Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Want ".ads
AtTrrtlwarvtl far tke ad
releaaae will be takea III IB a, for
tke ! edltloa aad 111 D . as.
for tke nonlif aad Seaay edltlooe.
Cask anaat irctBtur all erdere far
vaat ad aad adertlea,eat will
ke accepted for I'M tkaa lO eeata far
tke rst laaertlea.
Retro apply eltker Tka Dallr a
Soadar Bee.
Alware ! sl word fa Haa.
Conblaatlana af laltlala ar a a saber
rennt aa aaa ward.
lasertloa, per Jlae, 10 eeat. Two or
mere eoeeeetlTe lasertloas, per llac,
cents. Eack Insertion aaada oa odd
dare JO eeata per llae. 1.50 per
llae per tnoatk. ,
Deatk aad Faaeral notices, Carda of
Tkaaka aad Lodgje Hotleee, T ceats
per llae far oaa edltloa, morale ar
evratngt 8 eeata a llae far eaek nd
dltleaal edltloa. Seadar, 1 eeata
llae. N ad takea far leaa tkaa SO
rear advertlseaaeat la Irieerte nader
ear aaa af tke elaaaHeetloeo ajlvea
kelow, It will ke rkarged at tka fol
lowta rateai Oae laaertlea, 4 cento
per llae tkree to si ceaeeontlTO !
ertleae, S eeata per Haa eaek neer
tloai.eerea or aere eeneeeotlre la
aertloaa, S eeata per llae eack laaer-
Ion SO eeata per llae per raeatk.
Except Agral. Solleltora aad Selee
Cows, Blrda. Dogs aa Peta.
Heraea aad Vefclclea.
Pealtrr aad Eggs.
Trpewrltera aad Sewlaaj Macklaee.
Plaaoe, Orgaas aad Maaleal laatra-
VaraUhed Rooma.
Uafaralaked Rooma.
Heeaekeeplas Rooms.
Bearding aad Rooma.
Want ada for Tke Bee mar "
.. i.iiiiwiac dm a atorea
a. roar eoraer drotat" tker
are all kraaek offlcea of Tke Bee and
roar ad will be Inaerted Jaet aa
rremptty aad ea tke- aame '
ke mala offlce la Tke Bee BalldlaV,
lereateeatk aad Faraam Street".
Albach. W. C. h nJ arnam.
Beranck. 8. A.. 1402 8
Hecht Pharmacy, 7J0 S. 18th St.
Menson Pharmacy, Wen"0"- r,.minm
Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave.
Caughltn, C. R.. th nree 8t Av.
Clifton Hi Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ava.
Conte, JB.. 31st Ave. and Farnam.
Crissey Pharmacy. 24th and Lake.
Cermak. Emll. 1264-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4048 Ham Hon.
Khirr. F. H-, 2802 Leavenworth.
Forslar Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St.
Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th 8t-
Florenoe Drug Co.. Florence. Neb.
Ooldman Pharmacy. 20th and t'lt'. .nA
Green Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
'orwnough. O. A.. 10 . 10th St.
Greenough. Q. A., 1624 8. 10th St.
tlayden Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St.
hansoom Park Phar.. 1601 S. 29th Ava.
rtolst, John, 824 N. 16th St.
;luff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St.
King. H. 8.. 223 Farnam Bt
Kountae Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 14th.
Patrick Dru Co., 16M N. I4th St.
l-ithrop. Chia. E.. 1324 N. 4lh St.
Peyton. L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Dnu Co 24th and Amea Ave.
Hchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co.. 16th and
Schaefer, Auruat, 631 N. 18th St.
Schmidt. J. H., th and Cumlna- 8t.
Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Bta.
Worth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta.
CALLAHAN Edward B.. at the residence
of his son. C. J. Callahan, 1113 Jackson
Funeral notice later.
MOON BY George K.. died at Butler, Mo
on October 1$, 1007, aged 7 yeara 6
montha and 12 day.
Funeral Wednesday, October 16. 1907. at
I o'clock p. m. from the residence of
Mel. H. Hoemer. 2110 South Thirty-fourth
street. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery.
Friends Invited.
The folov-lng marriage licenses have been
Issued :
Nam inH TtoNtrienre. Ace.
Edgar T. W. Wenqulst, Omaha 16
Tena Hayduk. Omaha. -
Edward Donovan, Omaha 27
Elisabeth Carlisle, Vllllaca, la
Claud A. Robinson. Omaha 27
Pearl Jones. Omaha 23
Gregory Ursedowskl, Omaha 24
Vtclonia Ziilavakl. Omaha 18
Bert E. Laurtne, Strnmaburg, Neb 28
Elsie O. Gebhart, Hampton, Neb 21
Harry A. McCoy, Omaha 21
Edith Roberta. Omaha 31
Louis A. Kofron, Cedar Raplda, la 26
Blanche Podolak. Omaha 21
Carl Stein. Lincoln. Neb S
Marian Johnston, Omaha t 24
Chert C. Waller, Oreen River. Wyo... 24
LUIe Rleaenberg, Omaha 21
John Shelden. Waterloo, Neb 2S
Villa Natl, Waterloo, Neb 21
Jesse W. Haney. South Omaha 33
Ella C. Stearns, South Omaha 23
Austin R. Wilson. Allen. Neb 29
Myrtle Jonea, Allen, Neb 28
Daniel W. Tawser, McClellan. la 47
Mrs.- Clara R. Graves, Council Bluff.. 40
John Dober, Omaha t 28
Margaret Schneider, Omaha $3
Births David L. Bradahaw, W3 North
Twenty-fifth avenue, boy; John R. Dennla,
li45 Bouth Twenty-ninth avenue, boy; James
O'Brien, 18V0 North Twenty-aeoond. girl;
Owar Johnaon, Twenty-third Street and
Boulevard, boy; C. A. Guthrie, 1719 South
Fourteenth etreei. girl; Bert Beecher, 3
Bancroft etreei. girl; W. A. Beat, UM North
Sixteenth atreet. boy: Mike Coition, 2648
Iteea atreet, boy; M. B. Kendla, 416 North
Twenty-thiid atreet. boy: Edward Rahn,
Omaha Ueneral hoapttal. boy; Joe Bvojtek,
Vjm South Fourteenth street, girl: Joe Wag
ner. Tenth and Grace alreets, boy.
