Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Image 3

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    t i
Not Looking1 for Position in Northern
ISO beautiful and stylish
of their extreme tastefulness,
Mater of Dr. G. A. Ymai of Morfollc
Roosevelt's fiotfrHr.
NORFOLK. Neb.. , Oct. 18. tSpeetal.)
The family of President ltoosevtlt Is very-
happy over the ritorn of the governess. J
. Miss Young, to the White house, according
to a special dispatch In tho St. Louis Re
public Miss Young Is a slater of Dr. O.
A. Young, supf rlntendent of the Nebraska.
Insane hospital at Norfolk, as well as a
sinter of Con Young, a well known tennis.
rhamplon. '
Miss Young, was Mrs. Roosevelt s gov
erness and In their earlier days she.
caoched all of the Roosevelt ' children In
thetr lessons, the languages and music'
Bhe was with them lrf the New York horned
before they went to Washington and hast
been absent only a few years. In fact only
.since Mrs, Longworth made her debutt
In society and Miss Ethel was enrolled lid,
he National Cathedral school, and thed
, boys all In their various schools.
Now she has returned to-Washington to
finish, off the second debutante In the.
Roosevelt family.
. Frontier Festival Successful.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Oct. 18.-(Spec1al.)
The Frontier festival of last week was one.
of the most successful amusement enter-
nrlaes ever undertaken In Hastings. Thei
expenses of the three days of tournaments,
Including advertising, amounted to over
tn.OOO. The contests and other events were
conducted In a tract only partially en
closed with fence and thousands attended,
rach day without paying admission.
The receipts were enough more than the
expenses to enable the association to pay
"Makes LLfeWalk Easy
, Call on our agent in your city, or writ ns
LEWIS A. CROSSETT, InO, No. Ablngton, Mass.
HAYDEN BROS.. Sole Omaha
Every day to October 31, 1907, you
have the privilege of this low one
way rate to Fortland, Seattle, Tacoma
and other points in the Northwest,
via the
the short line" to Portland, running
daily fast trains. . Inquire now for any
further information and make berth
reservations a 1 '
City Ticket Office, 132 i Far-cam St.
'Phone Dou. 1828.
' Saturday Kern tfll display the most magnificent the of dis
fnc've Fall Millinery ever shown in one house. Tie best things
that Fall Fashions (kern 2nd, both in the larje a id mod f ei shapes.
POPULARIZED K5RN among the womenfolk of Omaha. 230 new
exqjisite pat em tos shown Sa'urdar for the first time, trimmed
in long flowing ostrich plumes, fancy feathers, hot- $f f flfk
tentols. flowers and ribbons, soecialh or cti. 112.50 and I l.ll
tailored antf street hats, sure to
for Saturday sale, 16.15 and
PJ 15Q8 Douglas St.
dividend of considerable sire. A meet
ing of the. association will be held soon to
formulate plans' for the future. Dates for
next yetrr's frtlail have already been
selected and wluh more time for prepara
tion It Is hoped that It would be far mora
successful thaa the one held this year.
Jodge Denies II I m an Accounting; of
Carnival Funds.
TECUMSEH. Nrb., Oct. lS.-Speelal Tel
egram.) A i telegram was received hero
this afterrnon from James H. Cochran,
who , has been engaged In bridge work
near Mitchell, S. D., to the effect that hlB
two children, a girl aged years and a
boy aged 18 months, were burned to death
today. There was no particulars. The
Cochrane family had been living In a tent
near the bridge work all summer. The
father Is a son of Dr. John Cochrane, a
pioneer pltyslclan of Tecumseh. The
bodies will be brought" here for burial to
morrow. Sebbraika. Ket Hotes.
Blue HIU The fjtillorwlng nt'fliers wore
elected for the Glenwwod Telephone com
pany: George Munaon. president: R.
Thompson , vi'-ee-ra'esldent: F. C. Uuschow,
secretary; and F. ,T. Hnpka, treasurer.
Fremont Cuspep Craber. a prominent
German resident, of this city, died at his
home yesterday nfternoon at the age of f6.
