Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
5 ODD FELLOWS AND REBERAHS N Vo n M5 m Grand Lodges Hold Encampment (or the Year. PATRIARCH DDOUCK ABSENT THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1907. ii i i mi . 4 . i i "' "i ii nm,nU ""v - o i i. : NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Irs. Edward Sorter Peck Entertains I,uncheon Party at Omaha Club. SAPPY HOLLOW HAS BUSY DAY two l.are Aalama Linrkrona Given rbfr Ttfidif Prtirnr of dfT. eral Attractive Wtrnn Orc. lonii Mirk Entertaining. at three The Home flhow In undoubtedly receiv ing; flattering; attention from society, but It In by no means monopolising It, as sev eral affairs bordering on the fttrmal If not pretentious were given Tuesday and there are hints of many more large parties to be given during the week. There are several very attractive visitors In town who are occasioning most of the entertaining. Prom Incnt anions; these are Mrs. Jacobs of Col orado Springs, guest-of the Misses C urtls, Mr. Wanna man of "Washington, D. C, gueat of Miss taisy Doane; Miss Haxel Remington of Grand Rapids, Mich., guest of Mrs. Harley O. Moorehead; Mtss lilanche I'nterklrcher, guest of Mrs. R. L. Hamil ton,' and the Mlsaea Ryan of Dubuque, la., guests of Miss Lucille Harden. . I At the Omaha Club. The most elnhorate affair of Tuesday waa the luncheon given by Mra. Edward Porter Peck at the Omaha club In honor of Mrs Haskell of Chicago. The guests were seated ut one forge table which was unique and exceedingly attractive In Its decoration. The center of the table was a miniature reproduction of the Horse Show arena. It waa complete In every detail. I Ittlo cbachea made It more realistic and red and white ribbons and red and white roaea and carnations completed a very at tractive table. Those present were: Mrs. Haskell. Mrs. E. A. Cudahy. Mrs. O. W. Wattles, Mrs. F. 11. Davis, Mrs. Arthur C. Hmlth, Mrs. Charles T. Kountte, Mrs. Luther Kountie. Mrs. Ward Burgess, Mra. Joseph Cudahy, Mrs. Victor Caldwell, Mra. J. E. Bummers. Jr.; Mrs. Parker of St. Jo seph, Mo.;. Mra. Kuykendall of Denver, Mrs. E. H. Westbrook, Mrs. Joseph Barker, Mra. R. B. II. Bell. Mrs. Helen Davis. Mlsa Kgert of Odensburg. N. T., and Miss Jessie Millard. At Hapbr Hollow, One. of the largest affairs of Tuesday was the luncheon given by Mrs. D. E. McCuIley and Mrs. Frank R. Strelght at Happy Hol low club. Their guests were seated at one large "T'-shaped table. Where the "T" crossed waa a large basket tilled with red and whltn rosea to carry out the . Horse ' Hhow colors, and another basket simlllarly ' filled decorated the lower end f the table. Those present were Mrs. Douglas Welp . ton, Mrs. Frank Dale, Mrs. A. W. Scrib ner, Mrs. H. N. Wood, Mrs. George A. Day, Mrs. John Steel, Mis. S. W, Lindsay, Mra. A. O. Edwards, Mrs. Frank Blaln Bmltn of Mexico CUV, Mrs. R. B. Elliott, Mrs. J. J. Toms, Mrs. I.. I.. Hamlin. Mrs. 1. W. Porter, Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. Rome' Miller. Mrs. W. B. Clarke. Mrs. H. A. Wagner, Mrs. F. R. Clarke, Mrs. J. ' A. Johnson, Mrs. W. J. Monaghan, Mrs. W. K. Johnson, iira: J. XI. Jcunnlson. Mrs. Montgomery Harris. Mrs. A. W. Ruff, Mrs. Kdward Johnson. Mrs. V. H. Oarratt, Mrs. .Julius Kessler, Mr.C F, B. CHr.rign. Mrs. U ' M! ttdgroriy, Mr? Ct. O. Kdgerly. Mis. Tired Dale, Mrs. C. K, Bates, Mrs. Mel ' I "hi of Des Moines, Mrs. J. H. Blanchard, Mrs.' Paul Wernher, Mrs. C. R. Bone, Mrs. W. W. Crlgor. Mrs. Robert Trimble. Mrs. H. W. Hicks. Mrs. C. W. Hlcke. Mrs. C. 11. Gerber, Mrs. Samuel Rees. Mrs. J. R. Moyer of Cmincll Bluffs, Mrs. S. B. Mc IMarmld, ' Mrs. It. K. Seaman, Mrs. Emlle : DeOraff. Mrs. W. H. Sensler of Missouri : Valk-y. Mrs. W. H. Wilbur. M. J. J. Antcn of Missouri Valley, Mrs. .hllo D. tClarke of Red Oak, la.; Mrs. W. I. Stephen, Miss Jessie Helsell of Odebolt. lal Miss Anna Hoyt, Miss Edith Amen of Missouri Valley. Miss Ada Sargent of Council Bluffs, Miss Mabel S'ephen, Miss .'Constance Kemp, Miss Mabel Hicks, Miss .Henrietta Rees, Miss Georgia Mitchell of Council Bluffs, Mlsa Laura Dale, Miss Mae Seaman, Miss Edna Wright, Mlsa Eloise Wood, Miss Eleanor Sensler of Missouri VoJJey and too liontecsea. One of the other beautiful luncheons was given by Mra. T. W. Blackburn In honor of ' Mra. G. C. Chapman of Des Moines, who la the guest of Mrs. Herbert Wheelock. Her table wus attractive with autumn leaves and the plate cards were autumn scenes or autumn' suggestions. At the tablo ' were Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Herbert Wheelock, Mrs. Noah Perry, Mrs. George Strain, Mrs. George Rice. Mrs. M. J. Ken nard. Mra. Walter Dean. Mrs. P. S. Mc Ouire. Mrs. Fred E. Tollard, Mrs. F. Gar vin, Mra. S. P. Bostwick. Mrs. E. A. Ben son. Mra. W. A. Saunders, Mrs. George Aubaugh, Mrs. T. W. Auatln. Mrs. John Kuhn, Mrs. B. J. Drummond, Mrs. George KmVry, Mrs. Simeon Jones and Mra. R. V. Cola. Small luncheons were given by Mrs. A. O. " Edwards, who had four guests; Mrs. Howard Kennedy, four; Mrs. C. E. Sum ner, four, and Mrs. E. C. Henry, four. With Mrs. 11. K. Burket were Mrs. colt, .Mrs. O. 8. Kemper. Mrs. A. W. Phelps and Miss A. E. Haskell. Her tablt ai prettily trimmed wllh red and white carnations. For Mlsa Bedwell. Numbered among the very enjoyable af fairs of Tuesday was the high tea given by Mlsa Zola Dellecker In honor of Miss Mry Bedwell, who Is one of the week's brides. Tea was served at 4 o'clock In the dining room, where the d.-roratlona were exclusively In red. American beauties on a cluny centerpiece ornamented the table. The other rooms were pretty with palms and ferns.. Assisting Miss Dellecker were Miss Faith Hotl. Miss Rngene Dellecker and Misa JesMle Naon. Those present were: Mlsa Mary Bedwell, Miss Mary Morgan, Mlsa Zura Shields, Miss Nell Randall, Miss Nell Guild, Jdiss Mildred Funkhouser, Miu Etta Bowman of Kansas City. Miss Edith Butler. Miss Helen Meyer. Miss Minnie and Misa Nana Prltchett, Miss Georgia Patterson. Misa Ida Smith. Miss Eunice i Howell. Miss Jessie Naaon, Miss Liu a Rohrbough, MIrs Lorraine Comatock, Mrs. ' C. E. Bedwell. Mrs. Paul Blackburn and Mrs. Frank Fans. Mrs. Yale Huffman of Denver, MlbS Henrietta Reea, Miss Jesnla It Udell of bt. Louis. Misa Edna Jensen and Mlrs Pearl Fltigerald. Tea Parties. A charming tea was gtvwi Tuesday after noon between i ai4 o'clock -by Mrs. Dun lieu in? Jr , in hutior of her guest. Miss Murlo Lawall of Euaton, Pa. The rooms werrf fragrant with cut flowers and the bosteaa waa aaaistad by Mrs. D. A. Damn. Mis. Clement Chase. Mra. J. N. Baum. Mrs. Thomas Crelgh. Mrs. Walter Preston, Mrs. C. W. .Hull, Mias Mary Lea McShane, Miss Ada Ktrkendall and Misa Faith Potter. . Miss Edltli Thomas gave an informal lunrbeoii HujhIm kt her home in honor of Misa HUnrlis I'nterk'rcher, who la the run! of Mrs. R. I. Hamilton. Thoaa prea rnt wrre; Mtss I'liteiklroher. Mrs. R. L. Haiiiilloii. Mrs. U. y, Wa'tlue. Ml Anna t'oad. , Mrs. J. W. Thomas and Misa Thomas. .V". . Vr - Kuihf - entertaintd very Informally Tuesday afternoon tables of bridge. Proapertfr Pleasure. Miss Daisy Doane will Rive a luncheon at the Country club Thursday In honor of her guest. Mrs. Waggaman of Wash ington. D. C. Mrs. Robert Lee Hamilton and Mrs. H. J. Edwards will give a large ten next M'-nday afternoon In honor of their guest. Miss Blanche I'nterklrcher of Burlington, la., at the home of their father. P. E. Her. Mm. G. W. Wattles will entertain In formally st Juncheon Thursday at her home. Miss Mable Balcomb of Omaha Is one of the contributors to the November Smart Set. Her story, "As It Turned Out In R"al Life," has real literary merit. Coma and Go fiosalp. Among the out-of-town guests who will attend the McNown-Bedwell wedding Thursday are a number of "Sorority sis ters and college mates of Miss Bedwell s. several of whom Will bo entertained nt the home of Miss Zola Dellecker. Called at the Last Momeat to WUcos ala, Where Mils Mother IHed Saddealr 9e leas t'oa rloded Tharsday. The grand encampment of the Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows, which Is to be 'the Initial gathering; of the fiftieth annual session of the grand lodge, waa somewhat KEEPING THE HAIR HEALTHY eluded among these young women are: ( Honrs une.crneain and win not move easily. Miss Harriet Paul of Henderson, la.: Mrs. then the hahr will fall out and the healthl Yale Huffman of Denver, Miss Ida Bobbins, nrsa of the hair follicles will become Im Mlss 'Kate Field, Miss Goorgla Field ' paired. Therefore one should have two Miss Minnie Sweezey and Miss