Deaths Fannla William, county hospital,
age 66 years: Cecils Grabhart, l'tttf South
Eighteenth, age 17 daya; Carrie McMurray,
iU North Eighteenth, age 26 yeara; Walter
Erath, 1219 South Eleventh struct, age 8
months; Mildred Guthrie, 1719 South Four
teenth atreet; Jenme Levy. 2468 South
Twentieth street, age $0 yeara; Matlle
Bruwn, 113 North Thirteenth atreet. ag 31
years: Hana Hmsen. Ininianuel hospital,
age 10 years; Ewlng L. Annatrong, 1H07
irt atreet, age CI years.
la now open In both the DAY and NIGHT
easiona. Yet It la nut toe late to enter.
Hookkeeplug. Shorthand. Typewriting, Tel
egraphy and Kugllsh. Th catalogue, la
i JN PAINTING 6. H. Cola, 1M Douglaa
0) M
liUSlC BvesY ETealag-Hotel Rome.
(Continual. I
School of Innguaros
"rem'h. German, Ppan-
lah. Davldire Bldg.. IWh and Fnrnsra.
Day and evening t laases. MS'9 N
the opening of her dressmaking parlor.
12 North lh. You ara cordially Invited
to call. (1) M76I 2s
THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth bt. T I. Iouglaa 1W7.
8BND for our lint of aecond-hand. autoino
bllea. LER1GHT. 1S18 Farnam. 12) 02
NEARLY new 24-hore power, 6-paisengr
touring car; atorage battery, full top,
lamp and equipment; coat $1,450 In May,
1M; only run mllea; In flrt-clas
aliape, at a bargain.
110 Board of Trade Bidg.
FOR BALK At a bargain. Pope Waverly
electric, In perfect order;' good aa new;
for cah only. Address care Bee.
, CU-.M57S 17
S20 ACRES Sherman Co.: Texa. Want
automobile. W. S. B.. Luverne, Minn.
(3) MS61 II
TO EXCHANGE 160 acrea of Improved
land, four mllea from Mentor. Minn.;
mortgage, 11,600; price $30 per acre. VVIh
to exchange equity for atock of cloth
ing. For further particular write J. M.
Ball, Crooknton, Minn. (3) M557 21
FOR SALE or trade for new atock of
men' ahoea, 130 acrea of land joining
town of Merrlman; Cherry county, Ne
braska; alao 30 lota, aame town. Cash
Brlce for all for quick deal, $1,. 3. E.
raber, Tulsa, Okl. (3) M55 Six
TO TRADE For Nebraska real eatate, K)
acres Illinois land, near Chicago. Price
$16,000. $6,000 can run five year at 6 per
cent interest. G. A. Eckles. Owner. 1715
Chicago St., Oirmha. (3) 640 20x
Are you looking (or a farm, business of
W have ,
General merchandise stocks of all sites.
Shoe stocks. Gent's furnishings.
Hardware stocks.
Furniture and undertaking.
Hotels and restaurants.
Rooming house furniture.
lrug stocks. Printing offlcea.
Flour mllla. Livery.
Houres and lota.
Farms and ranches.
Call and See
36 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
14) MlfiO Outl7
FOR SALE $2,300 Steam laundry, delud
ing building, at Sac City, la.; practically
new; no competition; business thoroughly
established; weekly reccipta $12a to $160.
Under aggressive management business
could be doubled almost Immediately.
This property, with equipment, will In
voice $4,000. Address H. 8. Burnt, cashier
First National Bank, Sue City, la.
(4) -448 31
Mining and Industrial Stocks
Wa buy and sell any active unlisted
stocks. We have rare bargains in in
dustrial stocks, subject to the most rigid
Investigation. We have bargain in sev
eral active mining stocks in Nevada,
also several bargains in copper etocka.
We receive weekly reports from all the
Important mining districts In the United'
States and Mexico.
Stock Brokers.
$0 N. Y. Lite Bldg.
Tel. Douslaa 3665. Omaha. Neb.
(4) 41 02
FOR SALE $9, J00 worth of 10 per cent per
annum, semiannual preferred telephone
stock and $4,600 worth of common stock,
averaging 16 per cent annually for the
last five years. This proposition will bear
the closest Investigation. Globe Land &
Investment Co., . 306 South 18th St.,
Omaha, Neb. t4 M649 22
FOR EXCHANGE Stock of general dry
goods. Ladies' men's, children's fur
nishing goods and big lines of fall and
winter goods. Stock not running and
can be moved to any desired point. In
voiced at about $9,000. Owner must
have some cash. Will trade balance for
good land and will assume some encum
brance. C. W. Somers, 600 Manhattan
Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. (4) MB3S 16x
FOR SALE Best paying hotel In South
Omaha; building and fixtures for $j,50J;
cash, $2,500. Lot and building worth the
money. .
Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7Xrt
(4) MfcS
A BARGAIN S2-room hotel, steam heated;
In good western Iowa town; price, $12,000;
easy terms; doing a good business.