He was born at Nauhrim. Prussia, and
served In the Franco-Prussian war with
great credit. He came to this country
thirty years figo and for twenty-eluht
years worked at the Slvth street meat mar
ket. He was very active In the Baptist)
church and a member of the A. O. I". W.
A widow and two children survive him. '
YORK Tho republican county central'
committee has arranged with C. WAIdrlch .
of David City, the present state senator!
from Butler and Seward counties, to mnkei
several campaign speeches In this county
PHE foot only at rest, but never.
the shoes as long as you are
standing in them. A constant
s pressure ' on, every, sido steadily
stretching poor shoes out of shape.
Crossetts keep the feet easy and
keep their shape because made the
right way from the right kind of
pleaie because $C A A
as follows: Wednesday, October 23, a)
Mrhorvilie; Thursday, October U. at Brad
slisw; Friday, October 25, at Thayer; Sat
urday, October W. at Gieshsm. The meet
ings will be held In the town halls of the
various townships at 8 o'clock p. m.
i.iue Hill A. F. Kruper killed a wolf
Tuesday welglilngam-.d,bk( T H H
Tuesday that weighed thirty-two pounds.
These animals are getting numerous again,
ami unless looked after may become a se
rtcii rinblcm wlih the farmer.
CKXTRAL CITY Congressman Boyd has
notified R. Tooley, republican congressional
icommltteeman for this county, that he has
received the resignation of Benjamin Col
born from the office of postmaster at
Palmer to take effect the first day of next
January. Mr. Colhurn gives the press of
other duties iib his reason, for giving up
t s office. The office pays about $1,000 per
year. No successor to Mr. Colhurn has
.been chosen yet, but It Is probable tha,t
the position will be tendered to John L.
Davis, who Is an old resident or Palmer
and one of the wheelhorses In the repub
lican county organization.
COL.I MHI B Mrs. Knima w yser, ngea
years, died here Tuesday. Mrs. Wyser was
born In Bwltserland and had lived In Co
lunibus a year.
COLl'MBl fc The farmer who planted po
tatoes is strictly In It this season and
reaping big money. R. V. Liscne planted
eleven acres last spring and he has reaped
a harvest from the eleven acres that
brought him tt.iX).
COl-l'MBCS William Dawson, a carpen
ter 7at work on the Friedhof residence,
last his footing and fell from a scaffold
yesterday, Injuring himself Internally,
though no bones were broken.
HASTINGS Mrs. Angellne Walters, wife
of W. T. Walters of Blaine township, died
Wednesdav night after a long Illness.
Funeral services will be held at the Vnlted
' Brethren church In this vicinity Sunday
! (...
H ABTING9 Miss Marie Peterson and Mr.
Charles Davidson were married at 8 o'clock
Wednesdav night at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Peterson. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Iee n.
Young of St. Mark's Episcopal church.
Thev will reside at Ogalalla, Neb.
HASTINGS Miss Cecil Baker of this city
and Ernest Leon Betkin of Osborne, Kas.,
were united In marriage at the bride's
home In this city Tuesday evening by Rev.
C. W. Wrver of the First Pvesbyterlan
church. They will live at Osborne, Kas.
HASTINGS Fred Hull and Joe Hershey
of this city were stabbed by an unidenti
fied man while waiting to board a train
at Mlnden about 1 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. The former Interfered Iqal altercation
between a man and a 'oman on tho depot
platform. Tho woman's assailant turned
upon htm and Inflicted a knife wound about
two Inches deep In the right leg. Hershey,
who was standing tn the waiting room of
he station, went to the platform when
he heard the scuffling and was stabbed In
the lower part of the abdomen. Hull was
brought to Hastings yesterday afternoon
but Hastings was rot -In condition to bo
removed. The assailant escaped. Tho
woman wa arrested.
