best value on the market, at 35c and 25 'hlldren's Pony Brand Hose, fine, medium or heavy ribbed, best 6 hool Lose ever 'produced, at 254 Ladies' Hose, fleece lined, plain black or embroidered, special Saturday at 12 H ENTIRE HEW STOCK OF Hon City Laces The Best Wsh laces Minuhcturti. Omthi Agents Wt'rt Soft fiff'0" Undergarment Bargain Saturday Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear offered at prices which means moot substantial savings. Although prices are low tliry do not begin to express the bargain worth. The quality is what counts and you must examine them to appreciate the most unusual, unmatrhable value of these special sale offerings. Together with' many rare bargains from our own stock, we combine a great clear ance sale of all manufacturers' samples and odd lots. Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers Single or double breasted, grays or tans, at $1.50, 98c and . . . .75 Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers Blues, brownB and scarlet, worth double; Saturday, Men's"f30 and $1.00 Quality Shirt 'and Drawers Made by Norfolk, New Brunswick, mills, In, three lota Saturday, at $3.00, $1.9$ and 81.50 Root's Tivoli Underwear The regular $2.00 numbers.' In Saturday's sale at $1.50 Complete Lines of the Celebrated Wenstead I n derwear shown at prices from $7.50 down to ' $3.00 Men's All Wool Combination Suits Prices from $5.00 down to $2.50 and .$1.08 Fleeted Garments . EXTRA SPECIAL, 500 dozen high Sri J ) ':; ' ( tl'. Sil'w 1 1' i v' Dr. Wrlirht'i Sold in Omaha to $2.00, shown here Saturday at $1.50, 98c- and 75e Meri' Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers Shirts either single or double breasted, worth double, at, per garment, 60c and. . .394 grade Men's Shirts, with collar attached or collar bands, fine madras, percales, etc., etc., manu facturer's Bamples and sample stock, worth regularly to $2.00; choice, garment -404 Women's and Children's Underwear Ladles' Union SuitsIn silk and wool, vega fdlk and all wool, that sell regularly up to $5.00; pinks, blues, grays and whites; delightful bargains Saturday J$2.08 Ladles' Union iSuits In silk and wool or all wool, that sold up to $4.00; special, at $2.60, $1.98 and. .$1.50 Ladles' Cotton Union Suits Heavy fleece lined, sold reg ularly to $1.50 garment, at 98c, 75c and 49c Ladies' Vests and Pants In red, ray or white; special bargains, garment, $1.60 and -$1.25 Ladles' Wool Vests and Pants Worth to $1-60 Pr Kar .jrnrnU.on sale, Saturday at 98c and. .... .75. Ladies' Vests and Pants Heavy fleece lined and worth regularly to $1.00' garment, at 49c, 39c, 25c and 19 Children's Silk and Wool Union Suits All sizes, $1.50 Children's All Wool Union Suits -Aii sues, at HOC? ir no 1 i XII I I M 1 nn nnnrr n m n m U UL-AU vyihU vli THE RELIABLE STORE. Extra Specials-Ribbons at Half 5c Ribbons, '2Vzc, 10c Rib bons, 5c; 15c Ribbons, 7Vlc; 20c Ribbons .10c 50c Ribbons on sale at . . .25c 15c Handkerchiefs, ea., 7Va5 50c Hairbrushes, each...25c 75c Hairbrushes, each...49c 25c box Ruchings at 19c $1.00 Hand Bags, at 49c 25o All Silk Veilings, yd., 10c $1 made Veils, each 39c 50c tinted rillow Tops., 39c 50c -tinted Pillow Slips. . .25c The Late Copyright Books splendid list of titles, at, . choice 47c A Noteworthy Display of Authentic Fall Fashions The united efforts of our New York and Omaha cloak buyers have resulted in bringing together of the most pronouncedly superior collection of fall and winter garment bargains ever offered iu Omaha or other western city. Every garment expresses individuality in style elegance, quality in material and finish far in ex 5css of the prices asked by us. Crown Jewel Suits at $25 are incomparable in rich beauty of style, material and superb quality of tailoring to any garments shown else where at the price. The dis tinct individuality and matchless variety in design is always a delight to women of discriminating taste. They have no equal elsewhere at less than $35.00. Ladit-s' Outing Flannel Skirts Special bargains, at 39c and 25 Children's Vests and Pant, heavy lleeied, all sizes, at 39c, 25c and ID Children's Outing