325- Neville Blk. Phone Doug. 7332.
14 M2
FOR SALE A $3,350 8 per cent mortgage
loan, one-half due In 1910 and one-half In
1911. Secured on nrst-class real estate;
also a $1,400 8 per cent semiannual first
mortgage loan secured on good real es
tate, both first class loans. Globe Land
A Investment Co., 306 South 18th St.,
Omaha. Neb. t4)-M61 22
FOR SALE-$4,000 worth of . State Bank
stock In a paying bank in the state of
Iowa paying a good dividend. Globe Land
& Investment Co., 3G South 18th St.,
Omaha, Neb (4)-M650 22
FOR SALE Bathing pavilion, confection
ery atore, ice cream parlor, and boat
livery all controlled at one pavilion; no
opposition; good business for four months
for the right nisn. For particulars write
P. O. Box 366, Grand Haven, Mich.
t4) M564 tlx
FOR SALE Only drug atock; new town;
central Nebraska. Salea tills year will
run $7,000. Two doctors. Will sell at In
voice about $3,000. Rent cheap. Address
Y 47, care Bee. (4)-Mao6 24x
Hotel furniture for aale, building for rent;
good location; casn or payments, vneap
if taken before the Ilrst. Parties wish
ing to go In private place. Call at 1019
South Maine St., Council Bluffs, la.
(4)-M201 19X
THIS COMPANY doea a general real eatate
and loan buaineaa; a specially or looking
up good farming lands and locating east
ern people on them; let us hear from you;
we can serve you. Eureka Land Com
pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland. Ore.
(4) M101 Nov7x
FOR SALE! A drug store, earning a nat
prom or to per cam, snu . raui.ii.v
paying $3,600 per year, for the price of
doctor's offlce. Address Box $8, Tabor,
la. (4) Ml6$lix
FOR SALE Machine shop, brick building,
containing two lathes, planer, drill, pre,
power triphammer, gaaolin engine, black
mlth tool; verv cheap. Adduaa H. C.
Sohults, Lansing, la. (4 M150 MX
General atore; in the Gulf Coast country;
fine chance for right party; businrsa fine;
climate the best. Box 14, Sarlta, Tex.
(4) ME99 28x
Grocery and meat market for sale; 30
per cent off invoice. Ciii Broadway,
Council tJiun. la. n io.j :ix
RENT Ritchie's hall. South Omaha; sec
ond floor; do post; COxSO long leaae. A.
U. Ritchie, 320 ti. 15th St., Omaha.
Balke-Collendr, for sale cheap. Address
W. fc Kagan, uuca. IeD. (4 M.IH 34
OLD ESTABLISHED drug atore for aale:
will demonatrata excellent buaineaa. Box
1178. Fort Collin, Colo. (i)-MiuO 17x
FOR 8ALE-$4(.0M In hardware and To-
peka property; a big discount for apet
caan, a.aare neai r.iis, jb n. &to.
Ave.. Topeka. Kan. . (4-Ml 17x
FOR BENT Blaekamtlh ahop and toola.
with a good trade, at Waterloo. Neb.
A .... I u f n lm Vl'Mlah R.itn KT k.
vv - - -
(D-Ma 17x ,
CLOTHING and sent' furnlahtna atore In
good groalng 'own; a good proposition fop
the right party with aom capital. Oscar
i. Mincer, Wellington, coio.
(4-MlS7 x
W A NT ED Partner who will furnish 1.0M
head of sheep to run on shares; have good
range, water and shrd. Plenty of feil,
will divide proflta Addrea Box 6. Key
r. Col 14J-M9 a
f"iMi5Jl"ii'i "l" niaiai - - ' im raft nullum .i,.i.n, r iTTiiiiiriiirifTirris mium nn
When von work work. When vou olav
play. When
vertise, use bhb want. ads.
Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers
Quotation received from all Exchanges. .
We can save you from ( to 20 per cent
on any mining stock.
We give prompt service.
604 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1294.
HERE IS A CHANCE to ret a good drug
store in Muscatine, la., a live city of
16. people, situated on the Mississippi
river; two railroad trunk lines from Chi
cago to Kansas City running through it.
the Chicago. Rock Island A Pacific and
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, be,
Ides othei smaller roada or branchea.
Everything about the atore flrt-clas.
Situated on the main street in the heart
of tha business district. Write for fur
ther particulara to II. E. Van Duser,
Rock Island. 111. (4) M4901x
FOR SALE In a first class Iowa town of
6,000 people, a practically new stock of
iry gooos and ladles' furnishings. Will In
voice about $16,000. Will sell for cash
at a liberal discount; also, a general stock
ot, about $10,000, located in a great south
western Iowa town of 26,000 people, doing
a good business. Will give liberal dis
count for cash or might consider good
land on either of the above stock. Globe
Iand & Investment Co., 306 South 18th
St., Omaha, Neb. (4) M64S 22
WANTED Partner to take half Interest,
with $15,000 to $26,000, In one of the best
real estate and resort propositions in
California; property can be aubdivided,
enough aold the flrt year to get money
all back, and have most of property left;
all the money Is not needed at once.
Only those with cash need answer. Ad
dress F. A. CODY. Ben Lomond, Cal.
,(4) M563 21x
FOR SALE Only drug store In good north,
west Iowa town of 6') population; Invoice
about $3,ou0; net profits $2,300 yearly; good
reason for selling; only cash considered.
Address Y-106, care Omaha Bee.
(4)-168 21
Is offered for sale; Is the only $3 per day
house In city of 4.000 population; will soli
furniture and rent building if desired.
