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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1907)
H W a. nt ads Atrrrtiwinrati far the want ad rolnsnn trill be taken til 13 m. for the errata edition aad antll n p. m. fer Ike nonlii aad onday edition. Cash noil accompany all order for will ada aad no adrertlaemeat will be accepted for leaa than lO ceala tor j the Art Insertion, j Rates apply to either The Daily or Bandar Bea. Always roant six word to a line. Combination of Initial or numbers fooit a oao Trord. CAH RATF.S FOR WANT ADS. ', II U Gi l. A II CLASSIFICATION Out Insertion, per line, 10 rent. Two or more ronaecatlve Insertion, per lino, l rent. Each Insertion made on odd day, lO rent per line. fl.AO Pr line per month. cash nATEiTTon sotices. Death and Fonernl Notice, Card ol Thank and Lodge Kotlce, T cent ( per line for one edition, morning; or j even last 8 cent a line for each ad-: dltlonnl edition, sonuay, i " : line, fia ad taken for leaa than a eaat. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION yonr advertisement Is Inserted nnder nnr one of the rlalficatluns below, It will be charged tt the fol lowing rate i One Inaertlon, 4 cents per line three to l conaecntlve In sertion, a cents per line each .nser tlom seven or more consecutive In. aertlons, il cents per line each Inser tion CO cents per line per month. BARTER AKD EXCHANGE. IH SIXESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED JIALB. Except AgrnU, Solicitors and Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cows. Bird, Doks and Pets. Horses nnd Vehicle. Poultry aad Ea. Furniture. Typewriter nnd Sewlnaj Machines. Plnnos, Organ nnd Molcal Instru ments. OFFERED FOR REST. Fnrnlsbed Rooms. I'nl urnlshed Rooms. Honsekeeplns; Rooms. Boarding and Rooms. WANTED TO BOY. Want ads for The Bee may be lei at any of the following drag; stores one Is "your corner drua;s;lst" they nre all branch office of The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Jnt promptly and on the same rotes as at the main offlco In Tho Bee Bnlldln, Seventeenth and Karnam Streets. Albaeh. W. C. 40th and F.arn,am- Rcrantk, B. A.. 140 B. Mh Bt. Wrcht Pharmacy, 7'."0 8. loth St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson rep .,-,i Bemls Taik pharmacy, L3d and Cuming. Blake Pharmacy. 1816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C It.. 6th and Pierce bis. Clifton liill Pharmacy. 2113 Military Ave. Conte, J B.. 31st Av. and Farnam. Crlssry I'harmary, 14th and Lake Cermak, Emll. 1264-tl 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamiltan. Ehler. K. H.. i8u2 tavfnworth Forster A Arnold), 213 N. 2Gth St. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lako. Oreen'0 Pharmacy, comer Park Ave. and Pftcl fic. ' Oreenough, O. A., 1025 S. 10th St. Greenough, G. A., 1634 S. Wh St. Hayden Vm. C 2920 Farnam fit. Han scorn Park Phar.. 1501 8. 28th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. lfith St. Huff. A. L., 2!'24 I.eavenworth Bt. King. II. 8 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chaa. K., 1324 N. 114th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th Hnd Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co.. 16th and CSchaefer, August. 231 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins. - Walton Pharmacy, 20tli and Grace Sis. Worth. O. II.. 40th and Hamilton St. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. KAUFMAN.n William, age 41 years. Oc tober 17, 1907. .... Funeral Bunday afternoon at 2 o clock from family residence, 02 South Sixteenth street. Interment Laurel Hill cemetery. intends Invited. WHITESIDE MIbs Minnie, died Thurs day, October 17. at the home of her sinter. Mrs. William Colt, 3569 Harney street. Funeral will be held from Bt. Peter's church Saturday, October 19, at 9 o'clock, a. m. The funera.1 of Emll H. Lund will take place Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. from the residence of H. J. Lund, 638 South Twenty-sixth avenue. Rev. Hummon offi ciating. Interment Prospect hill cemetery. Services will be under the auspices of tho Fraternal Order of Eagles. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Charles Havei stock. 2124 Blnney street, girl; William Rasmussen, 310 Pine street, girl; Martlnus Svendsmn, 3J-7 Lako street, boy; William Wylie, 4131 Lafayette avenue, boy; Christ Ronnan, 22.'0 South Twenty-eighth street, girl; Albert Crause, lf North Eighteenth street, boy. Deaths Anna Hanson, County hospital, aged 86 years; f'harles L. Schmidt, 2731 Chicago street, i ited 67 years; Cora Ken dall. 2i?S Capltoi avenue. 2!t years; Miss Katie Schmiia, --"24 Castellar stret, aged 33 years: John Benson, Bt. Joseph's hos pital, aged "7 years; John Brennsn, St. Joseph's hosyital. seed 69 years; Wlnfred M. Edwar in. J22 Dorcas street, aged 3 months; John Malleson. 713 North Thirty Mecrui street, aged. 69 years; John Hajek, County hospital, aged 92 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The folowlng marriage licenses have been Vaued: Nam and Residence. Age. Oeorge Bogaey. Bouth Omaha 28 Gertrude Marry sinskl. Howard Co., Neb.. 24 Francis M. Richardson, South Omaha.... SK Alvlna Rothman, Pluttsmouth, Neb 20 Melvln E. Ilgenfrlts. Osceola. Ia 33 Margaret Carlton.. Osceola. Ia 36 Michel Levin. Omaha S5 Rebecca Solomon, Omaha 25 LODGE NOTICES. All officers and members of Ak-Sar-Ben lodge No. 173. Degree of Honor, Anolent Order of United Workmen, are requested te be present at the funeral of Katie Schmlti. UF.'t Castellar street, Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock sharp. H LA lUH'H EKOKD. C. of 11, ' A N N A K A RaVH. Recorder. ANNOUNCEMENTS the fall term boyles College Is now open In both th DAT and NIGHT sessions. Yet II is not too late to enter. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, Tel cgrapny std Lnelish. The catalogue Is U" H. B. BOTLES, PRE8. BOTI.bS BLDG.. uMAUA. NEB. to S00 bIGN PAINTINO-8. H. Cole. 13CJ Douglas. tl SjJ MU6IC Every Evening-Hotel Rome. tl)-8M fM f TP1 TV rVhool of languages tyliV 1 rUl French. German, open. ish. Davldge Hidg.. lSth and Ksrnam Day and evening classes. (1 MS!e Ns M'.SS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening ot tier dressmaking parlors, id! North Uth. You are rordlall-r invited U call. 1-M7M a-HK CITT GARBAGE! CO., office 4th and aeavtDwi'lD els. 1U. DoutiUa 137. (1-401 AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT. MS Farnam. (2)-0 NEARLY new 24-hntee rwer. touring car; moras battery, full tup, lumps snd equipment; rout $1,460 In Msy, 1!'.7; only run H.nofl miles; in first-class shape, st a bargain. D. V. SIIOLES COMPANY, 110 Board of Trade Bidg. (2D-996 A FOfn-HHRFE power Orient buck board for sale, tjood as new. Price. $i"; cost $. Addiess'Y, Gen'l Iellv.. Station B, city. , . 0-M7S5 X BARTER AND EXCHANGE 3M ACRES Sherman Co., Texas. Want automobile. W. B. B., Luvcrne, Minn. (3) MM i TO EXCIIANOE M acres of Improved land, tour miles from Mentor, Minn.; i mnrltfaim 11 fn.V nrtce 10 ner acre. Wish 1 to excliange equity lor siock oi Ing. For further particulars wrltoJ. M. inill, Cronkslon, Minn. (3) lji7 -x GOOD, clear Bouth Dakota lands to trade for flrst-cluss rental property. Hn 11. Hamburg, la. (3-M,S4 21x FOR 8AI.E or trade for new stock of men's shoes, 13o acres of land joining town of Merrlman. Cherry county, Ne braska; also .TO lots, same town Cash price for sll for quick desl. 11,3"". J. E. Uraber, Tulsa, Okl. (3)-M.j56 21 CHOICE Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa lands, Improved or unimproved, to trade for merchandise or other property. J. O. Grensei. SuO North i7th St., Lin coln. Neb. (3)-MT78 2Jx StO ACRES choice land near Omaha to trade for Income property; land Is clear. J. O. Grenscl, 800 North 27th St., Lin coln, Neb. (3) M780 22x WILL TRADE 1H0 acres In 17-12I-C2, Rob erts county, and 24" acres In 124-53, Day county, all In South Dakota, for hard ware Implements, general merchandise or bank stocks. Two liJO-acre farms In Agenry township, bin seres In Dry Wood Lako township, Roberts county, 8. D., for stocks of goo Is or reglsteied cows, heef type, any breed. L. J. Onstad, Stsseton, S. D. (3)-M73S 31 X TO TRADE For Nebraska real estate, 100 acres Illlnots land, near Chicago. Pt'ce 116.001). ,0(i0 can run five years at 6 rer cent interest, (i. A. Eckles. Owner, 171a Chicago St., Omaha. (3 BIO 20x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE-I2,30(v-Steam laundry, 'neltid Ing building, at Sac City, la.; practically new; no competition; business thorougaly established; weekly receipts $126 to $160. Under aggressive mnna.seraent buslni'ss could be doubled almost immediately. This property, with e.t.ilprr.ent. will in voice $4.uoO. Address H. 8. Burnt, cashier First Natlonul Bank, Sac City, ia. (4J-44S 31 Mining and Industrial Stocks We buy and sell any active unlisted stocks. We hav-j rare bargains in In dustrial stocks, subject to tho mosL rigid investigation. We have bargain In sev eral active mining stocks In Nevada, also several bargains In copper stocks. Wo receive weekly reports from all the Important mining districts In the United States and Mexico. ROUT. C. DRl'ESEDOW & CO.. Stock Brokers. 809 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3MZ. Omaha. Neb. tl 4J6 029 FOR 9AI.E-1. 100 worth of 10 rjer cent per annum. em u.inuni nreferretl teleunone stock and $4.5o0 worth of common stock, i averaging 16 per cent annually for the last nve years, i nis proposition win near the closest Investigation. Globe Land & Investment Co., 806 South 18th St.. On ana. Neb. U) M649 22 FOR BALE Best paying hotel In South Ohiaha: bulldina and fixtures for Si.dOj: cash, $2,500. Lot and building worth the money. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO.. 326-6 Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7332. (4)-M6o A BARGAIN 32-roQm hotel, steam heated; in good western Iowa town; price, $12,000; easy terms; doing a good business. BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE CO.. 326-6 Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7332. (4)-M6o2 FOR SALE A $3,350 6 per cent mortgage loan, one-half due In 1910 and one-half in 1911. Secured on first-class real estate; also a $1,400 6 per cent semiannual drat mortgage loan secured on good real es tate, both first class loans. Globe Land & Investment Co., 309 Bouth IStli St.. Omaha, Neb. (4I-M661 22 I'nn R I 14 OlKl wnvtli of. Mate Rlnh stock In a paying bank in the state of Iowa paving a goon ctivmena. mnoe iana A Investment Co., 206 South lHth St., Omaha, Neb. . (4) M 22 FOR SALE Bathing pavilion, oonfectlon ery store, ise cream parlor, and boat livery, all controlled at one pavilion; no opposition; good business for four months for the right man. For particulara write P. O. Box 366, Grand Haven, Mien., (4J-M..64 21x WANTED To buy a good newspaper la northeast Nebraska: stats price; confi dential. Address Y 29, care Bee. (4J-M108 19x FOR SALE OR RENT Bakery,' wholesale and retail; have the best trade In the city. Address William Rltzhaupt. Guthrie, Okl. (4J M114 21x PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only newspa per In South Dakota town; cylinder. Job ber, power.