Flannel Gowns Special value, at 49c Ladles'. Outing Flannel Gowns Wortli to $1.50, at 98c, 75c, 49c and : 29 A Superior Display of New Corset Models No other place have you such complete stocks of standard makes for selection. We've models to suit all. Prices to please all, and always quality that gives satisfaction. The La Grecue Corsets one oi the very best high grade makes Is shown in great variety of long hip models for slender, med ium or stout figures, at prices up from $1.50 The Famous Jewel Corset Com plete line of models, prices up from $1.25 Regular B4.H0 Jewel Model With double hip hose supporters, a model specially adapted for med ium" figures; on sale Saturday, at $2.00 15 Other Standard Makes Bhown In complete assortment, at prices up from $1.00 75c Corsets, fine sateen, In long hip models with hose supporter side and front; on sale at. . 49c 75c Fancy Tape Girdles In pink, blue and white, hose supporters attached; on sule at 3J) EXTRA SPECIAL AT $10.50. 800 Handsome Tailor Suits In fine cheviots and broadcloths, manufactured to sell for. and well worth, 925; choice Saturday r $10.50 $5.00 Waists Special, $2.08. A new lot of Silk and Net Waists, many of them samples, sold in most stores at $4.60 and $5.00) all at one price, choice. .$2.98 Practical millinery at Popular Prices . Although variety of interpretation of ac cepted millinery modes this season is as broad and as diversified as the designs in the field, we have eliminated the gro- tesque, impractical ideas and assembled (fifth'' r'''tT the greatest stock of correct, artistic, taste;f0p 'ftPiX fuj, and thoroughly practical models every shown. Elegant and Practical Imported Patterns Almost unlimited assortment, sale price will be vSlG.50 to $125 Beautiful Trimmed Hats Copies of imported designers, greatly undcrpriced S - . '. Rft.ft to SIS ' . ai w - - f The most elegant line of trimmed hats ever shown in Omaha, at $5.00 Fopular styles in street hats for girls, all colors, sash down back, $2 val. $1.50 Mothers and Children's. Day Saturday In Our Busy Cloak Department We are prepared to make over 2,000 children happy in the possession of one of the nattiest coats ever shown. We are prepared to make the mothers happy over the splendid Children's Dresses 'in fine all wool cheviots and serges, pretty designs, all colors, exceptional bargains at $5.00, $3.98 and $2.98 EXTRA SPECIALS AT $7.50. A Splendid Assortment of Ladles'" Coats In very latest styles, reg ular $10.00 values; trimmed with combination velvets, de lightful values at our special price $7.50 $18.50 Kersey Coats at $12.50 Also a beautiful line of broad doth coats, satin lined through out; manufactured to sell for, and well worth, $18.60; choice at ... $12.50 Fine French Coney Coats With Skinner satin lining, guaranteed for two years, $35.00 values elsewhere; Saturday ..$22.50 The .Finest Assortment of Fur Garments shown in Omaha at Less Price than elsewhere, quality con sidered. A visit to our department will convince you. price saving on these same coats. An other great manufacturer's stock on sale. Children's Ilearskiu Coat Worth regulaclr to $4.00, sizes 1 to 6 years, (a all colors; great bargains at $3.50 Children's Coats In frieie and fancy mixed, fab rics, worth to $5.00, sizes 6 to 14 yearn; on sale, In ono lot, at. choice 2.9S Infants' Root ees Special - . 15 Children's Fine English Kersey Coat Very newefst styles and pioBt elegantly tailored gar ments, sizes 6 to 14 years; unequaled' assort ment of materials, values Bhown here "at $15 down to $10, $7.50 and $5.00 Infants' Short and lng Slips A great assort ment of special bargain offerings, at 19 You Must Take Off Your Hat Ti"Ss, Men's Sample Hats SPECIAL SHOE SALE SATURDAY The entire floor stock of a large Boston Shoe house at about one-half the regular prices consisting of men s, women s, misses' and cbllds' shoes all made for fall wear. Men's corona colt, box and velour calf, vlci and kangaroo bluchers, worth up to $6.00, at ; $2.50 Men's box calf kangaroo calf and vlci kid shoes, worth up to $3. 00. $1,98 Women's $3.60 aqd $4.00 hand turned and Goodyear welted shoes and a fine $4.00 cushion sole shoe, at. . .