October in. 1007. 12 TTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEs WEDNESDAY, tsVJaiAJ.U ! 1 Artleem J' Geedtla II Bafcacnt 11 i! FT. Im4 n, Celete Prapery S J Drpt la II Oaaba I I Mi !! Artloom Couch Covers 5 Portieres 11 n n ii n ii n M n We are Omaha agents for those most beautiful of all high class tapestries. Fall's newest and most effective patterns. ARTLOOM PORTIERES 11 11 ir 1 1 Mi rii ii !! 11 Oriental, floral and filk portieres r8 up 750 n pair, from to p ARTLOOM COUCH COVERS j These are without doubt the finest Couch Covers ever P shown. They come in the true Oriental and Persian styles y We are showing a beautiful selection of new styles, iu rich H n n ii I! El 13 W n and are copies of the real foreign goods that would cost ten times as much as the Artloom goods. 98 vp 50 H We are showing these from to p n ARTLOOM TABLE COVERS p pj If you wish to aaa siyie auu couuui i tu juui ummg iuum 1 or library, cret an Artloom Table Cover they cost no more u III n H n n ii M 11 n ti ii n ii n than the cheapest tapestry. Table Covers from Artlopm 8-4 98 up $j .MmmmMmnll pu-l mZm-miZmmiSi 3 Special Demonstration All Week , The Gossard Lace Front Corsets Miss Dalfour. the Expert Corsetiere. .. is in Attendance. 11 Mi R Ml MEU'S STYLISH STREET SHOES The new leathers and lasta shown In our Street Shoes this fall are certainly, a splendid com bination of taste and utility. Gun Metal Calf. Chrome Calf and Gnu Calf are among the best of the dull leathers for street wear. Shiny leathers of all kinds on new and correct lasts for both street and dress wear. SI'KCI ALB $2.50. 34.00. $5.00 FALL FASHIONS qulslto and Ix-autlful Insofar iw competitive displays go. See our superb window and Ttslt onr second floor. The richest fabrics that the world can pro duce, concerted In the highest artistic garment ideas', are shown Without solicitation of sale. It's our pleasure to show these youi delight to behold thrm. FRY SHOE CO. VMS IIOIII 16th and Douglas Stmts. 7zmrzzmKZMttmrzzA MANUFACTURER'S STOCK SALE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR Continues Wednesday and All Week. An Event of Most Unusual Economical Importance. WATCH FOR THE SALE OF SUITS. I g "B 3 SATURDAY New Hodes i i K! SEE OUR SPECIAL I! n p M 3 H K mm Women's Elbow Length Kid Gloves ,j Fine Suede gloves in Reyniers and other I I II I I .4. 4. - J wen Known maKes Mreei unu H evening shades a pair...... .... . oiuu'i rni ood ojttb v a a n P w i 212 Bit RESTAURANT The popularity of our Naw Restaurant lit tents the fact that people ,do appreciate daintily pre pared foods and Intelligent serv ice, coupled with moderate prices. Try it for yourself. 0D 1: P 5 IN WOMEN'S SUITS Beaut ifu I shades ef I broadcloth; browns, bhtesy 'i greens, plums, oar nets and blacks. $ Fashion s latest models, $35 vatues, . Wednesday $25 COATS Coat of fine chiffon broadcloth, heavy satin lined, collar and cuffs trimmed in braid and velvet, $20 value, Wednesday. $15 THB RELIABLK BTVRB LadiesV FaLiicy Neckwear Women's Short Kid Gloves M Twoclasp kid gloves in black and 11 U 1 9 11 n u u u 11 11 u IS u colors, u big b.ai"gainat, a pair ".1.98c See the $100,000 Educated Horse . On Third Floor Every Day This Week. He reads, counts money and does' everything but talk. JEhtertaiaments at 11:30 a. m., 1:30 dyd 4:30 p. m. , No Admission Fee is Charged, a 1 1; Oar Mammoth Meat Dept. Li This department demonstraten more H fj than any other that the larae quantl- PI ijs tlca In which we bxiy enables us to & . crlve our patrons better things to ;eat 5J 1 4 v ior leBB money- i 1 S WEDNESDAY'S SmOZAXS. 