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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY.- OCTOBER 1(1. 1007. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKtlKHSS I Increase, 7t4,ift( Increase. 4S.".onrt bu.: os rnr. lu.ti nil. ; rvf, !l () fi ht ; hurley, 4.M?,i lm. bu. J NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trtde Not as Large i on the Previ ous Day. BEARS ; ARE 15 THE LEAD Ar 'Short trlbirk In tkr Market Was Met with !, teas m ""Here let Reepond Readily. OMAII WHUI.l'IALG MARKET. ''4 OMAHA. Oct. In. VJU1. Trt4 waa not o large today a yter dy and ti Inclined to be mor berlh on mora favorable cable newi regardlDg crops generally. Any ahort eetback In the market w mei Wn buying and prices responded readily. i eat opni stronger man me coo anaa and had more life. The market acted tired, however, and the flrmnm was due principally to light offering!. Decem ber wheat opened at 8c and closed at Com opened Arm and steady and held well, there being no corn offered and hold era are waiting for a further advance. December corn opened at 67V: and closed at S7i4je. Oat opened ralher eaay and trade was very light. There wa no one In the mar ket for any great amount and prlcea were practically stationery. Deoember . oats opened at MS! and closed at MV . Primary wheat receipt were. 1.878.000 bushel and shipments were l.Wl, bushels, agalnat receipts last year of 1.2F4.000 bu!i ela and ahlpmenta of 8M,000 buahela. Corn receipt were 811, Ono bushel and shipment were Titf.ono bushel, against re ceipt last year of U,KO bushels and ship ment of 43,040 bushel. Clearance mere 48.56 bu. of corn, and wheat and flmir equal to 2A5.878 bu. Liverpool closed id to id higher on wheat and d to M Higher on corn. Seaboard reported 400.0UO bu. of wheat and 84.000 bu. of corn taken for export. IOral range of option: Artlclea.l Open.) High. Cfte. Low. Yei y. WhesC f I 1 Iec.v. 98,' .'. MT 9SS T4I a" Meyl. lr'i J 04SI 1 A37 1044 July... 6vlr 86 H ' Hl Corn I Dee.,'.. 674 674 T4 B74 MavC,. 67 . -.67 . MH 58 July.,. e7"5 67H 67S 671 fit Oat' I Dec. U'i 13 ' 62T4 tF 63 May... MS ' UN ' MS 644, tM'V, July... 484! 44 484 " 4841 484 Omaha) ., Cah : -?ioa- Wheat: -No. hard. tl.011Tl.04; No. I hard, 99cAS102; No. 4 hard. 48c; No.- spring, 1.0:1.06; no grade, M4 Corn: No. I. BHj04o; No. ,.HWHci -ho grade.' SM4r6c; No. S yel low, e0Hvc; No. 8 white, 6"!iWc. Oats: No. 1 mixed, 4Sfl-t8'V I No. 3 white, 494o; No. 4 white, 48,c; standard. HMQWc. Rye: No. 2, 834j6c; No. 3, 80182c. Carlet Heoeipte. Wheat, Chicago 182 Mlnneapoll 26 Omaha , ..... Duluth 578, Corn. Oats. 494 344 ' 47 CHICAGO GRAIX AND PHOVISIOIfS Keatarea of the Trad las; Cloalna; Price Board of Trade I'lllt'iflft Oct. IS. An unexpected de crease In the American visible mipply of wheat had a etrenathenlng effet today on the local market. At the dure the IWamhar Unlivery tt'aa un ('. Com Vt'a Ac higher. Oat were off Sc. Provision m ere & a Re lower. The wheat market waa erratic, but the general tendency waa toward hlfrher price. The Immediate opening was eny because of a decline In Liverpool, mil the market annn rallied because of a de crease of 1,676.000 bushels in the avnll able supply of stock of wheat In Oil country. The market developed additional strength because of a firm close it Llvcr- nool. This upturn waa followed by a slump of about e because of an Incretme of 1,100,000 bushels In the visible Ku rnpean supply, compared with an Increase of about 1,000,000 bushela for the coire snondtnc time last year. A alack demand fnr rj4S h wheat a I so- weakened the n:.KU Covering bv shorta oaused a rally late in r, dn and the market rinsed firm D.ejT'jnber wheat opened c lowvjr to '-do hlJPl.-r, at $1.06Htf 1.0BT. old between n nKli. ffil nL and cloned at 1.057.. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to" 286,400 bushels. Primary receipt were 1.178.000 bushels, against 1,268,000 '..hel on the same clay last year. Mlnno noils. Ouluth and Chicago reported ie- leints of 1.127 car, against 76 car last week and 1.007 cars a year atcci. The com market was firm all dny. ( oni mission houes and shorts were fice bid ders, but oiterlnint wer not official announcement of a big shortage in the Koiwnaiiiitn crop had Influence on the local market. The close was firm. December opened c lower to 4c higher, at 84iSHe. advanced to 640. and closed at I!1!'. Local receipts were 44 cars, with 98 car of ..-ontrii't grade. Oats were uulet nnd weak. Pit trader were disposed to sell, but the deminrt wns very light. December opened a shade lower to He higher, at 66- f 5r.Sc. sold off to 64X4, T 66c and cloaed at 66 Vic. V csT'recelpts were 244 cars. Provisions were weak because of easier prh-c fur lire hoK At the close Janu ary pork was off !6e, -at t5.?S. r,1 wa 6 XV40 lower, at $9.12H. , Rib were 6c Ibwer, at $1.7 Vj. Estlmsted reeelpU for tomorrow: Wheat, 1 cars; corn, 333 far; oats, 16 cars; hoi, 2S.00O head. Leading futures ranged follow: ArilCM. Openi HlghV) tmw. Clo. Te'y. Coadllloa of Trade and Qantatlnaa on Staple and Fist Prwdae. r'JOS I'er do . ?c. BUTTER-Packing stock, 21c; choice to fancy dairy, iLc: creamery. .'VX:. CMEE6E-Nw full crtam. Wisconsin twins, lie; new full crram, brick. 6c; do mestic, new "wins, ;;juSc: new llmberger, l6B15c; ynung Americas. 16c. UVE Pijl UTHY Chicken. S'c; roost ers, 6c; turkevs, 12'; du ks, MtlOc; geese, 7c. HAT Choice No, 1 uplard. I'.ii k); me dium, t!00; Nil 1 bottom, t0: off grade from $60 to f6.60; rye straw, $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa. Ill.tu ' KRCIT8. CRANBERRIES Per bhl.. $7.75. A PPL US Wealthy, I.Oo per bu.; Cftll fornla belief curs. $2.4; Pen Duvls. 4. V) per bbl.; New Vork apples, 5.2.j per :M. PE1ACHES Per box. Utah and Colorado. 11.36. PKARS Vtah, la Ooya 60. GRAPE3 Michigan. 8-lb. basket, 32c. VEOKTABI.ES. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. U .90 per bu. ; Lima, k; per lb. POTATOES Per bu., 76'9We. BEANS New wax and airing. 40ft0o per market basket.. OAPBAUK-Per lb.. V.ic. I BKET8, TUKNIPct ANU CARROT9--Per bu.. 76c. RAL)iHE8 Per do. bunches, horn grown, 30c. TOMATOEH Home grown, mantel Bas ket crate. 0c. CUCI MBER8 Per basket. lc. CKt-KKr Kaia.iisioo, H3..C. ONION4J Tellow and red, 1."0 per bu. NKW PEPPERS-er icarkel basket, toe SWEET POTATOES Market basket. 4fcc; Virginia sweet, per bbl., i lb. BEE" CfTS. BECr" CUTS No. 1 Mil. 14c: No. S rlb. 11c: No. S rib. 6c; No. 1 lo'n. 19c; No. i loin, Uc; No. 1 io!n. ?c; No. i chuck, hW, No. 2 chuck. 4c; No. 3 chuck, JVi-; io. i .1 G,, . XT- Q n .1 71, , " VJn 3 rOUtld. c; No. 1 plate 6c; No. 2 plate, 4,c; No. i piaie, THUflLAL . (ULIIB, LEMONS-Umonlera; Id) lxe, 7.O0: other brands, 60c1tl.0 1.". UANANAB Per men'um snau uunvn. 2.0il'!'i-? Jiimho. 62.0O4J3.6O. COCOANUTBPr Oo.. fo. DATES Kadawav, 6vc: bayer. 