Ella Har per, all of Lincoln, and Miss Helen Day of Beatrice, Miss Ena Brach of Hastings and Mlsa Claire Dovey of Plattsmoutli. Mrs. Irving Baxter has returned from fanes which mny be bought this season at s irprisinply reasonable prices. One seen the other day was a charming rory of an old-time embroidered bedspread, with a broad and graceful border of wild roses arranged so It came well up on the bed. The coloring was exquisite and th"! printing so artistic that It was hard to believe that the cover cost less than tf. These printr d bedspreads are very at- (rarlli'. fi.r lh Tin i TH 1 1 f a V (" 1 1 .1 IT O i r I a r... - c iailv If the coloring of the hangings' and lJ'd Tuesday morning because of the wall' paper are repeated. absence of Grand Patriarch E. S. Dlmmlck. ; Mr. Dlmmlck had been suddenly called to Wisconsin because of the death of his mother. Grand Senior Warden W. G. Purcell of Broken Bow railed the meeting to order at U a. m. In the Odd Fellows' hall, Four teenth and Dodge streets. The work of the encampment was wholly of an execu tive character, consisting of the secret work of the order, the submission of reports and was continued during the afternoon. Involv ing the election of officers and other ritual work. The following grand encampment offloers were elected: Grand patriarch, W. G. Pur cell of Broken Bow; grand senior warden, V. a. Rohrer of Hastings; grand junior warden, W. 11. Crellln of Lyons; grand high priest. J. P. Carson of Lincoln; grand scribe. I. P. Gage of Fremont; grand treas Systematic and clenttfle Massage Scalp la the Real Secret of !eee. of Scalp masKiign Is the secret of keeping the scalp and hair healthy. It Is done easily and Is not a great tax either on time or patience. The hair producing scalp Is loosely attached to the underlying skull as any ono can prove with the fingers. In-i When the scalp becomes adherent to the ends In view that of keeping the scalp perfectly loose and flexible upon its sup- urerj F. B. Bryant of Omaha; grand rep. resentatlve, W. D. Crawford of Omaha. porting framework, the skull, and that of preventing the flow of blood to the roots so that the hair follicles will be nourished the east, where she visited friends and rela- properly and the oily glands secrete their tlves In Syracuse and Detroit. ! substance to keep the hair from growing Miss Jessie Helsell of Odebolt. la., Is the dry and brittle. In order to do this only guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McCuIley until three movements of both hands in concert after the Horse Show. Mrs. Gould Diet, who has been spending a few days in Lincoln, the guest of her mother. Mrs. Putnam, has returned, but leaves for Lincoln again Tuesday, to re main the rest of the week. Mrs. Robert Gilmore returned Tuesday morning from a few weeks' visit In the east. Miss Clara Weldensall, who Is attending the Chicago ilnlverslty, , Is expected in Omaha about Christmas to visit Omaha friends. The Misses Ryan of Dubuque. Ia., arrived Tuesday, to be the guest of Miss Lucille Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nott have returned from a two montha' sojourn In St. Taul, the woods of northern Wisconsin, Milwau kee and Chicago. are necessary. Before dressing .he hair and when taking It down at night loosen It by giving the ends of It two or three Mght strokes; place the tips of the fingers or At 8 o'clock last evening the encampment degree work was carried out. A special session of the grand lodge was held at Creighton hail. Fifteenth and Harney streets, for the purpose of conferring the grand lodge and past grand degrees. The Rebekah assembly convened last evening in the Worknfon temple. General Hotel Headquarters. The headquarters of the various grand both hands at the junction of the hair and organisations are at the Rome hotel and forehead, and then work them with the circular motion gently but firmly toward an Imaginary center at the top of the head. already between 600 and 600 of the dele gates are in the city and the Incoming trains bring additional members. The sea. bring the fingers of each hand over an ear at the juncture of the hair with the skin. In the same manner as before they should work over the hair roots with light and de, p massage until the fingers meet