6 Mil Choice sirioin MifaK, per id. . . . . . no ; j ti !' $ Fresh Spare Rlb, per lb 7o jjg fc' Jl Si Hams (sugar cured), per lb.lSHo K A g-enulne Java blend or old crop i.; A Coffees. ' 'The -Coffee everyone Is talk- & M K atvont. - Tne t:otTee we are serving w GOO Laclui,' Jiaundered Em broidered Collars, fifty a? sorted styles, 25c values !y . 12k 300 dozen Venice Lace Turn over and ' jStock Collars, in butter and white, value to 25c. . . , 5c our New Caf and Lunch Counter, k; or the price sold In Hi Omaha. The best Coffee 'for HOTELS. Lexington Hotel Aaolutty Fireproof Michigan Dovlcvard and Twenty-Seventh St Chicago svmovaAjr f&ajt. Ioosa TIM m Dy aod VywsiO. The" Lcylnfton sppoaJs tspeolalb to. ladles and families, and those eking a quiet, homsllks h.ttel, ssjily socesslbls to the theatre and shop ping Aistrtct (00 rooms all with hot and cold water and large olotlw oloseta 369 rooms with private bath attractive eaXea at moderate price xceilent service and -oulslne. K"r further particulars and mrormation write manager. ' Owned end Operated by 1 INTER-STATE HOTEL COMPANY B. X. Orlley, Pres. T. H- Qrllay. V. P. a I . I !J il . : -t -- a 1 iiFWriF; I i H OS v "LT- W- Di 1 'PiTrOVVNkCO 1 us m 9K 9Rii IK n ttirM lha fir ...... il-AA Si hZ i nellcnus. Fatlufvlnsr. Our Own I l I BnMtn. Try It To4y. O y Liquor Department ? ' fnif' DtnrU vif Fflmllv Win nnd& FURNITURE Sd'sale Bxtra BDeclal values in Oak Dressers y and Chiffoniers. ' Special on Buffets and China Closets. Special Sale of Feather Couches and Davenports U , , J SSI L ii HEW , PR RurtiH tlvc nnioW i.J irftS without tilow- lnst the fire. Hs front feed door, osh Liquors la now more complete than m ( pan alld. heata. thrfoor. We aell it on fe, ever, and you will find everything In i pmaU monthly payments, o at cut prloes . , k 1 1 1 n line IUU t s .v wron r., riiui aH bariralns In JomMfc champagnes end ;;, OVED HOT BLAST, THE SOLAR Also proprietors Kansas City, Mo. H. Klrey, Heo'y The Coatea Houhq, 1V GOrfl PRIZE Our window' display was so ucau tlful'that tlie judges of the Hone Hhow couldn't help giving us a priii. On the Inside of our store we get the blue ribbon every time from the puo He for showing elegant things In Jew elry. We are displaying all that's new In Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Etc. You'll be welcome at the hand somest Jewelry niore In the west. imported brandy . vr ami vsinnniams vm ft Englleh Hot House Grapes Seckle Pears-- Sweet Applee' X Perslmmona ! ft A.11 kinds of Nuts. Kresh Vegetables, Lv i C. D. Cor. Pftonrtney O Co 17Ui and Doaglaa 8U. Tel. Douglas MT. tor easb. . t Its that powerful double (beatjr .that makes the Solar Base Burner so popular. Double heater means giving two heats with one fuel and that Is what the Solar does. Below we publish the names of a few of the hundreds of people who are using them. Ask them about It. We sell them at a cut - prlre for cash, or on small monthly payments. Private Exchange Connects All Depts. $ j BROWN CO. 16th and ranuua ONE WAY TO ESCAPE JURY Wko Wonld Reveme Prraantn- tloa if Law is Readily Hejerted. Mis Because he said he would consider a col ored man charged with a crime against women or burglary guilty until the was proven Innocent, C. B. Penny, a memb.i of the jury panel in dtntrict court, was ii ciifced from service ou a 'Jury In crinilu.i court Tuesday by Judge Troup, who sl.owf .considerable feelhig when he dlMi.Unod t). 