6c; Hal- lowls, 6o; new stufred walnut dates, -id. box, 11-00. . . BANANAS Per medium siaea Duncn, t2.xii2.2; Jumbos, t:.0o(U3.6O. OHANUKa-1 ioriuu, in, jmi, us. nu M elies, )4.60. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA PHirj FRUITS Prune are omewhat unsetleo: py ireer onerings from econd hand, who eem desirous oi moving upplle of immediate grade. Quo tation rang from tic to 9c for California fruit and from 6o to So for Oregon. Peaches are lightly easier, with fancy yel low quoted at 13Vc. Raisin arc nrm: throe-crown loo Muscatel are quoiea at c; four-crown, 10c; aeeded raisins, uo. HIDEW AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1. 8Hc; No. 2. 7Vc; bull hide. 6c; gTeen hide. No. 1, 7c; No. 2, ci iore. H.0.Mi sheep pelt, 60clgiL25. Tallows No. 1, t'c; No. 1 Hc. Wool. Wittc. COFKEK Roasted, No. 36, 26o per lb.; No. 20. HViO per it).; No. 26. 19c per lb.; No. 21. 12c per lb FISH Halibut. 11c; trout. li; pickerel. 10c; pike. 14c; pike, fresh froien, 12c; whlteflih, 14alfic; buffalo. Sc; bullhead, skinned and drened, 1-lc; catfish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; whit bass, i6c; black bass, 26c; unflh. buc; crappie. 6(ac; large crappie, 16c; herring, fresh froien, 6;; whltellsh, froeon, 13160; pickerel, fresh frozen, c; Spanish mackerel, Mc; native mackerel, lhtc per fish; coddsh, fresh froseu, 12c; red antppei', lie; flounders, froth frozen, 12c; haddock, fresh frozen, 12c; melt, 18o; shad roe,' 46o per lb.; frog leg. iiv per dox.; green sea turtle meat, 2j0 per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 65c. Tomatoes, fancy 8-pound can, 11. 4o; standard. 1-pound cans, $1.2b. Pine apples, grated. 2-pound, .)2.3C; sliced. ?1.7tX0'2.36. Gallon apples, i.2&. California apricots. $2 00. Fears. ' Il.762 50. peaches, 61.762.40. L. C. peaches, 2.00i(2.&0. Alaska almon, red. $1.20; fancy Chinook, fiat, 12.I0; fancy sockeye, flat. Jl.Wj. Sardines, quarter oil. $3.2! ihree-quartera mustard, $3.10. Bet potatoes, $l.Vul.3i. Sauerkraut, 90c. Pumpkins,' 8uca$1.00. Lima beanw. 2-pound, 76ciU-26. boaked pea. 2-pound. 60c; fancy, $l.K4il 44. . NUTS California walnuts. IV; Chill walnuts, 14c; pecans, 17(&19c; filberts,- ll'igi 14c: Braxila, 13Vr(iUc; almonds, 18c; roasted peanuts, 9c; raw peanuts, 7c. Market Again Demonstratei Its Sens! tiveness to Unfavorable Newi. ml 1.1 1 v In an nnd the tnnrket closed with pi erratic condition. Ices I OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Values Hlse Itapldlr When It Cnatradleted Another Pall Pol loers More Bearish Ramors. NEW YORK. (Vt. 16 The great sensi tiveness of the stock market to unfavorable factors was demonstrated by Its action to day in the face ol several "incidents.. The most conspicuous was the greatly oxhb grrated version of the Incident In Pan Kranoiseo. which gained currency .n the floor of the Stock exchange, the story' there detailed dealing wlih a supposed general riot and the death and maiming of a laiKe number of Jaa iee subjects. The timrketv sold off on the circulation of this rumor, 1 hut refunded who vigi upon the receipt ! of accurstH details of the occurrence, I The slump In Uetrolt United railway, al- 1 though remote from any direct bearing on 1 tlie local stM'k market, was of unpleasant efrert on the whole market by sympathy 1 and by suggestion. Vcrv little of that stock 1 or of the allied Toledo Railways and Light j which also suspended Its dividend. Is held ' In New York, but the price at tlie local market kept in close correspondence with' the falling quotation In Montreal, where most of it Is held. In the case of the, I Twin City Rapid Transit c ompany, tlie an- I notincement that the regular dividend had been declared did not save that stock from sharing In the depression of the group. Special weakness In the electrical equip ment, stocks was apparently In sympathy with this group on account of the declared Inability of these companies to float bonds for Improvements. The resistance shown by the general list to these depressing In fluences went to prove the existence of the I protective measures In the market, which mane themselves felt yesterday. 1 he pro tective buying was determined and effective when prices wer Inclined to yield, but it practically disappearing when It had ac complished its purpose of arresting the de clines. Stocks bought in this way are expected usually to come hack upon the market at the first favorable opportunity, as the purpose of the buying obviously la not accumulation. This ulterior prospect served to discourage operation on the long aide, although the aggressive professional operation o". the short side were effect ually checked. A bad effect was caused bv reports of the discovery by a government agent of further rebating practices bv the Southern - Pa cific, by a further fall In copper, -and by persistent reports from London that some embarrassment was imminent in New York. Some shurn of responsibility from the cir culation of unfounded rumors was laid nt ; the door of the bearish party, which still I remains uncovered on the short side to a i largo extent. A decline In foreign exchange rates with the lessened selling of stocks for foreign account was regarded with satisfaction. Bonds were weak, some of the less active showing severe declines. Total sales, pat value, -$1,64,000. United States fours regis tered declined '4 per cent on call. Number of sales and quotations on the New York Stock exchange 4.. 4. Quotations on were as follows V. t. ret U. re. do c upon V. S. Js. rg in ronprm V. S. n 4. re do coupon Am. Tnlnn.-o 4 do M AlchlHon sfn do HI). 4 Ai Untie C. I, II. I A Ohio 4 do 3'o Uric H. T. c. 4k... tntr! of 1U. tm do lt Ini do M I up "do 3d In.- "I'hn, A Ohio 41 Chl.o & A. ISi r . B q. n .. V.. B. I. & T. 4... do c-ol. 5ft l-Cf. B. L. t'olo. Ind. 6. ier. 1 olo. Mid. 4 Il'olo. Ik So. 4i... Tuba rm D. R. O. 4ft rlat lllrrs' Sec. ti Krle p. 1. 4 do n. 4 Hotting Vil. 4S Japan 4a nla ... du M aartrj do 4a B.d. Offi-rtd. W 1, A N. unl 4 . pk-,14 "Mnn. e f t "Yn. Cftntral 4 'M-i . Me lat lm- 12? v. "Minn. A So. b. 4 11 M . K. A T. 4ft .. 14 do la R. R. of M -. eH V Y. r. I 3Ha... . Mvts. J. c. g. :..... 7' No. Pacific 4a t ' do aa ? ' N. A W. t 4a 74 r. s. L. rM. 4a l,vi Fenn. cunv. Ita .. . 79 Reading ftn. 4n... " St L. A I M. c. i . 4S'4H. L. A ? K. f . sTUj'Xt. I,. S. W. c. 4 . 41t4iSiaboard A. L. 4a. ... l 'iio. Pacific 4 ... do 1st 4a ctf ... 0 go. Rallwsv 6a.... 4a. T.. A P. la .... A. 4v,T . St. I.. A W. ... M Inlon ratlflc- 4t . . . . t4 do ronv. 4a . . . , ...l""1 f 8. Steel 2d aft. ... !4iaWabaih 1 . . 7"' do dh ' B ... 2 "Wftftlcrn Md. 4a. ... 7R W. A I.. K. 4a. ... :'9',Nlft. renlnl 4.. . .. M', AU hlron cr. 4a... . ... 7, do ... 7M, Int. Mat. 4S Quotable Change in Prices. ear lerk Money Market. NKW YORK. Oct If, .