at the center. I For the third nmvmpnt nf Rrnln man- It Is a Duplicate of Model Made for th , of , d . d At each turn of the fingers let them work 0n of the grand lodge gives promise of lightly on the surface and then deeply. Tlip being the most largely attended of recent first motion is addressed to the hair follicles years. themselves, the next to moving the scalp The grand lodge will convene In Creigh- on the head so as to make It soft, yielding ' ton hall Wednesday at 9 a. m. The address and flexible. The second movement Is 0f welcome, will be delivered by Harry K. made by placing the tops of the fingers so Burnam on bhalf of the city, with re- that the forefinger of each hand will meet sponats by Grand Master J. E. Morrison, where the last massage left off. This will v. G. Purcell, and Miss Katherlne Jackson, THAT FAMOUS PAQUIN MODEL the Famous Deslgrner's Own Wife. so as to meet at the back of the neck where the hair begins, and. by describing the same motion as before, thev work them- Conspicuous above every Other costume BBlveB ,lpward to lhe center. on display at that phenomenal exhibition of Imported costumes being made just now on lower Broadway, that has Bent New In this manner the entire scalp In less than Ave minutes receives a thorough stim ulation. The hair responds at once and York's fashionable women Into ecstasies, Is , wU, bQ foum, to bp fu, cf fe anJ e)ec a Paquln suit, a duplicate of a model made for the wife of that famous costume ar tist, Paquln. It has not been entered V tricity when before It was lifeless and dull. It also will make the whole head feel lighter and better. This manner of caring for the hair cannot be too highly recom mended; It Is easily and quickly done, and will keep the sculp healthy and prevent the hair from fulling. CHINCHILLA AND FILET MODEL. among the trade models, of course. One of its conspicuous features la the princess skirt, that creation of Paquin's that threat ens the popularity of the much worn skirt and promises to substitute for It the long, clinging, close-about-the-foet fashion that Is abominable on all but a few long, help less, flat-backed, straight front figures. The coat of black broadcloth is charming of line, but extreme fn Its originality and Is handsomely trimmed In heavy braiding and in large hand made ornaments and pendants of the braid. The high Incroyable collar la of soft blue satin, folded over a plain foundation ami held In front by a little scarf of cream I net, bound narrowly in blue satin. The princess skirt ia of blue chiffon, brcmdcloth and the blouse Is a blrnrre little u'ffair of cream net. finely tucked and boldly em broidered in Montenegrin design and color ing vivid blue and yellow and red. The neck Is collarless and finished at the base of the throat by a plaited frill of net bound in blue satin, and tiny buttons cov ered with blue satin mark the line of union 'twixt the huge sleeves and the body of the blouse, tho armhole reaching from shoulder quite to the skirt girdle. For this costume the new fiKure. flat of back, flat of hips, straight of front and slimly long, is the, desirable thing, though Mine. Paquln, who Is none of these things, looks altogether charming in her new costume. THE NEWEST IN STOCKINGS Amaslns; Extravagance' In Material and Price Without Merit of Durability. The exhibition of silk stockings In one case at one shop where less than a dozen and a half pairs were displayed repre-" sented $2,000 The pairs marked 1150 had en tire front panels almost to tho knee of l point lace, and were In both black and white. A pHir marked t75 was Incrusted j with butterflies of lace, and the cheapest , In this case were $50. In both black and white. Hosiery daintily embroidered, and In all the evening shades, may be had from 15 to $.15 a pair. v For some time the patent leather shoe with tho colored top has forced Itself upon i our attention, but such Items of expense ' are fit only for carriage wear. They have j been extremely popular in New York for a .season, but are nut for street wc:u. Need lless to say, the tops of the shoes should be the shade of the gown. Slippers for party wear are daintier than ever this year, many having lace set In across the toes and others being hand painted. W: a If -" I