- plenty of material, large ter ritory; good crops. Term to suit. Jour nal, White Rock, 8. D. (41-M612 22x TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL see "BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL." 822 N. Y. Life. Te'. Doug. 6143. (41-811 TWO BOWLING ALLEYS, Brunswick-Balke-Collender. for sale cheap. Address W. E. Kaguni Utlca, Neb. (4) M.04 24 WANTED A buyer for a lunch counter doing 410 business per month in towu of 4,uo0. Address Y 109, caie Bee. (4) M701 23 for SALE-Biacksmith and wagon shop In town of oou population; nearest town. 10 miles; modern equipment; more work than two can do; will sell at bargain; selling on account of health. Write or call for particulars. . Lock box No. 28, Overbrook, Kan. (4) M700 23x PIANO REPAIR SHOPS AND TUNING, FOR SALE At a bargain, a good busi ness Willi approximately 4,000 names of local owners, diving name, addre&s, and condition of pluno; no competition; owner retiring frorn business. Addrees C. A. Squire. 112 E. 2d St.. Wichita. Kansas. (4)-6Dl ax FOR SALE Only drug store In good north. west Iowa town of 600 population; invoice ' about $3,&U, net prollts $J,3uo yearly; good reason for selling; only cash considered. Address Y-lotj, care Omaha Bee. (41-168 21 FOR 8ALEt-$1,5i restaurant for $00 if taken at once; old established place d ln a paying business. Box 2"6, Morris, 111. (O-MoM 2Jx A GOOD opening for a No. 1 attorney; the writer will give I1I111 an office free for one year; all kinds of buslnavs for the right rarty; Sidney Is the county seat, and we need a good, honest man. Inquire at once, L. Box S16. Sidney. Neb. (4) Mt4 Nov.tx HERE IS A CHANCE to get a good drug store in Muscatine. Ia., a live city of I6.O1O people, situated on the Mississippi liver; two railroad trunk lines from Chi cago to Kansas City running through it. the Chicane Hock Island A Psclfic. and the Chicago, Milwaukee A 8L Paul, be side other smaller roads or branches. Everything about the store ftrsi-vlas. Situated on the main street In the heart of the business district. Write tor fur ther particular to II. E. Van Ducer. Rock laland. III. (4)-Mt00 1x Do You Wish to Make a Change f IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or exenang wr't us. Ol-OBB LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA. NEB. (-M2 11 FOR SALE In a first clsss Iowa town of t.OoO people, a practically new stock of 1 r to.c a snd id' s' f u-n1ihln"s. Will In voice about $15,1X10. Will sell for cash at a liberal d'scount: also, a general stock of about $lc,0c.O, heated In a great south western Iowa town of 2604) people, doing a good busio.'S. Will give liberal dis count tor cash or might consider good land on either of the sbove ktocks. Globe I-and aV Invest nient Cu.. So 60111 h Idth ;., Omaha, Nib. (4-MttS Zi TlfE OMAHA f Did Ihe cook ads" want BUSINESS CHANCES (ioiillnu'i.) IN COCNCIL BLUFFS. Hotel furniture for sale, tiuiluuig for rent; good location; casn or payments. Cneap if taken before tiie tirst. tank's Ing (o so In private place, call at lui Bouth Maine St., Council Bluffs, la. (41 M-01 lux FIVE seamstresses for alteration and re od wages, steauy worn. ,.r,h $13,000 buys a fine large hotel business; a lin proposition for a good man. Address 3bl. care Bee. t4j-M73u ;ix A GOOD hardware and Implement busi ness for sale; located In the best agri cultural district in tho new stat and at the county seat; Is an old established business of fifteen years' stand. n; In voice $8,000; business $..oiv year l'.i; no trades considered. Address P. O. box 447, Paul's Valley, I. T. (4;-M777 26x FOR SALE or trade for Improved Omah.i property, well estsblislied wholesale and retail business; invoices about 12,tM); earnings 40 per cent net. Address H i64. care Bee. (4) M773 21x FOR SALE-In a first class Iowa town of 6,oi people, a practically new stock of dry goods and ladies' furnishings. Will Invoice about $15.fw. Will sell for cash at a liberal discount ; also a general stock of shout $10,000, located In a great south western lows town of 2,o00 people, doing a good business. Will give liberal dis count for cash or might consider pood land on either of the above stocks. Globe Land & Investment Co., 306 South Wh 8t., Omaha, Neb. (4I-M6I8 22 FOR SALE Four almost new pool tables and double bowling alley; good light, do ing good business. Add. Sidney White, Juniata, Neb. (U-M79S 25x WANTED Partner to take half Interest, with $lo,000 to $25,000, In one of the best real estate and resort propositions In California; property can be subdivided, enough sold the first yesr to get money all back, and have most' of property left; all the money is not needed at once. Only those with cash need answer. Ad dress F. A. CODY, Ben Lomond. Cat. .(4) M563 ZlX DRUO stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. 11 SoB IF YOU HAVE a good practice for sale or know of a good location for a docior, let me know; western Iowa or eastern Kansas or Nebraska. Dr. W. A. Thomas, Grand Island, Neb. (li-MuJ 26x THE CONNELLY HOTEL at Caney, Kan., Is offered for sale; is the only $2 per day house in city of 4.000 population; will sell furniture and rent building If desired. Write for particulars. t4 M377 lax FOR SALE Pool business, of two tables and fixtures, complete; going away; will sell cheap. Box 100, Evans, Colo. (4)-MK139x ACME EXCHANGE CO..