'Juror. The case Is one In which Kranl Parker, a colored saloon porter, Is charged ,wlth abusing 8-year-old Dloa Dill, Ki North Twenty-first street. During his ex amination as a Juror Mr. Dei.ny said In could not give the defendant the benefit ol a reasonable doubt. "If you understood that it Is the unl vcrsai rule of law that the defendant If presumed to be innocent until he Is proven guilty, could you not apply that rule In thU 'iac?" asked Judge Troup. "In the case of a colored man charged with thla crime, or with burglary, 1 would revered the rule and consider him guilty until he is proven innocent," said Mr. Denny. . - , "TTutt's a pretty hard proposition." said the court with some show ot beat. "I auest you 'may stand aside. i Tou wouldn't want Jurymen o ravers the rule In your case, , would you?" . It Is charged Park.fr enticed the little girl Into a shed at Twentieth and Parker streets aud locked , lite door. The girl screams attracted th attention of neighbors, 'who , bt-at the ilkjr iuii.-Parker, , according U , tu negthbors. .escaped and waa captured after a Ion chase by some workmen. The Jury Was completed Juat before noon, owing k Uk. prejudice of many, of th JurM Ik regular paiMl was ezuaustad and two taleaiuen bad be called is t com plete tle jury. Do not let any dealer insult your intelligence by offering you a substitute, when you ask for an article you hara seen advertised In The Bee. We do not accept advertisements for articles that are not worthy of your patronage. When you are convinced by one of these adver tisement that the article Is what you wish, Insist on getting It, when you ask for It at your dealers. Avoid substitutes- net what you ask for Fod for Nerves Weak and nervous men who find their power to work and youthful vlor run n n. rHiilf nf .vr work or mental exertion xliould take (.HAY'S NKHV'K FOOD P1U.S. TIipv will make you eat and sleep and bn a man again l 3 boxes a.60 by mstl. SKXBMAjr a McconnLL sava co.. Corner 16th and Dodge ata. owi oano coMrAjrr, Cor, leta aad Harney at.. Omaha, JTeb. READ THE BEST PAPER Taa Omaha Dally Be Candy News for the Horse Show Take a box of Balduffs Gold Medal Chocolates and Bon Bons with you to the Horse Show. We are packing them in many kinds of beautiful fancy boxes that will call forth the admiration of every one that sees them. Differ ent sizes, different prices. They are strictly high grade con fection, their rich, creamy and de licious centers meet the approval of the most fastld'ous. -Packed in plain, attractive , 1, 2. 3, 6 and 10 pound boxes, per pound 60. the store rogprticAcir SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES dtLi-EVUE COLLEGE COUbkB) ciusleil. tdutlDG. phliototihictl onrm. ACAl)k.Mr-AS SCMT4IU4 Slk Kkool nMI IM balivvue r mnj oibr cell er MolrJtv NUKUtL S-HbkUmniarr 4 SSSB eurM. CvrtltiAlM ruul CONBEVVATOKT Thorr Si SllUi, pUa, (its. io;iioa tns art OMAHA CONNECTIONS glertrie lis arUM- ' rww Mirm ueriattrta aASrM Fntltat Wsdaworih. axitoTH. It, ret. 1S18-20 Farnarn Htreet. Phone Doug. 711. ' i -;aj-it ,i r Special Sale of Room Size Rugs $13 Kashmir Rugs at $9.484.0 patterns to select from, ize 0x12, puariuiteeti colors, orien tal. There's no wrong side tojA Ivnshmir, delightful bargain, all this week, at $9.48 $55 Extra Royal Wilton Rugs Highest standard of quality, most beautiful new designs and colorings, Dxl 2 size, ou sale at $3S.50 $18 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, best quality, floral and oriental pat terns, size!)xl2, choice 14.98 $25.00 Seam loss Tapestry, 10 wire Ktiga. BIk range of patterns. '.1x12 size, at SIT.n Our Ovdlt System provide for payment on Kuji-i, Carpets aiul Futnitur to suit the purchnser's convenience. Investigate. Feather