Want - ads AtTrrllirmrati for tho want ad rolamas will h taken !! 13 a. for , tha tTtaliy edition aad til a. as. for th morning ad Sunday editions. Cash mast ircoapur a2l orders for ' want ads and ao advertisement will he accepted for Iris than IU rents for ,lk Nrrt Inaartloa. nlf apply to cither The Dally " gander Bra. A I war a roaat six nor 6m to line. Cnrnhlnntloaa of Initial or northers run at aa one . word. , CASH RATE) FOR WANT AOS. - nr.r.n,AR t laificatio. o faarrtlon, arr liar, 10 reata. Two or More consecutive Insertions, er liar, tents. Earn Inarrtloa made on odd lark, 10 eeata rr line. 11. BO per line prr month. CASH I1ATKS FOH WOTICE. Heath and Faarral Xotlces, tarda of per Una for oar edition, morning! or j mla 3 rrata a Una for each ad, dltloaal rdltlon. "unday, 10 rrata a llao. Mo. ad. takes for leea than . cents. "FECIAL CLASSIFICATION If oar adTertlsemeat la Inserted nadrr aar ok of the clasalaeatlons below, It will bo charted at the fol lowing ratrsi One Insertion, 44rents per line l three to six cooaeentlvo lu eertlone, 3 crnts per line each .neer ttom seven or more ronseentlre In. aertlona, 2 rente prr line encn lascr linn BO crnta prr line per month. BARTER A.1D EXCH AfitE. ''nriKflM chances. II F.LI WASTRt) FEMALE. HELP wAXTKW MALE. Cxcrpt Agents, Solicitors and Sales mm. OFFERED FOR SALE. 1 Cons, Birds, Dogs and Prta. llorara and Vrhlrlea. 1'onltry and Kgt. Furniture. Trprwrlters and Sewing; Machlaes. Pianos, Orsana and Moalenl Instrtt menta. Offered fob hext. , Famished Roome. ' !nfarnahed Rooms. Iloasrkreplns; Rooma. Hoarding; and Rooma. WASTED TO BUY. Want ada for The Bee may be lelt at any of tho following drn stores a la "yoar corner druggist" they re all branch offices of Tho Bee and yoar ad will be Insertrd Just promptly and on the same rntee as at the mala office la Tha Bee B.lldinii, tteventrenth and Farnam Streets. Albach.' W. d. 40M1 nFr"8m Beranck. 8. A., 1402 B. Wlh t. Wr.cht Pharmacy, 720 B. 16th ' l-tenson Pharmacy. Benson e . Remls Paik rharma Ave Blake's pharmacy. 1 Sherman Ave. ( aughlln, C. R-. 6th and r1" St" Av. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 Military Ave. C'onte. J B.. 31st Ave. and rarnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and I-Ke. Orm.lt, Emtl. 1264-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamiltonv Ehler. V. 11. 20. lavrnwnrth. Forster & Arnomi, xia - Frevtng. John J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, ? Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and . Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana POr"cnouBh. O. A.. IMS Bi Mth St. Greenough. Q. A., 1024 8. 10th St. Havdr n Wm. C.i 2920 Farnam St. HaWm Park Thar.. 1501 J. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 6U N. 16th St. Huff. A. L.. 2"J24 I-eavenwortb St. King, H. B.. 2238 Farnam Bt Kountte Place Pharmacy. 8304 N. 34th. Patrick Prut; Co., IK N. 24th St. . . I.athrop. Chaa. 1324 N. K4th Bt. Peyton; L- E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug; Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Kchaefcr's Cut Price Drug Co.. 15th and Csffl'fr. AUBUrt. Kit N. ISth St. Hchmldt. J. H.. 24th and Cumlngt Sti. Storm Pharmacy, lUth and Martha Sti. Walnut Mill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace SU. Worth, O. II., 40th and Hamilton Sta. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE . ia now open In both the DAY" and NIGHT seaslons. Yot H Is not too late to enter, bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Tel egraphy and Enailah. The catalogue ta re' H. B. BOYLE8. PRES. BOYLES BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. . . ID eoo fUGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 13fi Douglas. . (D 803 MUSIC Every Evening Hotel Rome. . (D-802 THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Douglaa 1.187. (D-801 rnTATETjATN80"001, tf languagea. C'lliY. X rjUAAiN French. German. Span- Ish. Davtdge Bldg.. lxth and Fnrnum. Day ' and evening classes. (1) M9!9 NX 1ISS ELIZABETH O'CONNOR announces the opening of her dressmaking parlors, ' foil North ISth. You are cordially invited to call. (IV M 758 24 AUTOMOBILES tvENDforour list pf second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT. U18 Farnam. O-SOi EARLY new 24-horse power, 6-passenger touring car; storage battery, full top, lamps and equipment; cost $1,450 in May, ' only run 8,600 miles; In Urst-clasa - aliape, at a bargain. , D. V. EHOLES COMPANY. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. . BARTER AND EXCHANGE J'OR EXCHANGE" A fine up-to-date bard ware stock, located In a good Nebraska ' town of 1,000 Inhabitants; will Invoice about 14,10, including fixtures. Thla Is a good, paying pioposltlon. Has a good trade and to one of the best locations In town. Will corslder rart exchange, the balance cash. Globe Land and Investment company. i5 M JTOH EXCHANGE 8tock of buggtea. wa- fras and Implements, located In a small llluola town; will Involca about 11,750. Also house and I lots In same town, l'rtce for real estate, 11,500; Invoice for ntock. Will exchanie for farm land in Iowa, ' Kansas or Missouri. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. , tf)-0t J0OR SALE OR TRADE 820 acres, good unimproved land, -in Pecos valley, 4 miles from railroad. In the shallow artesian llt; Improved land here selling 850 to tlbO t-er sere; you may have mine for 810. H. Miller, Lock Box 215, Dayton, N. M. 1 M17S Us BUSINESS CHANCES RfcAD. ' Ars yeu looking lur a farm, business or fCYeatienir Vo haye--tierraral merchandise stocks of all sljcs. fho stocks- Unt'a furnishings. Hardware stocks. J'urniiura and undertaking. Jiotsls and restaurants. I'.oomlng house furniture. Drug stocks. Printing offices. 1'lour railla. Livery. Jl'MiM and lots. , . t erms and ranches. Call and See JA.COBSON ac CO. 8Cf N. V, L. iJidg . Omaha, Nab. ( HIM Octll fOR SAL--4.'.X0-tMm laundry. nclud. lug building, at 60 City, la.; practically sew; no competition; bujlness thoroughly established; weekly receipts $136 to $!oo. t'nder aggressive management business could be doubled almost Immediately, this property, with equipment, will In-Vok-e $40u. Adita It 8 Burnt, cashier luat National bank, das City. Ia. tO-448 31 BUSINESS CHANCES IContlnued.) Mining and Industrial Stocks Wt buy and aril sny active unllnted atockd. liav raro harealna In In dustrial stock, mibjcct to th most rlld InvsstlKatlon. Wo have lar;aln 'v' eral active mlrlnr atwka in Nevada, also several hnraatna In copper stocks. We receive wekv report from all th Important rplnlnn districts In the Vr.ltrd BtutF and Mexico. ROOT. C. tRl'K3F.POW & CO.. Btock Brokers. N. Y. Lite Blda- , Tel. Douglas 8. Omaha. Neb. (4 4-f. C)2 Exclusive Mining Stock Brokers 1 LISTED AND I'NI.ISTFD MINING STCHl'KS HtJt GyT AND SOLD. Quotations received from oil Exchanges. DON'T , BL'V STOCK FROM COMPANY DIRECT. We can save you from S to 20 per cent on any mlnlne- stock. .- LIST TOUR WANTS AND OFFERINGS WITH I S. We give prompt service. NE18TADTL t DAVID0V, 604 X. V. Life Bldg. Thone Red U9t (4) M2$ CAR SIGN companies have been organ!sd It, pes Moines. Unvenport ana v. union, la.. Rock Island and Mollne, 111., and Dallas, Tex., since I last wrote you; Lin coln stock la aelling twice the price It was two weeka ago. and the newly Installed signs are working nicely - there; Dea Moines stock all eold. over half of -It taken by bankera there; yea. Agne. things are aure enough coming my yj call and see me. The Car Sign Man, 21 I.'. S. National Bank Bldg. (4) M3S1 14 HERE 18 A CHANCE to get a good drug store In Muscatine, la., a live city "of l,0o people, situated en the Mississippi river; two railroad trunk lines from -Chicago to Kansas City running through It, the Chicago, Rock Islnnd Pacific and the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul, be sides other smaller roads or branches. F.verythlng about the store first-class. Situated on the msin street In the heart of the business district. Wrle for fur ther particulars to H. E. Van . Diner, Rock Island, III. (4)-M40Ultx T.THOL8TF.R KRS AND CABINET MAK ERS ATTENTION! Well established upholstering and repair business. doing good business many yeara. Central location, well equipped with tools and raw materials, good horse and wagon. Must be sold at a sacrifice. Only $'J6u down and balance on easy terms. N. P. Dodgo & Co., 1714 Farnam St. 14J-M302 16 IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. Hotel furniture for sale, building for rent; good location; cash .or payments. Cheap If taken before the first. ' parties wlsn Ing to go In private place. Call at' 1019 South Maine St.. Council Bluffs, la.- (4) M201 19X THIS COMPANY does a general real estate and loan business; a specialty of looking up good farming lands and locating east ern people on them; let us hear from you; we can serve you. Eureka Land Com pany, 411 Buchanan Bldg., Portland. Ore. , 4)-MJ01 NoWx FOR SALE A drug store, earning a not profit o- 15 per cent; also a practice paying $3,600 per yar, for the prioo of doctor's office. Address Box 36, Tabor, la. (4) MlB16x FOR SALE Machine shop, brick building, containing two lathes, planer, drill, press, power triphammer, gasoline engine, black smith tools; very cheap. Address H. C. Bchulti. Lansing, la.! (4) M150 Wx THE CONNELLY HOTEL at Caney, Kan., la offered for sale; is the only 2 per day houstt. In city of 4.000 population; will sell ftirniture and rent building If desired. Write for particulars. . (4) M377 lx FOR SALE Pool business, of two tables and fixtures, complete; going away; will sell cheap. Box luO, Evans, Colo. - ' (4-Mil3 19x ACME EXCHANGE CO., Cherokee. Ia., has farm lands and town property for sale 'or trade. Write what you nave and watt.t . ' - 4) M284 Octl9x DRUG ' STORES Anywhere, any price. wrjte or see us tor Bargains. yenver Drug Exchange, 1711 California St., Den ver. Colo. . v . . (4)-M3(s6 O20K TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 Mt'AUUli BUILDING, 16TH.AND DODGE STS. ' (4-a07 IF TOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write ux. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO- OMAHA, NEB. (4) M289 Nit , COUNTRY DRUG. BUSINESS of twenty years standing; must be sold at once ror Hrst-closa offer. Address C 409,'cxre Bee. . . . (4)-M255 14x FOR SALE The only exclusl-e Implement stock In a city of 6.000; no trade; mild cli mate; plenty of natural gas. Address '3. . J. Howard, Cherryvele, Kan.' (4)-M60S l6x . BEST country location In . Missouri for a good doctor; has been proven: 'Can fur nish fine cottage and 42 acres of land very . cheap. For particulars address A. A. Par sons. Laquey, Mo. (4) M113 14x WANTED To buy a good newspaper la northwest Nebraska: state price; conA dentlal. - Address Y 29, care Bee. (4) M108 19x FOR SALE OR RENT Bakery, wholesale and retail: have the best trade in the city. Address William Rltxhaupt, Guthrie. OkL " (4)-M114 21x BUSINESS CHANCE For sale, elegant cigar store and billiard hall; price, 81,000 and Invoice, $600 cash, hula. ice time: R. II. Kamrar, Waseca, Mlnr,. (41-M179 15x PRINTER-EDITOR can buy only newspa per In South Dakota town; cylinder. Job ber, power, plenty of material, large ter ritory; good crops. Terms to suit. Jour nal, White Rock, 8. D. (41-M612 22x WILL SELL to reliable party half Interest with management of profituble cofteo roasting and distributing company. P. O. Box 7u Houston, Tex. (4 M174 15" FOR SALE Good grocery - business. . In quire Box 495, Crete, Neb. (4) M104 lSx DRUG stores for sale everywhere, F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha, t - (4ft 8(0 FOR SALE Fine - Ice plant, a money maker. For particulars address Dr. A. D. Finch, McCook. Neb. ( M2 17x ROOMING houses for sale, all sizes. Gan gestad, 4U3 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 8449. . - (4)-734 BARBER SHOP: two chairs; only shop In small town; two railroads; good reasons for selling. M. C. Henderson, Burners, la. (4)-M142 li)'x FOR SALE Cigar and newa store doing good business, with nice living rooms and cheap rent. Call Webster 2764. (4)-M508 MERCHANDISE stock, will Invoice about $3.txo; good reasons for selling; might take real estate at Its cash value. Ad dress Y 84, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M268 18 BLACK8MITH SHOP at a bargain; good business and no competition; better In vestigate. Addreaa Y 36. care Bee. (4)-M271 18x TO BUY. TRADE OR SELL aee "BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL," 822 N Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 6149. (4) U A SMALL, clean, profitable drug busi ness. Address P. O. bog 191. Paik City, Utah. 4 M6JI 17x RENT Ritchie's hsll. South Omaha: sec ond floor; no posts; twiou long lease. A. U. Ritchie, 2-"0 8. loth St., Omaha. (4)-808 FOR SALE Only drug store In good north west Iowa town of 500 population; Invoice about UMt; nt profits $2.Juo yearly; good reason for selling; only cash considered. Address Y-l. cars Omaha Be. (4) 168 a LUMBER YARD for sale In eastern Ne braska; doing good business; good reason for selling; close Investigation Invited; all other answers lost please answer again. Address E 8.8. care bee. t4 15i Ux WANTED experienced man to organise company to manufacture rapid aelling fatenled farm Implement; big Inducement o right man. Address W. Bee t ifflce, Boath Omaha. (t 1M 14 OPENING for good veterinary. Lock Bog .y. .Wlkox. Neb. (4-ls4 It RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 633 Broad way, Couucil Bluffs, la. (t-7ltk - TUB OMAIIA DAILY DEE! MONDAY, OCTOBER 14. lOOi. f When you work work. When you play play. When you rest rest. When , you ad vertise, use BEE "want ads." :: :: :: :: :: BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) NEWSPAPER In one of Wyoming's most promising towns; no competition; receipts n month; two men can do the work. Cfcrl B. Stow, Hamburg, la. (D-M120 14x TWO BOWL1NO ALLEYS, Brunswlck- Falke-Collender. tor sale cheap. Address W. K. Ragan. Utlca, Neb. (41 M.Ot 24 OLD ESTABLISHED drug store for sale; Will (IflllUlinii VAVCiicui utiniurnn, D'lJ. ll-ii. Fort Collins, Colo. 4)-M20 17x FOR SALE 46,ti00 . In hardware and To- peka property; a nig discount tor spot cash. Address Real Estate, !C5 N. Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kan. (4) M199 lix FOR RENT-Blacksmith shop and tools, with a good trade, at Waterloo. Neb. Apply to James Walsh, Benson, Neb. (4) M209 17x WANTED A partner with ItiOO In a good, paying business; experience not neces sary. Address J 432, care Bee. (4)-M484 1SI CLOTHING and gents' furnishing store In good growing town; a good proposition for the right party with some capital. Oscar J. Mincer, Wellington, Colo. (4)-M1S7 21x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artlats. H. O. BUNNELL & CO., 822 N. Y. Life. Doug. 6149. ' t6)-SU Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. 15) 1(29 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (6-81i Chattel Loan. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (5) 815 Chiropodist. AR. ROY, R. 2. Io0 Farnam Bt. Doug. 649". (5 si Dancing; Academy. MORAND'S classes for dancing, opp. Bur wood theater; lessons for adults Tues. and Frl. 8 p. m. ; first lessons privately; suc cess guaranteed. Call or Tel. Doug. 1041. (15) 151 Nov7 Dentists. BAILEY &. MACH. !d fir. Paxton. D. 1085. (o) 819 Dreaamaltlng. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney .1368. y en REDFERN school. R. 20, Douglaa Blk. Tel Doug. 4584. (5) M472 M LOWELL Drossmaklng School, 12J Far. nam St. (6)-81 MR 8. BROACH. 2723 Farnam. Tel. Harney 635. (6)M866 Oct24x MME. WOODRUFF, 228 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas 6170. . t5)-iMlW N8 DRESSMAKING Mrs. Hlrtes, 8518 Blondo. (6) 'M477 15 r"! ' Florists. " HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) 820 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253. (5)-21 J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Tel., Doug. 8000. (5)-822 Go Carts. GO-CART tires. Lawj-ence. 2703 Leav. 8t. (3)-M381 Oct20 Hotels. THE SCHILTZ, European, 16th and Harney (6) 823 Jewelers and Watchmakers N. P. 8TILLINO Watch, clock, jewelry repairing. 