-.VUXKV-On call, . sieaily. S404 per cent; ruling rate. s per EeceiTjtS 01 Cattle Liberal, With I i r-iii , .foptlig I'm. "i ' in, niiriru hi i 'per cent 'l ime loans for sixty day. m-r I I cent; ninety days. "P per rent; six months, r- . ti rpr cent. - RUMOR OF RIOT CAUSES SLUMP fentUME " rKR-7 per STERLING F.XC1IANOH F.asler. with actiiHl business In bankers' bills at li SoJui 4 siL'5 for demand and at 14 .''S ij4 dJ.o for Isty-dav bills. I'onimei clal bills. $4 H.'i. Fl LV KR Bar, tlc; Mexlctin dollars. 47ic. Pi )ND8 tlovernmrnt, easy; railroad, weak. New York bonds tortny 2 feeder I1"" II feeders. .lo No HOGS CONTINUE ON DOWN GRADE heep and l.amha la l.arae Receipt, Tilth Killers steady aal Feeder I tuba Lower Thaa Last Meek. 7SU . :4t, 1 . j . . M 4a 774 . .. . . .1IH . . . no . . . HS ... 1 . . . i .. . ... Hl ...I"7 4 7:. 9 , lit . a w ...Uf 4i I" ... T ... Hi ... tl'i .. 1"7 . . . 44 ... 14: ... M . . . a" . .. KVtj ... 101 ... SOt'Tll Receipts were: Official Momlav .. Estliiinte Tuesday OMAHA. lt. K. t-Mitle. lloc Sheep. li.US run s . . ;.l t-fni. . , 10 cows. . . It) cows. , . 1J iteers. . S cnlvi-s Iti fetrs V) etiws. . . l'i steers KaI l feeders.. 11 cows t' V cos . . .. i" f. e.lcrs. , ti calves. . . A ?7 feeders. 1 steers. ... J. 67 feedei s . so 1 M II .17 77 Kt7 .1-1'.' I 75 4 60 1 hi ft if. 2 f" s y 1 7;. 4 is j . x 10 .1 ID) 110 feeders. .! 14 etws. Ti roes 91 cows 11 cow 12 cows In steei s. .. 1 feeders. 1" heifers.. 14 rows 44 ! l'i; wrs .-) '4 South Pskola u cows. . .. Hrmm. ?.'il 4 TO lord. South l'l'.kotn -.l J tm R 0 3 &5 3 4 10 M eford, lc?S 4 T. Kyley, South Ki 4 1( 17 i-iii : t slvea. Vl .lol 4 i i ai i KM t ! I . t 'Jo 4 5" i " : 41 3 ft ,i i IN THE FORUM OF THE C, P. One Wife Who Knowi How to Hand'.) Iluibands. SIMPLE WHEN YOU CATCH ON South liakula 12 corn s. .. . Tj liakotn. 2.i7S 4.3 Two diiya this weeK...1i..i1J Same day last weeK. . . lO.'o Same tlas woek ago.. 15 OH Same drtvs .1 weeks uo. .l.i"ilo Same days 4 weeks ago . .2.71 Sume duvs Inst wecK. li ti.J ti.67 S.1W i'.. 4 11.4:l S.i.44 30.7W 1 II steers.; 4 ?."' 14.eO0 I ;t steers. ...1052 3 i II. ti Well. 'r L' I l steers . .., I 4. W. ie, , ! 2- steer 6i.4:n 42 Hf-S I tK.474 South Oakota. 12 steers. ...107u South Dakota. Cattle Moss Sheep Tlie following table shows tne rei 1..... r, at south Oninha tor ti.e vear to dt.-. coiiinared with last yer 1907. 1' 941. SH' 77.4'.'l 14. 1. Sell. 821 2.of1 121 1..W.H7 !.., 44S RANGE OP PRICES Cattle. Omaha 2 4o"a7 0" Chicago 2.rKU7 .SO Kansas City 2.i"'uo St. lxiuis 1.54ji.1o Th. nfflclul number of car brought In today by each road was; Cattle, llog. onerp. 11 1 Dee. 34,7li Hogs. Vf 80 D.75 i. 40 of stock COIAIHADO. lion 4 IS steers.. 27 cows lKtS J f6 Scows... 37 cows 913 3 16 31 feeders 6 feeders.. S77 3 il Uetirge Rit hnrdson. Colorido 21 cows 7'i il H0 5 feeders. Joi n Arens. Colorado. A cow igi 2 si IDAHO. 121.1 :i".7 to 31 feeders. IS cows S3 cows 1 7 calves. . J 1'! calve. . I 21 cow. . ,. He; i7 Mtj i:a 377 Kli: 8 Hf. 1 8i 3 .0 5 Oil 4 25 S no . 931 ,10u . 087 . -i, "2 heifers... S74 3 feeder 22 cows... 71 t ows. . . U calves. 25 cows 2' 4 4 to 2 00 3 3 ii 3 'A a 15 3 i 3 5o 2 3 H this 4 4a WBATIIKR I TUB GRAIN BELT Fair Wednesday, Sllahtlr Cooler In Klvht and Warmer. OMAHA. Oct. 15, 1907. FreeiinK weather Is general In the ex treme uuper MisHOtirl valley this morning, and cooler weather extends west into tho mountain district. The weather continues cool In the east and south, and light frost occurred in Alabama. 'Hunperaturea are, higher in the lake region, Misslsulppl and lower Missouri valleys, and are rising in the extreme northwest. Light rains oc curred In the middle Mississippi valley last night. The wtathei- continues fair through out the west, and will remain fair in lids vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with slightly cooler tonight, followed by warmer Wednesday. Omaha record of tenipcrsture and pre cipitation, compared with tlie correspond ing day of the last three years: . iat'1 1906 1906 1904 Minimum temperature-..', 47 . 66 - 40 50 l'rnclpitatlun 09 T .05 .00 Normal temperature , for today, 56 de grees. Dehciency In precipitation since March 1, 8.46 Inche. corresponding period In 196, Wheat. Dec 1 0bj 1 lO-U' 1 ill, 1 01 H AVOW. &JViv4 May,.) July..! Corn rwr. ... Mmv.. July.. Oat- I I rer....!5Mti4! Xi v i July rorh I Jan.. I Lard- Nov.. I Jan... 15 MjJ.. Rib jan... i rni May.. I 167V! 'i ilk l oiv 64 64V 4 I 105SI 1 i 101V .1 06'4 1 UV 1 ' C3V S!i4(ii" 6.1V.I MS 67Ujii74ie 6tA. 6VSI I 1 lbl 1 30 I 14 60 I 16 66 3S 15 as 2W IK es i u 26 12I-, 12V S 35 I 52l 56 67 60HI 15 w 16 36 12V a uvv 8 66 I 1 06 1 lli 1 01, 6.V4 K4 &)H I . R5'4 67' 6o4 i a 16 674 9 32H 9 12Vk S S2H 8 S2V Dellclem y 3 98 Inches. Dehciency 4.76 inches. corresponding period In 1906, L. A. Local WELSH, Forecaster. No.- 2. . ', Cash quotations were a follow: FLOUR Firm: winter patents. t4.55.06; serins patents. $5.40clf) 75; bakers. M.0(Xa,4.2U. WHEAT No. i spring. l.l6al.l ; No. S, tl.OKorllSH: No. t red. tl.03Vn1.04H- ConN No. X 6Sl6Vc; No. 8 yellow. 66Vt''f,aK.O- i OATS No. 1. UV; No. S white, 62'ifl 66o. ' UTF-I'4c. RARLhY Oood feeding, 85tS5c; fair to ch.-e iitaltlng, ll.Wtfl l.o. fKfcirH flax. No 1 northweatern. $1.W; prime timothy. 84.IOQH.t6; clover, contract grades. H70. KV1S10N6V-Short rib, aide (looael, 88 sft.4UH- Maa pork, per bbl.. 114.871, i 16 00. lArd. per 1U0 lb, 19.. . Short ch ar sldea itKUtedl. . xtktJio. .. . . jieceipis Flour, bbl Wheat, hi Corn, bu , . oat, bu Rye. bit .. , Barley. . bu .. 33.900 ..lift.' ..672.400 ..4X3,700 .. 17.HO ..188.200 Shipments. so. am 4M.9O0 6MI.9IX) 4-lS 10,fX 63.6U0 Hi. Louis General Market. ST. LOl'IS. Oct. 15-WHBAT-Lower; track. No. 2 red cash, l 07'al.; No. 2 hard, H.lMVttJ'l.Oi; December, $l.(WVel 03S; May, ll.ltl. CORN Firm; track. No. 5 cash. 6."-; De cember, &c; May, 61 Tic; No. 2 white, 65Vfa' 66-V.e. OATS Firm ; track. No. 2 cash, 5mj; De cember, .Uc; May, 65Vc-; No. 2 white, 64c. FLol'R Strong, higtier; red winter pat ent, ft.tti'au.lo; extra fancy and straight, 84.4tV7M.SO; clwar, 83.6tiir4.10. SKKOS TUnolhy, steady, 83.754.15. COKNMKAL Steady. 2.!5. HRAN Strong; sacked, east track, 81 25. HAY Firm; timothy, 812.ti4l.50; prairie, 89. "vi 13.50. , IKON COTTON TlE8-41l'c. MAISOINO 11 6-lbo. UKMF TWINB He. I'KO VISIONS 1'ork. higher: jobbing, 816. I-ard, lower; prime steam, .02H. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 3.37; clear ribs. 8H-37S: hort clears, 88.62H. Ba con, steady; boxed extra shorts, 810.26; clear rlhs. 810.25; short clears. 310 60. RL'TTKK Dull; creamery, 24(&3t)c. 1'Ol'LTUY Lower; chickens, 9c; spring, lite; turkey. i:ic; ducks, 9c; geeae, 6c. KUCJS Firm at 1XVC, case count. Keceipl. Shipment Flour, bbl.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu :.i0 ... 91.tmo ..: TS.Oi ...118.0IJ0 13,1411) 1:2.(. 6u.tftj Uo.tou Or th Froduca change tne butter mar- ret waa weak. Creameries, 37.20; dalrlea. a&itc. Kaf, Arm; at mark, taari Included, 17W&UWc; firsts. 