Boas With Muffs to Match a Deautirtu new line Juki received will I tifnl imttm-na nt vor,i 15 Kn De piaeea an mk weimeHday come in black, white, brown and light blue, Kreatly underiirlced at from $5.00 920 New Dress Nets In black, white and ecrn, a splendid assortment of beau- tiful patterns, at, yard $3.50 dowt 5i Fine Siniinl-1 KoheH A rharmlng dis play of beautiful spangled robes bent values ever offered at $27.00 down to SD.50 Wool Dress Goods Department TWO til 1 10 AT HALKH FOR WFINKS11$V From 0:30 till 11:80 A. M We place on sale 3.500 yards of the very finest all wool dress goods, in black and colors, in lengths from 'i Vi to 8 yards. The very best patterns that sold out first, in four lots. TheHe goods sold from 75c to $3.50 yard Another Sale 100 urn 3J 49? IiOt 1 . IiOt ii Lot Lot 4 25t 00 From a to 1 M, l-ot 1 Lot 2 ? Lot Lnt4 Per Yard. HIGH GRAU1C LIXKX 1KPT. 50 pieces of silver bleached linen nt $1.00 values, yard 75I 85c values, yard . (i7C 75c values, yard. Per Yard. Extra Specials for Thursday IN Our Famous Domtsllc Room From O till 10 A. M. One case Huck Towels, regular 19c towels, only 4 pairs to a customer, at, each Dc 89c Cream Table Damask 250 $1.00 all Irish Linen, 72 inches wide, yard 500 59c Mercerized Table Damask.. 250 &c Blue Apron Checks 50 8ttc Indigo Blue Prints 5 75c Lockwood 81x90 Sheets. . . . fiJIO 69c Beaver Dam Seamed Sheets 450 Will Pay You to Read Every Item Here in Hardware 9Rc Furnaoo Shovels, tills sain 49o Strong Coal Shovels, this sale bo 25c Ki'inforced Ions; handled Coal ShovelH, at 10c Extra large hard wood Chopping Kowl, B5o Medium slxe hard wood Chopping HowIh, at o and 16e Large galvanized Coal Hod, worth B"". at 990 Large Japanned Coal Hods, worth 40c, at ft5o 25c Mrs. Vrooman's Sink Strainers. .12 Vio Buy Your Groceries at Hayden's mm .... .. . P Messrs. Wolf of Wolf Kron. Tent & Awnings; Ylrk, 1B06 Williams; Arm stiong 2324 8. 29th; Coe. 820 S. 28th; Ciawson. 2453 S. 20th; Young, 2510 Ham ilton; Watson. 1420 N. 17th; Osbonv The Improvement In the Solar over i others Is thut In the Solar the nlr tube 1 Is closed at the bottom and admits t ho air to the fire through openings at the sides at the lotlom of the tube, so thut the air mav.be turned on all the lime without affecting the fire and still burn 2663 Kees; Johnson 2713 H. 14th; Cleve Its smoke and gas. Call and se It in lnnd. 1617 N. 22nd: Glandt, 2877 Wirt; operation. - ' Mausell, 3515 H. 'oth. The Stoclzel Stove Co., 714 S. 16th St. We retail to the customers at wholesale prices. 20 lbs. beBt pure cane granulated sugr at .. 1 00 12 bars best laundry soap 2nc Choice Japan head rice, per lb 7'tt: Elijah Manna, per pkg 10c Pr. Price's Hreakfast Food, per pkg. 5c Kgg-O-See Breakfast Food, per pkg.. 6c Malta Vita BreakfaHt Food, per pkg. 7VjO Pound pkg. best Macaroni 8 Ho Worcester Table Sauce, per bottle. . 8 ,i 3 Pure Tomato Catsup, per bottle..... g'so Snyder's or Hlue Label Catsup, per bottle, at 23c. Crosse & Blackwell's Vinegar, per bot tle 20c 14 lb. Col mans Mustard 16c S lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes .... 1 Ic Rurnham'a Clam Bullion, per bottle.. 