ate ,oi 1 1 colds. l lady, prominent In Presbyterian Social Club Work, of Kansas City, Mo., writes: i a firm advocate of Katarno, as It has done so much for me and my family, it cured cold and an affection of the lungs, and I have also given It to alt of my children for One of my children was treated by a physician for lung trouble, but as he did not help the boy, we gave him Katarno. the result was that he was cured In a little while. My husband Is taking It now for his lungs." Schaefcr's Drug Stores 15th and DouglaA Sts., and (.'hli-ago K. Oninlia, Xob. X. W. Cor. 24th and X Sts., So. Omaha. Xob. Mil Ave. and Main Sts.. Council Illuffs Ia. A Dainty Bedspread. The housekeepers who have grown tired of the all-white bed an get a pleasing variety in the stamped imported counter- WOMEN, GOVERN YOUR TEMPER Reason Why It la Worth While to Always Keen It I'nder Control. Quarreling Is Ill-bred. A bad-tempered person is never a popular one. You defeat your own ends. The woman who can keep cool always has the best of It. Losing the temper warps the judgment and makes you any and do things tiiat your calmer moments will discountenance. It Is ruinous to the loons. The utmost beauty of feature and complexion cannot counterbalance a siowl of lege or a cross, sullen expression. The after effects aro not pleasant. If you do not fec i remorse after a loss of self-control bad temper is getting a dan gerous grin on you: if you do, It means a period of Introspection which no one envies you. An even temper is a big factor in sur c ess. This d(Ks uot mean no temper. The woman who is too good-natured or too in defTcrer.t ever to ft el the impulse to wrath Is very apt to t that poor spirited crea ture ono cm whom everyone Imposes. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case nt kidney trouble that la uot beyond medi cal aid. For sale by all druggists. ' the respective heads of the various Odd Fellow bodies. The business session of the Rebekah as sembly will convene Immediately thereafter In Odd Fellows hall. At 1.30 p. m. the Patriarchs Militant, tha uniformed body of the Odd Fellows' or ganization, will give a competitive drill for the prixe cup, now held by Esra Millard Cantonment of Omaha, Trolley Hide for Visitors. After the drill, which will he held at Seventeenth street, and Capitol avenue, tho visitors will be given a trolley ride about the city starting from Fifteenth and Har ney streets, where special cars will be in waiting. At 5 p. m. Wednesday the department council of the Patriarchs Militant will con vene in Workmen temple, adjacent the Odd Fellows' temple. At 8 p. m. the conferring of the decoration of chivalry will take place at Creighton hall. Immediately after Wasa lodge No. 183, will meet in the same hall to confer the subordinate degrees upon a large class. The initiatory degree will be conferred by Beacon lodge No. 80, and the first degree by Wasa lodge. The Rebekuli assembly will resume Its sessions at 8 p. m. Wednesday In Odd Fellows' holl. The regular business sessions of the grand lodge will be resumed Thursday morning In Creighton haH and those of the Rebekah assembly at Odd Fellows' hall. It is expected all the work of the various grand bodies will be concluded during tho forenoon of Thursday. Notes of the Convention. The Omaha delegations to' the grand lodge meetings are wearing a memorial badge bearing the portrait of Joseph Bhee ley, an old Omaha resident ncrw dead, who was one of the first grand patriarchs of tha order. The Omaha delegates, over loyal to Omaha, have supplied themselves with but tons bearing the Inscription "For Omaha," and another with the Nebraska colors of red, green and yellow with the word "Omaha" printed conspicuously across Us face. Thsse buttons are given as souvenirs to the visitors and atl are sealously wear ing them. i While the present gathering Is ostensibly thr fiftieth anniversary of the meeting of the grand lodge. It Is really the fifty-second anniversary of the institution of Odd Fellowship in Nebraska. Prior to 17 the Nebraska Odd Fellow lodges were subor dinate to the grand Jurisdiction of Iowa. Tho first lodge of Odd Fellows ever In stituted In Nehraska was In Nebraska City, fifty-two years ago. The old lodge Is still in existence and Is one