$2.48 AT 17 CENTS PER COPY Women's $2.50 vlci kid lace and blu chef cut shoes, some with neat calf tops $1.98 Men's and women's warm shoes up "om .... $1.00 Youths' $1.75 and $1.50 school shoes, bluchers or bals, some seamless at ? $1.19 Misses' $1.60 dongola Hucher cut good school shoes, at. -98 Misses' 85c house slippers 49 Chllds' $1.00 and ,76c hand turn lace shoes, 76c and 49 initi la Omaba for tlx Stetson and Oroiattt shMa tor ma and Qnn QnJT fed Orover shoes for woman. Tha BEST BHOia that monar ay. Men's Hats dora, scope, Felt in Fe- Tele etc. ' actual values j up to $1.75 39c and 49c Men's Felt Hats, all best styles; new, clean stock, worth up to . 3.50 69c and 98c The sample lines of several well known manufacturers secured at a great bargain. You Can't Afford to Miss This Opportunity - Sheet Music Special AT IT CFNTS PER COPY Mall ordara promptly filled. Add on a cent par copy la ordering- by mall. no i.nng mary id jumuies from Broadway. "Mary's a Grand Old Name" 45 Minutes From Broadway. "ypntrrday" Chas. K. Harris, new. "Would You Care" this season's hit. "in Monkeyland." "College Life" Vocal and Instru mental. "Old Faithful" new, get a copy. "Uoldon Rod" Mable McKlnloy's maeterplece. ''Love Me and the World Is Mine" In four keya. "When the Birds In Georgia Sing of Tenneaupe" Latent bv the writer of "Love Me and the World la Mine." "Just Becauae 1 Love You So" high olaaa ballad. "Somewhere" another Harris hit. "Wont You be My Honey?" the coming song succeNtt. "Mlaa Mexico" vocal or instru mental. "Loveland Waltres," by Abe Holtz-man. 'Could Ynu Learn to Love a Little Girl Like Me?" New York hit. "Love Dreams" companion song to "Dreaming." "Reed Birds. My Indian Bride" the catch of the season. "Bonnlo Jean, My Highland Las sie" fine. "Red Wing." by Kerry Mills vocal or instrumental. 5 CEWTS FEB COPT AMUBIBfO ABTO ILUTATIWO COKPOglTIOVB B CEWTg PZS COFT. "Morning Prayer", Streabogg; "Fall ing Waters". By Trunx; "Danuoe Waves", "Heavenly Bells", By H. Kn gelmann; "Bwanee Rlvex", Trans.; "Little Fairy Walts", Streahngg; "Dying Poft", "Last Hope", "Moun tain Bells", "On the Meadow", By Ltokner; "The Palms", Vocal; "Last Chord", "Calvary", "Ave Marie", "King of Clubs", New March; "Ona Sweetly Solemn Thought", "La So rella". Big Hit. Hayden Bros. Drug Department List of Price Persuading Arguments for Saturday oap and Drag Baadries 1-lb. 20-Mule Team Borax 1 pt. Pure Witch Harel Ivory Soap, per cake 5c Cutlcura Soap 25c Armour's Superior Soap 25c Woodbury's Soap, at Jap Rose Soap at 6c Elder Flower Soap 15c Pear's Unscented Soap 15c Dr. Mann's Soap 10c Williams' Shaving Soap 25c Lee's Kgg Tar Soap Imported Castile, per lb .,. Colgate's Turkish Bath Soap, per dot- Cut Prices on All Patent Kadlolaas 25c White Pine Cough Syrup 13o 50c Syrup of Figs ." '. .45o 60c Swamp-Koot o tl Pierce's Favorite Prescription 89c II Lydla Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at o i. I 25o Chamberlain's Cough Cure 8JC ao tl Wine of Cardul at 89o .90 -c umega uii ai . 0 .150 . .40 .180 13c .180 Armour's Lanolin, Lettuce and Soap at '. . . . 25c Herpiolde Soap 10c Chamois Skins Lakeside Chamois Vests . , Llppold's ,Hair Tonic, the best at, bot., 76c . .80 .60 .140 .180 BOO Almond So 14o SO .91.39 .890 .800 .1M .ISO tl Mother's Friend at Peruna; per bottle 25c box heidlets Powder ZvO bottle Peroxide Xubeer oooaa apeciais 85c Syrlngo, special 69o tl Fountain Syringe 69o Z-ut. combination Hot Water Bottle and Syringe, 0-yr. guarantee, At 81.79 t2 Dr. Hall's Syringe 9o 85c Rubber Gloves 490 Perfoxnag and Toilet Articles DOc Dnbrook's Locust Blossom .360 Bile Dabrook's Musk, oz ' i .880 50c Dabrook's New Mown Hay, oz S9o 5nc Dubrook's Violet, oz , ..89o White Heliotrope Sachet Powder, per. pack- nge . . .190 50c Carnation Pink, oz ....89o 511c Kastman's Verona Violet, oz 39o 75c Ping Pong Satohet Powder at. , . . . . 4o Mennen's Talcum Powder , 80 25c Craddock's Talcum .......80 25c Kastman's Crushed Itose Talcum at 80 6K0 Pozxoni's Powder 89o 60c Java Rice Powder.. ......890 25: Rice Powder, at lflo 15c Tetlow's Powder So 25c Oruves' Tooth Powder 14c 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder.... 18o 25c Sanltnl Cream 19o 50c Malvlna Lotion .89o tl.