2-S Paxton Blk. Tel. 4367. (5) 830 Locksmiths. KEYS, etc. . Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel D. .2974. (5)-&.'. ! '. Millinery. LADIES' hats made over and trimmed In the latest styles; hats, feathers and ma terial cleaned or dyed. E. Leola Pepper, C26 S. 2Sth St. Phone Harney 3908, (6 649 OM Osteopathy, JOHNSON, INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (5)-826 Dr. Dowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 6j;0. (5)-M4o5 Oct31 DRS. RINOLER, 806 Neville block. 'Phone Red 6467. (3) M150 Novl Office "applies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures ;ind sup plies of sll kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 806 South 18th St. Tel. Douglaa 5562. . (&) M290N11 Photographers. C..B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 16th St. (5) -828 Plumbing. PLUMBING and heating attended to at once. Room 82, U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam. 'Phone Douglaa 4fc3. (5)-lG3 14 Prlatlag. HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too lartre or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 305 S. Uth St. Tel. Douglas 6o62. (oi M512 Novt BEFORE placing your 1S08 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap Ave. (i-8J8 Safes. Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., Iu2 8. 1Mh 8t. (Fj-531 Stove Repairing. STOVE and furnace repairs; water fronts; Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Oman Stove Repair Works, ia6-8 Douglas St. Tel Douglas 960. (6) M275 Novll Shoo Bepatrtaff. RAPID SHOE REPAIR Co.. first-class work. 16U' Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 14. 5i-?7 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTET Demonstrator. Apply at Sweet land. Brandeis, east arcade. , (7) M510 15 Clerical aad Omeo. GIRLS for railroad offices; education two years high school. Csll or address F. B- SouUiard. A. P. A., U. P R R.. fourth floor. Pacific Express Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Ot U2 15 PERMANENT position for young lady; must be quick, neat and good prnmsn. Ad dress P 412, care Bee. (7) M262 14 MORE! ladles and girls for decorative paint, lng on aofa 9lilowa. at home, whole or spre time; experience unnecessary : rail forenoons. 53U S. Uth. v;jM5X 19x t 11 ii. I HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and OfHceContlned. WANTED Bright young girl for office work; permanent position; must have high school education and be able to oper ate typewriter. Address In own hand erences. W 4JJ. care Bee. (7) M4S5 15x Factory and Trades. WANTED Women for band Ironers and machines. Kimball Laundry, 1511 Jackson St. (7)-833 WANTED At once, an experienced choco late dipper; one who can manage help; good wages to right party. Address Et tlng Candy Co., Grand Island, Neb. (7)-M550 lox lloaeekeepers and Domestics. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work. Mrs. Hall. 2216 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 8733. (7)-M113 WANTED Competent second girl for fam ily of two. 2037 Dodge Bt. (7)-M44 . WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, 835. Canadian office, 13tli and Dodge. . (7J-834 WANTED Girl or woman for general housework In Tamily of three; one who can go home nights. Apply 4205 Dodge Ht. Tel. Harney 17. (7)-M540 lb WANTED A competent, trustworthy girl for general housework; two In family: good wages. Mrs. Frank Hadley. 2521 Bristol. (7)-M987 HOUSEKEEPER between 25 and 35 ycari wanted. T. Teller. McCook, 8. D. (7)-M439 031x WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; small family. 605 S 29th Ave. wj two WANTED Chambermaid; good character required; country girl preferred; ticket furnished. Address Perkins Hotel. David City. Neb. tt 145 14x WANTED Girl for general housework: good wages: three In family. Tel. Harney S2. 112 N. 38th Ave. (7)-155 14 WANTED-Experienced girl for genera: housework; good wages. Apply at 101 North 40th. ' (7)-M173 16 WANTED Good cook who can wash and 'Iron; keep a second girl. Mrs. J. A. Sun derland, 1029 8. 29th St. Tel. Harney 2312. . . (7)-182J GIRL for general housework; three In fam ily. 1523 Jackson St. 'Phone Douglas 4781. (7) MiM 14x WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Inquire 627 North 40th St. (7)-M434 15 WANTED Experienced second girl; two In famllyi no laundry. Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr., 2224 Howard St. Tel. Doug. 8109 (7)-M305 15 WANTED Girl for general housework, 8 In family, good wges. Mrs. R. E. Welch, 414 8. 38th St. (7)-429 19 WANTED A competent girl for general housework, three In family, best of waxes, 2130 Blnney St. (7)-M415 15 COMPETENT girl for general housework: five In family, no washing; wages 86 per week. Inquire 2237 Seward St. 'Phone Webster 622. (7) M547 16x WANTED Girl for general housework: 2 In family. 3624 Lafayette Ave. (7)-M486 15 WANTED Cook and upstralrs girl. Apply .W8 Harney St.; take Farnam car and get off gt 83d St. Telephone Harney 773. . i . re, (7)-M.V 16 GIRL for general housework: 8 adults In family: wages, 83, Call on Mrs. Morand. 2906 Dodge. (7) M503 15x Miscellaneous. f . WANTED Experienced alteration woman. Will pay highest wages. O. K. Bcofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas. (7) 733 LADIES AND GIRLS., to stamp transfers at home; easy, learned: $1.50 to 82 00 per dozen. 