22c; prluat fit a La. 840. Choeae. steady. l&al5Hc. Kawawa'Clty Urala 4 Provlsloa. KANflAS CTTT. Oct. 18 WHEAT De cember. 81 May. 81.V. Cash: No. 3 hard, u Oa.Wv,; No. 8. 31.onil.05S; No. 2 red. fl 0il.F7W; No. 8, fl.Okwl M. CORN-Lecember. Mc; May. aic. Cash: No. 8 mlxe.1, 1401c: No. 1; No, 2 white. ata-'i-, No. 8, titu. OAJti-No. whit. B0S4TUC; No, 1 mixed, 4aA4C HAr-Kirm; choice timothy. fU.864pl8.TS; vholoa prairie, til.gbtfllsO. hKia 40 lower; extra. Z80 per do ; first. 8c per doa. BUTTER Craaraerr, lower, 28c; packing, unchanged, C. e Receipt a Shipments. Wheat, bu 79.0on 61 tK Cora. b t.ouO I2.ut0 yata, hu U.uuo - 16,GvO . T lei hi Sapply s Urala. NKW 'TORX. Oct. 18 The visible aupply of gral4 Saturdav. October 1!, aa compiled by the New York Produce exchange, wsa a fviiow; ' iW it?L!. 4u., decrease, l5,vtw; Hew Yark tieaeral Market. NKW YORK. Oct. 15. SI'CJ A K Raw, steady: (air refining, 3.4.V; centrifugal, l3 lest.- a96v; tnoiitast s sugay. 3 luc. Kefltod, steady; crushed, 6.70r- powdered. 6.1wc; granulated, 6.001-. Spot closed steady. 26 points lower; mid dling uplands, 11.16c; middling gulf, 12.uoc; no eaias. , iXJrFBK Steady; Nu. 7 Rio. Vc; No. 1 Santos, ftiao. BL'TTER-Steady ; creamery special, 29c; extras, o; thirds to first. 24u'2)c; held, first to special, 27yjc; state delivery, com mon to finest, 22ni'26-'; process common to special. liu'-HHe; western factory, common to first. 2'j2c. CllKEafc-yulet; state, full cream, small colored and white, September tin. 16c: 1 good to piime, lic; common tu fair, Ijc; large eulorea, Eeptemiier ntie, itc; white. Uc; common to prime, 13tjl6Vc. LOOS Steady; atala and fancy aelnt-ted 1 whole, 34t :!'-'; good to choice, 2tqS3c ; mixed fancy, Ji",i.tJ.-; first to extra rtrat, j!4tf27c; I weatern nrst, naZM-; seconds, ikh'jic. 1'OCLTKY Iiressed. firm; western ehlck en. 11 a 18c; turkey, 10nj 16c; fowls, littildc. Adama Kxpraa Antalpatnated Copper Atn. 0. P Am. C. a- F. ptd Am. Tottnn Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Amert.-an Expraftn Am. H 4 b. pM Amerlt-an lee Securltlaa Am. Lluftaed Oil Am. Llnaeed Oil ptd Am. Locomotlre Am. Locomotive p(d Am. s. 4 K Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd ctfi Anarnnda Mining Co Atrhtaon Atchlaon pM Atlanllc Coaat Line Ilaltlmora ft Ohio bal. Ohio pfd lirooklyn Rapid Tr.., t'anadlan Pattlflc Central of Naw Jerary CneaapaaJte A Ohia Chlt-aso Ot. W f hie-ago N. W C. M. t St. P Chicago T. A T., offered.., Chicago T. T. pfd C, c. C. & St. L Colorado V. ar I Colorado & 80 Colo, at 80. lt pfd.... Colo, ft 80. id pfd..., Conanllilated Oaa Corn proilii-ta, rfg C.-rn Prodiii-ta pfd palawaee ft lltidaon Ilel . U W Denver ft R. a It ft R. U. pfd IHitlllera' Securities Krle Krle 1st ptd Erie Ul pfd General Kle'-trlp Illlnnla Centnl lntentatlonal Pnper Int. Paprr pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa Cltv to K. C.. So. pfd l-oulvlll ft N Mexican Ctmtral M 1 tin. ft SI I. M., Rt. P. ft S. 8. M M , St. P. ft 8. 8. M. ptd. Mlfftourl Patlhc M , K. ft T M.. K. ft T. ptd Nallnnal Lead N. R. R. of M. Ptd New York Central N. Y., O. ft W Norfolk ft Wefttem Norfolk ft W. pfd Nurth American Pacini- Mall PenneylvHttta ,. Peuple'a Uaa P.. , C. ft St. L Preaaed 8tei-l car Prraaed B . c pfd Pullman Palat-e Car Uadlng Reading 1at pfd Reading td pfd Republic Steel Hepubllc Steel pfd Hik Ialand Co Hoik Ialand Co. pfd St. L. ft 8. V. id pfd Ht. Loula 8. ' St. L. S. W. pfd So. Pacific So. Pat-trie pfd So. Hallway 80. Railway pfd Teuneeee C. ft 1 Texaa ft I'ac-inc T.. Si. L. ft W T.. St. L. ft W. pfd t'nton Fai-in t'nloD Paeifli- pfd , t'. 8. Rxpreaa, V. 8. Realty V. 8, Ruhber f. 8. RuU-r, e-dlv C. 8. Steel I . 8 8teel ptd Va.-Caro. Cle-mlcal Va.-Cro. Cham, pfd Wabafth Vabah pfd Walia-Fargo Bipnaa Waatlngh.)Ue Klectrlo .... Weuern t'nlon V. healing ft L K Central Wla. Central ptd Nurtheru faclflc Central Leather ('antral Leather pfd Sloea-tuffleld Steel Ol. Nurlhern pfd. ei-dlr.. Intarborough Met Int. Met. pfd Total Mire lor the day, 3.fJ0 4ti 8'tO High. Mi4 1', :1 2twi aiio w 31M l.SVftl p 4,'ci tl. 3,IW l' 4.7tM li.ti) 34KI 7l 1.4(10 IS 4iiV4 sa 1 -71, ltm 7i, , 1- fins r,i 7UV. Low. '51t S rij i" 7V if ' 4." 1, M'a 74s. Sfia4 10414 74 am 1 7ii 70 tC.14 Rosloat Stocks and Bonds HOSTON, Oct. 15 Call loans,, Dt;6 tent; time loons. ti'Ui per cent. uuotHtliinsj on stocks ami bonds follows . tS Atlantic . 04 Bingham . C.I. ft Her la.. . so Centennial . ... . NRVn Copper Rang .. .1 Italy Weet .... .140 Franklin .lL'ft nranhy .110 Iftla Royale ... . I..V Maei. Mining . .IJ9V, Mlt-hlgan . It Mohawk .12" M.-nt. C. ft C. . 414 old dominion . . rti.U. Orrenla .118 Parrot l'5Vlnt-y . frcaShuitntin . 7H Tamarack ..Ufa Trinity .112 t'ntted Copper . 11 ' 4. . Mining.. . 40 V. 8. Oil . 414 t'tah ,. . . .lit) Victoria . S7 Winona . ii Wolverine . rt North Butte . . . R-l Dutte Coalition . IS Nevada . I'.', I '! ft llet la.. . aS'aArlaona Com. . Atililiion 141 no 4a Met. Central Atrtilftoii 1 do pfd Boftton A Albany. . Hoftt.-n ft Maine... ; h(ftton Elevated Fltcliburg pfd Mexli-an Central . N. Y.. N. H. It I Pere Maro,tctte . j t'nlon Paclflr nm. rneu. l ube. . . Anier. Sugar do pfd Am. T. T Am. Woolen ...... do pfd Dominion I. ft 8. Oeneral Kleotrlc .. "Mist. F.lectrlc .. do pfd Matta. Oaa ,. l'nlted Ftull t'nlted 8. M do pfd f. 8. Steel do pfd B-lventurft Alioueg Amalgamated llld. eeAaed. per Official were as .... a M6 17 4ftV, ' SO l;t 3 7 1' 1'' S3 7.1 - 6 11 35 as 3(0, 4a 2"! 7 144 10 7U, 94 'a C. M & St. P Wabash Missouri I'nctrtc I'nlon Psclllc C. & N. W. least).... C. At N. W. I west)... (,'.. SI. P.. M. O... C, H. y. tenstl... C, H. ct W. twest)... C, R. 1. P- (east... C. R. 1. A P. (west! Chicago Ot. Western. Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipt was as follow, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head lndicatea: Cattle. 5 1 64 16 t '4 S li:i 30 46 7 8 1 1 117 15 2 5 2 11..- 341 72 :-6 7,btl 41 1, 4l, 1,311 lMt Ins l. 17 17 600 2STa 214 1.000 71 7 ton 140 14o(, 11,500 US. "4 114S 16 lot, tuo 2 i'a la :oo .-tut 3714 5. tio 811 e7'4j 201 11 1H? ,.?i) so an 4"0 lf" 4H4j inn 4r,r, 4,iri li IIO 2k H l 2. 309 47W 4i 4.6ml ) 1K-'t yxi : '31 !,) Ill I '104 HO li'4 ' i7 'i7ii " 14 ii ' I....' 2.100 23 21 MO f.1 S'Hi .l 1 "t ''" 2lrt U.- 1M, 1'W 34 34 1110 h IMV, 4a) 1 J 1 12 t 1.700 f.' 57 6, J"0 27 7W 41 i'i '4,1100 iiun 101 1 fail 'JP4, 4'"i 7H 7 RX) fi.i ji. 101) 2it 22t lO.lnO HT', 1 1, 4,?) " 7S. 1.0.0 21 1 MU 70 lit) I, li'rt.tirt) 'tist '7S 3"0 77 77 . " )0 It I7t . 1 114) M4 g'.S . 4.ri.1t lft 14' 1 iih, 4Vt l'i :u 31 2,1 40 4(1 . 1.10) in "4 41 '0 Itu-S l' H 11 IIS 1 "I 4 411 10 13:. rc. f il 7K) 23 21 '4 40) 42S 414 .127. :,u0 l-.-i-i, IIS. 4tn) kio an I'M HI HI . l.l'O 4.1t 42t nw 2-S lwi k' wl . So. lex 1.-14 S2t . 17. 4 wit . l.'t'U it 1 6. K7 li, 3('0 tt S 5i4) 16 i- .'410 wt 5") 7 0 13 11 '. iijoa u -s iis 00 11-, 14t 1 in. ,7a 11 lot) I7t IT . 