&O Oriental Cream .81.09 25c Eastman's Benzonl Almond Lotion, 13o Read Haydens' Grocery Prices for Saturday's Sale 29 lbs. best pure Cane Granulated Sugar for l-00 Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, per pack age Ttyo tliolce Japan Head Rice, per lb Tj4 1-lb. package Macaroni 8Vc Large bottle fajicy Pickles, assorted kinds, - . S Ik a ?1J bars best Family Laundry Soap 85c 1-lb. package Cornstarch 4Wo 1-lb. package Cold water Starch 4o Pure Tomato Catsup, per bottie 8o WoreeiHer Hauoe, per bottle , BVsO 19 Fancy Halo nr Stuffed Olives, per tt- 1 tie I H-lb. cans Breakfast Cocoa J 1-Jb. cans assorted Soups . . 4 l-Jb. can Housed Mackerel 5 J. lb. can J- Hominy t .Bl,0 19o . . .TVo . .17H . ..8V.0 The best Soda Crackers, per lb 80 The best Oyster Crackers, per lb 80 The best crisp Ginger Snaps .....Bo Fig Newton Cookies, per lb 8V.0 F'ltJah's Manna Breakfast Food, per pack age lOo Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, per pkg....Bo Batter and Chsass Prloes Choice Dairy Butter, per pound 83o Fancy Dairy Butter, per pound 860 Fancv full cream Cheese, per lb 17Ho Fancy full cream Y. A. 'heese, lb 19o Neufchatel Cheese, each . . .'. 3o rap Sago Cheese, each 8V50 land Cheese, each 80 See oar full line of Butterlne, the larg ast department of Its kind in Omaha. Preafe ratable and Pratt Prices t bunches fresh Outdoor Lettuce So S bunches fresh Hothouse Lettuce 6c I bunches fresh Radishes Bo Fresh Green Beans, plr pound Bo Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart rVfca Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per pound 8Ho FresA Beets or Carrots, per bunch lo Hubbard Squash, each .7H FreshsCabbage, per head up from 8H0 I heads fresh Celery 60 Cooking AppLes, per pck 80c Fresh ParsU-y, per bunch Ve Fresh Spinach, per peck lBo Ked or White Dried Onions, per lb. .. .80 Fresh roasted peanuts, per quart to Large, juicy Lemons, per dozen 8Uo One-third 'Imnhel basket Green Tomatoes for pickling - 8O0 Ever Quoted on Houseiumishings and Hardware THE LOWEST PRICES... Enameled Colanders, 25c size,...10o The famous Wilson 25c Bread Toast er for I60 The best Clothespins, per dozen... lo 25c new hardwood Chopping Bowls 9o lfrc Cornpoppers, each lo 25c Wire Cardracks, holds forty cards for 8Vo 25c .all linen Mops, only 16o 10c Wop Handles Be Oalranlsed Wars Bala The price of galvanized ware has advanced. We still have uoma ou hand, Low ever. This will be the laut sale at liese prices. VKc Uulvanlzed Tubs, largest size, (SAc 3uo Galvanized Pails; largest size, 880 4Sc Galvanized Chamber Falls, larg est size 89o 6Dc Galvanized Coal Hods, largest size 860 Kaydans' for Hardware 3-foot -Stepladders only 8O0 Leather Hhoe Holes, per pair only lOo Kxtia strong Padlocks, worth 60c, 1- inch neck 16o Knterprlse Food Choppers, others ask 81.00 89o Yankee Screwdriver, worth tl z&. 89o 2-fuVt Staney Box Rules Bo 8-lncli Stilson Wrench, only SOo Men's Axes, worth tl , 6SO Stanley Brass-End Levels, worth $ 1 . 6U at 73c Nails, per keg, base price 82.60 O. K. Washing Machine, wortli, at 84.9B Jlemember we sell the tlQ. K- Z. Washer for 86.78 STOVES STOVE STOVES -Standard Oil Co. Perfection Heaters, wortli t5, Haydens" price 83-9 Laundry Stoves, worth t& 83-9 Base Burner, highly nickeled, double heater, worth 130, today only 819.95 4-hole No. 8 Cookstove, worth t"i 00, at 81838 It costs nothing to look. We carry the largest line of stoves in Omaha, besides we do not handle cheap In itallment house stoves. Why not save fu or 810? Saturday Is CROCKERY DAY You Cannot Afford lo Miss' This Big bankrupt sale of Japanese ware Japan Cups and Saucers, highly dec orated, worth 35c, on sale, rach, 1 TH 15c decorated Salt or Pepper Sh.-lkers, at 0 Pure White China Cups and Sajuccrs, set . ,39o Decorated Decorated w J Pu ating, on sale at nearly hiilf price Saturday. Jardinieres, worth Up to f5. 