Write for particulars. M) M377 19
FOR SALE Pool business, of two tables
and fixtures, complete; going away; will
aell cheap. Box 140, Evans, Colo.
(4-MSli 19x
ACME EXCHANGE CO.. Cherokee, la..
has farm lands and town property for
sale or trade. Write what you have and
want. (4) M284 Octl9x
DRUG STORES Anywhere, any price.
Write or see us for bargains. Denver
Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den
ver. Colo. (4) M3S6 O20x
IF YOU have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
(4) M289 N11
years' standing; must be sold at once for
first reasonable offer. Address C-409, care
Bee. ' (41-M266 16x
WANTED To buy a good newspaper In
northeast Nebraska; state price; confi
dential. Address Y 29, care Bee.
(4)-M108 19X
FOR SALE OR RENT Bakery, wholesale
and retail: have the best trade In the city.
' Address William Rltzhaupt, Guthrie, Okl.
(4)-MU4 21x
PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only newspa
per In South Dakota town cylinder. Job
ber, power, plenty of material, large ter
ritory; good cropa. Terms to suit. Jour
nal, White Rock. 8. D. (4)-MS12 22x
Lite. Tel. Doug. 6149. )-8U
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. P. V,
Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. i $U9
A SMALL, clean, profitable drug busi
ness. Address P. O. box 191, Park City,
Utah. (4) M6Z8 17x
FOR SALE Fine Ice plant, a money
maker. For particulars address Dr. A. D.
Finch, McCook, Neb. (4-M268 17x
ROOMING houses for sale, all sixes. Gan
gestad, 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 8449.
BARBER SHOP; two chairs; only shop In
small town; two rauroaaa; good reasons
for selling. M. C. Henderson, Somers, la.
(4)-M143 ltix
FOR SALE Cigar and newa store doing
gooa Dusiness, wun nice living rooms ana
cheap rent. Call Webster 2764.
BLACKSMITH SHOP at a bargain; good
business and no competition; better In
vestigate. Address Y 36. care Bee.
(4)-M27l 18x .
RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 633 Broad
way, Council Bluffs. Ia. 14) 7Mx
Commercial Artists.
H. O. BUNNELL ft CO.. $22 N. Y. Life.
Doug. 6149. lb) U
Carpet Cleanlag.
SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
Ckattel Leaa.
Cbaa. D. 8 tan ton Loan Co., SOI Bee Bldg.
DR. ROY. R. t. 160 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
0j U
Duelag Academy.
MORAND'S claases for dancing:. otD. Bur.
wood theater; lessons for adults Tuea. and
Frl. I p. m. ; nrst lesaona privately; uc
ceaa guaranteed. Call Or Tel. Doug. 104L
(16) 161 Novi
Dew t lata.
BAILEY MACH. M fir. Paxton. D. 1086.
(6)- 19
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1368. tl-lT
M'DOWFLL Dressmaking School, r3 Far
nam Bt. lt !
MRS. BROACH. 73 Farnam. Tel. Harney
66. (6) M86S OC124X
MME. WOODRUFF. 228 Neville Blk. Tel
Douglas 6170. (6) M101 N8
HESS aV SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam. (i)-8
L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam.' Tel. D. 1263
J. H. BATH. IK Harney. Tel. Doug. 8fiO0
16 822
Go Carta.
GO-CART tires. Lawrence, i;o$ Leav. St
(8 M381 Ocl3w
THE SCHILTZ. European, 18tb and Harney
you rest rest.
Jewelers aad Watchmaker
N.' P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2-S Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367.
(6) 830
KEYS, etc. Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tel D.
2974. (S-4
JOHNSON, INS.. 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1664.
(5) $25
Dr. Bowser, over 160S Far. Tel. Doug. Mil.
(5)-M456 OctM
DRS. RTNGLER. JO Neville block. 'Phone
Red 6467. (5)-Ml Novl
Offlce S applies.
FILING cabinets, flies and ledgers, looae
leaf devices and office fixturea and sup-
Ellas of all kinds. Anchor Publishing
o., 80S South llth St. Tel. Douirlas 6561.
(4) M290 N11
HIGH GRAPE Imitation typewritten let
ters and Job printing; no Job too large
or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 909
S. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6661.
(5)-M512 Novl
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap Ave.
C. B. TRUSSEUa 115 South 16th St.
Safes, Shatter, Etc.
OMAHA Safe nnd Iron Works makes a
specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors
and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th
Bt. (6)-831
Stove Repairing.
STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts;
Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Omaha
Stove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St.
Tel Douglas 60. (5) M275 Novll
Skoe Repairing;.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., ftrit-class
work. 16184 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9H4.
Clerical aad Office'.
GIRLS for railroad 6fTloes; education twa
years high school. Call or address F.
B. Southard. A. P. A., U. P R. R.,
fourth floor. Pacific Express Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb. t.7) 132 15
MORE ladies and girls for decorative paint
ing on aofa pillows, at home, whole or
epare time; experience unnecessary; call
forenoons. 2311 8. 13lh. (7) M5U0 19x
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Women for hand ironers and
. machines. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jackson
St. v (7)-833
TO WORK In book bindery, an excellent op
portunity for girls to learn the business.
No experience necessary.. W also have
places for several experienced girls.
Klopp A Bartlett Co., 10th and Douglas
Sts., Omaha, Neb. (7) M589 17
WANTED Experienced alteration woman.
v. . . a . ' ...... , -v tr o ' a
TV 111 liiHtiirssi' " j, cw. dVUdriu
Cloak and Suit poj, ltif Douglas. () 732
GIRLS wanted; good pay; steady work. Ap
ply any lime, 'iiemis umana Mag ( o,
(7)-M481 Novl2
- ') 1 t 'l' 1 1 r
WANTED Bindery girls, highest wages
paid. Apply Omaha Printing Co., lotu
and Farnam Sta. (7) M688
Housekeepers and Domestics.