- Cherokee, la., has farm lands and town property for ' sale or trade. Write what you have atfd want. t4)-M284 Octl9x JJKl i B 1 UH1.S-Any wnere. any price. Write or see us for bargains. Denver Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den- ver, Colo. (4-M3s5 O20x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M'CAGL'B BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE STS. (4) W7 FOR SALE Only drug stock; new town; central Nebraska. Sales this year will run $7,000. Two doctors. Will sell at in voice about $3,000. Rent cheap. Address Y 47. care Bee. (4) Mboi 24x THIS COMPANY does a general real estate und loan business; a specialty of looking up good farming lands and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; we can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Ore. (4)-rM101 Nov7x " FOR SALE. 7 General store; In the Gulf Const country; fine chance for right party; business fine; climate the best. Box 14, Sarlta. Tex. 14V-M599 2SX A BARGAIN Grocery and meat market for sale; 20 per cent off invoice. IZll Broadway, Council Bluffs,' la W-MJ.J zix RENT Ritchie's hall, South Omaha; sec ond floor; no posts; 6"x6U long lease. A. U. Ritchie, 220 8. loth St., Omaha. (4)-S08 CLOTHING and gents' furnishing store In good growing town; a good proposition for the right party with some capital. Oscar J. Mincer, Wellington, Colo. (4)-M137 21x WANTED Partner who will furnish 1.000 head of sheep to run on shares; have good range, water and shed. Plenty of feeu; wtll divide profits. Address Box 66. Key sor, Colo.. (4)-549 20 x ROOMING houses for sale, all sizes. Gan gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3 Ha. (4)-7U6 FOR 8ALE Cigar and news store doing good business, with nice living rooms and cheap rent. Call Webster 2764. (4)-M508 RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 633 Broad way. Council Bluffs. Ia. (4) 754x BEST coal. Ice snd feed business in the country; everything up to date; price right. Address Y 39. care Omaha Pee. (4)-MC93 Nix PARTNER wanted to take an Interest In a well established manufacturing busi ness making money: an active man needed. Address F 362. care Bee ofltce. (4 756 2i) Exclusive Minint? Stock Brokers ... . . ... Mining stocks bought and sold. Wo loan money on mining stocks. All orders quickly executed. Correspondence Invited. NEUSTDT & DAV1DOV. 004 N. Y. Lite Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red 12D1. T47 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artists. H. O. BUNNELL iTcO., 823 N. Doug. 61 1. Y. Life. (5) 813 Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 191 Farnam. (-2 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (a) 814 Chattel Loan. Chaa, D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (5) 81j Chiropodist. DR. ROT. R. 2, 1506 Firnam St. Doug. 6197. (5) Danelasj Academy. MORAND'S classes for dancing, oup. Bur wood theater; lessons fur adults Tues. and Frl. 6 p. m.: first lessons privately; suc cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. (16) 151 Nov! Deatlsta. BAU.ET & MACH. W fir. Paxton. D. 10. (5 813 Dreeamaklag. IN FAMILIES-MIss Sturdy. 1368. Tel. Harney 16) 817 M DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1' 73 Far nam Et. (5) sit MRS. BROACH, T723 Farnam. Tel. Harney 636. . (S)-MvmJ Oci2 ix MM E. WOODRUFF, 22J Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas 6170. (5) Mlul KS WANTED An experienced seamstress: alto an apprentice girl. 240 Cass St. Tel. Doug ia 6.62. (a-75i DAILY It EE: SATURDAY. leave today? will find a BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued Florist. HESS & SWOr.ODA, 1415 Farnam. (51 TOO I HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253. 16)-S21 J. H. BATH, 162 Harney. Tel. Doug. Sono. (5) K22 Go Carts. GO-CART tires. Lawrence. 2703 Leav. St. (R) M.W1 Oct In Hotels. THE SCHILTZ. European, 16th and Harney (Sj-823 Jeweler nnd Watchmakers N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing, 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4.167. (5)-8W Locksmiths. KEYS, etc. 2974. Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel D. f5-874 Osteopathy. JOHNSON. INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1W, (D) Dr. Bows?r, over 1612 Far. Tel. Doug 3i'9. (6) M4V Oct31 DKS. RINGLER. 306 NevL'lc block. 'Phone Red 5467. (5) MlaONovl Office? Snpnllea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office nxtures arid sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Pu'dishli.g Co., 306 South 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6562. (6) M21I0 Nil I'kotORrnphera. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 16th St Printing;. HIGH GRADE Imitation Typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too largo or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 S. Mh St. Tel. Douglas 5W2. (ol M512 Nov! BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fail to see our elegant imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cnp Ave. (5)-82S Hares, Shntter, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works- makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors nnd safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. (SJ-S31 Store Repairing;. STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1:116-8 Douglas St. Tel Douglas 960. (5) M275 Novll Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618'. Capltoi Ave. "Phone Red 8 4. (o)-827 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED Two ltdy stenographers who are familiar with creamery bookkeeping. Glv cxpt riene-! and references. Sherman Beck, Alliance, Neb., Box 647. (7)-M737 20x Factory and Trades. WANTED Women for hand Ironers and ' machines. Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson ; St. to s MORE ladles and girls for decorative paint- 1 ills oil boiu- inuovvii, elk iii'imu, imia i.i spare time; experience unnecessary; call forenoons. 33U 8. 13th. (7)-M5 19x G1KLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Ap ply any time. Omaha Bag Co. (71-M1S1 Novl2 WANTED Bindery girls,' highest wages paid. Apply Omaha Printing Co.. lOth and Farnam Sts. (") MiS6 WANTED A good dressmaker to take charge of the dressmaking department in a department ttore. Address Y46, care Bee. (71-M741 21 WT yh, ,WLU?.ia.r.l8nr',!;tmn.nnb?n " a!.bl.'i.? !'Z " L.,hJL P.'? ?. say that you saw The Bee. WANTED Experienced alteration woman. Will pay highest wsges. O. K. Scofieid Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 DouKlas. (7) 73J Housekeeper and Domestics. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work, three in family; Mrs. Hall. 2215 Sherman Ave. 'Phone Webster 3723. (7)-MlU WOMEN for day work; housekc epers. waitresses, $35. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. I7j 834 WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl ror general nousewoiK; two in lamuy; .vm.I l ra lirii nlr Ila.lliiVI " "i"' 1 good wages. Mrs. Frank Hadley. S:i Bristol. (7)-M587 WANTED Experienced second girl; one competeml to assist with plain sewln;;; $5 per week. 3612 Farxiam. (7) M746 HOUSEKEEPER between 25 and 35 years wanted. T. TelleV, McCook. S. D. (7)-M4l9 OSlx WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; small family. 005 S 29th Ave. (7)-536 WANTED Girl for general housework, 3 in family, good wages. Mrs. R. E. Welch. 414 S. 3.-th St. (71-429 19 COMPETENT OIRIy For housework, no washing. 3315 Burt St. (7) M576 21x WANTED A good girl for general house work, including washing and Ironing; small house; five in family, including a baby. Willing to pay first class for the right kind of a girl. Must bo licet, willing to work and thoroughly competent. If this comes to the notice of rui 11 a gin. twio 1 ski's prias in ner wont and wishes a permanent place, at more' than the average wages, 1 snouui iikc 10 heur from h.T. with references. Address Y 3S, caro Omaha Bee. (7) 500 23 WANTED Housekeeper on farm. Ad dress Box 1162. Vermilion, S. D. (7) him 21x WANTED A middle-aged woman lor general housework; a permanent plac?. Address Box 222. Paonla, Colo. (7) M727 20x WVNTED A second girl. Good waces. Telephone D. 2S?7. Mrs. V. B. Caldwell, 6-11) South ioth street. (7) M713 20x WANTED Girl for housework, $5 per week; 110 washing. Apply 315 So. 31st St. (7)-62 22 WANTED Competent girl ' for general housework: good wages; no washing. 4M9 Cass St. Thone Harney 1051. (7)-6-. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family. 'Phone Webs'er 774. (7i-tt60 li WANTED A competent and ' reliable woman to do plain cooking. Call at 271 Parker St. (7 665 lj 1 WANTED Experienced girl for general j housework, stvall family; no washing; good wages, lei. liurney 990 or call 3i6e Harnt y. (7)-M3S 23 GIRI. WANTED tor general housework. 6.3 S. 261 h Ave. (7) 718 WANTED Good cook who can wash and tron; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. 9 in- derlund. 1"2!) 8. 29th St. Til. Harnev al.?. (7)-;i M leellaneona. LADIES AND GIRI.8. to stsmD trsnafera at home; easy learned: II. ie to $.10 per j dosen. M Paxton Block (7) Hjli 21x 0(TOBi:i: IP. 1f07. If so, "BEE better one HELP WANTED FEMALE M iBcellanenna -Continued. WANTED An appientlce girl. 1H"9 Capllpl Ave. (7 IKS N;. WANTED Sewing women for garment nl teratlons. Thomas Kilpattlck Co. (7 6TS WANTED Wnlst und tklrt help -vs. -.'Sl'rt LeavenwoTth St. (7) M705 l.x GIKL for wrapping bundles, not under 16 years of age. Nebraska Clothing "o. 1?-71I 11 WANTED At once, several smnrt yourg ladles for soda fountain and luncheon parlors. Pee Manne r. S ida Fountain, THE BENNETT COMPANY. (7) M734 20 HELP 'WANTED MALE Agent, Solicitor and Snlramcn. 1 ARE you out of work? Call and sre us; good hustlers moke good money. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard St. (9) 125 v WANTED Good salesman to canvgss tho country arid take orders for stock pow der; good commlfslon allowed. Address ideal Stock Powder Co., Dunbar, Nb. C.O--M604 2iX THE BIBLE IN SYMBOLS Fastest selling fall nnd holidny book on earth; one agent averaged $20 daily lust week: we pay 60 per cent commission; write today for free outfit. J. L, Nichols & Co., Napervllle, 111. (fl)-M,S3 21 g MEN Don't accept any kind of work un til you hear from us. Make $10 per d;iy Helling the quickest seller on earth; 110,00) sold in Minneapolis. New article; new plan; costs 7 cents; sells for 25 cents. Send 6 cents for two samples. Domestic Mfg. Co., Desk 3, Minneapolis, Minn. (!)l M742 fix WANTED Capable city salesman. Ken natd Paint and Glass Co., loth and Daven port 1 (9)-M763 WANTEr-Clcrk&, men and boys. In rallroej oftlce, Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., I". P. R. R, 4th floor, Pacific Express Co. Bldg., 14th and Harney Sts., Oinnha, Neb. () 295 IS GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dipt. Htl reau, Chicago. 111. . (9) M744 24x Boys. WANTED Boys or men for work In bind ery; experience not necessary. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam Sts. (9)-M.i7 GOOD boys wanted; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th St ()-83i BOYS with wheels can make $35 to $45 per month; $35 guaranteed. 1'ostal Telegraph Co. (9)-M'S2 N4x BOY not under 16 -years of age to deliver packages. Nebraska Clothing Co. (OJ 663 20 Factory nnd Trndes. TAILORS. A first-class ladies' tailor wanted; wages $26 per week and steady position. Apply J. Jawitz, 18th and Farnam Sts. (9J-M747 WANTED Registered drug clerk of good habits; give reference. 11. K. Vlstuba, Steinhauer, Neb. (9-M9J4 26 WANTED Tailors to work In alteration department; will pay good wages. O. K. Scolleld Clouk and Suit Co., Ijl9 Douglas. (9) '.31 WANTED A competent prlnte H!?1.??'. 5L Ma newspaper woek. Foreman . 111c lit i-iri 1 en. x 11I1VB-Xewu..i 11 Biialltown, Ia. (9) M776 25x WANTED--Flrst-cIass meat cutter; strictly sober. B. & M. Market, Mcf'ook. Neb. C.ii-MTVJ 35x WANTED Men to learn barber tradp, wonderful demand for barbers, few weeks completes, practical experience, careful Instructions, demonstrations and rvaminat ions, positions walling, top wages paid graduates. Write for cata logue. Muler Barber College, llf S. 11th St. (9-M781 24.x WANTED Good, aall round, sober black R'liilh. Steady Job. $?.v ,e daw Apply to or write J. G. Temple. Dvs it, Ia. (! M72 2.1x POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. I V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. () 836 WANTED Barber at one;; no booster. Fred Benson, Schleswi?, la. (9) M73S 2(x WANTED A good eoatmaker at once. $7 and up. Henry Behroer, Wayne, Neb. (9J-M740 2ox WANTED Tinner, a first-class tinner and furnace man at once; $3 a day; a steady position for right man. Peterson & Adunis. Devils Lake, N. D. (9I-MI10 24X WANTED A first-class coat maker at once; $ for sack vouts. J. P. Anderson, 3Ji C Ave., Lawton, O. T. (9) M515 19x WANTED-Man for general work in a , .11 . t . ,11 . blacksmith shop; will pnv $3 for good man. Address James Whalen. Huron. 8. D. (9) M514 19x WANTED Competent furnace men. L3 S. Main fct., Council Bluffs, Ia. (9)-M707 BLACKSMITH and all around handy mm for ranch. $4).i) and board. Apply to E. V. Moigan, Herman, Neb. (9) M5S5 M Iscclln neons. WANTED Some good young man who has had some experience in the barber trade will give him a good chance. Write for particulars to W. H. Hughhanks. George, la. (!D-M-i27 24x Carpet and rug buyer. V-.fnO per annum. Suit and coat buyer. $2. SuO per annum. Bookkeeper. $75. Stenographer, $75. ledger clerk, 75. Office clerk. $."". 2 salesmen, $75 and expenses; experience unnecessary'. And many others. Call or write for complete list ef vacancies. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N INC. 721-22, N. Y. Life bldg. ()! M7tl 19 HUSTI.EP.S everywhere. $.T. to $3) mad) wetkly distributing clrcolar. samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants Out door Ad. Co.. Chicago. (9) M708 21x "STRENUOUS LIFE." If your services command $75 per month, or oettcr, seed for our lour plans to assist one to obtsln employment. Any bn. ry where." "No registration fee." 'No commission." Addresa Circulation Depart ment, anv office. STUENUOld LIFE PUBLISHING COM PANY, Incorpoi au d. 11S1 Broadway, New Yorv V.8-732 Main street, butialo, 218 La Salle, sireeet, C'hli ago. (91-M559 19x FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men s assui iai ton ; 1 1 -1 1 a w.pnt men find positions. Call 812 New York Life Bldg. I9i M!)J6 Oclii WANTED Young man to run extractors. Kimball Laundry, lill Jackson. )-M5tl 20 WANTED At once, clothing clerk; s'.cady pomtii n t ) ris'.it par.y; store closeh at i p. m ; nd refre.ic.s and stale xp.tii Dint Idler. 11. J. Uuice, Springs. VVy . (9i-.Mr.57 21x SOUND young men, aged 18 to 35. for firemen aixi brak. men during rush sea son on leading railnals htic. in the west and on new lines being completed experience unnecessary; nr.-m. I a) n:.nt lily beconm engineers. IJ'u; brae men, $1'0 monthly, become conductors. $16e; mary pvalllon now open; wr.ta tor particulars. National Railway Training asoc!ation. 6:0 Paxton block. Omaha. Neb. Oj-ISu Nov7 . WANTED Men to bsndle lumber. i Ledwlcli. 1ft 1 1 and Izaxd. Gu'ou (9,-762 HELP WANTEDMALE sllaceila aeons Continued. WANTED -On flim class business getter for each state, a'vd money for- rlKlit psrtv. represent Nebraska corporation. rcfernce and bonrf. Stamp for rpl-. Aild-efS S 170, caie Pec. (9)- LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific. (' uncll liluflH trnn-fer; wages K-, cents per hour Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thomas rk anion, fore man. (9 732 U. S. NAVY ofTers attractive opportunities to wide nwulie young A nicricutis. 17 to 25 years of bro; mm with special trades iicccpled tip to 36 years. An Illustrated booklet, showing the life of the modern nvin-o'wnrs mm free to those Interested. Visit or ddres Navy riciultlng station, Orrahs. Lincoln Hastings. Nob.; Sioux City. Ia. PostotTIco buildings. y)-M519 Nix DRUO CLERKS - Exceptional propositions Incrcssfd salaries. Denver Drug Ex change. 1711 California St.. Denver. Co'.o. (9)- MliS J 02 'X WANTED Passenger nnd freight elevator nvn, Ja'nltors. ompntev nrffl plumbers' hrlpers; one fireman; rn'Mcts, loo wanes. 1 M Hide. itiV'W) 02X WANTED Two rren for nee enterprise; sniarv snu sn.ire pronts. irn investment required. State when ami where- 1 can meet you. D 3'1, caro l'.ee. (91-M73? 