606 Paxton Block. (7) M129 14x WANTED An appientlce girl, 1909 Capitol Av r tat k- j WANTED Girl to work In studio. Kory 1 Studio. 613 N. ISth St. (7) MU4 15x GIRLS wanted; good pay: steady work. Ap ply any time. Bsmla Omaha Bag Co. ' t7)-M481J?orlj HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. ARE you out of work? Call and see us: good hustlers make good money.' C. V. I A Ham, Cn .1ia ilnaa C ' lot WANTED Capable city sslesman. Ken naid Paint and Glass Co., 15th and Daven port. (9) M762 WANTED Good salesman to canvass tho country and tako orders for slock pow der; good conimlrslon allowed. Address Ideal Stock Powder Co.. Dunbar, Neb. (9)-M604 24X WANTED Salesmen calling on dry goods trade, southern Iowa and northern Ne braska to add our line of wrappers, petticoats, etc; good commissions; larga, established trade. Lock Box 923. Des Moines, Ia. ) M198 17 WANTED Gentlemen and ladles to sell new article; agents can make $5 to $10 a day. Omaha Burglar Alarm Co., 1006 N. Y. Life Bldg ()-M2C3 14 WANTED Six good men, by Dodd, Meal Co., at once, to sell the NEW Interna tional Encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa; good commis sion and a guaranteed salary to the right men. Inquire at office, 718 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ()-Moll 15 Clerical and office. WANTED Clerks, both men and boys, in railroad office. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. R. K-, 4th floor. Paolrlo Express Co. Bldg., 14th and Harney Sts.. Omaha, Neb. () 2fta 18 Boys. GOOD boys wanted; flrst-clasi pay. A. D. T. Co.. 212 So. 13lh St. (9) -835 WANTED Office boys; must be over 14 years old. Addresa Omaha Packing Co., South Omaha. 19) M506 BOYS with wheels can make t!5 to $46 per month; $35 guaranteed. Postal Telegraph Co. (9)-Mt2 N4x 8TOl"T boy or young man to learn trade. Apply Champion lion and Wire Works, 617-19 So. 16th St. l9)-M13 is BOYS wanted, must be over 16. Nebraska Shoe and Clothing house, 25th and N St., South Omaha. . (9) 240 Factory aad Trades. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; sixty chaira constantly busy; licensed Instructors; tools given; di plomas granted; wsges Saturdays; posi tions waiting; wonderful demand for graduates. Call or write Moler Barber College, 110 8 14th St., Omaha. Neb. (9I-M269 17x TAILORS. A flrst-clasa ladies' tailor wanted; wages $2 per week and ateady poaitton. Apply J. J&wltg. 18th and Farnam Sts. () M747 WANTED Registered drug clerk of goad habits; give reference. 11. E. Vistula, Stelnhauer. Neb.- (9i-M9j4 26 WANTED First slsss coatmaker; per manent poeiilcn to a good, steady man. Reply to Tha Hub Clothing House. Little Falls. Minn. ()-108 Hx WANTED Tailors to work In alteration department, will pay good wages. O. K. Stoneld CWk and Suit Co., Iju) Douglas. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere, V. Knltst. 70T N. y. Life. Oriaba. (11 8S6 HELP WANTED MALE factories and Tmdei oatlnned. I CANDYMAKERS wanted; two first class hard gooda men; steady position. Ad dress Y SO, care of Bee. (9 M106 lax LADIES Our catalogue explains how we each hairdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, etc., in few weeks; mailed free. Moler College, Chicago, III. (7)-M270 17x WANTED Ten good chicken plikcos; pay ing 2'4c for hens and springs; ateady work; fare one way If stay until January 1. Beatrice Poultry and Cold Storage Co.. Beatrice. Neb. 9 M2H7 lSx WANTED-Carlage painter. 149 Dodge St H. A. Simpson. Bon Co. (9) M432 15 BARBER wanted; must be sober and In dustrious and good workman; 810 per week. P. T. Carey, Oconto, Neb. (9)-M414 15x WANTED Tinner, a first-class tinner and furnace man at once: 83 a day; a steady position for right man. Peterson & Adams, Devils Lake, N. D. (9) M410 24X ALL-ROUND butcher wanted: must be single man; ateady job to right man. Young ft Alexander, Johnson, Neb. (9i-M4tl 18x WANTED Good Sober printer, with knowledge of Job printing, at once. Leader, Humboldt, Neb. (9) M400 15x TAILOR WANTED Pants and vest maker, also do busheling: steady Job. C D, Jensen. Mindcn. Neb. (9) M3P9 18x WANTED A first-class coat maker at once; 88 for ssok coats. J. P. Anderson, 326 C Ave., Lawton, O. T. (9) .M515 19x WANTED Man for general work In a blacksmith shop; will pav $3 for good man. Address James Whalen, Huron, S. D. (9) M514 19x Miscellaneous. SOUND young men, aged 18 to 36. for firemen and brakemon during rush sea son on leading railroads here,, In the west and on new lines being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly become engineers, $2'; brake men, $100 monthly, become conductors, $160; many position now open; write for particulars. National Railway Training association. 620 Paxton block, Omaha. Neb. (9)-190 Nov7 CLERICAL MEN WANTED by Omaha employers. Now Is the opportune time. Calls come to us every day. We will bo pleased to send complete list of openings upon request.' Special atentlon given to applicants living out of the city. Omaha applicants will kindly call aa early aa rioHMlhle Monday. We need you at once. S'ot tl e following opportunities: CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. Bookkeeper for position In western town, $100 per month. Transportation furnished. Man for clerical work, $00. Young . man stenographer (experience unnecessary), $(0, good future. Young man, clerical. Must be good pen man. Experlencse unnecessary. $10. tf-.no;?rarher, experienced. Rem., $70. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE . CO.. ' 673-75-77 New Ilranduis Bldg.. Omaha. 9)-M544 14 WANTED Young man to run extractors. Kimball Laundry. 1511 Jackson. (9)-M541 20 U. S. NAVY offers attractive opportunities to wide awake young Americans, 17 to 25 yeara of age; men with special trades accepted up to 35 years. An Illustrated booklet, allowing the life of the modern man-o'wars man free to those Interested. Visit or addresa Navy reciultlng station, Omaha, Lincoln. Hastings. Neb.; Sioux City. Ia. Postofflce buildings. i . . 9)-M519 Nix TEAMSTERS Steady work, wages $12 to $16 per week. Sunderland Bros. Co., 20th and Hickory. . (9)-233 17 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call 842 New York Life Bldg. (9)-M928 Oct26 WANTED One first class business getter for each state, good money for right party, represent Nebraska corporation, reference and bond.. Stamp for reply. Address 8 170, care Bee. (9) 37 WANTED Competent furnace men. 123 8. Main St., Council Bluffs. Ia. (9)-M707 LABORERS for handling freight at Union Pacific Council Bluffs transfer; wages 17H cents per hour. Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thomas Scanlori, fore man. (9) 732 A GOOD paying position to offer a man who lias sold agricultural Implements on the road. Address Samuel Coiner, 609 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (6) M263 18 HUSTLERS everywhere. $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants Outdoor Ad. Co., Chicago. (9) M271 14x WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N., INC., 721-722 New York Life Bldg., Hours: 8:00 A. M., 6:30 P. M. Office clerk, $00. Bookkeeper, $76. Ass' I bookkeeper, $05. Stenographer. $70. And many others. Call or wriie. (9) M54J11 WANTED A man to work on a farm. Apply at once to Leonard Everett, 18 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs, In. (J) M294 14X WANTED At once, at Fort Robinson, Neb., brick masons: good wages to good men. The Graham Construction Co. (9) M'.ttlO 14 DRUG CLERKS Exceptional propositions. Increased salaries. Denver Drug Ex change, 1711 California St., Denver, Colo. (9)-M384 O30x WANTED Strong laborers; good wages for good men. Apply entrance gate, Kwift and Company, .South Omaha; ask for Moore. (9) M 11)3 17 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bureau. Chicago. 111. (9) M203 17x THE Keystone's number ,1s suite 404 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. , (91459 Id WANTED Passenger and freight elevator men, janitors, carpenter and plumbers' helpers; one fireman; painters, top wages. 104 Bee Bldg. (9) M'iW O'jIx A TAILOR wanted. Graham & ieonard, Rockwell City, III. 9j M648 lux UNCLE 8AM wants 10.000 rsllway mall clerks, mall carriers, clerks. Immediately. Salary J1.2"0. Rapid advancement; ex aminations here soon. Common education sufficient. Preparation fiee to advertise. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. i (9)-4o7 2Sx WANTED Man to drive grocery delivery wagon; married man preferred. IXfl Park Ave. !) M420 15 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ONE 2-seat. two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired; hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Come In. The Harney St. Stables. (U)-t9 WE are soiling delivery wagons, teaming gears, bug-gies, carriages and harness cheaper than anv other firm In Omaha. Johnson-Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 1f"h and Jones Sts. 11 1 839 Horses bought and aold. Myers, 1114 Dong. (ll)-i3 Oil HORSES bought sold. Blake 2tJl N. 18th. (ll)-M6o Nix A HEAVY matched wor team. Cash or terms. 2J17 N. WlU St. (11) UW LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles Contlaaed. FAMILY horse and buggy for sale cheap. Inquire 827 Homer St.. or Tel. Red I 617. (U)-i8 RUBBER-TIRED toad wagon. W. A. Stone, 308 Lincoln Ave., council nrani. UDMUVS PUBLIC SALE Standard Bred liorsea, Fhorthorn cattle, Polend-Chtna bogs, Oct. 28. Wl: write or catalogue. Venture Stock Farm. Lohrvllle. Ia, (11)-154 28 SECOND-HAND delivery wagon. 1 buggy, 1 phaeton, cheap. A. Murphy Son. (1D-M21S Nov. 10 ONE driving horse for sale. Inquire Ed ward Updike, 8812 Farnam St. (1D-M43T Ponltry and Eggs. DU8TON 8 White Wvandottes. Pure bred, choice breeding stock now ready to ship. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Flor ence, Neb. Tel. Florence 1081 (1D-M9S4 Oct2x GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omr ha. (11) M547 Nov! ri RE-HRED (Flshel strain) White Plym outh Rock pullets. 4340 Erskine St. 'Phone Webster 2364. (1P-M2M J4x WHITE WYANDOTTES exclusively; farm raised, bred from winning strain; cockerels and pullets tor sale; egira In season from lilgh-elnss stock. Write for prices. R. A. Mlttelstadt. Norfolk, Neb.. (11) MJ92 21X Cows, Birds, Dogs and Feta. HIGH-CLAS8 English bull terrier pups, the most intelligent of companions, great watch dog, from registered stock and sold to you under a positive guarantee with a certified pedigree of five genera tions: males, 815 to tX: femalee, 812.60 to 8)5. Craneycrow Farm, Nelson, Mo. UP-M176 16x FOR SALE English setter, female puppy. 9 months old: sired by "Colonel T.." Mr. PlxJey's famous field dog; 825. Address D.. 16US Farnam St. (ID M141 18 FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. 