of the most thrifty loiiges in the state. With bright Ak-Snr-Ben colors and the word "Omaha" In white across the face, 2.000 buttons have been distributed by the Commercial club among the Odd Fellows who are attending the grand lodge meet ing in Omaha. These buttons are the first consignment of 25.OU0 "convention" buttons for which the Commercial club made an appropriation and they are to be used In boot-ling Omaha at conventions, both in Omaha and abroad. This is the first time the Commercial club has had buttons In Ak-Sar-Ben colors. Judge Crawford will not be permitted to administer the sentence. A 'week ago the police were requested to turn soldiers over to the commanding offloers at tha) fort and not arraign them In police court. This was done with Russell G. Kimball, a member of the signal corps at Fort Omaha. Police received word today that the disorderly soldier had been sentenced to 103 days In tha guardhouse. In police court his offense would hsve drawn not more than ten days or a fine of some to and costs. BAD FOR SOLDIERS TO DRINK Drunkenness Will Be Severely Pan labed by Commander aad Vot tho Police. Severe punishment awaits soldiers from Fort timaha who are brought to the police station for being drunk or disorderly, but DANIEL FILES NO CHARGE City Prosecutor Hears Testimony of Drinkers and Does Nothing; to Proprietors. '.. Quietly but surely, the lid is said to bo slipping oft at the all-night restaurants and chill parlors. .While Charles Cartrlght. George Seldel and Eveline Sullivan aro paying fines of 110 and costs or doing the time in the county Jail for being drunk in the Eagle restaurant at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, the captains at the police station art) wqndering where the beer came " from, which the proprietor says made his cus tomers noisy. All three of the prisoners swear they went into the Eagle restaurant at an early hour Sunday morning and drank a few bottles of beer. Officers boldly took the woman and two young men to the sta tion and' now It is a mystery why the complaining witness . was not taken for selling the beer or serving it In his place. Eveline Sullivan told tht police tha i she was going to Kansas City on the early train Sunday morning to Join her husband, who went last Friday and that she dropped Into the restaurant to get a lunch and bottle of beer. Soon young Cartrlght and Seldel came In and sat down at her table. She said It was almost 4 o'clock. Cartrlght and Seldel said they went to the restaurant-soon after 2 o'clock and drank beer there for more than an hour and a half. When the Japanese proprietor told them they were getting too noisy and they said something about him being a pagan, he called the officers and his three early Sunday morning customers were taken to the station. It occasioned no surprise In police court when the prisoners told of drinking half a dozen bottles of beer In the placo and City Prosecutor Daniel was deaf to., the pleas of the offenders, while sll listened Intently to the troubles of the restaurant keeper, who had been called a pagan. When the matter Was brought to the attention of Captain Dunn, he declared he would order an investigation at once, as neither beer nor other liquor Is to be sold, served or given away In Omaha after midnight Saturday. HO, THE CAMELS ARE COMING They Will Bear Tangier Shriners to Sioux City Oasis. ZHM-ZEM IS IN THE SADDLE BAGS Last Summer fMravr Hats Ire Vpon the Desert Horses and the Caravan la About to Start. dertaking rooms, locked uo the little boms and refused to return to it. Mrs. Oleson had retired early Monday evening, leaving her husband preparing some kindling and fuel for winter use. When Mr. Oletion finished his work he came In tho house and without awakening her leaned buck on the bed without removing hla clothing, it was evident when the body was found that he hud suddenly taken 111 and desired to rest before removing his clothing for the night. Mr. Oleson was KS years of age and has lived In Omaha for a number of years. He waa formerly associated with a brother and they conducted a drug store on Cum ing street. Since the sale of the drug stora ho has been employed by T. H. Welrlch, 1317 North Twenty-fourth street, where ho worked as a finisher of fine wood work. Notice to Oar (Msvomers. Already the caravan of Tangier Temple, Ancient Arabic Order. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, is ready to move to the oasis of Bloux City, on the prairies of Iowa, Thurs dnv mnrnlni at 9 o'clock. Camels, of the Tangier nobles have been I We ore pleased to announce that Foley's i iry ana jar ror cougns, coins ana lunrf iH.uhles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and wo recommend It as a safe remedy for child, ren and adults. For sale by all druggists. GOSPEL HYMNS AT DEPOT Strains of Sacred Music Mlnoie Cries of Trainmen at the Barllnartoa. rlth shod with last summer's straw hats; great bladders of camel's milk and sem-zem have been stored in the saddle bags; everything Is ready to move to the foot of the tree called Tooba, where the traditional banquet will be served, but Chairman Cole of the Tangier Sioux City committee can stand for a few more live ones to make up the full 100 who will go. Potentate L. M. Talmage will be among the Potes. who will be known as tho dis tinguished guests In tho Garden of Ease, which Is to be opened at Sioux City. Special Train Goes. The special train for the Shriners of Omaha will leave the Webster street depot and make the run to Sioux City on the Nebraska side of the river, giving an op portunity for members of the Tangier Tem ple living at Blair, Tekamuh. Lyons and other stations of the rimaha road an oppor tunity to Join the caravan, tleorga F. West, general agent of the passenger de partment of the Northwestern company, will go with the Shriners, and George W. Carter, a veteran Shrlner, will be the con ductor and chaperon of the party, guaran teeing that every one who puts up the shekels will have a berth In the sleeping cars, In which the party will return. These enrs are to. be open at 11 o'clock Thursday evening and weary nobles may go to bed at a virtuous hour If they desire to do so. The train will pull out In time to arrive at the Webster Btreet station Friday morn ing at 7 o'clock. Besides the Tangier caravan, such Illustri ous nobles as 11. C. Akin nf Omaha, past Imperial potentate; A. P. Clayton, past Im perial potentate of St. Joseph, and C. W. Craft, Illustrious potentate of Sesostria temple, Lincoln, will be at the big meeting. A number in the Omaha caravan will be from Lincoln and Council Bluffs. Will H. Beck, a prominent club and busi ness man of Sioux City, Is to become the first potentate of the Eloux City temple which will be called "Abu-Ilekr," after the third father-in-law of Mohammed, the Wealthy kallf, having given his virgin daughter, Ayesha, for the third wife pf Mohammed. Always Pure Housewives can better afford to buy Flavoring Extracts VanRtft Lemon Oranff ROH,la The Burlington station rang with the music of gospel hymns for half an hour Tuesday morning. A large delegation of women temperance workers was there to greet Mtss L. M. N". Stevens of Portland, Me., national president of the Woman's Christian Temperance union, who passed through the city on her way to attend the state convention of the union at Lin coln. A large boucjuet of roses waa pre sented to Miss Stevens by the Omaha women. After a abort meeting in the waiting room of the station the party ad journed to the car and there continued singing until the train pulled out. Miss Anna A. Gordon, national vice prealdent of the union, was also on the train. Guaranteed purs tudsr tha law, Bur nett's Vaollia Is the best by test. Use It. for they are pure and reliable flavors; have always in purity and strength conformed to the Pure Food laws. to WOMAN SLEEPS WITH CORPSE Iicnorant nf Death of llashnnd 1'nlil She Awakens In the Morning. When Mfs. Charles Oleson, 1123 North Twenty-third street, awoke Tuesday morn ing It was to find her husband, a well known Omaha druggist,' dead In the bed beside her, and physicians summoned de clared Mr. Oleson had been dead since the early hours of Monday evening. Coronr Brailey took charge of the body and an tne.uest will be held. Mrs. Oleson, who Is the mother of six children by a former marriage, was pros trated wtih grief over her husband's death, and shocked at the thought of having slept all night beside his corpse, without discovering that he was cold In death. She followed the coroner's carriage to his un- JMando py Remove 0 V Superfluous Hair Short sleeve gowns demand smooth white arms, free from hair growth. MANDO, the most de pendable depilatory known, will remove all hair without burn or scar. Accept no substitute. Trice, $1.00; samples, 10c JOSEPHINE IE FEVRE fcoid by Boston 8tor unit Dopt, Til lltnDett CotuittUjr, Th bell llrui Co. Hitton Iru( Co., Myra-OUInn Ilrug Co., J. H. Schmidt. Ch&i. K. L&tbrep. EWARE UK WISH TO WAKX OUR HMKXDH TIIAT WK HAVE XO HOLiriTOKS OR AfiKXTM Ol'T (SELLING I'MorotiitAi'ii oorroxs 1X OMAHA OK VICIX1TV. The l"li)foriiir. 