HASTINGS In anticipation of a term
of tho federal court In this city during the
i n r.f t v.(M n iYi a enurt suite!
nth-toatof CftI 10 T. ,
throughout. For stveral years It has been cern. The coal company shipped out 41.0(10
the custom of one of the court officials to pounds of coal to the Lincoln concern,
come to Hastings once or twice '"'h year wh)ch deman(3ed that the coal be weighed
to adjourn court. On such occasions me ,
official would strike an attitude In soma . when It reached here. This was done and
Isolated part of the hotel, call through the j the scales showed only 40,000 pounds of
prescribed formula for opening court and . coa, ha1 been cev.d, u rftfu(lelj t0 pay
endV n the rlnkage and the railroad
Hastings will have a genu'ne court session i company refused to deliver the coal. Be
once or twice each year. The ""rt offices Bdes tne ral,roa(l company bpgan t0 Urk
a"s KbS?:... VnTd'S- demurrage charge. The coal company
judiciary In Nebraska. took the matter up with the commission
HASTiNush-samuei mimi . -''''" I ana wnen tne kock island was notified It 1 straighten out the city authorities. He
'ed to knk ff th charge wrTtf. that the mayoof he city. M. P.
oline with which they were working In the -on the 4,000 pounds aa well as the dannur- giPge1s swore at him and promised to
Kdpett panlatnrlurri . " wcktn'a TwrTi ... , ' beat him. merely because Clute challenged
a ' t'l'o ...a. nnrmlnl their eSCROC
I Breakfast Food Men to Flgbt. M Thnt be challenged at least
through the d.ior and they made their way;
to the s'dewalk bv leaping from the win-
aieT: dSn of the hln ami
erlous lnlurles. Samuel Fdgett
Va severely burned about the head and
hands. t . .a v.
Cha'rles Ma'lone were marled at St. Cecelia's
Catholic cnuren tueauay. r
aid performed the ceremony. The brhle was
and the groo mby Joseph Malone of Omaha.
.... .it, .....LI.. In Hastings.
ttpmleo DV ner bihi-i. wii-" .
"7 J' 7 ;,.hml,tt Fort
.-.,n-n Pil llfll'N! I'lirl h(
Calhoun resident, dleu v en ........
from the excessive use of liquor Mr
Schmidt was a member of the Knights of
the Woodmen of the World.
wVj". --,nn f America and Masinlc
r i v - ---- . , . n i Av. .
;miu.i. Ancient Order
!V i-nited Workmen of Irvlngton. He was
heavily Insured.
BEATRICE F. C. Crocker, a stockman
n..i n.r vitiev. returned yesterday IMni
; h nurchaaed six head
c line Uuroc-Jersey hogs at a fancy
I! PATRICE Judge Kelllgar will convene
court here next Monday, at wnlcli
he will begin the laborious task of draw
ing a special Jury to try Robert Mead
Rliumway. the. alleged murderer of Mrs
Sarah Martin. Shumway a trial Is set for
November 4.
BEATRICE Fifty head or nne roiano
-..,. v . to Charles A. Lewis
were sold here today and the stock brought
good prices. Lafo Burger of Kansas was
"'nTKlCF-The Fnlon Pacific stone
cruslu i- fit Blue Springs has closed down
fur the winter.
BEATRICE Harry O. Nles and Mlas
Ciia FlMier were murriwa uem
T(F "-RICE The new city
directory of
r.-jurlce. nubllshed by Polk &
Co., gives
Die city a population 01 iz.jw.
BEATRICE There Is a move on foot
to organire a farmers' elevator company
at Fills, this county. Eighteen shares of
Mnck have been disposed of, and Indica
tions are that an organization of this kind
will be perfected In a short time.
BEATRICE Word was received here yes
terrtuv from Odell. III., announcing the
iidrten death of Thomas McCormack,
former resident of Beatrice, who recently
lert inis I lace Slier
ter. Mrs. F. A. le
.died two day's
at the age of TO years.
after reaching home
BEATRICE The GaKe county fa'r will
be he.d In Beatrice next week, the dates
be'ng October 11 to 3i. Prospects point to
a l'pe exhibit of stock and agricultural
BEATRICE Mrs. Lona Larson of Rock
fnr.l 111., died in a hosnltal st Omaha ves-
rduv ami the remains will be broucbt
?TlVt wheLew.Vof
this city.