4310 Emmett St. (11)-M50B 19x LOST AND FOUND LOST Jeweled fraternity pin: nahio on back. Rpward. Address R. S. Parker. 321 8. 26th 8t, Omaha. (12 M423 15x LOST Between 10th and Harney and ISth and Farnam. a small brown purse. Re turn to 520 N. 23d and receive reward.- 13)-M506 14 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement casea; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night.- 1 (13)-129 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no retention from business. QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., over 8. W. cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (18)-840 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at $824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. , - (12) M108 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 03)-841 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. DID you ever hear of a BARGAIN SALE OF MONEY T ; That is Just what we are having. WE HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY on hand and must loan It out at ANY OLD RATE. If you deal with us you are assured of a fair, square deal from start to finish. AS LOW RATES as can be made by any firm. , ALL THE TIME necessary for you to "get . on your feet" In case of sickness or other trouble, Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg., ' 16tn Btreet Entrance. U)-S41 THE UNION- LOAN . CO. Have Increased their capital and during October will make- special rates on col lateral loans, mortgages, on personal property and notea without security. Terms to suit. Tel. D. 2904. 810 Bee Bldg. (14) M422 Novll DR. PRIBBENOW'8 MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; less half rates; perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any terms; payments suspended when sick or disabled. 214 Karbacb Blk., 209 S. 15th St. (14-M438' Bowen, 703 N. Y Life Bldg.; advances private money on chattels or sal ary: easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings tllj 7. (141843 CHATTEL, salary and . storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam 6t (14-46 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. q4)-844 MONEY LOANED SALARIED TEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments, unices in ts principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bid idg, (14) )-848 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. - 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 745. . 14)-45 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reliable, aocom modatlng, all .business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) 847 T StTirVaT r.l .1,tf a .al.m. X- braska Credit Co.. 214 Board of Trade. I 04)-848 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlngr and Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16) R52 AN IDEAL home for boarders: warm, sunny room, with best home table; every thing first clans; closo In; private. 'Phone Red 7554. 15) 478 lo DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-8ol FIRST-CLASS board and room. 60S 8. 24th Ave. (lo)-779 OlS NICELY furnished rooms: first class board: reasonable ratee. The Rose, 2e:-0 Humey st. 05) SDi : FURNISHED rooms, with board: close In; private family. 24 Cass. Do"g- &" (15) M216 Nov. 10 MODERN room, with board. 2"i6 Burt. tlo) 163 Nov9 MRS. JOHNSON'B boarding house, open to public Sunday. Oct. 13, upstairs 1106 N, lHth. Webster 2448. (15I-M279N1S FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. 2204 Webster. 'Phone Douglas 146X. (15-M2tlO Hx WANTED Gentlemen to board and room In private family. "., I St., , South Omaha. 1 (15)-238 14 Furnished Rooaae. TWO warm and nicely furnished rooms In new ' house; sll modrn conveniences, pleasant location, walking distance, pri vate family; board If desired. & g. f6ih Ave. (15) M50 16x FOR RENT Large southeast room, strictly modern. In private family, suitable for two gentlemen. 217 South 25th St. Phone Douglas 8W7. (il 73G FOR RENT New 16-rnom furnished house In West Farnam district to rent the com ing winter; iariy leaving the city and will rent to desirable tenant. Addresa H fx. Bee. (15-MJM IS 128 8. IsTH BT . large east front room, suit able for three gentlmen; house strictly modern; roomy porches; largs. srsjy Uvin. (16) 76x FOR RENT Modern, 8-room house, plas tered attic, two blocks from 24th St. rsr line, 2570 poppleton Ave. Inquire at 24 Poppleton Ave. (15) M917 STEAM HEATED rooma. 81 to i per weak. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. Vb-U& mix OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Boom"1 Continued. FURNISHED room (n private family. 22 Douglas. Tho. Dougl" WE DO expert piano moving nt I"'" prices Tel Douglas 1 Srlxiioller & Mueller llano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. OMAHA Van t Storage Co. t'"' store H. II. goods; storehouse 11JK-21 V l!th. . Office J Famam. Tel. V"')-: (IjI 8-l WEST FARNAM DIBTRICT-SIm Daven port St. (8. K. corner). 10-rooiVt. thor ouglilv modern house, excellent rcm.r. beaut ifullv arranged. Will give lessj nt S per month. Apply to Conrnd outu:. 