10,400 1214, llt )'jo a'a .'a I'" a 2a Cloaa. 140 63'4 211 Kit S 70 12 81', 'H 17' 4rt, 3 7' !K'i, HT.'4 74', 3111, Xu HA 70 mt 83 41 Id '4 16,". 7 le.t Hi' 4 14 f.7 16-4 l'a 47 37 V4 an UV., Ft) 149 "4 4S0 lt 4 , lit 4lit Suit, lll-1 22 lt 5 174, an I-'. 1'KI Lit .14 'New York Mliilns; storkn. NKW YORK, Oct. lfi.-Closlne; quotations on mining; blocks were as follows: Oinsha Packing Co...'... J I swift and Company 1 Cudahy PacklnK Co U-( ' Arnuitir & Co La?! Vansant & Co Carey at Henton Lohman Co 2j McCreary & Carey I'? W. 1. Stephen Hill ft Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co. ............ Hamilton A Rothschild. Ii. F. Hus U Wolf J. H. Hulls Sam Wertheltner Mike HaRSeriy J. H. Root & Co O. MeConnaiiBjIiey T. H. lnKtiram Sullivan Hros Lehnier Hros Leuer Rros Lelghton Pack. Other buyers.. Hoirs. Sheep. tif.ii 1.1H7 1.41.9 1.3"tt 1.285 1,373 828 11(1(18 Slilnners tied ennd order moinlnp; and they selected out a few of the most deslrsble huas, paving prices thai were practically steady with yesterday. The number of hogs st-ltlns; on this basis, however, was very limited nd the packers' market may be said to have opened cVl1' lower and very low at that. A the day advanced the market did not Improve any. but closed at the low point of the day, the wlndup belli; generally quoted 10c lower than yesterday. It was practically midday before a clearance wa effected. Representative !es: Adnma Con. Alice Hreei-e I1runw!rk Con. .. Coinatot-k Tunnel Con. Cel. ft Va... Horn Silver Iron silver ........ Iieedvlll Cod. ... Offered. .4011 . I- '. S4 . 7:1 .126 Utile Chief Ontario Ophlr Potoftl Savage Sierra Nevada email tlopea .. Standard ...... . ( St) .13.1 . Ill . CO . . It .2.JU stale. the (ten- Trraaury Statement. WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. Today ment of thft treasurey balances In eral fund, exclusive of the 81oO.000.000 gold reserve, shows: Available csh balance, 82;i8.204.2O(l: gold coin Hnd bullion, 84fi,5K3,S34; gold certificates, 881,780,710. . Bank Clearing. OMAHA, Oct. 15,e-Pnk clearings for to day were $2,0tO.164.n4, . and for the corres ponding date last year 81 ttOG.622.6.1. 1 Wstol -Market. HOSTON, Oct. 15 Very little decrease In the activity of. the local wool market ha been noted and despite the heavy busi ness which Is still above the average, prices ; remain but sllgntly rrtanjred. Interest still 1 centers in territorial wool and some of the t transactions ranged very heavy. The lead- Ing quotations are as follows: Kentucky, IndlHtia Hnd Missouri,' ' three-eighth blood. S2ii;c; qiui.rter blood: 2j:HK . Scoured values, TexHS. fine twelve months, 72fii'7ile; fine six to eight moiih, tl'i'f(41c; fine fall, 67ri(i5c; California, northern. 4i7ititiSc; mid dling county. fiaralirK!: southern. 62fte2c; fall free, 67hVlc; full defective. 4off4nc. Ore gon, eastern. No. I staple. JoftTTSe; eastern No. 1 clothing, rS4j7(le; Mlstern average, nVf.KSe; valley No. 1, rtt: Territory tscoiered). fine staple, 72ft7ilc; fine medium staple, "iVij-72c; line clothing, 67 U Tor; fine luedlum clotlilng, fwitiivlTc; half blood. BftSfiSc; .quarter blood. BIMKioc; pulled, exrra, 6!fr72c j line, nifi4J2c; supers, 52iift7o. I4;t i;t 48 1'.'4 140 1S'.t 2:W 1V.I 1M Ii. 4o 8 R2 Co.... No. Av. Bh. Tr. N. Av. 6k. Pr. 6 M 80 6 r4 iU ... ' 44 SH6 ... 7 f. Tt 1 )', m jib ei o mi : ... 4 os H Kli Ml S to f ... tOti H 13 ... 8 sit 72 Ml 4tf 06 42 115 lu I I2'i 7S 341 H) 4 Of, W HI ... i .'i 70 147 40 10 44 3t 40 r, ;, ( S,. tat) 4 10 14 ? 2"0 4 TO 14(1 12U I lo 24 ... & 134 140 I" 0 S73 .o i M M :41 40 13', tf M 1 B K. 77 li Km) I II S!l 377 120 Ii M St. ...J4a ... 4 IK l-l H7tt I IK a ItD lit 6 !'! ... too 72 2T7 kW If, S7 274 I) I (V eg Hi Ut ti H 27 40 f oft T t;t ... t 30 81 27 loo tw PHfcK'P The pfflcial count showetl tlie re ceipts jesterday lo have been 30.7. a very liberal run even for a Monday. As noted yesterday, the market opened a little slow owing to the fact tttat country buyer wwre late In arriving, but when once underway, the market wa fulrly active, and befoie the close practically everything In tdiit was cleaned tip. Tne big decline at Chi cago last Week, howerer, made Itself felt and prices on tesders, especially lambs and ev-H, were generally lower. ThI morning receipts, though not neatly a Imni. as yestcroav, were still liberal, innklng the total for tits two dav verv li able. As wo the case yesiercay. packer 12f .... all wanted a few killers and practlcallv 226 .... everything that would do for killer 1.U3 Zl.lii ciiauigeu naiide early in the morning. 1 ne puces paia tnti not snow any material . . ...H.iilS a.tyJ . ,.-...f.. nn " - i rji-iaiii S"(u ur- ll'lul . niund unit r.rl,.a mpa Arm 'ri.- t.t l, f'ATTLK Receipts of caUle this n"r""j In the Chicago lamb market last week were quite iidcihi. o-. n.., inaue tne reeling on lamb very weak, and In the yards. There were none too there la nu question hut what with any- however, to supply the requirements or ( ,l(lltt iiK ,br,al offerings, prices even on mnrUet. The deii.and seenieu the best killers would be considerably all desirable Kinds ant; i iie - - lower. Willi so faw coming, however, il is whole was In a very sniisi.wivij vly i,ald for paekp, ,u force B1)y con. l'ackers all secnicti io.miii ' w.J" ct-shlon. and as there were a fe w 'oaos '"JL";,j The aiarket on feeder began nbout whei slrahle killers in sight 'e mar ke ' ' n i,.fi off vesierdaj-. The attendance of In fairly good cssoii ana country buyers was good and the trad rlent activity to the mo eu t, .t "''"",- was fairly active at about the same prices cleainnce of the bulk of the reco pts in i g pr,VI,,(,d yr,Hter(llty afternoon. Thl fair season, lite prices punt '"-" ,,7. means that rH..e u.,ii.. o...rutiu any material change, the market being r i oy lmiia ,()we, , wp,.k .;,, steady. 'l iifT w,r,rr .olc look better "'"wing more decline than that, though, which madti the sale look better j..,drr welll).rl and Parllngs being In on paper. ,,.- nf ouite freely. l'llte'' supply would not show so much Cob and heifers moved olt quue rrraiii. j.j,,,, at least the kind that packer waiite.1, ana yuo,Hon, ori OIM, .,, chn(, klll(.r,. the trade as a whole whs in ft e , L' I L-ambs. SH.-.hftT7.16: vearllntr weihen a-. uti,i. condition. As wa. the t;; 1rPl 6.7fi; wethers. 4.otiii.2f.: ewes. 84.oOnio.OU. there was no inatcriRi nr. -Vlu'dv' I Nu uqotatlons ar given on fair lo good the market b''"""01??"; f-cd.r buyers are taking prac- There was a ood.L nu y d em and tor Uual eyc-rytl.Hig of that de.crtp"l.,n at stockers ami d'',rs' the market wai 'hn packer will pay. epc-uhiUye demand sot hat the J'18, yuotatlons of f elders. Lambi. 8o.OOJ.W; reasonably active r, ady pi - n common Iambs. 85 5041.00; yearlings, 8S.2V. country I ' ' " bifck Into tha - wethers. 