A1NSWORTH An c-f.lemle of tvnhold
fev.r Is In Charles Fry's family of nix
children. One un L"n?? ' J, ,n1 cau ' my troubles and stopped using ItT i week grsnted a franchise for the con
AINWORTH Panlel Relrw an . old ! 1 trl ' la itm plsce nd then " hut structloii and ooeration of an electric lWht
settler here, died ves'erdny morn'ne fr-m ; neither agreed witk me; then I commenced I plant to U & Jenkins and H. D. Foorrt,
the effects of a five years linuermg ai-
eae with rheiimati-m. He leaves a wife
l ,u""ive ,nUT'
A. f VP L. . TVi .at niji.AM-1 Si Wi Via ft WAI I -fr O an.
Led band of chicken thieves operating In
the county. Lessen are rerKir'ed w'th
rincVf-nrir rerulsriiy.' It Is probable tbat
the plunder is disposed of in'sonie of the
cttirs snd towns in the sdjolnlng ount'e.
As the thieves can he'd the stuff un'll
th excitement has died d"n and then
drive to s"t,ie dl'tant point n1 sH It,
U is a d'fftcult tnetter to hti off tho
buslnt-M. The. farmers themselves are be-
jtouilini arouvd vn the subject.
Railroads Reqnest Stat Commission
to rermlt Tnem to Make Reeon
Ignment . Charges la
Janetlon Agala.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) i
LINCOLN, Oct. 18 (Special Telegram.)
There Is no concealed longing for a Judl-
cial position In Alaska about Deputy At- j
torney General W. B. Rose. He wlU re- j
main In the corn state and dig up citations
of law regarding the railroads before he
will accept the judicial ermine and wear
It In the A ret lb circle.
That was the substance of a remark made
by the former republican state chairman
today when asked concerning his posltWin
and the probable offer of a place In the
north, if It should be determined before
hand that he would accept.
"I have not been offered any position and
I wouldn't accept If I had," Mr. Rose
said. Further than that he declined to
talk on northern matters.
The recently published statement of
Senator Burkett that he nelleved Mr. Rose
could secure the Alaskan position If he
wanted It and the fact that the two men
had been lu conference over tho matter
brought the answer to pending negotia
tions in Mr. Rose's statement this morn
ing. Those who have watched the contest
between Mr. Rose and Ross Hammond of
Fremont for the Internal revenue collector
ship have been decidedly Interested In the
attitude Mr. Rose would take on the
Alaskan Judgeship. Mr. Rose's friends
point out that he has been offered nothing 1
definite. No tender of a place has been
made him and If he should at any time
make known that he would accept this
position, It would put him out of the col
lectorshlp for good and open the way for
another appointment there.
Reeonalarnment Charges.
All the railroads of Nebraska have ap
plied to the Nebraska Railroad commission
for permission to put In effect reconstgn
ment charges. The practice of reconslgn
Ing goods has sprung up among whole
salers largely because of the delay In re
ceiving shipments which always. finds the
receipt of any quantity of material awaited
by a long list of back orders. Up to tho
present the dealers have sometimes held
cars thus shipped before' sending them
on. The roada find fault with the prac
tice and ask that they be given the right
to make a charge of $o a car where the
rebllllng Is not dono within twenty-four
hours; J6 where It is not done before
forty-eight hours; 1,7 where the time la
not over seventy-two. and no reconslgn
ment where this limit Is exceeded.
tthlppcrs object seriously to tho desire of
the roads and a hearing will be had on
October 23 at Ltncoln. ,
Thompson to St. Paul.
Attorney General Thompson has gone to
St. .Paul, Minn., to resist the application ! get the motor car off the track? In time to
of the railroads In the United States clr- j prevent a collision. The commission, how
cult court there for a temporary restrain- j evr, believes it haa authority to appropriate
lug order agairwt the railroad commission the tracks of the company to Its own use
of Nebraska preventing them from reduc- I If It wants to, and unless stopred by the
Ing grain rates during the pendency of the
suit Involving this question. This Is the
case In which the Nebraska foderal court
decided against the roads.