20 Clerks, bookkeepers, store, hotel and do mestic help is needed throughout the western ststes. Good wsaes, nnd In some cases transportation paid. Apply West ern Reference Company, 2"2 Goldberp block, Itutte, Mont. (Hi M743 2'x UNCLE SAM wants railway mill clerks, mall carriers, clerks. Immediately. Salary $1,200. Rnpld advancement; ex aminations here soon. Common education sufiicient. Preparation free to advertise. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. (9) 407 2x WANTED Capable, reliable and respon sible young man for timekeeper for con tract work; also one for stone quarry, wanes $2.50 per day; give experience and references. Address P 3M, Bee. (9)-61 19 WANTED Two farm hands: t2R per month, year round. Ifi09 North ."th St., South Omaha. (9) M636 20 WANTED Experienced collector: must have references. Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Douglas Sts. (9) M707 WANTED Small Job of grading. Jth and Farnam. Apply at S N. Y. Life Bids., or write. (9) 711 21 WANTED A man to drive and do general work about the house. Apply to Ionard Everett, 18 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia. . (9)-M7'W 19x HELP WANTED MALU Aft O FIvtiALR STEADY employment for a trustworthy, .competent man to look after horses and grounds, and his wife for housework. Apply between 12 and 2 o'clock at 610 S. SSth St. Charles F. Manderson. (101-710 lx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Come in. The Harney St. Stables. (U)-6r. WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm in Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loth and Jones Sts. (ID 839 Horses bought and sold. Myers, 1114 Doug. (11) -269 OI8 HORSES bought & sold. Blake 2631 N. 16th. (U)-M466 Nix RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council Bluffs. (1D-M103 PUBLIC SALE Standard Bred horses, Shorthorn cattle, Poland-China hogs, Oct. 2S, 1907; write for catalogue. Venture Stock Farm. Lohrvllle. Ia. (1D-154 29 ! SECOND-HAND delivery w 1 Ihatton' cheaP' A' agon. 1 buggy, rphy & Son. (1D-M215 Nov. 10 Poultry and Egg. DUSTON'S White Wyandotte. Pure bred, choice breeding stock now ready to ship. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, eb. Tel. Florence 108;. (1D-M984 Oct27x GOVERNMENT Co., Omeha. book free. Model Sqiuab (ID M647 Nov2 WHITE WYANDOTTES exclusively; farm raised, bred from winning strotn; cockerels and pullets for sale; eggs In season from high-class stock. Write for prices. R. A. Miltelstadt. Norfolk, Neb. (11 M292 21X Coivs, Birds, Dog and Pet. FOR SALE ENGLISH FOX HOUNDS, broke on wolf, bear and cats; will also break dogs on fox, wolf and bear. Ad dress A. B. Kyle, Bruce. Wis. (1D-M562 21x FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. 4310 Emmett St. (ID M502 1UX FOR SALE Persian kittens, two orange tabby males and two brown tabby fe males. Parents registered Hamish and Oakland Persimmon stock. Mrs. W. D. Bennett, Union City, Mich. (ID M692 !Sx LOST AND FOUND STRAYED Two cows from Union Stock VHrds Co., South Omaha, branded -- on left hip. Notify Union Stock Yards Co. (12)- M538 21 LOST Pocketbook containing passes and papers. Return to 1312 Farnam and re ceive reward. F. D. Adams. (12I-M772 20x MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14lh and Dav enport Sts ; special attention paid to con finement cases; till treatment supervised bv college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-12 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no retention from business. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., over 8. W. cor. 14th and Dcu:las. Omiha. (13) 840 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3M4 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M106 BEST nerve hrac-r for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills ' I' a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) Ml MONEY TO LOAN ALA It Y AND CHATTELS. Pay Cash and Learn THE VALUE OF MONEY If you sre in debt and struggling alone dodging the collector, get out of that old 1 rut, be a free mar. again, look the world ! in the face. WE WILL LOAN YOU TUB MONEY on vour furniture und give you from one month to one year to pa us back In small monthly or weekly payments. You psy f r only tho time you are using our money. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trndo Building, 16th Slieet Entrance. (14)-Mnj CHATTEL, salary and. storaee receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 15u4 Karnam ht. (14) 646 MONEY LOANED SALARIED IV.OPLE and othe'H without eecun y; easv pay ments. Office In 63 piincli.ul cit es. Tol man, room ill New York Life flirty. (11) 848 DR. PRIRriENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; less half rates; perfect pri vacy and immediate attention, on anv I terms; pa ments kuspemled lien nick or disabled. 214 Harbacri Blk., 209 S. 15th St. (11,- M 4 IS Uowen, 703 X. Y Life Bldg. advances privste money 011 rhittel or sal ary; easy to get; 110 red li. You set money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (11) ia MONEY TO LOAN alary nd t hattel Contlnned. THE UNION LOAN CO. IMve lnctcsed their capital and during October will make special rales on col lateral loans, mortgages, on persoml pronertv nn.l notes without security. Verms to suit. Tel. D. S4. ";,-14)- M4.'2 Novll F''RN'1'1UI;E, live stock, salary loans. Puff Green Loan Co.. room S Barker block. (14J I4 FOR A SyUAHE DEAL GO TO TUB rilOENlX CREDIT CO. f"r chattel i,r sslarv loans. 