98c, 49c, 2Vc and .180 o tr? Large Dinner Plate'l. . . .So T 100-plece Dinner; Pets, ft orth tie SB.8B I ust received a large shipment of t r. U'liitA Kr.nnh i'lilna . j. H.... Mst-if. They're Govern- II Pork 1 f)r Mutton 4A. Round Steak, ItieaiS men! inspected! Roat lb. I Vv Lga, . I lC N8tiv Steer-,3 lb9.-&t fcsirloin Steak, i i r Pot Roast, NativrTStak, I &2t 8c and 6c Steak. nc Veal Roapt, 10c and 6c Veal St w, 51 be. 25c Morrill's f fk Skin- l IUL ned. ItC Pic.IIams.lbs. I- II -i - ' SHERIDAN'S RI0E OUTCLASSED Mvel Olert.r of the "Tit Col ...I," rdre4 Out at rort v auelUaa- The pen U nilghti.-r than the, and also to the army man of a score of year, service in the outpost of ofllees valiantly charging rollu.p desks, the upholstered chair has its advantages over the nrmy saddle. Twenty arnty officers at Fort Snelllng know thte-and know It better now than they did St 9 m.. October 15; JmoW It well enoujh to be content to war here after upon documents and struggle with ted tape from the revolving rhair. Tha standing army of the Vnlted Btates U larger now than It was a decade ago or perhaps it merely looks that way be cause It more The elory of the why and wherefore of all this is one which challenges the g niua of a second Longfel low. Beside It the ride of Paul Revere pahs Into Insignificance, and rlghth soi Tho twenty gallant Jrders of our bos in blue. Inured by yeara of service t,6 tbe most desperata dictation of official reports, skilled In the intrlcwles of threading the mazes ot red tape, dauntlessly mounted prancing steeds and galloped away, natur ally stopping occasionally to walk ilielr hoises anl take It easy. Many of them had not been on a horse for years some a score of years. Boosted by their adjutants and several nlhatrs. thy were hoisted on the chargers I'.ke the armor encajttd knights of old and wav through the country for six teen miles and a half. The reckless, devil-may-care daring of the thing becomes apparent when It Is known that It war titedlesa for them to go mora than fifteen miles. But these officers of the gvld epaulettes and .typewriters eared not for the extra, mile and" a half and besides It they were going to be stiff they might as mell be good end stiff. Jt wouldn't have looked dignified to dismount from their horses and wall in the last mile and a half anyway, and K la Just possible that the walking around would have been Just m bud as the riding. The ride ' was not to rescue a be leaguered city nor yet to make a wild swoop upon the enemy, but Just an out come of the strenuoslty of President Roose velt, who could not bear to see the longing of the officers confined by their duty to offices for years' for tha wild free life on the back of the flying steeds. So President Rooevelt ordered a fifteen-mile ride once each year for all officers above tha grade of capte.ui and below that of brigadier general. Five miles at a walk, Ave at a trot nd five at a gallop was the prescrip tion. , The last few weeka have been busy ones of practice, for some of tha officers. At that one officer fell from his horse as ha at tempted to dismount after the ride. Other officers said ho caught his stirrup and would not tell his name. He walked ailffiy when ho got up. The riders took the route along the river road from Fort Snell lug to BkxMiilngtou, north to the pike, east to Bloomtleld, and return to the fort. The ride started at 9 a. in. and took two hours and fourteen minutes Minneapolis Jour nal ' WORLD'S GREATEST TELESCOPE II n are Observatory Iastrament with M'hlch the Solar System Will Be Stadted. One by one this country la equipping (tself with a group of the greatest obser vatories in the world. On the summit of Mount Wilson, a peak in oonuthern Call fornla, is a solar observatory which will outclass any other designed for that put pose. It is under tho patronage of the Car negie institute at Washington. The in tention is to spend at least tmwO upon its equipment. Mount Wilson was selected as the arte because tha atmosphere .there was rler and tranquil for a greater num ber of days than at any other place tested. Ono of the niot Important subjects of re search will be the apparent decrease in heat radiation from tho sun in Uie last few