Railroad Company Backs I p.
The Star Van & Storage company of
Lincoln Is In the amount of the freight on
four tons of coal and demurrage charge
and the Rock Island Is out. Just that much,
by reason ofan appeal to the State Railway
commission by , the Coal Hill company,
... ....
Deputy Food Commissioner Johnson has
come Into possession of a. circular sent out
the manufacturer, of a breakfast food.
which promisee to pay all the costs at-
tached to any court proceedings which may
I be started against the local dealers bv I
reason of him selling this particular art.!-
cle: The food commissioner said he notified
or would notify all the county attorneys in
the state to begin prosecutions. The date
for the start of all these cases and a
thousand more, has not yet been set.
Commission See Fight Ahead.
The 8tate Railway commission has not
.,Le t. 7 i "V ., I. Z
, ' vv, .no win
j not do so at least untlt Chairman Wlnett
returns from his trip east. It Is llabel to
crcate aoma trouble when the commission
...... .. .... ... . ..
l-r " ne Missouri ractflc,
as the officials of that road Intimated such !
to the commission. The railroad men said
they would furnish a man to go along with
the commission when It went out to In
spect tracks, and tt also requested that it
be Informed when the commission set out.
j The latter part of the request Is not ob
' Joetlonabla to the commission members.
though they refuse to take a railroad man
wtn them, and neither will they wait for
orim ,n tarllns ouL , the m,nnUmt
ubt exists a. to the right of the
commission to put a motor car on the tracks
J of any railroad company, and It may be
after the commission Invests In Its new
car It will find Itself up against an In
junction. Of course, the commission Is
willing to take Its own risks In running
ahead of a train, hut the commission has
Get Saturated With Cafflne.
When a person has used coffee for a
number of years and gradually declined
, ln health. It la time the coffee should be
l" off rd-'- wehr
, that has been the cause of the trouble.
a laay in nuntingion, Ala., saya shf
used coffee for about 40 years, and for
the rist ;0 yeprs haa had severe atomarh
trouble. "I have been treated bv minv
physl.ana but all In vain. Everything
fal.ed to give relief. Waa prostrated for
, some time, and came near dying. When I
i to ot t0
I MrilM J.I.I. , j . . j. , . J . .
' . . . "... vj h a 1 1 auu l Buuma
on my stomach.
I nnally concluded that ceffee waa the,
: using fosium, nad It properly made and
t was very pleasing to the taste. .
"I have now used It for .our montha.
' and mv hemlxh ,0 -"tlr Improved that
' I can eat almost anything I want and can
sleep well, whereas, before. I suffered for
, years with lnsomnla.
"I have found the causa of my troubles
I and a way to get rid of them. You can
depend upon it I appreciate Post urn."
I "There's a Reason.'' Read "The Roaa to
WtllvlUe," In ik(,
may not bo lost but one
pones his acquaintance
clothes satisfaction as he ever was.
Not only in fabric, style and pnoral pond npr.pnroncf . bat thry ti.
well made an to insure entire
he puts them on until the
experienced the satisfaction
readily go back to the ordinary
to Jump Into the satisfied clnss through the medium of our fall suits
not only the suits, but the price, will please you
$10, $12, $15, $18, $20
AND UP TO $40 1
at this store lately it is pleasing to note how easily they are suited
from our stock It Is no small thing to suit any taste or fit any form,
but we seem to accomplish it.
Rain Coats, .... $10 to $25
Fall Overcoats. - - $10 to $35
I --'-I
' ft.
no bond up that It will be responsible If It
causes a wreck bv reason of a failure to
courts It will probably do so.
Woman Gets the Last.
OMAHA. Oct. 1(1. Dear Sir: I herewith
enclose a half of a J10 paper bill, the other
half having accidentally been lost while
shopping. So please, be so kind and fur
nish me with a new bill If possible and If
not with the amount which It Is worth.