84.7bti6.10; ewes, fl-4.60; Rn"a,i. .?ireH oif feed common ewes. 82.26tj7t.SO; yearling breeding 'xv lille tlie eai-lv market was. a noted. . .ged breeding .we.. o.X ...... 'I.. .... t,iVi t r.a and heifers that Ifti5. uackers wanted, the trains oame In very j No. heavily loaded with cow stuff, with the te- ; B- W yomlng ewe feeders., suit tliHt the market closed off slow and . 5,1 AVyom ng lamb feeder. . as much 10c lower than yesterday. W yoming lamb feedors... Quotations on cutM: f.otxl to choice t BM yo-ilng lamb feeders. . corn-fed steers, $ti.tH'ci 7.00; fair to good j iol Wyoming lambs, feeders corn-fed steers. SS.tiVd4l.3o: common to fair S2 Wyoming lambs corn-fed steers. $4.7r(ro.i5: good to choice ' 6o4 Wyoming ewes range steers . D . 76 : fair to good range 3 Wyoming ewes stei-rs al.otf'To.Zo: t'ominoit iu mil inei t i.jiuiiiiik .-wr-n, i-iitin. !..,. ti.Tfi'ii l.TiO: irood to choice, corn-tod Av. . te . 04 I 41 4ti, im- 29 1 bik 7 fif. : ti 1944 7o K-0 9 7;, (3 174 Metal.Uirltrt. NKW YORK. Oct. 15 METAI.S-Tlte 1 .union till market was again quiet. Willi snot quoted at .Cilia 16s, and futures at A I'll Ids. Locally '.lie murKet was weak at Copper also declined In the ' Kngllsh market, with spot closing at LM 2s, ! ami Indites at 67 2s. Locally the tho' tnitrki't was weak ami lower, with 1-akt! quoted at SlK.ooi MM; elei t rolytle at SlZ.T.i'u' j lll.oo. and casting at 112.12.70. Lead was i'k- lower at J.1 n in lindon, but was un- I cltunged locally. 8el(er was tinclianged in ' both markets, closing at 22 in 1-ontlnn. . Iron was lower In the Kturllsh market, with ' Stitndard foundry quoted at 62s 6d. and ' 23 Cleveland warrants at 63a 7SU. Locally the! . Iron market Wfts unchanged. 10.:. aliaraa. h"'t 42 3lt 14. 3 75 lull, 1 f llf. i24i 21., 41V 12"t ' HI 411 KU !l lt kS 9 14 Inn 12 34 n4 "V, 7 M lft) I --" IK cows-hfs M4 !1 cows S1 ' F.vnporatrtl Apple and Dried mill, j jjj JJJ ffi j NKW YORK. Oct. 15. EVAPORATED j 14 fi-eders" K."5 IA'fiit.B niarKet sieauy aitu uuciiMiieu. 1 11 cows. . )wo DRIED FRl'ITS Prunes are rather easy, Oows WT ! but the general range of price 1 un- 111 cows 1(12 ' changed. Apricots are quiet, but hold I 5 cows loi1 steudv In the absence of important offer- 4 calves.... 2.2 lugs. Peaches sre steady and unchanged. 12 feeders. . 9k5 I Raisins continue In very light supply on 33 feeders, .loll the spot and no quotable change is re , ported. cows and belters. M.1010 w. in i-r... . nw Hml heifers. $S.2f.3.i; common i to fair grass cows and heifers, 82.iti3.2n; I gocd to choice stockers and feeders, 84 7off 6. 2o; Iilir 10 gooo ei" 'i" -i-- Ij-4.7u; common to fair stockers and feeders, M.O'04.OO. -Representative sales: BEF.F STEERS. Av. Pr. No. av. rr. . 7".S 4 73 20 !2M 40 1236 30 tl 1341 4 7 , .. lo:t 4 40 1.: 143 1 04 4-OWS. nS 2 7n 10 '.. S U . Sll 5 I" 1 1:,3I 4 ii 1 1 EI FKIITi. OH 3 00 8TOCKKRS AND FEEDERS. , .. () 3 M 4 I 71 6-0 3 10 12 0 V EST 17 It NS NEBRASKA No. It. Mlunraitolla (iraln Market. MINNKAPOI.TB. Minn., Oct. l&.-WHEAT December, 81.12f: May, 8l.K"i: No. 1 hard. 8118; No. 1 northern, 81.17; No. I northern, 81 15; No. 3 northern, 81.11 Villi 114. FLO I.' It First patents, 8tiilorH.W; second patents, 85.8.riiijO CO; llrst clears, 84 50tfji4.70; second clears fl. 'iOffj 3. So. UUAN-In bulk. 822. 2322.50. 3 10 2 45 2 So 3 it I : im :t ir 2 Ml 2 CI 3 to 3 ti') 3 'i 54 cows 8I7 17 cows Mi 4 L'i cows Sou J3 cows 8811 .1 feetlers.. 3 ohIv 2tl cows. . . . 2;' cows. . . . 10 rows. .. . 6 calves... IS feeder. 13 feeders. 473 K71 9;i o7 4tM 774 788 WYOMINO. Available Nappllea of Ciraln. NEW YORK. Oct. 15.-8pecial cable and telegraphic communications received by ItrHdstreet's show an increase in the world's wheat visible Supply of LiW.OnO bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, Increased S'tl.too. Oats, L'nlted Statea and Canada, increased 177,000. No. No. 8, 6oV4c; no grade, 620 as Ural) Market. MILWAUKEE. Wla. Oct. 15-WI1EAT-Flrm; No. 1 northern, 81. 1141.): No. S northern, fl. 1701. 18; December, Sl.u6' bid. RYK-Flrm: No. 1. iK0V4O. HA RLE Y Firm; No. 2, Sl.U'Vj; sample, ESctqll 12. CtiKN Firm; No. S cash, abtjtjoitc; My, tlc bid. Lhrrpuel Grata Market. I-IVERPOOU Oct. 16-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; futures. steady; December. s 7V,.i; March, ss Sd; May. 8s 7 VI. CORN-Spot, firm: prio e inurd. - Amer t"sn. tu: fulore. steeAy; Oc'v er, 5 IHt'l; January i i 'ad . . London Cloalog gtoeka. 1.0NDON, Oct. 16 Closlhg quotatloos on follows: M 1-14 M., K. A T K -lt N. Y. Central .. 44, Norfolk ft W . . fct do jfd .. Mt Ontario ft W .. a, a penneylvanls . lf2", Kand Mint! ...... .. Knadlng 7ttoulUeru ga'.lwajr ..111 do pfd ..', Soutliero Pacific .. It I'nlon Pacific .... ..4) do pfd .. ltf. 6. Htael .. 43 do pfd .. 31 Wabafth .. 2't do pfd ..1H3tSpanin 4a . .lu-t teady, Sd r ounce. -per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for abort bills 1 4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for three months' bills Is 4 per cent. tuck were Conaola. sioney ... do 41-CiJtlUl ...... Anarooda Atrhlean do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian PaciQa .. Chea. ft Ohio i t-blrago Ot. W C . M ft it. P .. be beet, , Denver ft R. O : do pfd I Brla , do lat pfd do 3d pld Urand Trunk ! 1 1 : Inula Central ... I Uulerllls ft N ... SilA KH-Har, MONEY-2'2 Paorla Market. PEORIA. Oct. 15. CORN Steady yellow, 66Vi6ot; b2'v- OATS Easv; No. 3 white, MVi(f5c; No. 4 white. ifliyfiMlic. RYE-Steadv; No. i white, Wl790c. WHISKY On the basis of 81.34 X Daluth (irala Market. Dl'H'TH, Minn., Oct. IS. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 81 15H; No. 2 northern, 81 13; December. 8112l4. May. 81 1"H. OAT8-63C. 19 sieers 2 steers 28 cows. , 4!' steers. 4;i steers. . 1 steer. . . 87 cows. . . 2 cows. . . 61 steers. , s Hi' i r. 06 ctavs... 14 bulls... ID COWS. . . 22 cows. . . 28 heifers 10 ytecrs. ...Uf3 8.7 calves... 2P8 41 hplfer... 7S2 37 cows 94!) 12 cows Ii0 Brown 1 steer i:H ..lO-iH ..I3ti ..lIHItl ...112f. ..Ultl .lli'O .. : i .. 1-97 .. I.KT uw .. M'l ..i:v-i ..1"22 .. : .. 7;ni . 24, l'4t . tM, . tw . 3-t . . 4.', . 1! . 414 . 7f, .I-..", . 14 . 2.114, . . 1-t - D't Coffee NKW YORK, Oct quiet. October, 6 Cm-; January- Market. 16 COFFEE Futures 68f.ii 5.-)c; December, ."tj 6.1oc; March, 8.20c: May 4 15 h tn 1 4o 4 L7) 4 2.1 4 'a, 3 20 3 -m 4 to 4 : " 2 l 3 4I 2 40 3 23 4 26 5 TS 3 20 3 Sft 3 60 4 slet !. ...1240 14 cows ?'.l 7 feeders. . '.ml 42 sieers. ...Ill i W steers. 78 cows. . ,'IS cows. . 3 cows. . 171 steers. 5.1 steers. 20 Fteer. 18 calves M cows. . 2 cows.. 10 feeders. .1126 . !';.2 . iMO , 907 . !4-i . 8"H .1120 . 2& , 019 . lets . IMi) 2 66 2 K 3 00 2 Si 8 60 4 23 2 23 3 Ot) 2 90 4 X) 3 80 8 33 4 25 3 00 8 76 4 26 4 2-.) 