9c The best Tea iJiftlngs, per lb...... J2Ho. BROWNfS BUSINESS COLLEGE TALL TERM OPENING Twenty Yar Eipsrisncs ywk fo Baud. Elpawt-TwlUoa and board H4miuIU WriU C W. BI0WX Jl. I.r fall rartlesJar. ISl O atre!, Llacvla, Nebraska. Keep the Ball uo not play your self out hunting Kood clears, when they can be bad by writing or tele phoning. WrVI. BINDERUP MANUFACTURER , 1822-24" ST. MARY'S AVE., CMAJU. lne workroom or a large office force It is very seldom that we are able to offer a room which is large enough to accommodate a large office force in a single room. This room is particularly well adapted for this purpose and it has a great plenty of light from the north, which is the best light to work by. The space is 34x32. If desired, private offices will be partitioned off to suit the needs of the tenant. The burglar proof vault in connection is one of the largest in ' THE BEE BUILDING For convenience, there is no building in Omaha which com pares with The Bee Building. The rooms are easy to find and are all within a short walking distance of the elevator. Xo building in Omaha is so we)l known and more convenientlylocated. When a tenant moves in the rooms are redecorated and every detail of the office placed in first class condition. This is the reason why The Bee Building has never grown old and is always in jterfect repair. With an established organization, everything runs smoothly and with a well-trained janitor and elevator force, the building's serv ice is most satisfactory. The price of the above large space is $73 per month. There are also some choice outside offices for rent, the prices ranging from $15 to $40, which will be available November ltt. For office space apply to 11. W. Baker, Supt., 418, Bee Buildinir. i S-t? Bottled Beer is the product of one of the cleanest and most modern breweries in the. world. Our entire plant is built of brick and steel, with asphalt floors; the brewing rooms are large and airy, sweet and clean and flooded with sunlight The immense storage cellars are fitted with the finest ventilating and refrigerating system in the United States. The bottling department is equipped with the latest and most costly automatic machinery. These are only a few of the many ad vantages we enjoy which enable us to give you superior quality and absolute purity in STORZ BEER. They explain the enormous increase in the sale of STORZ BEER from year to year. Phone Webster 12G0" STORZ BREWING CO. L1L mm Mm 2 to 3 1 M. One case of extra heavy, yard wide unbleached nuiBlin, regulnr price S'.it yard, 10 yards to a customer, at, yard 4-2 J1.98 Blankets $1.19 $1.50 Ulankets 80 $1.00 Blankets G!! 72x90 Bleached Sheets 25c Towels 17J 19c Towels 10J 15c Towels 7W1 100 different bargains for Wednesday. 1 lb. Tea and Coffee Cannlsters, 0pporat.i at 8 lac enameled handle Ruling1 I'lus. , . .8H l'5o Wash Boards 3 pkgs. Carpet Tncka, Be sir.e, at.... 104 Towel Pars, wooden or nlekel plated 8 16e new white HpongeK, tills sale.., Ba 10c clear er.VRtal Drinking; UlasH. s.. 88c lurne Kiilvanlzed Wash 'i'libB.... o O. K. Wash Machine, sold all over f'i" 17.60 f4.98 4-ft. Step Ladders 9& BromaiiKelon. Jellycon or Jcll-O ter rk. at 7'& Fanry ftantos Coffee, per lb H,j Buy your grasn Tomatoea sow tor pickling-. V bu. fancy green Tomatoes for Dirk ling UOc Frssh Tsg-table Prlcta tb lowsst lr ths city. Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per lb ltt Fresh Beets or Turnips, bunch H Fresh Carrots, per lb beads freHh Lettuce f.i 8 hunchex Radinbes ! Red or White Dried Onions, per lb. Cap Cod Cranberries, per qt T'd'i Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen M Large Cocoanuts. each r,u Watch the daily papers for a big Tulln Bulb Sale. Now is the timu to pliiit them for spring blooming. (1) OMAHA. NIB DAILEV CBL MACH DENTISTS THIIIU FLOOK ' I'AXTO.N BLOCK Corner JCtli and Farnaiu btrects. Best equipped Ucntai office in the middle west. Highest Krade Denthstiy at Reasonable Prices. Forcelalu fillings, Just llkw the tooth. Bee Want Ads Produce Results