313-37 So. 15th Street. i j... f" Tl ITWIf tf fpasiiiisiissii hi COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLA5TTHE CLEAN STOVE - --iV- I A ''i Cat No. I Baows bow Dustless Ash Cover U used tha modern method. (Pauuiuad) aClltoa Kosjors ft Boas Co., 14th and rarnam Its. Orcaard WUasLos Carp Co., 414-41S aVouta suaiaeBia a v. DUST Cole's Original Hot Blast Is the cleanast stove ever placed on the market. Our method of removing ashes shown by cut Mo. 1, is per fectly clean and overcomes tha many objections to tha ash pan used in other stoves. The elbow draft casting with its upward slant allow tha empty coal hod to be set under tha draft so that no ashes or coals can be spilled on tha floor. Our patented dustless ash cover shown by illustration is furnished free with No. 122. 112, 1S2 and IOC stoves. It keeps down every particle of dust in removing ashes, a feature that will be ap preciated by every tidy housekeeper. Ash pans when used in other stoves are too small to hold a full 24 hours' accumulation of ashes. They are usually over-fi ied when removed, and tha ashes in the bottom of the stove are dragged out on to the carpet, as shown by cut Ko. 2. You are all fam- Jona Hassle Hardware Co.. 840T Cuming fti. B. X,. Jonas fe Co., S709 l.av3Worvu bt. O. T. Beavers, South Omasa, Bob. PROOF iliar with tha ash pan method, and have, no doubt, gone through the process many times of spreading a newsp'.per or cloth under your stove every time tha over-filled pan b removed. The ash pan is not only dirty, bnt is a great evil in stove construction. It adds a door and joints which can be made only temporarily air-tight by the use of stove putty. These joints open after a few weeks' use, rendering ash pan stoves worthless ss fire keepers, and makes them fuel-eaters rather than fuel-savers. The ash pan and the shield for guiding ashes into the pan, also prevent base heat Our method is the only clean way. The whisk broom, turkey wins and dost cloth are dispensed with. There are no joints to leak air, base heat is not retarded and Cole's Hot Blast is tha cleanest stove, th best floor heater and the only stove in the world which can be guaranteed la remain always air -tight a. x. dea k Bre., Bassos, Hob. Vaadook-Xaadsoby Hardware Co., Blalle, Iowa. ConaoU SMOKE PROOF The feed door on this stove is guaranteed smoke proof and does away with the escape of smoke, soot and gas into the house. Side feed doors nsed on other stoves discharge a cloud of gas and soot-lad-ened smoke into the house and scatter soot and ashes over the carpet when opened. Another point: In feeding coal into a side feed door it has to be thrown into the stove, which usually results in scattering much of it over the floor. With our cleanly smoke proof feed door the coal is poured into the stove even to tha dust in the bottom of the hod without a particle being spilled on the floor. This clean and economical stove burns the gases which often escspe into the rooms with other stoves. The annoyance and dirt from kindling new fires is dispensed with, as the rooms are heat ed up for two or three hours each morninj with the fuel put in the night before and the Hre la Never Out. COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST is the cleanest stove made and will more than save it cost ia iuel each winter. The best dValr-r In every town Kentrslly bundles I'ok't Hot Blsiit ILaters ami KanK" Write the makers. Cola ataaaiaetarta Co., Cat Na. 3 Ebaws tha dirt ash pto i"ttht llt K. Western Ave., Chicago, for atieir valu able booklet on scientific combustion of fuel nl telling all about I'ole's Hut lilttNt HeiU-rs and Hunges. aqwamMi i," i mm .is w