years. Another problem will be that undertaken by Prof. E. H Barnard, who Is not satisfied with the theory of he nebular origin, and who will try to de termine bosvjnuch faith can be put in the nebular iyptbesls. Tho popular notion Is that the astrono mer points his telescope directly at the sun and Bras bis vision poWt blank across the chasm pf millions of miles. Instead, tho errant sun rays are lasaooed by g eoelestat, a great circular mirror driven by clockwork in auch a planner that It th.cws its tight lulo another mirror above, and tt.s In turn sends tha long, concen Wakrd beam fur Into Mm interior of the telescope house. Tha two mirrors move lu automatic ad Jrilf """' to each other, ao that the solar beams may bo shot into the building, np matter in what portion of the sky the sun may be situated. At the further end of the building the reflected aunheam strikes a concave mirror, which catches the light. and, flubbing It back toward the opening whence it first entered, focubses It into a perfect Imaee of the sun. The greatest reflecting telescope in the world is to be the climax of the equipment of this observatory. A huge lens, five feet In diameter, eight inches thick tnd weigh ing a full ton, is being perfected at the Mount Wilson laboratory in Pasadena. To such exact nicety must its surface be, ground and polished it will require three years lo complete it ready for mounting. The glass In the rough costs tl a pound. With great patience and the highest me chanical skill it ts being fitted for Its mo mentous work. When completed it wiy be transported by an auto truck up the narrow trail to the observatory, and there will be mounted under a rotating dome fifteen feet In diameter. With this monster eye It will be possible to penetrate further Into the depths of space than by any Instrument ever before designed by nvan. Thousands of tourists from all parts of the world visit the observatory every year. 80 great U the popular Interest in the work there It lias been decided to establish a museum of astronomical photographs In connection with the observatory, to bo open to the public at all times Philadelphia Press. Bo suie to attend the special sale of lots in Dundee, at Fifty-second and L'ndorwood avenue, next Saturday afternoon, October 19. Take any West Farnam-Dundes car and go to Ffty-secoud street. THE REPORTER SAW THINGS Sensational Discovery of New Comet Which Proved to Bo a Searchlight. "The Lighthouse for the Plains'' recently Installed op the top of Pike's Peak caused a mild sensation last week in Pueblo, Colo., a city forty-five mile away. Some rest dents had been wondering whether a new and unknown comet had made its appear ance in the northwest and was daxzllng their eyes by Its unusual brightness, but when seversl would-be-famous astronomers began to make Investigations as to the un known light they found that their so-called comet was nothing more than the search light on the summit of Pike's Peak. The first time the unknown "comet" was no ticed was when the city editor of the Pueblo Star-Journal, who was sitting on his front porch, saw a new and brilliant light appear in the heavens to the north west and after twinkling a minute or ao disappear and then reappear and continue the game of light and dark for soma time. The only solution he could oome to was that it was a new and unheralded comet that had burst Into view. Bo much Inter ested was he that he called up Uis Colo rado college observatory by telephone to Inquire If Colorado Springs people had seen the new tramp of the skies. Hello! What kWid? Bring Red Cross - Cough .Drops every time. Be per bqx. Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magazine binding. 'Phone 104. A. I. Root, Inc. Beautiful Autumn Scenes On tho Way to Fort Crook Hourly service throughout the week. Sunday afternoon, 20-minute service. Interurban cars leave on the even hour , at 24th and N streets, South Omaha. From To 21th and N Streets, South Omaha Avery ..... Bellevue. . . . Avery 5 Bellevuei Ft Croofc AO . . ' .15 .051 .10 j ,06 Omaha & Southern Interurban Railway Company Bee Want Ads Produce Results