Tustlng to hear from you by return mail
and thanking you In advance I am yaurs
truly. Mrs. F. SVOBOPA.
1417SouthEleventh .
The above letter was received by State
Treasurer Prian this morning and on the
next mnll he sent to Mrs. Svoboda a nice,
new crips 10 bill In exchange for tho
mutilated bill she sent to him. Br.- Brian,
however. Informed Mrs. 6voboda that the
next time she gets a $10 bill 'toYn In two
while sheening sho can get the bill ex-
changed at any bank, providing she hangs
on to more than half of It -as she did In
this caso.
Botto Man Haa a Grievance.
Charles W. Clute of Butto wanta Gov
ernor Sheldon to come to that city and
, twenty persons, but all of them voted by
swearing In their votes. He said he had
reported the matter to the county at-
torney but had received no relief, notwlth-
.t.nrfln he had been hung In effigy. The
communication will be referred to Governor
i Pn.1(,nn tmmcdlately upon his return from
the south.
Fnnrral ( L. C. Harnly.
The funeral of L. C. Harnly will be held
from the Trinity Methodist church at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Burial will
occur at YVyuka cemetery. For seven
years Mr. Harnly had been assistant state
. . , ,,,
! superintendent and in this position ho be--
. m . imnrn tn tha rbr.ol men nnd women
of the state and in their confidence he held
an enviable position. Probably no more
popular man . ever worked In the state
house. He was genial and at all times a
gentleman, competent and obliging. Out
of respect to his memory the statehouse
' w rW(l t bo1IP f ts. f.,n.e.
Historical Society Organised.
The .Mississippi Valley Historical society
was organized this morning by the elee
tlnn of the following officers: F. A". Samp
son of Missouri, president; Dr. Warren Fp
ham of Minnesota, vice president: C. B.
Tainc of Nebraska, secretary and treas-
I urer. These officers wun ur. unen cxin
Thwaltes of the Wisconsin society and
Colonel Oeorgo W. Martin of the historical
society of Kansas, constitute the executive
committee, which will have charge of ths
affairs of the association. Including the
election of members, calling of meetings
and arranging of programs.
These officers will serve only temporarily
until the first of the semi-annual meetings
ef the association, which will ba held at
Madison, Wis., at the time of the next an-
nual meeting of the American Historical
association. A large numtier or suojects
of Interest to the members were discussed
st the meeting, and plans of work to be
adopted by this association were gone Into
W. C. T. V. Goes to Hast lags.
The next meeting of the Women's Chris
tian Temperance I'nion will be held St
Hastlnrs, that bustl'ng city having won
the honor after a hard contest. Omaha was
! aflBr th. meeting and Its delegates worked
hard and faithfully,
but were unable to
I.tghtlaa System for Central City.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. . Oct. lt.-The
evlty council at Its regular session this
I of Omaha, and work on the plant Is under
way. The city haa contracted for forty
glow Ughta of Jno candle po-r each, and
I o m
four arc lights of 2,ono candle power each
for street lighting purposes. The plant
will cost tl5.C) and tha power house will
be constructed oa land adjacent to tha
water works engine house. It is honed
that tha streets may be lighted wlthtng
forty days, as permission has been given
to use the waterworks holler for running
tha dynamo' until the regular boiler ar-
thing is cortnin th'
with this store is ns far u
satisfaction to the wearer fTim the-lS1
time he lays thorn aside. M?u wh
that (toes with one of o;ir stilts n
rcady-mndes, and we e::rect many t.YlrS
Diagonal stripes In a variety of widths and color combina
tionssure to suit your funey and an assortment
of neat patterns and subdued colors for men who Slip
lean toward conservatism f S
Some men are more "finicky" about Shirts than anvthlng
else they wear, and the are the kind we C r.i
like to see at our shirt counters we f g
are so well prepared for tbem "
You'll want, to top off that new fall out- tn rni
fit our 186 styles make selection easy I JU 4 ( iUJ
rives from tho boiler works. Central City
Is at present without any street lights, as
tho gaa was shut off a week ago. The
differences between the city and tho gas
company grew out of the tatter's refusal to
replace the burners on the street lamps,
when It changed the form of Its gas from
gasoline to ,cool gas, thus rendering the
old burners practically worthless.