1..18 Dodge SU I (U)-Mli: HOUSEHOLD goods racked, forwarded: cheap frelsht rates; moving and storage. Frpressmen Delivery Co. Tel. J"ougl LARGE sunny south room. everytM. new. one blork north of Kountie MerfvsV lal church, 2AM Douglas. Tel. HarnT 3'i"A- HANDSOMELY furn'shed eljtht - room bouse, fine neighborhood, close in. iinxl ern; reasonal'le. Addiess K !. care Hoe. (1M-M401 19x FOR UKNT Furnished ,9-room house for the winter In West Fatnam district. For particulars address G 418, Bee,. . U& M40S 1."X TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or connecter; - strictly raoaern, noi . wsier heat. 639 So. Wh St. (15)-M3M 15x NICELT furnished heated rooms with bath, bv day or week. 411 N. 16th. 0 410 1!X BEAUTIFUL nrsrtmepts furnished; prl vste family. J005 St. Mary's Ave . (13)-M47S lx FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping or sleeping, one or all. 'Phone Webster 8603. 2226 Miami St,' (16)-3i FURNISHED ROOMS, 1911 Douglas St. Phone Red 63U. - (16)-M601 19x FURNISHED front room; modern: near two car lines. 811V Grant St.; (15) M27J lSx TWO furnished 'parlors, on seood' floor. 2423 Dodge. 'Phone Red 4464. (16) M2T7.14 FURNISHED ROOM-Very desirable, refer ence required. 640 S. 24th SU (16V-MSA0 OS) FURNISHED ROOMS, near car line. Mrs. Banks, 1403 N. 18th. 'Phone Webster'362. . (tf) M87SNU NICELY furnished front room, furnace heat, bath 113 8. 2Mb St. . , , (I)-! 125 lax TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. In new brick flit 2018 Davenport. (15) M2S7 14x TWO nicely furnished rooms, strictly modem, walking distance. 618 N. 23d. (15) Ml 33 11 ONE room, modern, suitable for gentle man; 82 per week. 311 N. 26th St. (15)-133 15x WE move pianos. Maggard Van arid Stor age CO. Tel. Doug. 14S16. Office, 1712 Wch- ster St. (15)-67 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board, on car line.. 1512 N. 17th. ( . , 5)-M162 1$ NICELT furnished rooms, strictly modern; private; walking distance. 1912 Webster. , '(15)-M16i 16 FOR RENT Furnished room, all modern, with steam heat. Inquire at 818 8. 26th. 16)-235 17x 2218 CHICAGO, modern, housekeeping VT sleeping rooms. 'Phone Red 857. ....... t (15) M519 15x NICELY furnished rooms; strictly, mod ern. 312-N. 25th St. Tel. Red 6S91. . . (16) 297 IS FOR ,RENTTwo : furnished . rooms. , 412J Hamilton St. (16)-634 MODERN furnished front room. W7 Cum ing. . ' , 16) M136 N7X FOR RENT Two moderri rooms' for bA'l -167 fif tlemen. Flat B, 1618 Dodge. (15) TWO furnished rooms for gentlemen; walk ing distance. 909 Cass St, ' U5)-rlS6 14 FRONT room for gentlemen, 1960 Bo. loth 8t ... (16) 187. Nov9x Anartmente and Flat. - AN APARTMENT, Davidge Bldg., Uth and Farnam. Apply Apartment No. 1 .-. 06) M415 . . Housekeeping; Rooms. t FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 1712 Jackson. (15) M194 14x. NEWLT-FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, gaa stove. 607 8. ISth. near Howard. (15-M250 14 THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnished for light ' housekeeping. Gas and bath. ' 2770 Cuming. (5)-491 16x Famished Honses. FOR-RENT After October S.' 8136 Chicago atreet, 7 rooms, large bath room, attlo and laundry, first-class furnace, $45. . . (15)-M432 Hoasea and Cottages. TWO S-room houses, 35th and Dewey Ave.; fine press brick, with tile roof, porches Inside; strictly up-to-date; quarter sawed oak finish and shades for alt-windows: Just finished; $40 and $45 per month. Owner. A. C. Busk, 3412 Hawthorne Ave. Tel. Harney . 98a (lB)-rMOOO Ux EIGHT rooms, all modern, 2522 Maple St., $26 and water rent. ,-. Four rooma, 3204 Maple St, barn, city water In kitchen, $15 and water rent. CHRIS BOYER, 224 and Cuming St. . . v U)-181 FOR RENT Modern 14-room house. 1141 So. 81st St., just remodeled and In first-class condition. $i0 per month; for responsible party.- Apply to E. J. Sullivan. 12u7 Hut. noye. . (1B)-2S8 18 ON CHARLES,' near H4th, new, 8 rooms, all modern, on Harney car line, $33. 924 N. 42d, 7 rooms, all modern, $'). O'KBEFE REAL ESTATE CO., lool N. Y. L.lfe. . 'Phone Douglas 2151. (15) MVS 15 1910 SHIRLEY ST., new modern 6-room Bt. Ixmls flat. $27.50. Apply 2912 Shirley Bt., half block from car. (15)-M527 19x ... , ... . ...i . NINE room house, Bemls park, modern. i Tel. Harney J);. U5 M529 FOR RENT Two 5 and -room modern cottages. Inquire 223 N. 26th St. (15)-134 16x FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, modern except heat at .8618 Boyd St.. $20. C. O. Carl berg. UN. Y. Llfo Bldg. . (U)-Mni FOR RENT Eight rooms, strietlv mod ern, $36. 1801 8. 28th. (15) M260 I4x FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, 661 8. 27th Bt. TeL Webster 645. (16) 130 7-ROOM house, modern except ' furnace. 662 S. 36th St. (li-149 14x HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwglt. Barker Blk. Wp-9 STRICTLY modern 7-room 1 louse, wltId -M6 14x barn. 830. 229 Ixx uL (16 TTriT'CIT'Q In all parts of the city. Peters J.lULfcJi.f Trust Co., N. Y. Life H1.1K (15j fciK FOR PENT 8-room house, modern ex cept furnace. 2226 Mason bt. 'Phone Douglas 6608. 116) Mj2 18x FOR RENT Foisr rooms, toilet, pantry and cellar. 2611 Pierce St., J. G. Alt house. . (16) 13 FOR RENT 8-room modern house. 2110 Lake; well located. . ll M172 FOR RENT 7-room modern house, 2ith and Chicago Sts.: walkrrtg dlalance. Ap ply C. W. Ellxt. N. 26th St. (Ui;-M 15 FOR RENT-Bttietly modem, new, flrsl class 8-room dwelling. In nplendld neigr borhood; $40 per month. V7. L. eelby, 4' Board of Traoe Bldg. '(1) MJ3 14 first. h- 444 IIOUOM CrelBli Bona Co.. Bee Bldg. " 16)-a60 7-room house fwr rsnt. Apply 1616 & asTh Bt. $14. U;-M390 lu If