COMPETENT GIRL for general house
work. Mrs. HalL Zil6 Sherman Ave
'Phone Webster S73. (7)-M112
WANTED Competent second girl for fam
ily Of two.; 2037 Dodge St. (7) M944
WOMEN' for day; work; housekeepers.
waitresses, $35. Canadian once, 15lh and
Dodge. (7j 834
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework in family of three; one who
can go home night. Apply 43)6 Dodge
St. Tel. Harney 1718. . 7)-M540 16
WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl
for general housework; two in family;
good wagea. Mrs. Frank Hadley. 2521
Bristol. (7)-M987
HOUSEKEEPER between 26 and 36 years
waniea. i. leuer, Mccook, a. u.
(7)-M439 031x
WANTED Girl for general housework;
gooa wagea; aman ramuy. hub b zutn Ave.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; good wages. Apply at iuk
North 0th. . . , (f)-M17 16
WANTED Good cook who can wash and
iron; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sun
derland, 1029 S. 29 th St. Tel. Harney 23&
(7) 182 1
WANTED Girl for general housework, 3
In family, good wagea. Mrs. R. E. Welch,
414 S. 88th St. (7) 429 19
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
five in family, no washing; wages $6 per
week. Inquire 2237 Seward Bt. 'Phone
Webster 622. (7) M547 16x
COMPETENT GIRL For houework, no
wasnmg. Burt St. (7) M676 six
WANTED A good girl for general house
work, . including washing and Ironing;
small house; ova- In family, Including a
baby. Willing to pay flrat class wages
for the right kind of a girl. Must be
neat, willing to work and thoroughly
competent. If tola comes to the notice of
such a girl, who takea pride In her work
and wlanea a permanent place, at more
than the average wagea, I ahould like to
hear from hr. with references. Address
Y 88, care Omaha Bee. (7) 660 23
WANTED Housekeeper on farm. Ad
dress Box 1161, Vermilion, S. D.
7)-M560 tlx
WANTED An experienced cook. IOJ
Wool worth Ave. Apply at once.
(7J81I 17
WANTED A second girt and a laundress.
Mrs. C T. Kountse, X)J6 Dewey Ave.
C-m 17x
WANTED An apprentice girl, 1909 Capitol
Ava (7)-18S N7X
LADIE8 AND GIRLS, to atamp transfer
at home: eaay learned; $1.60 to $2.00 per
dosen. 608 Paxton Block (7) M583 21 x
WANTED Sewing women for garment al
teration. Thomas Kllpatrlck Co.
. , , (7)eng
Ageata, Solicitor aad Saleamea.
ARE you out of work? Call and see us;
good hustlers make good money. C. F.
Adams Co., fill Howard St. () 1
WANTED Clerks, both men and boya, In
railroad office. Addresa F. B. Southard,
A. P. A., U. P. R. H. 4th floor. Pacific
Expreaa Co. Bldg., 14th and Harney 6t.,
Omaha, Neb. (U) 2M 18
WANTED Good aaleaman to canvaaa the
country and take orders for stock pow
der; good comiitirion allowed. Adore
Ideal btock Powder Co., Dunbar, Neb.
19 Mi04 24X
WANTED Capable city aaleaman. Ken
nard Paint aiid Glasa Co., 15th and Daven
port. (8 MT52
SALESMAN Solicitor; beat money mfcker
out. New. Be bulneaa men. No am
plea to ratrv. Call vr write Mr. Mn-k,
Midland bUl . 17x
OCTOBER lfi. 1907.
When you ad
:: :: :: ::j
Ageat aad Salesmen Coatlaaed.
WANTED Salesmen calling on dry goods
trade, southern Iowa and northern Ne
braska to add our line of wrappers,
petticoats, etc; good commissions; larg.,
established trade. Lock Box 923, Dea
Moines, la. 19) M198 17
I jWANT ten live Insurance men to aell
Colorado land In Omaha; "prospects"
furnished; easy sales; big commission.
See Mr. Warrield, 606 Paxton Block.
- (9I-M577 17
$100 PER MONTH and traveling expenses
paid salesmen te sell goods to doalers;
reliable company! experience unneces
sary. Purity Co., Chicago.
(9) M831 l$x
WANTED Experienced clothing salesman
and atock keeper. Apply at once to Man
delson, Nebraska City, Neb.
(9)-M626 18
GOOD boys wanted; flrst-elass pay. A. D.
T. Co.. 21$ So. 13th St. ()-836
WANTED Office boys; must be over 14
rears old. Address umana racaing uo..
South omaha. li) um
BOYS with wheels can make $36 to $46 per
month; $36 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph
CO. 19) MtR IN4X
STOUT bov or voun man to learn trade.
Apply Champion Iron and Wire Works,
BOYS wanted, must be over 16. Nebraska
Shoe and Clothing house, 25th and N Pt.,
South Omaha. l) Z40
WANTED Boys or men for work In bind
ery; experience not necessary. Apply
Oman a irinting uo., lm ana rarnam bib.
r (91-M587
Clerical aad Office.
WANTED At once, exoert male book'
keeper; good salary; must take position
on Wednesday morning. KET8TONE
Bldg. (9) M634 18
Factory and Trades.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few
weeks completes; sixty chairs constantly
busy; licensed Instructors; tools given; di
plomas granted; wages Saturdays; posi
tions waiting; wonderful demand for
graduates. Call or write Moler Barber
College, nv b lttn St.. umana, in en.