6:13 Paxton Block. Phone !ouglBS i4 (14) 643 EAGLE LOAN OEFICE-Rellable, acconi niodntlng, all business confidential. M"l Douglas. . (ID 47 LOWEST talcs, chattels or salary. Ne braska Credit Co.. J14 Hoard of Trade. (M-M'; OFFERED FOR RENT noardlna; nnd ltooius. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16 )w2 FIRST-CLASS board and room. 60S S. 2 ItU Ave. (li 1779 026 NICELT furnished rooms; first class board; reasonable rub. The Rose, a) Harney St. (15139; 2t STEAM heated rooms: single or ensuite, with board; reasonable. Tel rv'l tIM M790 !0x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16)-S5l FURNISHED rpoms. with beardi close In; private family. 246 Cass. Doug. 6406. (15) M:16 Nov. 10 WAHM nnd nicely furnished rooms; new house; nil modern conveniences; private famllv; board if desired. 59 South Wtli avenue. (15) M748 24v MODERN room, with board. W RurL (15)-163 Nov!) MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to public R.indav, Oct. 13, upstairs 1WR N. I!i1 h. Webster 2UV 115) M279N13 VERY desirable furnished rooms with board. 123 S. 2Ttli Ave. Reference. (15)-454 20x TIIE HILLSIDE, 18th and Dodge, roomt suitablo for two or four; also board. ll.i) Mb'; 21X AN IDEAL homo for bonders; warm, sunny room, with best iome table; every" thing first-class; close in; private. Phn Red 7564. (1M-4WI 20 DININO room and kitchen, furnished for boarders. 113 So. 2'nh St. (15) 760 Furnished Room. FOR RENT Large southeast room, strictly modern. In private family. . suitable for - two gentlemen. 217 South 25th St. 'Phone Douglas c-837. (15) 756 128 S. 25TH ST , large east front room, suit able for three gentlmen; house strictly modern; roomy porches; - large, shady lawn. (15) 76 ix STEAM HEATED rooms. $2 to $5 per week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. (15j-M525 N12x FURNISHED room in private family .11 Douglas. Phone Douglas 6303. , (161-M310 1J DID YOU EVER CONSIDER The time lost hunting rooms? "THE BEST WAY" Saves It for you. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY Tei. Doug. 381, 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1 (16)-M7iHl IV VERY nicely furnished rooms for rent In a private residence; elegant location; board If desired. Inquire at 71S 8. P.'tli street. (15)-M7M 21x FURNISHED ROOMS and suite of rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 25 S. 24th street. , (15) MTD2 21 LARGE front room in modern home, suit able for one or two gentlemen; refer ences required. 2410 Chicago. 'Phone Douglas 4061. (15)-M770 : FURNISHED front room, house. 2403 Harney. new modern (15) M779 26 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 16L'5. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (16) 853 OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, movo. store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office 1609 Farnam, Tel. Doug. 1559. (15)-S54 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 384. (15) 856 NICELY furnished heated rooms with bath, 'by day or wk. 4U N. 15th. 05) 410 19x BEAUTIFUL apartments furnished; pri vate family. 200a St. Mary's Ave. (15)-M47S 19x FOUP rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. 'Phono Webster ' B. 2226 Miami St. (15) 8'o6 NICELY furnished rooms; strictly mod ern. 312 N. 25th St. Tel. Red 5 91. (15) 297 lSx FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refer ence required. 640 S. 24th St. (16)-M3i0 O20 FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentb -. man, near carllne. Mrs. Banks, 14c3 N. 18th. Phone Webster 3862. (15J-M27S Nil WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14WS. Office, 1712 Web ster St. (15) 857 FURNISHED rooms and suite of rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 21 Sherman Ave. (16) M623 I2x TWO modern furnished rooms. L220 Chl csgo St. Tel. Red 6726. (I5ii 603 21 FURNISHED ROOMS, till Douglas St. 'Phone Red 5311. (16) Mhol 19x FOR RENT Two, furnished rooms. 4121 Hamilton Bt. (16) 634 MODERN furnished front room. 1907 Cum ing. (15) M135 N7x FRONT room for g-intlemen. 1950 80. loth St. (15)-187 Nov9x E2rt N. 19th, front parlor, modern, reason able, to 4 young men. Small room 11.50. , (15) 553 20x MODERN front roo-n on car line. 1431 North 20th street.' (16) M5M 21 FURNISHED ROOM For gentleman. SI 4 South lfith Bt. (15) M640 22 NICELY furnished parlor with piano. Tel. Douglas 7515. (15) 674 19 ONE pleasant, furnished room, modern; reference required; breakfasts If de Sired. 2701 Wool worth Ave. (lh) 4)15 23x FURNISHED pleasant south room for gen tlemen. 647 So. 24th Ave. (16) 754 24 Apartments and Flat. AN APARTMENT. Davldge Bldg.. Kthand.' Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 2. (16J-M41S Four-room apartment In basement of onjV, of the best bulldliiKS In the city; heat. 4 water and gas etov furnished. $;5. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 17f'4 Farnam St. (15)-764 18 llonaekeeplna; Rooma. THREE rooms, housekeeping. 171! Jack son. (15)-712 23x Unfurnished Rooms. THE HILLSIDE, 18th and Dodge. 9 Un- furnished rooms. (15 M.A5 2lx THREE unfurnished rooms, 1420 N. 20tli; modern. (16) 639 lsx i FOR RENT-Four unfurnished rooms; de sirable lor alien, ltef ereiices. Address W .V4. Bee. (15) M696 i3x Famished Iloaaea. FOR RENT After October 6. 9136 Chicago street. 7 roorps, large batli room, aula and laundry, first-class furnace, 145. (15)-M432 HANDSOMELY furnished right . room house, hue neighborhood, close In, mod cm; reasonable. Addles K 416, care B. C6)-M4 Sl