3 20 8 isS 8 1 3 23 4 20 4 23 4 86 2 90 2 06 4 00 4 4) 3 36 2 M 8 25 4 15 360 Wyoming lambs 128 Wyonilnn htmhs 18 Wyoming wethers 30 Wyoming ewes 2i4 Wyoming lambs Ji Wyoming ewes, feeder 40 Wyoming ewes 22 Wyoming lambs 122 Wyoming ewes, feeders 648 Wyoming ewes, feeder 215 Wyoming ewes 46 Wyoming wethers 800 Wyoming lambs 171 Wyoming lambs 7"2 Wyoming lambs, feeder 139 W yo'nlng lambs, feeder 118 Wyo. lambs, culls, feeders.. 480 Idaho yearlings and wether. 227 Idaho yearlings and wethers. 74 Iduho yearling and wether. 112 Idaho ewe .143 Idaho ewes, breeder 121 Idaho ewe, cull 422 Idaho lambs 867 Iduho lambs Hi Idaho weihers 48 Idaho lambs, culls 3S9 Idaho lambs, feeder . ti Kiano iamb 1 2S1 Idaho lumbs, feeders 126 Idaho ewes 63 HO 35 82 3 Ki 62 6.1 IfT. 113 M S6 67 1 SM 104 115 til 43 68 66 47 94 93 Sti 1' 97 ' Ml TI . 72 . a . uo . M . 89 . 62 107 Spot quiet 4, s'c; mild Rio. No. 7. coffee, dull; 6 Sue: July. 40c. tL,e; Sahtos No. Cordova, Ift-filti'c. I Wiiul II rL .( . ST. LOl"19. Mo.. Oct. 15 WOOL Siea'lv; medium Bretles. cemblnar and clothing, 23V4. h25c; light tine, 22i22!4jc; heavy tine, 17 loc; tub washed, MiStr. Stock of live la night. stock at the 1 rtecetiita ' . i . . . 1 ,11 a rll vt.ul.. ntu.'- lx prln- 19 steers. ...K":1 SR heifers... t 43 cows 9.11 lh cows...'.. 6f2 3o feeders.. 1081 4V Weave, Wvotnlna;. - 6 00 1W steers... 1102 4 80 J. McVann. Wyoming. 8 cows..: .. "21 2 76 . 10 feeders. . 968 4 40 Table Mountain Sheep Co., Wyoming. 22 steers. ...1117 4 66 2 row 1175 3 40 W. Reynolds.- Wyoming. 23 row SM 119 flwan. lnd A Cattle Co.. Wyoming. 3 0 ilM COW 4. I 23 2 60 Juhnon. Wyoming. 4 45 29 feeders.. 96(5 8 05 11 cow 914 ;i 26 7 calves. .. 221 3 75 Homer. Wyoming. 8 90 2t feeders.. Hi 5 fi 14 cows W2 3 00 MorteitKon. Wyoming, i 119 Idaho ewes, culls and feeder 96 17 Idaho lambs, feeders M 1K3 Idaho lamb, feeder 6x 679 Idaho lambs, feeder 69 60I Idaho wethers 10J I 27 Idaho wethers jni I 619 Idaho yearlings, feeders Ml ' 120 Wyoming ewes, breeders Ill , 342 Wyoming lambs, feeders M I IKl Wyoming lumbs, feeder 00 1,3 Wyoming lambs, reeders 3 206 Wyoming wether, feeder. .109 . 63 . 67 . 7 . a8 . Kit .114 .1" .106 . 49 4 ir. 2 60 4 75 4 10 8 10 Foreiaa Flaauelal, . , LONlON. Oct. 11 The upplle of uioney ! today wer4) Increased by common pay- j menls. Discount were firm, owing 10 (ui I of further gold withdrawals. Americans j improved to over parity at noon on pre ferential support. There was absolutely no local business, however, the position in Wall street occasioning much uneasi ness. Price eased In the afternoon until l-he receipt of the New York oiteniug quota lions when tht it'rkot livened un, Scth :n i'acu't, ana i'tuoa i'fl.r; tluciutmJ South Omaha Sioux Cltv Kaunas City .. St. Joseph .... St. lxiuis Chicago Totals Cattl- 7 u-iti 19"' 21 mi 4.W 8 9. tllft) . 12.UU0 Hogs. Sheep. 4rt 14.500 l,al 12.IMI 4 MM) ll.ouO 14,000 810 1 970 1 3,i4) i Du.uuo 1 6.2laj 50.230 67.470 1 29 feeders Live "tuck Market. Oct .a CATTLE Re ceipts 4 fats heatl; market steady: natives, 84. fjntiti 80; cows and heifers. 82.Owu6.26; ft. Josesih ST. JOSEPH. stockers and feeders, 83 "M tiOdli Receipts, 4.1130 head; market 10c lower; top, 8tt in bulk of sales. M.lStfli. HU SH EBP AND LAM US Receipts. 1.970 re-.J; n r'-aiiv lit. 6 b'-Q'T 15; n feeder yearling. 8f .r-tfefi i' " I 6 feeder 8 t'cwi...,. 912 4 cowa.:...tlt7 II. A. 9 teer. ...ID"' 26 cow 07) 14 cows 6:u 8 calves... 3J0 ii. H. 37 feeder.. 11H 5 feeders.. 11' 15 com s 927 Mis. 1. K 18 cows 1'7 8 16 7 cow 9o4 2 80 J. K. Cook. Wyoming. 11 feeders . 1TJ 4 4f, 12 cows 9fi 3 Wilson Rros.. Wyoming. 15 feeder.. s7 4 20 1 feeder.. M4 3 i.i 0 feeders. . 9" 4 2" 4 feeder.. 9 3 6 9 uiwi K52 2 7'i .1 roar 1iaJ 2 7') 16 cows 10S1 3 of. 49 cows K3 2 7" 2.ri cow 4 00 3S rolve... V-7 4 ti 15 slet rs ... 5 2 00 Snlrlcy, Wyoming. 27 feeders., sv 4 2T, 2 f-eor . 9'0 K. Pluntmer. V yomlng 1 fnw lif ' 6 t"i 9 st'-ers ...ri3 1 sterr 1 wo 6 ( 4 steers ...1!'5 steer. ...15o 4tf) 6 feeders. . SSI W. 11 Thayer-Wyo. i'd 4 60 . W. Remington Wyo. 411 cow 8 rOI'TII 12o4 4 1220 4 75 M 4 75 9f 2 no . 901 8 k". , M0 4 10 .713 4 10 lots) 4 0 IS feeder 13 feeder 6 cow. . . 3 cows. . . 14 cow... ul cows. . . 19 rows. . . 11 ralv s. 6 calves. 2 bull. o4T Mtt ... V 3 . .. IK.I ...1"16 ... 941 . .. .. V i ...U7i B. W. J. 4 50 4 2 4 20 3 01 3 05 3 61 3 35 8 65 6 IS 3 26 3 60 6 00 6 00 S 80 374 Wyoming lambs, culls Ids Wyoming lambs, cull 177 Wyoming lamb 2M Nevada yearling, feeder.. 474 Nevada yearlings, feeders.. 121 Wyoming ewes, feeder 248 Wyoming ewe, feeder .... 145 Wyoming ewes l&U Wyoming lamb, feeder Pr. 4 40 e 60 e bo 50 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 25 n 13 11. 5 fto 4 7 00 3 90 2 00 6 at) 4 10 4 10 4 90 5 10 85 6 86 50 25 t 60 8 55 5 56 4 60 5 05 5 25 3 76 7 06 1 Ot 6 viO 40 8 35 K 76 6 30 4 75 8 75 6 00 8 30 3d 4 90 4 90 6 33 8 00 8 86 ( So. 8 35 6 26 10 7 00 7 00 6 30 6 81) 6 25 6 36 6 00 ti OiJ I'aaaenatcr Pays Ills Fare F.Tery Tlraa lie ee tbp I ttadafler Pas Ulna and aa Kxplosloa Foltowra. Mny a msn fondly f ancle tie Is tie ruler In his own house when. n matter of fgct. he I merely the husband of a tactful woman. Such a man is fortunate. Here Is a little episode frony an Omsh home that Illustrate the above domestic maxim: The tactful wife looked about her In the afternoon and saw first, that the weather hnd turned cold and therefore the furnace would have to be started; second, that the furnace had not been cleaned nd therefore this could not h done: third, that her son wa away from home and therefore he would not do It; fourth, that hubby would be home late In the after noon, tired with day work, and there fore not anxious to tackle the furnace: further, that he would be Inclined to look with disfavor, to sav the 1eat. upon the absence of his on at a Ute hour In the day when the furnace required a trong hand. Now, some women would have lMled tha fact bluntly, not to ay autoschedlasttc- lly. to their lords, and allowed them to make the best 6t It. Not o this woman of tact. She aixed tip the situation and mllcd calmly a her worser half came 1n t the front door, all unconscious of hi Impending fate. After he had greeted lilm her voice took on a note of pity and sympathy. "1 thing It 1 Jut too mean. John." sh said, "that when you are alt tired out with I lie day work at the offlc you have to come home here and go and dean out that old furnace and start the fire, lt'a a aliame, anyway, with coal so high, (hat th weather la so chilly." She continued In this tone, giving John no chance to say anything until lie knew whal was before him.. Anyway, how could a man protest In the face of audi sweet sympathy? Had the fact rt the cae been dated to him bluntly he might have "raised the roof" for a little while before settling down to the Job. Hut, attacked when lie least expevted it and with weapon with which he wa not' familiar, he succumbed before his better half and went willingly to work on the furnace, thinking what a fine thing It Waa to