(9)-M269 17x
A flrst-class ladles' tailor wanted; jvages
$2u per week and steady position. Apply
J. Jawltz, lath ana rarnam sts.
WANTED Registered drug clerk of good
habits; give reference. 11. k. v lsiuoa.
Stelnhauer. Neb. (9)-M94 zs
WANTED Tailors to work In alteration
department; will pay good wages, o. K.
Scolield Cloak and Suit Co., 1519 Douglas,
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Lire, omana.
LADIES Our catalogue explains how we
teach halrdressing, ' manicuring, facial
massage, etc., in few weeks; mailed rree
Moler College, Chicago, 111. (7)-M270 17x
WANTED Ten good chicken pickers; pay
lng 2'4C for hens and springs; steady
work; fare one way If stay until January
1. Beatrice Fiultry and Cold storage Co.,
Beatrice. Nob. (9) M3t7 18x
WANTED Vlnner, a flrst-class tinner and
furnace man at once; $3 a day; a ateady
position for right man. Peterson &
Adams, Devils Lake. N. JJ.
(9) M410 24x
ALL-ROUND butcher wanted; must be
single man; steady Job to right man.
Young & Alexander, Johnson, Neb.
(9)-Mt01 18x
TAILOR WANTED Pants and vest maker,
alao do bushellng; steady Job. C. D
Jensen, Mlnden, Neb. (9)-M399 16x
WANTED A flrst-class coat maker
once; $8 for sack coats. J, P. Anderson,
326 C Ave., Lawton, O. T. (9) M516 19x
WANTED Man for general work In
blacksmith shop; will pay $3 for good
man. Address James wnaien, Huron,
B. D. (9) M614 19X
WANTED Marble cutter, who can letter
marble and granite by hand or tools.
Hastings Marble and Granite Works
Hastings, Neb. (9) M669,16x
WANTED Competent furnace men. 123
8. Main Et., Council Bluffs, la.
A TAILOR wanted. Graham & Teonard,
Rockwell City. 111. (9) M548 ltix
BLACKSMITH and all around handy man
for ranch, $4.w and board. Apply to t;
V. Morgan, Herman, Neb. (9) M585
WANTED A first class, all round butcher
and especially adapted for shop tending.
C. 'H. Huber, 123 E. Broadway, Council
BlUffS. (9) 614
WANTED Coatmaker, pants and vest
maker; good prices -and good back
shop. 11. u. van uss, worm nena,
Neb. 19) Aldus nx
721-2 New York Life Bldg.
Hours: 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m.
Posting clerk, $76.
Ledger clerk, $75.
Mookkeener and cashier. 1SS to $90.
Assistant bookkeeper, young man, good
cl.aiu tor promotion, experience unneces
aarv. 160.
' Assistant bookkeeper, young man, Ger
jman preferred, $45.
' We are alio In need of several retail
clerks, stenographers and many other ap
plicants to fill high grade positions at good
salaries. i aiov i
WANTED At once, experienced clothing
clerk: ateady poaltlon to right party
atore cloaea at p. m.; aend references
and atate wagea expected nrai letter. 11
J. Bolce, Hoc springs, wyo.
(91-M587 21x
If vour services command $76 per month,
or better, aend for our four plans to aslt
one to obtain employment. Any . line.
Anvwhere." "No registration fee." "No
commlaalon." Addresa Circulation Depart
PANY, lncorporatea.
1181 Broadway, New York. 718-732 Main
street, Buffalo. 218 La Salle, sireeet,
(9I-M569 19x
WANTED Some good young man who haa
had Borne experience In the barber trade
will give him a good chance. Write for
particulara to W. H. Hughbanks, George,
Ia. ()-M627 24x
WANTED Young man to run extractors.
Kimball Laundry, 1611 Jackson.
(9)-M541 20
FREE Employment Bureau, supported by
Business Men's association; helps work
men find positions. Call 842 New York
Life Bldg. (9)-MJ8 Ocl26
MAN OR BOY To drive wagon and help
In greenhouses; board and room fur
nished; good chance to learn the florist
trade. Henderson, florist, 1519 Farnara
street. (9)-MS 17x
WANTED One first clsss business getter
for each stste, gocd money for right
party, repreaent Nebraska corporation,
1 reference and bond. Stamp for reply.
J Addreea 8 170, care Bee. (9) 837
LABORERS for handling freight at Union
Pacific Ccuncll Hlufl transrer; wages
17H centa per hour. Board arranged If
necessary. Apply Thomaa Scanlon. fore
man. (9) 732
A GOOD paying poaltlon to offer a man
who haa aold agricultural Implement
011 th road. Addresa Samuel Cotner,
8v Use Bldg., Oiuaoa, Neb.
(8) M28J1I
Mlscellaneoaa Coatlaaed.
SOUND young men, sged 18 to 36. for
firemen and nrakemeu curing rusn ea
aon on leadtnr railroads hi re. In the
west and on new lines being completed;
experience unnecessary; dromon, $h0
monthly become engtneera. $;"0; brake
men, $100 monthly, become conductors,
$160; many position now open; write
for' particulars. National Railway
Training association. :) Taxton block.
Omaha. Neb. 0)-190 Nov7
U. S. NAVY offers attractive opportunities
to wide awake young Americans, li to
K yeara of age; men with spco'al Iradea
accepted up to 35 years. An illustrated
booklet, showing the life of the modern
man-o'wars man free to those interested.
Visit or address Navy reciultlng station,
Omaha. Lincoln Hastings. 'tb.; Sioux
City, la. Postofflce buildings.