Malt Ale Mar Ba "old.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., Oct. U. (Spe
olal.) On the fourth day of last July, Carl
Prlegel proprietor of the Klondike restau
rant in this city, was arrested on a charge
of selling Intoxicating liquors, the officers
of the law upon raiding his place, finding
a large quantity of Rochesteer malt ale.
At his preliminary hearing Mr. FTlegel ad
mitted that he had been selling the stuff
right along but said that In doing so he
rolled upon the manufacturer's guarantee
that It was non-tntoxlratlng, as It con
tained less than 2 per cent of alcohol.
However, he was bound over to the dis-
trlct court and placed under bonds, which
he furnished himself. . Immediately after
the preliminary hearing County Attorney
Ross sent a couple of bottles of the malt
ale to the office of the pure food eommos-
sloner In Lincoln, and the latter has made
an analysis and declares that It contains
less than 1 per cent of alcohol and hence
could not be classed as an Intoxicating
liquor. Acting upon this Information from
the pure food commissioner, the action
against Mr. Frlegn) has been dismissed and
ha will not be prevented from selling the
i malt alo In tho future.
Mortem Hotel for Hastlnars.
I HASTINGS, Nob.. Oct. M.-(8peclal Tele-
eram.)-A movement was launched today
for the edectlon of a modern hotel In
Hastings, to cost upwards of $160,000. Sub
scriptions for a considerable portion of
this' sum have been made, and a cammlttee
has been named to Investigate various prop
ositions looking to the building of a hotel.
" V""'"'" vl wl" """""X
night to consider the matter further.
Chafe Under Orders to Par Llajnor
License Tax and Plan
While members of various clubs affected
by the order of the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners regarding payment
of licenses for liquor dealing' after January
1, ari not talking for publication. It Is
given out In soma quarters that some of the
clubs have decided that If they are com
pelled to pay such licenses every person
who pays federal Internal revenue tax aa .
wholesale or retail dealer In liquor In j
Omaha shall be compelled to de the same
thing or the members of the clubs will
know why.
At present about thirty persons hold In
ternal revenue receipts, but no state
licenses. The police department has a list
of such pci sons and the men who are op
posed to collecting licenses from the clubs
say that before the order Is put Into effect
the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
will bo requested to make It binding upon
,n persons, with the contingency of showing
the district court why It Is not done.
4X (ha lW aspaetatUM
. a anMl aVswsni. M4a
is wUfcs as wl s sVjjtire (ast
W U Z sad .
MWITT, PtllDIt 4 flf
The Woman's Rlioe, made
in all the season's favored
In all the new lasts and
This season's heels on
ladies' shoes range from the
extreme spike heel to tho
comfortable common sense.
3.50 and 4.00
Shoe Store
203 South ism
Use Af 1
Superfluous Hair
. Short sleeve gowna demand
smooth white arms, free from hair
growth. MANDO,.the most de
pendable depilatory known, will
remove all hair without burn or
car. Accept no substitute.'
Price, $1.00; samples, 10c
Wait bi BoUea Star urug tpC,
1 hs Vdu Concur,
Ths hA lru Co..
Beaton Drug Co.,
Mrm-miion Drug Co..
i- h. rcuwidi.
Ch. C. Lihrr.
An Unusually
Brisk Trade
THE very hsary demand on several
of our leading lines of tnnJluin
grade fabrics, has caused quit a hole
ln the stock.
In order to balance up the lines, and
even up the variety of styles we have
reduced the price this week on many
of our very bent grades.
You'll find m&Dy excellent $50 and
$45 suitings offered to you at 140, end
the 42 and 940 fabrics at $35. The
shrewd buyer will select his fall gar
ments here today.
Trousers SB to $12 Suits J25 to $50
w i nie- '1 1 k 1
Utt-11 SW. 1Mb tU. '