have a loving, sympathetic woman to ahare hi burden. And all of It waa done Juat. by tact, tact, tact. "That' once I got ahead of John," aald tills tactful woman to a neighbor after ward; "1 certainly beat him to It that Urn." A shriek uildnly disturbed tha peace of a Hantcom park car yesterday morning and the conductor, looking forward to what tragedy might be taking place, beheld the wild dark eyes of a little weasened man gleaming from his black-bearded face. "Meln gracious," he cried, coming toward the conductor, "glfe me bark my two nick tls." "Wa don't give no rebate," said the con ductor coldly. "No. no, I vant not rebate," said tho lit tle man, "but I pay you my fare three times alrleady. Three nickels I had In mcin vest pocket. Now they are all cone, and 1 remember I paid yon three) time. Each time you walk past I reach In main pocket and give you a nickel." "Well, I rung "em up," aald the con ductor. "I can't fight olt people who want to pay me more'n once. I can't give) you back your money." The little man wrung hi . hand. "I will no more think so dcop on business." he declared. "I am absent minded. Her It loses ,-ne 10 cents In ten minute. Meln gracious." Other pasaengers in the car noticed that every time the oondurtor pnascd this llttla man tin latter -pitched, thoughtlessly, into 1.1s vtsl pocket and handed the conductor a nickel. Tiu-y thought atrange, . but ah conductor, of course, did not observe that the man was duplicating hla fare, for tha car was crowded. The little man, of eourae, was absorbed In something else and didn't think of It, but when It broke in upon Mm he couldn't think of anything elae. "ThI is a great plarli 'jo . wafch people -all right, all right." remarked the elevator con duct of In t'nlon .station. '.And. to IJ-.' lust rate hi remark . and prove the truth of Ills statenw A contlued thue:" "ThI here elevator holds about thirty people. Now. I come to th treet level ; and there' , crowd waiting. In a crowd you'll always find a certain peroeniage- ft fellow that push- In ahead where they can and get the best places. If there' anyone going to be left it ain't going to be them. ) nu bet. ' "Well, in thla elevator la where them heg get what's coming lo them because, you see, the first man in an elevator la the lakt man out of It. That'a like It eay ia the Scripture somewhere, 'The last hall be first and the first shall be last.' "There's ene fellow gats on that'a foxy, though. He alwaya atands right Inside the door and then when we get down stairs -be Is Hie first to step out. But as a rut the last to get into an elevator la the first to get out. It pay to be polite on aa ele vator all right, all right." CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Hogra Klve t eat Lower Sheer Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. 15. CATTLE! Receipt, estimated alto 11 1 12,000 head; market weak; steers, Su.2fvu7.16; cows, U.Mifi.Ui; heifers, la iKxii. 75,. calves, SOft ); hulls, 82 6.u0; stockers and foeders, 82.4OHI600. HOOS Receipts, estimated about 16.0041 lu-ad; market, weak to sc lower; choirs heavy shipping, So.tu41.70; light butchers. KtiS'ijlS 7", light mixed, 86 45'u.55; choice light, t 504H1 .66; packing, Sri tftfyvi 40; pig. Su.iautl 25; bulk of isles, S.4"tni 5o. SIIKKP AND LAM 118 -Receipts, . esti mated about 30,000 head; market, steady; sheep, H 6"6.26, lumbs, S6.75..J 7.80; yearlings, 86.6o44.Ot. Jiaasne City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 15 OATTLFJ Re ceipts, 22.000 head, including 80O southerns; market steady to 10c lower. Stockers and feeders, strong; choice export and dressed beef steers. Wo.i4(j; fair to good, 84.76(f 6.90; western sieers, 83 76'4-550; stockers and feeders, 83 1'JtiO 25; southern steer. 81 26'dl 4 V: southern cows. t2.2ffj3 .60; native cows, 82.2iu4.55; native holfers, S3.OtVg4.76; bulls, 82 00-12 96; calvea. 81 5oi.50. HOG-Receipt. 17,""0 head: market p)c lower. Too. 8437V4: bulk of sales 4.30; heavy, S-lWtJ 22i, ; packers, 8il5'r45,36; I . , XI . .. ft l .1. -..js -. , I pigs arid ugii'". 99 juit oit. OMAHANS STRIKE RICH LEAD Brothers of Ab Witar Tsrs l Fortaae em Their Alaska a Claim. City License Inepector Ab Waggoner has received new from.- .brother at Eagle. Alaska, to the effect' that a mine In which both are Interested ha developed Into a paying proposition and that the property I now worth 820.000 without little develop ment. Walter Waggoner, eon of the ycenee Inspector, will leave for Alaska by the last boat to go up thla winter, which will leave Peattle November 26, and. will devote hla time to the development of trve mine. John Waggoner ha been in the Klondike country for thirteen years, prospecting the greater part of the time with little succe until ha made the present strike. Bern pies of the ore have been sent to Omaha snd one lot of quarts and some duet lias been sent to the asauy office, while Mr. Wag goner has two nuggeU which he is showing friends. 84 eer. .. 14 teers. .. 36 steers.. 5 row s t cows 10 feeders. DA KOTA. 6 steers.. ..12"J2 21 steer. . . 1 1 fi rows I'M cow 9"2 1 calf ! feeder.. 1075 8 fe-der.. 7'1 I fe4fi..l')l 4 75 4 80 3 40 3 46 t 00 4 50 2 60 4 0 Transport l.osaa Arrlre. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18 The United Statea army transport Logan from the liilllubines. which was fog bound off Ilia 84 15lii i harbor last night entered port this morn ing. It uniuilll taife iiuuiuvr ui cabin parameter, mostly army ofileers. SIIKKP AND LAMUS-ReoelDts. lO.Oot nJ 411 men or in i itirieenvii , head; market atrong. latino. SH.cAiW j; ! ; -t . ,. , ... ,.., .,i,., ewe and ye.rilng. 5.0ml6.&6; western I St. l.oal Live to.k Market, yearlings, U.yC..6o; western sheep, 84 km ' ST. IXM'IS. Mo Ofit.' IS TATTLJS S.60; stockers and feeders. 83 604(6 80. i Ri-celpts. 9.000 head including 8.600 Texans; market, steady; natives ana export steer. leas City l ive Block Market. BIOl'X CITY, Oct. 15. (Special Telegram.) CATTLK Rocelpts. 1.9w head; market steady; beeves. 84.7fni0; coa and heifers. 82.5tu4.tO; stockers and feeders, 8"J io'fl.fjO; calve and yearling, 82.7!iu4.o0. HOGS Receipts. 1.900 bead; market sleadv, selling al; bulk of vale, (l.Oobt.O. If you hve anything to tiade adverU tt lo the For Exchange columns of tha, bee Want Ad ba - 841 lWil.15; dressed beef and butchers' steers 86 2"u4.it6; steer under l.0" lb., 84 264)4.76: Bt'et ker and feeders, 82 754M 60; cows aru) heifers. 83ueii5tw. tanners. $l.bia2.Sf; bulls. 82 Han-4.75; calves, S3 7MJ7.50: Texans and Indian steers. 8J.utU6 86; cowa and heifers, 81 7v(e4 uo. Iltxls Receipts, 11.6u0 head; market, 800 85c lower; pigs and lights, 8k.764jj4V60; pack ers, tbltiiU, butchers' and best heav. 8 6. . , BHEfcP AND LAMBRk:eirits. 8 001 head; market, sicdv; native muttone. 83 'J t;cia:. ; lambs. U VhvI IS, culls end . bucks S2.(.0i4s3.2j: atotlters. U.Vm.tX " V