(9-M519 Nix
Steady work, wages $12 to $16
per week. Sun,lerlaud Bros.
Co., 20th and Hickory.
' 19)-S33 17 i
DRUG CLERKS Exceptional propositions,
ncraasea salaries. lenver Drug Kx
change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo.
(8)-M.'4 020X
WANTED Strong laborers; good wages
ior gooa men. Apply entrance gai.
Swift and Company, South Omaha; aak
for Moor. 19) M195 17
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
taca sign, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. No canvassing. National Diat.
Bureau, Chicago, 111. 19) M203 17x
WANTED Passenger and freight elevator
men, janitors, carpenter ana plumbers
helpers; on fireman; palntera, top wagea.
104 Bee Bldg. (9) MJ60 CCSx
UNCLE SAM wants 10,000 railway mall
cierke, mall carriers, clerks, immodlately.
Salary $1,200. Rapid advancement; ex
aminations here soon. Common education
sufficient. Preparation free to advertise.
Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y.
(9) 407 2Sx
THE Keystone's number la suite 404 Bee
Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (9) 459 Is
WANTED Two farm hands; $''5 per
monin, year round. 1509 North ijfit n r-t.,
South Omahu. (9) M636 20
Horace aad Vehicle.
ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, tup buggy,
ell rubber-tired; hack harness, one double
express harness; one or two horses.
Come In. The Harney St. Stables.
WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other Arm in Omaha.
Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. imh
and Jonea Sts. (11) 839
Horses bought and aold. Myers. 1114 Doug.
Ul) H) OIB
HORSES bought & sold. Blake 2531 N. 16th.
(11) M466 NIX
RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A.
Stone, 303 Lincoln Ave., Council tfluns,
PUBLIC SALE Standard Bred horses,
Shorthorn cattle. Poland-China hogs, Oct.
28, 1907; write for catalogue. Venture
Block Farm. Lohrvllle, Ia. (ID 154 29
SECOND-HAND delivery wagon, 1 buggy,
1 phaeton, cheap. A. Murphy & Hon.
(11) M215 Nov. 10
Poultry and Eggs.
DUSTON'S White Wyandottes. Pure bred,
choice breeding stock now ready to snip.
Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor
ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1082.
OD-M984 Oct27x
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Siuab
Co.. Omrha. (11) M547 NovZ
farm raised, bred from winning sir? in;
cockerels and pullets for sale; eggs In
season from high-class stock. Write
for prices. R. A. Mlttelstadt, Norfolk,
Neb. (11) M292 21X
rom, Birds, Dog and Pete.
broke on wolf, bear and cats; will also
break dogs on fox, wolf and bear. Ad
dress A. B. Kyle, Bruce, Wis.
(1D-M562 21x
FOR SALE English setter, female puppy,
9 months old; sired by "Colonel T.," Mr.
Plxley's famous field dog; $25. Address
D.. 1006 Farnam St. (ll)-MHl 16
FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. 4310 Emmett
Bt. (ill MtHB mx
LOST Sunday evening, gold bar pin. Re
ward for return to 1110 S. 28th St.
STRAY EI Two cows from Union Stock
Yards Co.. South Omaha, branded -I- on
left hip. Notify Union Stock Yards Co.
12)-M598 21
IOST Frldav. between Bennett's and Ten
Cent Store, State Savings bank hook of
Council Blurts. Kelurn 10 nils omce.
U2)-517 lx
LOST Breastpin, Initial K. Finder please
return to 2907 Leavenworth St, and re
ceive reward. (12) fi7 lBx
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Douglas
1167. Calls answered day or night.
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no retention
CO over S. W. cor. 14th and Douglas,
Omaha. (13)-M0
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation Army
Home, for Women at SS24 N. 24th St.,
Omaha. Neb. (12-M106
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray'a Nerve
Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
Pay Cash and Learn
If you are In debt and atruggling along
dodging the collector, get out of that old
rut, be a free man again, look the world
on your furniture and give you from one
month to one year to pay u back in mall
monthly or weekly payment. You pay for
only the time you are using our money.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.,
119 Board of Trade Building,
16th Street Entrance.
Have Increased their capital and during
October will make pecial rate on col
lateral loan, mortgage, on personal
property and notes without security.
Term to suit. Tel. D. 29"4. 31" Be Ulrig.
(14J-M4J2 Novll
loaned on furniture, pianos, hoi sea, etc.
any amount; le half rates; perfect pri.
vacy and Immediate attention, on any
terms; payments suspended when sick or
disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., a ti. 15th
Bowen, 703 N. Y Life Bldg.
advancea private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You net
money aame day aked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 7. (14) S43
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans, t'oley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam t.
(14j 8(6
and othera without arcurlty; ey oay
ment. Offices In 6$ principal cltie. Tol
man, room 714 New York Life Bldg.
(14 848
Fl'RNITl'RE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker blo'-k.
Salary aad tfcatteli
PHOENIX lltr.i'i i
salarv lonns. 6-fJ Paxton Block lr
Douglaa 746. (14
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellahle, accom
modating, all busines conmwniiii.
Douglas. (ll)-47
LOWEST rates, chattels or salary Ne
braska Credit Co., uoara 01 ':?" ..
(14) M9
Hoard In a and Ilooma.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; csfe.
AN IDEAL home for boarders; warm,
sunnv riMiin, with lsl home table; every
thing first class; close In; private. 'Phone
Red 7554. (16) 478 15
FIRST-CLASS board and room. V 8. 24th
Ave. (16-779 l7
NICELY furnished rooms; first
it class boar
i, W20 Harney
reasonable rates. The Rose,
St. . 016 $91 Wx
DEWEY European Hotol, 13th and Farnam.
FURNISHED rooma. with board; close In;
private family. 2406 Cass. Doug. 6408.
(15) M21 Nov. 18
MODERN room, with board. m6 Burt.
(151163 Nov9
MRS. JOHNSON'S boarding house, open to
fmhllc Sunday, Oct. 13, upstairs 1106 N.
Pth. Webster 2448. (16) M279N12
VERY desirable furnished rooms with
board. 12$ 8. 26th Ave. Reference. '
(15)-664 20x
THE HILLSIDE, lth and Dodge, rooms
suitable for two or four; also board.
Uol-WoW 21x
Farnlsked Room.
FOR RENT Large aoutheaat room, strictly
modern. In private family, suitable for
two gentlemen, ill South 26th St. "Phone
Douglas ?37. (15) 736
128 S. 25TH ST., large east front room, suit,
able for three gentlmen; house strictly
modern; roomy porches; large, shady
lawn. (16) 76tix
1 . 1
STEAM HEATED rooms. $2 to $5 per week.
Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs.
05)-M525 Nllx
FURNISHED room In private family. J22J
Douglas. 'Phone Douglaa 5303.
(1R)-M310 19
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. TH. Douglas )i!5. Schmoller ft
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam.
OMAHA Van A Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N.
19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. V&t.
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded;
cheap freight rates; moving and storage.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. . Tel. Douglas
384. (15) 655
NICELY furnished heated rooms with both,
by day or week. 411 N. 16th.
(15)-410 19x
. 1
BMAUTIFt'L apartments furnished; pri
vate family. 2005 St. Mary's Ave.
(16)-M47S ltX
FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping
or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webster
3603. 2226 Miami St. (15)-3
NICELY furnished rooms; strictly mod
ern. 312 N. 25th St. Tel. Red 5"J1.
(15)-297 lx
FURNISHED front room; modern; near
two car lines. 2119 Grant St.
(1$) M273 18X
FURNISHED ROOM Very desirable, refer
ence required. 640 8. 24th St.
(1B)-M390 020
FURNISHED ROOMS for colored gentle
man, near carllne. Mra. Banks, 1408 N.
18th. Phone Webster 3862.
05)-M278 NH
ONE room, modern, suitable for gentle
man; $2 per week. 311 N. 26th St.
(16)-133 16x
WE move pianos. Maggard Van and Ptfcr
age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. Offlce, 1712 Va
ster S (15) 63V
FURNISHED rooms and aulta of rooinr
for light housekeeping; modern. -12
Sherman Ave. (16) MS23 22x
Any further for rooms.
Come and see us.
Tel. Doug. 34M. tut N. V- Ufa Blg.
(15) M946 It
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board, on car line. 1512 N. 17th.
(16)-M162 16
NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern;
private; walking distance. 1912 Webster.
(16)-M11 1
FOR RENT Furnished room, all modern,
with steam heat. Inquire at 818 S. 2Kth.
(16)-235 17x
THREE or four pleasant furnlahed rooms;
modern; steam; gaa range; references
required; adults only; no other roomera.
2701 Woolworth Ave.
(15)-15 21x
TWO modern furnished rooma. 2230 ChU
cago St. Tel. Red 67J6. (159608 Z
Phone Red 6341. (16) M601 19x
FOR RENT Two furnlahed rooma. 4121
Hamilton St. (16)634
MODERN furnished front room. 1907 Cum
lng. (15) M136 N7x
FRONT room for gentlemen, 1960 So. 10th
St. (16) 187 Nov9x
1 620 N. 19th, front parlor, modern, reason
able, to 4 young men. (small room. i so.
(16)-668 20x
MODERN front room on ear line. l6t
North 20th street. (16) M684 B
FURNISHED ROOM For gentleman. 814
South 15th St. (16) M 640 23
Apartmeiats aad Flat.
AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg., 18th an
Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 1
Iloaaekeeplagr Rooms.
THREE rooma, furnished or unfurnished
for right housekeeping. Gas and bath.
2770 Cuming. (o 491 16x
ONE furnished room for light housekeeping
or sleeping. 2910 Farnam street.
(16)-M67I 17
TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping; gag
light fuel, and bath; also furnace heal.
2o70 Farnam St. (li)-M644 22
Vafaralaked Rooma.
THE HILLSIDE, 18th and Dodge, t un
. furnlahed rooms. (16) M596 Ox
THREE unfurnished rooms, 1421 N. 20tli;
modern. (16) 638 18x
Faralaked Heaaee.
FOR RENT After October 5. 3134 Chicago
street, 7 room, large bath room, attlo
and laundry, flrat-clasa furnace, $4S. .
(16) M4$4V
HANDSOMELY furnished ehjrht - room
house, fine neighborhood, close in, mod
ern; reasonable. Addresa K 416. car Bee.
(16)-M401 21x
FOR RENT Furnlahed 9-room house for
the winter In Wet Farnam dlatrlct. For
particulara addr O 418, Bee,
(16)-M406 17x
Hoe aad Cottaaree.
port St. (4. K. corner), 10-room, thor
oughly modern house, excellent repair,
beautifully arranged. Wilt give lease at
$ti per month. Apply to Conrad Young,
1518 Dodge bl. 06) MU2
FOR RENT Modern, 8-room house, plas
tered attic, two block from 24th St. car
line, 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at inrt
Popplelon Ave. (16) M917 .
NINE room house, Berut park, modern.
Tel. Harney 145. (16) Moil)
. . .
FOR RENT Two t and e-room modera
cottages. Inquire Ol N. 2th St.
iA)-U4 11